Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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The Sandbox DAO AMA

This space is hosted by TheSandboxCH

Space Summary

The Twitter Space focused on the Sandbox project, highlighting the features of sandboxdao.com, community participation, governance structure, and strategies for addressing the decline in land prices. Discussions revolved around engaging top-tier brands, enhancing user experiences, and driving business partnerships to boost the Sandbox project’s growth and value. Participants shared insights on community proposals, fundamental factors affecting land prices, and the team’s efforts in expanding partnerships and use cases. The space provided a comprehensive overview of the Sandbox project’s development and community involvement in the DeFi niche. DAO, sandbox, proposals, voting, community, and budget were key topics discussed during the engaging session.


Q: What is the purpose of sandboxdao.com?
A: Sandboxdao.com serves as a platform for the Sandbox project, facilitating community participation, governance, and decision-making processes.

Q: How can the community participate in decision-making?
A: The community can participate in decision-making through voting mechanisms and engagement in forums provided by sandboxdao.com.

Q: What initiatives are being taken to address the land price decline?
A: Initiatives such as community proposals, discussions on fundamental factors, and strategic partnerships are being pursued to address the land price decline within the Sandbox project.

Q: Who are involved in driving business partnerships for the project?
A: Business partnerships for the project are likely being driven by the team behind the Sandbox project, focusing on engaging top-tier brands and enhancing user experiences.

Q: How are broader use cases being implemented for the community?
A: Broader use cases for the community are likely being implemented through strategic partnerships, platform features, and engagement efforts to enrich user experiences within the Sandbox project.


Time: 00:06:50
Introduction of the AMA structure, Overview of how the AMA sessions are structured and conducted.

Time: 00:08:17
Introduction of the Sandbox DAO and its vision, Overview of the purpose and vision of the Sandbox DAO.

Time: 00:11:53
Overview of the annual budget and transparency measures regarding fund allocation, Detailed look into the $25 million annual budget and the transparent tracking of fund allocation.

Time: 00:16:07
Introduction of council members and explanation of their responsibilities, Introduction of key members of the council and clarification of their roles within the DAO.

Time: 00:25:24
Explanation of the proposal submission and voting process, Clarification of how proposals are submitted and voted on within the Sandbox DAO.

Time: 00:30:09
Encouragement for community proposals and participation, Emphasis on the importance of community engagement in proposing and voting on initiatives.

Time: 00:40:11
Discussion on how the DAO can influence the Sandbox roadmap, Exploration of the mechanisms through which the DAO can impact the development roadmap of the Sandbox platform.

Time: 00:42:28
Strategies to address the decline in land prices and attract more users, Strategic plans to combat the decline in land prices and enhance user and partner acquisition.

Key Takeaways

  • Introduction of the sandbox website and its features.
  • Details about the dashboard
  • treasury management
  • council
  • and advisors.
  • Access to information on proposals and voting.
  • Community engagement through the forum.
  • Discussion on land price decline and community proposals.
  • Consideration of fundamentals affecting land prices.
  • Business partnerships to enhance the Sandbox project.
  • Plans for engaging top-tier brands and expanding user experiences.

Behind the Mic

“Thank you.”, “So I guess we all have introduced ourselves.”, “So now let’s move on to the second part of our AMA.”, “I’d like to give the floor to Cyril, who introduced the sandbox website for us and also talk about our sips in the past and in the future.”, “Sirup over to you.”, “Thank you.”, “Thank you so much.”, “So we have a couple of artifacts for our community to explore.”, “The first one is our hub.”, “It’s called sandboxdao.com.”, “and in there is a couple of links that will take you first of all on the website itself, right on the website itself, you can discover about what is our vision, what are the current proposals, the one that are active, the one that I passed, there’s a dashboard section that will tell you the state of our treasury, know how budget’s been spent and how much is left.”, “And there’s an about section that presents also the council and advisor member.”, “From there you can, you know, explore the DaO in a bit, in detail.”, “You can also decide to vote directly on the current SiP.”, “And you can also use a link to the forum.”, “It’s forum dot sandboxdao.com.”, “Where you can go there and interact with the rest of the community.”, “What we aim is really to start a conversation about new proposals, thoughts, ideas.”, “We splitted the forum in many different sections.”, “One for the DaO projects itself.”, “One for the partners to come and also explain what their projects are.”, “One for the SIP.”, “After we’ve done that, there’s one more discord channel dedicated to the DaO.”, “A discord sandbox server in there, you can discover a lot of more interesting informations for live interaction between the members of the community.”, “Lastly, you know, thanks to the great team here, we’ve been able also to bring our DaO to snapshot.”, “Which is a tool that will allow you also to pair your wallet with your land assets and be able to take decisions along the way and propose votes in a truly decentralized fashion.”, “And one thing that is still behind the wall for now will just be, you know, the cost to participate in the DaO.”, “But if you just go to sandbox dao.com, you will have all the relevant information in there.”, “Exactly, Cyril, thank you for that.”, “Marion How do I join or suggest a new SIP?”, “How do I do that? If you want to propose a new SIP initiative or proposal, it’s going to be on forum we should encourage anyone from the community to get on the forum?”, “Um, submit like, a very detailed explained proposal and use the template that already exists.”, “And then if there is momentum and people like it, you will be able then to bring it on snapshot alright, and then ask for formal vote of approval from the DaO members.”, “One further on that topic is, uh, we’re about to launch an enhanced version of our onboarding blueprint in the sandbox.”, “To help people who are completely new to the sandbox and crypto get acquainted and to guide them to get onboard in the sandboxes environment in the sandbox and outside in order to essentially become participation.”, “That’s on the forum.”, “It’s free for everyone to interact.”, “That’s gonna be amazing.”, “Thank you, Sebastien.”, “Before we get into the questions from the community, I’d like to give the floor to a very special guest and dear friend.”, “Please say hello to Chris Gabriel.”, “Chris, who is the founder and CEO of Magnopus.”, “The company behind many super impactful projects in the metaverse.”, “As well as a strong partner in the sandbox.”, “Chris would like to share some exciting news with us.”, “So Chris, the floor is yours.”, “Thank you very much, Sebastien.”, “It’s great to be here today with all of you. And thanks for the kind words.”, “You have no idea how excited we are to announce that starting next month, Magnopus is going to be opening a new studio within the sandbox.”, “This is a dream come true for us, and we’re really eager to share our vision with the entire sandbox community.”, “That sounds incredible Chris.”, “Could you tell us a bit more about what Magnopus plans to bring to the sandbox?”, “With pleasure.”, “So, apart from the outstanding metaverse experiences and assets, we’ll leverage our expertise in AR, VR, and spatial computing to create immersive and interactive narratives within the sandbox.”, “Our aim is to push the boundaries of what’s possible in virtual worlds.”, “We want to create spaces that spark curiosity, wonder and most importantly, a sense of belonging.”, “Wow, that’s truly inspiring, Chris.”, “We’re thrilled to have Magnopus on board and can’t wait to see your contributions unfold in the sandbox.”, “Absolutely.”, “And now, with that exciting update, we’ll move on to address some questions from our community.”, “Marion just mentioned a very relevant question.”, “how will the proposals be managed and submitted?”, “As we said earlier, all proposals will be submitted through the sandbox forum.”, “You can submit any SIP proposal there, using the established templates.”, “The proposals gaining enough traction and community interest will then transition for a formal vote on snapshot.”, “Thanks for clarifying that, Sebastien.”, “So the importance here is community engagement and active participation.”, “We want to make sure every community voice is heard and that proposals reflect our collective vision.”, “Indeed, Cyril. Community engagement is at the heart of the DAO’s mission.”, “Exactly. It’s all about leveraging the power of collective intelligence.”, “I’d like to add that while we encourage new proposals, it’s equally important to ensure they are in alignment with the long-term vision and goals of the sandbox.”, “Rightly said.”, “On that note, I think we should dive into the questions we gathered from our community.”, “Absolutely. We have a long list here.”, “Let’s get started.”, “Our first question comes from user123.”, “How will the DAO deal with the declining land prices in the sandbox?”, “That’s a good question.”, “As of now, we don’t have a definitive solution in place.”, “But we are exploring several options.”, “Sebastien, would you like to elaborate on this?”, “Sure. The land price dynamics are influenced by multiple factors.”, “We are aware of the concerns and are working towards strategic partnerships and initiatives to drive value back into the ecosystem.”, “For example, we are focusing on attracting premium brands and experiences to the sandbox, thereby increasing demand for virtual lands.”, “Thank you for that, Sebastien.”, “The next question is from greenfield.”, “Can you tell us more about the upcoming events or partnerships in the sandbox?”, “Absolutely. We have several exciting events lined up.”, “As mentioned earlier, Magnopus joining the sandbox is a significant milestone.”, “Additionally, we are in talks with several other leading brands across different verticals to bring unique experiences to our community.”, “These collaborations are designed to enrich the sandbox ecosystem and provide our users with a varied and engaging experience.”, “That’s exciting to hear!”, “Chris, anything you’d like to add on this front?”, “Yes, indeed. We’re thrilled about the prospects.”, “We plan to create unique virtual experiences that not only entertain but also educate and inspire.”, “As Sebastien pointed out, leveraging the strength of our partnerships will be key.”, “Exactly. Building a vibrant, inclusive, and engaging virtual world is our shared goal.”, “Thanks, Chris and Sebastien.”, “On to the next question.”, “User789 asks,How will the DAO ensure transparency and security in its operations?”, “Great question.”, “Transparency and security are pivotal to the DAO’s success.”, “First, all our operations and transactions will be publicly auditable.”, “We’ll leverage blockchain technology to ensure all activities are transparent and immutable.”, “Second, security protocols and measures will be in place to safeguard user assets and data.”, “Sebastien, would you like to add?”, “Sure, Cyril.”, “We are committed to upholding the highest standards of transparency and security.”, “Our smart contracts will undergo rigorous audits, and we’ll implement community-driven governance models to ensure accountability.”, “It’s crucial for us to foster trust and integrity within the sandbox ecosystem.”, “Exactly. Without trust, progress is hindered.”, “Thank you for emphasizing that, Sebastien.”, “Thank you. And thank you to all our community members who submitted these thoughtful questions.”, “Before we wrap up, I’d like to remind everyone to stay active on our forum and Discord channels.”, “Your participation is what makes this community strong.”, “Perfectly said.”, “We encourage everyone to stay engaged, share your ideas, and be a part of the sandbox journey.”, “With that, we’ll conclude today’s AMA.”, “Thank you once again for joining us.”, “Until next time, stay creative and see you in the metaverse.”, “Thank you everyone.” 

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