Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Role of Women in Advocacy and Social Justice Movements hosted by TheSafecityApp. The Twitter space discussed the pivotal role of anonymity in reporting instances of sexual and gender-based violence, emphasizing the empowerment of women in advocacy and social justice movements. It underscored the significance of technology in ensuring secure reporting platforms, the value of women's voices in shaping policies, and the need for intersectionality in advocacy efforts. Collaboration, education, legal safeguards, and the impact of data on policy-making were also key points of focus.

For more spaces, visit the SocialFi page.


Q: How does anonymity benefit reporting on sensitive issues?
A: Anonymity encourages more individuals to come forward and share their experiences without fear of repercussions, increasing data reliability.

Q: Why are women's voices crucial in advocacy and social justice?
A: Women's narratives are essential in shaping policies and actions that address the unique challenges they face.

Q: What role does technology play in facilitating reporting mechanisms?
A: Technology provides secure platforms for reporting, ensuring confidentiality and data protection.

Q: Why is intersectionality important in advocacy efforts?
A: Recognizing intersectionality helps address the varied experiences and needs of women from different backgrounds.

Q: How can collaboration enhance advocacy initiatives?
A: Collaboration among sectors brings diverse expertise to advocacy work, leading to more comprehensive and effective solutions.

Q: What are the key elements to ensure trust in reporting mechanisms?
A: Transparency, confidentiality, and data security are essential for building trust in reporting platforms.

Q: How can empowerment through anonymity support survivors?
A: Anonymity provides survivors with a safe space to share their stories, fostering empowerment and a sense of solidarity.

Q: Why is education important in addressing gender-based violence?
A: Education raises awareness, reduces stigma, and promotes understanding to prevent and address instances of violence.

Q: What legal considerations are crucial for protecting those who report violence?
A: Legal frameworks should provide protection, support, and avenues for justice for individuals reporting instances of gender-based violence.

Q: How can data from reporting impact policy-making?
A: Data from reporting informs evidence-based policies and interventions that aim to address and prevent sexual and gender-based violence.


Time: 01:05:20
Empowering Women Through Anonymity Exploring how anonymity in reporting empowers women to share experiences and seek support.

Time: 01:15:45
Technology's Role in Safe Reporting Discussing the importance of technological platforms in providing secure and confidential reporting channels.

Time: 01:25:10
Intersectionality in Advocacy Highlighting the significance of considering intersectionality in advocacy work to address diverse needs.

Time: 01:35:30
Collaborative Solutions for Safer Spaces Examining the benefits of collaboration across sectors in creating safer environments for all.

Time: 01:45:55
Educational Awareness on Gender-Based Violence Emphasizing the role of education in raising awareness and preventing instances of violence.

Time: 01:55:40
Legal Safeguards for Reporting Delving into the importance of legal protections for individuals reporting sexual and gender-based violence.

Key Takeaways

  • Anonymity encourages more individuals to report instances of sexual and gender-based violence.
  • Data from anonymous reporting is vital for empowering citizens, researchers, and policymakers in creating safer environments.
  • Women's voices and experiences are crucial in shaping advocacy efforts and social justice movements.
  • Technology plays a significant role in providing secure platforms for reporting sensitive issues.
  • Transparency and confidentiality are essential elements to ensure trust in reporting mechanisms.
  • Empowerment through anonymity fosters a culture of accountability and support for survivors.
  • Intersectionality in advocacy acknowledges the diverse experiences and challenges faced by women.
  • Collaboration between various sectors enhances the effectiveness of advocacy initiatives.
  • Education and awareness are key in promoting understanding and addressing sexual and gender-based violence.
  • Legal frameworks and policies need to support and protect individuals who report instances of violence.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Web3 Global Talks

Alright, guys, welcome to web three Global Talks Episode 167 powered by eight bond. Definitely going to play one more song. Just let everybody get in here. Seems Twitter's being a little weird this morning, but, you know, nothing new there. Yeah, just remind you guys, if you're in here, please, like comment and retweet while we get started. And yeah, play one more song. Guys, why didn't hop face quiet and hop out baby why didn't popping Facebook popping pops and popping, popping pops and popping pop out, baby what.

Gathering Participants

All right, guys, welcome to web three global talks Episode 167 powered by Ape Bond. I think a couple of our people are just lagging a little bit behind, so just want to give them a little bit of a chance to get in here. I see inferiks gonna try to add them up here. Like I said, maybe having some weird connection issues this morning. But regardless, I wanted to remind you guys to like, comment, retweet out the space if you haven't been here before. What we like to do is also start off with a little bit of a round of introductions just so that everybody can kind of get acquainted with who you are as a person and who you're representing. It takes about a couple minutes of time. If you guys are, if you have anything you want to share up to the top, rather, you can do so by clicking share on any of your tweets and then share to space. And you guys can do that at any time that you want to. No worries.

Introduction of Participants

Okay, I'm going to add Inferix up here real quick and see if we can get them up here. And yeah, we'll go ahead and start with the introductions from top to bottom with our friends and our sponsors of the space today. Eight bond. Hey, what's going on? How's everybody doing? Thank you so much for having us on again, sir. Yeah, thank you for being here, man. My name is Julian. I'm one of the co founders and head of BD over at Ape Bond for TlTR on us. We actually originally launched as Apeswap back in February 2021. We were a Dex on BNB chain, pretty major right behind pancake back during the last cycle, but wanted to provide more value to the industry and do something a bit more interesting than just running a Dex.

Ape Bond Overview

And yeah, that's when we created the bonds concept. It's really simple way for projects to raise stable coins. Blue chips LP's pretty straightforward. Projects allocate tokens they wish to get a return on. We distribute these tokens to users at a slightly discounted rate vested over time, and then the projects receive the capital directly. We've worked with over 170 projects, have sold over 50,000 individual bonds, and yeah, we're really excited to be what is pretty much the first and only on chain OTC marketplace. If you have a project or you're a founder and you have a token, definitely feel free to reach out. We are here to help. And if you're a user, definitely come check out the platform. We've got lots of your favorite tokens available on discount. But anyway, that's it for me. Thanks again for having us up. Excited to be here.

Introduction of WiFi Map

Gm everyone. Thank you for having me here. My name is Alex. I'm BD at WiFi Map. So let me quickly tell you a little bit more about the project I represent. So, WiFi map is one of the OGDP projects that's solving real world problems through decentralization. So we started with a simple idea, create a global map of WiFi hotspots to keep everyone connected. Fast forward ten years and we've grown into a platform with 185 million downloads, 5 million monthly active users, and 30 million contributors who keep adding new hotspots to our map through a crowdsourcing model. So wifi map is a prime example of how the ping can transform Internet access. And we are building a global network where every user becomes part of the infrastructure by sharing the WiFi access points and passwords.

WiFi Map's Mission and Future Plans

And every WiFi map user is both a consumer and a provider. So when you share WiFi info, you're helping to expand the decentralized network, giving millions of people access to WiFi worldwide. And in return, you get access to hotspots wherever you are, saving on mobile data and always staying connected. But over the years, our mission has expanded beyond just Internet connectivity. So right now, we want to help people in more ways. We want to guide them to places where they can find drinking waters, help them locate public restrooms, give them the ability to find crypto ATMs, and even direct them to the places that can save lives, like public defibrillators. And that's why in the near future, we are planning to add new layers to our map, featuring all the amenities I just mentioned.

WiFi Map Token and Community Empowerment

And what powers all of this? It's our WiFi token, which is already listed on several major exchanges. And users could earn tokens by adding hotspots, redeem them for premium services inside our app, and even send them as a thank you to other contributors who add valuable locations. So I guess that's a quick overview of how we are building a truly decentralized solution for everyday needs. And we've got even bigger goals on the horizon to keep empowering our community in more ways than ever. Thank you.

Introduction of ATM

Hello everybody. Yeah, I can hear you. Hi. Hi. Yeah, thanks. Hi everyone, I'm Lee, I'm from ATM. I'm the marketing executive and I'm very happy to deliver this talk and on behalf of ATM. ATM actually stands for autonomous trust momentum. It's not the ATM that you see on the street. The ATM is a layer two peer to peer staking platform based on Binance Smart Chain. It allows users to make multiple tokens bi directionally with each other, so it's two parties involved. Broadly speaking, ATM is a meta community based on the concept of relative consensus and the connection between each other.

ATM's Features and Future Launches

So people can connect with each other by our supported tokens and get rewards from this disconnection and create trust and momentum in the community. So basically, users, they stick and make connections onto the platform by multiple, very many supported tokens and receive daily rewards by the form of our native token Luca. That's what we do. And we have many features to launch in the future. Currently we have game fund and in future we'll have decentralized messaging platform and also the AI and traveling, and also make payments by crypto to travel and buy the flight tickets and hotels, something like that. Yeah, that's pretty much of ATM.

Introduction of Infrast GPU

Hi guys, I'm Nguyen, chief of growth at Infrast GPU. We are the satellite GPU network for visual computing. That means we not only have a decentralized GPU network, but we have rendering layers. So our platform is solved a problem. 3D rendering via AR render on a single laptop or PC. So you can render VR platform using the laptop and PC much faster than rendering on the computer. We use blockchain technology to crowdsource the unused distributed GPU globally and we are deep in project currently and we are backed by Iotex and Foresight Ventures and Shima.

Infrast GPU's Unique Approach

So in short, we use blockchain to crowdsource the distributed computing for the web two market. So we use web three to leverage the compute and apply it for the web two in the visual computing. So our target client is like game studio, movie studio producers and designers to help them leverage our compute strength and deliver much faster, cheaper cost of 3D render. Yeah. Thank you.

Introduction of Crestal

And I might pronounce this wrong, but Christal. I think we're gonna go with crystal. All right, that works. Hey, everyone, this is Barwin. I am a co founder at Crestal. And I am chieftainous chief non programming officer. So we have a team of talented engineers, and then I'm actually doing most of the other stuff with the help of some other people. So, in short, actually with Crestal, we wanted to take some of the components that web three enables, such as actually trustless transactions, decentralized marketplaces, which have been used a lot in DeFi, for example, and apply that to some other areas of the blockchain industry.

Crestal's Mission and Marketplace

And in particular, actually, we're looking at web three infrastructure. And so at Crestal, we are building a marketplace for web three interrupt. And in short, builders will go, actually, and declare intent of what they need for their project. So they might be needing indexers, RPCs, compute, DA, whatever components that they need for their project. And so they describe this in terms of, like, goals and outcomes that they want to achieve. And then we have a decentralized group of solvers that will go and bid to deploy these pieces for them.

Crestal's Unique Marketplace Approach

Now, here it pretty much looks like a straightforward marketplace of suppliers and buyers. But the twist with Crastal is that we are employing a proof of performance mechanism. And so we want to achieve a model where if the infra that you have bought through the marketplace does not perform, then you don't pay, or you pay proportionally to how well it performs. And with that, you want to create an incentive for solvers, always building better quality proposals and better quality infrastructure, be more competitive on pricing, and ultimately, the builders will be able to find the best solutions for their projects and outsource them confidently that they were not going to screwed or make a choice that is not reliable, because there will always be actually these competitive solvers that are bidding to take over the infrastructure and run it in the most optimal way.

Current Competition Landscape

I'm not sure, but we're definitely in a position where today most of the competition has. I mean, they're either aren't there or they've faltered or haven't really seen the success that they wanted to see. And meanwhile, we've managed to keep growing. So it's been pretty exciting, like, to say that we have the secret sauce on that side of things, and we're definitely excited about it. But at the end of the day, like, we definitely welcome competition. Truthfully, I wish the on chain OTC market would grow a little bit more and that we'd see more competitors just so the pie could get a bit bigger for everyone. But we'll get there. We still feel like we're very much early, so.

Experience in Competition

Yeah, yeah, I think it's like. And, you know, you guys are a great example of this. I remember back, I used to work for a project, like, a couple years back, and we had a Dexde. We were going cross chain and different stuff like that. And, you know, I was looking at you guys as competition because I was like, okay, you know, what are they doing that's working out well? And, you know, it was always a thought that was in the back of my mind as a project manager. So that was pretty interesting. And to now get to talk to you, of course, in this kind of capacity. Yeah, you guys, it's kind of like. It's almost like a perfect example of how a pivot can kind of be, you know, better, more beneficial in the long term, because, yeah, I don't even see any other bond marketplaces, to be honest with you.

Welcoming Competition and Collaboration

But, yeah, it's kind of interesting that you said, you know, you kind of welcome competition. I mean, obviously, competition does kind of breed innovation a little bit, but you're even willing to kind of let other people kind of get it on the. Pie, so to speak, to a certain extent. Right. I'm a big believer that, I mean, I feel like we've done a good job of positioning ourselves in the market. I'm a big believer that rising tide lifts all ships, right. And so I think, like, at the end of the day, I'd rather have 60% market share of a billion dollar plus market, whatever it is, than 100% market share of a hundred million dollar market. You know what I mean? Yeah, 100%. And that makes a lot of sense.

Unique Competition Strategies

All right, man. Yeah. Great answer to the question, bro. Thank you. All right, Wi Fi map. Yeah, thanks. Thanks a lot for the question. Really interesting topic. And I guess in the web three space, competition is intense because everyone is trying to bring something innovative to the table. And our strategy at Wi Fi map isn't just about competing head to head. It's about leveraging what makes us unique and creating value in ways that others can't. And one of our biggest advantages is our crowdsource model. So where millions of users contribute to building the network. And this gives us an edge as the strength of our platforms grows organically through the contributions of a global community, something that's not easily duplicated by, I don't know, some centralized services. And moreover, this allows us to offer a great number of hotspots to our users.

Expanding Offerings and Collaboration

Moreover, we also focus on continuous evolution. So while we began, as I said, with Wi Fi hotspots, we have expanded our offering. And right now, our free app is something like an ecosystem with integrated VPN, eSIm for different locations and some other digital services that enhance user experience. And as I said, we are going to add a new layers to the map. And I guess last but not least is that we handle competition through collaborative partnerships. And instead of viewing other projects in the weather space solely as competitors, we actively seek to work together by partnering with some exciting projects and integrating their offerings into our ecosystem. For example, we have recently launched our marketplace. So we create mutual benefits and expand what we can provide to our users. And, yeah, as I said, our marketplace is one way we channel traffic to great projects, helping both our partners and our community grow.

Maintaining Leadership in the Market

So rather than focusing purely on competing, we aim to stand out by being community driven, diverse in our offerings, and open to collaboration, which helps us maintain our leadership position in the sector. Yeah, that also makes a lot of sense. Plus, I mean, you can kind of correct me if I'm wrong, but the deep end sector is a little bit kind of in its infancy right now, right? Yeah, yeah, that's true. Right now, we see some great evolving deep in projects, and which, for example, are related to other sectors than Wi Fi or travel amenities. But we are always ready to establish new partnerships with such debian projects because we are sure that something could be interesting for our community.

The Importance of Competition in Emerging Sectors

Yeah, and that's great. I think when a new sector is kind of coming to the forefront or maybe trying to blossom, it's even better that you have competition because it's more like people that you can work with to spread the same goals, which is more, you know, industry share as a whole. So. Yeah, that makes sense, man. Yeah. I hope you guys are doing well. Awesome. Thank you. Thank you. No worries. Okay. ATM. Hi. Hello. Yeah, I can hear you. Yeah, yeah. Thank you. Yes, speaking of the competition, actually there are not many competitors in this domain because we start from different idea, kind of very innovative.

Innovative Connection Concepts

Because firstly, so the idea stands out is our visions. Our visions are connections. So the core concept is that we believe in everything is based on a connection and anything that you can think of can be represented as a connection. So this is not like very commonly seen the concept in the, in this like the market, for example, our society, our friends relationships can be represented as a connection. And you do some shopping, you buy the coffee, you're not just buying a coffee, you associate with yourself, to the brand, to the image, right? So you connect with the world and you connect with everything. So the connection is the key to our society. So we put this idea into our ATM community.

Creating a Community of Connections

So our key idea is to bridge all the elements, either socially, financially, environmentally and or in your life, or more and more so where the connection will exist and very essential in this community. And the secondly, I think it's the nature of ATM. The ATM is the. So we emphasize on a connection. So we are not exclude like others and we promote the collaboration. So we are the community of communities. So as we mentioned, we make connections and buy different supported tokens, multiple tokens from like other chains. For example, you can also make connections by bitcoin, by ethereum, by any other chains like mimic coins also.

Technology and Community Engagement

So we don't exclude those we also include into our ATM community. So there's a kind of. We eliminate those competition actually. And certainly I think we have the technology to consolidate our technology performance. So we have specialized the innovative PR ranking system that is developed by us and inspired by the Google ranking. Google PR ranking this algorithm contribute to the community by those connections. And I, we reward those people and those users will make more connections and make quality connections between each other. So we reward them with our native tokens. And also lastly, I think is the use case realization, we realized many of our features.

Practical Applications and Future Goals

So it's kind of very practical community that people can really enjoy and put their Luca into something real. For example, we have the game funds online, people can invest in their favorite game, buy the Luca, and also they can purchase the traveling related stuff like tickets, hotel, you can purchase those by Luca. So it's kind of very practical. People like to, people like to live in this kind of environment and community. And also in the future we will develop more features and goals, including the decentralized social platform and also the loyalty rewarding system, and also the AI, and including different AIs. And also our mindsets didn't change. We include many mainstream AI and we integrate them.

Maintaining A Collaborative Mindset

We're not as a competitor to them. So, yeah, the reality is that we have been here for three years and we operate well and we keep doing what we want, what we are thinking of, we believe in. So that's why I think, yeah, there's kind of a small issue for that. Yeah, it's kind of a, maybe a weird question to ask you guys then, since kind of everything you do is based on a collaborative effort, it seems so there's not really a quote unquote competition problem for you guys at all. So. Yeah, okay, that makes sense. Kind of different.

Bringing Innovation to Market

Yeah, different approach. Yes, you're right. Yeah. Okay, well, interesting guys. Yeah, great answer, man. Okay, I'm trying to get. Okay, are they back? Let's see. Infer. Are you guys good? Yeah, yeah. You hear me? Yeah, I can hear you now. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah. About the competition, actually, we, our web three business infrastructure disrupt our web two business. We already started back in 2018 as a centralized rendering business. It's the interior rendering business for the cornhole 3d. So everyone can go to how three d to design their own home editorial and then render it.

Evolution of Rendering Technology

But our CEO, Freddie, he also engineer, he saw the problem of very costly business and thinking to desalize the cloud rendering. And we caught in the a network that can leverage the unused cpu globally. And we launched our MVP in November last year. And with testing and we saw that with the simple PC or laptop, one user can render like much faster. For example, if you render 3d video on your own laptop using your own gpu, that is take around 10 hours. But we also that 3D Videos, you use our platform via your laptop and you can crowdsource three or five more gpu.

Comparative Advantages in 3D Rendering

And this only take around 30 minutes to 1 hour to render and with the cost already cut up. So our competitor actually in web three is render network is very famous. They also deep in project, but they crowdsource gpu. But I think they are very much in the AI. Now, other competitors, most of them are now web two, like super render from, but the outcome is half a cost of super render farm in the 3d rendering. Yeah. Is that the landscape of how decent, like decent light visual computing business now?

Understanding the Competitive Edge

Yeah. So you were. So you guys were kind of like your own competition in a way, because if I understand correctly, like, you know, there was a web two way to do this, and then you guys saw a more efficient way in web three. Okay, so you're here on competition. That's pretty interesting. Okay. All right, makes sense. Cool. All right, Crystal. Sure. I think I would lean more towards saying the main competition is the old way of doing things for us, like the traditional way of selecting, exploring infra.

The Importance of Aggregation

I personally actually worked on a couple of projects before, so I was leading bd initiatives at consensys and also at Polygon. And what I learned in those two roles is that the power of aggregation actually, and the composability in the web three space is quite powerful. So, for instance, like metamask is as powerful as it is because it aggregates multiple dexs and brings them into a simple user experience for the. For the buyer, Polygon, also the latest roadmap, they're focusing on the AG layer, which is really bringing all these chains together and having them sharing into the liquidity. And so with Crestal, we deploying kind of a similar approach as well ourselves.

Crestal's Innovative Integration Approach

For instance, we are not creating new products per se, but Crestel in itself aggregates products that already exist today that perhaps are hard to deploy, to understand, to evaluate for builders and making that easier. So if I'll take the example of, for instance, of our testnet that we just launched recently, this allows a builder to go and say, for example, I'm looking for a data availability for my project. And then what we are doing, we're purely actually inducating them, first of all, through some metrics and dashboards, but also with an AI assistant guiding them into which one of the existing Das is the best solution for them.

Facilitating Collaboration Among Multiple Parties

So perhaps it's Celestia, perhaps it's a vail, and also bringing a market and ecosystem of these infra service providers that will go and deploy these DA's for them and manage for them. And so we are actually bringing multiple Personas, multiple participants into this mix together so they can produce a better outcome. And with this, it will be the hardest competition will be really to convince these different parties that today already working the way they're working, that there is added value in collaborating altogether and coming to a common market. So that's actually the mantra we're following here.

Building a Novel Approach

And we are seeing some traction in the market as well in terms of this narrative. And so again, talking at the data availability example, many projects now are starting to see the benefit of aggregated DA, or kind of like multi da. So it's not about selecting one, but having a layer on top of the multiple ones and then using them for the best use case. So crestal fits perfectly in that one, which is, you know, the builder declares their intent of what they want to achieve and then dynamically in the back, you have these multi party either collaborating or competing among themselves to offer the best solution.

Facilitating Innovative Infra Deployment

And we are the facilitator for that. So this is a totally novel way of dealing with infra deployments. We're not seeing a lot of competition at this moment.

Project Validation

But if we manage to prove our thesis that this is ultimately the most efficient way for builders to select and deploy infra, then, yeah, perhaps we'll see more projects actually doing the same. And that's welcome, because that's validation to our hypothesis.

Innovation Through Competition

Yeah. And competition, of course, you know, breeds innovation, at least in theory. Right. And you can kind of correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem like, you know, the biggest competition you would have is like, you know, making sure that what you're aggregating is quality for one, but also offering like the best customer service for people who are looking for help with what they're building. Would that be fair to say?

Web Three Mechanisms

Yeah, in a way, but also like, we're not gonna try not to fall into the trap of a web two business as well. Like, we're not gonna be an entity, centralized entity that offers this customer service and so on, but mostly using the web. Three mechanics such as actually smart contract based proofs, smart contract based escrows between the buyer and the seller. So everybody actually held accountable through on chain metrics. And this hopefully will create this trustless relationship and then incentivize relationship as well.

Exit Strategy for Builders

But at the same time, keep that exit part, which is, for example, if builder selects a particular deployment and that doesn't work out, then they should be able to switch immediately to a better deployment or to a better path. So with these principles, we are hoping to minimize the need for that kind of like back and forth and support, et cetera, and having to be a bottleneck in the process.

Customer Service in Web Three

Okay, great. Yeah, that makes more sense. Thanks for clarifying that. Yeah. Okay. Definitely a little bit better than a web two approach. And yeah, you guys don't want to have to deal with customer service. It's not very fun, so. All right, great, man. Cool. Well, thank you, guys. That was the first question.

Moving On to Speculation

I appreciate all of your answers to that. We're going to go ahead and move on to the second question. I wouldn't really call this a controversial question. Maybe it's, maybe there's a little bit, it's just more about an industry question as a whole, how you guys feel about things. But the question is we see a lot of web three projects that kind of launch tokens before having a working product or anything like that. Do you think that the space has become a bit too focused on speculation and quick profits rather than building meaningful long term solutions?

Token Launches and Timeline

And there's no right or wrong answer here, guys. It's kind of know, whatever you guys think and there's maybe reasons to deploy a token before you have anything else. But just kind of curious. We'll start from top to bottom again. So. Eight bond. Actually. Yeah. It's a really interesting question because I would argue that I think were very much in that kind of world or like our industry was very much in that mentality of like deploy token first.

Impatience in the Community

I mean, especially it kind of was a fundraising vehicle to build stuff for a bit, sort of. But I feel like people got way too impatient and then, you know, everybody, it's like, okay, we ico'd or we ido'd and we need the funds to actually build the thing. But it's been three months and the community's going crazy. You know what I mean?

The Path of Projects

So, I mean, on the one hand, I guess it depends on the path you're going down as a project. Like if you're going down the path of fully everything on chain fair launch or we're raising from users, et cetera, then it could make sense because you didn't have the money to build the thing before and you're raising on chain. I could see that.

Pre-Selling Tokens

But if you're like most projects today where I feel like a lot of them are going and pre selling the token or fundraising from investors before they even come on chain, yeah, I think were definitely a little bit, still seeing a lot of that, unfortunately. But what's interesting is I feel like the points farming system and the points meta has kind of flipped that around a little bit, at least for the bigger projects.

Points Farming Influence

So the ones that are really trying to go for the biggest launch as possible, and there's some smaller ones too, doing points farming, but definitely not the same level of traction. But the points farming thing for the most part, you've got outliers, I guess, like blast and some others, but a lot of them, it's forced them to kind of build the product, have something live at least like MVP or something that users can actually play around with and use so that they can start earning points.

Getting Back to Real Products

So I feel like it's kind of flipped the meta around a little bit, which I hadn't really thought of before. But it's interesting and definitely feels like we're getting back to products to a certain extent. I mean, I say to a certain extent because there's a huge difference, it feels like between the vast majority of long tail assets in crypto versus the few outliers out there.

Founders and Projects

Like polymarket, I think is a great example. And several others that are, I mean, they're not officially doing point farming, I don't think, but there's several others that are. And so, yeah, I don't know, I feel like we're moving away from that more and more. And I think the ability for founders and projects to just come in and effectively use the token as a quick liquidity game before they really have anything built is quickly dwindling, thankfully.

Approaching the Questions

Yeah, I was kind of wondering because, I mean, I'm sure you guys see obviously a lot of projects, you know, come through you or, you know, looking for bonds or whatever, so it's an interesting perspective, to be honest with you, man. I like to be educated as well, so I'm not actually 100%. What is points farming exactly?

Understanding Points Farming

Like what you've seen with like blast and a few of these other, like, I feel like it mainly started with blockchains doing it. And then I think now you've got a few like, liquid staking derivative projects that have done it, but effectively just use the platform in order to earn points and the points eventually translate into a massive airdrop.

Clarifying Intentions

Oh, okay. Okay. Interesting. Yeah. Okay. I don't think I've ever, haven't been in a project that does that, but I guess it does make a lot of sense. And by the way, I just want to, excuse me, clarify. I didn't ask this question from like a hating perspective.

Intent Behind Token Releases

I know a lot of people released tokens to kind of build things, you know, to get the funding to get off the ground because it's, you know, part of the idea behind all this stuff. Right. But a, sometimes it doesn't come about, and b, I think they don't really get the point across to their community well enough that it's going to take a little longer than three months.

Communicating Expectations

And we all know that, like the, what's the word I'm looking for? Attention, man. And the space is very lacking. So honestly, that's something that we saw like a lot of, especially in the last cycle, less so now, but we saw a lot of projects go into it with really good, high ambition and good intentions.

The Reality of Token Releases

Right. Just thinking, hey, we're going to do this. But I think what a lot of people ended up realizing, and definitely what we realized, working with so many different token projects is like having a token is a liability, you know, it's not like you can just raise using a token and then go quietly build for two years behind the scenes, you know, without dropping any updates.

Community Expectations Post-Launch

It's like once the token is out, like you've let the beasts out of the cage, you know, and now your community is going to be in your telegram channel every single day asking when moon, when binance, when token going up. You know what I mean? So I know for a lot of people that ended up being very overwhelming and stressful and let a lot of like founders that had good intentions to, you know, not rug I would say, but just kind of give up because it was just too much trying to juggle building and, you know, appeasing the community constantly.

The Burden of Community Management

Yeah, exactly. That's not a good time for anybody. Yeah, and this, you know, that's what we kind of preach around here as well is like some patience. And patience is a virtue that is often not seen here, but yeah, thanks, man. Great answer.

Token Utility and Speculation

Yeah, I think that's really a great point and it's something we are seeing across the web. Three space tendency to launch tokens without clear utility or real world value. And in my opinion, the creation of a token should always be driven by utility, not hype.

Purpose Behind Token Creation

And token by itself doesn't mean much unless it has a minion in the ecosystem. And as a project which has token, we made sure that our Wi Fi token actually serves a purpose. So in our case, it incentivizes users to contribute valuable data by adding new hotspots, which helps us expand our global network.

Creating a Circular Economy

And also users could redeem those tokens for some premium services or just to say thank you to other members of the community. And like this creates a circular economy where the token has genuine utility and the value is tied directly to how useful the platform is.

Focus on Token Value

And like, in my opinion, the key is to focus on the value the token brings to both the project and the users. If it's just there to generate bias or speculation, it's unlikely to have long term success. So projects that focus on real world use case and solving actual problems with the token integrated as part of that solution, that's like a great way to stand out.

User Experience Enhancement

And tokens should enable better user experiences, incentivize growth and help build sustainable ecosystems. So otherwise, in my opinion, there is green irrelevant in the long run. That's it.

Critique of Token Necessity

Yeah, I mean that's kind of my opinion as well. And something I see a lot of times that I don't really see talked about a lot is there are a lot of companies out there are projects that, you know, sometimes I ask the question of like why did you guys choose to have a token?

Evaluating Token Necessity

Because it's not really necessary for what you're doing necessarily. Right? I mean, there are other ways for people to invest in your project and get a return, you know, whether it's like stable coins or you know, some other token or whatever. It doesn't always have to be that.

Perception of Tokens

I think the meta is like you have to have a token or whatever, but I don't necessarily think that's the case personally, sometimes. Yeah, completely agree, I guess maybe even like some of them, maybe I don't know what, but maybe they even don't understand like what's the purpose of the token.

Clarity on Token Economics

So they just have an idea like I need to create the token and that's it. And after that they do it and they don't know like forward. Yeah, exactly. You should have strong tokenomics first and a use case for your token, I think for the most part, but yeah, great answer, man.

Positive Feedback Loop

No worries. Atmdez. Oh yes, thank you. You also ask very good questions. Every time I attend I will say I have such a great discussion and yeah, and speaking of the opinion before, maybe they're not like they don't know about tokens, maybe they don't know too much about the tokens.

Speculation in the Real World

They know that they will definitely make money from it. I think that's maybe the case in the real world. So it's. Yeah, following my personal opinion and I think so, definitely. To be honest, the speculation is the main impression to other people.

Public Perception of Web Three

I mean, outside the web three. So no matter how we argue here, we have a discussion or we debate. Okay, that's okay. Or we have different opinions here. But outside web three, the web two people, or normal people like most majority of the world now, they think that web three is a place that people make quick money, they speculate they just scam the people that's following behind and they get the money from others so that's what I get from most of my friends most of different web two people they are thinking about the web three this is how the situation now is.

Grounded Experience

So we as ATM. Why I want to join ATM is because this project is doing something that really happened. For example I give many instances like examples that we made the game found, right the traveling you can actually use your token to do something in the real world and also getting the rewards from the system and we have the whole algorithm for you to get the rewards you are likely to live in this community.

Building Connections

So we also believe the power of connections because it's very strong and what is more fundamental is not the tokenomics. The tokenomics is. Is important. I mean it's the like the economic find like foundation but what is more fundamental is that you need to build something for users, right.

Financial Reality

However I have to say it's the reality we need the funds to take off the. From the ground and we need to get the project started but at least we need to do something actually it happened for the real life. No, like not only speculating is making money.

User-Centric Approach

Yes that's the reality. Right. You start a business you want to make money and make profit that sort but to care about the users and you make something really happened in the real life. It's way far more important than the only launch the token the first and then quit and get the money out.

Future Optimism

That's not the case for the web three. I think I believe the environment will become better in the future and I do hope so. Yes, it's very personal and hope that's expressed clearly.

Real-World Asset Trust

Yeah, it's a great answer, man. Honestly I think that's why you see rwas gaining so much traction because you know they actually have like this is tied to something that's real.

Legitimacy of Projects

It's not 100% based on speculation. You know that's why there's a lot of hype around it because a. I think it kind of makes our industry look a little bit better to have things like rwas out there in conjunction with you know speculative assets and stuff.

Narratives Matter

Right. Because it just adds some legitimacy to it. And you are 100% correct. That is how the vast majority of people kind of view us in the world and it's kind of unfortunate and I think that has to do a lot with you know for better or worse if we're talking about like meme coins or something, right?

Consideration of Losses

Yeah, somebody can get very rich very quickly. You know, one of the things they don't really talk about is how many people lose on a daily basis, right. So there's a lot to consider there.

Future Narratives

And I think that, you know, the narratives that we choose to kind of run with to make this more of a mainstream thing really does matter. So, you know, we'll see in the future.

Validating Real Connections

But I think there's a place for both just kind of pins, right. It's because arguably now is very popular raising in current like recently, right.

Connection to Real People

Because they have a connection with the real world people. Now we are a like 3d people. We can't get into the Internet like for now. Actually not for now, but maybe in the future.

Dream of Web Three

But web three is now the dream of us and we are purchasing, we are pursuing that. So in the middle we need a transaction period.

Connecting Worlds

That is the thing that's connected web three and the real world. That's what you need to do in the starting stage. We're not getting like a jump to the conclusion that we set everything on the web three that's not real.

Ideal vs. Realistic

It's not. It's ideal, but it's not realistic. So we need to have a find the middle point here, as you said. So we need to do something step by step and we can see in the future.

Optimism for Future Agreement

But I believe in the future most of the majority will agree on us and we can have.

Embarking on Success

If we. We can stand until that. That time we'll definitely be at the giants like the most successful one. Yes. Yeah. 100% man. And yeah, you are right. We cannot currently jack into the Matrix. So we have to exist in this world. I'm not sure that we really want to if we could, but yeah. Great answer, man. All right. Inferiks. I think token crypto is really interesting and it's to us, to me it's very important not only because for fundraiser, but it is for you to have a marketing tool to crowdsource first is Crowdsource GPU provider and to have a community around the project that's in its infancy.

Revenue Generation and Token Management

Our decent light GPU network is actually when generate revenue, our clients have to pay. Have to pay us to use our rendering service, use our rendering software and. And we use 80% of our revenue to buy back the token and burn to manage the supply and demand of token to make sure that to manage the inflationary of the token. Actually I love the book. I love the writing in the book of critics. Can read, write on writing about the faucet and sink and how to manage the supply and demand token project. In the web tool, if you want to raise the capital, you have to raise via equity. And your investor often only cash out when you list on the stock market or in series b, series c, and they sell to other investors. But the token, you have your investor can cash out when you launch a token and list of the centralization.

Economic Implications of Tokens

So I think flow liquidity is faster in the web three. And I think the crypto is very important for the entrepreneur when you build a project and you need to have a plot, right, to survive. Yeah, I think you might have rubbed a little bit there. But yeah, the thing is like, whatever you are, if you're going to be, if you're going to use like a token, right, to fundraising things, I think the number one thing you have to do is a, like you're talking about, make sure that, you know, you have a good tokenomic, especially for dealing with, you know, inflation of your token, you know, if it's possible to min or different things like that. The other thing is, again, kind of goes back to setting that expectation of your community. And if you are using a token to, you know, if it's completely speculative or you're using it to help you build the product in itself, you have to set like a clear parameter of what your community is going to expect, right?

Building Expectations and Community Trust

So it's a constant thing that you have to do. So you're going to deal with those people kind of like eight bond was saying where it's like, when finance, when moon win, whatever. And to that point, you have to be really diligent at all times because there's going to be a lot of foot or I, you know, a lot of random things that are going to kind of stand in your way. So you just have to be consistent with it and set it from the beginning. Like, hey, guys, this isn't going to be an overnight thing. This is going to be, you know, a multi year kind of deal, you know, a year long deal, however long you think the timeframe is going to be. But I think that's where a lot of people kind of like a bond was saying as well, where, you know, they kind of just give up or they get kind of frustrated with it because they feel like their community is a little bit, you know, I don't know if I want to say against them, but I guess that is kind of the way to put it.

Antagonism within Community Dynamics

It's antagonistic, right? It becomes antagonistic. So, if you don't know how to manage that well enough it's going to cause a lot of strife for you. So, yeah, just my thoughts a little bit more on that, but yeah, crestal. so I believe, actually the speakers before me just covered a lot of good angles about the topic of the token and its need in a project. So perhaps, actually what I want to do is summarize a little bit. So the consensus here is that a project should have to create and generate real world economic activity, exchange of goods and services in that way. And once you have now this economic activity, now generally, it could even operate with USD, right? So when you have exchanges between buyers and sellers, it can happen that way.

Tokens and Real-Life Economic Activity

And then the token should come as a complement to that and perhaps to give, like, a real world example of this one. If we think about airlines, we believe that airlines are, you know, valued based on the number of tickets that the travelers book. But if you research into it, and this is, this research has been done, so you can read about it as well. Like the biggest part of the valuation of an airline is its point system, its loyalty system. And so the point system and loyalty system is used between actually flyers and as well as a network of merchants that value that loyalty point and can exchange it for goods, again, as a derivative of the main economic activity of the airline, which is the airline flying tickets. And so this is a successful model, and it has been applied in the web two world, let's call it in the real world, many times successfully.

Successful Models in Web Two and Crypto

And crypto projects, the healthy ones, should embark on a similar journey, whereby what's your main product? How can it generate value to its users and have an economic activity? And then there is a token on the side that allows you to create a second layer of collaboration between the participants in your network, whether those are validators or stakers, or retail investors, etcetera, and have a value for that token itself that is derived from the project. And so in my recommendation to most projects, and certainly what were trying to apply at Crystal as well, is similar thing as well. You are a marketplace. You're exchanging digital real world goods and services.

Tokenization and Value Creation

There is economic activity of that and then blockchain. And the tokenization aspect gives you this capacity of creating a loyalty system in a way that can allow these different participants to accrue additional value from the initial product that you're participating in building. And that's really something when I build along those lines, and hopefully, as our economics come online and some people see it, they will get a sense of that there is a first stress on real exchanges happening with real money between buyers and sellers. But then the token is there to strengthen the economic security of the protocol, to reward good behaviors and also create secondary transactions that people can do either to stake and generate yield or support the participants as they see fit in this protocol.

Innovative Perspectives on Tokenomics

Damn, that's actually a really good example, man. I wouldn't have even thought about that. It's almost like a proto example of how you can implement tokenomics. I never would have thought of airlines in that regard, but yeah, I guess you're 100% correct, right? Damn. Okay, it's a bit late here, sometimes I ramble, but this is really the general idea. No, I don't think it was rambling at all, man. That's an interesting perspective on it that I wouldn't have ever thought of, but, yeah, great way to put it, great way to sum it up. Awesome. Okay, well, thanks guys, that was a lot of great answers. Really appreciate all that. So thanks guys. All right, cool guys.

Final Thoughts and Open Floor

Well, we've reached about the end of the session, so what I like to do every time that I have a space is just kind of give you guys the floor. So this is a couple minutes for you guys to talk about anything new you got going on where people could find you. Basically, whatever you want to talk about, the floor is yours. So I'm going to start from bottom top with this one. So crystal, you're actually up again, man. Thanks. So I guess the biggest news for us is that the Testnet is live as of last week. And so this is a big milestone for our early project. Now, this testnet is open to everybody. We recognize that different people will get different things from it in the testnet.

Testnet Launch and Community Engagement

That is actually analytics part where everybody who's researching crypto projects, or in particular in the modular space, can go and see some real metrics about how these projects perform other than economic metrics, but real actually technology metrics and make an opinion. We have also like an AI module that helps builders with their ideas and how they structure them and how they break them down into requirements so this everybody can use it. But then also we have the first version of the marketplace functioning where if you are indeed a builder and you require a particular infrastructure piece, you can get proposals and you can spin it up in a few clicks and use it in your project. And so we hope to invite all the listeners to try it out.

Builder Resources and AI Integration

And then of course, if you are on the lighter side, research ideation, use the AI and the analytics model. If you are more of a builder side. We would love to speak to you and see a little bit how the marketplace can bring value to your business. Yeah, very interesting. And I'm sure some of the guys here would like to reach out to you about that as well. Thanks, man. Thanks for being here. All right, Inferx, how's your connection again? It's good now. Sorry. Yeah, we still already, our product already landed MVP and you can try our MVP if you are designer or your game studio, you can try our rendering platform with blender cycle.

Showcasing MVP and Future Events

It's going much faster for your business. We will also speak in Singapore token 2049 at Real World Pin by Masonry and iotex and we will have a showcase if you came to Singapore at that time. Hope to meet you guys. Yeah. Awesome. Yeah, I believe that we'll be stopping by there as well. So great. Awesome. Cool ATM. All right, thanks. Yeah, thanks for the space for us to say something about the latest updates and definitely, yes, I mentioned I several times during this discussion, we will have our game fund event in Thailand.

Community Building in Thailand

It's pretty big event. About like 300 people will get involved. This game fund is actually, you can use your Luca and you can use the crypto to invest actually to the game and you can play it. And that's the, like, the things that I was discussing about is that you can actually do something in the real world by the crypto. And also if you have like traveling, like trouble traveling to the, to Thailand, we also provide the like the traveling like channel that you can buy the tickets from the ATM and you can pay by Luca, pay by the crypto. That's all fine.

Integration of Crypto in Everyday Life

So we get, we want to put like, as smooth as possible to make you to the event and also to make you to connect the crypto to the real world as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible. And also, yes, please follow the ATM official Twitter account that you can see more updates about the event. And we will realize more details on the Thailand event, about the game, about the traveling, and also if any of the other projects here in this discussion, if you are interested in this, we can have a discussion about the sponsorship and we can have cross marketing also because we have a community of communities.

Collaborative Opportunities and Community Engagement

So we include many of the, as many as projects we can to enjoy this ecosystem, this like a crypto event. So yeah, I'm happy to chat with all of you guys. Thanks. Yeah, thank you, man. And I usually save this to the end, but a couple people mention it now. But yeah, if you guys could please follow everybody and follow each other. Never know what could come of it? So, yeah, it's great. And if you guys are in Thailand, yes. Yeah. And if you guys are in Thailand, check the event out.

Networking and Future Engagement

Awesome man. Wi Fi. Matt. Yeah. First of all, thank you once again for such a great session and it's always a pleasure to like to participate, so thank you very much. Like few words at the end, as I said several times, our main focus at Wi Fi map is moving forward on expanding strategic partnerships with standout web three projects. And we believe it's essential for our growing user base to consistently discover and engage with the most cutting edge innovations the web three space has to offer.

Engaging the Web Three Landscape

So our platform serves as a bridge between those top tier projects and our army of users who are eager to explore new tools, services and opportunities in the web three world. So to drive these collaborations, we actively leverage in two key channels. First of all, it's our newly launched Marketplace, which acts as a showcase for web three projects. By featuring offers from high quality partners, we are able to direct significant traffic and attention to these projects, helping them gain exposure to our global community.

Market Opportunities and Community Outreach

And our users are always looking for new ways to enhance their experience and this marketplace provides them with direct access to the best web three innovations available. And we are very happy to discuss any kind of partnerships in this way. And also we are open to a wide variety of different co marketing activities and partnerships. Whether it's through joint campaigns, community events, exclusive collaborations or other creative initiatives. We always on the lookout for new opportunities to work together with like minded projects and we aim to build partnerships that not only align with our vision, but also create tangible benefits for the community.

Commitment to Partnership and Future Plans

So would be happy to stay in touch with all kinds of such projects and a bit of personal information. Next week I will be attending Tolkien 2049 in Singapore, so I would be really happy to meet everyone in person and explore any kind of synergies. Thank you once again. Thank you, man. Appreciate you being here, bro. All right, and the sponsor of our space for this week eight, Bond. What's up with you guys? Hey. Hey. So as a lot of you guys have probably gathered by now, our product is very much live and running at the moment.

Apebond Engagement and Project Exposure

We have a massive community of users always looking for new tokens to discover on Apebond. We also have quite a few white labels that work with us that allow us to distribute the tokens that we onboard to a lot of other platforms and users. You've probably heard of quite a few of them. AI tech is a major launchpad and white label of ours. Quickswap is a major launchpad and white label of ours, and we have several coming in the pipeline. So if you're looking for tons of exposure, marketing, etcetera, definitely reach out.

Expanding Reach and Upcoming Events

We are here to help you guys not only get more out of your token, but also get in front of more users and hunger users that are excited about your project. Also, we'll be in Singapore next week for token 2049. We're also hosting an event, so if anybody's interested in attending, feel free to dm us here or you can dm me as well at Julianapeswap and we'll be sure to get you in. And then beyond that, also happy to schedule any in person meetings if you guys want to chat further, learn more about what we're up to and what we can do for you.

Community Connection and Future Collaborations

And beyond that, just excited to have been on and thank you guys so much for putting on another great space. Yeah, excited to have you as well, man. And thank you for making it possible week as well. We really appreciate that. All right, cool. Well, sounds like you guys have a lot of opportunities to meet up with each other. Also, we will be releasing information about web three Amsterdam events next year in March, so we're finalizing some stuff for that and be on the lookout for that soon.

Closing Remarks and Future Initiatives

But yeah, that's it for today, guys. Thanks for being here, everybody. If you are a project that is listening, I saw some requests and some different projects pop in during this time. If you guys are interested in being on the space, just send me a DM and we'll see what we can do about getting you up here yourself. But yeah, guys, so this has been 103 global talks episode 167, powered by eight bond.

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