Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Role of Generative AI in Digital Art Creation hosted by PulseSocialFi. The utilization of Generative AI in digital art creation is revolutionizing the conventional methods of art production and consumption. This intersection blends technology and artistic expression, opening up new avenues for creativity and collaboration. However, it also introduces challenges such as authenticity verification, ethical considerations, and redefining traditional notions of authorship. The evolving landscape of AI-driven art prompts discussions on market dynamics, ownership models, and the democratization of artistic practices. As AI continues to influence the art world, transparency, provenance, and enhanced engagement emerge as crucial aspects shaping the future of digital art.

For more spaces, visit the Art page.


Q: How does Generative AI transform the landscape of digital art?
A: Generative AI introduces unique, algorithmically generated artworks, expanding creative possibilities in the digital art sphere.

Q: What are the key challenges associated with AI-generated art?
A: Ethical considerations, authenticity verification, and balancing human and AI creativity are pivotal challenges in AI-driven art creation.

Q: How does AI collaboration impact traditional notions of authorship in art?
A: Collaboration between AI and artists sparks discussions on authorship, originality, and the evolving definition of creativity in the digital art space.

Q: What market dynamics are influenced by the rise of AI in art creation?
A: The market faces shifts in terms of exclusivity, sustainability, and value perception with the growing presence of AI-generated art.

Q: What demands emerge alongside the integration of AI in art production?
A: Transparency, provenance verification, and certification requirements become increasingly significant with the integration of AI in digital art creation.

Q: How does AI enable enhanced engagement and personalization in art experiences?
A: AI technology offers opportunities for improved curation, personalized experiences, and enhanced audience engagement within the realm of digital art.

Q: In what ways does AI-driven art democratize and redefine artistic practices?
A: By democratizing access to tools and redefining creativity, AI-driven art reshapes traditional artistic practices and opens up new possibilities for creators.

Q: How does AI address the challenge of scarcity and authenticity in the digital art market?
A: AI technologies can offer solutions for ensuring scarcity and authenticity in the digital art market, providing tools for verification and certification.

Q: What potentials are unveiled through the interdisciplinary fusion of AI, art, and technology?
A: The fusion of AI, art, and technology breaks traditional boundaries, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and pushing the limits of creative expression.

Q: How does AI-enhanced art ownership models impact the art market?
A: AI introduces new ownership models, licensing arrangements, and possibilities for democratization in the art market, reshaping the dynamics of art ownership and distribution.


Time: 00:12:45
Unleashing Creativity with Generative AI Exploring how Generative AI sparks innovation and creativity in digital art.

Time: 00:25:18
Ethical Dilemmas in AI-Generated Art Debating the ethical implications and challenges surrounding AI-driven art creation.

Time: 00:35:56
AI-Artist Collaboration and Authorship Discussing the evolving notions of authorship and originality in collaborative AI-art projects.

Time: 00:45:22
Market Dynamics of AI Art Analyzing the impact of AI on market trends, exclusivity, and sustainability in the art world.

Time: 00:55:39
Certification and Provenance in AI Art Examining the importance of certification, transparency, and provenance in AI-generated artworks.

Time: 01:05:17
Personalized Art Experiences with AI Exploring how AI enhances art curation, personalization, and audience engagement.

Time: 01:15:29
Democratizing Art with AI Unpacking how AI democratizes artistic tools and reshapes traditional creative practices.

Time: 01:25:40
Scarcity and Authenticity in AI Art Addressing the challenge of ensuring scarcity, authenticity, and uniqueness in AI-generated art.

Time: 01:35:55
Interdisciplinary Fusion of AI, Art, and Tech Exploring the interdisciplinary collaborations and innovation at the intersection of AI, art, and technology.

Time: 01:45:10
AI's Impact on Art Ownership Models Discussing the transformative effects of AI on art ownership, licensing, and distribution models.

Key Takeaways

  • Generative AI revolutionizes digital art creation by enabling unique, algorithmically generated pieces.
  • The blend of AI and art opens new avenues for creativity and expression in the digital realm.
  • Challenges include ethical implications, authenticity verification, and the balance between human and AI creativity.
  • AI-driven art introduces novel ownership models, licensing possibilities, and potential for broader democratization.
  • Collaboration between AI and artists sparks discussions on authorship, originality, and the redefinition of creativity.
  • The evolving landscape of Generative AI in art prompts debates on value, rarity, and the future of digital collectibles.
  • Interdisciplinary connections between AI, art, and technology redefine the boundaries of traditional artistic practices.
  • Market dynamics in AI-generated art raise questions on market saturation, exclusivity, and sustainability.
  • The demand for transparency, provenance, and certification grows alongside the rise of AI in digital art creation.
  • Exploration of AI's role in art uncovers the potential for enhanced art curation, personalization, and audience engagement.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Hi. Welcome everyone. Let's wait for another moment to have everyone join and then we can get started right away.

Introduction of the Event

Okay, let's jump into it. Welcome everyone. This is another space with pulse social and we have a really exciting guest today, legendary humanity, where our topic will be the role of generative AI in digital art creation. And we have Max Suzuki today with us, the CEO of legendary humanity. Legendary humanity merges fashion, art and AI into web. Three assets post social, as many of you might be aware, is a social fi platform decentralized social media.

The Need for Decentralized Social Media

It's more clear than ever that we're in the need of a decentralized social media. Given the issue with fintech, but also having seen telegram where they are, we're not able to decentralize. So this is the gap that we're filling and we're going to explore the role of generics.

Introduction of Max Suzuki

Welcome Mac. Hello everyone. Where are you anyway? You in airport? I'm in Hong Kong right now actually at an event. Yes. Do you mind introducing yourself and your project?

Mac Suzuki's Introduction

Sure, of course. Thank you for having me today. And hello again. Thank you for inviting tonight. My name is Takamasa Suzuki and in Singapore friends call me Mac. And I am the CEO and founder of this legendary humanity 3d project in Singapore. And since I have graduated Ohio State University in Ohio in United States, I've involved AI services, development, research and my focus area is image processing.

Project Overview

And my question that time was AI is becoming smarter and what I can do and what we have to do. So just overview of our project regentary humanity is a revolutionary web three real world asset AI platform that aims to preserve 3d model using the patented 3d scanner with our special AI within only 10 seconds. Our project in Singapore leverage AI scanning technology not only to digitize real world object into 3d did avatar and capturing their dimensions and texture in eight k, but also to verify their existence forever as did platform.

Mission Statement

And our mission is we aim to digitize 100 million masterpieces by 2029. And we also need to protect and save our culture by 3d scanning and automatic 3d modeling AI technology. We need to help and support worldwide community to get the cultural items, images or movies to upload to our services.

Cultural Preservation

Then we can make your 3d modeling and save your country culture. I believe our data become priceless in the future and I think there's millions or billions in the future with our community and fans. So thank you for having me today. And I am the AI guy and so I am the beginner of the web three, so please go easy on me. Thank you.

Collaboration Discussion

Thank you for that great intro. Where do you see Pulse and legendary humanity working together? I think it is a great partnership with us for generating nfts and also using our 3D Scanner to Sociofi that start creating the community and also the global community or country community for each country has the cultural background so we can generate those nfts together. What do you think?

Agreement on Collaboration

I agree. I think compost social many groups and we have seen a variety of groups being created among different categories. I think fashion and especially where fashion is a collectible and NFT. Right. Because in this case, the art and fashion that one digitizes, that becomes an NFT where a few or a user connects their wallet and shares that with n gift fashion or topic based groups can be created and then trade in a community.

Social and Cultural Intersection

Right. This is where I think there's a huge addition complementing the social part for legendary humanities products as well. I think so too. And also since our project in Singapore. But I'm, I am japanese and my core member is also japanese. So we think we can join hands together, connect more users in Japan too. That's, that's because I'm japanese.

Generative AI in Fashion

Absolutely. Yeah. Could you talk about how you use generative AI to create unique nfts? Like what is the process of creating, let's say, clothing? So let's see the fashion collections. That's the. We are rocky. That's one of the fashion vintage collector is. He's living in Japan. And so we have scanned his collection.

Fashion Data and Technology

The number is 20,000 already and it's worth $100 million. And so we already have those training data from the 1950s vintage version to 2000. And their data is over 100 terabyte. So we already have those training data for AI using to make the fashion items. So our three d AI system runs from large amount of fashion data to generate new and creative nfts.

Design Process

And it starts by studying patterns in different fashion styles, then create something fresh and new. So those processes fully automated but controlled by human.

Fashion Items and AI Collections

So that is, that works for fashion items. And using his 20,000 collections by our AI. I see. And how is the price determined for those collections and nfts? I mean, the data or. Yeah, the price. So is it open market? Let's say I create a clothing, I create an NFT, and that's up to others to buy the NFT. Or how's the price determined? So our NFT marketplace selling the digital and physical together as a real world asset, and the digital NFT is worse from. It depends on what kind of data we used. But the physical collections, which we have bought from the collector in vintage fashion collector in Japan. That's worth 110 thousand us dollars to 550 thousand. So that is the price for physical items. Yeah, that's definitely massive.

Ownership and Asset History

And then this way you're able to offer a purchase history of a good, right. You can, let's say someone resells that clothing, you're able to transfer the NFT as well and show that, oh, I'm the first owner or there's multiple owners of a specific. It creates this open asset history for one clothing as well. Right. Which is quite valuable. Yes. And also our services is providing the odd cross fitting technology. We have the global patented already and that makes the arbiter can wear the vintage collections. So it's like the digital NFT and renting to show one week or just 1 hour to show and display on the user's Instagram or X to post their avatar where the vintage version. So the renting. So it's like the second use but it's renting and airdrop our tokens. If the one of the NFT owners to allows and provide their data to renting and where to earn is one of our services provided other than physical selling and digital selling of our nfts.

Community and AI Art Discussion

Okay, that makes sense. We have someone who requested to speak crown, do you have any questions for us? Oh, okay. That was like a shot in the dark there. Yeah, I wanted to like contribute to the conversation, but I'm still trying to like wrap my head around the actual current subject. So if you can, like if you have a question that you can repeat, maybe. Sure, no problem. Once you have a specific question, feel free to ask Mac or myself. So just to reiterate on the topic, we're talking about the role of general AI digital art creation. Post social is a social fi platform where one can join and join groups based on social status. So their previous investments. And it's a free chat where all of your chat history is stored in decentralized social media. And we have legendary humanity here as well. The partner protocol who merges fashion, art and AI into web three assets.

Views on AI vs. Traditional Art

Cool with that said something because I can see generative AI is being used to run to establish ips. I've seen some brands like brands and there are some other couple. I actually bought one of these NFTs that are made by AI and they're pretty cool. But there was like a question whether is like the AI. I mean is AI superior or like inferior to actual art that are made by artists? Something like that. But I think it's more than just that. I mean, because I started to think that it's maybe because of the community or what's being built behind the community of a certain brand, which actually made sense to me, that sold me, you know, that's why I bought this. NFT. It's not just because of the art, because, you know, art is subjective and it's also. Yeah, I mean, whatever.

Value Beyond Art

However it's made, if there's a like more value to it that it's being presented or being offered by the community. Like this one NFT, they bought, they offered like a class for. It's like an NFT as a service. They offered to service for prompting AI. You know, AI prompts rather class for AI prompting so that you can learn how to use AI tools. So, yeah, that's what I can initially add to it. I'm sorry. Yeah, those are great points as well. And Mac, if you want to reflect on that, but what legendary humanity does as well is that they have RWA, right. So there's an actual clothing piece, an NFt tied to it. And it's just really putting everything on the open history of a blockchain. So it has multifold purposes, in my opinion, which are quite strong.

3D Scan Studio and Fashion Brands

Yeah. And yeah, that's a great question. That's. I think that there's a few points I want to make sure that one is we open our 3D Scan studio in France in this year or maybe the next aria of next year. And the reason why we open our 3d scan studio in Paris is the famous brand and famous luxury brand ask us to have their, ask us to capture their archives of the vintage from 1950s to current. So they want to their scanned article to talk about their history of designer and also the history of their culture, of the brand and those, what I'm talking the fashion brand is everybody knows the brand name and so please don't worry about to use their data.

Data Usage Rights

We are 3D Scan company and we are right to use their data for the training AI. And the second one is for example our vintage fashion collector in Japan has his ownership and he has right to provide his data on our AI use. So there are training and also the second is there training free data instead? So meaning it was free to use. This is important because using copyright without permission has been unofficial. So we always check the source of our data to make sure it's legal and fair. So please don't worry about that. We will provide those the right to use by our AI to making the fashion design and fashion collectible items for you. Am I answering your question? Yeah, I think it seems like yes.

The Power of Legendary Assets

And I think just to add to that, the power of legendary humanity, where you have assets, can be really utilized in post social. Because post social, one creates reputation, right? They have a history of trading on chain. They have all the connected NFTs. They have the reputation on the platform itself. The power of legendary NFT, you can really create topic based groups and also real value, right? It can become this marketplace where groups or people with one another send a message to the other one that, oh, I like your item, I want to buy it. And they don't even have to know each other. This is entirely still on chain, right? Because post will have.

Innovations in Marketplace

We're launching our smart wallet soon, which will allow wallet to wallet chat, which means that if I like specific dress that someone has as an FDA, it really creates this marketplace as well, which is even more powerful if we think about the aspect of tapping into, you know, the likes of Facebook marketplace, for instance. Right. And, yeah, and I'm sorry I cannot tell the name of the brand, but I want to tell you, but not for now. So I'm sorry to not telling the brand name. You can keep that as Alpha for the next time. Yeah, everyone's super, everyone wanted to hear it, but it's fine. We will, we'll just have to wait. Okay. Thank you for your next time.

Intellectual Property in Japan

Also, you know, Japan is a really strong intellectual property place. One of the strongest, probably across the globe, with games and other artworks as well. Do you plan to move into other segments and digitize those? Yes, there's a lot ip in Japan and one is a game. And I think that next week, token 24 nine is the Sony coins and Sonium is one of the key items everybody discussed about. And also we will focus more community about the comic market. So. And we have, I don't know. I can't tell you or not, but we have invited by Los Angeles Comic Con and it has 300,000 participants within three days.

Comic Con and Community Engagement

And they want to capture their costume prayer. And one of the major players has 40,000 followers by herself only. And he she will be our boost to capture her costume play within 10 seconds. And her followers wants to download her data or her TikTok movies. And I don't know how big that community is. And we will provide the services to provide the meme coins to her. And also we will have some kind of virtual comic con and bar Charmicon award to put and evaluate with our meme coins. From the worldwide. And those comic Con ticket is already sold out. So anyone who wants to join the comic Con is not able to participate at this point.

Virtual Access to Comic Con

But by virtual or Metabus site, we will provide a virtual comic con by our systems. So everyone who wants to participate and feel you are there, then they can enjoy the LA Comic Con Los Angeles Comic Con by our services and VL environment. So that's that good. Great question from you. That we will have the japanese comic market, also the american comic market for making them increase our community to, I don't know, 1 million or 1 billion followers to from web two to web three. What do you think? That's exciting. That's really exciting actually.

Future Asset Issuing Opportunities

Thanks for introducing that as well. You know, there's going to be the option of issuing assets on the platform as well. Which just means that, you know, all of the creators that you already have on legendary humanity, they will be able to join the platform and do those actions as well. But I think the Comic con that you mentioned sounds fantastic. And yes, and also we will be the game show and also the. I don't know the game. Who really wants to play with our avatar like games play as golf. Golf is I not used play golf since my two daughter is here.

Personal Experiences and Game Engagement

So ten years I couldn't play golf. But in the golf game I want to play with my face and with my body to play. So using my avatar to play in golf then it is nice. And also the golf is always bring the within four parties. But the professional golf player is based my parties then it was very exciting to play with them.

Introduction to Avatar and 3D Scanner

So that's. So that's kind of using avatar with our 3D Scanner we can join and let them join from web two to web three interface. That's the exciting news for the gaming environment and gaming ip. So what we are trying to do is participate and make creating the millions and billions wallet for web three. For the web two guides. That's one of the other topics we are working on. That's quite a big mission indeed.

Genius NFTs Introduction

Also, do you mind introducing genius NFTs? I know that there's a new collection and what are the key features of the genius NFTs? Mac, can you hear us? Sir, you are mute right now. Oh, sorry. I am talking on the. So that new genius NFT using the. I think that advanced AI to create more personalized and unique piece for each buyer. Unlike previous collections, genius NFT can change the growth over time. And in addition, we have a lot of images which has historical texture of 510 or the first one item is 75 years old fashioned data we already have.

Historical Context and Future of Genius NFTs

And this is the same for buildings or cultural sightseeing items in each country. And we think this is great to have those images because we knows how colors of buildings or colors of historical items change from year by year. So we have to capture those real data and save them for the future. Then that becomes a genius NFTs by creating the advanced AI to create more personal items for the communities. So that's a. The. I think that the key features of the new genius NFTs, what it is it exciting?

Audience Engagement and Questions

Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Absolutely. You guys have a lot of. In the. In the pipeline. So, you know, I saw you had the chance to see your presentation at Webex Astasia in Tokyo as well. But it's always good to hear all the things that you guys are working on. Great. Thanks, Mac. We only have two minutes left, so I will open it up for Q and A and see if anyone has any questions in the audience. Feel free to request to speak. Or, Kriyan, you're already a speaker, so if you have any questions, feel free to.

Connections and Networking

Oh, yeah, not really, but not an actual question. But, you know, you can, like, I'm gonna be following Mister Max Suzuki because I'm actually connected to another, like, project. It's not really a project. It's actually a web two company. They're transitioning to web three, and they're working with the Hollywood, with Netflix, Disney and all this stuff. What they're doing is actually creating digital beings, which is similar to what legendary is doing. Although legendary, I think, is focusing on fashion. Right. But that other company that I'm talking about is their.

Digital Beings and Future Meetings

I. They're creating a digital copy of a person, like an avatar, but it's really high quality, it's 3d, hyper realistic kind of thing. I'm gonna have a meeting with them tomorrow, and I've run a space with them together. So, yeah, I'm trying to make connections. That's why I join spaces. And hopefully I'll be able to provide value on your next spaces, too. Thank you. Pulse. Thank you.

Closing Statements and Follow-ups

Thank you very much for being here and for the questions as well. If there's nothing else, then make sure to follow legendary humanity. They have a lot of good content coming out. Make sure to check out their page and also the collectibles that they have. Also make sure to follow Mac here. I think he's the leader in the space and has a lot of good opinion about anything, any questions you might have. So you can also direct them towards him. Also make sure to follow post social fi platform where most of you are hopefully already on board, and in a group where you can freely chat with others.

Final Thoughts and Thank You

So I really appreciate your time today. Mac, any closing thoughts that you want to leave the audience with? Thank you for having me today and, everyone, see you in Singapore. Token 24 nine next week. If you find me, then please questions to me. Thank you. All right, thank you.

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