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The Rise of DeFi. | Nereus, Basalt Coin, MC2 Finance and Gagarin


Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Rise of DeFi. | Nereus, Basalt Coin, MC2 Finance and Gagarin hosted by GAGARIN_World. Delve into the world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) with a focus on Nereus, Basalt Coin, MC2 Finance, and Gagarin. Explore the innovative approaches these projects take within the #web3 ecosystem. Learn about the significance of DeFi in reshaping financial systems and incubating promising startups through risk-free IDOs. Discover the strategies employed by MC2 Finance and the opportunities for investment in startup projects within the DeFi sector.

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Total Listeners: 50


Q: What is the significance of DeFi in the #web3 ecosystem?
A: DeFi plays a crucial role in redefining financial systems with decentralized solutions.

Q: Can you provide insights into Nereus and Basalt Coin?
A: Nereus and Basalt Coin are standout projects in the DeFi space, offering unique features and services.

Q: How does MC2 Finance contribute to DeFi success?
A: MC2 Finance implements effective strategies that enhance DeFi operations and user experiences.

Q: What sets Gagarin apart as a launchpad for IDOs?
A: Gagarin stands out for providing a risk-free environment for Initial DEX Offerings, supporting promising startups.

Q: Why is it essential to follow and invest in startup projects?
A: Investing in promising startup projects can yield substantial returns and support innovation within the DeFi sector.


Time: 09:12:45
DeFi's Impact on Financial Systems Exploring how DeFi revolutionizes traditional financial structures.

Time: 09:25:18
Spotlight on Nereus and Basalt Coin Discovering the unique features and offerings of Nereus and Basalt Coin in the DeFi landscape.

Time: 09:37:59
MC2 Finance's DeFi Strategies Insights into the effective strategies employed by MC2 Finance for DeFi success.

Time: 09:45:22
Gagarin: A Safe Launchpad for IDOs Exploring how Gagarin provides a risk-free environment for promising startup investments.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the role of DeFi in the #web3 ecosystem.
  • Insights into Nereus and Basalt Coin as prominent DeFi projects.
  • MC2 Finance strategies for DeFi success.
  • Gagarin's approach as a launchpad for risk-free IDOs.
  • Importance of following and investing in promising startup projects.
  • Exploring the potential of DeFi in incubating innovative ventures.

Behind the Mic

Welcome to the Session

Heyday, everyone, and welcome today's Emma session. We will be waiting for a few minutes, literally, and I hope you are all excited to start our game. By the way, today we have absolutely great guests. We are welcoming three really great DeFi projects. So we will have time to ask some robust questions to discuss everything we want to know about the future of Defi. So let's wait a bit. Yep. Hey to everyone once again. And yeah, I'm seeing that we've got lots of listeners today, and I'm promising that we're waiting maximum two minutes more. And we're starting, yeah, for the rest of community. Guys, I'm really seeing your raised hands, and I know that you really want to just get in and chat with all of us, but firstly, we're starting from the representing the projects that are joining us today.

Introduction of the Event and Guests

And yeah, I'm seeing that everyone already joining us. So once again, the third time, hello to everyone. Welcome to our today's AMa session. We are really happy to have you here for our insightful discussion with our guests. Today we have three projects from MC double Finance, Nereus Finance, and basalt coin. Well, today we're gonna really delve into the transformative world of Defi. We will explore how these projects are making cryptocurrencies more accessible, more secure, and like how in general they are reshaping. Absolutely digital banking and investment. So I'm really happy to say hello to our guests. And the first, I will give the word, please, can you introduce yourself? I think we can start with Daenerys Finance. Hi there, can you introduce yourself please?

Project Introductions Begin

Yeah, I see you can't speak. Your mic is on, you can just introduce yourself, introduce the project. Excuse me, I'm a bit confused. So, with MC Squared finance, right, because I probably, we discussed it over the text chat and properly never pronounced the project name. Right. So we are called MC Squared finance. And yeah, we are building a smart portfolio marketplace that involves analytical tools and copy trading features for traders who use non custodial wallets, and for people who want to get closer to defi in a safer and more convenient way. So further on, I'll be able to explain how we are trying to revolutionize and also bring some actual adoption to defi space and yeah, happy to do so.

Continuing Introductions

Yeah, thank you so much for very informative introduction. Well, I think we'll just firstly, one by one, introduce ourselves, and after that we will start with a really impressive questions. By the way, everyone, we are really appreciate to see all of you here, and please pay attention to absolutely each guest. So the next one is the basalt coin. So welcome and can you please introduce yourself and the product that you are representing right now? Hello, do you hear me? Yep, absolutely, we can all hear you well, yeah. Hello everybody, my name is Alexander, I am the founder of the Bazaar exploit. So what we are building, I want like to highlight a little bit about the project where we are building the most sustainable defi ecostruxure, let's say ecosystem for investment opportunities.

Basalt Coin Introduction

So we are delivering, let's say liquidity from the offline to online, from Web 20 to Web 30. And it's of course make the project more sustainable. So we are long term project connected. We are connected. We are bridge between the airwa and web zero three, let's say like this. Yep, that's great. I believe that all of us needs bridges right now. Yeah, that is just simply simplifying our crypto life. Right. And all the actions we're doing within the web three network. Yeah, that's a great job. Thank you so much. And I, our third guest for today is Nereus Finance. Hey there, please, can you introduce yourself and tell us shortly what is the main thing Nereus bringing to DeFi right now?

Nereus Finance Introduction

Hello, do you hear me? Hope everything is working fine. Yeah. Okay, so I'm Porta from Nirius Finance. I'm a marketing officer and community manager. And what is Needius Finance? Nearest finance is a trading platform, but perpetual trading platform. So we have the leverage up to 150 times. And what we are bringing something what's kind of not so usual, how to say in a defi. So we want to bring the six like user experience so that everything looks like on centralized exchange, but it's set up on a defi. So that's kind of our thinking that if you want to make the crypto some kind of, let's say mass adoption, we got to prepare something for these people similar what they're using already.

Discussing User Experience and Mass Adoption

So if you want to have a mass adoption pretty fast, we got to prepare something for them. And that's what we are doing. We are preparing something for them, what they are already using, but in a centralized manner. And now we are preparing the same look, but in a decentralized manner. So that's our kind of main thing. What we are doing with near use finals at the moment. Yeah, thank you so much. So yeah, I believe that right now we can clearly see the trending that is coming to defy. So yeah, just everyone trying to simplify life and really to make sure that every web two user just understand all the features and all the benefits of using web stream.

Transition to Questions

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you so much, guys. Well, right now, thanks to our guests for those introductions. I think it's time we can switch gears and move to you, the questions that we actually gathered while exploring your products. And believe me, community, these are something that you better pay attention for. And we've got some excellent offers from you as well, in our, comments below our announcement post. So I think, we can start ahead. In any case, if you guys will have any questions, you can raise your hand, or write a question down in comments. I see, I see that we have already over 70 comments, but a bit slow down. We will start from our own.

Questions Begin

So the first one, I'm sorry, it's a bit difficult for me to pronounce. Is it mc squad finance? Right. Mc squared, basically. That's easy. Yeah. So you see, we just once, and once again reminding the name. So, guys, I hope you are not like me and you will really keep the name very well. So thank you for help. And the first question is like, it's a bit generalized, but I believe it will let us understand a bit more, like what problem in DeFi ecosystem your projects try to actually tackle, and what solutions do you offer to actually reach your expectations and expectations of your community?

Addressing Problems in DeFi

Yeah, thanks for the question. And before I get to the answer, I'd like to tell that I absolutely love this panel. I'm starting to see the pattern, like how well DeFi, the founders of DeFi Protocol, start to realize the problems in this space and try to actually make these services not only, you know, functional, but also convenient for the audience, as also basalt coin and Porto crypto explained recently. So we are trying to tackle several problems. First of all is of course, the accessibility of DeFi services. Because if we consider the previous market cycle, like several years ago, like many of you tried Defi services and perhaps even had certain successes there.

Challenges of Previous Market Cycles

But unless you followed really closely your investments in what, you know, positions you entered, where you did yield farming, where you did some credit provision, where you did some, you know, some investments into synthetic assets, you actually had really hard time following all of that. People often got lost. People often got confused that you, for instance, have to follow the yields. So we basically want to bring really convenient one entry point where people can follow all their portfolios on multiple wallets, on multiple chains, and simultaneously with, like, on the same platform. They should also be able to get certain sources for information that are verified, for instance, traders.

The Importance of Verification

Right? So we have lots of chaos, lots of traders on X and other social media, including YouTube, and they claim that they kind of do some stellar trades. But the problem with social media as we know it is that people basically often just, they just, you know, can slap some screenshots of good trades or sometimes do the so called term cherry picking. So only pick best trades and then claim that they're real gurus and that people should trust them. We want to eliminate the problem by basically having our users to have accounts on our platform that would follow all their path, so people can actually see the development of their portfolio with all, you know, negative consequences as well as positive ones.

Dividing Target Audience

And we want that to be verifiable so that we can divide our audience. I'll target audience in like two groups. So there are professionals that can actually monetize their content and do it in convenient way. So, and there are users who can either learn those traits, learn from those portfolios, learn from those insights, and they can also enable copy trading if they, for instance, feel that they don't have enough time to properly, you know, do trades themselves. And of course, we want not to just enable people do that with just trading fungible tokens, but actually enter various defi protocols.

Building a Comprehensive Ecosystem

And like, where it brings us eventually is that the whole defi ecosystem is clustered into ecosystem built by various networks, layers, ones, layers, twos. And those networks have like their own hubs, their own series of protocols. And we can provide white label solutions. They already have, you know, commitments to implement several such white label solutions at certain layer twos on Ethereum. And so that there is the same type of service, same level of service available within one ecosystem. So it's not necessarily promoting other networks, but still the same level of consistency of following all your assets, all your portfolios, or all your inputs and various protocols is available within this certain ecosystem.

Future Developments and Challenges

Imagine, you know, think like base, think like linea, think like mantle, whatever, many more. We are also going soon past the EVM, so into non EVM ecosystem as well. And so there are still many challenges to tackle. But at least, as I said in the beginning, we see a certain patterns, as we see right now in this panel, that a new generation of Defi protocols are also trying to make their products much more approachable or work on bringing their approachability to all existing services via their own UI and interfaces. Yeah, I hope it's been clear. I'm sorry that the answer was not very concise, but at least I hope I have been clear.

Closing Remarks by Speaker

My name is Ted, by the way. I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself in the beginning, was a bit too rushed to introduce the project, but yeah, thanks. Yeah, thank you so much. That was absolutely fully answered and well, as we can see that your solutions as a white label solution, as the solution for traders, for the ones who wants to see how traders trade and so on. So we can say simply that you are fit into absolutely everyone who is just curious in defi itself. That's absolutely great. What does the market tell us to do?

The Path Forward

Right? Simplify and be fitting to everything and everywhere. Yeah, that's absolutely great. Thank you so much for the answer. Pretty fulfilled and well, I have one more question from our team about the project. Well, as far as we know, there has been a lot of excitement around your partnership announcements. So do these collaborations actually alliance with the MC Square long term goals or like. Or what? Sorry, you got it? Yes. Yeah. Okay, so I'd say that like all types of partnerships and collaborations fit into one of three categories. So because like being head of marketing and also among other things, running the community operations in the project, I try to estimate like what effect will be from every partnership and some effects kind of help to the community to grow and to be more engaging while some other are more product oriented.

Collaboration Types and Community Growth

And then we also had like another type of collaborations that were aimed more on brand awareness and also on certain type of, I know, I'd say social engagement. So we wanted to grow our community. We still run like and plan more of both ways and we treat them differently. But I'd like to tell you more about like the third type of partnerships that we do that probably is a bit more unique and a bit more, can be a bit more interesting to the audience is that we actually are looking for skilled professional traders and also skilled, but perhaps still, you know, beginning KLS so that we actually partner up with them.

Ambassador Programs Overview

And we have two types of ambassador programs. One is called trader in residence. And it is when you are actually a professional crypto trader who can do analysis, who can analyze their portfolio on analyzable pitfalls or perhaps give certain trading workshops and we can help you actually build your community and also help you monetize it. Another one is what we call KL in residence. Basically, it allows you to properly help us with the branding and with reaching additional audience and in return we kind of do the same for you.

Synergy and Collaboration Opportunities

So we help you to properly follow up with all your posts, including some other activities that you do. And we kind of want to establish certain synergy in this existence. And of course, we are always happy to find new partners. So feel free to check out our discord and apply for one of those two programs. As for our collabs with projects, especially the ones that fit very well for like product engagement, I like including the panelists of today on this panel, I would really want to incentivize you guys to just hit me on the DM on x, even right now.

Results from Past Campaigns

And I gladly discussed all the types of collapse opportunities and we can schedule something even this month because we are indeed trying to grow through these partnerships. We believe it's much more organic, much more efficient than, you know, traditional types of marketing and we've already seen the results of previous campaigns. We maintain all the metrics. It is indeed making me happy to see these results as we do. Same as we did with Airdrop Sprint this summer when we managed to have, after we called all the bots, we managed to have like 3800 actively engaged people, 1500 out of them completed more than 20 tasks each.

Community Engagement and Support

And we think we absolutely nailed it. Actually got really active people. Many of them later became our ambassadors. So I think we are up to something on the community side and on the product side. Yeah. We very much appreciate our community helping us with testing, with building, with trying releasing new features for the last couple of weeks every Friday. And our community is very much engaged. They help us to try everything to spread the word and we are onto this path to this newfound glory in Defi.

Partnerships and Community Development

So yeah, happy to be in this space and literally asking panelists to hit me up on the diem and let's plan sort of partnerships and collabs soon with you as well. Well that's great. I would say that you definitely nail it. And all professional traders and not so professional. I hope you all heard this. Hit them right now. I think you don't want to be the number 100 in their dm. So I really suggested to start us up and as far as I've heard like two programs for traders that is like with the full support, with the full educational program, as far as I understood.

Introduction to Basalt Coin

That's absolutely. Wow. So yeah, everybody, whatever you are b two b product, or you are just like a trader or any community manager. I really suggest you just go and type in diem, offer your thanks. Yeah, that's great. Thank you so much. We will turn back to you later. We still have some questions from our community. And right now I just suggest to everyone, move a bit further for our next project. It's basalt coin. It's an investment ecosystem. I will just repeat fastly and actually like gateway to decentralized finance for everyone.

Sustainable Practices in Crypto

They are the first provide real business liquidity to crypto and web three projects. Well, I think it makes real sense right now. And. Sorry, my first question. So as far as we know, basalt Coin has introduced some sustainable practices in the crypto world. And could you please discuss how these practices are actually integrated in your project separations and what is their impact on your holders? You are able to just turn on your mic and.

Addressing Basalt Coin's Vision

Yeah. Do you hear me? Yep, yep. Yeah. So, hello. One more time. I want to make a little bit more introduction at first. Yeah. Why we are named, first of all, the basalt coin. So we, I have a partner. He is my CEO and co founder inside the project. And we have like, we are like minded people who want to make this world a little bit better. So we decide after all of the things we just happened on the market, let's say, in the crypto space with the FTX, with Luna and all of things.

Creating Sustainable Solutions

So we decided to create something more sustainable, which is will, which will have benefits for all of the sites. At the same time, I have also experienced in my life where I was in Silicon Valley. And Thomas Michael, founder, he's still working in Silicon Valley, more than 15 years old, in one of the biggest companies. So we have seen a lot of real good inventions, which was never happened, let's say, because of the bureaucracy, because of the other stuff.

Innovative Platform Development

And we decided, so we can definitely make a platform who will combine inventors, investors, and all of the things, bring it all together. And we start with our idea. And so we decided to create a platform who will find RWA assets, which is really will be useful for all of the humanity, more sustainable materials and all of the things, and then like tokenize it and also take a part in some of the project and all the stuff.

Basalt Production and Future Negotiations

And then we have found the basal production. It's, let's say, basal stone recycling. And we have started, first of all, like Web 20 a couple of years ago. We have invested a lot of own funds there. We have got the mvp, we got the certification in Europe. We have got to test. We have got the patent and all of the things like. And right now we are far away in a couple of big negotiations with the government, let's say to establish their real production, which will be very huge.

Establishing a Market Presence

Let's say it will be automatically monopoly on the market. So we are already far away with RWA and the main idea to establish such a project, launch it and then deliver the liquidity inside our ecosystem to the web. 30 and there we have also some inventions and if we are talking about the benefits, I would tell the next one. So the basalt coin is like we are pioneering sustainability practices and we are trying deeply integrate them into every aspect of our project.

Sustainable Revenue Generation

For example, for each user, our sustainable approach for a long term stability and the growing the project. There we have RWA, we trying to create revenue through the tokenizing some promising inventions in RWA, like a water purified system, like a new source of electricity, some sustainable materials. And we want to establish a solid foundation for liquidity. We will lock this liquidity so the user will see that the project is sustainable.

Unique Offerings for Investors and Inventors

And let's say for a VC for family offices, our model offering access to pipeline, let's say to pipeline where the high potential project we are focusing on sustainable and trying to make to find some groundbreaking technologies. We provided for some venture capitals or for some, let's say government long term opportunity and to invest in the early stage inventions with the growth potential we make in full market research and all of the stuff we pack in the project.

Creating a Win-Win Ecosystem

And of course for inventors, this is the most interesting point. We are given a possibility to bring the project to the line. So for it, we will create RWA marketplace later on and but about it, I will, I hope I will talk about it a little bit later. In a short, let's say long story short, the bazaar coin creating win to win scenario for all stakeholders. By fostering an ecosystem where the user enjoy the project stability, investors gain access to cutting edge opportunities and inventors receiving their recognition and support.

Long-Term Vision and Sustainability

They need to bring their innovation to the market. But our main idea, which we are following, like to make this world a little bit better and to make most sustainable project in the whole of the month. We are not the token or the project which is like a pump and a dump. We will lock the liquidity. We will use the pay tech mechanism from the revenue of the RWA. We will have some unique features in our wallet about it.

Future Plans and Project Stability

I will talk a little bit later. So we are trying to do a lot of steps and we are going very carefully with it. For all of the users inside the market, which is believing in our project, which is supporting us sustainable future, because we are building such an ecosystem which will be independent of the conditions of bearish or bullish market, say so. This is our vision and that's what we are trying to do.

Responding to Sustainable Future

Thank you. Well, there are a few words that's really stuck in my brain. Firstly, I believe that all the crypto, especially if I say the current market, we are just waiting for any sustainable future. This is first. And what makes me really happy is to hear from the founder about win to win scenario. I bet that this is our best plan to act for anyone from web three.

Imagining Future Developments

So as well, can I give some more? Just like an imaginary project which will establish each year one or two or three, maybe later on ten RWA project and bring this liquidity inside the ecosystem, what could better? So this is our main goal, main target, and we have a plan for the next, let's say 2030 years. Well, this mechanic, if it will be integrated and if it will work during next 2030 years, I believe we can say that crypto future, it might look sustainable and more safe for everyone.

Expertise and Background of the Team

And plus, I want to just pay attention to all our community that we've heard that the founders and the workers of basalt coin are Silicon Valley workers and they're here. Wow. I believe Tim means a lot. So I just suggest you guys go ahead and double check about the project and double check how it's great to be an early bird, whatever happens.

Technological Innovations Being Developed

Yeah, okay, thank you. Thank you so much for your answer. And I've got one more question for you. Can you please share some insights into technological innovations like we talked about it, but maybe you can mention just a few parts, exactly what you are currently developing, like to make our community even more focused on your nearest goals. Yeah, sure.

Current Focus on Basalt Recycling Production

I will do it with a pleasure from the RWA. It's very easy. We are right now concentrating on our basalt recycling production because there are some companies who try to do the same, but we have got a patent about it and the guys like their competitors, let's say they produce only fiber. And we like, we already have a 3d modeling, we can build like a print out the houses, we can use it in car industry, we can use that in the building industry.

Government Engagement and Environmental Innovations

We have already, like, we have already done some rebound and rebound all of these things, like, and we are right now talking with a couple of governments in the MEnA region about it. So I can definitely tell the names of the countries like Oman and Saudi Arabia. It's very interesting for them. The same like in the same time we have our right now is trying to onboard a couple of more projects with a greenway, recycling of the waste and all of the stuff.

Innovative Approaches to Asset Verification

But it's still now not proofed and we are not offering any, let's say LWA assets for investors who which we didn't prove to. So that it will be having let's say huge mark potential. And from the web, zero, free zero. This is like also very interesting. We are developer and working hard about the absolutely new kind of generation of the web.

Security and Automated Features in Future Wallet

Zero. Free wallethead. The free zero. So let's say I will just make a little bit, it's a little bit interesting. I will tell like this. So even with our wallet when it will be already full version of it, even if you have a seed phase, even if you have access to device, you still cannot hack it, you still cannot stall the funds. This is the first, the second one.

Innovative Passive Income Generation

It will be a lot of automated features for passive income inside and inside the wallet. It will be airware marketplace. It's some kind of RWA launchpad where the users from one side can like buy our token and just take it for a period of the launch in RWA asset.

Token Rewards and Project Tokenization

And then in the end they will have a reward with the USDT and as well with a reward within our token for is like a long term staking. And the same time it's a possibility for inventors, let's say tokenize their project with a couple of the clicks. So this we are building for this. We are calculating right now all of the things like there is a lot of unique features inside this wallet and we are hope that the first version, like it will be just a web 30 version will come out in the next like let's say three, four months and the full version will be around a half year. We want to introduce it a little like let's say half year later. But we then we have found a technology solution for absolutely new kind of generations, security generation. And this we are right now developing and want to represent it to the world with like absolutely new kind of product in the on a wallet market, let's say.

Development Timeline and Features

And this is our main targets right now which we are developing and there is a lot of unique features inside. So it's like this. I do not want to tell about a lot of other projects which we are thinking about, but this is like our main two goals which we are following and which we are developing. Well, thank you so much. So once again, after three, four months, the first version gonna come live and the final one just expecting in a half year. That's really promising. And just let me repeat once again for our community. First of all, no one can steal your fonts. Yeah, guys, everything is set. Finally, a little bit more sentences from my side. So I bet like the web zero 30 version will come around like three, four months, then we'll be some testnet and all the things, the full version we hope will come out around like six months, maybe a little bit later.

Focusing on Security and User Experience

But it only depends of the development. Not because we do not want, but we want to be sure that all the features which the user will use there will bring no losers for users because this will be like automated trading, algorithm trading, and all of the other features. And we want to check ten times, 20 times how much will be necessary, all the strategies, because our, let's say our safety and sustainability is our main prioritizing priority. Yeah, that, I'm really happy to hear this sort of priorities from the project. It's really important to stay safe, to stay secure, to don't have a headache at night about your wallet that might be stolen or whatever. One more thing, just for community, just for you to pay attention. As you've heard, Bazaar coin promised lots of passive income opportunities for everyone as well as RWR marketplace that will offer also our rewards as, but as far as we all know, in web three, community means everything.

Projects for Inventors and Creators

Plus please, I want all inventors, all the creators, just simply pay attention to the words that you will be able to organize your project with ease. That's, I believe, solving lots of problems in our current market. So yeah, thank you so much. That was a really great explanation. I believe that our community find lots of valuable insights from your speech. Thank you so much. And we're just moving to the next speaker, it's Nereus finance. Hi there. Well, firstly, I think I would like to ask a question going directly, like as far as we know, you are known for your robust security measures.

Key Features for Security and Privacy

And can you please explain me deeply about the key features that actually ensure using transactions is secure and private on your platform? How are you reaching these goals? Hello again, everybody to everybody. So of course near use finance, like let's say all crypto projects paying a lot of attention and it's kind of one of the most important thing is security and privacy. And we build our platform on three main pillars to ensure a safe and transparent trading experience. So the first one is on chain settlement. So what that means that all the transactions and everything is on chain and everything is visible and everything can be verified. So we are working on polygon blockchain. So 100% of all transactions are visible and they're on chain.

Audit and Layer Two Solutions

So everything goes on chain. There's nothing off chain. There's nothing going on in some centralized server or something like that. So everything is on chain. That's the first thing. Second thing is what, let's say every, almost every crypto project have. It's a smart contract audit. So our smart contracts are audited and we pay a lot of attention on that everything is set up perfectly. And the third thing is ZK powered layer two solutions. So that's going to be in our version two. At the moment we are in a version one. And when we incorporate this ZK power layer two solution, we're going to upgrade these multiple security benefits. So that's kind of, you know, so three things we hold on over here to have secure and safe place for user. So by combining this settlement we have a really robust security and safety and also privacy.

Balancing Transparency and Privacy

People think maybe everything is visible and it's not private, but there's the catch. So everything is visible. Everything is transparent on a blockchain, but there is privacy also for the user. So it won't be some kind of names and email address or something like that. So that won't be visible. And that's kind of main thing. That's kind of very interesting thing to have. Transparency, visibility and privacy, of course, safety in the same time. Well, I believe that all these transactions are on chain. It's transparent. And that's true. Probably some of listeners think that transparent doesn't mean being private, but no, transparency doesn't mean the lack of privacy.

User Experience and Trading Environment

Really happy to hear that. And I believe that these steps might really make all our experience easier, more smooth and actually, again, safe for users. Yeah. Thank you so much for your answer. Yeah, if you have something to add, feel free. I just want to say that our mission is that people feel safe and secure when they are on our platform and they can, you know, focus on what they are trading, what are going to be leverage for them and all that stuff, so they don't have to think about security and safety and privacy, that we're going to prepare everything that works everything perfectly for them so that they can be relaxed and do their own thing, what they do probably the best. That's great.

Increasing Leverage and Speed of Execution

Yeah. So we can say simply that as far as you are leveraging this layer too, like all the traders who are listening for us now, you can really feel this experience when you're staying in your own privacy, but still it's secured and still it's decentralized. Well, I believe that's what all we need in defy. Yeah. This only thing that will make us feel relaxed. Right. And trade with ease and fun. Yeah. Thank you so much. And well, I have one more question for you actually. Like we know that there is, you know, constant revolution within the defi.

Strategies for Staying Competitive

It's nonstop something changing, new trends are coming and like we're really curious what strategies in Neris finance employing to stay, let's say competitive and relevant in our current market when all the trends just crazy jumping and changing. What is your, let's say the core value or a core idea that brings you ahead. Okay, so we have more things. Yes, things are changing pretty fast and that's true. So, and people in the same time, people would like to have something usual what they used before, what I said before. Also we're gonna have this web two experience in a web three platform. So this is the thing.

User Comfortability and Leveraging Options

What kind of our, I wouldn't say main thing, but it's kind of one of the important things. So things are changing fast. But in the same time people want to have something, they want to use something where they used all the time. So we don't want to bring them something new user experience. Some new user experience which they're going to need to adjust. We're going to adjust the platform for them what they used before. But except that we're going to have, or we already have up to 150 times leverage so we're going to have pretty big leverage so people can play with the leverage.

Execution Speed and Diverse Trading Instruments

We're going to have a nearly instant execution. That's kind of important thing because you know, in today's world everybody want to have everything fast and very fast. And now so especially when it's kind of executions and these transactions in the trading everything's got to be fast. So everything got to happen in a moment when user wanna happen. So not 1 second later, not kind of 2 seconds later, but it's gotta be nearly instant and it's gotta be let's say instant because everybody wanna have that everything now and fast so they can use the trading platform like they used to use.

Prediction Markets and Real-World Applications

We're gonna have a diverse trading instrument like we have a prediction market. What's really cool right now at the moment we have a prediction market for some kind of, okay, so at the moment we have a prediction market for the United States elections. So you can make a trade on the Trump or you can make a trade on Paris. So you can choose whatever you like. In this prediction market, what's kind of cool if, let's say some kind of mixed emotions. If you want to have, if you want to, let's say that Trump wins, but you bet on Harris.

Betting and Profitability in Prediction Markets

And if Harris wins, well, you're still going to be happy because you earn the money, but you won't be happy because Trump didn't win. So you can have this win situation or you can go all in Harris, whatever. So these prediction markets are interesting and that's kind of real world situations where you can use basically in crypto. So that's kind of our main things. What are we going to offer? Things going be the forex over here and commodities.

Future Developments in Trading Platform

So we're going to have, let's say this perpetual trading platform is going to have almost everything. How to say, wow. Yeah, I think same as for my ears. It was really honey to hear the high leverage. Yeah, I just suggest everyone to focus on this really important part that you are offering up to 115 x leverage. That is absolutely. Wow. Yeah. That's something that we want to pay attention for and we want to really hear from the projects that are so great staying right now in the current market.

Conclusion of Introduction and Community Engagement

Well, I'm really happy that all our participants introduce themselves and explain us shortly about the main parts and let's say main ideas of their projects right now. Just suggesting everyone switch gears again and move on to the community question. Actually, we've gathered them under our announcement post. Just want to repeat once again it's going to be reported. And thank you so much for everyone. We pick really one of the best, I believe. So I think we should start with the m squaredify. I'm sorry, but I bet that right now it was already good.

Initiatives for Creators and Strategies

Well, I want to ask you, like which, what initiatives does the project offer to creators and let's say, like, what mirrors actually your successful strategies? What are you offering right now for your community? Well, that's actually an excellent question, although I don't know where to start. So when you ask about the creators, you mean like the creators of any type of content, right? Not necessarily.

Content Creation and Sprints

Necessarily visuals, right? Oh, definitely, yeah. Just let's say. Okay, so of course we are not focusing too much on visuals. I mean, we appreciate very much. Okay, let me correct myself. We appreciate very much high quality visual content. And we do have, let's say we are running sprints, I think, like every month, including the one that is running right now, where people can actually join our sprints. It is running on Zilli.

Promoting Content on Social Media

If you have some good skills and running content, even on some kind of platforms where we are not natively present, for instance TikTok, and you can properly demonstrate our platform and you also give it some extra touch to make it more appealing and you also have a good following base, then we are happily going to reward you. It's even further possible to get, you know, certain, I'd say upgrade on, I don't know, both rewards and recognitions in ambassadors program. Because for ambassadors, as explained before, if people are running for KL in residence ambassador program, they can actually get some sort of points to be featured by ourselves officially. So we are always happy to reinforce the stellar content. If people promote us, we promote them.

Professional Opportunities for Traders

They get extra following, they get extra recognition, extra references. So they can also be perhaps more desired as professionals by other projects and so on, so forth. But of course that only about kind of promotion on social media when it refers to the content that is relevant to a product that is of course some kind of educational content, analysis of tokens or portfolios, perhaps you have certain exit strategy. So this is like the core of our smart portfolio marketplace that we're building. It is, we're professional, or perhaps, I don't know how to put it, semi professional, like let's say full time traders or people who do it like as a hobby, but with great amount of success, they can actually monetize, they can actually get their following base and they can have it, you know, in a seamless manner so they don't have to develop any kind of platforms of their own, be the discord server or telegram group.

Support and Resources for Traders

Because we are going to help with all of that. We just want them to prepare the content itself that would be of good quality. Perhaps you can run some trading workshops, like lectures and sessions for our community, and we are definitely going to reinforce that with extra following, extra engagement. Perhaps running some extra quizzes for people who attended your lectures, provide them with actual incentives. So we are really trying to build a convenience space for people to be able to focus on the investments in Defi and we are willing to, you know, release you of any extra stress running the communities and, you know, spending time there.

Invitation to Aspiring Traders

So if there are any aspiring traders or pro traders or, I don't know traders who do that for hobby, but know what they're doing, then hit me on DM. We already have programs established for that and we gladly enroll you onto our programs and help you to build following and help you to monetize it. And yeah, I think, I hope that's, you know, been detailed enough. So sorry if I digress too much.

Community Engagement and User Participation

No, no, that's absolutely great. We just understood, simply let me go very short, guys. Who is really great about the content? Who is great or maybe not that great about the trading. Just go ahead, mention the project, make yourself visible and really go ahead. So they're opening all the doors for all the creators, for all the, I mean, I can with the case study because maybe sometimes I just provided in general terms, it's not clear literally what happened like few weeks ago is that there was like one professional trader who was working in banking sector, I may be mistaken, I don't remember exactly. Probably he mentioned investment banking.

Path to Independent Trading

Then he kind of became like an independent crypto trader and was such for a few years. And then he just hit me up on LinkedIn and told me that he actually wants to run some kind of calls groups to have his content shared, to have certain following, but he doesn't know where to start. So we just enrolled him and now we are planning a series of events with him and we are going to help him to, you know, drives certain engagement, have growth and for his content. And basically he just has to do what he knows how to do and what he loves and he is going to be absolutely hassle free with regards to promotion of his content because we are going to handle that.

Building Sustainable Investment Strategies

So, and we are actually helping traders to benefit from this opportunity. Thank you so much for information. I've heard, I hope sorry that everyone heard it. Well, guys, just be active, really. I mean all the future, all the income you have just depends on you. I mean as we see, we've got here three projects who are really saying to all of you, just come to us and we will make your life easier. That's, that's true. Okay.

Closing Remarks on Trading Opportunities

Thank you so much for your great answer. That, that was awesome. So Anna, let's go to, sorry, can I add something regarding the newest financing? Sure, of course, go ahead. We are getting a bit free speech. That question remind me. So it's kind of what we have, of course, what we have for our community. So the community is important in crypto space. So, you know, if you don't have a community, you can have the best trading power platform. And if nobody trading, that's kind of useless.

Engagement and Community Building

Of course. So what we offer for our community and have right now at the moment is our special points system. So everybody can jump on a point system and collect the points. And after that in the future we're going to issue our near use finance token and all the users we going to have the points going to receive the airdrop. What's kind of not that unusual in a crypto trade, but the greatest thing is that everybody who owns the token will receive 80% of the trading fees and the needed finance platform. So there is a really good usability of that future needed finance token.

Gamification and User Engagement

Everybody can jump in our point system, which is kind of fun and cool to collect the points because there is some kind of task and all that stuff. But what makes more like gamify, let's make everything interesting and we're going to have a leaderboard and all the stuff. So I invite everybody who want to join in our points system. It's going to be rewarding for them in the future. Thank you.

Community Engagement Initiatives

Yeah, thank you so much. Thank you so much for adding. Yeah. By the way guys, you can all just raise your hand and I would be happy to give you some extra words. Yeah. And well, we're almost 1 hour here. That's great. That goes well. Okay, let me ask one more like really important question from our community. Swear I they were praying in comments just to bring this life.

Risk-Free Investments in Cryptos

So the question is for basalt coin team, for the founder, look how basalt team will provide risk free investment to investors. Because we seen in last some months all projects are falling just due to bad planning and very least investor interest. Well, I think you might answer well in it like what is your risk free? Yeah. Thank you.

Institutional Investor Strategies

Yeah, yeah. Let's say we have a couple of the possibilities for institutional investors, VC's and the government. It's very easy when they see the product from our site. It's a fully packed product with all of the marketing facilities, research and all of the stuff. And of course they have own analytical guys and they know what they are doing. Our goal is to protect our community and this is the point.

Sustainable Investment Models

What we will use like a win to win system, let's say. I will just give an example. We are publishing on our LWA marketplace any kind of, let's say water purify system. And the people say aha, it's interesting. This could be already established in one year. I can buy some, let's say I can take it part and I can buy some bazaar token with a market price. The people buy it and they will see a calculation how much they will get the bazaar token additionally for a staking for let's say two years or two and a half years or three years even, or maybe half year however.

Revenue Sharing and Token Burn Mechanism

So they will get it of any case. Yeah, in the same time and the same time when the, when we are like in a project we came out, come out from the investment of the RWA side, we will get some revenue and we will split this revenue between all of the users who has taken part as let's say, some kind of crowd investing platform. If and if of any reason the project will be discontinued. We will burn the same emission of the token who reach our community all together, which our community came all together to invest. So this is our main turn.

Long-Term Project Sustainability

And the same time, what we will do, if the project will be, let's say, successful on the market, we will bring our some revenue for us. We will use the around 33% of all of the liquidity to lock it forever inside our ecosystem. This, what, this is our goal to make the project more sustainable, let's say, and more comfortable for a long term investment for each of the users. Because the game with the pump and dump sometimes bring very good benefits.

Changing Investor Mindset

But in the 90% of the cases, it's bring you only down and that's it. So we want to, let's say, to find a little bit other minded people who want to have quite, let's say, quiet nights with a sleeping, where they know that their investment is ongoing. Team is making this professional. All the stuff for each our feature, which we will propose for user, we will make like thousands of times of control and all the stuff.

Tokenomics for Transparency

And of course with the RWA, we want to use not only buyback mechanism, like a liquidity locking, but as well we will use a burn mechanism if of any reason the project will be discontinued. So this is our technique how we will do it. And it's like it's following up our tokenomic plan and all of the stuff. And so it is, yeah, I think it's a good question.

Long-Term Strategies in the Crypto Market

Yeah, that is absolutely a great answer. So I really love that. I believe all the traders need a new, and them like sleep well, you know, like really don't lose your brain while the market is going crazy. And I'm really happy to hear from the nowadays project about the long term strategies. I believe it's important for the whole market and for just daily users.

Final Thoughts and Session Conclusion

Yeah, that's absolutely what we all did. Yeah. Thank you so much for your answer. Thank you. And well, actually our last question from the community to Nereus network. Well, about the point system, I'm just reading the question from the community. Could you tell us convertibility mechanism and general strategy also, how many points have been accumulated so far?

Accumulating Points and Airdrop Mechanism

So, well, regarding the points, everybody accumulate points during the time and during the action. So people are doing the tasks and they collect the points. So every day we have some kind of new tasks, and we got the old task, we got the one time task, we got repeating tasks. So basically, you know, it's never too late to jump on the train until, of course, the talk issued and out.

Airdrops Based on Engagement

Still, there is still enough time, I believe, at the moment, so everybody can jump it and start to collect the points at the end when the token is going to be out. So we're gonna, people are gonna receive the airdrop depending on how much points they collect and how much points they have. So I'm not sure to tell you exactly how it's gonna be regarding the points. It's going to be one, or there's going to be some kind of different calculation.

Recognition for High Engagement

But for sure, the more points you have, the more reward you're going to receive. Thank you so much for your answer. And, yeah, actually, I believe that we've got all the answers that we wanted. And actually, I'm also very satisfied. I'm gonna just jump right now into and find out how I can find my early birds place to get in before all that we discussed are gonna come live.

Anticipating Community Participation

And I bet that after the, I don't know, thousands of community participants will really understand what is going on. Yeah, it's better to jump right now. And what I want to say thank you to our guests and all the participants for such a robust discussion today. Your insights and the questions, it really truly highlighted the world and the nature, let's say, of defi.

Conclusion and Future Engagement

So, alongside we discussed some challenges and opportunities that we are waiting for and that the project we have as a guest presents. So I hope really this session has been important and very thoughtful for you and, well, we hope that all these incredible projects will just flourish more and more. And what I want to say, well, stay tuned for more updates.

Final Sentiments

And right now, don't forget this AMA session is linked with our current Oktoberfest. And, yeah, let's conclude our AMA session, the rise of Defi. I believe that all of you get your own insights, maybe some thoughts that will definitely raise all your incomes, passive and active. So, yeah, thank you so much for the projects. I really appreciate to see you all here, and I believe we must do it again.

Encouragement for Innovation

So then, until next time, and keep innovating and stay decentralized. Thank you, everybody. Bye bye.

Appreciation and Acknowledgement

Thank you very much for hosting this Ama session. So much. Thank you, guys.

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