Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Next 100x Memecoin? #MemecoinDaily hosted by RoundtableSpace. Delve into the world of Memecoins with @MarioNawfal's Crypto Show as experts discuss investment strategies, community impact, and the future landscape of these unique digital assets. Learn about the risks, rewards, and key considerations when navigating the volatile Memecoin market. Discover how storytelling, innovation, and social media play pivotal roles in the success of Memecoin projects. Whether you're a newcomer or experienced investor, understanding Memecoin dynamics is essential for making informed decisions in the decentralized finance space.

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Q: How do Memecoins differ from traditional cryptocurrencies?
A: Memecoins are often based on meme culture, emphasizing community-driven values and humor.

Q: What strategies can investors use to identify promising Memecoin projects?
A: Researching the team, utility, market sentiment, and community engagement can help in identifying potential winners.

Q: How does community sentiment influence the success of Memecoins?
A: Positive community engagement can drive hype and momentum, influencing the value of Memecoin projects.

Q: What risks should investors consider when dabbling in Memecoins?
A: Volatility, lack of regulation, and potential for market manipulation are key risks associated with Memecoin investments.

Q: How important is storytelling and branding for Memecoin projects?
A: Unique narratives and branding can differentiate Memecoins, attracting audiences and fostering community support.

Q: Can Memecoins offer long-term sustainability in the crypto market?
A: While some Memecoins may see short-term spikes, long-term sustainability hinges on factors like utility and community engagement.

Q: What trends are shaping the future of Memecoins and their adoption?
A: NFT integrations, cross-chain interoperability, and meme tokenomics are evolving trends influencing Memecoin development.

Q: Are Memecoins a viable investment option for newcomers in the crypto space?
A: Investing in Memecoins requires thorough research, risk assessment, and understanding of the volatile nature of meme-based tokens.

Q: How do Memecoin projects manage to stand out in a saturated market?
A: Innovative features, strong communities, and engaging marketing tactics play a crucial role in distinguishing Memecoin projects.

Q: What role does social media play in the success of Memecoin projects?
A: Social media platforms serve as key channels for community building, marketing, and spreading awareness about Memecoin projects.


Time: 00:15:42
The Rise of Memecoins in Crypto Exploring the growing popularity and potential of Memecoins for investors.

Time: 00:25:18
Community-Driven Memecoin Projects Discussing the influence of strong communities on Memecoin success.

Time: 00:35:54
Navigating Memecoin Volatility Insights on managing risks and rewards in the volatile Memecoin market.

Time: 00:45:33
Strategic Investment Approaches for Memecoins Strategies for identifying and investing in promising Memecoin projects.

Time: 00:55:21
The Role of Social Media in Memecoin Hype Analyzing the impact of social media trends on Memecoin value and popularity.

Time: 01:05:49
Future Trends and Innovations in Memecoins Exploring upcoming developments and trends shaping the Memecoin space.

Time: 01:15:28
Risk Management in Memecoin Investments Understanding the risks and strategies for safe Memecoin investment practices.

Time: 01:25:17
Memecoin Marketing Strategies Insights on leveraging marketing tactics to promote Memecoin projects effectively.

Time: 01:35:59
Building Memecoin Communities Key strategies for fostering engaged and supportive communities around Memecoin projects.

Time: 01:45:42
The Future Landscape of Memecoins Predictions and discussions on the future developments and adoption of Memecoins.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the potential of Memecoins for exponential growth in the crypto market.
  • Exploring the dynamics of Memecoin communities and their impact on value.
  • Insights on navigating risks and rewards when investing in Memecoins.
  • The significance of market sentiment and trends in Memecoin success.
  • Strategies for identifying promising Memecoin projects with growth potential.
  • The role of innovation and unique narratives in Memecoin adoption.
  • Importance of due diligence and research before investing in Memecoins.
  • Community engagement and social media influence in Memecoin marketing.
  • Key factors driving the popularity and hype around Memecoins.
  • Risks associated with investing in speculative Memecoin projects.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greeting

Good afternoon, everybody. And I mean everybody. And, David, it is time for meat coin daily. Wait, why am I not included in everybody? You know, it doesn't feel right, honestly, comparing you, lumping you in with the rest of the people, it feels wrong, if I'm being honest with you. It just doesn't feel right. I mean, I'll take that as a compliment. Take a hover. You will. I love your glass half full approach. If I'm. If I'm being honest. I really appreciate that. But you know what? This is another amazing episode of Meme Coins. Daily. I get excited about these things. I look forward to them, even though what's crazy is I was just, like, sitting here, eating an apple, staring at my screen, and then all of a sudden, I was like, oh, my gosh, it's 03:00 so it just completely snuck up on me.

Friday Realizations

I'll be honest with you. It's Friday. That means that the batteries in my brain are low, probably on empty. I'm not solar powered like David, and I don't run off the energy of Starbucks. So, you know, I'm working through that technology. You what? It's fascinating technology. Starbucks? Yeah. I mean, honestly, it really is, you know, especially since you've helped them work them through their NFT technology thing. Okay, don't get me started on that. Last time I went questioning the barista, I almost got arrested. Yeah, I know. You know what? And I love the fact that, like. Like, we tell that story. I feel like, every week, but honestly, it hits a every single time. So, you know, I can't. I can't hate that at all. But, David, like, what's good?

Discussion on Recent Events

So, like, yesterday, honestly played with our heartstrings a little bit. Like, what was it, like two days ago, three days ago? Two days ago, three days ago, multiple days ago, when I sat up here and were talking about the Trump token, I was just like, it's not coming yet. It's not coming yet. And then I wake up the next morning, and everyone's like, oh, my gosh, where did this token come from? And I was like, I don't know. And then Don Junior came out last night and was just like, told you it wasn't mine. And I'm like, who, man? That one. You know, like, sometimes you have alpha, sometimes you don't. Sometimes the alpha comes over the top. Hey, block, you know, look, let me. Before we go over to block, let me ask you something about that. Do you think that at one point, there were, like, there were conversations about this token like, yes, Kanpai panda.

Conversations Around the Token

Like, they're not just making this up completely. It was just a disagreement last minute and didn't happen. Let me, let me. Let me put this whole thing to bed. Is that where there are conversations? I would have to believe so, from what I'm told, there were absolutely 100% conversations where there probably even overtures of, yes, let's do this. And guess what? There wasn't anything finalized, and the people running the project got a harsh lesson in what happens when you front run a project. And, you know, what happened after that is the project was essentially a rug pull. I don't care what anybody says about, like, the CTO and things like that. At the end of the day, I don't care whether you were the person that was, you know, behind the project and you lost it all.

Lessons from Project Mismanagement

Like, the thing is that you didn't need to do. Didn't need to pull the liquidity well, as much as you possibly could. For example, you know, that, hey, take your l reshape the project, rebrand it, and move on, and that's. It's a shitty situation. I mean, I guess you could say it's a shitty situation, but it. The project should be okay. Yeah, I mean, I've. I've literally trained myself to keep it moving after I get rugged. If. If I couldn't do that, I might. My day would literally be over after the first 2030 minutes. I mean, I don't know how I would continue on if I couldn't get over a rugged. I mean, KT. Look, the thing is, it's different because it's a lot of money. It was a lot of tension.

The Impact of the Trump Token

The Trump name. I get where everybody's coming from, but we're not in the same place that were last cycle. You can't blame people for you making dumb decisions. We know how the markets work. We know the up and down cycles, and everybody knows how meme coins work now. I mean, until there is solid representation, until there's official announcements, even, like, for me, I want to see VC funding. I want to see legitimate people and names. If it's something of that caliber, like, if I'm just messing around on pump fun. Okay. Ten rugs in a row. 11th one is going to be my lucky day. But when it's like a punch card, you make it sound like a punch card.

The Odds and Reality of Rug Pulls

You make it sound like a punch card. I've got. I have a pumpkart. K two it is. Like, I got. I got ten slots on there, you know, one rug. Okay, down. Two rugs down. Three rugs down. The odds of me getting a good next one keep going up. I mean, that seems like a win. This is. This is the blinded rage that fuels the meme coin community, and I love it. Jahan, what's good, man? Oh, happy Friday. Happy Friday. Hell, yeah. Absolutely. here's my take, and I like what I see. I definitely don't ever want to see VC money in that meme coin space. I especially don't want to see, like, projects try to manufacture memes, too.

Concerns Over Manufactured Memes

This is the thing I'm telling you guys right now. Part of the meme accelerant will be the stumbles and fumbles of manufactured memes. Manufactured meta everybody's nose. Like, they think they know, like, how the meme coin space works, but the meme coin space kind of sucks you in and then turns you. It turns into a bit of a meat grinder first. And I swear, there's gonna be a bunch of money that tries to flood this phenomenon and then fucking it up, and they will fuck it up royally at a variety of different levels. Is going to be an accelerant for the existing organic shit. That's how I see it playing out. Oh, man.

Excitement for the Future

Well, look, I'm excited for. I want to see how this evolves. I mean. Oh, totally. It's so wild, right? It's like the fucking wilderness. And it's kind of like a blank canvas to a degree. So, like, the artists are, like, twisting their mustaches. I know I am right now, as a matter of fact, probably because I have donuts still in my mustache, but that's a different story. I mean, those are just for later. Those are just. You know what I'm saying? Like, I'm not a dirty person. I am somebody who rations my food. You know, I djen so hard.

Personal Philosophy on Spending

This is where I'm at right now, you know? I hear you there. I am in the eat off the dollar menu. Drop five figure clips into meme coins club. He is the have to eat off the dollar menu. Because of that, I choose to, because if I do that for three years in a row, that is one extra clip. Do you guys hear the logic and the rationale that David uses to, like, get through life? What's wrong with my logic? I've got a good system going here. It's incredible. It is incredible. Defy God. What's up?

Perspective on the Meme Coin Space

Yeah, yeah. Gm. Gm, everybody. I just want to put on my. My take on whatever, meme coin is, because right now, everybody knows mint coins, a kind of gamble. And, you know, just a pin and a part, 50. If you win. If you lose. No. Yeah, so, that's my take. You know, I don't think, where. There is any way Mikoym is going for. A lot of them are pulling out. From ten aim, 200 a. M. Making up some millions. Yeah, it's more of gamble. Yeah.

Future Aspirations and Thoughts

Oh, there we go. More to come. I'm hoping there's more to come. My goal is for everybody to have their own meme coin. Every celebrity, athlete, politician, every MFR out there, I want to be able to do something and own some part of them. But, Matthew, what about you? And then just give us your take? Yeah, I think, you know, it's great if we actually go for these organic, raised, prime beef meme coins, the ones that come fresh from the trenches and actually do something. I don't want to see DC money in it. I think that's a really good take.

The Concept of Personal Meme Coins

I think it needs to be natural. It needs to come out. I do like the idea that everyone should have their own meme coin. I think that'd be hilarious. Imagine if your entire existence was just a meme coin. It's you. That's your personal value, and then you can get to see what your FTV is, which would be hilarious. How many people want a piece of you? And I think social fire is trying to do that, and they're doing it in not a fun way. I really think it would be really fun if everyone had their own meme coin.

Dystopian Future of Meme Coins

I mean, we've seen it with a lot of platforms that this can just happen, but having your own meme coin, maybe that's going to be your net worth in the future. Maybe that's what tokenization actually going to turn into. Everyone has their own pump farm with their own stupid name on it and their little face, and people can, you know, invest in you or laugh at you, and you can't really rug yourself without making yourself look like a dick. So I think that would be hilarious. That's the most. Honestly, like, when people talk about dystopian futures, like you saying that there's going to be meme coins that are representative people's social value is the most terrifying dystopian view of the future that anyone has ever recommended.

Reflection and Re-evaluation

And honestly, that comment has superseded anything that David has ever said. Matthew, honestly, it has caused me to reevaluate the way in which I look at you. But it's actually kind of a term of endearment as well. So it's like a sesame score. It's like a sesame score. But it's the most libertarian, like, vicious capitalist way of doing it. Instead of the government voting that you're not allowed to use the bus, you're just broke because no one likes you. That's the horrible black mirror future we're headed for, my friend.

Daily Realities and Rug Pulls

No, you're exactly right. You're exactly right. It's like I wake up every morning anticipating rug pulls and certain things that take that you just had was not one that I anticipated. So. Well played, my friend. Well played. Adam. What's good, man? Dude, I think Matt's right. And the sooner we realize that meme coins are money, the better off we'll be and just move into this completely new world where we get to choose our own money, and that money may be worthless tomorrow, but we're just hopping around on money as it's created.

The Growing Meme Coin Trend

I mean, the idea that, what are we creating, 20,000 meme coins a day? The idea that everybody's not going to have either their own meme coin or their own l two or their own whatever, I just see it's going to. It is happening. We're in the process of it happening. The question is, where's the value going to lie? And that's where we're here playing around in the early bits of getting to figure this stuff out. And so it's fun to be kind of in the trenches, figuring it out and getting rugged.

Strategies for Success

I love. I love David's strategy of just. I want to. The faster I can rug myself, the quicker I get to a winner. I don't know. I don't know, man. That seems like a bankrupt strategy, bro. I think that'll get you. That'll get you to zero pretty quick, man. But I love it anyway, and it's all fun. Look, adam, you only lose when you stop buying, bro. It's like. I don't know. It's like that movie. It's like I don't have a gambling problem. I have a cash flow problem.

The Nature of Winning

I don't know. It just reminds me of that quote, man. God help you, brother. You got to pick some winners in there, man. Got to pick some winners. I do. I do. But we're not talking about me, guys. We're talking about meme coins. I want to throw it over to block. Block. Who's. Who's paid you today? Like, I'm getting, brother, you're getting paid. What's going on?

Insights on Project Funding

We need to do one of those Lindsay Lohan swap movies. 1st first, the question that we have block. The real question is that how much did RTR pay you prior to the launch of the project? You know, I actually don't work on rugs. I'm sorry. I have a really keen rug detector. Anytime someone says, yo, I'm gonna give you guys some allocation. No, no. I don't want no allocation. Please do not give me allocation.

Understanding Rug Pulls

Yeah, I have a very keen eye and nose. I sniff them out, actually. Okay? So I sniff them out. they stink. They absolutely stink. They give me allocation, I send it right back. Cause I'm like, this stinks. It smells like my baby's diaper, bro. It's terrible.

Reflections on Current State

It's actually very bad. I threw my baby, look at like a yankee candle or a bed. Bathing beyond fragrance. It's like, it smells like rug pull. That's gonna be like a new jelly belly, jelly bean flavor. But no, I actually had a question, to be honest. Today is a curveball day. I wasn't prepared for this, but okay, hit me with it. Okay, so another Trump token, or a Trump adjacent, unofficial Trump token, ends up being a rug. My question is, like, yo, are we like, if there are no rugs, when like, the SEC finally, I don't know, quote unquote, cleans everything up, like cleansing space. Like, if there's no rugs, will it stop being fun for you guys? That's my question. I'm gonna, I'm gonna jump in here, probably. I don't know what it is about it, probably, but I think the SEC will get rid of all of the rugs the same way that the FBI and DEA get rid of all of the other crime out here. But that, you know, that's just my opinion, guys, keep fighting the good fight.

Discussion on Supply Control

I want to throw this over to bubble maps. Nick, what do you want to chime in with? It has been certainly an interesting couple of weeks for us because we've been at the center of all this controversy. Supply control is bullish. It's very interesting opinion. You have both sides of the argument. Some people saying, yeah, controlling the supply is super bullish because you reduce the selling pressure. And it's how you manage to get tokens worth 1 billion. And then on the other side of it, you have tokens like DGT who were supply controlled, something that we exposed early on. 67% of the supply was controlled, and then 20% of the supply is sold in one clip by one wallet. So it's, you know, certainly an interesting discussion. And I mean, it's. I'm happy that we have this conversation. I think it's healthy for the space to have people debate and argue on these topics, but to give ourselves some credits. I think the reason we're having this conversation in the first place is because it has never been easier to speak. But this control supply, thanks to bubble maps. So here it is. Just wanted to make this clear for all the people saying, bubble maps, you're funny. Bubble maps, you're just, you know, making everybody worry for the space.

Conversations on Blockchain Dynamics

No, we're not. We're actually bringing some on chain data facts. This is not FUD. This is on chain data. If you interpret this as FUD, maybe you have a problem with control supply. This is not my issue here. And, yeah, like, you know, we've been exposing so many of the Solana tokens with control supply, some performing quite well, some dumping to zero, you know, going sideways, up and down. It's not really our control, but, like, interesting to see those patterns. And yesterday we were on a space with Martin Shkreli and we. Did you listen to this one? No, we at IBC, I think you might. I think you're in that chat. But we reached out to him and he hit us with the go fuck yourself. Oh, yes, actually, yeah, I saw that. I saw. That was funny. You mean coin? Wonder? This is not.

Expectations on Token Dynamics

Is there a GFy meme coin? There's got to be. That's too many not to be. I still want a british one, which is. There has to be. I don't even want to check, because if there isn't, I may be, I may lose respect for some of the dj's out here. Of course, there's. Every combination of letters has been translated into a ticker at some point. This is for sure. But yesterday, so were talking with Martin Shkreli and we put him on the spot. We said, look, one month and a half ago during the Mario Nafa podcast, when we asked you about those 67% of the supply controlled by a couple of wallets, you said, hey, don't you worry. This supply is in safe hands. I know the guy personally. I don't have the private key, but I can guarantee, I can bet my life on it. The supply is safe, don't you worry.

Commentary on Financial Liabilities

And then he went on, you know, these whole Twitter spaces promoting this token actively saying Baron Trump was involved. And now that things are turning south, because this token has effectively rugged all the liquidity, he's threatening to sue Donald Trump and his sons. The guy. Come on. The guy seems to me like he's a bit opportunistic to say, why would you. Why would you come on x spaces to say it. The thing that would make the headline would just be filing a. Filing. Filing papers in a court of law. And I promise you, every news network, because they're liberal leaning and they hate Trump. This is. This is not a partisan thing. This is just a reality. Like, they would. They would jump all over it.

Legal Perspectives

Like, it would. It would have a level of exposure that thread guy couldn't possibly give to Martin. But Martin, you know, which is kind of weird, which seems to be the prevailing thing. Weird. Well, k two, maybe. Maybe they're trying to start a new track. Subpoenas. No, no, it's. What's weird is that Martin likes hanging out with kids. Like, that part's a little bit disturbing. Like, you know what I'm saying? So, like, I don't understand that. Like, just file the lawsuit, bro. Mister millionaire Pharma bro. Like, it sounds like he cares more about being heard and self soothed through spaces than actually filing the paperwork. I wish he would, but I wish that it was Martin who was being the lawyer.

Exploratory Discussions

Like, can. Can you do that? I know you can defend yourself, but can you be the lawyer when you're suing somebody? That's actually something that I should know, but don't. I'm just. I'm imagining Martin in an episode of Law and Order. Self representation, right? Yeah. When you're charged, you can, but I don't know if you can when you're suing somebody. Probably in small claims court. Well, definitely in small claims court, but I don't know about suing Donald Trump. I don't know. Casper, what do you think about that? Think everyone needs to retweet the space, and then what you need to do is you need to follow first Mario and second, follow me at I quitsalana.

Community Engagement

Then follow David and k two if you have time. I understand you're all very busy. There's a lot going on in web three. Lot going on in meme coins, so, first off, you forgot about them. Was that follow Ben? No, that's Chase, man. That's fucking chase. That's my. That's my brother Chase. Yeah, man. Got it. Well, you didn't say anything, so my apologies. Definitely got to follow. Follow the legend. Bend over. Yeah, just don't bend over. so bubble maps. You guys have been doing a lot of work lately. I think a lot of people really respect the amount of fud that you put out for different projects on the timeline. And I will tell you that there's a lot of people who look at that as a fucking absolute bottom signal bubble maps is flooding.

Market Insight

They're fucking gonna send. I do think that supply control is bullish. I. And the whole thing with us, every time you post these bubble maps, it's like, oh, but supply control is so bullish. If it's so bullish, why are you hiding it? we bought in one transaction when we launched the quit token 85. Sold and got 80% of the supply. And just skip pumped out fund, immediately bonded and went to radium. And we told the community what we've been doing. And we think that it's bullish, right. Having the control of the supply and people's hands that we know are legitimately interested in building something that can be here and sustainable long term and in this space. Someone I used to say that we're gambling here.

Shift in Investment Dynamics

We're not investing, we're gambling. We're not even gambling anymore. We were gambling when were playing like russian roulette. But now it's literally like we're hopping into these tokens and we're playing russian roulette, but with a load. With a fully loaded gun. Fully loaded. Yes. And the only win is when you're stuck there brain dead and not dead. That's, that's the win. And that's what this space is starting to feel like. so I think that. But quits. Quit. You said something very important here. You said I sniped 85% of the supply and then I told my community about it. No, I told you. We told him ahead of time. We told him beforehand.

Transparency in Token Distribution

Even better. This is even better. I'm not even asking project to tell ahead of time what they're going to do with the supply or how much they're going to snipe. But the thing is, with all those tokens that we're calling out daily, I don't want to name them because I don't want to create another debate or controversy. But they're not even saying how much of the supply they own and how much they're selling. They're being super shady about it. Not only they're being shady, they're trying. They're trying consciously to hide how much they own and to create hundreds, a network of hundreds of addresses and then make it super hard for people like us and other on chain to see how much they're selling.

Manipulation of Token Metrics

Yeah, that's a bad stuff. Like, this is what's wild though. This is what's wild though is that, you know, you get a lot of dj's that like rag on venture backed projects that have publicized tokenomics with publicized unlock schedules and they're all just like, we're going to get Doom. Doom, we're going to get dumped on. So instead they go and invest in projects in the manner that bubble maps is talking about. And they say that they would much rather invest in projects like that than venture backed projects that literally for months if not years, depending on how long they take to launch a product, are like, yeah, like, this is how everyone's going, but they're like, oh my good, the VC's are gonna dump on us.

Cognitive Dissonance in Investment Strategies

Like, are you kidding? Like, like, the logic in that is so backwards is like, not like people want to be lied to. Like they want to just get like so worked up and just be like, no, like, I want somebody to like, move the supply around a thousand wallets and then not tell us that. Like, like, that's what I want. Like, I don't want someone to be open and honest with me. That's not what I want. Like, that's not why I'm here. it's, you know, and then people, I mean, if I'm actually investing, like, if I'm getting in one of the rounds, you know, you want to see a bunch of VC's, it doesn't.

Understanding Different Investment Types

The unlock schedules investing, that matters too. But if you're just investing, you want to make sure that they've got a solid team like me. Meme coins are different. I don't know. Like, I don't like getting in on some of the pre sales, the early things happening. I want to see what happens afterwards because the launches usually where things go wrong. Additionally, people say supply control is bullish and bubble maps is a bottom signal, which personally I found to be hilarious. I'm not taking this bad at all. I find it super funny. It's a funny meme.

Statistics and Trends in Trading

But we've actually run some numbers, and the average since we did started calling them out, the average performance of these tokens is -94% so if you want to play around, you can bet on all the tokens that we call out and you will see the result on your portfolio. No, but that's every meme coin, bro. That's every meme coin, bro. You're exactly matching the national average, my man. You have a point. If you take, if you take, it's even more, I do appreciate where you guys do.

The Importance of Tracking Wallets

One question. Are you able to, like, if somebody's fun funding wallets from like a centralized exchange, do you guys track that or mark that in any way? I haven't seen anything about that. Now that's a very important question, because I know for a fact that right now there are GitHub, entire GitHub, that are made to create bubble map resistant tokens. And there are many ways to do this. This is a constant battle. This is a game of cat and mouth. Some scammers are trying to outsmart us and we're trying to outsmart them.

Evolving Techniques in Analysis

Now, there are two things that we're implementing right now. I can provide this as an alpha to make the bubble map even harder to trick. Point number one is adding second degree, third degree, fourth degree, fifth degree connection. Meaning if two bubbles are not directly connected, if two addresses did not transfer Sol between each other, but they did transfer Sol through a series of intermediary wallets that are not holding the token anymore, those two initial addresses would still appear to be connected on the map. This way, even if you try to trick by sending to other wallets, then other you will still appear connected.

Connection Algorithms

That's point number one. And to answer your question about exchanges, we're also adding temporal connection. For example, let's say ten wallets were funded by the same centralized exchange at the exact same time with the exact same amount of soul, those wallets would appear connected on the map. They're not connected directly by transfers, but they're receiving tokens at the same time, so they have a similar behavior, so they would still appear connected. Now we're entering a realm where this is more of an art than exact science, because sometimes that could happen to have transfers at the same time. But if all those transfers are also holding the same token, and they both the same amount at a certain point, you know, we can say with a good degree of certainty those wallets belong to the same guy or the same group, or the same cabal, whatever you want to say.

Reflecting on Market Statistics

Oh, man, that is some very fancy stuff. In this game of cat and mouse, it seems like bubble maps is the cat we have. It was recently national, international, Worldwide Cats Day. Everybody. Make sure you're following bubble maps. I want to get to a few of these hands, and then we'll send it back to k two. But Ben, you've had your hand up. I want to throw it over to you. I actually just took my hand back down. Can you come back to me? I need to do one. Absolutely, go ahead, Matt.

Token Value Proposition

Yeah, I was thinking that bubble map should really get on the sending of a soul bound token to these wallets called popped. And if you get the popped token in there, then you know that you are, you've been bubble mat. And I think that would scare the living shit out of people. I think that would be really funny. And also, if you ever do want to turn into a rug, you have the perfect cover, guys. You've been setting it up for so long, the trust is all there, and then you can go away.

Community Engagement and Action

But. No, I'm joking. But you guys are doing a really amazing service and I think it's kind of crazy how many people are fighting against you guys and then still trying to claim some community that they're legit. I think that's absolutely hilarious. And as someone who's doing a token for gains, it's a crazy different world from meme coins. And yeah, people fighting over your token distribution and telling you that you're going to have the inflation of Venezuela because other people are going to have the token.

Token Utility in the Market

No one's actually figuring out products are going to use tokens and that's the difference. Like, meme coins are not really meant to be used, are they? You're not going to ever spend them on anything. And even though ctos, right? Why would you talk like that? Why would it fund gambling? No, no. Meme coins are going to be what drives the world. Everyone knows that.

The Future of Cryptocurrencies

Yeah, but you're not going to spend on actual things. You're just going to put more money. Coins are money, don't you know? Bitcoin, the meme coin, aetherium to be coin. It's all meme coins. Meme coins all the way down, Mandy. That's one way of looking at it. We'll go faded, then Joe, then cash.

Nuclear Launch Codes Discussion

Purchahan. Beep, beep, beep. I feel like nuclear launch code. I found bubble maps points very interesting, and I just did want to remind people that even with 3rd, fourth and fifth degree connections between wallets and across chains can always be tracked with enough effort and research, especially utilizing state of the art AI tools, some of which are not currently public. So no matter what people are doing, as far as token and launch manipulation, the federal government as well as a bunch of other international agencies are aware of everything that is happening on chain.

Awareness and Oversight on Blockchain

If they don't already have this data, it's capable for them to retrieve it with enough research and dedication, effort.

Market Perspective on Investments

This is why I think from a macro sort of market standpoint. There's still an impending like Defi and on meta in terms of investments and just a shift in the market. I don't think we've seen enough products that have come out to bring legitimate use cases of that. At the end of the day, meme coin distribution, especially upon TGE, something that will always be manipulated to better favor the party that is within the inner circle group of that launch. I think it's just honesty in accepting that for what it is and being able to be comfortable talking about it. Game theory and socioeconomic psychology is what is actually necessary to understand in order to best maximize momentum for this. You have illegitimate teams that take advantage of this, right. For instances that we see every single fucking day. And then you have other teams that do this because simply the state of the market, right. People are GD.

Product Development and Team Incentives

Let's just call it what it is, right. You know, if you have a good development team, you'd rather that team have a majority of the supply in order to hit some of their more long term targets and goals. Rather than give it to people with less incentive alignment within the market. They just simply care less. They're not going to put the effort in to actually push it. The only variable that actually changes this is, you know, a truly dedicated community and fan base. So, yeah, I mean, I appreciate the conversation and I think it's always interesting to kind of hear different market feedback on this. I love that. From your lips to smoking chicken, fish's ears. Love that. Absolutely love that.

Market Challenges and Founder Frustrations

Yeah, hi, guys. Walden. I think this is actually a very interesting topic and I wasn't really expecting to just, you know, pop up in the space and then, you know, meet bubble maps. At first when I saw it, I was so happy because I felt like this was an opportunity to roast them because I've always seen them on a TL. And, you know, having to have an opportunity to sort of connect and talk with them like one one is actually a very good opportunity to see as much as I love everything that is, you know, that, you know, Bob and raps goes. And I feel like I didn't quite really understand because a lot of stuff that Bob and has been doing, I I know for Lou order like, you know, obviously they're trying to cut off a whole lot of, bad actors and like a whole lot of things that is. That is going on with the space. But our faded already just mentioned exactly things that I would.

Controlling and Managing Project Launches

I would have, you know, wanted to say. But I'm just going to still touch on the other perspective and, you know, I think that like, you know, as much as we, you know, bourbon up is trying to obviously take out a lot of bad talk, bad actors and which has been one of the major things that has, you know, obviously dominated the space, you know, rugs and, you know, different things and arcs and the whole lot of stuff that goes on with the space. Just like fate had said, you have to, for most projects that are launching these days, you just have to actually sort of keep things in control from your own end. And I think the space has gone far, you know, little bit lighted in the difference from years back when people would launch projects and then everybody just holds their projects to the moon and says, hey, we're fucking going to the moon.

Launching Projects and Market Conditions

And, you know, they say we're in for the utility and everything and this token is fucking going to one dollars and everything, brother. When you launch projects these days, even when you put in everything, you put in every resources of yours to launching the projects, you know, sometimes you're trying to go out for the best of the best marketing and pretty much there's a whole lot of stuff that is just really fucking wrong with the space right now. Like a lot of things that are not right in place and then for most of the founders is usually very frustrating. So you want to see to most of the launches that you kind of have a lot of things in control from your own particular end. And this is not putting out the fact that there's a whole lot of bad actors, you know, a lot of people still creating projects and then holding up a lot of supplies just because, you know, obviously they have plans in future to sort of rug off projects and everything.

Bubble Maps and Market Insights

And I think that is the part where, you know, bubble master is still doing the best of things that they're actually doing. So I think in my own opinion, it's like you're just gonna have, you just gotta do what you gotta do. Especially when, you know, you have long term plans and you like, you know, you wanna obviously keep things in full control with your projects. And when we've seen a lot of projects that have been able to launch of recent times, especially the major meme coins, you'd see that the ones that have been able to hold up a very strong ground and obviously when they start off quick, they are able to hold up that strong ground and obviously able to get into the 100 million marks and the likes, it's been the ability to be able to hold up the floor and obviously control the supplies and all of those things.

Memes and Market Strategies

I just wanted to have that little bit submission. But, yeah, regardless, I've been able to, obviously see, like, a whole lot of different perspective from, bubble maps, and that's actually really great. Oh, yeah. You know, bubble maps, probably one of the most on or misunderstood people in the entire space. you know, we know him behind the scenes. and, he's, you know, he's just. He's one of us. He's one of us. He cares. He cares deeply. But, you know, real quick, before I go to the rest of the hands, I want to kick it over to Gigi, because, Gigi, I always love what you are seeing in the world.

Critique of Bubble Maps

So, yeah, just real quick, did want to circle back and say, you know, bubble maps, I hate everything you're doing. I don't think you're going to bring any value to the space. And, yeah, we're just not going to stand for much more of this shit. Bubble maps, you try to think meme coin daily is probably the only space that bubble comes on, that, like, people don't attack him. Most people are just like, you know what? Like, I love to hate you, Mandev, but like, any other space that he goes on, they're like, you're full of shit. Like, all this kind of stuff. Like, we're a safety, you know, actually k two. Actually k two, they are way less confrontational, I feel, during our Twitter space, as opposed to enter our posts, because I think what's happening.

Understanding Influencers and Token Promotion

I think what's happening when we create a story about a token. All the influencers that promote this token, they have group, they have telegram groups, they have WhatsApp groups, and they coordinate people to say, hey, enter these tweets, go say that this is bullish, that this is not fud. That this is actually babblemaps calling out the bottom of the token. But in reality, when we sit down with them and we explain our reasoning and our vision, most of the time they agree, because we're sensible, we're rational, we're not, you know, it's not based on emotion. It's based on actual unchained data. And our only crime could be that we have conviction. But, you know, we believe it's bubble. You really do not really expect that people buy into a token that they bought from maybe an influencer and they're just gonna watch it get further to doubt, to debt.

Reaction to Market Dynamics

Yeah. What people really mean is, why couldn't you make that post after it pumped a little bit and I sold? Maybe that's. Yeah, probably you gotta reverse, like, hey, bubble. Reverse psychology. People be like, looks like a good one. And just see what happens. Be like, be like this has it, like, just like, instead of just be like, you know, what has a semi decent wallet distribution? And then just leave it at that and see what happens. Like, we've never found one yet. It's still a. I think I have an opinion about Bob. Bubble maps intentionally makes this statement and this comments about the stalkings in the manner in which they do, just to make sure it sparks up conversations. And that is why they've grown as big as they are now.

Exploring Community Impact and Engagement

Thank you. My friends like bubble. Thank you. Just. I thank you for this because actually, the reason we're having this conversation, I feel, about control supply, is because we're exposing it with bubble maps, not our thread. I'm talking about the tool in such an easy and convenient way that are actually. People are starting to realize that most of the tokens are supply controlled, so now they're talking about it because we expose this in such a natural way. Here it is. You know, it's honestly, though, like, what no one's paying attention to is the absolute big brain play that's happening here is everyone's focused. Like, everyone knows about Defi and token looping. Bubble maps is actually an engagement looper. Bubble maps is actually to funnel engagement metrics to his other profiles and alts that nobody actually knows about.

Critique of Influencer Strategies

But since he is his main form of conversation facilitation, he is literally just working over each and every one of you right now, which is absolutely brilliant. But cash brolish on bubble maps. You know what we need? We. We need a bubble maps for this engagement on Twitter. Can you imagine what those would look like? Oh. Oh, my God. You. You realize that 50 accounts happen to be the same person? 100% cashier cash. Yeah. Just wanted to officially say not I like what bubble maps is doing. And I think that anyone who has a problem with someone asking questions has already answered your questions. But I did also want to just touch on. Touch on AK buying his second meme coin ever. That's. That's pretty awesome, man.

Acknowledging Community Contributions

I'm not gonna fucking rug you, AK. Alright? Yeah, the ticker is quick. Fucking went into MySpace earlier. That's right. And he bought some. Quit. Yeah, yeah, right. Shameless fucking plug for quit. You should buy more because we're setting it higher. We're not gonna rug you. yeah, just wanted to. Just want to say, you know, bubble Matt, keep it up. I nor confirm, nor deny, but I will never quit. Let's fucking go, Matthew. No, I'll be honest with you guys. I'm just gonna. I'm just gonna give a tiny shout out and I don't. I won't usually do this. I'll tell you one thing. Okay. These guys have a white knight type of mantra, in my opinion, and I hate ruggers.

Discussing Market Awareness

And I was like, you know, part of the panel, as I mentioned on the Scottie Pippen little debacle. And I was like, hey, Scotty, like, come into the space, like, would love to have you and be authentic and don't click the big red cell button. And the guy clicked the fucking big red cell button like ten minutes later. Right. So I want social awareness against that. And I think that's what the quit project is doing. And I like that a lot. And if they're able to increase the awareness on people who rug and kind of attack them for justice seeking, I like that a lot. So, yeah, that's my gamble. Appreciate you, Mandev. God bless. God bless. Matthew. Yeah, that Scottie Pippen thing was kind of funny because I remember I was asking him, do you have any plans for collaborations?

Exploring Project Collaborations

And Scotty was like, nah, none, not now. And then the rest of his team were like, yeah, but soon we're going to reach out to people who are like, in the inner circle of the coolest people ever and it's going to be fantastic. And was like, okay, normally people like collaborations. Maybe there's something. Yeah, no, I got. Yeah. And then Ansem turned up in the end, probably not knowing what was happening in the space. Didn't say anything, but it's just like Ansem appears. People are like, oh, holy shit, this meme coin is going to send. And so you can accidentally summon Ansem. That, that's quite a power. That's kind of funny. That's right in the alpha room that David and I have.

Humor and Community Engagement

We summon influencers all the time. I think it's more of a byproduct of the Ouija board, though, than really anything. But that's just me, Bentley. First of all, AK, I think you bought the wrong chases token. I fuck with quit, but you brought the wrong one. And I'm not going to shamelessly plug my token because, Casper, that's not why we're here. I did have a question, though, for bubble maps. Just because I'm super stoked about it. I fuck with bubble maps. Heavy bubble maps. Nick, I know you've been building for a long time. I know you've got a new version coming out. What is that going to look like? Get the people bullish because I'm ready for it.

Future Developments for Bubble Maps

All right, let me give you a quick overview of what's coming next. First thing is going to be, as I said before, an easier way or let's say a more comprehensive way of creating clusters, because right now on the v one, a cluster is only direct connection between addresses. But as I said, we're going to have temporal connection and second degree, third degree connection. So people, when they open a bubble map, they're going to see way more activity on screen in a way that reduces the noise and increase the intelligence. That's why we're aiming for at least. So that's point number one. Point number two is that we're going to have comprehensive historical data, meaning that when you look at a token on bubble maps right now, you are only seeing the current, the latest bubble map.

Historical Insights and Token Analysis

But with the v two, you can rewind the tape at any point in time, even with the token that was created in 2016, if you wanted to on Ethereum, imagine you want to see the bubble map of Uniswap. Day one, who was the original holder of Uni? Who were the first VC's involved? What did they do with the token? We call this big bang because you have the ability of rewinding the tape from day one, and it looks like an explosion from the singular individual address, the deployer that was holding all the supply. And then see this financial big bang as the VC comes in and the market makers and the insiders, all of this good stuff. Imagine this applied to the Solana meme coins.

Technical Advancements and Features

You're going to be able to see immediately, you know, the four original wallets that sniped 80% of the supply in most of those meme coins. Usually you don't see this with babblemaps because it happens so fast we can't catch them. But with the veto, you're going to be able to see them at any, you know, just rewind the tape at the first second of the token launch and see the bubble map. Very easy. And last but not least, we're going to have some AI components. Somebody mentioned that the government was having crazy AI tools, and this is true. We're going to tell you what a cluster means. If it's insiders, if it's VC's, if it's a healthy cluster. Sometimes people come to us and say, should I be worried about this cluster?

Community Insights for Better Understanding

And we click one button and we see that this is actually a Dex, like this is Jupiter or Meteora. And we want to give a layer of interpretation so that our community can know with a good degree of probability what a cluster means, what behavior does it represent? So that's some of the features that are coming with the v two, maybe one more final point, the v two will be cross chain. And that's actually game changer for EVM chains. Because if two addresses have sent each other ethereum or USDC, or wrapped ethereum on base or a token on avalanche, they are still going to be connected. So it's not going to be separated by chains anymore. It's going to be one singular app with all the chains combined.

Future Expectations and Community Legitimacy

Like all the evm, of course, and then Solana on the side and other chains. See, and this is why I'm so stoked about this stuff, because I mean, I personally, I want to see more legitimate launches. Don't get me wrong, I love a quick five to ten x on pump fun. I hit a 15 x or today. But I want to see more legitimate meme coins that go the distance, that aren't rugs, that, you know, that just aren't bullshit. Because the more we legitimize this space, the easier it'll be for mass adoption. I think that's what we all want. We want more volume, we want more liquidity. But it's not going to happen unless we have people like bubble maps helping to keep the space honest and accountable.

Looking Back at Historical Tokens

Honest and accountable. Because we had a look at Pepe day one. Pepe, we started bubble maps. Pepe was already far launched and we missed the first second of the token. So we used the v two to see the first seconds of the token launch of Pepe. And we saw some crazy stuff. 60% of the supply was concentrated into a group of addresses that was launching other tokens before finally nailing it on the head with Pepe. It's a crazy story. Nobody's aware of this. Nobody's aware that Pepe started as a cabal token. So expect to see some now we are expect to see some super interesting thread in the next month when this v two is like, we're going to have a look at all the popular tokens, all the tokens that reached 1 billion, and see what happened in the first seconds.

Investigation and Community Knowledge

Who was in charge of this? That's pretty cool. I like that. I like that. David's probably going to be the most avid user of that. He's not going to know what he's going to see, but it doesn't matter. I just want to see all the lines and colors. David's like, I heard big bang, that's all. And that's what drew him in. Joe. It's good. Mandev. Yeah. Bobo. When you guys started out as a project and has there been any point in time where you guys made a chat about maybe payments from projects, like projects playing influencers or whatever. Sorry, what are you talking about? Partnerships?

Clarifying the Payment Dynamics

Yeah, yeah. Projects paying influencers, like, playing, like just any influencers to just post whatever bullshit body projects. Now, of course now we never take any form of payments. No, I'm saying, do you guys make post, like, you know, like trying to figure that out the same way you guys reveal supply and all those things. With projects about what? About influencers? Yeah, you'd have to be able to identify the wallet. I think that would be the big thing. That's kind of like, what makes a project like that, like doing something like that with the project difficult is it's like, if I paid you, I'd also have to know what your wallet is. Like.

Understanding Wallet Identification

I know that I'm doing business with Joe, but I don't know what Joe's wallet is. You know, I'm saying it's not disclosed. Okay, so because I remember, like, there was a time when you guys made it. Okay, okay. I think what you guys did was you sort of exposed token supplies being paid to certain kos. I think you guys did that at some point in time. Oh, yeah, that's. I think you're referring to Satoshi VM back then. So the reason we knew that was Satoshi VM was the token that launched earlier this year. Maybe you guys remember, but like $250 million in volume day one.

Analyzing Market Movements

And everybody was wondering how this token, out of the blue, completely unheard of, managed to get so much volume. And in Babel maps, we saw a huge cluster of connected wallets. At the center of this cluster, there was an IDL contract that were sending tokens to in very similar amounts to 250 addresses. And were wondering, who are those addresses? Is this the team? Is this insiders? We're trying to figure this out. This is never straightforward. You always have to wonder what is going on. And amongst those connected addresses, some of them were actually publicly labeled, like ens.

Reverse Engineering Initial Token Sales

I don't want to name anybody because that was very heated for them, but we found some addresses labeled on third party, whether it was etherscan ens, or Opensea profile, this kind of stuff. And because there was like 20 influencers that we managed to connect with this cluster, then we understood that the whole cluster was actually a pre sale, a Kol around that happened before the token was publicly announced. So you see from, you managed to get some certain element of context that you can extrapolate to a whole cluster. That's usually how we work. Okay, so what I want to ask now is, so as a founder, Nick, and as bubble map, how would you expect, what is the best strategy that you guys will feel like is the safest for obviously promoting your projects with influencers?

Influencer Payment Strategies

Would you rather tokens or stables? That's a good question. No, that's a. That's a good question. Would you rather pay this in token? I think if you want to really play it safe, you can do a hybrid mix. A bid in tokens, a bid in stable coins. At the end of the day, you want to incentivize the influencers to talk about you. And if you only pay them in stable coins, they're just going to talk about you for a bit and then forget about you entirely. So it is an interesting balance you have to find. I'm not sure I have the definitive. Answer because do you know, ask this question is because obviously, like, you guys made this particular post, you know, obviously, like for Sato, for Satsushi EVM, and, you know, obviously, like, what they were trying to do then was obviously trying to market their project, but maybe not in a good way, like from you guys.

Examining Marketing Best Practices

And any sort of looks shady to you know? So I wanted to see what exactly would be your best bets to see for projects. Because obviously this is something that has obviously been for a long time in the space, for years and years till now, and would still be. So it's like, what exactly would you really expect of projects when they're trying to get people to promote projects? Maybe one more point, just to give context to the audience. In the case of Satoshi VM, they distributed such a large amount to the influencer. I think it was along the line of 15% of the supply with no vesting.

Vesting and Project Transparency

The vesting was like two months. In two months, they were going to get all the token without any cliff. So imagine distributing 15% in two months to 250 people. That was essentially a rug pool waiting to happen, or a dump waiting to happen, to be precise. So that's why we rang the alarm back then about such evM. Oh, man. All right, everybody, definitely appreciate all that bubble maps. Love the questions, Joe. We've been doing this, the hours up, everybody. Sad to hear it.

Concluding Remarks

I know, I feel bad even saying it, but another meme coin daily space is three to 04:00 p.m. every weekday we do this thing over here. I want to thank everybody for coming out, all the listeners, all the speakers always having conversations about the meme coin space, making sure that you guys know what we know and we know a lot. I know a little bit about a lot. These guys up here know a lot about a lot. And you know, when we put it all together, we all get some alpha out of this spaces. But everybody, I hope you have a great weekend. We'll see you Monday.

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