Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The New University Funding Model: Which Way for Kenya? hosted by TheStarKenya. Exploring the innovative university funding model for Kenya reveals a paradigm shift towards sustainable and impactful higher education financing. Key takeaways emphasize the importance of collaboration, transparency, innovation, and adaptability in restructuring funding strategies. The critical role of government support, community engagement, data-driven decision-making, and continuous evaluation is underscored for optimizing financial allocations and enhancing educational quality. Stakeholder partnerships and the quest for a balance between cost efficiency and academic excellence shape the evolving landscape of university funding in Kenya, aiming for long-term viability and societal relevance.

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Total Listeners: 193


Q: Why is collaboration important in the university funding model for Kenya?
A: Collaboration ensures diverse perspectives, resources, and expertise are leveraged for sustainable solutions.

Q: What role does transparency play in the credibility of educational funding mechanisms?
A: Transparency builds trust among stakeholders and provides accountability in financial practices.

Q: How does Kenya's innovative funding approach differ from traditional models?
A: Kenya's new model focuses on flexibility, sustainability, and responsiveness to changing educational needs.

Q: Why is government support crucial in implementing new funding models in higher education?
A: Government backing provides stability, resources, and regulatory frameworks necessary for successful implementation.

Q: What are the main challenges in balancing cost-effectiveness and educational quality in university funding?
A: Achieving a balance between cost efficiency and maintaining high educational standards requires strategic planning and stringent evaluation.

Q: How can community engagement impact the decision-making process in university funding?
A: Community involvement ensures that university funding aligns with the needs, values, and aspirations of the local population.

Q: Why is data-driven decision-making essential in optimizing financial allocations for universities?
A: Data-driven approaches enhance efficiency, transparency, and the impact of financial decisions on academic outcomes.

Q: Why is continuous evaluation crucial in the success of the new university funding model?
A: Continuous evaluation allows for adjustments, improvement, and responsiveness to evolving educational and financial landscapes.

Q: How can innovation and adaptability redefine university funding strategies?
A: Embracing innovation and adaptability ensures that funding models remain relevant, efficient, and responsive to changing educational needs.

Q: What are the long-term objectives of Kenya's unique higher education financing approaches?
A: Kenya aims for sustainable, inclusive, and quality-driven higher education systems that cater to diverse student needs and address societal challenges.


Time: 00:21:45
Innovative Funding Strategies Unveiled Exploring the groundbreaking financial approaches revolutionizing university funding in Kenya.

Time: 00:35:12
Role of Stakeholder Collaboration Highlighting the importance of partnerships and collaborative efforts in reshaping higher education finance.

Time: 00:48:03
Transparency for Trust in Education Discussing how transparency in financial processes boosts credibility and accountability in educational funding.

Time: 01:02:19
Government's Vital Support Understanding the critical role of government support in driving successful implementation of new university funding models.

Time: 01:15:57
Community Engagement Dynamics Exploring the impact of community involvement on decision-making and priorities in university funding.

Time: 01:29:40
Data-Driven Financial Allocations Delving into the benefits of data-centric approaches in optimizing financial resources for universities.

Time: 01:45:18
Challenges in Balancing Cost and Quality Examining the complexities of balancing cost-effective strategies while maintaining high educational standards.

Time: 01:58:02
Continuous Evaluation for Optimization Highlighting the significance of ongoing assessment and adjustments in maximizing the impact of new funding models.

Time: 02:10:39
Innovation's Role in Funding Evolution Discussing how innovation and adaptability shape the future of university finance models in Kenya.

Time: 02:25:04
Sustainable Higher Education Vision Exploring Kenya's aspirations for sustainable, inclusive, and impactful higher education systems.

Time: 02:40:22
Future Paths for Educational Funding Envisioning the trajectory and potential developments in university financing for Kenya's educational landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • The new university funding model aims for financial sustainability and impactful solutions.
  • Collaboration between stakeholders is essential for the success of the funding initiative.
  • Transparency in financial mechanisms fosters trust and credibility in the education sector.
  • Kenya is embracing unique approaches to higher education financing for long-term viability.
  • Innovation and adaptability are key considerations in redefining funding strategies for universities.
  • Government support is crucial in implementing sustainable funding models for higher education.
  • Balancing cost-effectiveness with quality education standards is a central challenge in the new funding model.
  • Community engagement plays a vital role in shaping the direction and priorities of university funding.
  • Data-driven decision-making enhances the efficiency and effectiveness of financial allocations in universities.
  • Continuous evaluation and adjustments are necessary to optimize the impact of the new funding approach.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Twitter Space

Good evening and welcome to this Twitter space. Thank you all for joining us for this important conversation about the new university funding model, because we stand at a private moment in higher education where collaboration and innovation are essential to addressing the evolving funding landscape. Maybe if I can, because under this funding model, students, the funding for students provide loans, household and household contribution. And so students will have access to scholarships and loans to finance their higher education. And this evening we are honored to have a distributed panel speakers who will share their insights and experiences. So I would like to welcome Carlos Ambigu, who is the secretary general. Also we have Diana Mitevu, who is a student from JFA. And we have a man abu our discussion. So I would like to welcome them. And we'll have a moment where we will reference more listeners and our panel will be able to answer. So I encourage contribute.

Ground Rules for the Discussion

And before we begin, where we expect to have a communication to treat all participants with a harassment, would like to avoid that. Also, we should keep the focused on the designated team because off topic conversation can distract the flow. Also each other the opportunities without interruption. When it is your turn, be precise and direct to the point. And also, if you wish, you can use the feature to indicate your desire. And this will help also when providing. It's good to, you know, to avoid criticism or criticizing what the person said, but we can engage in discussions in a constructive manner. And eventually. Lastly, let me say, to respect the moderator's decision, sometimes if someone goes off, the moderator will try to bring them back. So welcome all.

Welcome and Introductions

So I would like to welcome Carlos Ambeach, the secretary general, Mount Kenya University. And maybe you can share. I don't know if you can. If you can hear me, maybe you can raise your hand or so that at least I know we are together. You can? Okay. If you can hear me. Yes, I think. Yes, I can. Okay. So, Secretary General, Mount Kenya University. Carlos Ambich, please. Maybe you can introduce yourself and maybe you tell us how you envision the new funding model in addressing the unique challenges faced by universities in the country. You know, maybe you can give us specific challenges you believe need immediate attention and how this can, how can this model prioritize them? Welcome.

Concerns About the New Funding Model

Thank you so much, Nancy. Thank you, listeners. My name is Kira Beach Carlos. I'm the Secretary General, Mount Kenya University Student association, and I'm happy about the main topic, the new funding model. This is an issue of concern to majority of Kenyans, especially to the youth, what the future of today and tomorrow. So when you want to discuss about the new funding model, I do not want to lean one side, but at the very first point, what I can say that new funding model is a disaster the way it was implemented. Number one, I must say that there was no public participation that was done about the new funding model. And it's very sad for the government of Kenya to implement something which has not, which public participation never took place. And as the student leaders were the heads of the main stakeholders of this fund, that is, our constituents or the students that we lead.

Implementation Issues

It's so unfortunate that were involved in this process after the implementation of the better part of it was done and there were a lot of issues that were emerging. To my opinion, I feel like education is like an equalizer to our society and it will not be fair for the government to come up with the mechanism of placing students into different bands. My case is the worst case scenario. If new funding model is to be implemented, if at all it has to be implemented, then we must all agree that band four and band five should be done away with. But the best case scenario with the majority of the people want, is that let education, university education, to be based on merit, as it was before, instead of placing students into different bands, and if at all the bands were good.

Banding Issues and Student Perspectives

How is our system and the criteria used? We've been told about the criteria. There's one for the vulnerable, the middle society and the rich and the well off family. So there's a lot of faultiness in the government system. My good friend Mutevu, a former student leader, J Kwat, he will tell you, because how do you tell me? Like for example, even if I came from, I'm supposed to be placed in band five, my parent may be well off, yes, but again, how many people depend on my parents has the sg for them to survive? And is that the true determinant why I'm supposed to be placed on band five and someone to be placed on band one or band two?

Discrepancies in Banding

We have also had cases of the faultiness where somebody is a total or a single parenthood and the band one says it's supposed to be placed, how it is implemented. Such a student supposed to be placed in Bandwan. But contrary to what is in the books, in theories, the practicality of it, you find that such a person is placed into band five. So what does that one implies? It simply states that in three to five years to come, our education system, we shall have registered more dropouts out of. Out of school, from the universities because, well, we have those who are placed in band one and band two. I understand they pay quite fair.

Challenges with Fees and Loans

The fee is quite fair. But let's look at the loan which is being given to these students and their interest. It's quite a huge loan and it comes up with an interest. Actually, it's from 2% to 4%. I'm just giving the overview. When you look, for example, I come from a private university that is Mount Kenya University. These children really suffer because the government only offers the government. Those joining public university, the government offers both loan and scholarship. But in the private university, one is neglected. So, for example, Mount Kenya University, I'm still wondering up to date why institutions like Mount Kenya University, Chukwa University, Kenya Methodist University and all other public universities in exemption of Strathmore University.

Struggles of Private University Students

Where. Why do they still exist in the coops portal? Because we all understand the frustrations that people go while. And the frustration they go while trying to choose the courses they want. You know, when somebody's from high school, most of them are undecided and they can, most of them pursue a certain course because of the perception that they have. So, for example, a student wanted to do medicine and surgery in the University of Nairobi, and he misses the slot. And the same government, with its scoop system, places Mount Kenya university with a chance. Most of these students will opt to secure the course at Mount Kenya University, which is relatively.

Course Selection Confusions

Which will be relatively expensive, because there's one part that the government is not going to undertake for them, unlike, like, it's a total. It's something which is creating confusion to our student. And to make it worse, you realize some of these students, they join, for example, private university. Until they join, they stay there for weeks after being admitted, is when they see the practicality and the difficulty part of paying the school fee. I would give a real example, Amanda Coops at Mount Kenya University, and I pay 18,000 shillings per semester. But somebody has come as a self sponsored student.

Financial Burden on Students

And the same case. Let's take, for example, bachelor's of arts in education. So you find such a student is paying around 67,500 per semester. So as a student leader or those who are in the front end offices of these institutions will tell you they face a lot. We have groups where we have been collecting funds for those people who cannot be able to pay 18,000. So you can imagine the gap that is going to be created for those who are paying 67,000 because literally, how would a new student, after being admitted after three months, after three weeks or one month, is moving around with the performers for him or her to accumulate school fee.

Peer Support and Educational Funding

So the student technically shows the rest that it is the. It is his fellows that will be educating him or her throughout his course. So you realize there is a lot on the other side. I understand that the new funding model has faced. There are some universities, in terms of infrastructure wise, literally some universities, I don't want to mention them, but we are all aware that they were sinking, because you realize most of the workers from those institutions were either quarterly paid, halfly paid, but not all. The furthest they could go was halfway.

Debt Accumulation and Financial Instability

So realized they were accumulating a lot of debt and they were going down. So it's something which is supposed to be relooked into. But my take is, why do we categorize students into different bands? Yet education is a constitutional right that someone supposed to undergo in our country. So let me give a chance to the other speakers, then we'll get to. Okay, thank you. Thank you so much. And also, before I welcome the next speaker, maybe you can. You've talked about band the bands.

Appeals and Corrections in Band Placement

We have band one to band five. Those students who have been placed in the wrong band, maybe they were meant to be in band one. They're now in band maybe three, four or five. How long has it been taking for them to, you know, be placed to maybe send a request to be that error to be corrected and be placed in the right band? Does it affect the new students who are joining the time being taken to rectify this? Yeah, the application window was opened by the minister of education through the HEF portal for the appeals to made. But it's so unfortunate that the appeals which are supposed to be done, which was promised to be done, outcome to be done in two weeks time after the application window has been closed, I think two days or three days ago, the ministry again said that the appeals will be heard in the month of December.

Delays and Inefficiencies in the Appeals Process

That's technically after two months. So you realize this is just the government is buying time with the new funding model. But the banding does not even affect the new students. Only the wrong placement of the banding began with the those who joined the university from September 2023 up to date. So I can basically say the second years and the first years were mainly affected in this, but majority have applied for the appeal. But, you know, what does appeal means? Appeal is a 50 thing. It's either you get a positive outcome or you get a negative outcome.

Uncertainty in the Appeals System

So it simply means even if you appeal whether you are placed in the correct band, on the right band. It's a gambling game because you do not know where you belong. And whatever the outcome that is going to come, because appeal may come, it only turns positive when the evidence that you provided has been approved, and it turns negative when there is no sufficient evidence. And so, basically, if the system is faulty, and even placing these people into their right bands was just a, how will you place twins into different bands? How do you explain that?

Challenges with the Placement Criteria

Then the same twin applies for the reappealing and is told that there's not enough evidence for him to ban that the other twin was placed. So what does that one does? One that one means. So, technically, it's, it's a challenge. Yes, it's a challenge. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much, Brian. Whatever student at J KWAT, maybe as a student, you can maybe tell us specific changes that you hope to see in this, you know, funding model that will directly benefit students, student experiences and opportunities, and how you think these changes will impact your educational journey and that of your peers or other students.

Reflecting on the Impact of the Funding Model

Okay, so, first of all, thank you so much for the opportunity and for hosting this space tonight, because we need to keep this conversation going, despite the fact that people say that a lot of speaking has been done. But it's always important to have a reminder each and every while so that at least we remember our objectives again, which I believe is a very important part of any process. So, first of all, the other thing that I would like to clarify is that I was the. I'm the former president in Jquart. So when this new funding model and the first cohort, the current students that are in their second year, that is when the new funding model was first implemented.

Past Experiences and Key Concerns

And we tried to raise a lot of concern, because at that time, I remember being the president, and there's a new funding model. At that time, we did not. We were not part of any conversation. We were not called to sit down at any place. So there was literally no stakeholder engagement, especially, or very little was done, especially when it came to the side of the student leaders. So, as I take up this conversation, I'd like to look at it from maybe four key areas. First of all is where we are coming from as a nation in terms of financial wars for universities.

Evaluating Past and Current Financial Situations

The second part is what worked in the past. We have to look at where we are right now. The first point is where we are right now. The second part is where were in the past, and then when it comes to the implementation of the solution, the third part that I want to look at is what was done wrong. And then finally just offer something that I feel that should be the solution to this whole problem. Because they say that when you come to point out a problem, you must be at least a holder of a solution. Where we are coming from is that currently I do not deny the fact that our universities are really in a lot of debt.

The State of Universitiy Financing

There's a lot of debt in our universities, and most of them actually, they struggle a lot when it comes to being able to run the basic operations. And of course, when this is affected, when a lot of changes have to be done, yes, education will go on, but at what quality? What are these compromises that the universities are making in order to ensure that kids are getting the education that is deserved? First of all, are they really getting the education that is deserved? So for any society or in any project that anyone takes up, there's indeed a budget.

Quality Compromises in Education

And when the budget is low, then somebody may not get the quality. That's why maybe you find that in our universities currently, you find that the number of practicals maybe people need to take up for engineering classes are very few. The number of resources, whether it's computer labs, they're not operational. When machines break down, maybe in the various labs, you find that there is not really a lot that goes into fixing those machines. And we go more into theory and theory, and also the things such as introduction of new technologies in our universities and to be able to catch up with the rest of the world.

Lack of Resources in University Education

This is a scene that I can attest is not happening in our universities currently in Kenya. And this is also, I believe we can point out to most of the issues towards the problem of lack of resources. And so Kenya had to find a solution to this problem. Now, my problem comes with, first of all, for me, when I handle problems in my personal life, I think I like conducting something that is called root cause analysis. By the time I see a problem has come up, I like sitting back and looking at it from the perspective of what is the root cause of this problem.

Root Cause Analysis of Funding Issues

I asking myself, why? The first why is this happening, why and why until I get to the root cause. So one of the things that I believe was not done is having the root cause analysis of the problem of funding, model of the funding, despite the fact that corruption is really a problem that has been an ailment in our society from time immemorial. When we trace now back to the second point, now when we look back at the past of our universities, there is a time that the universities in Kenya were posting profits.

Profitability in Past Universities

And I believe this was the time whereby parallel program was a big. Was a big thing in the Kenyans universities. I don't know what happened somewhere there in between, but somebody decided at this point we are going to lower the university grade. And most of these parallel programs that universities had as their major income generating opportunities, you see, went under. So universities from time the cash that was coming in so much and. And then again, I remember recently there was a discussion in our university and I got to learn that when our universities were thriving, when business was good, most of the leaders in these universities did not take up the step in order to ensure that there were good things, such as the endowment funds that were set up in order to have these funds running on, maybe a couple of investments done in order to ensure that at least I.

Leaders' Failure to Sustain Profits

When the cash flow is no longer there as much, there's no longer as much cash flow. Or when a situation like what happened, at least our universities would get more funding. So that is where we are coming from, then that is how in the past it worked. So what has been done wrong with the new funding model? Now to my third point. So the first thing that I readdeze that went into this issue was the fact that the assumptions that the new funding model was built upon with the new.

Defective Assumptions of the Model

With. The key assumption is that first of all, that you come from a household and that you're willing is your household is willing to support you past when you're 18 years. And this is something that I will keep on insisting and I think more people should focus on, is once you're 18 years and above, even when it comes to child payment, I don't know those people who support their kids. The moment you get to 18 years, you are believed to be an adult and no parent has an obligation to take you beyond that.

Reality of Financial Support After Adulthood

So the assumption that you're over 18 and your family will still continue supporting you, and that this is from the assumption that maybe university education aids the family more than the state. But how will a state move without skilled labor? So these are just some of the assumptions that I feel were really incorrect, for lack of a better word. I just call them very uneducated guesses. And it's very bad when you see an uneducated theme or an uneducated assumption going into the education sector.

Awareness of the Data Dependency

So the other thing is that the model that we are presented with is very data reliant. And from the basic thing that I understand about data is that most data is not a really big thing in Kenya, or has not been a big thing in Kenya and Africa over the many, few. Over the few years that we have had or where we are coming from right now, maybe from some time back. Yes, data has started becoming something. Something that society is really looking at.

The Data Gap in Implementation

But data has not been a very key thing in our society. And why do I say this? First of all, is that the data that we are supposed to use for this model, I can confidently say it's not available. And if it's available, it's not yet collected in a manner that can assist this model to run. The Nemi system was a good start, but not a fully or not a comprehensive point whereby the data that is there, available in the enemy system is. Can be used.

Challenges of Data Collection

And why. I want to give a scenario and a case where I can strongly say that data is not sufficient for this model. The first thing that we understand in our african setting, or in our kenyan setting, like unapatanga breadwinner in a kenyan home or in a normal african home. Welcome. Zazi. But I don't feel the best thing in unazafania. Nikku, support her to your brother situation in most african homes in a haiku consideriwa the fact that black tax sisi tonight, a black tax in our setting right now or in our generation, but hinikitunyani real now the number of dependents.

Economic Realities of Support Structures

So this is one thing that these people really get wrong. You cannot say that the number of dependents in Kenya and point out that these are the exact number that this person is supporting. So that is an example of a data gap that needs to be established in order for such a thing to go on. The other thing is the haste in the implementation. It's okay. We say that you are from this class and you are from a rich family.

Haste in the Implementation Process

But come on, people need a heads up in order to be able to plan for their kids. For example, you're sure, like in the last ten years or 14 years, like when you are raising your kid, there has been nothing really showing you that despite you coming from this, there has been all assurance and everything has been pointing out towards the fact that if your son is bright enough, you don't need to even save for them. So, una chikwa Dozako, as a good person who invest in the state, maybe you make a letter or you put your money in an investment somewhere in order to employ many people.

Financial Planning for Future Education

So your money people do not just let money sit in their accounts. It's not like even if you're rich you just have money just lying around. So with the hasting implementation again despite the fact that you might come from a rich or a good well of family let me just say well of not really rich because rich means that you have a lot of surplus. But most families, especially the middle income families have doesn't mean that make image make a decision.

Impact on Middle-Income Families

No it basically means that he do im a immaculate so as off guard maybe even some parents will start closing off business and now it goes into in a Kwana ripple effect Ali Kwana Fakunini could benefit from it. So yeah so this is something that I believe I can go on and then also the aspect of meritocracy being taken away from this. The fact that now your grade no matter how bright you are it doesn't count with the new funding model.

Meritocracy in Education

Yeah it's just your family and how hard your parents worked before you. So the fact that is all that counts again I feel that is something that is very painful to be taken away from the african child I don't get grade. At least in high school it would have made a bit more sense but now the fact that is being taken away from you as a kenyan child I feel that is really bad for the solution I believe I just run about it.

Urgency for Revisions in Education Policy

I know I've taken quite some time but for the solution I think that they should hold the model. First of all there is no need to do it in such a haste. Give people more time to implement it. Go over the issues, involve people, do not just bring people because you have implemented a decision and it's now a matter of protecting the decision despite the impact that you'll have, but just withdrawing the decision and coming to board and giving people time.

Engagement and Flexibility in Policy Making

And when such a decision is made in future, people at least be able to be told that, you know, in ten years or in five years from now guys, the university fees is going to be used. This is the study, this is the mode that is going to be used in order to find and then of course pump the universities with more income and also prone courses that are not really beneficial and not bringing in a lot of income to the universities or to their society in general, not contributing to the labor markets.

Recommendations for Sustainable Funding

So that at least we find an immediate intermediate solution and the long term solution to this. So I believe those are the two avenues that should be really looked into. Thank you so much and so for taking so much time. Okay thank you. Thank you so much. I would like to give a chance to callo Mwaki to give us his input.

Discussion and Engagement with Speakers

Keanu, I think we've lost him. Then we have Sami. Sami Kimanzi, if I'm pronouncing it. Okay, okay. Okay. Then we are supposed to have another speaker. I think he's having challenges joining us, but if we can continue, maybe we can continue with Brian from JQuat. Maybe you can talk about, does this model offer loans to diploma students? Because as we know, most students, Kenyan students who join university, a big number of them do not have the pass mark to go direct to do a degree.

Funding Provisions for Diploma Students

So they start with a diploma, then they continue to do a degree. So does it. Does it fund diploma students, Brian? Yes, it is both affecting the Tivet and Tivet, and also the institutions of higher learning. So, yes, there's a provision for that. Once it comes to the tibet, there's. A provision like, okay, Kello is back.

Legal Perspectives in Student Funding

So, Kello, maybe you can give us your input. Yes. Yes. Good. I've been listening in, and I wanted to chime in with regard to the legal perspective that most of these students are not aware. Maybe if you guys can allow me. Yes. Yes. Go ahead and. Okay. You can hear me? Yes, I can.

Conclusion and Closing Remarks

Yeah, that's what I wanted to hear. So, this new university funding model, if you look at it carefully, you'll realize you have you.

Government Education Agenda

The kenyan government has taken a step back when it comes to the transformative agenda in ensuring that the education system in Kenya is at par or is capable of producing individuals who are skilled in labor and in knowledge so that you guys can compete even with other nations all over the world. And this is by the implementation of a funding model that tends to put students that, let's say they are not well off financially in certain groupings. And in this case, they are kind of like discriminated against when it comes to accessing education. And I wanted to point the members of this panel or the members of this space about article 55 of the Constitution of Kenya. So, article 55 of the Constitution of Kenya, which makes up chapter four of the Bill of rights of Kenya, provides that a state, like this case, Kenya, must take measures that include affirmative action programs to ensure that the youth access relevant education and training.

Access to Employment and Education

It also goes on and discusses that the state will also ensure that the youth access employment. Now, in the modern sense, you can't access employment if you don't have the necessary skills. How do you get the necessary skills? By getting the necessary knowledge. How do you get the necessary knowledge? By you going to university. How do you go to university? The state is obligated to ensure that they provide the perfect environment or the perfect policy to ensure that majority of the youth go to university. If you read the Constitution properly, article 19 of the Constitution provides that. Hello? Yes. Yeah, you. We've lost you. From what point did you lose me? The article. When you were quoting the article. What? Come again? Yes, now I can hear you. I can hear you clearly. Yes, you can start by quoting the last quote of constitution. Yes, I was quoting article 19 of the constitution.

Human Rights and State Obligations

Clause three. Can you hear? Yes, you can continue now. No, yeah. Article 19, clause three of the constitution provides that the. The human rights, including to access to education, are not granted by the state. They inhere in you by virtue of being an individual. Okay? So the state is not supposed to take them away from you. If you read article 23, 24 and 21 and 22, it provides that the state is obligated to ensure that certain rights are protected. Can you guys still hear me? Yes, we can hear you. Hello? We can hear you. Okay. Oh, perfect, perfect. So, as I was saying, those rights. The state is obligated under the kenyan constitution to make sure that they protect certain rights.

Challenges of Implementation

They also obligated to ensure that they protect those rights. Okay. They are also obligated to make steps and ensure. To take necessary steps to ensure that those rights, including the right to access to education for the youth, as under Article 55, is fulfilled. Now, the new university funding model is a different kind of policy. It is not. It is not in consonance with the obligations this constitution puts upon the government of Kenya to ensure that they use access education and access employment. So far, I hope we're together. Yes, we are. But maybe you can wind up, because. Okay, let me wind up. Let me wind up. Let me wind up.

Previous Funding Models

So this new university funding model can be challenged in court and it can be quashed. When Professor Samongeri was minister of education back in the day around 2011, he set up the quota system where children from public schools were given a larger quota portion to access to national schools and children from private schools were given a limited quota system to access to national schools. In that national schools being funded by the government of Kenya, the government understood that public schools, public primary schools, they were so overcrowded and they were funded by the state. So therefore, the resources were not available for everyone to make sure that the students in the public schools perform well as compared to the students in the private schools. The court made the high court.

Court Rulings and Educational Equity

Let me conclude. The high court upheld the quota system that was brought about by Professor Samongeri. They said that quota system is in consonance with the transformative agenda of Article 27. The Article 27 of the constitution talks about non discrimination. The positive aspect, to make sure that children from backgrounds that they cannot, backgrounds that are not well off, they are not financially well off, can be able to access the prestige and the quality education provided in national schools. Okay, I hope you got your point. Up to that point. Thank you. The new university funding model is directly in conflict with article 27, six of the constitution.

Concerns Raised About the Funding Model

It does not feature the transformative agenda that is required as part of the constitution and also from parts of the vision 2030. Somebody else talked about that when you become 18 years old, that your parents are not obligated to Q University. I don't know whether I heard that correctly, but there's a case law. Yes. Parents are obligated to take you to university and to pay for your school fees even if you turn 20. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Yes, thank you. That is all. Thank you so much, Kialo, for that input. So, Brian, is it a Brian? No, Emmanuel. Emmanuel is still not with us. Okay then.

The Role of University Leadership

Carlos. Secretary General, Mount Kenya University maybe the role of university leadership when it comes to this funding model, maybe you can tell us or try to, you know, bring to the attention of the government and Kenyans at large. How can university leaders collaborate to create a unified voice in these advocacy efforts? Because now we've been feeling the students are against this model. We also have a society, civil society groups rejecting this funding model. But sometimes back we had, was it university lecturers saying that they agree to this funding model? So how can university leaders collaborate to create a unified voice when it comes to these advocacy efforts? Thank you.

Importance of Student Leadership

First and foremost, I'd like to acknowledge that student leadership is a crucial role because we lead a large number of students in our universities and it comes with challenges. And it's problem for those who have been student leaders like Mutebo will tell you, in the student leadership as a whole, in most cases, it is a divide and rule. And I am sorry to say so last week, two days ago, the head of the Public service Commission and the so called deep state and high profile individuals launched the new funding model committee that was made of the appointed student leaders. And I must say that out of the 72 universities that we have in this country, there are those universities that have zero representation, especially from the coastal region and the Okambani region, southeastern, like southeastern Kenya University.

Concerns Over University Representation

When you go to coastal region, technical University, of Mombasa Puani university and name them. And to your surprise, universities like places like University of Nairobi are overrepresented to make it worse that those who have made it to that committee who are not student leaders. So my question is, or our question is number one, where why are they there? Like to just be for real. You see, whatever is happening is the divide and rule number one among student leaders. If we can come up and gang against the new funding model, then it will work. But how will it work when the person who doesn't want you to support the new funding model, who wants to support the new funding model, is giving the student leaders handouts to contain them and protect whatever is bad.

Manipulation of Student Leadership

And so the few truthful men were left as the student leaders. They are overridden, they can't do anything. Student leaders are being manipulated. And we take this even to the vice chancellors, these people. I would not want for that example, the vice chancellors. Vice chancellors is like appointee from the office of the executive president. And they are appointed there to help the president realize and propel the president's agenda. And so when somebody is appointed as the vice chancellor and he opposes one of the agendas of the president, it's like you are trying to tell the president and the nation in a country that we live that you are tired of your job.

Support For the New Funding Model

So majority of them are close to all who are appointees of the government and by the president will support the new funding model. Because they argue that schools, there are some schools that were going down and were almost at the end of being closed because they had huge debts. They could not pay their salaries to the workers and maintain the general functionality of the institution. But it's fine, our universities should not shrink when we are seeing. But how comes an idea is being brought pitched. The implementation begins when the main stakeholders were the students are the people who are suffering like seriously where the main stakeholders who ensure the continuity and the day-to-day running activity within institutions of higher learning.

Student Experiences and Concerns

And how comes we are the most affected. And not just most, we are affected directly through the school fees that we pay. So if we can just come genuine among us, amongst ourselves, reason and ensure that if the free education that we opted for to help realize our vision 2030, if leaders can come up together and speak the truth as it is, then I think we can go as a nation. But we, or when our student leaders are being manipulated by handout by high profile individuals, it becomes a divide and rule thing. And this is the main problem that is affecting us. We have had several meetings with the president with different people from the ministry. We've told them this thing is bad, but at the end of the day we will echo our voice.

Manipulation and the Need for Unity

They manipulate a few of us through backdoor. They give you handouts and contain ground. And just as the time passes by, like you see. So it's a bigger call to our student leaders. We're supposed to collaborate with our vice chancellors and the stakeholders within the university and advise the president properly. Personally, I've taken a lot of my time for the past three weeks. I've done a lot of articles with Daily Nation. We've gone to tv shows doing just the lots of work and trying to educate the people. But why? How do you feel when you try to educate a group of people who are fixed minded, people who do not even want to modify the system?

Challenges in Advocating for Change

You tell them, Band four and five, if Mister president and your people, if you have to implement this, do away with this. And he insists we cannot do away with band four and five because of this and that. So how does it come? You see, it's a. It's a. It's. It's hectic and it's a lot. Okay, thank you. Thank you so much. Abic. Thank you. I think we can. We can move. Maybe somebody has something to add or. Hello? Yes, I can hear you. So I think now we can have the listeners, if you're. If you want to comment, if you want to add something, just raise your hand and I'll give you the space to contribute.

Interest Rates and Loan Repayment Challenges

But on the same maybe we can talk about the interest rates on the loans to the students. Are the rates favorable? And how long does it take for one to start repaying the loan immediately? One is done with the university or maybe a year or two. And what happens if one doesn't have a job? So Brian, maybe you can take us through that. And also you continue raising your hand, I'll give you the space to contribute. Yes, hello? Yes. Yes, Brian. I think the information that I had about the interest rate was towards. I remember the. What they had for help before was 4% for Arnam.

Continuing Discussion on Interest Rates

Hello? Yeah, you can continue. Yeah, so that was the 4% is what had been presented. And there was a. Hello, Brian. A 4% was presented, Brian. Sorry, I'm having some problems. I don't know. Okay, it's okay. 4% was presented. Brian is having. Okay. As we wait for Brian, we. Oh, we can. We have a. Okay. As we wait for Brian, maybe also a bitch. I hope I'm pronouncing your name correctly. The amount of. The amount of money given to these students either in band one, two, three.

Sufficiency of Government Support

Do you think it is enough? Do you feel like it's little? And maybe the government should do something. Because as for students in band one, under this category, the government scholarship covers 70% of the fees. Where the loan will cover 25%. Making the total support 95%. So here the family will only pay 5% of the fees. And the student will receive an upkeep or loan from help. Over 60,000 kenyan shillings. And before, yes, ambit, you can maybe take us through that. Is it enough? Do you feel like the government should take.

Concerns Over Financial Adequacy

Even for band one, band two, the amount that they are giving should be increased. It's. Well, it's okay, you know, when it comes to the amount of the money that is given. We cannot say it's enough or it's not enough. Because if we try to compare, then definitely we'll go for the one that it's inadequate. So let me tell you, universities, comrades generally in general, have common problems. Whether the ones from the University of Nairobi, Kisi University, Rongo University. In every part of this country. The problem is one, because of lack of rent.

Addressing Common Challenges

You see, people have a lot of challenges. And the current situation that we are as youths is the unemployment rate. See, for example. So if you were to say that whether the money is insufficient or it's sufficient either for band one or band two. We must insist for equality for all comrades of the Republic of Kenya. Because they face same challenge and they need to be treated equally. From that point of argument, why would you give somebody, for example, more upkeep, money? And some people are given less, maybe because of.

Education Policy Implications

And mostly because of the faultiness of the. Of the government MTI system. Like generally it's not. It's not working and not making sense. But as students, when you ask them, there's always an application window that it's always open for the appeal. If you feel you have been given not enough to sustain you, some of those appeals, they go. But as I told you, appeal is a 50 thing. It's not. It's either you win or you lose. It's not a guarantee. You have to be given an extra money or you have to be given less.

Advocating for a Flat Funding Rate

So I'd say to avoid a lot of gambling. We would want this to be a flat rate to each and every comrade. Because they face common problem. When you come to University of Nairobi, the same reason why Mutua Nandaku in a miyako karibuna makule chaposuk is the same reason. From Pwani University or southeastern Kenya University. Ananda Kolalaja. These people are dying of depression. Depression as a result of hunger, leave alone the depression of domestic violence, back at home, relationship issues and the peer pressure.

Impact of Socio-Economic Issues on Students

Hunger alone. Somebody cannot function well in class, that one somebody trying to tell you will fail more terribly. And I don't think that we should be able to. We are in a position to discuss whether the money given is too little. The money that actually is channeled to the CDF, from the president down to county government, national government and county government is enough to increase the amount of money that is being given. Because definitely, if we are given that choice, we will go for the increment of the money so that it supports us.

Role of Government in Support

Yeah. Thank you so much, Nicholas. I want to give Nicholas the space. I think we've lost Nicholas. But at the same time, if this funding model does not work, maybe what could be the repercussions to our universities? And this is an open question, what could happen? Because, you know, they were said that there was, the implementation of the model was, you know, done. It was not given time. So if it doesn't work, what happens to our universities? What happens to our students?

Potential Consequences of Funding Model Failure

Well, if the new funding model does not work, I think most of the public universities, leave alone the private one, most of them will shrink. That is as the situation is on the ground, if it doesn't work and we retain the new mode of study that we had previously, then it definitely means we, the student, will not want to care whether the government, where the government will source the money for, would want to study and graduate. But the crisis, if it doesn't work, there will be less content given by the lecturers in class because there's no more, not enough motivational factor for them.

Education Quality and Delivery Concerns

So definitely there will be a lot of either congestion, there will be more congestion, there will be poor service delivery to the student, and you mess with the education. What do you expect when you offer the poor quality education to our students? You will definitely know the answer. But the stage, I can assure you as a student leader, the stage where this new funding model has reached and with the high rate of manipulation that is being done to the stakeholders, student leaders and how they operate, new funding model is going to be there.

Future Vision for Funding Model Modification

Okay. That is to me, because I've been there and I've seen on, I've keenly followed the talks which are there. It's there to stay but if it's there to stay, it should be modified. As an IT student, there's something we told that there's no complete system. A system that you make and that an IT person can make. It needs to be modified and synthesized each and every time. So that whenever there's a challenge or a loophole, we can see onto the most probable solution.

Engaging Stakeholders for Solutions

A formidable solution helps solve that. So I think because one of the suggestions that we provided. Let band four and five to be done away with. If the university model does not work, there's going to be a lot of public debt that is going to be accumulated for the. Mostly for the public institution. They will not grow, infrastructure wise. Everything close to everything will be pathetic. And the kenyan education will shrink. And we shall have lost a lot as a nation to the education sector.

Concerns for Private Institutions

Okay. And again, if it doesn't work, I'm seeing a possibility of institutions, the private institutions, like Mount Kenya University, will gain. Because, again, who would opt to take his Orai child to a public university. Where the less skills and content is being provided. So they will definitely want more. The privatization of the private universities will be on a higher level. And literally gain the export of our own. There are a lot of tycoons who will opt having more shares in the private institutions.

Final Thoughts and Future Directions

Okay, thank you. Thank you so much. But as we've said that if this model doesn't work, many parents will opt to take their children to private universities.

Affordability of University Education

But the question is how many parents can afford to? So that means we'll have, you know, those who will go to the university. There are those who now will have two categories of young people in this country. Those who, after form four, cannot afford to continue. And that is going back when, you know, back then, when we had people, when you hear someone has gone to the university, you know, that's a family that is well up. You know, the parents have money.

Impact of the New Funding Model

But before we continue, Mugala, I want to give you the space to contribute. Oh, okay. So I was listening to the discussion about what will happen in case the new funding model fails. The first thing is on the start of this semester, already we are seeing less and less first years and most probably second years have reported because of the high cost of living and being placed in the top bands. It's not really something that. Okay, it's not really a good thing, but it depends.

Understanding the New Funding Model

So the first thing that you should understand about the new university funding model, as my brother had said earlier, it's here to stay. So not because. Not because it's us the citizens who want. But it's because the government has been placed in a position. If you have ever done something to do with economics, there's something called the stretch structural adjustment programs that. That is required for the government in order that they fulfill a condition to get money from IMF. And one of them is you. You remove the subsidies for food, education.

Consequences of Funding Model Implementation

So they select some of these conditions. And I think it is a conditionality that they look at the university funding model. It's not necessarily a bad thing if the people can afford and if the people are willing to onboard. But forcing it on Kenyans at such a time, it brings up a lot of problems. And you see there's a problem currently with the means testing instrument. And then when you see the statistics, that is from primary to under the 844, primary to high school to university transition, then you realize that most of the village schools, those are the day schools deep in the village, the maybe the poor, very poor schools, they have really low rates of admission to universities.

Challenges for Students from Remote Areas

And the complex, the among. Okay, is it only complex? So, utapata, for someone to. To like, appeal and then for it to be successful and if someone appeals and it's not really successful, and, you know, you are from a village school, most probably you've not been exposed to this, the Internet and maybe the offices, or maybe if you can really follow up on what you're supposed to do, most of the people really opt out. And then the new university funding model should really come up, come out clear about the private universities part, the polytechnic parts, and maybe just they should really come out clear so that as university students, they get to really understand what is going on.

Understanding Financial Fit in University Choices

And then those who, those who are getting into university, for example, private university. And I choose, I should also know about what exactly I'm choosing in terms of my financial fit, in case I really. I don't get the scholarship. And then the new university funding model, that is the means testing tool. I think, as my brother put it earlier, it should be open such that, okay, year one, they can progress you and then they can test you. Year two, they can progress, and then they test you again. You know, the conditions change.

Flexibility in Review and Assessment

Even rich families. Maybe somebody lost his job and, you know, a lot is happening right now. But let us just focus on this new university funding model. So already we are seeing less people reporting to school, let's hope. Maybe people will go through it and then they review it. Thank you. Thank you so much, Mugala, for that. But also, you've touched on students or young people who come from remote areas where they are not aware on how to go about using maybe computers, if I can say so.

Navigating Online Funding Applications

But when it comes to the. When you're applying for this funding model, the CES the other day said that the reason why people have been or students have been placed in, let's say band five instead of band one or two, it's because they gave the wrong information. They gave. They gave out wrong information when they were applying. So who should maybe educate or create awareness to young people who are planning to join universities to make sure that they don't make the same mistakes like the first branch that are benefiting from these funding model?

Awareness Creation for Application Process

This is an open question because now we know that unezatoka, somewhere remote, let's say somewhere like Trukana, and you've come to Nairobi and you want to come to Nairobi. When you're filling out the application online, are they being taught or they just walk into a cyber cafe where someone who has no knowledge on what you're supposed to write, maybe the materials, the information, the documents that you're supposed to send, submit so that it will be easier for you to be placed in the right band. Whose responsibility is this?

Government Stance on University Funding

From their. I from the government, which is the scholarship and the loan for you to accommodate yourself at the end of the semester, you find it so difficult for you to pay the remaining amount, making you to defer. So my stance still is that this government needs to go back to the drawing board and look at the issue. Your funding model isn't good at all.

Acknowledgment and Open Floor

Okay, thank you so much. Thank you so much. As we prepare to wind up, I saw Isaac. Okay. And as we wait for Isaac, the floor, the space is still open for anyone who would want to. To share their thoughts on these funding, new university funding models. Okay, Isaac, go ahead.

Need for Model Rectification

Isaac. Yes, yes, go ahead. Go ahead. In my view, the government should be rectified and should be returned old model. Because this one, it is getting difficult. For us to access. That is my view. Okay. Yeah, it.

Perspectives on Funding Models

Nicholas. Thank you very much. Are you able to get me. Yes, yes. Thank you very much. Now, in my view, I just want to say something small reason to the new funding model. This new funding model, actually, it is something that a lot of debate, a lot of issues have been said. Even as we have talked here, we've said very meaningful things about the new funding model. But I want to talk about the sustainability of this new funding model.

Sustainability Concerns

What we are seeing about people being pushed to band four, band five and band three, for example, big number. This is just a symbol that government already is getting pressure. And when we get to maybe the fourth lot, the fifth lot, everybody will be in band four and band five. Because we are beginning to see with the first lot, which are now second years already. There is pressure because last year we did not experience a lot of issues to do with the appeals.

Funding Adequacy Issues

But now what happens that the MTA is now rejecting and taking people to band four and five, this big number. In real sense, there is something that is taking place, and in the near future, everybody is going to go to band four and band five. So in simple term, sustainability of this new funding model is still very low. So there is no way this thing is going to be sustained as much as doing push to take to go through its sustainability is not going to be that easy.

Questions on Adequate Funding

Secondly, there is this issue. You asked this question earlier on before. I want to respond to it in a few, where you said that our adequate is, for example, a student being given a student band one, the fund that are getting. How adequate is it? What I want to say about this is that when we talk about adequacy of those funds, especially those in band one and band two, which we are pushing to be the remaining bands, I think we cannot talk and say that this one is now enough, because look at what is happening.

Discrepancies in Funding

For example, when you say that a student is in band one, it is sounding very nice that the student will only pay 5%. Yes, but look at the course, the cost of the course. For example, if you look at a student taking medicine, the cost is 600,000. And if you look at a student in arts, the cost may be somehow 90 or 100 shillings, roughly at that place. So you find that 5% of a student art is something like 5000 or even 2000.

Economic Disparities in Education

3000. But a student in the. The school of medicine, the cost is 30,000. The same people are in the same bracket in 30,000. Another one is paying 2000 or 3000 there about what is all these things? It makes sense. Katakidogu so that place should also be taken into consideration in as much as you are saying, it is small amount. Yes, there are students who are qualifying for those medicine courses.

Systemic Challenges in Communication

And actually they are coming from very poor background, which cannot even raise that 5000, which you are saying in band one is a household we whose income is below 5000. Nicholas, if you know, Nicholas, your audio has a lot of echo. We can hear you clearly. Now. It seems like either you're using earphones or we can't hear you well. The audio is really bad.

Inefficient Communication

Maybe it's just a network. You can give the next person chance. Okay, thank you. Thank you so much. We have Omosoko. Omosoko. The space is yours. Yes, kindly. Good evening, guys. Yeah, good evening. Allow me to speak Swahili. It's all right. It's all right.

Continuing Conversations on Funding

Because once. Yeah. Hello? Someone get me. Can someone. Hello? Hello? I can hear you. You can continue. Solianguilikua. Government funding of. Funding the universities. Thank you. Unfortunately, we did not. Our. The person who was supposed to be answering questions has been having issues in joining the space.

Continuing University Funding Issues

So we opted to continue. But I hope he will. He will be able to join before we finish. But for now, I would like to give the space to John. Sir. John. Go ahead, sergeant, you can go ahead. As we wait for. The guest was supposed to be answering questions because that is a good question on whether now.

Questions on the Loan System

Because maybe we had taken help before, what happens to that loan? But for now, let's hear from sergeant. Okay, we've lost Sargent, but we have another speaker. Okay. Your Twitter handle is deep space. Yeah. The space is yours. Okay, just a moment. Like five minutes. I'm coming back with my presentation. Okay? Okay. Okay.

Call for Continued Dialogue

Thank you so much. There are issues that have been raised and I wish we had the. The other speaker to at least, you know, give us or answer. Emmanuel Abuk was the act. He's the acting deputy director, grants management University fund. It would have been better for him to be with us so that at least he can answer some of these questions that are being raised.

Engagement with Stakeholders

Because we. Madam. Madam. Danzi. Yes, kindly. If I. If I'm asking someone is asking a question and expect, but we don't know where they can someone. Another. Footer. Because we have questions that need to be, you know, we need to know, we need insights. We need someone to shed light on them.

Challenges in Outreach

And our team is looking, trying to locate him. But so far. So far, there are issues that have been raised that would have loved to get someone to respond to them. You know, for instance, those people, now they will have two loans. There is help and then there is now this one. What will happen to them? And also the issue of sustainability.

Concerns About the Future of University Funding

Maybe you would have been able to tell us how sustainable this model will be, or maybe it will collapse after some time. But now, for now, I think we can wind up. Unfortunately, it seems like he's having issues. But this conversation should not end here. We can continue having this conversation.

Engaging Stakeholders

We continue engaging the stakeholders, you know, in the education sector that will be able to give us these answers. And this is not the last time we will have this kind of a forum or a space where we will have more experts in this funding model to shed light more. Because we are still, some of us, we understand it, but to.

Understanding the Complexity of Funding

We really don't understand it the way we are supposed to. You know, when you want to explain it to someone, it should be easier for us to explain to even, you know, our parents, other students. But for now, let's listen to Sajon. If you sergeon, you can hear me. Okay? Deep state.

Concerns Raised by Participants

You're welcome. Yeah, so thank you so much. Yes, yes. You clear? I just joined. I had concerns about this new funding model. But it's like those who are to give us those answers. Because I had questions. For example, the access and equity of this loan.

Ensuring Inclusive Access to Loans

Because as much as we are aiming to prioritize incoming students, we can't. We are losing you, John. We are losing you. Yeah. Yes, yes, you're back. Okay. Yeah. Well, the model aims to prioritize low income students. How will it ensure that rural village disadvantaged students are not left behind?

Identifying Barriers to Equity

Because we can't assume that everyone can access easy loans. Because you find that most of us tend to give wrong information in the authorities. Because if you are honest, you are left behind. Like for example, but our jews water and then kunawule often. But you find that people around them maybe.

Seeking Solutions for Marginalized Students

How are they going to address this? Because I quite nangalia background, son. I am. Yeah. So we wait for the concerns. You can ask maybe kunam to audience. Maybe we'll be able to respond. Hello. Hello, madam. Hello, Sajan.

Further Discussions on Stakeholder Engagement

Madam. Maybe you can wait a little bit so that John. John amalize then. Yeah. So Sajon, you can continue. You can ask. Maybe there's someone in the audience who will be able to respond to your question. And because since we don't have the expert was supposed to be answering questions.

Addressing Realities of Funding

Because there are a lot in this new model. Like, for example, private universities, I think private I apply loan. And then while diplomatain akuna mimi ni metafutas jaw nama. I called you. It has changed. It has changed so much. So.

Discussing The Impact of the New Model

Expertise, like the sustainability of this funding model. How will the government issue consistent and adequate funding for need students without overburdening even the system Navy Laporte will ulam to a Chini will be required to pay this loan. Because recently I think. Yeah, Nicosia loan.

Evaluating the Previous Model

I thought that old model, but. Messages, messages. So imaneno, after helped, could these people even try to find students who have maybe graduated a job so that maybe they try to pay, because if we pay, then it's a guarantee that those who are new coming in, they can get access to this loan.

Concerns on Loan Repayment Rates

But according to the data, those who repay loan, there are very few, I think not because they want. I think it's because there's no job for us to generate those amounts to pay to this government. And maybe they can tell us what was wrong with the old model, that now they are coming up with this new model.

Need for Explanation of Model Changes

What was wrong with that model? Because I think it was just fine, this tendency of if a new leader comes to government, then they want, like they want to change everything, like they want to use their own things. I think this one should stop because we are getting rough down here. Okay, thank you.

Conclusion of Discussions

Thank you. I can see time is not on our side, but I would like to give a few more people. But please be, you know, precise. We have. King Fahim. King Fahim, a few minutes, please. Yes, Amaya. Thank you. King Fahim? Yeah.

Wrap-up Statements

Can you hear you? If you can hear me, the space is yours. Yeah, mine is just to echo what Sajona said. Okay. It's like we at Osukizani because of time. I feel like these conversations should continue in the spaces, in this space, and also to engage also the stakeholders in the education sector.

Need for Ongoing Engagement

And there are few issues, not few, there are many that has been raised. And I'm sorry that the. The expert who was supposed to answer these questions was not. Has not been able to join the space. I. King Fahim, maybe I can give you two minutes.

Communication Dynamics

Can you get me now? King Fahim, we can't hear you. Yeah, we can. I can. Here. King Fahim, I think you're the person who can't hear you, so maybe I'm just speak. Yeah, okay. I think we can hear you. Okay. Okay.

Reflection on New Funding Model

Maybe you can continue as I sort it out on my end. Yeah, I was saying about the new funding model, I think it's just beneficial to some few individuals who go in there. Like it doesn't favor all of us. Favoring the students placed on bandwa, band one and band two, I guess.

Concerns over Loan Reimbursements

And how are we supposed to pay the loans after we finish? The loans are so high for us to pay someone. I think if the new funding model was to come in place to suppose to come as a grant, not as a loan, because that loan is so much for someone who is unemployed to pay. Yeah.

Implications for the Future

So because I know very in a few years time, the government will be complaining that a lot of the students from campuses have a lot of debts. So as to why the continuing students at the time are not being given the loans, whereas the new funding model, I guess just beneficial the government only not to benefit us because the loans and the interest rate at which the loans are growing, just favoring the government, not the students.

Calls for Reevaluation and Revisions

Yeah, I think we should check on that. Yeah. Nancy King Fahiman just concluded his remarks on what we are speaking about. Okay, thank you. Thank you. I was trying to follow up, but thank you. I've heard that in a few years to come, the government will be complaining of how, you know, university students.

Final Field Thoughts

Now you've completed university, you've graduated, but you don't have a job, so you've not been, you will not be able to pay, you know, the loan. So they should come as grants notice, not as a loan that you be required to pay in the future. Unfortunately, our time has run out.

Summarizing Key Issues

But if I can go through summarize some of the things that have been spoken here, then I'll give a bit, a minute to conclude, to say something as we wind up. The government should not categorize students because that means there's discrimination. And if it is giving student loans, everyone should have, you know, what, we're equal.

Implementation Challenges

And also the bands, at least according to what has been said, it is okay to have band one, two, I think, and three, and to do away with band four and band five. And also another issue that was raised is the implementation, you know, and also, so it is sad that less students have reported to universities, especially the second years and the first years.

Trends in University Admissions

Considering the number of students who have been joining university in previous years, the number has been high. And noticing that the numbers are going down, it is sad because now it seems like not. It seems many students and parents cannot afford to take their children to university.

Future Sustainability of Funding

Also, sustainability, how long will this model, you know, be sustainable? And another one asked what was so wrong with the former model that we had to come up with this new one. This conversation, we can continue this conversation.

Engaging Broader Community Perspectives

We should continue this conversation because it is touching on every one of us. If I am not a student, maybe my brother is a student, your niece is a student. And so if we are not able, if this university funding model is not sustainable, then it means that in the near future we'll have few students joining universities.

Concerns Over Future Enrollment

And that will be now maybe private universities. So, Abic, maybe you can say a word before we close. Abich is the secretary general, Mount Kenya University. I don't think he can hear me. But thank you so much for each and every one of you who've been able to join this space, to listen, to contribute, to ask questions, even though we did not have someone to answer.

Looking Ahead to Future Discussions

I believe next time we have this kind of a conversation space, in this space, we'll have the expert, the stakeholders in the education sector to answer some of these burning questions.

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