Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space THE NEVERENDING CHASE! – AMA with @fordenad hosted by rarible. The Twitter space 'The Neverending Chase' with @fordenad delved deep into the world of NFTs, focusing on community-driven NFT projects, essential skills for product managers, the intersection of art and blockchain, and strategies for user engagement. Discussions revolved around inclusivity, user experiences, and the challenges faced by NFT product managers in balancing innovation and scalability. Participants explored the evolving landscape of NFT platforms, emphasizing the role of technology and user-centric design in driving adoption and growth.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How do community-driven projects impact the NFT industry?
A: Community-driven initiatives foster long-term engagement, trust, and innovation in the NFT space.

Q: What skills are essential for a successful career in NFT product management?
A: Adaptability, creativity, market understanding, and tech-savviness are crucial for NFT product managers.

Q: Why is inclusivity important in NFT platforms?
A: Inclusivity enhances creativity, fosters diverse perspectives, and broadens NFT audience reach.

Q: How can NFT platforms leverage technology for better user experiences?
A: Integrating AR/VR, gamification, and blockchain advancements can enhance user interactions and immersion.

Q: What strategies can boost user engagement in NFT marketplaces?
A: Interactive features, community events, collaborations, and user rewards can drive user engagement and retention.

Q: What challenges do NFT product managers face in the current market?
A: Navigating regulatory uncertainties, scalability issues, and market saturation are common challenges for NFT product managers.

Q: How can NFT platforms balance innovation and scalability?
A: Iterative design, user feedback, and scalability planning are key to balancing innovation without compromising platform stability.

Q: What role does art play in the NFT and blockchain ecosystem?
A: Art adds cultural value, authenticity, and creativity to the blockchain, expanding the possibilities for digital ownership and expression.

Q: Why is user experience crucial in NFT adoption?
A: A seamless, engaging user experience is vital for attracting and retaining users in the competitive NFT market.

Q: How can product managers drive adoption and growth in NFT marketplaces?
A: By understanding user needs, market trends, and technological developments, product managers can drive strategic growth and adoption in NFT platforms.


Time: 00:12:45
Community-Driven NFT Projects Exploring how community involvement shapes the success of NFT initiatives.

Time: 00:25:30
Skills for NFT Product Management Discussing essential skills and strategies for NFT product managers.

Time: 00:35:19
Inclusivity in NFT Platforms Embracing diversity and inclusivity in NFT platforms for broader reach and impact.

Time: 00:45:08
Tech Innovation in NFT User Experience Innovative tech solutions to enhance user experiences and interactions in NFT platforms.

Time: 00:55:17
User Engagement Strategies Strategies to drive user engagement and retention in NFT marketplaces.

Time: 01:05:21
Challenges for NFT Product Managers Navigating challenges and seizing opportunities in the dynamic NFT industry.

Time: 01:15:39
Innovative Design in NFT Platforms Balancing innovation and scalability for sustainable growth in NFT platforms.

Time: 01:25:50
Artistic Influence in Blockchain The impact of art on blockchain ecosystems and the NFT market.

Time: 01:35:12
User-Centric NFT Experiences The importance of user-centric design in driving NFT adoption and usability.

Time: 01:45:27
Product Management in NFT Marketplaces Strategies for successful product management in the evolving landscape of NFT platforms.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of community-driven NFT projects for sustainable growth.
  • Tips for career growth in NFT product management and marketplace development.
  • Exploring approaches to create innovative and user-centric NFT platforms.
  • The significance of inclusivity and diversity in NFT creation and adoption.
  • Utilizing technology to enhance user experiences in the NFT space.
  • Insights on driving adoption and engagement in NFT marketplaces.
  • Balancing creativity, innovation, and scalability in NFT product design.
  • Strategies for navigating challenges and opportunities in the NFT industry.
  • Understanding the evolving role of product managers in NFT ecosystems.
  • Exploring the intersection of art, technology, and blockchain in NFTs.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Joining of Speaker

GMGM. We're going to wait fortunate to join us, then we'll ask him some questions. I will be right back. Hey Fortunard, I added you to join us as a speaker. Please dm me if you're having any issues. Amazing. All right, looks like you're good. How are you doing? If you want to give us a mic check for that we. Yes. You sound great. Awesome. Yep. Awesome. Very good, very good. I can kick us right off. Appreciate everyone who's joining here with listening in today. Those that will be listening in the future as this, we're recording this space here. We have fortunad who's going to be joining us and has joined us here as our speaker for our ama, for his drop that was today and is ongoing actually on rarible called the never ending chase. So going to give him the floor.

Artist's Introduction and Experience

You know, I want to just start off and just learn a little bit about yourself, your background and what brought you to the web three space and we can definitely go from there. First of all, thank you so much, Jonathan, for organizing everything and doing the thing. It was so easy for an artist like me to drop on Rarible. The easiest experience in my life. It just did everything. It's so cool. Thank you so much. Very excited to be here and also very excited about this drop. I really had fun animating the thing and also I just remembered that I have a video of a behind the scenes process of this piece. So I'm going to be dropping that probably tomorrow. Maybe. Yeah, tomorrow. All right. Wait for behind the scenes video. So yeah.

Transition into the NFT Space

How did I get to into NFT space? It happened like around two years ago. A bit more now. Around the time when people sold his huge piece, right, for like 70 million or something. I've heard about NFTs and web three from my coworker who didn't do anything here actually. He didn't actually mint anything. He just heard about it and like, you should check it out. So that's. Yeah, those fun. And at the time I was working in a game dev studio. We were creating mobile games and I was the lead animator in there. I was teaching some animators how to do the thing and I was doing the thing myself. We were creating mobile games, obviously. I do a lot of games and mobile too and. Yeah, so I was working in a mobile game studio and then I've heard about nfts.

Experiencing Shyness in the NFT Community

I'm like, this is sick. I started to join in some communities I wasn't very active because, I don't know, I'll be honest, I was a little bit shy at the time. I wasn't speaking on spaces. I wasn't chatting even. I was just there watching. But then what time? And this is advice for you. If you're shy to talk on spaces or, I don't know, just communicate with people, then the easiest solution for you is just to do the thing. Just try it once. Maybe it'll be a little bit embarrassing. But, hey, it is what it is. You will learn, and you'll get better. That's just how it works. Everything in life works that way.

Engaging with the NFT Community

So I was in multiple communities. I minted some stuff, I sold some stuff. I got very lucky a few times, especially the time when I sold what was the sandbox? Sandbox pass or something for, like, $6,000. I'm like, what the hell? This is crazy, Mandy. And then I was like, okay, everyone is minting their thing, their art. There were a lot of artists mentored their own artworks. I'm like, okay, I was never an artist. I was only animating things that other people created, right? I'm only the guy who moves stuff around. I'm not the one who creates static work.

Inspired to Create

And I'm like, okay, maybe I should do something like that, because I do love animation, but I didn't know what. So I was kind of just continuing, watching from distance, and then I stumbled upon Tony Babel. I was actually following him on Instagram way before web three and stuff. But I'm like, yo, this is. This is cool. Because Tony Babel, he wasn't creating rubber hose animations all of the time. He was just like a after effects animator working for some companies. Like, he was creating company animations, corporate graphics, I think that's the name. And then he started to create in a rubber hole style, and I fell in love instantly. I just love the fluidity of different, like, funny things that could.

Passion for Animation

Could go, like, in the animation, because, like, in 1 second, it's a bear, another second, it's something else, it's a car or something like that. So this. This is like, everything. Anything could happen in rubber hoses animation. So that's what I love about it. And I started to just binge watch all of the cartoons from 1930s. Some of them, let's be honest, where. Hey, hey. Sound like if animation would go live like the same. Everything the story and everything, the style, exactly as rubber hose 1930. It will be cancelled nowadays. But it is what it is. This is just how the things were.

The Love for Rubber Hose Animation

But, yeah, I just love the style, how everything moves, the possibility, the stories. And I just fell in love. Fell in love. And right now I'm trapped inside of a rubber hose trapden. But I love it. So I decided to. I decided was like, I decided to try something like that myself. So I animated a frog. It was my first piece. A frog turns into a marijuana leaf. Yep. I do love frogs. And, yeah, I do love frogs. I have a frog tattoo. So, yeah, that's how it started, basically.

Animation Style Overview

Appreciate you sharing that, for sure. I think the animation style is so interesting. Would love to. For those that don't know about rubber hose animation, do you mind sharing a little more what that is to you and what it is in general? Yeah. Rubber hose animation is basically the style of animation that were created in 1930s, so very old, vintage cartoons. And it's called rubber hose because everything bends like rubber hose. Like the limbs of characters, they're very bendy and they squashy and stretchy and stuff like that. So that's. That's why it's rubber hose.

Personal Connection to Animation

And what is for me? For me, it's just my life now. Yep. Simple and straight to the point. The life that he lived now. Love to hear that. And, you know, you mentioned the frog, you mentioned the cartoons, that kind of you've been working on. Can you tell us a little bit more about your game, you know, Frankie's adventures and, like, everything that you've kind of built so far in web three? Yeah, absolutely. So I do love frogs. So that's why I decided to create a whole brand that is focused one frog called Frankie.

Origins and Development of Frankie's Adventures

Oh, wait, it is two years ago. Even more now. Coffee approached me at the time where, when I was planning to launch my own web three project brand, and we did the thing and, yeah, a year, a little bit more than a year after our mint, where we have our own game called Frankie's adventures. And the game is very simple. It's easy to learn, hard to master. That's. That's the type of game frankiest adventures is because it's just the controls are very simple. It's just tap your screen. That's it. It's a mobile game, but. Oh, I'm sorry. The coolest part about Frankie's adventures is the play to collect system. Everyone is talking about the play to earn. You did this and that. You tap your screen to collect coins from the hamster, something like that.

Game Mechanics and Rewards

But in Frank's adventures. The game is very addicting. And you play the game, you collect apples. And then during our tournaments, by the way, right now we do have an ongoing tournament with less than three lt three brand and we are giving away digital rewards. And the coolest part, physical rewards, too. So they're pillows. So play to collect is just like how it sounds. You play the game, you collect apples, you bake your pies, and pies are raffle tickets. And then the more pies you have, the more chances on winning something cool. And we're giving away, we already had a lot of tournaments. Most of them were digital rewards. But right now we are starting to partner with big brands, big collabs with brands that have physical goodies. Right? And very soon, around November time, we're going to be partnering with web two brand.

The Evolution of Game Features

They didn't do anything web three related, and we're going to give away a lot of cool stuff with a Frankie face on it. So yeah, very simple game, very addicting. We do have even a gambling mechanic for some NFT people. I know. We do love gambling. So easy peasy. There's a major swish. You can make a wish and gamble your apples a little bit. We do have daily rewards. We do have daily quests. So if you don't know what to do, then just go complete your daily quest in Frankie's adventures. And also, the big update is coming out soon. It's our metagame. It's actually story based. So Frankie has its own story. Obviously, Frankie's origin story right now is available only in pictures, but I am working on animated version and also Frankie the Frog, episode zero, pilot episode is also in the works.

The Storyline and User Engagement

So we are all about games and animations. I forgot what was going to say. God damn it. No worries. So it's story based, right? So you're going to be immersed into Frankie's origin story. You're going to find out how Frankie found himself in London, Lily, which is just a little pond, basically. And how did it happen that Frankie lives in a big shoehouse? And you will be helping Frankie to build his new home, the shoe house. So you'll be completing quests, looking for quest items and you're going to help Frankie to build his new home. You're going to see a lot of beautiful animations done by me. And yeah, it's going to be huge. Dopamine boost. Download the game now.

The Community Aspect and Collaborative Development

And do you do all. You said you do all the animations. Is there a group of folks that you also work with or is this literally all coming directly from you? Everything you see in my animations, in my art, in Frankie's dinner, art, animations, everything, the game, everything visual is me. That's amazing because you mentioned so many things that you guys are working on. So, you know, I'm sure the time and effort that you put into this, just beyond what we can think of. Yep, it's a lot of work. So I left my day job working in a game dev studio, so I left my nine to five to work 24/7 highly recommend the artist path that. He said, who's an artist? Who said, yeah, you know, he did the same thing and he's like, instead of keeping my nine to five and having Labor Day off, I decided to just be self employed and work all day Labor Day.

Community Interaction and Feedback

So. Yep. No, again, it is what it is. No. Love to hear that. Can you, can you tell me more about, like, the community that you've built? I know, like, there's so many, like, the way that web three operates, in my opinion, is a lot through community. And if you know, are able to kind of harness that energy, it can really keep things going as far as, like, sentiment, you know, being able to think about what the future of the project holds and everything. So we'd love to hear how the community fuels you and how you keep them very involved in what you're building. Speaking of community, would you have half of the audience is the leap squad atomic clearo element. Dex, I see you guys in there. I think that our community is the best, obviously.

Community Dynamics and Support

Why is it cool? Because we do have 1069 pieces. NFT. Nfts. Right. So it's a very small collection and even less holders than that. So that means. So it's a blessing and a curse, how they say, right. We do have a very small community, but the community is very supportive and it's very outspoken. That's the word, I think. Because of the leap squad, we are getting a lot of feedback on everything we do. Every Tuesday we hold community roundtables where every holder and even outsiders can join us and say, yo, I like this thing, or I don't like this thing. Or maybe I have an idea and let's create something cool together. And yeah, they help us a lot because if it wasn't for the leap squad, like, everything would have been kinda kind of boring.

Engagement and Idea Implementation

They make everything fun. I do love Tuesday, my favorite day of the week, because we just get to hang out together, talk about all this stuff and discuss everything we do. And get a lot of feedback and ideas. It's perfect. And a lot of the ideas from our holders, they're actually implemented in the game and a lot of them are planned. A lot of them are planned because the game right now is in beta. We didn't like actually release or release the game. You can play it, there won't be any wipe, so everything will stay your apples, your power ups, stuff like that. But the game is not completely completed, you know what I mean? Because there's no metagame as I was describing earlier.

Creating Meaningful Experiences for Holders

And I think the biggest utility you can provide to your holders. And it happened to me this feeling when I was working in the game dev studio because it was my first job ever, and last probably hopefully, the feeling of you're doing something or you're creating an idea and then you're watching this idea actually come to life. You actually can touch it and you can experience it, you can interact with this thing that your mind came up with. This feeling is like. It's just nothing compares to that feeling. So we want, and we are giving this feeling to our leap squad and also we are creating skins in the game for them. We do have skins, a lot of them, and I think right now we have what, nine or something like that.

Community Contributions and Shared Success

Nine community skins. So our most active holders, always there to give us feedback, support. They have their own skins in the game, they can play as themselves. So that's what we are giving to our community and they are giving their ideas to us. It's a perfect collaboration. Amazing. No? I love, I love how like community can help, like guide also what you're building, because obviously you're building for them. And I think that's the cool part about web three is we're able to kind of all build and kind of work together and stay connected versus the legacy and traditional businesses where there's lots of barriers to these conversations. Couple more questions.

Future of Web Three Gaming

So to build off like the gaming side, where do you think web three gaming is headed? Obviously it feels like there's a barrier of traditional gamers that maybe don't see the value of what nfts could bring to web three. And then it's very obvious for us to see the value as people who are in web three or maybe have gamed in the past too. But we'd love to hear your take. Yeah. So, yeah, I think gaming is very tied to community, part community aspects of web three, as you said in normal, maybe that's the word, like a traditional business. If you want to contact your developer, the people who created your favorite game or you want to learn more about the artist who created the art for your game.

The Web Three Experience

It's literally either impossible or it will take weeks to get a response from them. In web three, you can just tag for the net in our server and I will reply to you in minutes. That's the best part of web three. And the future of gaming in web three is just like, it's very simple. It's the same as in gaming. In web two, the games, they'll just be more fun. Right now, I think the focus is more on nfts and tokens, not like on the games themselves. So if you're creating games, I think then you need to create a fun game, engaging game, a game for people to play like every day.

Engagement with Gaming

They'll need to get addicted to the game, they'll need to love the game. They want to invite their friends to the game and play it together, share it, and right now, space. I think obviously people do love like some free stuff, some tokens, giveaways. Yeah, stuff like that. I think that's why we see a lot of games who prioritize tokenomics and nfts. It's kind of obvious, but also I think it is going to change because people will get bored and people will want more, just more fun games. Just create a good game and then you can implement some NFt side like web three side inside of it, right? So that's actually what we are doing. We are creating a fun, addictive, engaging game for people to enjoy.

Web Three Integration

And the web three part of it. It's not necessary. If you want, you can participate in tournaments and win nfts or physical stuff if you don't want to. You can just play the game, you can just complete your daily quest, you can complete the story metagame, right. And just enjoyed the game itself. That's, that's the whole thing. I think the gamers would just get better, like in gaming terms, not in more tokens and stuff like that. I think that's what needs to happen and I think it will. Awesome. No, I think it's a great point. Like people participating, you know, if they feel they want or need to.

Onboarding Challenges

Right. I think you guys giving them that option is an easy way for people who maybe aren't in web three to participate for the first time in something that they're comfortable with. Everyone. 1 second, I just want to add to that. Everyone keeps saying, onboarding web two, people get them into web three. But how are you going to onboard people from web two? When web two people think that web three is a scam and your number one priority in your game is web three, I have no idea how is it going to happen. Nfts, they're just tools. Tokens, they're just tools, like for some people to get more experience from the game.

Choice in Gaming

But if you don't want to deal with that, with wallets and stuff like that, you don't have to. You got to have a choice as a player. Yeah, well said. Honestly. And it's like you said, right? If I speak to, let's say, normies very often, who, even if they don't know anything about web three, like even if I'm just talking about bitcoin, like the easiest entry point into web three, just like buy and hold bitcoin, that still feels very like, often scammy to them. So like think about a complicated, like web three only game. Like, I can see how that can push people away versus make them feel comfortable entering the space.

Live Streaming and Community Engagement

There. One thing that I also wanted to just bring up is you do a lot of live streams, which I think is really cool, allowing people to see and watch your process. We'll love to hear what that means to you and the reason why you do it, because it seems you do it often. And we'll love to just learn a little bit more about these live streams. Yeah, every Monday at 05:00 p.m. estimated I do animation hours. It's an hour of pure animation. Nah, just kidding. We usually just talk about stuff and half of the time I just spend talking and joking. We don't actually have time at the end to complete the animation.

Sharing Knowledge

But hey, eventually we'll do the thing. But yeah, we just create animations together. You can see the latest one on my page. It's a little skull with a wormhood on top of it. Yeah, we did it live on stream and then I finished it off stream because I don't want to spend a lot of time one animation. I think it is very important to share your knowledge. And I do know a thing or two about animation and after effects especially. And if somebody wants to learn, then they got to have an ability to learn. And if somebody likes my style, for example, then they can join my stream and see how do It, what kind of effects do I apply, what kind of properties I animate and stuff like that.

Encouraging Learning and Support

Why do I do that? Or this? Because it's very important too. And if somebody is learning animation and needs help, any software, it doesn't matter. Just dm me because I did a few meetings with people who just wanted to, like they had a problem in some software. They didn't know how to do this or that. And we just figured out together because I. I was learning a lot of different programs because I was trying to find a. The one, the one that I love. And after effects, you can. Can you imagine? After effects wasn't on my top list.

Software Preferences

I was thinking that I'm gonna go full 3d environment artist. That was my goal before nfTs. And then NFts came and I'm like, okay, you know what? I do enjoy after effects. So yeah, I continued. And a lot of those softwares, they are very similar. Arrive the new thing for animations for websites and games. Spine 2D is the software we use for in game animations and the after effects, they are very similar. And even like 3d software, it has some features that 2d software have too. It doesn't matter the program, you just dm me ask any questions, we'll figure it out.

Importance of Knowledge Sharing

So yeah, I think sharing your knowledge, experience is very important. And also you gotta be fun. So that's why we do a lot of jokes on our streams. Oh, by the way, if you cannot make it at 05:00 p.m. eST every Monday, then you should follow my YouTube channel because I'm posting some clips, the best moments of streams of on my YouTube. So just search for the ad on YouTube. Awesome. Yes. You heard the man. Give him a search, give him a follow and keep an eye of what he's working on here.

Call to Action

I'd love to see if anyone wants to join us here on stage. They want to ask a couple questions. Feel free to. I know you have some folks in your community, those that maybe are outside of his community, that want to learn more. And of course, if anyone wants to chat about the art piece itself, you know, it's exciting because this is a limited edition. We've been doing a lot of open editions on rarible, but there's only 100 of these. So get it while it's around. But please, if anyone wants to join us here on stage, feel free to request to come up and I'll bring you up.

Art Piece Discussion

Yeah. While you guys are raising your hands, I'm gonna. I'm gonna talk a little bit about the piece itself. Never ending chase. So did you know that September is historically like the. The lowest month? The. The price is the lowest. So the never ending chase is dropped September 4. That's, that's perfect. And this piece just reminds you that no matter how big the bear is, the bull always wins. So. I know, I know the charts are red right now, but trust me, just wait a little bit more, and they're gonna become green because the bull always wins.

Hope and Community Support

Yep. It's a hope piece for you guys. It's a yes, I need it. My bags are red. And it's. It's that saying of like, yeah, it looks like it's bottomed out and time to buy more, but then it keeps going. Dipping. And you're buying the dip. Of the dip of the dip. And we've all been there. So those who are in the crowd, those who are listening, you're not alone. We're always all in the same boat. It's rough out there, but, you know, do what you can. Collect awesome art and support those that are still here because there's been a lot of bulls and bears, but we're still sticking around.

Final Words of Encouragement

Yep. Do not lose hope. It's always gonna get better. Remember. And also, do not click any links, especially suspicious ones. Okay. I should create a piece like animation about clicking links. Oh, the golden rule. An idea? Yeah. For the next one. Yeah. Cool. We don't have anyone requesting, but I think that's okay.

Updates and Resources

A couple other things that wanted to share. We do have the rarible blog that we have that were able to do a piece with Fortinet and able to help or work with him to help tell his story as well. So definitely check that out on our rarible blog. It'll be up here on Twitter soon. But literally, you could just google wearable blog. You'll be able to see it pretty easy. But, yeah, Fortinet. I wanted to leave you with the closing remarks, if you have anything you'd like to share before we finish things up here.

Embracing Web Three

Absolutely. So, yeah, all I can say that it's been a good journey, and I just love, absolutely love every aspect of web three. The scammers, the grifters, ruggers, good community members, holders, diamond holders, everyone. And especially the leap squad. I love you. And we are cooking a lot of stuff over at Frankie's dinner. Yep. It's in the name dinner. Frankie's dinner. So that's what we are cooking. And we're going to soon, we're going to release our cookbook. So, hey, if you want to learn more, then open our discord. We're gonna have recipes from our holders, from other communities, and it's gonna be very fun. Also, a lot of new changes coming into the game. The story aspect, metagame. Right? And also, holders will get their benefits in the game. Okay, stay tuned. As I said, NFTs are just a tool and you guys are going to have that tool to flex. Awesome.

Community Engagement and Support

Yeah, we have dextroid up here and just. Yeah, one note before. Of course, who knows what you'll get down the line with the neverending chase. So collectors collect and, you know, utility is either promised or not, but something can always happen down the line. Who knows? The never ending chase. No, utility. If you'll, if you watched this animation and you felt a little bit of hope, then minted. That's it. The utility is hope. Okay. Yes. That's amazing. The utility is hope. We have another artist and they said their utility is love, so it's our brand. Hey, Dextroid, how are you? Hey, guys, thanks for having me up. Really quick just to do a little ring around the pond here. Really quick hash.

Activities and Community Interaction

Shout out to leap squad everyone in the audience and everyone else with rarible. Another thing about Frankie's Frank. Frank's. Frankie's diner is, his dinner is Frankie's supper. I had to do that before classic bags. Frankie supper is what I get punished to call it because I keep screwing it up and saying diner. But anyway, we have really so much going on for Ned's not being so kind and quick. But there's also, we have poker, we also have, game nights. And then we're always talking and hashing things through to. Anybody could always jump on VC if they're ever learning, wanting to find something out or they want that helping hand. It's a safe place. You know, you don't have to worry about your community that you're in because you're always, you know, if you don't have answer to something in this wild web three that we're in, somebody else is out there.

Innovations and Community Building

And they do have it, especially in the pond, most likely the Devs Looney and Ford net and coffee and Joe. I mean, they're amazing. The whole ride they've also did, just recently was a I bought my hat number seven with I'm hungry hat. And they also have the shirt that goes with it, which also links in to another NFT that you're able to download through the hat through iyk. It's just, it keeps blowing my mind with everything they keep pumping out. Between Fortinet and one of our main guys behind the scenes, Julian, he's just, these guys are just knocking out of the park, constantly keeping the leap, squat on our toes every time we have something and we talk it out and hash it out. In community Roundtable, it's always about making the game more challenging, interesting, pushing a little further, bringing something in, and these guys do it, and then all of a sudden, they pop on us.

Collaboration and Progress

Hey, we're not only doing this with the handheld game, now we're talking about the website, the IO. Now we're going to do this. So we're having these active, full out, creative conversations in the community roundtable that you don't get in other communities. I mean, I have been in many communities, and I've never really had that opportunity to actually help build something that, you know, of course, runs through the Fortnite. He has to have a final, of course, as a final approval. I'll figure that out one day. But they always get it done. They always pull it off and get it done. Has not let us down. Two years in the space, going strong. Community is getting more solid every day.

Acknowledgments and Future Outlook

So I'm proud to be a leap squad, you know, frog, and you know, I always will be. So thanks to. Thanks to Frankie's dinner. I really appreciate everybody from there. And leap squad, thanks for having them up there. And I'm literally looking at the never ending chase right now. Minting at .015 on rarible. And it's just rarible.com. Very easy to get to. How easy, man? Pops right up. I'm good to go. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you, Dex, as always, Dex. I gotta do clean up on aisle five. Clean up on aisle. Hey, Dex, you are doing the thing, as always. Thank you so much, Dex.

Community Connections and Merchandise

And, yeah, it's good. It's good that you reminded people that we do have a limited merch apparel. The hat and the shirt, it's called I'm hungry because it's related to our second character, the pig. It's very cute. And it also has an iyk chip, so when you're buying this physical product, you're also getting a little something digital. And we are working on the second limited apparel round right now. It's going to be even more cool. Thank you, Dex. Thanks, Dex. Always, guys. No problem. And that's just pure community member from heart, man. It's all. It is done with these guys since day one, and I've learned all my ropes and just.

Personal Experiences and Lessons Learned

It spread me everywhere, and I can't believe what the pond has done for me and really has kept me safe, too, the whole time. And I like that. Knock on wood. You know, that's. I shouldn't have said that, dang. It. All right, well, anyway, thanks, guys. Appreciate you, Dex. Yeah, the one thing I noticed, you know, is there's, it's cool. The longer that I'm in web three, there's so many communities and corners of communities that I continue to learn about that have, like, great following, great members that are doing a lot of unique things. And obviously, like, that's something that you guys have been doing for quite a while.

Final Thoughts and Gratitude

And, you know, I've learned about you guys recently, and it's cool to just hear, obviously, the passion that Dex has for the community and what you guys have built so far and what you guys are building towards. So appreciate you sharing those details, but, yeah, I will close up the space again. Fortinet, really appreciate you one, giving us the chance at Rarible to help tell your story, what you're building and having this drop directly with us. Still minting, of course. Make sure you check it out. Like you said, you could just go to rarible.com. It'll be right there as the first spotlighted and highlighted project for us.

Support and Collaboration

But without you obviously giving us a chance, we wouldn't be around to continue to help creators and artists stories as they navigate web three and continue to create. We want to make sure we're always here to amplify, give you guys a platform as we continue to support. So appreciate that. Much love, Jonathan. Much love, rarible. Much love, listeners. Thank you so much. Thanks, everyone. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great one.

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