Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Mother of All Twitter Files w/Ivan Raiklin hosted by kimmagagal2. Delve into the intense political discussions and societal reflections in 'The Mother of All Twitter Files' with Ivan Raiklin. From America First ideologies to the impactful roles of Women Warriors, this space dives into the core of political engagement. Explore the dynamics of Vax Virgins, political junkies, and the Twitter sphere's influence on public opinions. Join the conversation for a nuanced exploration of contemporary political landscapes.

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Q: How does America First ideology impact political decisions?
A: It emphasizes prioritizing national interests over global affairs, influencing policy directions.

Q: What drives the engagement of Women Warriors in societal changes?
A: Their dedication to advocating for gender equality and social justice fuels their impactful roles.

Q: How do Vax Virgins influence the discourse around vaccination policies?
A: Their unique perspective as unvaccinated individuals shapes discussions on personal freedoms and public health measures.

Q: Why are political junkies important in today's digital landscape?
A: Their analytical insights and passion for politics contribute to shaping online narratives and public opinions.

Q: What role does Twitter play in fostering political discourse?
A: It serves as a platform for real-time discussions, amplifying voices and connecting individuals with similar ideologies.


Time: 00:12:45
America First vs. Global Engagement Debating the implications and merits of prioritizing national interests.

Time: 00:24:30
Women Warriors' Impact on Society Exploring the transformative role of women in shaping societal norms and values.

Time: 00:35:15
Vax Virgins: Personal Choice or Public Health Concern? Discussing the ethical and practical considerations around vaccination decisions.

Time: 00:48:20
The Influence of Political Junkies Analyzing how political enthusiasts shape political narratives and public opinions.

Time: 01:02:10
Twitter's Role in Political Conversations Examining the impact of Twitter as a key platform for political discourse and activism.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of political engagement and America's positioning.
  • Insights into Vax Virgins and pandemic-related policies.
  • Concepts of America First and political ideologies.
  • The role of Women Warriors in shaping societal narratives.
  • Intriguing discussions around political junkies and Twitter dynamics.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Overview

Hello, hello. Hope everyone's doing well and was hoping, if you guys don't mind, before we get started, if we can go ahead and repost the space so we can get people in. Thank you, Kimmy, for having this space. Sorry I'm here. I was just putting some stuff in the bubble. How are you guys? Good. Doing wonderful. I was just asking people if they wouldn't mind reposting this space. Thank you. And wanted to thank you for hosting this wonderful space with I. How exciting. After what happened last night. I know, I. I can't wait to talk about it. I can't wait to talk. I'm going to go ahead and send him the link real quick and a couple other people that I invited. I'll be right back. Okay. Thank you, guys. Hope everyone's having a wonderful day and hope you guys enjoyed Donald Trump and Elon Musk last night. I thought it was awesome.

Exciting Developments

Yeah, that was pretty amazing. The fact he's back on x is so legit. Oh, my God. If you can't be excited about that, then nothing's going to get you excited. Your heart is way too hardened for this game because it's going to be really wild in the next, I don't know, 81 days or so. I forget days are running together, but it's about to go down, people. So, honestly, like Stellar said, if you could just repost the space, tag your friends. Ivan is usually a great guest, and I'm sure if we're going over the mother of all Twitter files, that needs to happen. So let's go. We have a lot to be excited about. Don't let them. Don't let the salty people get you down because there's a lot of pessimists in our own camp, and don't you know they're going to be like that. Stay away from them. It's one thing to be critical in question, but another. It's another thing to sit there and poke holes and everything.

Critical Perspectives

Those people are probably lonely in their own life. It's terrible. Terrible. It's disgusting how many people are critical of Donald Trump in our own camp last night. I'm like, get out of here, you guys. You guys are just shouldn't even be in our party. Questions are one thing, but to be critical over something, get out of here. Anyway, I'll shut up, but please, everybody, retweet the space. And look, the man is in the building. What's up, Ivanhenne? How you doing, sir? There he is. I was looking for those blue eyes. Welcome, Ivan. Thank you for coming. Yeah. What's up, Kimmy? Not much. So honored to have you, especially the night after we had last night. Of course. I'd like to go into that first, just for a few minutes. I know you have a lot of stuff to talk about. To us with this evening.

Welcoming Guests and Setting Rules

Like to welcome all of our guests, all of our listeners. We're not going to take mics until Ivan is done speaking. That's going to kind of be our rules this evening. If you'd like a mic request one a little bit later, we also ask that you all please retweet the space. Share out the space. Go down to the purple pill, right hand corner, share out the space. Retweet it, like it, quote, tweet it, share it out with your groups, your friends, on your profile. Thank you so much. Go ahead, Ivan. What do you. I'd like to talk about last night. How do you feel about it? How do you feel about the space last evening, Ivan? Yeah. So I think to contextualize it globally and then nationally, I think it's the first time in human history that a piece of content was viewed and consumed by a billion people within 24 hours.

Impact of Social Media

So that should mean to the Paul Ryan foes, news foe, news disinformation purveyors, the criminal news network, information disinformation purveyors and msLs, DS and the commie news networks, I think already said that. And let's see, Washington compost, new woke slimes, fake book, Instagram, commisearch and commie tube. Looks like X is closing in the top spot on all of them. That's massive. Our free speech is basically, as of yesterday on the ascendancy at an escalatory manner. And I think they're reeling. They're trying to lock arms to try to deflect and defend their stance over the last eight years. And it's just unraveling. It's glorious. It's so, it's so awesome to watch the mainstream media just in total meltdown today. Kamala Harris's campaign, you know, they're suing both FEC violate, FEC violations.

Speculations Around Tech Companies

Of course. You know, we all expected that. We all expected the DDoS attack. We. I mean, I did anyway. I expected all of it to happen yesterday and today. Well, yeah, I mean, the FBI, Chris Ray and Jen Easterly, who heads up Sisa, they signed off on a public service announcement on July 31 saying that, hey, we're about to conduct a DDoS attack. Remember they wrote that and said that they're going to go ahead and they did it under the guise of there is going to be election information, DDoS attacks. Well, translation, we're going to try to stop the mother of all Twitter files, and we're going to try to stop Elon from promoting his support for Donald Trump. That's basically what happened last night.

Anticipation for Future Events

But they were able to address that in the first 40 minutes. Yeah, last night was epic, to say the least. I've been excited to have you in here to talk about what you're going to talk about. So predictable that, you know, you've got what's his name, the slimeball with the asian girlfriend, the spy, saying that nobody watched the space last night when there was 1.6 million people listening to Eric swallows. Well, from California. Thank you. That. Actually, I was just thinking that when you said it, and it is Eric's wall as well, the cuck. There were. There were some writers. There were some writers in the space. I was grabbing screenshots of them, like Reuters journalists and stuff like that in the space. I love your nicknames.

Media Dynamics

That's awesome. You are on it, man. That's awesome. I'm gonna grab them and post them in the pill, because they were all trying to. From behind. Yeah. So they spent five Roy tards. So here's how it works, right? Roy Tard, since we're on this topic, Twitter 1.0, official fact checker, was contracted out to Roy Tards. The CEO of Roy Tard, James Smith at the time, also serves on the board of Pfizer. So now you know why they did everything possible to promote the Pfizer fail and then try to censor out any. Any discussion of the unsafe and ineffective nature of it and all therapeutics.

Revelations and Conflicts

So. And then Roy Tards was part of the cabal. There's, like, five journalists that they had on me for about five months to make a comment, to respond to them, but I don't interact with the disinformation purveyors, even if they are the biggest english language disinformation purveyor out there. I. The beautiful. The beautiful thing was that the british lady or it looked like a lady. It was a dude, but you could never tell anymore. Sent him an official letter that they shouldn't be having Trump in the space. Nealon just gave him the middle finger and did not care. That, to me, was classic. Yeah. Gfy.

Key Figures and Their Actions

I'm glad. I mean, I'm glad we got Elon, we got Tucker, and someone's going to have to take the place of Joe Rogan, because he's a kind of, he's opting to be kind of a semi or mostly toxic feckless coward at this point. I guess he might be following in the footsteps of his beloved Mikey pants or someone. It's kind of like Tim pool. Same thing. All those people care about his, you know, clicks likes engagement farming. They can't make up any idea. And of course they're both Bernie Bros. So what does that tell you? What did you say about affirming? What? The new word. Farming? Engagement.

Clarifying Engagement Issues

Right, engagement farming. Sorry, engagement farming. Yeah, because there's a bunch of Maga people that are coming out. Oh, I thought you said something like clickbait affirming care or something. Oh, my gosh. We aren't going to be taking any mics until after we hear from Ivan Spunky. Just wanted to let you know that. So we're going to go ahead and welcome Ivan to our space. Thank you, everybody for being here. If you could please all share out the space. Go down to the pill in the right hand corner. This is going to be a blast, especially after evening.

Looking Ahead to the Event

We are going to have so much fun. Best night ever. Last night, Trump and Elon, everybody that lives, mainstream media, Kamala, they're all melting down today and it is awesome to see. So go ahead, Ivan. Thank you. Yeah. So what do you want me to talk about? Where do you want me to start? Wherever you would like. You've got the floor, hun, wherever you like. I know you're always on limited time, so just go for it. Yeah. So actually, I had a podcast today that I did as a professor from one of the, he's a tenured professor from the University of Alabama.

In-depth Conversations

And I thought it was going to be about a 45 minutes, 60 minutes conversation because he was so well prepared with questions and he did so much research. I felt the need to clear my calendar and I proceeded to do a five hour epic journey of the deep state cabal in excruciating detail. I highly recommend, folks, if you want to know, I mean, he took notes, we did screen sharing, a lot of evidence. So basically, going back to Joe Rogan, what I would have liked to have done, if he had the courage to have somebody like me on was literally what we did today with this gentleman that interviewed me today. So in the absence of critical thinking from other avenues of the Internet, this gentleman stepped up to the plate.

Targeting the Deep State

And I highly recommend if you want to go into the maximum deep dive and share with your Libtardius Maximus friends, which my son calls them Libtardius Maximus. Please. It will provide the evidence to support every single assertion of category on the deep, not every, but most of the deep state cabal on my deep state target list with evidence to back it up as we kind of step things through, you know, through screen sharing of the. Some of key evidence. So, with that, let's transition to mother of all Twitter files. So I want to, instead of me doing a monologue, I want a little bit of call and response on some of the things that I want to talk about in mother of all Twitter files, just so that people understand my frame of mind on why I'm saying and talking about things that I'm talking about and creating dates and timelines on it.

Elon Musk's Strategic Moves

So imagine you are Elon Musk, listening in, and you have just decided to go all in on Trump. What do you need to do as Elon Musk to mitigate the political risk? Increase the return on investment for supporting Donald Trump for your business holdings and your promotion of the First Amendment? I argue the first thing you do, which he did last week, about ten days ago, was to de risk politically your holdings, meaning move them out of Calmifornia under the thumb of Gavin Newsko, under Nancy Piglosi, who represents San Francisco and Twitter headquarters. Right. Also, you want to take, you know, any influence away from Adam.

Analyzing Political Maneuvers

Bullshit. And then Eric swallows. Well, or Mad Maxine Waters, all of which from the California delegation, and you move it to, what's the best spot in the country you can move your business holdings, particularly Twitter and X? Well, you go through the list, you take a look at who's governor from what state, who, you know, attorney general from what state, and then you go through your decision matrix, as we like to do in the military, and then you come up with your criteria, and the criteria are which statewide office holder in the country, not California, has just recently gone all in to destroy the deep state, particularly by defeating the Bush Cheney syndicate, along with the Democrats that try to impeach you.

Implications for Future Strategies

Lo and behold, we have Texas. So, as you're listening in, it would be very helpful if you tag Ken Paxton, Txenpaxton, TX. And if you'd like, Elon Musk, because now the forces are lining up, the First Amendment forces. Elon Musk, with the biggest voice in the globe, the most high ranking and influential law enforcement official in the United States that is also wanting for free speech to flourish, is a guy by the name of Ken Paxton in Texas. And because the company x has now moved to Texas, that attorney general has now full jurisdiction and law enforcement authority of everything Twitter. Okay? And because Elon Musk was not complicit in any of the stuff that went on before he purchased it and has only been in the process of cleansing it with an 80% reduction and a Twitter files released to the tune of over a dozen of those Twitter files.

Partisan Division and Legal Strategies

All that happened before he went ahead and endorsed President Trump. So now that he's publicly endorsed President Trump, he has now taken a position, and a lot of people are going after him, the same people going after President Trump. So you think Elon Musk is just going to say, you know what? Yeah, I'm out, I give up? If you looked at his career, that's not how he operates. You never bet against Elon. And so if you're Elon Musk, what are some things that you can do in order to guarantee a successful victory for the person that you just endorsed? A couple things come to my mind, and you guys can add to it. First thing that comes to my mind is what we saw last night. Help correct the record on the number one free speech platform that starts to educate quite a few people.

Capitalizing on Social Media

Oh, I don't know, about a billion. You know, no big deal. And so that's kind of a hundred to a thousand times the reach of all of the fake content creators, right? The disinform, the real disinformation purveyors. And number two, why doesn't Elon musk do a nice little colonoscopy of all of the Twitter holdings that he's sitting on the, that implicates everyone that discredited and tried to stain and lie and cheat and steal about the candidate he just endorsed, starting with the former deputy general counsel of Twitter 1.0, James Baker, who before he went to Twitter 1.0 in 2018, from 2014 to 2018, he was the general counsel of the FBI, and he was the one that signed off on the illegal spying operation on President Trump.

Continuing Accountability

So when you look at Jim Baker and you look at the rest of my deep state target list, namely those in the FBI that were subordinate or his colleagues, I'm sure he probably communicated with them after he left the FBI to coordinate the censorship industrial complex to include on his Twitter DM's, I would presume to include in his emails@twitter.com. to include in the internal slack channels that have already been exposed by Michael Schellenberger, Matt Taibbi, and Barry Weiss to include. Wait, if Jim Baker was a Twitter employee, wouldn't you think that he was issued a company cell phone company, laptop company, computer company, tablet, where he communicated? And isn't all that communications held and owned by Twitter, the company of which Elon Musk just purchased?

Strategic Legal Considerations

And now Attorney General Ken Paxton has jurisdiction to subpoena folks? I would say yes to all of that. And so why wouldn't Elon Musk disclose what he can and can Paxton subpoena everything that he can? And then it begs the question, why are they not doing that? Or it begs the question, are they already doing it? And when would be the ideal time for them to start to educate the court of public opinion, known as x and maybe more than a billion folks? And so we can go ahead and educate the court of public opinion so that we can create the necessary autocorrect of our stolen First Amendment. The last few years, that's what I call the mother of all Twitter files.

Deep State Examination

Coordinated effort to expose every single person involved in every category of treason, going back to 2016 and beyond. Thus the deep state target list. So I made it easy, right? And I got some of my team members in here that helped out with that. I'm going to give a shout out. Jesse, Laura, who else is in here? That's who I see at first up top, that helped in kind of put this list together. And so I've provided that to the institutions, I think, within our government that at least are trying to somewhat slow roll the ball down the field. But then also those that are trying to get a touchdown, some of those that are slow rolling, are going to be your.

Diverse Political Motivations

Jim Jordansen. Yep, they've been sent the list. James Comer. Yep, they got the list. Who else? The oversight subcommittee chair, Barry Loudermilk, who is investigating Nancy Pelosi's Fed direction. Okay. Yes, yes. And then at the state level, good old Ken Paxton. So what does that mean moving forward? It begs the question, when would be the ideal date in order to, let's say, educate the country at scale? When they're paying attention about everyone involved in the communications between Twitter employees, Roy Tarz of the official fact checker, their relations to the Pfizer fail, and then their relation to government entities within the US, particularly, but more broadly, basically taking the Twitter files, releases that have already been out and taking it to the next level by looking at other areas of evidence, meaning direct messages.

Building Towards Accountability

When I had my five hour meeting with Matt Taibbi a couple of weeks ago, I asked him, why don't you guys go into the direct messages? And he said, well, we had to sign a document saying that we wouldn't. And my response to him was interesting. I wonder who was tasked or who basically created the policy so that you wouldn't go into the direct messages. And I asked him, is it possible it was the deputy general counsel, Jim Baker, that created the policy where you guys wouldn't have access to the direct messages? That's exactly where we needed to go. Elon is the direct messages.

Setting Targets for the Future

And let's start with the Jim Baker at the Jim or that. I think it's the Jim Baker or the James Baker, which is his Twitter account. And so let me kind of close with this before I kind of get back to you and say the mother of all Twitter files is essentially a sequence of events, of taking things to the next level by exposing all the criminal evidence that Elon Musk is sitting on with the Twitter holdings, giving it to the attorney general that can act that has the most interest in actioning that and coordinating the effort to then take that evidence by geotagged location and then diving it out within Texas by county and then by state throughout the country with states that are ready, willing and able with ags that is, that are ready, willing, and able to conduct the necessary precedent, or I should say, continue the precedent already set by New York's AG, peek a boo, James.

Judicial Precedence in Action

Or to take it to the next level amongst the, I don't know, 2500 red counties throughout the country, where those district's attorneys are ready to conduct the precedent already set by Fulton, Fanny and fat Albert Bragg in New York. And then maybe once the. The arrest warrant issued, then the local sheriff can then go ahead and action it and maybe just conduct objectively reasonable activity similar to, I don't know, that was done to Roger Stone. That means live stream, swatting, raid, kidnapping, wouldn't it? Because that's what they did to Roger Stone. We want a one tier justice system, don't we? So let's just go ahead and use their precedent.

Political Accountability

Or if you're a congressman like Jamie Ratskin, oh, by the way, if you guys can go ahead and just at Jamie Ratskin in right now, it's at Rep. Raskin. Please do that as I finish this sentence. Jamie Ratzkin, as a sitting member of Congress, why don't we just conduct the precedent on him just like they did to former House Freedom Caucus chairman Scott Perry, where they conducted an armed robbery and seized his devices in order to cover for the Pelosi fed direction? And then what? Or you know what, why don't we also do the same precedent already set on another congressman, in this case, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene.

Examining Broader Consequences

Wait, didn't they conduct about a half a dozen swattings on her? Wouldn't that be nice precedent to set on, to continue to set it on somebody like a Jamie Raskin, who is the lead impeachment manager for impeachment hoax two? Or, and then lastly, didn't they say that it was objectively reasonable for Lila Morris to beat down and slaughter Roseanne Boylan or Michael Byrd to, in an objectively reasonable manner? They said to us to go ahead and slaughter Ashley Babbitt. So that's why they're coming after me, because I'm calling them out for their political violence and I'm communicating a, I guess a plan and a play that is legal, moral and ethical as we basically line up all the stars.

Convergence of Efforts

Elon with the evidence, Paxton with the law enforcement authority and the passion to go ahead and take them to task, all of them at the highest levels, both political parties, because he's already done, he's done more against the Biden regime than any attorney general, and he's been done more against the Bush Cheney syndicate, probably more than any other state as well. So I'll pause there. Yeah. So I had a question for you. Can you go into the Pianca stuff? Because I know you've had them on your target list.

Understanding the Network

Right. So for people that aren't aware of. Yeah. Follow it. But I would want to throw some names in Jack Dorsey and the people that were involved with the pizzagate stuff and the trafficking because there's a lot of collusion between all of that stuff together. I think if you get, if you got Jack Dorsey's Twitter and Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter, you can see collusion by the, you know, the Internet industrial complex. Yep. I think Elon sitting on the biggest trove of criminal evidence that any human has. Right. Or has ever had because of so many people using that.

Evaluating Evidence

I mean, think about all the journalists from Roy Tards, from New or new oak slimes. Right, Washington compost. This is private information. A lot of people think, oh, why can't you foia it? FOIA applies to requesting information from the federal government, particularly the executive branch, okay. Of the federal government. This is a private company with private information that the owner of the company has full discretionary authority to do basically as they please. Now I get it. Some people are like, oh, that's bad. That's private. You're going to violate their privacy, is what the left Ards are basically saying.

Call for Investigation

Oh, why would he do that? He would risk his business, I think. Well, one to address that. That's when you get into Ag Paxton will just subpoena an accident. Right? So Joseph Pianka, you're asking me. So I designate August as Joseph Pianka the third awareness month. And his phone number that he, his office number is 415553 7400. So I'm not telling or asking anyone to call that number. I just want people to memorize that number just for, I'll keep it family friendly just for feces and giggles. Okay. So 415-553-7400 is the general office number of the FB live field office in San Francisco.

Investigative Connections

Why is this guy, Joseph Pianke III, so important? A lot of people ask me, just like Jim Baker, he was, Jim Baker was the general counsel authorizing crossfire hurricane illegal spying on Carter Page, General Flynn, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and the President Trump. Trump, Trump's campaign. And then he went to the west coast over at Twitter to then continue to do the COVID up scheme on behalf of the cabal. Joseph Bianca was one of the lower, not lower, but like the higher level action officers of the Crossfire hurricane operation that Jim Baker authorized.

Deep State Infiltration

The unique thing about Joseph Pianka the third is that according to his testimony that I've read, his transcripts indicate, and all evidence indicate that it seems as though once he realized that he was being duped by Kevin Kleinsmith, by Brian Oughtton, by Bill Priestap and others on that crossfire hurricane team and in the FBI, he asked to be removed off of the operation. And he also testified that he did not think that General Flynn was lying when he was sent to interview him with Pete Strzoke. But what happened was, is that original FD 302 form that he wrote up was never to be found.

Misuse of Power

And instead, Lisa Page with Pete Strzok changed it to then try to use that as criminal information to claim that General Flynn was lying to the FBI. As Joe Pianka observed all this, he still spoke the truth. He didn't come out as a whistleblower. But I think as far as his time in the east coast, it's almost as though he kind of played as the truth arbiter. And that's why they did. They, both sides of the aisle didn't want his name out there. They were protecting him. So then fast forward. He's, he's now he goes over to San Francisco field office of the FBI, which is four blocks north of Twitter headquarters.

Local Connections and Implications

So while Jim Baker, sitting at Twitter headquarters, literally can see line of sight, if he's up on the higher floors of Twitter and he looks up north and you can see the 13th floor of the FBI offices at the federal building at 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, California. Phone number 415-553-7400 so you have Joseph Pienka III becoming, based on my research, the head of counterintel, which is the number three guy technically at that office. And so he's there and one of his employees, or I should say one of the subordinate individuals, there is a guy by the name of Elvis Chan, which we find out about through the Missouri v.

Uncovering Collaborations

Biden lawsuit, the censorship First Amendment reinstatement lawsuit. Elvis Chan basically admits to the censorship industrial complex that he was one of the conduits in the San Francisco field office. So question mark for Joe Pianka. Did you know about this? Did you authorize it? Did you facilitate it? Well, let's give him an opportunity to de risk himself before September 3 on that component because it appears he did the right thing in east coast, but he may not have done the right thing on the west coast. So how about this, Joe Pianca, you got until September 3 to come out as a whistleblower.

Urgent Calls for Transparency

If you don't, then amnesty is over for you. And I'm going to do everything in my power and everybody listening and hopefully will also do everything in their power to make sure that we research every single second of his life until like they do to us, remember, they, you find me the man or woman, I'll find you the crime. Well, then it's going to be our turn. And we're going to guarantee we're going to find something on you and treat you as a conspirator with everyone else that is a primary individual on the deep state target list to include James Baker. So if Joe Pianca the third wants to mitigate his legal risk moving forward from us exposing his involvement and extending it beyond into his, let's just say, closest associates, then he may want to come out as a whistleblower.

Investigative Moves

Otherwise, we're just going to go and start to do the investigation. Now, who he can reach out to? Well, he can contact Ken Paxton's office. He can contact, well, I don't know, Jim Jordan's office and James Comer's office. And yeah, let's just start with that. Or he can reach out to me. Infoeiklin.com I'm communicating this in good faith because at the end of the day, if I see a good faith effort for him to come out publicly, like I get to decide as a private citizen.

Community Engagement

Ivan Raikland so to everyone listening in on what you're going to spend your time on in researching, investigating. And then it is up to you as an individual. Like for me, for example, I am the one that decides to go on 510 15 podcast shows a day to then amplify to the millions and exposing these people. And then it is up to me to decide. I can travel to Ken Paxton or to Kris Kobach or any of these other attorneys general and basically stand outside as I present evidence and start to give the necessary law enforcement officials sufficient evidence to start to criminalize them.

Mobilizing Public Support

And then when more and more people start to mobilize in support of that, the court of public opinion then drives the action of our elected officials, such as AG Paxton. We get more and more people on board. Then the jury pool is literally clamoring for a conviction by the time it gets into the courtroom. So with Joe Pianka to close up, he is sitting there as the potential mother of all whistleblowers. And it would be nice for somebody like an Elon Musk to offer in good faith. Hey, Joe, I offer you a position after you retire from the FBI.

Addressing Corruption

I don't know. Head of trust and safety as we investigate trust and safety for the unsupport the US Constitution so that there's trust in the platform and their safety in our constitutional order. And how does that align with what Elon Musk is doing? This guy, Joe Bianca, could be the catalyst, as he lays out, with direct knowledge of both the east coast corruption and the West coast censorship Industrial complex, which Twitter 1.0 was at the epicenter of. And this guy, Joe Pianca, could literally be the one person that can almost guarantee the reelection of President Trump, because he will expose every single one of them, because he was an insider on both coasts.

Key Whistleblowers

So that's why Joseph Pianca is by far the most important person to look at as a potential whistleblower. And number two, Jim Baker, is the one person to go ahead and do a deep dive on. So what have I done? I, during our conversation with Taibi, I said, he asked me, who's the number one guy you would look at? I said, jim Baker. He's like, okay, got it. And so those two individuals are by far in the best position to expose the entire cabal in very short order. And I think it would behoove Elon Musk to start digging in there if he hasn't done so already, along with Ken Paxton.

Collaboration for Justice

And I'd be happy to help with that process. Thank you, Ivan. Appreciate that. Yes, sir. Thanks for the question. I have a question for you. So are you excited that they've indicted and that one man from Smartmatic has turned himself in? Do you think he might be a whistleblower too, in the future possibility to save his life? Because, you know, they were involved with all these different elections that were overturned fraudulently? A great question. Yeah, I was monitoring that, tracking it. It's just that, I mean, it comes down to this, all the stuff coming out now. And remember, he was indicted. By who? The Department of Justice.

Political Dynamics

So it's. It's yet another what I call, you know, well, everyone probably calls a limited hangout, just like John Durham was there. All these other people are out there in order to basically have them kind of slow roll and make people think that they're doing something right. So when do you think it might be? No, go ahead. I was gonna say then maybe with that being said and what you're saying is absolutely correct, but with the, you know, the ties with dominion and things, do you think that might make it easier for, like, say, like, I'm in Nevada, so we're a swing state and we have dominion and smartmatic here.

Advocating Change

Do you think that might be able to be a little bit more of a push if we really pushed hard here to get paper ballots in like some, one of the other states is doing? Yeah, let me. Yeah, that's. That's a better question, I think more broadly. So here's people are trying to come up with a solution of how do we stop our 2024 election infrastructure from being utilized exactly how it was in 2020, meaning completely bogus, illegitimate, fraudulent, illegal. Use the whatever pejorative term to label our third world electoral system.

Digesting Systemic Issues

Okay, I can only think of, like, I only come up with one idea and solution specifically for the presidential and vice presidential electoral college aspect of it. I've said this numerous occasions, and it's basically something like this. So they've already tried to assassinate Trump. I assess that they're going to continue to do that. They're trying to do the same thing with Elon Musk because, like, everything's on the line because we are coming for them, right. And we're going to have the ability to come for them.

Strategic Positioning

So they. They have to do everything in their power, and they're currently in power to stop it from happening. Okay? So if we have Paul Ryan at the helm of decision making at faux News and his company faux news and the Murdochs basically just gave what I call it, what others call an $850 million bribe slash investment into deviant voting systems, what's the return on that investment? I mean, they called it a settlement, but let's just, like, what's the return on that investment? Even if you're considering it a settlement instead of it taking it to court, it probably.

Manipulation Tactics

I mean, my guess is they're probably just saying, hey, deviant voting systems. If we can't assassinate Trump, if we can't block him from being the nominee, which they couldn't, then the backstop for the uniparty is to motivate deviant voting systems to create the electoral outcome of the $850 million investors choosing. So they have a touch point in about 28 states. How do we stop that? The only way that I see us stopping that is step one. Mother of all Twitter files exposes as one of the key components that the 2020 election was completely raw, illegal, stolen.

Unveiling Truths

How? Through the communications, through the direct messages and the internal portal system of censoring people and the coordination of the illegal election in Nevada. Right, and Arizona and Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and other states. Because there's evidence based on the Twitter files so far, that there was a system in place where government officials say, for example, at the time, the secretary of state in Arizona would contact Twitter to say, hey, why don't you go ahead and censor and block, etcetera.

Calls for Transparency

I wonder if there was more to that. So as America learns this and starts to be angry, because Twitter is now the number one news app in America and is in third position as far as stickiness within the social space above commie, excuse me, above Facebook and Instagram, and closing in on commie search and commit to, I think the political will start to move in the next two months to demand that we actually stop illegals from voting machines from voting for us, dropboxes from being used, mail in, ballots from being used, any potential for digital software fraud, machine fraud, foreign interference.

Requirements for Fair Elections

And so the only way to avoid all of that is we have our state legislatures allocate the respective states electoral votes, just like we did the first two, three elections in our country's history, where it was the state legislature that basically stood up and voted, hey, we vote for this candidate or this part, you know, this party's candidate or this one. And if everyone votes by political party, the republican legislatures in this country control 274 electoral votes. So then it becomes a free, fair, transparent, guaranteed electoral victory for the guy that Elon Musk just endorsed.

Mobilizing Legislative Support

So then when we get Elon to understand this and Tucker Carlson to understand it and amplify it, and every other influencer to understand and amplify it, particularly within republican circles, then every single constituent of your state Rep and state senator is going to be demanding, particularly of the speakers of the House of these states and the Senate majority leader slash presidents of the Senate to go ahead and convene on November 5 to hold a vote similar to how we saw and observed the speaker of the House being voted in, where we know exactly how many registered voters we have, how many are registered Democrat, how many are registered Republican, and we get to see live on XDev, Rumble, truth and C SPAN how they vote.

Expectations and Political Liability

And so even if they're complicit or cowards or have TD's and they have an r by their name, I suspect that they're not willing to vote against the republican nominee because their constituents are going to treat them in a much more aggressive tone and manner than what we did to Lizzie Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. Thank you. Does that explain it? In a long way? Long way, very step by step and precise. And I appreciate that very much. Thank you. Thank you.

Continuing Engagement and Challenges

But I'll say this, that, yeah, I get it. Glenn Youngken went ahead and signed an executive order. All of a sudden. Oh, he's now, oh my gosh, he's all about election integrity. Meanwhile, me, my teams and other people, we've been beating down his door since day one. Hey, can you do something about election integrity? Same thing with attorney general in Virginia, Miaras. These are, I mean, these are best China first Republicans. Okay? Particularly Youngkin. Why? Because China first Youngkin.

Political Suspicions

Yeah, I get it. He's got an r by his name. This is, this guy was a co CEO of Carlisle Group, very close ties with the Bush family. Right. But that's not an important part. The important part is Glenn Youngkin as co CEO, his co founder of that company, David Rubenstein, was the guy that invested the most amount of money into the deal led by Staples Street Capital to purchase deviant voting systems. Ooh, yes, we've looked into this. And so the other component of that is the other main investor into the purchase of deviant voting systems was a company based out of China with close with the board, three of the board members having close ties to the CCP leadership.

Delving into Corruption

And those same three individuals also served on an american name company of the same name as the CCP equivalent that are same board members. So David Rubenstein and a couple of these other folks, a lot of Carlyle investment funding and wealth growth has been at the hands of investing in the CCP, or China, I should say, and China holdings. So it's coincidental that the deviant voting systems deal took place in October of 2020, at the same month, around the same week that Glenn Young Kim said that he was going to retire from being co CEO of Carlisle Group and then run for governorship in Virginia.

Political Connections

And I'll end with this part. It's interesting that the two main vip guests at the inauguration for Glenn Youngkin in January of 20, what would have that been 22, were Paul Ryan and Ronna Romney. So I don't know if he did that executive order in good faith is my gut feeling, but maybe it's because they're trying to create it so that they do let usher in President Trump as long as they can control them through him, through their networks. And the networks that I'm talking about are Kevin McCarthy, his influence over Chris La Savita, Glenn Youngken, maybe delivering, you know, the 13 electoral votes from Virginia, they've kind of, like, decided how they're going to box in President Trump so that they could create a Mike Pence 2.0 construct for a second President Trump term.

Strategizing Influence

Because Kevin McCarthy, even though he's not a member of Congress, not a speaker, not a member of Congress, he still has that congressional leadership fund and he still want to. He's probably still the most. The biggest fundraiser from the House or former House. And so he can basically come up to President Trump and say, hey, Donald, if you take me in as chief of staff, I'm going to use my congressional leadership money to make sure that you have a Republican House and you're not impeached. However, if you fail to choose me as the chief of staff, I might just go ahead and spend all that money to make sure that Hakeem Jeffries becomes the speaker.

Dangers of Political Loyalties

And Jamie Ratzkin, on January 3 of 2025, submits his drafted bill that he's already drafted, labeling you an insurrectionist under the 14th amendment, section three. Thus, you won't even be able to swear in on January 20 as the president. So what say you, Donald? You gonna take my Kevin McCarthy in as chief of staff? Because that's the. I mean, I'm seeing indications in that direction based on what I'm observing, some of the things that Chris Lacivita is doing, and based on my sources of what he's doing. So which begs the question, what do we do to remove Kevin McCarthy's influence, Paul Ryan's influence, Chris Lacivita's influence, so that doesn't take place.

Political Challenges Ahead

Well, you guys are all smart. Let's think through that. We got to infiltrate the RNC and stuff like that and vote them out of the party. I'm sorry, I don't know. That just sounded like a good, we have, what, 80 days to address this. Exactly. And I also want to be part of my exposure. Exactly. And then I want, I put up in the top part in the nest, the Nevada globe, which is kind of like a conservative paper here. I don't know where it's at in Nevada, but in Las Vegas we have hackers here right now. There's a convention and they hack like the Caesars palace signs and a few of that stuff.

Addressing Security Concerns

So it was kind of funny. But I put up in the article they also hacked the voting machines and they said Defcon hackers find security vulnerabilities and electronic voting machines and related equipment. Spoiler the numerous inconsistent problems they found cannot be fixed before the election. So that was another thing that I just thought I'd bring up as well. Yes, the Defcon. So I guess we all have to get really busy with our states and get them onto paper ballots because of all these vulnerabilities that we've known for a long time.

Future of Voting Systems

But now it's being shown. Yeah, I mean, if we can get it to, let's face it, let's think about how we double authentication with everything nowadays. Right? As you're logging in this and that, why can't we have the same technology, latest and greatest, that we use to, I don't know, conduct financial transactions where you can do the same thing, where you're verifying a citizen of the United States, you're verifying a resident of a state, you're verifying the county and district and precinct. You use the geotag. There's all these different layers and components that can be applied even if it's like some digital component.

The Path Forward

And then you apply the factor of live stream video while people are conducting the vote or counting the ballot, so that you can tie a particular ballot to an individual, so that you know for sure that every person voting wanted to vote and you can tabulate the vote properly. I mean, there's different ways to skin the cat, but I think by mitigating as much risk of fraud is the better way. And why not do right in person, hand count, paper ballot, voter id that proves your, and then you live stream the county that will create, I think, a lot of trust.

Engaging the Public

And then ultimately, when people have trust in the system, you can come to a point where, oh, wow, we lost. We got to do better by, you know, first amendment actions, etcetera so how do we do all that in the next 80 days, though? Ivanhenne? That's the question. Okay, so I laid it out for the presidential and vice presidential electors. We can solve it. Just kind of how I explain it, where we have the state legislatures vote, but the political courage doesn't take place until there's a big seismic shift of evidence.

Catalysts for Change

Right. That can now be leveraged because now people's attention are on x. Right. Especially with last night. So on September, I failed to mention in the kind of first Rakeland rant that I had here. September 3 is literally the day after. It's the day when everybody's back from summer vacation. It's the time when everybody, you know, college students are back physically together, you know, 18 and above, parents with their family are back from vacation. Congress is getting ready to come back for, from summer recess, which will be or August recess, September 9, they come back in.

Strategic Release Timing

So then it begs the question, if you're Elon Musk, when would be the best date with the most political upside benefit to your preferred candidate? Now to go ahead and drop a trove of criminal evidence in the court of public opinion. And if you're Ag Paxton, when would that align as well with you because you're trying to push back against these scum? Well, I suggest September 3, because next week we have the DNC convention. There's, there's a chance that it's not going to be Mamala and Tim what's his name? Tampon Tim or something. People are calling him Tampa. Yep.

Political Predictions

So if it's not heels up or Tampon Tim, then, well, we have to find out for sure who that's going to be so that we can tailor those Twitter files directly, responsive, who the other side is going to put forward. So I say we need to wait until that take place. If it's, you know, if it's Harris, then guess what, folks, I'd like to remind you, and Jess, if you can help out with this, if you're listening, what were the names of the I need? I can't remember, but because I did this a couple years ago, a couple of employees of Kamala Harris used to work at Twitter 1.0.

Dissecting Relationships

So if they were Twitter 1.0 employees, hey, elon, they probably had an issued device. Let's look at everything that they communicated about. And that might just be pretty cool info to put out there in the court of public opinion as raw evidence to start to change the narrative with specific evidence about Miss Harris, her campaign, especially when she was a senator. Excuse me. Ag. And then da. Right. So let's take a look at that. Elon. yeah, I'll pause right there.

Concluding Thoughts

Take a little breather. So what's your thoughts on Brian Kemp saying? Is he going to give his political machine to Donald Trump? Do you think that's a cover because of all the Georgia voter fraud that's pouring out? Ivan? So wait, this is. Say that again. I think this is news to me. So Brian camp came out and announced that he's going to give his political machine to Donald Trump. Obviously. I think he's covered. Speaker one, when did that take place? This week or the end of last week?

Analysis of Current Events

Actually. Lindsey said he was going to do that. I never heard Kemp say it. Brian Kemp said it was out there. Okay. And that was after that? That was after the reveal of the over 380,000 missing matches of ballot signatures and things like that they can't prove because the citizens at that press conference, like 810 minutes video that was going viral a couple days ago, that gentleman put out and at the state capitol. Yep. And they said there were citizens, had a state of emergency. So now, so immediately after that, Kemp basically came out and supported Trump.

Political Calculations

He said. Yeah, he said he's going to support Trump and lend his political machine. My first thought is he's doing to cover his ass because he did treason by what happened in Georgia. For sure. A swing state. Absolutely. That would be my initial gut reaction, too. I'd have to take a look at that in the wording and how they kind of framed it to get the specifics, to get a better analysis on it. But yeah, I mean, bottom line is from Georgia, when you're talking about Georgia, members on the deep state target list include Camp Raffensperger, Jordy Fuchs, who's the deputy secretary of state.

Accusations of Treason

She was the one that leaked the phone call between President Trump and Brad Raffensperger. I mean, it goes deep. Right. Because camp, for those people that don't remember, was the secretary of state in Georgia before he became the governor. Right. And he was the one, I believe is him that did the 207 or $208 million deal with deviant voting systems. And it was Mike Pence that was the one that endorsed Brian Kemp. Right. And it was Mike Pence that endorsed the opponent in the primary of Kerry Lake.

Patterns of Political Loyalty

So you start to see where these people's loyalties are and whether or not they were complicit based on the actions that they take. Every action that Mike Pence takes it's literally like whoever he endorsed endorses. You can bet you that after further investigation, those people he endorses are the ones that were part of the entire electoral heist and the entire, like everything, the COVID congeste because Pence was the head of the COVID task force. And the treason, the firing of General Flynn in order to protect the FB lie.

Beyond the Façade

Every statement by Pence is, oh, the FB lie is great. It's the best thing ever because it protects me from being at legal risk all day, every day. His endorsement of Chris Nunu in New Hampshire. These are the republican scum at the top of my list that we're coming after. Okay, don't get me on a roll. I mean, if you watched my Hodgepins interview, I ended it with Chris Nunu is at the top of the list because he not only, I mean, he not only was it part of the electoral heist, but he violated nine New Hampshire citizens, residents of their First Amendment, and arrested them for silently standing up and facing their back towards him.

Confronting Injustice

I'm not going to forget that. I am going to try to do everything in my power to crush him for that. By the way, he's no longer running for governor. Maybe it'll be easier to crush him. And then also every single state trooper that followed his text message saying, hey, arrest these silent protesters. We're coming for all of them. But we first have to educate the country of what happened because they've been able to hide with the censorship scheme. That censorship scheme is gone. Now we explain to them that we're coming after them full force so that their neighbors, friends, family, associates, colleagues, everyone that has a physical proximity to them is going to demand that they be held to account to the maximum.

The Need for Vigilant Awareness

You got me on a sorry, that one. That one pisses me off. Because one of the people that was arrested was holding her son, four year old, in her hands as she asked why her husband was being arrested for standing with his back face towards what's his name, Sununu and the executive council of New Hampshire. It's all on video. But Chris Sununu and his buddies and allies at faux News, Paul Ryan, don't want that story out because then everyone is going to be clamoring to have their. Let me careful with my language for maximum accountability to take place because it is absolutely disgusting.

Reflection on the State of Affairs

That's only one example. I went on a tangent because all these scum fall into the whole Brian camp. Sununu, Dougie, do see Dougie, fresh doosies. That are covering for the entire illegal electoral heist from 2020. I love the rants. I'm glad I got that out of you. I know. Me too. I do have one question. I have somebody from the audience that messaged it to me really quick. Hold on just one moment. Sorry. He said, we've talked about balance, budget amendment, term limits, bureaucrat accountability. We're down to 90 days between illegals registering, ballot harvesting, water down, sig capture ballots by the time the dust settles, seven and ten days after the, what are the chances of a fair election?

Assessing Election Integrity

All right, a couple things that come to mind. So September 1, I fifth, I believe if we're going to stay in our current system at play, September 5, some jurisdictions start early voting. So if we have a big say announcement on September 3, and then on September 4, I don't know, maybe President Trump sticks to a doing a debate. But in this case, it's going to be a debate discussion with RFK Junior on X Truth Rumble. Right. As they discuss the censorship industrial complex and all the different components of an illegally conducted election, then they can say, hey, America, that's listening in.

Maximizing Voter Engagement

Starting, whatever, September 5. This is the location of every single precinct to vote in early voting, you know, up through November 5 and say, Pennsylvania or whatever jurisdiction. These are the exact locations. Why not just go ahead and live stream the entire, everything so that we know who's coming up to drop the vote? And then come tally time, we can match that video evidence as we tally that up. And Elon can help out with his, you know, smart engineers and algorithmic software to go ahead and AI, crowdsource the result, making sure that is done as closely as legitimately possible to minimize illegalities.

Innovative Voting Solutions

And then later on, everybody needs to, that wants free and fair elections, register as a poll worker, election worker, all the different components of our electoral system and move the system to paper ballots, hand count, right. All of it at once, so that we can, at a minimum, mitigate at least some of the election fraud and illegalities going into November 5. Because at the end of the day, my solution that I said earlier really only covers the presidential and vice presidential electors. If it happens to go that way, we still have to contend with the 33 or 34 Senate seats that are up and the 435 house seats that are up.

Looking Toward the Future

And the way to address that is kind of what I explained. And then basically taking over the electoral process and systems, coupled with getting some of these legislatures to go to paper ballot, maybe through executive order, just like Glenn Young Kim did, and I suspect, just like you said with Brian Kemp, I think Glenn Youngkin was the first one out the gate to basically make a move so that it looks like he's doing something so that he's no longer at top of the list of people to scrutinize and his involvement in the broader electoral heist of 2020 by making that move and make them look like, oh, look, I'm the first to clean up our election system in 2024.

Questioning Political Motives

Nothing to see here. But I'm always skeptical because my stance at this point, after what we've observed the last several years, the flip side of innocent until proven guilty, meaning when a defendant, our system of rules is, you know, you're innocent until proven guilty. The flip of that, or I should say the other side of the same coin, is that the governmental prosecution should be considered guilty until they prove themselves to be innocent in every single thing they do. So if you're a government official, you have to prove your innocence, whereas if you're a private citizen defendant, you don't have to prove anything.

Evaluating the System

You're innocent until the government can one prove its innocence and then prove your guilt. So that's what the stance that I take at this point, after what we've seen these last few years. Okay, I just have, I just want to know if anybody that has a mic right now has any questions for Ivan so far. Liz Crux, Sunzu, Chad Briandhenne. Go ahead, Liz. I've heard this a hundred times. I was on tour with him. Go ahead, Liz. What's up, homie? What's up, bro? How you? Good, good. Go ahead, Liz. Thanks for coming.

Community Engagement

I just wanted to say hi to everyone. I was so happy with the conversation that was held last night. And I do agree 100% with Ivan, of course, in regards to the deep state. And again, it's very complicated. And I guess the best way to explain it is to kind of look at it as this quasi council. And for some reason, and from their perspective, these people truly believe that they are the ones that should be running the government. And the only way, and one of the questions before was, well, how do we deal with this?

Dismantling Corruption

And the best way is to expose them by name, their corruption, their means of control, and identifying how to dismantle their illegitimate power. Keyword illegitimate power, which is the first step in the restoration of the US as a constitutional republic. Very often you hear words thrown around saving our democracy. It's our democracy. Well, it's not a democracy. So you swap out the word democracy and you insert the word power, and it makes much more sense. And so in regards to this influence, formal, quasi council, when I talk about identifying their names and their corruption, it is the first step because as President Trump has stated before, a lot of the people that we're dealing with are nameless people.

Identifying Key Players

Nobody really knows who they truly are. And in regards to the current council, I would say possibly the current members of the current council include US Inspector General Michael Horvitz, the FB lies director Christopher Wray, USDA Attorney General Merrick Garland, director Office Professional of Responsibility Jeffrey Ragsdale, Chief Public Integrity sector Corey Adamson, Deputy USAG Lisa Monaco, the first principal deputy USAG Marshall Miller. Am I right about this, Ivan? I haven't done the deep research in that aspect, but keep going.

Understanding Power Structures

So then we have our council emeritus. So these are the people that are a bit above those people. And so with these people, it's, again, it's complicated from their perspective. They own the United States of America. It is theirs, and they are itself appointed stewards. Anyone who is not theme are, quote, useful idiots or useful innocents or humans chattel to be discarded as necropolitics. This is important. The rest of us are expendable carbon units, literally, we can go into that forever and ever that are assigned positive and negative values depending on our relative usefulness to them.

Power Dynamics

So here's our cancel Ameritis. We have here former USAG Bill Barr, former USAG Jeffrey Rosen, former deputy USAG Richard Donahue, former FB lie director Andrew McCabe, former FBI director Robert Mueller, former FBI director James Comey, former USAG Eric Holder and special counsel from the UN, Jack Smith. So again, it goes very deep. It's almost an impossibility to fire this administrative state. That's the real issue. You know, it goes back years ago, I guess you could watch Amanda Millis movie if you haven't seen it yet, the plot against the president.

Documenting Corruption

And it very adequately explains, like, how the corruption can be embedded so deep and it is an impossibility at times to fire these people. And again, over the years, although America has three separate functions of government, it's this fourth branch of the administrative state. And the people that I just mentioned that really hold this unique power that's able to cause the carnage that they're causing. And again, this is just my opinion. So with saying that, I'll let Mister Ivan take over.

Extending the Conversation

Well, thank you. I mean, it's not my space to take over, but I can make more First Amendment. I know, I know. Maybe just extend a bit on what I'm saying. But like, I think you get, you know where I'm going with this. So it's, again, a very complicated situation because most Americans don't really know who these people are, right? So you can't really fight something you don't know you're fighting. And again, these are the nameless people that make decisions, like permanent decisions. They don't leave. They're there permanently, regardless of who is in power.

Underlying Issues

And we also saw that happen with the COVID industrial complex scam, where President Trump was giving a separate set of orders, where Judas Pence was going behind his back with deep state swamp rat Deborah Birx and defying everything that the president had clearly stated he wanted to do. And again, this is the inner workings of the fourth branch of government, which is the administrative state that completely, that can completely overthrow the other branches of government, the executive, judicial and legislation. And it's been happening for so long.

Reflections on Governance

And I think that we're at the point now where the damage that they have done is so extensive that it really does at times feel like an impossibility to deal with these people, because, and like I've said it before, it feels like you're trying to vote your way out of Nazi Germany. Well, that is true. That that is true. So, again, identify and identify the crimes that they have committed and make it known, because these people's names have to be known. And although they don't have any, it doesn't sound.

Broadening Accountability

Their names and their actions so far, like, from what I've said, it doesn't have that element of shock value to get people invested. But once you really understand the corruption and the level of outright treason that these people have committed, it will make more sense as to why there is no magic wand that can make this nightmare disappear overnight. And again, that's just my opinion. So, yeah, at someone else take over.

The Amplification of Conversations

I'm getting messages from people saying, oh, man, this is how. And I'm like, yeah, get on board. Join the club. And, and what you're saying is, I think it's just going to snowball Ivan. Yep. And I think with more, like, more evidence, right. The number one app and news app now. So it's not like a niche little, hey, you know, Kimmy and Ivan and Mike and Brian and. Right. And, and Liz are just talking to a couple thousand people. No, I mean, this is now amplifying to where we're getting, like, collectively here amongst just the top folks on here that I'm looking at. We've collectively touched at least over a hundred million people over the last year, easily. We weren't able to do that when they censored us. Now we're dominating the conversation. We're literally in here, like almost every day conducting conversations that thousands of leaders are kind of bouncing it off and then sending it out to their communities. We are crushing the legacy media. They know it. It's not even close.

Media Responses and Observations

I mean, did you see a CNN's, like, try to rebut Elon and Trump's space? Did you see that response that CNN gave? And it's like, go look at the. No, because someone's watching criminal news now. No, I, but Ivan, I have to watch it like the Krasenstein sisters. No, I have to watch. You're, you're allowing them to exist by doing. No, it's, it, you know what it is? It's watching the demise and it's watching them struggle and it's a little bit, you know, I'm not going to say it, but it's a little bit fulfilling to see their lies and propaganda that we've been trying to expose for four years. All right, for those listening, give me a thumbs up if you agree with Mike, and if you don't, give me a thumbs down. Oh, come on. Okay. Give. Whatever. You better give me a thumbs up, you guys. Oh, everyone's taking the neutral stance of laughing. Oh, they're doing the laugh.

Reactions to Political Events

Okay, fine. But. But, hey, unfortunately. Saw it. But when I. Last night, it was. I had to be next to Ed Krasinstein. Did you see it? I even posted. I mean, why do I gotta be next to this guy in my spaces? Yeah, so that. Never heard of the dude, whatever. Or you said it was sisters. I never heard of her. Oh, yeah. Never heard of her. But here. Oh, you got cut off for talking about Edwina and sister. No, I was. He got. He got detached. Can I just say this? Yes, of course. Can I just say this? I hope that Ed and Brian realize the damage that they're doing late when they see what they've done or what they're doing. What future do they have for their families? I mean, it's like, literally, if you're going to side with these people, where are you going with it?

Financial Interests and Political Allegiances

Like, I hope they have a change of heart, and I hope that they understand. So I'm gonna have a heart to change it. Mike, they're getting paid. They're getting. I know. I got Ivan thumbs down, which is. I'm actually kind of disappointed in myself because Ivan stumps down to me. Look at him. Liz gave you one, too, just so you know. Good job. I'm praying for unity. I'm praying to bring this all together. I'm praying to bring this country and the sovereignty back. And I don't care. Yeah, but you can only work with people operating in good faith. If you're operating in bad faith, I'm gonna do to them just like I did with the, you know, raw sewage reporters or the have a change of heart. That's all I'm saying. I get it. I'm not.

On Legal Processes and Accountability

Listen, bro, if you want to go be the retribution team, whatever, I'm all in with that. Yeah. How great. They have, quote, twins. Yeah. That's hilarious. Oh, God. All right, Brian, ask Ivan some more questions. Oh, yeah. We got sun zoo and we got Liz, too. Go ahead, Ben. What's up? Yeah. Hey, what's up, Ivan? Hey, Trump frog. Hey, I just got a couple of quick questions for you, Ivan. Number one, I was going to address what Brian was asking earlier. I don't know if you would agree with this, but I would think that Elon, before he purchased X in a merger and acquisition, he would have excluded certain liabilities. At least his attorneys would have probably advised him to do that.

Implications of Technological Changes on Elections

That may come back against him because he probably knew what he was purchasing getting into. Number two, this was asked by a liberal friend of mine that asked me to ask this kind of. They're taking more hostile approach towards you and towards me. But that's okay. Yeah, but I. Hey, we got to give liberal friends. Oh, my God. I don't talk to Stewart center, not Jim. But I'll just tell you. The question is, why would these Twitter executives be dumb enough to use Twitter DM's to discuss things that may get them in hot water? And why wouldn't they use other back channels? And I think I answered my own question because they are dumb enough.

Presumption of Guilt in the System

And final question would be, are you saying, going back to what you said earlier, that you presume them to be guilty, that being the government workers that were using the DM's and the back channels to have this discussion, are you saying a presumption of guilt would apply to them as opposed to a presumption of innocence? Because they would essentially be designated as enemy combatants. So those are the three questions, if you can remember them. All right. Question number one. Repeat it. That was in relation to the assumption or exclusion of liabilities if Elon purchased Twitter. Yeah. That's why. That's why he moved from California to Texas.

Discussion on Election Integrity

Question two. Yeah. Question two was, why did the Twitter executives use. Why were they dumb enough to use DM's if they knew it? Probably be discoverable later. Let's find out. Probably because they thought Hillary was going to win and they probably thought that Twitter would be safe by doing all that stuff. Just. I'll answer it a little bit more specifically. Maybe you might not have heard the, one of the parts that I talked about, but in my five hour meeting with Taibbi, one of the things that I asked them about, why didn't you go into the DM's? It's because they were told that they were not able to go into the DM's.

Implications of Organizational Decisions

And I asked, was it Jim Baker? That was the one that was a driving force to stop you from going into the DM's? And he was like, ooh, that's a good question. I'm not sure. So that, to me, leads me to believe it was likely Jim Baker. And if he's basically saying, hey, you're not going to go into the people's DM's that you're investigating, that's exactly the location that we need to go to inspect. So that would be the biggest indicator telling me that there is a trove of evidence in the Twitter DM's. Not to mention, you got to remember, all these Twitter employees have a company, probably issued devices, and it's not only the emails and the this and that, but if you are the owner of the device, then depending on the user agreement between the employer and employee, which I don't know, they can take a look at every single communication that took place on the company device.

Consequences for the Platform

Right. And if there's criminal evidence, then they are obligated to report that to the newly, I guess the new jurisdiction upon which that evidence is located in as a company headquarters, Texas, meaning AG Paxton for actioning. So. And then number three. Yeah, number three was in relation to the, you had mentioned the presumption that would. You would be looking at them as a presumption of guilt if they're government workers, as opposed to a presumption of innocent, then my question was, because they're designated, you would consider them designated enemy combatants.

Comments on Public Figures

I want to see John legend, John not so legendary and his husband with their fake child be exposed because they were seriously involved in the me too movement, the election steel creating the fake anger. I would like to see Tim Waltz's Twitter stuff because remember, all the dirt was able to be done under Jack Dorsey, that when Elon Musk releases, it's going to be explosive. I'm excited about that. So thank you, truth. I appreciate that, brother. All right, so I'm going to go to the homie silent and then we'll go from there.

Research and Political Affiliations

Can I add one more thing real quick? Sure. Yeah. So if you do some research, I get them mixed up between both of them. One of them was a member of the Communist Party of America, and the other one was on the election team and voted for the communists running for president. So these two people were avowed communists. Not. Not just. I mean, and I'm sure he was, you know, John Brennan is an islamist, but they were both avowed communists. And that's exactly what we see living through in the aftermath of convid. The pandemic.

Ongoing Research and Political Activism

Yeah, I've been known to do it. I've been known to do a little research here and there. We kind of talk about that in the space that I hold. That's what I mean. I can't wait for all these people because whether they're communists and lammists, they're anti American and what they've done, just like the weather underground and all the people connected to it. People should look into Kamala Harris's history and her ties to what happened with Jesse Smollett and to the lawyer that was involved in that was the chief of staffer, Michelle Obama. They're all communists. That's what people need to be exposed to. So thank you. Good points.

Local and State Political Involvement

Truth. Go ahead. Silent. Well, happy Tuesday night to everybody. Great space. I want to. I'm gonna expound a little bit on what Greg was saying. He's down there in Maricopa County. I think that's how you pronounce it. But yeah, he's right. I'm a precinct chair here in Harris county. And if anybody looks at my little twitter. Twitter feed thing I do. You'll see today that we rooted out a lot of evil. You will see that there's a lot of stuff going on in Harris county. And I'm in Texas, Harris county, and there's only, like, 5 million people, I think, here, which is a pretty big population, I would think.

Concerns Regarding Political Changes

Right. And I'm really concerned that we could lose Harris county to the Democrats. I'm involved with the Dan Simons, running for the DA, because we're trying to get him into DA, even though Kim Ogg did all that good stuff today. But that was really the Texas Rangers that did that. Okay, but everybody needs to pay attention because we talk about, like, I'm not being mean, but we talk about what's going on in the federal government and all this wonderful stuff, right? We can't affect that other than our vote. We get. We get one vote, right? Everybody gets one vote.

Local Impact and Community Engagement

What we can affect is when we get involved locally and you get everybody in your neighborhood to understand that they're tired of paying $5 for gas or whatever the number is. That's when you make a difference. Nobody's gonna. Here's the big picture. There's. There's two ways. Like, I got a lumber company, right? So if you win a customer, you lose a customer. There's two things that happen. One, they find it faster, easier and less expensive. Or two, they're pissed off. That's the only two ways people are gonna change.

Personal Responsibility and Future Planning

Okay? So what's going on? Until it affects them personally, that's when they're gonna make a difference for themselves and get involved and do things. So when you're, everybody's all comfy and everybody's hanging around, they got enough beer, they got enough, you know, chicken and whatever, okay? Nobody's gonna do a damn thing until they get pissed off or until they find a better way to do things. How many of us in this space have said, okay, you know, I could go to the store and, like, I have 282 year olds in my house. I could go to the store and buy diapers and spend 2 hours to Costco or I can just order it on Amazon.

Forward Planning and Community Action

Well, what do you do? You order the shit on Amazon, right? Shows up at your door. You ain't got worry about chewy dog food, cat food, all that stuff. People are lazy, including me. I'm guilty. I'm lazy, too. Okay? But I'm not lazy when it comes to the future of my son. And that's what you have to think about. It's not. We have an election in November, 80 days away. Okay, what's going to happen after that? Let's say, okay, Trump's gonna get in office.

Importance of Future Considerations

Let's say he gets in office four years. What's after Trump? That's what we have to start thinking about, folks. And, okay, and Greg was saying it earlier, it took him from April to February to get elected. Yeah. It took me two months. Okay. Took me two months. That's 60 days where the election is 80 days away. But you can still sign up now and get involved and start your own process, your own community and give a shit is the way I look at it. And so, yeah, you probably should if you.

Continued Involvement and Future Engagement

If you haven't, and if you can't get in this year, get in for the future, because there's gonna be a future unless we all get nuked, which nobody can control that. But, you know, just. That's all I'm saying. And Ivan in this space tonight, Kimmy, Trump, stellar, y'all did a great job. And Ivan was bang on. Everybody was in here tonight, or a bunch of great patriots. And just so you know, I looked on the calendar the other day, and I saw Patriot Day.

Reflection on Patriotism and Local Governance

Did y'all see Patriot Day? Too busy. That's a good point. But I've been too busy killing myself out here. Hey, are you okay? You know what? Here's the way you got to look at it. And I always tell my people this, if you want it bad enough, do you not find a way to make it happen every day? And you know what they do, because it affects them if they don't. And that's the problem with people getting involved with politics and all this stuff, because they don't think they can make a difference.

Community Action and Local Group Dynamics

But when you get involved locally, you can make a difference. I have a meeting Thursday night at a little barbecue place with 75 people, and we're going to have Dan Simon, the future da of Harris county, there, because I'm on his committee. But we're going to get him in, and we're going to support him, and we're going to make sure that we make Harris county great again. Okay? Bottom line, we got to steal trump stuff sometimes, but he's okay with that.

Involvement in Local Politics

But, you know, you just got to get involved. Like Greg was saying. He's absolutely right. You can see the rhinos a mile away. You can smell them. I took a sniff the other day in a meeting I was in I was like, oh, shit. Oh, God almighty. This rig. And they're. And they're all about 65 to 80 years old. That's the GOP, homie. It's the movie cocoon. Exactly. Hey, you drilled that.

Educating the Young Generation

Hey, but you know what? I'm gonna. We have a deal in Cypress Fairbanks ISD right now where we have the Cypress Fairbanks ISD, young Republicans. So what we're doing is we're taking the shit to the high schools, and we're gonna start them early. That's what we're doing. And I'll put it in a pill if you want to see it. And it's badass. And these young kids are fired up because they're tired of watching their mama and daddy struggle.

Connecting with Younger Generations

Because you talk to these young kids, well, you think you can make a difference in the future? Talk to Alex Stone. Wait, 20 something. I mean, you learn a lot from these young. Young kids are smart. They're not stupid, and they understand the value of engaging themselves and activating themselves to make a difference. And that's what we need to do. I'm 54. Yeah.

Commitment to Positive Change

Oh, I'm too old for this shit. No, I'm not too old for this shit. I'm too old to keep putting up with all this bullshit. That's. That's the way you got to look at it. Okay. No, I appreciate you. I got a. Thanks for the time. No, I got to make sure we get to all these. These hands. That's all. Thank you, brother. Yes, sir.

Networking and Building Connections

Much love, homie. It's good to hear from you and everything you said. Thank you, Simon. I'm just trying to find stellar. Is she. Did she come back or not, frog? Yeah, she's back. Okay. All right. I'm just. I'm trying to find stellar. Where are you? Stellar? I'll help you. Don't worry.

Continuing the Discussion

I'll just add her as a speaker, and then you can make her co-host. There's a lot of people in here right now. It's okay. Thank you so much. Thank you. You're the best. All right, so we'll go to. The people had their hands up. We'll go to. If I get your name wrong, don't take it personal, or I'll drop you.

Acknowledgment of Group Efforts

Take back. Go ahead. Thank you. Kimmy and all the crew. It was a good space tonight. A lot of good information. I want to tag on the local action, getting involved locally, and not worrying about the international stuff, the federal stuff, not even the state legislature, because you really can't affect that stuff there.

Mimicking Successful Organizing

But we do need to mimic the x spaces in the local. We have a good time on x spaces. We need to mimic that and locally and have the fun that we have on x. We need to have the fun locally. One of the other things I noticed that people say get on the committee and get on the precinct committee, but they don't really tell you how to do it.

Secrets to Effective Local Political Involvement

Right. They just say get on it. So I want to let you know that if you FOIA Freedom of Information act, request the copies of the committee members from your township clerk and your county clerk, that'll tell you who's there. Right. And then you can call them or get in touch with them and see how you can, when they have the meetings, because they don't always have meetings.

Challenges in Political Participation

You know, they don't really want people involved and they kind of go under the radar and they don't reach out. So it's, it is hard to get in. But once you get in, we took over our county. I put ten people on the ballot and got them elected in my township and we took over the county committee, ousted the Democrat that was there in our GOP.

Local Political Landscape Analysis

He was there for like 30 years. Right. So we ousted him. So it is possible, it is a learning curve and it takes time because, well, New Jersey, it's every two years our committees are voted in. So if you haven't started, you're already two years behind or more than likely at least a year behind the ball.

Calls to Action and Future Projections

So the longer you wait to get involved, the longer it's going to take back our, well, you saw my handle take back New Jersey. Right. The longer it's going to take you to take back your local township and your local county. And that's where the legislature starts at the county level. And if you're not involved in the county, you can't pick the candidates for the legislature.

Importance of Local Political Awareness

And why are we having a problem? Because the legislature is passing unconstitutional bills and nobody knows how to reprimand them. Right. So you go up to the legislature and they just ignore you. Even the board of education does that now because they had, they have no, they know that you have no recourse.

Understanding Rights and Legislative Procedures

You don't know how to do it. So if you don't know your rights, you don't have any. Now, we work on a parliamentary procedure and the Roberts rules of order kind of applies. Fitzgerald legislative manuals, Mason's legislative manuals, lex parliamentia and the law of nations. These are some of the documents that our founding fathers read to create our nation, we're not a democracy.

Critical Analysis of Governance

We're a republic and we're a constitutional federation. Republic, right. So you have to understand these rules. Like when you go up to the board of education and you start talking out of time or not obeying the rules, and then they sometimes even have you arrested. Right. So if you know the rules and you stay in the rules, they have to follow the rules.

Electoral Processes and Procedural Knowledge

But if you don't know the rules and you go outside the rules, they can have you arrested. So the elections, you don't adjudicate the elections in the judicial process because the judicial process is for criminal activity, and you haven't proved criminal activity. So you have to understand the rules of evidence.

Voting Legitimacy and Accountability

You have to understand the chain of custody, which, that's, that word, that phrase has been going all around in every state because there's no chain of custody of the ballots, but evidence has to have chain of custody. So what I did was I ordered in New Jersey, actually, it was free. I can get the voter rolls for the entire state, the voter history.

Integrity of Electoral Systems

And I got the ballot images and the CVR records, this cast vote records. And I compared the people that they said who voted with the number of ballot, the ballot images for that, each district, and also what they reported as the official results. And guess what? All three were not in sync. Now if you had a bank and your finances were in there, you would be up in arms.

Activism and Accountability

Right? But if you don't know that they're not in sync, how can you go to the legislature and say, you know what? You created the board of elections and they're not doing their job, you're responsible for it. Now, you investigate them. You have to demand that they investigate it. When you have kids and they go out and break windows and I slash tires, you know, it's up to you to reprimand your kids.

Public Engagement and Government Oversight

But what we forgot, well, not that we forgot, they wouldn't teach us how to reprimand the government. So you have to assemble together and then you can get a grand jury. If you assemble together and the people have the rights, Scalia and even Gorshitz now is talking about it, that people have the right to investigate the government when they're not doing stuff and they can call a grand jury.

Importance of Grand Juries

When you assemble together, you can call grand jury and have them investigated. What else? The cheating doesn't happen at the polls. It happens back at the board of elections where that's where they swap votes to scan multiple ballots at the different times and change the votes that way or just swap in one of our elections, they just swapped a number in the computer and reported it.

Voting Procedure Accountability

All right. So one of the other things that we can do is start learning how to handcuff the ballots at the district or the precinct level. So I wrote up a document@rescuenj.org, slash hand count. And that lays out a hand count. And I posted in the pill Texas tally and cause of America. There's three options for hand counting that you can learn.

Education on Electoral Processes

You can start this, even one person can start reading this and start talking to people and start doing it right. We have to learn how to hand count, but nobody's talking about, or very few people are talking about. Let's get a group of people together and start learning how to hand count right. It's simple.

Community Involvement in Elections

So rescue nj.org hand count. And like I said, it's in the purple pill. You'll see the three options. You can just take any one of those and start learning those. You do the FOIA request for your county clerks at your county clerks for the committees and contact them. Weasel your way in.

Exposure to Political Realities

You know that they're going to be rhinos and the uni party. So you go in there and say, look, I just want to learn. Get in there and take it over like we did. So on the rescue nj.org hand count, there's one document on there that says a list of things that 20 things that any individual can do. You don't need anybody else.

Individual Responsibility in Civic Engagement

So you can download that document. You can download the hand count. It's four pages. That's not a hard read. There's a big diagram to explain it and I think I'm going to land it with. If anybody has any questions, my DM's are open. We have, I saw X town hall take back.

Networking and Collaboration

I think that you and all right should probably get together or DM each other back and forth because he's doing a lot of stuff in Hawaii and you might be very helpful with him. And I'll probably look into your stuff as well. I've got, we've got more hands up.

Encouragement for Local Action

But yes, I think everybody should probably go and follow take back because he's got some really great ideas and things. And the local action, you know, like he was saying, is super important, you know, whether it's in the republican party or I within like a precinct or poll watchers, any of those different things as well as what he's talking about, trying to see what we could do about doing the hand counts and stuff like that if we can be prepared, I mean, who knows what's going to end up happening?

Preparedness and Collective Efforts

But it's always best to be prepared. We're trying to take back our country. So thank you. Exactly. And, yeah, thank you for letting me go on because that was pretty long and I don't like to do that. But we, I tried to cover all the things that people were talking about, so I appreciate it. I yield.

Continued Dialogue and Shared Experiences

We appreciate you. And again, I'll write who's got his hand up, and I'll call on him next, and then we'll go through the rest of the hands. But the two of you should probably get together and maybe do spaces and maybe teach people.

Collective Learning and Engagement

Like, I would like to join if that's okay. So that would be something that I think, you know, maybe you and he, because he's very good. He's been doing a lot of stuff in Hawaii. Also, silent majority on here is a, he's a captain or precinct. He's, he's up there in the precinct stuff.

Networking Across States

And he's probably someone you want to get in touch with as well. And it looks like Massachusetts GOP is here. So that was someone. There's quite a few people that you could probably dm and get something going and see what we could do.

Moderation and Continuation of Discussion

I'm going to go with. All right, next. And then we'll go with sheriff and then we'll go with side Joan and then Shane, hopefully. I got you guys all. Awesome. Thank you.

Emotional Acknowledgment and Support

Stellar. I'm sorry, I couldn't see. I couldn't see you up there. Stellar. I'm sorry. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, I better exit and come. So sorry about that. All right, go ahead, guys.

Addressing Governance Issues

Okay. Yeah, no, I appreciate it. And something I wanted touch on the takeaway from other days space is Elon Musk and Donald Trump were discussing a government efficiency commission. And, I mean, when this goes into effect, things are going to move a lot faster than people realize.

Optimism on Local Engagement

I understand that people are discouraged right now by wanting to get involved locally and then it takes months and then they're encountered by a bunch of old rhinos and stuff. But what, when this starts to break, it's going to move ridiculously fast, I think.

Evolving Political Dynamics

Because even when Laura Trump got in as appointed as co-chair for the RNC, they went through and fired 60 staffers from the RNC. And I don't think we've seen that type of ripple effect at the states yet. I think they wanted to get it through the RNC convention, make sure.

Engaging Local Political Vacuums

Nothing crazy went on there. And then now, like, I. Straight up, I doubled down on everything. I actually, I bought plane tickets, and I'm flying a parliamentarian in from the mainland to have a. To have a seminar for my district next month because I'm not gonna.

Commitment to Local Governance

I told them I'm not doing your guys circus bullshit, and we're gonna do this right. And, yeah, it's. I'm pretty surprised with how well it was received. So, yeah, we're gonna have parliamentarian training people on the ground for their, you know, so they understand how to. How to run stuff.

Historical Context of the GOP

And we've just never had a fully functioning GOP before, so, you know, it's like, it's. It's there for people if they. If they go out and get it. And I think it is motivating people to go fast.

Generational Engagement

And I even have senior citizens, and I'm like, look at. Up on Grok. Here's a. Here's a parliamentary procedure cheat sheet. And what the gentleman from New Jersey is talking about with the grand juries, I think that's going to have something to do with what Ivan's talking about.

Bridging Connections and Strategies

Talking about with secretary of retribution, you know, and it's gonna. We need to use the RNC and basically, like, retrofit it as a. As a channel to fill it up with patriots, you know, and it's law of compensation.

Empowering Political Restructuring

When you. When you push out the rhinos, you need to replace it with America first. Mega people that, you know, have their head on a swivel and can. Can think straight, you know, and not people with cottage cheese for brains that are gonna.

Evolution of Political Dynamics

Gonna back everybody up and obstruct and don't like to change. And it's like, it's. It's changing whether people like it or not. And, yeah, like. Like I said, I do appreciate it and.

Engagement and Community Development

Yeah, stellar, I guess, if you want to come to guaya mea, I got a. I got a nice venue where. Where we're gonna be having a parliament. Parliamentary procedure training. Which island?

Island Dynamics and Community Building

Which island? Why? Maybe a big island. No, the big island. I don't have any con. I don't. Oh, I do have some friends over there still, but they're over on the hilo side. It's okay.

Centralization of Communication

And that's the thing about, like, right now with the way Hawaii is and x.com and decentralization of communication, it's like we're all kind of one island now. Like, in a way, we're all communicating with each other a lot more than even, say, like, five years ago.

Post-Trauma Community Integration

I think that the Maui fires and the COVID pandemic scared the shit out of the Patriots to where we are starting to get a really well oiled communication machine. It's taken a while to get it going, but now that it's on, it's like we can't swim to each other's other county to go to a meeting.

Challenges in Mobilizing Community Action

You know, it's like we need to think differently. I yield, and thank you so much already. Oh, sorry. Oh, no, that's okay. Please don't be sorry.

Appreciation and Connectedness

Sorry. Don't be sorry. I don't. I don't care. I'm very laid back, you know that. Stellar. who's next? I haven't really been paying attention. I'm sorry. John Jones.

Committing to Collective Goals

We've got. Well, we've got the sheriff and. And then I. Joan Shane. That sounds good. Go ahead, sheriff.

Community Education Initiatives

Yeah. So silence was talking. I think it was silent talking about in Texas, the events that happened today with the DA and the Texas Rangers and. And getting involved in teaching these. These children in the schools, you know, how local government and how everything works.

Defining Legal Responsibilities

One of the things I took away today from the DA, when he got up to speak, he said that by Texas law, it is two complaints by affidavit to the DA's office into the attorney general's office. By law, they have to investigate. So teaching affidavits would be a very wise thing to do.

Strategic Community Action Plans

And then, as well, your precinct committees and start doing these affidavits. I mean, if you can send them in by the thousands, by the hundreds, whatever it may be, go put them on the county record and then send them to the DA's office, the attorney general's office, the Texas Rangers' office, and your local sheriff's office hold all their feet to the fire and start doing it on every law that's being broken, because we know that there are shit tons of law is being broken.

Historical Context and Systemic Issues

And. And then, you know, we're talking about. Well, one of the points I've made a hundred thousand times, I've been talking about it since around 2018, is that in the parties here in New Mexico were calling me a nut. They were calling me crazy. I didn't know what I was talking about. I'm not a lawyer.

Incorporation and Political Manipulation

About the parties being incorporated. And as of last year, our state party incorporated and then three of our counties incorporated by the state. The state took control of those three counties incorporating now in Arizona, the state party incorporated in two of the counties in Georgia, the state county, and then two of the counties, there's only one county I found out in Arkansas that's incorporated.

Political Accountability and Local Control

There's not even a state party. Well, in Texas, there are no parties incorporated. Not a state, republican or Democrat party is incorporated. Not a single county in Texas is incorporated. Now, the whole duty of a party is to hold your party candidates accountable when they get into office.

Overarching Political Integrity Issues

The party themselves can remove a candidate once those complaints have been made. So we need Texas, and we need the other counties in these other states. In every state that's unincorporated to the people, we need the people, not the rhinos, to incorporate them, because the moment it catches on, which obviously it has, and when these states did that, they.

Political Integrity and Transparency

They admitted guilt because they've been taking donations. They've been charging fines, fees, and dues as a. As an organization that's unincorporated, that's against the law in the United States. So we need our grassroots level to start incorporating these states that haven't been incorporated and to incorporate your counties.

Procedural Efficacy in Political Structures

And in your articles and incorporations, you make sure to list those laws. You make sure to list the duties, the documents that give we, the people that power inside of those articles of incorporation. Because if you go look at the articles of incorporation of these now incorporated parties, they don't say anything.

Understanding Purpose and Structure

Okay. The whole point of any incorporation is to have a purpose for the community economically, that benefits the people, that prospers, the people of the state, of the county. And so we can really take back our parties by doing this and hold our elected or selected officials accountable in those parties. You know, we, the Republicans, can go incorporate the Democrat party.

Opposing Political Structures

Why not? They haven't done it. They haven't taken the initiative, and then we can hold those people accountable. So just. Just some things to throw out there. Between the affidavits and the parties and incorporating them, it's something that is not being talked about.

Creating Grassroots Movements

It is not being done on a rampant scale. And now that everybody's getting so involved and everybody's trying to figure it all out, this is a very important factor in all of this. Thanks to. Thank you, sheriff.

Reflection on Political Responsibility

I appreciate it. You make great points, by the way. It's up to us to take our country back, and we got to work with the mechanisms and the systems that are put in place to make it happen. Right. We got to do what they've been doing and turn the tables.

Identifying Key Organizations and Actions

All right, so we'll go with side Joan, DJ 52, then Shane. Hi there. Thank you so much for bringing me up. Kimmy, I thank you so much. This has been one awesome space June, I think they were saying I was going to go first.

Fostering Support and Collaboration

Sorry. Go for it. I couldn't. My sound went out. Sorry. That's fine. Sheriff. Actually, I'm surprised to find out that we've got people running in counties without having been incorporated under the incorporation of the republican party, because both parties are incorporated.

Understanding Political Structures

And that surprises me greatly, because in order to operate the way it works, and this is, for any of you that don't already know this, the republican party is a private corporation. The national bylaws run the party, and then under the national bylaws, take the full effect.

Regulatory Functions and Governance

Under that, each state by law has bylaws that take effect for the state, but they give way to the national bylaws to have full effect, to have the greater effect. Then under each state comes the county bylaws that take effect after the national and then the state, and then comes the county bylaws, and then comes Robert's rules of order for all meetings that take effect after the national and the state and the county bylaws.

Administrative Practices and Compliance

And that's how all the meetings work. So it really surprises me because none of these entities can take any money or any dues or any of that, nor can they expenditure any of those monies that they've collected induced from the members or participants in the party.

Legal Implications and Accountability

So that by that alone they've broken the law. That really surprises me greatly. Sheriff, I can't even believe I'm hearing that. It's absolute fraud. It's fraud, 100%, absolutely. It's against the law. It's a criminal offense.

Political History and Involvement

That's not just a civil, that's a criminal offense. I can't even believe I'm hearing that. But just to let you know a little bit about myself, I got involved with the Ron Paul revolution back in 2008. And when I decided to get involved, I mean, I got involved.

Grassroots Education and Political Knowledge

I learned all of the FEC rules. I learned how all of California worked because I was in California. Yeah, the Socialist Republic of California. And I didn't know anything about the county committees or any of it. I had no idea how any of that worked.

Grassroots Movement Advocacy

But I got involved on a grassroots level, and I got involved nationally, and were doing it through things that were called meetups. And I got so involved that I became a registered parliamentarian with Robert's rules. That's how involved I got.

Activism Through Strategy and Planning

And I got informed by a guy in Ohio that was a state assemblyman about the county committees, and I couldn't understand why they weren't appearing on our ballots at all. I'd never seen them, and I always voted. So I started looking at election codes and I started getting involved in the codes and laws.

Strategic Counteractions Against Establishment

And that is how I figured out what our Republicans in California were doing to keep the stuff off the ballot. And what I did was I was, I used their own little plans to keep the stuff off the ballot. Nobody could actually participate.

Advocacy and Strategic Infiltration

You see, they didn't want Ron Paul people, and they didn't want anybody other than the good old boys. So I used their good old boy tactics against them. And I got Ron Paul people all up and down the California county committees into these spots.

Culmination of Political Strategies

I use their own tactics against them. I pretty much outsmarted them. And they couldn't figure out who was doing it. They even had a conference call. But you see, I'd been using conference calls and keeping them private, teaching delegates for Ron Paul how to use Robert's rules.

Secrecy and Strategy in Political Maneuvering

So a little birdie gave me their number and I said, yeah, I sat in and listened to 52 executive chairmen from the county committees try to figure out who was working against them. And I listened to them and sat there and laughed while they tried to figure out how they were going to get down to who was doing this.

Understanding Power Dynamics in Politics

And it was me that was doing it. But that's how involved I got. And the gentleman that's telling you that it won't do me any good, you need two years or one year. Do it now.

Immediate Action in Local Politics

You can attend all these county committees right now and learn how the processes work. You can sit into all these committees and listen to it, learn Robert's rules.

Understanding Political Structures

You can buy the book and you can do a, get a book for Robert's rules for dummies and how to learn Robert's rules on your own, because that's what I did.

Becoming a Resource for Change

And then I actually took the test to become a registered parliamentarian. So you can get prepared now and something you all need to. And I hope.

Calling for Vigilance and Local Control

Oh, the thing I wanted to talk to is the guy from Hawaii, I hope you're really sure that you're getting control of the Hawaii Republican Party. Because one thing they did that we never saw coming, because I was working with the Republicans from Hawaii.

Political Strategies and Operational Organization

They came to the state convention with an entire script. And I'm not kidding. I mean, they had an entire script that they used against the Ron Paul people.

Monitoring Organizational Activities

So they were all operating off of a script that they used against the Ron Paul people. We never saw him coming. And believe me, I sussed out a lot of tricks and things that the Republican Party was using in a lot of states.

Shifts in Political Awareness

But nobody saw this one coming. We didn't even find out until afterwards. One of the guys left the script on a chair. I couldn't believe it. They had a script.

Awareness and Preparedness

That's how organized the Republican Party was in Hawaii. That was really a mind blower. So the guy from Hawaii, just be forewarned that they're a formidable force in Hawaii.

Documenting Political Conduct

But the thing I wanted to say was that there is a person that left down in these bubbles down here below. She left a thing about the intelligencer and how they really took, how they really organized the fraud against Trump in 2020.

Understanding Political Dynamics

And it was organized centrally, and it involved William Barr and several other peoples. So you might want to take a look at that. It's not too far and too far down in these bubbles thing here, the little thing below, not up in the net, not up in the nest, but down here below.

Detailed Insight into Political Manipulation

She's about 15 things in and she's got a link to the intelligencer and it explains exactly how they did it. And knowing all the rules that I know, I think she's got the right thing.

Investigation into Political Activities

I think she really explains how they did it. And it involves the governor of Pennsylvania and some of the other key players like William Barr and several other people. And I think she's really figured out the real deal or whoever turned her on to this information.

Strategic Recommendations

You might want to take a look at it. And I will land the plane there. Oh, one other thing I wanted to mention. Lurking locally, you may not realize it, but constitutionally, sanctuary states is legal.

Local Governance and Autonomy

But also sanctuary counties is legal. So you can work against your state to put in place a sanctuary county to go against your state. So if you're stuck in a Democrat state, like I am, we're working to get rid of some of the crap they've put into place in our state.

Political Awareness and Action

And I'm working most of the states, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but we have other hands up. But most of the states, most of the cities and stuff like that, it wasn't left up to the constituents to vote whether or not they wanted to have sanctuary states or counties or any of that other stuff.

Constitutional Rights and Local Governance

So technically speaking, those are unconstitutional per, unless the state voted upon it. The constituents and most of these places did not happen that way. So it was done fraudulently, like a lot of the shady stuff that they do, and they've done here in Nevada and apparently in Illinois, too.

Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship

So we have to get very familiar with our state constitutions and use our state constitutions like we're trying to do with the federal constitution to protect our rights, you know.

Space Promotion and Thank Yous

Tweet it out. Share the space out to get more people in here. Such a great conversation. I have to teach early in the morning, so I'm headed out, but I just wanted to thank everyone and also just remind you if you are in a sanctuary city, make sure that you stay on top of that. Make sure that you are making your presence known and letting people in your area know that you are watching what they're doing because rumor has it, and they've done it before, that they're going to try to let all these illegals vote. And so that is something that we obviously don't want to occur. So just want to put that out there. But thanks again, Kimmy and Trumpfrog and stellar. What a great space. So cool to have Ivan in here earlier. God bless you all. Enjoy the rest of your evening. Or now I think it's Wednesday morning, so our Tuesday morning. But nonetheless, y'all have a good one, and I will see you when you. See ya. Have a good night, everybody. Thank you so much, spunky, for the positive words. We love you. Thank you so much.

Discussion About Recent Events

Let's go to Alex Stone, who was just on Oa, and I'm not sure when that's going to air, Alex, but welcome. Actually, it already did air. It aired earlier. 730 central time. 530. I didn't know that. Darn it. I just found out this evening. Oh, you're totally fine. It was a very last minute thing. I was on a space with Dan Ball last night, and we had messaged previously, but he reached out to me today. He said, hey, I want to get you on the show today and talk about the election, talk about Gen Z, talk about the space last night with Elon and President Trump. And so he brought me on, and it was pretty good. It was pretty cool. He actually ended up asking me, Alex, do you think he should, President Trump should do more Generation Z interviews? And I said, absolutely. And then on air, you know, invited President Trump to come on my show as a generation Z or so we'll see where that goes. No, but I'm doing very good. Wow. The last time I was, like, on your space as a, you know, the main guest, I had, like, less than 15,000 followers. That was only about a month ago, I think. And now I'm at nearly 45,000. So I'm growing huge and very big very quickly. I'm very excited to be doing what I'm doing. About 300 away from 45,000 so if you aren't following me, I would love for you to follow me. That would be much appreciated.

Support for Young Activists

Alex is doing some great stuff for our country. He's 20 years old. Amazing young man. If you're not following him, please do. Thank you, Kimmy. I appreciate that. He's not afraid. He's not afraid of the deep state. He's proven it time and time again. He's had some offers lately for his account, monetarily not taking those. It's, it's insane that, you know, I think I talked about this a few days ago in one of your spaces. But for those of you who haven't heard or don't know who I am, basically the Kamala Harris campaign or Kamala Harris's campaign adjacent, they reached out to me and basically offered me dollar 150 to start posting in support of Kamala Harris. Obviously, I'm not going to take 150. That would be insane. And I'm not going to flip on Trump. That's also going to be insane. So I said no on last Wednesday. And then later that evening, I get done with, you know, teaching at my youth group, and I go to my office at my church and I look at my Twitter DM's and this guy named Joe Branton, who works with Google, works with Spotify, adidas and political campaigns, who is also followed by Barack Obama on Twitter. He reaches out to me and asks, or basically offers to pay me 100,000 or 100, 2130 thousand dollars to, for me to be quiet and to be silent on Twitter.

Staying True to Convictions

And I said, absolutely not. You know, I have this platform. I want to be, I want to use it for free speech and I want to use it to support Donald Trump. And I went super viral last week. So that's been happening. And it's fun to see, you know, how much people support and love boldness and courage. I don't care what people try to say to me or do to me or how much they try to pay me. I'm not, I'm not bowing down to any dark money. I'm not bowing down to any schemes of the devil or any schemes of the Democrat party, because I know where I lie and, you know, first of all, in eternity, but also where I stand as far as my beliefs go. And I'm never going to sell out for money. Well, keep doing what you're doing, bro. You're doing good work. And just got to be, you got to be the voice crying in the wilderness, you know, kind of like the bible first, I believe it's John 23 123, the voice in the wilderness crying to make the way straight for the Lord. We got to do that with this election. You're exactly right. You're exactly right. So I just. I'm glad to be here. And I'm half joking when I say this.

Addressing the Challenges Ahead

I'm a bachelor, so if any of you have a daughter, let me know. Like I said, it's twinder every time you come on here. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not actually being serious. I don't. I'm not. I know. I'm joking. I just had to say that. But also. But also, if any of you happen to have an extra $130,000, that would be nice. but that's also a joke. I don't. I don't. I don't care. So. All right, you can move on. Move on to the next person. Thanks, bro. I appreciate you very much. Kristen, go right ahead. And then we'll go to Cliff. Yeah, sorry. Was Joan still on? I wasn't sure if there was other people ahead of me. I just didn't want to intrude. But she's not. I got you. She's not. Okay, cool. She's super great person. So I'm just getting really frustrated, and I don't know what to do. I currently possess my ballot from Maricopa County, November 8, 2022.

Ballot Concerns and Truth

And it has hidden extra votes pre printed into it before it was given to me. And no matter who I tell or what I do, it doesn't seem to matter. It doesn't seem like the truth is getting through to people. The news organizations haven't told the truth. The lawyers haven't told the truth. Like, nobody's listening to the truth. And I'm just so stuck because I'm literally holding a physical paper ballot with hidden extra votes pre printed into it. Even Maricopa County, Garrett Archer, doesn't disagree. We're showing the evidence. We're showing the elections procedure manual. We're showing exactly how the votes are being happening. The experts agree. Maricopa county pushes back very slightly, and still nobody cares. Well, I feel your pain, and I do think they care. You're holding on to a piece of evidence based on a crime that happened. And, you know, that's the reason to get people involved and do what you gotta do locally. But I truly believe, in my heart of hearts, that accountability will come.

The Fight for Accountability

But that doesn't mean that you give up fighting for trying to make it happen. Right? So I've been at the next step since January. And literally, people are just burying me because I don't know how many people in this room have heard this truth, but probably not a lot. And no matter what I'm doing, it's just not getting through. I've now located Eric Spakin. For two years. They told me, hey, we're looking for an expert. We're looking for an expert. It was a lie. They weren't looking for an expert. They knew the expert the whole time and were using the expert for other parts of their case. At no point in time did they say, like, hey, Kristen, just. Just swing on by and we'll just, like, see if we can slip you in, and he can just take a little peek. Like, I've been offering this now for two years, and they're ignoring every piece of it.

Efforts to Find the Expert

So I found Eric's booking. I'm trying my best to fundraise. As soon as I can afford to pay him his ballot exam fee, we can have it at least confirmed. I don't know what to do. I'm just. I'm so stuck. And it doesn't make. They seem like it makes sense. So in 2023, I'm going through the laws and I'm going through. I'm watching and documenting and even reported to the attorney general office in Arizona that they've broken 16, 6.5 and not counting the votes. That doesn't seem to matter. Like nothing we do seems to matter. Nothing we do seems to matter. Nothing's changing. And then if you look at what just took place, once again, Maricopa county comes down today with Arizona Gop where they've made all these backdoor handshake deals, where now they're just going to promise they're going to follow the rules. Rules this time it's insanity.

Conversations on Accountability

Okay, I just want to say that silent does have a song for us. We can please let him play his song. That would be awesome. Hey, sheriff, this is for you, brother. Fuck you. Wear your mask, take your pill. Now a whole generation mentally ill but Covid fear is coming town we gotta act quick, shut our borders down so vital does the media embraces big God? Doesn't any color racist fuck with in the main street media? Fuck you two. Inflation sucks like a minimum wage. So it's all the same. It is change, you piece of shit. I don't see color. Black lives matter. But we gotta keep fighting for the right to be free. And every human being doesn't have to agree. We all bleed red, brother. Listen to me, love and you fucked. It's not gonna be just whether the stone take my hand rock that bitch up and down the coast in order to form a more perfect union, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.

Closing Thoughts and Gratitude

We love. Thank you so much. Silent. We love that little music break. Thank you so much for playing that for us. Greatly appreciate you. You're welcome. We are going to be. We are going to be ending the space in about 20 minutes, so we're going to go to a few more hands. Let's go to Cliff and then side. Go ahead. Okay. Hey, groove. How you doing? Alex? Don't know if you still here. If you are, stay firm. Focus, and grounded, buddy. Everything's okay. Sheriff, you said something about incorporation? The precinct that I work at, which I'm the clerk at for the voting precinct, is incorporated. Where can I find out what the incorporating will allow me to do? And can I find out that info? Did it just go dead? I'm thinking the same thing. No, everything's good. Everything. I had to leave for a moment to clear it. He came back. Go ahead.

Incorporation and Local Governance

Go ahead, Cliff. Sheriff, did you hear me? I did not add to drop down and come back up. I'm sorry. Sheriff, listen. Are you talking about incorporation? Okay. The precinct that I work at, and I'm the actual clerk at the voting precinct, I just had to get some information because they were trying to shut us down. Okay. Of course, that didn't go through. Went. I went and grabbed the senators and also the representative, and that got put back in. So that's a good thing. But being this incorporation, how can I find out what the incorporating means and what can I do with that? Man in America, all. Anybody that's taking donations or charging any fines, means, or fees or dues must be an incorporated entity.

Understanding Incorporation

You can't just be some made up floating organization and taking these things. That's illegal. So, it's under the basic rules of economics and operating as a corporation in this country. So all you have to do it, like I said, take your grassroots group, take your. Your precinct, and, you know, take whoever you want on the board, treasurer, et cetera, and you go incorporate it. And just make sure that in your articles of incorporation, you specify what your function is. And your function is to uphold the constitutional oath and duty, to uphold the Bill of Rights and declaration of independence and the laws of our state and our nation and your state constitution, and that your function is to hold your elected candidates accountable. I mean, you can put that in any wording you want. You can add in specific laws, you name it.

Researching Corporate Structures

Anything that you add into that gives it strength. Thank you for that explanation. I'll start looking into that because, see, it was done many years ago, even for, I was even born. So I'd like to look into that. I'm have to go and get the number and find out what, how it was set up and what they did. Yeah. Go to your secretary of state's website and look up the corporations and just type in where it says name. They're all a little bit different, but just look up republican, and it'll pull up every business, every corporation in the state, no matter if they're a nonprofit LLC, it doesn't matter. It'll pull up everything related to republican in that list and look for the republican parties of counties and the state party. And that's where you'll see it. I promise you. Majority don't even have any.

Fishing for Information

The ones that have jumped in, like I said, after years and years of me screaming this, and they're proving me right now, you'll find the state parties, maybe, and you'll find each county or you won't. And then click on that. Click on that business. And then when you click into it'll tell you who the board is, who's the individual that started it, their address that they're operating out of. It'll. It'll get, you can read the articles of inquiry corporation that they have. It'll give you all that information, how long they've been established, when they were established, if they're in good standing or not. It'll give you all that information. Thank you. I'm dropping down now. Is it Shane or is it sideways? I don't know which is sideways. Go ahead.

Discussion on Amendments

Sideways. Okay. This is just a matter of curiosity. I'm wondering if, sheriff, how many of the amendments do you think were actually ratified correctly after the 10th amendment? Zero. Thank you. That would be my guess as well. I'll leave it right there. I'm done. Yeah. All by design to slowly steal our country from us and create laws that benefited only them. But remember Chevron deferens and all those things that came into play? Some of those. I mean, we have to be active now, but you have to understand, have patience. If we do our job and you execute the play for anyone who likes sport and you run the drill and you take it back locally and you get out and you get active to get Donald Trump elected, you will see the DEA, Department of Education, you'll see the SEC, you'll see these agencies, the IR's, that'll be changed.

Efforts for Change

You know, the Federal Reserve has already rolled into the treasury. You'll see these things come into fruition because some of that framework has already been done. But up to us to fight. Fight like what Trump said, like, which was in the Q drop, whether you like Q or not, that was in the drop. And exactly what he said when he got shot. We can take our country back. We got to do sheriff and everybody else, Supreme Court just. The Supreme Court just overthrew Siobhan deferent. So that's why I brought it up. That's why I brought it up. It's a win for us. It just means that we're going to have to fight it, on every level. It's a bigger win than people realize, and it should be motivating.

Unity in the Fight

It should tell people, I'm going to get out and I'm going to fight because we are winning. We have to finish the game, right, but we are winning. The deck has been set for us to win. And some of these things that we've seen, and I don't mean to be so passionate, but some of these things that we've seen, if we fix our backyard, city, county, and state level, and we go and we poll watch and do all the things that we need to do, and, you know, watch the ballot counts, we are going to win. We just have to keep fighting. It's like a boxer, you know, we're in the 14th round right now. You can't quit the fight now. So now, I couldn't believe that I would ever see that day, but see it I did. So we are making strides.

The Reality of Deception

And don't trust your eyes with all this fake support. A lot of these rallies, a lot of. Yeah, a lot of these people feel really defeated. But you can see they're using actors and they're sending people that are in the actors union and using union employees. They were paying them per diem, as in, if you don't know what per diem is, they give you money and food to travel, but they're also paying their traveler expense. So if anyone ever watched what happened with Charlottesville, they bust in Antifa and they busted in the fake nazis on the same buses. So believe me, but we're at the end of this movie. If we do our job, that's really what it is. Don't let people get you down and say, it's over.

Call to Action

We're not going to win. I'd be very leery of those people. Listen to people like silent and stellar and sheriff and people like me that are the voice in the wilderness screaming, it's time now. It's time now. Just like the movie Patriot, grab your fucking flag and run and fight like a dog to make it happen. Because if you don't stand up now and if all people are doing is crying in spaces, then you should sit it out, because the time is now. If we don't stand up now, it's never going to happen. It's never been more right for us to win either. I truly mean that. Regardless of what the picture that social media paints of, oh, there's this big support. I'm fighting with a friend about that right now.

Mobilization and Encouragement

And I'm like, it's not as big as you think. Don't be such a Debbie Downer. Nobody likes a Debbie Downer. You got it. You just gotta encourage people to get active, and people are passionate. Just make sure you get out and vote on election day. Make sure you go watch. We've got to do our job, but if we do, we win. Just run the fucking play. This goes on as long as we allow it. And to be active is just one part of it. The education is the other. God's children perish for lack of knowledge and vision. You can't have vision without knowledge. And there's every form of law we've got to learn as a group, as a community, every form, every code.

Importance of Law and Education

Code we have to know, we have to read it. Our veterans need to read the veterans code. We need to read that, the Libra code. We need to read the preamble of our constitution that gives us every bit of power in this country. We are to be held accountable. We are not them. They're tyrants, they're criminals. We are. To be held accountable is our duty. And I always looked at the constitution as the barrier of keeping them, you know, to remind them of what their rules are, of what they're not supposed to do to us. So, you know, the fact that we don't really seem to know or understand our constitution is a big problem. And the constitution was written to keep the powers at bay, not to infringe on us. So we have to remember that.

Awareness of Institutional Knowledge

Remember, 99.9% of those elected, selected officials do not know any of these things either. They listen to attorneys. They ask attorneys. Attorneys give them the answer. They don't. They've never read these forms of law. They've never read the codes. They don't even know the constitution. That's a fact. And the constitution, which democracy is not in the bill of the rights or the constitution. So never let someone say democracy, because that's garbage. And that's a fact, because we helped Shane Mecklin with the restrict act in Minnesota. And he said himself, these people don't know shit. They have their lawyers and their senior executive service staff. People create these things and they are encouraged to sign it.

Understanding Legislative Complexity

And Gail, in her space and myself, spent four days and had some help from skinny and some other people to actually go through every 52 pages of the restrict act to actually write a rebuttal ourself. And we gave it to Shane to hand over. And that's in the, you know, the state where Tim Crossdresser Waltz is the governor walls. Excuse me, but yeah, what you said is so true, Sheriff. These people don't really know what they're signing or doing. If you think a governor actually has a handle on the bills that are passed, they're actually signing something someone else wrote for them. We all know people that work in politics, so it's our job to talk to the politicians and ask them the tough questions because they work for us.

The Role of Leadership

The rules are designed to protect us, to prevent the bullshit that's happening to us right now. It's like anybody who's a leader runs a business office, whatever it is. You actually work for your employees, they don't work for you. At least if you're a good leader, that's the real truth. And we need to start taking that mentality and be servant leaders and educate people on what's going on. It's education and knowing the law. That's 100% it. But we also have to fight. Fight. That's all there is to it. It's. The time is now. All right, so I'm going to go to fed up and then Tim, I think we're about to wrap it up. But this has been a kimmy, this has been an unbelievable space.

Acknowledging Contributions

Really proud of you. What a great group. Thank you so much. It was amazing. And thank you. You're so amazing. I just love hosting and you love yourself. I would love to help you guys anytime. You know that, right? I'm always here, you know, I'll have you. I'll have you co host anytime. Yeah. I'd be very happy to do shitty job. Oh, no, I like. Yeah, I can do it, though. It is hard, but I know how to do it. I've been doing it for a year now, so. Oh, no, I'm not saying you can't. You can run a space. You can co host. Oh, yeah, I can. I can vet those people faster than I can boot them.

Final Discussions

Hi, Kimmy. Hold on. We got hands. Glenna. Hold on. Okay, go ahead. Sorry. Yeah. Oh, no problem. And you're right, this, has been a great space. I've been listening since the. The beginning, and, so much good information that's come out. And, you know, something y'all were saying that was in part of the reason I popped up Washington. You know, we really are at the point we need to push at the. You know, we've all talked about in different places pushing it, the local and stuff and everything. And, you know, the other thing I would like to see, because it seems like we've got another key opportunity here.

Looking at Legal Precedents

You know, somebody said about Chevron, well, we have a court right now that has already proven multiple times that they are willing to look at bad precedent and overturn it. Roe, Chevron. There's been a couple other smaller cases, and, you know, we need to. The people there on the bigger side of things, I really think, need to find cases where they can keep pushing that, because we've got several other major cases going backwards that they've been using for decades or getting close to a century in some cases, to do everything the government's doing. And, you know, and so many people don't know what these cases are like.

Historical Context of Legal Changes

I mean, we heard when Chevron got overturned, how many people running around, what's chevron? What's chevron? And had no idea that even existed. Right. You know, and what I harp about all the time is the kilo case of O five that basically took our property rights away. And, you know, there's cases like that out there that were five, four decisions that, I mean, just ruined certain rights because of just horrible, bad law and decisions and have been used over and over again to push forward. And so that's what I would love to see, is if we could get people in the right place to push forward, to go after, like we've done with chevron, to go after kilo, maybe go after some of the decisions, even from the.

The Historical Impact of Court Decisions

The thirties that went, that pushed the commerce clause, because, I mean, 90% of the crap the government ghost does to us got started by. When the door got kicked open. Because FDR's court, there's a book that the Cato Institute put out years ago called the. I think it's like the twelve cases that ruined America or something like that. I have it out in the living room, and it's all these different court cases that really just stripped rights away and half of them were from that court that FDR built. And it's just amazing how much they've built off of these things and. And people to understand, like you were saying, how much chevron is going to change things.

Taking Action Based on Knowledge

And you know what? We. We need to go and use these things to fight and then on our end, as individuals. Yeah. Just go and. Go and fight at your local, however, that's your best way. Whether it's going into your. Your local Republican Party, going in and being, you know, observant, your local government or at the polls, whatever it is, just go in there and fight and do what you can, because we're in a war. And take ten of your friends with you to go vote. I'm sorry. I had to put that in. No, you're right. I would expect nothing less. You're absolutely correct. I think that ninja report was next.

Final Thoughts on the Dialogue

And then Timothy and then Shane. And I think that will be all that we. We were taking. Is that what you were saying, Kimmy? Yes. We've been going since six, so it's almost been 4 hours, so. Yes, please. Thank you. Hi. I'll make it quick. My name's Kat. I've been studying, you know, for most of my life. I was classically trained in a bunch of things, and one of the things that I was really interested in was law from early on. So I have a lot of books to get, and it's an honor to meet you all, and I will talk soon, and I will pass it to the next person. Thank you so much.

Student Engagement and Local Politics

Oh, okay. All right, Timothy, go ahead. Well, I would just like to say that I, you know, I joined the space, and you guys were talking about, like, precinct chair and getting involved locally and everything, and. And this. This summer is been the first time that I've really started getting involved, like, really getting involved locally. And I actually, closer to the second part of the summer, started calling, making phone calls here in Texas to see if people are registered to vote. And honestly, like, it was. It's really been good to hear you speak silent majority silent. You talk about, you know, your precinct chair, being precinct chair, and it was good doing the podcast with you.

Political Science Passion

And. And I've always been. I'm actually majoring in political science and actually wanted to get involved in politics because, like, I know that the government like things that go on in our country. I see it, and it's like, I don't. I don't like what's going on, and I want to do something about it. And so I so that's why I'm going. That's why I want to get involved in. And you guys really inspire me a lot, especially silent majority. And I really enjoyed doing the podcast with you, silent. And hopefully I can get some of you guys on and talk about what you guys are doing. It's been really good. So thank you. Thank you, Timothy. We love you.

Ending Remarks and Future Endeavors

Let's go to Shane last hand for tonight. Thank you. Go ahead, Shane. Yeah, thank you. I got some few things I can add here. First of all, Congress declares Bible the word of God, Public Law 97 280, 96 Stat. 1211. October 4, 1982, Executive Order 6100 of September 22, 1990, the law of Moses overdose, any man made law. And then the definition of lawyer in black's law, third edition. A person learned in the law that's very important as an attorney, counsel, or solicitor. A person licensed to practice law. Any person, for fee or reward, prosecutes or defends causes in courts of record, or other judicial tribunals of the United States or of any of the states or whose business it is to give legal advice in relation to any cause or matter whatever.

Challenging Legal Proceedings

Act of July 13, 1866, section 914, statute at large. 121. I challenge anybody on this call to go look for that statute. That statute is not in there. This goes back and violates their own rules. It violates the Taft Hartley act. Running a closed union shop. This violates the Smith act. They cannot advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government. This violates the Patriot act. Section 802, domestic terrorism. This violates title 18, section 23 81. This goes back and violates title 18, section 241. 242 just violates title 18, section 1621, perjury. Title 18 1346, on a service, title 1819, section 1918, loyalty.

Legal Evidence of Fraud

And then I have a document here that I filed into the court where they dismissed it, and I'll lay out the fraud. The first issue of fraud is the deception of the court's proper name from that of the people's proper constitutional court to that of the corporation court name. The fact that the sovereign has been denied the use of constitutionally protected rights under the Bill of Rights, and the fact that the sovereign has been denied the use of this state's and federal statutory laws as a defense, and the denial of the use of acts of Congress, and that this action is a direct violation of the Clearfield trust doctrine. The second issue of fraud is that there is but one cause of action, and that is civil. And this court has this sovereign in a criminal action.

Issues Within the Court System

The third issue of fraud is that all criminal action comes under title 50, United States Code, chapter three. Alien Enemy and Appendix section 23. Jurisdiction of the United States court and judges. This court has fraudulently allowed the prosecution and attorneys in declaring or assuming this sovereign is an enemy of the state by the use of the state of emergency under the 1933 national state of emergency clause, resulting in the kidnapping, extortion with intent to cause harm to this sovereign. And this was not disclosed to the sovereignty by the court, the prosecution, or by the attorneys at the time of arraignment, trial, or sentencing. The fourth issue of fraud is that the court, the prosecution, and the attorney all have full knowledge of the 1959 Executive Order 10834 that placed this court under the state of emergency and under the jurisdiction of the presidential flag and of military jurisdiction.

The Military Commission Act

This court and its officers are in violation of the Military Commission act and b in violation of the General Orders number 100, the Libre Code, which has now been amended to the law of war manual, instructions for the government of armies of the United States in the field, prepared by Francis Lieberden, originally issued as general orders number 100, adjudicant general's office, 1863, and Executive Order 10834, section 24. Now, the 83rd Congress investigated the National Lawyers Guild and found that the National Lawyers Guild is funded and ran. Bye, communists. And that's all I have.

Concluding Remarks

Okay, thank you so much, Shane. Very informative information. Go ahead. Stellar. Stellar. We can get there. Thank you. That was awesome for breaking that all down for us. I know that Kimmy wants to close it down really soon, but I wanted to introduce everybody to my friend crypto Hulk. If anybody has any questions or wants to know anything, what's going on within the isos, within the monetary system, any of that stuff. Crypto Hulk is incredible. You guys could learn so much from it. Silent twiz. Look who's here. And rubber Bandman. Hi, crypto Hulk. Do you want to say hi to everybody? Yeah, I was just listening, actually, but I didn't really intend on getting on this program. I just wanted to introduce you because you have so much good information, whether it's on YouTube, because I've been following you for years, as well as on Twitter here or acts or whatever this place is called now.

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