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The MAFA Report: Making America First Again. How do we do it?


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The Twitter Space The MAFA Report: Making America First Again. How do we do it? hosted by BryceMLipscomb. The MAFA Report delves into the intricate realm of political ideologies surrounding the America First agenda. With an emphasis on tariffs, Laissez-Faire Economics, Liberty, and isolationism, the discussions offer a nuanced perspective on fostering national interests while navigating global relations. Through the insights of a former (R) Town Representative, the space sheds light on grassroots movements, community involvement, and the responsibilities of political advocacy. Dive into the vibrant dialogue of the Alpha Group as they navigate the complexities of political opinion and national identity.

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Q: Why is the America First policy relevant in today's political landscape?
A: The America First policy addresses issues of national interest and sovereignty.

Q: How do tariffs impact both the national economy and international trade?
A: Tariffs can influence local industries but may lead to trade tensions internationally.

Q: What is the essence of Laissez-Faire Economics in governance?
A: Laissez-Faire Economics advocates for minimal government intervention in economic affairs.

Q: Why is Liberty considered a fundamental pillar in shaping political ideologies?
A: Liberty is a core principle influencing individual rights and freedoms within governance.

Q: How does isolationism play a role in the concept of America First?
A: Isolationism focuses on prioritizing national interests over international involvement.

Q: What challenges and advantages come with adopting an America First perspective?
A: While promoting local interests, an America First approach can strain global relationships.

Q: How can grassroots movements contribute to shaping political decision-making processes?
A: Grassroots movements involve local communities in advocating for policy changes and influencing political agendas.

Q: What role does community involvement play in promoting political viewpoints?
A: Community engagement is crucial for fostering support and understanding of diverse political perspectives.

Q: As a SpacesHost, what are the responsibilities in facilitating political discussions?
A: As a SpacesHost, one must ensure fair dialogues, diverse perspectives, and constructive debates.

Q: How can advocating for political opinions contribute to shaping a national identity?
A: Advocating for political opinions helps in defining common values and principles within a nation.


Time: 00:15:29
Importance of America First Policy Exploring the relevance and implications of prioritizing national interests.

Time: 00:25:17
Tariffs and Economic Impact Discussing the effects of tariffs on local economies and global trade relations.

Time: 00:35:40
Laissez-Faire Economics in Governance Understanding the principles and applications of minimal government intervention in economics.

Time: 00:45:55
Liberty and Political Ideologies Exploring how the concept of Liberty influences various political beliefs and structures.

Time: 00:55:12
Isolationism and Patriotism Reflecting on the role of isolationist policies in promoting nationalistic sentiments.

Time: 01:05:34
Grassroots Movements and Political Change Highlighting the impact of community-driven initiatives in shaping political landscapes.

Time: 01:15:21
Community Engagement in Political Discourse Discussing the importance of involving communities in political discussions and decision-making.

Time: 01:25:48
Responsibilities of a SpacesHost Understanding the role and obligations of a SpacesHost in facilitating meaningful dialogues.

Time: 01:35:17
Shaping National Identity through Political Advocacy Exploring how political views contribute to defining a shared national identity.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on the importance of America First policy in current political discourse.
  • Understanding the implications of tariffs on the national economy and global relations.
  • Exploring the concept of Laissez-Faire Economics and its application in governance.
  • Discussion on the role of Liberty in shaping political ideologies.
  • Insights from a former (R) Town Representative on isolationism and patriotism.
  • The significance of political opinions in building a sense of national identity.
  • Challenges and benefits associated with an America First approach.
  • Highlighting the interplay between economic policies and national interests.
  • Emphasis on grassroots movements and community involvement in political decision-making.
  • Reflections on the dynamics of being a SpacesHost and advocating for political viewpoints.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Frustrations

oh. Hopefully they can hear me. Yep. Hello, hello, hello. I've been having such a problem with the mobile app these days. I don't know why. Wish that you could do it on your iPad, but for some reason, they don't let you run spaces on your iPad. Anyways, good morning and hello to everybody. How are you doing today, Amarosa? I am so pumped for America first, let me tell you. I couldn't wait for today. I am waiting. I was waiting since I woke up, so I'm ready.

Morning Activity

What time did you wake up today? Oh, God. Like athlete. 06:00 a.m. oh, gosh. Okay. And that's. And you're in California, correct? Right. Oh, my God. So how is your day going so far? Tell me. Tell me what's new with you, and then we'll start this the show. Well, I'm really excited because I've been reading that the Trump rally for California is coming to Coachella. So I've been trying to rally every single person I know to get on board so they can represent and really put America first on the map here in California, because God knows we need it. We have become last among many others in the United States.

Rally in California and Challenges

But really, many Californians are feeling so left behind, so trying to get as many people on board as possible. I would love to see Nicole Shanahan at Coachella with Trump. I think that would be absolutely wonderful, especially if she wants to run for governor, which I hope she will do. I think it would just be phenomenal. Phenomenal to have her up there. She is somebody that just resonates with mothers and women and not that I think Trump has trouble with that. I just think that we can all use the extra help. And I think having somebody like her who has a child that has autism because their child was vaccine injured, I think having somebody like that on the stage with him just, you know, kind of helps because I think a lot of moms out there understand what it's like to have something happen to your child and not get the answers that you want or not get satisfactory answers, and then having to do the kind of all of the legwork yourself and find out, gosh, did my kid actually get vaccine injured?

Importance of Voices in the America First Movement

But anyways, I am happy to have all of you guys here. I want you guys to know that you are welcome to ask and request a microphone on my spaces. Everybody is welcome to participate, and more importantly, everybody is. Voice is extraordinarily important when it comes to America first, because we're going to talk. How do we make America first again? Now, I have a few ideas, and my ideas apparently are pretty damn extreme because yesterday I got yelled at on this app saying that I'm an extremist. I don't think I'm an extremist. I just want to put America before all foreign entities. Now, I don't think that is extreme. I just think that's pro American. What do you think? Amarosa?

Discussing America First and Perceptions

I absolutely agree with you, and it's funny that you say that because I was posting a lot of things about America first. And of course, you know, they try and gaslight you, and they started posting, you know, all these ku Klux Klan imagery. So I was like, okay, you know, of course they're going to try and twist the narrative of what really America first is all about, but we have to see past the noise and just focus on the real principles. And we should be absolutely unapologetic for putting our people in our country first, plain and simple. Well, that's what really bothers me. It seems like a lot of people are apologetic when it comes to saying I'm America first or that I want to put America first. Or, you know, even saying America first for some reason is like, you know, passé in America, and that's just not how it used to be historically.

Historical Context of America First

America 1st, first of all, wasn't a bunch of Ku Klux Klan members creating it. If we really want to, you know, throw some shade at the Democrats. The Democrats created America first. It was Woodrow Wilson when he ran for a second term, promising to keep us out of world War one, that it had nothing to do with us, and that he was going to, quote unquote, keep America first. Well, what ended up happening was, as you know, he didn't keep America first. He got us involved in a war that I still believe that we shouldn't have been involved in. World War two was a war. Absolutely. We should have been involved in. World War one had absolutely nothing to do with us. That was a European mess. And again, this comes down to allies that maybe aren't the best for us.

Reflection on Global Impact and Historical Context

And when I say allies, I'm talking about the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has often manipulated us to do things to help them that have turned out not to benefit us. Look at the massive amount of debt we collected after World War one. A tremendous amount of debt. So much debt that the government had to create the 16th amendment and push it through a progressive Democrat Congress and Senate and give us the income tax that was a Democrat who did that to us before that? We didn't have that. And it was in 1920 to 1928, we brought down the tax rate, and this is Republicans. Okay? We brought down the tax rate from 79%. That's right. The tax rate on income was 79%. When Woodrow Wilson left office, Warren G. Harding got it down to 55%. And God bless Calvin Coolidge, he got it down to 25, because they believe that the burden should not be on Americans.

Taxation and Economic Policies

And I know I get a bunch of people that say, well, the rich didn't have to pay. No, no. If you actually look at the numbers, the rich paid more under Harding and Coolidge because they had a fair tax. It was 25% across the board. Everybody had to pay their fair share. And let me ask you a question. If you're making $40,000, is your 20% more or less than a person that's making a billion? It's going to be less. It's going to be a hell of a lot less. But we get manipulated by these progressive liberals who tell us, well, you know, that they're just cheating. They're trying to make it so that the rich don't have to pay as much. In what world? In what world is this true? We, you know, this is the thing that we have to start doing. We need to attack them, call them out for not being truthful. And we need to do so with a smile and pride in our hearts.

Discussion about Income Inequality

Johnny, what do you got for us, my friend? Okay, so there's actually quite a few. Things that I want to talk about. But let's talk about that Woodrow Wilson. Okay, he wanted more power, but he. Couldn't get it because the constitution was in his way. Because when the constitution was made, it was made to keep one branch from having more power than the other. But we already know that. let's see. What was another thing? I'm not sure if you guys heard about Blackrock, vanguard, and another corporation. Yes. Yeah. So, with what's going on in North Carolina, I know this for a fact. Okay? Those three companies are not. Are wanting to buy the land in the foothills of North Carolina because it's rich in lithium.

Economic Concerns and Government Spending

So our government, they spent money on. Illegals and not, helping the people. That were affected by Hurricane Helene. I mean, there's. There's so much that's going on right. Now that people think that people like me. I don't know about. You guys are being called conspiracy theorists. I don't. I don't like that word. I like to call myself a conspiracy realist. Because all of my conspiracies actually happen to be truthful. Yeah. What? You know, things are happening right now. Okay. let's see. Those companies, George Soros, the Illuminati, people. Like that, they want a one world government. That's exactly where. Where cryptocurrency and stuff's coming in. People are buying them, and then the. Other people who can't afford things are gonna die off.

Personal Reflections on Economic Systems

You know, one of the things that pisses me off more than anything, and listen, I'm not against cryptocurrency. I'm gonna be the first person to admit I don't understand it. And I follow the Warren Buffett rule of investment. If I don't understand it, I'm not going to invest in it. But let me tell you something I do understand. I understand gold. I understand silver. And I understand that the american economy was the strongest when our money was backed by either gold or silver. And I don't understand why. The government has been stripping away the power of our dollar time and time again. And now we have to deal with bricks. Bricks is trying to get OPEC to basically now, and I don't know if you guys know this, but under the laws and the treaties that we have, OPEC has to trade on the dollar.

Global Trade and Currency Issues

Well, now they have come out and said they're not just going to trade on the dollar. They're going to trade on the yen. They're going to trade on the ruble. They're going to trade on all of these different things, which is undermining our dollar. This is undermining our currency. But our currency is not backed by anything. So this is going to be a travesty for us if we are not the number one global currency that, you know, if people are not trading on the dollar are. The value of our dollar is going to sink rapidly. But if you have it backed by gold, if you have it backed by silver, it doesn't matter. It's based off of what gold is worth. It's based off of what silver is worth. And gold and silver, rarely do they lose significant value. They only game. They game slowly, but they don't lose value.

Continued Discussion on Currencies

Yep. And as far as your. Your. Your Blackrock thing, you know, here's another. You know, and this is another thing that I get called a conspiracy theorist for. Johnny, do you mind just muting until I'm done? I'm getting a lot of back, sorry about that, bud. But this is another truth that we all need to be understanding, and we need to be talking about who got the. Who got the contracts to destroy Ukraine, who got the contracts to rebuild Ukraine, who now owns 32% of the most fertile land in Ukraine. Vanguard and Blackrock. You see, they're telling us that we're in Ukraine to defend Ukraine from Russia, that Russia is an aggressor. But if you actually look at what the government's doing and you look, you know, you peel back the veil.

Global Politics and Economic Interests

What you see is, no, we're there for corporate reasons. We want to own this fertile land, because, as you know, Robert Kennedy junior said, you can literally plant a boot in this fertile land, and something's going to grow from it. They understand this. They recognize this. This is a globalist war. These are globalists trying to take over materials and farmland and territory from a sovereign nation. And we're being told it's being done for their good. Nothing's ever done for their good. And the people that are running this country, it's never for the benefit of another nation. It's always for the benefit of their pocketbooks, for Blackrock's pocketbooks, and for vanguard's pocketbooks. But what ends up happening to orange industry?

Economic Impact on American Workers

We end up suffering, because now corn and wheat and all of these things are being produced over in Ukraine. We have to now protect their shipping routes. Like, this is the thing that really pisses me off. We protect the shipping routes of not just America, but the United Kingdom, Europe, and even Taiwan and China. We should not be responsible for any other nation's trade. If they cannot protect themselves, if they cannot protect their trade routes, that is not on us to do. We should be focusing only on ourselves. We should be focusing on our own trade routes, and we should be doing everything in our power to make sure that America is self sufficient.

Critique of Current Economic Strategies

When America is self sufficient, our economy is booming. But what are we doing right now? We're relying on energy from OPEC. We're relying on energy from certain parts of Europe. We're not relying on our own energy. We're not building our own nuclear reactors. We're not investing in our own oil. We're not doing the things here that we could be doing to relieve the american people and to help build business. What we're doing is actually destroying business. We're saying, we don't need that stuff here. We care more about foreign energy than we do american energy. And this is where I'm thinking that, you know, Democrats. I'm not trying to say democrats are bad people.

Reflections on Political Climate

I don't want to say anybody's bad. I try to see the best in everybody. But they're being manipulated at a far higher rate than the people that belong to Maga and the people that belong to Maha. It seems to me that Maga and Maha had woken up. They don't look at MSN anymore, and they'd start doing their own research, and they start looking at independent journalists that are going out and actually doing the work. And what we're seeing is not what we're being told by MSN. We're seeing something completely different. We're being woken up into this new reality that this new globalist world, this push towards globalism is honestly to put America last.

Cultural Identity and National Pride

What they want is to end our american culture. And they tell us that we don't have a culture. But if you look at our history, we absolutely have a culture, and it is one that we should be completely proud of. And if anybody. One thing that I want everybody to leave, you know, the MAFA report believing, is that America is a beautiful country with absolutely endless opportunities, and that you should be 100% prideful that you should be flying an american flag outside your home, on your car. There should be absolutely no fear inside of you to fly an american flag.

Freedom of Expression and Patriotism

And I was just told today that they're. That somebody's grandmother is so afraid to fly an american flag outside their condo because of vandalism. In what world is it okay for an american to put out an american flag and it to be vandalized? Nobody should be living in fear that their flag is going to be vandalized or that their property is going to be vandalized because they put out a flag of their nation. I go down and this is, you know, let's talk a little bit. One of the big reasons that I came over to Trump was not just Robert Kennedy Junior. Absolutely Robert Kennedy Junior. You know, I trust him.

Personal Journey and Political Awakening

So when he endorsed Trump, I knew that this was the right move. But I started looking at the people that I knew that supported Trump. And one thing that I noticed about them, they have american flags outside their homes. They have american flags on their cars. The people that I knew that were supporting Biden at the time, because Harris wasn't the pick yet they're flying ukrainian flags outside their home. They've got a ukrainian flag sticker on their car. That's not what I want to support. I'm not going to support somebody who dares to fly a flag of another nation outside their home unless they're part of that, have pride in your.

Cultural Awareness and Pride

In, in the culture that you came from. But understand, I don't call myself an Italian American. I stopped doing that because I'm an American. My heritage might be italian, and that's cool. Like, we can have that pride that we came from that area, but I am more proud to be an american than I am anything else about me. I am 100% american. And I think that's how what we need to start teaching our children, and that's what I'm teaching my daughter today. I'm not teaching her about the culture that, you know, her german culture, her italian culture, or any of those things.

Education and National Pride

I'm teaching her about America. We're reading children's books about Calvin Coolidge. We're reading children's books about the revolutionary war and Paul Revere. We're reading children's books about George Washington. When she grows up, she is going to have pride in her nation. She's going to be proud to be an American. And that's what I hope every grandparent and every parent does for their children and grandchild is give them that ability to be proud of their country. What do you got, Johnny?

Community Engagement and Responsibilities

Okay. I'm trying to remember what you were talking about, like, five minutes ago. Shoot. I forgot what that was. But. Ukraine. No, it wasn't that. I can't remember what that was. But also, another thing I want to add is my oldest daughter, who's in. The third grade, got a flyer. So. From the Girl Scouts at her school. Well, anyway, let me. Let me look this up. I need to look this up really quick, is I posted this on Facebook, and this is just plain freaking retarded. So it says here that this free event is open to all girls and gender expansive youth.

Reflections on Education and Gender Identity

They're not saying transgender, but gender expansive, which completely means transgender to me. That is fucking dumb. I do not want. I do not want any biological males. In the Girl Scouts because they don't belong there. They belong in the Boy scouts. I think that this comes down to, you know, parental consent. Right. One of the things that bothers me about Michigan is that we're no longer allowed to get physical copies of our curriculum anymore. The Michigan Supreme Court turned that down. We're no longer allowed to question the things that are being taught in our schools. And this is forcing a lot of us to have to go to private schools and private education because, you know, listen, I don't hate gay people.

Personal Education Values and Concerns

I don't hate transgendered people, but I also don't want my child focusing just on those issues. I expect that when my child goes to get an education, she's going to learn history. She's going to learn math. She's going to learn how to read. She's going to learn how to write all of those progressive things or all of those social things that can come from her parents. If that's something that I want to teach her on my time, that is my right as a parent to do that. That is not the right of an education system. No education system should be teaching anything to my child that I don't see fit to be teaching them.

Advocacy for Educational Freedom

What do we got, Amarosa? Well, as a mom, I understand what you're saying, Johnny, and going back to the conversation we had yesterday, part of putting America first is putting our kids first and putting their education first. And I absolutely commend you and applaud you, Bryce, that you are teaching your daughter the true history of, you know, the american way. And, you know, the way were all brought up. And this is so, so important because kids these days are not learning the basics, you know, math, science. I mean, it's so sad each and every time I see these videos, you know, and these are grown adults that are like, you know, in their twenties, and they can't tell you anything about geography.

Concerns about Current Education Standards

They have no idea what is, you know, what country, what a country is or what's a continent, and then let alone ask them anything about american history. They're clueless. And it's sad because, you know, unfortunately, our children and, you know, our people have been put last, and they haven't been prioritized to really learn about what really has happened in our history. As far as Americans, I think what's happened is they've been indoctrinated to kind of hate their country and to be ashamed of their country. And this is why, more than ever, the America first has to be pumped up and pushed to every American because we've been last for too long.

Empowering American Identity

Our children have been last for too long. And the only way we can get, you know, the movement out there is to. To let people know that it's okay, you know, it's okay to put our people first. And we shouldn't be ashamed of where we. We've come from. And until we start putting America first, our children will always come last. Their future will always come last. And it's really sad, you know, if you can't take care of your own home. We have no business trying to save the world from their problems. It's time we put our people first and not be ashamed to say it.

A Call to Action

I know for a fact, as far as I go. I am very proud. I, too, Bryce. I'm a Greek American, but I'm done with saying I'm Greek American. I american. I was born in the United States. I was brought up with, you know, us culture. I'm proud of that. And that is why, you know, my family who came from Greece many, many years ago, that was the dream that they. That they believed in was the american dream. And in order to keep the american dream thriving, it means having pride in what we are as a country and who we are as the american people.

Historical Significance of American Independence

Well, you know, there's a great story about George Washington. And when one of the british generals were surrendering to them, to him, he asked him, you know, what part of England are you from or what part of England is your family from? And George Washington stopped him immediately and said, I'm not English. I'm american. And that's what I'm fighting for, to be an American. No, not one of the founding fathers called themselves English American, British Americans. They called themselves American. And I think we need to start going back to that.

Cultural Heritage and National Pride

We need to stop. And, you know, kind of, you know, my wife actually is the one who kind of got me to say that a lot was, you know, you're not an italian American. You're just an american. And this is a pretty liberal person, by the way, that's. That's telling me this. I always love it. You know, it's. It's. It's great to see that there are people out there, regardless of party, regardless of political affiliation, that understand that you are an American first and foremost, and we need to understand why.

Pride in American History

Why should we have pride in that? Well, let's look at why we should have pride in that. You know, 1776, this ragtag group of farmers with pitchforks and not great weapons stopped the British and defeated them at Yorktown and freed a nation. This had never happened before America. There were really no democracies once were created. And just within about, you know, 20 years, there were about 125 other democracies that came because of us and the idea. And this is huge, and I want everybody to focus in on this part.

Commitment to Democracy

What George Washington believed is that America does not have to spread democracy. We are going to spread democracy by being an example of it. We are going to lead by example, not by force, not by any kind of moral obligation, not being the police of the world. We are going to mind our own damn business, and we are going to show you the value of a republic. We are going to show you the value of a democracy. And when you see what we are doing, you're going to love it so much, you're going to demand it from your own country.

Inspiration from American Values

You're going to overthrow the monarchies and you're going to overthrow the dictators because you want the democracy that America has. And we don't need to force it on the world. All we need to do is be what Ronald Reagan called that shining city on a hill. If we're that shining city on the hill, we're leading by example. Others will follow when others follow. We are great. Go ahead. United we stand.

Community and Solidarity

Oh, good afternoon, everybody from Virginia. You're mobile, going on road. Hopefully. I don't rubber band miss armor. Roast ammo. I, I love our Greek Americans. I grew up in Chicago in a greek town over there. We love our, what I've learned is gyros, not to gyros. What they started that trend. I don't know when on the east coast. It, it diminishes it. I don't know, like, I can't comment what it does. It just doesn't justify the food, you know, justify giving such a cheap name to such a lovely food. I just want to give everybody a public service announcement about the PA mail in ballots that are available.

Important Reminder About Voting Procedures

Certain counties are not able to, do not have mail in ballots available, while others do. The ones that are available amount to about 50 counties and the others non available mail in ballots amount to about 26 counties. What I've learned in my county this morning is it is updated to available mail in ballots. With the deadline fastly approaching 13 more days for the voter registration deadline. I encourage everybody to, that is a Pennsylvania here to, if you're going to vote early, do it the appropriate route and don't do it the United States Postal office route, that you may not see the ballot ever again, or I should say the ballot counters may receive the ballot.

Voting Processes and Advocacy

You can go down to your local election office in your county and actually request an employment, get the mail in ballot and cast it right there and then, which I may have to do because I have certain issues that may arouse that may prevent me from voting. So I'm going to go ahead and do it early. With that said, I don't think anything have anything else to add, but I'll land my plan. Thank you, United. I appreciate you coming in and giving us an update. And just a little fun fact, I was born in Chicago, of course, but, you know, you're absolutely right.

Encouragement for Voter Participation

If we want, if we want to win this and we want to put America first. We have to do every single thing in our power to get everyone on board. We have to educate them, motivate them, and, you know, really push if we. If we want to win this. So America first all the way. The american people need it. We deserve it. We've been through hell and back, and it's time that we take back our country and we keep it for America first. Absolutely. Amen, sister.

Reaching Out to the Community

Can I. Let me add something real quick. Hold on just 1 second. You guys can do your part by going into the little purple pill and reposting this space so that we can get more America first patriots in this space. Please do that. Amen. I miss ammo. I was referring to the Ravenswood, the great Ravenswood neighborhood where I grew up on Lawrence Avenue over there with all the greek coffee shops back in the eighties. I'm not sure how old you are, if you remember any of that, but I'm a north sider cubby at heart. Nice.

Growing Support for the America First Movement

I'd ask you, please, please, you guys share this space. We want to get this message out, especially now more than ever. We're under 30 days to go, and it's so important that people really understand what America first is. We don't want them to feel like saying America first has anything bad connected to it. Like what Bryce said. We need to be proud of who we are. We need to teach our children to be proud of their country. And it's the only way forward, and it's the only way we can keep our country, you know, safe and, you know, protected by our freedoms is if we really understand what it means.

Instructions to Engage the Community

So, please, everyone, share the space. Get as many people in here as possible, and we'd love to hear from you. And, guys, if you're having problems raising your hand, somebody's reached out to me. If you go and you look at the bottom, there's a little heart with a plus. You hit that heart with the plus, and right next to the 100 is a hand that looks raised. And all you have to do is hit that. And immediately I will. Let me know that you are looking to speak. Go ahead, Seamus.

Community Discussion and Engagement

All right. Thanks a bunch. Yeah, I didn't know how to do that. Yeah, I just want to say, yeah, obviously, I support and agree with what everybody's saying. I do think that it's important that we all maybe consider how to bring back control to the people. You know, I got really fed up with the states a while back and sold my business here and moved to Ireland. And I saw, you know, a pretty functional, working democratic republic that was based on our constitution as well as the german constitution, you know, and there when.

Reflections on Governance and Control

When elected officials decided to, you know, try to make tax grabs and things. Like that, you know, they. They would be sent a bill at the end of the year to pay, or you could choose to have it spread out in different ways. But the point is, you know, their. Taxes weren't taken directly from their paycheck without their permission. Their taxes were sent in a bill so that they could understand what was going on and what was being taxed, and that gave them the ability, the choice of paying taxes or not. And, you know, they had a water scheme that was illegal that the government had pushed, which had, you know, they'd already.

Legal and Civic Engagement

Previously, the citizens had already paid for it. And I got to see everyone in Ireland, you know, make the decision of whether they wanted to stand up for themselves or, you know, pay in and allow this tax to go through. About half of the citizens did not. They wrote in on their forms back, you know, they corrected the tax bill and paid all of the taxes aside from that one illegal tax. And it took, you know, three or four years. But the government eventually stopped trying to, you know, issue this illegal taxation. You know, I think it's really important that we take this power back.

Social Issues and Community Reforms

You know, I know I hear a lot of people talking about homeless and whatnot and about how they're drug addicts and all that. And sure, there's a lot of that going on, right? But I think that we need to humanize their positions. I mean, what business do you know that would be able to support itself if 40% of its revenue was gone every month? You know, another point I'd like to make is, you know, I think that we're really losing. Our judiciary system. I mean, sure, the Supreme Court, Trump got to pick a lot of people, right? But on a day to day basis, every state in the United States has made it illegal or not illegal.

Judicial System and Accessibility

But, I mean, I guess it is effectively, you cannot take the bar without going to law school, which means that you have to have gone to college first, too. So that's seven years of education that stops people from becoming part of our courts and actively working in our court and legal system. And I just think it ends up meaning that we only have the choice of these indoctrinations. Indoctrinated people. You know, some of our greatest lawyers in the past never went to law school, just took the bar, you know, Abraham Lincoln, for example.

Future Aspirations and Legal Reform

So I know for me, what I'm going to be doing is trying to take the bar in the future so that I can help effect change in that way. But thanks, guys. Well, I mean, the requirement was that you would only had. And this is. This was, you know, back in the day, you would sit with a judge and read the law for a year, and then you could take the bar regardless of whether or not you went to law school. And this is exactly what Calvin Coolidge did. Coolidge went to college, but he didn't go to law school. He sat and he read the law for a year, took the bar, passed it, and became a lawyer.

Barriers to Legal Entry

And we should be able to do those things. If people can sit down for a year and study under another lawyer or another or a judge, then take the bar and pass it, they deserve a law degree. There is far too many barriers for the average american to move up in this world. And the reasoning behind it is because we've been pushing higher education and higher education, I'm sorry, but it doesn't work. I have higher education. A lot of these kids that are coming out of these universities, they're coming out with liberal arts degrees.

Critique of Higher Education

They're coming out with arts degrees. They're coming out with degrees that mean nothing. And then they come out and they're like, well, I can't find a job. Well, nobody wants an employee with an arts degree when I can have an employee with a business degree, even if that person only has an associate's degree. I'm going to take the person who studied business over the person who decided to study art. That's not wrong. That's not illegal. That's just me looking at what's going to best for my business. And we've got to stop telling people that they need to go to college in order to make it.

Promoting Skilled Trades

That is crap. That is absolute crap. You do not need to make it. You do not need to go to college to make it in this world. You could go to a skilled school. You can learn a trade. You can become an electrician. You can become a plumber. You become a construction worker. Let me tell you something. These are the. These are the things that we're going to need in the future. We're going to need more handymen. We're going to need more plumbers. We're going to be more electricians. We're going to need more bricklayers, and we're going to need more people that understand how to make concrete, pour concrete, do all those things.

Addressing Labor Needs

And if we don't have that, we're going to be relying on foreign labor. And you guys can just go to any construction company that you see that's building a new house in any area that you live in. And what you're going to see is a bunch of Guatemalans, Mexicans, non Americans working in these jobs. And I'm not saying that in a racist tone that had nothing to do with racism or xenophobia or anything. It has everything to do with the fact that we are nothing. Preparing our children, or especially the kids who aren't apt to take tests or not apt to do college, but are apt to work with their hands.

Investments and Economic Realities

They can, you know, they know how to take apart a watch and then put it back together. We're harming them by not giving them the tools that they need to become skilled workers. And instead we're getting replaced by Guatemalans and Mexicans. And I'm going to say this as somebody who invests in marijuana, one of the things that I have immense issue with, and any of you guys that are living in a pro marijuana state, I suggest you go and you ask to take a investor tour. And you don't have to invest. Just take a tour of the farms and the plants.

Insights into the Marijuana Industry

And one of the things that you're going to recognize and you're going to see is they're busing these people in, like, there's a bunch of white vans that bus in people from Guatemala, that bus in people from Mexico. And they're doing all of these jobs as far as picking the pot, you know, manufacturing the pot, putting the pot into, I guess, baggies to be, you know, distributed. Why, why aren't Americans doing that? Why do we have so many people from outside of this country taking jobs that could be going to Americans and could be high paying jobs? And, you know, I don't blame the manufacturers for it.

Exploring Labor Dynamics

No, no American is applying for these jobs. So these people are literally these owners are doing whatever they can to stay afloat, but they shouldn't have to. Right. This shouldn't be a thing that exists in this country, but it does. Seamus, go ahead. Yeah. So I agree with you. I would argue against this, that no Americans are applying for those jobs because I actually did apply for as many harvest working positions as I possibly could in the wine business in California this year because I've been out of work. Looks like that's going to change, hopefully tomorrow.

Job Market Challenges and Factory Work

So we'll see. But I didn't get a single response from any of them when I know for a fact that they're bringing in tons and tons of laborers from outside, you know, and I also have experience in that business. I have employed immigrant workers for years. I did alongside Americans doing those very jobs. And I've heard so many arguments that, oh, well, people aren't applying. People aren't doing this and that, and it's just not accurate. You know, I mean, I'd say a lot of people don't because they don't see it as a realistic option. But I think we need to change that.

Collective Action for Change

We absolutely do. We need to start putting America first, and we need to start putting the american people first. And one of the things that we can do is we can take a huge page out of Ron DeSantis book, and we can demand that every single employer has to verify and double verify that the people that they are hiring are 100% american workers. We need to have that legislation across the country. And, athenae, the states won't do it when we need to do it federally. We need to know that when somebody is hiring somebody in their plant or in their manufacturing locales, that they are hiring american workers, and they are purposely trying to circumvent.

Legislation for Fair Labor Practices

And I know how they do it. They go through third parties, right? And this is how the marijuana industry does it. In Michigan, too, they go through a third party. So that way they can say, well, you know, it's not up to me to do it. It's up to them. They told me that everybody passed their background check. That should not be a thing. It should be the requirement of the people that own the company to make sure that they are hiring 100% american workers. And I'm going to go even further. There is something called the Per Centum act.

Historical Context of Immigration Legislation

This is this per sentiment act of 1921. And this was, we talked a little bit about this yesterday, and basically what it was it was Warren G. Harding's immigration bill, and it stated that only 3% of the population, according to the census of 1910, was allowed to come into America. That's all. Once that 3% had met, no more immigration. We need to go back to that. And the reasoning we need to go back to that is because we need to protect american workers. They should not have to compete against foreign workers who are willing to work less, foreign workers who are willing to work without medical care, foreign workers who are willing to, you know, go and work on a farm and live in a communal trailer with a bunch of, you know, people, basically undercutting all of the american workers that could have these jobs.

Protecting American Workers

We need to stop this. We need to stop it immediately. Anything that is going to harm the american worker needs to stop. What do you think, Amorosa? You agree with me? You know, I agree with you 150%. If we aren't, you know, and it's sad because if we're not supporting our american workers, you know, then you see how it affects, you know, their whole lives and their livelihood and their families lives. And, you know, it makes me sad as well when I see, you know, many of my fellow Americans who have left their country to go and work in other countries for, you know, more opportunities because they couldn't find jobs here.

Challenges Faced by American Workers

You know, if we start putting America first and giving these jobs back to our people, think of how it would just affect everything in our daily lives, our family units. I mean, it's just, it's a win situation. So go ahead. Million for Maga. I'd love to hear from you.

Community Voices and Concerns

Hey, glad you're back and hope you're doing well. Real quickly, I just kind of wanted to piggyback off of what Seamus said in terms of the american people needing to have more self reliance. For those that don't know, I am from North Carolina and half my family actually lives in the mountains of North Carolina. Fortunately, my family was not severely impacted, and even more so, fortunately, they're now in a position to help others and have been since day one.

Community Support and Unity

And I guess the message I kind of want people to understand is, you know, I get that we pay taxes in the federal programs and there's a level of expectation from FEMA considering, you know, those are our services. But, and I, I get they could do more and should have acted sooner, but the real beauty of it is the american people coming together, those neighbors, volunteers, you know, not government agencies that have all band together to help each other out in this time of need. And so, you know, regardless of people's opinions on federal aid and it's a, how they've responded to this situation, I really just kind of want to shed light on how awesome it is that, you know, power to the people.

Resilience and Community Connections

They are coming together and taking care of each other without that government assistance. And it's a beautiful thing. And also to anybody that's worried about voter turnout, man, these are mountain people are just different. And I don't mean that in a derogatory way. I'm messing my blood, but they're resilient and they're going to make it to the polls. This is lit a fire under them. And I just kind of want to reassure everybody their votes will be heard.

Encouragement for Civic Participation

So just kind of wanted to share what's been going on in my life and bring a little light to that. Thank you, guys. I'm so glad that you guys are doing all right. And I'm so glad to hear that you guys are going to be showing up in force. And I believe it. You know, I see what the response was from Kamala Harris and what the response was from Joe Biden. How is it that a person who is no longer president should be president? Donald Trump was able to go down to Georgia, then hi, tracked it over to North Carolina, then went down to Florida and crisscrossed over to Tennessee.

Political Dynamics and Perspectives

First of all, I'd like to know how he has the energy to do this. He's 78 years old and he puts me to shame. Could you imagine Joe Biden trying to keep the hours and the tenacity that toppled Trump? Oh, my God, that would be, that poor man would not be alive. It would take a lot of ice cream, definitely a, to get that man going. There is no way, even with, I mean, even if you put a, a bunch of cocaine into that ice cream, there is just no way he could ever keep up with Donald Trump. I just refuse to recognize that.

Controversy Over FEMA Funding

But one of the things that I'm hearing a lot from Democrats at least, is that the Republicans voted against funding FEMA. And they're trying to push this narrative that it's the Republicans fault. And I want to call out that bullshit. Those people, those representatives, those senators said no to funding FEMA because they said no to giving illegals any more money. The simple question was asked, are you going to stop spending the money on illegal immigrants? The answer was no. So that they did. So what ended up happening? The Republicans, rightly so, said, well, then we're not going to give you any more money to fund this.

Examining the Implications of Current Policies

And this is a mistake on Biden, Harris. This is their administration. This is their response. This is up to them to do what is right. And they are not doing what is right. They have spent an ungodly amount of money, and this is in the billions, guys, of FEMA dollars so that they could reimburse New York City for putting them, for putting up illegals in very high end hotels. They're doing the same for Chicago. They're doing the same for LA. You know what, I'm sorry. If you decided that you're going to be a sanctuary city, I'm not reimbursing you for, you don't get reimbursed.

Consequences of Sanctuary City Policies

This is what you get. You have decided that you are going to be a sanctuary for all these legals. If you can't handle it, then you should have never said in the beginning that your city was going to be a sanctuary city. This is a simple case of the chickens coming home to roost. And, you know, the. The roosters not liking what they're seeing. Well, that's just tough. That is just too damn bad. Go ahead, united.

Understanding Current Social Issues

All right, bear with me, y'all. I'm outside doing my. I'm a trucker. I want to give you my testimony of why I supported Trump. But Bryce touched on something about the illegal migrants have been funneled all over the country. He talked about Chicago, and I know Miss ammo can vouch for me that every police station from the north side of Chicago to the south side in the city were filled with migrants sleeping on the floor because they had nowhere to put them. Now, the black communities in Chicago have been rising up against that because they even, Byron, whatever his name is, the new mayor there, has been making the black communities on the south side of Chicago, specifically, and parts of the north, the southwest side, as second class citizens.

Community Response and Challenges

We need to educate our fellow voters, supporters, especially the black vote, to let them know that the Democratic Party is treating you guys like you're still on the plantation. You know, have these conversations. I know there's a lot of non blacks out there are struggling to have that conversation because they feel that it's going to be another Obama. You know, I'm voting him because he's a man of color. You know, Obama was a Chicago native and he had nothing but bad ties.

Historical Context of Political Figures

I know that before a lot of other people knew that, he rubbed elbows with Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers is the founder of the weather Underground during the sixties, who was building pipe bombs in the basement to not only attack the political opponents, but to also go after our troops in New Jersey. Imagine that. And he got off on a technicality for illegal search and seizure. Even though they had the bomb material there, they had to throw it out. So let me get to the point where about my testimony in the truck industry that caused me to vote for Trump in 2016? NAFTA.

Impact of Trade Agreements on the Economy

NAFTA? NAFTA? It's rebranded as a USMCA today. US Mexico, canadian american agreement. Or. Yeah, US Mexico canadian agreement. Well, Bill Clinton got it. He stamped it into law in 94. And a lot of the Dems want to say, well, no, it was a Republicans that started either whatever. Which way, how it started, it's who put it into law. And guess what happened right after that? He was on television telling Americans that we're going to bring jobs to America by sending them to Mexico.

Critique of Political Accountability

You know what he, Bill Clinton was in the, in corporate America's pockets when he was doing that. But guess. Guess what happened. Miss Ammo will tell you also, too, if she's around my age range. That nabis on the south side of Chicago on 79th and Pulaski took their facilities and went to Mexico to give a little pep rally to everybody and laying them up, saying how they needed to be competitive and viable, that they had to make a new factory in Mexico. They went after the minimum wage. It was 250 an hour back then in 94.

Economic Impacts of Trade Policies

And, you know, if it wasn't for Trump to stop that, he even said, the Ford, I dare you, if you decide to, you know, vacate Michigan, we're going to tax your vehicles by 30%. And all the pushback by the Democrats saying, oh, no, that's racist. You know, whatever he says, it's, hey, let's revert to the playbook. He's racist. You know, they're. They're damn idiots. You know, so NAFTA was rebranded, and the Dems will still argue with you. Well, NAFTA didn't do anything.

Political Strategies and Economic Consequences

Guess what? The new rebranded version didn't go into law until July of 2020. That was the end of the Trump administration and the COVID era at that time. We weren't going to see the effects because the supplying supply chain problems that were existing with multiple ships, if not hundreds of ships on both sides of the seaport that couldn't get their cargo unloaded. But, you know, that was that. That policy was to make fair trade, specifically the auto industry, not beef disproportionate to the previous NAFTA deal, which allowed Mexico to have 80% of the manufacturing and America 20%.

Fair Trade Advocacy

So when Trump came in, he wanted to make it even Steven. I wish they would go a little bit deeper because a lot of products could be funneled out of China and other countries into Mexico and rebranded is made in Mexico and exploit the program further. But, you know, it's us to address our politicians. Bring that to the executive office, you know, with that said, I think I've said my piece and land my plane. Well, we allowed also to Nabisco. This was the big problem. Nabisco got sold out to Mondelez International, which is an international cartel.

Corporate Influence in American Business

And this is what's happening to a lot of our businesses. If you look at the pork industry now, this is why I refuse to eat pork anymore. The pork industry is owned by China. China owns our pork supply. Our farmlands are being owned by a mixture of eastern european, chinese and american, but it should all be american. Every single company that is here in this country that is producing massive amounts of goods should all be owned by Americans. We shouldn't be allowing these companies to go overseas.

Clarification on Economic Practices

We shouldn't be allowing these companies to sell out to other international conglomerates that we can't track and that we can't tax. And then if we dare say that we want a tariff on them, the left goes berserk. And the truth is, Peru is right. The giant sucking sound continues. And it's just not going south anymore. Now it's going to Taiwan. Now it's going to China, now it's going to Vietnam, now it's going to all over India. Everything is going to all of these different places, but nothing's coming here. We don't get any relief.

The Consequences of Economic Policies

Our jobs. This is the scary thing. If you look at the pay rate, you know, yes, it looks like our, the numbers were making a little bit more. But if you actually look at the pay rate in the 1920s versus the pay rate now, they're actually making more, adjusted for inflation, because their currency had value. Their currency was backed by gold. Their currency meant something. Our currency is toilet paper. You can wipe your ass with it because it's useless. The only reason it has value is because the american government has conned us into believing that it has value.

Monetary Policy and Its Implications

It has no value. And they want to tell us that if were to go to the gold standard, we would upend the world economy. Well, who cares? I don't care about the world economy. I care about the american economy. And if the world has to suffer, well, too damn bad. Because guess what? Last time I checked, we paid for China. We paid billions, if not trillions of dollars to rebuild China after world War two. We damn well rebuilt Europe. And no thanks, nothing, no money back.

Historical Financial Contributions

We just said here, we're going to rebuild you and have at it. And how is it that almost 100 years later, we're still paying for them, we're still paying for Europe's defense, we're still paying for Taiwan's defense. We're still paying for people in the asian excess defense? Why are we paying for all of this? And here's the thing. You know how the Democrats like to tell you that we shouldn't have a wall? Well, there's a country called Jordan, and I bet you didn't know this, but I'm going to have a guest on who used to be a former lieutenant colonel in the military.

The Case for National Security

He worked for NATO, he's worked for the Pentagon, everything. And he'll tell you, we built a wall on Jordan's border and we maintain that border and magically nobody gets in and nobody gets out without the United States military knowing. How the hell are we building a wall for Jordan, for the Jordanians, but we're not building a wall for our own country. It doesn't make sense. We're going to go to Samantha because she's having some trouble raising her hand.

Inclusion of New Voices

Samantha, welcome. Oh, hello, everybody. Hope everybody is well. I've never done this before, but I wanted to introduce myself and first say thank you to everybody that's joining with us. It feels great to not feel so alone out here. Just really quickly. I think maybe I was like a lot of you, I've voted both ways my life since I was 18. But in 16, I, you know, said I could not vote for Clinton. And the hatred and, you know, I was sexist and all sudden I was racist.

Reflections on Political Identity

And, oh, well, you're from the south, so you're definitely racist. And all the things that followed since then have pushed me, you know, way far from the center of where I would like to be. But I feel like the center, like the goalpost keeps getting moved. And so I wanted to thank everybody that's been willing to say, okay, I don't love every policy or I don't love everything, nor do I agree with everything that Trump has said and done. But I believe in the policies and I believe in putting America first.

Building Community and Engagement

And I don't think that we should have to apologize for that. I am from Florida and I'm fixing to getting everything secure here for the story. And I'm driving up to Pennsylvania to work with Scott Pressler. And I'm trying to register voters there because all I can do is, you know, give my one vote here in Florida. And I think that Trump is going to win Florida, I think, pretty easily. I'm so confused when I see these poll numbers and I just wonder how real they could be.

The Quest for Clarity in Polling

And so I just want to say hello to everybody and to thank everyone that's here that maybe wasn't on the same page as myself in 16. And just, you know, it feels great to not feel so alone and so crazy and isolated and censored and attacked. That still happens. But I feel like there's more of us out there now that are willing to step up and say, we can't keep hiding in the shadows and then cry about it as our country falls apart and the world is on fire.

Advocacy for Visibility and Activism

So I guess that was all I wanted to say. And I was just really curious with Bryce how things are looking in Michigan and what you think the possibilities there could be for Trump being able to win. And thank you for having me on today. I appreciate you coming on, Samantha, and welcome to your first space. And your first, well, not your first space, but your first speaking. What am I seeing here in Michigan? It's a very close race.

Political Landscape in Michigan

I believe Michigan is going to be decided by at least a thousand votes. But there is one thing that is exciting me. A few days ago, a socialist was recorded on saying that they are going to be the reasons that Kamala Harris does not win the state of Michigan. Them with a long, and she was introducing Jill Stein. So I am actually, I think we're going to win. I think Trump's going to win Michigan. And I'm going to say this. In 2016, the Green Party took enough votes from Hillary Clinton to push Michigan into Trump's corner.

Historical Context of Michigan Elections

If they do that again in 2024, Michigan is absolutely going to be read. I don't want to, you know, I've been telling everybody I know, don't rely on that. You got to get out. You got to get out to vote. We're registering as many people as we can. We got to get out and get our elderly family members and friends out to vote as well. And that means we need to drive them if they need to be driven. And that's everywhere.

The Importance of Effective Voter Outreach

Guys, if you have an elderly that does, you know, an elderly elderly relative that does not want to vote early or does not want to take a absentee ballot, then it is our duty as Americans to make sure that they have the transportation to get to the polls. We need to do that for our people. We need to make sure that we are getting as many votes out there for Trump as possible. Because I'm telling you, guys, look at how bad 2020 to 2024 was.

Preparations for Future Elections

Can you imagine how bad 2024 to 2028 is going to be? And I don't know if we're going to be able to recover after that. I mean, we're looking at a great depression. If this couldn't, if this, if these policies continue, Biden has already spent $10 trillion, $2 trillion more than Donald Trump. If this is allowed to continue, our debt is going to be far too out of hand that we'll never be able to wheel it in. So, guys, get as many people out to vote as you can. Register every single voter, talk to your elderly relatives.

Engaging Family and Friends in Civic Duties

Make sure that they know where to go, how to get a ballot, what to do. It's all on us. Yes. And I'm planning. I'm going to stay in Pennsylvania until election day to not just register voters, but make sure that they do vote, get their ballots in check to make sure they were counted. You know, just gonna do everything that I can after. You know, I've, I was, I'm a travel nurse, so I've voted by absentee ballot for the last few cycles.

Civic Engagement and Responsibilities

So I have already voted in Florida and sent mine in. And so outside of that, I just feel like I have to do something. And I think that if he. We can win Pennsylvania, I feel like we've got a very good shot, but I feel like that Wisconsin and Michigan should be close. And I just, you know, anything I can do to help. I want help. He's given so much to help us, and I feel like it's time to get back.

Cheating and Political Manipulation

And here's the thing. They cheated. The Democrats actually cheated to get Gretchen elected because the person that should have been chosen and would have been chosen, Chief James Craig, the former chief of police of Detroit, he was the one that was going to win. He was up, I think, 56% in the polls. Everybody knew. The Democrats knew it. But what they did was nullify his signatures and throw him out as a candidate. And because of that, we got, we ended up with Tudor Dixon, which is exactly who the Democrats wanted. They're playing that game and you're going to see it. Gov to in every single state. Watch what the Democrats are doing. They are actually putting out ads for the worst republican candidates that they think they can. They can beat a. They are putting out ads in favor of those candidates.

Advertising Tactics Used by Democrats

They did it here in Grand Rapids when it was Peter Meyer. Peter Meyer took on John Gibbs. Gibbs was not going to win. There was no way that a purple city like Grand Rapids was going to vote for somebody like John Gibbs. But the Democrats spent millions of dollars in ads for him. He ends up winning the primary and then gets crushed in the general. And this is what the Democrats are doing. They are playing these games, and it's legal for them to do it, but the Republicans are not doing it. The Republicans need to start doing the same exact thing. They need to start putting money into these weak ass socialist candidates that they know they can, that they can be, and they need to start leveling the playing field against the Democrats. Otherwise, the Democrats are going to continue to win and we're not going to be able to have secure elections. And that's just the truth of it. Did that answer your question?

Political Perspectives and Party Shift

I know I get a little long winded, so I apologize. Oh, yeah, absolutely. That's why I wanted to kind of hear your take. So, you know, my background, too. I started out as a Democrat, and I try and explain to people now that I see, you know, everything that's going on. You know, the fact that I had essentially switched parties after Obama's first election when he didn't really do any of the things that were on the list of what I wanted done. And then that's when I realized that not only was I on the wrong side, but everything that they taught me about how they play the game, none of the Republicans understood. They didn't. They had no idea what was going on. I mean, you're talking about psychological manipulation, you know, persuasion, you know, as far as, like, they won't buy your vote directly, but they'll definitely fund somebody that, you know, and that you think is your friend.

Understanding Local Governments and Civic Engagement

And then that person's bringing you into a large network of people. Everybody's happy. They're all involved in, you know, in these different movements. And then next thing you know, the movement has nothing to do with the election, but yet they're voting for the Democrats. And then you're like, hold on. But this, what were just doing really has nothing to do with politics. It's like, you know, it was like, I thought both parties at one point was like, yeah, we should pick the trash up. We should have clean water, you know, we should have, like, you know, police. We should have a fire department. You know, I thought both parties were on that. And then it seemed like, you know, once you start to get involved with a lot of these things that make the world, you know, a better place is when you start to get into these. That's why I say now, like the localities, right, like at the local government is where I see a lot of the change first.

The Locality and the Importance of Civic Engagement

And people don't, they don't even bother being involved with their local government. So by the time it's changing at their local government and it moves up to the county and then the county, you know, takes these powers and then next thing you know, the state is taking over these powers and then the local government, you go to your, like, some people don't realize this. In some states, your mayor has no power. It's basically just some guy that you vote for. He can't do anything. Like, he literally has no lawful power over anything that's important, you know? So, but I think that was, you know, you touched on it and I love hearing every topic that you guys always touch on because it really is, it's like the fundamentals of America. And I think that at some point maybe they thought that were going to let America, the constitution change to, you know, to these further extents.

Political Disillusionment and Center Politics

And I think now I, there's a lot of unification because on both sides, it's like we don't really, we don't want an extreme left or an extreme right government. We don't work basically. Most of us are in the center of most of this stuff. And then I think people get disillusioned because of how bad things get. And they're just, you know, you end up like in the libertarian pocket where it's like, I just don't want government anymore because government's failing at everything. But having worked in the government, I know that government can work, but you have to constantly be there monitoring it. You can, you know, you cannot let, like, if you stop watching it's, it's like a, it's like a pet, you know, it's like if you stop watching, he's going to tear everything up while you're not watching, you know, you're not watching your dog or something. But yeah, thanks for letting me speak.

The Need for Constant Civic Vigilance

And now, you know, I'll be back around. I'm going to stay on for a little bit and I got to head back to work. But I really appreciate what you guys are doing and appreciate what everybody in the group is doing. Thank you for joining us. And if you guys are liking what you're hearing, America first, I hope you guys can share the space and tune in daily because this is going to be a space that we're going to be doing each and every day. Thanks to Bryce, because he's put America first, and we've got to keep going with that. Okay, now we have Rigo and then I think it was Jeannie and then Yvonne. And then we'll go to United. Go ahead, Rigo and then Lori.

Local Issues and Global Trade Concerns

Hey, what's up, Bryce? Has been a while since I heard your voice. Nice to see you again up here. Hope everything's well. With that said, I wanted to go, man. You guys talked a lot about us, a lot of subjects. One of the things that you talked about is illegal immigrants coming in and being housed in these super nice area spots and whatnot. I'll give you guys an example. They're building these giant roach coach type government motels that aren't really roach coach. They're like government projects in center La. Estimated value of each apartment to house migrants and or homeless, $600,000 for a one bedroom condo in downtown La. So I wanted to throw that in. Another thing is the WTO, we really need Trump to. To go in there and renegotiate with the WTO. The WTO is the World Trade Organization as well as the USMCA needs to be renegotiated where we bring back manufacturing jobs to the United States.

The Need for Industrial Revitalization

If we go and we actually start doing the tariffs that Trump wants to do and we renegotiate to bring back manufacturing, we will stop being a service type industry country right now. Last week, about a week ago, we had the port strikes, right? Because the majority of all the products that Americans consume are coming from overseas. Why did that happen? Because the Democrats told us that if we shipped our manufacturing overseas, we would get better products at a cheaper price. That has not happened. That failed. We need to become a self sustaining country. And in order to do that, we have to go out and renegotiate, negotiate all our trade agreements, including anything that's happening in the WTO, so that we become the country that we used to be, and things are made in America, and the label made in America actually means something to people again, this will also help us with increasing our dollar and our strength in the World Trade Organization.

Trade Balance and Economic Sovereignty

That's all I had. Thank you guys very much. That's good to hear from you, too, Rigo. I have been away because I ended up, I think you knew I was really sick, and then my asthma ended up causing me to get bronchitis. And so I was down for about two weeks. And every time I tried to talk, I just, I couldn't stop coughing. So I just, I didn't want to be a distraction on spaces I did listen to a lot of your spaces. I was. I was in just, you know, I didn't want to be called up, so I was listening anonymously. But you're absolutely right. And at the end of the day, we need to be okay with saying that all of the trade that we have needs to be suspended and we need to renegotiate every single trade deal. We are down. We are running trade deficits with almost every single nation.

Deficits and Tariff Policy

We are being screwed by almost every single nation. And I want to talk a little bit about something as well today, and then I'll hand it off to Jeanne and Yvonne. Tariffs. People like to say that tariffs will destroy this nation. How is it that Japan has 100% tariffs against our automobile and they're doing just fine? China has tariffs against us. India has tariffs against us. Even Great Britain has certain tariffs against us. Why is it when we decide to do tariffs, it's going to harm us, but it's not harming Japan. It's not harming China. In fact, Japan's economy is doing great because they don't allow competition. That is one of the things that I admire so much about the Japanese, which was what we used to do here in this country, but we no longer do. We used to protect our industry.

Historical Perspectives on Tariffs and Protectionism

We used to protect our workers. And if you go and you listen to the speeches made by William McKinley or Warren G. Harding or Calvin Coolidge, all three of them said the same exact thing. We're putting tariffs on foreign made goods so that they can't compete with american workers and that american workers can continue to have high paying jobs. Republicans wanted american workers to continue to be paid highly. And now because of NAFTA and because of all of these piss poor trade deals that were given to us, not by Republicans. I'm sorry. George Herbert Walker Bush is not a Republican. That man was a globalist. And Bill Clinton, Democrat, also a globalist. These people do not have the interest of America at heart. They have the interest of themselves. And we need to call that kind of nonsense out.

Revoking Poor Trade Agreements

If they're not going to be for us, then they're against us. And we need to hit that at all the polls. We need to be telling republicans to hammer that out in every single race that they have. If you're running against a Democrat, you ask them about NAFTA, you ask them about the current trade agreements. If they voted yes, then those fuckers need to go. And I'm sorry that I'm using that kind of language, but that's where we're at right now. So we're going to go to Jeannie and then we're going to go to Yvonne. Yes. Hi. Thank you, Bryce. And thank you. I can't remember the other person's name. I don't know how I got invited to this, but please listen to me.

Historical Reflections of Nurses and Stories of Conspiracy

I'm, I'm a retired nurse. I'm over the age of 70. I'm an emergency room trained. But I also worked as a disaster nurse, especially with the victims of Katrina. So I'm upset right now. I pulled up last night a YouTube site, real fishing life. Write that down, guys. Real fishing life. This is an offshore fisherman. Worked his whole life doing that, catching fish off the shore of believe, Florida. And he only has like 3000 followers. And he's trying to get the word out because he, because his life is on the line when he's out there on the ocean. He follows these satellite feeds, weather patterns and he is basically letting us know, he's warning us that he has seen these many offshore tankers, huge tankers emitting chemical clouds in specific areas off the Gulf coast.

Environmental Concerns and Government Action

And he watched this with this last hurricane Helene. And now he's watching it again with Milton. And they are actually, these tankers are working together with Nexad, which is huge microwave towers. And these microwave towers are on United States Air Force bases along with other places. But one that is a huge microwave tower is actually emitting huge beams of microwave and directing these storms is out of Eglin Air Force Base and I believe that is in Florida. But we are under attack. We are in a war. And a lot of people aren't aware of this. And you know, I, I've been a conspiracy theorist for years and years. I'm over the age of 70. So I've been watching this for a long time. Twin Towers was actually a demolition.

Conspiracy Theory and Natural Disasters

And the same with the Pentagon. Washington wasn't hit by a plane. It was a missile. And it goes on and on. I live in California, in the mountains. Paradise. That wildfire was man made and directed energy. I have had to be evacuated twice where I live. I'm between Placerville and Tahoe. And I have been very close to these wildfires and I just want to get the word out. We're under attack. And from many sources. What I learned early on, oh, this was over maybe 15 years ago, a term called silent weapons for quiet wars. I have a daughter that's a scientist and she was actually early in her career, she was followed by NASA.

The Intersection of Science and Conspiracy

And I thought, well, let me see, what does NASA have an interest in? A cellular geneticist? So I started looking into NASA and I found that they had, I had heard that they had a PowerPoint out there called silent weapons for quiet wars. And I looked and I'm not very high tech so I had a hard time, I couldn't find it. But somebody by the name of Deborah Tavares in California, northern California, she actually found the PowerPoint and she released it. And let me tell you this, it's very scary because they are using so many different weapons on us. We have no idea. A lot of them are from space, from the satellites.

Satellites, Technology, and War

Like I said, the tankers off the Gulf are weaponized and they're helping to create these storms. And then these scalar microwaves are coming from our own land is helping to direct these storms to create chaos. And loss of life is basically what it is. And I just want to get the word out. This man is a, he's his whole life he was just fishing and he's almost in tears trying to get the word out because he doesn't have a lot of followers, but he's basically connecting these tankers offshore and he's seen them. He's personally seen these tankers emitting these clouds. And then he, because he follows weather patterns, he found these scalar beams being emitted and right now the whole southwestern Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, they are being inundated with microwaves and you can see it in these satellite feeds.

Microwave Technology and Environmental Manipulation

And this man is trying to get the word out. And I know this probably doesn't cover the topic that you originated with, but I know there's some people here on this site that have southern accents. So I, I just want to tell you right now, you are being microwaved. But I think they have a way of actually creating earthquakes, creating tsunamis. And I just want to get the word out. If, if you could just pull up this man's site. He has other people that he's following but he's not very technical like I am and he hasn't actually put the links out so we could follow these other people. But please people, just be aware that we are in a war right now, we're under attack and there's so many innocent lives that are being affected.

Sharing Information during Crisis

I just wanted to let you know that. Thank you. I appreciate you coming up here, it's super important. And I don't think that you're conspiracy theorists. I think that there is definitely something to, you know, what Marjorie Taylor Greene has put out there, and it's worth a look at. But what else is worth a look at is if you go down to that little purple pill and you hit that little thing that has the little comment button and it says 19. And if you go and you hit the little arrow that looks like a square, you can repost this space so that more and more America first individuals can come up here. And I'd like you to go to my profile.

Election Integrity and Conspiracy Theories

one of the first ones is. Well, I would like to just say, like, You know, as far as Bryce, I think Bryce touches on a lot of these issues. Ultimately, in the long run, those long run solutions are a lot of what Bryce is hitting on, because it's like, a lot of this isn't supposed to be this way. Anyway, as far as the elections go, when the elections actually take place, no matter where, you know, no matter where they're at, whoever's on the ballot actually has a right to have representatives at every location that's counting the ballot. So that's what the rules are supposed to be, Covid. Really manipulated and changed that in 2020. I don't think I know anybody left in the federal government that doesn't think that 2020 was not, maybe not what they call outcome determinative, but they believe that there was definitely fraud. But I also want touch on, you know, the conspiracy theory element. And I know I make a lot of enemies when I start talking about some of the policies, processes, procedures.

Gas Station Shutdowns

So the one guy mentioned earlier, I think it was Devon, not sure. He mentioned about the gas station. I looked into that one because that was a widespread video. One thing that happens when a state of emergency is declared, the state itself will sometimes shut down gas stations that still contain fuel in order for emergency services later on to use that fuel after the event actually occurs. And in this case, I can't say for sure that's what happened. But FEMA has that authority. The state of Florida also has that authority. And from analyzing the video, it does look like the pumps were running slow. So the station was either out of fuel, period, or it was. They turned the pumps off because they plan on turning them back on after the storm, after the emergency has actually taken place. A lot of this, a lot of the problems that we have are because of overreaching and spread out authorities that don't make sense. And there's not a lot of accountability. And I think that's a lot of what Bryce is constantly, you know, hitting on is that this entire, like, system that they've created is really not what it was ever intended to be.

Clawing Back Power

And until we start to claw back at some of those powers, which is the most difficult thing to do once you give up power, is to actually get it back. And. But, yeah, I just wanted touch on that. And also, if anybody has anything that they want to either dm me or post to my page that has to do with any. If you, if you think that there's a federal agency where a federal employee has committed a crime and you're not willing to submit it, you're not willing to actually go through the steps to handle it. Excuse me, handle it, you know, through the proper channels for whatever reason, whether you be afraid or whatever, you know, just send it to me. I'll look at it. If I think it's worthwhile, I'll send it in on, you know, won't even mention your name, won't even mention where I got it from. Because one thing that we definitely have is we definitely have criminals sprinkled all throughout. I mean, this isn't just federal government. This is everywhere.

Misguided Orders and Accountability

And sometimes they don't even know they're criminals. Sometimes they're just following orders, right? Which we all love that one, because we know how well that goes. And, but sometimes the biggest problem is, what I've noticed from the inside is that, you know, a lot of the complaints that people have, they don't actually voice them in a way that can actually be addressed. So if there is, you know, if there is anything, you know, go ahead dm me or post it to my page. And if anybody ever has any questions, you know, as well as you know, Bryce or anything, you know, I spent a lot of time working in the federal government. I'm also a military veteran. I understand how things are supposed to work. And I think Bryce touches a lot on like the, you know, the old ways and why they did it. It's that we've actually gotten to this point because they violated so many of the tenets that were supposed to have been followed in the first place.

Bipartisan Control and Historical Consequences

And they come up with a million reasons as to why they're doing it. But I think what the last person that was just talking about doesn't realize is that this was both parties, this was a uni party. They decided that if they were able to control the votes that they could hand that baton back and forth and that's what they would continue to do. And I think Trump was the first wrench that was truly thrown into that, a true outsider. And the problem with when he got the power is he didn't actually know what powers existed. I still don't believe that they've ever actually allowed him to know most of the stuff that, you know, deep insiders would know. Like when you have, you know, you have party affiliates, like, you know, that are being installed through the Democrat Party or through the Republican Party, you're not just carrying on your knowledge. You're not just carrying on all that.

The Dangers of Pardon Power

You're carrying on. So every time they transfer power, they replaced a lot of these heads of these agencies and a lot of these specialized programs. Nobody in the next administration will know unless they actually let them know. And I think that's another important point about whether or not people should submit tips. I always tell people, if you think there's a crime and it's federal, I know people don't trust the FBI, but if you submit it becomes a permanent government record and then that record is not allowed to be destroyed. If someone does destroy it, then, you know, that's, that's one of those mechanisms for safety and assurance. And I've noticed, you know, like I said, from working on the insides, a lot of people don't bother. They'll say it on x. They'll say it everywhere else, but they won't actually submit it to their county sheriff, their state police, their federal law enforcement office for their region.

The Historical Context of Government Evolution

But, yeah, I'd like to hear what, you know, what Bryce has to say. And, yeah, thanks again for letting me speak. All I've got to say to that is, when asked what kind of a government were given, Ben Franklin said, a republic, if you can keep it. And we sure shit didn't keep that republic. What we have today is a horribly bastardized version of what was given to us by our founding fathers. And, in fact, I think that if we brought back our founding fathers and they could see the state of America, they would be so offended by what we did to this nation and what we allowed to happen to this nation. I mean, guys, for serious sake, we fought a fucking war, a revolutionary war, over 2% tax on tea. Do you think George Washington would come back to this country and go, wow, guys, look at all of the wonderful things that you've done.

Broken Principles and Political Accountability

You've managed to make water cost something that was fucking free back then. We've now put it in a little bottle, and we tax you for that shit. He would look at us and go, what the fuck is wrong with you? Did you not see the constitution that we gave you? Did you not like the Bill of rights that we gave you? Do you just like throwing your rights to whoever is in power? And we have Dick Cheney honestly, to thank for the situation that we're in right now. That man worked around the federal government to put the power into the executive branch so that the executive branch could not get checked by the legislative branch, and the legislative branch couldn't get checked by the judicial branch. We have been fucked by the very people who are sworn to defend our constitution.

Consequences of Ignoring Accountability

And honestly, I think that is grounds not only for impeachment, but that's grounds for you being labeled as a traitor. If you put your hand on the Bible and you swear to uphold the constitution, and then you work to circumvent the constitution, you are an enemy of the republic. You are an enemy of America, and you deserve to be in prison. And the fact that Liz Cheney. The fact that Dick Cheney get to walk free, get to be free people is disgusting and makes me sick. The Democrats can have them. Agreed. Agreed. Let's see. We had Jeannie up next, and then boiler. Go ahead. Jeannie. Yes? I'm not sure you can hear me. I have a speaker on now. Yeah, we can hear you.

Modern Technologies and Voting

Okay, good. Yeah, this. I'm. I already mentioned, I'm over the age of 70, so I'm not very high tech. I just recently, because of what I heard from Trump, I recently invested in some crypto. And I just wanted to ask people that have more knowledge about this than I do. What about having a voting system that is connected to the. To a blockchain, just like crypto? With crypto, people are trusting crypto and they're using an id system. And why can't we use that same system where people can just vote from their own home or maybe even have, if you don't have tech, have a trailer pull up to a community center where you can walk in and vote, and do it through a blockchain where it can't be changed. That's all I wanted to say. I didn't know if anybody else had any information on that. Thank you.

Concerns Over Security and Automation

So, Jeanne, like I said, I support volunteerism, right? I support people being able to choose what kind of currency they want to use in this country. I think it's a beautiful thing. I will say that the one thing that I have, the problem that I personally have with cryptocurrency is that it's all automated, which means it's hackable. Now, one thing I can tell you is gold and silver. You can't hack that shit. You can't go into your computer and steal my gold and steal my silver. That shit is wherever I place it, so. Well, I think, yes, I think we should put things on blockchain. I support blockchain. I also want to make sure that the mechanisms that we have in order are good so that they can't be hacked, things can't be changed.

Concerns About Voting Technology

Like, these are the things that I have a problem with when it comes to these, like, automated voters where you can go on, press an iPad and, you know, choose which person they you want. I don't trust that America has invested correctly in being able to maintain these things and that they're not hackable. Our government's constantly getting hacked, so until that stops, until other foreign countries cannot hack us anymore and we're hack proof. I'm a little hesitant about it, but I see what you're saying. I think I like the idea of bringing trailers out. Hell, yeah, let's bring trailers. Let's bring actual, you know, pieces of paper where they have to, you know, fill in the bubble, and let's bring the trailers in and then we'll count them by hand. I'm sorry, but automation technology is great, but it's also a detriment to society.

Responsibilities of Leaders

At the same time. And if you want to hear from somebody who basically gave birth to our modern era, look up Henry Ford. He gave birth to this modern technology era. And one of the things that he said is it was one of the biggest mistakes I ever did was push this country into a technological boom, and we have lost the ways of old. So I, again, as you've heard from govops, I tend to be a little old school. I tend to favor old school ways of doing things simply because it's the american way to do things. And I don't trust the Biden administration to regulate our voting machines. I don't trust the companies that are owned by Blackrock to tell me that it, once I press Trump on that iPad, that it's going to stay Trump on that iPad.

Distrust in Companies Involved in Elections

I don't trust Blackrock. I don't trust Vanguard, and I don't trust State street. And if they have anything, by the way, they are involved in Dominion, people look it up. You know, I'm not saying that Dominion, you know, tried to change the outcome of the election, but I do know for a fact that BlackRock has their hands in it. And anytime that I see Blackrock having their hands in anything, it puts up an immediate red flag. Those people are trying to take over this country through forced pandemics, through the who, through the WEF. They are trying to force us into a global community. Oh, and we've got to stop it, man. Like, if we allow this to continue to happen, revolution needs to happen in the streets.

Serious Threats and Political Assassination Attempts

Can I say one more thing really quick? Hell, yeah, you can say one more thing, Devin. So I'm sorry, and I don't want to get in somebody else's way either. But Blackrock, basically, we had two attempted assassinations on Donald Trump. Two attempted assassinations. Both of those people were involved in Blackrock. Just let that sink in for a moment. That's all I wanted to say. Yep. And guess where that young man happened to be? That storage facility that he took the shots at the president. Guess who owns that storage facility? Vanguard. At some point, we kind of put two and two together, realize that the deep state, if you want to call it that, it's just simply Blackrock, Vanguard and State street. They're trying to take over everything.

Globalist Control and Resistance

It's globalists trying to take over this country and turn it into a global community. And we've got to stop it. We've got to do everything in our power to push back against this globalization that is happening throughout the world. I think Israel's cool. I think the people in Israel, I think the people in Taiwan are awesome. I think the people in Ukraine are awesome. But I don't want to be the arbiter of their safety. I don't want to be the arbiter of what they do. I don't want to be the arbiter of their currency. And you know what? Honestly, I don't want to be a global, you know, I don't want to be a part of the global community. I want to be a part of the american community.

American Pride and Actions of Leadership

I want to be an american, and I want to have pride in America. And I want to say it to every single person that I am an american. And at least when I live here, I know that my interests are the only thing my president cares about. And we can't say that right now, people. We cannot say it under this current administration that Kamala Harris and Biden care about the american people, because if they did, they'd show up the minute that hurricane devastated North Carolina, the minute that hurricane devastated Tennessee, they didn't show up, but Trump did. Tulsi Gabbard did. JD Vance did notice. The people that stood with Trump are the people that are showing up.

Conclusion and Call to Action

That's all I'm going to say. Who's next? Amorosa? We got boiler. And forgive me if I'm missing pronouncing it and then Rigo. Welcome to the stage, Bowler. Thank you very much. May the Lord bless all of you for your space. It's very interesting. You and your love for your country is beautiful. You are blessing from Israel, even if I am not an us citizen. I think the forefather, your forefathers give you one of the best piece of legislature that was written. You know, your constitution and your bill of rights and you have to take back your country.

Political Manipulation and Power Dynamics

That's it. And you know, by the fact that they make the five women and they can make a lot of channels, they will soon in place like Minnesota overthrow, take the land. That's it. And by democracy, they use the democracy to take over the people. They did that in Lebanon already. You can look the story. In 1970s, after black September, the Palestinian were expelled from Jordan because they want altruist the government and they go to Lebanon. And Lebanon was a beautiful country and it was something where it was christian. Maronites were the most. And after a lot of Muslims with the PLO and after they take over the place by numbers. So you have already to take your country back. And one of the things is put back that law that didn't allow somebody with Muslims to have any posts in the administration. And take your dream team and take fucking your country back. My friends, I love you and see that enthusiast. I pray the Lord that you will win.

Acknowledgment of the Current Situation

Thank you so much Bueller, we love you too. And thank you for, you know, speaking up for us and recognizing what is happening and calling it out for what it is. It's so important. I think, you know, there are so many people around the world that are watching what is happening here in the United States, and, you know, they can't believe it, and they're reaching out to us Americans, telling us, you know, do not allow this to happen in your country. And we need to listen, and we, you know, we need to go back to that old mentality of, you know, standing up and truly fighting for what is ours and protecting our people and stopping the insanity. You know, it's like a virus that just gets into the minds of people. We need to put an end to it. And for all I'm seeing, we're getting a lot of speakers, so I'm going to try and get to all of you.

Natural Resource Management and Corruption

Devon, come on back up to the stage. Welcome back. Yeah, I kind of wanted touch back a little bit on what Buller was saying with the appalachian mountains and the lithium deposit over there. I don't know if everybody understood what he was saying, but it goes pretty deep. That's actually controlled by, I think. I think it's one of those three major companies like Blackrock, Vanguard, or the other one. I can't remember what the name is. And then what happened is Doug Emhoff is Kamala Harris's husband, and he actually owns stock or something like that within the company or owns portion of the land or something of that nature, and it's directly tied to them. So this whole hurricane is very coincidental that we all of a sudden had this, you know, this absolute travesty is just, you know, and then what happens when this type of stuff happens? You might see this in your part of the United States, wildfires and stuff like that.

Environmental Concerns and Real Estate

Tornadoes, whenever they go through enough destruction and they take out parts of land, and it's, the government can actually take back the land. They can claim the land again. So it can be a big problem. It displaces folks. That's their land. It's crazy because you think that destruction and, well, what were they going to do with the land? They're going to start mining it? Is that what they were going to do? So, yeah, just that connection right there. I just kind of want to on that connection a little bit. Yeah. So I kind of wanted to get into, I wanted to get into a little bit of the Alphabet private corporations of our government. So there was a big issue yesterday, I believe, with FEMA and talking about funding and Mayorkas was talking about funding with the public, and he was talking and saying that they don't have any more funding for the public.

Government Funding and Misallocation

There's no more money for it. Well, they were lying because they were using a lot of the money for illegal immigrants. The same fee or same funding comes from FEMA to go to illegal immigrants. And so basically, they were trying to say they didn't have any because they wanted to keep the funding going on for the illegal immigrants. And then he changed his mind. So that was, like, all within, you know, a very short period of time. I think he was still talking and changed his mind at that whole scenario. So that's the kind of people that we have in our government right now is like, they're lying, like, to our face. That was, that was Mayorkas, Alejandro Mayorkas. He runs the Department of Homeland Security. He's the same guy that runs the border down the southern border here in the United States. and, you know, I don't care what you're being told.

Government Accountability and Congressional Hearings

You got to follow orders. You got, you got a law that you got to abide by. And we're allowing this craziness to happen in our United States. It's absolutely insane. So I just wanted touch on that a little bit. And I don't know if you guys watch congressional hearings at all. I watch a lot of congressional hearings. I like, you know, some of the Republicans that are in there, pretty feisty guys and pretty feisty girls as well. But Garland, Mayor Garland is our us district attorney. And every time he has been put up to the plate for different scenarios, whether it be with the Secret Service and the previous attempted assassination of Donald Trump or other scenarios, I think he was even involved with, like the ATF when there was a big thing going on with the ATF.

Lack of Transparency in Government

This guy will not answer a question. He will. He will. It's under investigation. Or he just. If, as far as I'm concerned, if you're going to come into our, to a congressional hearing and you're not going to answer questions for our government, for the people of America to know what is going on with something that is absolutely disenfranchising, and I think that you should be impeached or you should be removed from your seat and you should never come back to the government ever again. And I think that. And there's too many people that are in the government that are doing that, and it's just stonewalling. It's just, it's absolute b's. They don't want to answer a question. The Democrats do this a lot. They don't want to answer a question.

Openness in Political Discourse

So Stonewall. It's just, it's a terrible, it's terrible tactic. Nobody, nobody gets through a debate or nobody gets any answers and nobody's lying. So you can't really tell them they're lying. So that's, that's the Merrick Garlandhouse. Anyways, and then I, last, I wanted touch on the FBI with Miss Cheadle, Kimberly Cheadle. She was the lead of the US Secret Service. And I kind of wanted to attach to that the whole Dei scenario. I don't, I don't want to go too heavily into that because I am not a racist person by any means, but I think that we should always be hiring our best, you know, our best individuals that are appropriate for the job. Always. It doesn't matter what your race is. It doesn't matter. You, it doesn't matter. You just need to.

Meritocracy in Hiring Practices

We need to be hiring the best people for our jobs. It doesn't matter what race you are. It just needs to be the best person. And, you know, I think Dei, under its standards, it kind of, it lower, it ends up lowering the standard because now you're just hiring for a race or a color rather than picking up absolutely the best possible candidate that you can have for a scenario. And that could, again, even if it was the same color, it doesn't matter. Or same race. It doesn't matter. Just getting into that perspective because that was attached to the whole assassination attempt as well. But, yeah, Kimberly Cheadle and her absolute lack of even involvement, the look on her face through the whole congressional hearing, this did not look like a person that was for America.

Political Accountability

This was not a person that was putting America first. It was a person that set America on the side. I feel like that's what we're kind of getting with our current Biden administration. We're just being set aside. Yeah. So that was kind of all I wanted to say with the whole ABC army. Lots of good points. When you just mention her name, Cheadle, I just, my stomach just turns upside down. I mean, she is the poster child for putting America last. She infuriated me. I won't get into it, but it's definitely something that needs to be brought up. How she just wouldn't answer any questions and how she blatantly came 100% unprepared purposely. This, this was another really great part of that whole thing, though, this is. And we go back to that.

Unity in Political Discourse

You know, how Reagan kind of brought both parties together? The. The entire room told her to resign. Amorosa, I'm back. I cannot hear. Devon. Is it possible that we can drop him and then bring them back up so that I can hear him? Sure. Hold on. Okay. Devin, hold on. Oh, sure. By the way, I just wanted to let you know that I am back. Welcome back. We missed you, but we held the fort down for America first, baby. We got it. And lots of great speakers were here. So let me give David back the mic, and then we'll go ahead and continue. The cheadle resignation is a very good sign, though.

Significance of Political Resignation

I don't know if people understand that. That's a very good sign. Both sides were like, you're out of here. Yeah, that. That was a. Yeah, exactly. That's kind of what I was just kind of getting into it. Everybody on both sides the aisle basically told her, you need to resign. But I'm getting tired of that even as far as I'm concerned, we need to do our job is congressional leaders fire that person. What you're doing is you're allowing them to walk away. They get all the reparations and the severity packages and whatever. No, they don't deserve that. They're not. They're not for America anymore. They're.

Political Accountability and Elected Officials

They've. I mean, as far as I'm. You're criminal. You lost your rights to America. As far as I'm concerned, you're fired. I mean, and we got to go. Further than that, Devon. I mean, you brought up Mayorkas. Mayorkas, this is something that I have a serious issue with. Oh, I got a really bad issue with him. Citizen. He is a dual citizen. He is not just an american citizen. He is a dual citizen of Israel. And I'm not, like, again, guys, I'm not anti Israel. I'm just saying, if. If you're going to serve in this american government, you can't be a dual citizen.

Concerns Over Dual Citizenship

I need to trust that you're going to put America 100% first. And for me, I'm going to have to worry about your priorities, especially if something is to happen in the Middle east. If you are a dual citizen of Israel or you're a dual citizen, just like that crazy woman from Minnesota who's dual citizens with Somalia and here. No, no, no. She did. You know that she cried. In this country, if you're going to serve as a congressional. If you're going to serve in Congress, if you're going to serve in the Senate. You are an american citizen, plain and simple.

Citizenship and National Allegiance

If you cannot give up your citizenship to another country, you do not deserve to serve on in any our government, period. That, that for government? Absolutely. I mean, for people that are just living in our country, I probably, I don't have so much of a problem with it. But people are gonna lead our country and make major decisions for our country. I gotta know that you are. Yeah, you are America. That's what I got to know. But if you're not back. But if you're serving our country, if you are the secretary of defense, if you're the secretary of state, if you have some kind of serious position like that, and if you look at the Biden administration, almost every single person in his administration has dual citizenship to Israel.

Concerns About Leadership

And again, I'm not against Israel. I'm not saying that they're bad people. But what I'm saying is I want people that I know is going to be 100% loyal to America. And if I see that you have dual citizenship, I'm going to question that. I'm sorry, I'm going to question your loyalty. I'm going to put it out there that what happens when something happens to Israel or something goes on in Gaza? Are you going to try to push me into an intervention situation because you're. You have an alliance with Israel? I would say that for the same person, for Ukraine. I'm not going to trust somebody who has dual citizenship to Ukraine.

American Loyalty and Foreign Affairs

And you're advising me on the Ukraine Russia war. Right, right. Very biased opinion. So I. Yeah, I mean, I guess I got. I think I got one more talking point to kind of, I guess go into the ABC mafia again. So I guess the department of education and what we're doing to our education system withdeze, I don't know. Awoke ism. I guess that's what you want to call it. I don't. I don't know. It's, it's Dei as well, I guess. But, we're. What we're teaching our kids at such a young age, and then we're running into these crazy problems, where, you know, not everybody is sane as maybe they should be.

Education System Concerns

I don't know if that was probably. That was probably wrong thing to say, but, you know, it's. We're running into those problems and it's, it's a problem even down in like, elementary schools. That's what I'm kind of getting at so very, very young ages. And then in college. We're going to go back. I'm going to go all the way up to college because that's really where the indoctrination is happening and that's really what we're seeing. Like schools are teaching like, critical race theory. Like schools are teaching their, teach the, this. So this is going to probably, I'm not sure if a lot of people know this, but I think there's a, it's pretty close to 100%.

Political Ideology in Education

It's not, maybe not 100%, but almost every single professor is a Democrat. There's something behind that. And, I mean, I'm not against all democrats. I just, we don't agree on views. You know what I mean? It's just, it's just, we just don't agree. But that goes to show you with the indoctrination of what's going on in our school system, you know, and how that, how that's going to affect our youth in the way that they view things. I mean, it just is going to grow in a way that is, I don't know, we just have, we have a lot harder of a fight on our side to keep things truthful. I think it's just, I don't know, it's, we've got this crazy indoctrination in our schools, and that's kind of what I was wanting to say about that, so.

Awareness and Resistance

Absolutely. And as being someone who lives in California, I can attest to that. It is definitely that woke mind virus is a real thing. And in many ways, I think it's more of a threat than any other virus we've ever had come in contact with. But, you know, I have seen, the good news is I have seen a, a lot of these younger people that have woke up, not woke mind virus, but have literally opened their eyes to what has been happening to them. And that's thanks to this administration, you know, especially many of them that have families that were affected in North Carolina, and they're like, wait a minute.

Reevaluation of Beliefs

This something isn't right. And, you know, the things that they're pushing on and young minds is just absolutely disgusting. You know, starting in preschool, it's just something that shouldn't be taught. We should be teaching our kids the basics. And that's why when they're getting out of school, they can't, you know, they really can't even read and write properly. And especially now, you know, we're in this computerized age where you're just, you know, if they didn't have their phones for autocorrect. They wouldn't even know how to spell things. And that just goes to show you the priorities of this agenda. They've been just wanting to, you know, absolutely pollute the young minds with this, you know, nonsense.

Hope for the Future

There's a lot of work to do. But I know that together, you know, everyone working hard and just trying to help one another, we can, you know, we can get through this mess, definitely. But the woke mind virus is here in California, is a real deal. I know Rigo can attest to that because he's in Los Angeles, and. Yeah, I'm in Portland, so I know exactly what you're talking about. Yeah. So you've got the. You've got it firsthand over there. Let's see. I've lost track for who was next, I believe. I just wanted to, I wanted touch on something that was said earlier, and I know that we throw around the word dei, but doesn't matter who you are, we just want the best candidate for the job regardless, and we want equal measures for whoever takes it.

Discussing Diversity and Standards

So I stand behind some of that, but not all of it, because, I mean, I get it. I stand for standards. You know, the standards. If the standard is right, the person fits the standards and he's the best candidate, then that's who should get the job. But, I want to also touch on the Talib, right? That's the, that's the. And the mohar mom, I don't know what her name is. I mean, it's just some weird names right there in Minnesota and what's happening in Michigan. This, this has been allowed by the immigration issue by letting numerous people that want to come here.

Concerns Over Immigration Policies

Now, like you said, Miss Amorousa, if they want to practice Islam, we got no problem with that because that's freedom of religion. Right. We are a country that our constitution. But no Sharia law. Yeah. However, if you come to this country, it's to adopt loving America. That's why you're here. You're leaving a third world country. You're leaving a country that's not giving you rights. And you're coming here to join us and become part of us and to grasp and adapt and assimilate into being american. And if you don't want to put yourself as America first and you come here with other ideologies that your country was better at this and that you need to go back.

Cultural Assimilation

That's just what I got to say. You can't come here and try to destroy America first by saying, oh, well, you know, my country was like this and like that. If you're in here with that ethnocentric idea, then, you know, maybe this wasn't the place for you. Just because we gave you freedom of speech to voice your opinion doesn't mean you get to come here and tear us down. I don't think that's right. I also don't condone the burning of the american flag. Anytime I see that, I get really upset. So there's a lot of things there. But we've allowed that community to be establish themselves, and that's how those two people keep getting elected into Congress, because they come out.

Community Influence in Politics

And since it's such a large community, they vote for this person from Somalia or whatnot to be in Congress. And there's nothing wrong with that. However, I don't condone having rallies in their areas that promote anti american ideals. So I just wanted touch on that. I mean, because, like I said, I'm not pro Jewish, I'm not pro Palestine. I am pro America and ending all those wars. And if you're coming here to become american, not to spread other ideals out. This is outside of any religious thing records. Like I said, we have freedom of religion.

Freedom of Religion vs. National Identity

So that's just something I want touch on. Thank you, Ricoh. You're absolutely right. Gotta be America first. That's why you came here. Obviously, there was something that drew you here. So if you're gonna come here, you need to respect our country and respect our people. And burning flags is not the way to do that. And, you know, screaming death to America is not the way to do that. And we should never be sorry for standing up and saying that. We want America first, plain and simple. Let's see, we had Nancy, then Yankee. Go ahead, Nancy.

Cultural Integrity and Respect

Welcome back to the stage. Thanks. What was the name of that fake course that they filled with soldiers and took into. God. What? I'm tired. So what was the name of the country they took it in way back in olden times. You know what I'm talking about, everybody. Trojan. Yeah, Trojan horse. Yeah. And I feel like that's what we're doing with some countries now. I'm just going to. Just going to say it. I think we need to take a look at. Are we letting people in here who hate us does, do we not? Can we not mix together?

Immigration and National Security

Because that may be true, because until, like, 1965, our immigration laws were very different. Bryce touched on that, and we only let in certain percentages of the countries that were already here because we didn't want to change the entire makeup of the country. And that changed in 1965 with the immigration bill. And I will say it was Ted Kennedy's immigration bill. And I think we need to take a look at that. And that's not being mean. That's putting my country first and our way of life here first. At some point in time, we got convinced that, you know, I noticed even with us here, we're apologizing.

Reflection on National Identity

Well, I'm not racist, so I. I mean, I'm. And I do it, too. Versus when we started apologizing. I remember when I first started talking about, well, being accused of being a nationalist. It was like, well, okay, there's nationalists or there's globalists. So, yeah, I'll pick nationalists. I'm for my own country first. It's like we're in an airplane, and they tell you about putting the mask on yourself before you put it on your child's. So you still be alive to put it on your child. If I don't take care of my family first, my neighborhood first, my friends first, my city first, and kind of like that up to my country.

Self-Preservation and National Responsibility

That's how you survive. That is a rational thought. That's not an irrational thought. And. But some point in time, people were convinced that if, oh, we need to be. We need to be caring about another country more than us, like Ukraine, when we are flat but broke. And how. What could any sane person be agreeing with? Giving more? Millions or billions. Billions, in this case, to Ukraine or Lebanon or anything else? If you want to empty your. So I tell people, if you want to empty your own bank account, you're free to do it.

Financial Responsibility and National Interests

And if you want to go out, go over there and strap yourself to one of their bombs, you're free to do it. But get your hand out of my pocket, because we cannot. We have got to start standing up and not apologetically saying, you know, yeah, I'm for my own country first. That's called a nationalist. What is. What's wrong with that? Because I get called, oh, that means you're like a Nazi. Because that's what Hitler did. Not for my own country first. I think Hitler was despicable, but I'm for my own country first.

Confronting Misconceptions

Absolutely. I'm for my family. My family more than another family first. I mean, obviously, you have to be. So that's one thing I think. We've got to stop letting this make us apologetic. Dei was bad from the first. It was a bad thought. You know, it was rotten. We want to hire based on merit. Merit. Remember that word? Merit? Whoever does the job best. Whoever can do it best. That's who we want to hire. I don't.

Merit-Based Expectations

You know, there should be no other reason. There should be none. Zip out. I don't care what sex you are or what color. It's none. It's merit. Who can do the job best? I do think we need to look at the immigration again. I do. We're crazy for infiltrating, bringing all these people over here, and many of them hate us. This is crazy. And then wholesale bringing over, you know, what was that 20,000 she just brought over at wall at one time? Or what's the name of that little app that they can get on their phones as they're approaching America?

Challenges in Immigration

And so let's be let right on in and can be flown to wherever they want to go on our dime. That's crazy. I do want to mention about all the agencies we have, and I'll say again, guys, we've got to run for office. We've got to be very knowledgeable about the constitution. There are constitution classes out there. So get that knowledge behind you. Make sure you understand. Have a school of economics you agree with, whether it's Chicago, whether it's austrian. I would highly not recommend what they're following now, keynesian economics, and have that to back you up so you can make good decisions when you go to office, wherever it is.

Civic Engagement and Education

Start off locally. But we can't wait till somebody good comes along. We can't. We can't wait for that if we want to be able to save our country in that way. I'm very interested in finding out from whoever was talking about that we allowed a law, which is. I didn't know about that to be passed, that people don't have to understand curriculum, have to swear an oath to the constitution when they take office. We got to do something about that. That is freaking crazy. We got to get that fixed ASAP, if not sooner.

Political Integrity and Responsibility

And I guess final thing I want to say is, I'm so glad to run into you, Bryce, because I don't think there's anybody on x that I've run into yet. I know. You inspire me so much, and I think I agree with you on 99.9% of everything you say. So thank you for existing. I'd love to see you on spaces. Well, I appreciate that, Nancy. And I'll tell you something, when anybody tells me you're a nationalist, I'm like, yeah. Yeah, I am. What's your point? Do you know what the definition of nationalism is?

Defining Nationalism

It just means that you have pride in your country. If you're thinking that national socialism somehow ties in with nationalism, with a nationalist, then I really question not only your intellect, but your ability to comprehend the slightest bit of information. Anybody that tries to equate those two things, they're just not intelligent people. And, you know, I'm starting to see the reason why people are running to the democratic party is because they lack the education. They don't have a good education. They don't have a good sense of truth. They don't have a good sense of what it is to be an american.

Educational Standards and American Identity

This is where Ron DeSantis was right. Every single child. If you're going to graduate from high school in America, you should be able to understand the constitution of America and the bill of rights, and if you don't understand those things and you should not be graduating from high school, you should be able to read, you should be able to write. If you can't do those things and you don't get to graduate from high school. School. You know, the Democrats are quick to push these kids out. Why? Because they want a population that cannot think for themselves.

Political Manipulation of Education

They want a population of yes people. And what are Democrats? Nothing but yes people. There's no substance. There's nothing there. There's just yes. Yes. Yes. When are you gonna say no? When are you gonna stand up for yourself? People call me an isolationist. People call me an extremist. I'm going to tell you what Barry Goldwater told the people in 1964. That extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice, and the pursuit of moderation in the pursuit of justice is no fucking virtue. So if you want to call me an extremist for standing up for liberty, then fucking do it.

Defending Liberty

I don't care. I'm an extremist. You want to call me a nationalist? You want to call me an isolationist? I will wear a shirt that says proud to be an isolationist, because that means I'm America first. That's right. That's right. See, Bryce is standing up and showing how it's done. God bless you, Bryce. You know, and I'm glad that Nancy said what she said about being inspired because. Because that's what these spaces are all about, right? I mean, it's not being afraid to say out loud what you already feel inside.

Empowering Political Dialogue

I mean, it really has to become, you know, part of who we are. Because the more and more we come out like this, the more and more. It will motivate and encourage others to do the same. And, you know, I'm sick and tired of being afraid. You know, these are the times to be brave and courageous. That's what put our country, you know, on the map, to be, you know, America the great. So let's start, you know, filling those shoes and being, you know, these. These Americans that stand up and truly fight for what's right and for what's best for our people and for our country.

Call to Action

I can't stress it enough. That's why it's so important, you know, that hopefully, you all will continue to join these spaces. You know, Bryce is dedicated to doing this every single day, so I really hope that you guys follow him and that, you know, join in on the spaces when you see them. Let's see. I know that we had Becky and then Yvonne, and then we'll go to. I'm sorry, we had. Sorry, not Becky. Yankee. Yankee. We had Yankee. Yeah. It's because I saw suddenly Becky, come on.

Political Engagement

We had Yankee, then Yvonne, and then we'll go back to bowler. Go ahead. Yankee, welcome. Hey, what's going on? Yeah, Becky's got the good hair, but I got the. The next spot in line, so, look, I wanted to talk about something that Calvin Coolidge once said, and I. He said, patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country. If your country's doing well, you're doing well. That's the correlation there.

National Pride

If you're doing things with the best interest of your country in mind, with your votes and with your actions and with the way that you live your life, you will raise up yourself and your neighbors in station throughout the course of your life. It's a. It's a simple philosophy. It's a simple idea. And right now, our communities are under attack by a biological weapon known as fentanyl. You think it's a drug? It's not a drug. It's a weapon. This was designed and manufactured in China, it's synthesized in Mexico, and it's brought across our very unsecure open border.

Public Health Crisis

And, you know, back in 2014, 2015, there were very few people dying from fentanyl. It existed. Right? But it wasn't this mass epidemic that. We have right now. I'm so sick of that word. 2019 ruined that word for me. And so we have fentanyl just in my county alone. Let me give you an idea what my county looks like. There was eight to nine people that were dying from fentanyl a year. Now, we've got about 890 people. All right, I'm in Kansas, people. Kansas. We've got a problem like this.

Concerns About Local Issues

We just spent $15.9 million on our yearly budget to the police officers to fight fentanyl here in the state. Please tell me how that makes sense when we all know where it comes from. It comes across the border. So why am I spending money here? To stop them from bringing it over. This biological weapon is making us weaker and weaker. And not just for the. The loss of life. The people that are on this are worthless. They are just a drag on society. They can't function.

Social Impact of Drug Epidemics

They can't. They can't fill a task that this country needs to be done. And one of the tasks that needs to be done in here, in this country is economic independence. We're not economically independent. So if you want to put America 1st, it means securing our border, right? It means doing everything possible to make sure we are a sovereign nation that's capable of defending itself. Not defending Ukraine, not defending NATO, not defending Israel, not defending, you know, wherever often bum fuck Egypt.

Sovereignty and National Defense

You know what? You've got your own problems. Learn how to make nice with your neighbors. And if it gets out of hand, okay, yeah, then we'll lay down the hand. But if we're not putting America first, then we're just pouring from an empty class, right? And they're getting drops of things that we don't even have to give point in case Hurricane Haley. And now we're about to have Hurricane Milton on our hands. Who knows what type of devastation that's going to lay down? And where are we going to have money for that either?

Natural Disasters and Budget Allocation

I don't know. But I know that if we don't start bringing back american manufacturing jobs, and I'm talking about domestic supply chain industries, I'm talking about energy, I'm talking about healthcare, I'm talking about promoting small businesses. Okay, because I'm going to go off on another little tangent here. All of the government grants that they give out go to big corporations, yet 99% of us are small businesses. Where's our government grants? Where do we get a little pump up to actually be able to contend with some of these companies that, well, are basically monopolies and that will drown this out?

Economic Independence and Support for Small Businesses

America was founded on small business principles and individual liberties, built a collective network that was so strong that it couldn't be controlled. Ironically, that is disintegrated into a centralized globalist agenda that controls everything, including our politics. So if we can get these sons of guns out of here. Here. Then we can start thinking about what America first really would look like. And I've got more talking points on this besides securing the border and economic independence. Energy, energy independence right there.

Energy Independence

If were an energy independent nation, ain't nobody going to tell America nothing. Go ahead, tell us something. We already know the answer. If we don't like it's fuck you. Thank you. That's the way to drop a mic, Yankee. Absolutely. If you don't like it, what Yankee said, I'm not going to say it now because I've got a little one near me, but I agree with you 1000% on that. All right, we got Yvonne. And then I want to elaborate on that because this is the reason why I'm doing these spaces.

Empowering Political Spaces

This is the reason why I am pushing making America first again. MAGA and ma, like, you know, I come from Maha, the american trucker told you I'm a former Kennedy supporter for those that don't know. But somewhere along the line I realized you can't have MAGA and you can't have Maha without Mafa if you're not putting America first, we can't be great and we can't be healthy. And if we put America first, we can have greatness and we can have health, but we have to start with putting America first.

National Focus

And I honestly, I would tell this to everybody. I think all of you should do it. You should be putting in your biography on your profile page, America first. You can put Mafa if you're afraid to put, say America first. But I don't think you should be afraid. Hashtag MAFA if that's what you want to do. But put somewhere on there America first. Show the people who you are. Show what you stand for. And the more and more people that see it, the more and more people that recognize that we're not just a handful of people, we're millions upon millions of people that are going to put this country first.

Unity and Collective Purpose

We're going to end the globalist tyranny because that's what it is. It's a globalist tyranny. And we're going to start by giving Joe Biden and Kamala Harris the pink slip. Come 2024, this November 5, the Democrats get the pink slip. And any Republican that does not follow the line, that does not tow America first, if you're going to be a threat to us, you've got to go, too. And I'm talking to Mitch McConnell, I'm talking to Lindsey Graham, and I'm even going to say to the person that's running for Senate here in Michigan who I will be voting for, Mike Rogers.

Political Accountability

If you revert back to your patriot act ways, if you revert back to your globalist bullshit, I will do everything in my power to make sure that you lose every election in Michigan from here on out, I will expose you for the rat that you are. Amen. Amen. Bryce, way to let him know. I don't know if Yvonne was first and then Bowler, Miss Amorosas. Yeah, Yvonne is next. And then Bowler. Go ahead, Yvonne. Welcome back to the stage.

Recognition and Appreciation

Okay, well, I think we have all our college professors in line here. We just need to get you guys into the classroom. Yankee and Bryce and Rico. I was just going to say, Nancy, I just love hearing you. You just sound so informed. And then, of course, Yankee came on. But that's all. I just appreciate you so much. And you guys are just brilliant. So thank you. Thank you. Yvonne, go ahead, Bueller, come back up to the stage.


Yeah, thank you very much. You know, brace your. Your space is very, very great. You know, it's so many subjects that they can make a space for a night. You know, you're talking about the double nationalities. They can be both way. You know. You know, that Obama is citizen of. For Indonesia, a muslim country means that the president of the United States is a double nationality. I think that you have to question the problem because somebody who has dominantly cannot be on a high place of power.

Implications of Dual Citizenship

So I think that it's dangerous on both ways because in something happens now you live 2 km from the embassy of Indonesia and he could go back there and he can say, fuck America from that embassy, you know, and we cannot extradite him. Cannot nothing in the second way. Kissinger was Jew and he was Israeli. And. But he makes something very bad for Israel because in Camp David, he forced Menahem begin to take Gaza and give back to all Sinai.

Historical Context and Critique

And he wanted even to take part of Jerusalem. But when you talk about Jerusalem, he said, how many times you want to talk about Jerusalem? He say five minutes. He said, why? Five minutes is just a time that I take my bag and go back home. He said, okay, we don't talk about Jerusalem. But he forced Mohammed begin to take Gaza. And Gaza is. It was a time bomb from the beginning. So you see it has double nationality, but it did wrong for Israel, not for.

Consequences of Policy Decisions

So this is one of the things. The second prospect is very important is the education. I think you have to dissolve that, the public school and make something brand new. Somebody that can teach the kids to. How to read, how to read, how to know what is the constitution, what is the meaning of America, you know? Exactly. To put your country first, it's very great to be nationalist, you know, it's the place where you live, you know, and if you are, if you go that way and everyone will better, you know, America drill, my friends and make everything at home, you will be a fucking rich country, you know, after that, if you have a lot of money, the government didn't have to pump your pocket, you know?

Wealth and Nationalism

And if you have more money for yourself with less attacks, you can invest, you can grow and everyone is better. Where the problem to be nationalist, if you have enough, you can help somebody, but you have to put your country first. When Kamala is saying to send money for Lebanon, who give a fuck about Lebanon? You have a country destroying North Carolina. You don't have money. Want to send money out, get the fuck out. You have to interdict that, to impeach that fucking bitch just for that.

Political Accountability and National Responsibility

That is treason. He's treason. I don't know how it's not a fucking scandal for that. And he's talking about put Lebanon first. He wants to be president of the United States. She's more dangerous than the joker, you know, baby, I pray the Lord that you take your country back. And I have to go to sleep, though, middle of the day. You have a beautiful space and Nancy Yankee, everyone, great talk. So have a great middle. Bless all of you. Bye.

Reflections on the Discourse

Thank you so much for coming in and I appreciate it. It's lovely to hear other people, especially from outside the country, that agree that we should all be putting our countries first. This should be a global, this should be a global movement for every country. I mean, look at what's happening in Austria right now. Austria has finally elected a government that is going to deport all of the illegal immigrants that came in. They're going to deport all of the migrants that are coming in.

Reforming Immigration Policies

We are effectively changing the world by saying America first. We are. When we say America first, we give other countries the courage to do the same thing. And that's what we need to be doing, guys. This is why you need to be saying America first. This is why you need to be standing up and beating your chest and. And screaming it at the top of your lungs. We need to make America first when we make America first and when we focus strictly on America and we show what democracy and what our republic can do.

Potential of the American Republic

We are going to be a shining example to the world what focusing on ourselves should be. And other countries are going to finally, you know, the UK will benefit from it. Germany will benefit from it. Italy's already doing it there. They've got their person in and she's. She's combating it. Austria now has their person in. Hungary's got their person in. We could create a global movement of just everybody minding their own fucking business and staying within their own borders.

A Unified Approach to Governance

How amazing would that be? How amazing would it be if we all just focused on each other and not worried about, well, I wonder what the hell, you know, England's doing over there. What the hell? What's Russia doing over there? I don't give a fuck. Now, I am going to allow the last three people to say their things. We're going to go to salty, then Devon, then Jen. I've gone a little bit longer than I wanted to. I was supposed to end this at two, but all of you people always come in at the last minute, and so I wanted to extend it.

Concluding Remarks

So once these guys are done talking, we're going to end it so that I can spend some time with my daughter. But before I turn it over to salty, I do want to let you guys know that we are going to. I'm partnering up with some people, especially Miss Amorosa here, and we are going to turn make. We are going to turn making America first again into a movement. We have a website that's going to be coming out. We'll have hats for you. We'll have things for you to be able to showcase your pride in this country.

Fostering National Pride

We will give you things. And I'm telling you, we'll have shirts that dedicate yourself to nationalism, I isolationism, whatever it is. We are going to show the world and the rest of America that we have pride in ourselves, that we have pride in this country. And by doing that, we're going to tell them that it's okay, that they have the same thing. We're going to give people courage, damn it. And that's what we need to do. We need to give people the courage to say, america first.

Empowerment through Discourse

I love this country. I want this country first. And we should be saying every day, not just God bless America and no place else. God bless America and no place else. We're Americans. Yeah. Oh. Go ahead, salty. Yeah. Hello? You guys hear me? Yes, sir. All right. yeah, I had to get a whole new setup. Yeah. You know, at first, I thought the Democrats were just dumb, but they're not.

Political Perspectives

They're just traitors. Opening the border had no purpose whatsoever. Never did. Never. It just doesn't make sense. A country without a border is not a country. Everything they've done has weakened us. Nobody's been to school since when, really, either to protest or to. Or to see some tranny read a book in front of little kids. No kid has learned anything, at least in two election cycles. They've crippled us badly.

Impact on Education

Everything they've done is. Is totally evil. Nothing they've done builds anything for us here. Nothing they've done helps our children, these other countries that they love, helping teach their kids how to hate us in Israel since they're little babies. Since they're little babies, you know, in school, they tell them all the Americans have to die, not because they're gay or anything, because we're not Muslims. If we don't convert, we're supposed to die. That's why when I see them here in New York marching with homosexuals, I'm like, really?

Cultural Contradictions

Would you march with them in your country? Or would you. You hang them? Which one would be the reality? These people are so off tune. We have to stop all this immigration for at least 20 years until we could fix everybody here from the schools. We got to bring back all the national anthem in school. If you don't like it, go pay private school. Then if it's public, with our taxpayer money, this is.

Restoring Traditional Values in Education

America was found on christian value. We go back to the way it was when I was in school, when I was a little kid. Every day we have to do the pledge of allegiance, the national anthem, all types of stuff. The idea is we can't let our children hate the country, because if they do, there won't be a country. Sooner or later, we'll get conquered by someone else. Another four years by with this lady. You think the Chinese and the Russians and all these people have aligned just to play with us?

Concerns Over National Sovereignty

No. They don't believe in any of this nonsense. They'll take advantage of it. And if they. If they cheat, they know that we're gonna rile up here. They will do exactly what we did with Ukraine, that we gave Ukraine weapons, they'll give us weapons, they'll pay back the United States exactly what we've done to them. And people think that can't happen. I don't know why. Russia's literally right there, right next to us. You could pretty much throw a rock from Alaska to Russia and probably hit a Russian.

Impending Danger from Global Affairs

We're not that far. You know, a lot of people think that all this stuff is just, you know, hearsay. It ain't hearsay. Most of those enemies already here, they let them come into our border. They're just waiting to see when to attack. Anyway, thank you for letting me share. I'll send it back to you guys. Thanks for coming, Salty. I really appreciate it and I hope you'll be back next time. We'll have this every day for everybody. I have it normally set from twelve to two, but I'm going to push it out from twelve to four.

Scheduling Future Discussions

I think that we have a lot that needs to be said and there's a lot of people that need to share and be able to say the things that are in their hearts. So, Jen, I'm going to give it to you and I want to hear what's in your heart. I'm sorry, did you say me? Yes, Jen, you. You okay? Sorry about that. I just had a big truck go right by me when I was getting in the house. Sorry for joining so late. I am just getting out of work so I'm finally able to talk.

At The Intersection of Politics and Daily Life

Nice to hear somebody else from Michigan. I really feel like the tide is turning in some places that it wasn't before, which is great. I feel like the pendulum is swinging basically in our culture here in America. Just because they went so far to one side, it's tipping over the boat and we all decided, I don't want to drown. I don't need to play that game anymore. I don't need to go along to get along just because I don't want to rile somebody up that I think is already halfway crazy.

Cultural Shifts in Political Ideology

Nope, not going do it. And I'm done. Like, I'm literally done. I'm hearing that sentiment from people that I never thought I would hear it from. So it's great. And it's great the people aren't afraid to say make America first again. I've been saying that forever, ever since Obama was in office. Getting us into all sorts of wars and starting us in this ideology religion that they have going so hardcore right now. I didn't agree with it.

A Call for Change

I'm old school, I'm Gen X, don't ever call me cis, I'm a heterosexual. So on and so forth. I just never signed on to it. I didn't participate during all of lockdowns. I was peacefully non-compliant. I'm like, you can miss me with that. As we used to say back in the eighties, miss me with that bullshit. Thank you very much. So great to hear. Great to hear more people having these conversations on all different platforms. Keep it up.

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