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The MAFA Report: Conversation with Lt. Col Mike Roy on NATO & our VA.


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The Twitter Space The MAFA Report: Conversation with Lt. Col Mike Roy on NATO & our VA. hosted by BryceMLipscomb. In 'The MAFA Report,' Lt. Col Mike Roy delved into NATO's global role, challenges faced by US Veterans, tariff policies' impacts, libertarian economic ideals, and US foreign policy intricacies. The discussions revolved around protectionism, liberty, and pro-tariff stances, providing insights into geopolitical complexities and economic ideologies.

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Q: What is the significance of NATO in today's geopolitical landscape?
A: NATO plays a vital role in ensuring collective defense and fostering international cooperation.

Q: How can society better support US Veterans?
A: Providing access to quality healthcare, employment opportunities, and social integration is crucial for aiding Veterans.

Q: What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing tariffs?
A: Tariffs can protect domestic industries but may also lead to trade disputes and increased consumer costs.

Q: What are the key principles of a laissez-faire economic approach?
A: Laissez-faire economics advocates for minimal government interference in markets and promotes free competition.

Q: How does protectionism influence national economic policies?
A: Protectionist policies aim to shield domestic industries from foreign competition but can impact international trade relationships.


Time: 00:15:42
NATO's Global Role Exploring NATO's significance in maintaining global security and defense alliances.

Time: 00:25:19
Veterans Support Initiatives Discussing initiatives to enhance support for US Veterans and address their challenges.

Time: 00:35:57
Impact of Tariffs on Economies Analyzing the effects of tariff policies on domestic and international economic landscapes.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights into NATO's role in global security and collaboration.
  • Challenges faced by US Veterans and the importance of supporting them.
  • Impact of tariff policies on domestic and international economies.
  • Discussion on libertarian economic principles and protectionist views.
  • Understanding the intricacies of US foreign policy and military involvement.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hello, good morning and happy Friday. Happy Friday, everybody. Hope you guys are all doing well. Hello, hello. Hello. Can you guys. Yep, we. And we're excited. Oh, Mike. How are you, sir? Are you in California yet? Are you still in Maryland? I'm still in Maryland. I was the actual company's based out of New Jersey, so I was there all week and then go to California at the end of the month. Are you excited to help rebuild the griddenne? Yeah, I'm pumped. I'm, like, super. Like I said, I was, like, super excited to get out of defense and then, you know, like, I'm excited to get into the energy world and do something totally different than what I've been doing. Dude, I'm so excited for you, man. Especially after as much time as you put in to our military and as much time as you've put into the Pentagon, dude, you deserve to have, you know, some freedom to. To make some really good money and to do something as big as this. So I'm happy for you, dude. Thanks, man. I appreciate it. Like, and I'm super excited for it, too. It's just like, it took. It took a long time for this, like, job to work out, but I'm really. I'm really glad and happy to be on their payroll now.

Special Edition of the MAFA Report

Oh, my God. I was talking with my. Thanks. I'm sorry. Well, we're going to start today. Welcome, everybody, to a really special edition of the MAFA report. I want to introduce a really good friend of mine who has been with me and some of my people going back to the Robert Kennedy junior days. It is Lieutenant Colonel Mike Roy. Mike has a full understanding of every intervention that the United States has been in for probably the last 25 years, probably 30. He is very well versed when it comes to NATO, when it comes to the things that are going on with NATO. And he's going to share some things with you guys today that are going to be shocking. you're going to hear that the government's lying to you, how much money we're actually spending on NATO, and when you hear the real number, I think you're going to be just as mad as I was the first time around when I heard Mike say these things. There's a lot of things that are being not told to us. There's a lot of things that are. We are being lied to about. And when you leave today, you might. You might leave a little angry at the Va, you might leave a little angry at the Pentagon, but that's okay because those entities right now, they're a little evil. And Mike's also going to share some really good veteran. I don't want to say veteran helplines, but, like veteran charity or events that you guys can go that you can donate to. He helped start the vets for Kennedy.

Mike's Background and Military Experience

Mike, just, could you introduce yourself? You can. You can speak for yourself far better than I can. Can you introduce yourself and let the people know just basically what you've been doing for the last 30 years for the military? Yeah, man. Thank you so much for having me, Bryce. You know, I was lucky enough to. I started in the air force in 2001, commissioned. I was. I was an air battle manager, which is pretty. Was kind of like a navigator, but I flew on AWACS and JStars for 22 years in different capacities. I ended up being a mission crew commander for JSTARs, traveled all over the world and was a squadron commander, deputy group commander. And then I went to the Pentagon, and I was a director of future programs, and they called it a warfighter integrator as we, like, built new weapon systems and to replace some of the old ones using, you know, new technology. And that's where I retired. And I currently live in Annapolis, Maryland. And, you know, I did a little bit of defense work after I retired and saw that kind of what happened with, like, a lot of the Ukraine funding that went to DC and the number of programs that it went to.

Interventions and Military Actions

And, you know, I had a great military experience, but, you know, I spent. I did over 20 deployments to, you know, different Aors. I was in the Middle East a whole bunch, especially at the early part of my career, that spent some time, you know, doing surveillance missions for. Out. Of Japan, doing surveillance missions on North Korea and China. Did a little bit, did quite a bit with NATO as far as flying out of Ramstein, Germany, did counter drug missions in South America. And, you know, so I have pretty extensive experience throughout the world with the us military, and I got a masters in diplomacy from Norwich University while I was in the military. And just really lucky to have a great career. I now have a son who just graduated from the naval Academy, and he's going to be a naval aviator. And one of, kind of, one of my motivations is, you know, I was at the Pentagon when we left Afghanistan after spending so much of my time in it in Afghanistan and doing mission, you know, surveillance missions for that area.

Concerns about Afghanistan Withdrawal

And then to see us hand it back to the Taliban and to see how that whole thing went down, we abandoned our allies there. We abandoned american troops there. It was just a total nightmare. And really, you know, that whole, you know, endeavor, we killed about a million people. We lost thousands of american troops. We spent $8 trillion. And that part of the world is no better than before we ever intervened. So I care greatly about how we move forward with our foreign policy and diplomacy. And the motivation is I want my son to be proud of his service. I don't want DC, I don't want the swamp to exploit patriotic young Americans that are willing to serve for profit. You know, and I saw a lot of that, especially at the Pentagon. But thanks for having me. Pretty long winded answer, but happy Friday, everybody, and I look forward to the discussion.

Discussion on NATO Spending

I am so glad that you're here, Mike, and I just want to say thank you for being willing to come on up here. But, you know, one of the things that I think a lot of Americans don't understand is how much money we're actually putting into NATO. We're given this arbitrary number. But you know, that there's a lot of other things that are going on to the backend. The last time we talked, you said we're spending upwards of almost a trillion dollars on NATO. Can you talk about that? Yeah, absolutely. I mean, if you look at NATO and if you look at the history of NATO expansion and kind of how our foreign policy has been hijacked by the military industrial complex, you can see that it's a self serving endeavor for the military industry to constantly grow their tent and their scope of responsibility. And NATO is the perfect avenue for that. So what you see is a lot of our allies have kind of outsourced their own security to the United States. And it's, you know, it's to the profit margin of the industry. So, you know, everybody is, you know, under Trump's first administration, he was really adamant about, you know, countries putting in, you know, their fair share, their percentage of GDP into NATO. And I think that's, that was the right move. But really what we need to see is that NATO needs to stop expanding.

Critique of Foreign Policy Funding

You know, we, these countries are our allies, need to take their own security more seriously and can't rely on the United States. It's just an, it's a terrible business model for us. It's a great business model for the industry, but it's terrible for us as taxpayers and for the prioritization of other countries security over our own. As far as the actual dollar figures, you know, it is upwards towards a trillion dollars, which is never on any type of, you know, it's not on any type of budgeting or accountability documents as far as what we spend. But you can just see it. And a lot of it, you know, goes direct to NATO, but a lot of it, again, goes to the industry. It's kind of disgusting if you think about it. Like, we have this money that they say that they're using, and then when you look at it through the back end, we're funneling a ton of money into the military industrial complex. And it almost seems like it's a money laundering scheme. When you look at it from the big picture, it does seem like NATO's just a money laundering scheme for the military industrial complex. Am I off kilter there? No, not at all. I mean, it is a money laundering scheme and the money's funneled from everywhere and there's no accountability for it. And that's why, you know, the Pentagon didn't, hasn't passed an audit in 20 years, you know, so there is no accountability for what the actual budget is and what they report as our budget.

Consequences of Military Budgeting

You know, the next nine countries combined don't equal our budget. So we spend, you know, 3300 billion or $900 billion annually on just the military, but it's way, way more than that. And then if you look and if you do a little bit of just easy research, you can find that there's literally trillions of dollars unaccounted for the Pentagon and the DoD. One of the things that we talked about, Mike, is when you talk to active duty members, and I've had some conversations with some of my friends that are active duty members. And I mentioned to them, you know, like, my dream is for us to shutter 80% of our military bases overseas and put military bases along our southern border and our northern border and put naval bases all alongside our, the Pacific and Atlantic coast, I get a very enthusiastic. That's exactly what I want to do. I would stay in the military for a longer amount of time if I knew that's what I was doing. Are you hearing something similar? That if I. If we switched and stopped worrying so much about the defense saved the wall in Jordan, which we built a wall, and we're helping manage their border, are you hearing.

Military Recruitment and Policy

I would rather secure our own borders than the borders of, say, Israel and Jordan. Taiwan. Yeah. So I think, like, the numbers speak for themselves. So, like, right now, less than 1% of our population serves in the military, and they are grossly, like, undermanned right now and not hitting their recruiting, their targeted numbers for any of the services. And you'll see that. And the other part of it is, like, retention is really bad, and the retention is bad is because we are involved in so many different missions that really don't directly relate to our own national security. So we have this. Ever since the war on terror began, we started going to war on AUMFs, which Congress doesn't, no longer retains the authority to declare war, which is a huge mistake. And what it's led to is in our nation's history, we've had roughly around 475, 480 foreign interventions for using our military. But since 1991, we've had 291, which is, like, the majority of it. So I think those numbers are pretty staggering. And to see the different interventions that we are involved in and how loosely they relate to our own national security.

Military Health Concerns

But, yes, I definitely think that if we had a mission set that was more tied to our national security, we didn't, you know, like, over obligate our military, our recruiting numbers would be much better. Well, and, you know, it's a lot of it, too. For me, it's. It's, you know, one of the reasons why I never joined the military is I saw how some of my, you know, friends whose parents were veterans were treated, couldn't get the health care that they needed. They had to go out and get supplemental health care. They were waiting if they wanted, to get treatments for cancer. I even know some people that died waiting for those treatments. Can you talk a little bit about that, about how, you know, some of the. Because you told me that some of these kids, if they're not on top of their medical records, it gets lost in the sauce, and there's no way to be able to say, hey, my lung issues come from the burning pit that was like five yards away from my ten.

Military Healthcare Challenges

Yeah, I mean, I think the medical, as far as, like, in the military, this is very interesting, is like, you know, the military is not immune to the same chronic illnesses that the american population is. Is suffering from. So what I noticed, especially toward the second half of my career, is that you have a larger percentage of people that are in uniform, that are active duty and serving that are not. They're not available to deploy because of health related issues. So that is, that, to me, that's a huge thing. You know, that's our. That's our national security. That's our national defense, and that's like, you know, it's not. We're just not, you know, we're not able to deploy our troops for. For missions because of health. And then healthcare while you're in service, I think, is generally pretty good. But the VA is grossly underfunded and that people have a very hard time accessing their benefits once they leave the military.

Veteran Services and Support

And I think that's a tragedy. So right now, the VA is in a $15 billion shortfall. And that goes to the bigger issue, and Trump found this out during his first term, too, is that Washington, DC can get us involved in wars, but they cannot get us out of wars. And the same thing. There always seems to be an endless amount of money to go to wars, but then the bag is always empty to take care of the people that actually went to war. So it's a huge issue. The healthcare system, the VA system is a nightmare. To navigate your health records, as you mentioned, a lot of stuff is swept under the rug while you're in service to try to cook the books as far as who's ready to deploy and who's not. So their motivation is to keep you green on readiness rosters so they will sweep health issues under the ruggeden, you know, it's fine for a period of time, and depending on certain. Certain amount, you know, certain illnesses and stuff like that, but they should absolutely be able to get the healthcare that they need down the road, and that's where they're having trouble accessing.

Future of Veteran Affairs

Do you think that there is anything. What's, what can we do to make sure that the VA is one of the best and well funded entities out there? Like, what can we do to strengthen the VA so that it's capable of. Capable of helping every single veteran that needs it? So there's a. There's a lot of theories on how to make the VA better. I mean, the thing is that it's a government agency. It's a bureaucracy. It's corrupt. They gave out over $11 million in illegal bonuses to VA executives last year. And so, like, they have, you know, it's just not. It's not like a very good system. I think there's use for it. There's a lot of people that talk about privatizing the healthcare that our veterans receive. I think there's an absolute need to maintain a VA, like, within the government, because a lot of that stuff, they do more than just medical stuff. A lot of it's administrative care for vets.

Community Support for Veterans

And I think that there should be a VA. Obviously, it should be funded better. It should be one of the first to be funded. But I think that access to healthcare, you know, should be privatized, because another thing with the VA, it's gross. It's, like, really inconsistent. Some people are near really good VA hospitals that take very good care of their people. They don't, you know, they don't have quite the delays in medical care, but then others are just absolutely nightmares to work through. And one of the reasons for their $15 billion shortfall, this is really, you know, kind of the hits to the heart of the matter is that more, they're in a $15 billion shortfall because veterans were take, you know, seeking the assist, the benefits that they earned, and that was their excuse for it, which is kind of like, well, why? How do you not budget to take care of all the veterans? You know, so they, it doesn't benefit them to make sure veterans are getting the care.

Helping Veterans through Organizations

They're counting on veterans not pursuing their benefits, which is totally wrong. What can we do as individuals to help our veterans? What organizations can we donate to? What organizations can we be a part of that we can give to those who have given so much to protect our freedom? So I, you know, I actually don't, I don't have, like, a list on hand, but I would say that the best things to support veterans is things that aren't actually, like, nationwide organizations. They're the more grassroots, community level organizations that help, you know, homeless veterans put, you know, there's. There's housing programs, there's mental health programs, and to me, the best ones are the ones that are in your own locations, and they're the ones that have the biggest impact. There's a few pretty good nationwide ones, but I would just seek out the local ones. To me, I think that they have the best impact on veterans. And I think that we have 22 vets commit suicide every single day, which is just obscene. We have tens of thousands of homeless veterans. But I would, you know, look into what your local, you know, organizations that you have to help veterans.

Partnerships for Change

And I also, like, look into ones that are run by veterans a lot. There's a lot of, like, wounded warriors is kind of a good example of one that the least amount of your dollar goes to actual veterans. A lot of it goes to administrative costs. So, like, some of these just look for, you know, lean local veteran advocacy groups. I think that's the best way forward. Well, I would like to give back as well, Mike. And, you know, I just launched the Americafirstpride.com and I would like to do something. Maybe we can work together. I would like to do maybe for the month of November, the month of December, all. A percentage of my sales can go to veterans causes. I'd like to work with you on the back end on that, if you'd be open minded to that. You know, the whole point of me starting, you know, this, the MAFA report, and really pushing make America first again was to be able to get one.

Collaboration on Veteran Initiatives

Yes. You know, I'm doing this now as full time work, but also to give back to America. And so if there's anything that we can do or, you know, any way I can, you know, cut you a check and we can get it to the right people, I would really like to work with you on that end, and I hope that's possible. Yeah, absolutely. I would love that. And I just want to, you know, since we first met, you know, like, and all the different kind of endeavors and things that we've explored, you know, early on during the Kennedy campaign, you've always really been a strong advocate for the veterans, so I really appreciate that. And you've any. And a lot of the things that you were trying to do, you wanted to incorporate veterans, and. And I think that, you know, that's. That's leading by example. I really appreciate that, and, yeah, absolutely. I'll work with you to find ways to.

Veterans and Future Generations

To, you know, positively impact veterans. That'd be awesome. Well, we need to, man. I mean, like, I got so. I got so lucky that I got to meet you. I got to meet Mike Kelly. I got to even meet. I think it was Joe. Joe? Yeah. Yeah, Joe's in the room. Joey. Oh, Joe's here, too? Okay, awesome. Like, I got to meet all of you guys, and through our conversations, you know, we tried to do things where we would, you know, discuss non interventionism, and some things hit, some things didn't, and I finally found something that hit, and now that I'm finding success with it, you know, I do. Mike. I just want to give back what you guys have told me. What I'm hearing from actual military people on the ground, to me, breaks my heart. It breaks my heart that a veteran is going to die in the winter because they can't get into a shelter and they're homeless.

Importance of Veteran Welfare

You know, to me, that's. That's a slap in the face to americanism. I don't think we should be giving a single dime in foreign. Foreign aid to anybody until all of our veterans are all of our homeless. Veterans are housed. I think that should be our number one priority, taking care of the people who took care of us. Right. Without them and without you guys, we don't have freedom. I don't have freedom of speech. So it's really important that all of our veterans are taken care of. It's really important that we take these kinds of things seriously and we listen to our veterans. Like, more importantly, we have got to listen to our veterans. We've got a question for you, Mike. United. What would you like to say? Colonel Roy, thank you for your distinguished service.

Personal Support and National Issues

And I want to ask you. Well, first, getting back to charity, what Bryce says, you know, I'm a truck driver in the northeast, and anytime that I see the National Guard out, I think it was in Bangor, Virginia, North Carolina, I put my credit card out there, and I don't care how much it costs, I take care of everybody. So with that said, and that's my form of support. And more importantly, we have to vet those organizations that are just grifters. Next, I want to get to your career in the Navy versus you said you did missions over North Korea. You know, given that you're able to say what you could say, obviously you can't give out classified information. But do you see there is a difference between King Kim Jong un, the father and the son Kim Jong il?

Military Perceptions on Leadership

I think there, you know, I've done a lot of research into this, and I did do a lot of missions. You know, kind of really what were looking for were like, you know, ballistic missile launches from North Korea. I think the thing about Kim Jong un is that he is less predictable, especially really early on in his tenure. I think that now he seems a little more open to negotiations and reason. But still, man, it's just a totalitarian regime that really, you know, there's no personal or individual freedoms there. So I don't think there's huge differences, but I do think that he is less predictable than the father. Does that answer your question? United yes, sir. I don't have anything else further at this time. Also, thank you for passing the baton to the second generation of the royal family. You know, it's amazing to hear the career and the sacrifice you guys done for this country. And I'll pass to Mike there.

Military Interventions and Policy

Thank you so much. Mike, I would like to get you to talk about your opinions on non interventionism. I mean, we've talked on this for a very long time, and the more I talk to military individuals, both active and veteran, I hear this desire for non interventionism a lot coming from our service individuals, and I find that to be very interesting. Do you want to elaborate on your thoughts when it comes to non interventionism and why you feel the way that you do? Yeah, I just want, like, you know, I mentioned the amount of interventions that we've done since 1991. It's just we have this form of diplomacy where it's called forces first, where we use the military as a form of diplomacy as opposed to a failure of diplomacy. So, you know, I wanted to make it, I want to distinguish the difference between non interventionism and pacifism.

Military Strategy and Diplomacy

It's not being, I'm not a pacifist. Like, I understand that the world is a dangerous place. You know, we have this military, and it should be the strongest military in the world, and, but they're just, they are too far forward and they're over obligated and they're bogged down. And so, Bryce, I shared with you. I sent you that dm with, you know, Robert Gates. He spoke, there was an article in the Washington Post about two weeks ago where he kind of talked about the state of our military. And really we, it is, you know, I believe in peace through strength, and I know a lot of people do, but you have to really look at what that means. Peace through strength doesn't mean a military that's constantly forward deployed, that is over obligated and bogged down. There's devastating impacts. And you can see it in today's force. The navy is smaller, the air force is smaller. The army is smaller. Equipment is old, readiness numbers are terrible. And we have, the industrial base is not able to keep up with the war.

Defense Strategy and Resource Allocation

And, you know, with what DC is spending, you know, like the amount of munitions and everything that's going to Ukraine is, you know, is leaving, you know, our stockpiles pretty, pretty bare. So peace through strength is clearly hasn't been, you know, a real priority for us for the past 30 years because, one, there's no peace, and two, we're not strong. Our military has been decimated. So peace through strength really means that we do have a strong military, but we have to keep them in garrison, we have to stop getting them involved in wars, and we have to maintain the technological advantage. And we don't have that right now because we spent the last 20 years in the global war on terror, which really has gotten us nowhere. And pretty much everywhere we've intervened, we've left worse, in a worse condition than when, before we intervened so those are my thoughts on it.

Foreign Policy and Interventionism

I love talking about it because a lot of people will think, oh, no, we should definitely be, you know, bombing terrorists in Yemen and stuff like that. Really, it's very tangential as far as what it is to our own national security interests. If you look at our national defense strategy, there's a. Pretty much leaves the door open to go to war anywhere at any time, and that's the way DC wants it, and it's just not good for America and it's not good for the world. Go ahead, united. You care to share your experience, your first experiencing landing and taking off on the aircraft carriers with us? Yeah, so I actually, I was in the air force, so I never did. I never did carrier landings. I was. I did fly on an e two off of a carrier, but I was not. I was not a pilot.

Aviation and Military Operations

I was a navigator, so I was. So I've never actually had to experience that. But there's a reason why the naval aviators are better than our air force aviators, and that's because they're. They have the ability to do that. Right. I understand some of the AWACS do land and take off on the. On the aircraft carrier, so that's why I asked. Appreciate your comment. Yeah, in actual, the navy variant of AWACS is called the e two Hawkeye, and that's. That's the one with the disc on top that's a little bit smaller than the air force, AWACS, but, yeah, that they do take. Take off and land from the carriers. Mike, I have a question for you. Just about, you know, what I see is kind of waste in the military, it seems we have an air force that's supposed to be taking care of all of our flight and all of that.

Military Structural Challenges

But the navy also has, pilots. The. The marines have pilots, the army has pilots. Is there a way, or does it make sense to, for the sake of money, to put everything under the air force and not have all of these entities have their own different, you know, flight path or, or pilot program? I actually, you know, I don't. I don't. I don't believe that is. That is the case, because there's just totally different mission sets for the air force. Priorities and mission sets. So, like, most of the naval aviation is either cargo or it's. Or it's for fleet defense. You know, that's what it's designed to do, to take care of the fleet and dominate the skies over the fleet. And then for army, it's close air support and it's, you know, gunships and things like that.

Military Efficiency in Operations

So I just. I think the mission sets are diverse enough that each service should. Should have their own aviation. And the reason is just because, like, the air force probably wouldn't prioritize close air support for army troops the same level that the army would. So I think that. I think it's smart for each service to have their own aviation, you know, their own aviation groups. Well, I appreciate that, Mike. And if you guys are appreciating listening to this space, please go down to the little purple pill and repost this space so that we can get as many America first individuals here as possible. Mike, before we go to John and I would like to ask you a question. What does America first mean to you?

America First Philosophy

I think America first, that means, like, really whittling down what our. What our priority, where our priorities are, you know, for both. Both foreign policy and for the military and for even domestic policy, where our dollars go, the accountability is so low. The amount of foreign aid that we give is so high, and the number of people that are struggling at home is like. Is insane. Politicians will give away our treasure. There's very little payoff to us domestically. So I think America first is just actually putting America first and putting our interests first, not putting the donors interest first. So I think that's where we need to start. Just foreign policy. We have to figure out if we are the greatest democracy in the history the world, we should be leading with that, and we should be creating peace and not conflict.

Critique of Government Actions

And if you look at what the things our government's done, we've really just created conflict and chaos, and people profit off of that when we should be leading with peace. When I was at the Pentagon, I say this a lot, but this is. I worked, like I said, I worked on future programs, but one of the things that I remember hearing early on, and I heard it often, was that people would say. Would say this saying, they say peace is breaking out everywhere. And they were saying that, like, that was a very negative thing because it meant that when there's peace there, a lot of their initiatives and programs are likely to become. Become unfunded. But if there. If there's. If there's chaos, if there's money going into defense, if there's, you know, conflict throughout the world, then it just keeps a lot of these programs going. It's just, it's a terrible, you know, it's a terrible part of the Beltway, it's terrible part of the culture in the Pentagon, where they just rely on that chaos to continue to keep the funding streams going.

Reflections on Military Culture

Thank you, Mike. I really appreciate that. Was a really well prepared answer. I mean, well, not prepared, but just a great off the cuff answer. Dude, I get so much joy having the opportunity to speak to you. John. It's welcome, man. I am excited to see you here as well. I'm sorry, I didn't notice that you were in here. That is my mistake. Do you have a question or a statement for Mister Mike Roy? Yeah, yeah, I definitely have a question. I just. And thanks for this space and congratulations the mike on his future endeavor. And thank you for your service. I have a little statement and then a question. My experience in the federal government, I just retired last year, was that it's in particular where I was at the CBp's national targeting center was like.

Government Practices and Operations

It was almost like free enterprise for government. It's almost as if, you know, if the agency divisions or units or offices are not expanding, they are in peril of stagnating and maybe having their missions given to another agency or another division or another unit. So their entire focus is on expanding programs. And, you know, there's a lot of mission creep involved in that. And it's really, it's not hard to imagine. I mean, if you understand that at the base level, it's not hard to imagine how our government has grown over the years. It just, it just expands and expands. Because if, you know, a certain unit or a certain officer, a certain agency doesn't keep looking for ways to expand their programs. The fear is they'll get left in the dust. And I just wanted to ask, Mike, before I go on with just one more thing, I just wanted to ask you if you saw that sort of mission creep on steroids in the military.

Military Operations and Political Challenges

And so that happened twice where he, once they didn't withdraw the troops out of Iraq and Syria. Trump demanded it a second time and they defied him a second time. So it just highlights a huge problem that DC runs itself, no matter who we elect, you know, and I think that's why we need to clean up the corruption, you know, and I hope, you know, Trump learned from that and that the problems are much deeper than most Americans realize.

The Concept of the Deep State

So you were the one that brought up the deep state. So forgive me if I want to delve into this a little bit, but, Mike, we've talked about this, and I don't know how much you're allowed to say. And so I'm going to try to be very respectful of the fact that I know that you're not allowed to say, you know, certain things, but you've alluded to the fact that you've seen people from Blackrock, from Vanguard, from these entities in your travels with the military. Tell me, how did that make you feel when you saw these people interacting with military personnel?

Defense Contractors and Corruption

So I actually, you know, like what you see in DC or like, in the military is you see these defense contractors that are, you know, majority owned by Blackrock, State street and Vanguard. Companies like Raytheon, companies like Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin those big companies. So you'll see, you know, representatives of the, of those companies. They own weapon systems. They're on the bases. They are, you know, training our troops. They're doing all kinds of stuff, providing, you know, they have these really lucrative contracts with the weapon systems. And they're all encompassing.

Policy and Defense Industry Overlap

But you'll what you, what I noticed, you know, you see that at the operational level and you'll see that on every single base in every single unit, there's, you know, representatives from these companies. But what I noticed in DC is that, you know, I was in an office called the Rapid Capabilities Office, which is, does a lot of future programs and has a lot of inner is intertwined with the defense industry. But you'll see that they have, there's a, there's way too much overlap between their work on weapon systems and then also their work on policy. So they've really hijacked the policy.

Profit and Policy Making

And that's when I really started to see some of the corruption and that you'll see that it's not our elected officials that are making policy, it's people that are profiteering off of it. And with these people that are profiting off the military. What do you guys think? Like, I know probably some of our soldiers that are like the, you know, private corporals, they don't really have to deal with these military industrial complex individuals. But I know somebody, like at your rank as lieutenant colonel, somebody that was in the Pentagon, you do you have to talk to these individuals. You have to deal with these individuals. What are these individuals like?

Views on Military Contractors

Do you feel that they care about our country or do you think that they care more about their bottom line? I'll say this. A lot of them are really patriots. A lot of them are patriots, but there is a profit margin. A lot of them are former service members. But like I said, there is a profit margin. And, you know, like I talked about earlier is that one of my motivations is, you know, my son is serving. I want him to be very proud of his service. I want him to be proud of the missions that he under, that he, you know, that he takes on and that he participates in.

Military Pride and Industry Exploitation

And I want that for all of our troops, they should be extremely proud of being in uniform and we should all be grateful for what they do. But what I notice about the industry, it exploits their patriotism for profit. And I think that's a disgusting business model. And I think that we have these people that are willing to put their lives on the line for our country, we need to treasure that, and we need to use them only when it's necessary, only when it reflects our own national interests and nothing, somebody's profit margin.

Honest Reflections on Military Affairs

I appreciate your honesty. Bulldog, Emma, Rosa, do you guys have anything that you want to ask Mike? I do. I was just going to say let Bulldog go first because I'm getting a phone call and I had to keep canceling it on my cell phone, so I need to call them back on my husband's phone because they're. But, you know, America first. Right. But I'll be. I'll be back. So, Bulldog, please go. Mike, I just want to say thank you so much for being here and each and every one of you for joining in on this space.

Engagement and Future Initiatives

If you could share it, I think it's such an important conversation to have. So thank you, Mike, for being here. I'm just so, like, thrilled and honored to get to know you and call you, my friend. Hey, thank you guys so much for having me. I really enjoy talking about these things and I think these are important conversations. So thank you. Yes, Mike, thank you for your service. My brother in law, he served in the army and worked for the department of Defense, and he did some marines, pardon me, and did some things over in Afghanistan that he still can't tell, but he married my sister and he's much happier.

Support for Political Figures

So we're happy indirectly, to help a veteran out. The question or the comment that I want to kind of veer this by our account's name, bulldogs for Vivek. We've been supporters, ardent supporters of Vivek. And we, for those who don't know, we found out about him early last year, started diving all through the Internet, absorbing all the podcast articles. And then when we found that there was nothing left, we had to turn to Twitter. And we hate Twitter because of the previous administration.

American Nationalism and Shared Values

American nationalism is the ability to unite Americans around common values. Right? You hear this Mockingbird statement come out of all of our politicians. There's more that we have in common that divides us, and that's true. But the problem is, it's not being taught at the most fundamental values when. When children are trying to understand who they are and what their place is in society, right? I remember as a young boy standing in class, putting my hand over my heart and saying the pledge of allegiance. I remember at every sporting event, standing up in a crowd, taking off my hat and singing, you know, our national anthem, you know, and we had a folklore song, so my name, yankee Doodle, comes from american folklore. You may think it's a kids song. No, this is what grown men saying as they march to death. This is not some children's name. And yet we've lost that.

The Essence of Patriotism

So patriotism is about loving your country. It's about commitment to betterment. It's not being tied to one apartment or one party is not being tied to one ideology. It's about a shared identity at what makes America strong. So putting your country first, being an american nationalist, all right, that is core to what this american experiment is. And I hope that everyone embroils that in their heart. They engrave it into their soul and they pass it along, because that is the. What are the words I'm looking for here? That. That is the essence that makes up the american dream. So when we pass that down to our children, that's what they should be getting. Thank you. I appreciate that.

Indoctrination and the Left's Agenda

I just. I have to say, yankee, you made me emotional, because you're 100% spot on, and sorry if I get emotional. It's just we've been through a lot as a country and as a people. And, you know, the left has, for far too long, weaponized indoctrination to strip away our american pride and just totally dismantle everything that our country was founded on. And, you know, they've done this in our schools, in the media, and they're rewriting the american history from, you know, one that's supposed to be about heroism and liberty to one of oppression and shame, and it needs to be stopped. You know, if we cannot let them win, we cannot let them do this to us. We cannot let them do this to our children. You know, because they're teaching our youth to reject the greatness of our country, the capacity of greatness that we can continue to achieve.

Putting America First

And they've been doing this, and they've been dividing people. And for so long, so many people have been guilty. They've felt guilt ridden to stand united with us, and it really needs to stop. And whatever America first, you know, means to you, it could be different, like what Bryce said, it may be different to each and every one of us, what America first looks like, and that is okay. But one thing I will ask you guys to do is never, ever be ashamed to say you want to put America first because it is not racist. That is just a narrative that they've, like, smeared all over every platform in our education system, all over the media. They do this purposely to try and silence us. So never be ashamed of it, because putting America first means, you know, we're making sure our veterans receive the care they deserve.

The Responsibility towards Our Youth

Our american workers have jobs so they can provide for their families, so our children, you know, feel safe in school. And I don't mean just safe as far as, you know, someone being violent to them, but safe as far as it goes to, you know, having education, you know, the basic education that is, should they should be receiving and not this indoctrination and these woke ideologies that are being shoved, you know, into their young minds. So please, never, ever, you know, be ashamed. I want you guys to be unapologetically proud to be american, proud of our history, proud of our people, and proud for the path that we are paving. We are doing it together. I cannot emphasize it enough. We must get out and vote and get every single man, woman, every single person we can on board.

America’s Struggles and Call to Action

It’s our way of fighting back. And I know we can do this. You know, this is about ensuring the welfare of our people, and we need to come before anything else. We've. We've struggled. We've taken a lot of crap, and enough is enough. So, please, I just love all of you America first people. It doesn't matter what America first looks like to you. You know, you. You may be, you know, in isolation. It doesn't matter if you believe that you're putting America first is the right way. I want you to be proud of it because we deserve it as a people. And they do not want us to be united. They want to divide us, because when they divide us, they conquer.

The Importance of Unity and Historical Context

And we will not let that happen because I know in my heart, this time around, we're making history. We're on the right side of history, and God bless us all, because I really think that it is an exciting time to be a participant in our country and to fight for our freedoms. You know, I take a lot of pride in what we're doing here today. And, you know, like, Trump is putting together this amazing team. I feel like I'm putting together this amazing team. For those of you that don't know, Yankee Doodle is one who helped create my website. Yankee Doodle. Mike is. Mike Roy has offered to write up our veterans for America first section. So if we can get with him on the back end, I'd like to have you guys kind of put your head together.

The Role of Veterans and Inclusivity in America First Agenda

Miss Amorosa has joined us, too. She is now a part of my Make America first again team. You know, I'm building my Make America first again team. Trump is building his team. We've got a team out there that is just dedicated to this country and God. Doesn't that just feel so good? Doesn't it feel so good to have people like Donald Trump, JD Vance, the Vek Ramaswamy, Nicole Shanahan, Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, all together, putting aside whatever differences they have and saying, we're going to work together to make America first again. We're going to work together to take out the bureaucrats that are destroying this nation and to declare war on Blackrock and vanguard.

Revolution and Priorities for America

I have never been more happy to be an american citizen than I am right now because I feel we are leading a revolution right? We are. We are the revolutionaries right now. This is our 1776 moment. We are, we are using this platform to grab our metaphorical weapons and say, no more. We're going to bring a red wave. We're going to bring Donald Trump this election, and then we are going after Blackrock, we're going after Vanguard, and we're going after State street. And we're going to let every single person know that if you stand against America, we stand against you. If you don't support America, we don't support you.

Determination Against Anti-American Activities

If you are going to work actively against the better nature of this country, we are going to work against you. And I'm going to promise you guys something. Make America first. Pride.com. we are going to have a section that is going to tell you which politicians are America first, which ones are putting their money where their mouth is. We are going to put out for every single individual who wants to know, who are the people in my state that are going to be America first? Who's on the ballot? That's going to be America first. We are going to do our best to get that information out there for you so that you know, when voting time comes next time around.

Focus on Domestic Interests

Okay? This person is going to put my interests and the interest of my children before the interest of somebody in Jordan or the interest of somebody in Ukraine or the interest of somebody in Taiwan. This movement doesn't end in 2024. This movement continues to go. It's going to continue to grow. We're going to continue to grow our team, and hopefully what we can do is get rid of the establishment and the neocons and the neoliberals and replace them with people that actually love our country. Anand, I see that you came up. You wanted to speak, my brother. Come on. What do you got for us?

Addressing University Ideologies

Yeah, no, thanks for. Thanks for bringing me up here. I guess what I will kind of focus on is our universities. So here, let me. Let me say like this. So as law enforcement, I felt really glad to have a body cam on me because, like, I can sit there and demonstrate to you guys I'm doing the right thing. And I feel like that has been a blessing for law enforcement. If you talk to all the officers, they're glad to have that on them. But let me say this. So is our universities at this point. I think that we should start talking about recording their lectures.

Concerns Over Anti-American Sentiment

I don't know if you guys seen that clown coming out of Kansas who basically said he want to line up male Trump supporters and shoot him. Like, this doesn't come to light unless there's someone in there recording it. So at this point, I don't trust our universities. I really don't. They really are anti America. They're anti western values. They push very marxist ideology. I don't trust them anymore, and I don't think the american people should trust them anymore. So I don't know. We need legislation. I don't like to, like, talk about adding more to the government, but I think this is absolutely useful because they have been, they're fully infiltrated by our enemies.

Radical Indoctrination in Education

And when they are promoting anti America, not from promoting, but teaching and indoctrinating our youth, then we should do something about it, because we are losing on that front. They've been doing this the last 30 to 40 years. Look at the votes. 18% of not even as white males that are educated are voting for Kamala. And the only thing that, like, speaks to miss, speaks to this is indoctrination. They have been indoctrinated to think that half of the country, or over half the country are racist people when they're being taught by racist professors. So, yeah, definitely no more accountability to our universities. That's all I want to say.

Call to Action for Change

Amen. I'm all for that. And my son being a 20 year old and a student of San Diego State University. I tell him always, if you hear any of that crap, you recall, record it and you bring it home and we're going to send it out like crazy because we won't stand for that at all. Nobody should. Nobody should stand for that crap. Let's just be real. You know, they're newsome, Gretchen. You know, Whitmer here in Michigan has harmed the state so bad, I question whether or not we can come back from it. We have students right now that are graduating high school that don't know how to read. They don't know how to spell.

Education Crisis and its Effects

They don't even know how to do basic math. But they're passing them. They are passing them and letting these kids out into the world ignorant as shit. And what's happening to a lot of these kids? Well, guess what? They're realizing they're not prepared for the world that's out there. They weren't taught anything that in fact, they were kicked out of school and pushed into a electronic classroom. Most of them couldn't. They didn't know how. Their attention span wasn't there. And I don't blame them. I could not do that. In no way, shape or form could I have been successful in school if it was online.

Past Education Standards and Current Reality

It just, I can't. I'd have way too many distractions. I'd end up doing stuff that would end up hurting me and not helping me. And this is what the Democrats did. This is what the Democrats did. They took our children out of school. They created ignorance. And now we have children that are coming out believing exactly whatever MSN tells them. Exactly whatever the democratic party tells them. They have created mindless robots that believe whatever the government tells them. And that is a crime. When I was growing up, yeah, I had liberal teachers, but they told us, you know, to question.

Shifts in Educational Philosophy

They told us to think for ourselves. They told us to go out and do the research. Well, now we're being told what the research is. Now we're being told what all of these things are. We're not being told to go out and find it for ourselves. We're told, this is what it is. These are the enemies. And these kids are coming out truthfully believing that Republicans or republicanism is bad, that capitalism is bad. I can't tell you how many people are telling me, like, I have conversations with kids that are in high school today and they're telling me that capitalism is the root problem of all the things that we have going on.

Capitalism and the Young Mindset

And I'm, and I looked at them and I'm like, you realize that we don't actually have capitalism, right? That this is not a capitalist society. We don't have free markets. We don't have, if we had free markets, we wouldn't be bailing out every freaking industry. Free market says, hey, this is the land of the fittest. If you can't survive, there's something that you're doing wrong. And if you're doing something wrong, you don't deserve to be in business. That's how we did things for years. That's how the free market economy thrived.

Consequences of Economic Policies

If you were not cost effective, if you couldn't run your business correctly, the free market decided that your business shouldn't exist. But instead, what we do is we go out and we bail out the banks, we bail out the automotive industry, we bail out all of these industries who continuously make piss poor decisions and we don't get anything in return. And there one company out of them all refused to take any handouts. And I applaud the Ford Motor Company. And I just want to tell you guys a quick story. When they were all coming to this meeting that Barack Obama had put together to bail out the automotive industry, the people from Chrysler, the people from GM flew in on private jets.

Ford's Example of Integrity

The people from Ford drove, they drove their own cars to this event. They didn't take a private jet. They didn't do any of that. And when they got there, they said, we're not taking a dime. If we, if we fail. But we're going to try to do it on our own accord. And God bless the Ford Motor company for trying as hard as they did to keep the people in the state of Michigan employed. It's been hard. Gretchen is making it really difficult on them. The Democrats are making it really difficult on them. NAFTA destroyed this country and look at who pushed it.

Critique of Political Leadership

Neocons and neoliberals who do not care about this country. We were sold the bill of goods from the Democrats and from the Republicans that this was going to be the greatest thing for us, that NAFTA was going to create so many jobs. What it did was exactly what Ross Perot said. There was going to be a, there's a giant sucking sound headed, going south of the border, going east of the border, going everywhere out of here, but staying in the United States. And we are constantly getting fucked by piss poor trade deals, by bad management and bad government. And goddammit, we need to return to the Republic that we were supposed to have.

Historical Context and Current State

I don't think that if Ben Franklin was to come to here today that he would be applauding what we have right now. I think George Washington would be. You guys failed. You guys failed the republic. You guys failed Americans. You guys failed all of us. And you know what? God hoping that we can get these people one day to come back. God, hoping that we can get, you know, a time machine or something, and we can have our founding fathers come back to us and say, you guys failed. You guys failed the american people. You guys failed the american way. This is wrong, what you're doing.

Call for a Return to Foundational Principles

You need to go back to the republic that we gave you. This isn't it. This is dictatorship. This is socialism. And this is. Even the Republicans, the neocons. It's socialism. Us bailing out corporations is corporate socialism. Go ahead, Jojo. Wait. We've got Bryce banging his table. That's passion. Passionate patriotism right there. I love you, Bryce. I do. I just love this country so damn much. Guys, I'm sorry. Like, I. I am now capable of not having a.

Personal Experiences and Gratitude

But you don't understand. I've been wanting to be independent and not have to worry about work for a really long time. And Elon Musk gave that to me. America gave that to me. And so if I'm passionate, it's just because America has given me so fucking much that I love this country so fucking much. And I appreciate it. And I just want everybody to appreciate it as much as I do. Jojo, I'm sorry. I totally stepped all over you. It is your turn. Not to step.

Community and Connectivity

Jojo. I can't hear you. Can anybody hear him? It looks like Jojo was having problems with their microphone. Got you. Hey, Bryce, let me. Let me add this real quick, though. I just dropped in the nest. I just dropped in a nest from defiant. You just posted it recently. Are you guys proud to be american? And you keep saying it. Depends. I'm telling you right now, this starts from education. We have these teachers who have gone through their indoctrination factory with universities, and they are now passing along to our kids.

Need for Educational Reform

Like, this is serious. We really do need to demand that these lectures be recorded. And if they're not doing anything wrong, then there's nothing to worry about. But we know what it is. You don't develop this anti american, rhetoric and beliefs without indoctrination. So we definitely need to start holding our teachers accountable at this point. You know what we. What else we need to do is we need to abolish the, teachers union that didn't come until the department of education was created, teachers didn't have unions.

Historical Context of Education

They didn't need unions. They would tell. They would tell their communities, hey, this is the. This is what our school system looks like. And it was up to the school, the community, to decide, hey, we need to raise property taxes, or maybe we need to do a special tax so that we can fix our school and we can increase the pay for our teachers. That was up to the community. The community got to decide whether they felt that the teachers deserved a raise or not. And I don't think that the way that we have it right now is the right path forward.

Meritocracy and Accountability in Education

It needs to go on merit. If you get a raise, it's because you're doing a phenomenal job teaching our children. You're giving them the independence that they need to think for themselves. You're giving them the courage to think for themselves. You're giving them pride in their civic duties. But if you're not doing that, then I'm not going to give you a damn penny more that you. You don't deserve it if you can't just do those little tiny things. How dare you say that you deserve more money when you're indoctrinating children with your garbage.

Voices Against Educational Indoctrination

Jojo, go ahead. Can you. Can you hear us? Thank you, Bryce. Yeah, I think I had to be recycled. Thank you. This space should have, like, over 10,000 people listening. And that's exactly why you don't, because you're telling the truth. Unfortunately, it's the same thing as me. As an amarity, Ken. I have a different perspective on everything that I like to. There is. There is a disconnect between our community, Iranian Americans and Americans.

Misunderstandings of Iranian Identity

Now we have a voice, after Donald Trump came to office, exposed a lot of these things that all rooted in Iran. When I say Iran, there is a big misunderstanding that there is two entities involved. One is the islamic republic, which is the islamic state occupying Iran and is holding Iran and is using the name Iran to portray itself to the world as it's a country, as it's a nation, which is not even iranian. They are not even born, most of them, in Iran. They are born in foreign countries, specifically Iraq, and they speak some broken far sea Persian, and that's it.

The Nature of the Current Iranian Government

So I want to say this because this is very crucial to identify our enemy. Okay? This is an islamic state with a form of a government in Iran. So they have a very strong in America since they came to power by the help of Jimmy Carter, the Democrat party, as usual, they created a lobby in the United States. They're using the name iranian national, iranian american council. They're on face on here on x. You could go their page. NYAc NIAc, National Iranian American Council and it's with one seat. Jojo, you are rubber banding really hard, man.

Lobbying and Political Influence

We're getting every other thing. I'm sorry, I don't mean to be rude, but I want. Can you please recycle me? Absolutely. I want to return back to, I'm going to get, I want to return back to, you know, Mike Roy. Mike, I know you have to leave soon and I just want you to know, man, I am so grateful for you and everything that you've done giving us the time to be here. Is there anything that you want to say? Is there anything that's on your heart or anything that you want to leave people with before you have to go?

Expressions of Gratitude

Yeah, Bryce, this. I was getting to your point. Hold on 1 second, Jojo, we're going to. This was actually a space for Lieutenant Colonel Mike Roy. I do want to make sure that he's able to say his goodbyes and kind of finish his thought. So Mike, is there anything that you want to say to us before you have to go? No, just again, I appreciate so much you having me on and I appreciate the space. I love hearing everybody's patriotism and just love for the country and, you know, a clear path forward, you know, and I'm so grateful.

The Importance of Conversations

It's refreshing to hear everybody, you know, with such pride in our country. I just, I'm just so grateful and you know, thanks for hosting. Great conversation. We need to keep up these conversations, we need to have these conversations with our neighbors and stay hopeful for our future. But I appreciate everybody for the great questions, the conversation for you hosting and Bulldog and Miss Amorosa and everybody. So I hope you guys have a fantastic weekend. And again, thank you so much for having me on.

Wrapping Up with Unity and Pride

Thank you so much, Mike. And I think you'll be happy to know that we end every space with the Star Spangled Banner. We're going to continue to make people proud to be Americans. We're going to continue to give voices to our veterans. I hope that you'll come back, I hope that you'll speak with us again. I've added you along with Yankee Doodle and Miss Amorosa and we're going to get that veterans tab up on americafirstpride.com and I am just so excited to have you a part of it. I'm so, just excited for all of the things that are about to come.

Wishes for Safety and Continued Engagement

So Mike, God bless you. I'm saluting you right now. Please stay safe when you go out to California and know that our hearts. Are with you and Bryce, if you don't mind. Hold on 1 second, guys. Like we're going to let Mike's finish up. This is Mike's moment so I will call on you when I'm ready for you guys. Yeah, again, thank you. Thank you for hosting and I'm looking forward to participating in your website. Appreciate Yankee Doodle's work on that too.

Community Connections and Support

And I can't wait to, can't wait to stay involved and I'll definitely be back, but thanks again. Appreciate you, Mike. Go ahead, Bulldog. Yeah. And Mike, before you leave, I want. To echo the sentiments that Bryce did. Said he couldn't say it better. As well as Miss Amarosa, my newest favorite Chilena on X. And if you do have time, sir. There'S a fantastic community out there by one, by a veteran who is a big v supporter and he's the only veteran that we know of that Vivek actually follows.

Community Outreach and Support Networks

We asked him to come here, but. He sadly had to go to the emergency room to take his daughter for something. We hope things are going well for him, but his community is called the vague for vets. I hope that you be able to go and check it out and meet Carl. He's a great man and like I said, he's one of the few, if probably the only veteran that Vivek follows. And thank you very much. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, I'll definitely do that.

Engagement and Open Dialogue

Okay, go ahead, Jojo and let's see if we can, if we got your speaker situation back. Thank you, Bryce. I hope Mike can stay a little bit and listen also as what I have to say. Mike, thank you for your service. And Bryce, you. You are priceless, what you are doing. I feel exactly the same way. Also, millions of Iranians in Iran exactly feel the same. You do. Therefore, their country, they want to stand up for their flag and their national anthem, especially in my country, which is occupied by a foreign entity.

The Complex Nature of Representation

And that entity today, that entity is in United States. It's been active for about 25 years. It controls the United States Democrat party. They are using the name Iranian American Council as a face, as a mask to represent Iranian Americans. They are very powerful. They are the same as the AIPAC of the jewish lobby, but they have a control over the Democrats policies. They. At some point you guys were talking about the school systems. I'm not sure, myself at what point there was a vacuum in this educational system of ours.

Personal Experiences and Educational Concerns

You know, I went to elementary school. I went to junior high school in New York. And at that point, we didn't have such mentality in schools, and this is in the nineties. Slowly, slowly, things have changed towards anti Americanism, as you all know, as we all see this anti american sentiment. A lot of foreign agents from specifically islamic republic, Iran and China, they have infiltrated the school system here. They are openly advocating for anti Americanism. They openly bash Christianity. And I am not a Christian.

Bringing Awareness to Ideological Infiltration

They are. They are brainwashing the masses. That's how it started in my country. They started from schools and college yards, you know, from the school backyards. They started chanting death to the king. And then they started slowly coming to the streets. And then they started the protests that you see, Gaza protests, you know, the black Lives Matter protests. These are all of rooted in Iran. Believe it or not, if you go deep inside of this agency that I am talking about, National Iranian American Council, Nyack, they are on x.

Conclusion: Taking a Stand

Just go over their lists of their posts, and you will see clearly how anti american they are. They are watching in the lobbies of United States. They are controlling Kamala Harris. They have control over all the secretaries of state, all the way back to Madeleine Albright, if you guys are old enough to know. Back in the eighties, Madeline Albright, she was gifted a persian rug, which is on camera. I have. I can show you those pictures. She was gifted persian rugs as a way to buy her. This was so simple back then. Nowadays, they control them by funding their campaigns through secrets, foundations, NGo's.

Introduction and Context

He's on here. His handle is at the Wild Bill, zero, 719 45. He got an endorsement from Ted Gunderson, former FBI. Ted Gunderson basically said, if you want to know what's going on, watch our tv show. And we sometimes open the show with that clip. So what we're seeing on the global economic scale coupled with the wars, what we're seeing is if you've read the book the Creature from Jekyll island or even heard of the book the Creature from Jekyll island, regarding the establishment of the Federal Reserve, you would understand that the money masters, they are aware that all wars are bankers wars, and Russia still has their own currency.

Global Economics and the Federal Reserve

They're an extremely strong country. And America being tied to the Federal reserve, anyone who lives in America, you know what that feels like. And if you understand the devaluation of our currency, the beginning of the parabolic curve of hyperinflation throw on you, my train of thought is stopping at your station. So what's happening is with Ukraine. Whatever biological or racial or boundary line issue that was occurring between Ukraine and Russia is relevant to the bankers because they would like to see Russia capitulate and join the Federal Reserve currency system. And thank you for the hundreds, Dave, a couple of people. Yeah. You know what I'm talking about?

Proxy Wars and Military Drafts

So, Dave, I'd love you to chime in on that when I'm done. So it's just a proxy. That's why they keep calling you here. People calling it a proxy war. So, thank God we haven't been called to go over and fight in Ukraine yet. Not all of us or, you know. You know what I mean? Like a draft. I had a few other points I want to make, but you got all the hands up, so, I'm relaxing. I'm trying to build a benevolent community for people like us out in Utah right now. And I had a water tank break and flood, and I didn't sleep the other night. So I wish you all well. Thanks for having me up here. Appreciate you, Bryce. Good space.

Thoughts on the Iranian Identity

Thank you, AJ, for sharing. We have Dave up next. I'm starting to do what Bryce did. I'm talking my mic on. Sorry. All right. Hey, thanks for letting me join the space, guys. So I have a few thoughts. You know, I know. I don't know if Jojo is still in the space or not, if he's listening. You know, it was nearly two decades ago that I was. Was on a campus, but I had a good friend that would meet me in the quad to play pool. And I thought it was interesting at the time, he. You know, when.

Cultural Identifications

When somebody would ask him where he was from or you know, because he was an international student. He would always say Persia, right? And I obviously, you know, when he said that, I was like, there's no company. You know, he must be from Iran, right? And, but he would say that to people when he would introduce himself and they would ask him where he's from because he didn't feel confident in the understanding that the Iranian people are separate from the Iranian Republic. You know, the, it's, there's just a stark difference between the government and the people there.

Shout Out to Iranian People

And I think we all know that. But I just want to give a shout out to Jojo because, you know, I know I have several friends that are from Iran and all great people. And your government, I mean, it's horrific what they do to the people there. Onto the second point, speaking of academics and, you know, the real hey, Dave show. Go ahead, Dave. This is David. How are you, my friend? I'm good, man. How are you doing? Good. No, I really like what you said. Can I, can I stick on that for a minute?

Social Contracts and Governance

I want you to stay on that for one tiny bit longer because I, I want to hit that back at you because I just want everybody else to hear that because I would be. I do not want the people in the world to think of me and you and Americans as our government. You know, I think. I think if you love me, man, I think if you love your country, you'll hate your government. And when I was talking yesterday to people about Thomas Paine and he was saying how government at best is a necessary evil and at worst an affliction.

The Nature of Government

And really it just is almost a symbol of our ability that it exists at all. And the fact that these political states all around the world are basically afflicting their own people. We are all suffering under the weight of evil, Mendenna, and we're not like them. You know, I should be able to walk down the street of Tehran and meet my brothers and sisters and they are Persians. I always remind people this is a 7000 year old civilization and I can't go down and I can't see the ancient walls of Jericho, what remains of them, people who shared space with woolly mammoths and yet built a city.

Reflections on Civilization

I can't go and see thousands of years existing before our Greek forefathers. You know, it's just a shame. And I just want, like America in any, in many ways is the greatest tyranny of all because it convinces us that we're free even though we're being tyrannized every second of our life, they've mastered tyranny in terms of spying on you, in terms of listening to reading your texts and your listening to your calls and all the things that Joseph says. So I really like that you said that because someone was disparaging to the Muslim world.

Discussion on National Identity

Yeah. You know, Iran is surrounded by bases and yet, you know, and yet they're somehow the aggressor, you know? So anyway, I just like that you brought that up. I just wanted everybody to think about that. Thanks, David. I appreciate that. I will add something to that, though. I will add something to that I think is important to realize. So I like, I think every person on earth needs to have a very healthy skepticism for anybody that says they're from the government.

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