Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Impact of Decentralized #Data on Various Industries hosted by CESS_Storage. Discover the disruptive impact of decentralized data technologies within the Infrastructure space. With CD²N and Storage Layer1 Network at the forefront, industries are witnessing enhanced security, improved efficiency, and cost-effective solutions. Data sovereignty, privacy, and interoperability take center stage, driving collaboration and innovation. The evolving decentralized data landscape offers both challenges and opportunities, reshaping how industries manage and utilize data. Explore the future trends and transformative potential of decentralized data in streamlining operations and fostering growth.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How does decentralized data benefit industries?
A: Decentralized data improves security, efficiency, and scalability for different sectors.

Q: What role do CD²N and Storage Layer1 Network play in data storage?
A: CD²N and Storage Layer1 Network revolutionize data storage solutions for DePIN with enhanced privacy and control.

Q: What are the advantages of decentralized data applications?
A: Decentralized data offers benefits like data sovereignty, transparency, and cost-effectiveness for industries.

Q: How does decentralized data drive innovation?
A: Decentralized data technologies fuel innovation, accessibility, and streamlined operations across sectors.

Q: What opportunities does decentralized data present for industries?
A: Decentralized data opens up new collaboration, improved security, and scalable solutions for diverse sectors.

Q: How is the decentralized data landscape evolving?
A: The decentralized data realm is expanding, offering growth potential, interconnectivity, and new challenges for industries.

Q: What is the significance of interoperability in decentralized data?
A: Interoperability boosts collaboration, connectivity, and accessibility for industries leveraging decentralized data networks.

Q: Why is data privacy important in decentralized data applications?
A: Data privacy is crucial for maintaining control, transparency, and trust in decentralized data usage across industries.

Q: How does decentralized data contribute to cost-effectiveness?
A: Decentralized data solutions reduce costs, enhance scalability, and improve operational efficiency for industries.

Q: What drives the growth of decentralized data technologies?
A: The growth of decentralized data tech is fueled by innovation, security enhancements, and increased data control for industries.


Time: 00:15:02
Decentralized Data Security Measures Exploring the enhanced security features that decentralized data offers industries.

Time: 00:25:48
CD²N: Revolutionizing Data Storage Understanding how CD²N transforms data storage practices for DePIN.

Time: 00:35:16
Industry Impact of Decentralized Data Discussing how decentralized data reshapes various sectors for improved efficiency.

Time: 00:45:07
Data Sovereignty in Decentralized Networks The importance of data sovereignty and control in decentralized data applications.

Time: 00:55:33
Future Trends in Decentralized Data Solutions Exploring the future trends and developments in decentralized data technologies.

Time: 01:05:19
Interoperability Advantages in Decentralized Data How interoperability boosts collaboration and connectivity in decentralized data ecosystems.

Time: 01:15:42
Decentralized Data Privacy Measures The significance of data privacy and transparency in decentralized data settings.

Time: 01:25:55
Cost Efficiency in Decentralized Data Solutions Analyzing how decentralized data solutions offer cost-effective benefits for industries.

Time: 01:35:30
Innovation Drive in Decentralized Data Technologies Understanding how innovation fuels the growth of decentralized data tech for improved operations.

Time: 01:45:04
Challenges and Opportunities in Decentralized Data Space Exploring the challenges and opportunities arising in the evolving decentralized data landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Decentralized data reshapes industries with increased security and efficiency.
  • CD²N and Storage Layer1 Network revolutionize data storage and access for DePIN.
  • The integration of decentralized data enhances privacy and control over information.
  • Industries benefit from reduced costs and improved scalability through decentralized data solutions.
  • Data sovereignty and transparency are key advantages of decentralized data applications.
  • Decentralized data technologies drive innovation and accessibility across various sectors.
  • The evolution of data management through decentralized networks streamlines operations and facilitates growth.
  • Interconnectivity and interoperability empower diverse industries through decentralized data usage.
  • Data decentralization fosters collaboration and data sharing while maintaining security standards.
  • The decentralized data landscape continues to expand, offering new opportunities and challenges for different industries.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings and Introductions

Yes, I can hear you Joe. How are you? Good. Good morning. Excellent. Yes, we just need a few more minutes and then we should be able to get started. We're almost all connected today. Thank you everyone for joining us. Okay, I'm also checking my mic. This is Mark with televalley. Hello, sounds good. Oh good. Thank you for having me, Javi. Excellent. Thank you for joining us. We also have Doctor Zinzin Fan, head of research at Iotex. Can you, are you able to hear us, doctor? Yes. Hello? Hello. All right. Welcome everyone. Today is Sunday, September 8, 01:00 p.m.

Context of the Meeting

uTC and we will begin our space momentarily on the impact of decentralized data on various industries, with particular insights from the IEEE P 3233 Standard launch meeting, which is very exciting as we know, with new technologies. Establishing standards so that communities and multiple organizations can work together with similar frameworks and requirements allows us to have a more cohesive future in web three and beyond. Today we will be joined by Joe, co founder of Cess, along with Doctor Zinzenfan, head of research of Iotex, Mark Wang, founder of Teliwelly, and we're waiting on our final speaker as well. But we will be able to begin with our introductions as everyone starts to settle in and get connected as we begin in about a couple seconds. Again, my name is Javier Casado. I will be your host on behalf of CEsS, and I just want to welcome everyone and thank you all for joining us today for an insightful discussion on the evolving landscape of decentralized data.

IEEE P 3233 Standard Discussion

Following the launch of our IEEE P 3233 standard, we've seen growing interest in how decentralized data can revolutionize various industries, and today we're excited to delve deeper into this topic with experts who are part of the standards development and others who are leading the charge in implementing these innovations. We'll explore the potential of decentralized data to transform industries, enhance privacy, and create a more secure digital future. So with that, let's dive in and hear from our speakers. Today we'll get some quick introductions, starting off with Joe, the co founder of SAS. Thank you so much for joining us today. Good morning. Thank you for having me. My name is Joseph Lee. I'm a co founder at SAS. SAS is a decentralized data infrastructure based on blockchain, and we offer decentralized storage and decentralized content delivery network.

Decentralized Data Infrastructure

Nowadays, we are moving forward with also AIH link to help training AI models. So what we want to do is offering the most optimal web three solution to store and retrieve high frequency dynamic data that shapes distribution and circulation data assets, and at the same time making sure that data sovereignty and user privacy are protected and offered back to the data owner. So by utilizing the decentralized physical infrastructure network deepen, we want to drive the mass deployment of network nodes everywhere globally, but offering incentive for them to join. Thank you. Thank you so much for joining us. Co founder of SUS Joe. We're looking forward to hearing more about the IEEE standard and what that means for the industry.

Introduction of Doctor Fan

And we do have some doctors here with us today, Doctor Xin Zinfan, again, head of research. Thank you for joining us. If you would give us a quick introduction so we can hear a little more about yourself and what you do at Iotex. Thank you. Hello everyone, my name is Xinqianfeng. I had research at iotex. Iotex has been working on the intersection of blockchain and IoT for a couple of years. We are basically modular blockchain infrastructure to support emerging decentralized physical infrastructure networks. We have building the entire tech stack. Also collaborate with a lot of ecosystem partners to provide the tools and the infrastructure and all the salient features to the deep builders.

Empowering Deep Applications

So basically we are trying to empower the emerging deep applications and help all the deepen projects to grow altogether. Thank you. Thank you so much Doctor fan. We were also joined just now, right on time, by Doctor Quaint Lee, the code contributor for ETH, Filecoin and hyperledge fabric, member of the IETF, RFC 29, 60 and RFC 332 WG. Doctor quaint, thank you for joining us. Are you able to hear us? And is your mic connected? Yes. Thank you. Thank you for a quick introduction and for joining us as well. Okay, thank you. Excellent.

Introduction of Mark Wang

And finally, we also have with us a founder building on top of cess, Mark Wang, founder of Teliwelly. Thank you Mark for joining us. Oh, hi everybody. Thank you. Thank you Javi, for having me. Thank you sex, for allowing me to speak a little bit about televale. So my name is Mark Wang, one of the founders for telewally, so telewally is a dapp that's built on top of the SAS network. We are a decentralized short video platform and marketplace where users earn rewards for creating, viewing, sharing and collecting digital video content.

User Control and Data Security

So what set us apart is that users have full control over their data, including user trends, metrics which includes viewing history, comments, likes, sharing info as well as videos. The users able to turn the videos as a video NFT for digital collectible. With all these data, the user trends videos all be able to secure in their digital wallet. Again, thank you for having me on and looking forward to some great discussions regarding the new IEEE P 3233 standard. Thank you. Yes, thank you so much for joining us, Mark. We're looking forward to hearing about how these standards impact builders such as yourself for building applications on decentralized technologies.

Diving into Standards and Collaboration

And with that, let's dive in and explore the impact of not only decentralized data on the future of our digital infrastructure, but on how standards help this technology become more widely adopted. And with that, we get to our first question following the successful conclusion of the IEEE P 3233 launch meeting where we initiated the standardization of decentralized storage technology. We have invited the participating members to join us today, and we want to ask them, what are the key takeaways from the IEEE P 3233 standard launch meeting? And let's begin with our SAS co founder, Joseph Lee. Thank you so much. Thank you so much.

Joseph Lee's Insights on the Standard

First, I want to thank IEEE to allow us the chance to pioneer in this standard for the decentralized storage protocol specifications. So we are very excited for this opportunity. We had our first kickoff meeting and it was a great success. So what we try to establish is a global standard. It aims to create a unified standard for the decentralized storage solutions. We want to set a clear guide. The standard will promote interability, improve the security, and establish trust in decentralized system across the industry.

Broader Participation in Standardization

We have quite a few participation from different industry leaders, innovators, experts who contributed to the meeting. So for this P 3233 working group has the broad support to emphasize the industry's recognition of the importance of decentralized storage in the future of data management. So what we focus on for particularly is data sovereignty and security. We want to make sure the data is protected and the ownership is bringing back to the data owner. It could be users, organization or enterprise level. It will address the key issue and challenges relate to them.

Encouraging Decentralized Technologies

We want to enable the data ownership and the control and transparency, making sure that user retain control over their data. It only not sets technical specifications, but it also encourages the growth of decentralized technologies by using the standard framework for development. It really reduce or tear down barriers to entries and promotes innovation within the web three ecosystem. So the kickoff meeting was just the beginning and we really are very excited to move forward. Attendees, we discussed the roadmap for future working group meetings, and we have technical contributions and collaboration to further develop and refine the standard.

Thanking Participants and Next Steps

So thank you so much for this opportunity. Thank you for an insight into such an important kickoff towards standardization that will help us achieve more accessibility. Now we look forward to hearing from Doctor fan. What is your takeaway from the IEEE P 3233 standard launch meeting? Yeah, thanks. Thanks for Joseph for leading this I two b standardization effort. It definitely takes a lot of time. I was also the chairs for other Apple standards. I understand how the complexity here. Thanks again for taking the lead for this effort.

Importance of Decentralized Storage in Web3

Decentralized storage is a very important topic in the web three world. We already see there's a number of decentralized storage products have been running for a couple of years in the web three space. However, there's no standardization effort so far, which has a lot of implication for facilitating integration with such technology into different web three applications. I think that's a very important aspect. Basically, we are looking for the unified API, unified data format, unified data schema by interacting with decentralized storage solution.

Addressing Security and Privacy Requirements

On top of that for different applications in the different industry, they may have different security requirements, privacy requirements, etcetera that also need to be addressed properly. This standard working group, I think is a great foundation for really accepting the stage and discussing how we can address those challenges altogether. Overall, I think it's a great effort and I'm looking forward to a future working group meetings. Thank you. Thank you DocKERFan for your insights as well as your contributions and efforts towards the space.

A Collaborative Standardization Effort

And thanks of course for Joe for leading the charge and having this be a team effort. And as we move forward, we get to hear now from Doctor quaint Lee. Doctor Lee, what are your key takeaways from the IEEE p 3233 standard launch meeting? Thank you. Okay, thank you everyone and thank you George to make me join the P 3233 meeting. Actually I'm an observer in this meeting, and this meeting I meet, not to the experts, engineers and professors from there all kinds of the field.

Observations from the Meeting

I think at the comparison of the process will go cheaper. After this meeting, we believe our work will be journey defining the future of the decentralized system. And actually I am a member of the ITF actually is the first time I joined the ICH pre meeting and as the standard international organization. Actually the IETF has many Internet related protocols, but I think the attributes mainly linked to the electronic industry, so there's few IT infrastructure and related protocols.

Significance of the P 3233 Standard

So I think the P 3233 will be the first decentralized strategy protocol in HP, am I right? And I think it's faster strategy protocols. So I think and will be the QQ meeting of the RTP and P 330 will be an important step in standardized decentralized storage technology. I think so. Thank you. Thank you Doctor Lee. Great to hear from a code contributor who's worked on Filecoin and multiple decentralized technologies before. And now we get to hear from Mister Mark Wang, founder of Telewelly.

Mark Wang's Perspective

As someone who is building on top of these decentralized technologies, how important is it for these standardizations to exist and what are your key takeaways from the meeting? Yes, thank you again. Yeah, thank you also, thank you SES and Joe, all the founders of SAS, for leading the way. So for developers, solve definitely. The SAS IEEE P 3233 standard will help drive innovations by offering a clearer framework which will adjust the technical and security challenges in decentralized storage and which will accelerate its adoption across industries.

Future Influences of the Standard

I can see that it will influence the future of decentralized storage, which will set comprehensive guidelines for ensuring, I think, data security, scalability and efficiency. It will also provide a unified direction for developers such as Telewoli, also enterprises and innovators who follow, which will lead to a more robust, secure and widespread adoption of decentralized storage solutions. I think with this standard we can see definitely a faster adoption of web three technologies such as decentralized storage.

Promoting Interoperability in Web3

And again, I think with standard we will lay the foundation guidelines from indie apps and developers which in my opinion will foster cooperation between different projects, also between projects and blockchains, between blockchains and blockchains, and also between other networks. This is my thought on this subject. Thank you. Thank you so much again, Mark Wang, founder of Teliwelly this brings us to our next question as we dive deeper into the importance of industry wide collaboration in establishing standards for decentralized data storage.

Influence of Industry-Wide Collaboration

How important is this collaboration and how does the IEEE standard aim to influence the future of decentralized storage? If we could sneak back to co founder of SES Joseph, thank you so much for your time. Thank you.

Introduction and Gratitude

At this time I'd like to thank Doctor Fan and Doctor Li who contributed to the PE 3233 working group, having you there with additional expert opinion and skillset to increase our knowledge as a working group. Thank you so much. So I think it is very important for standardization. So we want to encourage industry wide collaboration, which is very important and essential, and to build the standards for decentralized data storage because it will make sure the interability, consistency and scalability across various platforming ecosystem are set similar as a standard was specified.

Understanding Decentralized Storage

Decentralized storage, unlike the traditional centralized system that depends on a diverse network of nodes and participants, each with different architecture and operational method. Without a unified standard, the decentralized system will face compatibility issues which will limit their ability to interact and scale effectively. The IEEE P 3233 standard. It plays a very important role in shaping the future of decentralized storage. We want to unify the framework that will actually build and establish the guidelines for performance, security and data integrity. It also ensures that decentralized storage solutions that could operate efficiently across different blockchain, ecosystem and use cases.

Encouraging Industry Adoption

And at the same time we will maintain the high standards of privacy and data sovereignty. We want to encourage industry wide adoption. The IEEE P 323 standardization want to drive the innovation and create an open, transparent and trusted environment for this arena. It also addresses the need for consistency in data storage and retrieval, laying down the way for greater adoptionist sectors like finance, healthcare, IoT, and many others. At this time, I'd like to give you an example.

Background in Networking

My background is in networking and network security. I don't know how many of you know the OSI model, but simply put, there are layers, standard layers, for every network device to go through. So from the bottom is the cabling network. Back in the days we have token rebuild IBM and we have Ethernet. So if you have two different network there, they cannot talk to each other because of different communication protocols. So you actually need to have a bridge or router in between them for them to understand each other.

Building Compatibility

So it's an additional step to get that compatibility. But nowadays everyone's operating under Ethernet and they communicate with each other flawlessly, and that's how you could increase the compatibility. That will also encourage enhancement in their network security. And last thing that I want to say is troubleshooting. It makes the troubleshooting a lot easier as far as the networking concern, because we can use a protocol analyzer and take a look at what's going on with the packets and you know exactly what's happening on your network and do the troubleshooting quick and resolve issues quicker.

Industry Perspectives

Thank you. Thank you Joseph for leading the charge and bringing together such great minds. And we get to hear from another great mind now and get their opinion on how important the industry wide collaboration is in establishing these standards, as well as the IEEE standard aiming the influence of decentralized storage Doctor fan, what is your opinion on the prior? Yeah, thanks.

Importance of Collaboration

I think for industry wide collaboration is super important for creating such standards to ensure compatibility and interoperability. So decentralized storage has been used for a couple of years in the Webster community, and also developer has more clear understanding what technical requirements and what additional features are required when they are using the decentralized storage compare with centralized solution. Definitely there's an additional challenge here that need to be addressed for particular use cases, especially with respect to the security, data availability and the privacy.

Use Case of Decentralized Storage

So that will be need to be further addressed when you are talking about the storage usage in the different use cases and applications. Take the deeping as examples. As an example, the storage piece definitely a very important component when you're building the deep application. So Iotex has been building the deeping modular tag stack and of course the decentralized storage is one of the very important components in our tech stack.

Access to Storage Solutions

We allow the developer to use the different decentralized data storage solution from the different providers. So in such case a unified interface or a set of unified data schema or interface is very important in order to for different developers and web three products can easily access the features from the storage solution. Also, if you need additional features you can use other discounted storage providers.

Interoperability and Collaboration

However, to ensure the interoperability and compatibility will make developers life much easier. That's why the industry wide collaboration on this topic to define how this decentralized storage interface should be used in the different application use cases is very important. Thank you. Thank you Doctor fan. And hearing from industry experts always shines a crucial light on these sorts of topics.

Impact on Future Development

And hearing from those builders themselves who get their hands on the code such as Doctor Lee, let us know how important it is to you for industry wide collaboration in establishing standards for decentralized data storage and how does the IEEE standard aim to influence the future of decentralized storage? Thank you Doctor Lee for your expert opinion. So I think I can follow Joe and Doctor Fan and Joe just mentioned about the ISO models and you know actually the device in the Internet is totally different and they obey their different protocols and different rules.

The Future of Standards

If we did not have a unique and the protocols, we cannot do the communication each other and so about in the future. Decentralized strategy I think the idea out there p 3233 standards is aimed to provide a common framework for the digitized storage to enable the scenery into these interrogations, all these device things together. Just as Doctor Fang says, the DP is very complicated, it's a lot of different device and different rules.

Integration of Devices

So we can put all these things together, obey just one rule and one specifications so they can do those interaction among the different application scenarios. So and it will be, of course, it will be enhanced data security and the privacy and is about the encryptions or the access controls and all the so things and if we accepting a common standard it will be a check for the how to say our web three.

Attracting Investment

The industries are very young so we can attract more their investment and attract more money and researchers and all the maybe a lot of the universities students or the youngest to join us to into the decentralized storage systems. So make the housing sphere better. I think that's all.

Standardization for Collaboration

Thank you Doctor Lee yes, these are standardizations should help us all be able to collaborate and work together and bring more of the community to develop on these types of infrastructures. And we get to hear from Lord Mark now how important this industry wide collaboration in establishing standards for decentralized data storage are and how the IEEE standard aims to influence the future of decentralized storage.

Peer-to-Peer Networks

Thank you. I think most people first heard of decentralized file sharing with decentralized storage in a way probably around the 1990s or early twenties two thousands. Most people heard of like peer to peer networks. I think many of you heard of like NASA and bittorrent like late 2000 2001 where users are able to share and distribute files across the network without relying on a central server.

Blockchain Technology

But I think after 2014 is when most people heard of the modern form of decentralized storage by leveraging blockchain technology so Wiz blockchain offer additional security and transparency to the network. So decentralized sort became more widely discussed as part of the web three movement, which shifted control of data and servers away from centralized entities to decentralized systems governed by users.

The Value of Data

And we also, I think at times heard of the phrase that the data is the new digital goal. I believe that around 328 million terabytes of new data are being created each day to store these new data. Some simple calculations before. So if storing them on like 3.5 inch 18 terabyte hard drives, it will take each day 18 million new hard drives to store these data.

Growing Demand for Storage

And that's just for one day. But I strongly believe that number will only increase due to the advance of like technology such as AR, VR, 3D, metaverses and AI. Also on the other hand too, people are more accustomed to watching and streaming high quality videos and medias, which requires even more storage. So in order for this industry to grow or reach maximum scale, definitely think a standard must be set.

The Role of Standards

That's why I'm sorry sets to initiative and work with IEEE to set a standard for decentralized storage. So email became increasingly popular after SMTP protocol was set. Before SMTP, email systems were often proprietary and could only communicate within like a closed network with a particular office group or a particular region.

Interoperability Importance

So SMTP allow users to send messages to any email servers regardless of the software or hardware being used. So with this interoperability, it was critical for emails widespread adoption around the world. So in this case, it's the same for SASA P 3233 protocol. It's a great step forward after the standard will allow the interoperability and scalability of decentralized data across multiple sectors.

Future Aspirations

Decentralized data that was once only available, say, on the bitcoin network could now be useful on the Ethereum network or the Polkadot network. Also, the P 3233 standard will help drive and speed up a process of many and also massive web three adoptions. And I believe that one day this standard will be widely recognized and remember as once a key protocol that change the world, standing alongside those such as SMTP for emails and HTTP or HTTPs for websites.

Impact on Industries

Yeah, thank you, that's my input for this fantastic insight. Love those comparisons and hearing about how these standards have made changes in the past and how they're likely to make these changes in the future. Which brings us to our next question. How do you see the adoption of decentralized storage impacting critical industries like finance, healthcare and logistics?

Innovations Through Standardization

And we can sneak back around to our co founder of SUS, Joseph Lee so that you can let us know how can industries leverage the IEEE P 3233 standard to drive innovation and create new business opportunities, again, potentially in finance, healthcare and logistics? Thank you Joseph. Okay, so everybody have heard and seen data breaches, right?

Security Concerns

I even got emails from different institutions say your data was breached and that made me very nervous. So by adopting the decentralized storage protocol specifications across the industries like finance, healthcare and logistics. So finance the data security and compliance is very important because they are money.

Integrity and Value

They are representing great value back to the users who put money into their financial institutions. So decentralized search providing enhanced security through the encryption and distributed data models. So we will reduce the risk of data breaches. With the IEEE P 3233 standard, the financial institution can make sure that their data storage meets the global security standards, driving the innovation in digital asset management and complying with evolving regulations.

Healthcare Data Management

Healthcare your healthcare medical data is very critical. You don't want unknown people seeing your records and know your health history. The healthcare generate mass amount of sensitive data. By using the decentralized storage, healthcare provider can securely store patient data. We enable the interability across platforms while making sure the privacy is protected.

Regulatory Compliance

The standard can act as a benchmark for ensuring that decentralized healthcare area is compliant with the HIPAA and GDPR regulations to foster the growth of, say, telemedicine and AI driven diagnostics going into the logistics sectors. It relies heavily on real time data for supply chain management and tracking the decentralized storage solutions allows for better integrity and transparency across global supply chains.

Efficiency in Logistics

With this standard, logistics company can adopt the decentralized storage to improve the efficiency and reduce costs, and at the same time making sure the data exchange is secure and tamper proof and decentralized storage scales very well. So industries could use this IEEE 3233 standard to drive innovations to make sure that they are decentralized storage solution.

Building Trust and Opportunities

They are compliant, scalable and secure. By adhering to the standard, you can build trust and decentralized system that opening up new business opportunities in sectors like the artificial intelligence or IoT and smart contracts. They also foster cross industry collaboration by creating a uniform framework for the decentralized data management that allows industry to share data securely and drive technological advancement forward.

Conclusion and Acknowledgment

Thank you. Thank you Joe for the wonderful insights. And now we get to hear from Doctor Fan. How do you see the adoption of decentralized storage impacting critical industries like health, finance and logistics? And how can industries leverage this new standard to drive innovation and create new business opportunities? Thank you Doctor Fan.

Addressing Data Sovereignty

Thank you. So from my side, I think for we can divide this problem into basically two categories. So for data centric web three applications, data sovereignty definitely the most important feature for a lot of users. How you can ensure users data will be securely stored across global distribution nodes. How you can ensure the user data won't be leaked due to various reasons.

User Accessibility

How you can ensure the data always be available for the web three users when they need it. So data sovereignty is a very important aspect when you try to use the digitalized storage in the web three applications. So if we go back to the more traditional applications like finance, healthcare and logistics, Joseph has mentioned a couple of standards which has been widely used in the traditional web tool space, right?

Compliance with Standards

So for finance, definitely there's a payment standards you need to be compliant with. So in such case, how can you ensure your decision storage solution can be compliant with those payment standards? Healthcare of course, the data privacy is a very important issue. HIPAA and other GDPR has set up the line what you need to be compliant when you're processing the healthcare data, when you're storing those data in the storage, which particular requirements or features you need to meet.

Challenges in Logistics

Logistics is a typical multi stakeholder scenarios. So usually there's a supply chain and you have many stakeholders which handling the one step when you are moving the target from a longer supply chain. So in such case, the real time response is very important to synchronize the information among all the stakeholders. So in the decentralized case, how we can ensure those information can be distributed to all stakeholders in a trustworthy manner.

Roadblocks in Adoption

So for traditional applications like finance, healthcare or logistics, setting up standards is super important. Otherwise it's really hard to push the storage solution to those traditional industries. They have been using the centralized storage for extremely long time. While decentralized storage bring additional benefits for all those businesses from the cost perspective, from the data availability perspective, however, due to the lack of standards, they still hesitate to really deploy those decentralized storage solutions in the production environment.

Standardization for Progress

Well, I think all the traditional industries aware of those opportunities, but we need to really have a standard in place to address the compatibility and interoperability issues among all those businesses. So which will really address their adoption for decentralized storage solution. Thank you.

Final Thoughts on Standards

Thank you Doctor Fenn. You're absolutely right. Especially for more traditionalized industries, you do see them relying on these standards not only for compatibility and vulnerabilities, but also for responsibility. I mean, if something goes wrong with these decentralized storages, who really is responsible at the end of the day? And that's what these standardizations help us get closer to asking to then drive that adoption in these traditional industries.

Industry Perspectives Continued

And now we can hear from Doctor quaint Lee how you see the adoption of these decentralized storages impacting critical industries like finance, healthcare and logistics. And how can these industries leverage the new standards for new business opportunities. Thank you, Doctor Quint Lee. Finance in the healthcare, the logistics and another different industries.

Critical Importance of Data

I think of course the important, you know, finance is money, right? So, and healthcare is for life, right. It's more important. And so I think only the three or all of the industry things is what's the most important things in all the things. What's the core, I think is the data security and personal privacy.

Fundamental Focus

I think both, and not only in the finance, in the healthcare and in logics on all these things, all the data, all the security, all the personal privacy, it's the basic things. It's related about the people's money and for their life, for their integrity of their patient's data. Or we can trick the visible of the shipment.

Opportunities in Web 3

It's about personal property and the debt. It's the most important things. So I think we should just pay attention about the how can we store the data and lies saved in their storage systems? So I think the p 323 standard is drive innovation to this traditional industry and we develop new opportunities and we can create some new business models and revenue resources and actually I think today just is not a nice time for the crate it's not a good day for the young man to start their new business you know and a lot of their data, their resources, the money and even if it's the computer power is all in the hand of the international gains they can use this to build the huge barriers so under the people have no change has no chance do you know and maybe I for 1010 years ago and can use can you imagine the people, the young guys cannot buy a GPU, cannot buy things it's very expensive maybe five days or five years or ten years and every young little company and the young mind can afford it so I think it's not, it's unfair.

Challenges and Chances

so and all of the young guys, another young guys to just dive into the web three industry why? Because web three industry has a lot of the chance however and the web 3 may we can in the web three industry may accept the new format, a new way to work to new benefits and for our future maybe our future will be different but web three is very complicated such as the sales, the Falcon, the AriF and the lice project but they cannot do the communication each other so we should build a standard I common protocol to make all these projects to combine together by adopting this standard so the industry can provide the customers safer, more efficient and more innovation storage solutions so we'll be getting more opportunities for our young guy, for our children I think so.

Significance of P 3233 Standards

I think it's a magnificent meaning for the p 3233 standards.

Motivation to Join KKC

Why I want to join this KKC meeting want to contribute what I can do? I think so. I thought I just a little excited no good.

Passion and New Opportunities

Thank you so much Doctor Lee great to hear the passion and drive as this has been a long journey for many of us in this space and we do love the new opportunities of building in this space which brings us perfectly to our next guest again, Mark Wang, founder of Telewelli. What brings you to this space? How do you see the adoption of decentralized storage impacting these critical traditional industries? And how can these industries leverage these new standards to drive innovation for new business opportunities?

Decentralized Storage Cost Benefits

Yeah, thank you. I guess to answer this question I can speak from my personal experience more from the perspective of a decentralized social media side. So I guess a big benefit of decentralized storage is definitely the cost. So before starting our telewalli, our social media project we have compared around the prices of centralized storage solutions versus that versus decentralized storage. So that's one of the reasons we settled on with the SAS network. So with the decentralized storage solution, we're only paying one fifth of the storage cost. Also, SAS network also offers decentralized CDN functions where our users were not run into the issues of video lag or buffering issues versus other solutions. So on the business side, you definitely offer significant saving for us to our project or business.

Revenue Sharing Concerns

So platforms like YouTube and TikTok, they can keep as much as like 45% or 50% of revenue for yourself where they don't share with the content creator. So one of the reasons they need to keep this much to offset the very high infrastructure cost to cover the centralized storage fees, centralized CDN transcoding fees. But on the other hand, since with decentralized storage we're only paying one fifth of the storage cost, we can pass a significant amount of that savings to our users, to the platform and also reward them for the time on the platform.

User Empowerment through Decentralization

So also, I guess now, speaking of users, I want to shift maybe a little bit. So decentralized storage solutions also offer many benefits to businesses, but at the same time, you can also offer, in my opinion, substantial on-tap opportunities for users or customers to the business. So I think we all pretty much, I guess, understand the ethos of web three is rewrite own your own data. However, most users today do not truly own their data. So with the increasing popularity of AI, more and more data being used to train large language models, LLMs and also specialty private models.

Issues of Data Ownership

So I recently came across an article of how major companies like Apple Nvidia Anthropic, they scraped over, I believe it was 170,000 YouTube videos without users consent to change their AI system. So also another issue too is that users metrics on social media platforms, like particular users, when you go on social media platform, when you like a video or make a comment viewing your reviewing histories, they all collected, but at the same time they're not being, there's no incentive being paid to the users.

Data Ownership and Uniform Standards

So by adopting uniform standards as a P322, users can store their videos and metrics in a digital wallet on a platform such as televali. And the users also hold the options. If they opt, they can sell their data to other networks or decentralized dapps. So this level of data ownership and portability can only be achieved through a uniform standard such as P3. So it will enable like a seamless data usage across different dapps.

Importance of Transmission of Data

So I guess to wrap up I guess, after all. So what is the point of able to sell one's data if there's no way to transfer it or have another platform recognize it? So I think with the P322 standard definitely covers a gap where users on dapps, they're first able to control their own data. Now with this standard, they're also able to transmit data to other networks, again with other blockchains and other projects. Yeah, thank you. That's my input for this question.

Role of Decentralized Storage

Thank you so much. Always great to hear from real projects building on decentralized technologies to solve real world use cases. As that brings us to our next question. What role can decentralized storage play in enhancing data ownership, privacy and security in various industries? Co founder Joseph Lee from SAS. Okay, so every day we surf the web, we put information onto the web, but those information is gathered by those third party companies.

Concerns about Data Usage

How they are used, we don't know. Next thing we know, somebody got your information, you got a call from unknown caller and they got your information from them. Those data has been sold, may be used for marketing purpose. We don't know that. So data ownership is very important because you don't want your data being misused. So decentralized storage, it plays a very crucial role in enhancing the data ownership, privacy security across industries by allowing the control from centralized entities to the individual organization generating the original data.

Comparing Centralized and Decentralized Systems

So let's see how they address these concerns. So for data ownership, in the traditional centralized system, the data is typically stored on a third party server, making users depend on the centralized provider for access and control. Now, decentralized storage system, the individual user business, we could retain the data ownership of their data. SAS as a decentralized data infrastructure, we let the user to decide who can access, who can share, who can use their data.

Privacy in Decentralized Storage

We're making sure that they complete autonomy and control back to the user. Privacy centralized system often result data being stored in a single location and making it vulnerable to breaches or attacks. However, in decentralized storage solution, it is a distributed encrypted data across multiple nodes that will reduce the risk of data breaches and authorize access. Only the data owner or those with the permission can access and decrypt the information.

Healthcare and Data Security

That makes sure that privacy is preserved. Even industry like healthcare, finance or media, where data sensitive is crucial, not like SAS, we distribute the data, we first making copies and we fragment the data and we encrypt those fragments and distribute it. So even I say network nodes at a region failed due to whatever disasters. The data is not lost, it's always there, only the data owner.

Data Availability and Recovery

They could still see the data and bring data back and use as normal. Now let's talk about security. Decentralized storage will enhance the security by eliminating single point of failure. So as I mentioned, if a single node or region or the network is compromised, it does not affect the security of the entire system. Due to our specific protocol that we use on our SAS infrastructure, we have innovative techniques to optimize the network performance and resources management as a rotational selection random consensus node mechanism.

Data Integrity and Security Techniques

We call it R squared S and intelligent cloud space management to make sure the data integrity, the security and traceability privacy incorporates the events mechanism as a proof of data reduplication and recovery. To make copies of the data, fragment them, encrypt them across networks, multi format data writes confirmation we will make sure the integrity of the data is there. And we also have decentralized privacy, re encryption and trusted execution environment.

Reshaping the Data Economy

So all those protocols combined to really make sure your data is always available back to the user and it's always protected and the user have the ownership compared to other decentralized storage solutions, SAS we offer improved security and privacy management for data storage as well as fast data retrieval performance. We want to reshape the data economy. Bye. Empowering data users and creators with control over their digital assets.

Location-Based Storage Protocol

So I also want to mention at this point that the SAS also have a location based storage system due to the different regulation from different official entities that you don't allow data to go beyond certain regions within SASA, we allow the user to select where their data is to be stored. So that's our lbsS protocol.

Final Thoughts by Doctor Lee

Thank you. Very exciting stuff from Seth. Thank you so much for sharing how these new roles can drive decentralized storage play in enhancing data ownership and privacy. And perhaps we can hear from doctor fan. What is your take on what role decentralized storage plays in enhancing data ownership, privacy and security in various industries?

Evolving Data Management

Thank you Doctor fan. Yeah, thank you. To answer this question, we need to have a comparison between how data being handled in the centralized storage versus decentralized storage in the centralized storage like Joseph has mentioned. So data usually is stored in a centralized server.

Limitations of Centralized Storage

So well, yeah, you can claim as a user, you can claim, okay, I can apply or leverage the more advanced technology such as end to end encryption to protect myself. However, your data is still stored in the centralized storage. So we have witnessed numerous data outage in the cloud service provider in the past years. At that time, your data might be deleted, might be permanently gone.

Decentralized Systems Advantages

You don't know decentralized storage. On the other hand, your data will be distributed in a community driven network which bring the great availability for your data. Even some of the nodes goes offline when compared to a centralized storage. You can be ensure in a very high probability your data will be always available. So yeah, this brings a great advantage when using the decentralized storage.

Privacy and Security with Decentralization

So for the privacy and the security when we're talking about the centralized storage, usually they highly rely on the third party auditor to basically attest their centralized service follow the certain regulation or the complaint standards. So what we can be ensured is based on the trust for the third party auditors. However, for the decentralized storage solution, usually the products will be completely open source.

Understanding Data Handling

Then you have clearly understanding how your data is being handled in each stage when your data being collected and processed and stored. So in such case you can say which particular security of privacy countermeasures has been deployed in the system to really ensure the properties they have been claimed. From the user or business perspective, those levels of transparency extremely important to enable the business has a peace of mind when using this type of solution.

Adoption of Decentralized Storage

So while it still might take a little bit longer time to see more massive adoption of decentralized storage, but the advantage bring from those type of solution is quite clear. Thank you. Thank you Doctor fan. I too am awaiting patiently for the day that decentralized storage becomes a norm.

The Future of Data Security

So we can no longer have to worry about how third parties are profiting or using or compromising our data. And that is what such wonderful groups such as SES Iotex and everyone here is working towards day by day. So I thank you all. And that brings us to Doctor quaint Lee, what role can decentralized storage play in enhancing data ownership, privacy and security in various industries?

Impact of System Outages

I think everybody can remember about two months ago in July, a global Microsoft outage has disputed it systems around the world. And I think in the USA the thousands of the us flights have been delayed and hundreds of the flights and cancelled I think. So it's the second issue about the centralized or the decentralized systems.

Comparative Security and Redundancy

It's totally, they are totally different and therefore decentralized. The storage and the decentralized storage can offer the more security suits. Just as doctor Fan and Joe have been mentioned, it can afford redundancy and for the tolerance so data can store on the multiple loads different and the place. And so it will be reduced the risk of the dead loss due to the hardware failures or even if the hackers separate tax?

Ownership and Privacy Control

I think so. And about their ownership and their privacy. Of course the decentralized can give us the more control our data. For example if we put out the assistance of the personnel and the information in the Google cloud or Amazon. But who can only list this data? I'm not very sure about these things.

Concerns about AI Models

All the Internet jammed have their own AI models. Of course they should train them their models. But if and if the AI models is the AI models access our personal data or our private informations, who knows? I don't know. Maybe my personal data is not too leaked in the outside, but they'll be used tightly.

Data Rights and Business Implications

I'm not very sure about these things. So I think the data is my right. But they can use my data, use my right to build their AI models to create their business to earn their monies. So I think this distributed systems or the decentralized storage systems can be do and it provided enhance their privacy and equipment data and debuting it.

Challenges for Unauthorized Access

So of course materials to make it more or maybe a little or more difficult for the unauthorized parties to access. So maybe. And how to say just as last question I just mentioned, maybe make our appear a better place. I think that's all.

Conclusion and Final Remarks

Thank you. Thank you Doctor Lee. We are all wishing for a better place and that does bring us to our final question. But before we get to our final question, Lord Mark from Teliwelli, what role does decentralized storage play in enhancing data privacy and security in your industry?

Centralized Systems Vulnerabilities

Yeah, thank you. I think both Joe and Doctor Li touched on the subject earlier regarding data breaches and the fault of centralized systems. For those of us in the US, I think the topic of data security became more relevant recently.

Recent Data Breaches

I guess recently it was like there's some articles regarding the 2.9 billion people's Social Security information was hacked and also like leave the same hacking group. They also said they have the information of also citizens in Canada and United Kingdom. And I remember a few months even before that at and till had like one of the largest cell phone providers stated that a total of like 73 million customers accounts were also leaked to the dark web.

Awareness of Data Security

I think with these news we keep on hearing them on over and over again and time again. It shows that the vulnerabilities of centralized systems, centralized storage systems. But I guess to be truthful, I think most people will not really pay attention to these hacks or attacks until they are personally affected by the ordeal.

Personal Impact of Data Breaches

Like when Joe mentioned earlier that he received an email regarding a data breach. I think most people once they find out they're personally affected, they will pay a little bit more attention to these technologies. I think it's at these points that people maybe appreciate the benefit of the decentralized storage systems.

Structure of Decentralized Storage

So with the decentralized storage, the data, I guess the benefit is like it's duplicated, it's encrypted and sharded into many pieces and stored on decentralized nodes all around the world. There's no single point of failure.

Advantages of Encryption

So even if a hacker was to get a hold of one piece of the sharded data, it's really not relevant because it won't make sense. It was just a fraction of the piece. And plus, on top of that, it's also encrypted. So in terms of data security and privacy, decentralized stores definitely holds a major benefit versus centralized storage systems.

User Data Ownership

Also, I think I previously mentioned, users are able to truly own their data by storing the information inside their digital wallet, like where Doctor Lee touched up. Companies are able to train AI models based on your data. So why should that be the case?

Creation and Ownership of Data

I mean, you're the one who created all the, you're the one who did all the hard work, you're the one created all the data. It's your personal information. You are the ones that actually be the one that actually hones the rights to these data.

Decentralized Storage Solutions and User Engagement

And I think also by using decentralized storage solutions, again, users will regain data ownership, privacy and security, and also with decentralized storage solutions like SAS. So you will also be able to reward it in the process. So I guess in a way, you forms a new habit loop where users are actually likely to use the platform more because now they're being monetized or being rewarded, which was not an option before.

The Future of Decentralized Storage Industry

Thank you so much, Mark from teliwelly. It brings us now to our final question on how do we envision the evolution of the decentralized storage industry in the next five to ten years? What innovation do you expect to emerge as a result of the adoption of the IEEE P 3233 standardization? Thank you all for your time to learn more about the impact of decentralized data on various industries. So Joe, if you would lead us off one final time, what do you predict in the next five to ten years?

Integrated Ecosystem and Innovations

The future is bright, and decentralized storage is there with it. So, over the five to ten years, we envision the decentralized storage industry evolving into a more integrated, secure, and user driven ecosystem. With a standard IP 3233, the industry will witness innovation in several areas. We look at, of course, interbility and standardization the adoption of the IEEE P 323 standard. It provides a unified framework that making sure that the decentralized storage system can operate seamlessly across different platforms also will create a greater interability, enabling different centralized storage network to communicate and share data efficiently and securely.

Global Ecosystem and Data Privacy

This will create a global decentralized storage ecosystem that breaks down silos and encourages collaboration between different blockchain projects. As data privacy and ownership, it becomes more important to both enterprises and individuals. We expect to see a surge in demand for decentralized storage solution. Companies and institutions will move away from centralized providers to decentralized network because we offer a much greater control over their data, ensuring compliance and global privacy regulations.

Technological Evolution and Security

As decentralized storage grows and innovation in cryptographic techniques such as SAS proxy re encryption technology and multiform data rights confirmation, we will continue to evolve. These features will make sure that the data remains secure, private, and will protect against unauthorized access or tampering even as it is distributed across global network. As Mark mentioned before, that we do make copies and shard the data in Franklin and encrypt fragments, so there's no single point of failure.

Support for AI and IoT Applications

We also expect the decentralized storage industry to play a very crucial role in supporting the growth of artificial intelligence and IoT applications. The AI driven platforms we all know we require vast amount of data, and decentralized storage offers scalable, secure and cost effective solution to meet this demand. To integrate this decentralized storage with AI and IoT will lead to innovations in real time data processing, say smart city development and many other more.

Enterprise Adoption and Regulatory Compliance

And we look at today's elon musk with the electric cars, the self driving vehicles, and all those vehicles, we could look at them as the IoT and they bring back all the data to a central location at this point to analyze the data, to let the drivers know exactly where they're going, the car would know exactly to turn to stop, and all those are information collected as data.

Impacts of the IEEE P 3233 Standard

We want to enable the enterprise adoption enterprises with large scale storage needs will definitely increase looking to decentralized storage network to reduce the cost to improve the data security. And of course, we have to meet the regulatory requirements. The IEEE P 3233 standard will act as a catalyst for this shift, providing we want to be equitable and structured needed for business to adopt decentralized solutions confidently.

Catalyst for Growth and Innovation

The standard will set the stage for the next phase of growth and innovation in the decentralized storage industry and bring in more new cases and accelerate adoption across industries. So at this point, I would also like to let people know, the audience know. Please follow us on the SAS official channel. And we will be announcing our next meeting for the IEEE P 3233 working group meeting. And you could join, you can listen in.

Final Thoughts from the Speakers

So please do that. Thank you. Thank you so much. Joe yes Cess.net work for more information and we are now winding down. We'll get our last few answers in from our speakers. And please speakers, thank you all for your time. Do take some time as well to give yourself an outro and share a little bit more about yourself for the project before we head off. But again, today has been a great space on the impact of decentralized data on various industries.

Innovations and Collaborations

And let's hear now from our final few speakers on how they envision the next five to ten years for the evolution of decentralized storage. Doctor Fan, what innovations do you expect to emerge as a result of the adoption of new standardizations? And again, thank you for your time. Doctor Fan thank you. I think currently from the web three community perspective, I think a lot of web three developers are quite familiar with the features and benefits when using a decentralized storage.

Current Trends and Future Predictions

We already see a lot of projects has been highly relying on decentralized storage solution for storing all kinds of data. Meanwhile, in the traditional web two world we have seen those traditional businesses they starting set up the pilot projects to exploring the benefits providing by the decentralized storage solution. While there's no standard has been in place yet, but in the next five to ten years after we address the standardization challenge, which are expecting to meet all the requirements from the different industry partners at that time, we are expecting to see all the innovations which can leverage the correlation of different data set from the different business organizations or even the datasets during the different blockchain solutions altogether to building the more large scale decentralized applications that I'm expected to see in the next five to ten years.

Reflections on Data Volume and Standards

Thank you. Thank you Doctor fan. Looking forward to the future. Doctor Quaint Lee, what is your prediction for the next five to ten years? And what innovations do you expect to emerge as a result of the adoption of the IEEE P 3233 standard? And thank you for your time. Doctor Quaintly. The next five or ten years I think it might be a bit far away from us and I in fact, in the past two years we can see that the amount of the data is going very fast, I think, and Doctor Fan and Mark and Joe just mentioned about the air things and they are all of the bf one of their competitors and the judges said, and at the beginning of this discussion and he just said the future is bright.

Present Challenges and Opportunities

Yes, I agree, I totally agree. The future is bright. But I think the present is terrible. It's horrible. I think it sucks actually at the present the Najimoti is still only the topic of the cinematic and Joe and Mark and these two gentlemen in the USA, they cannot. They are the only. The AI is the only topic in cinematic but I think they are not as hot as last year. Why? I think the main reason is theme that the speed of the scanning has just slowed down.

The Need for Innovation in AI

I made about the AI technology and the blockchain things. So about three or two or four weeks ago and Google failed twice. When they are training the next generation of their the big model, the Gemini, I think that it can also explain why the release of the GPT file was delayed and in the cinematic channel they believe that there is a difficulty to make models larger than the LLM level. The reason, in my opinion, in my personal opinion, I think the reason is true.

Quality of Data and its Implications

The first things, the post trailing effect after MLe is not very good. All of the LLMs is not very good. Both the GPT and Germany and the cloud and all these things are not very good and the mode has not converged. It's the first reason. And the second, the data is botanic. The quality of the semic data is much worse than the real data. That's totally different.

Importance of Real Data

These two kind of data is different. The real data is good and the select data is not as good as them. So I think so why I may insist them that the most important resources or the most value things is the real data is our personal data. That's the reason. So all of this requires new technology and innovations maybe such as the encryption algorithms and more efficient architecture for example such as the SAS or the sound different computing method such as the LTx.

Potential of the P3233 Standard

I think so in this angle I think the p three two three standard options and I think we can develop more as user friendly solutions and make people and can put their own data safely to the storage systems and the enhanced interpretability will be enable the zooming integrations such as I just mentioned about the Falcon, the SAS and techs and we can add all these technology together, all the solutions, all the systems together.

Synergy between Blockchain and AI

So and the blockchains and AI things will be create a new opportunity to the innovation. I think it's the important meaning of the P 3233. I think that's all. Thank you. Thank you so much Doctor quaint Lee for your time, expertise and knowledge from so many years in this space. This brings us to our final speaker for our final question Lord Mark Wang, founder of Telly Welley how do you envision the evolution of the decentralized storage industry in the next five to ten years?

Innovative Developments and Contributions

What innovations you expect to emerge as a result of the adoption of this IEEE P 3233 standard? And what else would you like to let us know about yourself and your projects and your experience in the space? Thank you so much, and thank you to all of our great speakers for their time today. Yeah, thank you. Thank you, Javi. I think this is a great question.

Predictions for Decentralized Storage

I believe that the adoption of decentralized storage, in my opinion, will vastly increase in the next five to ten years and even beyond. So some of the reasons for one is due to the ever increase of new data being created every day. So again, we need all those hard drives. It's better to be stored on decentralized storage locations.

Rewards and User Participation

Second, sense of decentralized storage solutions such as SAS rewards users to provide their spare hard drives phase to the network. I think just through word of mouth advertisement alone. After users sees the benefit, this industry will continue to grow. I think many of us have a spirit. Hard drives idle. Hard drive just sitting idle.

Environmental Considerations and Future Needs

So why not make some rewards in the process by offering your spare hard drive space to the network? Another area I can see the adoption of this technology through the requirement of environmental agencies or government entities due to environmental factors. So just like currently, a centralized hypersale data center can consume as much as 80,000 the energy of 80,000 us homes.

Centralized Data Centers and Environmental Impact

It can generate CO2 emissions equivalent to about 10,000 cars, which will require the carbon offset of I think was like 600,000 trees to offset the carbon emissions. Furthermore, centralized data center, you will require between 1 million to 5 million gallons of water each day. Just cool your servers since, you know, we understand that water cooling works a little bit better, more efficient than air cooling.

Mandatory Shifts towards Decentralized Solutions

And also they can the amount of water being consumed roughly equivalent since again, I mean the US, I have some more us comparisons. So amount of water being used by 100,000 us homes, I believe in the future, much like the mandatory requirement by the government or environmental agencies, like the shift from gas powered cars to electric only cars, there might be a shift that required for the full implementation of decentralized storage solutions or better, more efficient ways of operating a centralized data center.

Innovation through the IEEE P 3233 Standard

So some innovation I could foresee through the adoption of the IEEE P 323 standard is definitely more dapps and blockchains and also network data interoperability. We could see digital asset that was once only available on the Bitcoin network now be available on the Ethereum network.

User Benefits from Standardization

And since data finally have a standard, you will greatly benefit the end user. So the end user will no longer need to create a separate login or profile for each platform. Their data could follow them across different networks.

Cross-Platform Data Utilization

If everything is successful, like for a gamer as example, you will mean the ability to use your hard a lot of time, grind or tools or weapons from one game. But now we're finally based on the standard, we're able to transfer them between not just directly games to games, but also between platforms.

Migration of Social Media Content

Maybe say from Xbox to a PlayStation to your personal PC. And for someone that's big on social media, you will mean the ability to migrate like all your posts, your comments from one platform to another.

Ease of Customer Data Migration

So like if a social media influencer, they can transfer all their users comments, all the likes and potentially even the followers from TikTok say to YouTube, and from YouTube say our platform, televalley. So for a business entity, it will mean an easy migration of customer data.

Rapid Changes in Data Control

So from one management software to another. So I guess through a uniform standard, entities definitely would need to work through a different perspective since the user data no longer being locked down by the entity, so they don't really have full control.

Empowering Users through Web3

Again, there was the ethos of web three. We're actually giving the control back to the actual users. So these entities will actually have to work extra hard and compete with each other to bring maximum value in order to convince the users to stay onto the platform.

Positive Impact on Society

I think at the end it will be a great benefit to the users and also in society as a whole. I think it will benefit everybody because, you know, again, the entities will have to compete with each other for the users.

Gratitude and Conclusion

So I guess at the end, I'd like to say thank you to Javi for being a great host for CES, for having me on also. Thank you Joe. Doctor Li, Doctor Fang, it's definitely an honor to speak along with the founder, SS and so many great doctors. Here's some lots of valuable opinions also to the audience if you're interested in more info regarding telewally and our decentralized social media app.

Vision of User Control and Monetization

So our aim is to give full control back to the users and revolutionize the creation, ownership and monetization of video content. So please follow us on twitter eliwully IO so that's t e l l ydeh w e l l y I o. Like the extension. Our icon, so blue background with a white happy face. Yep.

Closure of the Discussion

Thank you. Thank you so much. And that brings us to a wrap of our space covering the impact of decentralized data on various industries and the insights from the IEEE P 3233 standard launch meeting. I have been your host representing Ses Javier Casato alongside Joe, the co founder of SAS. We've had some great speakers, Doctor Zinzin Fang, head of research at Iotech Doctor quaint Lee, contributor for Ethereum, Filecoin and Hyperledger fabric as well as Mark Wang, founder and developer on Cess for his project telewelly Vida centralized TikTok Eliwelly IO thank you all so much for your time today.

Future Engagement and Invitation

We're looking forward to our future spaces. Please follow us on Twitter at sethstorage. Check out our website@seth.net work. Join our discord, join the community. Thank you to all of our partners and other participants for their support calling for love in upcoming activities and I will catch you all next time.


Goodbye. Thank you. Bye bye. Thank you. Thank you everyone.

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