Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Great OP_CAT Debate | The Ordinal Show hosted by LeonidasNFT. The Great OP_CAT Debate on The Ordinal Show provided a deep dive into the NFT space, focusing on trends, blockchain interoperability, and the evolving Metaverse landscape. Discussions ranged from the impact of NFT trends on digital ownership to the role of creators in shaping intellectual property rights. The space emphasized community engagement, the potential of NFTs in empowering creators, and the integration of NFTs into virtual economies. Innovations, challenges, and future visions in the NFT ecosystem were thoroughly explored, highlighting the dynamic and transformative nature of NFTs within the Metaverse.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How do NFT trends influence digital ownership?
A: NFT trends redefine digital ownership by introducing unique tokens representing various assets and creations.

Q: Why is blockchain interoperability crucial for NFTs?
A: Blockchain interoperability allows NFTs to move seamlessly across different networks, increasing their utility and overall value.

Q: What role do creators play in the NFT space?
A: Creators are pivotal in the NFT space, as they produce the digital assets that form the basis of NFTs, emphasizing intellectual property rights and ownership.

Q: How does community engagement impact NFTs in the Metaverse?
A: Community engagement fosters inclusivity, sustainability, and the growth of NFTs within the expanding Metaverse environment.

Q: What challenges are prevalent in the NFT market?
A: Challenges in the NFT market include regulatory uncertainties, scalability issues, and the need for standardization.

Q: What innovations are shaping the NFT ecosystem?
A: Innovations like DeFi integrations, AI applications, and unique project concepts are reshaping the NFT landscape, driving creativity and functionality.

Q: How can NFTs empower digital creators?
A: NFTs empower creators by offering new monetization avenues, direct engagement with audiences, and ownership rights over their digital creations.

Q: In what ways are NFTs contributing to virtual economies?
A: NFTs are fueling virtual economies by creating new markets for unique digital assets, virtual real estate, and in-game items.

Q: What future scenarios do NFT-driven experiences envision?
A: NFT-driven experiences envision a future where digital assets seamlessly integrate into daily life, offering new forms of interaction, ownership, and economic opportunities.

Q: How is the Metaverse evolving with NFT integration?
A: The Metaverse is evolving through NFT integration, creating immersive digital spaces where users can own, trade, and experience unique virtual assets across interconnected platforms.


Time: 12:15:29
NFT Trends and Digital Ownership Exploring the impact of NFT trends on reshaping digital ownership paradigms.

Time: 17:05:17
Blockchain Interoperability Discussing the importance of cross-chain compatibility for enhancing NFT utility and value.

Time: 21:15:40
Future Vision of NFT-Driven Metaverse Envisioning futuristic scenarios where NFTs transform the landscape of the Metaverse.

Time: 25:47:02
Creators' Role in NFTs Debating the influence of creators and their impact on intellectual property rights within the NFT ecosystem.

Time: 30:30:15
Innovations in NFT Space Highlighting unique projects and innovations driving creativity and functionality in the NFT ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Exploring NFT trends and their impact on digital ownership.
  • The significance of blockchain interoperability for NFT utility and value.
  • Insights into the evolving landscape of the Metaverse and NFT integration.
  • Understanding the role of creators and intellectual property rights in the NFT space.
  • Discussion on unique projects and innovations shaping the NFT ecosystem.
  • Highlighting the importance of community engagement and inclusivity in the Metaverse.
  • The potential of NFTs in empowering digital creators and enhancing monetization strategies.
  • Debating the challenges and opportunities within the NFT market.
  • Exploring the concept of decentralized finance (DeFi) in relation to NFTs.
  • Insights into the future vision of NFT-driven experiences and virtual economies.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to the Scouting Reports

Hey, guys. Thank you for joining us tonight. We are doing live, uncommitted scouting reports. If you are a player that is hoping to get a live, uncommitted scouting report tonight, please, you can start by requesting to speak, and we will get started here shortly, waiting for one of our evaluators to come on. So, once again, if you are a player that would like a scouting evaluation tonight, request to speak right now that will get you to the front of the line and we'll get started here shortly. Thanks for joining us tonight.

Evaluators and the Process

Okay? Got you loud and clear. All right, great. All right, guys. Hey, thank you for joining us. This is something we just kind of started doing that has been very popular. We do live scouting evaluations. So as I said earlier, if you're a player that's listening tonight, if you want a live scouting evaluation, we are doing live scouting evaluations on tonight's Twitter space. So step one is request to be a speaker. Everyone that wants to get that live scouting evaluation request to speak. I'll add you as a speaker and those people that request to speak first, we will do your uncommitted scouting evaluations first. So we already have a guy ab. Jasper. Ab, anything you wanted to say before we get started? First introductions or anything you wanted to say about sports force before we get going?

Summer and Fall Recruiting Periods

Yeah, I think right now, guys, this is, you know, we're between the summer recruiting period and the fall recruiting period. Fall recruiting period starts in a couple weeks. It's a good time to kind of reevaluate what happened over the summer, how you played and what's coming up next and where you need to focus your time and energy and if you need to make any adjustments with your college recruiting efforts and game plan. So these evaluations are meant to really give you a brief but clear understanding of where you are based on your grad year, maybe based on your position, and, you know, some insights in terms of how you can put your best foot forward with where you are currently.

Navigating College Baseball and Evaluation Importance

You know, if you're a parent listening in, this is really good to be able to hear this as well. You know, where college baseball is right now, we're in unprecedented times based on the level of competition, the moving parts that have happened with the transfer portal, with the changes in scholarships and roster amounts. So I think now more than ever, it's critical to get the right evaluation then to be able to have that inform you on what you need to do to make sure you put yourself in the best position possible. You know, as a company, we've been for over a decade, we've been in the trenches talking with hundreds of college coaches every month at every different level about what it is that they're looking for, how they're recruiting now, how that's changed and what are the key metrics and attributes that they're looking for out of a player, athletically and academically.

The Process of Live Evaluations

And so knowing where you stand is just really critical in this process. And then as a company, we work with a few hundred families every year guiding them through every step of the recruiting process, from their evaluation to marketing them, video editing to contacting college coaches to talk about the player and their scouting report all the way and then until helping the player ultimately commit to the best college Fitzhe and really set themselves up to start college baseball on the best foot possible. So we've decided to do these live evaluations because there's just been a missing link and gap in terms of players not knowing where they stand, typically not having coaches or people in their corner to tell them what's the honest truth of where they are and these evaluations while they're brief, we try to give you some clear context of where you are and what you need to focus on, but I can't tell you that it's a complete, thorough evaluation and scattering report that we do when we really take the time to talk with a player and a family.

Expectations for Evaluations

So these are almost like lightning round type of evaluations. So I just want to manage your expectations. But we've done this before on the last space and there was a ton of value that the players received. And this is really for players that are uncommitted, that are in high school or junior college because really, this transfer portal is pretty wrapped up unless you're still hanging on for hope. So case, I think those are the, you know, the breakdown there. Yep, absolutely. Want to remind everyone one more time before we get started. We got three players already lined up ready to go, which is great if you are a player that wants your, that wants an uncommitted scouting evaluation on tonight's space, all you have to do is request to speak.

Getting Started with Players

I'll add you as a speaker and it'll put you in line to get your scouting evaluation. So with that being said, first guy up is Jasper. Jasper is a 2026 from San Jose, California, Bellarmine college prep ab. I don't know if you want to pull up Jasper's profile there as soon as you're ready to go he's all yours, Jasper. You can go ahead and unmute yourself as well. What's up? Thanks for having me. Hey, Jasper, how you doing? I know Coach Thompson on our staff is very familiar with Bellarmine. You know, you're at a good high school program, played in a really good league up there in northern California. So let's dive on in right now.

Jasper's Background and Metrics

You know, you list yourself shortstop, second base, third base. I guess if a college coach was to come see you play one game and at what position would you want to play? Definitely shortstop. Okay, awesome. And then looking at your Twitter bio, you know, you list your infield Velo Max, 86 across the diamond, 6760 yard sprint, 511, 3.8 GPA. Academically, are you taking regular classes, honors, ap? Where are you at on that end? I'm only taking regular at this moment. Next year I'll definitely do AP's and honors. Okay, gotcha. So I'm gonna pull up. I'm on your YouTube account. So you got that link right in your bio, which is good. You also got your perfect game in there, too. And then you got your phone number.

Video Analysis and Performance Insights

So from a Twitter audit standpoint, like rock solid, just, you know, as a quick breakdown. So let me just. Based on just your metrics, not even looking at your video, you know, you have some metrics that. That really stand out to put you in a category, you know, at a potential division one level. Now I got to see how you move. Now, guys, to be clear, division one, there's over 300 division one programs that are out there. So when I say division one, I don't want you just to jump and assume, all right, you know, Stanford and, you know, Texas and Tennessee and LSU, you get. You get the idea.

Evaluating Jasper's Skills

So let me go ahead and pull up your video. And so, you know, I'm going to look at your BP plus infield because I really need to see how you move first. And this batting practice footage just on your YouTube account, not very helpful because it's really behind the cage and I can't really take a look at it. But let me jump in to your infield here. And whoever filmed this, I'd recommend they really try to zoom in a bit more to get your. To get your skills. Okay. But just watching quickly your feet move well. You get. You get in a good position for each play.

Overall Feedback on Jasper's Performance

You play at a good, quick pace. And one thing is infielders, when you get video of yourself from a workout or something else, you have to do it at game speed. And imagine there's like a four 4.1 runner running down to first base. And so just quickly, you're, you know, you do appear to on your video to play at a good pace, which is big. Let me pull up another. Another quick video here. Okay. Yeah. Thank you. Does that make sense? Yeah. All right, here's a double versus St. Ignatius. So that was back one month ago.

Insights on Hitting and Adjustments

I have my software highlight videos on my YouTube as well. You could pull that one up, too. Yeah, I'm just looking at this pre game batting practice. All right. So a couple things. Just with your hitting, your bat kind of lags a little bit through the zone. And what I mean by that is that you're not getting in the strongest position, getting into your back hip to really fire from your backside to get more bat speed. So, I think there's more in the tank for you is what I'm trying to say. Let me just watch.

Improving Performance Through Technique

Yeah. Thank you. So you kind of drift out of your. Out of your hip a little early, and if you get a little bit more into your back hip, that's, that. That's going to help you some, just in terms of getting a little bit more drive. But one thing I would say your pre pitch routine is pretty. Is consistent. You're on time. I'm just watching your pre pitch rhythm and timing. So I. I get ready a little early, a little earlier and a little easier. And that's the same thing that, you know, for you to get in your back hip if you get ready a little earlier, meaning with your kind of movement back into your hip, that's going to help you get on time more comfortably a couple times.

Final Evaluation for Jasper

You're getting beat on batting practice fastballs where, you know, you should be in a position to really drive the baseball just a little bit more. Does that make sense? Yeah. Thank you. Okay, so, you know, at this stage, so your metrics are putting yourself in a good position. Quick evaluation, I'd be looking at this stage at low to mid division one is kind of like your, you know, the reach level of schools and then, you know, division high academic, division three, you know, is another kind of, you know, target audience for you as well.

Exploring College Options

And then at the Division II level, California's got a ton of division good division two opportunities as well. So, you know, I'd keep your options, you know, from a division two standpoint, you know, open as well. So do you have a target list right now of schools? Oh, yeah, I'm actually talking to Colorado School of mines right now. Okay. Yep. Division two program. Yep. Good school. I'm looking at, like, Chico State, Pomona, Pitzer. Yep. Some d ones, like California Baptist University. Yeah. You see UC Davis.

Feedback on Jasper's Goals

Yeah. And then just like, San Jose State, Santa Clara, just ones around my area, which, like, I could go to their camps easily. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I would. I would say, you know, the division ones that you're. You're talking about, they're going to want to see you continue to make some. Some strides in your improvement. And I think with your swing, making a few adjustments, you know, with your swing, like, you're.

Strength and Technique in Baseball

And you're going to need to gain some more strength, which is, that's the case for almost every player that's listening here. But before you gain more strength, just making sure you're really honing in on your movement patterns as a hitter to make sure that when you do add more strength, you're getting the most out of it. I think sometimes players think, oh, strength is going to solve every problem, but you got to get the mechanics and the fundamentals right first.

Strength as a Multiplier Effect

That. Then when you add, strengthen and you start to grow even a little bit more, it just makes it like, a multiplier effect. Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so I guess to recap, any other questions that you got based on kind of this live evaluation? I have a meeting with the school of mines coach on Saturday. Like, is there any, like, questions I should ask during the meeting or.

Engaging with Coaches

Yeah, abso. Absolutely. I would first ask, you know, have they had a chance to see you play in person yet? And. Yeah, I went to their camp last week. Okay, awesome. So then I would ask them, you know, like, honestly, what was their evaluation? Kind of the good, the areas for improvement that you want to get just some. Some good feedback from them. I would also dig into, you know, what's the experience as a, we have a player who's at Colorado School of the Mines right now who has recruited out of Texas to go there.

Understanding Program Expectations

It's a great division two program, high academic, one of the few high academic d two s. So I would just get an idea of what that kind of balance between baseball and school is like and, you know, how serious they are about baseball and what their goals are as a program to be able to hear from the coach, because, like, you're listening here tonight, like, you love the game of baseball. You're not, you know, you're not here just to be a student and try to make a team, it sounds like. So, you know, dig in on kind of why you know what? What about the baseball program that the coach can share in terms of their goals, expectations, etcetera?

Conclusion of Jasper's Session

Okay. Yeah. Thank you. Yep. All right, Jasper. Awesome, man. You know, case, we'll. We'll move on. Yeah, absolutely. So, yeah, guys, we're doing live scouting evaluations. If you like what you're hearing, if you want to get your scouting evaluation, request to speak. We got two other guys lined up, but we got time to do more. So all you got to do is request to speak. We'll add you as a speaker, and we'll keep on doing these scouting evaluations.

Upcoming Masterclass Announcement

Before we move on to our next player, I want to let everyone know we are doing a college recruiting masterclass this Sunday. The summer recruiting is over. Masterclass. The NCAA fall contact period is right around the corner. Some of the topics we're going to be covering is the top five fall recruiting mistakes to avoid camp and showcase selection best practices. I'm sure a lot of you guys are getting invites to camps and showcases. We'll help you come up with some ideas on how to make the selection and pick some of those best camps and showcases the impact of the new division 134 scholarship and roster maximum scouting benchmarks, how to maximize your fall recruiting exposure and open q and a.

Educational Opportunities

These college recruiting masterclasses are great just to educate yourself on all of these topics. So if that's something you're interested in, these master classes are completely free. All you have to do is DM the sports Force Twitter page masterclass, and we will send you the link for the masterclass. So, again, if just educating yourself on the college recruiting process and kind of keeping yourself up to date on everything that's going on in college recruiting right now, DM the sports Force Twitter page, masterclass, and we will send you the link to sign up.

Next Player Introduction

Moving on to our next player for scouting evaluations, we have Andrew Owen. Andrew Owen is in the class of 25. He's from Alabama. And, Andrew, if you want to go ahead and unmute yourself. Yep, yep. Let me just pull up Andrew here. Hey, Andrew, how are you? Doing good. How are you? Yeah, doing well. Let me, let me see. All right. There we go. We got you. Okay. Providence Christian, right? Class of 25, 1st base outfield.

Analyzing Andrew's Profile

Yes, sir. Okay, cool. You got another. You got a YouTube channel up, as well. So just looking at your bio, you know, everything looks pretty clean so far. Let me pull up your YouTube accounts. And there we go. All right, cool. All right. So class of 2025 1st. So I would abbreviate some things in your bio just put 2025. Six, 1200. You don't even need to put pounds for 4.5 gpa, 27 sat. That's good. I would try to get some metrics in here. You know, left handed hitter, like, that's a big deal.

Key Metrics for Andrew

Your exit speed's got to be really good. So I would. I would get that data on here. I'm just looking at one of your swings, like the ball jumps off your bat. So is that. That makes sense? Yes, sir. Okay. And then do you have a profile? Like, with all your, you know, with your schedule, with your stats, with your. With your video all in one place? It looks like you just have a YouTube account.

Creating a Comprehensive Profile

Yes, sir. So you think I should put, like, schedule and stuff on that, too? Ideally, you would have a profile that has everything in one place. So we'll dm you a link of what we. Of what we mean just to. Because college coaches guys have a really tough time when they're trying to chase down different information. Like, all right, where's your transcript? Where's this? And I see you have your transcript on your YouTube account, but, you know, what's your schedule? What high school do you go to?

Collecting Necessary Information for Coaches

What travel team do you play for? And I see you tagged a team on here. I assume that's your. Oh, that's your high school team. So. But just having everything in one place can really make this a lot easier for them. All right? Okay. So before I dive in, why don't you kind of give us an idea of just where you are as a 2025. Right now in the recruiting process?

Andrew's Current Recruiting Situation

I've got a couple looks from some jucos and, like, d two s, d three s around here, but I've been. I've signed up for a bunch of camps in these next couple weeks. Okay. And with the d, what type of interest are you getting? Is that phone calls, text messages? What's kind of in there? Okay. Lots of text messages.

Finding the Right College Fit

Okay, and what do you. What are you looking for in terms of the right college fit? Not the name of a school, but just. Yeah. What is it that you're looking for? I mean, just really, just a good program, you know? Good enough. Good enough academics? Yep. Okay. And you're open to different levels as well.

Discussing College Expectations

Okay. All right, cool. So let me just add a couple things, and then I. If a coach came to watch you play one game, I assume you want to be at first base. Okay, cool. So first things first. You know, you got video on your account, and. Let me. Let me go to your YouTube account. Really? Quick. So you got this BP. All right, so that was three weeks ago.

Evaluating Andrew's Performance

Is this prep baseball report? Is the video from prep baseball report? Is that from three weeks ago as well? that one right there is from. Oh, I think it was before the. This last season. Last school season. Okay.

Discussion on Video Content

Got it. I would bang the music from your video, so I just get rid of it. just. Coaches are going to mute it. Like, I'm going to mute right now. Right. I'm just watching your swing a little bit more. All right, so with you, I'd like to see. Let's look at these live at bats. So you got to. So you want. You know what I like about your swing, and I know some of you guys can't see this, but what I like about your swing is you're able to manipulate your barrel and kind of get to different locations of pitches in the, you know, in the zone. So you can handle some stuff that's high, you can handle some stuff, you know, that's in and away.

Improvement Suggestions for Swing

One thing with your swing where I see some improvement is just making sure that it continues to just get as smooth and repeatable as possible. And I do like that it's pretty short and quick, but I think you can get into a stronger position. If you notice your barrel, is pretty up and down before you move, before you make your, kind of before you initiate your swing. And it'll help you. Yeah, I'm just watching. It's going to help you have a little bit more juice and a little bit better entry into the zone if you have your barrel with a little bit of a, you know, they talk about like a 45, you know, angle tilt.

Understanding Swing Mechanics

you know what I mean? You know what I mean? You know what I'm talking about, right? Yes. Like, angled. Angled back at the catcher. No, angled back toward the pitcher. Like. Yeah, like the knob. Exactly. The knob toward the catcher and the barrel a little bit more toward the pitcher, a little bit more over your helmet or at least your shoulder. So that's just a. But, you know, the good thing is you're like, you're physical. You keep your, you keep pot, you keep your posture well, and you just got a short, simple swing.

Performance Discussion

So I think you're going to hit. What were your numbers, you know, for the high school season? If you remember, they were like 350 average. I hit it like seven, eight. Okay. Where do you hit in the lineup. This year? Like six or seven? You have a pretty good team. Yes, sir. We were pretty good this year. But you know, if you're hitting mid 300s, that's pretty good. Meaning you're putting barrel on the ball. But I think you got, bottom line is I think with your size you got more and with your swing you got more power that's in there.

Size and Strength Evaluation

You know, you're six, 1200 pounds, so you're pretty physical guy. I think there's more juice in your swing there. Now I noticed, you know, your first post, you know, you got a Bible verse in there. Is it important to go to a school that's a christian school or with a christian coach or. What are your thoughts there, Andrew? You there, Case? I don't know. Did we lose him? I mean, he's still listed as a speaker. Andrew, you still with us? No worries. I'll wrap, I'll wrap it up.

Wrap-Up and Next Steps

But, you know, yeah. Andrew Owen, 2025 out of Alabama. You know, good solid prospect. I think the, where I would focus, you got some things to improve just on your swing, your overall game, speed wise. You can improve your speed because college coaches want to know if you're, you know, if you're a first baseman or an outfielder that you're not going to be a clock, you know, a clog on the base paths. So trying to get your, let's say, speed home to first, you know, under 4560 time, you know, let's say under 7.5.

Evalution of Current Skills

My guess right now is it's a little bit over that. Maybe even try to get it under seven four and then really work on your base running as well. But I mean, your ticket's going to be your bat. I don't see any defensive footage, so there needs to be more footage organized, edited and put together in one place. Plus a profile to be able to have coaches be able to look at your video, your stats, your schedule, your transcript, everything right there. Make it easy for them.

Clarification on Recruitment

So those are some kind of quick wins. And then right now with the schools that have interest in you, I'd really just try to get clear on what their timeline is, how they recruit. Do they recruit out of high school predominantly? Is it a mix out of high school, Juco and the portal? And then for your family, you know, getting clear on what your financial goals are with the schools and because there's a big difference between looking at Juco versus d three versus d two, and I would not be targeting any d one s, you know, at this stage, based on my evaluation.

Juco Opportunities

Like, good quality, mid to high level Juco opportunities as well. I mean, you're a 2026. You still, you still have. The Jucos are going to recruit later, you know, than the four. Than the four year programs typically. But with the portal now, even four year programs are recruiting sometimes really late. But ideally, you want to get as many schools interested in you right now, so you just have, they can track your progress and development over the longest period possible.

Classroom Achievement

All right, sounds good. Any questions? No, just thank you. And then with your GPA, like, keep crushing in the classroom, 4.1 GPA, that's going to set you apart. Also going to be able to get, you know, more potential academic money and schools, most schools now can stack athletic and academic money as well. So solid, man. I'm pumped for you. It looks you got a lot. You got a lot to look forward to.

Recruiting Process

All right, thank you. You got it. See you, Brad. All right, we are doing live, uncommitted scouting evaluations tonight. Thank you, everyone who is participating. If you like what you're hearing tonight, we are doing a recruiting masterclass this Sunday. It's free to participating in. It is a way for you to educate yourself more in depth on the college recruiting process. So if you like what you're hearing tonight, dm the sports force x page masterclass and we will send you the link to sign up.

Evaluation of Bo Davis

Next guy up, we have Bo Davis. Bo Davis is a 2026 from Ohio Ab. I'll give you a second to pull up Bo's x page. Bo, you can go ahead and unmute yourself. How's it going, guys? Hey, Bo. What's going on, buddy? Nothing much, but how you doing? All good. All right. Bo Davis. Let me give everybody a little overview. So, 26. Football, baseball plays for release. 60. Six foot, 170. Pop time? 197 78. Catcher Velo, 4.2 GPA. Alliance, Ohio. Awesome boat.

Recruiting Interest

Well, why don't you catch us up to speed? Where are you right now with recruiting interest? How are things going? Haven't really heard anything. Just a lot of camp invites. Yep. And then I got one email from Akron, just said that they were looking forward to reaching out, but I haven't heard anything yet. Okay, gotcha. Are you frustrated about this or you? How are you feeling? No, I'm just getting into it. I just got my. My scouting videos from release, so I'm just getting to the.

Social Media Presence

Sending out to colleges, so. Really? Too frustrated yet. Okay. Gotcha. All right, let's. So let's pull up. So, a couple things. I think you can tighten up your Twitter bio. You know, the big deal, guys, is Twitter gives you a limited number of characters. So just keep it really tight in terms of what you put. So, you know, pop time. You can just put pop. You know, catcher Velo, you can just put 78. You don't need to put miles per hour. Most coaches know what that is. Baseball, football.

Catching Techniques

That's all good. And then let's take a look through your Twitter account. So don't run on Bo. That's it. That's the tweet. Nice. So they got a. They got a couple posts. You just gunning guys out? Let me. And let me ask you know, as a catcher, what do you love most about catching? I just love being involved in every play, just having the ball in my hand, especially with the runners on. Just. This is a good feeling, getting people out, blocking balls.

Catching Coaching

Just something that I take pride in. Yeah, for sure. I can tell you working with a. Coaching. A catching coach. Yeah, I'm working with. His name's Colin Guskoff. He played semi pro ball. Okay, let me take a look. I'm just trying to find more your secondary stance, one, you know how you get set up into your different stances. Yeah. Okay. So, guys, as a catchers, it's the most scrutinized position in the recruiting process, way even more than pitching.

Necessary Skills for Catchers

So what college coaches need is they need a good, comprehensive view of how you catch. So that means they need to see how you catch and receive, how you block, how you obviously throw as well, and ideally, what that looks like. So you could do a workout where you're getting footage of yourself from a side angle on your throws, not just from the back angle. You want both, so you can just see a little bit of the mechanics. And then same thing. Some receiving footage.

Receiving Footage

Even if you're just receiving a bullpen, just from a. From the pitcher's perspective, set up the camera. Could be a coach, a parent, a teammate, but really show how you receive the baseball and ultimately how you move and you turn you into strikes. Coaches want to see that. MIT magic is what they. What they refer to it as. And then you got a bunch of football. Are you looking to play football in college? No, it's just another route I could take.

Backup Plans

Just putting stuff out there just as, like, a backup plan, I guess. Okay. And what's your position for football? I play quarterback. Okay, cool. And let me just take a look. I want to look at one of your clips. I'm not opposed to you showing some. Some football footage here. I assume you have a huddle account. Yeah, I do. Okay. If baseball is your number one, which you put first in your bio, then I would feature some.

Video Portfolio

Some more baseball here. And that way it's easy for coaches, you know, to be able to take a look at you with the release program. Do you guys have profiles for, like, as a player? Do you have a profile of, you know, all of your baseball resume? I will in the next week. So I just got my videos from them from the past year. They gave me catching video from all my, like, highlights, I guess, hitting.

Create a YouTube Channel

And then I got a pitching one as well. So I'm just planning on making a YouTube account and putting them all in there. Got it. Okay. The only issue with YouTube, as I mentioned earlier, I don't know if you were listening, is it doesn't include kind of, like, all of your information in one place. So your schedule, your stats, your. Your transcript, you know, academically, coaches want to see your transcript.

Field Level

I mean, let me take a look at. I have a field level as well. I think it has my transcript on it. Okay. I would. What's your GPA? 4.2. Okay. And then I don't see any. Let me. Let me take a look here. Here's some hitting. That's just one swing from, like, a prep baseball thing, right? Okay. So I don't know if your swings change. Let me just take a look.

Swing Analysis

How long ago was this? July 30. So, not too long ago. I'm pulling up kind of. So, a couple things right now. You don't get your wrists and hands and bat into a good cocked position, so you kind of lay it. It's a little bit flat. and then your hands move forward as your body moves forward a lot. And that's just going to minimize how much, like, separation you get.

Improving Swing Mechanics

Think about your hands. So I want you to imagine holding a bat right now, and when you take that stride with your front foot, those should stretch like your front foot and your hands should stretch like a rubber band. Like, you know how you pull a rubber band and you stretch it out? Yeah. So right now you stride, but your hands are just drifting forward with your swing, with your stride and your movement. Does that make sense?

Bat Position Feedback

Yeah, it makes sense. And you can watch it on video. You can literally pull up your video watching it. Yeah. You put your finger on the knob of your bat at the beginning of your swing and just watch it, you know, move forward. So there's, and then that barrel, being able to get that, put your barrel in a little bit of a better position where you can kind of see your barrel more over your shoulder, you know, in terms of the frame there.

Launch Angle and Improvements

So that's why, you know, you got that pretty steep launch angle there. Anyway, I could go more in on the hitting side, but there's some improvements that could be done. I mean, your number one tool right now is your ability to catch and throw. You know, it looks like what they said just from some quick notes prep baseball wise is, you know, clean feed and exchange.

Defensive Skills

But we need to see how you catch, block, receive and block. College coaches expectations for 2026 is, you know, are, we'll just say at a division one level, like low division one, that you're going to have, you know, a. Let me just pull up our kind of metrics chart here. So exit speed on a BP, on an average, you know, if you were to hit ten baseballs in a row during batting practice, like average exit speed, this is for a player coming out of high school as a senior, you're looking at average exit speed like 88 to 90.

Exit Speed Metrics

So right now your max is 90. So there's some improvement there. But defense is number one for catching, as you know. So catch and throw during practice, 19195 during a game, right in that 20 to 02:05 and that means an average, whether the balls in the dirt, whether the balls, you know, reaching far away to your right, like not just, you know, pitches down the middle feel good and then defensive velocity, you know, low eighties, like 80 is what we put.

Future Potential

So just to give you kind of, you know, some metrics, I mean you're a prospect with some more work. I think you can put yourself in a good position to be, you know, mid to high d two, potentially low to mid d one if you. If you really step up some things from a, you know, from a development standpoint, so. And. But here's the reason why you're not getting really any interest right now is I'm not sure what schools you're targeting.

Targeting Schools

Are you reaching out to any schools on your own? Yeah, I'm just starting to reach other schools right now. Okay. So it might be a promotional issue because you have skills that can. That can play. You know, the d one schools are going to want to see you know, really make some strides and some. Some jumps in your development before they want to spend time and energy.

Expectations from D1 Coaches

But, like, there's no doubt that there are some. Some d two s that should be. That should be well aware of who you are. And if they're smart, they should be kind of building a relationship with you. And are you open to division two? Division, like, different levels? Absolutely. Right now? Absolutely. I'm open to.

Exploring Opportunities

Okay. Juco D. Anything like that. Okay, cool. Cool. Awesome, man. Was this helpful? Yeah, very helpful. All right. Had you. Had you ever gotten kind of a really down and dirty evaluation before on your skills? I have not, no. Okay. All right. So just from a next step standpoint, you know, tighten up that swing.

Next Steps

I try to find a big leaguer or some big leaguers that you really like that are right handed hitters that have kind of a simple stride like you do. Yeah, I'm not saying, hey, try to look at Aaron Judge and mimic Aaron Judge, you know, or something like that. Like, just try to find a few hitters that have a pretty simple approach, similar size to you maybe as well, that you can study that are right handed.

Receiving and Hitting Footage

And then from a catching standpoint, we need to see the receiving footage and the blocking footage, and coaches need to see that as well. And all of that hitting, catching, fielding stuff I know you did with the recent video workout. Dm us once that's ready and live and let us take a look at it again.

Playoff Prospects

I think. I think this year we have a good chance to make it deep into the playoffs. All right, awesome. So just looking at some of your numbers, you know, 6960, home to first, 4.21. These are all really. These are good numbers here. Throwing velocity. I don't know if that's across the diamond, but it says 88. Was that across the diamond? No, it was more of like a running gun. Okay, got it. All right. Broad jump grip. Grip. Okay. Hitting grade. Yep. And give us an idea of, you know, as a 26. Any college coach can call you, text you. What type of interest have you been receiving so far?

Communication with Coaches

So far I'm in a good communication with New Mexico. We. University of New Mexico. Okay. We. Me and the coach talk like, probably once a week. Okay, awesome. What are you looking? Yeah, go ahead. Good. So I was just going to tell you I've just, like, received interest from other schools, like Grand Canyon and Utah Valley. Okay, awesome. What are you looking for in terms of not? Are you looking for schools closer to Colorado? Are you open to anywhere in the country? How are you thinking about location?

Preferred Location for Colleges

I'm really open to anywhere in the country. I just. One of my big things is I want to go somewhere warm, and I do not want to go somewhere cold. Gotcha. Okay. I get it. You mean you don't like playing March baseball when there's a snowstorm up there. I did not enjoy cold. Yeah, baseball in the cold blows. I get it. Okay, so first thing, get that baseball factory link in your profile. Make it real easy for coaches to see all of your information. That's like a little cheat sheet with all the baseball stuff right there.

Importance of Stats

Your metrics and stats and everything right there. Make it easy. And then I would say, you know, one thing is, as you continue to gain strength, you're going to start to make some, you know, some real jumps in terms of how the ball is going to jump off your bat. Right now, I think you're long, kind of lean, and wiry, which is great. And I wouldn't be in a rush to try to put on, like, 20 pounds in the next year. Like, with your build and frame, you just want to build strength gradually. So don't feel like you're in a rush to become, you know, right now it says 165 on baseball factory, so, you know what I mean?

Cautious Growth

Don't feel like you're in a rush to get to, like, 185. Yeah, that's a big mistake. Too many players make a speed, quickness, agility. You got to maintain that, you know, as well as your. Your overall flexibility. So, you know, right now, based on kind of what you have lined up in your overall skillset, you know, I think the schools that are targeting you know, some low to mid division one programs, and, you know, Grand Canyon had a really good year last year, so that's even a bit higher there. And I think you're in a good spot.

Proactiveness in Recruitment

But you being open minded and being more proactive to reaching out to more schools that kind of fit within that category of school, I think it's time to start being more proactive in terms of promoting yourself. Cool. Are you doing any outreach yourself or these coaches finding you or what's been kind of your process? Yeah, I've been emailing some schools recently. I've been just trying to. Trying to email as many schools as I can. Okay. But really, New Mexico is. They reached out to me.

Direct Messaging Coaches

Gotcha. Are you dming any coaches? No, I'm not. Okay, let me see who's following you. So, guys, you know, it's a good, what do you call it? It's if you're getting follows from a college coach, like, as soon as they follow you and it's a school that you're interested, go ahead and shoot them a dm. Say, hey, coach, you know, thanks for the follow. Look forward to learning more about your, you know, about your program. Do you have any questions for me? Keep it that simple.

Networking with Coaches

Cool. So, I mean, I'm looking. You got Jackson. Looks like Jacksonville State's following you. Not a ton of college coaches fallen yet. Alabama State, but let's see, I mean, so that's one other thing. You want to. You want to start driving more followers, but it doesn't look like you're following a ton of college coaches yet either. Yeah, yeah, I should probably work on that. Yeah, I'd carve out like an hour or so and start following some more schools.

Guidelines for Following Schools

And at this stage, I'm not saying follow a bunch of SEC ACC schools. Like, your skills are not there yet. so I'd focus on low to mid division one programs. Oh, sounds good. All right. Yeah. any other questions? Nothing, I'm good. All right, cool. Skylar, have a good. Have a good night, man. Cool. Yeah. Thank you very much.

Discussion on Scouting

You got it. We're doing live, uncommitted scouting evaluations tonight. If you like what you're hearing, we are doing a college recruiting masterclass this Sunday. We will go more in depth on everything that is going on in the college recruiting world right now. It is completely free for everyone that is listening tonight's space. All you got to do is DM the sports force x page masterclass, and we will send you the link to sign up. This is a great way to educate yourself on everything that is going on in college recruiting right now.

Follow-Up and Events

And we will move right along to our next person. We got rider Wilson Ryder. Actually is unable to be on the space tonight, so we have a parenthood that is going to be here on riders behalf. AB, if you want to pull up riders profile, and then the parent who is speaking on riders behalf, they are all the way in Australia. This is great. So we got an international student athlete. So this one will be a little bit different if you guys want to unmute yourself.

Introduction of Ryder

Ab, whenever you're ready. What's going on, writer representative? You can call me Mark. Thanks, mate. How's it going, Mark? How you doing? Yeah. Good. Very happy over here. Nice Melbourne Winter, which isn't great, but I'm English, so that's pretty normal. There we go. I got a lot of experience with players from Australia, so why don't you walk us through what's writer's year in school or grad year for the recruiting process and then we can dive on in.

Ryder's School Year

Yeah. So he finishes end of October this year, but according to your years, he's at 25, so he would be okay. Cool. And right handed pitcher. Is that his number one position? Yeah, that's where baseball Australia has put him. He's always loved to pitch and he's growing immensely there. But he's. Yeah, he's. He's in field, outfield. He's even caught at state level.

Positions Played

Infield at state? Outfield at state, yeah. But for national pitcher. Okay. All right. And where is Ryder right now in terms of interest with schools? Is he getting direct communication with any schools? I know the JuCo route is common for a lot of us Aussie players. First before the four-year, but kind of here. Where's he at? Yes. JuCo indeed is the route.

Ryder's Recruitment Process

That is what he will be looking at as the colleges haven't reached out with anybody just yet. Reasons for that is he's been selected as an MLB world select, so be at the senior fall classic and then he's going off to the woodbat in Jupiter just after that. So we've got a couple of big trips just coming up at the moment. So unfortunately I can't be with him when he's over there.

Awaiting Interest from Schools

But speaking with the Aussie national development manager, they will sort of take interest there and then we'll start contacting when they get back. So at the moment, a little bit hesitant about reaching out until we really know what that space looks like. But just he's gradually building some followers and some interest and people just. Yeah, we had somebody yesterday, ex Aussie pro, reach out asking if he wanted assistance on JuCO.

Utilizing Resources

So he's got a couple of skills following him. He's recently jumped on field level as well and put a profile on there, which I think is where all his data is really. Rather than the Twitter. So, yeah, I'm just wondering about whether we're going through the right platforms and yeah, we're going about it the right way. Really.

Advice on Promoting Ryder

Sure, sure. Makes sense. So, yeah, a couple things is one, I wouldn't wait to start, you know, promoting and getting riders name out there to some schools. You know, the way the JuCo route works is, you know, most Aussies go to NJCAA, division one or division two programs. They rarely, you know, go to California, sometimes they go to the northwest, you know, the NWAC and.

Navigating Recruitment Opportunities

But a lot have gone to. Yeah, just the NJCAA. And there's a few regions that, and schools that particularly, like, really like to get Australian players because we've just seen it over and over again in certain programs. So, you know, we're at the fall classic every year as a company, so I just wouldn't wait, you know, with where Ryder is right now and how recruiting is happening.

Strategies for Contacting Schools

And as a 2025, like, the window gets smaller and the opportunities get less and less the longer you wait. Yeah. And some of these schools, you know, with his background playing with base draw Baseball Australia, you know, some of these coaches already know, you know, coaches from Australia with Baseball Australia that they might just be able to, you know, cross-reference and really, you know, qualify interest in your son, like, quickly without, you know, just waiting.

Goal of Immediate Action

Oh, they got to see him in person. Yeah, some schools are going to want to see him in person, but there's plenty of schools, especially jucos, that'll be like, hey, I saw enough video. I like what I see. I talked to a couple people that, you know the player and like, let's, you know, we're going to offer him one of our scholarships. Yeah.

Challenges in Communication

And, you know, one of the reasons we haven't reached out a little bit just before now is because obviously he's coming over for those tournaments and he's. He's periodizing through ba to bring what to speed. So getting new videos and all those sorts of things that really show him that he's best for the pitching side, which is what the Juco's essentially looking at.

Monitoring Video Quality

It's really hard to attain good quality videos when he's periodizing. So I'm just, the thought was, if we're reaching out and colleges start to ask around, okay, we need some videos. We need some videos, then, you know, we ain't getting in-game highlights and things like that. That we can provide. Yeah, I'm just, I'm pulling up his, what do you call it, his field level account right now.

Evaluating Ryder's Metrics

So you got enough here to work with. Like, you know, he throws a good. A good slider, looks like a fastball, so he tunnels the ball pretty well. This is from. He was pitching for team Victoria here. Yeah, he took gold now at the nationals as well. So I put his. He's got four pitches and a pull down that I put down in his results just below that.

Additional Pitching Information

Okay, let me take a look. So, give us an idea. Yeah. Has he thrown for a rap, Soto or trackman machine anytime recently, like in the last three to six months? Yeah, pretty sure they've got that going on, but those stats haven't been passed over to me. Okay. So I'd ask Ryder if he can request them.

Accessing Performance Data

Yep. He should know. He should know all of his numbers. There shouldn't be any excuse for him a. Not to be able to get access to or know his numbers. Yeah. Like, this is, you know, most college coaches are gonna. Are gonna want to dig into the numbers as well, like. Cause there can be a fastball that can be 88, and it can be outstanding in terms of the quality of the.

Understanding Fastball Metrics

Of the movement and the spin and the. The release and extension. And then there can be a same 88 miles an hour fastball that a coach will just, you know, pass on every time because it doesn't have the right attributes that they're looking for. Cool. So, yeah, it's not just velocity, it's the secondary analytics that really matter.

Final Recommendations for Ryder

So, I guess as kind of a, you know, to wrap up where Ryder is right now, I would say you got enough video to work with, try to request those deeper pitching analytics. And then I would get aggressive on the Jucos and start having Ryder directly reach out to those Jucos and, you know, put together kind of a, you know, an introduction.

Support Networks

Right now, are you guys working with anybody or are you kind of just doing this on your own and listening to baseball? Australia BA are really good. Andrew Riddell's really good on the connections that he's got for those reach outs. So I know we through field level as we found it's been really good. Actually nothing down into the ducos and the levels.

Strategizing in Recruitment

And to find out I. And hitting the courses and seeing what, you know, sits for his academics in his career, so to say. So, yeah, we're literally at that point now of. I think that. Okay, he's. He's ready to reach out stage now with having everything in place. Yep, yep. I agree.

Targeting Jucos

So I think your target list should be, you know, anywhere between 30 to 40 jucos, like, minimum right now. Yeah, he's got 54 on there, I think, at the moment. And the Juco is the route because there's a big difference in the Aussie dollar to the Australian dollar. And obviously, we don't get the financial benefits that American citizens do as well, so.

Financial Considerations

Yeah, yep. No doubt. No, we worked with the George Khalil who went to McLennan out of. Out of the Melbourne area. You know that name? I've no doubt. My boy does. I was a rugby man back in my day. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So he went to then University of South Carolina. Had a really good career, but yeah, Mark.

Collaboration and Support

Well, great to glad you jumped on and decided to raise your hand to be part of this. So we're going to be doing this stuff more, spread the word down there in the Southland and yeah, enjoy the rest of your day. But you got some exciting times here ahead with Ryder. And, you know, the fall classic has a ton of Arizona Jucos and some Arizona Jucos will take and recruit Aussie players.

Understanding Recruiting Dynamics

They just typically can't put together this the exact same financial package that they can as like, Texas and some other states. Maybe he's traveling halfway around the world. I don't think the location matters. It's whatever suits his academics and playtime, you know? Sure, sure. Yeah.

Concluding Remarks

No, I get it. Well, thank you, Andrew. Good day, mate. Hey, look at you. All right, thanks. Take care. Yep, yep. Great. Hey, thank you, everyone, for participating tonight. These live scouting evaluations always go great when a lot of people participate, so thank you, everyone, for participating.

Future Engagements and Events

We're going to move right along. Next participant. Yes. Ab? Yes. I got a steak on the dinner and my fiancée is going to, you know, put me on the. On the barbecue if I don't. If I don't get to dinner here. So we're going to. We're going to resume this. We plan on going an hour.

Scheduling Future Evaluations

We've gone a little bit longer than that. The next round of doing these, I'm going to do lightning round evaluations where instead of taking five to ten minutes, I'm going to do like, you know, three-minute quick, you know, fire them out. So I think what we should do is we should a schedule. We'll schedule the next one coming up.

Open Invitations for Evaluations

B, if we didn't get a chance to evaluate you, please DM us, send us a DM and just put in the DM evaluation and that way we can add you to the roster of our next. Our next space and be able to follow up with an evaluation. Great. That sounds good.

Upcoming Masterclass Announcement

And then one last reminder, if you like what you heard tonight, we are doing a college recruiting masterclass where we'll go more in depth of everything that's going on in college recruiting right now. A lot of stuff going on with the NCAA rule changes, scholarship changes, a lot of you guys are getting college show and camp and showcase.

Closing Thank You

Invites will help you navigate that. The master class is completely free. If that's something you're interested in, all you got to do is DM our Twitter page. Masterclass will send you the link to sign up. Thank you for everyone that participated. Ab. Great job on the scouting evaluations.

Gratitude and Future Plans

These have become very popular and we'll definitely do want to do one again soon. So for everyone around the country, everyone around the world, thank you very much for joining us tonight. We hope to see you on our masterclass this Sunday. Thanks case. Have a good night. See you guys. Take care.

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