Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Future of ZkSync hosted by koi_finance. Delve into the world of ZkSync, a DEX, yield, and bond platform known for its lightning-fast transactions and comprehensive DeFi offerings. Experts discuss the platform's innovative features, emphasis on security, and potential to revolutionize the DeFi landscape. With a strong focus on interoperability and user-friendliness, ZkSync stands out as a promising player in the rapidly evolving DeFi space. Stay tuned for more updates on how ZkSync continues to shape the future of decentralized finance.

For more spaces, visit the DEX page.


Q: What makes ZkSync stand out compared to other platforms?
A: ZkSync's focus on speed, efficiency, and comprehensive DeFi services sets it apart in the market.

Q: How does ZkSync ensure user security within its platform?
A: ZkSync prioritizes security measures and user protection through robust protocols and constant development.

Q: What impact can ZkSync have on the DeFi ecosystem?
A: ZkSync has the potential to revolutionize DeFi by offering innovative features and a seamless user experience.

Q: Is ZkSync user-friendly for both beginners and experienced DeFi users?
A: ZkSync emphasizes user-friendly interfaces, making it accessible and intuitive for all levels of DeFi participants.

Q: How does ZkSync address the need for interoperability in the DeFi space?
A: ZkSync focuses on interoperability to enhance connectivity and usability across different DeFi platforms and networks.


Time: 00:15:47
ZkSync's Speed and Efficiency Exploring how ZkSync ensures quick and seamless transactions for users.

Time: 00:25:12
Comprehensive DeFi Ecosystem Discussing ZkSync's integration of DEX, yield, and bond functionalities.

Time: 00:35:59
Revolutionizing DeFi with Innovation Experts share insights on ZkSync's potential to reshape the DeFi landscape.

Time: 00:45:23
Focus on Interoperability and User Security Highlighting ZkSync's commitment to interoperability and robust security measures.

Time: 00:55:18
Enhancing DeFi Accessibility Examining how ZkSync caters to both beginners and experienced users with user-friendly interfaces.

Time: 01:05:30
ZkSync's Impact on DeFi Evolution Predicting the influence of ZkSync on the future development of DeFi.

Key Takeaways

  • ZkSync is praised for its speed and efficiency, offering a quick and seamless user experience.
  • The platform's integration of DEX, yield, and bond functionalities provides a comprehensive DeFi ecosystem.
  • Experts highlight ZkSync's potential to revolutionize DeFi with its innovative features.
  • Interoperability and user-friendly interfaces are key focus areas for ZkSync's development.
  • ZkSync stands out for its security measures and commitment to enhancing user protection.

Behind the Mic


Hello. Hello, everybody. Right. Today we're passing some banger reggaeton songs. I was just waiting for that. How do you guys get that song? All good, my man. What about yourself? Are we missing, like, some missing some people still, right? I think so, yeah. We need someone from Satori. Who is coming from Satori? Good question. Let me just try to figure this out. There he is. Marlon, I just sent you a. I just sent you co host. Cool. Okay.

Managing the Space

Oh, I can silence the space now. If you guys see something that I don't like. You have so much power. So much power. Great power with great power crumbs. Great abuse. Do you guys want to wait a little bit while people still are coming in, or do, or shall we just, like, start jumping in since it's most likely being recorded? It's being recorded, right, Michael? Yeah, it should be. How do I make sure? Yeah, yeah. It's being recorded. Shall we wait maybe a little bit? Yeah, yeah. Meanwhile, people can, if you guys want, tell some childhood stories or something like that.

Discussion on Games

Yeah. Anyone, anyone got any good anecdotes while we wait? The new, the new Quidditch game is coming out. If we got any Harry Potter nerds on the. Really? Yeah, yeah. Like, Quidditch champions. It's like. It's like, I don't know if you ever played on PlayStation two, the Quidditch World Cup. I played it. I played it. I played this, the Quidditch game. But, like, how. How can you make, like, a full game out of that game in specific? Oh, dude, it's epic. Imagine FIFA. But, like, with, you know, superpowers and you're flying on a broom. It's cool.

Gameplay Mechanics

Okay. Okay. And, like, do you take control from the bludgers? Like, everything. Oh, like, do you remember how the last one worked? Like, it kind of switched in between. So you would, like, kind of jump roles within the team, depending on what was going on. I can't really remember, so I don't know. We'll see. I've literally got it, like, as of two minutes ago. It's, It's just come out on steam. So he's pulling off, guys. He's pulling off an SPF and he's playing it right now. Exactly. Still being the most brainiac guy in the meeting. It's crazy.

Transitioning to New Games

No, man. Like, I don't know about that game. I'm possibly. Today I'm gonna play the new shroud game. I played it before. It's like a CS go, but instead of having it teams of five, it's teams of six, but you control two guys, and you can teleport between the two guys. Okay. Sick. I just. I also downloaded. I think it was OJ who's listening in? OJ. I think it was you who told me to download cyberpunk. So I still gotta. Still gotta start that. But I got it downloaded. Wasn't that shit, like, super buggy?

Mixed Reviews on Cyberpunk

I don't. I don't know. I, I've heard, like, make some people love it and I've heard. I don't know, I've heard mixed reviews. Okay. Okay. I think we can start. Yeah, we think we good? Yeah. Okay, guys. Hello. Hello. Hello. My name is Marlon Brando. I'll be hosting today's Twitter spaces. This space is just a get together for a couple of friends from the Defi world of Zksync. And I guess it would be cool if everyone could go in a roundtable, just introducing each other, who you are, what projects you represent, and what position you are in the company as well.

Welcoming Participants

I guess we won't start with Michael, because that would be weird. I can start. I saw you straight up. No. Happy to dive in. So, yeah, what's up, everybody? Thank you, everybody, for joining. Like Marlon said, let's, you know, we'll, you know, we're really here just to have a bit of fun and chat about Zksync and the future of the ecosystem and share some of our thoughts with you guys, you know, thank you for everybody joining. Big shout out to Xi fi, Satori, and zkswap. So, for everyone that doesn't know me, my name is Michael Larnes.

Michael's Introduction

I'm essentially managing a lot of Koi's day to day operations. So, yeah, excited to be here with you guys, and, yeah, excited for the discussion. Okay, Satori, jump in. Hey, guys, it's Rahim, one of the core contributors at Satori. We're a perps platform live on Zksync. We've been on Zksync since the first day that the chain launched. And, yeah, running a bunch of campaigns right now after we got some ZK tokens and the airdrop, and. So excited to tell you guys more about that.

Campaign Discussions

Yeah, if you guys can, at the end of the meeting, just drop everyone. Like, the campaigns that you guys are doing at the moment would be pretty cool. If you can remind me of reminding everyone this afterwards as well. Put a note here. Yeah. Hi, everyone. I'm Gauthier, founder at Zifi. We've been building since a year away for projects on ZK. Sync to abstract guests for their users. And, yeah, happy to be here. We're also launching some campaigns. We're giving away some ZK, but we'll post that at the end.

Final Introductions

Pleasure to be here. Pleasure to have you as well. And last but definitely not least, because least is Michael. No one likes Michael. Ziki swap brother. All right. Okay, so, yeah, I'm Lucas from Zikiswap Finance. So I'm having all the business development aspects from. For CK, smart finance, as well as our main project long. So, as you all know, we're Topex and the first DeFi platform, biggest era, ecosystems. So, yeah, it's our pleasure. It's my pleasure to be here in this fun little and short ma with all of you guys, some of which I've never had a chance to before. Like Satori.

Feedback on ZK Network

Yeah, yeah. I mean, yeah, it's my pleasure to be here. Glad to connect you. Hey, lovely to meet you too, man. I guess we can start, like, just talking a little bit about what you guys think about ZK network and how would you guys evaluate the performance of the ZK network so far? So until now, what you guys think? Michael, if you could start up the combo. Yeah, for sure.

Overview of ZK Challenges

Yeah. I mean, obviously, ZK's had some big challenges recently. Obviously, in response to the Airdrop and the TGE, I think it's important to remember that there's a dedicated team behind the tech. Obviously, mistakes happen, but the underlying technology and the fundamentals are there. Despite short term setbacks, we're bullish. The long term outlook for ZK is positive, thanks to its. Its solid tech foundation and the Marley team's commitment to improving and expanding its capability. So, yeah, we're bullish. I think the future is bright. Everyone's kind of in patient waiting mode, which is normal, but hopefully the market starts to turn, and I think once it does, we're in a good position to ride the wave, and I think should look good for the ecosystem.

Confidence in Technology and Team

So, overall, feeling bullish? Always, baby. Always. Satori? Yeah. No, I generally echo that. I think price is one thing for the token, but I think in terms of the chain itself, there's never been any major outages, I think, for anything that an app builder is trying to build. The chain's always been, you know, very safe and reliable. And so I think that needs to be said and people kind of need to be reminded of that. And I think that, like, the team has always been very receptive to feedback and also support. And, you know, you can't always say that for other ecosystems. Yeah, that's actually for sure that the team has a really great response time as well.

Ecosystem Performance and Challenges

Z fi. Yeah, I mean, it's been pretty amazing since we've been working for a year on Zksync. We've seen this with the inscriptions as well, with high TPS, for example. Never had a, you know, downage time. So all in all, I think it's performing really well, especially, you know, as a ZK roll up. People were not expecting to have the tech advance so quickly. So it's just, it's amazing. Even though there's a bit of FUD, it's going into the right direction. Yeah, FUD is marketing, basically. It's always good because it gives a little bit of time and space for people to address it and make people even feel a little bit more bullish.

Market Trends After Airdrop

Yeah, so in my opinion, the ecosystem has shown some signs of losing momentum, especially following the Zk airdrop. So according to the data recently, I have been looking at the data from L two Balama. So there's been a decline, apparently. So in the past month, the tv of sea casings has been increased by 50% in UC value and, you know, 30% in each value. With I'm not maybe the data on diploma reporting roughly 20% drop in USD value of the defi TVL on tickasing error. So on the other hand, like roller pie, also reductions in and about that justice. But what's the point? It's essential to know that this decrease happens when the entire crypto market is experiencing a downturn over the last five months.

Market Volatility and Project Developments

So, yeah, hence the e price decreased by 20% in the last month. So quite a lot of numbers, but yeah. However, when it comes to the developments, the Z casing ecosystem continues to progress at strong pace while some projects have becoming inactive. But on the other hand, many new projects are emerging and planning to launch soon. So overall, in my opinion, ecosystem may be facing a tough time. I don't know if it's me, but you cut a little bit. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The on again. Yeah, you're on. I can hear you. Yeah, we can hear you. Perfect.

Current Ecosystem Challenges

My point is, the network is facing a tough time right now in terms of attracting new capitals and users due to likely maybe the incompetence in business management. But overall it's gaining significant momentum in terms of technology development, ecosystem expansion. So there's still some lifestyle at the end of the term. I guess that kind of segues perfectly into my next question. For you guys. I'm not hearing you. Very well on my me. Sorry, is it me? Don't know about you guys. Can you guys hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Okay, maybe it's me. Maybe it's connection problems on Sci-Fi.

Improving the ZKSync Ecosystem

Okay. I think we're good now. We're good. Yeah, we're good. Okay. What I was going to ask is in your guys opinions, like what could strengthen and improve the Zksync ecosystem? Michael, if you could go on. Yeah, sure. Yeah, I'm happy to go on this. I mean, obviously, like look, the big one is obviously going to be collaboration with major DeFi players. Obviously there's talks going with the bunch right now. The main goal now should be really just getting as much liquidity into the ecosystem as possible. And then obviously a big one is really just. I would love to see more aggressive marketing from Matterlabs and from ZK to really showcase its benefits and the continuous tech advancements that are essential to keep pace with and even surpass other layer two solutions.

Future Opportunities and Ecosystem Growth

And yeah, these steps will be key in reinvigorating interest and excitement and participation in Zkhdem. Yeah, I mean, I think some people have already mentioned this as well, but I think from pre token to where we are now, I think a lot of projects are obviously experimenting with different incentive programs. There is a whole new slew of projects that are coming onto Zksync as well. And I think that it's becoming more apparent who is building on Zksync for the long term versus who maybe was just building pre token launch to get some token incentives and then go to the next ecosystem. I think that as projects get smarter with how to use these incentives, I'm sure the ZKCing team will continue to fund and bring over projects that are good for the everyday user.

Technical Issues Resolved

And so we're obviously super excited about the future of Zksync and I think that we're only just getting started. Give me a second, guys. Okay. We were having some technical difficulties, but everything is fine. I z fi, you're back. Yep, all good. I had some connection issues. All good, man. All good. I guess the question jumps onto you now, if that's fine by you. Yeah, sure. So, yeah, I think to really have the network explode, I think we need like one big app which will talk for itself.

Future Application Ideas

I think what ZK thing has enabled through native account abstraction has already talked a lot from other chains and I think we can build a lot upon that. So for me, I think we need a big app which will just show how like how powerful Zksync is. But also all that goes with it, all the projects that's there, that keeps building and also with the governance coming up, I think this will help tremendously. So I think it's all these things put together that will enable ZK sync to really explode. And we need to be patient. The market is nothing, not good as well. So all these things will come at the right time.

Market Trends and Future Directions

Yeah, the market is being a little bit annoying this time, that's for sure. If I could ask you what type of application do you think that right now it's needed? For example, if I wanted to start a new project, what would you advise me to like for what type of app should I start doing? Look, it's a great question. Like if you look at Polygon, like it's what, it's poly market if I'm not mistaken, speaking for itself. Arbitrum. It was GMX optimism. It was battle drum, I think if I'm not mistaken. But I think there is like some maps as well. But maybe we need like something as like Polymarket is really like, you know, has been talked a lot about these days.

Discussion on New Ideas

So now the idea itself, honestly, I don't have it, but yeah, otherwise you. Just build it, right? Yeah, I do not have it, but I think it's going to come. It's going to come, yeah. To, to keep thinking about. Maybe you guys have some ideas on that. Yeah, I'm keeping it a secret for now. Yeah, I know the exact answer. I'm just not going to tell anyone. Yeah, exactly. Actually know the secrets of the universe as well. But you know. Okay.

Marketing and Business Management

Yeah, I agree with you guys about the, the marketing aspect is not currently running. Not running well recently. Yeah. To be honest, this is a pretty good questions about how to strengthen and improve the network overall. I believe a shift in terms of business management is. Yeah, it's quite crucial right now. So, you know, creating a, an open, transparent and supportive environment that welcomes not only new developers but also projects. Oh yeah, oh yeah. About the current projects and the end user as well. All of them are quite crucial.

Future Strategies and Recommendations

Yeah. If I'm not wrong, like one month previously. Yeah, we will post several suggestions to the CKC teams, including onboarding major protocols like av and compound. So. Yeah. Which we believe might help reducing the delay in depositing into sectors if you guys encounter any problems with that. Yeah. Also ramping up some marketing efforts for successful projects and services and you know, to embrace the ecosystem images as well. And many more. Many more. We hope that they received a message and they can look into it to have a better performance in the near future.

Time for Improvement

But, you know, things take time, so. As well as business management. Yeah. Okay. One thing here, guys, like, my next question is very technical.

Introduction to Elastic Chains

And first of all, I would like you, because maybe some people in the audience doesn't, don't know what it is, but I would like at least one of you to explain to me, what are elastic chains? And then I would go ahead with, like, the full on question, who would be, like, the of you, like, the better suited person to answer me this.

Marketing Perspective and Insights

Michael, don't let me. Don't let me pull you, bro. I'm just the marketing guy, man. No, I mean, for sure. I mean, like, look, I'm definitely not the guy to explain, you know, how it works, but. No, I mean, the concept of elastic chains is definitely exciting, you know, enhanced modularity and flexibility, which are obviously crucial for scaling networks. But, yeah, I mean, that's, you know, that's. I'm definitely not the expert.

Inviting Porter for Expertise

Oh, I'm getting some information from beyond deep. They're telling me to get Porter in, I guess. Michael, can you invite Porter in? I cannot invite them, I think, for sure. Cool. Porter, you should be able to unmute. There you go. Hey, what's up? Yeah, I can explain elastic chain if you guys want. Yeah, that'd be awesome. Cool.

Explaining Elastic Chains

So, yeah, the vision's actually amazing. So, obviously, L2 is scale Ethereum. That's our starting point. But if you want to have a bunch of scaling, you just end up with a bunch of different L2s, and then the composability is kind of a problem. But what's cool about elastic chain is it's sort of bringing everything back into essentially one chain. So for the users, they won't know the difference between being on any of the elastic chains. So, to give a concrete example, all the apps on Zksync era, you can be called from the abstract chain and all the pudgy penguin stuff. And then within one transaction, so it feels like you're on the same chain everywhere, even though a technical, architectural standpoint, it's different chains. But we're building elastic chain is the vision for all of the composability and cross calls. And so everything will just work together really seamlessly.

Shared Bridge Concept

Very, very cool. And port, if I understood correctly, there will be a shared bridge where you could bridge between chains almost in an instance or a couple of seconds. I think that was one of the biggest added value compared to other projects that were trying to do this in the past, if I'm not mistaken. Yeah, there's gonna be a shared bridge, and there's definitely gonna be some improvements over. There's a couple other teams trying to build interoperability things. And then I guess two points. Like, one, we definitely have better ways of doing it. And then two, I'm actually on the L2 standards working group to work with optimism and arbitrum and everybody else so that all of our standards will be eventually interoperable so we can build one giant big ecosystem.

Future Predictions for ZK Sync

Yeah, I was going to say that's overwhelming. That's really cool to hear. I guess, I was going to ask to you guys, like, if you guys had any predictions on the future of the ZK sync network, but you just got, like, really a lot of information right now. Go ahead, Z five. You're going to. Yeah, I think that the concept is amazing, having, like, a way for you to build your own chain in a fraction, you know, like a couple seconds and then being able to interact with a lot of different chains in a very seamless way. So, yeah, let's see, like, maybe, yeah, we could see a lot of app chains and interacting with each other. So I think it will be a great way to scale in the future. So, you know, with all the different, you know, possibilities to modify, to basically, like, customize your chain and how you want it to be.

Challenges in Scaling

So, yeah, I think we'll have, like, a future where every app will have its own chain, but I think this will take quite some time still. But I think this is where the case, once they cost him to go to, if I, if I understood correctly, yeah. Like, the way that technology seems to improve, it feels like most likely in the next two months. Do you know what I mean? Like, this should be like, something that would come in, like, maybe in a year, two years or three years, but it might be closer than you think. And I'm just saying that, like, out of, I don't know, gut feeling just by knowing how the rest of the world works and not really because I have any information on the back. Just saying.

Project Challenges and Plans

Right. I would start now to maybe jump in our next segment, and I would like for the projects to talk a little bit regarding themselves. So I would turn here to Koi finance, and I would really like to ask you guys, like, what are the biggest challenges that your platform currently faces or faces in the near future and how do you plan to address them? Yeah, for sure. I mean, I think the big one is the obvious, right. You know, Koi finance is in our dependence on the performance of the Zksync ecosystem as a whole. I think this is really one of the bigger challenges. Obviously, a lot of patients internally and obviously continued collaboration between our project and the matter Labs and Zksync team and other key players like the projects joining us here today on the AMA will be critical.

Growing the Ecosystem

I think cross promotion, cross collaboration, really growing the ecosystem as a whole is going to be the right mentality for all the projects in the ecosystem to have, rather than focusing independently on each one's growth alone. And then I think, as well, I think interchange operability is going to be a big one. We've got a few cool things that we're cooking up on the back end and. Yeah, I think overall though, I think just really patience. We're in a really solid position to ride the wave when ZK picks up. And so right now it's really just about, you know, kind of maintaining the position within the ecosystem.

Preparation for Growth

Yeah, pretty fair. Whenever the tsunami comes, you guys are. Have the surfboard prepared. Exactly, exactly. Waxed up and ready. There you go. Satori, the same question. Yeah, I think similar sentiment. I think that, like, there have been other ecosystems where you can see that this has done really well, where when there is turmoil kind of in the broader macro landscape, when you see a lot of projects working together and creating better UI Ux, forming better partnerships, making it so that users can actually more seamlessly interact between different apps on the same ecosystem. When the market does get better, you see those ecosystems really benefit accordingly.

User Onboarding Challenges

Okay, Z five. Yep. So right now, you know, we've been able to provide guest experience to some projects on zks. And we, you know, the integration has been pretty smooth for projects in general, but we want to improve that even more. I really want to make it as simple as possible. That's understanding. Throughout the integrations we've done, understanding where people struggled and how we can make better documentation, how can we make a better dashboard for people just to implement it without our help or even having us support being less, I would say like passing less time with projects to enable them to integrate us.

Future Plans and Token Launch

So our goal is really to focus on this, improve the experience for anyone to simply leverage paymasters. Abstract gas we're seeing a future where actually brands will sponsor gas for others. We've seen that with NFTs, if you hold an NFT, you can sponsor gas. So we want to keep pushing that throughout the whole Zksync list and we want to make everything gas basically. So we're focusing on this and yeah, we're also planning for our token launch and so we're working on all these challenges lately. Yeah.

Security as a Priority

And I wish you guys the best of luck for your token launch. I know everything is going to go super well. Of course. And Zkswap, same question to you, mamade. All right, thank you, May. Yeah, so yeah, another tough question for you guys. Perhaps the ongoing as well as the biggest challenge for Zigglerswap finance is security. Yeah. So as you all know, we have been committed due to the security of our user funds. So, you know, to ensuring the platform security is the most important thing to us.

Mitigating Risks and Challenges

So, you know, to mitigate the risk. So we've been implementing rigorous measures including multiple audits and continuous monitoring of our smart contracts and platforms. But you know, who is not very friendly space for new users. So we've been keeping an eyes on all of our social platforms to prevent any bad. Another challenge we believe is the performance of the CK sync era ecosystem itself settings. But as a platform we are providing the defi services. So we all know our success is closely tied to the user activities, you know, the platform revenue and together with the driving of the sticky ecosystem.

Adapting to Ecosystem Changes

So as the recent declining ecosystem impacts, we are actually trying to operate in a country with decreasing population and economic activity. So to mitigate the risk. Worst case scenario though. So we're trying to accelerate the multichain expansion plan, so which we will be announcing soon in the upcoming months. Yeah, so keep, stay tuned for that. Okay. Like, I don't know why but you're the best guy to segue into my next questions because you're talking about the new users.

Solutions for User Onboarding

And so the next question for me would be what solutions do you guys think will help onboard more users into your platform? So mister marketing guy. Yeah, happy to go. Yeah, I mean, similarly, right, I think, you know, crosstrain functionality is going to be a key strategy to remove barriers and facilitate, you know, a good seamless user experience, you know, by enabling users even outside of the ecosystem or users that are new to Zksync to take advantage of low transaction fees, high security, focusing on cross chain functionality.

Improving Accessibility

I think we can make DeFi on ZK more accessible and really bridge the gap between various chains and various networks and bringing more users into the defi space and onto our platform. Yeah, I think making it easier for people to be able to bridge to Zksync obviously helps. I think ever since the tokens launched, there's also been more centralized exchanges that let you withdraw to Zksync. And so we've seen a good amount of users coming from that.

Collaborative Marketing Efforts

And then I think that just ecosystem wide initiatives really help. Every project can do their own marketing, but when the ecosystem puts together campaigns, it just revitalizes, or it helps make it so that people can just explore and identify new projects that they might not be aware of on the ecosystem. And so we were pretty excited to do the ZK Defi fest a few weeks ago and I think things like that really help just get the name out there, get new users to be aware of.

Continued Efforts for User Acquisition

Yeah, I think campaigns helps a lot, you know, to raise awareness from other chains and you know, for us it's just keep pushing the gas abstraction narrative. So when people come to ZK sync, they don't have to pay gas, they have a seamless experience. So we need to keep pushing that. And yeah, our goal is to keep providing gas grants for projects to integrate us and to provide the best experience for users. And I think that will also enable more people to come to Zksync and try all the different apps for having gasless transactions, basically.

User Experience Improvements

Pretty cool. Yeah, I agree with you guys. Very chrome and campaigns from outside. We believe in continuous improving the existing services. So we've been pushing and enhancing the user interface, refining the user experience, developing better technology and products, and of course providing exceptional customer support. So yeah, that's what we've been doing to have onboarding more users, especially new ones, to CK scenes right now.

Future Updates on Ecosystem Progress

Yeah. Okay, I guess now if it would be possible for you guys just to share just a couple of things that you guys currently working on so that we can see like what type of updates you guys have for like the near future, because it would be very nice for everyone to see that the ecosystem is moving not only from the Zk sync era side, but from projects itself. Coy.

Current Developments and News

Yeah, for sure. You know, like I said, I guess on the, you know, on the back end, on the product side, we're actively expanding our cross chain capabilities. So we actually should have, I think we've made some announcements in Discord, but we haven't really spoken too much publicly about what's coming. But, you know, probably within the next week or two, you know, we're going to have some pretty awesome, you know, built in, cross chain swap functionality within the platform, which is really exciting.

Looking Ahead at Partnerships

And then we've got some pretty awesome partnerships in the lineup that should actually really move the needle a lot on our side and drive a good amount of liquidity. So there's not a huge amount I can say right now, but definitely be on the lookout. Yeah, we're making some pretty awesome moves over the next, pretty much before the end of September. We're going to be making some pretty cool announcements for. Yes, for some pretty epic partnerships that we're excited about and I think should really move the needle on our side.

Information Channels for Updates

What would be the best places for us to get information about this? Yeah, obviously follow her on Twitter. That's where our major announcements go. But we're an open book in Discord. Obviously, there's only so much that we can share on Twitter.

Staying Connected

It's not exactly secret alpha by the time that it's on Twitter. So if you're keen to stay up to date, definitely join us on discord. We're always doing a ton of giveaways. It's a lot of fun in there, a lot of activities and games. And of course, you know, we do regular Ama's where, you know, we're totally open books. You know, we don't record it. And for that reason, you know, we're able to share a lot of exciting stuff. So, yeah, definitely head over to our Twitter and join us in discord.

Exciting Updates from Satori

Yep. I guess a few things to highlight. I guess most exciting current thing is we have a earn program for ZK sync users. And so just by depositing on Satori right now, you can earn ZK tokens. When you trade. You also qualify. We also have a new vault. So if you deposit into our vault, you basically are able to provide liquidity to our perps order book and at the same time earn a lot of CK tokens, which you can actually redeem and withdraw on a daily basis. And so I think that's an ongoing campaign that's worth highlighting. And then in terms of upcoming products, we have our first telegram bot coming out in the next couple of days. And so you'll be able to trade perps on Satori through your phone on Telegram. And so we think it's going to be one of the first perp spots for Telegram. And so we're pretty excited about that.

Future Developments

And then we also have a LRT product that's launching soon where basically you can deposit any LRT that you want and then basically use that as collateral to trade perpetuals. And so you can imagine when you're not trading, you're getting exposure to your lrts, you're earning eigen layer points, whatever LRT, you're using their points, et cetera. And so both of those products will be coming out in the next few weeks, and you can follow on our Twitter for updates there. You guys already deployed the TGbot? Sorry. It will be coming out in a few days. Technically, it's in beta right now, so a couple people have it, but the public launch will be very soon.

Community Engagement

Where could we have this update? Like, will it come out like on Twitter as well? Yeah, so we'll be posting about it in our discord as well as on our. Okay, don't forget to follow and go to the discord as well, guys. Z Fi. Yeah. So some of you may know we've been expanding to all the elastic chains we've been working with, the ZK Kronos ecosystem also deployed on abstract, nodal, and Hurst. So right now we're participating in the ZK fest with all the chains. So we're running a campaign. You guys can just try all the Dapps from these other chains and basically receive some ZK.

Collaboration and Partnerships

We've been partnering with other projects, so we're giving rewards. They're giving rewards. So we have that ongoing. We're also improving soon projects will have a dashboard for them to basically integrate Xi five paymaster in easier way. Also, something we're really heavily preparing is basically our community sale, which will happen next week. So stay tuned for that. We'll be posting more information with all of our partners, and basically you'll be able to get to participate in our community. Stay tuned for all these things, and we'll share more next week.

Whitelist Information

Okay. I was going to ask if you guys really had, like, a set date, because it would be nice to just like, kick it out, but next week you have all information for it, right? Yeah. So next week we'll be posting, I think it's around the 11th, a public page where people will be able to view all the info about the sale. And then you'll, depending if you're whitelisted or not, you'll be able to register to the cell. But yeah, we'll share more, like around the 11th. Another little question, if I would want to get the whitelist, is there like an option still that I can get the whitelist?

Campaigns and Promotions

Yeah. So yeah, we've whitelisted most of the addresses from our partners that we've been to integrated in. We've, we've, you know, we've got like the top users, but yeah, we're sure more like next week of who was whitelisted. And, and yeah, you'll be able to see if you're eligible or not. Okay. Okay, we'll do Ziki swap. Cool. yeah, about what we've been cooking. So we're currently working hard to basically rewrite the entire chain of our front end.

Enhancing Performance and Features

So this overhaul will facilitate the scale and improvement of the performance and to support our future multi chain expansion later, while simultaneously we also refining our existing services like revolve bubble, customer service portfolio and many more. So, yeah, that's what we've been working on. And yeah, our near-term strategic directions. Where can we get like most information about you guys? What would be the space that you guys would prefer for us to get updated? Well, for the official news about the updates, we will post it on Twitter.

Official Communication Channels

Yeah, it's our main communication platform, which we also be shared to discord and Telegram. So. Yeah, but most of the time Twitter will be the first one and the official one. Okay. I would say before we close the spaces off, I would like to ask if people, any of you of any of the projects here, have promotions or campaigns going on live at the moment. And if you guys do, please state it now. And then later just drop some information even here on the comments of the AMA so that everyone has the information available in case they want to participate.

Closing Remarks

Yeah, for sure. Happy to start. Yeah. For some shameless plugs, as always. I mean, you know, you can go get your hands on some pretty ridiculous and stable Apy on Koi. So be sure to head over to koi finance. And, you know, we're always pushing to have more of our token holders lock up their koi ve koi, our governance tokens. APY is above 60% right now and, you know, we're giving away a ton of ZK as well as other tokens just for holding vecoi, which is awesome. So be sure to take advantage of this while, you know, while we got all of that sweet airdrop from ZK to give back to all of you.

Latest Campaigns

So, yeah, definitely head over. And then right now we're actually running a galaxy campaign where you can get a share of $5,000 worth of ZK and koi. So I'll definitely drop a link in the comments as well. Be sure to head over there. Yeah, I kind of went over it on the previous answer, but we do have an earn program right now with Zksync. So you can see that at Zksync, Satori, finance, earn, and basically there's four different ways that you can earn CK tokens.

Earning Opportunities

Right now we have a little over a million tokens to still give away through the campaign. The two ways I highlight right now are using our new vault program as well as just depositing and trading perps on Satori. You can see in real time the amount of tokens that you're earning and you can withdraw them whenever you like. And it should be going on for until the end of October. So another two months of the program and, yeah, we'll tweet about it some more as well. Yeah.

Collaborative Campaigns

So as I mentioned before, we're running a campaign with ZK Chronos. You can try to swap on some of these apps on ZK Chronos and your transactions will be gasless. And then depending on the volume that you do, we have a leaderboard, and you can win up to 4000 ZK. We're also doing with Qlik. It's an app where you can take a photo. And.

NFT Creation and Rewards

Yeah, basically like upload it on an app called Clickapp. So it's the folks from Nodal who create this. There's also like a leaderboard based on the transactions that you do. And then we do something with Harris where you can mint an NFT, gaseously generating your NFT through AI. And also there's some rewards there as well. But I linked the link in the comments so you folks can. Can check it out.

Technical Issues

Oops. I think. Seems like my loan is disconnected. Yeah. Let me. There we go. Arlon, are you back? It's refresh. I'm. I don't know. I'm special, guys. I am special. Okay. You always do. so everyone did their. Their shameless plug? I think so. I think so. I think that's what we didn't share, I think, right? Oh yeah.

Final Thoughts

Well, now we've been running out of dual campaigns and. Yeah, that's what we've been cooking for now. And, if we have. If we do have any information about our upcoming, you know, campaigns. Yeah, we will inform on our official Twitter and any other discord and telegram channel. Yeah, that's all. Okay. Don't forget to share the links on the comments, please.

Concluding the Session

And I guess, guys, to conclude today's spaces, please give a little bit of love to all the projects. Even if it's not like your main project that you're following. Follow us all. Coin finance, Satori Xi Fi and Ziggy swap. If you want to drop a follow on me as well in Porter, why not go ahead as well? It's a free world. And guys, much love. Thank you so much for coming today and I'll see you guys most likely soonish.


Awesome. Thanks so much guys. Yeah, it was amazing. Thanks for hosting this. The best house. Onwards and upwards guys. Definitely, yeah, awesome.

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