Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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This space is hosted by Bitcoin_Pidgin

Space Summary

This Twitter Space brought together a range of perspectives on pressing contemporary issues. Participants delved into the significance of transparency in the tech industry, advocating for greater accountability from major companies to safe-keep user rights. The discussion transitioned into examining historical events, particularly highlighting how post-World War II transformations have influenced today's societal structures. Ethical dilemmas surrounding free speech on social media platforms were rigorously debated, weighing the protection against harmful content against the principle of unrestricted expression. Personal stories provided a raw look into the legal struggles and systemic obstacles faced by individuals, shedding light on the flaws within the justice systems. The conversation also touched on the profound effects of technological advancements, exploring both their potential to drive societal progress and introduce complex new challenges. A critical analysis of modern conflicts was provided, distinguishing them from past global wars through their geopolitical intricacy. AI’s role in content moderation sparked further debate, particularly its struggles with understanding context, leading to frequent misinterpretations. Doubts were expressed about the practicality of true free speech on current social media platforms due to pervasive content regulation. Lastly, speculations about the future held cautious optimism regarding tech innovations and their broader societal impact. Altogether, this space fostered a rich, multifaceted dialogue on key issues spanning tech, law, history, and society.


Q: What role should tech companies play in moderating content on their platforms?
A: Tech companies need a balanced approach to maintain transparency and accountability while ensuring free speech.

Q: How have historical events influenced modern societal structures?
A: Events like World War II significantly shaped global institutions and societal norms.

Q: What ethical considerations come into play regarding free speech on social media?
A: Balancing free speech with protection against harmful content poses significant ethical challenges.

Q: How do technological advancements impact societal progress and constraints?
A: While they drive progress, they also introduce complexities and new problems.

Q: What personal legal challenges are discussed?
A: Participants shared experiences about legal struggles, especially related to driving licenses and court mishaps.

Q: How do modern conflicts differ from earlier global wars?
A: Current conflicts involve complex geopolitical dynamics, different from the all-out wars of the past.

Q: What kind of stories were shared about the justice system?
A: Narratives include injustices faced and the prolonged quest for personal legal rectitude.

Q: What role does AI play in moderating social media?
A: AI often struggles with context, leading to challenges in appropriate content moderation.

Q: Are the current social media platforms capable of ensuring absolute free speech?
A: There's significant skepticism about true free speech on platforms due to moderation policies.

Q: What conclusions were drawn about the future of significant tech innovations?
A: There’s optimism tempered with caution about their societal and ethical implications.


Time: 00:00:10
The Importance of Transparency in Tech

Time: 00:00:30
Impact of Historical Events

Time: 00:01:50
Legal and Ethical Dilemmas in Free Speech

Time: 00:03:00
Personal Struggles with Legal Systems

Time: 00:05:15
Evolution of Global Conflicts

Time: 00:08:30
Role of AI in Content Moderation

Time: 00:12:45
The Justice System's Impact on Individuals

Time: 00:15:10
Technological Advancements and Society

Time: 00:20:25
Challenges in Ensuring Free Speech

Time: 00:25:00
Future of Tech Innovations

Key Takeaways

  • Insightful debates on the significance of transparency and accountability within the realm of tech companies and social media platforms.
  • A comprehensive exploration of historical events and their influence on modern societal structures and conflicts.
  • Examination of the legal and ethical considerations surrounding free speech on social media.
  • Detailed personal narratives highlighting the challenges and legal obstacles faced by individuals in the tech industry.
  • Discussions on how technological advancements are shaping and sometimes hindering societal progress.
  • Reflections on the transformation of global institutions post-World War II and their continued influence.
  • Debates around the modern definition of world conflict and its distinguishing features from past global wars.
  • Personal experiences shared regarding the justice system and its impact on individuals’ lives.
  • Conversations around the role of artificial intelligence in moderating and sometimes misinterpreting online content.
  • Speculations on significant tech innovations and their potential societal repercussions.

Behind the Mic

The early adopters are always the people that are always on top of their game of everything and all of that stuff. So get yourself ready, get yourself hooked, get yourself in contact with as many people that understand this stuff better than you do. As you see me now. Yeah. Kesa understands this thing, like, a whole lot. Then you have one. Yes, ma understands, like, a whole lot. They're building product, all of that. So you need to get hooked with these people so that you understand what's happening. Go for events, get to know as much as you possibly can. That's just where I'm going to end it. Thank you. Yeah, thank you. Thank you for that. Always, like, the things you always talk, they always, the Alpha. So thank you for this one where you talk now, because truly, like I talked for the beginning of this piece, you know, even though bitcoin currency don't owed, even they don't use like, 15 years now, the ecosystem still they knew, because now people they come out every day. Now big opportunity for still tap into wealth opportunity where they for inside the sector. So if you're there here where they listen to us, well, just try make sure you read, at least you read, my blog every Friday you enter Cointelegraph blogs, different places where they post articles and do small freelancing or small voluntary job. As long as you enter the place and you meet the right people, network and ask questions. Honest alpha like this, normally people they try to look up and they charge them for the consultation. So make use of these free opportunities for now, and stay passionate. Get in contact, be part of the events and stay strong. Go shop now. Thank you. Thank you. I beg no go yet. Another angle where you talk, where me, I pick up on our networking. Good. I'm learning, and then you talk, Yes, you suppose go for some of these events. I don't see weightings and security, they try for inside this space. They need to, they need information to move forward. People learn more, most as they exposes, they engage. Thank you for that. I beg. Make I get honor of our host questions, I go continue. So this question goes to Keso or any other person who is fit like answer them. What is Bitcoin in a nutshell? And how do Bitcoin work? Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. On my own side, I think Keso, you fit take them. Thanks. Okay. That question about what is bitcoin. Bitcoin is the first decentralized digital currency. In a nutshell, what it means and its peer to peer transaction without middleman. Now, it derives its name from two words. Bit, which means unit of information in computer and coin. So it's simply means bit and coin. It's a virtual currency on a distributed ledger called blockchain. So that is just a summary of what bitcoin is. All right. Good. Thank you very much for that. All right. Thank you. So, host, good question or make I drop our follow up question? Oh, yeah, you drop the follow up question. Good. We were just explaining how bitcoin they were for human being, like how does this software work for you? Okay. You can take it, Keso, please. Yeah. How does bitcoin work? How bitcoin takes the work now? Bitcoin blockchain, the way it's based, they push the bitcoin transaction into blocks. It's structured as a chain of blocks. So when you send a transaction, the transaction will be verified by every node. This node validate the transaction, that the transaction is verified as authentic and legit. After the transaction is verified, miners can now compete to add the transaction into a block by solving a typical puzzle called proof of work. So the first miners will get the proof of work correctly and go add the transaction into a block and will propagate that block across the network. So after the block is added to the general blockchain, the transaction will be added and completed. So all this is happening within minutes. That is just a summary of how bitcoin works. All right. Thank you. I like that. Nice one. So I beg, make I get to follow up questions. How can someone like me take fit begin deal with bitcoin? Thank you, Yeah, Sandra, you feel taken? Oh, basically. Okay. So the first one, if you want start to deal with bitcoin, first, I would always advise you to get what they call bitcoin wallet. Now, after you get the wallet, if it's a mobile wallet, which you do online and offline, so get your online mobile wallet, you can register through various exchanges like bounty, luna Cardano, some other centralized exchange. Once you do that, you will now get wallets, bitcoin wallet. Then once you get the bitcoin wallet, the first thing you have to do is buy your bitcoin. Because you have to buy bitcoin first before you can own bitcoin. You can now start to change transaction, send bitcoin through that wallet address to another address. Start receiving transaction depending on the form of business or service so you would like to render, make people pay you for that service using bitcoin. Then the transaction will be verified through the blockchain. In a nutshell, I think this is just a breakdown of how you can own bitcoin. All right. Thank you. Thank you. I think because of time, I better ask honorable host how we go relate with bitcoin, whether we go continue the question or how we do. But before I ask you to go, I say this one is for you. I do this interpretation. You can talk a bit about the DeFi ecosystem so far in Nigeria and how does it unlock opportunities for the youth? Thank you. Yeah. Thank you, Osa. Like I would always talk about the ecosystem for the financial system in Nigeria over the years and all over the world, It is trying to focus towards technology advancement, various opportunities abound for the youth. Most of the things, one we noticed, be said, over the time we rely on centralized finance system to do most of the platform now, based on blockchain technology. You don't see technological advancements where they go on to decentralized financial application. Many finance all over the world are driving the DeFi system, we get a lot of loan protocol, we get decentralized insurance protocol, we get lending protocol, yield farming staking and this one be said, you don’t need any insurance for you to get loan to do your business, to yield. In fact, as a youth as you deal with this, if you put your mind get focus, you get more opportunities to learn and get knowledge about this blockchain technology we did for on top decentralized financial ecosystem. Because of the way government don't treat their own regulation on top of this technology, I believe with that said, many youths will join this ecosystem and create job opportunities for themselves. At least it will bring wealth. Now, they build them smart contract, they build them on solidity for Ethereum, other chains like coordination and so many others. So I believe in a summary, like said this will make you try to understand some of us with your career for inside this technology finance sector, and they tap many more opportunities for the youthful them and for even those who feed leverage on this ecosystem. I believe, within the decentralized financial ecosystem, many youths will be able to sustain and create wealth for themselves and tap more knowledge about the system, yeah. All right. Thank you so much, Osa. Okay. All right. Thank you for that. Okay, I guess make me conclude because for time, for every ten, follow which we build and all that, so I go shift the back now to the honorable host to help us round up. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Um thank you very much. I don't say you get one question we pass around and see where one person in the audience asks, asking if a person fit get pension with bitcoin. So we go just address some, I address some honorable host if it round up. Thank you. Okay, I think any of the speakers, okay, like someone like Sander can address that speak on that. Yeah, thank you. Okay, have you answer honorable host. Okay so basic for now, but we did better feed. So be your pension good in bitcoin. So they do secondary pension because we do primary because of regulation. So now secondary pension we do so fee make sure say your you receive your pension in bitcoin. So if we talk on how we feel on board you and then video carry you go for the better piece of it. So for never go like full public for nana beta we use certain people, they test how we take and perfect the product. So now today to be that, yeah, so now where we are currently, hopefully in the next 510 years go a regulation will allow your primary pension to go direct to bitcoin, but for now you do secondary and optional pension. All right, thank you, thank you so much. All right, thank you for that onions man. And I guess now all the questions we will give you that. So I appreciate everybody who joined this space, I appreciate our speakers like I talked before, follow them, you know, follow us and join us again by the same time next week, the same place for an ever thought, engaging topic. Thank you, good night and see you in 14 days."

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