Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Future of Meme Tokens: IAMDOG’s Role in the Matchain Ecosystem and Beyond hosted by matchain_io. The Twitter space delved deep into IAMDOG's role within the Matchain ecosystem, emphasizing data sovereignty within a decentralized AI chain framework. The discussion covered scalability, decentralization, and the future of meme tokens within Matchain. IAMDOG's contribution to secure data management and privacy highlights its importance in the evolving landscape of AI chains. The conversation underscored the connection between meme tokens, blockchain decentralization, and scalability, showcasing their significance in advancing blockchain ecosystems.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: What is the significance of IAMDOG within the Matchain ecosystem?
A: IAMDOG plays a vital role in ensuring data sovereignty and security within the decentralized AI chain framework.

Q: How does Matchain address scalability and decentralization?
A: Matchain focuses on scalability and decentralization to provide a robust framework for emerging technologies like meme tokens.

Q: What are the future implications of meme tokens within the Matchain ecosystem?
A: Meme tokens have the potential to further decentralization efforts and enhance scalability within Matchain and similar ecosystems.

Q: How does IAMDOG contribute to data management security?
A: IAMDOG enhances data management security by providing a decentralized and secure environment.

Q: Why is exploring AI chains important for data privacy?
A: AI chains like IAMDOG are essential for maintaining data privacy and integrity in a decentralized manner.

Q: In what ways are meme tokens connected to blockchain ecosystem concepts?
A: Meme tokens tie into broader ideas of decentralization and scalability, contributing to the overall blockchain ecosystem.


Time: 00:15:40
IAMDOG: Ensuring Data Sovereignty Exploring how IAMDOG safeguards data sovereignty within the decentralized AI chain ecosystem.

Time: 00:25:17
Scalability and Decentralization in Matchain Insights on how Matchain prioritizes scalability and decentralization for emerging technologies.

Time: 00:35:29
Future of Meme Tokens in Matchain Discussing the evolving role of meme tokens and their impact within the Matchain framework and beyond.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding IAMDOG's crucial role in ensuring data sovereignty within the AI chain ecosystem.
  • The discussion on scalability and decentralization in the Matchain ecosystem.
  • Exploring the future prospects of meme tokens and their place within the Matchain framework.
  • Insights on how IAMDOG contributes to a decentralized and secure environment for data management.
  • The importance of exploring AI chains for maintaining data integrity and privacy.
  • Connecting meme tokens to broader concepts of decentralization and scalability in blockchain ecosystems.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Anticipation

Hey, folks, we are waiting for Patrix to join, and we are about to kick off in a very short time. Just give us one more minute and hold on. Bring your popcorn. Meanwhile, so let's kick off. Today is very unusual day because usually we are hosting our AMA's on Thursdays, but we have the unique exception. Today we have a special series with I am Doc. So you probably noticed this very handsome cat right on the right. On the right from the Patrick's right. And this is the first meme token on Madchain. So today we gonna dive deeply behind the scenes of meme tokens and what Iam Doc is about and why it is so special for us at Matchain. So, without further ado's, let me introduce our speakers first. So we have here our very own Patrix Barbossa. And I am dog. So, like, I am dog himself. So I will give a mic to Patrix to introduce himself and say a couple words about this exciting collaboration of ours, and then pass Mike to our amazing character, which is I am Doc. And we will start.

Patrix's Excitement

So, Patrix. Hello, everyone. It's very exciting. It's a pleasure to be here. Another ama. And this is a little bit different. I think it's the first ama that we do with a special meme that I have on our chain. I see a lot of famous and important and good friends, people here already in the audience, some kols, some supporters from my chain, and supporters from IMdog. So thank you so much for showing up. Thank you so much. Im dog, to be our partner, to be our friend on this journey. My chain is a young chain, but very promising. We've been delivering so much, and there's so many good news coming, and I am Doug will be riding up with us all this big trend and this big news that we are working hard for the past three years. So excited to have you guys here with us. Thank you so much. Mdog and I. Are you a cat or a dog? Tell me.

Identifying the Core Theme

No, I think that's the. That's the answer I have to start with for today. Are we a cat or a dog? Where we're exactly a satire. And I think it's hard for me to tell you exactly what we are. I think the image says everything, but for now, I am dog. Okay, makes sense. Okay, so, finally, now we know who is who, but still not enough. So, imdoc. It's very unusual. You know, what inspired the creation of iamdoc? What makes it stand out from other meme tokens? Can you please tell us. We are all very curious about, you know, I think if you look at the meme world, everything seems to be a dog. Starting out, of course, with our grandfather, of all meme tokens, dogecoin. And I think that's where we began, at least as a. As a source idea.

Defining the Unique Approach

But from there, we thought, well, we've got to stand out, we've got to be different, we've got to make a louder sound. And I think that's kind of what made us turn into a satire. And, you know, we took memes and we took the idea behind memes, and we thought we'd take it a little bit further and make a difference, you know. So the whole idea was to be active, be present, speak every single day, and not just be a caricature or just a single image. I think we wanted proper interaction with the community, and that's how we came into existence. You know, I think it's very important when someone makes a difference, especially when, like, there is a freedom of the speech, which is very dual right now, especially nowadays.

Exploring Real-World Applications

So it's really cool that someone has a right to have a voice and we respect it very much. And I think it will be the first day, May, when Patrick speaks less than usual, because I'm going to ask you the second question right away. So does I am dog has any real world use case beyond being a meme token? Because, you know, a lot of people can make jokes, but what is behind the scenes? Well, I think we're limited to a certain degree by being a meme. There isn't very much more that we can do, and I think that we did a lot more, especially because freedom of speech and commentary on society and what's happening with governments and countries and our economy are really important, but we don't want to also be arrested, assuming we cross the line and we say something that some government isn't really happy with.

Interactive Community Engagement

That being said, I think the fact that we are interactive, we want to communicate and speak and say something and be more than just, I'd say, a fly on the wall. The whole idea here is to be ever present. And, of course, with all of that, we've built community building tools like, you know, tap to earn. And I think we've got a whole lot of activities lined up across the next few months that, you know, ensure that we're not silent, that we're always going to be present and almost a utility, almost real world without being real world. Thank you very much. I know that our very own Patrik Sburbozi is very excited about your presence at matching but also our I want to ask Patrick's personal opinion.

Comparative Insights

What makes other memes apart from I am dog. Nastasia love to put us on spot. As you can see I am dog. So even as a CMO and speaker she doesn't always on questions. It's an interesting question of course, but I know what is the most important point of it here. Machine's infrastructure as a layer two supportive. We still have our main mission, which is identity sovereignty, data sovereignty. And the word itself is complicated, which means sovereignty but means of course independencies. In my language is sober Ania.

Advocacy for Freedom and Community

So I am dogs about free speech. It's about tell right what is the wrong in the world or make a joke about it, or reflect about it and create a sense of community. And we are about freedom as well. We are about creating identity freedom for the whole Internet and the industry and the supporters and give you back your data power, your commercial value, your digital footprint. So if you do this via very big strong defi complex UI bridge and whatever projects and parachains, that's one way. If you do this by a meme or via community power, which is wave more fun and more productive, why not? So I really like the spirit, I really like the sentiment. I think there's a potential to be one of the next billion dollar meme coin. This is not a prediction, this is just a personal wish. And that's pretty much it why we all talk about freedom, sovereignty and etcetera.

Personal Reflections on Media and Community Engagement

You know, as ex media executive, I'm even a bit jealous about it a bit, because, you know, media is supposed to be very neutral. So to have a freedom of the speech is a privilege of not that many people. And of course, like everything you said, adding utility like to the token. And speaking of engaging the community, I'm sure many will be interested in how they can get involved with ImDoc. So can you tell us about the referral program? Will there be a referral program to encourage players to invite their friends and how they can start to be engaged with IMDOc here and now?

Community Growth and Engagement through Gaming

I think the idea behind tap to earn is to be fair. I think these games right now are the hottest things for meme tokens right now. And lots of people are flooding these games and tapping away furiously. And many of the games end up in the millions. You know, you're talking 10 million, 20 million in terms of audience. But that really has been the best way to grow the community and get more people to come. Games reward you for tasks and the tasks then ensure that you take certain actions, right, join the socials and so forth. But one of the key aspects of the game, of course, is for you to invite your friends. And as your community grows, you get more points. And the more points you get, ultimately you're looking for the biggest possible airdrop you can get, and that's how you get rewarded as well.

Tokenomics and Launch Strategy

The game we built has, I think, at least two levels of community building, which allows you to earn a percentage also from all the points that your community below you earn a. So lots of rewards in place, lots of activities that allow you to invite your friends and spread the word and enlarge our community. Makes total sense. And what you know, speaking about the token, I know that the important event is waiting right around the corner. So what is the total supply of IMDoc tokens and how will the tokens be distributed? So maybe can you provide some detailed breakdown of the tokenomics, including token allocation for development, marketing and the team?

Market Conditions and Fair Launch Advantages

Because it's really unusual when someone does all these steps right away and community is eager to participate, you're not just fitting with the promises, you're actually doing actions. So it's impossible not to ask about total supply and distribution and tokenomics breakdown. Maybe you can share something. Sure, I'm more than happy to share. You know, token launches are very dependent on the market and the market conditions. And as we know, market has been moving sideways for quite a few months and we're in, you know, one of the worst months of the year. September is renowned for being awful for everyone, right? Whether it's a stock market, whether it's crypto, and no one ever gets returns during this month.

Community Safety and Trust in Token Value

So you could think, you could say maybe it's a strange month to launch. But the odd thing is that despite all our heavy hitters, you know, bitcoin and ethereum, and, you know, all our, all the big boys kind of moving sideways, meme tokens have been skyrocketing. They literally have been. I suppose our favorite term is going to the moon. And lots of them end up being massive hits with billion dollar market caps. One of the things, one of the ways of launching, obviously, is to go with investors and VC's and pre sell your tokens and build liquidity and an income that way. That's kind of one way to launch, and that's one thing that iamdog has avoided doing.

Token Distribution and Community Engagement

You know, we've decided to go our own way and ensure that we've got a fair launch. So the one advantage everyone will have is that nobody is holding any iron dog tokens at the point of TGE. That only means the token can go one way, it can only go up. And I think the entire community likes that. And that's probably the most important thing for everyone. Everyone wants to make sure that they're holding on to a token that has great growth potential. Of course, having a big community and so forth is really important. I think we've grown quite significantly and we're really happy with our size, we're happy with the way we're growing and the way that we've been received.

Token Supply and Liquidity Assurance

We're distributing 100 billion tokens, of which 65% are going to be locked in liquidity and remaining tokens are going to be for the game, for tap to earn primarily as game rewards. And the team holds about 5% in terms of tokens. And that's really it. We're not holding very much and obviously we're not going to be well, even if we dumped with just 5%. Right. So I don't think the community needs to worry. All tokens are out there and everything is locked to liquidity. So everyone can feel safe that this is going to be a token that can only go up.

Preparation for Launch

And our target is obviously the moon. That's one of the favorite quotes from the industry, the moon. So that means that everyone listening needs to get your match chain wallet ready on metamask, bigget, OKX token pocket, all those wallet partners that I already have just buy BNB and bridge simply on our bridges. That is easy to find on our website or telegram or everywhere. We can even post the link over here and get ready for our launch and our Dex. And like I am Doug said this technically can go very well and we never can speculate of course, especially coming from my side.

Investors and Market Dynamics

But I assume I am correct if I'm wrong, that the only sell pressure that we have is from buyers buying the market, right? So the earliest that you buy, the more that you accumulate. You decided to sell. So. But there's no big sell pressure for investors. So this is a great model. I think it's good strategy. Yeah, that's pretty much it. You can go now.

Community Engagement and Memes

Anastasia, I just want to make a comment. Thank you very much, Patrick. I think that the next question should be definitely about the community. Because the community was the start creating all the memes, right? So how will Im Doc leverage the power of memes to promote the project and engage the community? Because guys, you have the most powerful sword ever. You have a sense of humor. Plus the ability to be anonymous. So what's next? The only thing that meme tokens have is the community. Of course, sometimes, if you're lucky, you've got spokespeople for your. For your community. Right. So you've got Elon Musk who might decide to say something that might pump a particular token. Right. That's. That could be a great advantage for IMdog.

Partnership and Community Size

I think our greatest asset for now is the partnership with match chain. We could be on any chain, obviously, the world, or at least the crypto world or the blockchain world is our oyster. But we've picked match chain because they've got a massive community. I think the community in terms of active participants are. It's even larger than what you have on Pancakeswap, which is somewhere in the region of 4 million. The community size is more than adequate, I think. And they're active, and match chain is really busy all the time with promotions, activities, and they've got an incredible milestone ahead of them. Right. They've got lots of plans and lots of heavy lifting that they have. So the future looks incredible with match chain. It's something that I think Iron Dog can also grow together with them.

Future Aspirations and Community Power

So, you know, we're happy with everything we're doing so far. We're quite excited with our impending tGe, but it's the partnership that's certainly going to make the difference. Thank you. Feel flattered I can endorse your awards. Thank you so much. Our community is really powerful. They are very active. I think mostly know that the ones that are here already web three users, but the biggest power from our community are coming from web two. So we are working heavily on some education content, but the numbers are really big. Also, if keep converting our web two user base, we're going to become one of the top three chain on volumes on daily transactions on user base. This is not just a statement, but that's a conviction, and that's why we should be working for.

Long Term Vision and Humor

Right, me as a founder and CEO, but I know what I have, so. And you having the advantage of being the biggest meme, launching first as a professional team, as a professional roadmap, it's a very good first move advantage. So I believe this is a long term game as well. It's not just the day one that counts. The community will pick up. I am dog this part of our inception. So thank you so much. And I love your humor. Really, like, go so much fun with all their posters and everything that you guys talk about. Thank you so much. Petrik, I like the fact that we're, well, at least iamdog is the big dog on match chain.

Excitement Around Launch

Being the first meme token to launch with you is incredibly exciting. We've seen how, you know, the Tron chain has suddenly skyrocketed and become incredibly successful with just the first few meme tokens. I'm sure it's going to be the same thing with matchchain. Thank you very much. Indeed it will be. And apart from the meme token itself, you have very engaging tap to earn game. I hope that a lot of our listeners here had a chance to explore it because this handsome cat is everywhere. It has many faces. Oh, it's funny you have to try it out, but there are a lot of mini applications in Telegram, you know, and it's very hard to compete with them because like graphics and all of this is the whole competition of creativity, not just sense of humor.

Differentiating Tap to Earn Game

Right? So what sets Iam Dog stop to earn game apart from other similar games in the market? Thank you for the compliment of our game. We're happy with our first version and of course we're continually upgrading it and we're adding new features all the time. It's tough to try to rush them out in such a short time frame, but tap to earn. Players are there for a singular purpose, to gain as many points as they can, and that's the reason they are always furiously tapping away at the games. Not just they don't play with just one game. I know they play multiple games, but tap to earn for I am Dog is slightly different because it's going to be the only game that's launching that's already launched with TGE around the corner.

Immediate Rewards and Community Support

When I say around the corner, obviously we're talking about a matter of a few days and that I think makes our tab to earn slightly different. The earnings and the opportunity for people to convert currently the mail points into active tokens is going to be a very short run. They don't have to wait for weeks, they don't have to wait for months. It's cool that you don't have to wait, you know, like things should come in the right time. And I just wanted to let you know that while you guys were talking, I was scrolling down the chat with the feedback and response and was so surprised how many people actually came from the community to support Iamdog and matching how people are excited. And I wanted to say thank you for all of you, because without the community, you know, like double edged sword, you need the community to create memes, you need memes to support the community and you need matching to be in the center of all of it.

Discussion on Point System

So. I'm gonna ask if Patrick has any questions. Yeah, I want to comment on the mini app that I embark doing the point systems with the TGE. You guys are going to have such a valuable point. How's it be called? I am dog points.

Farming Points and Its Importance

I points, something like that people will farm, I don't know. But the point systems that people are going to be farming, doing all the activities with the different kind of cats, dogs, they're going to be collecting later tokens that are already existing and trading that will make our tasks super valuable. So I am predicting, and I really hope that you guys can get to millions and millions followers on Telegram and become one of the biggest mini apps that exist because you're doing a reverse engineering model for the ones memes, right? If I'm not mistaken. So I really love this model. I hope that everyone here listening to me understand this. So how powerful, how important will be to my endpoints inside the ImDog mini app, because you're going to get rewarded for a token that already exists. Right? And the team is very committed to that. So great job, guys. It's a pleasure.

Gratitude and Community Engagement

Thank you so much for being with us. Thank everyone for the community over here. So many comments, so many questions, and if there's anyone that would like to speak or anything, just reach us out. Thank you very much. Patrick and I think that it's time to wrap up. But before we will do that, I want to ask tease their community a bit because I know that there are a lot of things which they are cooking. And in the next few days, communities should keep all eyes on social media and updates of iamdog. But maybe you can tell more. So please inspire us about your future updates and developments. We are very curious in all of them. Thank you.

TGE Expectations and Market Focus

Well, I think everyone here in the community is waiting for the most important thing, which is Tge. And we've teased TGe a few times and we've had to kind of drag it a little bit more because there's so many things that needed to be done. Tap to earn took a lot longer than we anticipated, you know, and of course, we've got to keep an eye on how the market is performing. But I can assure everyone that we're looking at a TGE that is very likely less than seven days from today. And this is now officially an Imdog official statement. This is what everyone can look forward to. I know they're going to be asking about meow points and how that's going to be converted. But we don't want to add cell pressure right away.

Conversion Strategy and Community Involvement

So the conversion of mailpoints to iron Dog will also be trickle fed to ensure that we don't place pressure on iron Dog. It's really important that from the start, I know everyone's going to be rushing in to purchase. I mean, you know, everyone will be buying and the same as us. I mean, I think we also want to try and accumulate as many tokens as we can get together with the community. And that, I think, can happen really soon. Male points, such a male thing. To health. You know, as a creator to creator, I have a very personal question and let's pretend that no one listens to us.

Inspiration and Community Connection

How? Always be inspired, because like all these things you are doing, not from just technical side, but also from creators side, makes a difference to the whole community and to the whole web three world. So it comes with a lot of responsibility and I'm just very curious how to keep this inspirational level very high. So maybe you have some personal pro tips for me. I think we took the easy route, starting a meme and coming up with an idea I think everyone can do, but we tried to bring iamdog to life and because we've done that, it's all seeing, all speaking meme, and it's paying attention to what's happening all around us.

Engagement with Current Events

We just completed the olympics, if everyone remembers, and were so lucky to have kangaroo breakdowns, for example. Right? I mean, how could we not see that and say something about, I think that's what keeps us excited, that every day something is happening, someone's making some commentary online, something's happening in some country somewhere. Sometimes they're heartbreaking, sometimes they are painful to watch. And then we've got to see the lighter side of it. We try to make comments and we try to point out the community to things that are happening all around us, but we also try not to take a position and it's simply highlighting what's happening.

Sustaining Creativity and Community

I think just that alone keeps us busy. But because you're busy doing what you love, being creative about it, and this is simply powerful, the course, it just makes it so much easier. And for that reason, I think I am. Dog will stay alive for years to come because, you know, everything happens all the time and we're always going to be there. We're always going to be the flower in the world. And that's the great thing about Eimdog. That's for sure.

Closing Remarks and Future Engagements

The world never stops, and it makes both of us. Patrick's famous last words. Do you have some? No, just. Thank you very much. I am Patrick. You am dog. And here we are. Thank you so much. It's a pleasure. And let's keep active and very excited for our future ahead. Thank you, everyone, for joining us tonight. It was really fun being here. I hope we've shared some insights into what iron Dog is and what Iron Dog is going to do.

Final Goodbyes

Let's go. Let's go. Thank you, guys. Bye bye, everyone. Thanks for joining. All right. Bye bye. Thank you very much. And always remember that a good Joe can save you even in the darkest times.

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