Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Future of GambleFi hosted by DeFi_Tycoon. The Twitter space delved into the future of GambleFi, highlighting the impact of decentralized finance and blockchain technology on the gambling sector. Discussions emphasized the importance of partnerships, community engagement, and regulatory compliance for sustainable growth in DeFi gambling projects. Experts underscored the role of transparency, security, and market trends in shaping the landscape of blockchain gambling platforms for a wider audience.

For more spaces, visit the DeFi page.


Q: How does decentralized finance revolutionize traditional financial systems?
A: DeFi introduces innovative digital financial services accessible to anyone with an internet connection.

Q: What advantages does blockchain technology offer to gambling platforms?
A: Blockchain ensures provably fair gaming, enhances security, and enables transparent transactions in online gambling.

Q: Why are partnerships important in the crypto industry?
A: Collaborations can increase visibility, credibility, and user trust for companies in the competitive cryptocurrency market.

Q: How can community engagement impact the success of GambleFi projects?
A: Active involvement and feedback from the community can drive adoption, loyalty, and sustainability for gambling projects.

Q: What factors should DeFi gambling projects consider for sustainable growth?
A: Staying informed about market trends, complying with regulations, and building a strong user base are key for long-term success in DeFi gambling.


Time: 00:16:45
DeFi Innovations in Financial Systems Exploring how DeFi disrupts traditional financial services and promotes financial inclusivity.

Time: 00:28:10
Blockchain Transparency in Gambling Discussing how blockchain technology ensures transparency and trust in online gambling platforms.

Time: 00:41:55
The Power of Strategic Partnerships Insights on how partnerships can amplify reach, credibility, and growth in the crypto industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Decentralized finance brings innovation and accessibility to traditional financial systems.
  • Blockchain technology enhances transparency, security, and efficiency in gambling platforms.
  • Active participation in partnerships can boost exposure and credibility in the crypto market.
  • Community engagement is vital for the success and adoption of GambleFi projects.
  • Understanding market trends and regulations is crucial for sustainable growth in the DeFi gambling sector.

Behind the Mic


Close it. Hello, everyone. Good day. Yeah, good day to you, wherever you are. Yeah, you are welcome to this AMA session with p two P bet. This is going to be a very interesting and informative AMA session. Yeah. Because from my own research about this project has something very innovative to offer us, we in the crypto community. So definitely we are going to hear a lot about this project. I'm not going to say much. We're going to hear from them. Yeah. But before we start fully, please, I want to really encourage everyone here on this space to please retweet the space link. Yes, please retweet the space link so that we can get more persons into the space. Yeah, this is a great opportunity. So if you have a friend, a relative, or an active follower, you really, you want to you that you want to also benefit from this opportunity. And to learn about the future of Gambufi, you need to share this space between the space link so that you can have them on the space. Believe me, this space is going to be very, very, interesting. Like, you're going to enjoy it.

Project Overview

So, I'm just going to give a very, very brief intro on what I understand about p two p bets, because I've come to understand that, in a lot of, a lot of persons actually have strong interests. Yeah. They have strong interest in. In betting. Yeah. Sport betting for the football lovers. Yeah. But, you know, people face a lot of problem, using some of these, day to day usual betting platform that we have, some persons, they get their account being closed maybe because of one issue or another or when they win, a particular win. There are some, times you tend to get face issues because those persons are full control of your account in their platform. So the solution is finally here. The solution is finally here. That is why we have p two p bets. Hey, guys, you are going? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I can hear you. Yeah, I can hear you. You're welcome. Thank you. Yeah, so, yeah, this is a digitalized betting platform, and we're going to hear from them.

Discussion on Betting Landscape

Let me use this opportunity to give the mic to the b two p bet platform. You're welcome. Hey, guys. So nice to be here. So today we are going to talk about the future of gamble fi. And to talk about it, we need to understand, like, the history, how to, like, was evolving. So first, there is, like, traditional betting platforms. Like, you know, many of them, I won't even mention the names in each country. You have, like, a betting platform where you can place bets. And so basically, they all centralized entities, they hold your money, and they provide different types of odds. So, and there are always unclear, like, how everything is calculated, because they want to earn more, and they can basically provide any odds they want. So it was the first one. Then there was a new wave of the betting, more decentralized than like the previous one. So it's. It was betting exchanges. First of them was bet fair. So to create a good analogy, everyone understands what cryptocurrency exchange now.

Understanding Betting Exchanges

So basically, if you bet on bitcoin, you can place. Sorry, if you trade bitcoin, you can place order right now in market, or you can place limit orders, depending on the price you want to place. So now it's like 59, you can place lower or higher. So betting exchanges working in the same way. So you basically, here is a sport event, and you can place limit order. Basically, you can say like this, with different type of odds. You can place free, you can place two odds, like whatever you want. So basically, it was like a good step to this decentralization from the bad fair, from all these betting exchanges. But they have limited ability to also, like, limited liquidity pools. And in some sort of. For example, in USA, they have problems you cannot bet with, like, people from another state. So liquidity limited to certain territory. So it depends on different countries. But, like, USA is always, like, in front of.

Liquidity and Product Offerings

Yeah, guys, if you have any questions, you can ask them later. I see you. Yeah. So in terms of bitfair, we created our, like, first product is a crypto betting. So basically, it's like betting exchange, but it's working this in decentralized manner, because if you place bets on bitfair, for example, they hold your money, so they own your money, and you cannot do anything if they will stop working. For example, our base implementation is betting in peer to peer mode. Basically, you have idea that bitcoin will be one hundred k at the end of the year, and you can place a bet. Okay. I think bitcoin will be 100k in the end of the year. I think it will. It's like, probability is good. Okay. I think it's like odds is two. Who wants to bet against me? And the person who thinks that he basically, bitcoin will not reach 100k, he can place a bet against you. So this is, like the base implementation of our smart contracts.

Technical Developments and Future Launches

So it's working poorly. Decentralized. We started on a BSc smart chain and then migrated to polygon chain. Yeah. So this platform is, like, on redesign phase and we will announce launch on Monday next week. So you can place bets on any cryptocurrency you want. And also we'll announce some cool news. We adding liquidity to like bitcoin, particularly to bets on bitcoin. So yeah, we'll announce it. So stay tuned for it then. Gamble five was evolving like, and you know, gamelify is usually not just architecture but also ability to become like a bookie, for example. So you want to earn something from betting business but you don't own your betting exchange or just you cannot become a bookmaker because you don't have enough money to open this business. So basically defy can like Gamblefi can give you ability to stack some coins in order to earn from protocol.

The Role of Azura and Ecosystem Opportunities

So and we a part of Azura and Azura is Gamble five protocol. So basically it gives ability for you to bet on different sport events and also you can stack liquidity inside it. For now we have here I think like 8 million liquidity pool. Let me check on. And the best part of Gamblefi and all of these protocols, you can always check everything on chain. So you can go just on dune.com and check everything. So basically if we are looking on Azura, we have. So where is it? So basically, yeah, it's about 8 million and you see everything. So how much they earned? Basically Azure earned like $44 million from for now. So yeah, and if you want to be part of their I like ecosystem and you want to earn like from our, from others like protocol websites that use Azura for sports betting, you can stack money there.

User Engagement and Feedback Mechanism

So it's additional ability to earn some coins yield and Azura is like a pool of liquidity. So you basically playing not against a bookie but you play against a pool where people just stuck their money inside to provide liquidity for basically all the sports games. And we just decided to implement Azura because it's like a new wave of technology and it represents the future of betting. Also we will plan to a little bit extend our functionality on sports betting too. We'll announce it too in the future. So I need to repeat the main like good parts of why are we like better than traditional sports betting websites. So basically we don't hold any your phones. We are completely decentralized. Everything executes inside smart contracts, even free bets. So you know like bookmaker can give you a free bet for you to, if you like, deposited some of money.

Innovative Use of NFTs and Free Bets

But we are using NFT contract for this. So basically you use NFT to place a free bet. So each free bet has a different amount. For example, it can be a free bet of $100, maybe more. So basically we fund a smart contract on polygon blockchain where we use like put USDT and you can use this money in order to execute for bad contract. So yeah, I. Okay, thank you. I saw some questions. I'm here. Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, we are going to take some questions. Thank you so much for that enlightenment and you know, giving us full details about what your platform is and what you're building. I do, sorry, I was actually trying to drop the link to those are interested in joining the platform. Yeah, but before I give the mind to persons like to those that want to answer a question because before the space started and when I made a post about p two p bet yesterday, so many persons indicated interest and they actually have tried to join the platform.

Technical Guidance and Troubleshooting

But some persons are having issues in maybe connecting their wallets, getting their account. But I am here to tell everyone that please try to connect. Preferably use a metamask wallet. Yeah, you can go to your metamask browser, put in the referral link there or click on the link, copy the link, put it in metamask browser. It's very easy to connect there. Then from there you can connect your polygon. You'll connect your wallet on the polygon network. Yeah. So that's for that having. For those persons that are having issues in connecting their walleth. So let's give room for questions. I'll be accepting the mic of some persons so that we can hear from them. Yeah.

Commission and Fee Structure

And you, and you ask about if we'll behave like some sort of commission or something. Yeah, yeah. In our smart contracts and basic implementation it works like in peer to peer mode and we take all the fees from the winner. So loser never pays nothing. So basically it depends like one and a half percent or something like this. Yeah. Oh, all right. Thank you very much.

Getting Established and Technical Issues

Okay. Thank you very much, Omogi, for those questions. Okay, without wasting much time, let me move to the next speaker. Okay, so you are back. I don't know if your network is okay or move to the next speaker. Can you hear us now? I can hear you, hear everyone. Can I hear me? Network is very bad. It's raining the parts of the world thanks to the fight. I come for this opportunity. We can hear you. You cannot. Thanks to defy okay, thank you. Defy. Thank you for this opportunity. Like me, now I've not met before, I'm new to but when I saw this piece to bets, I've been thinking of betting.

Questions from a New User

So I don't know someone that is new like me. I have like three questions to ask someone that is new like me. Is there a way I can learn why thinking about to bets, that's my first question is that where I can learn from the platform on how to beds and the rest because I'm new. Then my second question is how do I saw connect wallet there? How do we, how we guarantee that if you connect our wallets then to not be asked by other scammers in the. And if I like for example, I have money in my wallet and I connected it. How am I sure that the one I have to not be compromised when I connect it to the betting platform. Then also what makes b two p betting different from other betting platform? So that's my question.

Response to New User's Questions

Thank you, Dm. Meredith. Okay, yeah, I can hear you. Okay, thanks. We have tutorials, we have docs. If you have some struggles with the platform, you can just enter there. And also we'll be releasing some more video tutorials about how to use the platform. So you basically will try to educate you more about what particular. Also, yeah, we'll be hosting some events, about sports events. We'll be trying to indicate you also to talking about responsible betting because you always need to understand this betting, it's a good ability, it's a good, like a possibility for you to win.

Responsibility in Betting

Also there is a chance you can lose. That's why you need always think about it's responsible. You don't. You have. All we want for our betters have in mind that they need always save some money. They need to invest in other cryptocurrencies. And if they use something like risky for betting, they use it like ten to 30% of their portfolio, not more. And if they have some not lucky day, we can give them cash back. So this is like the main points. And the second questions. I forgot, sorry, what was the second question?

Ensuring Security in Betting

okay. Yeah, I remembered. I. So basically we have an audit. In terms of audits, Certik, we have a basic implementation about basic audit by Certik. So it's like the top company, top security company in the world. And the Azura had like multiple audits by different contractors. So we can check it. It's really safe. It's really like a good protocol, well developed because. Yeah, like decided to use exactly this protocol for our sports betting implementation.

Aware of Scammers and Safety Precautions

And in terms of like scammers and other like malicious software, always check what is the website. Always check if you are really on our website because when you sign the transaction, like, you need to be sure that you're okay, only you're on the safe place on our website. And just be cautious. Always, if somebody texting you something, you need to double check if they're sending you some files and everything. So just keep this in mind and always keep your private keys safe. This is like the basic thing to be successful in the crypto space.

Further Insights from the Discussion

Okay, thank you so much for that response. And also thank you, Sophie crypt, for that question. Yeah, basically, we know security is something that is very important when it comes to crypto. We need to really be very cautious about how we connect our wallets and you know, so even aside from you trusting the platform, you need to have be very careful because some persons might be, you know, putting in siphon links in between and all of that. But, you know, from what he has explained, you can give you a guarantee that the platform is safe and, you know.

Addressing Technical Issues

Yeah, definitely. You can connect your wallet. Yeah. Without feeling maybe doubtful about how it's going to turn out. Definitely your phones are safe. Yeah. All right, let's move to the next question I would take. Okay, this guy has been on the space and the BB as in JSC 45. Can I hear me? Hello? Okay. Oh, it seems you're having network issue. We can't hear you. I don't know if I'm the only one, but I really can't hear you.

Continuing the Q&A Session

Can I ask a question? Okay, see what you do? Maybe you can leave the space and join me back. I will bring you back to the space. You answer your question. Just me. You can leave and join back. Okay. Let's take royalty. Hello? Royalty. You can answer. Hello? Can I hear me? All right, boy. Am I already. Yeah, we can hear you. I hear you.

Collaborating and Seeking Clarifications

All right. All right. Thank you. Gm gm. Never taken p two p bets. Gm. Jm, you have. Yeah, I've gone through your white paper, so. And for the fact that. Yeah, yeah, everything is good. Okay. All right. Okay. I've gone through your white people for the fact that your platform is not limited to sports only. It's not limited to sports only and the other things people can predict on a bet on.

Questions on Smart Contracts

So it's an amazing platform. So I'm curious on some things which I want to ask, so the first one has to do with the smart contract execution. So I want to ask, how does p two p bet ensure that smart contracts are used for crypto betting? How do you ensure that they are tamper proof, particularly in highly volatile markets like the one that happened in 2022, speaking of the terra lunar crash. So I don't know if you have heard of that before.

Addressing Ethereum Network Issues

So. So I want to know how you handle the smart contract used for the crypto betting. That's my first question. So will you answer that first or should I proceed with the other question? You can just ask them all I can. Yeah, I can ask. All right. All right. Thank you. And the second one is in case of an ethereum network congestion event. So, like during the cryptokitties craziness, the one that happened before.

Strategies for Timely Execution

That happened before. So how does p two p bet undo delayed smart contract execution and what's making sims are in place to ensure that bets are still honored. So that's the second question. So the third one has to do it. I read that your platform, the like you bought by Azuru, right? Yeah, yeah. So basically, sports betting is powered by Azura, but crypto betting is powered by.

Integrity of Data and Match Fixing

Okay, so what I want to ask is that, how does your platform ensure that the integrity of real time data fits, like, particularly in cases of match me fixing, match fixing scanners like Keshe police scandal, football. The one that happened is. So I got any, my research right. So that's the third question I have.

Technical Infrastructure and Architecture

Thank you. Okay, thanks. So it's a good questions in terms of like, our architecture, you need to understand that there are like, for example, we have a bet and we need to understand what will be the outcome. So bitcoin is more than 100k or like less than 100k. We have two implementation. We use like centralized entity. So it's finhub. So it's okay, it's a centralized entity, but he gives us data back.

Smart Contracts Execution

And we are executing smart contract based on this data. And we have decentralized entity is a chain link. So when you place a bet, you can define what you want to use. Finhub, it's real little bit faster, but okay, it's centralized entity, or you can use decentralized entity is chainlink. It's completely, we're part of Chainlink ecosystem. So if you want to be like, it's bulletproof, then you use chain link.

Explaining Data and Timing

But Chainlink has like little bit delay in terms of data. So if you want to have like particular precise data, you better use thin hub for now. But also we are searching for some new partners in terms of oracles because it's a great field. So data providers, they becoming more and more decentralized. And you can check if data was correct or not because, okay, it's on chain.

Conclusion on Security Measures

You, you cannot change it, you cannot manipulate it anymore. And, okay, I think it's answers. And this second question about Azura too, because Azura is, okay, they taking the basic odds from centralized entity, but when they put them on chain, and you can also see before you place a bet, you can see the odds. So it's not like, okay, you place the bet and then odds completely changed.

Feedback and Clarifications

Now you can see it before. And when you place a bet, you can just confirm it right away. If the bets like close, change too much. Okay, it can happen, but you always have additional confirmation for this particular bet. So, yeah, am I answered all the questions. You had something else. Tell me, please, because it was like lots of questions.

Continuation and Scalability Discussion

Yeah, yeah. Thank you. So let me add this. Let me add this, please. this is about scalability. So I want to ask like, you know, during FIFA World cup, there might be some kind of traffic, like eye traffic. So I want to know, speaking of scalability, like, how do you ensure smooth user experience during that time? So when there is eye traffic in global event, you know, it's global.

Preparing for High Demands

So how do you ensure, the scalability? It's a great, it's a great question because for now we are like really a small company because even azure as protocol, they have only like up to 10,000 users. That's why we're not facing any like problems with scalability for now. But as we first started to, we thought to implement like multi chain.

Multi-Chain Implementation

And the easiest way to make it more scalable, use different chains for different, like, okay, you see, like, polygon is overcrowded. Okay. We'll use, for example, some other chain, like avalanche. Yeah. So basically this can solve the problem of scalability for the first, like, stages. And in the later stages, basically using different architecture can help.

Looking Ahead and User Growth

But if we'll reach so much users that we need to be like really revamp our architecture, I think it will be a really good success for us. So we have solution for it, but we're just waiting for it all the time. For now, it just don't need to be implemented because not so much users are on the platforms. Yeah. Okay.

Addressing Security Concerns

All right, thank you. Yeah, I really want to ask, I wanted to ask about the security before, but someone has asked before and you've already touched it. Okay, thank you. Okay, thank you. Thank you so much for those questions. All right, let's take Bibi. Yeah, you, I don't know if your network is okay now. Can you hear us?

User Experience and Accessibility

Okay, can I ask a question? Yeah, you can ask a question. Okay. My question is, how can decentralized finance. Enhance the betting experience on platform like p two, p bethe? This is my question. So I think the first thing that you, if you have cryptocurrency, it's like the best choice for you. Of course, if you don't have cryptocurrency, there will be like some problems.

Plan for Integration of Traditional Finance

You need to buy it somewhere. And we have, we provide, we will provide it soon with our partners. So they will be like, ability to buy some crypto with your credit card. But for those who like how we are, so people who like cryptocurrencies who like degens in mind, you know, like for those people, it will be like the best experience because, okay, they have USDT.

Advantages of Cryptocurrency in Betting

It's easy to use. It's like the most popular one. You just connect your wallet. You just place a bet and you see everything. Odds, all the transactions, everything on the chain. And when you want a bet, you can redeem it. And it's like, okay, you can even look how much money earns particular, like a protocol, you can check everything.

Transparency in the Betting Process

So it's a different world when you really can understand and see all this data and it's like everything is opened. I think it's like really a cool experience because I was wondering like wonder how much money earned this, or this particular business. And you to find this data, you need to like do a really tedious job to like find all these reports.

Building Credibility in the Crypto Space

And some of the data is not revealed. And here you have everything like completely clear. So I like this new world. Okay, I think that's, that answers that. Yes, yes, I got answer. Thanks. You're welcome. Yeah. All right, so I'm going to take the next speaker. I will take Doc sunshine.

Next Speaker Interaction

Doc sunshine, cancer question. Hello? Okay, Doc Sunshine, I don't know if she's there, but she can't hear. She can hear me. but since no response, let's take, Okay, only you can go ahead and ask your question. Yeah, we can hear you.

QA Session Continues

Okay, I have two question for you. My first question is, what blockchain do you use? Why did, why did you decide to use that blockchain? Okay. My second question, how does ensure the. Security and privacy of the data collected. By it is weather institution? That's my question.

Blockchain Choice Explained

Okay, we use for now we use Polygon. We migrated from BSc smart chain because polygon is really cheap in terms of fees. So we can just like spam transactions and you don't even fill it. This was really great because for our main implementation, like off contracts, we are closing contracts.

Closing Contracts and Fee Management

Okay. When you like placed a bet and somebody joined and. Okay, we have, we understood. Okay, so bitcoin is like now 100k, you won. And when this event executes, we closing contracts by ourselves. That's why we paying a fee on chain. It was really costly on this binance smart chain.

Ensuring Efficient Operations

That's why Polygon is the best solution for us for now. And also. Yeah, and the second question I like, can you just repeat it, please, because I don't get it too much. Yeah. Okay. Okay. I get it. So basically we don't collect any data because we don't ask you even to give us any data because we don't ask your name, your phone number, anything.

User Privacy and Data Collection

So basically all we have is you're valid. And this is like only the data that can be collected. And it's open everywhere because, okay. It's decentralized world. You can see what wallet sent money to another chain. So basically, yeah, that's all what we can see and what we can collect. Only your wallet address.

Concluding Remarks

Okay. Okay. Thank you for answering my question. All right. Thank you for. All right. Thank you for those questions. All right, let's take a, Okay, doc sunshine, she's back on the space. I don't know if she has a stable network to answer question. Oh, it seems she's still having a network issue.

Final Questions and Discussions

We can't hear you. let's take, Grace. Grace, you can go ahead and ask your question. Okay, thank you. Defi tycoon and JM Jim. Guys. Alright. My question is from your website, I saw that you don't do KYC checks. And that's just, Yeah, we can hear you.

KYC and Age Restrictions

Okay. Yeah. BCB beds. Okay, thank you. I said that you don't do, KYC checks. And, so I want to know how exactly do you pre bids underage from betting? Because that is the issue with this traditional betting site. Like the ones we have in Nigeria.

Raising Concerns Over Security Measures

Like sporty, like best Niger, they don't really have a stable way of checking and prohibiting their age betting. So how do you prohibit on that age betting? Because you don't do KYC checks. Then my second question is, what plans do you have in place to ensure mass adoption by people, especially in Africa?

Promoting Mass Adoption in Africa

Because most people are used to betting with their traditional money, like in Nigeria. What is your proposal? How do you plan to make this acceptable by people? That's my question. Okay, thank you.

Step by Step Approach to Mass Adoption

So in terms of mass adoption, it will be like step by step. And now it's really early stage. So gamble fi is like really, like there are like really not so many projects here and we'll try our best to bring more people here. But, you know, every hour step is like based on the wallets itself.

User Experience and Wallet Utilization

So if it's, if it good and if it to use like the valid. Okay. We have metamask and now it's like the best. But we all know there are some issues with metamask. Sometimes it just happens. And if you are used to metamask, okay, you have good user experience, but of course we are waiting for some new wallets.

Future Developments in Accessibility

Maybe somebody just completely disrupts the industry, create something new, some more user friendly, because, okay, for us people who use crypto for many years, it's easy to use, okay, we just, okay, we know like USDT and everything and we don't have any problems with it. But for new people who never even heard about crypto, there is a really like hard process sometimes to understand everything first, then to understand that you like, that you need to hold your private keys.

Challenges in User Adoption

And I myself sometimes forget my private keys. And this was like, really happened many times at the start of my journey, my crypto journey. That's why, yeah, mass adoption is usually blocked mostly by some other infrastructure like wallets and everything. So we hope to get something better in the future.

Looking Forward to Future Enhancements

And also, yeah, if we have, we'll grow, like, we have really lots of betters where lots of users we can in the future. Maybe it's just an observation, but maybe we'll have ability to build our own wallet and to make it like more user friendly. Yeah. So in terms of.

Recapping the KYC Policies

Yeah, and the first question, I honestly don't get it. Can you repeat it, please? Okay, the first question, I said I don't do KYC checks because I just registered. So how do you ensure that under age now do not bet on your platform? you're talking about age restrictions.

Addressing Age Restrictions

Yes, exactly. Okay, so basically in this we have. So when you go into our website, you basically sign our agreement and sign like different user agreement. Also like. And you need to confirm that you are like mature enough to bet. Also, like, some countries are not allowed to bet on our platform.

Navigating Regulatory Challenges

Yes, we have. So there is no way to track if the person, because it's decentralized way. So, yeah, it's a problem. So we'll try to figure out how to keep underage people away from betting. Okay.

Final Thoughts and Closing Remarks

Yeah. Can you everyone hear me? I can hear you. All right. I think your question has been clearly answered. All right, more questions, though spent over 1 hour. I think we just take some other few questions. And this has been a very interesting space, and I believe most of you have learned so much from what has been said so far.

Community Engagement and Support

So I really want you all to please do all to join the platform. You can check the pin tweets, there's my referral link. You can join today and also, I share the link to the telegram community. So please, if you really want to get more information, because it might seem we might not be able to take all questions today.

Maintaining Communication

Yeah. So if you have questions and be your question, we couldn't take your question, you can answer question on their telegram community. Check. I shared the link to their telegram community. Do well to join the telegram community. And don't forget to give them a follow on Twitter so that you can get all the necessary information that you need to get from the project.

Final Encouragements and Closure

Yeah, do to follow them and join their telegram community. And don't forget to join the platform. Yeah. So let's take the next question from. Okay, Alice. Let's take it from Alice. Yeah. Okay. My question is, how does p two p bet ensure fairness and transparency in peer to peer betting, particularly in an environment where the absence of a central authority could lead to potential debt disputes or manipulations?

Implementation of Fair Practices

If you're talking about our implementation of crypto betting, yeah, it executes as peer to peer. So it's basically if you don't like a bet, if you don't like odds, you just don't enter it. We don't necessarily make anyone to, like, do anything. So you have all the, like, information in front of you.

Encouraging User Autonomy

You can just enter our website, look, all the bets like review everything and then make the decision. So they can be like different bets, but you just pick the best for you. And it's like a free market, it regulates itself and we believe in decentralization and right decisions for each person.

Short Closing Remarks

So everyone decides what he wants to bet on. And this is like how it works. Okay, thank you. Let me go for the second question. Yeah, we can hear you. Yeah, we can hear you.

Utilization of Blockchain Technology

How does P two p bet platform utilize blockchain technology to verify and record bets, outcomes and payouts? And what advantages does this bring over traditional betting systems? So I already said that we are like part of Chainlink ecosystem.

Outcomes of Using Decentralized Platforms

So for crypto betting, we use their oracle, the on chain oracle. They basically give refresh data from Chainlink in order to understand who won or who lost the bet. So we ensure that, like data is correct because we're using like decentralized platform.

Implementation through Azura

In terms of Azura, they use four data pineapple. But they put this data on chain and you see all these odds, they basically, they dynamic. Sometimes they can change based on the demand on the different events. But you surely can see everything before you place a bet.

Shelling Out Outcomes

And everything is clear and everything unchained so basically, this is it. Thank you so much. I still have one more question to ask. Okay. Kay. Okay. What mechanic, what mechanism does p, two p bets implement to manage the liquidity and security of phones in Ascru?

Management and Protections

And how does it protect users from potential fraud and non fulfillment of bets? In terms of, like, our crypto betting, you basically bet on smart contract, so we don't hold any your phones.

Crypto Betting Process

So you basically play place your money inside smart contract that then listens to event on the chainlink ecosystem. So basically, okay, here, waiting will be bitcoin be waiting for some particular time. So, okay, you choose the time frame of a month or like 15 minutes. Okay. He waits 15 minutes, then he gets data from Chainlink, basically, and smart contracts executes automatically. And so basically, yeah, you get money or you lose it based on the outcome of the event. So bitcoin, high or lower. So this how it works in crypto betting in Azura, on our other hand.

Liquidity Considerations

So in terms of liquidity, you said in terms of liquidity on peer to peer, we have. Yeah. So liquidity is provided by users. So if there are lots of users, there are a lot of liquidity. Not so much users, not so much liquidity. In terms of crypto betting. In terms of Azura, there are like, liquidity pool. It's. And also, like, we're thinking about adding some new functionality to solve the problem with liquidity in the future. But now, yeah, we have not so big liquidity. If there will be lots of people, you can. If you bet $1 million, if you cannot find a person who will bet against you, $1 million. Okay, you have a problem. Like, you need to wait for this million dollars to come on the other side.

Shared Liquidity Pool

And the Azura, they have like, shared liquidity pool. So you basically can become like a farmer. So you basically can stack some money and add liquidity to the protocol itself. And this shared liquidity is about $8 million for now. And it used in decentralized manner to provide liquidity for all bets. I think we'll host additional AMA with Azura for them to explain in detail how this pool works. Yeah. So stay updated. I will have some talk with Azura, I think, soon in the future.

Mobile App Development

Those are some very good and vital questions, and I believe even those from the listener session. Learn from your questions that have been asked so far. All right, let's move to the next question. And I'm going to take Tajui. Taj. I can see your hands up. You can proceed. Hey, jm everyone. Gm p two p bets. I really love what you're building. So my question is really short and simple. The idea of building a site where users can bet on football and some other. I think football is the main stuff. So I was like asking if it's going to be possible if you guys have plans on developing a mobile app where the process will be just like quick and simple for users to just assess your platform and move on to pets. So that's my first question.

Website Accessibility

Yeah, for now you can use our website. Even on mobile phones it's working pretty smooth. We have maybe some difficulties with some Android phones, but it's mostly going smoothly too. But if you have some difficulties, just send us screenshots, everything and yeah, we'll sort it out because it's just. Okay, bugs sometimes coming out, we just solve them and it's like always the process of developing and financing the platform. So basically, yeah, we want to make it better and better through the time in terms of creating a mobile app, standolement mobile app.

Blockchain Compatibility

I wanted to also ask on the blockchain, you guys are currently on Polygon blockchain. Do you guys have plans maybe like joining other blockchains like Solana or Ethereum or any other one? Initially we started, as I said, on BSC smart chain and we had also we met layer Zero founder during token 2049. And we decided to implement firstly multi chain, but then realize it's really hard and really a hardcore task for us from the start. That's why we stayed one chain. But surely when we have time and have resources, we think not just to move to another chains.

Decentralized Future

Because our next project, our next product with tribal league games will be live on base.org dot. Yeah, we plan to implement some smart contracts on base too, and in the future to become completely multi chain. But for now, it's like, you know, multi chain now is working. So you need to understand it's working like they have concept of like master chain and side chain. So basically you need to pick one chain that will synchronize all the data from other chains and it gives a smooth user experience, but little bit more expensive for users because they take some fees for functioning. So yeah, there's always some good stuff and also some bad stuff. We need to understand this.

Geographical Limitations

And if we'll test everything and we have lots of users from different chains, of course we'll do it. Sure. Okay. Those are some good, very important questions and thanks for the response. So let's take the next question from lemon of web theory. Lemon of web three. You can proceed and answer your question. Yeah, Jmpet, JM, everyone. I hope you guys can hear me. Not too clear. I don't know if maybe you are far from your phone, but you are not so audible. Okay, Antoinette, we can hear you. Yeah, you can proceed.

Points System

So I don't have much questions to ask. I've been on the phase for a while. Page, an amazing one because, p two p has made clear, layout about the project was, and also Sophie had asked a question I also, I was about to ask before. So, you known betting sites before, like all these 40 bags and others, they offer some advantages to their, I don't call it to their site users. So like monthly benefits. So I'm asking, is there any leverage from p two p like this also like, you know, not talking about deposit cash back or the only cash back or any other cash back, but monthly cash back.

Cashback Benefits

They can just pay but no withdraw. They can make bet on their platform also. So you can just make bets with the, like the bonus. Yeah, monthly bonus again, also. Okay, as I understood, you're talking about some like bonuses for our users. So yeah, we have cashback. So basically the system that will help our users in not so lucky days. So if they lost some money on the end of the month, they can get up to 30% based on volume through the month. Also, we'll implement a system like our points system too, because you need to understand that when you use our platform, you also get azure points.

Opening Remarks and Questions

Because I robbed at some point. Hey, am I being heard? Yeah, we can hear you. And what question? Okay, the first question I asked you were I robbed. I was actually asking how p two p is going to ensure fairness and transparency. sorry, you were lagging a little bit. So your question is like how we're going to assure, like, yes, I was. Asking that day and defy tycoon was answering yesterday, defy tycoon was answering me and I got ropes. Okay.

Transparency and Security Measures

Okay, so in terms of transparency and fairness, so basically we are a decentralized protocol. Everything you can check on chain. So you have, you can see everything, even how much we earn like this month or a year, you can see all the transactions. We will ensure that every. Bless you. So sure that our code base is safe. So we're doing security audits, we trying to educate our users not only about how to be safe, but also about responsible betting because we don't want anyone to place all their savings to some sport event. No, it's not wise, don't do this. So we not only thinking about general security, but also about security of your phones and your future. So basically we'll be educating you about responsible betting and how to save your phones, how to increase your portfolio through the time.

Long-term Goals and User Empowerment

So we have long term goals. So we want to be sure that you have the best time on our platform. And basically, yeah, we use decentralized oracles. And if you're talking about our implementation of crypto betting, cryptocurrency, price betting, so we have chainlink as decentralized oracle, everything on chain. So basically, yeah, we don't hold any user fonts. You can decide what event you like, you can decide what even odds do you want to place. So basically we give users really good freedom in their decisions. So that's why we think that this is the most fair and we not, we cannot block anyone, so we not censor anyone.

Connecting and Using the Platform

If you want to use us, just connect your wallet. That's it. Okay, are you hearing me? Yeah, we can hear you. Okay, thank you so much for when we are talking. That was the first time I mixed, so I went to the platform and I saw that we should integrate some wallet. So I want to ask because most. So for scared, how is there any security measures in that? So that. I don't know how to explain this enough for if you integrate your wallet into the website, hope it's not going to be hard. And most of all, this is what I'm saying.

Website Security and User Consistency

Yeah, I understand you. So yeah, I the world, it's like anything like if we'll take the wildest possibilities that somebody compromised our website and completely change the functionality of their website to make it malicious. Yeah, maybe it's like a really low possibility, but it can happen with anyone. I don't know, like Google, any company, what we do, we also like have professional developers who ensure the security of everything. And we're doing it for many years and we're doing all the security audits and when you sign the transaction, first transactions, as you sign, you allow our smart contract to execute phones.

Transaction Security and User Control

So you can even limit the amount of money that can be used in our betting website. So the first transaction you sign is like this transaction. So you can limit even the ability to execute, like the limitation of the amount of money, maximum amount of money. So it's really secured and everything can happen. So, yeah, if like some crazy hacker will hack out like completely, like it's unpredictable. But in general, and it's like mostly 99% everything is safe, so. But we live in a crazy world. Yeah. I hope nothing bad will happen. Yeah, that's it.

Educating Users and Responsible Betting

Okay. Thank you so much. And I do have you answer questions and break it down for us to understand. You're really doing a good job. And I must comment that. Okay, thank you so much. I see my boss, uncutola. Welcome to the space. Please, can you, reply my dm's, please? Thank you so much. I'm just a little bit busy. Sure, I'll reply. Not a problem. Okay, thank you. Okay. I am on you and I'm looking forward to trying out your platform. Sounds good, sounds good. Really good news for us.

Community Support and Engagement

Okay, thank you so much for that question. Also, I to give a shout out to Bostola. You're welcome to this space. Actually, this is a project, a gamble five project as a decentralized betting platform. And aside from sport betting, they have other fixtures and benefits for their users. So that's what we are doing. Trying to discuss and talk and explain it to the community. Yeah, straight to the nigerian community. And so others that are interested in, you know, being part of this platform.

Final Thoughts and Future Engagement

All right, I think we'll take some few questions, then we'll be rounding up the space. I. We go our house. I'll go for, defi Miro after the five mayor. Then we'll take the last question, Defama, you can proceed and ask your question. All right, thanks a lot. Jim, Jeremy, everyone. I was having connection, that was why. All right, can anyone hear me? Yeah, we can hear you. All right, so my question is, how does, p two b bet ensure fair and secure transaction between their bettors?

Dispute Resolution and Smart Contracts

Yeah, yeah, sure. And how do you. And how do you handle disputes or disagreements between bettos? So basically it's a smart contract on polygon blockchain. So you open it like in decentralized manner, and you only the one who can take back money from it, or you open it. And so basically it's secured on the architecture level. And if you like, really want to make it 100% on chain, you just choose Chainlink as an oracle.

User Data Protection and Regulatory Compliance

Yeah, we have. Maybe in the future we'll have. When we have like more users, we'll have this problem. You know, sometimes, like there is some dark cryptocurrency that held, I don't know, in some bad behavior. Yeah, we'll be adding some additional functionalities like tracking, like. And be ensuring that this bitcoin, those crypto is not from some prohibited action, you know, but for now, it's completely decentralized.

Future Developments and User Responsibility

And we keep it that way for now because we need to grow our user base. And if we have some, like, okay, we have some problems with particular wallet. Of course we'll be taking some actions to be sure that only legal activities are allowed on our platform. Only honestly earned USDT come to our platform. And yeah, we have, I don't remember the projects like Cube free or like, I met lots of them on during talking 2049 and wealth summit and other conferences.

Promoting Responsible Gambling

Yeah, we have some projects who are talking with us to implement this functionality. But time will come, we'll implement it. Sure. Because, yeah, we're thinking about long term. That's a great question. Thank you. All right, one more question, please. Yeah, yeah. All right. So can you share any future plans or features of expanding p two p bet? And how does p two p bet promote responsible gambling and support user who may be struggling with addiction?

Support for Users with Gambling Addiction

So basically we have plans to raise some funds and make tge in the future. It's not yet announced because we are, we're not making, I think we're doing it all wrong. We are a self funded team and never attracted any investments before. So yeah, we're just working on the product to release it to make it better. And when time comes, we'll be raising our funds and making our tge in terms of if there's like some people who have addiction, some gambling addiction.

Long-term Engagement and Education

We'll try to, okay, you just reach to us. We'll be. I can. I don't know. We can even on board you as a worker for you to release from this addiction. Of course, we are not like professionals will be contact. We'll give you, like, a contact with, like, a professional who can help ensure that you baiting responsibly in the future.

Effective Risk Management in Gambling

All I know that how to conquer these addictions from, like, professional. From professional view. Because I'm a trader in the past, and like, okay, I play poker sometimes. But when you play poker or trade, you do trading professionally. You know, the risk management, you know, money management. And when you implement those strategies, when you know, okay, there is some sum of money you can touch.

The Importance of Self-Control

Okay, this is, like, 20% of my income I can allow myself because I'm a risky guy. Okay. I can use, like, 20% of my income to bet or, like, to trade or any risky activity. Because this addiction comes from this. Our brain's ability to see yourself in the future with, like, a huge win. Like, you know, and you, like, completely mesmerized with these images in of yourself in future that you even don't understand the reality anymore.

Discipline and Support Systems

Of course, like, all that helps them. It's like to become a professional to understand that discipline is, like, the first thing you need to always incorporate in your real life. So you need to know what money you can touch, what money you cannot touch. And also, if you have some struggles, of course, contact us. We'll help to find a professional who can solve this problem. And I hope we can raise more responsible bettors who can just be long term with us, grow their portfolios and just enjoy some events and place bets and.

Exciting Features and Community Engagement

Yeah, and also, like, enjoy our referral program, our cashback system, our point system, and like, any other cool things we'll be releasing in the future. Wow. All right, that's great. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much. define me off for that, question. I will take, audi miao. So.

Final Q&A

Hello. Okay, maybe it's not there. let's take foreigner. Foreigner one. Hello? Hello. Yeah, hello. Yeah, hello. Okay. my, greetings. Good evening to all. okay, this is my first time. In such a forum. And, also, I'm, like, total newbie to the subject matter, talking about crypto trading and all.

Questions on Wallet Integration

Although I'm not a newbie to teche. I've been in the tech space for a while, but I'm not into crypto and all that. But my question is this. Basically, I know it's not a serious question. It's just I'm trying to register based on the link I got from the Defcon tycoons space. I'm sorry, x handle, but I have a blockchain crypto account. I don't know how to link it. That's where I'm stuck in the stage of linking your wallet.

Assistance with MetaMask Integration

Rather, I have a blockchain chain. Can you use metamask, please? Because, like, it's the best wallet for. To use on this platform. Okay, so does. How do I do that? Do I, like I said, I'm a. Newbie to all this. I'm not okay to serve everything. Do a explanation to that, foreigner, I'm sure.

Guidance on Downloading MetaMask

Which, phone do you use? I use, what's. Yeah, I can hear you. I use an infinix. huh. You can get the app. What you have to do the metamask is a decentralized exchange, app. So you can get the app from Google Play store. Okay. Yeah. You search for mental mask on Google Play Store.

Setting Up the Wallet

Then when you search for it, you see the app, download the app. And when you download the app, you have to create a wallet. You have to create a wallet. And when you create your wallet, you just, you know, you get a recovery phase. There's something called recovery phase.

Understanding Wallet Functionality

I. You are meant to understand that you're only using that blockchain app. Maybe that's for bitcoin, but that doesn't really have some other chains and all of that. So you can get this on this metamask app. What you have to do, you switch. Well, anyway, maybe I can still take my time to explain it to you so that you can join the platform.

Encouragement to Join the Platform

But I would advise you download the metamask app. Then you switch to, the polygon network as the polygon chain. After switching to the, chain, you click, you will put this link on the browser there, metamask, or it may be on your chrome. Then from there you can connect your wallet. It can work mostly on metamask, so it's very easy for you to connect when you have a metamask wallet in your, phone.

Final Remarks and Community Engagement

Oh, okay. Okay. Thank you so much for that. Okay. I don't know if you have anything to add to it. To p two p bet platform. You have anything to say? Okay. For me? No. that's our. Our course, the official page of p two p platform. I don't know if he has something else to add to what I've said.

Conclusion and Farewell

you want to close the emma? No, you have no, like, to continue, like, to maybe, a addition to what I've said, so. To my response. No, no, you. You nailed it, Mandy. It's like you said you. Thank you. Okay. I believe you. You've really tried today. We've spent 2 hours able to get a lot of persons on boarded on p two p bed.

Looking Ahead

Yeah, I think we can. Yeah, actually I used to. Good, good. Yeah, actually, I used to, like, teach people, like, on different. On finance. That's why. Yeah, I'm used to talk, like, long hours. I'm not even feel tired, so I feel energized because it was really cool people asking questions. And I really feel this place really good.

Wrap Up and Next Steps

Okay, 2 hours. I don't know. Someone else. The mind. Where he was lagging. A question. Oh, we see lots of people. Since Kevin is not there. I've seen moon. I don't question. Yeah, I have a question, Jim. Okay. Yeah. Nice projects.

Feedback on P2P Bets

B two b bets. It's really a nice one, though. I've actually decided not to bet anymore. I think I will be coming back into bets with p to bets. Let's hope I'm profitable this time around. So my question is that, you know, is there an age restriction on your platform? You know, basically, bet should be for people that are in the age of 18 years.

Age Restrictions and Compliance

And in the crypto space these days, there are basically people with ages not up to that, you know, people younger than 18 years of age. Is there any jurisdiction on your platform? Yeah, we have it. So it's in terms of our use, but, you know, like, crypto is so decentralized that sometimes you cannot even check it because anybody can, like, download metamask and put money on it.

Compliance Challenges in Cryptocurrency

So we cannot be sure, like 100% because each exchange have no kyc. Like, there are so many ways you can bypass it. So, yeah, we'll be implementing some more stuff. Forex distribution, I think. Yeah, but it's. It's a problem. Yeah, but it's like, at the same time, it's a problem, but it's like a blessing for others because there is no, like, Kyc.

User Education and Responsiveness

So we need to understand it. And the first thing that we need to understand is like we try to educate our users, our betters, and if even like, okay, it's like, I don't know if they don't have 18, maybe 1617 by the, if they bet responsibly, if they do it like in the best possible manner, this what matter. But of course it's like a problem.

Acknowledging Issues

Yeah, I know about it. Thanks. Yeah. Okay. You're welcome. And then I have one more question. Two more questions actually. So the second one is when I went on your platform, hope there is no delay in the withdrawal or how does the withdrawal process go? What does it until the withdrawal process.

Withdrawal Process Explanation

As soon as event occurred. So you have the result. You can just click redeem and that's it. You get the money withdrawn directly to my metamask. Yeah, to the wallet that you place bet from. So only there. So they cannot be taken to some other wallet or something.

Airdrop Future Plans

Only to your wallet. That's good. Do you have plans for airdropping users in the future? Maybe users with my transactions on your platform, their plan to airdrop them in the future. You mean some tokens on the GED? Yeah, yeah, we already like mentioned it.

Point System and Airdrop Plans

We have our point system in mind, so we'll be announcing it soon. We want to add for now only points. Just then we can use the system in order to make an airdrop for our users in the future. Yeah, we have these plans.

Sharing Information with Friends

That's good. That's good. I think I have something to tell my friend about when I get to him right now. Okay. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Okay. Thank you. Thank you so much. Okay, let's move.

Concluding the Discussion

We don't have any other questions, so I think we need to end the space now. And any last words for the listeners and maybe for the speakers those have asked questions. You have anything to say? So our calls. Thank you so much.

Information and Future Spaces

I really enjoyed this Twitter space. It really was so informative. Like, lots of questions I even didn't expect. So, yeah, guys, we'll be holding more spaces in the future also. We have like two this week with different other projects.

Looking Ahead

So yeah, we'll also be announcing new partnerships soon. Lots of cool stuff. Yeah. Also like video tutorials. So stay tuned. Yeah, just subscribe to our Twitter telegram and also use our platform. And we are always waiting for the feedback.

Assistance and Support

If you have some troubles or you cannot do something, just text us, we'll reply. And also like, yeah, we'll be helping you each step by step, showing you the tutorials and everything. So yeah, thank you all for this amazing space.

Free Bets Announcement

And also, yeah, we'll be announcing who won our free bets because, yeah, we'll be raffling it. So yeah, stay tuned. Tomorrow we'll announce it and winners will get their free bets to use our platform for free only.

Gas Fees and User Instructions

What you need is just some matic on your wallet to pay their gas. That's it. And matic is like really cheap, so you need one and it will be forever there. Okay, thank you. Thank you so much.

Giving Back to the Community

Thank you. Yeah. So for the $200 free bet giveaway, we'll be announcing the winners tomorrow. And also for the giveaway that I promised with the community and my audience.

Appreciation for Support

Yeah, I also have some giveaway at least to show appreciation for those that came and supported. Some places have been on this space since we started. Like it's been over 2 hours and you've been on the space.

Final Encouragement to Join the Platform

Yeah. I know that you really see this project as a very interesting one. Yeah. And that's why you've been here listening and you've really gained a lot of knowledge about them.

Inviting Others to Participate

Yeah. And we also want to show appreciation. I know. And also support some of you, especially for the free birth giveaway. Yeah. So this is a good opportunity.

Concluding Remarks

So that being said, well, I am really certain that most of you that have listened to all that has been said on today's space and gotten question answers to your questions, I strongly believe that you are now fully convinced that this platform is really great and it's something you really need to give a try on.

Encouragement to Try the Platform

Like you need to really try out this platform. Yeah. So for that reason, you know, from what he said there are going to be some future announcements coming soon and also in terms of partnerships and all that.

Engagement and Follow-up

So this show you that these projects have a long term goal. They have a long term goal. So you really need to be part of it for you to really stay up to date and actually follow up on the activities of this p two P bet platform.

Community Connection and Engagement

I really encourage you all to please follow their page. That's the official page on the space here. As a co host, the p two p Bethe. So don't forget to follow the page. And also, you can be on their community.

Participating in Community and Growth

And you know, you, when you are on their telegram community, you still have the opportunity to connect with, the other community members. Yeah. So that you all can discuss, connect and make money together. And, you know, the most important part, aside from even the fact that, you know, football betting, you know, there are other things like, you know, betting on the crypto market and other things, we can also participate in the athletes program.

Advocacy for Platform Benefits

You, because with what has been said so far about this project, you can see that if you we get more persons to know about them, definitely they will be strongly interested in it. So why don't you just go out there, tell your friends, tell others that they should be part of it, that they should be part of this project and it's something that they will really benefit from.

Referral Links and Engagement

And I believe when you share full information about the project, they will definitely want to join in. So you can share a referral link to with them so that they can join in through your own link. So I really want to encourage you all to please join the platform and join their community and always follow up to know what is going on the platform and to see the development.

Being Early Adopters

You are actually lucky to be, you know, among the first set of persons or the early joining it at this early stage. Because looking at this platform, I believe in the coming weeks, you, the coming months is really going to blow up. Like so many persons are really going to be jumping into this platform to be part of it.

Final Encouragement to Join

But you can, you will be so happy that you joined in early and you've already been benefiting from it. So please don't forget to join the platform. And I also want to thank you all and just stay updated.

Winners Announcement

Like, we'll be announcing the winners soon. Yeah. So, yeah, at this point, I want to say goodbye.

Parting Words

Yeah. So goodbye everyone.

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