Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Future of Bitcoin Infrastructure hosted by ZeusNetworkHQ. The future of Bitcoin Infrastructure unfolds with the innovative collaboration between Solana and ApolloByZeus. This partnership introduces a seamless pathway for Bitcoin holders to engage in BTC staking within the vibrant DeFi ecosystem of Solana. By leveraging the efficiency of Solana's network, users can explore new earning potentials and cross-chain functionalities. ApolloByZeus revolutionizes the traditional BTC staking experience, offering an innovative approach to yield farming in the rapidly evolving blockchain space. The integration of Bitcoin with Solana signifies a leap towards enhanced blockchain interoperability and decentralized communication.

For more spaces, visit the Infrastructure page.


Q: How does ApolloByZeus simplify BTC staking on Solana?
A: ApolloByZeus offers a user-friendly platform for Bitcoin holders to stake their BTC effortlessly on the Solana network.

Q: What are the key advantages of integrating Bitcoin into Solana's infrastructure?
A: The integration allows for decentralized communication, cross-chain functionalities, and innovative DeFi opportunities.

Q: How can users benefit from earning yields in the Solana ecosystem through ApolloByZeus?
A: By participating in BTC staking on Solana via ApolloByZeus, users can access seamless yield farming and passive income streams.

Q: What does the collaboration between Solana and ApolloByZeus signify for blockchain interoperability?
A: The partnership showcases advancements in blockchain integration, paving the way for enhanced interoperability between different networks.

Q: What opportunities does the alliance between ApolloByZeus and Bitcoin infrastructure offer to users?
A: Users can explore new earning opportunities, efficient staking mechanisms, and a seamless bridge between Bitcoin and Solana's DeFi ecosystems.

Q: How does ApolloByZeus contribute to the DeFi landscape by incorporating Bitcoin staking on Solana?
A: ApolloByZeus enriches the DeFi sector by introducing innovative staking solutions that merge the functionalities of Bitcoin and Solana networks.

Q: What role does ApolloByZeus play in enhancing the usability of Bitcoin within the Solana ecosystem?
A: ApolloByZeus provides a gateway for Bitcoin holders to engage with the Solana network, enabling them to participate in yield-generating activities.

Q: What potential does the collaboration between ApolloByZeus and Solana hold for the broader crypto community?
A: The partnership offers a glimpse into the future of blockchain interoperability, opening up possibilities for enhanced utility and seamless interactions across different blockchain networks.

Q: How does the ApolloByZeus platform contribute to the growth of DeFi by incorporating BTC staking?
A: By facilitating BTC staking on Solana, ApolloByZeus contributes to the growth of DeFi by expanding the avenues for users to engage with decentralized finance applications.

Q: In what ways does the collaboration between ApolloByZeus and Bitcoin infrastructure demonstrate innovation in the blockchain space?
A: The collaboration showcases innovative approaches to merging traditional Bitcoin infrastructure with the advanced capabilities of the Solana network, highlighting a new frontier in blockchain technology.


Time: 00:15:32
Introduction to Bitcoin Infrastructure on Solana Exploring the evolution of Bitcoin's presence within the Solana network and its implications for decentralized communication.

Time: 00:25:48
ApolloByZeus: Revolutionizing BTC Staking on Solana Discovering the functionalities of ApolloByZeus as a pioneering dApp for seamless BTC staking and yield generation on Solana.

Time: 00:35:15
Cross-chain Integration: Bitcoin and Solana Collaboration Understanding the cross-chain opportunities created by integrating Bitcoin into Solana, and the benefits for DeFi innovation.

Time: 00:45:02
Efficient Yield Farming on Solana via ApolloByZeus Exploring the process of earning yields on Solana through ApolloByZeus's user-friendly platform for BTC staking.

Time: 00:55:21
Future Prospects: Interoperability and Earning Potentials Discussing the future implications of the partnership between ApolloByZeus and Bitcoin infrastructure in enhancing blockchain interoperability and earning opportunities.

Time: 01:05:37
Innovation in DeFi: ApolloByZeus and Bitcoin Collaboration Analyzing the role of ApolloByZeus in driving innovation in decentralized finance through the integration of Bitcoin staking on Solana.

Key Takeaways

  • Bitcoin's role in Solana's infrastructure is evolving with the first Permissionless Communication Layer.
  • ApolloByZeus introduces a novel dApp for BTC staking on Solana with a focus on user-friendly yield generation.
  • The integration of Bitcoin and Solana offers opportunities for decentralized communication and cross-chain functionalities.
  • Building on Solana's efficiency, ApolloByZeus aims to streamline the staking process for Bitcoin holders.
  • The collaboration between Solana and ApolloByZeus showcases innovation in DeFi by bridging two prominent blockchain networks.
  • Users can engage in staking Bitcoin on Solana through ApolloByZeus, tapping into the yield potential of both ecosystems.
  • Effortless yield farming on Solana through ApolloByZeus brings new avenues for passive income to Bitcoin investors.
  • The partnership between ApolloByZeus and Bitcoin infrastructure heralds a new era of interoperability and earning opportunities.
  • ApolloByZeus provides a seamless pathway for Bitcoin holders to participate in Solana's vibrant DeFi ecosystem.
  • The combination of Bitcoin infrastructure and Solana's network signifies a step towards broader blockchain integration and functionality.

Behind the Mic

Setting the Scene

Jam, jam, gi, gi. Wherever the fuck you are. What's going on, bro? I just can't resist two things. A space that has the word creeps and then a coffee emoji in it. I'm fucking there. Fucking short. Hey, congrats, bro. Just trying to be like you. Big dog at 69, you know? Yeah, you saying that. Yeah. But it also remember you saying you stopping at 80, which I think you will. I almost stopping at 75. I remember him saying he was stopping at 70. See? At 100. Isotti. I'll see you there. I thought I was almost bought one last night and I was gonna sweet. Fuck it. We ball 81, but, like, just. Just for the fucking lulls.

Excitement Builds

It's an exciting day, huh? Everyone's got their creep. I put on a pair of depends diapers, and I'm not leaving the seats. Like it out? Yeah, I, Yeah, it's exciting, man. I haven't heard. I mean, I've spoken joyously, but I haven't heard the boys in a space in a long time. Right? It's actually been a year and, like, four or five days since that supposed space I hosted where Joe showed up, out of nowhere. He'd like. That was just a random. He just showed up. That was pretty cool. That was. They were speaking like, Oh, no, that was in Discord. Our last sort of aml. The last time you were speaking with us, but space wise. Yeah, I guess it's been more than a year.

Reminiscence and Anticipation

Jesus, what, did he pop in? When? Before portal launch in, like, Fairwood, January this year. But, But yeah, it's exciting to. I don't think they've spoken on any portal spaces. I think all the portal spaces have been hosted by whatever. I don't remember any of the people, but, you know, whoever is, you know, the portal team. I know Ezra has been on them here more recently, but I. They had, like, a different crew. I remember the space where the dog was barking the whole time. I can't remember who that was, though. Yeah, fair enough. Shout out to pla down there founders. They don't know how to operate Twitter spaces.

Late Night Conversations

Yo, what's good? What's good? What are you doing up, bro? I'm in the trenches made. I work at night. Oh, yeah, that's right, bro. I was fucking wrecked. Not gonna lie, bro. Speaking of the guys was like, fuck, I might delay the space. And then I like, literally 1231. Like, someone tagged me in Discord saying, when space is like, fuck it up, I'll open it up. It's been a fucking, You can't rug everyone, mate. You can't. I was falling asleep bad. I'm not sure if I'm gonna fucking. Well, see we go. I'm not sure if I'm gonna stay to fucking two or three brides fucked, bro. Yeah, please stay for a little bit. We'll see how long it goes for how long Joe talks. Well, hopefully he talks for a long time.

The Build-Up Continues

Yeah. Have you fucking dumb rocks. I think we're supposed to have an hour with him. I'm not sure. You'd have to ask cheese. He's more handling all this in the back channels. But I think we have, like, an hour at least with him. Maybe. Maybe we'll stick around a little longer. Yes. Wait, what's up, la? Hey, nothing, but just stop up, see what's up. Got my boy gd up here. Hey, respect, bro. Hey, where's our fucking baller, bro? Rip that shit. It's a day for it. I was told not to yet. That's it. I said we're almost there. We're almost there. And then all. All at once. It is a day if you're a creep, you know, and you have the optionality that you probably want to switch it over.

Community Dynamics

But, you know, when it's the time is, then it's like, I'm gonna be pandering to everyone I know. You know what I mean? Let's go. Five of the six people up here. Circle members, is pretty bullish. I like it. Yeah. Thanks. Thanks for that, by the way. Pla. Sorry I missed you yesterday, buddy. I'm usually in the reality check space, but a fucking at and t tower went down in my town yesterday, and I was at work with no cell phone service all day and just happened to have, like, the smoothest day I've ever had at work. I could have been, yeah, a little annoyed, but. Yeah. Anyway, good to chat with you.

Personal Experiences and Insights

Sorry I sound winded, by the way. Peeling your job. You did a good job with that because I'm in a lot of discords and somehow you made it to my top five. And, you know, I just kind of live in your dj and coin chat, so, you know, bravo to you. I don't know how it happened, but there I am, you know. Appreciate it. Thank you. It was good. Yeah. I mean, there. But I'll be honest, I haven't fucking paying attention. There's a group of like-minded fucking degeneres in that. In that djinn chat. So we rely on fucking ten coins a day in there. That's fun. Yeah. I seem to pay attention in.

Current Events in the Community

In patches and then that's just like a zone out a bit. But that's just me. I don't know. So we'll see how that goes. But what's the latest thing you got wireless for pla. I think I read this up. You're closing a whitelist round? Well, we're closing the discord. Like, just closing it up. I'm just playing couple moon, you know, moon fuel and a couple other guys just want their friends in. Closing it up. Starting marketing campaign. And we'll probably do a free mint the end of October. Yeah. Hey, let's go, baby. Yep, that's true. Lots of great opportunities flying through. You know, we got the big allocations on jungle and all those other things, so trying to make a nice little spot to be, you know, got Zagabond coming in two weeks to do Ama.

Future Expectations

You know, we got, I think, Joel from super Duper joined and all that kind of shit. So, yeah, keeping it lively, keeping it fun, and keep some liquidity flowing to everyone. Excited for that Zagavon space. I definitely have reminder set. I've been wanting to hear about this anime thing for a while. I used to have an Azuki elemental. I ended up putting that into the Somo presale. But, yeah, I'm looking to get back into that ecosystem at some point. Same. I've been dying to ask actual questions instead of hearing this fluff that's floating around. So, yeah, I want to dive into it. I love Azuki. I like the ip. It's really a niche community, which I don't find myself really sitting in, but I love it.

Community Engagement

And if there's a reason to be part of it, I want to be part of it. But, you know, I need that box check, and I don't have it right now. Yeah, I think it's because it is anime, right? So, like, it's a polarizing type of ip. Like, people are either fucking absolutely in love with it or think it's for fucking weird virgins. You know, one of the two. It's just, you know, I mean, like, I don't. It's just. I just don't feel like that's my kind of community. I never really had a big part of it. I've had lots of Azuki's pass through my wallets, but I don't know. We'll see. I want to hear what it's all about.

Personal Experiences and Anecdotes

I never talked to the guy myself before, so it's a good opportunity. And, you know, when we're in close quarters and we have, you know, 75 people in the room and we could all ask questions. It's. Should be a fun time, right? Yeah. I haven't interacted with him directly, but when I had that elemental, I, you know, I tweeted about it. Zagabond followed me. It was. I mean, that's the kind of stuff I like to see. He does interact with his community. He empowers them. He's been on like podcasts with his community members that host those sort of shows, so. Yeah. Bullish on that anyway.

Creep Talk

Absolutely. Yep. For sure, man. Speaking of bullish, how many creeps do you have right now? JD? 127. And I saw you. I saw you say that if something bullish happens on the space today, then you're getting out the broom. Yeah, that's what I said. We'll see. That's what I do. Yeah. Fucking typical. I was making bullish boys, you know. I was going to look at picking up more, jurors, when they announced that, you know, because I have like, you know, 127 creeps and seven fucking jurisdictions. So, I was gonna pick up a few more of them, but what.

Marketplace Dynamics

What delayed it and what stopped me was I'd have to sell probably a couple of creeps and I wanted to wait to see what this space looks like today. And I couldn't be fucked. Moving runes around. That's fucked, bro. I literally. That's what I'm saying. I bought some creeps just to relist at 20 plus eth, so I didn't have to deal with that. Yeah, no, we need those. Those runes off those things, like hostage in my wallet. I have too many wallets and most walls have runes and it's retarded. It's retarded. Yeah. I'm gonna bring that up, see if I can get any kind of.

Negotiating Challenges

I mean, I don't expect him to have any technical answers or anything, but just put the seed in his head that like, hey, man, if you could have your dev team do something a little more clever with this rune mechanic, it might increase the liquidity, you know, of these assets. Because right now have, you know, half your community that participated in the galactic adventure doesn't want to do any kind of swap in or trading or anything because they're worried about losing their rooms. Yeah, but I mean, that's the point, right? So, like, yeah, I understand, but it's obviously a mechanic done on purpose so that motherfuckers sit on their hands, you know?

Imminent Change

Yeah, it's all on purpose. Hundred percent. They're not gonna change it till we got a minimum. You're probably right. Yeah, they probably won't change it. That's. That's a fair point. I reckon we see something with the runes in the next three, four weeks. That's my take. I mean, we got the it's time tweet from. So I. Look, I mean, me personally, I've said this in some of the chats. I'm not expecting, like, crazy creeps alpha today. I feel like the creep stuff is on the backside of the somo stuff, right? So, like, no, I think we'll get some stuff today.

Looking Forward

We'll see. We will see. I still think so, mo, based on what I'm seeing on the timeline from all the accounts, is closer than creep stuff, so it's. But it's a creep space. It's not a soma space. Well, it's a my bag that Joe is in front in charge of space. No joke. Joe's got nothing to do with. So Joe only works on portal, and creeps mean. That's fine. It is true in the sense that, like, when I asked you a question, he's got to hit somebody up to get the answer about. Yeah. What?

Clarifying Misunderstandings

I had my chat with him last week. He goes, I don't work on it. He's got a separate team here, and he works on creeps and portal. That's why I think we're getting. Yeah, but he was able to look at a lot of the questions that we got, and I'm sure a lot of them were so mo related. You know, probably not the vast majority, but I'm sure there were so mo related questions in there. And I'm sure he'll come with some, prepare some level of preparedness to answer a few things on Somo.

Final Preparations

I would imagine you've already sent him the questions. That was all with. With cheese and him, but yeah, he's got. I mean, you know, we kind of pushed back on that. I mean, because it did. Cheese didn't want it to feel, you know, too scripted or whatever. But the thing is, I mean, the stuff they're trying to pull off has them in a position where they're pretty riddled with NDAs and shit, working on the web two side of all these ips. So they did have to, like, run some of this shit past legal to see what answers they could or could not provide.

Maintaining Authenticity

You know, so, you know, the conversation will still be, you know, as organic as it can possibly be. But yeah, he's had a look at least some of the questions anyway. You know, I mean, I didn't send any questions, so anything you hear me ask is off the dome. But he did get a look at some questions rigged. Rigged? Yeah. When he said he wanted to look at the questions, I was literally in the chat. I was like, what are you, fucking Kamala Harris? Jesus is a fraud.

Casual Interactions

Yo, what's up, Johnny? Oh, I just finished the work and can't wait for the creep space. Oh, I'm ready. Hey, let's go. And there's a guy with a fucking dog as a PFP requesting to come up and see what it's going. I've been waiting to tell him something besides. Besides. Besides fucking his mother. I gotta tell him something else. No way. You're about to buy a domain live on this page. I'm in the market? No, Zurich. I had a fucking kidney stone, dude.

Shared Experiences

Yo, congrats. So did I last week. Or, like, did we do it together? Did we push that shit through our urethra together? I was. I was, like, imagining holding your hand the whole time. Are you telling me you produced your very own planet for your one of one dude? Yes. That's what you're supposed to do. I have it at a studio. It's being 3d rendered. How big was it? Let's see how big of a bitch you are. It was definitely a scale. They said it was one out of ten, so you know.

Humor in Pain

It was a what? It was a one out of ten. They said. So you had a little baby. Less than 1. All right, yeah. Did you cry? You can. I was red and I did the fucking thing where you fetal position, you know. He'S asking. Fuck that. You guys are fucking nasty. I got annoyed with him talking about it all the time. And then, you know, karma, like, here, you could fucking know what it feels like.

Health and Humor

And then, you know, I was in. The hospital again last week and the doctors like, hey, like, I see you've had a lot of kidney stones. Like, what do you do with them whenever you pass them? And I was like, I take pictures and. And I send them to my friends and then I send them as gifts, as stocking stuffers. And the guy, like, looked over at me and was like, are you fucking serious? Like, he thought, like, this dude was like. I was like.

Joking About Serious Matters

I actually told him. I was like, I'll bring you the next one. And he was just like, please don't. Can you can. He's like, I don't. I don't know if you take this seriously, but, like, lot of things can happen with these things, and you should bring them to your doctor so they can analyze them and you could stop having these kidney stones. And I was like, dude, I'm fucking joking, man. Bro, I thought you sent me a jawbreaker for Christmas.

Creativity in Humor

Circus, putting these shits in earrings and selling them on Etsy to fucking. Oh, hell yeah. I got some big ones, man. I actually passed. Oh, you guys have all seen it already. But when that thing came out of my cock, like, I almost fucking fainted. I was like, there's no way that thing just came out of it. I don't even know. Like, it was insane. But I came up here to actually correct Kyle, you know, because it's not Kamala Harris, it's Donna Brazil Brown giving the fucking questions to the candidates.

Political Commentary

That's some bullshit. My opinion, that check was on the same sorority or some shit as kamala. Is that right? Oh, shit. That's right. There's new Donna Brazil. There's an upgraded one. My bad, Kyle. And back to business. I'm not even here. It's all good. I just appreciate the training that you're putting in as an ally to potentially.

Trans Baby Comment

I mean, dude, it sounds like you're training your cock to give birth to the first trans baby. I think you're the man for the job, dude. I think you're going to bring validity to the entire movement. So I think, you know, people are going to be really proud of you.

Kidney Stunt and Pain

Dude, my buddy actually hit me up, and because I sent him a picture of another fucking kidney stunt, he's like, bro, at this point, you're ahead. Dick has to quit. And I'm like, oh, you know, when I pee, it whistles a little bit.

Market Discussion

Well, come back to creeps in coffee. This is a, you know, normal bear market chatter, but today we're a little bit bullish. Today we're trying to see if that floor evaporates up to a two week minimum. And it was all happening today on Jesus's space. Thursday. Thursday, 09:00 a.m. pST, whatever that means for you on the other side of the world.

Community Engagement

But, you know, if you do want to join the community, you'll be finding riveting conversations about dessert. Actually, they, come to think of it, you're no longer in the community. What the fuck are you doing up here, you creeps? List ho, dude, I got a fucking id lizard and some invasion passes, man. Don't try to discriminate against me. This is a fucking whale space.

Ambiguity in the Space

I'm not sure. Wait, what happens? You're doing up here? I thought I was baited. I thought this was like a ble vibe where the rich people talk. I am fucking confused. Pl. You're embarrassing me in front of plaenjief who I'm trying to get into the whale chat. I'm sorry for their behavior. All the poorness. I promise you will wash off soon. And not with his juice.

Discussion on Antonio Brown

I do sometimes wonder how the whale chat might feel about a fucking clown faced lizard named an idiot who only has four creeps their fucking bags on a daily basis. Dude, you guys should probably put out a hit on your boy. I have to do a lot of your name reads. I put. I put all aside. All my. And I just get in the DM's and I'm like. Let me tell you why I spent so much money on this, okay?

Market Sentiments

Foolish, bro. Bullish. You know how I knew the vibe wasn't real? But creeps, man, none of you guys came to my defense when fucking Antonio Brown came after my dog. I didn't see none of y'all in the fucking comments. What? Wait, I'll text him right now. What the fuck did you do with my fucking guy, bro? He came after my dog. Look at my fucking dog.


What does that mean? I agreed with him on a comment, he misunderstood my comment. Then he called my dog ugly and it fucking blew up. There's like 10,000 words, which I don't know how it may feel. Really? Cool. I'm not gonna lie to. Hey, technically he's not wrong, bro. My dog is gorgeous. Shut the fuck up, jd.

Claims of Disrespect

Well, my dog was gorgeous. That's Benny boy. Disrespectful as fuck, but he did. After everything, he made it dog of the day. One thing Antonio Brown does have, I mean, he's got taste. I mean, he's well dressed, man. So if he says your dog's ugly, you know, you have to really think about. Now, he went back on. He just misunderstood my comments.

Aftermath of Incident

Like, to attack my dog. But then he made him dog of the day. The dog in your picture right there? Your PFP? Yeah, that's Benny boy. I don't know. You guys see the Shannon sharp video yesterday? What happened? He was on IG live. Fucking a chick by accident. He wasn't fucking.

Clarification on Footage

No, that wasn't fucking. Wasn't fucking, bro. I mean, I can't find it that fast. You got me doing cool shit, bro. I going through his fucking bookmarks right now. Dude. It's been a long time since someone tried to scam me for an ape.

Scam Attempts

I got this guy in my DM's being like, you want to trade? And usually sending me, like, some gold mouth that he wants to trade for a regular eight, but I'm just like, oh, we're so back. By the way, yesterday, did you guys see Lamar Odom launch the coin? Yeah, I just saw your tweet about it.

Coin Launch Experience

I didn't see his tweets. No, you had to be there. It was the biggest shit show ever. They were in the telegram, like, excited about a 200k market cap. Like, we're gonna be rich. We're gonna be millionaires. And they're like, lamar's, like, telling stories about the time he almost died.

Lamar's Bearish Vibe

Fucking hookers in Vegas. And, like, it's just the most bearish. Like, every opportunity to be bullish and he couldn't log into his Twitter for a fucking hour. And then he eventually gets on Twitter and I'm like, God damn it, I'm gonna go up there and try to save everyone's bags.

Attempts to Save Bags

And so I go up there and, you know, like, I know him. We spent a weekend. Used to come to my parties, and he fucking spent a weekend with him in Miami. So they're like, oh, we're going to Vegas. We're gonna report. Yeah, they started, like, signing me up for a holder's party, right?

Creating Opportunities

And I'm like, well, let's get the 10 million market cap first, boys. You know, I mean, blah. And I tried to do everything I could to make the space fucking bullish. I think he's recorded somewhere. Like, I'm literally like, trying to guide the conversation.

Lack of Engagement

And these guys could not say anything more bearish the entire time. Not just Lamar, but like, his entire team was just like, the most. It was a shit show. I mean, bro, the shit couldn't even crack half a million market cap. It was pretty sad, actually.

Disappointment in Market Cap

Sad as fuck because I was like, dolph, surely we'll hit like two or three mil, right? Nope. Fuck no. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be disrespectful, but Lamar Odom fell off a long time ago and I don't think much people are gonna take a fucking coin.

Worth of the Coin

I'm pretty sure every time you open your mouth you intend to be disrespectful. You know the days fucking known entity, you know that people will rally behind any sort of dumb shit. There's a whole community in there that thinks they're going to the millions. But that's not the point of shit was fucking shit show.

End of the Situation

And I don't know how I ended up there fucking trying to save it all video fuck. I barely got out without losing fucking three bands. I was like, jesus, let me just rally hard enough to get my fucking money out of this goddamn shit show. Yo, did you faze Azadi? Was that getting your ferrari?

Supercar Dealerships

Me? No. No. So the supercar dealership down the road pays me to fucking bring their cars over and shoot all the time. Yeah, fair enough. Yeah. So I'm just like, you know, always flexing random shit that they bring over.

Random Flexing

Yeah, I don't have anyone contacting me to flex their shit in front of me, but that's mad, bro. Congrats. Yeah, I mean, if I want something, all these like, guys just bring cars down. So I don't see the point in buying anything.

Car Maintenance Issues

Because one I don't, my Escalade battery dies. That's how often I use it, right? Because I just never leave the house. And I don't know, I'm weird. Like, I want to buy a hundred thousand dollar boom lift. I have one. But that's type of shit I buy is like stuff to make, you know, projects better, you know?

Boom Lift Discussion

Yeah, that is a nice boom left. As a motherfucker that works in a warehouse with a lot of boom lifts, you have a much nicer boom lift than my company is willing to fucking spend money on. Thank you. Yeah, it's expensive, bro.

Maintenance Costs

I got to have some maintenance guy here every couple of months fixing some dookies. Do Hickey on it. They cost 2700. Replace the joystick fucking this and that. There's always some goddamn thing on that boom lift got a maintenance on.

Safety and Maintenance

Especially if you're gonna go 60ft up in the air. You don't want a problem up there. You know what I mean? So can't really skip out on the boom lift. Maintenance. Just get a rope. Just like slide down, bro.

Market Insight

Yeah, I've been grabbing ropes for the last six months. Zurich, you seen that market? I don't look at the market, okay? I just hold on to everything. I don't. Yeah, you gotta have money to look at the market, sir.

Current Market Sentiments

Straight facts right there, bro. It hurts right there. Sold it all. And then I was about to sell my house and I was playing that movie, and then like, last minute, my wife's like, nope, we're not going nowhere.

Moving Decisions

I'm like, all right, fuck me. I just sold everything to get ready to get fuck out of here. And now we're not going away. Yo, Kyle. Got it. Bringing it back to what the fuck this space was supposed to be about.

Focus on the Real Discussion

You got a fucking get one thing and one thing only. I think the majority of us only give a fuck. I mean, yeah, tell me whatever bullshit you can get out of him. But, like, first of all, I hate to tell you, there's a poly market thing.

Polymers and Interests

Which one of you guys is gonna blow him the hardest? We're taking bets, definitely. I can tell you guys right now, put all your money on me. Yeah, okay. And then, but besides that, we just want to know what TG is.

Expectations for TGE

Tge is for Sobo. I mean, me anyway, because we know that's coming first. Find out about creep stuff. Sure, whatever. But tge for some o comes first. Like, you got a nail down that fucking. Oh, brother.

Discussion on Intentions

Believe me, I intend to ask that. I'm not expecting it, but I do intend to run it past him. I think you've talked to him more recently than probably anybody else, right? Like, what do you expect? Like, them to be able to say or not today?

Possibility of Responses

You know what I mean? I mean, you say whatever the fuck he wants. It's a creep space. And you're telling the homies what's up, and you want us to go sleep together. You know, I don't know.

Lack of Information

Like, first of all, the white paper is missing all the pertinent information. So I win white paper update with fucking actual numbers so we can calculate how to play, right? Like, cool white paper, bro.

Need for Transparency

Win numbers. And then to win tge, right? And then three, you know, like, say something about the yield for the creeps of, you know, I mean, when it. As it relates to so mo and these other things.

Discussion on Prevalence

But, like, since someone's the most prevalent, like, as a guy who wants to see the floor go to five eth, right? Like, you know, you need to fucking articulate things that we can go articulate to go shill, no offense, until they turn on their marketing, some of us want to go shell and on board PlA to go buy 25 creeps or whatever, right?

Driving Sales

And so I'd be in the DM's trying to, like, convince people, like, money. Yeah, yeah. Catch up, catch up. Right. But, like, you know, having more information so I don't feel like I'm just on repeat is important.

Follow-Up on Discussions

Right? Yeah, absolutely. Listen, just because I don't expect them to answer a lot of these questions does not mean I don't intend to ask them. You know what I'm saying? I feel like you should expect answers. You know what I mean?

Expectations from Management

So, I mean, I just don't. Because, like, I expect them to have all kinds of partnerships in line in the background, you know, with fucking web two companies and centralized exchanges and shit that probably have them all nd eight up.

Looking for Engagement

That doesn't mean I'm not gonna look for holes in the NDA's. You know, JG's trying to go ahead, JD. No, I think TGA will be end of, the, end of September. That's right. Yeah. End of September.

Target Dates

Yeah. Worst case star of October because they, their aim is to also have TGE for creeps coin by the end of the year. But they have to do so mo first. And I know a lot of teams are targeting that end of September slash October, correct?

Market Dependencies

Yeah. And I think, I mean some things that are riding on the elections, right. They're trying to piggyback off that. I don't know what that looks like for when the creep, if the creeps coin would launch, you know, depending on what the market is there.


But I do know regardless of my conditions, I think they are just gonna launch because I think they need to, you know, it's been going on for so long. They've, you know, tried to delay it and pick the best time. But I think it's now it's just like, you know, you can't delay.

Space Participation

Did you happen to be in the space yesterday? Because I missed it, but I listened back and Shane was talking about TGE and how everybody's pretty much ready to go. They are all just waiting for market conditions. And I, that's kind of what I assumed anyway.

Confirmation of Readiness

But hearing it from a guy like Shan, I mean, it did kind of ring true. Yeah. I was even speaking to someone else that's in this role that was in this room. He's also waiting for it as well, which is gonna be close. So I'm ready.

Personal Anticipation

I'm waiting for that one there. I don't know. Like when it comes to nfts, right. It's like the Jerusalem. Like, okay. If you understand how the chess game rolls out, then, you know, you probably picked up a bunch like I did at .25 and the point 23 dip.

Timing of Launches

Right. And so like if they launched, let's say, the some moment or started hyping up a date for the some moments, which I think you need at least a little bit of Runway. You can't just like randomly do it. Then, you know, the yielding starts.

Launch Considerations

I don't know. And the TGE for the token some weeks later, you're giving everybody who like, you know, wants to fucking stack a hundred little critters time to do so. Yeah. You don't have to go right from like mint to fucking coin yield, right?

Implementation Phases

That's not even how creeps came out. It was like evasion pass, then creeps, then 72 hours of double points, then token live right? Or withdraw ability or whatever. You know, obviously this is a different ballgame and a bigger one, but I'm just saying like, you know, you can roll it out in stages over weeks, not too long, but like, you know, a little bit.

Pacing the Rollout

It doesn't have to all be the same day. I'm keen to see what the pre TG games gonna because it's obviously gonna be some type of, as you can tell, some tap farming game. So there's a couple. So you've got creeps minigames coming out that's gonna come out first.

Future Game Phases

I'll probably be October shootdeh and then you have the creeps game that they want to bring it out this year. Beta play for holders to go on. It's already playable now and the developer creator is meeting with distribution partners to push it out onto console.

Game Development

So John Space starting. It's already stopped. I'm telling you everything. JD's dumb. Yeah, we got less than an hour. Yeah, less than an hour here. Fuck. My schedule is fucked.

Time Constraints

Yeah. So hopefully Joe elaborates more on that in an hour. But the. Yeah, I forgot the name he mentioned or something. I'm not a huge gamer, so he mentions some basically increase minigames is basically.

Game Details

It's gonna be an engagement game that you know, basically play on a space like that. Like now it's like 20 people, 30 people. And you know, you gotta fucking, I don't know, battle of death, some shit like that.

Multiplayer Dynamics

But it's more of a. It's more of a team, more of a multiplayer game that you verse people. I was a terrible idea. That's what most of these monster battler type games are really.

In-Game Features

I mean most of the games have like a campaign with NPC's and shit. But the real point is to battle your friends and take their fucking whatever. So yeah, fun game. I can't fucking remember.

Game Concept

It was some fucking thing. But yeah, that's coming. And then there's also creeps toys which I'm excited about because I want to see what the fuck that looks like.

Toys Discussion

I'm fucking myself with them. Joe, Juice is fitting to fucking pull all the stuffing out of an overlord doll and insert that silicone vagina, dude. Fuck it. Rock solid juice.

End of Session Plans

I can see you fucking run these creeps toys and put them on your fucking back. Dash, bro. My back, dad. We call it Liz Lusty.

Toys and Interest

I would be. I would be interested how the creep toys looks like. Will they be like plushies or will there be anti stressed balls? I'm interested to see what I paid.

Curious About Product Appearance

It's gonna be if it's gonna be gens or it's gonna be those new characters. Yeah, yeah. I'll let Joe explain that. It's a bit bearish, unfortunately.

Bearish Outlook

Okay, put it this way, it's bearish for 11,110 lizards. I don't think it is. I don't think they were ever going to pay any of us for using our IP.

Use of IP Concerns

Even if they did, it's not in any of the contracts or anything anywhere. It's not in the IP agreement. It literally doesn't matter what the toys look like.

Final Notes on IP

They could look like your overlord, JD. They were never going to pay you anyway. Fuck it, bro, they will. Now. We can get together and we can start creeps cookies and wagyu honey milk and then put our creeps on the cookies and then isn't there a cap on how much you're allowed to earn?

Creative Plans for Profits

So we just rotate hundred dollars rotating the creeps that we put on the cookies as we make money from this cookie empire. Yeah, again, joking. And hopefully make sure you bring this up too.

Connecting Product and Fun

But, but yeah, I believe it's gonna be the new hero characters. So it'll be interesting to see what the fuck that means for us. Well, I mean, if they're selling and making money, then hopefully we get some sort of kickback.

Expectations from Sales

Like, I don't think anyone here will complain. Yeah, I mean, look, what it means is it's part of the funnel that's designed to get people to play the fucking game that's governed by a token that we all get dripped out of our lizards assholes.

Game Mechanics

So that's pretty bullish in my opinion. I don't really give a fuck what the ip looks like. I hope it looks like the most sellable possible ip that they've come up with.

Ongoing Feedback

Whether that's my creeps or some new thing, I don't really care. Yeah, I don't know, we'll see how it goes. But, just want to make sure that. Yeah, make sure you ask him about that.

Feedback on Toys and IP

And there's also so much. Oh, I mean, we saw the. So they've got toys, those cars coming out. So it says a store to you now. Yeah, I'm not sure what that looks like.

Future Product Lines

We're probably gonna get rugged in Australia. Well, I mean, this is it. Puji pudgy penguins here. Yeah, they're at target.

Retail Availability

Yeah, maybe go through a target.

Discussion on Deals and Investments

Who knows, bro? Hopefully they'll be in Kmart. That'd be bullish. I think. This actually the guy who set up that deal, by the way, offered it to me and a bunch of other fucking people. So like, you know, I get into arguments with my friend. I'm not gonna say his name. You guys know him, but like, you know, he just like was so bullish on his pudgy penguin and Luca and what they're doing. And I'm like, yeah, bro, like, Dan Rosenberg set the deal up and then he's like, as if. Cuz I love penguins so much. And I'm like, alright, dog. You know, I'm saying like, you know, like, if it's not. If it's not about your bags, it's stupid, right? Fucking asshole. You know, love them, but also an asshole. And you know, I just feel like. Yeah, do you? Like, I don't know why this deal is available for everyone to put their stupid ass plushies or whatever the fuck in stores, but it is so, you know, if you know. You know. Right. But yeah, I could see them putting toys everywhere, I guess.

Toys and Merchandise Plans

And then we can all go pick up some fucking lizards, you know? Yeah. I'm kidding. Yeah, that would be great. I'm keen for that. Did that comes with the ten e? Because there's fucking toys in stores. Like whatever. I mean. Great. Fantastic. Kyle, can you ask also when the clothes will come out? Because I need new ones. The old ones get worn out. You said codes. You talk about fashion. Clothes, clothes. Guys, I'm not gonna lie. you guys are telling me to ask stuff. I just got off the exercise bike, so I've already forgotten everything. Except we don't want your fucking excuses. You need to be looking in, Johnny. You know you could wear other clothes too, right? You don't have to wear just. You know, what the, you know, the discord riding. Actually asking me for. To make a comeback.

Merchandise and Distribution Challenges

So you guys need to handle business. So we'll get up Dejani, we'll get you some speedos with the overlord head on there. JD would just charge you five e for it or something. Fuck it, bro. I'll put my. I'll send it for free and put my face on his ass cheeks. That would be funny. Well, you're pretty funny. Sorry, go ahead. And the creeps t shirts are the most expensive t shirts I have ever paid in my life. They're like 25. My creeps t shirt is definitely the most expensive t shirt I've ever bought. Yeah, it sounds bearish. What does this shit look like? The cost of an ethereum gas fee in the bull market? Like, yeah, it's also the nicest clothes I've ever bought too. I mean, I'm. Keep in mind I'm a fucking red. Okay. Like. But they were there. $25. No, they were like, no. 75 for a t shirt?

Challenges in the Market and Distribution

Yeah. Fuck, bro. Fuck that. Have you anything bought from enclosing? Bro, I bought everything. Sense it. And then full rugged. Oh, wow. Which you could. Which I found out why. Which not sure Joe will say in space, but west labs fucking went under. What? Yeah, that's why the second round they created under. What do you. They went under. Yeah. They went to Australia or they went out of business. They went into recession. Yeah. Yeah, they were in a receivership. A recession. No, they go. Yeah, they. They folded. What? Brand new. What do you mean? Why? It just started. I don't know why it's funny. It's fucking shit. It's actually fucking terrible. The fucking partner that we fucking went with, they fucking folded, bro. I'll ask you later.

Market Sentiments and Future Strategies

I needed a lot. I was never bullish on the clothing shit. Anyway. They were the distributor for it, and so. Yeah, so there's no more west bran. And you're telling me revolving games as their own fucking bullshit project, and you're telling me that there's no tv show? Didn't matter. Still don't matter. All that matters is that all the coins come out of your butthole at the same time. And we cyber calling this shit to 100 each. That's how it's gonna happen. That's how it's gonna work. You can be bullish on all the things. It doesn't fucking matter. Give me some good old Ponzi nomics and shove the fucking prices up all at the same time with marketing so that our lizzies can go to 38. Respectfully, yeah, I agree. The clothing and shit was never meant to pump our bags. It's just an example of how they can execute at an extremely high level with extremely established brands and partners.

Future Expectations and Market Dynamics

That's really all that is, you know? That's right. Correct. That's right. So, yeah, there's more drops with end. So I'm keen for that because I didn't pick up anything. Drugged. I'm so confused right now. Retailer, they're still there, but the distributor, which is, which was west brand Labs, Dave, they've. They've fucking gone. Okay? So they're finding a new distribution partner. But it's still the same retailers end. Yeah. Yes. Anyway, Joe's time, there's like 30 jackets or some shit in some fucking warehouse and they can't get access to it because the receivers gone in taking ownership. Where is this warehouse? Yeah, exactly.

Logistics and Distribution Issues

Right. I don't know if I can storm the cardinal. That's like 30 grand worth of. Yeah, I was gonna say, dude, fucking buy the nicest set of bolt cutters you've ever seen for fucking breaking into that warehouse. Yeah, I got some good bone cutters, dog. Take the boon lift. We got whatever it's called. Send that bitch in there. Oh, that was definitely. Yeah, that was. That's a prank. See post here, I'll play. Yeah. If I hear Shannon sharp grunting in a second. You're a lot of pranks. He and verify. That's a lisa and intro, bro. I know I'm gonna fuckin can hear it. Yeah. Lisa, my buddy, was irl obsessed with her because she comes to Vegas and stuff, and he's like, oh, bro, I gotta make it happen.

Reflections on Celebrities and Market Trends

Never saw the appeal. Lisa, I got them fake fat busted titties, bro. For show. She's got the heavies. Yeah. Not a fan of big old fakies, dude. I would. Yeah, some good. Don't. Don't let me take credit for that. That's a Andrew Schultz thing, I think that's so funny. Yeah. JD did make us bullish, man. Make us want to go buy creeps. Are you trying to fud a. Is this like a free. Are you trying to fud the fucking floor? You know what saying buy my creeps that are listening right now. You know what I mean? So was that the whole point is you do a better deals for your sweet that you're planning to do in an hour. I think I'll sweep.

Market Predictions and Strategies

An hour, maybe. That's what I would say if I was about to sweep, too. Yeah. So I'm saying he's still fighting. Look at him go demon. He's trying to get all your guys out of your bags, and then while he's fucking buying more, and he's up here making a whole pre fund space. I see what you're doing. This guy came out of retirement just to fucking shake you off your fucking bags one last time. And it's working. People are legit dming me, tagging me in discord. Yo, do you want to buy my creeps? And I'm like, .8 motherfucker. What's up? I'll be embarrassed to. You know, I'm trying to get it done. That's how I'm get to 100. Let's do it, guys.

Buying Habits and Market Behavior

You do ATC deals or do you just pick up off the floor? Both. Yeah, if I like it. Sometimes I buy a creep just because I like the way it looks, which is crazy because I just. Then it goes in my bag and I never see it again. Yeah, I do the same thing. Like, I'm never gonna fucking pay, pay it. But still, you know. Yeah. Oh, what do you do? But I'm. Yeah, I'm keen to. I do know with regards to the coin allocation for creeps, I'm not sure if they've agree. I'm not sure if it's going to still be odyssey as the name, but. They'Ve announced they're changing it.

Uncertain Future and Market Dynamics

I do know that it is going to be a pretty good chunky allocation for creek soldiers. so that gets me fucking excited. so I probably. That's the fucking, you know, if the floor fucking pumps up to five, I should probably sell some. That would be the smart thing to do. But I don't really want to sell anything until. Yeah, coin air drop. I think that we got two. Two pain points to get through. I think we've already seen that there's a lot of churn at five six east. Right. Because that's people who bought in that range who want out. They've been sitting on it forever. That is people who think these are profits and it's gonna pull back.

Market Fluctuations and Strategies

That's bibble playing the fucking field. Right? Whatever, right. And so I think once you can get through that, then you have the second pain point, which is like ten e. Because a lot of people are just like, I'm holding till ten eth. Again. I bought it ten either. I wanted ten e. Whatever. So I think you have. You have some volume and churn at those two levels. And once we can just get past that and go into price discovery, I think, you know, potentially, the way I see it all playing out, you know, you can keep tracking along to 30, you know.

Optimism About Market Returns

Yeah, honestly, bro, like, I'm happy with five, eh? I'm happy with five eight and I'm happy at the floor. Is that like fucking, you know, five. E is what it takes to get this JD Jeet motherfucker out of this project finally. Yeah, five eats is fuck all, you fucking heavy breathing bitch. Yeah. Bro. This fucker saying that he's out at five, but I didn't see this. Can't sell one when we had five. Before I bought a gray with no rune. Five e. Just like I got my. Sister to buy in at 5.5, bro.

Reflections on Family and Investments

She bought four at 5.5, and it literally tanked a day after she bought. Terrible. Terrible. Doesn't let me forget it and eats also down. So we go fuck with double fuck. I do wish I could get, like, the eleven creeps holders who list under 20 eth into a room and just be like, smack the absolute fucking shit out of you. Just get it through your head that if you just list for 20 e, they'll sell for 28, you fucking idiots. It's been long enough that you should know how the fucking shit, like, just. Fucking more recent. One and fucking held for three years, and now I need to get it done now.

Personal Experiences and Market Lessons

Fucking idiot, bro. You fucking poor idiot. Fucking crazy, bro. God damn. Look, I love the sentiment, but on the real tip, like, they're fucking not selling at an even a half right now. So why would they sell at 20? Like, the market is what it is, dude. People will be bullish when it's time to be bullish. People will bearish until it's time to be bullish. People are bearish for no reason other than they have. People want to buy more expensive shit. Do you think you would think people want to deal?

Market Psychology and Consumer Behavior

No, they don't want to buy a coin on the dip, and they don't want to buy fucking NFT on the dip. They want to pay more. You have to understand, like, Louis Vuitton or a reason you're so rich people can buy overpriced handbags. Like, people want to pay more. It makes them feel good to pay more. It's. It feels more special when it's more. And the only people that control that price being more is the motherfuckers who hold the goddamn shit. So I promise you're wrong. And if you listed it on malt for 28th, they fucking selling in 20 people ics.

Current NFT Landscape and Market Challenges

They don't have a lot of volume on the day either. Like, I just don't think it's nft time. Dude. I agree with what the. The crux of what you're saying is true, but it's got to be time for that market. Like, right now, what you're saying is definitely true of, like, meme coins. That's because that's where people are focusing. People just aren't focused on nfts yet. It's coming. I can smell it coming. You know, there's your opinion, and then there's the guy who spends millions of dollars in each category, you know, I'm.

Future Innovations and Shifts in the NFT Market

Literally looking at the markets though, dude. I'm literally looking at collections. We can disagree. I disagree with you, and I stand on that. Love you. Well, for everybody listening, I mean, is odd. He's better at this than me, so you should probably listen to him. But my opinion remains. Hey, your words, bro. Your words. I just tell you, bro, psychologically, these motherfuckers want to pay more. I don't know why. You know what I'm saying? Seems weird to me, but it's all good. That's the way it'd be.

Lifestyle and personal anecdotes

Kyle. As I sit in front of my. Twelve screens, okay, I know you sit on a sabian. In front of those screens is. Adi, you don't gotta fucking lie to. Me, but is this sabian that massaging dildo thing? No, the Sabian is like the one that's on like a. Like a mount. Yeah, it's like a sad. How dare you? How dare you, sir? Sorry. Help myself. I'm trying to get all this fuck shit out of my system so I don't say anything wildly in a. Make sure you're fucking teed up for the fucking space, you know?

Preparing for Upcoming Discussions

I mean, like, again, I don't want to fucking cause a riot in the fucking discord, but I will handle business when you guys are up there. We're proud of you. Hello. Jesus Christ, dude. We start talking Sabians and fucking math pops up. What's up, mav? What's on your mind this morning? I don't even know what that is. I actually was coming up here to comment on what you were saying before about people wanting to spend more money. And just the fact that you guys are on east kind of proves that point, so that's all I gotta say.

Discussion on Selling Strategy

That's when you sell, by the way, when. When the fucking we are the world conversation starts and the fucking sabian conversations stop right when we have to do a day, a dedicated ladies space where we, you know, give them a chance to be part of the community and voice how they feel specifically, you know. Start looking for your exits, boys.

The Impact of Kids and Family Discussions

God damn it. That really wasn't the top. Wasn't it? But if I see a lizard queen space, I'm fucking full stack fucking 20. Lizards on the floor. Let's go. As soon as you guys start talking about your fucking kids and their fucking drawings. And you know, my kid loves creeps and I. I'm sure they do. I'm sure they do. And then respect to that child's drawing. But you start posting about it and talking about making a derivative collection, I'm full fucking porting 80 creeps on we offers all the way to the floor. Straight down. I mean, I'm out. I'll buy back in six months for 90% off. Fuck your kids. Respectfully, like, fuck. Fuck you, bro.

Reflections on NFT Market Trends

You're like, don't take it that far, man. No, I'm just kidding. Look, but you know, they think. Think back to every world of women's space. Think back to every fucking, you know, 800K plus Alex anonymous we're gonna cracking collection where the spaces started up. You know. Women is world of women even still a thing? Yeah, I think it was. I don't think they're under zero one yet. They might be worth .2 or .3 or something. I just looked like a couple days ago, but yeah, it ain't what it was. It's a good entry point. Must wait. Resell a fucking Solana shitter right now.

Perspectives on Real Estate and Global Investments

No shot. I reckon. Love this by comeback too. There's just something about that project that I still think's got potential. The day you guys grow a pair and all tag on Doom on repeat is the day that I buy another 20 creeps. Oh, I mean, dude, von Doom got lit up multiple times in the discord over there. I still have those. Just because I did actually make money off of that project. I think von Doom even put loveless city back in his bio after everybody lit him on fire in that discord. But, yeah, there has been zero action in there forever. Even. Even, you know, even with that being the case. Yeah, I think Jojo got her egg hoodie at some point.

Examining Regulatory Challenges

Well, I mean, you know, egg hoodie, whatever. But they did have a marketplace that, you know, was doing raffles for their token for or with their token for, you know, nfts and what, mostly whitelist spots. But a few nfts I won. What was that project? I want a couple things. I want a bunch of whitelist, couple nfts. Sold. All of it. I actually made money on that investment. To Mav's point, innovation is simple. You guys don't already see this coming? Let me just make it very simple for you. You don't have to like me, but you should probably listen to me.

Future of Digital Currency

Rwas, okay? Fucking real world asset and a fees will come in like a tornado out of nowhere. And people with real estate projects in Bali and this and that, you know, whatever, people who figure out how they're gonna circumvent, you know, securities issues, but like, all that, like, asset backed fucking shit will be the $4 trillion real estate wave that fucking dwarfs all this gaming nonsense you guys talk about all the time. But, you know, in the meantime, take advantage of game five. You know, have fun. But eventually, when nfts are, you know, real estate related, rwas, as they decided to call it, you know, that will be the innovation that Mav is speaking of. You know, that.

Potential Regulatory Response

Don't you think that our governments are gonna, like, lose their minds, though, if that starts happening? Because, I mean, they're gonna dive in and want their hands all over it. Yes and no. I mean, you know, it happens a little faster than they can keep up with. And also, this is a global thing. So you got people looking at projects that just aren't in America and people using VPN's that don't give a fuck, right? So the specking can happen anywhere if America wants to be upside about it. That goes back to the same conversation. Well, do you want to fall behind or you want to be ahead? But, you know, step one is like bitcoin, right, and all that shit.

Concerns Over Market Regulation

But, you know, I think the NFTs in the space kind of moves quicker retroactively. We can see what you gonna do about it. But I guess that's the issue that, you know, project founders have to deal with. And even when I was consulting for a real estate project last cycle, you know, it was like three different top 20 firms all, like, deciding whether or not they would stand on business about the structure if, you know, people were sued over executing this business plan. So that's really the conversation is like, can you structure these things with tokenomics in a way that circumvents the Howie test as it relates to american projects? But I think if you just put that to the side, it's a global market, and people might want to spec on a skyscraper in Singapore or spec on a resort in Bali or spec on some project in the Cayman Islands.

Exploring Future Market Trends

How are you going to stop us now? Everyone's going to become, you know, a real estate angel investor looking into the laws of that country and how, you know that, you know, probably some web through lawyers will be popular, voicing their opinions on spaces and in discords. You know, that's all that all shake out. But there'll be a whole meta of it where, like, it's all the rage and everybody's looking at, you know, properties and just became a real estate expert, which will be great, because also we'll onboard every asshole real estate agent that has nothing better to do. It'll be the gateway for getting them into crypto, right?

The Onboarding of New Investors

And I saw a little bit of that as were gearing up to do that project. There was a lot of real estate people that it just made sense to. There was no convincing them why apes, you know, go up or down, right? There was no convincing them why any, you know, crazy tokenomic NFTs go up or down. But the second you said, listen, you know, you can own an NFT that's a piece of this hundred million dollar mansion. It can get you access. You know, other people from around the world can spec on the behavior of what's going on, and people who we do get access to it. Da da da. They were like, oh, this makes sense.

The Challenges of Introducing New Concepts

Do you think that there will ever be, like, a world organization that's put in charge of digital currency since it is borderless? That's the only thing I worry about, you know, because there's so many cans of worms that are opened since with their. With digital currency not having a border. So I just see that. I think if we're lucky, we get. If we're real lucky, we get three more cycles, if, you know, realistically, maybe two more, right? But, like, I, you know, if I have, I put my tinfoil hat on for a second, and I say, how do I get everybody on a one world currency or one world government system? I would start with bitcoin and slowly convince smarter people to get really rich from it, which then, you know, makes everyone think they were rebelling against the man.

Market Manipulation and Cryptocurrency

But it was us baiting you from the beginning into the system you would have rejected if we offered it to you, right? So, like, sure, you know, at some point, some sort of global regulatory thing over all the nonsense that's going on, slapping us down so that 30% gain seemed like a lot like the stock market, you know, why not? But, you know, until then, fucking ride them, cowboy. Insert Sabian Joe. I still don't know what that is. God damn it. Do I have to Google this, Kyle? And it vibrates and it has a little fucking four inch. Definitely put your browser on private mode.

Cultural References and Humor in Crypto

And then I google that. Inappropriate? No, but welcome to a creep space, everybody, where pornography is part of the culture here. So the. Yeah, I don't know. What are you saying, mav? Well, no, just that we have to stay ahead of it, is all. Is my thing, you know, just stay one step ahead of those who want. To take a lot of people. Like when you go, when I'm teaching normies about crypto, which I do at least once a day, right? Some people are at my house and they want to walk into my shit, and I go, okay, look at the bubble chart, right? And here's bitcoin.

Educational Perspectives on Crypto

And look at the zoom out, and look what happens every four years. You know, August, there's this, then September, there's that. Then the bull run comes, and, you know, blow off is October, November, and, you know, it's literally the same shit over and over. And then I go, okay, then there's a theory, which is like an iPhone, and you can build stuff on my phone, right? Like apps. What are the apps that they're building on Ethereum? Here's dogecoin. It's a coin about a dog. That's number eight. And then here, Shiba Inu, it's a coin about another dog. It's number 13.

Critique of Current Trends

And then, you know, and I just kind of go through all the coins. I said, well, this Solana thing is a copy of Ethereum, and Avax is a copy of Ethereum and copy of Ethereum. And then there's a fucking coin called Pepe, which is about a fraud. And then I just kind of run through it all until I get to, like, render coin. And I'm like, now here's render coin, right? Like, Sumi, look at how cool their website is. Look, all these partners, cloud rendering services, lazy law, right? I was like, I make videos for fucking 20 years. I would never use this.

Questioning the Viability of New Projects

And if I wanted to use this, I would just use my Amex to pay for the third party rendering services. That happens sometimes. I said, so did they need a coin, or was it all bullshit? Because some people just can't invest into a coin about a dog or frog. They need something that they can is more media that they believe in. So in my opinion, and not everyone's gonna agree with me on this, but it's my opinion, as someone who's been in crypto for three years and used to throw parties for 20, it's bullshit. It's all bullshit.

The Fluctuation of Hype and Market Dynamics

Every single one of its bullshit. You know, and it's just fucking, you know, hype is what makes these things the having, and hype makes the shit go up every four years, right? So, you know, until it's asset backed, laissez la, none of it matters. And it's all hype based, and they're probably going to overhype that shit too. So you have to, like, put your hype hat on. And whenever it's like Halloween, stores that open every four years, and they sell a lot of cat ears, but next week it's dog ears, and the next week it's fucking kitten noses, and the next week we're all dressing up like clowns and shout out, I'm an idiot.

Perspective on Investment and Risk

Right? And so, you know, the costumes change very rapidly that everyone's buying, but it's literally the fireworks store Halloween meta every four years. And for me, that makes life easier, because it's easier not to get caught up into utility and, you know, being an XRP, maxi or like, whatever, because, like, the second you do that, you're lost. And it tells me, one, you don't have the money to move around, right? So that's why you became a maxi or whatever.

Sharing Insights on Education

And two, it just tells us what type of person you are that, you know, this is your palate for investment. I just look at it like, reselling. Like, I've been a reseller since high school and flipped things. I mean, you just have to know what the trends are and what people are interested in and what they're looking at. Like, that's always going to change, but I'm just surprised you have the patience to tell normies about it. Like, I have this guy friend, and I told him recently I was into meme coins and what people were making.

Experiences with New Learners

Well, the last time he came over, he brings his backpack with his laptop, and he's like, hey, afterwards, can you teach me about meme coins. I'm like, just leave. Just leave now. I'm like, I'm not teaching you this. This is not happening. I find, like, where do you even start with someone new? Like, yeah, well, this is what I do. I say, listen, Lincoln bio, you know, bullex IO, backslashatti.

Earning Through Education

And then I feel like at least I'm making money for helping them on board to the trading bot that I push. Oh, that's genius. You know? Like, I look at the fucking bando a day that I'm making over there as, like, my payment for talking to normies, right? But I do several, like, live screen training sessions a day on that. So I guess maybe I'm just in the rhythm. But yeah, I mean, there is. There is a point where I'm like, look, you know, you.

Setting Expectations for New Crypto Investors

If you don't know how to save your seed phrase and download phantom, like, you need to watch some YouTube videos before you talk to me. But I give them the gist so they become interested. And I'm like, now, here's a list of things to do once you've done that on your own, without asking me, just read the instructions there. You know? I mean, if you can't read the instructions, you're lost, because crypto is all about reading shit.

Importance of Initial Understanding

So if you can't do that, like, don't even try. You know, send them to Solana. We don't read. Yeah, exactly. So I'm like, just, you know, start with phantom wallet. I stop even putting people on fucking metamask and trust wallet and all this shit. Just like, get a phantom. Get a crypto.com. if you can do that and talk and set it up, then I'll show you the next thing.

Experiences with New Investors

Lincoln bio, that's. That's, you know, that's done pretty well. This is editor kid who lives in Vegas that we had this conversation, and he went from, like, editor to dj and pretty quick, and he's up, you know, he's, like, trading on bolags. He's fucking made 60 soul yesterday. Like, you know, he's pretty. He's a clever guy. Has, like, a GTA server where he makes a day from, like, whatever.

Understanding of Digital Assets

These gamers who, like, buy assets in this server, you know? So to him, it made sense because he's already into the concept of digital assets. So some people just get it, you know, they just, like, on board quickly, you know, it just depends. I just don't have the patience to teach him. I think I'm going to direct them to you next time.

Subtle Profit in Learning

For 30 minutes if they use the link in my bio. All day. All day. I mean, dude, that's how somebody got me. They pushed me to buy a meme coin. They're like, hey, man, buy this thing called doja lawn Mars. It's a coin about a dog going to Mars. And I'd never even known aetherium, so I was like, so you want me to take my money, buy this coin called etherium, and then trade that on a website that warns me not to for a coin about a dog going to Mars named after a guy who owns a rocket company?

Lack of Understanding in Crypto

And he's like, yeah. I was like, all right, whatever, bro. And I put the money in there, and I went about my life, and I was like, in. At Bel Air looking at some property, and, you know, fucking. The meeting went south, and somebody disrespected me, and I was pissed. So I walk over to the fourier, and I sit down, I pull up on my phone, and I look down at it, and I might. My holdings was worth 50 grand.

Early Investment Success

And I was like, is this right? And then I showed my buddy, and I was. I think I just made 50 grand. And then some other guy walked over. What do you mean you made 50 grand? I don't know about this coin called fucking Dogelon, and I put five grand in a couple days ago for 50 grand. Did I understand that it went to a billion market cap? No.

Learning Market Dynamics

Then I understand what market cap? Men. No, I didn't understand shit. I just know that made 50 fucking grand. So I hit sell, and then my other buddy was like, I'm gonna buy 50 grand worth of it. I was like, I don't know much about this, but it doesn't seem like a good idea, you know? Like, I just went. And it went up a lot.

Reflections on Risk

Do you think that's a good idea? Is it, bro? If this thing just goes to, like, a little bit more, you know, probably go to 10 billion. I was like, yeah, maybe. I don't know that. I don't know. Hard, that is. Yeah, yeah, go for it, bro. This. The next day, Vitaly buterin fucking dumped Sheba and doge alon, and then shit went to zero.

Cycles of Learning and Profit

And then I was like, I'm gonna buy another five grand worth of this now. And then it went up to a billion again. Six months later, I made another 50 grand on it. It. In between then and that, you know, I really got into the whole space, but, you know, you got to get them. You got to get them going, you know?

Sharing Investment Advice

Like, I give my buddies a call, I don't know, like two, three months ago, when Cat Meadow was the thing on soul, and I put him into Flipkart at 300K for $150. And he sold for fifteen k at sixty six mil. You know, they're like, can you show us more about cryptos? And now they come over, you know, once or twice a week, and I, like, sit with them and, you know, educate them a little bit and put them in some shit.

Embracing the Learning Process

And they lose money. They make money. I said, you got to get used to losing. You can't always win. Every coin is not going to be Doja Launder Flipkart, you know? But, yeah, I don't know. One winning time, huh? One winning time. I've done a lot of losing. I'm waiting for that winning time. Zurich, you're not built for dubs, no offense.

Reflection on Group Dynamics

You built for talking shit and DM's and making people want to leave chats because there's broke energy going on in there. But, you know, respectfully. That's just facts. I mean, shoot, I don't agree with his audio on everything, but, sir, you did sell the Pico. Fucking bottom of creeps, brother. I don't know what to tell you.

Recap and Conclusion

No, I didn't. I sold around two e's, man. Two. Two and a half. Come on. That was profit. I paid $1,200 for each one of my creeps. Yeah, you could have done worse. Not much, percentage wise, but you could have done a little bit worse. What's the floor of them right now? 15 east, I think. 1.6, I think. Right now. Yeah, yeah, 15.

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