Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Future Of Ai Agents In Crypto + Entertainment hosted by HouseOfCrypto3. The Twitter space delved into the future of AI agents in the crypto and entertainment industries, highlighting how AI is reshaping trading algorithms, user experience, and strategic decision-making processes. Ethical considerations regarding AI deployment and regulatory compliance were emphasized for building trust and transparency. The CEO of @TapGoatOfficial shared valuable insights on the transformative role of AI in both sectors, underscoring its significance in optimizing trading strategies and enhancing entertainment platforms.

For more spaces, visit the AI page.


Q: How is AI transforming the crypto industry?
A: AI is streamlining trading processes, offering predictive analytics, and revolutionizing decision-making in crypto investments.

Q: What role does AI play in enhancing user experience in entertainment platforms?
A: AI improves content recommendation, personalization, and engagement on entertainment platforms.

Q: What ethical considerations are important when deploying AI in crypto and entertainment?
A: Ensuring transparency, data privacy, and regulatory compliance are vital for the ethical use of AI in both sectors.

Q: How can AI agents optimize trading strategies in the volatile crypto market?
A: AI analyzes market trends, patterns, and data at high speeds to make informed trading decisions in real-time.


Time: 08:20:15
AI in Trading Algorithms Discussing the role of AI in shaping trading strategies and decision-making in the crypto market.

Time: 09:35:42
User Experience Enhancement through AI Exploring how AI personalization and recommendation systems enrich user interactions on entertainment platforms.

Time: 10:45:59
Ethical AI Practices Debating the importance of ethical guidelines and regulatory frameworks in deploying AI solutions in crypto and entertainment sectors.

Key Takeaways

  • AI agents are reshaping the landscape of crypto and entertainment industries.
  • The use of AI in trading algorithms is revolutionizing decision-making processes in the crypto market.
  • Integration of AI technology in entertainment platforms enhances user experience and engagement.
  • AI-driven predictive analytics are becoming pivotal for strategic planning in crypto investments.
  • Ethical considerations surrounding AI deployment in both sectors are crucial for user trust and regulatory compliance.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Hey, guys, how you doing? Can everyone hear me okay? Hello. Doing well? Yeah, I can hear you fine. Yeah, me too. Good. Okay, guys, hello and welcome to the first house of Crypto Twitter space. Today we're joined by mome and also Mark Ryden, CEO of athere. Going to talk everything to do with AI agents and crypto today. Lots of exciting things to cover. So welcome Mo mate Ahad. First of all, how you doing? Doing well. Thanks for having me excited about this. We also have Alex from Swissburg with us. My bad. Yeah, welcome. Alex just joined us. In fact, he's as a listener. Hold on, let me just as I'm sure people are kind of aware, first Twitter space, so might be a little bit of a technical thing to get used to. That's fine. I'm going to prove and have Alex there. Alex, how you doing? To be with you, Peter, amazing. Moimate and of course, Mark, all good friends here, looking forward to good vibes.

Today's Topics

Awesome. Okay, so, guys, today we're going to cover, like, a range of different things. Right now, we've got cryptocurrency in a very interesting space. We've seen six months of pretty shaky times where we're now seeing the entire market cap of AI crypto sitting at $21 billion with meme coins, market cap sitting at $39 billion. We're going to discuss whether that's something that should be happening right now, whether AI and crypto deserves to be there, whether AI and blockchain technology is a natural fit or not, the role of AI agents in the future of entertainment, as well as how it kind of fits in and integrates into things like play to earn games. We're also then going to look into community involvement in projects such as momate and going over to Swissborg to discuss how you guys at home might be able to participate in something very exciting that momate's going to be working on soon. All sounds good, guys. Let's kick off with Ahad from momate. Ahad, can you tell us a bit more about AI agents, what AI agents are and how they're going to fit into blockchain technology?

Understanding AI Agents

Sure. So the way I like to think of AI agents is simply, which is that, like, right now, we think of AI is like chatbots, which is that you type something in and you get a response. Agents are basically something which are able to carry out an action on top of it, which is that they're able to take the text output and convert it into an action. That action could be done over any software, any tool. And that's basically the concept of AI agent here. Now, what is the role of crypto here? Before I go into that, I would actually like touch upon something which you mentioned earlier, which is that the current state of the crypto market, and you touched about the market cap of AI and crypto, as well as meme coins. I've been in crypto for a long time, and I think this is the first cycle where we feel a bit of, I would say people are a bit tired. And I think the reason for that is that even though initially there was some momentum, there was some hope with meme coins, I think the real reason for this cycle is that there's no real narrative.

Current State of the Crypto Market

Previous cycles, we had DeFi, we had even nfts and metaverse. I think in many ways they were like genuine attempts. Some of that might not have worked out as planned, but there were still general attempts towards making something which had a cypher funk narrative and philosophy associated with it. And I think that's fine, because you make experiments and not everything works as per plan. Whereas this cycle, especially with meme coins and rice, I think the reason which is like that, is because there is no real narrative and everyone is just trying to play, what I like to say, a game of musical chairs, which is basically what meme coins is. Now on the horizon. We have this amazing technology, Aihdenhe, which has come up over the past couple of years, and it is totally revolutionizing everything. The impact of this technology is immediate. The impact of this technology is evident, and the impact of this technology is widespread. It is completely changing our current ways of working as well as it is opening up entirely new avenues as well.

Integration of AI with Crypto

Now, there are several ways in which this is going to integrate with crypto. Of course, at the most fundamental level, I think AI agents will be autonomously integrated into smart contracts. They will be carrying out, they will be carrying out payments and all of these smart contract decisions. But I think the more important thing, which is what we are trying to, like, innovate with, is ownership of AI agents, which is that, like, okay, this is a new primitive. AI is an enabler, which is that, like, if you think about it, like when, like stable diffusion or text to image came about stable diffusion, Dolly, it basically enabled anybody to become an artist overnight. Like, you didn't have the skill barrier anymore, right? Like, you still needed to have good taste, you still needed to, like, have a concept. You need to iterate over something. But you know, that skill barrier, like, immediately, like all human beings had that skill, that if they wanted to, they could do it.

Future of AI and Creative Industries

I think similarly, AI is going to enable it for all sectors. Like, you know, tomorrow you want to build software, you'll be able to do it. Tomorrow you'll be able to like, you know, you want to build a game, you'll be able to do it. And I think in the world of, in that kind of world, what is important is that, like, how do you define a system in which individual creators, indie creators, they are able to like, you know, capture value and, you know, that. I mean, at this point it might seem a bit contrarian, but it's exactly the same thing. Like 20 years ago when we had social media, nobody could have thought that people would be paid for making videos or shitposting. But now YouTube pays out their creators. Twitter does create a payouts along those same lines, I think all media will become interactive, immersive, aided by AI. And I think the role of decentralized community ownership there is that, like, how can individual creators have, like, you know, make sure that they are able to, like, earn through their creations?

Challenges of Creator Payouts

And basically the community who are sort of like participating in making that particular thing famous, they also get a slice of it, right. The analogy which I like to give is that if you think about traditional social media, you know, like YouTube, TikTok, Twitter, they all do creative payouts. But the problem with the creative payouts is threefold. The number one problem is that it's non deterministic. You don't really know as a creator, like, how much will you get paid out? What is the mechanism? The second thing is that it's not discretionary, which means that they can change it anytime they want. And the third thing is that, which I would like to give it a simple analogy is that like, you know, when, for example, a creator gets payout, it's not just the creator who should be rewarded for something going viral. It's also like the early believers, like the people who go in and repost the first few people who repost and retweet.

Importance of Community-Based Ownership

So these are the kind of concepts which I think will become even more important in the world of AI. Because there would be, as I like to say, is that we're going to move from world of monopolies into perfect competition. There will be many indie creators, and I think the idea of community based creations and community based ownership would become more important. Sorry, it was a long winded answer. I hope it really useful. Thank you. When it comes to AI, I've got my own theory on what's going on in the crypto market so far this cycle compared with previous cycles. And I think that's a lot to do with the fact that this cycle has a lot more crypto experienced people who've been at least through one cycle already. And I think what we saw earlier on this year was kind of like a preemptive excitement in the market.

Market Trends and Observations

We didn't quite have the liquidity levels that were needed to sustain a full blown bull market. That's why we saw these big rallies going on, early doors that failed to sustain themselves over time. You then get that dilution that comes in because of new project launches, lots of meme coins coming in and stealing away that liquidity. But I think it's been very evident every time we've seen the crypto markets picking up. The AI appears to be the top performing narrative within all of those different sectors. So once we sort of, you know, we see markets quiet and down, we get meme coins coming up. But as soon as we see bitcoin on a day, you know, today, bitcoin having a little bit of a move, not to get from too excited, but having a little bit of a move, like one or 2% higher.

The Role of AI in Bitcoin Movement

Straight away on those days, you see AI coins and the kind of the stronger narratives having a bit of strength again. And I think a lot of that is coming from the fact that the wider media is giving a lot of attention to AI, and that's basically happening. You've got the world's third largest company now, which is Nvidia. And I believe about this time last year, it was like the 9th or 10th biggest company in the world. It's just printed record highs with revenue up over 119% in the last twelve months or so. Nvidia, the world's largest chip producer with AI. So what I want to do is bounce across to Mark here, who's the CEO of Aether, to sort of talk about why we're seeing such a growth, perhaps within the sector, and sort of proof of that happening, because I think within AI crypto, we are actually starting to see this adoption taking place. Mark was telling me just the other day about some of the revenue that's been coming through Aether recently, which is quite rare in crypto projects, guys, to see projects actually creating revenue and actually making money.

Mark's Insights on AI Adoption

And I think that's very telling about what's going on in the AI sector right now. So, Mark, you there? Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I guess. Let me jump in, and first of all, I'll just share a little bit about why, for example, Nvidia is pumping, why these tech companies are pumping, and effectively. If you take a look at the bigger picture here, AI is getting more and more capable, and at some point it's going to become so capable that the team, the organization, the country that kind of controls that tech will have a massive global advantage, arguably the biggest advantage ever. Right? It's more powerful than being the first, you know, tribe to create fire. It's more powerful than the first organization, the first culture to establish agriculture. Right? It's literally game changing.

The Competitive Race for AI Control

So the race to kind of get there is one that every company wants to win more than they've wanted to win anything else before. And the way that you currently win that race is effectively bye. Combining a whole bunch of data, which they generally scrape from the Internet. And we've reached this point now where it's incredibly difficult to get access to new data. We've kind of effectively scraped all of the low hanging fruit data on the Internet, which is why you're seeing interesting licensing deals between, I think, Google and Reddit. So they can access all of the data that comes from the users posting over there. And then the other side of the AI equation is compute.

Linear Improvement in AI Capability

If you just add more gpu's, and these GPU's are predominantly produced by Nvidia, if you add more GPU's to the equation and you combine that with data, you get this kind of pretty linear improvement in AI capability. It literally just goes, add more compute, add more data, and the AI gets more intelligent. And it seems to be scaling in that direction without us having to do much more than just keep on adding data and keep on adding compute. Right? So it's pretty crazy. And these big companies can kind of make really seemingly accurate projections of what will happen if they do those two things. Which means the races is kind of on in a way that I don't think anyone was expecting maybe five or ten years ago. But it does also mean that there's a huge amount of investment and activity in the sector, because everyone's on the same page that this tech is going to be pretty transformative.

The Picks and Shovels of AI

And like they say in the gold rush, the people that sell the picks and the shovels are the ones that kind of tend to do the best. And 8th is very much a picks and shovels business. Within the AI industry, we provide access to compute. There's a whole bunch of compute out there that doesn't exist within AWS or Google Cloud. It exists within big tech companies and telcos and enterprises that have purchased their own compute, but then maybe aren't fully optimizing it or fully utilizing it. But because they're not an Amazon, they don't have the ability to redistribute this compute elsewhere. So it's kind of stuck inside their organization, just burning a hole in their pocket. And what we do at Acer is effectively create, we've created this infrastructure layer that makes it really simple for compute owners, whether they're a tech company, a data center or whatever, to just connect their compute to that infrastructure layer.

Growth in Annual Recurring Revenue

And then we will make it available to this broader compute market. And by doing that, like Peter said, we've managed to hit around 36 million in annual recurring revenue at the moment. And we're growing at around 10% month on month. So on track for around 80 million in annual recurring revenue within the next kind of quarter. So it's pretty exciting, but you don't really see these numbers in crypto outside of pretty hot sectors. And funnily enough, the vast majority of our revenue obviously comes from web two companies. But I will say, and I won't speak too long because I'm sure everyone has an opinion on this. Well, but I will say that there is a huge amount of alignment between what the blockchain and what web three allows us to do and some of the challenges we face scaling AI.

The Role of AI Agents in Growth

So there is absolutely a tangible, real use case for web three when we look at the growth and expansion of the AI sector, particularly as hard from Momat said, particularly as we look at agents and agentic infrastructure that will become massive within the next, potentially even three to six months. Awesome. Yeah. Before we jump across and explore a little bit more about that relationship between blockchain and AI, I just want to jump across to Alex, the CEO of Swissborg, which is a blockchain based investment platform, basically democratizing wealth management through cryptocurrency. Obviously, Alex is now starting to look into investments on behalf of his clients himself. Alex, which specifically is it about AI and AI cryptocurrency in general, that has Swissborg interested from an investment point of view?

Understanding AI Trends

Yeah, thanks so much for such a meaningful question. And that really gives me a lot of context to bring up to the bigger whys for everyone watching out there. So for those who don't really follow AI deeply, and maybe you're just using chat GPT once in a while, there were three major trends that came up in AI, so it kicked off with machine learning that has been running in the background for decades. And then there was predictive AI and generative AI and I think the whole concept of agents can be easily explained in terms of how important the role they will play in the future by understanding generative AI, and once again, predictive AI. So when it comes to everything that's regarding data on an enterprise level, on the investment or wealth management level, like Swissborg, of course, predictive AI and tooling is very important because essentially you're taking this data, you're making it more efficient for people to make better decisions based on that data.

AI's Impact on Finance and Consumer Levels

So it helps a lot in finance, it helps a lot on an enterprise level. But when it comes to consumer levels, of course, we have the upcoming of generative AI, where all of a sudden, all of the content creators, all of the content editors also have access to specific tooling that can truly help their job become much more efficient. And this, Peter, is something probably that you understand very well, because now you can have a Peter that speaks Chinese fluently or Japanese just within a few taps or clicks. So I think that's very important. And when we think about the actual AI agents, why are they important? Is because AI agents are actually connected to every single form of AI, whether it's enterprise, whether it's on a consumer level, whether it's predictive AI, whether it's generative AI.

Emergence of Companion AI

And now there is an upcoming new asset class where before we thought it was more to help make your life more efficient, to make you have smarter decisions, but we have the uprise of companion AI. So, something that you can also see in Moemaid, which is talking to celebrities, right? Talking to potentially having a boyfriend girlfriend, which, by the way, guys, I think having a boyfriend or girlfriend via AI is completely nuts. Maybe I'm too old school for that, but there have been very good use cases showing that, once again, if this AI companion knows how you live and knows that you have an important event, maybe, let's say it will reach out to you and say good luck with your presentation or things like this, where eventually, as society moves forward, we'll be really appreciated and we'll hopefully be able to even give you some sort of dopamine injection for how you feel on a daily basis.

Transformations in AI and Market Dynamics

So, yeah, I think, once again, it's very important to understand these things on a very high level because AI, as you said, Peter, has transformed tremendously. And we see it in the stocks that have pumped and then eventually that transferred to the crypto markets because people saw the results within stocks like Nvidia or bio robotic AI type companies. So, yeah, fascinating space. And it's moving at the speed of light. Awesome. Thanks for that. Okay, so rolling across to a hat then. Right now we're seeing, we just heard from Mark Ather talking about the revenue being generated at Aether. I know that momate's got a huge amount of active users.

Benefits of Moving to Blockchain

I think perhaps ahad, you can clear that up in a minute. What is it specifically that momate is going to be able to achieve by moving onto the blockchain? Because at the moment it does have active users. So what kind of additional benefits will mo may be able to achieve by moving into a blockchain environment? Yeah, so first of all, you know, we launched mid of October last year. Since then, you know, we have grown to 4 million plus users. We have had like monthly active users, around 2 million for the past couple of months. And I'll get into a bit more detail on like, you know, how we are thinking about and like, which particular audience segment we are targeting.

User-Centric Approach in Web 2.5

But to answer your question specifically, I like to say is that like, you know, we are a Web 2.5 company and the reason for that is that we want to build a product which users want. That's the main use case. When they come in, they use the product. It's because that's a product they love and all of the crypto infrastructure and plumbing and everything should be invisible to them. That's how we operate. the crypto part basically is the idea is that, like, right now, you know, you're able to make like simpler bots, like tomorrow, you'll be able to make like more complex agents. And the idea is that, like, you know, how do we make sure that there is a monetization element for the creators as well as the community? So very similar to how, for example, social media platforms of today work, which is that, like, if you're a YouTube creator or a TikTok creator or a Twitter creator, you know, every cycle, you know, some, for some of these platforms, the cycle is monthly.

Tokenomics and Community Incentives

For some of them it's quarterly. You know, you get creative payouts. The only difference is that, like, we are making sure that the idea is that not only the creators are getting the payout, but basically the early community members who come in and sort of support these creators by staking our native token into them. They are also rewarded, the top performing ones. And there's various other reasons to be able to do it, because world of AI basically means a world of abundance. A world of abundance also means a world of spam. And, you know, in a world of spam, actually, it is important that the, whatever is shown to the users on an authoritative page, like the Discovery page, like the for you feed, becomes more important. So basically, what the users see on the for you page or the discovery feed would be a reflection of, you know, how many of these agents are supported by the community, right?

Community Engagement and Content Curation

So there is like, community based ownership of the. Of the creators which they are supporting, etcetera. Right. So the. And the reason we think that, like, that is the longer term strategy to take is because eventually this is how you keep on attracting, like, better creators to come on the platform as well as, you know, better community members to ensure that, you know, they're doing the, like, you know, better curation, et cetera. Because at the end of the day, all user generated content platforms are directly dependent upon the community, not just for creating content, but also for, you know, surfacing the top quality content. Right. And like, at the end of the day, all of these, while we do provide AI tools, at the end of the day, it's the community which is creating the content on top of it.

AI and Blockchain Integration in Gaming

Awesome. Yeah, I mean, there's some really exciting things that are happening at the moment, and we've already sort of touched on how AI and AI agents are starting to become recognized for things that they can bring to the table, particularly within, like the blockchain and the world of blockchain. I think there's a very exciting move going on in crypto right now where a lot of these different narratives are starting to kind of tie together in one way or another. I believe that it's kind of AI that is almost the common theme that kind of ties different things together, whether that be through automated investment platforms, whether that be through things like gaming. And the integration with AI agents into gaming is also something that I think is particularly interesting, although more recently we have sort of seen gaming and play to earn gaming underperforming as an asset class within crypto.

Future of Gaming and AI

Mark, do you think that there's going to be perhaps a bit of a pickup in play to earn games coming forward, and then I'll come to you ahead and sort of see how maybe Mobi and AI agents are looking to integrate into games in the future? Yeah, I think, I guess I'll speak to it on two fronts. First of all, I think that the way, for example, the ton and the telegram ecosystem have kind of unlocked web three gaming for the masses is definitely going to push and potentially reignite a whole bunch of new economic models powered by crypto within the gaming environment that the telegram and ton kind of unlocks. I think that's huge. We're seeing it with hamster combat and not coin and other. Yeah. Tap code and other kind of examples of this type of content.

Impact of AI on Game Development

So definitely, I think in general, this sector has a big kind of uptick coming. But in general, I think the gaming industry is massively impacted by AI in. If you're a consumer, if you're a. A gamer in a good way. Right. Maybe if you're developing games, you're not as excited about it because generative AI content might mean that if you're an artist on a game, maybe you're less important than you were before. But definitely AI is going to impact the speed that we can produce games, we can create artwork, we can generate storylines, we can create in game assets, whether they're flat assets or 3d assets, a million times quicker than we could before, which is incredible, totally incredible.

The Future of Gaming Experiences

But from a gameplay perspective, I think everyone that knows anything about AI is equally excited about in game NPC's and the ability to inject AI into games to create just these really hyper personal, one of a kind gaming experiences which is, you know, super cool. So I think that, yeah, we're going to see an absolute like cambrian explosion of games as high quality games are able to be produced by smaller and smaller studios. And as the type of game that we're seeing gets enriched by AI, as companies like momate inject these really cool hyper personalized agents and learning agents into the gaming experience.

Role Playing Games and AI Transformation

It's role playing games. MMRPG is a subcategory of it. There we have the World of Warcraft, Genshin Impact, Legend of Zelda, all of these. This whole category is going to be completely transformed by AI. And it is for the first time, we'll have the ability to have user generated content in the role playing gaming category. If you think about the space which we are in right now, for example, we make entertainment chat bots. A lot of people think that these entertainment chat bots are for companion purposes, Alex also mentioned. But, you know, most of them is actually like, less of companionship. It's more about like, you know, interactive fiction, right? Like, it's interactive fan fiction is like, you know, people like to explore, like, you know, new words with them because for the first time, you can actually talk to a fictional character and it responds back you.

Evolution of Chatbot Interfaces

Responds it back to you, right? So this is just the generation one of the product, these chatbot interfaces. And we saw that in the past two years, this category itself has become huge. For example, even us, we have 4 million users, and there's bigger web. Two companies in the space, like character AI. They just had a 2.5 billion acqua hire to Google, and they have 100 times our user base. This category did not exist two years ago. And as I'm saying that this is just the generation one of the product, because people just don't want to be talking to text bots, text based chat bots. It's going to very quickly evolve from chat bots to immersive interactive experiences. And that's what we are slowly building towards.

Future of Gaming and Interactive Experiences

We started off with chatbot next, we just rolled out a meme generators, another entertainment product. Then we're rolling out comic generators. Then. You know, the idea is that like, how you can make like, you know, mini, two d, three d games down to like, you know, fully immersive, massive multiplayer online simulations. You know, the stuff of science fiction, which is that, like, these are living, breathing worlds where, you know, people are there operating. And we have actually, you know, published a research paper in that as well. We had done early experiments, you know, as early as a year ago, even like a year ago, were able to do a lot of things. Like, for example, our platform is already forward compatible with AR VR, so we're already thinking about how all of these things are going to converge.

Advancements in Game Creation

Our research was that were able to basically implement complete text to game, which is that you're able to just describe what you want and boom, it creates the whole environment. It creates the characters within the environment. It establishes the cause and effect relationship, and it creates like a living, breathing simulation. And that's what we did a year ago. I mean, at that time, we still had some limitations. The costs were higher. Since then, the costs have come down like 80, 90%. We had some other problems, which is that the latency was higher, but even those have come down. But. So, yeah, I mean, we're basically, like, moving towards that world in which, for the first time, the stuff of science fiction that is like, yeah, you. There will be, like, a completely evolving game, which would be, like, everything would be, like, living, breathing, and changing in it.

Foundations for Future Gaming

That's what we are moving towards. And, you know, like, we're just building, like, sort of the foundations for it, right? Like, the chatbot based platform is what is possible today, but, like, underlying it, like, we're thinking about, like, how to convert it into sort of a game engine so that you're able to build those higher fidelity experiences, because all of these technologies are converging very quickly. I'd love to piggyback on that, if that's possible, Peter. Yeah, sure. So I think there are two really important points that both of these amazing panelists have mentioned. And just quoting specifically on the gaming side, I actually see a role for both Moimade but also aether. Because right now, if we take the example of Zelda, which, by the way, I don't know if anyone has played the tears of the kingdom or Breath of the Wild on Nintendo Switch, it is absolutely mind blowing.

Gaming Experience Enhancements

One of the best games I've ever played in my life. But what we're having in terms of a lack of an immersive and interactive universe, as was mentioned just earlier, is that right now, you have all these characters within that world that are pre programmed to say the same thing. Sometimes, depending on the evolution and the loading of the game, they will be able to tell you something different. But what these agents can potentially bring in these type of universes is that you can have a personalized conversation, right? So you feel even more embedded. You feel like you're living some sort of parallel world where you can actually communicate well, they will react to you differently. Let's imagine in Zelda, you've changed clothes, you have a scary hat.

Emergence of Metaverse and Technical Challenges

So they'll be able to react individually based on that specific moment in time so that you really feel like, oh, this is more than a video game. I feel like it's almost some sort of alternative life. So I think that's a big change. And then what aether is providing, you know, with the GPU and the whole deep end play, is that right now, if you look at Fortnite, which is the most successful game in the history of gaming, when it comes to the number of concurrent users, you can only host 100 players per server. So the whole concept of having a metaverse, how can you have a metaverse when you're struggling to hold more than 100 players in a single server and a single game? So that's also an issue.

Scaling Challenges and Immersive Worlds

So the combination of deep in and having the right GPU, whether they're 800s or different GPU's in the future, will help scale the amount of users, hopefully per server. And then the AI agents will create this immersive and interactive world. So I just wanted to provide a bit of an example. I don't know if this helps everyone understand, but the changes are really meaningful and really like, as we said, gaming hasn't evolved much besides graphics, but now it's all of a sudden we're leaping into a new era. Yeah, absolutely. I think that's a really important point with regards to sort of development over the years in technology and just various other areas always been kind of limited, or ideas and concepts have always been limited before by technological bandwidth.

Technological Bandwidth and Project Opportunities

I think it's probably the right term. But the exciting thing about all of these kind of projects that are coming out is allowing freedom of people who might not have the kind of technical ability, but perhaps have the artistic ability and the idea to be able to conceive exciting ideas and to be able to create things that maybe they've never been able to do before. And also from the technological point of view, with regards to aether and other projects that are delivering that bandwidth to being able to make it more affordable, more achievable for these companies to come in? Because previously, without decentralized compute power, it's been extremely expensive and extremely challenging for projects to come in. Can either of you perhaps tell us a little bit more about what's going on and why crypto and the development of AI is such an important thing within the cryptocurrency and blockchain ecosystem?

Importance of Blockchain in AI Development

Because at the moment, a lot of AI is kind of kept or monopolized among a few centralized authorities. But what is kind of blockchain going to be able to do for us and expand that opportunity to a broader reach? Perhaps for. Perhaps for Mark or. I saw a hard jump in. Yeah, you go hard, I'll follow you. Yeah. So first of all, I just believe that eventually a lot of the digital infrastructure is just going to run on crypto rails. It is just like an obvious thing. I think maybe it's a bit time lagged. The second thing I would like to give with a very simple analogy of success story of the cycle, which is polymarket prediction markets have existed for a decade in the web two world. They never really took off.

Integration of Crypto for Efficiency

They really took off with polymarket. And if you think about it, you can always ask the question is that do you really need crypto for it? No, prediction markets which were non crypto based had existed. But it's about when you integrate crypto, it removes the friction at so many levels. And the same thing is just very natural for AI agents to be able to perform based on smart contracts and crypto rails. It's like a thousand x efficiency versus them trying to operate over web two rails, right? That's number one. The number two thing is that I think we are, first of all, in my view, we are moving into a world where I don't think any of us is prepared for. It's going to be quite crazy.

Future Socioeconomic Systems and Community Involvement

We are moving into a post abundant world in my view. I think our current socioeconomic system, which is like the capitalistic system is probably not designed for that system. And in that system it is extremely. I know it's a crazy concept to think about, but like, I think the whole concept of like copyrights, IP, all of these things are going to be completely transformed. And in that world the idea is that like, you know, how communities and indie creators know, can continue to have a source of like ownership and earning is going to be very important. And you know, not everyone would be creating. So even the ones who are like supporting those creators, we have to ensure that, you know, there's a viable alternative for that as well.

Decentralization and Creator Communities

And I think those are the concepts which like the concept of like, you know, crypto and decentralization is sort of like can push forward because the analogy which I would like to give is that yes, we can build the same platform on web two rails, which means that if any creator comes in, they make something on a platform. Millions of people might be interacting with it. But neither the community gets anything out of it nor the creators. The idea is that how can we convert it into something in which there is something for the creators as well as the community? So in a way it is like really trying to take the play to earn cycle and convert it into sort of like learn, play, learn, create, invest, play and earn.

Hope for Future Implementation

Sort of like, that is what we are. What is the hope, right, that we would be able to like implement? Awesome. Yeah, Alex, I know you're very big on community involvement in crypto decentralization and all these things. How do you know, what's your thought towards this? Yeah, it's a very heavy packed question, right. But, you know, once again, what I respect from projects like momate and others is that we are clearly seeing a vc all the way to sex market making route. So on the contrary of Aether, which was one of the major projects that involved the community as much as they could, a lot of these top projects are excluding the community and then wondering why they have zero transactions on a produced block on chain.

The Importance of Community in Project Success

And this has been the case for many of the top projects. So we've gone in the opposite direction of an ICO where all of a sudden, rather than the community dictating. And although, yes, there were many scams, many money grabs, many rug pulls, I agree wholeheartedly, but at the end of the day, if you want to break a pattern, if you want to really revolutionize the way finance was built, which was clearly built for a select few, and has clearly created a wealth gap and a huge wealth disparity in between the all haves and no haves, well then in that case, you have to get the community involved. And I think that's something that I respect Moi made and what Mark did with Aether. Because once you have the community involved from day zero all the way to the launch of the token, there's a higher chance that the community will stay loyal to you, not just because they've made money, if you're successful, but also because of a principle that you're trying to break from a paradigm shift that has almost 1.5 centuries old.

Community Involvement and Future Evolution

So I think it's once again very important that the community is always involved, and it doesn't mean that we need to exclude VC's, by no means. And what we try to do at Swissborg is we actually have sales that are at lower fdvs than the VC's, which to me is completely normal because user acquisition wise, you know, the project is winning. And also the community will have smaller tickets. So I'm always for community first, actually better terms than the VC's, of course, much smaller tickets. But I think this is the way how the world should re evolve. And I really appreciate the projects that take this into consideration.

The Role of VCs and Community Investments in Crypto

Yeah, I think what's been very obvious this cycle, perhaps compared with previous cycles, is the involvement of VC's and just the kind of sheer, perhaps greediness of VC's. And it's caused a lot of problems across crypto. Many people are believing that this is why everyone's flooded towards meme coins because they're fair launch, although we all know that isn't true because they're basically the same just with hidden names behind the launches. But yeah, the community investments has been something what, you know, as my community has managed to experience as well as being a really great way to get people involved early in projects and projects really benefited. I know ather has benefited from doing community raises and things like that from such an early stage.

Community Raises and Their Importance

So mome is effectively looking at doing community races with Swissborg, is that right? Yeah, that's correct. You know, we are going in first. This is like our first round and our first round only. We are like, you know, basically making sure that like, you know, community participation is there. Because sort of like, what Alex mentioned is like, even though, you know, we have gone down the complete opposite route of icos, I do think, I mean, I'm a big fan of ICO model. I think were just like earlier in, you know, at that time. I think now the industry has learned. So, you know, if you look at projects like us, it's not like that. You know, we are like doing a community raise just based off a white paper.

Community Engagement Through Fundraising

You know, we have a functioning product, you know, millions of users. And, you know, it's like, basically the raise is about like very particularly focused on the community side of things rather than, you know, or like building the platform from the ground up. Right. Because the platform already exists. Yeah. So perhaps then, Alex, you could explain a little bit more about how these community raises work and how people can get involved in community raises, such as the one with momate and other upcoming projects that Swisspool is working with.

Swissborg and Community Investment Strategies

Yeah, absolutely. So the vision of Swissborg in the long run and the way we're working with you as well, Peter, and other partners that we have on board is originally this whole Alpha product. So it's called Alpha. And the reason why we call it this way is because we believe that the projects that we're bringing in, like Aether, for instance, which within ten x'ed and had a huge performance regardless of the current market turmoil. And what we're doing here essentially, is we thought we want to create an investor club of people who all the loyal Swissborg members, all the Borg token holders that are supporting us, we want them to feel like they are like a VC, their own VC.

Investing Through Swissborg's Alpha Services

They're an early investor with a portfolio that I think really matters. Right. I mean, for me, ideally, every portfolio has a percentage of primary market tokens and a percentage of secondary market tokens. So if you like infrastructural play, and maybe you're holding Sui Solana, bitcoin East, maybe some tawn, as we mentioned earlier, but then again, diversifying your risk and going for maybe some more asymmetrical plays in the primary markets. And we wanted to really democratize that in a way where people can do it easily with fiat.

Accessibility and User Experience of Community Raises

So one thing that's beautiful is those who want to contribute to moimate, they have 16 fiat currencies directly from their bank. So it's not like an on chain launchpad where you have to jump through hundreds of hoops. It's all at the tap of your fingers and it's literally four to five taps. So it's very easy. It's made the UX, it's patent ux on a different level, I believe. And the beauty of the alpha pad is that not only we help on the fundraise side, but then we also list the token, because we have the launchpad functionality and we have the meta exchange functionality.

Ensuring Liquidity and Transparency

And the beauty of this is when we have tokens that launch on Solana chain, we have a technology that allows us to go through 16 FX directly, through five sexes and over six dexs. So all of this liquidity is clean liquidity. So when we list moimate, all of the liquidity will go on chain, meaning that it will find the best price through all the different dexs, like radium, orca liquidity, provisioning with Camino finance and making sure that all this is the purest form of liquidity, which is on chain, and not the private order books that remove the liquidity from the rest of the world.

Support and Follow Swissborg and MoMate

Awesome. Okay, guys, so make sure you're go across and follow Swissborg over on Twitter so you can keep up to date with what's going on. Also, Mo mate, and I'm sure Mark from Aether would also appreciate a follow as well. One question I've got for momate before we go, because I haven't. I haven't sort of thought about this before, but I think it's quite an important one. You've got 4 million active users, which is unbelievable, by the way. Find crypto projects that have active users before they go live, guys.

User Insights and AI Trends

And you've got a very exciting prospect in front of you, particularly if you're able to get into pre sales, which obviously Alex has just cleared up how you can do that. So that's very exciting from one point. But if you've got 4 million active users ahead, could you explain a little bit more about what these active or these guys are searching for. What kind of intel do we now have about people and what are they looking for with regards to AI agents? That can kind of give us a bit of an insight in our investment thesis over this next six to 18 months.

Evolution of AI Use Cases

Yeah, so, I mean, when we started off the platform, were generalistic platform where you could make the AI agents for like literally anything from like education to like, you know, productivity, utility based use cases and all. But we saw that the biggest uptick was an entertainment related AI agents and that's sort of what we doubled down on. And my thesis for that is actually quite simple, and I mentioned it earlier as well, is that we are moving into a post abundant world.

Entertainment as the Future of AI

Post abundance world means that, you know, sort of our utilitarian needs are taken care of, which I think, I don't know about like the six to 18 months, but I think in the long run, which is like, you know, three years, five years, or up to ten years, I think entertainment as a sector, as a category will continue to increase and entertainment across the board, right? Like whether it's gaming, whether it's like gambling, whether it's sports, I think all sectors under entertainment will just like, will see a big growth in the next ten years because people just have more time on their hands, people have just like more money to spend.

Future of Media and Blending of Categories

And I think that's the alpha which we have seen is that like, you know, entertainment is a category and as a subcategory, I would say AI based entertainment, we'll see an explosive growth as well. Right. Like, for the first time, we would literally have the option of quote unquote choose your adventure, which is that, like, you know, media, I think as media is going to blur, like, what is a movie, what is a game? I think those lines are going to blur as well. Yeah, but I would say, like, the overall takeaway is that, like, entertainment is a category.

Future Insights: AI and Crypto Distinction

It's a. It's going to see a lot of growth in the next five to ten years. Yeah, I mean, it's particularly evident. The reason as to why YouTube is growing significantly over perhaps traditional tv is that people have more choice. But now adding the kind of AI layer on top of that is going to give people even more choice and even more autonomy over their own kind of interests and what they can access on a day to day basis. Any more points from you, Mark?

The Transition of Users to Web3

Anything we should be paying attention to within AI and sort of the future of crypto and AI over the next six to 18 months? I mean, there's a huge amount. But what I would like to just kind of touch on or reiterate is that projects like momate that have four odd million active users, whether they're on chain or off chain, they like what Ahad is building, they like what Mo mate is building. And I can guarantee that if you are building an AI space, you're going to gain value from delivering some of your AI products on chain.

Value Proposition of On-Chain Integration

So I see this kind of very natural and intentional transition over the coming months where these 4 million or so users will be exposed to very reasonable reasons to have a wallet, right, or interact on chain. I just think it makes a huge amount of sense. It's not like we all know there's so many use cases in crypto where we're just begging people in web two to come into the web three space, and it doesn't always make sense. But actually, with this tech and this infrastructure that Mo mate's building, these 4 million users, they will come on chain because it will just make so much sense for them to get the best possible experience within that AI agent infrastructure space.

Optimism for On-Chain AI Experiences

It'll just make so much sense for them to be on chain. So I'm super bullish on a large number of these users being onboarded into web three through platforms like Mermaid. Yeah, I mean, we had the rise of airdrop farming and all that before, which was basically to try and bring in all these active users and to try and show people, oh, look at the amount of usage we've got on chain. Things are very exciting. Now, obviously, there was a lot of projects that did have things going on, but I think it is testament to what's going on with regards to mobate with before.

The Demand for Usable Crypto Solutions

4 million active users is literally an insane number, and it's growing all the time. And I think this is showing us that there's a huge demand in this particular area of cryptocurrency that is actually people want to be able to use it. It's not like a lot of things we see in crypto where there's no real kind of demand. People are trying to give you the idea that there's a demand for it. So this is something that's definitely very exciting.

Future Trends in AI and Open Source Environments

Any final points from you, Alex? Yeah, absolutely. So just to piggyback on what you said earlier, Peter, so originally, when AI came out and chat GPT and all these different kind of search and chat bots came out, I was very skeptical on the crossroads between AI and open source technology. I was wondering, why do we need this for the crypto space? This sounds like a money grab, but I realized that AI, for it to truly function, needs to be open source in order to be trusted, and it needs to be on a trustless network.

AI Agents as a Crypto Opportunity

So all of a sudden, I'm starting to finally understand, maybe I'm stupid, but that this is a very important mesh or blend of technologies that I believe will create a blue ocean. But one thing that I think is really important for everyone out there, if there's a next action for you to look at, really dive into AI agents, because once again, as we talked about earlier, whether it's generative AI or predictive AI, the agents are everywhere.

Scalability and AI Agents in Various Fields

And I truly believe that this is one of the most important plays in crypto. And I'll give you guys an example, because in the history of time, let's say, for example, some of you out there are consultants, some of you are freelancers. In the history of time, it's been extremely difficult, if not impossible, to scale your business. And Peter, you know this as a content creator, it's very complicated to scale a business in terms of how much availability you have, how much time you have and resources you have to bring yourself to the next level other than working like a madman.

AI Agents: A Game Changer for Various Professions

Right? And I think these agents are going to change the name of the game from anyone, whether you're a teacher, whether you're a coach, whether you're a nurse, whether you're a doctor, whether you're a painter, whether you're a consultant. So all these things are all of a sudden, in the first time in history, are scalable. So for instance, let's take Tony Robbins because he's a very famous coach, right? How does Tony Robbins take advantage of his skill, knowing that he has limited time and resources?

The Future of Coaching and Knowledge Scaling

So he will organize these big conventions where he's going to bring over two, 3500 people, maybe even thousands of people. But that would happen just three events. But how could he personally scale his time so that he can also do one one coaching and make himself self available to more and more customers and clients? Well, all of a sudden, right now, AI agents are mainly text and audio.

Advancements in AI Agent Technology

But imagine the day, which, as we're sure here, that's going to come very quickly, that your AI agent will be video and it will essentially be a Tony Robbins. With all the knowledge that Tony Robbins has. Well, then all of a sudden he doesn't need to have x amount of conventions per year because he can scale his know how he can scale it, not just to clients, but to his friends, to his family, and even beyond the day he passes and dies.

Final Thoughts on AI Agents in Crypto

So I think, once again, AI agents is something that we really need to look into. I think it's going to be the hottest narrative in crypto this year and the years to come. So super excited to be on board. Awesome. Awesome.

Conclusion and Engagement with Audience

Well, guys, before, you know, we all get replaced by AI agents, make sure you go and give a momate, Alex from Swissborg, Mark from Aether, a follow. We've got an upcoming sale going on with Momate on Swissborg, which you guys can access, which was what Alex was talking about earlier, where you can, you know, become the VC effectively and effectively get involved early at a lower FDB than many other people will be able to access. This is very exciting, particularly to be able to gain access to an industry.

Final Reflections and Appreciation

Guys, I hope you enjoyed today's first Twitter space from the house of Crypto. It's been incredibly insightful to look into the future of AI agents, take on board the advice these guys have just given you. Definitely go and spend some time looking into AI agents and how they will impact the future and how you can use them to better your own skills, your own businesses, or anything you particularly are working on right now. So thanks very much, guys.

Looking Ahead

Thanks for joining us and I will see you all soon. Thank you.

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