Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Evolution of Privacy Systems in Blockchain. hosted by AscendEX_. The Twitter space ‘The Evolution of Privacy Systems in Blockchain’ delved into the crucial role of privacy protocols in securing digital transactions and ensuring user confidentiality within decentralized finance platforms. Experts highlighted the significance of user awareness, collaborative efforts, and continuous advancements in enhancing privacy measures to address cybersecurity challenges and build a more secure digital ecosystem. The discussions emphasized the importance of regulatory compliance, data protection innovations, and user-centric solutions in shaping the evolution of privacy frameworks within blockchain networks.

For more spaces, visit the Unique Projects page.


Q: Why are privacy systems crucial in blockchain technology?
A: Privacy systems are essential for securing digital transactions, protecting sensitive data, and ensuring user confidentiality within decentralized finance (DeFi).

Q: How do privacy protocols enhance trust in blockchain applications?
A: Privacy protocols contribute to increased trust by addressing concerns related to data breaches, identity theft, and unauthorized access.

Q: What role does user awareness play in privacy-focused developments?
A: User awareness is pivotal in empowering individuals to make informed decisions about their data protection and online interactions.

Q: Why is collaboration important in establishing robust privacy frameworks?
A: Collaboration among experts and regulatory bodies is crucial to setting up robust privacy frameworks that enhance security and transparency in blockchain networks.

Q: What benefits do privacy systems in blockchain offer beyond individual users?
A: Privacy systems not only benefit individual users but also contribute to building a more secure and transparent digital ecosystem.

Q: How do continuous advancements in privacy systems address cybersecurity challenges?
A: Continuous advancements in privacy systems aim to adapt to emerging cybersecurity threats and ensure ongoing protection of user information and digital assets.

Q: What is the impact of privacy-focused developments on blockchain security standards?
A: Privacy-focused developments reflect the industry’s commitment to enhancing security standards and protecting user information within blockchain networks.

Q: How do privacy measures contribute to the adoption of blockchain technology?
A: Enhanced privacy measures play a crucial role in increasing trust and adoption of blockchain-based systems and applications.

Q: What are the key concerns that privacy systems address within blockchain networks?
A: Privacy systems address concerns related to data breaches, identity theft, and unauthorized access, ensuring the security and confidentiality of user information.

Q: How do privacy-focused collaborations impact the evolution of blockchain technology?
A: Collaborative efforts between industry experts and regulatory bodies drive the evolution of privacy frameworks, enhancing security and transparency in blockchain networks.


Time: 12:05:41
The Importance of Privacy Protocols in DeFi Exploring how privacy protocols in DeFi platforms enhance user security and confidentiality to foster trust.

Time: 14:20:12
Enhanced Data Protection Measures Discussing the evolution of data protection measures in blockchain and their impact on user privacy.

Time: 15:45:29
User Empowerment through Privacy Awareness Highlighting the significance of user awareness in enabling informed decisions regarding data protection.

Time: 17:30:57
Collaborative Efforts for Privacy Frameworks Examining the role of collaboration among industry experts and regulators in establishing robust privacy frameworks.

Time: 20:10:18
Continuous Advancements in Privacy Systems Exploring how ongoing advancements in privacy systems address emerging cybersecurity threats and challenges.

Time: 22:15:40
Building a Secure Digital Ecosystem Emphasizing how privacy systems in blockchain contribute to enhancing security and transparency in the digital landscape.

Time: 25:55:22
User-Centric Privacy Solutions Discussing the development of user-centric privacy solutions to give individuals more control over their personal information.

Time: 28:40:11
Regulatory Compliance and Privacy Examining the impact of regulatory compliance on privacy measures within blockchain networks.

Time: 30:25:19
Privacy Innovation in Decentralized Systems Exploring innovative privacy solutions within decentralized systems and their implications for user data protection.

Time: 32:10:05
Privacy Challenges and Solutions Addressing key challenges in privacy protection and discussing evolving solutions to enhance user privacy in blockchain technology.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the significance of privacy systems in blockchain technology is paramount for securing digital transactions.
  • Privacy protocols play a vital role in safeguarding sensitive data and ensuring user confidentiality in decentralized finance (DeFi).
  • Enhanced privacy measures contribute to increased trust and adoption of blockchain-based systems and applications.
  • Innovations in privacy systems are crucial for addressing concerns related to data breaches, identity theft, and unauthorized access.
  • The evolution of privacy systems in blockchain reflects the industry’s commitment to enhancing security standards and protecting user information.
  • User awareness about privacy protocols is essential to empower individuals to make informed decisions regarding their data protection and online activities.
  • Privacy-focused developments in blockchain technology aim to provide users with greater control over their personal information and digital assets.
  • Continuous advancements in privacy systems demonstrate the ongoing efforts to adapt to emerging cybersecurity threats and challenges.
  • Collaboration among industry experts and regulatory bodies is key to establishing robust privacy frameworks in blockchain networks.
  • Privacy systems in blockchain not only benefit individual users but also contribute to building a more secure and transparent digital ecosystem.

Behind the Mic

Opening Remarks

Hello. Good morning, everyone. I want to welcome you to the AMA for today. Thank you for joining. Thank you for joining the AMA on time. So we’re going to start right away. So. And, I don’t know if our speaker is in the House. I am. Oh, sure. You’re welcome, Ruben. So it’s nice, a pleasure having you here. So. And I’m sure it’s going to be an exciting moment. Thank you for joining this AMA once more. So before we go into the sections of the AMA, let me give you a briefings of the section we are going to take, starting from the introduction of the guest, to the introduction of the speaker, and also to the introduction of the project and live questions from our audience. So please hang in with us.

Introducing the Speaker

I was going to ask my first question, and Ruben, please can you introduce yourself to the community? We want to know a brief information about to you. Can you tell us who you are? And I believe if the community knows a little knowledge about you, they will give us more attention to say, I think we are listening to a veteran or a crypto dj, so can you give us a brief introduction about yourself? Sure. Thanks. Thanks for having me. And, you know, it’s really happy to be here, especially, I think, since we recently got listed on SNdex, and I think what were informed was like, you know, your community wanted it. And so it’s a big honor and pleasure to be here. So I’ll give a little bit of info about myself. My name is Ruben. I’m actually from Malaysia. I’ve been in cryptocurrency since about, I would say 2012, 2013, so quite a while. Not the most OG, but I think og enough.

Ruben’s Background

And I’ve been really focused about privacy. And I actually come from a legal background. I was actually a lawyer for ten years. And how I actually got into cryptocurrency was I was running a VPN service because my government was censoring me and all these payment processors were blocking me and saying, oh, you can’t do VPN business, even though now it’s so commonplace. And I decided like, wow, that’s so ridiculous. I’m doing nothing illegal, but all these payment processes, financial institutions don’t allow me to do my business. And the one that did, PayPal, was charging me like 3.4% conversion fees and $0.50 every single transaction. I was like, this is ridiculous. And that’s how I went down the crypto rabbit hole. And, yeah, so I guess I’m the lead, I guess more like a project, steward of the project, and I, we’ve been around since 2016, and, yeah, so I think that’s a bit about myself.

Discussion on Privacy in Crypto

Wow. Wow. I’m really. I’m really impressed. I’m really impressed. I’m sure that we’re gonna learn a lot from your wealth of experience and the crypto. It means freedom. Yes. So coming to crypto, meaning you’ve gotten the freedom you have been looking for. So I’m so happy I haven’t gotten your wealth of experience. I know that our audience are going to be really enlightened regarding the evolution of privacy systems in the blockchain. So thank you so much for that brief introduction. So I am your host at serial Ascendex today, community manager. So I’m going to be taking us as a host for today. So I’m going to start my first question.

The Fyro Project

Ruben, are you ready with me? Of course. Yeah, always. Yeah, sure. And I can feel the vibe. So I’m going to start with my first question about the Fyro project. What made you to decide to develop and grow Firo? Can you give me some maybe possible heart touching stories or inspiration you might have? What made you decided to develop and grow Firo project? Yeah. So Firo actually started with a previous name called Z Coin back in 2016. And back then, altcoins were very different. Altcoins were basically, oh, let’s change bitcoin’s block time, let’s change the mining algorithm. It didn’t really have any sort of real innovation. And z coin, as it was back then, really set out to try to solve the issues of privacy.

Innovations in Privacy

The first coin that actually used zero knowledge proofs. That’s a very little known fact that people tend to overlook. And Firo is all about private payments, and it’s actually really one of these key pillars of what cryptocurrency is supposed to be about, which is like this uncensorable infrastructure for money. But that’s kind of been overlooked recently. Everyone’s into the meme coins, the AI coins, the NFTs, and that’s fine, but we shouldn’t lose focus on what cryptocurrencies were supposed to be. It was supposed to be this uncensorable alternate financial system. So we shouldn’t forget about that, because more and more nowadays, countries are moving away from cash. They’re saying, like, oh, this is a cashless place. You can’t use cash. And now you also have central bank digital currencies, and people don’t see the risk that this poses to individual liberty.

Concerns About Government Control

Because just imagine if you have a money that is controlled by the government can choose the freeze funds. It can choose what you can spend your money on, or even a time limit where you can spend your money on, or, you know, it can even see everything that you are using the money for. And you may not be doing anything illegal, but this is like a real big, like, control, right? It’s like, how do you defend your personal liberty or fight against oppressive government if your money can just be frozen or taken away from you with a click of a button? And this is very personal to me because, you know, in Malaysia, our government, unfortunately, you know, is trying to really censor us. It tried to, you know, restrict what we can do on the Internet, you know, censoring websites, even I.

The Imminent Threat of E-Invoicing

Things that were against the government, just like, you know, criticizing the government. And now, you know, in the next, like, in the next few months, my government is actually implementing something called e invoicing, which means every single transaction, including, like, let’s say I go purchase something like a coffee, is being reported directly to the government. And people don’t see this now. They think, like, oh, e invoicing doesn’t sound right. But. But is it right for a government, even if you trust them, to actually have every single transaction detail of every single person, how do you fight against an authoritarian government like that? And I’m not anti government. I’m just against government surveillance and overreach.

Upholding Financial Liberties

So I guess Firo is kind of answer to that, where we really want to uphold the initial values of cryptocurrency, of this uncensorable money. And one way is to do privately, and there’s this saying, you know, it says, power tends to corrupt, but absolute power corrupts absolutely. Right. You need privacy for free speech. And one of the stronger ways to express free speech is through how you spend your money. And you should really protect that. So, yeah, that’s why we do what we do. Wow. Wow. That is quite comprehensive. Believe me, I really got to the point in full details. And I will say the surveillance that the government has been having recently on users is too overwhelming.

Privacy as a Crucial Need

We need some privacy a bit. How can the invoice be taken for just getting a coffee? And that’s incredible. Really, really incredible. So I’m sure that the Fyro project is what we need currently, and I’m sure that with this definition and this set goals we are ready to set for the sky. So, but let me ask you my second question. Can you give me a brief explanation of how pharaoh, previously known as the z coin, has contributed towards cryptocurrency privacy. Now, you’ve told me the problems you saw that made you develop this coin, and you told me all the scenarios about it of which is really inspiring and exciting. But can you also give me a brief explanation of how the fyro, which was previously known as the z coin, so it was known as the z coin before, but how has it contributed to the cryptocurrency privacy?

Development of Privacy Protocols

Sure. So, actually, unlike many other privacy coins, we are the one, the very few, that actually develop our own privacy protocols, right? It’s not like, oh, we adopted it or copied it from someone else. Like, there’s hundreds of coins that copy Monero’s privacy protocol. There’s maybe a couple of hundreds that also copy zcash privacy protocol. We actually develop our very own ZKP, or zero knowledge proof type of privacy protocol. And we actually started with what was called zerocoin, not to be confused with zcash zero cash protocol, which is a totally different protocol. And it was actually, you know, the very first, like, ZKP type of protocol. And it was, you know, in 2018, it was actually the second most used privacy protocol. I mean, not just our project, but we pioneered it.

Evolving Privacy Innovations

But many other projects, like Pivx and many others use this protocol called Zerocoin. So we actually, you know, move across that. We, you know, found vulnerabilities, but we also improved upon it. And now from zerocoin, we move to something called Sigma. From Sigma, we move to something called the lanthouse, which actually opened up a whole new field of privacy protocol development. For example, Triptych, which was a proposal for Monero, was inspired by our work. And Beam, which is another privacy coin, also used something called Lelantus member Wimble, which was also inspired from our original work called Lalantis. But just this year, in January 2024, we launched our new privacy protocol, which is called Lelander Spark, which is something we are very proud of because it really provides really comprehensive privacy.

Key Features of Privacy Protocols

It hides the sender, it hides the receiver. It hides the amount. It does. So with very high anonymity stats. What does it mean? You’re hiding in a very big crowd. And this work was actually very influential. For example, Monero, which is number one privacy coin in market cap, took a lot of influence from our way. That led to the development of serifs, which is currently a potential candidate to upgrade Monero’s privacy. So it shows that our work is not like just in its own little echo chamber. It’s not just that we’re copying, we’re actually developing real privacy protocols that are influencing the giants in the privacy space. And we’re doing this with a very small team and a very small but focused team, and, you know, I would say very community based.

Adoption of Innovative Measures

So this is something I’m, like, really proud of. And on top of that, we actually, the first coin that actually launched live with what we call something called Dandelion Plus, which actually means that when you do a transaction on our blockchain, your IP address, you don’t need to use a VPN, you don’t need to use a tor. There’s already a high level of obfuscation. That means you cannot hire a transaction to an IP address. So, yeah, these are some of the ways that we’ve contributed the privacy. We’ve also developed, like, privacy voting protocols. But that’s, I think, I guess, beyond the scope of this AMA. Yeah.

Unique Contributions to Privacy

Oh, really amazing. I can see the uniqueness your teams carries together. Not just a copycat of the Monero’s privacy protocol, but having a development. I can see the upgrade from Z coin to Lalantos and Sigma and all of that. I can see the moves. So I see that the team is really committed to making fyro projects a privacy one for the cryptocurrency blockchain. Indeed. So, and I can see that a lot of hard work have been done by the team to make sure that this is as unique as possible. So I want to really comment on that. And I said that the team is doing a good job. So.

Comparative Analysis of Protocols

But I want to find out what are the benefits of the virus Lalanthus park protocol versus the Moneros ring CT and Zcash occurred. Let me come again. What are the benefits of Firo Lalanthus park protocol versus menorah Rink City and Zikash Occad? Did you get my question? Yes, yes, of course. I mean, the latest spark is obviously, I think I would say, one of the top privacy protocols out there in terms of feature set and the level of privacy afforded. And Monero’s current protocol, called Ringct, which is like improved version of ring signatures, currently only offers a very limited anonymity set and transaction.

Understanding the Privacy Model

What that means is one way I always explain it is, okay, I’m in a lift and I let out a fart, right? Like, you know, I just have a tummy ache. I let out a smelly fart, right? If I’m the only person in the lift, it’s just like ethereum and bitcoin. Everyone’s like, this person made a fart in the lift, right? There’s no hiding that. Monero’s kind of like, model means like, I dragged 15 other people inside the lift with me, and then now I fart, and now, like, oh, it could be one of these 16 people in the lift, right? Obviously, like, you know, 16 isn’t a very large number, but, you know, because of the way it’s done, it’s private by default.

Anonymity Sets Comparison

And all of that, this process repeats over and over, so it offers a good level of privacy. But still, it’s only kind of like 16 anonymity set per transaction, right? So that’s one of the drawbacks of Monero’s ringct. While, for example, Lelanthus spark is kind of like in the, like, 30,000, 40,000, 60,000 is much higher than, let’s say, just 16, right? So offers much greater anonymity sets than Monero. The other thing that’s also really important is that what we have, something, what we call view keys, and view keys, means that because when everything is private, you need to have a way to disclose certain things, like maybe it’s for tax purposes or you want to watch a wallet of that you’re not in control of.

Compliance and Transparency

Maybe it’s a donation address. And our addresses actually support both incoming and outgoing view keys, meaning that you can see the whole balance of the coin. While Monero only supports incoming. That means you only can see things that go in but not go out. So you don’t really know what the balance is. Even if you wanted to disclose, it’s not possible. So this also has a lot of, I would say, ramifications with compliance and things like that. The other thing is that multi signature support, when you want to do cross chain bridges and all this something you need. Very efficient multisig. It is not very efficient in ringct, but Sparks protocol is very efficient and supports frost style multisig.

Comparative Protocol Efficiency

But then again, Monero has its upcoming upgrade. I’m not really sure when it’s going to be launched. It does resolve a lot of this, but still expected that our protocol, we remain more efficient despite these changes. Now, Zcash Orchard protocol is a really good piece of work. It uses this cutting edge hello tool that has a really great feature set and really high anonymity. But the work is so complex, and it’s so complex that only a few researchers, and mostly those that work within Zcash, really truly understand it completely. And it’s kind of using kind of like exotic cryptography. It’s not a bad thing, necessarily.

Modularity and Adaptability

It’s, I guess just more using more exotic type of stuff. But SPARC is using much more well proven, I would say, cryptographic primitives. And it’s also designed to be modular. That means we can swap things in and out. That means like, oh, there’s something better here. Instead of revamping the whole system, we can take out this ZKP and replace it with a new one, which makes it a, first of all, I think, very easy to analyze security. That means when things are modular, it’s easy to see, okay, is this safe? Is this safe, is this safe? Rather than one huge ZKP circuit? That’s very hard to see all the moving parts.

Future Potential and Innovations

And it’s also easy to upgrade because you can take this portion out and replace something in. I think that’s in a nutshell, not meaning that these other privacy protocols are bad, but I think the lanthouse spark really offers very competitive privacy protocol that some other privacy protocols do not achieve. Yeah. Wow. Wow. Like this part you really explain regarding how the fog can be and within BTC and Ethereum and when they are insisting. So the difference in being easily supported due to the.

Initial Impressions of the Project

I can see a physical relation to your project. This is a sign that is not copy and paste. Like, the team knows this hand and glove. So I’ve gone through your words and I’ve said, no, the team really knows this project and are set for the sky. And what even baffles me the more is when you mentioned the orchard protocol having a very high anomicity that cannot be seen by developers with the recent way projects are being hacked and being compromised. So having this kind of high, sophisticated form of coding will go a long way to keep the projects last long for a longer time. So thank you for making that question, Krista Claire. So your dedication to this project is making it move to its newest height.

Consensus Mechanisms

So. But can you share with us a little bit on Pharaoh’s hybrid consensus mechanism and its benefits? Did you get the question, or should I come again? No, I got your question. So. So, you know, most other, I would say many other blockchains have, I would say, like, one main consensus mechanism, be it proof of work, you know, which everyone understands, proof of stake, ethereum, or some sort of like, BFT, byzantine fault tolerance. And there are many variants of that, like tendermint and hot stuff and things like that. Right, which has its own pros and cons. So Firo actually uses a hybrid system, meaning that we actually have proof of work consensus, but we also have something called masternodes, which provides almost two layers of security. What that means is actually like, you know, unlike in proof of work where you’re subject to a 51% attack, the hybrid system means that to actually successfully attack or chain, you both have to control 51% of the hash rate and also own a lot of fero and control the masternode infrastructure. To be able to make a double spend and things like that.

Security Features of Firo

It’s almost like two layers of security. And if for whatever reason, the master nodes like how attack and whatnot, it also fell back to proof of what consensus mechanism. So it’s a really nice kind of way to offer two layers of security. The things that really make it kind of unique is that this consensus mechanism enables things like instant block finality. So what does that mean with a proof of work chain? You know how you notice when you deposit something, it’s like, oh, wait for 20 confirmation, 30 confirmations, or let’s say bitcoin, is there like two or three confirmations? One confirmation may not be secure because it’s not final. There’s still that possibility that a longer chain will override it and reorganize the chain. With our system. The blocks become final a couple of seconds after they’ve been found. That means once you see the block is confirmed, there’s not going to be any other reorganization anymore. What that means is there’s a lot of security, which is why certain exchanges, they’re very comfortable to say, okay, yeah, we’ll recognize FiRo with one block information.

Transaction Confirmation and User Experience

So some exchanges, I’m not sure if Ascendex does it, but this is, some of the exchanges are comfortable with that. On top of that, we also have what we call instance send, which makes transactions confirm even before a block is confirmed. So even if there’s like, you know, our block time is 2.5 minutes, you don’t actually have to wait 2.5 minutes. Within a couple of seconds, you actually see that your transaction gets locked. That means even though a block is not found, there will be no conflicting transactions. They will be able. So that means there’s a face to face transaction within 510 seconds, which is equivalent to you swiping your card. You know that your transaction is finer. The merchant can say, okay, you can go off rather than waiting there for x number of minutes or something like that. So I think this is really important for adoption. So we actually won the very few projects that have adopted this master net consensus mechanism with this, what we call LMQs and chain locks. So this is, I think, a very big, a big thing that is often overlooked.

Masternodes and Economic Incentives

People don’t really see the benefits of this, but it’s really important for face to face transactions and for like, you’re talking about being used as payments now, masternodes are quite interesting. They require like 1000 fero to host, and you don’t even need to expose your private key online. You can keep it safe in the hardware wallet. And if you host a master note, you currently use a yemenite 70% and soon to be 22% per annum. So, you know, it’s profitable to also host a master note. You set up a VPS, you sign a certain transaction, you prove that you have 1000 fero, and you’re now contributing to the network and also earning passively through the block rewards that go towards the master note. So that’s how it is. You can also mine it, but, yeah.

Concerns about Security and Attacks

Okay, now that’s impressive. Thank you. So, but I want to find out, you said for if to make it possible to compromise the hybrid master node or to compromise the website, the hacker might need to hold 51% of the hash rate and also a significant proportion of the master node network. And I just want to chip in this. You know how desperate hackers can be sometimes. So what of if a hacker can go to any length to have this? Do you have any way to dodge there? You know how desperate those hackers can be? So if a hacker holds 51% of the hash rates and also owes a major proportion of the master keynote, so does it mean the project is gone? I mean, to be even able to acquire, if a hacker is desperate, I think it would acquire, I mean, like, just imagine right now there are like almost 4000 masternodes, right?

The Cost of Compromising the Network

That means to be able to compromise it, let’s say you need about 2000 masternodes, which is like 2 million fero, you need to buy that fero, and obviously that’s going to keep on pushing the price up. And then after that, when you attack the coin, the price of the coin is going to go down. So why? You already acquired 2 million euro and now you are having to attack your own investment into it. Unlike with like mining hash rate, right, where you attack the coin, you know, use all your like 60,000 gpu’s to attack the coin. I double spend, I’m like, okay, yes, I still have the GPU’s. Ready to use. I can use it for other things, but here, because there’s two layers, you need to get that and you also need to buy fearow.

Technical Possibilities and Economic Implications

So, yes, of course, anything is technically possible. I mean, it’s technically possible to 51% attack bitcoin, but you are also hurting yourself. Right. So it is not impossible. But the hacker will probably lose money attacking it. Make it so. So, yeah, I don’t know if that makes more sense to you. I think that makes more sense, yeah, I think that makes more sense because if the hackers does not lose anything, definitely he will see this as a glad opportunity. But if he’s going to lose, I think he has to reconsider his steps.

Developments in Firo’s Pipeline

But let me just go to my last question, last but not the least for this segment, before we go to the next segment. Thank you for hanging with us all our audience. Thank you so much for joining the AMA. So my last question for this segment would be what exciting developments are in the Firo’s pipeline? So it seems the teams. The team. The team are set for the sky. And me hearing all your proposals and all the plans and the definitions, I know that the team has a good foundation and a very solid foundation for that. So. But can you give me any exciting development that are currently in the project’s pipeline? Did you get the question? Sure. Yes. Yeah.

Upcoming Features and Innovations

So the question like, you know, basically what’s coming, right. And basically one of the things that’s coming pretty soon, I would say in the next, maybe two to three months or so, is something, what we call spot names. The name, the name isn’t really confirmed yet, but the idea is that, you know, right now, when you want to send to an address, it’s just like this really weird long string of numbers. Of course there’s something like ens, you can send like, you know, Ruben Eth or something like this. So something like this, except that it’s going to be done in a very privacy preserving way. So that means I tie, let’s say, elias Rubin to a particular spark address.

Privacy Preservation and Fees

And now we’re going to do it in such that there’s a registration fee and it’s renewable. It’s kind of like, you know, like you’re registering a domain like rubin.com. right. And these fees will go towards the community fund that can be used for development or other type of activities, whatever the community wants to use these funds for. Now, the beautiful thing is that now instead of having to send to this long string of addresses, I can send to, like Elias Rubin, right? And unlike other systems where, you know, I look up Elias Rubin and I can see all the different transactions that happen on this alliance, which is really bad, right? It’s just imagine like, hey, let me look at Syria’s, you know, bank account.

Discreet Transfers and Email Analogy

And basically I look up your blockchain address and I see all the transactions you bought. Maybe you bought some meme coins. Maybe you did something right with spark addresses. You can’t, because you cannot see what a spark address does. When you try to put a spark address on the blockchain explorer, nothing comes up, but yet people can still send to you. So I think a good way to think about it is kind of like an email address. I give you my email address. Anyone can send to it. It. But no one can see what I’m writing inside my email and stuff like that. So that’s how we approach it.

Vanity Names and Community Development

And Elias’s allow people to like, you know, have many vanity names. I want to say, I only want to have Elias A. I’m going to pay a lot for it. It goes and funds community development, but it also makes it very easy for people to send money to me. I’m like, yeah, send it to Elias Rubin rather than having to remember some very long Spark name. So I think that’s really good. That’s in like the next two or three months. The thing that really excites me, which I would say is game changing, is the introduction of something we call Spark assets.

Expanding Functionality with Spark Assets

Right now, Firo is just a privacy coin. You use it for payments you send, it works great. You can use it for traveling. You can use the traveler.com and stay in millions of hotels and flights all over the world. You can do this today with Firo. But what Spark assets allows is that we extended spark technology to be able for regular users like yourself to create your own privacy preserving tokens. So it’s kind of like ERC 20, but ERC 20 has no privacy. You can see all these tokens. A goes to b, b goes to c, spark assets. You can’t see whether who it transfers to.

Privacy Features of Spark Assets

You can’t even see what is being transferred. So that means, like, you know how on ethereum you can see, oh, USDC being transferred. USDT being transferred. Ethereum is being transferred, or like Shiba Inu is being transferred. We spark assets. Even the asset type is hidden. That means whether you transfer a meme coin, Firo, or a stable coin, it all looks the same on the blockchain. You just see a transaction has happened. Receiver sender amounts all hidden so that means Firo no longer just becomes a privacy coin, but it becomes like a whole privacy ecosystem.

Firo as the Gas for a Privacy Ecosystem

And Firo is going to be used as the gas to fill this ecosystem. And you can do this because FiRo is inbuilt privacy at the protocol level. You may be able to achieve this using Ethereum using a bunch of smart contracts, relayer fees and all this sort of expensive hacky workarounds. And it’s because these chains are not privacy native. Vero is going to be privacy native. It is privacy native. So all these things, you know, the privacy features all come in built and we will even allow people to create like voting tokens. You can hold elections on it, you can even have private nfts, right?

Private NFTs and Future Developments

Like you can show off that you have an NFT, but people don’t need to see whenever it changes hands and things like that. And yet people still know that this is a legit NFT and that’s not been seen in the market right now. So this is something I would say like maybe in the next six to eight months. We already have done quite a lot of work on it. Now it’s a matter of integrating it, but I think this is really a big game changer for Firo that makes it not just like a privacy coin, but the whole privacy ecosystem.

Opening the Floor for Questions

So yeah, I guess I’m open for questions. Yeah, sure. We are getting set to get into that now. So not just a privacy coin, but a privacy ecosystem. I got that. So I can feel the vibe of fire on the air. So thank you so much. Our speaker, you are such an amazing, your wealth of experience supports what I was thinking. I was thinking, no, no, you surpass what I was thinking. So thank you so much. I was really highlighted regarding your next moves and the development, especially for the spot asset and the new unique way to write my address and no one can see my assets.

Community Interaction and Questions

Yeah. Thank you so much. I really appreciate so, yeah, so all our audience, thank you so much for hanging with us. We thank you and we really appreciate your time. So without any further ado, we want to go straight to asking questions from our community here. So we will only pick five winners. We will only pick five winners for this ame. So only five questions will be accepted. So if you have a question, just lift your hand. I want you to indicate by raising a hand or giving me a thumbs up or request to speak.

Inviting Questions from the Community

So if you have a question, also give a request to speak and I will give you the opportunity to speak. Okay. So I think let’s go with Tommy. Hello, Tommy. Hello. I’m audible? Yeah, you’re audible. Thank you, sir. You cannot. Okay. It’s all right. So ask your question. Just very brief. Okay. Given the importance of interoperability in block chaining system, how does Firo plan to expand its cross chain capability, especially with. The mention of Ferrodex? What are the challenge and how are you addressing them?

Interoperability in the Blockchain Space

So, our speaker, Ruben, did you get that question? Yes, I got the question. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So, Do you want me to respond now? Yeah. Yeah, you can respond. You can give him answer. Sure. So I think the question was towards like, the interoperability of blockchains, right? Which I think, you know, what was last time I seen as kind of like, oh, you know, bitcoin is the coin to rule them all. I think we’ve gone past that and we realized there’s a need. There’s no one coin that rules them or is impossible for a coin to do, Aaron thing.

Firo’s Innovative Solutions

And we recognize that for Firo, it should not be like, oh, this standalone privacy coin, which is why we’re developing spark assets. But as you rightfully mentioned, we have developed something called Ferro Dex together with the guys that did Komodo wallet, and it allows people to do cross chain transfers of assets using atomic swaps. That means, like, I want to swap bitcoin for fearow or dogecoin for Ferro or the other way, I want to sell firo for Dogecoin and all this sort of things. This is already possible. Today we have something called Ferridex.

User-Friendly Exchange Options

You download it. There’s also going to be a website that you can just put your wallet in and it’s totally p two p, meaning that there’s no custodial exchange. You’re swapping directly with the other person. And this means that you can swap from BNB, from Ethereum, from dogecoin, from many, many other chains without any sort of intermediaries, which is, I think, answers to your interoperability question. We have some plans for bridges. That means that we want to be able for other, like let’s say like a stable coin. Right.

Future Plans for Stable Coins

It’s unlikely for USDC or USDT to natively issue stable coins on our blockchain, but we have in the works whereby people can, like, you know, deposit this thing into a bridge and that will be bridged into a spark asset on the chain. That means we have stable now stable coins that are working on fearospark assets. That’s a bit trickier, but it is in the works.

Cross-Chain Solutions Challenges

So these, I would say, are the main things. We already have a working cross chain, Dax, that works today, but we’re also working on cross chain bridges to make this possible. But it is hard to do this in a trustless manner. Many bridges are kind of like custodial in nature, whereby there’s a multi state that is holding all these assets, which is actually a risk. And we really want to try to avoid custodial solutions wherever that’s possible. So that’s one of the challenges. So, yeah.

Winners Announcement

All right. Thank you so much for making it clear for Tommy. So, I believe Tommy has gotten his answer. So let me give the nest. So that will be a valid winner. So Tommy is our first winner for today. Let me give the next person. I see acid. Yeah, I think acid isn’t made a speaker yet. there we go. Yeah, here we go. Sure. So I see that. I’ll mute your microphone. Asi. Hello, Maribi. Yeah, you’re audible. So ask your question.

Question about Fiore’s Mechanisms

Thank you very much. Make it. Thank you very much. Yeah, make it. Okay. My question is, Fiore has a unique burning and redeeming mechanisms for privacy. Idea plans to extend the concept of tokenization or smart contracts within ecosystem. As speaker. I don’t know if we answered that question before. Are we answered that question before? I didn’t quite catch the full question.

Addressing Compliance and Regulatory Concerns

Yeah, please. Asid, can you come again? Okay, my question. My question is, fear has a unique burning and redeeming mechanisms for privacy. Are there plans to extend the concept to asset tokenization or smart contract functionalities within its ecosystem? Yes, I think we’ve already answered it with introduction of spark assets. I don’t think we’re actually going into full blown smart contract functionality otherwise. Yes, I think we’ve addressed that in the. In the previous part. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Okay.

Regulatory Strategies

Okay, my question again. We are there any. We addressed that. We addressed that already. So I said, you will not be the winner. We’ll be selecting another question. So we want someone that has been being with us with the ame from the start. So we don’t want. During question time, we remove Aseed and let’s pick another speaker. Hello, mercy. Hello, Mister Larry. I’m muted.

Transitioning Speakers

I’m muted right now. So I. Okay, yeah. I just have to bring order. So I don’t. So sorry, I mute your microphone speaker. I just have to mute everyone’s mic, too, because that speaker was not the winner. So. Yes. Mike, unmute your microphone, Mike. Mike, can you unmute your microphone? Yes. You are audible. Yeah, audible.

Compliance with Privacy Enhancing Technologies

Address regulatory concerns related to privacy enhancing technologies. What strategies are in place to ensure compliance with involving regulations? Thank you. Thank you. Yeah, I got that question. So, basically, I think the question was, how does FiRo handle compliance, especially with increasing regulatory pressure, especially on privacy preserving assets. Right. So I think that’s how I understand the question.

Compliance and Privacy Balance

So, actually, this is something that we’re very on the ball with. Right. Obviously, as a privacy asset, we have been under a lot of pressure from many places. I think the biggest one, which will be the US Department of Justice, and also the new rules in Europe called mica, which is the market and crypto assets regulation. Now, you’ll notice that actually, binance placed a monitoring tag on us because of this privacy regulatory risk, including other privacy coins like Zcash and even Monero before they were delisted because of these privacy concerns.

Exchange Addresses Development

But we actually were actually the ones that developed something called exchange addresses, which allows the exchange to have compliant address types. That means that they cannot directly receive the privacy asset. It has to go through a transparent address first. And so far, that meets all the privacy requirements that is required by law. So were actually the ones that came up with this idea, and then Zcash adopted it and Pivx adopted it and a couple of other privacy coins that adopted it, which is why they have remained on binance despite the regulatory pressure now.

Maintaining Compliance with Privacy

So this is obviously something that we need to be very careful because obviously, compliance is important. We don’t want to have illicit activities and stuff. But I really strongly disagree for those projects that have either removed their privacy or they have backdoors into the privacy whereby, oh, you know, just because somebody asked me, I can de anonymize the transaction, which I think is really goes against the spirit of what privacy about. So we have to balance compliance with the need with individual privacy, and we’ve done so with exchange addresses.

Looking Ahead at Regulatory Developments

And if need be, we also have all these real key support that we can give to them. So I think we’re actually ahead of the curve there without really, like, you know, compromising individual user privacy. So I think for the moment, it’s a good balance. We have to see how the regulatory situation develops. But for now, we’ll find, for now, we’re compliant. Yeah.

Scope of DaX Infrastructure

But I think kind of really highlights why we need DaX infrastructure. Right. Because we’re not doing illegal activity. The evidence that our chain is being used for illegal activity is very low. And sometimes it feels a bit like they have some other purpose. They want to control the cryptocurrencies, and that’s why they want to ban privacy assets. So.

Concluding Remarks

Yeah. Yeah, so, sure. Thank you very much. My speaker. Thank you for making it crystal clear. I believe Mike has got any reply to his question. Our speaker. I can hear you. All right. All right. So can you ask your question, light? Make it brief. I’ve already asked my question in respect of a regulatory compliance.

Choosing Another Speaker

Yeah, we have asked. We have answered that question already. So let me choose another person. All right, so I think luck was not on light side. Light said, someone has asked his question. Ruben guy, did you hear that? Yeah, I did. It’s a valid concern. You know, everyone’s scared of the regulations. So it’s a major question.

Concerns About Regulations

Anyway, I’m not surprised. Anyway, so it’s a major question. So we only have two winners now. So. Mitton. Mitton, hope you have a unique question. I’ll mute your microphone. Mitton? Yeah. Mitton, you can speak. Yeah. See, this is a chemical engineer. Yeah, chemical engineer.

Technical Issues and Session Progress

So I think his question will be organized. So. I think he might be having some network issues. Oh, let me choose another speaker. We don’t have time. Okay. I think Locke has fallen on Ben. Hello, Ben. Yes, you are audible, Ben.

Strategizing for Adoption

All right, my question. All right, thank you for bringing me up. My question is, what are the strategy for promoting the adoption of its privacy features? Thank you. wait, I think we’ve answered that question already.

Confirmation of Previous Question

our speaker. Can you confirm with me? I think we’ve answered that question. it’s a bit generic, but I don’t think so. What are the ways to promote? Right. I mean, it’s quite. I’ll leave it up to you.

Addressing Promotion Strategies

I can answer the question, but, Yeah. So. Okay. I think if we have. Won’t answer the question, then just give a little touch on it, then. So I think we’ve not talk on how to promote fear virus. I don’t think we’ve talked on that.

Enhancing Promotion Discussion

So I think just give a little light. Yeah, I mean, like, obviously, you say promotional strategies, right? I mean, obviously, I think one as. As a privacy coin, you know, we want to be able to be accepted and more businesses.

Integrations and Adoption Plans

Right. Because there’s no point if we can’t spend Firo at our day to day places and then call ourselves a privacy coin, when all you can do is just speculate for the price to go up. So obviously we’re working on many big integrations. Of course, the biggest one that we have is like travala log trip, where you can spend your fero for travel flights and all of that.

Acceptance Across Locations

We also actually integrated with biance pay, which is actually accepted in many, many places. In UAE, in malls, you can pay directly using firo for that. We also integrated with coin payments, now payments, but this thing is always like a continuous thing. We want to be accepted as most places.

Focusing on Ecosystem Expansion

So we’re actively reaching out to businesses to accept this. But I also think that one of the ways to get federal adoption higher is not just to just focus on the payment element, but to also focus on the spark assets ecosystem. Because if you want to deploy an asset on spark assets, you need Firo, right?

Web3 Ecosystem Engagement

You have spark aliases, you have all these other features that is Firo native. You want a private NFT, you still need Firo. All these encourage, I would say, web three economies, rather than just focusing on web two real, not real, but in the flash type of businesses. I think one of the reasons why Ethereum and Solana has kind of, you know, attracted so much is because they offer things that only can be done within Webtree.

Diverse Promotional Initiatives

And that’s what spark assets intends to do. Right. You want to have things that you can only buy using freer. They can only buy and use within your Webtree ecosystem. So I think these are the really important things. But we’ve also started a community reach out. We have a Firo Guardians program that people can, you know, use to promote fero.

Community Engagement and Outreach

Start your own local communities and earn some feral in know. So these are all ways that we are hoping to promote pharaoh and of course, you know, organizing little amas like this that spread the word. So yeah, multifaceted question, but I hope that answers it. Yeah, yeah.

Acknowledging Community Efforts

That, that does. So. And thank you so much. I believe that question is coming from Ben because he’s also a community manager. So I think people are asking question in perspective to their own jurisdiction. So. And thank you so much.

Publicizing Utility and Use Cases

Regarding you saying that the utility and the use case is a major priority and publicizing on that foundation is a good way to publicize the project. So I don’t know if our chemical engineering questionnaire has come online. Mitton, can you hear us? Hello, Mitton, unmute your microphone meter.

Technical Difficulties and Adjustments

Oh, I think the locker is known on his side network again. So I think we’ll remove Meton and so we’ve got three winners right now. Yeah, I’ve removed him already. So, Bucky, three winners. So we have two more winners.

Conclusion of the Session

Go before we round off the session. Hello, baki, hope you are gonna give us a backy questions.

Introduction and Question Asking Guidelines

Unmute your microphone? Yeah. Hello. Yeah, please ask your question. Make sure you are not asking a repeated question that have been answered or else you won’t be picked as a winner.

Inquiring About Partnership Benefits

Okay, so I just wanted to ask, what are some of the benefits of the partnership of Ascend X? What does this partnership bring to the Fiero ecosystem? So, Ruben, I think we haven’t answered that question, right? I don’t think so. But is he asking basically what sort of partnerships we have? So I think he’s asking what, can you come again back here? You say, what are the beneficial partnership or mutualistic partnership we’ve gotten with ascendes? Is that your question? Right? Yes. Yes, that’s my question.

Answering the Question on Recommendations

Okay, Ruben, I don’t. I think we’ve answered the question. Maybe, Saria, you should answer that question. What’s the beneficial partnership between. You’re from the Sendak, right? Okay, sure. I think I’m in the right position to answer that question, so. Okay, now let me just say in few words that ascendance exchange is a tier one exchange. And we’ve been here for more than two years now.

Discussion on Exchange Characteristics

For more than two years, I’m gotten a good wealth of experience, so. And with a massive trader’s volume and massive users base, so partnering with an exchange that centers on excellence and royalty. So ascendance exchange is meant for royalty. If you look at the logo of our exchange is made with Popu, and Popu stand for royalty, so any project that comes to us are royal projects, so. And we give them a. All services that carries, including the marketing, including the MMW liquidity providing, including also the lecturing and the services we render are nameless, so we cannot exhaust it all in this call.

Highlighting Utility and Security Features

So what I would say is that projects that have high utility use case, projects that needs an exchange where they can get voiced out for their majestic and excellent property need this kind of exchange. So if you are looking for an exchange that has a high proficiency, has high dignity that you can get. So I think you should think of as exchange. So not only the providing of the liquidity that matters in the future, if possible, there might be any hack that might happen will surely any hack that will have happened has never made the exchange to fall.

Assuring User Safety and Recovery Protocols

Do you understand? So all users, all phones were recorded ever that ever happened before. So whatever that happened before, it was recovered and the person that did it was rusticated. So. And the programmers and developers we are using are high technicians, are high veterans. So. So it is very difficult for any hacker this moment to think of ascendance. So it’s a difficult game altogether. So. And I think time won’t fail me to speak more about that so that we can give more time for others to ask their questions.

On Market Dynamics and Future Foresight

So. But back here, I believe that the partnership you firo got with ascendance before that help it to bring its privacy vision into limelight, because we are aware of a lot of exchanges that they haunt people, especially big exchanges, are the hot peaks for some governmental regulator issues and other issues like that. So. But we are above it. We are above it, not that we are in compliance with all the regulatory measures. So. Okay, so we are above that. So we are here to stay and nothing to be scared about.

Showcasing Longevity and Community Engagement

So. And I want to tell you that we have been here since four years. I’ve been here for years. So back here, I believe that answers your question. One of the things I wanted to add is that Snex is one of the few exchanges still willing to list privacy preserving assets. And of course, you have your KYC and AML requirements. Not to say that you’re no KYC, but it’s not overly stringent where you’re like, oh, have to open your mouth, have to blink your eyes, have to turn your head around and around.

Community Assurance and Data Management

I think that’s a pretty good thing, especially for a privacy preserving project. So. So, yeah, thanks. Thanks for continuing to do what you do. Yeah, yeah, sure. So that makes it easier, and I’m sure that if you are in ascendance, you’re not making a mistake. I assure you, with time, you know that I’m saying the truth. So, you know for sure. Will we have enemies? Will we have confront us and those that want to oppose us and fight us.

Cautionary Measures Against Misinformation

So I want you to always confirm every information, especially from telegram, group, anyone that send you a private message. We don’t send official admins, don’t send private message, we don’t dm first. So. And ascendants will never, and we never, and can never confiscate any users fonts, so it can never happen. So please confirm every information you get from every opposers, because we are sure that, you know, crypto, what crypto is known for.

Community Participation and Competition

A lot of people want to fight biggest changes like this. So I want you to stand for the truth and make your research. As Ruben rightly said, the process to verify your KYC is not as difficult as even other exchanges. So thank you so much for supporting us. To us back. You become our fourth winner for today. So thank you so much.

Closing Remarks and Acknowledgments

Now, let’s. Thank you. All right. It’s all right. My pleasure. So now let’s go to the last, but not the least winner for today. let’s end with a banger. Yeah. Let’s draw the cutting. And we’ve been here for up to 1 hour now or close to 1 hour. So, Drox, can you hear I me? Hello? Who will be the lucky one tonight? Who will be the lucky one?

Final Thoughts from Participants

All right, so, Drox, I like to see that. Yeah, would be. Yeah, I can hear you. Yes. Yes, I can ask your question. So, what is your question? Unmute your microphone. Your microphone is muted. Yes. Hello. My question is, marketing is very important to any web three project. What has been your marketing strategy to create more allowance for your project? This question. I will answer that question already. We’ve answered that question already.

Evaluation of Participants and Discussion

So, DRX, we won’t select you as the winner. I think you are joining us in the bottom part of the soup. Okay. I think, Sam. Okay. Black crypto, who will be the lucky winner tonight? Yes. Who spoke first? Black crypto. Black crypto. Black crypto is talking. So my question is, center on your crowd funding.

Understanding Crowdfunding Strategies

Like, what are the things you look out when you want to crowdfund a project, when you are vetting a project for crowdfunding. So my speaker, I don’t know. Have we answered that question before? I don’t think so. I don’t. I couldn’t catch the question. Could you help me repeat black crypto, please? You were saying about crowdfunding. Please come again. What do you mean?

Grant Funding Insights

I. What did you say? Yes, yes. It’s about Firo crowdfunding. What are the things you look out for when vetting a project for your crowdfunding? A project seeking for grant funding. All right. Okay. Great question. That’s a good question. So Firo is funded through a variety of places, one which is through donations.

Funding Mechanisms Explained

We’ve received very generous donations. We, of course, also get a part of the block reward, and we also have the community fund, which is an independent fund that receives part of the block reward, but it’s not run by the core team. I think what black crypto is talking about is this ferocrow funding system, which you can access if you go to funding dot fr o.org, right?

Proposal Submission Process

And the idea is that it’s not for me to decide what is a good project or not to be funded. But anyone, anybody can create a proposal and say, like, look, I have this idea that I want to do for Firo. I want to develop this, I want to help market. I want to run a community managing or whatnot.

Project Evaluation by Community Members

Not. And what they do is they say, like, okay, I want 100 fero, and these are the things that I’m going to do. Right? And from that point, right, it appears in our forums, people can discuss and people say, like, oh, yeah, does this thing look legit? Does this thing look like a good idea and whatnot? And there are now two options for that.

Crowdfunding Community Engagement

So if enough community members say like, hey, that’s a good idea, I would pay money for that. And if a few of these people say, yes, we will fund it, we will move it into funding. And anybody, a community member, a core team member, or even the community fund can say, oh, let’s fund this, and then you’ll be released in milestones.

Milestone-Based Funding Mechanism

That means, like, you do your tasks, the money will be released to you, right? The fuero money will be released to you. That’s the one way. The other way is to actually directly apply to the f community fund, which is basically a committee of seven people that are elected from the community. There’s no relation to the Firo core team.

Independent Evaluation of Proposals

And these people will be like, okay, does this proposal look good? Does they clear milestones? Is it a reasonable price? Is this going to benefit Firo? We’ve had graphic design, we have audits, we’ve had community managers, and even assistance to the development team when we need more funds from that.

Evaluation Criteria for Community Funding

So these, I would say it’s basic, like, basic common sense of whether a project will be approved or not. But I guess the main thing is that, you know, is the price decent? Is the milestones? And, you know, how have you shown expertise in what you’re saying you’re going to do? Like you say, like, oh, I’m going to code and all this, but you cannot show any examples of the code that you’ve done.

Importance of Community Engagement

Obviously not. Right? And also, I think, more importantly is that you have to be made. You have to be active and try to engage the community and convince the community or the committee whether that this is a good thing to fund or not. And, you know, our recent feral Guardians program was a community proposal which is being funded at the moment through this crowdfunding process.

Encouraging Participation in Crowdfunding

So, yeah, I would, you know, I would recommend anyone who has a valid proposal to go through funding dot fr om. Anyone can open a proposal, but whether it moves to funding, it really depends whether you can get the requisite support from the community or the community fund committee. Right? So, yeah, thanks.

Closing Remarks for Participants

That’s a good question. Yeah, that’s a good question. So, black crypto, you are the last winner for tonight. So thank you for making that question. Christa Claire, our speaker. So hope you can get all the information regarding the funding and crowdfunding. So if you want to apply, just follow the procedure that was highly highlighted.

Acknowledging Participation and Future Invitations

So thank you so much, everyone. You guys are indeed amazing. So Sam, don’t be offended. We only pick only five winners for today, so. But I will encourage you to join our next AMA session. We’ll be having more AMA’s coming on board, so I will pick you next.

Continued Engagement with Participants

Sam, if you, if I see you in the next AMA session, I will pick you as a winner. And others that indicated, don’t give up, just be in the next AMA session, you will be given opportunity to ask your question. And if maybe for the brevity of time and we’re not able to answer your question, I want you to proceed over to the Fyros website.

Promoting Further Resources

So Ruben, before we give a closing remark, do you have a, and any further things to add before we close, like a website or something? Yeah, just, you know, follow our, you will see one of the people that is following this. What we got space is fero.org, which is the official, I would say, x.com or Twitter account.

Concluding the Session with Useful Links

If you go to our website@firo.org comma firo.org dot. We’re really active on Telegram and Discord. Whether you want to have like, you know, you want to ask a more in depth question or have something like, you know, you want to discuss our forums at forum dot fero.org are the best place for this.

Sharing Social Media and Community Engagement

But if you just want to get to know stuff, you know, meet the, join what we call the Firo fam, just drop by our telegram channels, Discord channels, and make sure to give us our social media, like a follow. We actually also have a very nice YouTube channel, which we have like some light hearted content like games and stuff like that.

Engaging on Various Platforms

And we can also really deep dive into our technology. You just need to search firo.org and that YouTube channel will pop up and we really appreciate a like and subscribe. Yeah, yeah, sure. So thank you so much, Ruben. So if you want to get more questions, please just proceed over to and follow our telegram channels and Discord server to get more updates.

Thanking Participants for Their Attendance

So thank you everyone for making out time to listen to AmA today. So I’m sure that you’ve gotten the whole concept of the evolution of the privacy system in blockchain. So and I’m sure that you are already leaving this AMA event with a souvenir to remember this meeting for.

Final Gratitude and Well Wishes

So thank you so much everyone. Welcome once more and have a pleasant Monday. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. Ruben, you are indeed amazing. Thank you so much. Thank you so much. So host, can you cut off the.

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