Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Evolution of Memecoins: Practical Use hosted by graphdex_io. Explore the transformative journey of Memecoins evolving into practical assets with real-world applications within a crypto and AI ecosystem. The upcoming release of a cutting-edge DEX terminal sets the stage for advanced trading experiences. With a focus on community engagement, comprehensive ecosystem development, and AI integration, Memecoin projects aim to deliver tangible value and innovative solutions to a dynamic crypto market. Discover how technological advancements and strategic approaches are reshaping the Memecoin landscape and unlocking new opportunities for growth and usability.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: How are Memecoins transitioning into practical assets?
A: Memecoins are integrating real-world use cases and utility beyond meme value.

Q: What role does the DEX terminal play in the Memecoin ecosystem?
A: The DEX terminal offers advanced features for seamless trading and investment opportunities.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for Memecoin projects?
A: Community support fosters trust, adoption, and sustainability for Memecoin initiatives.

Q: How does the integration of AI impact Memecoin development?
A: AI integration introduces innovative solutions and enhances functionality in the Memecoin space.

Q: What distinguishes the DEX terminal's features in the crypto market?
A: The DEX terminal stands out with cutting-edge functionalities tailored to user needs.

Q: In what ways do advanced technologies transform Memecoin usability?
A: Innovations like AI and advanced DEX features enhance accessibility and utility for Memecoin users.

Q: How do practical use cases expand the value proposition of Memecoins?
A: Real-world applications increase the relevance and attractiveness of Memecoins to a broader audience.

Q: What benefits stem from the ecosystem approach to Memecoin development?
A: A holistic ecosystem strategy provides comprehensive solutions and enhances user experiences in the Memecoin space.

Q: How do Memecoin projects adapt to meet evolving market demands?
A: Projects like the DEX terminal continually innovate to address changing trends and user preferences.

Q: What opportunities arise from the integration of AI and Memecoins?
A: AI integration unlocks new functionalities, efficiencies, and growth prospects for Memecoin ecosystems.


Time: 00:14:27
Memecoins Beyond Memes Exploring the shift of Memecoins into practical assets with tangible applications.

Time: 00:25:49
AI-Crypto Fusion Discussing the symbiotic relationship between AI technology and Memecoin innovation.

Time: 00:37:02
Advanced DEX Functionalities Unveiling the sophisticated features of the upcoming DEX terminal revolutionizing crypto trading.

Time: 00:48:15
Ecosystem Development Strategy Understanding the comprehensive approach to building a sustainable Memecoin ecosystem.

Time: 01:02:30
Community Engagement Impact Analyzing the influence of community support on the success of Memecoin projects.

Time: 01:15:04
AI-Driven Utilities Exploring the innovative utilities AI brings into the Memecoin market for enhanced functionalities.

Time: 01:28:17
Tech Innovation in Memecoins Highlighting the transformative effects of advanced technologies on Memecoin usability and accessibility.

Time: 01:40:22
Real-World Value Creation Showcasing how practical use cases elevate Memecoins' value proposition and market presence.

Time: 01:55:11
Dynamic DEX Innovations Examining the dynamic nature of DEX terminals and their impact on the evolving crypto landscape.

Time: 02:10:45
Future of AI-Memecoin Integration Predicting the future directions and opportunities stemming from AI integration in Memecoin ecosystems.

Key Takeaways

  • Memecoins are evolving beyond meme status to have real-world applications.
  • Integration of crypto and AI is driving innovation in the Memecoin space.
  • DEX terminals are advancing with sophisticated functionalities for enhanced trading experiences.
  • The ecosystem development approach aims to offer holistic solutions for Memecoin users.
  • Practical use cases of Memecoins are expanding to create tangible value in the market.
  • Community engagement plays a pivotal role in the success of Memecoin projects.
  • Unique functionalities in DEX terminals cater to the evolving needs of crypto enthusiasts.
  • Innovative projects like the DEX terminal reflect the dynamic nature of the crypto landscape.
  • The intersection of AI and Memecoins opens new possibilities for utility and growth.
  • Adoption of advanced technologies enhances the usability and accessibility of Memecoins.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Meme Coins

GM everyone, thank you for joining us today for what promises to be a super engaging discussion on a very hot topic in the crypto world today we're talking about the evolution of meme coins and their practical use. And as many of you know, meme coins have taken the crypto landscape by storm. It transformed for how we see coins in general. We initially dismissed them as a joke into something serious that has influence. It is a very big, influential market segment, we can't deny it. And by the evolution, it's been anything but linear. We've seen a very massive rise. I don't know if it can mean that the fall is going to be just as rapid, but to answer that question, we have a panel of experts here with us today, and it's actually nothing but exceptional. I'm going to present you the panelists and you guys are going to be very surprised to hear what amazing speakers we brought here today.

Panelist Introduction – Cici

First, CC Sisi from for meme, a leading voice in meme coin strategy and development. Hi there Cici, how are you? Hi there, I'm Kirk. Thank you for having me. Thank you so much for joining. Could you give a little brief intro about who you are, what you do in the space, just so our speakers, so our listeners apologize, get more familiar with you. Yeah, definitely. So hi everyone. Excited to be here and thank you Grabtex for the invitation for the MA today. MCC Hyder BD from four mem I'm very excited to be here today. Four done. Meme is the premier launch platform meme course on BSE and we have been launching since July 2024. We've successfully launched over 3000 tokens so far.

Cici's Launch Platform Insights

Issues on our loan part and more than 40 products are listed on Pancakeswap so far. So our platform offers solid feature for users and father to launch their meme coin within minutes and trading on bonding curve mechanism also enabled to forge up memes as well. Recently, one of the token launched in our platform hit a market cap of over $65 million and the token launch owners were dominating most of the new trading pairs. 1 hour training on the screen shares. So while that's very exciting, right? But remember that this isn't any financial advice, so please invest wisely and we are super excited to join the inmate and welcome more meme course to our launchpad and looking forward to see more success stories like that.

Panelist Introduction – Anna

Awesome TC, thank you so much for joining us. Excited to hear what you have to say. We also have here Anna from Soulstorm and Anna specializes in Solana based tokens and emerging trends in the blockchain. Hi there, Anna. How are you? Hi, guys. I hope you're doing well. Yeah, I'm also doing well. And yeah, I'm from Soulstorm. My name is Anna Kimisen, and we are a premium launch pet and actually the main competitor to Pumpfun. We've been the first Solana launch pad and started like, in the beginning of the year. But as Pumpfun took more and more the market over, we had to come up with a unique strategy how to have a unique selling point in this market.

Anna's Unique Selling Points

And we are focusing only on premium launches. We're launching meme tokens. So, yeah, some of our best performing projects are actually very well known. Like, for example, Tamania did, like, a 60 million market cap gummy, 250 million. And yeah, recently we launched Baba Yaga. I also had a beautiful space with Mario Nafel. And, yeah, that's about us. And, yeah, happy to be here. Happy to discuss the meme coin trends. Awesome. Thanks for joining us today. Pleasure to have you here. We have here Artem from Godbeat as well in crypto market behavior and tokenomics.

Panelist Introduction – Artem

Hi there. Artem has live. Hey. Hey. Nice to meet you guys. Thank you for having me here. Yeah, let me drop a bit more information about me. So I'm doing a business development at Codbit, and we are one of the biggest market makers battery space. And I would say that we number one market maker who deal with memes right now because most of the Taiwan memes on Solana ends on Tron nowadays is under our management. So, yeah, we're trying to be, like, in a market from day to day and happy to be here and to give you some insights about current markets. Thank you.

Panelist Introduction – Alex

Awesome. Thank you for joining us today, Artem. We also have here Alex from Dex Studios. He focuses on decentralized exchange development, and it's amazing to hear what he has to bring to the discussion today. Hi there, Alexi. Let us know if you can hear us. I think Alex might be experiencing some technical issues for now, but I'm going to ask our back office to please contact Alex somewhere. Oh, there it is. I can see that. I'm gonna try to invite him once again or try to rejoin. All right. Hi there, Alex. Can you hear us now? Yeah, yeah. Hi. Hi. Thank you for joining.

Alex's Background

Yeah, hi. Thank you. My name is Alexi Vanegradov. I'm founder of Deck Studios. We are a full cycle NFT game studio with Game Motodex top 30 worldwide game on Epix. It's half million plus unique active wallets per day. And the second game Dex go which started like half year ago. So I'm industry since 2014 and very deep in space and I will happy to share my opinion about meme coins, which quite interesting point to grow like last time. So thank you for inviting me as a speaker here.

Panelist Introduction – David

Awesome, thanks for joining. We also have David here jumping from fun token. Hi there David, how are you? Good. Good to join you guys. I'm the CEO of Fund Token. Fund Token is a 2017 Ethereum project that initially started as a full gamble five project. It's currently used by major casinos and faucets like Freebitcoin and deeply casino. And the division that I had actually works with gamify. We're creating our own fun hub. It's a steam like game browser and along with that we're producing a slew of games various offering anything from a raffle which is coming out around the 6 September, and then the Telegram game miniapp, an NFT game and progressively getting more and more complex and then offering our partners the ability to list on the funhub.

David's Future Plans

And the funhub will also include a bunch of marketing devices for web three, like the ability to set up for spaces, et cetera. So it's exciting to build and I look forward to speaking with you as well. Awesome. Guys, I think we're going to start with our discussion right now. If you are joining for the first time, I'm just going to give you a ground rule that we have here. A question is going to be addressed to each one of you separately. However, it doesn't mean that you're not able to follow up on the question that has been addressed to a different speaker. So remember, this is still a panel discussion.

Ground Rules for Discussion

We want to hear all of your voices, all of your contribution on every question. But it's going to be, we're going to ask you one by one first, just to make sure that everyone gets to contribute fairly. All right, so Cece, let's start with you. Talk about what ignited the emergence of meme coins. Please explain us how they have developed since their creation and why are they so popular among the crypto enthusiasts and investors. As far as I understand, it's because these tokens are not traded in the same way as for instance, bitcoin could be traded due to the different market cap, due to the fact that one person can basically manipulate how this the price of a token. But yeah, I'm waiting to hear your expert opinion on this. Let us know.

Cici's Insights on Meme Coins

Yeah, definitely. That is very good questions. So I think that meme coin is an option, is a classic Internet meme coin. Right, sorry, Internet meme culture. And then the first meme coin is dark cores, which basically created as a response to the surrender of traditional cryptocurrency like bitcoin or ethereum when encore became a thing. So now Minko had built this crazy, passionate and community around them, and it's like a whole new way for people to get into crypto system fun. It's tricky and it's got that adaptive potential for the huge gains. So that is why I think that people are all over it. So community sentiment, the cultures of memcois and the community that owning the mem koi, but, you know, not like institutions are buying a bunch of it and manipulate it.

Popularity Factors in Meme Coins

So I think the cultures of mem Khoi, Internet meme cultures and the communities and the purchasing of the meme coins at the first plate is something that mech mincords to be by communities and for communities. So that is why it gains the popularity among crypto investors and enthusiasts. Yeah. Awesome. Thank you so much. You've got one follow up from Soulstorm. Yeah, I definitely would like to add that I totally agree on the community part.

Differences in Coin Types

And like, it's different that than like, for example, bitcoin or like Ethereum or like where some institutional money is coming in. But like, meme coins have another aspect and another problem in the industry. And this is like the sniping. So we can't really say that it's like not just like not the same that like what? Like, especially like projects have to hold like, large supplies of their token to not get completely dumped or even survived in the meme coin industry. So this is a huge issue in the industry, which I just like to address and yeah, just to show also like another perspective. Thank you so much.

Meme Coins and Community Growth

We've got one follow up from Alexi. Yeah, I just like to jump into the history. Do you remember that, like, first, I guess first memco and Dodge was created and it was like a fun story. So it was never listed on serious exchanges. And it was like marketing way to hire a lot of users. For example, in telegram group, I remember that groups grows very quickly, like even to 2000 users plus. And what they do in groups, they just randomly send meme coins to the members. It was easy, like a funny reward to join, find reward to type, and then like landscape of meme coins was changed dramatically when Elon Musk purchased big amount of dutch coins and mention it in his tweet. And it's like a jump, like a rocket. So people who just earning a small fraction of tens reached tens of dollars or hundreds of dollars and now like a community reimagines it.

Celebrity Influence on Meme Coins

So follow Elon Musk. They thinking, oh, okay, maybe if we connect a lot of like influencers in union coin we can do similar like Elon Musk does and we can pay for listings. And now it's like it's a still, at my point of view, it's a still traditional like way to incentivize community. But it's maybe grow, maybe not to something serious. Compared with bitcoin and ethereum, there are nothing behind that. It's no miners, no staking, it's just like marketing solution at my point of view. Anna. Yeah, so I think it's a good point, especially like the Kol or celebrity part.

Community Protection and Education

And we are talking always about communities and yeah, meme coins, they have huge communities behind them and we as leaders in the web free space, we should actually try to like, yeah, like to protect communities and to educate people on like several topics, especially like about memes. And yeah, looking on the whole topic, it's like important to understand, for example like what happened with all the celebrity coins like Daddy or mom or like, yeah, the ones they've been released by the celebrities and actually just got dumped. And like, who was the one who like, yeah, like took all the negative sides of the token launches was retail. So yeah, that's why we should carefully choose with who we work and like, yeah, not to pay so much attention to like, celebrities. I would say likewise agree with your point.

The Impact of GameStop Scandal

Anna, you've got one follow up from David. Actually two. Two. Let's go with David first and then I'll present our next speaker. Yeah, interestingly enough, you can actually trace a lot of the explosion of meme coins to the scandal that happened with GameStop's stocks or stock. Sorry, guys, if you could unmute yourself, those who were speaking accidentally pressed a button. Oh, sorry, the UI is a little wonky. You can actually trace the explosion of popularity of meme coins directly to the scandal that happened with GameStop. Stonks, basically, and this is my opinion and to a large extent conjecture, but you could see that in 2013 the first meme coin was launched, dogecoin. And basically it wasn't for a while a really big deal, but when you had a situation where a major kind of feeling of the retail traders of stocks that they can't trust the system because of what happened with GameStop, you could see then a lot of the retail traders shifting liquidity into meme coins.

Reasons for Shifting to Meme Coins

And why did they shift liquidity? Because with meme coins, you don't have uber controlling platforms where basically the investors in retail that, let's say, are not huge investors, they are completely under their control. And so when it's almost like the opposite of the trust of regulation happened, when you over regulate, and when Robinhood started to pull some funny business with GameStop stocks, then all of a sudden, when Elon Musk also tweeted about GameStop, but at the same time was kind of interested in doggy coin, it kind of created a perfect storm where a lot of traders from the west immediately felt like we need an instrument to trade that is not so regulated that basically we would lose full control or complete control over what's happening. At the same time, as one of the speakers mentioned, meme coins speak to the Anon culture on Reddit, et cetera. The memes are a big deal. It's a cultural thing.

Cultural Significance of Memes

Memes allow you to also do critiques, political critique, social critique, something that you're seeing right now in the States, for example, especially in the Solana ecosystem. So the combination of these different forces of the retail stocks investors really seriously losing faith in the stock system, in the stock market system, in the States, with Elon essentially championing these alternative forms of investment, and then also the coins themselves being so closely tied to the culture of the non retail investors, this is why you could actually make an argument that this is why the meme coins are so big and popular now. Thank you so much, David. Makes a lot of sense.

Celebrity Coin Ventures and Scams

I'm just going to take a quick minute to present an additional guest that joined our space today. It's Marta. Marta from dash apps. Marta, hey, how are you? Hey, guys. Thanks for inviting me to the space. I don't want to share the project now. I just want to say that I am in the space for more than five years, and I have seen everything so far. And by the way, regarding the memes launched by different celebrities, I have seen this news circulating from so many angers, and from what I remember, it was like one guy that paid lots of superstars, like, hey, I will pay you half million to launch a meme coin with me. Whatever. And of course, you know how it is when celebrities are offering different opportunities to make money to use their image.

Celebrities and Meme Projects

They say yes, because they have nothing to lose, only to make lots of money. However, from what my knowledge is that they didn't understood what they are actually launching on web three space. Like, what's a meme with the tokens and everything. And later on, all those celebrities caused their manager on that direction. However, there are lots of cool meme coins that are thriving. Yes, there are lots of scams, but let's focus on those that are really thriving. Because what other speakers say, I think it's super mega important to educate ourselves and to learn how, at least as much as possible to differentiate a legit meme from a scam one. Because after all, when we speak about memes, we speak about the communities.

Understanding Community Impact

And if there is a good and strong community behind any memes, that means that it will thrive no matter who is behind that meme or what the. The future for those, right? So, soul starter, soul storm. Sorry, sorry, you wanted to say something about the celebrity memes? Because I see you raised your hand. Yeah, it's actually funny thing, because I'm also known in the industry as the crypto gossip girl, and I always have the hottest tea. And his name is Sahil. And this guy was responsible for the launch of the Jenner token and I think the weeknd and like seven more other celebrities. And yeah, he ripped them off.

Celebrity Hires and Scams

Like I know about the, this, like about a story that even like, he got like blocked on Twitter. Like, yeah, because like, it was a big, big thing here. Because like, there was the question in a room, like, how to protect the community, right? And yeah, actually on like whose side you stand, like the people who want to launch a coin, but don't have the right knowledge, or like a guy who like use this situation, like to rip people off, right? And we are getting back, sorry for not raising hands. And we are getting back to the same thing. Like we need more knowledge, we need to educate more ourselves.

Need for Education in Cryptocurrency

And not just us, but everyone. Because you see how easy it was to trick those celebrities, because those celebrities was thinking that they are just selling their ip rights to use their image for different marketing strategies. And in fact, it was a very elaborated scamming scheme. And if they had at least a minimum knowledge about what memes are and what the tokens are and so on, probably that wouldn't happen so easy, right? Yeah. I would just like to add also that this is one of the points why it's so easy to enter into the meme coin market.

Accessibility of Meme Coin Market

Because the most people, they don't have to study like huge, like, let's say tokenomics and like project information, white papers or whatever. It's like mostly just jumping on a cultural trending community and follow the hype. And we are living in a tension driven economy. So that's why meme coins are so easy to enter, and that's why they are so trending. Marta. Yeah. I just want to add, because saying it's easy to understand, that's something that I have seen said for so many times in different spaces.

User Motivation in Meme Coins

Like, I have 15 years as an affiliate in gambling, and I built one of the biggest communities of sportsmen in the world. So meme coins are so popular, not necessarily because it's a culture and they like the graphics and so on. Yeah. That's something that, I think it's a side benefit or a side attraction for most of them. But let's face it, I think 90% of the users are here for the money because they are seeing those meme coins like a way of getting money fast, getting rich fast.

Comparison to Gambling

And I always use this comparison, like, when you enter in a casino, right? You have slots, baccarat, roulette, and all sorts of games that can be played in return for bigger winnings. And why slots are so popular, because those are the simplest to understand. They just go pull the lever, and that's it. If they manage to win, and they put a small amount of pennies inside and could win hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars, and something similar could be seen, or at least this is something that I notice in the space.

The Easy Attraction to Meme Coins

But it's. This is why it's super easy to understand, because they love the graphics, they love the team, they love the community, and they hold that putting $15, $10, $100 can make like 100,000 or $1 million in no time. Right. But maybe I'm wrong. Yeah. All right. Many, many follow ups. I love seeing it. As far as I remember, first it was David, then seed, Anna, and then Cece. David, go ahead.

Low Barriers to Entry in Meme Coins

Sure. So I actually agree with the last speaker. I think one of the things that were seeing is you always kind of, the public doesn't like high thresholds to join anything, which really shouldn't be surprising. I think when you're talking about complicated, complex tokens with complex ecosystems, such as certain layer ones or anything else, I think you're seeing that the general public doesn't really like it. I mean, specialized investors may like it, certain VC's may like it, but generally speaking, nobody's really enthusiastic about these types of coins.

The Shift Towards Simplicity

And even though some of them, of course, will make it. But even recently, some of the bigger projects that have built out platforms, when they release tokens, they're really just governance tokens. When I remember back in 2020, 2021, when you were trying to release a token, you were always confronted with enormous amounts of people talking to you about utility. As the bear market progressed, you saw that the tokens that had utility, that didn't necessarily do well. The market didn't respond well to them.

Market Response to Utility Tokens

It's almost like when you asked people too much, especially in difficult circumstances, it's simply not a pathway that they would want to go to. And so meme coins present this kind of a low threshold thing where you don't have to necessarily think too hard, but at the same time, you're also not asking them to gamble in a way which makes them feel kind of like their grandfathers or their grandmothers. Right? The association of slot Machines and all of this gambling is very big.

Gambling Culture and Meme Coin Popularity

And it always will be big because there will always be people that just want to gamble.

The Appeal of Meme Coins

But at the same time, I think that enormous amounts of people don't want to have to feel that they are in a situation kind of close to their grandfather in Vegas. And so meme coins represent this very ultra modernization investment instrument that corresponds directly to the culture of anybody really under 30 with memes, with anonymous kind of spaces. And so I think this is one of the big reasons why they're so popular. At the same time, as I mentioned previously, they're much less regulated than the stock market, so they will attract a enormous hordes of retail investors. Many of those investors will never truly want to understand the mechanics of investment analysis, but you saw that this is something that would happen when you saw the formation of Daos in 2019, 2020. Daos that kept investing in projects. You saw that investors in retail very often want to invest. So that's all I got to say about this for now.

Introduction of the New Speaker

Thank you so much, David. We have a new speaker joining us, seed. And seed is going to tell you a lot more about who he is and why he joined. Hi there, how are you? Hey, thanks Draftex. Glad to be speaking here. Good to be connected with all you guys. We are a liquid hedge fund by the name of Djen Fund out there. We specifically focused on memes and farming across all the chains that are possible. And yeah, glad to be connected back and be back in a full circle to BNB again. If you are og enough like me, you must remember the first meme cycle actually started on this very chain. And now we are full back in circles towards it.

The Role of Djen Fund in the Meme Space

I've been following a lot of meme tokens and our team had been creating a lot of meme tokens market making a lot for a lot of meme tokens as well. What we have realized is most of the folks in web three act, at least the retail part of it, actually came to make money. But with the VC driven projects, what is happening is that people are not able to get the upside, which is there like, just to give you some perspective, most of the tokens, the huge tokens that listed on binance this year, most of them are still in loss from their listing pricing, which essentially created a lot of agitation between the retailers where they were looking to make money and. But the so called legit tokens were not able to fulfill their aspirations of returns that they were looking out of crypto. That's the reason why the meme cycle again kicked in, because here things seemed to be pretty fair because you could still get into memes at a very early stage valuation, such as 100k, maybe 50k, or it may be under million and which could potentially go to hundreds of millions or billions out there out of the opium out there.

Democratization of Investments through Meme Platforms

And as something, some of these platforms kicked in like pump one sunpump, now four meme on BNB, which made this entire process more democratized for the retailers, more and more people started using it. Absolutely. There are a few Defi folks who still believe that memes are going to drive, but trust me, because of the entire product perspective of the retailers coming in, the market tells you the truth, like, not me or you, who can predict how, what's going to happen, but essentially, if you look at the numbers, the revenue numbers, the trading volumes, and everything that has been happening across the chains, and the performance of memes compared to any other asset class or any other category in web three itself for the last few quarters, have been immense. So it's like a new asset class that we have given birth to, but it's here to stay.

Market Statistics and the Reality of Profits in Trading

So those are some of the initial thoughts that I had around the memes that I wanted to share. Happy to take any questions or grab this, any other counter view points if you guys have. Thank you so much. We're going to take the last point for Anna now before we move on to the next question and uncover our next point of discussion. Anna, feel free, go ahead. So, yeah, I always like to talk a little bit more about numbers. And for example, when we look at the numbers on Pamfun, then only like 20% of the traders are actually making profits, for example, and like just 70 traders, which is like lower than 0.0028%, hitting like a jackpot over a million. And yeah, when you look more down into the statistics, then it's like 76K traders who are like actually making over one k.

The Gamble of Trading in Current Market Conditions

So if you look at the numbers, then I think it's still a little bit like a dream to hit like a jackpot. And you can really compare it to gambling because I think with the tools nowadays, with the bots and with the AI tools, you can have to trade or snipe. The market conditions are not that fair like they've been before. So, yeah, this is just a few of mine. Thank you so much, Anna. Guys, I want to uncover the next point of discussion. Artem, we're going to start with you. However, everyone is more than welcome to follow up on this one. Artem.

The Intersection of Meme Coins and NFTs

In the current market, meme coins and nfts often intersect. In this discussion, how do you think meme coins compare to the NFT market regarding the behavior, user involvement and long term prospects? We've seen this very high rise of nfts that was followed by like a 92% fall interest. Do you think something like this could be comparable to meme coins is something we should expect? Thank you for letting me. So, yes, for the NFT market, comparing to the meme market, I think it's kind of similar in terms of audience because most of the core members who started to build nfts and also memes are mainly legions, but they have lots of differences.

Fairness and Accessibility in Market Dynamics

So one of first one in my opinion is that NFT market is more fair because as previous speaker told on the token markets, we have a lot of snipers and there are possibility to scam the project from the sub party. And that's why most of the solid launches involved like pre sales or holding the whole amount by project and doing the fairness by themselves and the NFT market, you can do the sale of the nfts in the more fair model and doing the reveal after because they have like a bit different type of, let's say, point of price. First of all, this is, and second point is that the meme market, if we're speaking about memes, it's much easier to jump in for the retail or for the regular users in the simple tokens than in nfts in terms of the user experience and sometimes the markets.

Development and Unique Characteristics

And plus in terms of the development stuff, because develop some kind of utilities or platforms for tokens, it's much easier than for nfts on all the chains. And that makes nfts more unique and more detailed. I think that all two main topics, two main differences that I want to point right now, as for the connections, I think, yeah, for sure. Market of nfts and market of memes is connected because we can see it on the numbers. When we saw, like, rising one, we can see some rising activity on another end, vice versa.

Long-term Prospects and Current Trends

And as for the utilities, I think nfts in general is more interested in terms of the using it in the future, because we have, first of all, we have, like, arts here. And also right now we have a lot of RWA projects which somehow connected to nfts. So I think if we. In the. Long term, nfts more interested. But right now, for sure, memes is rocking and moving on everything. Thank you so much.

Follow-up Discussions and Perspectives

Artem. You've got four follow ups. We're gonna start with Sisi now, and then I'm gonna hand over our mic to someone else. Sisi? Yeah, sure. Thank you. Yeah, I also. But I also think that minkows and NFT have a different approach. Like, Minko is a more like community driven than social media, and it's like uncertain long term prospect, you know, like high risk, high return kind of thing. But then for NFT is more like uniqueness and the cultural significance.

Perceptions of Users and Market Dynamics

So it's more like to cover the long term prospect of ownership. So I think that is the difference, the main difference of meme course, NFT. But at the same time, I think the user's involvement is so different. They seeing the involvement of driven kind of thing for both of memcors and NFT. So that is how I think the meme coins NFT are Skype rocketing in terms of users acquisitions and also in terms of token created as well. So I think the numbers of tokens that created recently on four meme, like this one day is more than 2000.

Market Behavior and Influence of Celebrity Endorsements

So I think that number is quite good in terms of BSC meme coin. And that number dynamics is also coming up with a lot of users that are assessing the website and the platform ourselves. So I think the market behavior is also one of the things to drive the growth of memcors recently, trusting, really, palm sun. And that is also celebrity endorsement that also drives to the growth of meme coins. Yeah. Thank you so much, Marta.

Communities and Project Failures

I think Swordstorm was before me. Yeah. What to say already? All right, cool. Perfect. Then. Then it's first Marta, then David. Okay. Thank you. So here is my Viv. Both meme coins and NFTs actually thrive on that Internet culture that it's creating. And it's community driven hype. Right. And it's basically on viral trends. So I think there are lots of similarities. Maybe we could say that the memes are maybe the next level of upgrading the culture that was created around the NFTs because involved tokens was more easy to trade and it was much more easier to hold and much more affordable.

The Challenges Ahead

And because of different airdrops, it was much easier to get some and be part of those communities and part of their own culture. Now what I have to point out here is that 95% of projects fail anyway. So to be related to your question. So it doesn't matter if they are memes or not. And so far, let's not forget memes was king in 2024. They have some of the strongest communities I ever seen. And as web three, it's all about communities. Guess what? We will try for some time. So most of the user what I have seen being super active in different communities, invest in different tokens because of the hype and FOMO, 90% of them have no clue how to use those different protocols.

Conclusions on Community and Investment

Sadly. Sadly it's super sad. And I have been in so many projects. I invested in lots of them and after the minnet, almost nobody used their devs because their community have no clue in what they invested. They just did it because the youtuber or Big Kyl on X shielded the project and they just ended up buying, believing that it will make ten x 100 x or 1000 x. So I guess all projects are on the same boat. And as long as community is king, I doubt that strong memes will die anytime soon.

Reflections on NFTs and Meme Coins

Thank you so much David. So again, I agree with the last speaker. I would also like to point out that I think it's much more difficult for NFTs to reassert themselves than for meme coins to continue to be incredibly important in the ecosystem for the simple reason that the overhype and the kind of the NFT bubble that happened, it's pretty much dead. The idea of really valuable art being created on nfts, I think it's something that is probably nothing, something that people really believe in, because most of the nfts were not actually good art. It was just kind of this djen stuff that corresponded to the culture.

Reality of NFT Value and Market Trends

And then a few celebrities picked it up and then it became very big and it became very fashionable, but it wasn't really great art, and so there's no significant value there for anyone. At the same time, when you're looking at nfts today, whenever nfts are valuable today, for the most part, you're talking about infusing these nfts with some sort of really strong utility. So we're talking about usually founders decentralizing or letting go of their control over their own platforms, or ownership of their own platforms through the NFTs to the community.

Utility and Future of NFTs

And so basically, while it's definitely something that's valuable to an extent, I think that it will hinder their popularity in the long term. So nfts are useful technology to be sure. I think it will continue, but I don't think that it's as useful for, let's say, retail investors to invest quickly and try to make money quickly like meme coins are of.

The Comparison Between Meme Coins and NFTs

The other thing is, while the NFTs really just had a bubble, meme coins have been here since at least 2013. I think I'd have to look that up. When you look at the meme coins, like doggy coin and Floki and whatever, you're seeing some of the best performing assets anywhere. They go up, they go down, they give you the volatility that you need when you consider the fact that historically, meme coins have been some of the best performing assets in web three, and also even if you compare them to the stock market, I just think that they are much stronger historically than NFTs were, which really were just a kind of a bubble and then became a useful technology to basically decentralize control through.

Niche Differences Between Meme Coins and NFTs

Yeah, I guess it's a little bit incorrect way to compare memes and NFTs because it's a very niche product and it's different niches. To use meme coins is just small value within one transaction, which you can use to reward once for your users and you have to care for liquidity, for listings, etcetera. For NFTs, it's quite different. I agree that NFTs as an art, it's that way in general, I'm very deep in space and I know that it can work. I believe in the future. So NFTs can be just initiated on chain like mechanics which you can implement. For example, we are now in progress for launching our d chain layer two blockchain, and we use NFTs as a user's rewards. And there are like a funny story.

Gamification and User Engagement with NFTs

When they purchase, they farm NFT as a small tree and they have to farm small water to use every day. And the tree grows and depends on like a tree level, they receive rewards finally during airdrop. So it's like a gamification process which happens on chain and users can resell NFTs later. It can be completely anonymous for the meme coins you can't do mechanic like that. So we cannot compare at my point of view, those two markets, but both of them, I believe it's very niche and can be like a big thing in the future.

The Importance of Community in Meme Coins and NFTs

So, yeah, I think, like, in both cases, there are strong communities behind like the niches and like every project needs like a strong community. But like, let's say NFTs in the beginning, they've been the same hype, like meme coins and like, already, like one speaker said, like a more djinn space, like even meme coins. But I think it has evolved, especially like with the gaming industry and like the upcoming real world assets, which are like a trending topic in the near future. So, yeah, I think NFTs will find a way to adapt there and to have really value because like most of the NFTs existing right now, the projects, like 95% of the projects, they just don't succeed.

Identifying Successful NFT Projects

I mean, like the only popular projects we know, it's like for example, the board ape yacht club or something like that. So yeah, it has a strong community behind it again. And yeah, so NFTs, they can be like useful, but I think it's not the time yet for them. We have a new speaker joining us. Before you give your add on, please also include a small intro, a shock. Yeah. How you guys doing? Can you guys hear me today? Yeah, we can hear you. Well, all right. Well, I just jumped in the space, you know, just curious.

The Role of AI in Sniping Meme Coins

You guys are talking about the evolution of meme to meme coins and the practical use, right? So I'm with a on Solana Shinobi ninja and what we are is a utility based project off of Solana, but our bot is a sniper bot on Telegram. And, you know, I don't know how familiar you guys are with sniping meme coins in general, but I mean, how you make money in this space, specifically on Solana, is getting in new launches early and our bot, an AI integrated bot. So it essentially makes getting the new metas pretty seamless with the sniping function we have in our version.

User Experience and Reliability of Bots

Four of our bot is yet to be released. We're running off of version three right now. It's very, very easy for new users to use. I can post a link up in the jumbotron for you guys, but I just kind of want, kind of survive in Solana. And you want to get into reliable, like, Kenobi ninja, I suggest jumping in telegrams, do your own research, obviously find out the communities in these telegrams that are, you know, standing strong like Shinobi ninja. And you know, just to speak for myself, I've been in the Shinobi ninja community for five and a half months and, you know, I've never left.

Community Growth and Engagement

It's a great close-knit community. We have over 8500 members in our telegram and over 11,000 holders of our coin, you know, and we came back down from an all-time high. Sorry. A shock. We're a bit, sir aquarebit Times trained. If you could, if you could give a little more insight into the question, we're talking right now about the intersection of. All right, cool. Sure. And I mean again, I don't want to take up much more space for your time here on the space for you guys.

Navigating the Meme Coin Industry

Again, I just kind of noticed that it was a practical use, you know, meme coins and stuff like that. And I just want to make it be known that like there's ways to navigate being in the meme coin industry. You know, getting into projects and using something like the shinobi ninja AI sniper bot is what's going to make it easier for guys like you, girls like you new in general. So keep an eye out for us guys. And like I said, I'll drop a link up there and any questions, feel free to ask me.

Discussion of Staking and Yield Farming

Guys, we're going to be moving to the last question of our discussion. And we're going to be talking about the staking and yield farming, and the potential risks and rewards that come of from staking in yield farming with meme coins. Anyone specifically wants to take this topic? This one is not an easy one. Restaking meme coins, Alex? Yeah, yeah, sure. So like if you're familiar with speeder meets how it works. So for the meme coins, it can be only two ways.

Understanding Staking Mechanics

First way when project which create meme coins dedicate money, like for marketing, let's say, and pay for staking. The second way, it's a classical pyramid when new investors pay to send rewards to the early investors which crashed very quickly. So I guess if we see a big yield in general there, it looks like a promising, but it's maybe if behind meme coin serious marketing money and campaign and project like to make some new community members, etcetera, it may work, but again, in short terms, because if business not sustainable, they just need to hire a limited community.

Evaluating Investment Decisions for Meme Coins

So this is my point of view. Like first when we see big hills anywhere, we should understand where is the source of money. And then it may be works in general, if it's true or not. Thank you so much, Alex. David, next. Yeah, I agree with what Alexi said. I think also one major issue that comes up whenever you do staking with any token, but especially with meme coins, is that, is it worth it to stake to receive the rewards compared to the rate of the inflation, and especially when you're considering the fact that meme coins, they get unlocked very quickly, they rise very quickly, they fall very quickly.

Analysis of Meme Coin Stability

So I think a lot of this has to depend on, do you know the technical analysis of this coin, who's behind it? Because if it's a short-lived coin that's really only good for maybe the first week that it launched, then obviously you don't want to stake that. Or if it's a coin that's on a downward trajectory, you don't want to stake that as well. I don't think that there is a point. Better sell it all off quickly at the beginning. But if you know that the coin has maybe serious backers, maybe a team that can be trusted to at least work to bring the token to a good place, then yes, staking could be something that's valuable.

Challenges with Staking Meme Coins

So I think it's all about the analysis of the team at that point. Do you want to put that kind of investment of your time into the project and the rate of inflation compared to the rate of acquisition of value? Thank you so much, David. Anna? Yeah, I think there's also a big problem with, like, staking meme coins, especially because, like, the average project survival duration is about 48 hours. But besides that, actually soulstorm is offering like, staking service.

Innovative Approaches to Meme Coin Staking

And when we launched Baba Yaga, it was kind of interesting because we also have an OTC portal. And so we did like two marketing moves. So the first one was that you can stake Baba Yaga and getting like rewarded in points and use these points for like, getting allocations and the next premium launch on our platform. And yeah, we're trying also like to really, let's say, make the meme coin market more sustainable by providing, like, OTC deals.

Creating Sustainable Solutions in the Meme Coin Market

So that's why we developed on Soulstorm, the OTC platform, where let's say even like, for example, Kols, who like having like a bigger amount of tokens can like sustain it sustainably sell instead of like dump developing the chart. And yeah, that's like a big issue in the industry and yeah, that's why we are trying to find a solution for that. CC, your point is going to be the last point of today's session. Please go ahead.

Understanding Risks and Rewards of Staking

Thank you. I should agree with David as well. Like Minkoi, we kind of said that Minkoi aren't volatile, right? So the value, the token that could be swing very significantly depending on the market condition and so on. So if you stake a token, it means that the circulation of token is reduced. That means the price of token could be increased depending on the market makers or depending on the project owners or the people that holding bitcoin out of it.

Evaluating Risks and Opportunities in Meme Coin Staking

But at the same time, it also means that sticking Meme Coin could potentially allow you to earn multiple, you know, multiples of what you are traditional pool. But in terms of the risks, because the successful meme coin product isn't that much comparing to those that launch in the platform. So could be some numbers from our side, it is about 5%. So there's always a chance of rap pools or scams. So if you're kind of like geofaming, they could also run the risks of impairment loss.

Evaluating Investments in Meme Coins

And I think that's basically when you evaluate the values of the tokens in the pools and also the team background, the tokens allocation assessor. So it's again come back to the originals of stories of Meme Coins high risk, high return. In terms of forming ourselves, we don't really have offer any sticking platform, Dutch yes, or ODC, but we offer different programs to offer for not only the founders, but also the users to enjoy the incentive.

Innovative Strategies in the Meme Coin Environment

Like right now, we offer the Oscar competition where those that issue tokens on our platform can row in the Oscar competition where they can enjoy 1 million points and also twenty k of US dollar indie works. And at the same time retailer users who are pump fund users or BSc users on listerdaos or pancakes, they can also receive the airdrop in different meme tokens. Yeah, so we offer different kind of requests like that to the users and we also think that, like, besides staking, there are different kind of ways to, you know, like leverage your fund as well.

Final Thoughts on Meme Coin Dynamics

Leverage your ways, your weight of earnings through meme coins as well. Yeah, that's it for me. Thank you so much, guys. Thank you for sharing your expertise today. The evolution of meme coins is a fascinating journey, as we heard today. Yeah, they play a very big role in shaping this space now. So let's watch out and see what's happening with them next.

Closing Remarks

Thank you to our audience for participation. Thank you for all your reactions. We've seen all of them. It's amazing to see your engagement. Let's talk next week, we're going to have a different topic, different panel of experts coming in and talking about the tap games. I'm sure you're going to love it. So same place, same time until the next week. And once again, guys, thank you so much for showing up. It was amazing to have you all here today, so active.

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