Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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The DeWiCats Hotspot Episode #3

This space is hosted by DeWiCats

Space Summary

The Twitter space explored the intricacies of the crypto industry, underscoring the importance of education beyond the existing crypto community bubble. Conversations shed light on the hurdles encountered in raising awareness and featured anecdotes illustrating the varied levels of understanding outside the crypto sphere. Simplification of the onboarding process was highlighted as a strategy to lure more users into the crypto space. Despite acknowledging the industry’s early stage, the space also accentuated the extensive opportunities for growth and advancement. Emphasizing the necessity of community support and engagement, the space pointed towards the promising future of infrastructure developments in the crypto industry.


Q: What was the highlight of the discussion regarding helium technology at a telco conference?
A: There was low awareness of helium technology at a major telco conference.

Q: Why is it crucial to extend awareness and education about crypto technologies?
A: Extending awareness and education is vital to reach beyond the existing crypto community bubble.

Q: How important is community engagement and support for the crypto industry?
A: Community engagement and support are crucial for the progress of the crypto industry.

Q: What opportunities lie ahead in the early stages of crypto development?
A: The early stages of crypto development present vast opportunities for growth and advancement.

Q: How many confirmed referrals were mentioned in the context of the onboarding system?
A: The discussion highlighted the creation of an easy onboarding system for users.

Q: What challenges were acknowledged during the discussion?
A: Challenges in contacting key figures for communication were acknowledged.

Q: Why is continuous improvement necessary for the crypto industry?
A: Continuous improvement is necessary to address challenges and drive progress in the crypto industry.

Q: What role does community support play in project developments?
A: Community support plays a vital role in driving project developments and expansions.

Q: How was the community support and engagement appreciated in the space?
A: Community support and engagement were acknowledged and appreciated during the discussions.

Q: What were the future prospects discussed for the crypto industry?
A: Future prospects for infrastructure advancements in the crypto industry were discussed, highlighting promising opportunities.


Time: 00:02:38
Weekly Check-ins Introduction, Context setting for the discussion on Helium and Hotspotty.

Time: 00:10:57
Reward Calculations Discussion, Insight into how Hotspotty handles reward calculations for hotspots.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of educating beyond the crypto community bubble.
  • Encouraging signs of growth and interest in crypto-related technologies.
  • Continuous efforts needed to expand awareness and adoption.
  • Community support and engagement are crucial for progress.
  • Opportunities in the early stages of the crypto industry.
  • Focus on creating an easy onboarding system for users.
  • Potential in project developments and expansion.
  • Acknowledgment of challenges and areas for improvement.
  • Appreciation for community support and engagement.
  • Promising future prospects for the crypto industry.

Behind the Mic

n hub IO and subscribe. It’s just your email. Don’t even need to connect your wallet or anything. Just subscribe to the email. Dude, that is amazing. And I’m seeing like all the new listings that you guys are posting. I pinned up top. Also, you have an upcoming event in July in Lisbon, Portugal. So you know, if anyone wants to connect for sure that’s in the area, you can register deep in drinks. Do that. Like that. That’s funny. Yeah. Peroni I’m sorry, did we, did you have your hand up? Were you coming off, Mike? No, I was just putting hearts. But yeah, I think that sounds awesome. I had no idea you were working on that, Daniel. Yeah. Like for me that’s so useful because I feel like every day there’s always something new. And if you’re not like on Twitter like online checking every single second, you’ll miss something. Like, it’s like how many weeks ago? Like out of nowhere I wake up like Iggy Azalea is all over Twitter and it’s like she’s making a, like she’s, she has her own carrier, blah, blah. Like I think that’s awesome to subscribe to like some deep and newsletter and just like be up to date with what’s going on. Exactly. I mean, we put a lot of effort into getting opportunities to our users and getting close to this project, man. There’s so many good things happening. There’s so many projects. They’re still very early. I am, for example, I’m a mentor for three accelerators. There is outlier ventures, base camp, deep in surf from iotex and future three from Hashkee in Hong Kong that I’m like trying to mentor on those accelerators and there’s so much cool shit happening. There’s so many new projects that we’re like helping from inception and we’re going to help them try to build this community, the best projects and even like allow hopefully later the community to invest early stage of those projects. Yeah, there’s so much cool things and it’s really hard to be on top of things. So we’re trying to be the one to be on top of that for the community. Nice. Dude. If I could <> . Dude, I’m so bullish on that. I actually have a lucky cat on my desk. I truly believe that. I love businesses that have that there. It’s a sign of good fortune. And, yeah, you’re right. In the asian culture, 88 is a very lucky number and sign. So super bullish on that. Thank you for the alpha. Appreciate that. Daniel from Hotspotty, thank you so much for your time tonight. Did you have any last words or messages to web three in the world and listeners that just are listening back or tuning in right now? Yeah. No, man, thanks so much for inviting me here. I just want to remind everyone that we’re early. There’s a lot of work to be done, and it’s going to be really exciting going forward. So let’s go. LFG. Let’s go. Dude, you’re right. We are early. And people forget. You’re not just early to the ticker and the price. You’re early to the technology and the knowledge. I say this in all my spaces, man, like, it’s so important. People are going to pay so much money to fast track courses to try to learn what you guys have been doing for the past few years. Now, take advantage of this hop in the discords. Chat with these teams before these projects absolutely blow out of proportion. We are never going to be able to get in touch with Peroni or Daniel. You’re going to have to go through different teams to get a message from them. So this is the future. This is the way. Thank you guys so much for supporting not only us, but the network Dycats hotspot episode number three. Tune in next week. We appreciate the love and support. And Peroni, make sure to leave a little quick six second delay because Elon Musk fired 80% of the employees and Twitter spaces aren’t fixed yet. So, yeah, I just wanted to say thank you, everyone, for showing up. Keep your eyes out on the meow auctions. Thank you, quic, for being an amazing host as always. And thank you so much, Daniel, for showing up and representing Hotspotty. I owe you a couple beers in Singapore. That’s fine. I’ll take it. Thank you, guys. Bye. It.

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