Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Daily Bone hosted by BoDoggosENT. Dive into the world of crypto, blockchain, finance, and innovation with 'The Daily Bone' podcast. Featuring expert guests, in-depth discussions, and coverage of diverse industry topics, the show provides valuable insights for listeners. From exploring DeFi transformations to discussing the potential of the Metaverse and advancements in AI, each episode offers a deep dive into the latest trends and developments. Tune in Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 10:15 AM EST to stay informed and engaged with the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology and beyond.

For more spaces, visit the Metaverse page.


Q: What topics are commonly discussed on 'The Daily Bone' podcast?
A: The podcast covers a wide range of topics including crypto, blockchain, finance, DeFi, gaming, Metaverse, NFTs, AI, innovation, and infrastructure.

Q: Who are the experts featured on the show?
A: Various experts in the fields of crypto, blockchain, finance, gaming, Metaverse, NFTs, AI, and innovation participate in 'The Daily Bone' podcast.

Q: How often does the podcast air?
A: 'The Daily Bone' podcast airs Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 10:15 AM EST.

Q: What sets 'The Daily Bone' apart from other podcasts?
A: The show stands out for its in-depth discussions, expert insights, and coverage of a wide array of industry-related topics.

Q: How can listeners benefit from tuning into 'The Daily Bone'?
A: Listeners can gain valuable knowledge, stay updated on industry trends, and engage with experts from various sectors.


Time: 00:15:23
Insights on DeFi Transformations Exploring the evolving landscape of decentralized finance and its impact on traditional financial systems.

Time: 00:30:45
Innovative Projects Spotlight Showcasing groundbreaking projects and unique perspectives from industry leaders.

Time: 00:45:12
NFTs Reshaping Digital Realms Discussions on the role of NFTs in revolutionizing ownership and digital asset management.

Time: 01:00:30
The Metaverse's Potential Unveiled Unpacking the possibilities and challenges in the ever-expanding Metaverse environment.

Time: 01:15:18
AI Innovations Discussion Highlighting the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and their impact across industries.

Time: 01:30:55
Infrastructure's Crucial Role Understanding the importance of robust infrastructure in supporting technological advancements.

Key Takeaways

  • Experts in crypto and blockchain share valuable insights on 'The Daily Bone.'
  • The podcast discusses emerging trends in the financial industry.
  • Insightful discussions on decentralized finance (DeFi) and its impact on the market.
  • Various innovative projects and unique perspectives are highlighted on the show.
  • Engage with experts in the gaming sector through 'The Daily Bone' podcast.
  • Exploration of the Metaverse and its potential for growth and development.
  • Insights on NFTs and their role in reshaping the digital landscape.
  • Learn about new trends in AI and how they are transforming industries.
  • The importance of infrastructure and its role in supporting technological advancements.
  • In-depth conversations on innovation and its implications for various sectors.

Behind the Mic

Discussion on Synthetic Materials

Fucking plastic and fucking synthetic. No, it's organic on all the time.

Protest Context

Another protester has crossed the line. Can I get another enemy? This is the darling of flowers on holiday. The representative from California has the floor. Say God.

Introduction to the Podcast

Good morning, everyone. Happy Tuesday. Welcome to the Daily Bone podcast where we discuss all things crypto market, including majors like bitcoin, Ethereum, slot, all things Crypto, meme coins, and nfts. Today we are going to discuss Crypto's overnight pump with a p not dump and upcoming catalyst to watch for as we are exiting sideways summer. And we're also going to look at a Solana's new prediction market and all of the meme coin action from yesterday.

Podcast Logistics

Quick reminder for anyone listening live on Twitter spaces. If you can maybe give us a quick, like, bookmark retweet. And we're also live on YouTube. If you want to go check us out at the daily Bone podcast on YouTube. We got a nice video stream going, which ray, our. Our quant, will go pin up very shortly.

Confusion Over Market Statements

How are you saying we're exiting sideways summer? It's. Who's writing this bullshit script kicks. You're muted. Kicks is muted. Like, I'm in agreement with you. That triggered me a little bit. Like, some point, Nick, we're not out of it. You can't. You can't say that until Solana's at fucking 200.

Clarification of Market Conditions

I didn't say we're out of it. All I said is, like, we're. As we're exiting. So he's basically saying we're, like, in the queue to, like, exit. So we're not like, we haven't exited the building. We're done with sideways summer heading towards the sign. So what happens if. Well, summer is. Is going to be over soon, Nick.

Expectations for Market Transition

School is going to be starting for a lot of people that are in school or have kids. And then the market's going to rally. So what it is, it's buts and seats time soon. I'm actually a little bit on Ray's side. I feel like where we are now is the plane has just landed and you get some eager people. The eager beavers want to go get their bags.

Market Dynamics Insight

They're up already. That's Ray. That's Ray. He's up already. He's going to get his bag. Nick, you're still in your seat and you're just going to wait. You're going to wait in a nice, orderly queue. That's where you are, Nick. Race just a little bit ahead. Yeah. The stock market is about to break out again.

Questions About Market Behavior

Against all time highs, yet crypto is nowhere near that right now. And instead people are smoking crack on the timeline. So I'm not sure. Like I'm going to tell you, that's not the thing that's going to make us go. Well, if it is the thing that makes us break out.

Meme Coin Launch Incident

It'S not going to be the thing that's going to make it well. So for context for people that might not be aware, last night there was a stream on the platform, pump fun, which has it, which is a meme coin launch website. And on that stream there was someone partaking in various, someone say, illegal activities.

Live Stream Revelations

Some were smoking crackhead. Well, they did a lot of other things as well. A lot of other things live. Really? Yeah. Like what? To put it in a formal way, and. Yes. Sexual. Yeah, like a lot of gluteus magazine.

Personal Reactions to Content

Did it turn you on or was it like weird sex? Depends on the person. For me, it's not really. I'm asking you. No, not really. But I also looked at it beyond. Yeah, no, it was depend. Yeah, no, this is not. Not really.

Discussion on Weird Incidents

Just tell us what happened. I mean, it was a lot of gluteus maximus. Eating is what I would be the proper term. Yeah. What? Disgusting? Live. And then the guy threw up and he's like, all right, now I can't do any more drugs.

Absurdity of the Situation

Yeah. So there was some, to put it well. What that. Okay, first of all, that doesn't even make sense because he's smoking crack. What does that have to do with your stomach? You inhale that via your lungs or is he saying he threw up cuz he did too many drugs? No, no, he.

Clarifying the Incident

So if we're gonna go there, the guy was eating the gluteus, Max. Okay, okay. We. Then he also ate she. Like, I don't know if she. What? There was a feces on her foot or she played, oh my God.

Reflections on Morality

And then you asked for this. You asked for this. This is Sodom and Gomorrah shit. Guys, I did not realize. That's disgusting. I mean, I was like, oh, they had sex or something and been like, wow, what the fuck?

Historical Context

This is like two girls, one cup. Yeah. No, seriously. No, this is like, you know, when the wrath of something comes upon pump on, we'll know why. Was this on pump that fun?

Observations from Current Events

Yeah, and you know, like now Ray has the Twitter spaces title is strippers and meth. Why are you doing that? So this views are going through the roof now. They're skyrocketing right now.

Market Dynamics and Profitability

It's what people are most interested in, I think, in the current market, but I think, I mean, they must have made a lot of money. This meme coin got up to 3.5 million market cap. Now it's at 15k. So I think this person.

Reflections on Market Performance

It was a profitable night. Who enjoys doing this. Like, trading talk. Shit, you know what? Cause I believe in freedom. Do whatever the fuck you want. I ain't gonna. I ain't gonna be doing that shit.

Personal Stance on Actions

But, you know, God bless. Actually, I take it back. We are inside with summer. No, I'm saying right there, that's like. A black omen, right? Like, signal, like, you know what I mean? Exactly.

Cyclical Market Conditions

Maximus is on the menu, and it's on your timeline. It's sideways, summer. We saw the groundhog. There's. There's three more months of winter, you know.

Market Signs

You don't. You never want to see a gluteus maximus on the menu. That is a clear sign that we are still in sideways. That is one of the most appropriate ways to say it.

Final Moments of the Show

I did appreciate that so that I kept my coffee down. All right. All right, well, let's kick off the show. Nick, unless you had any further analysis on. On this topic.

Disappointment and Reflections

No, I'm disappointed, dude. I'm disappointed. Like, in humanity or just, like, in the day? Just kind of the crypto. Twitter. Yeah. It's a cohort that's, like, discussing this.

Cultural Commentary

I'm really disappointed. There's not a lot of, you know, stuff you can really believe in anymore. And so people have gone to the other side where they're, you know, just straight to privately, you know, like, that's. It's gnarly.

Personal Anecdotes

I've been. I was out for. For a week and vacation. I'd come back to see, like, for, like, five minutes to see what was trending on Twitter. And every time it was something related to meme coins, and it was just the most outrageous stuff.

Market Reactions

It was just either fake news or, like, these crazy tickers or whatever was rallying. And then I check, and it's absolutely dumped. And I didn't feel like I missed. Missed out on much, but I'm excited to catch up on it, see what you guys think.

Preparations for the Show

But, yeah, let's kick off the show. Who's on weather today? Is it kicks or signal? I can be on. I'm gonna have to old school with no audio, but I can hit.

Assistance and Collaboration

Let me know. I can run it for you. Yeah, if you can run it kicks, that would be great. You know what? I got it. Yeah.

Brief Updates

Thanks, baby. Anytime, anytime. Hello. Today is Tuesday, August 20. We're coming in. Nick is fucking pressed.

Current Market Sentiments

He thinks the crypto industry is just absolutely done for. After hearing a really erotically just not good story from Clemente, I actually have a follow up.

Technical Difficulties

I am back. Sorry about that, ladies and gentlemen. For everyone listening on Twitter, spaces accidentally fat fingered there. Nick, you said you had additional analysis on the gluteus maximus menu.

Laughter Amidst Serious Topics

I do, but kicks. Why are you dying of laughter over here? Because I was just looking at your face, dude. And it's like after hearing the story from crypto and then Clemente miss clicks and just turns off the spaces that you just.

Reactions to Misfortune

You look like a disappointed dad. You didn't even look mad. You just look like you're just like, you know, come on, man. You shit on the floor again.

Humor and Anecdotes

You know, one of those kind of things. So yesterday, it's funny that I was saying this like, because I was walking around with a guy with a dildo on his head, I. And including walking into a train, holding the guy by the tie, having him kneel down and saying, excuse me, everybody, like stopping the train.

Comedic Moments

As I went, you did this? Yes. As I went to go say this, I was recording a video for 7 hours yesterday. And as I went to go say, may I have your attention? Like the.

Ridiculous Encounters

To the train. Like one of those annoying people. I was like, Gary Gensler, who I was shooting with, essentially has taken all of your money and his. Basically, I just go on this whole rant, essentially.

Unusual Scenarios

And I'm standing there with the guy with the dildo on his knees on a train. I thought it was on his head. Sorry. No, but were on a train.

Final Details of the Incident

Dildo on his head. While he's on his knees. He's on his knees. His dildo still on his head. Dildo on his head. And you thought the dev stuff was weird?

Reflections on Unusual Behaviors

Yes, that's why I thought that. Me, like, as I was sitting there and stewing on it, I was like, maybe yesterday was a little weird. Where were you last night from seven to nine? I was at home.

Gentle Curiosity

I got. Well, seven, I think I got home at like. You want to streaming by chance? No, I think I got home at. Seven and yesterday was a full moon.

Superstitious Context

And I bet if you looked it up, if you looked up the horoscope or something, the Greeks probably would have said it's some sort of weird full moon that gets people doing stuff with weird things.

Reflection on the Night

Like you just talked about in this pumped up fun dev. It was a full moon last night, right? Was it? It was.

Astronomical Observations

It was the brightest moon in. Since, seven years ago. In the last seven years. The biggest, brightest moon in seven years.

Emotional Responses

Brightest moon in seven years. So things that. Something's in the air. Something's in the air. Why didn't I fucking get to take a photo of that, man?

Emotional Reflection

This is messed up. So the full moon was in Aquarius. Don't know what that means. Trying to get a little bit more research on it.

Final Thoughts

Yeah, that crackhead was in Aquarius last night. You know what I'm saying? Hey, yo, in Aquarius, gluteus.


All right. All right, here. You know, the energy is very tangible. We might feel as though people projecting their issues onto us or vice versa.

Discussion about Actuaries and Dinner Plans

You know what? Like, after this conversation, I want to go, like, I want to sit down with an actuary and hear about, you know, what they're working on today just. To get the other side liabilities. Yeah, I know. Exactly. After a day like this, you should go hold a bible, a couple of tips. Yeah. And just. And just make sure that whatever's on the menu for dinner tonight is like. Doesn't look anything like a moon or a round shape. Yes. You know, no. Bunked, but I don't want to eat any. I don't eat a peach. No pork, but, yeah, no. And every time you just talk to someone, you just say, peace be with you. And they're like, did you suddenly become religious? And you're like, yeah, actually, I think so. After what I went through today, Greenie.

Reflections on Disappointment

Is disappointed in the comments, primarily because he ended up watching it last night and trading it was probably what went down. And he was really disappointed in himself. And so he's kind of regretting that and posting it in the comments, basically because every time we mention it just brings back bad memories. Exactly. Talk about astrology. Am I right, folks? Full moon. I stole that from the comments. I stole. All right, let's get into some of the news coverage of the day in the last 24 hours. You can go either. Check this out as well on bodogas.com. in our daily newsletter, the daily Bone newsletter, we first have a prediction market launching on Seoul.

Prediction Markets and Solana

We have drift releasing the bet prediction market Alpha on Solana. There's currently only two bets available and only $400,000 of open interest of total bets here. Yeah. The first bet is, will anybody use this site? Please do. Kicks. You've been active on the prediction markets world. You've been absolutely dominating. This is on Solana. Do you think it has any staying power? Could it steal kicks? Over to you. Any analysis or insight on this? Yeah, man. I mean, there's a lot of talk about they got two markets. You can bet on the presidential election and you can also bet on the Kamala Harris popular vote.

Comparing Markets and Strategies

Here's the thing. You can already do this on polymarket, but you can do this now with your Solana money. And this is based all around drift into drift tokenization. So maybe you're going to get a little drift on you. If you make some trades over here, it'll be interesting to see how they expand the market, what their kind of unique way to attracting liquidity is going to be. I think they can get some volume just being on Solana. But hedgehog is also on Solana, right? So I think it's more like marketing and getting whales and a lot of people using it versus then just like plopping on Solana being good to go. But I've heard from some people bullish on drift that they've done some big stuff in the defi space, so they seem to know how to attract liquidity.

Insights on Predictive Trading

So it'll be fun to keep tabs on it. I mean, I want more competition, more markets to trade, more. More interesting things like that. Looks like they did some things right, like they went with an order book instead of a liquidity pool copying polymarket there. But yeah, it'd be awesome to keep tabs on this and see what happens. Got it. Got it. Nick, are you in the, are you involved in any of the polymarket prediction market stuff at all? I know we've been talking about a good amount on the show. Well, no, I haven't been. Yesterday I found out that I need to switch VPN, so I canceled my expressVPN, found out I was on a monthly account, not a yearly account.

VPN Discussions and Funny Encounters

Better. That's great. Sounds like I need to switch to NordVPN, which is not our sponsor, surprisingly enough. Instead we're sponsored by companies that have me strap dildos to their head. I was debating it yet before, I was like, guys, this isn't part of my character. Then yesterday morning I woke up and I was like, yeah, fuck it, let's do it. So the guy. So the guy you were with was the dildo guy. So basically, the way. I mean, I'm giving all the insight here, but the way that it worked, the way that it works is he had a bald head. I posted a photo of it. He had a bald head on and, like, covering his hair.

Filming and Creative Scenarios

And he'll be deep faked. Yeah. So he'll be deep faked to be Gary Gensler. We shot a couple of clips. I'm not going to reveal all the clips that we did. Some of it, I think, is actually straight up offensive, and so I'm hoping that doesn't get actually public. So all six of you together in real life, I'd imagine that you guys were, like, secret, like, secret agents on an op, because you guys look like any other situation, that group of people would be together. It looks like a little CIA collective mini thing going on there. 100%. And so were getting thrown out by security guards, police, other people, because I was.

The Escapades of Filming

I mean, we walked into chase bank with me holding him by his tie and throwing him down in front of the ATM and telling him to empty the ATM from a bitch. Smack his ass in front of a security guard who was just sitting in the chair observing, thinking that this was the coolest thing he's ever seen. And, yeah, it was an interesting. There were a couple of incidents like this. It was going for a long period of time. I was getting. I was starting to feel uncomfortable for moments, and then I was just like, lean into it, Nick. Lean into it. Yeah, there you go. Sometimes that. Yeah, Ray, go ahead. Sorry.

The Experience of Creative Filming

So they say, like, you can get in anywhere. If you have, like, a. Like a maintenance fest on is like, bringing a production crew, like, the same thing. You can just, like, rob a bank, do whatever. If you have, like, a production crew filming you. No, the restaurant wanted to throw us out, but we sort of played it low key. I also had a secret. I had spyglasses on for one of the scenes. Really? Yeah. So you get some footage from the angle of your face? Kind of, yeah, there's a couple, I had an idea yesterday involving spyglasses that we ran with.

Project Veritas and Insights

That's pretty good. Think project Veritas. Yeah, yeah. They catch some people saying some shit, man. And. Yeah. You're a big fan of project Veritas, right? Well, I actually like their approach to content. Some of their stuff is kind of. A new vice a little bit. Right. You know, some of their stuff is a stretch because they're, like, getting some low level person, you know, say they're gonna get laid. So they start saying some stuff. Oh, here are all the things that we used to do inside the organization, let me tell you.

Discussion on Controversial Topics

We used to kill little babies. And that was. And people like, oh, my God. They did. That was. Who was the Infowars was Alex Jones, right? Probably was, man. He was right a lot of things. Little baby vampires. I don't remember that part. They were blood sucking vampires, supposedly. The, the, like, institutions. I mean, you know, some people, they're literally getting like youth people to, you know, trade their plasma in so that they can live longer. You know what I mean? Like, you know, maybe Vladimir was a real vampire, you know, just a crazy scientist back in the day draining some present peasants for some lifeblood.

Update on Polymarket Experiences

But anyways, Clemente, you've been missing a. On the polymarket side, my buddy terials been on a little bit of a heater, went for three on his picks, then went four for four. So he went three for three on Trump, four for four on Kamala, and then went. The streak broke last night, but he went three for four on Biden. Still a nice roi, though. 30% over it all. Even if you took the. The hit on the l Sam. So kicks. I haven't been on the prediction markets world, so can I. Can I tell you my objection to it or my kind of obstacle from getting in a little bit?

Obstacles in Engaging with Prediction Markets

Yeah. Well, I'm not in it, so I don't understand that. The deepness of it. So I guess if I was wanting to get started or if I was just listening or I was curious on it, maybe I wanted to throw a couple hundred bucks on it. What would that. What would be the best way to get started? Is it like a specific bet I should get started on something you find most interesting. And then the second thing is, I feel it's way harder for me to put like more than 100 or $200 into a bet versus on a meme coin. I'll throw a couple hundred bucks at anything that's moving, including the crackhead deb, if I would have caught that earlier, would have put money at that, which.

Reflections on Trading Strategies

Maybe you up or down trading meme coins. The thing is, if it wasn't for kabuti, the. The big trade I made like two months ago, I would be down significantly. But I made a pretty good amount of money on that. So it's holding up. But every other trade I've made, I've lost money on. Hey, you know. Yeah. You know, the game that you're playing, IGNC, the picks get dropped on tiers account oxterial, Tyrael so, like, there's evidence he's been making the picks ahead of time, posted them on Twitter, and then they're hidden.

Exploring Personalized Trading Interests

You really got to find out what you like, what you find interesting to you, and what you want to trade. Right? It's different for everybody. Some people like the word markets. That's what people are going to say during speeches. Some people like to just bet on the US elections or the margin of victory. Some people like to do the movie markets. There's all sorts of markets to find out what you want to be interested in, but you definitely want to develop, do some research, develop a thesis, and try to come in these things with an edge.

Advice on Successful Trading

If you're just like, clicking buttons, being like, oh, this looks fine, or I'll make three x of this hits, then you got to understand what you're doing, which is not being a skilled trader. Just like meme coins, right? Like, when I evaporated five can meme coins is because I just dove in to the deep end and was just like, throwing money around. Right. Instead of being like, let me actually do some research, understand this market. Yada, yada. So I think it's smart of you if you want to start out and just keep your, like, bet sizing low and just trying out some different markets and finding out what you liked.

Recap of Recent Predictions and Hits

Signal. I think some of your words would have hit that were talking about yesterday. Ooh, run me through what hit. So Biden was a big yes guy. So like, project 2025, hit MaGa, hit inflation, hithenne, folks. Three times hit kicks. This is during the DNC. DNC speeches. Got it. Yeah. And this is specifically for. This was for Joe Biden. Specifically, this was for Joe Biden's. And then there was also Hillary Clinton's speech.

Assessing Speech Outcomes

She was a big no's hit on every single one of hers. Not a single yes was hit on. On Hillary Clinton's. But is that because Hillary's giving less speeches today, so there's like, less context to look? Yeah, I think she was on shorter, probably shorter time wise. Right? I think it was like a shorter speech anyways. Cause, like, her context compared to, like, Biden's context in the speech. Pokemon go. I don't know what the fuck that's about. But, yeah, that's wild. Right? But yeah.

Evaluating Predictive Speech Markets

So this market was all no's. Not a single one hit yes. Biden hit a lot more yeses. So he hit folks three x. Maga. Maga was a two x. If you bet on him hitting that. Big yes market what's coming up next then in the word prediction market, Kamala Harris on Thursday. Okay, so two days from now, if you want to get into like a nice liquid market, looking at Mala Harris here, we're looking at these.

Concerns About Prediction Market Variety

I'm not a fan of a lot of these words on here. I did monkeypox. Wow. That wasn't there yesterday. I'm pretty sure. Yeah, they've added, they added monkeypox, didn't they? Don't see that really hitting there. And I don't feel like there's that much variety and diversity in the words compared to what we just had with Joe Biden. And I imagine her speech is going to be pretty long given she's the headliner. So I would like to see some more words added there before Thursday.

Possible Predictions from Upcoming Speech

Yeah, these markets, this word market kind of sucks. But ceasefire, apparently Biden and AOC said ceasefire. I definitely think the DNC's are very good about coordinating a message across various speeches. Right. So for Joe Biden himself to say it and AOC to say it, good chance that he maybe hits there. Looks like they've gotten away from the weirdo tagline. So not sure he'll say that, but me and my buddy are going to live stream at 04:00 we're going to talk about this speech and then we're also going to talk about just some other poly market opportunities in general.

Hillary Clinton and Prediction Market Responses

But yeah, looking forward to it. So kicks when you, so you said, like for example, on Hillary, everything was a no. So if you take it a no side that would like, that would have been a successful trade. Do you hit the nos or do you hit the yeses? Great question. It's very market dependent. And I think that's what's fun about the word markets is they really swing based on the previous results and sometimes swing too hard to the other side.

Strategies and Approaches to Predictions

Right. So like Trump had a, had a speech where he hit almost every single yes. He had all of the yeses except for some long shots. Then when his next speech came in, people started really bidding up the yeses, right. And I was able to get a no on. I forget the word, but it was for like a four x. Right. Just because everyone kind of overpriced the essays. So it's very dependent. I definitely like to, I probably lean 60 on the no side, 40 on the yes side.

Balancing Trading Strategies

My buddy terial is way more on the yes side. He likes hitting like the yeses that are 60, 70%. He has like high conviction in. Right. I'll tell you what, being on the no side during a speech is a lot more sweaty, right. Because, like, a yes side's fun, right? Because it hits and then, like, you've won right there. You're like, whoa, the no side, you haven't won until the speech ends. You're not smiling at all during the entire speech, right.

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Predictions

You're just sitting there and, like, every time they start a new paragraph, you're like, don't go that way. Don't go that way, don't say it. You know what I mean? Versus, like, when you hit a yes, you block the win in.

Initial Thoughts on Speeches and Market Betting

It feels a lot good on the. Yeah, well, when Kamala did her north Carolina speech, I was watching the gouge, like the gouge monitor, and she didn't say gauge. She said gauge. Yes. I didn't have the bet, but I'm guessing that didn't resolve positively for the people. And that was the only time she said it because remember, it was price gouging five x times. And so that was the one time she said it and she didn't even say it. So that would have resolved to a no anyways. Yeah, exactly. So, yeah, I feel like for these words, I'm going to resolve to probably, I'm going to look for words which are yes, just because otherwise I'm going to have to sit through the whole speech. You never know how long that's going to be anyway.

Market Dynamics and Word Betting Strategies

But I think Thursday as well will be the most interesting. Just from a liquidity perspective as well, that you're really betting on Kamala, which obviously that will bring in the big bucks versus the Hillary one, which I imagine the order book was pretty small. Yeah, yeah, it was. It was a lot thinner. And sometimes, like, if you, especially if you're new to this, one thing you really got to check is the spreads, right. So when you click on these markets, you look at the order book. If the spreads like $0.16, you do not want to be market buying. Right? Like market buying is kind of like dumb retail money. Setting limit orders is like smart retail money, meaning that if a spread $0.16, it means, like, the bid is 40, right.

Understanding Buying Strategies in Market Making

And then, like, if you want to market buy, it's $0.56. Right. So, like, instead of just market buying that you should be coming in and, like bidding $0.44. Right. And you'll save yourself 30% just on the buy. Right. Especially on these, like, faster, thinner markets. I also did some market making, which was fun. If the spreads on 16 is $0.16, right. If you can hit the nose and the. Yes on it, you're making a risk-free 16% return on your money. You have to be on your computer non-stop to do it with like, size. But I think I got like 100 shares. No, 100 shares, yes. At $0.86 all in the.

Navigating Market Orders and Spreads

And just exited the trade with like a, you know, free 14%. That was, that was fun to do. So is this one of the examples of a big spread here? that's going to be a three cent spread. So that's not bad. You go to the order book, you click on the order book. you can see right there, spread, $0.03. That's not that bad. When you're like, at. That's, that's pretty gnarly. and yeah, you can just put in limit orders in that situation. That makes sense. That makes sense. Sorry, just one last question on this kicks. But what kind of questions then, are good for market making? Yeah, it's kind of like, the interesting thing is that markets that have more volume inherently have tighter spreads because there's more volume, so it's easier to market make.

The Importance of Volume in Market Making

The ones with big spreads are generally like very little volume, so they're not as easy to market make. Right. It's kind of. So, but, like, you can, especially when markets launch and they're new. Right. And there's no data on where the spread should be, so they start out super wide. And a lot of times you can, like, catch some money super easy one side or the other. But, yeah, it's like a fun little thing to like, play around with it as well. And like the word markets, I think you got to do a lot of research. Otherwise you're kind of just gambling. You're throwing some money around. But if you do a lot of research, you can definitely have an edge here. And, yeah, Clemente will live streaming at four, whatever we come out with.

Examining Performance in Crypto Markets

Any, any hot ideas, we'll send to you and signal crash. King says, yeah, we're trying to be super rich with crypto, not pay electric bill. Well, Crash, look at the leaderboard. I think just cams made 1.7 million lifetime on polymarket. Crash is wanting to, he's more of a meme coin guy, so he said he was trying to get super rich. That's, and we'll pivot to that in just a second. But I think that's the big thing with meme coins in general. Like, I think the perceived kicks goal is kind of, you can hit that 100 x without having to, like.

Dreams of Success in Meme Coin Investments

Raise, raise your hand in the chat. If you're. If you've turned five k into 100k ingesttain in six months in. In meme coins, please raise your hand in the chat. I'm sure there's a ton of you out there, but, yeah, keep chasing the dream, because guess what? My buddy in high school wanted to play in the NFL. Yeah. So, you know, chase that dream. The thing with meme coins is, but. The only person putting their hands up is greeny. It's going to be like that kid in the classroom where he's like, does anyone know the answer? Nobody puts their hands out except Greenie, who's like, yay.

Relentless Pursuit in the Meme Coin Market

And look what Greenie does. He grinds ass off. Yeah, you. You have to spend, like, you have to be hyper obsessed with it. You have to be with anything. It's a skill game. With polymarket, it's the same thing as with anything else in crypto or in general, as it requires practice. You're gonna be trash initially. Right. It. So it's like you have to put into time to build the skill. The thing with meme coins is the perceived way to win is like, it feels simple at the surface.

The Complexity of Meme Coins

So you can put in money. All you have to do is literally just press one button, and the perceived gain is you can make a 100 x or whatever that. That might look like. So Abro is now saying he made 2 million on Memeland. That's an NFT. Yeah. And I think NFTs, call me crazy. NFts are easier. Or at least it feels like a more fair game to play than meme coins. I don't know, putting it out there. Wait, so all of these guys. So all of you guys, you've all. You all turned five k to 100k in under six months?

Skepticism and Realism in the Trading Narrative

That's not one trade. That's all you. You netted. You netted a 20 x gain. Like your p and l is 20 x in six months. Right? Raise your hand if that's also true. And. And then guess what? You have to send me your profile, and I'm gonna evaluate that. Okay? And if you're lying, you're fucking in trouble. Okay. Okay. With meme. Well, let's talk about it. I mean, meme coins are recovering right now. We have heard some good things.

Current Trends in the Crypto Market

Crypto is rallying. Meme coins are rallying on the back of it. You guys made a port, little meme coin portfolios yesterday. One day in, we have nick up 20% kicks, you're down 33%, mostly led by that tadpole. On base, we have signal up 18%. Ray up 64%. Let's go. And easy. Up 58%, led by fwag, that frog. Meme coin on base kicks or, sorry, not on base, on Solana. What do you make of the meme coin market in general?

The Influence of Market Platforms on Meme Coins

I know you initially tried to get into what, like two months ago and got kind of rinsed on it. Pump funds been getting some FuD recently for being compared to Opensea, meaning that they are kind of extracting that liquidity. So upside gets lower and lower based off of their fees. Same thing that happened kind of to the NFT market back in 2021 where they were making millions almost like per day. And pump fund is just raking it in right now. But that liquidity has to come from somewhere.

Challenges Facing Meme Coins

So I'm curious what you make of meme coins right now and some of the action on it. Yeah, I think meme coins are great. I think it's just a different type of game. Right. Like, you have to understand the science of the game. Like, when you hear easy talk about it and like, his strategy. Right. It's someone that's like playing the game with an understanding of the game, right? Like, meaning, like, you know, where, like how to watch pump that fun for the new things coming out and whether they graduate and what you're looking for and how to look at.

The Cycle of Success in Meme Coin Trading

Detect something that looks sketchy or not. Right. And I think there's a lot of money to be made. I definitely think similar to nfts, it's definitely a 5% is going to make 95% of the money. just because they're the smarter traders and you run the cycle enough times, the smarter traders are going to win. but, yeah, I don't think. I don't think meme coins are going anywhere. and like, generally when people start complaining about the fees, I don't think that's a.

Understanding Market Cycles and Meme Coins

Yeah, I don't think that's a top signal. I think maybe that's like a. A mid cycle signal. Yeah. With, with me. So with meme coins right now, it looks like, a lot of, I mean, the recent runner is at Reddit Dog. my whole take on it is in general, it's just, there's so much, there's so many meme coins right now. There's so many. Like, I almost don't bet on anything, that's less than a month old.

Inexperienced Investments and Market Analysis

Just because I feel like I'm gonna get dumped on unless you catch it early, like, with this Snoofy, this Reddit Dog, at, like, eight and a half, nine mil, I have zero motivation to put any money into that. That a Tron coin or. No, it's just Reddit Meme is me Coin based off of the Reddit Dog that's been trending recently. But it got up to eight mil. I don't know if it has room. Like, it just feels like the Gains are a little bit smaller than before.

Shifts in Gains and Market Dynamics

We had, like, remember Billy, like, a month and a half Ago, two months, that made it up to, like, 200 mil, 250 mil. I don't think we're like, what? It just. These pumps keep getting smaller and smaller. There's liquidity that keeps getting more spread out and, yeah, I don't know how long it lasts. I think short term, I'm pretty bearish on some of these new meme coins, unless you're in the trenches. Trenches?

Lessons Learned from Previous Market Trends

Yeah. Well, what happened in the nfts is you would have these go wide moments, right? Like, it was like, layers of degeneracy, right? So, like, I each Nft mini cycle started out by, like, the majors running, right? Like, so the highest price point ones running, right. Then your, like, mid caps ran, then your low caps ran. And then we go into, like, d gen absurdity Nft season where you're minting just, like, the stupidest looking stuff ever.

Cycles of Success in NFT Investments

And, like, 80% of the things are rugging. Like, you can go look at my opensea wallet, and you'll see, like, small brain apes. They never revealed. They just straight. They. They minted and just rugged and went with the money, right? And, like, I would just throw, like, an eth at a time casually in these projects. Cause we made so much off of the top, the mid and the, like, low caps all rotating. What it feels like right now with meme coins is like, we're in the d gen.

Movement from Established Markets to Pure Speculation

Like, moving from low cap into just the pure d gen cycle. And then, like, everything kind of resets and people are like, whoa, that's a little crazy. Let's go back to the, like, more proven meme coins, right? So then you'll see Pepe ketchup it and whiff ketchup it and mog ketchup it, right? And then kind of the cycle repeats itself. As an outsider, that's what I to. Add to that as well. Like, clemente and what kicks is saying, it's like, on the meme coin side of things, it's like, to be successful, you really have to lock in your time and you really have to be, like, in it, in the trenches and watching all of them.

Commitment and Psychological Toll of Trading

Like you were on holiday last week. If, you know, if you had put your money in a coin and then not watched it during a week, more than 98% of chance, you probably would have lost money on it. And I think with meme coins, like, the psychological toll of just always having to be locked in, I find personally that I have seasons with them and I will lock in and I'll be like, you know what? That's enough.

Personal Experiences and Trading Cycles

I step away and I'm happy to step away because then I come back with new energy. But I definitely feel like if you want to be successful in meme coins, you really have to, like, study them, trade them, and just be willing to give all your time to them. And if you can't, that's when you're going to lose money. There was a point in time in NFT trading in 2021 where I swear you could ask me any top 100 project with me, not by a computer, and I would be able to tell you the exact price of it.

The Importance of Market Familiarity

Like plus or -10% like, I just knew every single thing. But, like, I mean, that's so hard to do. Not like I'm with you. So I do in cycles. Like, I could do that for a couple of months and then I'm like, okay, hold. I need to, like, decompress, you know, or whatever those burning man people say. And they're like, they go out and do acid in the desert. They can decompress.

Seasonality of Trading and Market Trends

Greenie brings up rail to. Over to you in a second, Ray. Or, sorry. Greenie says that it's harder to, basically saying it's harder to trade meme coins when macro is bearish, right? When Solana isn't running, trading meme coins is. So it's kind of seasonal, right? So basically Green is saying Washington definitely more advanced on meme coins than I am is. It's easier to trade them. TRADe them when SOLANA starts running and starts ripping because everyone kind of turns more risk on at that point.

Market Understanding and Anticipating Trends

Ray, anything you wanted to add here? Yeah, see, there's four of us here. We're pretty smart, like Reddit. This coin that's Solely on Reddit got up to 29 million. Like, what's the next platform we're launching a coin on? That just is on that platform. Is it group me? Is it, is it WhatsApp? The WhatsApp token? Yeah, let's get grinder. Strictly, strictly Grindr.

The Mechanics of Meme Coin Launches

So the token launched on Reddit, like, just in a subreddit. Right? Can you buy this? Only thing they have is Reddit. Pull that up again. Right. That's interesting to me. That's actually interesting to me, that the Snoofy or Snoopy, whatever that token is. Explain this to me like I'm your grandfather. All right, so normally a meme coin has these things called chats, like, where you can talk to people.

Community Communication in Token Growth

And the popular chat application for meme coins is Telegram. Everyone has a telegram. They also have Twitter, so they can share their meme coin with the masses. This one has neither. All it has is Reddit. They have a subreddit for the meme coin. That's it. And that's the bullish narrative. Yep. What percentage of people in meme coins are doing whippets? 95.

The Convergence of Community and Cryptocurrency

Yeah. Okay. That makes a lot of sense. Cause how is that, like, y'all, do you ever heard about this coin, man?

Discussion on Meme Coins

No, what's it called? It's snoopy, dude. So, like, most people are talking in telegram, but, like, we made a subreddit, dude, and I. It's fucking lit, man. No one's ever done this before. Do you remember the Reddit collectibles? And, like, everyone, like, ham on this and I. Yes, yes. Did the gold one. Some people top bought those for, like, seven e. But they did Reddit. Reddit had a currency cryptocurrency that did well for a while, I want to say. And I'm not trashing on Snoopy, okay? I'm not hating on Snoopy out there. I'm just saying, I don't know. It's hard for me to, like, how am I supposed to see that? And then be like, this thing's going to 22 million, right? I'm going to respect meme coins. I'm going to respect it. I'm going to firmly shake your hand as you crush meme coins. I'm going to stick to prediction markets where I just know, like, I cool, I'm right or wrong, and then I get my money, or my money evaporates. That's it. And I don't got to, you know, I don't got to be like, okay, you know what meta are we in now? We're launching on different Ray.

Launching Innovations

I think Grindr is going to work. I think we should. I think we should launch on there. I actually, I actually read about a guy and he said he was shilling Cardano on Grindr because he put on his profile. Then he thought the other people would buy Cardano to kind of have something in common with him. So he's using it as a growth platform, which I thought was pretty witty and intuitive. I really think, Ray, a boomer coin that already try to attract old people, that is. I'm really excited. It already exists on base. The boomer coin. I got good meme coin ideas. I honestly think I would be. Me too. Good. I would be good for the meme coin space as a dev, not as a trade. You'd be good as the marketer. I think you'd be really good at coming up with ticker names. You'd be. And see, I bet you have more than one. I bet you have, like, a whole. At least ten or 20 there. I got you names and you got the networks. So I'm in the kicks cabal. Just let us know when that group starts.

Travel Plans and Legal Questions

Yeah, I just need a Greek passport. So I'm traveling there in a couple of weeks, and I got, like, a whole fake outfit and everything. My name's gonna be Tuscany Miliavo. Right? So is it illegal to launch meme coins and sell it? What. What's the. How is that different than. Than dumping on everyone after promoting it? What's the difference? Did you see this story? Did you see this story? It was, like, literally about. This video came out yesterday about a guy who just, like, rugs meme coins over and over again and, like, just shows how he does it. He's got weird. In a week, we probably tier 400. So on average, around, like. Yes. Sixty k. Sixty five thousand. We do street launches for about 40 minutes per day, and those launches usually dumped within the first minute or two. See, this guy would be the easiest person in the world to find. First of all, he's an absolute idiot. Because you were making this much money, why the fuck would you hop on an interview like.

Ethics of Scamming and Strategies

Like, do these guys, did they not remember when Nick played that song, that old rap song, and it listed out all the rules to, you know, to trading drugs? You know what I mean? And it was a good rulebook. These guys don't listen to the rules at all. They just make your money. I mean, this. And also go to therapy. You have low self-esteem. If you need validation of your scamming, you should be able to scam and be validated within. You should be able to scam people and steal their money every day and say, I'm good enough on the inside and not need that external validation of hopping on an interview. I kind of think this is easy. Like, doesn't this look a little. Does look a little fucking does look like easy. Holy shit. Clemente, can you get the team to do a side by side and then do that stuff we see on, like, crime shows and, like. Like, put his face over on top and then do, like, the iMac ray? Play the clip. No stem. Right there is easy, for sure. Can you play the clip with no audio?

Character Analysis

The most sloping. The sloping shoulder. The sloping shoulders. And the eyes and the nose. It's easy. That's fucking easy. Scroll in. Go deeper on the eye color. What eye colors we have here? Is that hazel green? What the hell is going on here? All right, can we get what it was? There we go. That hazel green. This is why easy is not on the show today. So. Okay, well, this is very interesting for. For people just listening in on Twitter. Space we're playing. No wonder he's traveling Europe, dude, because he's fucking got, like. He's got heat, dude. He's trying to get the heat off his back. That actually looks. He's probably looking for non ex. Non-extradition. Extradition. He's looking for non-extra countries. Right at the moment, he's trying to. He's trying to get that EU passport. That's what he's trying to do. 100%.

Speculations on Market Activity

He's getting the stamps. That's what spies do. Right? You need a little depth on the passport. You show up with a fresh passport, people start asking some questions, right? But that passport's a little raggedy taggedy. This guy's been traveling a lot of the stamp and go, baby. So he's definitely. He's getting a little weight on that passport. Very suspicious. Very suspicious. Easy. I mean, I think he's going to be on the show tomorrow. We'll ask him about it, because this is. We're going to get to the bottom of this. Anyways, were talking meme coins and having some conversation that real quick on the crypto topic kicks. What's going on with Tron? I know it's a little bit off topic. I saw you bring it up recently. Tron is one of the. I think it's the biggest seven-day mover, or one of. It's up 20% in the last seven days.

Trends and Market Movements

Why is it running all of a sudden? I saw you mention it on, initially. Is it because of the sun pump? I just think it's one of those things where it's, like, when nothing else is going on, people go back to the old playbooks, right? And one of, like, the oldest moves in the playbook we've seen it with NFTs. We've seen it with meme coins before. It's literally to pick a chain and then, like, do the same thing that's happening on every other chain on that chain. Right. And then that's all I see happening here. Maybe there is some massively awesome underlying stuff on Tron that I heard of and please come and roast me. Tron has more volume on memes than pump fun. Yeah. But I also feel like going on Tron is like, kind of like, instead of going to Las Vegas, you go to, like, New Jersey to someone's house and go underground where they built a 4000 square foot casino bunker. And you're playing and the action is good.

Caution in Trading

But you also know, you know, you say something bad, admits a tony, you get knocked kind of shit. Right? Like Tron may be a little bit of that. So be careful over there. But I think it's similar. Like, you know, Ton went on a run. Ton had a really good narrative. But we've seen it all before. Remember, say, remember Sui, everyone's talking about. Oh, yeah, I get over to say, you gotta trade the same meme coins. You gotta trade the same fts. I've seen this thing play out a bunch of times and it always ends with, you never hear about it again. So. And call me crazy, only every one. Of them call me crazy. If I was. Yeah, if I was Justin son, you know what I would do? I would put. Put $2 million on just pumping these meme coins.

Strategic Investments

Adding liquidity. Liquidity. Launching, launching. And getting. Washing a lot of fucking money that way. I'll tell you that much. Not the dumbest idea in the world box. And I take it out now, it's a new fresh greenback. And I can now I can spend it anywhere. Yeah, I would assume Justin sun has his paws all over this, pumping these. But hey, if you can make money from it, maybe it's worth getting in right now, versus a week from now. Justin Sons is pumping all these right now. so I don't know. Yeah, Ray, all these always live on spaces right now. Oh, shit. Hey, Justin. Spud, all due respect. All due respect, sir, I'm just making jokes over here, okay? I'm just reading off the teleprompter over here. They set me up.

Insights on Market Trends

I don't have any thoughts on my own. I don't know about this, guys. Yeah, I can't. I can't. Justin. Yeah, no, that you want. You don't want to get in when the charts doing that usually you want to get in on those that, you know, this is just TVL. Tvl yeah, I mean, shit, dude, narrative ers are going to narrative and they're damn good at it. I'm good at it. Give me a good narrative. I'll spin you a little. What's that guy, Rumpelstiltskin? I'll rumble. Stills getting your ass any day. Give me a good narrative. Yeah, I got a bounce. I'll see you tomorrow. All right, see you, kicks.

Conclusion of the Show

Okay, so Ray, basically what we're seeing there is just a pump fun on a pump fund on Tron launching and that's where the liquidity seems to be going. We talked about this a little bit on easy's show on Monday. He wasn't very interested in pumping Justin sun. And when we looked at it on Monday, I think Sundog was significantly less, maybe 40 to 50 million. And then there was a huge drop off where there was only one other that was at like one or 2 million. It's at $200 million. Yeah, like, that's what I'm saying. I'm surprised when I just pulled it up. Like in the depth is there now too. Like I think it's too late, but I might bridge some over and start playing over here.

Future Predictions

I think this thing has room to run. I'm going to get up with Greeny and we're going to do some analysis. That's what needs to happen. Yeah, I think it's worth. I actually reversed my take. I think Tron is worth getting into for the next seven days. Yeah, I think I agree with that. I think there's going to be plays. Here and obviously not more than seven days and don't get in more than you can afford to lose. But I would be very interested in Tron over anything else right now. I'm going to sit on the sidelines of this one, guys. I'm just going to sit on the sideline. Wait till like, the seasonal menu of glutamas and Maximus has come off and just like, you know, we're back to good fall things.

Final Thoughts

I'm gonna sit on the side and just wait for the real action to come back. Sometimes the best action is no action. And I kind of feel like that's where we are in the whole sideways summer thing. But you guys hit up Tron, come back to us in seven days, let us know how it was. But for me, I'm gonna tie a bow on this and say I'm out. These are some good tickers. I like these. All right, well, we're gonna talk about this in the future, but we're gonna wrap the show here. Thank you guys all for tuning in. We will be back tomorrow same time. We're also live on YouTube. For anyone listening on spaces, you can also listen on Spotify or any major podcast provider.

Show Wrap-Up

Just look up the daily bone and we will be all over that. We'll be back tomorrow, 09:00 a.m. eastern. Thank you guys again for tuning in. See you all tomorrow. See ya. Lord Almighty? Feel my temperature rising. High, higher? It's burning through to my soul? Girl, you gonna set me on fire? My brain is flaming? I don't know which way to go? Know. You can't live behind like a sweet song? All the fire? Light my morning sky burning.

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