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The Crypto Hour with the MISHA English & Chinese community and special guests to talk about the future of crypto and meme coins


Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Crypto Hour with the MISHA English & Chinese community and special guests to talk about the future of crypto and meme coins hosted by unlimited_ls. The Crypto Hour with the MISHA English & Chinese community and special guests delved deep into the future of crypto and meme coins, offering valuable insights on trends, regulations, and investment strategies. From the importance of community engagement to the impact of regulations and market volatility, attendees gained a comprehensive understanding of the crypto landscape amidst discussions on political and social influences. With guest speakers enriching the conversation and exploring blockchain innovations, the space provided a platform for individuals to navigate the complexities of the crypto market, understand risks, and seize opportunities.

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Q: How do regulations influence the crypto market?
A: Regulations can impact prices, adoption rates, and overall market sentiment.

Q: What role does community play in crypto investments?
A: Communities provide support, insights, and contribute to project success.

Q: Why are meme coins gaining popularity?
A: Meme coins often have low entry barriers and attract a diverse range of investors.

Q: How can individuals protect their investments in a volatile market?
A: Diversification, research, and risk management are crucial strategies.

Q: What are the key differences between English & Chinese crypto communities?
A: Language, cultural nuances, regulations, and favored projects can vary.

Q: How do guest speakers add value to crypto discussions?
A: Speakers bring expertise, insights, and diverse viewpoints to enrich conversations.

Q: What are the main challenges in navigating the crypto market?
A: Volatility, scams, regulatory uncertainties, and technological advancements pose challenges.

Q: How can blockchain technology revolutionize traditional industries?
A: Blockchain offers transparency, security, and efficiency, disrupting various sectors.

Q: What are the risks associated with meme coins?
A: Meme coins can be highly speculative, prone to pump-and-dump schemes, and lack fundamental value.

Q: How can individuals stay informed about crypto market developments?
A: Following reputable sources, research, and community engagement are key.


Time: 00:15:42
Crypto Trends and Predictions Insights into upcoming trends and market predictions in the crypto space.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Building in Crypto Discussion on the significance of fostering strong communities for crypto projects.

Time: 00:35:56
Regulatory Impact on Investments Exploring how regulations influence investor decisions and market dynamics.

Time: 00:45:30
Guest Speaker Insights Special guests sharing valuable insights and perspectives on the crypto industry.

Time: 00:55:12
Navigating Market Volatility Tips for managing risks and making informed decisions in a volatile crypto market.

Time: 01:05:44
Political and Social Factors in Crypto Analyzing the intersection of politics, social issues, and crypto trends.

Time: 01:15:20
English & Chinese Crypto Communities Exploring differences, challenges, and opportunities in the English & Chinese crypto communities.

Time: 01:25:38
Blockchain Innovation in Crypto The transformative potential of blockchain technology for the crypto market.

Time: 01:35:19
Risk Management Strategies Guidance on mitigating risks and protecting investments in the crypto space.

Time: 01:45:55
Stay Informed in the Crypto Market Tips for staying updated on market developments, news, and investment opportunities.

Key Takeaways

  • Insights on the future trends and developments in the crypto market.
  • Discussion on meme coins, their potential, and risks involved.
  • Importance of community engagement in the crypto space for sustainable growth.
  • Exploration of regulations affecting crypto investments and operations.
  • Strategies for navigating market volatility and making informed investment decisions.
  • In-depth analysis of the intersection between politics, social issues, and crypto.
  • Opportunities and challenges in the English & Chinese crypto communities.
  • Guest speakers sharing expertise and diverse perspectives on crypto and meme coins.
  • The evolving landscape of blockchain technology and its impact on the crypto market.
  • Tips for individuals looking to enter the crypto space and achieve financial goals.

Behind the Mic


Sadeena. Sadeena. It. It.

Greeting and Waiting

Yo, Jim. Jim. It. Good morning, everyone. It. So, guys, let's wait and wait for Mayna come back and we're going to start this mainland. It.

Community Engagement

What's going on, everybody? Yeah, what's up? Yeah. So main account is 03:00 a.m. where they are. So I told them that I probably would speak on their behalf along with be prepared. So we're waiting for a few more people to join before we start.

Starting the Discussion

Alright, so I'll go ahead and start. Give a breakdown of everything. So, first of all, I'm glad we all came together as a community. It's a beautiful thing to see. Misha's holding up pretty good right now. I told everybody in the main chat earlier today that it's a. And it's an accomplishment. Misha, three. Misha is three weeks old and we're still alive and kicking.

Achievements and Community Strength

That's something rare in this meme world, which is something that I'm proud of. We have a strong community globally. We got the Chinese community, we got the Turkish community, we got the English community. Really all over the world. We even. I fell for this project when. When were able to raise the $5,000 for the CMC.

Background of Misha

But just to back up before that, I give everybody if, just in case anybody is new here. So, Misha, like I said, started about three weeks ago. like any other CTO, the dev, initially rugged. It so know a lot of people like to say, oh, this CTO has been through adversity. Dev rugged. And we came together. Yeah, that's pretty much every CTO.

Overcoming Challenges

Misha. Misha is different because we had to overcome so much more than just getting initially rugged. Right? So the dev, initially rugged. Misha, we came together as CTO. We had a FUD attack. That same day. We reached 22 million, had a foot attack, scared a lot of people off. And we survived that.

FUD Attack and Community Response

Right. We had the FuD attack. We couldn't get control over the main exit count. We had to make a new tg. We had to make sure everybody was still aligned with the community and were able to still come together. That proved to me that we had conviction for this project. A lot of people like to question if Misha is exactly Vitalik's dog.

Discussing Vitalik's Connection

And the thing is, like Rosha used to always say, we know that Misha is the a dog in the Buterins family. Right? A lot of people like to say, oh, Vitalik, he has cats. He has cats. Well, it's really his dad that always posts the cats, right? So. And he has not denied the fact that Misha is his dog, right?

Community Support

I know for me, if I had a pet, right? Or if I didn't have a pet, and I was somebody like Vitalik, and they were like, oh, yo, Frost. That's Frost's. Let's just say a cheetah, right? Let's say Frost has a cheetah. Let's make a meme coin I and call it Francis cheetah.

Refuting Rumors

I on that same day, will, you know, refute that saying, hey, I don't have a cheetah. So, like, I don't know what y'all talking about. Vitalik has yet to do that. I think that what he's doing is seeing if we are a legit community, if we can overcome FUD and stand strong.

Emphasizing Community Values

So that's pretty much how I feel about the community. I love community. I am going to be here on red days, green days. It doesn't matter. The money is not an issue to me. I don't care about the money. Everybody here needs to understand, you got to control your emotions when it comes to this meme stuff, okay?

Finding Strength in Adversity

If. If everybody controls their emotions and hold strong conviction, like, Misha will win. Okay? It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what outsiders think. You're going to always have people that don't hold. They're always going to FUD any project, right? But if you had conviction and you hold and we stick together due tough times, because anybody, everybody's going to be in the chat when we're up ten mil, 15 million.

Community Presence in Difficult Times

I'm talking about through tough times when the market is red, who? I scroll through that chat every single day because I want to see who really has conviction, who's really there, and, you know, who are the people that are just there for the euphoria. So that's pretty much a breakdown. Misha, does anybody want to come up and speak or comment on anything?

Response From Other Speakers

Yo, I can speak. So GM everyone. And, yeah, I heard what you say, and I think it's all true. First, we have to control our emotion. And the second, guys, this is Vitalik's dogs or not, it's not important. We are like, you know, officially show up. Show up on, you know, that official documents, and this is.

Translation and Communication

We all be like, huge guys, and I will translate what you're saying to Chinese because we have Chinese ideas and they don't understand English. Is this good? Yeah, yeah, go ahead. And. R. I'm the ego shoot limit woman. Yahoo.

Engagement with Chinese Community

Yin sha chiwami or Yuanhe jiggle should that shed had a memory coin limit vision that went vision d can fly tapu canon yahoo zamada jazz Instagram woman Doshi woman Joker number woman Nango 20 and go jedi first Jan doin Shi yahoo. You may call in the final you tado don't share first Jambuan so I just translate what you say first to Chinese.

Audience Interaction

So I think all of Chinese audience like listening or. Yes, perfect. Yes. So yeah, ask them if they have any questions for me and I'll answer them to the best of my ability.

Sharing Accomplishments

Okay. I just want to say. Okay, cool. Actually, I think like English community didn't know what Chinese community like completed. Can I share some to our, you know, friends? Yeah, yeah, sure.

Achievements of the Chinese Community

You said you wanted to share some accomplishments that Chinese communities done. Oh, yeah, that. I think the first thing is like very crazy, guys. And we, our Chinese community, we are going to like represent this official documents at the upcoming offline documentary screen event in, you know, China.

Offline Screening Events

So we going to like get all, you know, offline you know, screening event. Like, you know, we're going to like have like retaliate stories movie can, you know, running around all China and to show all, you know, people and show them this movie, this official document. So basically we going to run it. So this is like very huge, guys.

Appreciation for the Chinese Community

Yeah, we definitely appreciate that over in the english community. Really, we appreciate everything that the chinese community has done. you guys, in my eyes, initiated their donations to Vitalik. And, you know, I saw that, and as a representative in the english community, I appreciated that so much. And I was like, man, like I want to show, because, you know, like, I know what the chinese culture is about giving and stuff. And I was like, you know, I want to show them, like, I'm that same type of person. Like, I mean, I'm from the english community, but I believe strongly in their beliefs. So that's when I was like, you know what? Like somebody from the chinese community said, show proof of donation. I was at work and then I, I said, okay, when I get home from work, like I would donate and I will show proof.

Commitment to Donation

When I got home, I asked them if they were still in there, do they remember what they asked me? And they said, yeah. And I asked, do you remember what I said I was going to do? And they said, yeah. So at that point, like, I took out $1,000 donated to Vitalik. And I was like, look, this is what I'm doing. Appreciate everything that y'all are doing. Like, we gotta do this together. Not just, I don't want just the chinese community holding us up. I want everybody to understand. Like, if we all give, like that is a powerful thing. Like, we will make it. I promise. Definitely, definitely.

Discussion on Future Plans

The guy who Joshua woman don't show man cannot. So the gusher know that she don't. So lodai, can you speak now? Jima was dongo banchen Fang go dong zai. Guangzhou hui zhao kanza guangzhou Hui zhou sangatung suba sangatung su chi zhou zheng chi di da hua yajama zhou mutin hame womana Jack Wang Zhao changdu hui zhao za sangha defendi zhou jega suan ji Shall I dawn woman huai chi ganam napi and jikao Dong Tong sudha Hua GCG La Sing Twitter the lamp that toy woman take a miss and kanfas doy woman the whole ho chi suma kan yos maxian fa tagai sujan yo hanji.

Translating Key Ideas

Okay, what Luze said, it's like, first we got like, you know, we're going to, like, represent italics movie. And we got like movie. Breaking up a little bit. I couldn't hear you. You were breaking up a little bit. Be prepared. Try to speaking again. Can you hear now? Yes, sorry, my Internet is broke. So, yeah, I will translate what Lunde said again. Okay, okay, sorry, guys. So let me translate again. Sorry. It's a little bit, yeah, what long I said it's like, about that event. And we can use that represent Vitalik's documentary to running in this city and about the details not coming up yet, but we're going to do it.

Future Collaboration and Predictions

And this is like Lunde saying, and one more thing is like, he want to know. It's like, what do you guys think about this Misha future? And he want to ask host and the co host to, you know, give their prediction about this future and talk about the future. And, yeah, if possible, can we, like, run, you know, this tutor space or, you know, turgon space in, you know, morning in us? It will be like definitely like night in China. So basically, we can, like, run it all. It's because at this moment, it's like, you know, eight and 30 am in China and 09:30 a.m. in Japan. So basically, you know, people all working or not even waking up yet. So this is like what he's thinking and they're giving the advice.

Organization of Future Events

Oh, yeah, no worries. Yeah, we can definitely set up a time for a space. Like, I'm already in talks with a chinese kol. You probably already know. I'm just gonna let her make the announcement. I don't want to say anything until she makes the announcement, but I probably will make the time more convenient time for you guys over there. I don't mind it being ten or eleven at nighttime, just so you guys can hear it. Plus, she's on the same time zone as China time zone, so it's more convenient for her. As far as the prediction goes. You know, that's a tricky question, but I feel like we can most definitely the short term hit anywhere between 25 to, I don't know, 25 to 50 mil.

Communication Strategies

The thing is, conviction has to remain strong when there is, like, any type of miscommunication between communities. Like, we need to have somebody translate in another community to, you know, communicate what's actually going on versus just assuming things right. Like, assuming that the chinese community is not doing this, or the english community is doing this, or the turkish community is doing this. Like, we need to, you know, before, like, we just spread food out into the external world. We need to, as a community, address it in house, just like how you would do with family.

Shared Responsibility

Because at the end of the day, like, we're pretty much like brothers and sisters for Misha at this point. Thank you. Post and I will translate it first channel. Joshua. Joshua space went to me, went to the Rahul Tai liang. The ego Koli had you. Koli Toshu and fashion. Okay, I translate that. So where is Roshi? Man? Roshi, I think, is sleeping. I think he said it was going to be like, 03:00 a.m. at the time of this space. So. Okay. Roshi and Jatani and Shi Sandian.

Encouraging Participation

So ta Guji, shira chanja, you. Also be prepared. Tell them, as a community, we all are still trying to work on getting Vitalik top ten. So I want to challenge, you know, the community as a whole. Like, if any community, chinese community, whoever can get another thousand dollars donated to Vitalik, like, I will match that. I will throw in another thousand and I will screenshot for everybody to see, to know that it's legit. That way we can go ahead and be more public with everything.

Overall Engagement

Okay, I will translate Nango. So the other vision, the chamber first year, which go to Mafia. I just translate. Okay, cool. Anyway, I think this space is, like, very good. Maybe it's like, you know, most of our holders, like, already falling asleep or, you know, maybe not have, like, enough time to join the space, but this is like, you know, very good start for us. When I. Which I believe. So basically, we're going to.

Future Spaces and Communication

Can we, like, run it, like, you know, definitely, like, every days or every, you know, two times in a week if possible. I think it will be, like, very helpful for us. Yeah, that's. Yeah, we definitely should do that. But if you guys want. Yeah, so what we'll do is we can do it to where, like, I can represent the english community. I don't know, like, one day out the week at, like, I don't know, nine or 10:00 a.m. china time, which would be nine or 10:00 p.m. my time.

Weekend Collaboration

And then over the weekend, you know, since it's the weekend, we can probably see if Roshi can run a space that's convenient for everybody as well. Twitter, kung jiang shuji. They can. So basically, I think it's, like, very good. Iran. Yeah, yeah, I just translate what you're saying, bro. Okay. Yeah, cool. And then just make sure somehow, like, if we reach that $1,000 threshold, it gets back to me.

Community Support and Engagement

So, like, you know, I can only go ahead and do my part, my contribution, you know, even though I'm busy at work, like, I'm always checking the chat, checking on y'all. Like, I wake up in the middle of night, check on the chat. You know, I love the community so much. I've never been a part of a community like this, to be honest. Like, check the pin post. Like, I misha. I'm Misha.

Misha Focus

Like, I'm only showing Misha. Like, maybe prior to Misha, you may see a few posts of, like, a few other coins, but, like, chin's Misha came out. Like, I'm only shilling Misha. That is the only coin that I'm focused on right now and giving my dedicated time to. So. Yeah, yeah.

Community Engagement

Thank you. Thank you for seeing this. Woman. Then Chin Zuli, me, and Chicanada, the liao chi honey, Rondo Shami and biochi, Tadoko, Judah, Jata, Jedi nungo. So that they shared. Yeah. All right. So, yeah, if anybody has questions or just wants to give their input, like, just send a request and we'll let you up. Positive vibes here. Doesn't matter what it is. We just want to talk about today. It sound good. Just send a request. Request.

Account Discussions

Josh needoke is unlimited account is your account or nothing is unlimited. My account? Oh, no. Unlimited is not my account. I was thinking it's your account. No, he's anonymous, man. Yeah, I limited. Can you speak, man? You know, everyone is, like, wondering, who are you, man? It's, like, very crazy, man. You never know.

Staying Positive

That's why everybody just has to be positive, right? Like, you never know who's watching. Right? I know. Like, if I knew, like, a whole bunch. I'm just speaking, you know, from past experiences, but if I knew a whole bunch of whales that had, you know, was intrigued by Misha, I would just spectate and go into the different telegrams, check out divide. I would see who's leading the team, and if those people are positive, like, that will sell me. But if I go in there and I see people bashing or not keeping the community together, like, I might question, right.

Community Strength

You know, I'm not going to sit there and throw 15 grand into something if the leadership is questionable, right? So I'm just. That's why I'm telling everybody, you never know who's watching. You got to just stay positive, and when you see one of your colleagues or peers down, you pick them up. Don't bash them. Right. Even if you can't contribute financially, there's so many other ways, like, where you can contribute. Right. Raiding. Right. Everybody should be raiding, like, every single day. Like, we have one of the biggest communities.

Importance of Raids

We should be killing these raids. Right. If. If a person sees something so many times, I don't care if it's Elon, if we raid him every day and he sees the views and everything, like, he has no choice but to see it's inevitable. That is what differentiates the top meme coins from the bottom ones. Right. The strongest communities win, period. Definitely.

Community Actions

Strongest community will be winged nigga unlimited. Nango chu, sanja, nicomanjo. Put say that you can't had chungja into the kind of fish nay on the farm. It's the one that drew jusha through the horse touch juicer mask push and candle jiggle to entire visa. So shua kajang and gushai. So, yeah, the back you. Any comment? Jubilee Kundian, Shusha bong, Misha, Bishop ruga from Misha now tapish city. Yeah, I just translate your saying and I just add what I'm.

Building Community

My opinion. Oh, yeah. No worries, bro. So, yeah. Also, like I said, I'll touch bases with the kol. Whenever she does tweet the information out, she probably will tag the main account, but I will retweet it so everybody can see it as well, just so everybody knows the details. And like I said, I'm going to make it a time convenient for the chinese community. Yes. Thank you.

Encouragement for Questions

Rahonko, Tayakuchi. Tayo. All right, any other questions? Don't be shy, guys. What's up? Same time translated. Yeah, the main thing is, like, we just gotta. Yeah, keep positive, guys. Keep positive. It's. It's, you know, it's basically, like, you know, two of us, like, speaking at this moment, but, you know, many people, like, you know, watching us and hearing what we say, you know.

Community Optimism

So basically, my opinions, it's like, you know, I'm very positive about, like, Misha community because we have, like, best community in, you know, whole, you know, mem community. And it's basically. It's like running with CTO. So CTO will be, like, spent, like, more time to build. So it's all on processes. So basically, you just need to keep pushing it, and they keep doing what you're doing.

Continuous Improvement

It's like, you know, maybe it will be giving you nothing, but you will have, like, best community around you. So, yeah, never stop doing what you're doing. And if you can share, if you can retweet, just tweet. Retweet the space and. Or, you know, can, you know, tweet some about Misha, just do it. And if you can create some mem. Just create it.

Creative Contribution

And if you can, like, write story and you can just need to write it. If you can make music, do it. If you can make video, also do it. So this is like, how community, you know, running. So basically, everyone doing what they can do. This is like, you know, whole process. Yeah.

Holding Strategy

Most importantly, hold, right? If you want to make money in this space, I cannot stress enough, like, holding is how you make it. Okay. Do not chase green candles. You will lose every single time, and you will be used as exit liquidity. Okay. And then those same people will turn around, take your ex liquidity and dump it into Misha and then make money off of you.

Conviction in Holding

Just hold and have conviction. Like, that's all. It's simple, but it's hard, right? If you feel like you're going to hit the sell button, go do some more research on Misha. Go touch some grass. Go meditate. Do whatever you need to do, but just hold. These things take time. Nothing is built in a day.

Persistence Over Time

Rome was not built in a day. I know you guys heard that saying before. The whales are watching.

Discussion on Support and Community Engagement

Definitely. Hay Jinnah be the jush chart in join Joe to be so the Doshan Choo Jin Chuchukoma Taita Yahona. We are you may or Misha. Yes. Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you. So I see there are many city auto just now, but missile is strong, results from negative so and became strong. So we need your support, lot. We need your support called Kol, you name it. I think so. You need support, storm. So do you agree? Force and everyone? Yes, I was. I was texting DM's about Misha, but yeah, sorry, can you say it again? I'm trying to multitask here. I apologize.

Mission Statement and Community Objectives

Your mission. Can you speak again? Okay, thank you. And I hope everyone needs a box from Misa. I think this is just very strong. So we need Spock very strong in the future. I think so fast. Oh, yes, most definitely, bro. Like, the support is very strong. The community is strong, majority of the people. If you're still here, then you have conviction, right? Traders are gonna come regardless. There will always be jeeps, there will always be traders. That's why now I kind of sort of don't say much in the chat, like, for things that I want to do, because I want to protect the, you know, the genuine holders.

Concerns About Market Movements

I don't want people front running our chart, right. Saying, oh, fraud. Said this was going to happen. So let me buy a bag now. And when the price pumps, like, I'm going to sell, like, no, like, trust the process. Like, everyone who trusts me, like, I got your back. Like, I'm going to do the best that I can do now. That being said, I can only do so much. Like, I need everybody. I'm open to suggestions, like, whatever. Like we, like I said earlier, we just all have to support each other and we'll get through it.

Community Engagement and Participation

Okay, so basically what he asking is, like, is this possible, like, english community can run, you know, offline screen to, you know, about the Vitalik's, you know, documental movie, if possible. Like, english committee, like, can do the same as, like, you know, chinese committee doing, if possible, and say as he think, like, you know, his english committee do it. So he's like, asking you first, is this possible to do that? If you guys need, like, you know, connection with, like, you know, documentary, you know, copyright company, like, we can get for you guys this connection?

Organizing Community Events

Yeah. So he wants to know if we can, as the english community, like, run offline. What? Again, I'm just trying to make sure I understand. Can you hear a post? Yeah, I can hear you now. Okay. Yeah, I think false. Not here. Maybe he's, like, going to dm someone else. So any other question? I can hear you, bro. And the second half of it, I just didn't hear the whole thing. So I heard something about running the documentary offline for the english community, but I didn't get all the details.

Closing Remarks and Future Communications

I'm trying to add him back up. I think he was rugging here. Let's see. Unlimited. Do you see the request? It's not letting me add him back up. Hey, guys, super bullish on Misha. Just question. Since we have unlimited L's as the host, we have four minutes left for crypto hour. I just want to know if you have any questions for the community. He's been silent, so just checking in. You guys are persistent, man. You guys are trying to. You guys are really trying to get him to talk.

Acknowledgment of Contributions

Okay, looks like he gave a thumbs up reaction. Looks like we're good. I can. Okay. Yeah, he gave a thumbs up. Like, you know, those in pictures speak louder than words, you know, so. Or in this case, emojis. I don't know. You get what I'm trying to say? Yep, yep. What's going on, bro? How you doing, though, bro? Talk me, Frost. Yeah, yeah. I'm just trying. Just putting my daughter, you know, trying to calm her down, to get to feed her, but. Yeah.

Final Instructions and Thanks

Yeah, man, I understand. I had to do the same thing. Guys, I'm gonna go on mute again. Got him. Okay. Baby's on. All right, well, I mean, if nobody else has anything else to say, I guess we can close this space and we'll work on trying to get another one. We'll get the details out as soon as we figure everything out. Keep your ears and eyes open. Like I said, I'm communicating with the asian kol. I'll get her, like I said, to. Out of respect for her, like, I'm gonna let her share the details, and then, like I said, I will repeat it.

Community Engagement and Cultural Connection

I don't want to just, you know, speak on her behalf, so. Yep. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks, everyone. All right, who is our special guest, guys? I was so wonder about it. It's like overdose before our special guests. Come in, bro, the special guests can be anonymous. You know, it doesn't really show. Like, if they listen. Anonymous. We never said that we would disclose who it is. Okay. Okay, nice. Nice.

Community Greetings and Best Wishes

Tinder woman. Say all chinese or Asia. France. GM, Rahona. About that. So, basically, to our Asia community, just. I want to say JM, everyone, and good morning and how, you know, have a, you know, good day and, yeah, just enjoy the day and do what we gonna do, guys.

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