Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Crypto Alpha Show Hosted by Crypto Sensei & Lady Trader hosted by Crypt0Senseii. Join the Crypto Alpha Show hosted by Crypto Sensei & Lady Trader for deep insights into the crypto world. Discover the significance of research, partnerships, and staying informed in the rapidly evolving crypto space. Learn about the impact of regulatory changes, strategies for identifying top crypto projects, and managing risks in investments. Explore the role of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and the importance of continuous learning in navigating the dynamic crypto landscape. Stay ahead in the crypto industry with expert advice and valuable discussions.

For more spaces, visit the Alpha Group page.


Q: How important is research in identifying promising crypto projects?
A: Research plays a crucial role in uncovering top crypto opportunities and mitigating risks.

Q: Why are partnerships with web3 companies significant in the crypto space?
A: Collaborations with web3 companies provide access to cutting-edge technologies and market insights.

Q: What distinguishes a leading KOL in the crypto industry?
A: A leading KOL influences trends, educates the community, and provides valuable insights in the crypto space.

Q: How can investors navigate the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrencies?
A: Investors need to stay informed, conduct thorough research, and adapt to changes to navigate the crypto market effectively.

Q: What are the key strategies for identifying top crypto projects?
A: Analyzing fundamentals, team expertise, market demand, and technological innovation are essential for identifying promising crypto projects.

Q: What role do regulatory changes play in the crypto ecosystem?
A: Regulatory changes impact market dynamics, investor sentiment, and the adoption of cryptocurrencies.

Q: Why is understanding DeFi crucial in the crypto space?
A: DeFi offers innovative financial services but comes with risks such as smart contract vulnerabilities and market fluctuations.

Q: How can investors manage risks in crypto investments?
A: Diversification, due diligence, and implementing security measures are key to managing risks in crypto investments.

Q: What learning approach is recommended for staying updated in the crypto market?
A: Continuously educating oneself through reputable sources, forums, and industry events is vital to stay informed in the crypto industry.

Q: How can individuals secure their crypto investments?
A: Using secure wallets, implementing two-factor authentication, and following best security practices help protect crypto assets from potential threats.


Time: 00:14:50
Unveiling Top Crypto Projects Discussion on research methodologies to identify high-potential crypto projects.

Time: 00:28:15
Partnerships with Web3 Companies Exploring the benefits of collaborating with leading web3 companies in the crypto space.

Time: 00:41:02
Navigating Regulatory Changes Insights on adapting to evolving regulations and their impact on the crypto ecosystem.

Time: 00:55:45
DeFi Opportunities and Risks Analyzing the opportunities and challenges of decentralized finance (DeFi) in the crypto sector.

Time: 01:10:30
Tips for Crypto Security Guidance on safeguarding crypto investments and managing security risks effectively.

Time: 01:25:18
Continuous Learning in Crypto The importance of ongoing education to stay ahead in the rapidly changing crypto market.

Time: 01:38:59
Role of Leading KOLs Understanding the influence and responsibilities of Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) in the crypto industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of uniting researchers to unveil promising crypto projects.
  • Key role of partnerships with web3 companies in the crypto space.
  • Significance of being a leading KOL (Key Opinion Leader) in the crypto industry.
  • In-depth discussions on emerging trends and innovations in the crypto sector.
  • Insights on navigating the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies.
  • Strategies for identifying and investing in top crypto projects.
  • Need for continuous learning and staying updated in the dynamic crypto market.
  • The impact of regulatory changes on the crypto ecosystem.
  • Exploration of decentralized finance (DeFi) opportunities and challenges.
  • Tips for managing risks and maintaining security in crypto investments.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcoming Remarks

Welcome, welcome. We're just going to get started here in just a few. We're waiting for our speakers to come up. Crypto data. Great to see you, brother. How are you doing? Hey, how's it going? Good, man. Great to see you. I appreciate you coming and joining us today. Really do. Yeah, I appreciate you having me. Thanks for the invite. Absolutely, man. I'm really excited to get in here and, you know, start talking crypto alpha, man. I invited some truly incredible people, including yourself, and I think we're going to have an amazing conversation over the next hour. So I'm super pumped, super excited, and I'm really thankful for your time and honestly.

Acknowledgment of Participants

Well, thank you very much. Appreciate it. Means a lot. All right, let's, we just need the great lady trader here and a few other of our. There she is. Co host sent to the wonderful lady trader. Hey, lady, how are you? Hey, I'm doing great. How are you doing? Oh, amazing. Amazing. Now that you're here. Thank you. Thank you. What a beautiful day for bitcoin. It's, you know, it's interesting, right? It feels like September, you know, August, September. Times are supposed to be a little bit slower for crypto, but it seems like a lot of stuff is going on in the background, and I'm really excited to jump in and start having a conversation about all of this. I'm just waiting one or two other speakers and we'll get going here.

Call for Speaker Introductions

Let me see here. Good to see Andrea in the crowd. Hey, Andrea, Brian's here, too. What's up, Brian? All right, why don't we do this? Let's get started. You know, a few of our speakers are a little bit late today, but it's all good. What I would like to do is just, you know, I'd like to do a little bit of round robin real quick, just maybe introduce the speakers and kind of who you are. And maybe, I know each one of you work extremely hard in the crypto industry. Some of you have your own communities. And so I wanted to just give you maybe the 60 seconds to maybe introduce yourself to the people that might not know you and then maybe talk a little bit about your communities that I know that you worked hard to provide a lot of information in.

Discussion Directions

So, action. Do you want to lead us off here with some information about who you are and a little bit about kind of what you do in the crypto space? Oh, did I lose action? Did I lose action? Oh, no. Yeah. Actually gets a little nervous before speaking. He doesn't he? All right, data, let's go to you, Mandev. I I'm actually in your telegram channel, and I know you probably provide a lot of incredible, crypto data, you know, and just from all across the crypto space. So do you want to jump in, maybe talk a little bit about who you are and a little bit about your community and how people can find you? I'm sure after they listen to this space and listen to your analysis, they're really going to want to start following you and closely in what you're doing. So, why don't you take this time to just maybe give us a little bit about who you are, and we'll get into this.

Personal Experiences in Crypto

Yeah, thanks for having me. A little bit about me. So I majored in finance. I have a little financial background. Initially started with stocks, penny stocks, options, and then ended up finding crypto in 2017. And it was kind of amalgamation of the two where you had that risk of penny stocks, but then kind of the reputability of stocks with various protocols, so caught my attention. I was like, hey, let's get into this. First coin I bought, actually, was ripple, funny enough, and that kind of started the journey. And then from there, it just kind of built and originally started a YouTube channel. So that was just something I was trying to, you know, basically it forces me to research the space and forced me to, you know, help network with others and pay attention.

Learning and Networking in Crypto

And from there, it just kind of grew. I started focusing on my Twitter account more and then created an Instagram and then a discord and then recently a telegram just this year. And now you joined. Appreciate that. And mainly what I'm focused on is, you know, data analytics, kind of as the name suggests. Because in crypto, a lot of times, we let our emotions take hold, and that's the quickest way to lose money, you know, to fall into FOMo or to basically, you know, fall into fear where something's falling, you sell it, and then it ends up bouncing the next day. And those are the things I really like to study, is just looking at the data, looking at technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and just, you know, kind of macro perspective as well.

Advice for Crypto Investment Strategies

So kind of taking that all in, formulating an accurate picture of where I think we're going based on statistics, statistical analysis, because at the end of the day, no one's 100% right. But if you can, you know, have an advantage where you're right more than wrong, then over time, you will make money. And so I've been really focused on that and just growing my network as much as possible. Where I think in crypto, you know, network is everything because just like with here in all these spaces, I mean, hearing different points of view, networking with others, you may find out things that you wouldn't have otherwise found out because crypto, you know, literally there's thousands of coins and there's all kinds of different networks and everything. So, yeah, so basically I've just been focused on creating a really free platform across all of my socials.

Educational Focus in Crypto Communities

A lot of them are linked on my Twitter account and where I basically teach people what I'm doing and just try to interact with them as well. And I think that's the best thing because there's such a big educational gap in crypto where if you see all these new people joining, they don't really know how to bridge or they don't really know the difference between these, you know, different networks or narratives or how the space really works. And so I think teaching people about that and how to analyze every aspect of crypto can help them to kind of stay safe in the space and then, you know, teach them to be successful down the road because it is a hard game to master. But the more information you have then the better you can get.

Shared Experiences and Connections

Brother, you're so right about all of that. And you know what's really funny? You know, XRP and Ripple actually started me in the crypto space, too. So I'm sure we have some stories that we can share offline about all of that, man. And it really just, you know, my dad had sent me a video about Ripple and XRP and I knew nothing about crypto, sent me the video and it completely changed my life. So it's really good to see other people kind of taking that same path. Nix, you're up here. I wanted to maybe give you some time here. Do you want to let people kind of know who you are and maybe a little bit about neo launch and then we'll get to action, lady Trader, and we'll get into this crypto conversation.

Introduction by Neo Launch

Yeah, for sure. And also, thank you so much for having me here today since, I apologize. I was running a few minutes late. I'm the marketing manager for Neolaunch. Neo launch is a syndicate launchpad incubator model. We have a lot of tricks up our sleeve. I would love for anybody to come check out our community and just kind of see what we're up to. But we really just enjoy building projects in the space. We like to host game nights, we like to host events. We like to help people understand how to capitalize in this space. We have a very strong focus on gaming and gamefi, but we are focused on every vertical.

Background in Marketing and Transition to Web Three

A little bit more about myself is I have a very strong background in marketing. I worked for agencies for a really long time. Some campaign management and social media strategies, mostly focused on digital strategies with some big brands whenever they were trying to break into that market, like Nike and Samsung and Playboy. And actually that's how I got into web three was through agency work. I got on boarded through wax IO. They wanted to basically change their narrative in web three. And that was a really fun time. And then at that point, I kind of just fell in love with the space, moved into like NFT world.

Love for Storytelling and Community Building

And I think it just kind of really touched on a part of me that kind of lay dormant for a while, which was the part of me that just really loved stories. I loved just like the experiences that the NFT communities were creating at that time. And I think that's just really something that I think web three overall is really amazing at is just figuring out ways to create and build communities off of, you know, personal interests or things that are just really popular right now or things that are going to be popular, but then also just getting us involved in figuring out, offering opportunities also for people to grow in this space where in the past typically we would have not had those opportunities.

Influencing Emerging Tech in Web Three

A way for us to influence the direction of emerging tech or all of these new verticals that are coming out. But yeah, I mean, I really could go on for so long, but I'm not going to. I'm going to pass it over to lady Trader in action. But again, thank you for having me here since they always love being on your spaces. I cannot hear crypto data. Oh, can I hear. You cannot hear data. Okay, wait. Oh, there you go. I wasn't hearing sensei. Oh, it was me. You know, I was on mute. That was my bad. It's still early, people. I'm trying to wake up here. Let's do this.

Opening Floor for Further Discussions

Action. Do you want to drop a little bit of knowledge on who you are and what you're working on right now in the crypto space and how people can find you? And then we'll move it over to Adrian and then I want to get it to the lady trader, the co host. And then I really want to get into what we're looking at this week in crypto because there's so much going on and I know there's a lot of things that you guys want to talk about. So without further ado, why don't you jump in action and let us know? Oh, I don't see. I don't see action or Adrian as speakers. I see them as listeners. Oh, that's. That's weird. I thought I just saw him.

Transition to Discussion of Past Experiences

Okay, let's do this. Lady Trader, you want to break it down? Why? We figure out how to get action and Adrienne up here. I've invited both of them. Do you want to just drop a little bit of knowledge about who you are? I think out of everybody in this space, you've probably been here the longest. I think you were here when there was only four cryptocurrencies, around maybe ten or twelve years ago. So why don't you want to give us a little bit of a background who you are, and we'll get into it. Yeah, absolutely. So I got into crypto definitely super early on into the markets.

Early Experiences in Crypto

Obviously, the first experience was pretty horrible. And I lost a bunch of money back in 2014. And then I heard about crypto, actually, even before then. My dad was the one who told me about crypto super early on when bitcoin first came out, and he was like, you know what? Just buy $1,000 worth of bitcoin and forget it for ten to 15 years. Don't even look at it. Don't do anything with it. That's the future. And of course, I was, you know, at that point, I was doing some equities, and so I was not really interested in that. I was. I kind of dismissed it, and I was like, you know what? Might as well buy some stocks.

Reflecting on Investment Choices

Why buy bitcoin? Right? Because it just seemed like a very risky investment back then. And so I, instead of bitcoin, went for some stocks that I bought at that point, and it was not the best idea. But anyways, that was like the biggest oops in the crypto for me. But then kind of continued my journey, got into crypto in 2014 and 2013. 2014, really? 2013 was mostly watching how bitcoin was doing. 2014 was the bear market. That's when I got wrecked. And then from there, kind of learned all of the important lessons that I needed to learn. And I was also at a hedge fund back then, so it was pretty amazing.

Consulting and Career Growth

And then once I left that hedge fund, got into consulting and pretty much was working as a tech consultant for a lot of municipalities and also some pretty major names like Meta was actually one of my clients, Facebook. And then my team also built some solutions for Microsoft. So lots of great work in web two and then kind of switched to web three and fully as a consultant. And of course, 2021, 2017 and 2021 were great. 2021 especially were really awesome years for me. 2021 and then my community on Telegram, we've been together for a very long time. I do have an alpha community on Telegram.

Community and Advisory Work

It's a small invite only group, and I only invite whales and good people into that community. It's not open, I don't publicly talk about it, but if I'd be more than happy to have any of you on there, you can just shoot me a DM. And nowadays, what I do really is advisory and Kol and marketing activation for a lot of projects, and so leading a lot of campaigns for projects right now and doing some incubations as well. Pretty much a shadow incubation, really. It's something that has been there on and off with me for a very long time, and then connecting people with the right resources and tools, and then lots of Twitter spaces, AMa's, things like that.

Knowledge Sharing and Resilience

But really mostly advising people, advising teams and then helping them with KO electivation. I love that. And imagine where you would be if you actually would have bought bitcoin when it was it your grandfather or your father told you about it. I mean, we probably would be doing these spaces on your mega yacht somewhere out in the mediterranean if that happened. But I do think still, you have the grand opportunity to do. You're one of the best minds that I know in crypto, and I'm so thankful to have you co hosting these spaces. I know your time is extremely valuable.

Expressing Gratitude

So is everybody else is here, and it truly is an honor to be up here with all of you. Adrian, I see you're up here, man. You want to give us a little bit of a shout out about who you are and, you know, a little bit of information, and then we can start diving into to us the hottest topics in crypto and share alpha with all the people in the audience here. Sure. So my foray into bitcoin actually started very early, and I was an idiot and didn't get in. I heard about it for the first time in, like, late 2010, and I thought it was a complete scam.

Missed Opportunities and Learning Curves

But a few guys I knew were involved in mining. They were very early adopters. They were super smart. They kept trying to convince me. I kept thinking it was a scam, missed the opportunity of a lifetime, and eventually got in 2012. I was very fortunate to get in that early. I've lost more bitcoin than I've kept, so I've learned all of the hard, hard lessons with that. I haven't been in altcoins for many years now. I used to be, I think I've owned all of the major alts at some point in years past. I even have owned someones that many of you probably have never heard of.

Adopting a Bitcoin-Focused Perspective

So with that, it has given me a more of a bitcoin focused perspective on things. Im not as toxic as other maximalists that youll see, but I definitely have strong opinions on certain things. Right now, my primary focus in the market is wealth expansion and preservation. So im being far less risky this cycle than I was last. And you know, I focus on, you know, proxies like the miners, microstrategy things of that nature. And really this time around, I'm also very heavily invested in AI proportionally.

Content Creation and Engagement

And one of the things that I've been trying to do this cycle as well that's different is being more vocal, putting out more content, mostly because I don't have a profit motive. So you'll find I'll say pretty much whatever the fuck I want to and not be concerned with who I'm pissing off. And that makes me very popular with some, very unpopular with others. So if you want an unvarnished opinion on things, ask me, because I will certainly tell you. But besides that, I'm trying to give information, I'm trying to give knowledge, and I'm trying to make sure people don't make the same mistakes that I did.

Lessons Learned in Crypto

And you know what I've learned in the four and a half years that I've been in crypto? I'm kind of a youngling here compared to all of you. but you can't make everybody happy. No matter, no matter what you say or do, somebody always is going to have a different opinion. And, you know, I love the people that just go out and say, hey, this is what I feel, and I really don't care about what anybody else thinks about it. So I love that man. I'm really thankful to have you up here and I really appreciate you coming up here. let's do this. I'd love to open it up. You know, we are in, basically kind of mid to, late, late August here, right? Where do you. And I'll open up this panel. where do you guys think we're going to start taking off here? I know, I know we have, possibly a rate cut coming in September. Finally. It looks like the fed is going to get around. I know that there's people that think we're going to go down 0.25 basis points. Some people. I think there's like a 34% chance that we will see a 0.5 basis points drop.

Future Projections

But you know, is September or end of September? Is, is that really the time that we are going to start really seeing, you know, bitcoin take off to the moon and then people taking profits and then dumping them back into all coins? Or do you guys think we're still going to have to wait until we get to like November and December timeframe or even later? I'd love to have anyone's thoughts and opinions on that. So myself, just looking at it, I think that right now a lot of people are front running the rate cuts and I think that's what we're seeing now. I know that global liquidity kind of m two money supply that's been increasing a lot. And bitcoin is usually a lagging indicator a month or two afterwards. So I think that what we'll see is we'll see a continued pump probably up until a week prior to the interest rate cuts. And then from there we'll probably see a drop probably till, you know, beginning to mid October. That Q four historically bullish, but a couple things I've been looking at actually with that is just some history.

Bitcoin Market Trends

Whenever the Fed does cut interest rates, usually we see the bitcoin dominance decrease, probably a month or two after. And then we see altcoins rally after that. So we may see that little delay in altcoin rally after the rate cuts just for that lagging effect. But watching the charts just real quick, I'm seeing bitcoin's broken. It's 51 hundred at EMA on the daily, which has been big resistance around that 62. So if we close above that, then the next one you're targeting that 65.4k, which was previous resistance in August. So that's the level I'm watching right now. And another trend line I'm watching is the total three chart. So the total three chart is total market cap minus bitcoin and Ethereum. And on the weekly you have a fractal that's similar to 2021, wherever you have this downtrend line where it's basically rejected off of April of this month or April of this year, then it rejected again June 3, and then it rejected again July 22. And now that line, we're coming up close to it again.

Market Cap Observations

So we're at about 606 billion and it's at about 633 billion. So that may coincide with the bitcoins, you know, 65.4k level and then maybe we rejected further down after that and then, you know, basically downward chop for another month or two. So just trying to gauge all scenarios right now, but I do think this is just a big front run prior to the rate cuts. And then obviously you have, you know, CZ getting out of jail, which that's speculation as well, good or bad, but a lot of people are front running for that as well with the BNB chain and some of those memes on there. So, yeah, I think there's just a lot of stuff right now that people are front running. And then just with the money supply continuing to increase, that's kind of another catalyst as well. People are looking at.

Audience Engagement

Man, that's incredibly well said. And if I could ask, you know, there's a lot of. There's some people in the audience right now. If you could retweet out the space, I would really appreciate it. We've brought together some incredible minds in the crypto space and I know there's other people out in the world that would love to hear what our members and their panelists are talking about now. So if you could retweet the space, my heart goes out to you. I'd really appreciate if you could do that. You know, Lady Trader, I'd love to bring it to you. You know, you have your hands in a lot of different pies here. You see things before a lot of other people do. What should people be focused on right now in the crypto industry? Is it alts, is it buying, you know, bitcoin and ethereum or what?

Investment Strategies

What are you most passionate about buying right now with these prices? Pretty much some of it at its all time lows with all coins down 60, 70, 80% still. Where are you shopping right now? So definitely for bitcoin, the best time to shop was November of 2022. That's when my community pretty heavily invested in bitcoin and then also altcoins back then. So right now, I think, in my opinion, it's best time to buy altcoins. That's what I'm doing as well. I'm adding to my positions right now. And then I'm also looking at some of the categories that are really red. Right. AI was one. It's already starting to move somewhat now because of the ASI merger. And then gaming is another one.

Emerging Crypto Projects

The launch tokens already in the top 200 list. Those are great. So Ilv alluvium, great team, great product, great community, great price. Right, because my price target actually was $80 on illuvium for this bull market. And thankfully we've got even a better price on that one. And then gala, I mean, I've been buying gala all these days, the last few days, last few weeks, and it is flying now slowly and so. Love it. Mocha versus another one. Really amazing product, really amazing project that I have added quite a bit off and we'll be adding more to my position on that one. Xie infinity, great one. Sandbox, mana, I mean, decentraland all of these are great plays and at a really solid discount right now.

Diversity in Investing

So those are great, obviously. But then other categories, because diversification is the key, right? You have to diversify. You can't just be in one category and say, okay, this is it. Like, no, you got to make money. You got to diversify and learn what's going to give you a better return. So RWA, great, lots of plays there that are happening. RWa actually, I always say that tokenize everything. Now I'm not saying literally tokenize every single thing, right? You're not going tokenize my mattress when I said tokenize everything, I don't mean every single thing. It is going to be the narrative where everybody is looking into tokenization and basically just making a very strong use cases for everybody.

Market Trends Observations

So that's definitely their memecoin. One thing that I noticed the last few days that I've been watching the chart, right? So sometimes what I do is I like to look at the charts. I like to see how things are playing out, what kind of data we are seeing, and my goodness, on Dex tools, we had, like, all of the ten trending tokens are meme coins. Like the last few days that I have started to notice, I'm sure it's been happening longer than that. But since I started noticing, it's like all of the top ten trending coins are meme coins on ethereum chain, not a single utility coin. And I'm like, what the heck is happening? And so it's like, where are the utility based plays? Why are they not trending on Dex tools anymore?

The Rise of Meme Coins

And so it was just surprising because there was a time when I would just, I remember that there would be a lot of utility coins, maybe one or two meme coins, and then everything else would be utility based plays, and that's not happening anymore. So that was very, you know, eye opening that meme coins are here to stay. They're not going anywhere on CMC homepage. They have meme coin as the first hot category listed. They also added politify as a category. So I guess political coins now are a legit digital asset to trade, which is interesting. So lots of stuff happening here. One thing that I'm excited about is the platform that Trump is coming out with. I want to see if there is going to be any kind of airdrop for those of us who are holding Trump nfts from the mint days.

Political Influence in Crypto

And so if that was the case, it would be pretty big. But let's see how it plays out. Maybe there won't be an airdrop at all, but I'm interested to see what kind of platform they're coming up with and what their end goal is. You know, and speaking about that, too, right. They're supposed to be building some type of Defi platform. And I know Donald Trump junior was talking about that. And, you know, I personally, you know, whatever your politics are, no matter what they put out, right. Or they could put out a meme coin that looks like a piece of crap, but people are still going to buy it, right? And I think that's a grand opportunity if you can get into that early, no matter what it is, right.

Market Sentiment and Future Directions

Even if it's promised to do a million things and it only does one thing, people are still going to Fomo in and buy it. And so I'm so glad you brought that up. I wanted to turn it over to Adrian because I know Adrian has a lot of really amazing thoughts about the current market and where we stand right now. Adrian, what are you looking at specifically? And is there anything at all right now that you are just buying, you're DC ing, you're getting into, you're buying. I'd love to get some information from you, my friend. Sure. So with regards to the overall market, things are kind of playing out the way that I thought they would. I anticipated rate cuts coming in either September or October. I've been saying that for a few months now.

Market Predictions

And what we're seeing with the reaction today, and likely we'll see for the next maybe a week or so before rate cuts are actually anticipated and we actually have an actual percentage amount where the market could chew on is people are front running it. You know, we're getting the exit liquidity for the dump that I think is probably going to happen. I do think we're going to retrace before the Q four fund kicks off just based on previous cycles and the fact that, you know, the halving cycles and election cycles and liquidity cycles, all tend to sync up. That is not bearish. That's just me making observation based on what I've seen and based on what I think is going to happen. With that said, that last correction, I'm not going to speculate as to how deep it is.

Market Dynamics

I thought that we could hit 44k, we hit 49. I think that, you know, carry trade wipeout may have been sufficient. I don't really see us going down to 44 again, just based on the narratives that have been coming to play in the last couple of weeks. That being said, what I'm bullish on, still bullish on bitcoin proxies. So, like, microstrategy and certain miners, and those miners are going to be tied to the HPC and AI vertical. I'm very bullish in that sector, mostly because in my day to day job, I use AI quite often. I help companies implement AI systems. And when I say AI systems, I don't mean like a GPT wrapper.

AI and Crypto

I mean actually helping them look into using lama and other open source models to enhance and expand their internal applications. And that trend is not stopping. In fact, I think that, if anything, we are in the very, very beginning of it. I don't think it's a bubble. And I think that what we're going to see long term here after these rate cuts is a growing bifurcation of the economy, where you have AI, robotics and all the proxies, and then you have everything else. And that's a trend I'm going to be watching over the next three to five years, where I think that the bitcoin market specifically, is going to move very closely with that and have some longer term theories on that we can get into another time.

Investment Focus and Strategy

And overall, proxies, Nvidia, those are what I'm bullish on immediately. I don't play all coins anymore. Had my fun with that. I also have thoughts on all coin market, but, yeah, those are just my general thoughts. I appreciate you sharing that, man. Looking at this market compared to what we saw in the 2021 one, you know, run up, I do you guys think we can ever repeat the excitement of that bull market? I mean, we had Covid, we had everybody at home on their computers. They're supposed to be working, but realistically, they were on YouTube, they were on Twitter.

Retail vs Institutional Investment

They were shopping for altcoins, right? And I don't. I don't see as much excitement right now from the retail traders coming back into crypto. So, you know, are we going to see that amount of excitement in this bull market? Or is this bull market really going to be led by institutions and maybe some of us that are kind of joining in and trying to make money with these institutions, I'd love to just, you know, fill that up to anybody if they wanted to kind of throw in what where you think the current market stands compared to our. Last bull market, I don't think that we're going to see that, honestly.

Market Cycles and Predictions

The last market was rate cuts and Qe. So the thing with the last market that I really think people are missing, and maybe this is just my perspective, that environment, like you just mentioned, that was a perfect storm. People had nothing else to do. So when you have a very boxed in population that's looking for stimulus in the form of some kind of a, you know, a release, some kind of a entertainment outlet, and then you have, you know, the crypto market and you have the back then it was all coins, utility tokens. Everyone was talking about the next utility to take over this or blah, blah, blah.

Changes in Market Dynamics

And you had influencers pumping them to the hilt and you had a captive audience. I don't see that happening again. And that's not just for that. I also think that this time around, with the institutional players, where is the money going to come from? Even with rate cuts coming in, even if they do start printing money again, which are going to probably within the next six to twelve months, they're going to have to just mathematically, what incentive is there for that money to go into memes and alts and all the tokens, there's too many of them, right? So you have too many different projects that are popping up like weeds left and right that are sucking all the liquidity out of any one token before it can get too large.

Conclusiveness on Market Trends

And then on the flip side, you have bitcoin that's just chilling around the $60,000 range, and you have ethereum now that has the ETF's. I really think that the money that we're seeing now and the money that we're going to see coming in, it's not retail, it's institutions. And institutions move the markets. Last time was retail moving the market, and that was a very rare instance just because it was a perfect storm. I think people anticipating that now are going to get caught with their pants down in a lot of these tokens and they're going to meet left bag holding en masse. If they're expecting 2024 and 2025 to play out like 2020 and 2021 did.

Transition and Speculation in Market

I'm sorry, go for it. Late trader I agree with a lot of things that Adrian said. I think one thing that I noticed during the last bull market, like even in 2021, launch pads and ideos were big, right? Like every single day there were. I remember like trading, I would wake up super early in the morning and then we would have like a list of ideas that are coming out, invest in every single one of them. And every single one of them would do like 2030 x. A lot of times you're getting all of it at lounge. And so that was basically the landscape back then. And then projects like look at blocktopia for example, right?

Investment Opportunities

It did 733 x or something like that. And then there were others meta we pad 1300 x or 1400 x, something crazy like that. So lots of thousand xs, 500 xs, 200 xs, hundred xs, you know, 20 x's was like the bare minimum really for most of those ideas. And so everything was just phenomenal back then. Of course, it was mostly international markets, though, because you cannot participate from the north american region unless you are a dual citizen or something like that. So a lot of people in the US were absolutely clueless, completely clueless about what ido is, what ICO is. Well, ICO some people knew, but Ido people were completely clueless about that.

Future of Launches

But there was so much money making opportunity outside of the US. It was, is absolutely incredible. And so now what's happening is projects are launching at a higher FDV and raising money. That's the basic thing, right? They want the money. The product is either, you know, there are too many products out there that are similar. But most teams do not care about the chart, right. They just want to keep all of your money, give you a little bit of tokens at lounge and then leave the rest. But it's not to say 2025 won't be different. Like maybe we will see some of that part again. Like similar price action in some of those idos. We'll just have to wait and watch how it happens.

Industry Feedback

But yesterday I talked to two lounge Pet CEO's and both basically said that, hey, landscape isn't looking really good at all for ideas. We don't know how it's going to be in the next few months. So it's very interesting to see. Go ahead, Adrian. Oh, sure, yeah. So, no, I was going to say that if you have a VPN and know what you were doing, you are not blind to it at all. I remember those days very well from lifecycle. So with that said, yes, I fully agree with what you're saying, and to give some color. There were times in 2021 where I would just pick a token at random. I would throw $1,000 at it.

Past Experiences

I would come back a few days later, and I'd made, like, a five x. There was no rhyme or reason to any of it. So people, that's why when people are talking about, oh, we're gonna alt season now, I'm like, not really. What, what alt season was complete. And I'm sorry to use this word if it offends anyone. I don't mean to.

Hyper Scale Retardation in Cryptocurrency Investment

It was complete hyper scale retardation on a level you cannot imagine when it comes to people throwing money into things and just making money. And the problem is, everyone assumed it was gonna keep going. I kept throwing the money into bitcoin while others were like, oh, no, harmony one is going to become the number two token, and blah, blah, blah. And it's just like, you're my exit liquidity. And I'm sorry, but I appreciate you. So that's why now I've just been like, I'm not doing it just because I think it's bad. I don't think it's going to go anywhere good if we have that again.

Concerns Over Launchpads and KYC Requirements

Yeah, no, I agree with that, Adrian, what I was talking about for Ideo was, like, the actual launchpads that require you to Kyc and everything, they actively block you. So that's what I was referring to. But, yeah, I hope that we see some good timings, but let's see what happens. You know, what's, you know, it's interesting, guys. And, like, you know, I really thought the. A lot of these projects that did all of these different airdrops did disservices to the community, right? Because people only came in to farm airdrops. Once they got their airdrops, they dumped the tokens, and they moved on to something else.

Building Organic Excitement Around Crypto Projects

I felt like projects needed to create a different way to build organic excitement around a token. Not just, hey, I'm going to farm this, I'm going to move on, and then I'm going to go farm this. Right? And I think that really did hinder a lot of really amazing technologies that are being built. But at the same time, you know, what do we have, 30, 40, 50,000 crypto tokens? How many of those actually have paying customers? How many of those actually have technologies that, you know, corporations and institutions are building on? I think we just, we have a whole big mess of garbage, and I really think people are focused on the exact wrong things.

Reflections on Crypto Trading Experiences

Anyways, let me do this. Let me throw it over to action. I love to, I love when action kind of comes in with his passion and his love. So, Ashton, what do you got for us, man, on this conversation? Well, I'm an idiot. I love listening to crypto data because that's where I get my astrology, you know, astronomy for men, often. But, like, I can't keep up with as much stuff as y'all keep up with. Like, I head soft lady trader, the oracle here because, yeah, I, that I made money during that time, too, but, like, shoot. Like, I was not making nearly as much as she was.

Investment Strategies and Mining Focus

so I default to things that I know are going to pump longish term. And when I say long term in crypto, I'm talking like six months. I'm not, I'm not talking about, you know, five years. There are things that I'm bullish on as far as five years and that sort of thing goes. But you guys are nailing it. You guys are dead on as far as, like, the way the market looks. you know, the launch pads, they, everybody thought, oh, my, I'm just gonna make a boatload of money. I'm gonna invest in launch pads now because it's gonna take off. And they are not getting the traffic that they had gotten in the past.

Mining as a Focused Investment Strategy

So they're not gonna be as profitable as they were before. So I'm not, like, I have very little invested in launchpads right now. It's just not worthwhile endeavor for me. What I do focus on is mining. Like, that's my go to because my ADHD, it does not allow me to actually keep up with things on the day to day. Like, I literally forget what I, what trades I have open. I can't. Like, I've gotten burned so many times simply because I forgot to close things out. And, like, I just know myself.

Adapting to the Risks of Crypto Trading

Like, that's the main thing. Like, when you're in crypto, like, yes, there is million and one ways for you guys to make money. Just please know what kind of person you are if you're gonna forget to close out trades, like, as I do, and that happens way too often. So, like, I just default to mining, finding nodes. And right now is like, the perfect time. I'm literally spending, you know, say, a lot of money investing in nodes because I know they're going to pay out really well in 2025.

The Future of Node Investments

There are longer term plays, but my conviction is that this is the stuff that was going on when gala games was like launching their nodes where it's like, oh, it's super cheap to get in and all it says like, oh, it's 14,000 for you to buy one. And the price kept going up. That's the narrative that I'm focusing on simply because it's what I know. And people talk about this in the stock market all the time, like, trade what you know.

Understanding Nodes and Investment Returns

And what I know in this, you know, in this market is mining. It's a running nodes. It's that type of infrastructure play that I know I can rely on long term. And man, the coolest part of it all is that I don't have to try really hard because the amount of money that I end up making when nodes are at play is really high. Because if you think about an adoption curve, people that are running the hardware, people that are actually like getting down and dirty and making things work, they're at the very beginning of that adoption curve.

Early Investment Opportunities and the Crypto Cycle

Like you got to move on forward because tokens aren't even launched when you first get into these node things. So when people start trading, well, it's already later down the line. So to me, like node running and figuring out what kind of plays you can get into before token launches, it's almost like invest, you know, being a VC investor at times just because you literally are getting tokens at that price and you continue to earn long term.

Focusing on ROI and Long-term Gains

So like, Roi wise, like, I'm always looking for what can I roi on as fast as possible so that I can move on, you know, move forward and just reap the rewards long term without having to, you know, bat an eye of where my money is, where I have it parked, or what kind of weird trades I forgot to close at any given time. I mean, that's where I'm at right now, man.

Introduction to the TON Ecosystem

And, you know, there might be people in the audience that don't understand what nodes are. And if you're not familiar, this is kind of how I've been able to make a lot of wealth in the crypto industry. You can actually support blockchains early, get paid in that actual cryptocurrency, sell that cryptocurrency and make passive income. Right? Some people do mining, some people support blockchain through nodes.

Educating the Community on Blockchain Insights

And these are two extremely good ways to really set yourself up, you know, to set yourself up. We have, we have Jerry bond up here. I wanted to talk with him. He is actually in the tan ecosystem. And I know Telegram's blockchain is going to be, is already massive. And when you have a billion users using your, you know, your platform, it's only a matter of time before you see this ten or 20 x from where it currently stands.

Insights on the TAN Ecosystem Growth

I love to hear, you know, your input or your thoughts about what's happening in the tan ecosystem and how people can benefit or start making money inside of the tan ecosystem. If you can drop some knowledge on us, I'd really appreciate it. All right. Yeah. GM, Jim, to everybody, GM means good morning, good afternoon, and good evening from wherever you are.

Community Engagement and Blockchain Advantages

Really, thanks so much for the privilege to be here and see everyone. GM to all the listeners and then the speakers. And I also see my friends joining. Thank you so much. The ton ecosystem officer will say, I've been in the space for like four years now, over four years, and I've seen quite a number of blockchains. I've seen the activities, the users, the community.

Telegram as a Driver for Crypto Community

But I'll tell you one thing for sure, that tone has one thing over any other blockchain, which is the community leveraging telegram. To actually use the over 950 million active monthly users of this app gives ton leverage over every other blockchain. Because when we say crypto, we say community. Without community, there's no crypto. And I'll tell you one thing for sure, that at this point, tone has a community, and it's super early.

Innovative Applications within the TON Network

And one of the greatest magic miracles on tone right now is the mini app. Now they've created, I would say, the platform for projects to build mini apps. And this mini apps in turn gives you access to automatically all the 950 million monthly active users of this app. You understand? And so when we keep talking about mass adoption, we talk about the telegram, because we have people from web two using that app.

Education and Engagement Through Mini Apps

We have people from web three. And then also you see education, which is key. And very important people have been educated with the mini apps that have been built there. You can see the gamifying sector is actually gaining traction on the tonica system because people can actually use Telegram to play all these games or to use all the mini apps virtually.

Decentralizing Access with Telegram Users

You don't need a third party app in a play store or an Apple Store anymore. If you're in web three, all you just need is a mini app that is built on Telegram. It can be on tone, it can be on tap swap, it can be on ethereum, it can be on wherever, you know, and you just have access to that community. That is what we are doing on the tony ecosystem.

The Growth Potential of TON Initiatives

And for me, actually, I've seen that this is something that is more of an advantage over every chain. And that's why you see me here. I actually love the technology because for me, actually, I'm from Africa. And when we talk about education, we talk about mass onboarding, you find out that people are looking for the most simplest ways actually to entertain a three.

Mass Engagement and Onboarding Challenges

And, you can look at the model of the not coin. The not coin was launched. And, when not coin was launched, it had over 35 million users automatically. And, after not coin, tap swap came from Solana. And they belt, before moving tone, they had, like, they presently have like, over 70,000 users. hamster combat has now over 200 million users. You know, and this is thanks to the collaboration with Telegram, because that is where the community is.

Community Growth through Telegram Platforms

That is where we are living right now. And you find out that people are being onboarded simply every single day. And when you talk about web three, the common man will tell you, what is web three? And you try to explain and all that, but telegram and turn, the slogan is putting web three in every pocket. That is what is happening right now.

Emerging Opportunities for Builders and Developers

You can see thousands or hundreds of mini apps being built every single day. It could be games, it could be sushi fi, it could be anything in a web three ecosystem. And this is making life easy for everybody, actually to enter into web three. And this is what we're talking about here, getting more people into this thing so that we have more adoption, so that the world government will really see that people are using this thing to really solve issues, solve problems and all that.

Encouragement for Builders to Innovate

And I also employ everybody on this space. If you're a builder, you know, you're not builder, your founder, try to build a mini app on Telegram. It could be your business, like crypto. Sensei, right now say, come on, man, you need to build a mini app on Telegram so that all your community will really have access to it.

Facilitating Local Community Engagement

You can dispose information to them. You can do quite a number of things. If you have a store, you have a mall, you can actually build a mini app. And then from your region, people can really maximize the opportunity. For example, if you're in the US, around your community, if you're in Chicago or you're in wherever in the US, Washington, DC, wherever, you can actually build a mini app that work for people around that community.

Identifying Community Needs Through Telegram

What is that one thing? There's a problem. All you need is a telegram. You know, you don't need to have multiple on your phone. Yes, bro. Sensei, are you hearing what I'm hearing? It sounds like there's a ton of benefits to this, bro. My next question is going to be, you know, what?

Identifying the Next Big Opportunity

What is the next not coin? What is the next hamster warrior like, you know, what can people be looking at today that has, you know, has the ability to grow at that kind of level? Is there something that has maybe not launched yet that users here could get that information and really start trying to? Because that's what we're all here.

The Collective Vision for the Ecosystem

We're all here because we believe in this ecosystem. We're all here because we can believe that we can change our lives. And so I know that you spend all of your time, you know, greeting and talking and growing into this tan ecosystem. So what is the alpha that you can give us? Where should we be looking for right now?

Seeking the Right Investment Insights

I'll tell you one thing for a fact, I can't really just tell you. This is the alpha because we have hundreds of them coming up every single day. First of all, let me say something. Before I drove, I dropped most of the most common alphas that is actually trending right now. One thing for sure is most of these projects right now are replicating the model of not coin because not going to actually got the community, you know, actually any project building, getting community.

Understanding the Community Impact of Not Coin

So not going to actually showed every project the way. So you see a lot of projects coming with tapping narrative and all that. And then you hear questions like people saying, what is the next note going? Or probably what's gonna p next? Or why is there so much tapping narrative? And the answer is, let me tell you this.

Future Projects Aimed at Web3 Growth

Most of these people are building something much more than this tapping games that you're seeing. They are building different web. Three applications. For example, hamster combat is building. Hamster combat is building an e commerce platform. That is what Amster combat is building right now. We have Olympic, which is coming with some kind of games like football, basketball and all that.

Exploring Interactive Components in Gaming

On the platform. We have efootball, which is now a football manager, where you can manage games and do that, and a lot of others, you know, so there are lots of them actually right now on the space. But the alpha right now is docs, you know, dogs in the alpha right now. Yeah, dogs is the biggest alpha.

The Importance of Strong Projects in Current Markets

And there's a launch pool that I think is over how many billion dollars right now? $13 billion right now on binance. That's one of like the biggest launch pools. I don't know. I don't. I don't have the data. But that's like one of the biggest launch pools on binance right now. And it was just a project that will just give you, tell you about how old you've been on telegram, and then I reward you certain tokens, and then you complete certain tax and all that.

Anticipating Rewards in the Crypto Community

And right now there's a promise of reward for the community. We don't know how big, how small, how large, it's going to be, but we know dogs is going to cook. I think, dogs is supposed to. TG is supposed to be today, but listing is going to be on the 26th. So we are hoping to see what's going to happen.

Continued Expansion of Existing Projects

We have tap swap, which, has been there for a while. And then we have the hamster combat. We have the ob tongue, obitongs, obor. And then bit, then to nzda. Yeah. Obi tones. Actually building on Solana double. It's actually on. On Telegram as a mini app as well.

The Growing Ecosystem of Applications

There are lots of them. I think I'll make a list before the next phase. I love that. Within the week, I'll tag. Yeah, sensei. So that we can share this to the community. But overall, what we're doing is just builders building the sheet and make sure we get more people, not just into tone, but make sure that people adopt this thing.

Adoption Strategies for Greater Community Impact

But at the point right now, Ton is doing the most to adopt people. From web two into web 3 may probably from web one. Man, thank you. So thankful to have you. Man. That was such incredible information in Alpha. I wanted to turn it back over to crypto data.

Insights into Current Market Trends

What are you looking at right now? I mean, what is the most important thing or the most important projects that you are looking to pick up currently before all of this really starts taking off? Because I know how much hard work you put in. I see it every single day. What do you, what do you have to share with us that can really help people in this audience?

The Pursuit of Generational Wealth

You know, make. Make generational wealth? Because that's what we're all here to do. We're all here to try to be early. Is there anything that you have on the top of your mind that you'd like to share?

AI Coins and Opportunities

Yeah, so I think I want to kind of bounce off what Adrian was saying earlier about AI coins. I think there's still a huge opportunity with those. We're already seeing a few that I've seen do very well spec on the base chain that's been doing very well spec. And then I know, you know, Tao and render have had nice balances as well. So I think that getting positioned in AI coins like Ladytrader was saying is a smart move. I think getting ready for that. And we'll probably see another AI resurgence, you know, October, November going into those. And I know Nvidia earnings is going to be soon as well. So again, there's a lot of catalysts. We have GPT five, essentially. When that releases, that's going to be a huge catalyst with AI agents. So I think AI is a big sector you need to be exposed to. And then even RWA, a lot of people were saying were early to RWA, just, you know, the sector wasn't ready.

Future of RWA

I think 2025 will really start to see that ramp up. Lady Trader again mentioned Trump's new thing, you know, the defiant ones, which is basically a tokenized real estate and tokenizing stuff on the block, digital real estate, more. So. So, so I think, you know, tokenizing things on the blockchain is going to be more and more common and we're going to start to see more projects, start to capitalize on that. And then obviously Blackrock is going to keep mentioning, you know, or Larry Fink more, so is going to keep mentioning tokenization of assets and that's going to pump RWA coins and it's just going to be a cycle. So I think AI and Rwa coins are going to be good. And then. Yeah, so, Tao, render spec for AI and then RWA. I mean, Ondo is usually the staple, but I'm looking for a few others. I need to do more research on a few other RWA coins, but, yeah, just look for exposure to those.

Market Dynamics

And then I would say even right now, I mean, we're seeing a lot of hype with the tron blockchain and the BNB chain. And so I know that there's a meme coin called four on the BNB chain that's been pumping like crazy ahead of the CZ release at the end of September. So keeping an eye on that. I know Simon's cat on the BNB chain has been going crazy because it's basically backed by, I want to say, floki. And then, of course, it's backed by the BNB chain account. They've been tweeting about it. So. Yeah, and then the sun token, obviously, on the Tron network. That's. No, I was going to say, you're absolutely right. Like, I think, you know, over the last week or two, we've seen an explosion on the Tron ecosystem with certain meme coins. And people are moving money, I think, from Solana to Tron.

Community Perspective on the Market

I think people are sick and tired of being rugged on Solana, I, you know, when you have pump fund, you know, 160,000 tokens created in a day and only twelve making it to radium, that is done, man. Like, retail has lost billions of dollars and it's all gone to a few select scammers. And I think people are sick of it. I think people are looking for an actual community of amazing devs and organic growth that are really trying to reshape the way crypto is looked at right now. Because right now I think it's been in such a horrible space. You know, I have a community, too, and a lot of the community does talk about different meme coins and, you know, they talk about them one day and the next day completely rubbed. And I think if you focus on maybe the Tron ecosystem, like you're saying, if you're focusing on the tan ecosystem, I think this is really where you're going to find real organic builders that are going to take it to the next level.

Audience Engagement

So, man, I exactly, really appreciate you dropping that. Was there anybody else on the panel that had thoughts about, you know, what we should be looking at? You know, because I, you know, we have 52 people in the audience. I love the growth. Matt, we've done this three weeks. The original week we had twelve people, then we had about 26. Now we're in the fifties. I can't thank every single one of you enough. We are growing this space, and it's all because of you. And I really appreciate you all from the bottom of my heart. I really want to help people grow. I want to help people learn. And it's just, I can't thank the speakers and the audience enough. Why don't we do this? Why don't we throw it up to, you know, get some final thoughts here.

Market Predictions

I was, I'll tell you guys, I'm beyond bearish for September. yeah, but after that, I think we're going to be all right. So, don't be disheartened in the next, you know, next month when you guys start seeing, like, why is everything red? I think that over the last, you know, few years, it's always been red. So I don't expect anything different. Things are not going to look that great. But don't get disheartened. Like, let this just be a word of encouragement. Like, yes, things are going to look bad. If you want to short things, go for it. Have some fun with it. If you're, if you're, you know, data or anybody else crazy enough to actually keep track of their trades. I, I don't even know what I have open right now, but if that's you, go for it. But, just remember that, you know, that will pass.

Adoption and Future Outlook

That will definitely pass. A month is only 30 days and we're going to be onto some much bigger and better things. We're going to get, see, the printers going, burr once again getting that quantitative easing, and, you know, rolling in, getting, you know, papa pal to give us a little bit more money and get that injected. Not like we saw last cycle, but it's going to definitely make a dent. And one word as far as where the adoption is coming in, I know everybody's talking about it's institutions, nation States. Watch out for nation states. I am personally working with a big one in oil that is definitely doing a lot in mining. So they're coming, guys. They're definitely coming.

Predictions for 2025

I love that, man. Thank you so much. Nix, I want to throw it to you. Love you. Got anything to say that you would like to add? Yeah, I would. I actually agree with most everything everybody's been saying. I even like, you know, bits of pieces of it kind of created this full picture in my mind, but I would say, like, yes, it is a little disheartening. I think right now, I think a lot of us are really curious about what this next year is going to look like. To me, I just think of it as, like, a normal process of the hype cycle. I think this is next coming year, we're going to see a lot of more mature decisions, I think being made, less speculative decisions, more people looking at things from a fundamental point of view as much as they can, 360 point of view, looking at digging really deep into the backgrounds of projects and teams.

Advice for Projects

And I would say also I think we're going to see, like, a really big push of people figuring out how to play our ecosystem a little bit better, too. Like, one, for instance, is. Sorry, sorry. Sorry, sensei. I can hear you in the background, Mike. Hopefully everything's okay. I'm sorry. No, no. You're good. You're good. I'm just like, hope you're okay. Yeah, I feel like we're gonna see, like, that we've sort of learned in this space that, like, a lot of us are here for different reasons. And I would really love to see projects. If I had advice for any projects, learn how to capitalize your first launch strategy and make sure your revenue models are solid after that, because we have seen so many times, like projects, you don't get the same community involvement that you think that you're going to as you're raising and your funding.

The Importance of Community and Planning

But if you have a really solid model, solid team, good core team, a decent, loyal community, you can get super far in this space. And I would just really love to see. I've seen some projects do that very successfully. I would just like to see us do that more habitually and just really learn how to capitalize on this really awesome, unique ecosystem that we've all built here. But, yeah, that's just. That's just me. Thanks again for having me here, since I always love being on your spaces. Nix, I do apologize. I had Luna crying, and I was trying to dig for a treat for her. I didn't realize I was. I wasn't on mute, so I do apologize from the bottom of my heart. Sorry. Sorry.

Final Remarks and Networking

You're so good. I was just like, what are you? Oh, man, I love you. All right, Crito, do you want to take us out with any information that you feel is important before you do? Guys. Crypto data. He has an incredible telegram channel. Please click on his account. Join his telegram channel. He has incredible alpha that he shares every single day on his channel, and I've been in it for about a month, and I gotta tell you, he has the pulse on the crypto market, so please go follow him. Show him some love and support. He deserves it. He works extremely hard. I'll throw it over to you. Crafted crypto data for your final thoughts.

Concluding Thoughts

Yeah, I appreciate the kind words. Sensei, again, had a great time here on the space. There's a lot of good people here, so definitely follow all of them. As far as closing remarks, I would just say kind of echo what action says, right? Don't get too diluted in the coins that you're holding. Make sure you still are able to track every one of the coins because there's always different narratives and everything going off, so you don't want to get, you know, too encumbered by having 2030 coins that you have to track. So. So that's one thing. And then two, always, you know, keep an eye on the overall narratives.

Navigating Market Volatility

The macro picture. Don't get too zoomed in on lower timeframes, because we do know the big picture of crypto, you know, over time, it's bullish. But the more you can actually look forward and look at the upcoming catalysts like interest rate cuts, CZ getting out of prison, the FTX refund in Q four, you know, 12.7 billion. Like these are things that people look forward to, front run. So like action was saying September may be a bearish month because historically if you go on coinglass August, September have been choppy months. September has been one of the most bearish. So if you look at that and then you think okay, theyre cutting interest rates in September, mid September, well people are going to front run that, right?

Staying Prepared for Market Changes

So it may pump until maybe the first week of September and then start dumping after that ahead of those rate cuts like Adrian was saying. So I think its just looking at things from a macro perspective, always looking at the overall narratives and just trying to front run those and then get ready to take profits. So dont get too greedy because during these pumps it's easy to become, you know, full on bull and think that we're going, you know, all time highs or next. But always, you know, zoom out. Look at technical analysis on the weekly charts, the monthly charts, you know, the higher timeframes that all the big people are looking at. So you know when to take profits and you don't kind of get blinded by that FOMO and you can still secure those profits because that's the hardest thing to do when you see all of these coins pumping.

Final Thoughts from the Panel

So that's the biggest thing I can say. Love that man. Jerry Bond. It's up to you, my friend. What is your closing argument or anything that you would like to say in closing, my friend? Right. Right now I just want to tell everybody, don't mind what is happening in the market. It's a season and it's all going to pass. Make sure you don't the market right now, you're not so smart. Smarter than the market, you understand? So just leave the market. Don't try so hard. Just allow it. Probably we're going to be out of this very soon. And don't forget to jump on ton. You're quite very early. There are a lot of viable project, good projects building on ton ecosystem.

Embracing New Opportunities

And trust me, you're super early on this ecosystem. Telegram is our leverage. Mini app is our leverage and that is what we have. And over that we have the community. When you talk about the community, we got it. So make sure no matter where you are, Savannah, Ethereum, BTC, wherever, make sure you have a food on turn so that when it's gonna happen, you know, be like oh, gosh. And Jerry Bond told me this. On this space. No, make sure you're there so that when it happens, we'll be like, yes, I thank God. I actually took the advice. Yeah, it's not an advice I got from a madman. I got it from, Pavel Duroff, the founder of Telegram. So thanks so much, bro, for giving me the opportunity.

Looking Forward to Future Engagements

It's a great one. I'll be happy to be here next Friday. Thank you. It's a true honor, man. Thank you so much. Lady Trader, how are you? What do you got closing for us? Hey, thank you. So Jerry, big fan of ton ecosystem and an investor. And also my community has heavily invested in ton. You guys are our favorite. So thank you for everything that you guys are doing and delivering the results that so early on in the bull market, because frankly, none of us were expecting ton to move the way it did. We were just happy that were in it and just wanted to. Sorry, Data, I just wanted to say something.

Plans for Future Collaborations

Sorry. And for anyone that is actually going for token 2049 in Singapore, I'm going to be there. So let's meet up so that we have some real conversation, you know, face to face. You understand? Talk about it for real. So thank you, thank you. But yeah, just wanted to say, everybody, I think good times are coming. 2025 is going to be the bowl year for sure, according to historical data study. Historical data. Make sure that you have a clear exit plan as well at the end of it because that's going to be important. Right? You don't want to be caught in the middle of a bear market again.

Expressing Gratitude and Anticipation

But yeah, just wanted to say thank you so much, crypto sensei, for hosting us, and it was a great spaces today. Thank you. Bye. Appreciate that. And guys, I just wanted to thank you again. We're going to be doing this Friday as well. Also on Monday, we're going to be hosting a meme coin space. An hour later, if you're interested in learning more about meme coins, please show up to that. I'm so thankful to have all of you here. If you could tell a friend or family member about this space next Friday, we could get to over 100 people and that would be truly incredible.

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