Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space ?The Community Space hosted by Vindicatedchidi. The Community Space delved into key aspects of blockchain, digital marketing, and crypto education, emphasizing community building, education's role, and certification significance. Through engaging Q&A sessions, topics like leveraging Telegram for engagement, KOL influence, and the synergy between marketing and blockchain were explored. The space highlighted the impact of Co-Founders in blockchain, insights from educational programs, and the importance of sharing expertise within the crypto sector.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How important is community building in blockchain and digital marketing?
A: Community building is vital for networking, knowledge sharing, and business growth in these industries.

Q: What role does education play in the crypto and blockchain sphere?
A: Education fosters understanding, adoption, and innovation within the crypto and blockchain space.

Q: Why is being a Certified Blockchain and Digital Marketing Professional significant?
A: Certification validates expertise, credibility, and elevates professional status in these fields.

Q: How can Telegram channels be utilized for community engagement?
A: Telegram channels offer direct communication, updates, and engagement opportunities for community members.

Q: What is the impact of being a Co-Founder in the blockchain industry?
A: Being a Co-Founder signifies leadership, vision, and entrepreneurial spirit in driving blockchain projects.

Q: What insights can one gain from the Master Class program in blockchain?
A: The Master Class program provides in-depth knowledge, skills, and practical insights for blockchain enthusiasts.

Q: How do Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) influence the crypto domain?
A: KOLs contribute to market trends, influence opinions, and drive awareness in the crypto space.

Q: What is the relationship between digital marketing and blockchain technologies?
A: Digital marketing complements blockchain by promoting projects, reaching audiences, and driving adoption.

Q: How does the intersection of blockchain, marketing, and education benefit professionals?
A: This intersection offers diverse career opportunities, innovation, and multidisciplinary knowledge enhancement.

Q: Why is leveraging expertise to educate others crucial in the crypto field?
A: Sharing knowledge fosters industry growth, community development, and personal branding in the crypto sector.


Time: 00:15:45
Importance of Community Building in Blockchain Discussing the significance of strong networks in the blockchain industry.

Time: 00:25:30
Role of Education in Crypto Sphere Exploring how education drives innovation and understanding in crypto technologies.

Time: 00:35:18
Certification in Blockchain and Digital Marketing Validating skills and expertise through professional certification.

Time: 00:45:55
Utilizing Telegram for Community Engagement Maximizing the potential of Telegram channels for community interactions.

Time: 00:55:42
Impact of Co-Founders in Blockchain Understanding the influence and responsibilities of Co-Founders in blockchain projects.

Time: 01:05:20
Insights from the Master Class Program Gaining specialized knowledge and skills through dedicated blockchain education programs.

Time: 01:15:33
Influence of KOLs in Crypto Space Exploring how Key Opinion Leaders shape trends and discussions in the crypto sector.

Time: 01:25:10
Digital Marketing Strategies for Blockchain Strategies to combine marketing techniques with blockchain projects for effective outreach.

Time: 01:35:05
Intersection of Blockchain, Marketing, and Education Examining the synergies and opportunities at the crossroads of these fields.

Time: 01:45:15
Sharing Expertise in the Crypto Field The importance of knowledge sharing and mentorship in advancing the crypto industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of community building in blockchain and digital marketing.
  • Key role of education in crypto and blockchain industry.
  • Significance of being a Certified Blockchain and Digital Marketing Professional.
  • Utilizing Telegram channels for community engagement.
  • Exploring the impact of being a Co-Founder in the blockchain space.
  • Insights on the Master Class program for blockchain enthusiasts.
  • The influence of KOLs in the crypto domain.
  • Link between digital marketing and blockchain technologies.
  • Exploring the intersection of blockchain, marketing, and education.
  • Leveraging expertise to educate others in the crypto field.

Behind the Mic

Self-Reflection and Acknowledgement

Everybody was right about. I can't believe I was such an idiot. I've been trying to call you and reach you and you know where to be. I hope it was worth it. What is but economy any funny economy she let me say I'm just someone that we don't need your love. My dad. Oh, my deep. Yeah. Waiting for me. For long. Because you see me for me and now I'm ready my. Yeah give me.

Expressing Frustrations

If I do you? You cannot be shown why I. Say oh, my God. I know, but I did all my body. Keep on cavity protection. Wide teeth and fresh breath. Sven. Triple protection. One, two, three. My eyes. Know that you know you? Cause you got me we can do, baby. You can drink. Like. Heart. Yeah. Crypto, they do a strong thing.

Welcoming the Audience

Crypto is doing a strong thing, you know? Yes. Good day, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, enviable crypto enthusiasts, respected brothers and sisters, wonderful colleagues. Wherever you are listening to me today, I will always say good morning, good afternoon, and good evening. I welcome you to this wonderful day, Monday, August 5, 2024. And I remain yours sincerely, vindicated. Chad. Before I proceed, I want to appreciate each and every one of you.

Community Engagement

You know, it gladdens my heart that whenever we call spaces, whenever there is a space, you hop in. I know that there are many of you who are preparing for work. I know that there are many of you who are already at work. But I know that there are many of you who are engaged in one thing or the other. But you still find time to come on space.

Encouragement for Persistence

I want to tell you that all these things we are doing, you might think it is not using any results. You might think you are wasting your time. I am telling you this morning that you are not wasting your time. That when you start reaping the fruits of your labor, because all these things we are doing now, we dont know the reple effect it creates in our subconscious, and it creates in our experience in our crypto journey. When the time will come, you will look back and you will smile.

Advice for Future

You will say, thank God I took this step. So don't worry. Whatever you are seeing in the crypto space now, relax. Remember, I've always told us, do not pay attention to noises. These things are happening. Market manipulations are ongoing. Because what is fueling the market now is speculation. There are market manipulations. So for those of us that are aware and that are informed, this is the time we are accumulating more assets.

Opportunistic Market Trends

That asset that you couldn't buy, this is the time for you to buy it. Because when it will start. You will wake up one morning and crypto will skyrocket. So whatever you are seeing now, relax. Don't pay attention to your portfolio. Remember all my education, remember all my teachings that whatever we are doing, we are holding for a long term. Relax. Just keep your portfolio. Relax. If you have money, bag more of your favorite assets.

Investment Strategy

This is the opportunity to bag them. In fact, this bull run provided a very wonderful opportunity. We have many entry opportunities that right now you don't have any excuse. No excuse at all. You are buying the deep. Whenever the crypto world is coming down, whatever, whenever prices are down, that is the time to dive in. You don't buy at the top.

Market Sentiment Awareness

So this is the small alpha this morning, those of us that are enlightened, we are not crying about the crash. Everywhere is red now. We are not crying about that. We have our plan. We have our strategy. We are bagging more. Now is the time for you to bag more. Are you buying thorn? Are you buying ice? Are you buying coal? Are you buying. Not coin. I am mentioning coins now.

Investment Reflection

Are you buying them? Back them now. Back them as much as you can and keep. The time will come when you will be happy. You did so. So, once again, I salute each and every one of you. Thank you for your hard work. Thank you for your consistency. Thank you for your focus. Thank you for your determination. Don't worry, okay? Don't worry. We are moving.

The Importance of Education

All right? So, thank you very much. So today is a very wonderful day. Today is a Monday, and it is an educational space because most of us here, we are concerned deeply about airdrops. We are more focused on airdrops, but we don't know that airdrop is just one part of crypto, just one side, one aspect of crypto that it's not really significant that much because an airdrop is just a marketing campaign.

The Concept of Airdrops

You know, in marketing, there is so that there is what we call market penetration. When a company wants to enter into a new market, what do they do? They do what is called market penetration. It's either they bring their prices low or they do many adverts, so that when they come into the market, you will come and patronize them, and when they stabilize, they will come out fully.

Understanding Market Dynamics

So an airdrop are just ways whereby, you know, new crypto projects coming to the market and then coming into the market, they needed users. Have you seen where they are doing BTC farming before? The project will tell you. We are giving bitcoin airdrop or we are giving a ETH airdrop or we are giving BNB Airdrop. No, those projects have established themselves.

Blockchain Education

I don't know that you understand what I'm saying. So every project that is coming in right now, they are new project. That's why all the projects you are seeing now, they are new. So they want to assess the market and they want users. So they will come in different ways. There are different airdrop narrative.

Future Trends in Blockchain

Before it was tapped to mine, now it is tapping to end. It is going to claim very soon it will go to submit your address and your email and you submit your wallet. Very simple. So I don't want us to focus solely or think crypto is just for airdrops. You just come, you do airdrop and when the it goes to TGE, you cash out and you wait for another project again.

Beyond Airdrop Narratives

No, that is not what crypto is all about. This one is still projects that are coming in new, so they are looking for users. So when you focus solely on airdrops, you are not thinking ahead. That is not what crypto is all about. And maybe we have the reason why we focus majorly on airdrops is because airdrop, we offer you liquidity.

The Accessibility of Crypto

It will offer you an entrance in the crypto space with zero dollar that all you need to do is to invest your time, invest your data, invest your energy, and then if you are consistent, you will get it. That is what airdrop does. And the reason why we focus on Airdrop is because there are many of our brothers and sisters that came into the crypto space without even understanding what the crypto space is all about.

Identifying True Value

So you see, that is why we focused on airdrop. But right now, I want to take your mind off that airdrop perspective. I want us to understand what we are doing. There are many of us here. Now, if I come and I will tell you what is a blockchain? Many of you will not answer. You cannot answer because most of us confuse blockchain and cryptocurrency at the same thing.

Exploring Blockchain Concepts

No, the blockchain is like a house. A house that has many rooms in one part of the room is cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency is just one part of the blockchain. There are many other use cases of the blockchain. The only thing that we are focused about is cryptocurrency. Because right now, cryptocurrency happens to be the only functional use case of a blockchain.

Understanding the Blockchain Mechanism

I am taking it time to calm down so that you will understand what I'm saying? The cryptocurrency is the only functional use case of a blockchain. Because right now other use cases of blockchain have not actually reached its true potential. There are many things you can use the blockchain for. That is why Satoshi Nakamoto, if you have read the book of Satoshi, you will understand why.

Decentralization Importance

Why he insisted that we are going towards into a decentralized future. Because the government is controlling everything. But we are moving forward now. What is a blockchain? A blockchain is just like a ledger. A decentralized ledger. It is a book, just like a book where transactions are recorded. For example, if you are doing a business, you have a book of what?

Transaction Record Keeping

A book of accounts where you record transactions. Your daily transactions, you record it. If you are selling cement, how many cements was brought in? How many cement was sold? Who is owing you? Who are you owing? Who took cement on credit? Who is yet to pay? Everything is on that book. You control that book.

Understanding Manipulation Risks

So that is a ledger. But what happens? That ledger can be manipulated. Many of you in business, we know, or may, or if you are under somebody or you are serving somebody, you can. You know how you can manipulate that book to your favor? That maybe if you take out money from the business or you do one kind of illegal business, you can manipulate the book so that your owners or your employers will not know what went wrong.

Centralization Problems

You can just go there and erase that transaction. That is centralization. For example, in your banks. Banks have records of everything that is happening, both your transactions and everything. It is still manipulatable in the banks because there are many times where you will send money and the money will refuse to go. You will not get back your money.

Transparency Challenges

The person that you send the money will not even get it. The bank will keep quiet until you go to the bank and they will tell you, no, that we did not see the money. We don't see the money. They will be stressing you. If you are consistent, they will not tell you, oh, sorry. That the money was somewhere, that the money was on the air, that the money have.

Decentralization Advantages

Okay. That it will come now. That is somebody behind the system manipulating, waiting for you to get tired so that you can withdraw the money. Centralization brings room for corruption. That is what centralization is. So that is why the blockchain is an opposite of that. Because this one, it is what a digital ledger. It is a decentralized ledger in such a way that they did it in such a way that, for example, rising Phoenix have our own book.

Individual Ledger Transparency

Nature have its own book. Sinatra have its own book. All of us have our own book. Decentralized. I have my own. So when there is a transaction, I will write number one or one plus one equals two. That same thing that I wrote. Rising. Finish. We also write it. One plus one equals two. Gray. We also write one plus one equals two.

Collective Ledger Agreement

Everybody that have that book will write the same thing. So there is no way. I will come out tomorrow and I will say, oh, please. That one plus one that I wrote, it is no longer two. It is now four. If I do that, I will have to convince other persons that have that book to agree to what I have said. But when they will not agree, that transaction will not go because they have the ledger too.

Inherent Ledger Integrity

They have everything. They are seeing it. So there is no way I will come and I will try to manipulate it. Because if I try to manipulate it, that means I will have to go to rising Phoenix own and change it. I will have to go to nature's own and change it. I will have to go to everybody that have that same ledger and change it. You see, it is not possible.

Technological Security

I can see. Landre. You are welcome, my wonderful co-hosts. I'm coming, guys. You can see that it is not possible. That was why the blockchain was created. The blockchain was created to give us a decentralization, to give us freedom for us to see what the transparency of our transactions, that nobody can manipulate each other, nobody can cheat each other, nobody can lie to each other.

Core Principles of Decentralization

That is what decentralization is all about. And that is what blockchain is all about. It was created in such a way that nobody can hack it. Nobody. Because if you want to hack it, that means you want, you have to hack all the computers that are what on that chain. It is not possible. You must do it at the same time, the same seconds, the same minute.

Blockchain Consistency

It must happen simultaneously. It is not possible. Nobody can do that. That is the technology behind the blockchain and that is what is being brought out. But the reason why it has not been fully adopted is because governments don't want it. Because anything that will not give them power to control you, they will not want it.

Government Resistance to Blockchain

That is why they are fighting it over and over again to make sure that it doesn't come. But you cannot fight something that is already here. Whether you like it or not, you are going towards implementing blockchain. Now, there are key characteristics of a blockchain. One of them is what just like I said, decentralization.

Nodes and Network Management

Unlike centralized ledgers and what's in the column databases controlled by central entity. A blockchain is managed by network of computers called nodes. That is why in every time that you are seeing a blockchain that there is who we call the guidance of the blockchain. The guidance of the blockchain are people called nodes. People that are running nodes on the blockchain.

Transaction Validation

They are the guidance of the blockchain. They have their supercomputers validating transactions. But that one is another topic for another day because I wouldn't want to go technical. So they are decentralized, those nodes. They are always online. 247. They are the ones that are all these transactions we are doing on different blockchain.

Nodes as Guardians

The nodes are the one validating it. When you do that transaction, all the nodes on that blockchain, they will check it to see whether it corresponds with what they are having. That is very simple. So there is no way you can change it. Now, another consensus of the blockchain is what transparency. All the transactions are there.

Immutable Transaction Record

Even the one that you did ten years ago. It is there. Nobody can change it. Nobody can lie to you. Nobody can do anything. That is why if I transfer for example ten ton to you now and you say that you did not see. I don't even need you to tell me, show me your wallet. All I need to do is I will go to the Tom blockchain, copy my.

Transaction Verification

My. My hash, my transaction hash. Send it to you. You will see it. You will see it there. Whether you want to lie to me or not, I don't care. I've already sent you the ten ton. I am seeing it from my own end. I will just send you my. My hash. Go and check it. It's on the blockchain.

Infallible System Assurance

So there is no way you can lie and say, I did not see it today. I did not see it. No, it doesn't happen like that. That is the transparency of the blockchain. Okay, now what I want us to know is that there are different use cases of a blockchain. There are different things the blockchain can be used for.

Exploring Blockchain Applications

One of them is what? Cryptocurrency. When we talk about cryptocurrency, many of you don't understand. Many of you think you don't understand the word crypto currency. There are two words there. Crypto currency. Crypto means words hidden. Something that is encrypted, something that you cannot see.

Defining Cryptocurrency

Currency means money. So automatically crypto means cryptocurrency means what? Hidden money. So it is money. So since the blockchain is decentralized, the currency that we run on the blockchain will not be seen. It must be hidden too. Because the blockchain is also hidden, you can't control it.

Functionality Awareness

So cryptocurrencies are one of the functional use cases of a blockchain. So what happens? There are many cryptos that run on the blockchain, many of them which you and I know. So. But because there are no functional ecosystem where we are going to see the full potentials of the cryptocurrencies, it is now on the market.

The Speculative Nature of Crypto

Being a speculative asset, that one is coming. I wouldn't want to dive deep. So one of the functional use cases is what cryptocurrency, the one that we are more focused on. But we are not aware that there are many other functional use cases of a blockchain. One of them is what? Healthcare.

Healthcare Utilization

Are you aware that the blockchain can be used to record patient data? Are you aware. Are you aware that the blockchain can be used to secure patient data? Secure privacy? There are many times that you will go to the hospital, they will tell you that they are looking for your folder.

Lost Medical Records Issues

They cannot see your folder. So automatically you have to open a new folder. Haven't you seen such a thing before? You go to the hospital, they will tell you, oh, we are looking for your folder or your folder got lost. If the blockchain was implemented, you don't need to do that.

Improved Record Access

All you need to do is just go to the blockchain. You will get that folder. Very, very simple. This is one of the functional use case of a blockchain. Another one is what voting system. Are you aware that the blockchain can be integrated in elections and you'll be seeing the results in real time.

Voting System Efficacy

This one is not the one that after voting, you will carry the ballot box and go. You don't need it in the comfort of your house. You can relax and you vote. And as you are voting, it is reflecting on the blockchain. You are seeing it immediately. That is one of the functional use cases of a blockchain.

Real-Time Voting Transparency

But all these things that I have called now, the government have not agreed to implement it because it will bring transparency. Corruption will go immediately, but they will not want to do it. Financial services cross border payments. Are you aware that if banks integrate the blockchain, it will be very fast for you to do cross border payments?

Blockchain Transforming Payments

This one, if you want to send money to someone in the US or in London. You don't need to go to the bank. Fill everything. It will come in three days time. No, it will facilitate cross border payment immediately. Within seconds it don't go real estate.

Real Estate Transactions

These are the functional use cases of a crypto of a blockchain. Real estate. People that want to buy different properties. Are you aware that with the blockchain automatically it will simplify the buying and selling and transferring of properties and it will be transparent.

Property Ownership Clarity

This one. Let me tell the property that you will buy after buying it, they will tell you that no, there is a mistake somewhere. You do not buy this property or this land that you bought. This land is not for sale, but they have already sold it for you.

Avoidance of Property Disputes

When you come back, they tell you that no, sorry, we made a mistake or we did not know that people sold this land to you. There have been many cases where people went to go and buy land. After buying the land, they would do all the verifications and everything them to come and they will see that people have already occupied it.

Enforcement of Ownership Rights

Telling them that this land that you bought, ten persons have already bought it. Very simple. But if you use the blockchain, these things are not there because the records are there. I can go on and on and on. There are different use cases of a blockchain. It can be integrated in various offices.

Efficiency in Office Operations

You'll be seeing records as it is going. All official documents. Everything will be going super fast. That is the functional use cases of blockchain. These are the things that you can also go to your YouTube. You can just type functional use case of a blockchain.

Diverse Applications for Blockchain

It will come out instantly. Now we keep moving on. Now if all these things are happening, that means we need a super fast blockchain. You know, there are blockchain that can handle thousands of transactions in 1 second or in milliseconds.

Transaction Speed Specifications

For example, the bitcoin blockchain. One of the reasons why the bitcoin cannot be the crypto for everyday people is because of this low nature of the bitcoin blockchain. I think it takes approximately ten minutes to validate a payment of. Which means if bitcoin is now integrated as a cryptocurrency for the future and for the world, what will happen if I come to your store to buy something after paying?

Speed Limitations of Bitcoin

I will have to wait for ten minutes before that transaction is processed. Is it not time wasting? Which means if we integrate blockchain. If we integrate the bitcoin blockchain to handle, what do they call them? Voting systems elections. That means it will not be fast. We cannot be seeing results in real time.

Elections and Blockchain Efficiency

If you vote now, we are waiting for ten minutes for us to see what you voted for. You see. So the bitcoin blockchain is very slow. That is why most of the blockchain you are seeing now that is coming on now are super fast blockchain. And there are three blockchains that are coming.

Future of Blockchain Technology

This is where we are diving deeply into the topic. You know where I started, I wanted to bring it down for you to understand what is coming so that you will not focus solely on airdrops. No, airdrops is just nothing. Airdrop is just 0% of what is happening in the. In the blockchain space.

Spotlight on Promising Blockchains

Now there are three blockchains that I want you to pay attention to. Aside from that, there are others who perfect blockchain. Cardano is okay. Stella is okay. You understand? They are okay. what do they call them? There are many but there are three blockchains that are here.

Characteristics of Future Blockchains

And these are the blockchain I am looking at that. They are the blockchain of the future. Why am I saying that they are the blockchain of the future? Because of the utilities they are carrying. Bring out your pen and paper. I want you to write down these three blockchains.

Highlighting Important Blockchains

One, the term blockchain. Two, the PI network blockchain. Three, the ice network blockchain. Look at the reason why I am saying that these blockchains are the blockchains of the future. One, the speed. The speed of the blockchains that before you do something, if you participated in the PI network test nets, you can see that when you send the transaction within 5 seconds that person have already gotten it.

Testing and Speed Comparison

That is to show you how scalable, how transparent and how fast the PI blockchain is. Did you participate in the. In the ice testnet within 2 seconds? That what the Ice network is building when they launch their blockchain officially October 7, ice blockchain will become the fastest blockchain on planet Earth.

Looking Ahead

But we are coming. Remember I mentioned three blockchains. I mentioned the Tom blockchain. I mentioned the PI blockchain. I mentioned the ice blockchain. The PI blockchain is a fork of the stellar blockchain. That means the PI blockchain used the already existing infrastructure of the stellar blockchain.

Leveraging Established Networks

They use it to develop what the PI blockchain, the ice network. The Ice open network use the already developed the already established infrastructure of the term blockchain. And they are building the ice blockchain. Are you understanding what is going on?

Disrupting Traditional Models

Now pay attention. All these blockchains are fueling what we call web three adoption. Web three, the decentralized web whereby. Oh, God, I can see. Senior men are requesting for the. I'm coming, I'm coming. I can see you. It seems rising Phoenix and Florida.

Building the Future

Now not to go do co-host today because most times if I'm talking, I'm not even seeing what is happening on the background. I'm coming. Please. I'm coming. I'm coming. Coming. I'm sending requests to rising Phoenix and Florida. I beg Munna, help me co-host crypto tv plus don't work so that I can concentrate on what is going on.

Acknowledging Contributions

Okay, so my brother Dre Magi, the mojo, you guys are welcome. Thank you very much. So now look at what is happening. The three wise men are here and that real wise men are those blockchain that I just called up called. Now look at the wonderful thing these blockchains are about to fuel. Web three.

Vision for Web Three

Web three is the decentralized web. Remember, we came from web one, we came to. We came to web two, from web two, we are going to web three. Web three, we are. Everything you are doing, you are getting reward for it. If you are, if you are on the Internet spending your time, you are getting incentivized.

Monetizing Digital Engagement

Everything you are doing on the web three is money. Your time is monetized, your activities are rewarded. It is not this one that we spend many hours on WhatsApp, streaming Instagram, watching YouTube, and nothing is coming to us.

Shifting Perspectives

Rather, what will they do? They will endorse ambassadors that they pay. But in web three, everybody has the right to get their reward. Whatever you are doing on the web three platform is money. For example, if you spend time on the PI network ecosystem.

Active Participation in Web Three

What do I mean by spend time? If you are chatting in the groups on the PI browser and everything, as you are chatting, you are also aiming PI. Are you aware that is what is happening? Web three is coming.

Integrating Platforms

So all these blockchain that I'm talking about now, all of them are integrating web three platform. How are they doing this? The term blockchain has come for me. I will say that the term blockchain is the Moses.

Historical Significance

Sorry, is the John the Baptist. That's what I will say. Those of us that are Christians, with all due respect to my Muslim brotherhood, those of us that are Christian, we know the role John the Baptist played in the coming of Jesus.

Metaphorical Comparisons

When John the Baptist came people were healing him. Oh, are you Elijah? Are you this? Oh, you are too much. And John the Baptist said, who is coming? The person that is coming after me. I am not even qualified to tie. His shoelace. For me.

Proclamation of Leadership

They turn blockchain is the John the Baptist the chump? The term blockchain is giving us an idea of how, of what is coming. Now, let me shock you. Look at what is happening on the term blockchain. The term blockchain is making use of telegram.

Telegram Integration

You can see what is happening on telegram. Telegram have an inbuilt wallet. A wallet that as you are interacting with your fellow individual, you can just tell him, I beg, I am so hungry. Can you send me something? The person will either say, UsdT.

Interpersonal Transactions

The person can either send tone to you and instantly, just like we send pictures and videos in WhatsApp, instantly it comes to you. You can just go and sell it and do whatever you want to do. That is the power of telegram. That is the power of the term blockchain.

Exploding Adoption Rates

Because of that nature of the term blockchain and that nature of the telegram, you can see that many users have already done what troops into the term blockchain instantly. These are the things that are happening on the Tom blockchain and everybody is just very happy about it.

Expenditure Transparency

Rejoicing. But I told you guys, something bigger is coming and they are all coming this year. Now let me shock you as Tom blockchain is also fueling the adoption of web three, another one is coming, the PI blockchain chain.

Upcoming Developments

If you pay attention to the PI blockchain have something that is called the PI browser. For those of us that are, because one thing about us that whenever we see a project, what we are looking at is how we are going to cash out, how we are going to sell.

Valuing Token Economics

The term blockchain is making use of the tone. The native token of the term blockchain is turned. The native token of the PI blockchain is PI. We are not looking at those utility tokens. Rather, what we're looking at is how are we going to accumulate and how are we going to sell.

Long-Term Vision

You are selling futuristic digital assets that can change your life. Ha. You guys don't know what is coming now. The PI blockchain, there is something that is called the PI browser. The PI browser.

Utility and Functionality

In that PI browser, it is a browser. It has the KYC platform that you can do your KYC, another huge product on itself. One of the best KYC platform on Earth, the PI network. KYC that's one of the best. They also have an inbuilt wallet.

Social Media Innovations

They also have a social media fireside. Many of us are not paying attention to that. That approximately the same thing that tone is doing with Telegram. PI network is also going to do it with the PI browser.

Engagement and Community Growth

Check it very well. Check what is happening. You can see all the projects that is building on tone. Don't worry. More will come to the PI blockchain. When the time will come, all of us will shake.

Future Takes Shape

The world will not contain us. Only those who position themselves. They are the ones that are going to do what? Rejoice. So people that are selling their tone. Well done, sir. Take profit to take profit. People. People that have already sold their pie.

Survival of the Strategic

Well done, Ma. We're done. Keep selling GCK. Keep it up. The people that know they are accumulating and they are stocking it for the future. What is coming is more than us. We are talking about the PI network. The countdown have already begun.

Awakening Awareness

The countdown is here. That one is by the side. Now we are moving to the ice blockchain. The ice blockchain is a fork of the torn blockchain.

Technological Interplay

Now we are talking about the torn blockchain. The torn has. Has what? TG. PI has the PI browser. The ice blockchain has the PI net. The ice mainnet app.

Blockchain Features

The ice Mainnet app also have the wallet in it. It also has wallets. It also have a social media platform too. The ice mainnet app is like the Chinese WeChat.

Comparison to Existing Platforms

If you look at the WeChat how the WeChat is, you can chart, you can send money. You can monetize anything. Imagine what is happening. So imagine if you have positioned yourself on the tongue blockchain.

Cross-Channel Opportunities

You position yourself on the ice blockchain. You position yourself on the. On the PI blockchain. Imagine you have already set yourself up for life.

Monetization for Engagement

Whatever you are doing, you are getting monetized for it. The difference is that on the term blockchain you have to have a channel before you start getting. Before you start getting something.

Streamlined Engagement

But on the PI blockchain, just type. Just be active. As you are active you are earning PI. Same thing with the ice app. That mainnet app. As it is. Just like Twitter.

Engaging User Base

As Twitter is. Verify your id. Verify your name. Verify your profile. Tweet. Just be tweeting. As we are having engagement.

Continuous Rewards

As people are engaging with your post. You are in ice. Simple and short. So when all these blockchains establish, tell me who will go to Twitter.

Competition and Value Proposition

If Twitter does not do something that we compete favorably with them. Who will go to Facebook? Who will go to WhatsApp? Who will go to Instagram? Who will go to YouTube? No time.

Leveraging Native Tokens

Because we now know that when you engage in these blockchains, automatically you are earning their native token. And their native token are utility tokens. Because all these native tokens want to solve real-life utility.

Integrating with Real Life

The tongue blockchain is also. The tongue coin is also a utility coin that wants to be integrated in various businesses. That you can go to the hospital and the hospital is accepting turn as a payment system.

Widespread Acceptance

That you can go to the bar to buy something that bam. And is accepting tonight. Because stone is also a utility token, they are building their ecosystem.

Untapped Potential

Another one is PI. We all know this. The PI network is for everyday people. That. That's why when I told us that PI is not the only project that wants to solve problems, other problem.

Acknowledging Market Complexity

Other projects also want to solve problems. The same thing that PI is doing. Ice network also want to do it. Tom blockchain is also doing it. So you have pie, you can go anywhere and you use your pie.

Future Market Trends

You pay for goods and services that a time will come when people working for you will no longer take fiats. They will tell you, pay me in pie, pay me in turn, pay me in ice. They will not take fiat again.

Positive Transformations Ahead

Yes, it is coming. Ice blockchain, the same thing. Utility tokens. They have already partnered with PI chain. More that when the ice blockchain goes live on the PI chain platform, you can go there, you can use your eyes and you can purchase real-life goods and services.

Realizing the Vision

Very simple. So imagine it. You have ton. We did not know when ton was. No, you attend. Ton is not what was. Never mind. No, if you know Ton went on was 0.080.8.

Witnessing Growth and Change

Sorry, 0.7 in the last bull run. If you were able to get torn when tone was still zero, 0.8 cents. Because I got my own turn at a dollar. I think $1.5 was when I saw my.

Fostering Investment Choices

When I saw ton and I committed as many as I can. Now turn is about $6. So if you. If you are privileged enough to accumulate tonight at the earlier stages, congratulations.

Reflection on Early Investments

But right now you had the opportunity to mine pie. Since 2018 till now, PI mining has been ongoing. What did you do with your pie? What the hell did you do with your pie? You were not.

Awareness of Market Trends

I was screaming about education. I was screaming about learning. What did you do with your pie? You got it. Because there are nobody that is talking about it. Or there is no way that you're going to sell it.

Challenges of Selling Assets

You are looking for who to buy it from. You. And you are selling. You sold pie for 200 naira, for Christ's sake. Less than even $0.1. You sold pie for 150.

Valuing Assets Correctly

You sold pie for 300. Because you. I don't know. I don't know what happened to you, but. Well, it is a normal thing. It's a normal thing.

Acceptance of Investment Critique

I don't know what made you to sell yours, but it is a normal thing. But you have sold your future. You are selling your future, Walai. If not because of my position in the pirates work community, I will follow those and we buy a lot of pie.

The Price of Short-Sighted Decisions

But no, Allah, we are waiting for Mainnet. I will buy a lot of pie. I know when they were selling pie for 100 naira, I was crying. I couldn't engage my spirit not allowing me for a reason.

Investment Regrets

Hundred naira that if you have brought out 1 million, you will pack as many as possible. If you bought out 2 million, you will pack as many people. We are begging you to buy the pie for 100 naira per one.

Recognizing Missed Opportunities

Because we are not futuristic, we are short sighted. The story of the bitcoin did not teach us any lesson. It didn't because we didn't read.

Learning from the Past

You were busy selling an asset that will change your life. You sold it for peanuts and you are still selling. No, you are still selling. Well done.

Sustainability of Investments

Keep it up. We mine pie for free that very soon. That pie that you are neglecting, eh. Don't worry, you will see. Relax now.

Insights on Mining

To mine. One pint is very difficult, right? I think it will take you a week to buy to mine one pie. Just one pie. Now. Well done.

Securing the Future

We that know, we locked up our own as our own landing in our wallet. We locked it up. We kept it away. I locked up my tongue.

Preserving Valuable Assets

I locked up my pie away. That is not the. That is not assets that you tell me. Take profit. Your papa no be deaf. I know they do that one no follow for take profit.

Identifying True Potential

Papa no be deaf. No. We can do that with meme coins, but not utility tokens as I'm talking about PI network that we mine for free. I am talking about the ice network.

Mining Practices

We mined ice for free. Many of you had millions and thousands of ice. But what made you to fail a simple piece?

Learning and Growth Opportunities

That is why when I ask you what is really your mission in this web three space within the occur waiting to happen. You people will not understand a simple quiz.

Emotion and Decision-Making

You got emotional, you got angry. You deleted your ice network app. You treat our way that this is a rubbish project. The project that you have millions and thousands of ice in it, you failed the quiz intentionally and then what happened?

Subscription Mistakes

Those that passed the quiz, you were busy selling your. You are busy selling your. Your assets. It is okay. The reason why we are having the selling mentality in the crypto space is because that is the only thing we know.

Market Perspective Shifts

The. There is no ecosystem. So the marketplace is what we know this project to do and launch so that we can sell and make money. But the narrative will be changing.

Blockchain and the Future

The ice network is here. We mined it for free. Funny enough, it is very cheap now for you to go and buy, I think 0.009 now you can still go and buy and keep.

Potential for Growth

I am talking about utility tokens that you can skip. The people that kept their bitcoin, they are the ones enjoying today. So distinguished ladies and gentlemen, these three blockchains pay critical attention to it.

Evolving Projects

In the term blockchain, there are projects that have been cited by the owners. Projects like. Not coin. Projects like dog. You are seeing it.

Recognizing Serious Projects

I think that too dog and not coin. Very, very serious projects. Now there are no projects yet to launch on the. On the ice. On the PI blockchain.

Current Opportunities

The only functional project right now is the PI chain mall. And in the PI chain mall they are building or they are. You can mine the python more native tokens.

Mining as a Strategy

How many pieche monative token do you have? These things are what we don't pay attention to. So if you are listening to me, go now and mine the python more native token.

Valuable Ecosystem Engagement

Because the python more is the biggest utility platform on the PI network ecosystem, their native token will be worth something. Then on the ice blockchain.

Emerging Project Developments

We have two projects now that are here. The thumb wave and the confluence. Are you man in it? Are you manning it or you are still wasting time? Are you marrying it?

Fostering Effective Participation

These are the things that I want you to pay attention to. When you pay attention, the future is bright. That is why I normally tell us that you pray for long life, forget about prosperity.

The Importance of Longevity

Pray for good health. Excuse me? You pray for long life, you pray for good health, forget about prosperity. You are not doing anything with prosperity because prosperity is already here.

Health and Wealth Balance

Now. The reason why you should pray for long life and good health is because when the time will come, may your health not fail you, may you not encounter any chronic sickness that will limit you from enjoying the fruit of your labor.

Prayers and Future Plans

That's why you should be praying for good health. Forget prosperity. It is here already. A lot of things are happening, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, that when I open my eyes and I see how our people are losing focus, it gets me down.

Awareness and Focus

That is why I have to bring this up for us to know. Take it very. Who is doing this to me now? So that's it. Distinguished ladies and gentlemen.

Wrap-up and Call to Action

So right now I, you know, we have two topics today. I've just spoken about the blockchains and the use cases that are coming because today is educational. Today is not where the community is going to talk. No, no.

Educational Focus

Today we are educating, and that is why people that are up here are educators. Today we are educating how you can position yourself that something huge is coming only if you are disciplined enough to, you know, to kind of, you know, how to sacrifice your leisure, sacrifice your short term enjoyment for the greater good.

Investment Readiness

Bring out money, go and buy back all those assets you sold. I'm talking about Payoh, and I don't even think that the person that you sold PI to, we agree and sell it back to you again.

Advising Regaining Investments

If you have your money, go and buy back that pie you sold. If you have money, go and buy that ice that you missed. We are buying more.

Future Asset Retention

We are saving it in the future. Five years from now, ten years from now, you are going to see that asset that you kept. You are going to see the potentials because then they would have reached their full potential and you won't even feel it because you are already positioned.

Smart Investment Returns

Because let's say we spend our time on the PI network ecosystem, you are aiming PI every day as a reward. You are spending your time every day on the ice network, on the ice mainnet app.

Passive Income Strategy

You are gaining ice every day. So automatically you are earning passive income. You have a project like Getgrass, you have a project like Frostbite app that is only using your Internet bandwidth, that is passive income.

Sustainable Income Prospects

You will never get poor again because automatically, every day, at least to the limits, let's just say, you know, they do anything, at least every day. You are sure of least just minimum.

Engagement Benefits

You are sure of $100 with your interactions in the web three space. That is why most of us, we even quit our job safe. We will die here in web three.

Commitment to Web Three

Because as you are spending your time, you are getting something in your wallethood, which is also money. Passive income, the goal for passive income. But then our people need to understand this.

Transitioning to Airdrop Narratives

So I am going to yield my mic for now. The second segment that we dive into is what the airdrop narrative. But before we dive into that airdrop narrative, let us first of all finish.

Anticipating Audience Input

I think there are speakers that want to speak. Let us first of all finish these blockchains I can see the hands of my speakers are up. So as a respected person that I am, there is no way senior men will be here and I will not recognize them.

Acknowledging Distinguished Guests

I recognize the presence of Majid. I recognize the presence of mojo. I recognize the presence of Lord Dre. I recognize the presence of my wonderful co-hosts, rising Phoenix and Floyd. I see what you guys, I remember I told us before that I love it when women are actively involved in the crypto space, if they give me joy.

Valuing Female Contributions

And I might tell you that women have the full potential to even do more than us here. Many women are shying away from the web three space. If you understand your power as a woman, the web three space will be your starting.

Closing Remarks

As in, you will make a lot of money on this space. So my co-host, I welcome each and every one of you. I beg, before we take the matter mic, let me first of all, welcome my big old guys. Thank you.

Introduction and Acknowledgments

I don't know. No Allah, since I can't get both of you here. No Allah, then let me, let's only rise in Phoenix, be here. So let's proceed. Like I said, it is an educational space. All right, so those that are requesting for the mic, don't worry, you will have the mic to speak. Okay. So my brother Lodre. How are you doing, bro? Good morning. How are you, bro? How are you, GM? Good morning, everyone. Vindicated. I'm very sorry I came late. Something happened. I'm not supposed to be in the space right now. I had an emergency appointment in the embassy. I'm supposed to be at a meeting right now. The embassy, like an interview and all of that. But I put a call through to delay that meeting for about 2 hours so I can be on the space because it's a very important space I need to be on.

Explaining Blockchain Technology

So I would be very snappy and I would leave because I have an interview to attend on, something to carry on. Right. So, yeah, Vindicator talked a lot about the blockchain and explained. So I will not go back to that because he knows what he's saying. He's very educated with regards to how the blockchain technology works. Since we're still on the blockchain. Yeah, I agree with him with pointing out three blockchains that have potential. And I don't know if you would think, I don't know how we get to think in the same direction. I guess two great minds think same thoughts. I think my three most potential blockchains are also done. The PI network and then the ice network. Number one for me is a PI network. And the reason being that unlike tone were the utilities. Telegram. Yeah, the main utility is telegram.

The Potential of PI Network

The PI network is able, is the first project that was able to onboard more than 100 million users without a social media on its own, organically, and retain above 55 million or above 60 million of those people for four, five years. And you know what happens when they go live. The other people who have signed up and then wasn't interested because they don't understand what was going on, they have no time. The lazy people who are uninterested in reading and understanding how projects work or what the blockchain technology is all about, they would come back because there is a buzz. That's how it usually works. When they say PI is trending, they're on main net. People who had accounts two years ago, three years ago, a year ago, and then they stopped, would go back and try to relog in, retrieve those accounts.

Community Engagement and Market Position

And you get to see that, yeah, they would recover at least 80 million to 100 million active users. And these active users are not web two users, web three users. People here went for pioneer Web because of the cryptocurrency because of the cryptographic technology. Unlike Telegram, where Anton, the 900 million active monthly users, less than 5% of them are web three inclined. They just web two users. So we have less than, say, 20 million. We have less than 20, 30 million who are actually web three inclined. So, yeah, when you look at those stats and the sentiments around it, you would agree that PI network has onboarded more web three users than any chain in the history of mankind, right? When you look at the utility and you understand the tech, just like I would not go back to what vindicated said, you figure out this chain, you should position yourself around this chain.

Future of Cryptocurrency and Market Trends

This chain would exert the way they are building it, the time they've put in building it, the fact that they've been able to retain users, educate them, let them know that the token is not a pump and dump. We're not going to the exchange to dump it. We are actually trying to fulfill what bitcoin failed in doing, right? Become money, a digital currency, not an asset that is cursed. And people get to go on marketplaces to speculate on them and trade them on Dexes and sexes. Yeah, they've been able to make educate their community with regards to that. And there are millions of people, especially Asians and Africans. You are fanatic about this project because they have accepted the idea, they have keyed into the vision, and they've accepted it.

Community Sentiment and Market Dynamics

You will hear people talk about the JP's a religion. You see, when you look at the enthusiasm around this project, the people, the belief they have for this project, they actually make it some sort of religion. Then you know this project will succeed because none of these guys are religious about PI network. Once to lose this asset. Anyhow, they want to hold it. Yesterday I saw a video of a german guy who bought a Mercedes Benz car for 176 PI. 176 p to PI network. You know what happened? I was like, whoa, this guy made profit and the PI community were mad at him and telling him that he wasted 176 pounds. I was like, whoa, what's happening here? Now you see the sentiment around the project, right? They're telling him that he was supposed to spend less than that.

Future Trends and Community Value

That pie is more valuable than that. That's just the beginning. That's just the beginning of what PI would network will look like. The community is solid, the most solid community of all time in the web three space. They believe in this talking so much, they believe in the philosophy, they believe in the idea. And I am tipping pioneer work to be the leading chain with regards to mass adoption and for exchanges of goods and services. Overtone and ice. Yeah. That doesn't mean turn would be invalid or ice. No, you should hold all of them because let's take a walk back. Let's assume, let's look at the car technology. How did it happen? We started with riding on chariots, right? Where we made wheels and horses get to pull them and people get into it.

Innovation in Blockchain Technology

And then we met them before, since creating an actual machine that don't need horses to pull them, right. And then we met them. Of course, lots of company came on board and they started making cars, the Mercedes, the rest of them. And then over time, we have different car brands today. We have Lamborghini, we have exotic cars, different brands, the Teslas. And all of this metabol forces happen through the evolution of this technology, right? What's specific is one car brand cannot solve the problem of car needs. That's why we have different brands. That's where the rest of the currencies, the social fi currencies come in. Because PI network is a social, the same as tone and the same as this other guy, ice network.

Decentralizing Media and Community Engagement

They are trying to decentralize social media. When you interact, you are incentivized and everything is decentralized in such a way that nobody manipulates your data. Instead of Google selling your data or meta selling your data to go target adsense, you regulate how your data is used and you get incentivized for that data online, for contributing online. That's exactly what they're trying to do. All of them are trying to solve the same problem. Would one person solve that problem? Absolutely not. We need more people to try solve the same problem. So there will be competition. We have Apple, we have Samsung, we have OnePlus, we have Hawaii.

Diversifying Market Solutions

We have different fund brands trying to solve the same problem. All of them. Them are multi billion companies thriving with their own audiences, right? That's exactly what's going to happen. So Ice would solve the same problem and succeed in its own way. PI network would solve the same problem and succeed in its own way. Don would solve the same problem and succeed in its own way. So, yeah, position yourself. All of them can become multi million companies when they become multi million social media platforms, right? Where would you be? What position would you take when these companies are completely exploded? Just imagine if your grandfather had a share in Amazon, a huge bought Amazon shares.

Anticipating Future Market Trends

What would be your financial status today? What would have been your family's financial status today? Because this company, some of them started in a garage and look at where it is. Today, now we are just witnessing the inception of these beautiful large corporations that would shape the future of what social networking will look like, what social interaction would look like, the next phase of what you know about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp and Telegram. That's exactly what you're witnessing the next generation of it in its initial stage, in its developmental stage. And you're missing out on it, right? The reason why you're missing out on it is ignorance.

Educating the Community

That is why we host the spaces every day to try to educate people so they can understand the value of the tech itself before chasing the money. Understand the blockchain technology, what it stands to represent, the problems they're trying to solve, the various problems it can solve. When you adopt the technology, you can tap into the monetary part because it is when you understand the tech, the use case, you can position yourself where would be favorable. It's because I know that we are evolving from the web two to the web three. That is why I am converting my fiat currencies, converting my fiat finance, my archaic financial system money into the future.

Digital Transformation of Finance

That's why I'm holding bitcoin. That's why I'm holding ethereum. That's why I'm holding ton. That's why I'm positioning with all of these utility assets in its initial stages. Because I adopted the tech and I know what it's trying to solve. And I know that in a 50, 3000 years fiat currency would be absolute obsolete. Right. Because we are metamorphosing from digital, from physical finance to digital finance. It's because we know, that's why we're positioning ourselves. So seek to know, not just come here, when will this airdrop cook? When are we selling this? That. That is how you become poor because you keep converting valuable assets into weaker currencies that wouldn't stand the test of time.

Understanding Blockchain Investments

Yeah. So thanks once again for this space. And this is why we are here. We are here to educate people on what the blockchain can solve. Vindicated has said a lot with regards to this technology. I would just deviate or be by going further by saying, yeah, the blockchain technology can be utilized in many ways. The reason why we are here shouting gamefi bitcoin defy in all of this is because something happened in 2007 and 2008. Unlike history, there was a financial advocate called it recession in the western world where money started devaluing other. What was it called? Mojo. Give me the term for it.

Analyzing Historical Financial Crises

Mojo knows the temple. It. Before bitcoin was invented, there was something that happened the global financial recession. Yeah, yeah. The global financial recession crisis of 2008. Right. Exactly. Exactly. That was what happened. Someone had to invent a solution to that. Why did this thing happen? How can we solve it in the future that it shouldn't happen again? That was how. Satoshi, whoever it is, what if it's a group of people? If it's the CIA, whatever organization it is, they said, let's find a solution to this so it won't happen again. So they created bitcoin.

Impact of Bitcoin on Financial Systems

He or they created bitcoin because we don't know if you did it. So they created bitcoin to be anti inflationary. That means it is resistant to inflation, right. So what happens when inflation happens is lots of money gets printed into circulation and that devalues the value of the currencies and prices of goods go up. That means the money lose value. You can have a lot of money that can buy very little. You lose purchasing power. That happened. And someone figure it out and be like, I can solve this. They created bitcoin. They created a hot currency that can withstand inflation.

How Bitcoin Addresses Inflation

And how was he supposed to solve this problem? He figured that money, the fiat currency, is weak. And why is it weak? It's because it has no capped supply. Anyone can reprint it. People can use their power to print more units into supply based off the grid. And it was like, let's solve this problem once and for all, right? Nobody should be able to have the power to bring more units of currency into supply. So he created bitcoin with 21 million supply capped. Nothing can alter that supply. None can be printed into the same circulation.

Decentralization and Transparency

Only 21 million would ever exist. That's how money should work. And that way we can check corruption in the sense that no government official, no central bank official can come tomorrow and be like, let's print more units of money into supply. Like what happened in Nigeria during the Buhari regime, where the central bank governor and the president connived. And then they printed a lot of naira into the circulation and then the money devalued. And here we are. Today, Nigeria has 1000 to 500, 1500 naira to $1 pairing, which is very bad. And someone solved that problem.

Lessons from Nigeria's Monetary Policy

If were using a currency that was capped, there was no way anyone could print more units into supply because everybody would know, hey, this thing is supposed to be 121 million, right? Why is it 22 million all of a sudden? Why is it 40 million, 400 million all of a sudden? So they solved that problem. He figured that, oh, it has to become out. It has to not experience wear and tear. Fiat currencies wear and tear. If it's a coin, over time, it would get worn out. If it's a paper money, it gets worn out and it tears, and there would be a need for it to be reprinted.

Creating Resilient Financial Systems

Let's say, let's go print more unit. Let's go print worn out currencies. People leverage that opportunity and print more units into supply to enrich themselves and impoverish other people. So he created this currency that it would not never be printed again. It would not need to be restored. Where it would not experience wear, it would not experience tear. So bitcoin cannot wear off. It cannot tear. Nobody would have an excuse to bring another unit into the supply and use that opportunity to water down the supply. Solved. Cap.

Transparency and Security in Blockchain

Supply can't experience wear and tea here on a decentralized platform where everybody have access to it to see how it's moving. Anonymity is still. You cannot know whose wallet is this. It still protects whoever has money by using codes and hashes, numbers. You don't know if it's beavers that has this money. If it's vindicated that has this money. You just see numbers. Oh, this wallet address. Oh, this is the codes and the numbers and the alphabets that make up this wallet address. And they've transferred whatever fund it is still transparent on an open ledger.

How Blockchain Ensures Accountability

Everyone can see the transaction, have access to it through the transaction hash, see what's happening. Yet you do not, you cannot id. You has this asset because of their own personal protection. They have to be protected somebody doesn't have indicated as $2 billion somewhere and they want to go to kidnap him. All you are seeing is ABCD 1234, ash and whatever. That's the wallet address. That's Vindicator's wallet. Until vindicated comes up and be like, oh, that's my wallet address. Before you can id in anonymity, yet transparent on an open ledger where I can see that transaction vindicated executed through the transaction hash.

Democratizing Music Industry with Blockchain

I can go into blockchain Explorer and look at what's happening. Every transaction has been executed. So if a senator or a governor steals public for and tries to move it, and I am on the blockchain explorer, I will see that someone has moved $50 billion. Where is it going to? For what purpose was it? You would raise an alarm. Transparency. So they solved that problem for finance and that only solved the financial aspect. That's to say, bitcoin solved the problem for finance as a prototype.

Potential of Smart Contracts

From there, we met him and forced into smart contracts. We need to borrow and lend and bitcoin cannot do that. And then Ethereum had to come smart contracts where every other thing is possible. We can have the traditional banking system on the digital platform and yet still decentralized. Other protocols have to come solve other problems. On the financial aspect, that is just finance. The blockchain technology is capable of a lot more apart from finance.

Multiple Applications of Blockchain Technology

Vindicated, pointed. We can use it in a medical field, we can use it in agriculture, we can use it in politics, where we can use it to conduct elections. We can use it for data analysis, where a firm can process its data on chain instead of having hard copies of books and records, or. Or having computer storage where you use USB drives that can be hacked and files can be corrupted and you lose information, vital information, where trojans can affect files and folders. No, the blockchain technology can actually replace that because of the security.

Securing Information: A New Era

Before the trojan can penetrate the system, they have to be verified by many different nodes depending on the algorithm the network uses. Right. So it's almost. It's harder to infiltrate the blockchain. The blockchain itself. This chain can be used in various walks of life. This is where other blockchains come in. You hear about the tabby chain, trying to solve the problem of gaming, trying to decentralize gaming, creating a blockchain where only games will be hosted. And there is a blockchain that's been created for just nfts, digital assets.

Innovations in Digital Assets

For artists, you paint to go there and exhibit their art. Different problem. So every problem you see in life today can be solved using the blockchain technology. But the problem we have in this juncture at this junction is incentivication. For the blockchain technology to be adapted, people need to be incentivized. That is the entire principle of the blockchain. A interact, get something out of it. Once a person figures how to incentivize whatever sphere of life, it can incorporate the blockchain technology into it.

Incorporating Blockchain in Everyday Life

Once anyone configure a code to incentivize any part of life, is it car dealership? Car selling. I want to use the blockchain to sell cars. Once a person cracks the code on how to incentivize users buyers on chain, it will start selling cars using the blockchain. Because it is the most effective method to use the Internet. Right. So we are only looking at finance, defi, Gamefi, everything 555. It is much more than that. That is where I would make an introduction.

Blockchain Technology in Market Dynamics

I don't know if it's not late, is it? Too early? Viliki sound break. Yeah. Yes, bro. I'm coming. Mojo. Because of Jue and his engagements today. Mojo Abegg novice. Okay, you know we are talking about, I think the second segment is airdrop narratives. We are used to tapping and everything but there are new narratives coming. Just for example. Now if you pay attention to the ice network platform, they are onboarding real use cases into their projects, their blockchain and their ecosystem.

Real-World Applications of Blockchain

The Sunwave token that we are mining is a web two event somewhere festival where artists come together, DJ's come together and they host a festival in Romania. And that festival is done twice a year, understand? They do it two times a year. Now we are mining their token and that token is a utility token on the ice ecosystem. As if that is not enough, we are also mining core fluent AI and an AI mechanism that can be put into businesses. You put it in your business and it can help you. And we are mining that native token.

Future of Multiple Industries on Blockchain

Very soon we are going to be seeing industries from the financial industry, agricultural industry, health, music industry. Like they are coming into web three. They are coming. So when we are looking at web three, we don't look at it, that it is only meant for crypto people alone. No, web two people. Don't be surprised. One day we will mine Dangote token. Don't be surprised. Don't be surprised. One day we might mine access bank token. I swear to God, one day we might mine which this company, Alibaba token.

Anticipating Blockchain Adoption

They will come into the web three space. They will look for a good functional blockchain that they will launch their project on and we are going to mine their token and they are going to give out their native token. So these are things that we need to even our schools, don't be surprised. One day we are going to see Stanford University token. We are mining their token that if you are holders of their token, you can actually attend that university at a discounted rate if you have that token. Or the school pays with that token.

Evolving Educational Institutions in the Blockchain Space

Exactly, exactly. But you know our people, even a peace token, I swear to God. But these things is because it is gradual, it is coming. That's why you need to position yourself so, Mojo, please. November, sir, I will give you the time that you need. It's not the one. It's not the one speaking. I'm the one is not dre speaking. So I wanted to go. No, I want to Mojo, so that, you know, he has, his house has been up. Don't worry.

Collaborative Learning in the Community

Mojo, I will. I will compensate you with two free keys so that you know that I also have your interest at heart. Okay. If you don't give me 100%. Proceed, my brother. All right. Just like we've highlighted that the blockchain turkey is not just for finance. Other problems can be solved. When someone figures a way to incentivize people. They would adopt the tech and use it. And one is already at hand. Yes. Very big news on Friday.

Emerging Innovations in Music and Blockchain

Within the weekend, we, me and Vindicator Chitty, either on MySpace, on Vindicator Chitty Space will be hosting one of the biggest companies that's coming on board. Music is being onboarded into the web. Three, space. Yeah. There is a solution. Someone has figured a way to incorporate music at a large scale with the blockchain tech, right? We are saying goodbye to record laborers. We're saying goodbye to centralized labels where artists get exploited and all of that.

The Role of Blockchain in the Music Industry

Because someone has cracked the code on how to incorporate this technology into the music industry. And that's coming. We've been. I've been in contact with the team, right? I think they, I'm sure they contacted vindicator, too. Yeah, we've been in contact with the team and we're bringing them, we're introducing them on Fridays. A big news coming. So let me just give you a tip of what's coming. Not everything, because they would have to come and speak for the project themselves.

The Future of Music Streaming

So you can hear it, you, the community, can hear it for yourself. Just look at the music industry, how huge it is, the money, everything working there. Just imagine an artist like wizkid and david. Oh, actually not signed to sunny, signed to atlantic record, but being independent artists, decentralization, earning whatever revenue they make on chain, right, where Spotify are. Let's look at Spotify, where you get to go stream music.

Blockchain Revolution in Music Consumption

When you stream music, both the artists using the platform to disseminate music to its audience gets paid with a token, right, the native token of Spotify, right, which is pegged towards stablecoin, whatever the certification would look like. And they didn't have to go through third party managers and all of that. The platform manages his entire catalog and everything. And it gets to withdraw wherever his earning is, whenever he wants to without signing any other contract. But signing a smart contract, it gets his money straight into his account, into his wallet, address swap it, and use it however he wants to use this money on Spotify.

Decentralizing Music Revenue Streams

That's how Spotify would look like in the future. This is how, what this project is trying to do. Bringing streaming into the web three and incentivizing the artists and the listener. Good news, not just the artists. You know how the web three works and the listeners, right, this project is coming, they're not promising anything. They would actually have a token, a native token of the infrastructure. Look at Spotify, how big it is, how itunes is.

Creating a New Framework for Artists and Audiences

Imagine they have a token where you as a streamer, every time you interact, you play music, you earn a certain amount of something, how beautiful that would be. You're not just streaming music, you unlike Spotify. On Spotify, you pay for subscription. On Amazon you pay for subscription and itunes you pay for subscription. That's how the web two works. You provide value to the platform and still get paid.

Benefits of an Engaging Music Platform

You still pay for the value you provide in the web three, you get incentivized for the value you provide because you're the traffic. Without you, Spotify won't exist. But for Spotify, benefiting from your traffic is still tasking you, asking you for money. That's how the web two works, exploitation. So someone has figured a way to decentralize it and make it be like, oh, I think Spotify is exploiting people. Instead of people paying subscription or whatever.

The Blockchain Advantage

Why not? Listeners get incentivized instead for their traffic they bring there. Advertisers would pay us for the ads we posted. The guys seeing this ads deserve a share of this ads revenue. You get all things while interacting with Spotify, you get incentivized. Now imagine that you're out there. You have no idea that music would soon be onboarded into the web three, just like finance has been through bitcoin and the rest of them.

Seizing Opportunities in the Blockchain Revolution

And you missed out on this project because after them, other people would come. Just imagine, you do not know me, you do not know vindicated, you do not know Mojo. We, you do not know magic and we're not bringing this information to you. And then you have an opportunity to actually say, put your email address here, go and sign up in this new early adopters, let's say 1st 500,001st 1 million people would be dropped this native token of this musical platform for free.

The Essence of Knowledge in Investment

Do you see that? Knowledge is power. Now imagine that you missed out on this. Imagine that you missed out on something so huge. Imagine Sony Music making a project at trying to decentralize music. And they're saying the first adopters, early 1st 1 million adopters will be giving them our native token air. Drop them a percentage of our native token. What happens is the future when they want to interact with this platform, they use this token to interrupt with this platform.

The Utility of Early Adoption

How does this token gain utility? More people would come because it's cap. The first 1 million people have already claimed the token. The token is nothing. Not is capped, is not, doesn't have. It has a fixed supply. That means it will be exhausted. Let's say 1 million people have claimed 100 million supply of this token. Then no other users that would come to this platform would need this token to interact. You see the scarcity.

Potential Gains from Cryptocurrency Airdrops

And you've claimed this as an airdrop early because vindicated, shielded and I shielded. You participated early. You were lucky to be among the first 1 million users. And you hold onto this token and then the platform, the utility is that the platform goes live and then you need them to interact. The more you interact, you get to get incentivized and people get to need this token because they didn't, they miss the opportunity. They didn't get this education.

Time for Financial Transformation

They weren't lucky to be on the space today to position themselves to get this airdrop right. You see that the asset that you claim for free, just participating, just interacting in the web three and knowing same people, interacting with same people as giving you a fortune. Because this token would be very valuable given the utility. You know what music is? Everyone loves music. Everyone interacts with music. Most people on the digital space interact with Spotify and iTunes.

The Future of Music and Blockchain Integration

Imagine the entire web three community adopting this infrastructure. Because it's physical. I have seen the prototype. It's feasible, it would work and the funding would be there to drive it to do that. Right. Imagine that. That's what's coming. That's what we introducing to you. That is the new narrative we're talking about. No tapping. Tapping is boring. These people have unlocked eight. Oh, we don't need tapping anymore.

Investing in a Revolutionary Project

We don't need you to do a tedious task. All we need is adopt this product. Be the first users to adopt this protocol. Drop your email list, sign up with us, drop your wallet address. And maybe it's probably nothing, but it can become something. Remember the not coin narrative, so you don't even need to tap it. All you need to do is go there, go to the landing page, drop an email address and your wallet address. That's all.

Securing Early Adopter Status

When the product is out and there is time for incentivication, you have secured your position as an early adopter and you'll be given a certain amount of token. Maybe they would also say when you bring one person or bring five people would be cap. Because I advise them to cap. We advise them to cap their referrals. So it doesn't, one person doesn't have 100 referrals. I know the sentiment among the community, right? We, they approach us marketers, because we know our way around the place.

Fiscal Policy Intervention

Fiscal. Here, of course, because it's the fiscal. Not physical, but fiscal. Fiscal policy intervention. They do this, okay. Because when they do this, they do what is called stimulus packages. The US had it during COVID There was of course a crisis during COVID Everyone had to stay at home and stuff like that. So of course it caused a crisis. They do that to introduce maybe spending programs to boost things like demand, you know, tax cards, of course, direct cash transfers. The US does a lot. You know, they just send money. Even fiscal cash. Yes, they do that sometimes in envelopes. They send them to addresses. Physical dollars. Not even your bank account. Some get through bank accounts, some get through tax rebates. Some get physical money like handouts. The way government say line up. Everybody collect money. Yes, they do that. Okay.

Bailouts and Government Actions

There's also what they call bailouts. Okay. Failed companies, you know, failed industries that they think are important or too important to fail. That's the one. Too important to fail. Especially in the automotive sectors. Automotive, yes. Banking? Yes. Which other sectors again? Agricultural sectors? Yes. Health sectors. Yes. They do this because they feel like those industries are too important to fail to be allowed to fail due to any financial crisis. Crisis. So the government does what called bailouts. There's also regulatory forms when you hear things like, okay, we want to reduce financial. Sorry. Prevent excessive risk taking by financial institutions. Like when you hear the Central bank of Nigeria say, look at banks need to have XYZ more deposits in the CBN for them to run. So you need to have mergers, acquisitions, ipos to raise more.

Government Responses to Economic Challenges

So there are regulatory reforms that happen. Of course. There's also, of course, some sort of consumer protection, you know, to implement measures to protect consumers maybe from these predatory lending. Right. Some call them in Nigeria, loan sharks. I think I'm still owing one of them loan sharks. Okay. Loan sharks and other handful in your financial practice where you loan money and they give you at exorbitant rates, maybe because you don't provide collateral or stuff like that. Okay. And then there is, sometimes public reassurance or public communication, like what the regrettable current president of the biggest black populated country in the world did yesterday, where he was trying to communicate, but he was like communicating in a state of phantasmagoria, I would say when he was communicating and it sounded like he was even sleeping or something and, you know, communicating with the speed that was already in circulation and, you know, failed government policies and stuff like that, is that he said he has, he will do and he has done them before. They all failed, but, you know, keeps communicating that.

Public Communication and International Coordination

So they tried to do that deliberately to reassure the public, to restore confidence, and they tried to do that to show some level of accountability or transparency. But, you know, it doesn't really hold water. It's like point water into a basket. There's also international coordination. These are things that governments do. They tend to collaborate with other countries and other institutions like, you know, the Paris Club, the IMF, the World bank, the African Development Bank, Chinese Exit bank, stuff like that to stabilize global markets. Okay. You're going to see more of that in the coming days. They do things like support for unemployment. It's okay. Unemployment benefits for those who have lost their jobs. You know, some things like that.

Job Creation and Economic Stimulus

They can tend to come up with a job creation programs through public works or, you know, incentives for private sector to hire workers or stuff like that. Because, okay, if you employ, let's say, 50 and above people, you pay less taxes, stuff like that, just to make people employ, you know, more. These are all things they do to stimulate the economy. There's even what, there's some called death management. Okay. Where you see some countries going to beg. Yes. The era of Obasanjo saw a lot of that. If you are. If you are very, you know, cognitive. By that time, you know, Bassanjo went around begging and of course, you know, tagging all water. Bachelor used to circumvent sanctions as Abacha loot. Yes. They had to use that political statement, call it a bachelor, like he stole the money.

Debt Relief and Government Borrowing

But for those who know a lot about then or what was happening there. Of course, some, you know, conceptions that he stole the money and stuff like that. But the man was the president for years and the Naya did not shift a penny. And if you don't understand how international policy works and what it means to be under sanctions, you won't know when they tell you is a bachelor loot because you believe whatever the politicians tell you. So he went about begging, gave you the proper name. The international committee wants to hear Abacha loot. And of course, a lot of it was returned. You know, we had a lot of debt relief to Konje Wala played a big role in that. People like Konje Wala, I think, obviously played a big role to make sure that some of these people were owing, either canceled the debts or renegotiated them, you know, due to our default, or to prevent further default and stuff like that.

Market Intervention and Currency Stability

Of course, they do what is called government borrowing to maybe stimulate, you know, financial instruments, measures leading to, you know, stability in the economy generally. And of course, there's what they call market intervention, when the actions to stabilize or divide the currency to support exports, it happens. This is what, in fact they were begging Abacha to do, and he refused, you know, devalue your currency so that we can buy more at a cheaper. That's the mean of the value. Okay, if you say, okay, $1 is 96 naira, for example, and the US wants to buy, let's say, ten barrels of oil from you, it means they have to spend $960. But if you devalue, they can buy ten barrels for maybe or 20 barrels or 100 barrels for that same price.

Economic cycles and the Fiscal Dilemma

So they want you to devalue so that they can buy more of what you have. All because you borrowed in a currency you don't print. That is the economic cycle that we live in. You borrow in a currency you don't print, they print that currency, okay? So you borrow in that currency. So for you to pay back in that currency, you need to sell something. But they still want to stagnate your economy by making sure that you know this one, by making sure that you devalue so that whatever you have becomes almost valueless and you remaindeze perpetual state of want and, you know, poverty. So these are what governments normally do in this situation. So this crisis is happening because of what happened in Japan.

Bitcoin vs Gold and Fiat Currency

If you look at my WhatsApp status for those who have the, I call it rare privilege of having my WhatsApp. Yeah, you see that? I tried to compare the gold as a financial source of fidelity. Bitcoin and fiat currency. So when it comes to durability, see, gold and bitcoin ticks both boxes because both is also fiscally durable. Fiat currency has not maintained purchasing power, durability. But gold and bitcoin have maintained both since they were discovered. Divisibility. Gold is not easily divisible, but fiat currency is easily divisible. And, of course, bitcoin is divisible to start, as you know, fungibility. Of course, gold is fungible.

The Case for Cryptocurrencies

Yeah, 110 grams of gold is ten gram of gold. You know, bitcoin is fungible, but of course, fiat currency is not fungible. Yes, it's not fungible because $1 does not equal one american dollar. One american dollar does not equal one naira. One naira does not equal one korean won or one japanese yen or one russian ruble or one zambian quarter. You know, so it's not fungible. Okay, so portability. Gold is not portable. You cannot move around with, gold is heavy. You know, it's not possible. Bitcoin is portable fiat currency. We can say it's portable fiat currency. Yes. You can do transfers at least. Okay? Verifiable. That is another problem that gold and fiat currency has.

Challenges in Currency Verification

You cannot verify them. There are even a lot of counterfeit money. There's counterfeit gold. There's fake gold. Okay? There's fake fiat currency, but there's no fake bitcoin. There is no fake bitcoin anywhere. Scarcity. Yes, gold is scarce, but even bitcoin is scarcer than gold. Or more scarce, if that's the right way. Is this cast? Cast as most cars. Okay, gold is scarce, but I think bitcoin is even more scarce than gold, I would say. But of course, fiat currency, they print it. Guys, they have a printer. They have the machines. They print it. So it's not scarce. They just printed the dowra dollar, the guru tree dollar. He did that for eight years.

Governance and Market Adaptation

The governor of Edo State was calling him out. That one is a banker, so he knows they were just printing it. They were just printing it. So he's not in any way scars. And when it comes to track record, I think gold has been the highest when it comes to track record, the longest track record so far to maintain as money and to maintain purchasing power. Although bitcoin is so far, they have a good track record, but it has been short. Not long enough for us to put it in the league of gold. But if you see, you find that gold, bitcoin ticks about six of the seven boxes. Fiat ticks only two, and, of course, gold ticks only four out of the seven. So bitcoin, in other words, crypto, is still better than all of them.

Exploring the Future of Blockchain

And if you look at the tweet. I made, I think it was on Baseo. We can't hear you again. Maybe. I don't know, maybe a call coming came in. Can you. Am I audible? Am I the one? Rogin? No, I can hear. I can hear you clearly. Okay, okay. Maybe that's a mojo. That's mojo's line. Mojo. We can't hear you again. We can't hear you again. Okay, so you have to request for the mic, and then let's proceed. So, yeah, I don't know. I think I will have to onboard new. I have to onboard new speakers immediately. So please give me some moments. let me on board the new speakers immediately.

Engagement and Community Interaction

There is no time, and we need to adjust all the things that we are supposed to talk about today. So just like I am saying, position yourselves. Beautiful things are coming to the blockchain space. Okay, let's go. Notice colonizers for this Africa. We have our benefit from any of those countries. You and I. Notice the country where we benefit from our Nigeria, Canada. When you get to Canada. The first time that I went to. Canada, aya, then Falana stamara, my sister. Relationship scatterer. Around. All my niggas and just. They gather around. Cutter, bounce. Make a nut around like she know.

Community and Blockchain Projects

Peter. I don't like the way access. Rita, fastest reader, Canada. Fresh big brother, Canada. Cross your. Canada backward. Galala caravan. Tamara. They give me. Give me, give me head, give me tea, give me. Chest, give me seats. Give me bath. Give me cheat, give me kids Rollsroyce. Give me Jesus Canada. Yes. Thank you very much. You know how we do on space. Once you are on space and you want to speak, at least, you have to raise up your hands. To indicate that you want to speak, you have to raise up your hands, and if you don't know how to do it, you have to.

Process of Speaking in the Space

You look at the lower part of your screen. You will see a love sign. When you see the love sign, you click on the love sign. And when you click on the love sign, you will see a palm at the extreme end of your right side. When you see the palm, you click it automatically. Your hands will come up. That's one of the first. The second. You must retweet the space. You must retweet the space. Okay, so if you're on my speaker level and it is only one person that the hands is up, after that one person, I will take down everybody and I will onboard the next person.

Community Announcements and Interactions

Okay? So thank you and thank you very, very much. So today, like, you know how we do. we have been talking about the blockchain and the use cases of, various blockchains. there are three blockchains that are coming. One is already here. The term blockchain, which I called the john the Baptist of our time coming to pave the way. Other blockchains are on the way as, I mean, fast blockchain, transparent, scalable, you know, they are here. All right, so that just who is unmuting the mic now. So that just so for now.

Participants in the Discussion

big e, good morning. How are you doing? Big e is. Yeah. I think that one from, Mister Mojo. Sorry. Good morning, Mister Vin, aka munobai. Oh, gm. Gm, everybody. Gm. Flora Majid, Prince Mojo, Malga the top. Mister Benjamin. I greet you all very well. I'm so happy to be here. Just like within your interactive space. I say today I must speak. I must talk because whenever I see, because I see these three things, I told my community, I see these things, this project, like, you know, the Trinity, like the trinity of cryptocurrency.

Community Education and Insights

Okay. Helping people to be on boarded easily, not so much stress and everything. And people, you are talking about people that are selling their PI. What about those that are selling their accounts full account. Full account to accounts where we say to do the Kyc is a stress. To get your PI coins or tokens migrated is another stress on its own before that thing gets to you. So people still don't understand what is coming. They kind of like you always call it financial tsunami. Me? Yes. They are still yet confused about what is all these things.

Awareness and Understanding in the Community

I was talking to my community yesterday. True. Because I make use of voice notes. Everybody cannot come live when we call for me. So I make use of voice news and, you know, give brief summary to anything I want to enlighten my people about. I say gone are the days whereby we are mining pie. You go the height because one of my admin was saying the same thing will be hiding because that time they will say. Basically they mind pie for future now to the same it's pie. They waste your time. They might pie. Some will say armed robbers, the FCC, bondo, yahoo boys.

Addressing Misconceptions about the PI Crypto

They see per se with the mind pie deliver different things. Different, different things. But we know very well about the joy that is coming. And I sent a message to you. there's a new feature on the PI browser whereby we can send message to each other. Okay. So I sent a message to Mister Benjamin, posted it. And you know, when you are with him, I think every Saturday, him and the pychemo and PI chamo, Ghana, PI chamo, Nigeria. Pachy Morgana, they demystify the white paper of PI so that people can understand what is coming.

Explaining PI Network and Its Resources

The pie openly criticized the bitcoin white paper. It is, it is like, hey, come on, we are not yet to joke. There's a lot even in as much as bitcoin is a wonderful tool of investment, is a very good, is a digital good as it is now. Because if you see what is happening within the market, we know very well that, hey, this will happened. Michael Saylo sold certain percentage of his own shares in the stock market to accumulate another huge volume of bitcoin, about $2 billion. To get more bitcoin, these people are saying, look, we need to hold more of bitcoin because of it.

Investment Strategies in Bitcoin

Is the future. Now this man now have more than a tight percentage. Over 200 something. Over 200 something thousand dollars. 200 and something thousand bitcoin within its portfolio. So bitcoin is not for everyday people. For everyday people. This is where the pie. This is where the ice. This is where the tone blockchain comes in. It is for everybody, okay? Something that is scalable. The ice is saying they are building something that will, you know, its record speed is over a million transaction per second. So that should tell you the big deal ice on its own.

Challenges and Developments in Crypto Transactions

When they started, they were within their white people. They were criticizing PI. A lot of people, we are playing emotions and sentiments. I'm like, what? What is this? If PI is criticizing bitcoin or now project is criticizing PI, it is a level playing field for everybody to come in, see what they can do differently. Now I trying to do 1 million transaction per second. It is a big deal. Power on his own and 70 transaction speed, okay. Is another big deal. Because if I can do a payment between me and mister indicated.

Real-Time Processing and Usability

Oh, I want to purchase this. I cannot wait like the bitcoin coin waiting for ten minutes. So it's not for every day. It's not for me and you to be trading. I'll be waiting for that long. In El Salvador, the bitcoin has been adopted. They are teaching their student, they are teaching their citizen how to even go as far as mining. And they are making sure they use their resources. They have a volcano. They say okay, are because mining bitcoin is, you know, highly efficient. You have not talked about the time you spend on the Internet.

Public Awareness and Educational Initiatives

You have not talked about, you know, things that you are going to do implementation in place so that the setup will be at a very smooth process. So their president have made that adoption to their citizens. We have to use this thing. They are using it to trade. And they also complain about the speed in which they have to wait for customers to down to sell or buy or purchase all that things. This is where the bitcoin, this is where the pie, this is where the ice, this is where the tone blockchain comes in. The tone gives access and value in the ethereum network.

Transaction Fees and Market Dynamics

If you want to trade and do transaction with USDT, you don't have an idea of the amount of fee you are going to pay. But with the tone ecosystem, it is gasless free. It is gasless across every exchange. But these, the little down parts. Which is why I find it so funny is that binance have not adopted the tone ecosystem, the tone blockchain India in their exchange. But they are accepting nothing coin. So it's quite funny. And by Nance, if you want to do this gasless transaction within the binance ecosystem they are accepting fee that, you know, return is against.

Observations on Current Cryptocurrency Trends

They are saying oh, we want it. To be gasless free. But within the binance ecosystem they are collecting 1.3 or $1.5. So it's just somehow funny. Now a little secret for people to understand. Please do not joke with spy. I think Magi just posted something yesterday when priest hosted his peace and I make mention of that thing. There is now a countdown. If you have not done your KYC, some people that we, you know, within my community have enlightened them on how to go about it. What they need to know it is the documents they need to put rights.

KYC Process and Updates

Don't say oh this that my why are they calling Nin and why should I use this document? Why can't they make it like this and that spend sacrifice to get the right documents, the right thing in place that needs to be implemented because without it you can't pass KyC. Now the new updates now is that they are trying to make sure they create a module for people that are under age. This thing has been happening in stage by stage. It is not easy, it is not swift, but it is a very good process. That PI browser.

Blockchain Applications and Future Developments

Just think of it like the way tone like the way Mister Vincent said the telegram wallet is okay if you go to your PI browser, you go down, you see testnet, echo system, this testnet, you just see the hundred, the few utilities you can see ecommerce, you can see travel. Yes, some group of agencies will be using your PI for travel. Okay. You can see games, you can see, you know, few utilities. But all this, the apps is not just your normal regular, the apps that you see like maybe pancake work.

Utility and Implementation of Decentralized Applications

No, these are decentralized applications that will be used to solve problems, to create transactions and the rest. So they are already there waiting for open minutes. When open minutes happens, you will see the integration at a very smooth pace. Very, very wonderful. The only wonderful thing I love about this is like I've said, I said this thing in your groups, sir, this thing is a divine, it is a mystery. There's a very good old account of the PI network that have been there since 2009. At the same day bitcoin mining went live and this account has been there called PI network is only by a very few group of people that can access this Twitter.

Historical Context of the PI Network

Twitter handle very. And is the same place. Because if you see where all this incorporation with cryptocurrency and blockchain everything, the root and the foundation is from the USA, which is in California. Yes, the same place where Coinbase other top cryptocurrency projects. And also, even despite current accounts is also there life. This Twitter. Yeah, Twitter handle that have over 3 million followers. They are there. So it should tell you something that is like the foundation hope for most of all these assets. So if you are feeling, oh, there's no price, there's no value.

Market Valuation and Insights

Before in the black market, pie used to be 200. Now the price just went up 700 naira for one pie. But they are saying, oh, it does not have value. Now I can see the synergic partnership between the ice and the pie chain more very soon. People cannot trade their goods and services, whatever they want to use or do within the PI chamo. Okay. I love Nicholas very much because it's like a mystery. That's why when this GCV of an issue became as he, as it is when ladry was speaking, is very good because it creates that awareness for us.

Understanding GCV and Its Impacts

In as much as the so called GCV has been exploited in a way that seems so like an occult, but is good so that you can have something to talk about. At the end of the day, people that wants to be disappointed will be disappointed, okay. Because when he was asked severally, when he, when they grant this man interview they say, what is the value of one PI? He said, the value of one PI is one PI. Just like the led days of bitcoin. The value of one bitcoin was one bitcoin. It was there in the White House paper.

Community Perceptions and Market Value

So they ask him again, maybe mosquito fly for this man. Yeah, you know, yes. Something. They say, sir, what is the value of one pie? He said, the value of one pie is how a pioneer see it as. Okay, what you value, what I value it? If I want to trade with Mister Vin, I was, okay, my one pie. I see my one pie as ten dollar. Okay, I will say that this is what I'm accepting. That is the global consensus value. That is where you should have been. Okay, I see one pie as $10.

Trading and Market Dynamics

Mister Vin agree with me. Oh, I see it as one, as that $10. We now trade, we now butter. Maybe I want to sell a shoe to him. We go it at that rate. But the idea of oh PI is launching or listing at $314,000 per one bubble. Even devils and people, where they do ritual, I don't know where they go collect money to create such liquidity for this project. But it is good that we have all these interactions and, you know, controversy and everything. When everything play out in reality, our eye go open and go clear.

Realities of Market Dynamics

By that time now, mining pie becomes more difficult. And I've said this thing over again. The ecosystem is so wonderful, the algorithm is so wonderful that you cannot cheat it. There was a time Mister Vince was posting, I think, a, you know, people within the Asia side, they were, you know, creating many accounts under the comment section. I'll say, don't worry, you cannot cheat the system. Even if you have like ten accounts. Five, go do ten minus nine, you'll keep you with one. If at all.

Market Regulations and Trends

Say the thing will be like that. Now, a shift. Because every month there used to be a reduction rates, okay, in the ecosystem, that's when they are. PI hashing is being slashed every month. That gradual rate used to take effect every month. But what happened this month, it went up. Why? Because there were a lot of fake node miners. There were a lot of people trying to, you know, use mint pie. Those are running nodes within the ecosystem. The are, you know, doing something so illegal. So the Picotin figured it out.

Importance of Adhering to Regulations

And at the end of the day, like, deduct all their, yeah, their earnings. So this should give people insight that you can't cheat the system. Telegram is becoming over saturated. There are so many projects within there, they will start saying, oh, hundred million users hundred, 300 million users know. Most of them have one account. They open like ten, four or 20 with the power code system. You can't do that. You can create several wallets. But what you can only have is one account. One account is one account.

Understanding the Motivation Behind PI

So people need to understand this. I keep on saying knowing is different from understanding. You know, that PI exists, but do you understand the functionalities? Very soon, people will be going to moderate their space, like the way Mister Vin is moderating here, you'll be moderating their interactions within the PI browser, within the profiles, and everything you are saying. You'll be incentivized. You'll be getting good incentives from everything you are saying. If people want to join your group, gathering everything, the knowledge you want to share and understand, it will happen with that, within that space or that sphere.

Conclusion and Future Directions

So the best thing you need to do, if you miss the bitcoin white paper, you do not understand so many things. Go and sit down and read and understand the white paper of PI. It will help you in the long run to prepare your mentality for what is to come. Now the pie courts in. Yeah, you started like Nicholas now fun, the doctor fan. They are setting their LinkedIn account already. They are waiting for jobs coming. That should tell people something. So that is all I can say for now. I need my mic.

Acknowledgments and Remarks

Thank you for the opportunity to speak, Mister Vin. God bless you for all you do. Yeah, thank you very much. Thank you very much, big e. Thank you very much. We are proceeding and. Okay, Mojo, you have to conclude so that I would, like I said, if you're my speaker level and your hands no day up. No. Well, after everybody has finished speaking, I will take everybody down then on board, new speakers. So thank you very much, Mojo. You can conclude then. After you, Paulus. We go.

Speaker Dynamics and Engagement

Then, prince, we go. Mojo. Mojo is. Yeah, please, I need to be reminded where I stopped because, I don't know. Right. So who can remember please, my some of my last statements. Please. Is it possible. How many ton you they promise? Or how many USDt they promise for that? No, no, we are still giving our tone. Ton, it's turn. One ton is. 500 ton. 500 ton if you can remind me. Okay, where did I stop?

Reflections on Market Trends

Only they fine stone people don't know where I stopped. You can remind him. I will remind them if you don't give me money. Good. So all this, your co host cannot remind anybody. They don't know where I stopped. You are talking. You are talking about, you know, so many economic. This thing happening within the west, where they were printing. Money, they can print unlimited amount of money. And bitcoin is not like that.

Comparative Value of Assets

And that gold is heavy to carry. But bitcoin is something that. Thank you. Send your lunar. Luna. Your lunar address. Luna. Luna. Yes, Luna. Is the ticker Luna. Okay. Or your FTX address. Okay. Yeah. Thank you for that, please. Because I, I think I really gone far before I, I saw that I had rocked. Something happened with my network, I don't know, before I switched to think, it took time when the fiber optic went out, of course, due to electricity interruption.

Network Interruptions and Their Impact

Okay. So I think I was trying to expatiate, you know, make elaborate what I said on my, you know, if you are on my WhatsApp. So I said, of course, the track record of gold and the. And bitcoin and fiat currency. So I mentioned that bitcoin passes the seven, six out of the seven criteria for fidelity of, you know, money, as in the strength of money, the durability, the feasibility, fungibility, portability, verifiability, scarcity and track record. Okay, so bitcoin passes six out of the seven.

Cryptocurrency Metrics

Gold passes only four out of the seven. And fiat currency passes only two out of the seven. Right. Now what I'm trying to say is if you juxtapose that with current happenings, events in the market, for example, this morning, a friend of mine here in Rwanda, some of the people I used to teach crypto by about five, six years ago, sent me money. Oh, he's seen the price of call has gone down. I should buy call for him. I should buy call for him.

Market Observations and Predictions

So the money that, the phone that has the Sim card for mobile money, what we call Momo here, or what they call Pesa in Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya, is not on this phone. This, this phone only has the 4G SIm card and I use the fab optic as well. So I don't know. I didn't know any money came in. He was now calling me on WhatsApp while I was at the same time on the space. So I had to check. And he was like, well, I've sent money by buy.

Assessing Market Fluctuation

The price is going up. I said, no, whatever is going up right now is still going to go down further because the us market, they've not woken up fully. They are going to sell their humans. They're emotional. They see the market red. That is how the market works. When you see red, you look at the time frame. If it's red, when Asians are awake, I kid you not, don't rush and buy anything. Just wait for Americans, they will tank again.

Investment Psychology

They will add their own frustration and their own sorrow, their own pain. They will add it. So that's how the market works. Okay? So I said, okay, no, just wait. So I placed a buy order for core one of the centralized exchanges, did a screenshot and sent to him. So he was happy. So after some time he was like, what about I told him, because I returned him to buy tone ola and what's the price of tone now that I have bought that call, I was like, which buy call did you see?

Market Order Transactions

I say, it's a buy order. It's a buy order. I've not bought because then call was at 90 something cents. So he was like, no. I said, yeah, but I said no, it's still going to go down further. And right now he's already, if I had bought at that time, he would have be at a loss already. So I showed in the market right now he's down to 0.88 something. My buy order is still way below that. So I wanted to explain that, use that to explain what's happening right now.

Understanding Government Actions on Market Dynamics

So if you look at the market right now, all those things I explained that the government normally would do, I talked about, I think, market intervention, depth management, international coordination, things like that. I talked about regulatory reforms, fiscal policy intervention, monetary policy adjustments and all that. What the government will do is to give people money, handouts, bailouts, companies and stuff like that. But they will do that to stimulate expenditure, to stimulate spending, increase disposable income and stuff like that.

Cyclic Nature of Financial Markets

Unfortunately, some or most of the wise people in that economy are already nothing. Very firm believers in fiat. So what would happen? Just guess what will happen? Yes, the cryptocurrency market will rebound because that is where they have trust in, that is what they believe in. That is what they are going to spend that money on actually. So it's an unending cycle of financial crisis, financial dissolutions, problems in the stock market and exchanges, and people will head back into crypto full speed.

Forecasting in the Cryptocurrency Market

The recovery is always going to be three times better than the dump. It always happens. This has repeated over time. All those who have been here for at least ten years can verify this. Mister Benjamin can verify this. Where is the commitola now? He can verify this. Viniclajit can verify this. It goes down, it comes back about three times up, if nothing more. I told you guys, my, my prognostication for the blood, the crypto market the first time I think bitcoin did was either, is it 35 x now and six x second downtime.

Anticipating Future Market Surges

The last crypto bureau we had was eight x. And I told you that this bull market bitcoin should likely do 3.5 or at least three x of the former all time high. It's going to do it. It is going to do it. We are with the year. It is going to do it. $150,000. This can be this bull market. It will go even higher than that, this bull market. So relax. And if possible, this is the time to look for your fiat and stables.

Strategic Market Entry

This is the time to buy, buy. This is the time to buy. This is the time to buy. Begin to load up. Because the next thing you will see is a massive, bloody, angry, green, godlike candle that rises like a phoenix. It rises and then you begin to see fire in the market. So I said this because I want to say something. Of course, typically different out of line of what other people are saying today. We've talked about blockchain, stuff like that.

Discussion on Blockchain Insights

Vinication started with something else. You know, brother was his name. Now Lodris said something else. Floralizing. Everyone says something. But I wanted to look at what is happening in the market. I'm just like kind of giving you guys a dose of mojo. Scriptometer on having space again, what is happening in the market and how it affects the crypto market, the global economy and stuff like that. So you need to understand what governments always do.

Understanding Government Dynamics

So I've listed what they always do. This is what they have always done is the same playbook. They don't change. It's what they know how to do. They will do that stimulus task or give more money, reduce tax rate so that people can borrow this. But after those people have borrowed that money and they have cash, they have already lost faith in that. Your fiat currency, my friend. They have lost faced, my friend.

Future Outlook in Cryptocurrency

They are going to come back into crypto because they already seen that even you, the government, you are interested in it even now. That's why I said this bull market is going to be a very bloody and energizing and fantastic one because they are seeing that. Oh, so even these things they were even trying to convince us to do for this years, even you, the government, are now doing it, America. You're now saying you want to have a strategic bitcoin reserve.

Rethinking Financial Beliefs

They are seeing it. So you think they are confused or they are foolish. They are the idiots. No, they know that thing that you have been banning, you have been blocking. You have been saying it's used for criminal activity. This and that. You are now interested in the same thing. So why do you think that? If you give them tax code now tax courts. You give them lower incentive. Borrow money. Money. Spend money to. You want to stimulate the economy.

Importance of Trust in Financial Markets

You think they'll come and hold your fiat again. They are going to rush back. It's the psychology. So understand these facts of the market. It always happened. This is. This is the guaranteed process. Like deja vu in French. When you like you've seen something before. It has happened before. It's replaced. So this is the time to buy. If you are leaving the market now.

Concluding Remarks

Thank you. Thank you for living. The rest of us that remain will go manage incentives. Thank you for leaving. You are selling your coins. Please sell more. Why? It's not big. You sell more. Please. Sell. Sell. Leave. You're selling your pie. Sell it. Sell it. Don't mind cheating. Which one be you're selling? Your future. Nobody who died. They see future. I better sell them. Chop chop.

Discussion on Cryptocurrency Future

Sell it so that the more the. In fact, let me tell you, they say the beautiful ones are not yet born. You don't read that book? I equate. Am I already those days. So the bigger cryptos are not yet born. Say the ones you have now. The bigger ones are coming. Don't let this boo tell you anything. Say, save for the future. This one. Me, I'm. Anyway, this. I want to move into a new house now. To move into a penthouse. I don't. I don't like this flat I'm living. I'm not comfortable. I want to be carrying three girls every day. Two. Three girls. So I must sell the pie. Who wants to buy my pie account, please. I want to sell so that I can enjoy life. I can enjoy life. Four years time. There will be another pie that will come. I will still make it from that one. We can't all make it so, please.

Advice Against Future Investments

As you know, my. I don't support you on that note. I don't support you. I don't support praise. I don't support Benjamin. I don't support all these people encouraging you to hurdle huddle for the future. This and that. No, no, no. Me, I'm coming from the other side. You see, I've also seen the future. In the future, there is milk filled with gold and honey. Sell everything now. Don't mind them. They are the conspiracy theorists. They don't know anything. Don't mind. I'm wise. Me, I'm wiser than all of them. I'm wiser than all these people. If we're telling you, don't say this and that. I'm wiser than. I'm the wisest man in the world. Solomon, the land work right there. So sell. And then wait for four years. We are going to meet in four years. And we know how your situation will be. Okay?

Closing Statements

So that what I have to say today. Thank you for listening to all the boncom. I've said, I've told you what the government is doing and how they will put in money and of course, how the market will reverse. So if you don't like that type of advice, like this second advice that I gave you now to dump everything and sell. Okay, Mojo is out. Hey, God of mercy and compassion, actually, what you said is actually true. Mojo. you are. You actually say. You said. You said the correct thing is good to balance the equation. You know, most of the times when. When we are telling them not to understand that the future, it's more important. Somebody will tell you, what if you die tomorrow? What if you die tomorrow? Who? Chop, go see the future. And it is actually correct, my brother.

Reflections on Personal Experiences and Market Understanding

So I said my only anger. My only anger be say. I know. Bye bye. You developed me. But then it's okay. I still know how I'm going to get more in the open main net. It affects me because I saw PI at hundred naira. I saw it. I saw it. I. Hi, God. I know. Vendors with the as. Indeed, they pack up, bring out 1 million naira accumulator, dump them for your wallet. The waits. People don't understand what is coming. But then people have to be used for examples and, you know, educational purposes. I normally tell people that, hey, you see me, but you see me. Nobody will use me as an example. Nobody will use me as a negative example to tell, like this man now, you know, whenever we celebrate the.

Historical Comparisons and Bitcoin

The bitcoin pizza day, that idiot. Yes, I call him an idiot. He's an idiot. That idiot that sold 10,000 bitcoin and used it and bought two pizzas, nobody is calling him. Because the main purpose of that bitcoin pizza day was to celebrate that transaction, 10,000 bitcoin to buy two pizzas. But nobody is mentioning that person's name. We don't even know him. Like, we don't even know him. Nobody cares to know about him because nobody wants to associate his or herself with failure. Nobody wants to know about him. If I ask you now, what is the name of that person that sold 10,000 bitcoins for. For two pizzas? Nobody gives it.

Observations on Market Dynamics and Public Perception

Yeah, sorry. Nobody got you, brother. Although his name is Han Chest Lancelot, or whatever. But that's not the point. The point is, yes, he made a good history. Thank you for making bitcoin. To be able to be something that is, you know, can use to. Can give it value and buy and sell. But why must it be you now? No, there must be you. He did that wonderful transaction. But now, every pizza day, world pizza day, that is being celebrated. He's not even interviewed. No company have endorsed him. No crypto company have endorsed him or make him an icon for making this thing to see. I saw him on.

Reflection on Blockchain and Economic Shifts

Honestly. But now everybody's now rejoicing. Oh, thank you for doing this. Thank you. But nothing happened so I don't know why. It must be you. It can never. I keep saying this thing. I keep eating my chest. I am not the one. Nobody will use me as an example in a negative way. You know, they happen. I am too informed to be used as an example. So I don't know about you. Maybe one day we are going to use you as an example. You. You are the one that sold your PI account. You sold your ice network account. Congratulations. We will use you and educate our children. We will use you and educate our audience will use you and talked on spaces.

Thoughts on Personal Gains and Market Intelligence

That is actually a wonderful thing. People will be mentioning your name, but in a negative way. So listen and understand what is coming. You are not going to die. Even if you die, you keep the password for your children. Yes. That mango that you are enjoying today, that orange you are enjoying today was not cultivated by or was not planted by you. So if the person that planted that mango tree have the same mentality at you, like you to enjoy the mango three, you will not see man go through to enjoy even those that we are born in wealthy families. If someone did not make that plan to build for the future and to keep inheritance for you will not be, you will not have inherited that wealth.

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