Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Cases Against Trump Are Falling Apart w/@DougBillings hosted by kimmagagal2. Delve into the intricate details of the cases against Trump with Doug Billings on Spaces. Unravel the complexities of legal battles, shifts in narratives, and the impact of media portrayals on public opinion. Explore varying viewpoints and considerations shaping discussions on accusations directed at Trump.

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Q: What are the notable shifts observed in viewpoints on Trump's accusations?
A: Different perspectives have emerged challenging initial accusations, leading to a reevaluation of narratives.

Q: How do legal battles impact the ongoing cases against Trump?
A: Legal proceedings play a significant role in shaping the outcomes and credibility of accusations targeting Trump.

Q: What role does media portrayal play in influencing public opinions about Trump?
A: Media coverage and narratives can sway public perceptions and attitudes towards Trump's involvement in various controversies.

Q: How do political affiliations affect interpretations of Trump-related investigations?
A: Political inclinations often color individuals' views on the legitimacy and motivations behind inquiries into Trump's actions.

Q: What complexities are involved in the legal proceedings linked to Trump?
A: The legal intricacies of cases against Trump involve multiple layers of evidence, interpretations, and judicial processes.

Q: How do evolving narratives about Trump impact broader societal discussions?
A: The ongoing debates around Trump's cases catalyze discussions on broader issues of justice, power dynamics, and accountability within society.


Time: 00:15:44
Shifting Perspectives on Trump's Cases Exploring the evolving stances and insights on accusations against Trump.

Time: 00:25:12
Legal Battles and Implications Delving into the legal complexities and implications for Trump amidst ongoing battles.

Time: 00:35:28
Media Influence on Public Opinion Analyzing the role of media narratives in shaping public views and perceptions of Trump.

Time: 00:45:11
Political Dynamics and Case Interpretations Understanding how political affiliations influence interpretations of Trump's legal issues.

Time: 00:55:39
Complexities of Legal Proceedings Highlighting the intricate legal processes and challenges surrounding cases involving Trump.

Time: 01:05:02
Broader Societal Implications Discussing the wider societal impact and implications of the ongoing discussions around Trump's cases.

Key Takeaways

  • Evident shifts in viewpoints on accusations against Trump.
  • Challenges to the credibility of certain claims and narratives.
  • Analysis of legal battles and outcomes affecting Trump's cases.
  • Discussions on media portrayal and impact on public opinion.
  • Exploration of Trump's responses and defenses to allegations.
  • Insights into the role of political affiliations in shaping perspectives.
  • Consideration of the timing and context influencing the cases.
  • Engagement with nuanced arguments regarding investigations involving Trump.
  • Understanding the complexities of legal proceedings and their implications.
  • Examining the broader implications of the ongoing narratives about Trump.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Technical Issues

Hello, everyone. Welcome. Doug, I hope you got the mic that I sent you. There we are, man. The mics are acting up tonight, but we are here. What's up, Miss Kimmy? It's great to see you. I see advocates joined us. Billings is already here. Yes. Sorry, Drax, I have that issue with, you know, we have to go out and come back in as soon as you start it. There you go. Says you have two co hosts. It's like, no, I don't have any. So here we are. Yeah, I had that last night. It happened to me. Had to go out, back in. Yeah, it's doing it to me for Alex now. So I'll be right back. You want to share? Oh, no. There we go. There she is. Okay. You threw it right over. I had to leave and come back to anything. Oh, no, here we go. I even did all the right things. I reinstalled the app, restarted the phone, did everything I'm supposed to do.

Discussion on Challenges Ahead

We need an update. We need an update for sure. I see Doug Billings has already joined us. Kimmy. It's great to see you. Doug. Tonight we'll be talking about cases against Trump are failing, man. So I'm glad about that, because all week long, I mean, a lot of these people in these spaces give me a big black pill. And I look forward to Doug's faces every week to re energize my faith that we are going to win this November. Exactly. He always brings us the faith. Right. We have encouragement again every Sunday when Doug comes in. So if you could all please share out the space, that'd be awesome tonight, how we're going to do things and we're going to let Doug speak when he's ready to take questions. If you do want to ask questions that are directly directed towards Doug and what he's talking about, you're welcome to come up and receive a mic. We always have him on a very limited time schedule. So please, if you want to, only if you want to ask a question, don't come in and, you know, get off golf top, which is great for other spaces. But tonight we have to stick on our focus, which is Doug. Bill is our guest tonight, so if you have a question for him, raise your hand and we question.

Focus on Questions

So go ahead, Drax. Hi, Alex. I would agree with Kimmy, man. Last week, it was kind of like a DNC convention outside. So, you know, we try to manage it right. So just make sure you guys are trying to keep, you know, the stuff limited. Try to keep it to a question. I mean, in Twitterville. That can be hard, you know, but I know you guys can do it. I have faith in you. It's good to see Alex here tonight, too. Make sure you guys are sharing that space out. Doug's time is limited and we want to make sure we hear him out tonight. Make sure you guys are sharing that space out. Like Kimmy asks, if you quote the space, I promise you Alex, myself, and Kimmy, the American girl will repost your quote post, help you get to the top of your timelines. We'll drag a bunch of the Twitter billions in here, hear this great talk with Doug Billings tonight with that, Kimmy.

Transition to Doug Billings' Remarks

You want to just get into it because Doug's already here. It's whatever you think, Drex. I know if you had a song planned, or we can just get right into it. Let's just get right into it. The guest is right here. Usually takes a minute. I got to hook them up. So Doug's already here. Doug, it's great to see you. And welcome back to Twitterville. Great to have you on Sunday night with Kimmy. Thank you, Kimmy. Thank you, Drax. And thank you advocate for all co hosting, and it's always good to be with the group on Sunday nights. I look forward to this an awful lot and so much to be thankful for, you know, on this Sunday, as we look back over the week, so much to, gosh, I mean, we could spend a lot of time, but I made a few notes, and I was just recalling the week, and it really, the week ended on such a high note, really, with regards to President Trump and all of the lawfare that has been waged against him.

Analysis of Trump Cases

And if you follow me or if you've seen my timeline or if you happen just to be on x and you saw the press conference that President Trump attended with his attorney, Will Scharff. Will lives here in my neck of the woods in the middle of the fruited plane right here. And he's a friend of mine. He ran for Missouri attorney general in the primary this past August. Didn't prevail there, but it might be one of those times where it's a blessing in disguise. We have a pretty good attorney general in the state, but Will is so well served to be with Trump during this law fair that I was really bolstered with what I heard. And he was giving an update on the Eugene Carroll case. I want to briefly touch on, in a general sense, all of the lawfare that Trump faces. But with regards to Eugene Carroll, you know, this kook. This lady who has basically put forth a he said, she said, he said case with no corroborating witnesses with, it was a case, if you followed it, that during the trial, the judge, I mean, the judge made so many mistakes that it was as if he was trying to set this thing up for an appeal.

Judicial Misconduct and Potential Outcomes

They didn't let Trump's attorneys cross examine the witnesses, if you can imagine that, and they didn't. They put forth evidence that was based in the immunity decision that the Supreme Court handed down. It just, it just reeked of a potential mistrial. So I'm on record as, and this is just my opinion, guys. I'm not an attorney, nor do I play one on tv, but I do look at the state of play and I do look at what's happening across the board. And I, and I try to provide some analysis based on what I know to be true. And I'm of the belief that every one of these cases, from the kangaroo court up in New York with Alvin Bragg to Eugene Carroll, to the Mar a Lago documents case, I mean, we could go on down the list. Every one of them is going to be either overturned or thrown out. So that's what I'm saying. That's, that's, I'm just cutting to the chase. 100%. Count on it. Bookmark this, save it, replay it later.

Assessing Trump's Legal Challenges

But that's what's going to happen. They were every one of these things. Absolutely. So many mistakes. You just scratch your head and you go, what in the heck? And of course, they don't have anything factual. You know, it's spaghetti thrown against the wall to see if it sticks. Right? They have nothing factual. They just want to impede the man and they want to try to damage him financially. I know Trump's a billionaire, but look, a billion dollars is not an infinite amount of money, right? Especially when you get into these kinds of cases, when you go and sit for a deposition that by itself costs $100,000 just to have the attorneys present for that, those things add up, then the cost of the court and so forth. So they want to not only try to silence him politically, but they want to try to damage him financially as well. So let me kind of just run through my observations. This won't take very long.

Discussion on Current Events and Polling

And then I really would enjoy a discussion with all of you back and forth about what you all think about this, whether you agree or not or what are maybe some other things that you've noticed that I didn't pick up on. But let me see if I can just kind of surmise what I mean and what I'm talking about. So I mentioned Wil Sharf. I mentioned that he, he talked about how this particular case with E. Jane Carroll was allowed to be brought forth. Again, a she said, he said case. Absolutely zero witnesses. That corroborated what she said. She couldn't even remember the details, the dates, the place where Trump allegedly did all of this stuff to her. Right. So just crazy. None of it should be brought against him. None of this. This case should not have been brought, and it wouldn't have been brought had not the radical left liberal commun, socialist, formerly known as Democrat Party, not weaponized our Department of Justice against their opponent, Donald Trump.

Political Context and Future Outlook

So, of course, we understand that all of us, we see that. We know that the Department of Justice, and unfortunately, the person who occupies the White House, whoever that may be, is in charge of the Department of Justice. So we understand. We can, we understand administrator Biden. He was given that office and words were important. Cases arrayed against him are all either gonna be thrown out or dismissed by either a lower court or by the Supreme Court. So the, I think that the falsely, you know what? You've noticed that the radical liberal get a lot of airplay about calling President Trump the convicted former, you know, the convicted felon, the former president who's now a convicted, you know, serial rapist. I mean, even though he's not convicted of that at all. Not even close. They use those words, they try to get a lot of airtime against it and all that.

Misinformation and Electoral Politics

But after, it's going to be interesting to see, and it's going to be rather, I think, fun and enjoyable once all of these things are dismissed and thrown out, because then, although I don't believe for a second they are going to do this, they will be forced, in a way, although they won't do it, to have to refer to them as the falsely accused and now vindicated former president. Right, there's that. And all of their time, all of this time spent on illegal and unconstitutional persecution of their political opponent is coming to an end. This is what I'm seeing. The time of self indulgence is ending for this radical left mantra. Their time of self righteousness is ending. Their time of immoral judgment is ending. Their time of gaslighting us is ending. Their liberal presidential campaign is ending. Harrison Waltz, the sugar high is crashing. And I'm going to talk a bit about that, too, in light of these cases that are falling apart. Against Trump.

Polling Trends and Reaction to Current Events

All of that is coinciding with these accurate reports that are coming out. And if you all don't follow Nate Silver, you should. He is one of, he's one of the guys that compiles accurate polling numbers. And don't let the word polling freak you out. I know that no one puts a lot of, no one, including me, puts a lot of weight or trust, for that matter, in polls. But what Nate Silver does is combine numbers in a unique way. And he looks at the data that's behind audiences and demographics. He does not go into, for example, to the, he's not going to go into the Missouri blue haired Democrat Club and ask, hey, who are you going to vote for president? Because members of the blue haired Democrat Club in Missouri are all going to say Harris. But when that's what you see in a lot of these polls, it's called bad methodology. And also that phenomenon is called response bias.

Looking Ahead

No, sorry, I was yelling at the dog or yelling at the kid at the dog. I'm sorry. Occasionally sugar joins us. It's all right. Things are safe. Awesome. So Trump, because of the law, fear, he has become sort of this political martyr. Right? The assassination attempt all played into that. But primarily it's this never ending persecution of him. And Nate Silver this week posted some numbers. Now, you're, I had to do a double take on some of these. In fact, I took a picture of them today, just so I had them to talk about tonight. But take a listen to these numbers. So I'm going to go through some of the, if not all of the key battleground states. First of all, overall, Nate silver is, his numbers are forecasting and this is a new high for President Trump, 63.8. So basically 64% to Harris at 36%. Those are, that's the forecast of who will win the presidency, 64 to 36. It's, it's never been that high this election cycle.

Battleground State Breakdown

So the battleground states or the swing states, whatever you want to call them, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is definitely in play. And remember, Trump just needs one, he just needs one of these to take the White House. Trump, 64% to 36% for Harris in Pennsylvania. Incredible. And by the way, a disclaimer here, these numbers don't mean that we become complacent. Right. We still have a hell of a lot of work to do. We still, you know, we hold the line. We get involved. We go to work as poll watchers and poll observers and we keep an eye on these crooks and these cheats. It does not mean we become complacent. Michigan Trump 54, Harris 46. Wisconsin, Trump, 53, Harris 47. Arizona. Now, this is the one where I had to go, what? How can this be? How, how in the world? So, Arizona, Nate Silver has Trump 77, and Harris at 23.

Continuing Analysis

North Carolina, Trump, another one kind of makes you go, really, 75 for Trump, 25 for Harris. Georgia Trump 68, Harris 32, and Nevada is Trump 61, Harris 39. Unbelievable numbers from Nate Silver. So again, say what you will about numbers and people that combine, you know, that do that work. I'm simply saying that's one piece of why I feel that Trump is ascending in America, why he is on the rise. I get a sense Harris, where the hell is she? I've been seeing all day? Harris is in hiding. I mean, they're doing the same damn thing they did with Biden. Where is she? Well, the thing is, the hierarchy of the liberal party is hiding her on purpose. They don't want her in front of us, especially in light of this new ascendancy of President Trump.

The Strategy Behind Candidate Hiding

So this means that now their campaign is not so much depending on these great numbers that, and she did get. They were on a sugar high. I admitted it was even. I was scratching my head and going, wow, they've, sugar high is lasting a lot longer than I thought it would. But also, we have to remember that the enthusiasm that they put forth, and I've said this before in other spaces. So if you've heard mention this before, I apologize. But for those of you who haven't, all of the enthusiasm that you've seen, and I mean all of it from the radical left. From the radical left. People that are posting on x, you know, the Krasinsteins, Harry Sissy boy, Sisson, and all of those kinds of people is manufactured, engineered, and fake. And it has been demanded from the liberal hierarchy.

The Importance of Genuine Sentiment

You can better believe that. They've had conference calls, Skype and Zoom calls to discuss this very topic. They are in a DeI corner with this woman, Harris. They can't fire her. They can't get rid of her. And so they must therefore manufacture and put forth fake enthusiasm. Every post you see. Oh, my gosh, it's the best thing. Joy and happiness. Oh, yeah, sure. Well, when we look at the numbers and we look at what joy and happiness they've done through their actions, there is none, absolutely zero. I mean, walls, let Minnesota burn, right? So again, all of this stuff leads me to think Trump is really turning a corner here. And it's great to see. And so she's in hiding. They've demanded that she now goes into hiding, and her campaign is now, and this is incredibly good news for all of us.

Implications of Direct Comparisons

The campaign of Harris Walsh is now resting upon this debate. And that's incredibly good because she is the world's worst. She's the worst political public speaker in the modern era. She cannot speak extemporaneously. She can't speak without notes. She can't speak without a teleprompter. She didn't win any debates when she was running before. I think many of you have probably seen the Tulsi Gabbard destruction of Kamala Harris when they were running for president a few years ago. So we know that she's no good. But that's what they're pinning their hopes on. They won't let her talk to the press because it's word salad city, right? So all of these things, for me, at least in my mind, are tying in to the ascendancy of President Trump. And Trump only needs one of those states again to get back into the White House.

Shifts in Political Dynamics

So a clear pathway to the electoral college also is out there for us, which, of course, will make liberal heads explode. They want to fundamentally transform America to include getting rid of the electoral college, stacking the Supreme Court, if not getting rid of it as well. But again, a 62% chance for Trump with his pathway there, as opposed to a 38% pathway chance for Kamala Harris. So all of that trending and good news. So then we had the September 18 date get pushed back to November 26, September 18, remember, was the date judge Mershon up in New York with Alvin Bragg, was going to sentence Trump here in September. Well, they've pushed it back. And let me get into a little bit about why they did that and again, why this caught what they're seeing as far as the writing on the wall, because what the writing on the wall is that Trump is ascending their law fair is coming to an end because they have no case in any of the cases they filed.

The Delay: Significance and Implications

And even in the ones where they got verdicts in their favor, Eugene Carroll and the 34 convictions up in New York, all of that's going to be overturned. So they can see this writing. They get, they know what it says. It's clear as day. So Judge Mershon up in New York, he's the judge overseeing the Alvin Bragg kangaroo court, in case you're from Raytown, Missouri. That's what's going on up there, because he's seeing that these charges are going to be erased. And done away with, and Trump will be vindicated on all of them. So he's decided to delay the sentencing until after the election, not because he's all of a sudden some kind of an election saint and wants to step away from any kind of, you know, sense of impropriety with regards to having such a date coincide with the presidential election. Believe me, if they could sentence him on September 18, they would.

Concluding Reflections

The reason they're not is not because they want to avoid election interference. It's because they know they have nothing. So that's why they've delayed this thing. And that's what it means when you read between the lines, everything he's facing, everything is going to be wiped out. The judge, Mershon, is an operative, as you know, for the communist socialist formerly known as Democrat Party. He has, he is under their orders. He has been from the very beginning. He has a daughter that works for a company that provides PR and other work for high profile Democrat candidates. And the radical liberal hierarchy wanted him to pursue this nonsensical case and, in fact, made him all the way to sentencing him to jail. They were on that pathway, absolutely. Had, had they not changed their minds and had they not seen a little bit of at least reasoning here with regards to the delay?

Looking Forward

I was convinced up until just, you know, Thursday and Friday when this whole thing was announced, I was convinced they were going to sentence him to jail on September 18. And they would have, had they not been forced to say, okay, wait a minute, what are we going to balance here? Do we want to get a con? Do we want to sentence him to jail for one? Or do we want them to face the embarrassment of having the Supreme Court or other courts throw that out? So that's what they're weighing and that's what they're thinking about. I still think that they would have put him in jail. That's what, that's their ultimate goal, even if it was for just a moment that he had to sit there until he posted bail. But at any rate, that development is now all taken place. The new sentencing date is November 26, but he's not going to be sentenced on November 26 either.

Future Expectations

Let me, I'll explain that. That's my opinion. I've told you the case will be thrown out in lower courts. I still think that what we're seeing, though, is Judge Mershon reading the writing on the wall. They don't just delay cases like this. If there was solid evidence and reasonable and intellectually mature conclusions, that would indicate that it would all be upheld in higher courts again. And if there's an attorney in the room, I look forward to our open discussion here in just a moment. It's delayed and it will be eventually dismissed because the radical left liberal mob knows that President Trump didn't do anything wrong. And his political martyrdom is really, I think, the reason for all of his, the stature that we now see in the polls. There's this, you know, there's this sense about him, really, you know, just being catapulted and you can really just sense Harris falling away, which befuddles me because, you know, the radical left communist Socialist Party is a lot of things, but they're not stupid.

Understanding Political Strategy

And why they hide her, even if she's a word salad queen, why they just stuff her away in the basement like they did with Biden, I don't quite get. Because at least when she's out talking, you would think they could at least spin something that she says into something good, but they're keeping her out because she's nothing. She's just not a good speaker. She does, she's terrible at that. So his political martyrdom, responsible for the rise that we're seeing for this, this increase, I think, in the way we're feeling, and I hate to say it, but, yeah, sometimes these things are gut feelings, right? Sometimes you can just sense it. Sometimes it's a mixture of your intellect, of the intellectual maturity that you have looking at the news, looking at what's happening. It's your gut feeling and all of that.

Crisis and Reactions

And then you see actual events take place like this delayed, the sugar high of their manufactured enthusiasm crashing, all of the lawfare evaporating right before their very eyes. And I think the entire radical liberal campaign of Harris, like I said, now rests upon her and her ability to speak extemporaneously and without a temp teleprompter during the upcoming debates. And we have every reason to believe that she's going to crash and burn. She might have one or two zingers in there ready and locked and loaded and ready to go, but she can't compete on the debates that she never could. And she's not all of a sudden going to have this rebirth of a, of a tier one debater. Now she's got, believe me, I know this to be true. She's got Hollywood producers and directors that are coaching her, that are trying to rebrand her.

Debate Preparations

I don't see any positive effect of any of that, but they're trying to get her polished up for the debate. Maybe that's why they're hiding her. Maybe that's just full on practice for the debate. Who knows? But she's not been seen. She is completely gone in the to hiding. So zero ability to speak extemporaneously and quite literally the worst political speaker in history. So also in this letter that Judge Mershon wrote, very important, and I'm almost finished here, and we'll have a conversation. The letter that Mershon wrote is interesting. I'm a big believer in words, and words are important. The words that are used and that are chosen and things like this and matters like this are very important.

Examining the Judgment

So the letter, at least a portion of it, said this the sent, and I'm quoting from his letter, the sentencing on this matter, if necessary, if adjourned to November 20, is adjourned to November 26, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. if necessary. So, again, I'm not an attorney, but I've been around the block long enough in corporate America where we negotiate contracts. We. I used to be, I used to negotiate collective bargaining agreements on the behalf of hospitals with unions. And so that, if necessary, is, in my mind, it hearkens back to judge speak, and judge speak in this case, if necessary, means there is not going to be a sentencing because the case has no merit and will be thrown out.

Political Commentary

So that's what, in my opinion, that's what, if necessary in this case, means. Now, Marshawn also said in the letter, and I'm going to quote again, quote, the public's confidence in the integrity of our judicial system demands a sentencing hearing that is entirely focused on the verdict of the jury and the weighing of aggravating and mitigating factors free from distraction or distortion. Unfortunately, we are now in a place and in a time that is fraught with complexities, rendering the requirements of a sentencing hearing, should one be necessary, difficult to execute. Thus, in accordance with certain of the grounds submitted by the defendant Trump's team, and the reasons for the adjournment provided by the people, that's Alvin Bragg.

Control of the Department of Justice

They control the Department of Justice. Biden, like him, like it or not, he's in charge of the Department of Justice. And so they, even if he's not giving the orders, Obama and Susan Rice and others, whoever is behind, and certainly those two are part of the hierarchy who have been making the decisions all along the way. But, yeah, they can go after Trump or anybody j six ers, and then they can do almost whatever they want. So, yeah, that has certainly been on my mind a lot. And the good news, of course, is Biden's time is coming to an end, and Trump will be able to redirect and recalibrate the Department of Justice. And I, and again, it ties into a little bit about what Nikki was saying before too.

Trump's Cabinet and Loyalty Issues

Also, Jim. But, but let's, you know, if we give ourselves permission to dream a little bit here and we assume, okay, Trump gets back into the White House and we look at his cabinet and we look at the people that he's going to have around him, I want to think if, when I meet with him, I want to be able to tell him, look, one of your AchIlles heel, mister president, is that you were surrounded by people who were not necessarily loyal to you. And we need to, first of all, address that issue. There is just far too many people that turned out even mad dogmatics. I mean, Rex Tillerson, from the very beginning, secretary of state, you know, General Milley was always a problem, and he's, you know, things like that need to be addressed.

Elon Musk's Role in Reform

And that leads me to give you this little piece of maybe some comfort. So you're going to see, you know, Elon Musk come in, for example, and be a part of Trump's team, and he's going to be, Elon Musk himself has been calling it the Department of government efficiency. And Elon will head that up and he will go after, and they're going to slash and burn, I'm telling you. And yes, it's going to mean a lot of unemployment. So we have to bustress ourselves up and be prepared for that because Flynn, General Flynn on the other side of that coin, is going to be in a position that will not require congressional approval because they're not going to waste their time on that nonsense.

Future of the Department of Justice

Flynn is going to be, I call it the secretary of accountability, and many of you have heard me talk about that before. He's going to go in and gut cleanse and purge the Department of Justice, and he will make that. I mean, that's going to be a priority. And then you'll have. Robert F. Kennedy Junior is probably a cabinet position, secretary of health and human services, which is what he wants to be. He'll be in charge in that role. Just imagine it. He'll be in charge of the FDA and the center for Disease Control, and he'll have significant ability to prosecute the criminality that have come out of those departments over the last four to eight years.

Trump's Impact on Various Government Departments

So I think that's what Kennedy wants to do, and that'll go along with making America healthy again. His whole mantra. And that's, and that's all fine and good. And then you have Flynn and you have Elon Musk, you have Robert Kennedy Junior go after the Department of Justice. And then also, by the way, don't be surprised. I mean, again, and this is unemployment. We're talking about unemployment. We're talking about people being fired and we're talking about people getting, being reduced. The bureaucrats in Washington and DC, especially with this government efficiency program that Elon Musk keeps on referencing in many of his posts.

Elimination of Government Departments

What, what that is. Is there an. I'm not. I don't. You, you all know it because I'm certain that you're part of the most intellectually mature audience in all of x. But, you know, you do realize that there are non elected people in our government who are making policy decisions that affect all of our lives. And that's what Elon's after. Policies and pricing and deals with foreign governments. All that's nonsense. It's got to stop. So real quickly, Department of Justice, absolutely guttained. Gut it, cleanse it, purge it, and then look to Flynn and Robert Kennedy junior, probably with Elon Musk's help, because it involves efficiency and redundancies. They're going to get rid of the Department of Education 100%.

Expectations for Upcoming Changes

I mean, Trump's saying that now. He's actually saying it. Before, it was just a little bit of speculation that I would throw out. I think they're good. He's actually saying it. And then again, so people are going to be fired, then what's not being said yet, but I think it will be starting to become part of the dialogue. The Department of Interior, gone. Department of Energy, gone. And those powers that the federal government has taken when they had no reason or Right to take it will be returned to individual states. And finally, I'll say this, Jim, and just kind of close up my comments about what you said. I'm happy about JD Vance.

Personal Insights on Leadership and Future Plans

I know he needs to be proven. I know he needs to prove himself. Some people were out there rooting for General Flynn to be vice president. Maybe some of some people were hoping that Tulsi Gabbard would be. Flynn is a good friend of mine, and I speak to him often. If I don't speak to him every week, we're exchanging texts and it's that. It's. I've told him this. He's too old a to be the bike. We need someone young. We need someone to prove themselves, who can be the standard bearer, because you guys listen to this, we are not just after 2024. We're also after 2028 and 2032.

Strategic Vision for Political Leadership

And we've got to have a grant. We've got to have a team of people that can become those standard bearers to take those years and retain the White House in 2028, 2032. So let's see what JD Vance does. But Flynn was always much too important to be the vice president. He's much too important. That, and I'm not slamming Vance when I'm saying that. I'm just saying with his skillset, Flynn would have been wasted in the vice presidency. So that's, you know, we have a lot of things to think about there. I just said a lot. And they're, the ramifications of all of that are going to be significant, especially with regards to people losing jobs and unemployment.

Risks and Challenges Ahead

But we have to be able to plan for and make sure that we can absorb that and deal with that as a nation because it's going to happen. I love it. I love it. I love it. Okay, let's go ahead and go to John. And thank you so much, Doug. Go ahead, John. Oh, thank you. And hey, everybody, just a real quick statement. You know, this is really, a lot of information is going to flow for the next 60 days. I would recommend following everybody up here on the panel. And Mister Billings, I just followed you and look forward to hearing some more from you.

Ben Carson's Role and Influence

And Carson was perfect for that role. A lot of people love Mister Carson, and I'm one of them. I do not think he would have been a good vice president. I think that there again, he's a great guy. He's always the smartest or one of the smartest men in any room that he's in. I mean, just outstanding intellect in a role like the vice presidency. He is kind of like listening to a sleeping pill, though, don't you think? I mean, he just doesn't have the oomph that we need in certain kinds of roles. But for this, I think he's perfect.

Empowering Local Governments

And so what you'll see, I think, is look, let's look at Louisiana, for example, because they've now said that the schools, public schools must display the Ten Commandments in every classroom. And, oh my gosh, I just lost my thought. They also did something else with regards to, oh, my goodness. Well, that's good enough. Just for the sake of our example. Example, you'll see Ben Carson be empowered to encourage other governors and other red states to do the same. Of course, we can't force blue governors to do that. We can't do it. But I also think that what you'll see is this. Carson, along with other people in the administration, by the way, not just him, but with this role, I think you'll see him spend a lot of time in the local levels.

Local Involvement in Government

I think you'll see him travel quite a bit throughout the country. Because if there's one thing that President Trump now realizes is what we've been talking about in this room and in this space, the battle that we're after to win, doesn't begin in Washington, DC. It just does not. We want to reclaim the Christian concepts and the Christian roots of this country. We've got to go back to our local levels of government and we've got to begin electing people who believe the way we do. And that goes for red and blue states. And so you'll see him go visit, talk with and do, I don't like the word empower, but to give people confidence and the tools and the mechanisms necessary from a federal level to help them at their local levels to begin to do this.

Encouraging Local Campaigns

How do you strategically set up a campaign to run for a school board so that we can get school boards in this country that are like my, like, you know, who are, who think the way we think. I, and, you know, it's also worth noting that in 2020, 214 states outlawed because of people like you guys who ran for and won seats on school boards, 14 states have prohibited, you know, critical race theory from being taught in curriculums. And they've done great things. And so that's what Ben Carson, I think needs to focus on, and Trump will help him do it, is to help us understand that strategy, to get involved in your local level, to reclaim your state first and then thereby, and therefore we reclaim the republic.

A Call for Local Education and Involvement

So I just think, I think he's the great, it's a great choice. And you ask a good question. But I think that they got to tie it back to an education and a broadening of understanding that your local level is where you need to focus. Forget Washington, DC. Get involved. And that's, and we take it back one county at a time and one state at a time. Hey. Hey, Doug, can I just ask a real quick follow up question? Are you, are you familiar with Superintendent Ryan Walters out in Oklahoma who's causing all the dust up about the, about putting the Ten Commandments and the Bible back in every classroom I have caught?

Discussion on Educational Policies

I do not know the gentleman, but yes, I've seen the news clip. I've seen that report. Yeah. Yeah. The only thing, I just wanted to bring your attention to that because I guess that is really my question is how do we make like 50 more of him? And I think I've got my answer, but I just wanted food for thought for you. Well, yeah. So it's the way that we do it, John, and I'm happy to hear your opinion about how we do it. But in my mind, again, what we do, it's people in Oklahoma, you know, they've got that governor. Okay, great. In Louisiana, they've got a governor who did similar things.

Electing Like-Minded Leaders

We need to elect governors in our states. So it all begins and ends in the local level. We need, we need to elect legislators in our state congress, our state senate. We need to elect governors in our state who will, who think the way we think. That's, that's how we do it. And that's how we get 50 more. Governor Oakley, the governor of Oklahoma, and that's how we get 50 more of him is we've got to make sure that we do it and take care of that task in our local levels. Can I just interrupt for a minute? Yes, that's fine. I'm done. Thank you so much.

State-Level Educational Initiatives

I just want to tell you, our governor in Louisiana is Landry. He not only put Ten Commandments back in the classroom, they have to teach them or at least go over them. He also outlawed critical race theory and he reinstated some. I can't remember his name, but he would be like the superintendent over schools in the state of Louisiana. Right. Nice. Okay. Thank you, Tammy. Thank you so much for that info. Let's go to Jim and Cetera. I thought you had your hand up. Did you have your hand up again, Cetra? It was, yeah, I did, but I changed my mind. But, yeah.

Discussion on Cabinet Positions

Well, you called me. I was curious what you were thinking. We were talking about those positions earlier, Doug, with cash and some of the other stuff, and I was kind of curious, what were you think Tulsi would fall in President Trump's future cabinet? Well, she'll definitely be there. I don't know. Again, I'm woefully, I need to pay more attention and start developing a list so I can talk about that. I like what she's, I mean, I think obviously, her role is right now prepping Trump for the debate.

Speculating on Trump’s Cabinet

I mean, that's what she's focused on going forward. You know, she's got a military background. So let me think about it. So I'm just, I just don't have a list of cabinet members. What I always do when I don't know the answer, I just, I don't know. I need to think about that. It's too important just to sit here and for me to say, well, I think, you know, and just guess. So. Good question. Next, next. By next Sunday, I'll make you all this promise. I'll maybe that can be the topic, Trump's cabinet, and we can talk about something like that to be determined.

A Promising Future for Trump's Cabinet

Well, that would be awesome. Okay. Let's go ahead and go to Jim. Go ahead, Jim. Okay, thanks, Kimmy. Doug, what you were saying before about Elon Musk joining the cabinet, I was really intrigued by that, and I had a couple quick questions. So first is, does that make him very conflicted, given that he gets lots of government subsidies to his companies? And secondarily, with Trump back on X, do you think it's likely that they're going to merge Truth, Social and X? And then the third one you mentioned that he's probably going to get rid of the Department of Interior.

Department of Interior and National Debt

And that is really hecking cool. And I'm just wondering if he does that mean that he's selling off the assets and is going to pay down a lot of the national debt. Love your opinion. Opinion on all three of those. Good stuff. Thank you very much, Jim. Yeah. So I'm not convinced. If I said that Elon was going to be on the cabinet, I misspoke. I do not think he's going to be in the cabinet. I think he's going to be in this department of government efficiency, which is not a cabinet position.

Discussion on Free Speech

And we know how to deal with and we know. So let her continue to speak up and speak out. It doesn't do anything to hurt the votes and that we're coming our way. There's nothing. Yeah, I agree. I don't really think anybody has any desire to hear Liz Cheney's opinion, in my opinion. So let's go to JCP. Go ahead, JCP.

Thoughts on Devin Nunez

Thank you. Hi, Doug. Another quick question for you. I don't know if you thought about it, so maybe for next week, another great person I think should be in the cabinet and I want to get your thoughts on it. And that's Devin Nunez. Love to see him doing something in the White House. What are your thoughts? And if you haven't thought about it, maybe we can hear your thoughts next week. Thank you. That's one. I know Devin, and I'm lucky enough, I'm blessed enough because of my show to have been able to meet with him. He's come to a couple of the conferences that I've put on. Yes, I think I am prepared to talk about Devin Nunez. And I think Devin Nunez will be the White House chief of staff.

Exploring Conference Details

So. Fantastic. That's great. Okay. That's wonderful. Thank you. You're welcome. Really? I never thought about that. I was liking Kid rock as the chief is. That would be. Wouldn't that be hilarious? Next week, right? Staff, the White House. We can play that game. Hey, I did mention a couple I throw out. Can I shamelessly plug? I've got a conference coming up. You are our guest. A conference coming up in Branson, Missouri, right in the middle of the country December 13 and 14th. And it's the determined patriotism conference.

Conference Anticipations

We may have Devin Nunez there, in fact. So that's what reminded me of this. There'll be podcasters, there'll be influencers. Mike Lindell will be one of them. I'm trying to get Eric Trump down. It'll be right after the election. So we're hoping that it's going to be a celebration of Trump's election. It's called the determined patriotism conference. The website is being updated and I have not looked at it today, but it is. The website is determined patriotism conference, and it's a long title. I know determined patriotismconference.com would love to have you join us. It's two days, Friday and Saturday, Branson, Missouri, during Christmas. Absolutely beautiful place.

Engagement in the Conference

We're going to go to a Branson show on Friday night, have a dinner together Saturday night, and then in between Friday and Saturday during the days, a lot of the stuff that we're talking about, education, primarily, motivation of how we reclaim the republic, hopefully under the next Trump administration. And I'm working on getting some of the key players down there, Devin Nunez among them. So keep that in mind, if you would, please. Thanks, Kimmy and Drax, an advocate for letting me plug that. Thank you. Of course, you're welcome to plug as much as you want.

Questions on Immigration

Doug, you are so awesome. Okay, Nikki, I know you had your hand up earlier. I don't know if you still have a question or not, hon. I'll put it back up when I remember. Okay? Okay. All righty. Let's go to John, then we'll go to break. Go ahead, John. Oh, Nikki, I do that all the time. Hey, so would you, Doug, would you rather take a question on the SEC or on immigration? And I'm going to save the other one for next week. Throw me one about immigration, John. Sure. It's kind of a multi part question.

Illegal Immigration Discussion

Number one, how many illegal immigrants, like, since Reagan did the amnesty, how many illegal aliens do you think are in the country? And number two, with President Trump's desire to create the manufacturing boom in America through tariffs and through working with the states and the local governance boards to create that manufacturing, is there a place in that manufacturing boom for illegal aliens that haven't been, like, not paying taxes, getting in trouble, being pests to their communities? Do you see any, I guess what I'm saying is, do you see the entire illegal alien population being deported or do we keep the good ones? Does that sound about right? Am I making sense here?

Federal Response to Immigration

Yep. You make sense to me, and I have a direct and answer. Absolutely not. There is no place for any illegal immigrant anywhere in this country. Zip, zero, nada, get. There are, by definition, no good illegal. The fact that they're here illegally disqualifies them from being good in any form or fashion. Get them out of here. Get back in line. If you want to come in and be productive members of this society, you got to do it the right way. And just because, well, I'm a good guy, and if I'm a family man and I've got a wife and daughter, and that all may be well true, but you came here illegally.

Stand on Illegal Immigration

You got to go back, and you've got to apply to get here in the right way, 100%. Know what? I was my answer about that, and I make no apologies for it. Get the hell out. Come back in and do it the right way, 100%. As far as how many have come over since Reagan's day, I have no. I have no idea. I mean, I'd have to research that. But, you know, we've got 20 million, and I'm not naive enough to think that we're going to be able to nab every one of these 20 million, but we'd made it. We'd better make. And I know that Trump will make a concerted effort to get the vast majority of them out of here.

Concerns About Immigration Policies

And then you know what else, John? We need to really address this whole issue where the only. As far as I know, we're the only industrialized first world country on the planet who allows people to come here illegally and have children who are then citizens of the country. We have got to stop that nonsense and get them out. Get them out. So I really have a strong opinion about that one, and I'm glad. Yeah, I'm glad you brought it up. Oh, I apologize for interrupting you. I just. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you making that stance. And, you know, I've heard from.

Raising Awareness on Illegal Immigration

From every different opinion on what we can do with the illegal immigrants, but, yeah, I like that one where we have to go, zero tolerance. And the only thing I wanted to add is I think there's more like 45 to 50 million illegal immigrants here right now. And if we don't take a hard task, that's going to shoot up to 60 or 70 million pretty darn quick with chain migration. So thank you so much. That. Oh, that was. That was a. A wonderful thing to hear from you.

Perspectives on Political Accountability

You're welcome, John. I believe it and I am very firm in that opinion. And we have only one person to blame, and it's administrator Biden. So all of the pushback that the radical left would give us about that, oh, but it's human dignity. You're going to destroy their lives. Biden allowed their lives to be destroyed once they crossed the line illegally into this country. It is his fault, 100%. Our politicians on the right side need to be able to be bold enough and have the man parts to be able to say that to any camera and into any microphone they have access to.

Condemning Policies Influencing Immigration

It is absolutely shameful what this radical left commie socialist formerly known as Democrat Party has done to these human beings. And it's their fault. And the solution to it is not to allow them to stay. But I'm sorry, they've got to go. And we need politicians to not only say that, but to take action to make sure that's the case. I'm sick of it. And because you know what? At the end of the day, many of these illegals want, they, the radical left want them to become part of their electoral base. I'm not going to let that happen either.

Response to Immigration Inquiry

So, yeah, I get real wound up about that one. John, congratulations. I think you win the award for what question pushed Doug over the edge tonight. Thank you very much. I saw an interesting video the other day. Real quick, I just want to say something. I saw an interesting video the other day posted by a church pastor, and he was so excited. I don't know if y'all saw this, but the church had went out and built new, brand new homes.

Reactions to Housing for Immigrants

And he was so excited that this illegal immigrant family from Venezuela, they've been here two years, were able to purchase the home. He would, they, you know, very nice home. I can't remember where it was, but the pastor was so excited. You know, they were, because the couple is just so excited. You know, they're so hard working. My own kids can't even buy a home. They're 22 and 27. They can't buy a home. And they're, they've been in the United States their entire lives.

Legal and Economic Concerns

So this made me actually sick to watch them walking through their new home, unpacking and the pastor, you know, praising them and bragging about it. It was like, oh, my God, they're illegal. Even though they've been here two years, they are still here illegally. Like, I love Trump's new policy. I'll say one more thing. No mortgages for illegal immigrants, zero. Which, that's how it should be anyway, sorry. I get mad, too. Doug, let's go ahead and go to break.

Importance of Voting Integrity

Go ahead. Thanks, Kimmy, for letting me up. Doug, question I have. Therefore, you know, some states elect judges, some states appoint them. There's a mishmash in some states between elected judges and appointed judges. But there's 17 states, my state is one of them, that have retention elections for judges where we can vote them out office after they've been appointed. My question to you is, how do we find out if these judges are any good or not without going and research? I don't even know where I would research all of their rulings and.

Judicial Accountability

But how do we find out what judges are? Trash. Yeah. Excellent. And, Brigg, I'm glad you're out there. Thanks for being part of we the people. We stand shoulder to shoulder, my friend. So here's the thing. Probably many ways, but I'll give you a couple of my go tos where I live again. Go in your county, rig, wherever you live, look up and find republican groups, some, you know, republican committee, men and women groups, some, you know, Johnson County Republican, Jackson, you know, Cass County, Republic, whatever the county, find them and look them up, because nine times out of ten, they will have that information.

Local Engagement in Elections

And they put forth voting sheets, you know, a list of all of the candidates, all of the judges, what their records are, where they stand and so forth. And it, so it gives you information that you need, and you can take that into the, you know, into your voting facility when you cast your vote. So that's. That's just one. I'm sure there's people in the room have others, but look up local republican groups in your county and ask them those questions. You'll find a great, I think, amount of good information there.

Discussion with Fed Up

All righty. Thank you so much, Doug. Let's go to the next hand. Let's go to fed up. Go ahead. Fed up. Then we'll go to Nikki Paul, then silent. Go ahead. Keep the questions and says we're getting close to the closing time. Doug has very minimal time with us every Sunday. He does have a life. So please keep the questions to Doug. Thank you so much. Yeah, yeah. And you are right. The GOP will have those. I know our local does.

Philosophical Voting Discussion

One question I had to something that brought up earlier and, you know, kind of an argument I use with people and see if you kind of agree with this. We're. Because were talking about the voting down ballot and voting even for kind of the philosophy, should you vote for the bad republicans, you know, being better than democrats. And the thing I always point out to people we talked about judges, too, is, you know, at the end of the day, we would have Merrick Garland on the bench if it wasn't for Mitch McConnell.

Republican Strategies

As scummy as Mitch McConnell is, he's the one who played every dirty trick to keep Merrick Garland off the bench, that psychopath. And instead we've got Gorsuch. So I'm just wondering, you know, do you kind of agree that I just see that as a prime example of even the scummy Republicans, we sometimes at least get something out of them versus any Democrat. Yep. Yep. Good stuff.

Mitch McConnell's Impact

So, yes, I agree with your assessment about McConnell. In that, in that situation, he's hedgesthe throughout his career, Mitch McConnell has done great and wonderful things for the Republican Party, especially his initiative during Trump's first term about getting judges put, approved and put on benches. Great work and all of that. Now his time to go out to pasture. And he lives in Kentucky. There's plenty of pastures. It's time that, it's his time.

Judicial Accountability

But he's done good things for us. And your point about Merrick Garland? Absolutely spot on. He, he is not a fan of President Trump's. And the reason that he got the judges on, of course, he sees the big picture and he wants conservative judges on the bench. And so I can tip my hat to Mitch account. Mitch McConnell, absolutely. But you're right. I would rather have him than, you know, than Schumer for sure.

Reactions to Political Figures

Right. I mean, so, and Lindsey Graham is another, you know, he's Orion. And, well, let me, we all know that. But let me tell you another example. Josh Hawley from the state of Missouri. Now, look, Josh Hawley, all Josh Hawley is about is making a soundbite in a congressional hearing. There is no action that comes out of, Josh and I was born and raised in Missouri. No, Josh. And we need to also be aware that there are people out there in the spotlight who are very articulate and give great speeches.

Accountability of Politicians

Now, I'm not saying to vote Josh Hawley out. I'm not saying that. But I'm just saying, for God's sakes, I wish there was something more than just a soundbite. Let's do something. Wear it with these congressional hearings. We see them time and time again, and there's nothing, it seems, from our side that ever results in anybody being held accountable to the things that have happened during the last eight years, you know, at least eight years, if not longer. So, so that's what I want to see happen.

Future of Accountability

I want to, and I think that you're going to see, I think with Flynn in this next Trump administration, General Flynn, the secretary of accountability. Now, when I say this, you guys, and this is I, Kimmy and Drax and advocate and other people who have seen me in these spaces, I always temper that with this, there will not be mass arrests and nor should there be people out there saying, hey, I'm the, I mean, I want this retribution.

Listening to Reality

I've got this list. We're going to go after everybody. Better start expanding Gitmo and get more space and ready. That's not going to happen. A, not going to happen and b, it shouldn't. That's not how we take care of the problem. We don't become what they are to take care of the problem in America. We will hold people accountable. Don't get me wrong, but if you're looking for massive trucks with people put in them and packed off and shipped off to prison or Nuremberg 2.0, whatever the famous quotes are that these kooks put out, it's not going to happen.

Embracing a More Efficient Approach

That is Kukville. It's not reality and it's not helpful to the American Republic. There is better ways and more, in fact, more efficient ways to hold people accountable. And you'll begin to see that take place, I think, and I hope with Flynn and Trump in the next administration. So just be on guard about that stuff that we have a whole bunch of nonsense out there. We just have to, we have to engage in reality.

Communal Responsibility

And for every one of us, our reality in taking back this republic begins and ends within the county that you live in. And you were so right. Doug, again, can you, I'm just, now I'm just envisioning having, you know, Tulsi, Flynn, RFK, all of them this. And totally reform everything, it would just be simply amazing. Go straight Republican for the next 20 years.

Upcoming Political Discussions

Oh, my gosh. This is really getting me excited now. I'm super pumped. Ben Carson, you know, all the ones that have come over and that he's already planning, you know, they've already, you know, they've been talking, you know, strategics, everything. And I'm just getting super excited about this now. I do want to go ahead and go to silence as he is a new speaker. Go ahead, silent. Haven't seen you in a while. Been worried about you.

Engagement with Local Communities

Oh, I've been real busy. Thanks for letting me up. I appreciate it. Doug, good to see you tonight, my brother. I got a question for you, though. Okay, so I've spent the last two days. Yesterday, we had a ten event, we had a Trump ten event. We had a. For our local dan Simons, Mike Knox for sheriff, blah, blah, blah. Okay? We had people coming by. We were registering voters.

Local Engagement Strategy

And today I got on my golf cart, and I did the neighborhood thing, and I started asking questions of everybody in the neighborhood. And I talked to about 20 people, you know, big picture. And it was good. And. And so I'd pull up with my golf cart, and they'd be out in their yard because it was a beautiful day today. So everybody was out. And so I'd get out of my cart and they'd be like all, like, you know, the aura, you feel like where they push you off.

Conversations with Neighbors

And then I'd say, hey, I'm Dan, I'm your neighbor. I'm your precinct chair for my precinct out here. I said, I'd like to give you a card if you got any questions or need some help or whatever. Are you better off now than you were four years ago? That's the question I asked everybody, and everybody said no. So my question to you is this.

Message on Affordability

You know, Trump's doing the marketing, right? So he's got make America great again. He's got RFK doing make America healthy again. But there's one thing that he's not saying, and I think he needs to do this. And I don't know if you can get it to him. I tweeted it to him, but I don't know if you saw it, make America affordable again. Because everybody I talked today, I can tell you they're struggling.

Conversations with the Community

Everybody. And these are good people, and this is a fairly well to do neighborhood. Okay? This isn't, you know, the bottom 2% of people. This is. This is probably the top 10%, and they're not even doing any better. So what do you think about that? What do you think about bringing that message to bring, you know, make America affordable again? What do you think?

Doug's Insight on Economic Matters

Well, as soon as you said you had a golf cart, I knew you were in a good neighborhood there. So thank you for that. I appreciate. Silent the I agree. No one's better off. I mean, no one's better off than were four years ago. I mean, it's crazy. And I know the stock market continues to climb. That's a good thing. And I would never, you know, want the stock market to crash.

Concerns on Cost of Living

The thing is, the stock market has nothing to do with how we put food on the table. You know, the everyday, you know, the daily living, the cost of living, the inflation. It's it. Look, I can draw two conclusions. I can look at the world. And when I say the world, I mean the United States. I look at the state of play in America. I look how I'm doing.

Reflections on National Conditions

I look how my friends are doing, my neighbors. No one, no one is better off. To say that we're better off is either blind partisanship or chronic intellectual immaturity. I mean, it's just not true. And so I can only draw one possible conclusion in my mind. There are people out there who are still so partisan and so blinded by either a hatred for Donald Trump or a hatred for the Republican Party.

National Awareness

Party. But I also believe, silent, that there are multiple millions of more of us. I still believe the vast majority of Americans, for example, believe in the intent of the founding fathers and America. I still believe the vast majority, although the number may be dwindling, I still believe the vast majority of Americans believe in God. I still believe that the vast majority of Americans look at what, especially in recent years, this radicalized communist socialist, formerly known as Democrat Party.

Public Sentiment Shift

The majority of people are looking at that and going, this is not what I signed up for. This is, this is crazy. And that explains why you see multiple millions of people from almost every, not from almost from every demographic coming over to the right side. It's because they can see it. They can sense the chaos. They live the chaos.

Conclusion on Political Movement

They can see it, and they know that it's purposeful. And when they see the nonsense, I believe me, there will always be people that vote for people like Kamala Harris and Tim Walls, for whatever reason. But if you're asking me where I think the majority of people are, I think they're on the right side. I think they're coming to us in big ways. And I would just point out as exhibits A, B and C, Elon Musk, Robert Kennedy Junior, and Tulsi Gabbard.

Expanding the Movement

I mean, if people like that are coming our way, you can better believe multiple millions of others, John and Jane does, again, on the streets of America, are coming to our side as well. So, so I appreciate what you're doing out there on the golf cart and around the neighborhood and all of the things that you're doing in your local community, it's going to pay big dividends for us.

Reflections on Voter Engagement and Awareness

Well, you know, today, real quick, and I'll shut up. But today, real quick, I ran into several independents. And, and I asked that question because I, you know, I'm a business guy, right? I'm not a politician. So I asked him, I said, hey, if Donald Trump came out and instead of said, make America great again, make America healthy again, because you don't have any money, you can't get healthy anyway and buy all the right nutrients.

Transforming the Political Narrative

So if you make America affordable again, where would you side if he said that? And every one of them said, oh, I'd vote for Donald Trump in a heartbeat if he can. If he can give us hope, right? And that's the key word, is hope. Because anybody that studies the committee of 300 and the Club of Rome and all this stuff, they know they're trying to control the world, right? So we, that's where we have to get involved locally and fight back from the bottom up, because that's where politics really happens.

Call to Local Action

And you mentioned it earlier. And thank you. And thank you for coming in tonight. Good talking to you. Appreciate the space, Kim, me, y'all have a good night. I'm gonna listen in. Good talking to you. Thank you so much. Silent. We have missed you. I know you've been busy. Yes, go ahead, Doug.

Engagement with the Community

Me and Drax, an advocate. Let's see, it's. I'm in the central time zone. It's 935 or so. What if we go. Let us know. What if I. What if I. We go to like 945, 950 something? I see some hands. I don't want to. Let me. Everybody sounds great. We just appreciate every moment we have with you.

Closing Remarks

So thank you. Let's go to a new hand, Paul. Then we'll go over to Nikki. Go ahead. And we are going to be taking any more mic requests tonight. Sorry about that. Go ahead, Paul. Thank you. Because I got a new microphone here. Yes, we can. Okay, great. Hey, Doug, thank you for spending some time in the space.

Listening to Audience Engagement

I've been listening to you in these spaces and it's been excellent to hear. You know something I noticed when RFK joined and I spent a lot of time talking with RFK supporters, was seeing the veil with even independent voters lift. The more time they spent talking with Maga, they were realizing, holy cow, you guys are not who we thought you were.

Overcoming Media Narratives

Right. And so the biggest weapon that I'm seeing against Trump is obviously the media and just all the ridiculous negative messaging that is sent out there. It's gotten to the point where it's like, you know, it's automatic for people who really don't pay attention too much. They just heard of how bad this man is. But then when you can get them to sit down and really listen to it or debunk some of the things that were said about him, people start to open their minds.

Concerns About Legal Proceedings

So I guess what my question is, and my concern is, I don't know if you covered it earlier in the space because I came in a little bit later. But when, when the, when Judge merchant changed the dates of the sentencing for the case there. And my understanding, Dan Bongino, when he talked about it on Friday, he said that this is not the win a lot of people think it is because it's setting up for basically bad sound bites in the media.

Anticipating Political Moves

Right? Like where I guess they said the, what's his name, Jack Smith is going to be able to make his case. A week later, the Trump defense can come out and then Jack Smith is allowed to defend that and almost say whatever he wants, like October 29, right, which is like a week before the election. So, you know, things like this, I'm just wondering, do you feel like we're doing enough just, and we, and look, all the polls are showing this.

Polls and Predictions

Like, I don't want to get ahead of myself and I don't want to talk about red waves, but all the polls are really good. All the polls are great right now. Like, everything is showing that Trump is got the momentum to lead. And I don't think that's going to get better for Kamala here after the debate. Right. Like, I think the debate is going to just be another big stepping stone.

Voter Safeguards Discussion

My question is, do you feel like we have enough safeguards in place? Like, you know, I've been preparing all the independent voters to say, look, they're going to throw out lies to you a week before the election. They've done this with russian collusion. They did it by suppressing the hunter Biden laptop. We're going up against dark entities, bureaucracies, the deep state, the CIA, the FBI.

October Surprises

And the closer we get, I feel like the desperation level is going to rise. So do you feel like we have enough safeguards in play? And I just kind of want to hear your thoughts in general about what to anticipate with. We're going to see a crazy month of October and all these surprises they're going to try to do. And I just wanted to hear your thoughts on that.

Doug's Insights on Legal Matters

Thank you, Paul. Yeah, regarding, let me start with Marshawn. First up in New York, we did spend a little bit of time talking about at the beginning. I have no problem repeating it because I'm sure there's other people that have come in and would love to make sure that they hear this as well. So I have a little bit of a different take than Bongino.

Introduction to Legal Discussions

So I think that what this means, and I'll just be brief here, this has been recorded. So we can all go back and listen to the beginning of this where I kind of, I gave a 20 minutes little, you know, just, I gave 20 minutes of my thoughts on these kinds of things. And the thing is this, the trial, the sentencing date was going to be September 18, as you mentioned, but it's been moved to November 26 after the election.

Judicial Processes and Implications

So it's been moved to November. And the letter that merchant wrote contained some interesting wording and language in my contention is that the radical left liberal hierarchy, the people that are calling the shots and have been pursuing this law fair against President Trump seemingly forever, is realizing their cases are all falling apart. They have nothing of any merit to stand upon.

Trump's Legal Team Strategy

I talked a little bit about Trump's attorney, will Sharf, who gave a press conference Thursday or Friday with Trump by his side, talking about specifically the e Gene Carol case and how that was a case where it was a she said, he said case, no corroboration from any witnesses, and they were not allowed, the Trump team was not allowed to cross examine witnesses. So, and so you think that's just astonishing that a judge would make that kind of decision.

Impact of the Trump Legal Team

It seems almost as if he wants the thing to be thrown out on appeal. So again, making a very long story short, all of the stuff that he's facing from the kangaroo court up in New York with Alvin Bragg and Judge Mershon, from this case with Gene Carroll, which has already been, a jury has already ruled in her favor, but it's going to be overturned.

Future through the legal lens

That case, I'm telling you, it's going to be overturned based on the things that I just mentioned that will Sharf was talking about and much more on my timeline on x, just a couple of days ago, I put that press conference up and it's only four and a half minutes or so long. I would encourage everybody to go find it and watch it. It's incredible.

Concluding Remarks on Judicial Matters

He was very, will Sharf was very articulate and very specific about the reasons and the rationale for their appeal and why it will likely be overturned once it gets into, in front of a credible court. So all of it, I'm just going to surmise it by saying this, it's all going to be overturned. All of this law, fair wage. And if it's not overturned, it'll be thrown out.

Election Integrity Assurance

So there's that. Now, do we have enough safeguards in place for the election day and so forth. Let me begin by saying there will be an election. They're not going to cancel the election. That's another myth and another bunch of nonsense that's been floating around out there. They're America. They're not going to cancel the election. Okay, so just people that say that stuff, you should disassociate from them.

Building Confidence

It's Cookeville, and it does no good. It's clickbait. So. But we can never really have too much. I think we know that they're going to try their antics. We know they're going to probably throw something up. What is it going to be? I don't know. We are. The good news is we're just all much more aware now and we're just much more awake to their nonsense now.

Awareness Driving Action

Not all of us are. We still have a lot of work to do to wake up our neighbors and so forth. Not everybody's awake. We had a primary election in my neck of the woods on August 6, and I went out to one of my favorite little pubs that night after I voted and had a beer with some friends. And I was just asking general people in the room, the bartender, the owner of the place, a couple of the patrons, hey, how did you do today?

Primary Elections Importance

Who'd you vote for? And they all, to a number. They all went, what I said was the primary didn't. Who'd you vote for? I didn't vote. I didn't know there was a leg. I really don't vote primaries. I just, I just vote in the, in the main elect. So you know what I mean? Then these are people that are, you know, quote unquote conservative people. We have a lot of work to do to wake these people up.

Voter Education Advocacy

Primaries are important. It determines who the hell you're going to vote for in the main election. I mean, let's figure this out together, kids. Let's get busy. So that's one example. We have a lot, and when I think of safeguards, that's for me, safeguarding our elections is educating people about the importance of things like primary elections. So I think we've got a lot of work to do.

Engagement on Election Day

But I am of the opinion that we are more awake and on election day at the vote, at the polling stations throughout the country. We're not going to let them pull the nonsense about, oh, look, hey, the water main broke. We're going to have to shut the building down. And, oh, by the way, all of you conservatives are going to have to leave the building. We're not going to let them get away with that nonsense.

Preparation for November Elections

No way in hell is that going to be happening again. So I think we're more awake. I think that's every. I think that's good. You know, we. I was in a space this week, and I was talking with Scott Pressler, who's going to be on my show soon. And I. He's, he's advocating voting early.

Personal Voting Preferences

And when he explains it makes sense in his mind. Now, I respect Scott, and I think that, you know, he wants to bank votes and have him there because he doesn't want anything to happen on election day, whether it's weather related or whether the machines go down or they claim that machines don't work. And all of that makes sense, perfect sense.

Voting Process Preferences

And I, and I'm not taking a stance against Scott. I think that makes brilliant sense. And he is. Who among us is as well versed on all of that than him? So follow that advice. I think. But for me personally, I'm just a purist. I just, I, I do what the founders intended. So I always go and vote on election day, and I always ask for a paper ballot, and I put it in the sealed envelope and I drop it in the box and make sure that they know it's got to be hand counted.

Commitment to Integrity in Voting

So that's what I do. I'm a purist. I want election day to be election day. But I understand that we're in an era where they can affect a cheat perhaps on that day, and until we are 100% certain that we've got all of those bugs worked out, but perhaps Scott's onto something. So those are my random thoughts about all of that.

Voting as Civic Duty

I don't think we're ever comfortable with all of the precautions or the precautions, all of the safety measures in place. I think most of us would agree we need, there's much more work to do, but we always go and we always participate. And last comment about this, there are some people out there who advocate, and some of them are pretty big names who, at least initially after 2020, were advocating that we don't vote.

Critique of Voting Boycotts

Don't vote in a rigged system. You can't. Nobody wins in a rigged system. You're not. So I'm not going to vote. So let me be clear. And kimmy and Drax and others have heard me say this before. People that say that, are not patriots, I'm sorry to say, I'm not going to vote. Our rights come to us from God, and we do not honor God when we don't participate in the rights that God has given us or when we try to convince other people not to do that.

Respecting Sacrifices Made for Rights

And we don't honor the military who have gone to the battlefield and in many cases, unfortunately, have died to protect our rights that come to us from God. We always vote. No matter the challenge, the adversity, the tragedies that surround us in the elections, we always vote. It's our patriotic duty and it is our calling. We must vote every time.

Passion in Voting

And we vote with passion, and we vote with determined patriotism. Don't ever not vote. I'll yield. Back to the hands. Thanks, guys. Okay. Thank you so much, Doug. I did want to bring up some breaking news, and I want to let everybody in the audience know we are going to be having an after space after Doug is finished this evening.

Invitation for After Space Discussion

We'll be putting the link up in just a little bit. Breaking news. Cash paddell. Cash Patel is saying October surprise. Cash Patel believes Kamala Harris will be installed as president before the election. He. I know he believes an agreement will be made for Biden to hand over the presidency to Kamala Harris in exchange for presidential party pardon for all members of the Biden crime family.

Impending Political Shifts

He believes nobody from the Biden family will ever go to jail. So we can talk about that in the after space. Here we go. We knew it. We knew that something like this was coming, so here we go. And I'm thinking, well, it really doesn't matter if she's president, but then she will have a lot more power.

Quick Questions from Nikki

So we can talk about that in the after space. Sorry, Doug, I didn't mean to bombard you with that. I just read it. So I think we are all done with Nikki. You have one quick question. One quick final question. Doug needs to go. No, I'll let you go. Thank you so much, Doug. It's been amazing.

Anticipating Future Conversations

I'll ask any follow-up questions next week, but it'll all be related to next week. Thank you so much. I know. Thank you so much, Doug, for your time again. We love you. We adore you. You are like Rush Limbaugh. You give us hope. I'm sure we can all agree to that. And thank you, Alex, for co-hosting.


Thank you, Drax. Thank you, everybody, for coming. We love you all so much and appreciate you all so much. I mean, there is many. There are many other spaces going on, but you choose to be here with us, which means a lot. Hey, go ahead, Drax. Thank you, Drax.

Continuing the Discussion

Thanks, Alex, everybody. Appreciate you all. Look, you guys, we're all in this together, shoulder to shoulder. I'm looking forward. Kimmy, just honored and flattered to be with you and Drax. Oh, you're so sweet. I am. Just. And yes, just remain hopeful, everybody. We're in a nightmare. We're waking up.

Addressing the Current Climate

The country is waking up. And I can't wait to be with you all. See you all next Sunday. And let's give each other a follow. Support everybody out there. Okay? Let's have a great week. We have a debate. So excited. Have a great week, Doug.

Closing Comments

Thank you. Go ahead, Drax. Close us out of we do got a debate coming up. September 10 will be me, Kimmy advocate, Miss Sally broadcasting the ex live and rumble and coach Bill while with Kat from the professional studios. Make sure you guys stop in.

Reminder for Upcoming Events

That will be September 10 at 08:00 p.m. there's an ad down there in the bubble. Thanks, everybody, for coming. We like Dang Doug and Eastern standard time. 08:00 p.m. eastern Standard time. Eastern standard time. And there you go.

Gratitude for Participation

So we thank everybody. You guys did a great job with your quote, post and repost. So make sure you check us out on the boardwalk. Can we be open up liberal tears on tap here just a little bit for an after space for the Doug billing show? And we'll be back next Sunday with Doug at the same time.

Next Sunday’s Plans

08:00 p.m. eST. Remember in twitterville, if you don't stop into the after space, if you can be good, go ahead and Twitterville and be bad. But now he's waiting tables cause his rents are paid. Companies downsizing, inflation's rising, can't find a job kind of stress doesn't even feel the effects.

Reflections on Current Events

When he says forgotten. Count how many times they've been blessed. Falls off track, starts smoking the crack and once it hits his brain, starts a chain react, sells the shirt off his back, shoes on, speed losing. Now he's out in the street. All of a sudden it's like Jesse James trying to stick up his hold.

Consequences of Poor Decisions

They watch us and change school and it's nervous with the tool. So he ends up on his back in the blood and booty for the aim. Rat stitch one. Nothing. Sometimes kids get murdered. So before we go any further, she had not started. Where did I went?

Concluding with Reflection

She was up in the cusp swinging that butt.

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