The Blue Collar Space


Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Blue Collar Space hosted by MaryTilesTexas. The Blue Collar Space delves into the world of blue-collar jobs, particularly construction work, highlighting the essential role these professions play in society's infrastructure. Through personal stories and insightful discussions, the space sheds light on the challenges, rewards, and safety aspects of blue-collar industries. Join the conversation to gain a deeper understanding of the narratives and experiences of those working in these vital sectors.

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Total Listeners: 228


Q: How do blue-collar jobs contribute to society's development?
A: Blue-collar jobs play a vital role in building and maintaining essential infrastructure.

Q: What are common challenges faced by construction workers?
A: Construction workers often face physical demands, safety risks, and variable work conditions.

Q: Why is safety a top priority in blue-collar industries?
A: Safety measures prevent accidents, ensure worker well-being, and maintain productivity.

Q: How do personal stories impact the perception of blue-collar work?
A: Personal narratives humanize the experiences of blue-collar workers, showcasing their dedication and skills.


Time: 00:15:29
The Role of Blue-Collar Jobs in Society Discussing the significance of blue-collar roles in infrastructure development.

Time: 00:25:17
Safety First: Protocols in Construction Exploring the importance of safety regulations and practices in the construction industry.

Time: 00:35:40
Personal Stories from the Blue Collar Space Sharing heartfelt accounts and experiences from individuals in blue-collar professions.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of blue-collar jobs in society's infrastructure.
  • Challenges and rewards of working in construction.
  • Emphasis on safety protocols and practices in blue-collar industries.
  • Personal narratives and experiences shared by blue-collar workers.

Behind the Mic

Initial Exchanges

Loud and clear. Yeah. Let's go. Hear you. Well, what's up? What's up? I'm a few minutes late, y'all. I was eating chick fil a and had to come to my car, so. Yeah, you have no idea how well that worked out for me, so it's fine. Awesome. That's great. I'm glad to hear it. I was only hitting you up because I was like, oh, my God, I'm late. Oh, my God. And then. Yeah, funny. Well, I'm gonna have a mass influx of new people in here from this week, so that's gonna be interesting. Let's go. All right, so, everybody, welcome to the blue collar space. We do this, like, every Thursday, 830 central. Sometimes we miss some weeks. It happens. Life happens. Work, you know, everybody's got lives going on. We are usually talking about things related to blue collar because the three of us, Sarah, Ishka, and me, all work construction, so that's where this usually goes. So we're gonna just dive right into it.

Topics and Discussions

I think we've got a few topics lined up. I know Sarah and Ishka both had some things they want to talk about, so I'll let them say hello and pass the mic over and. Yeah, go ahead. No, no, go ahead. You first. No, no. I haven't been sitting around thinking about things I want to talk about. I've had the dumbest day ever. Oh, well, I haven't been sitting around thinking about things I want to talk about either. All right, let's see. I got some blue collar issues today. I took out a truck to, you know, full of stuff to take to the dump. And then when I was on my way back, my tire blew. And then I pulled off on a camp road, went to change my tire, found out that this truck has, like, a small cars jack, and I. No way for me to drop the tire and the wrong size lug wrench. So then I finally got a ride using the satellite, texting back into town, pick up all the tools, finally go back, drop the tire, find out it's the rim for a Ford truck.

Vehicle Troubles and Lessons

That is a whole different lug pattern. And my truck is still out there in the woods right now. Moral of the story, we had a space yesterday on prepping, and Ishka did. I don't see why. Yeah, we're gonna bring that part up. Ishka. Ishka was the best public service announcement ever for what happens when you don't follow your own advice. Look, my other car, my primary vehicle, has everything in it. Everything perfect. This truck is a damn nightmare. I have no idea who owned it before me, but they suck. Emergencies don't care about your situation, Ishka. I will be prepping the vehicle, and tomorrow it will have all new tires and a new spare tire with a new rim. And I will cry myself to sleep when I look at my bank account. You sure will. Lord, that's the worst. Sorry, I'll need to chickfila. So I'm gonna let y'all take the rains for a second. It's all good. I. Thanks for letting me. Trauma dump in your space. It's a blue collar trauma dump. It's my own brand specialty. I work hard on it. It is what it is. I'll trauma dump a little bit, too, I guess, then on.

Renovation Challenges

I mean, it's cut. It's partially from. It's partially blue collar, because for the work that I do, we do home renovations or remodels, and a lot of our clients. We do property management, too. And a lot of our clients that we do the renovations for, we take on their Airbnbs, and then we spruce them up and then list them and manage them and. Yeah, yeah. Just. We're all booked out right now one of them, and every single time, it's like, whack a mole. Every single time somebody checks and there's something new going on. So now we've got. What was the other day? We had bears get in the garbage can so the neighbors call because the people can't read the fucking instructions. Like, don't put your garbage outside. Then we had. Now the faucet's dripping in the shower, and we got to replace the valve. But the plumbing store in town isn't here anymore. It's just you. You know, it's that time of year. I guess we'll just. We'll blame it on the solar eclipse that happened yesterday.

Political Concerns and Perspectives

So that's. We're gonna. We're gonna blame it on that. I don't know. I don't know. All right. Like. I love it. I just did the repost. I said, come to the blue collar trauma dump. Anybody else? Please go down to the purple pill at the bottom right hand corner of your screen and hit that. Go ahead and, like, give it a repost. And go ahead and throw a comment down there so that we can get as many people in here as possible. Yeah, that was dope. Be problematic. Just be problematic. Yeah, just start some arguments, and then. I'm kidding. Please do not do that. No. Yeah, there's enough of that. So didn't you just finish. Did you just finish a shower, ishka? Yeah, I did this damn shower. Yeah. Wasn't it? Was it like, Mary? You and Mary both have tile projects from hell. Oh, God, please.

Difficult Renovation Experiences

It was a damn nightmare. It took me four weeks to. To build a nine by four shower. These people were the worst people I've ever encountered in my life. Oh, you know what I'm. What? Like, I wonder if there's any roofers in here, because we. So I do roofing too. A lot of roofing because we're in a very heavy winter area. That literally makes no sense. But we have. A lot of our winters here are heavy. Let's just say that the snow load gets very heavy and we get a lot of ice dams, and we have a lot of roofing problems. And this one sweet old lady that we just did part of her roof, and we did a metal roof on it, but now her garage has been leaking all winter long. And so went to go.

Roofing and Maintenance Issues

And so went to go check out the roof so that we could figure out how we're going to rebuild it and shingle. This one, however, it's a built up roof, which if anybody doesn't know what that is, it's like. Well, this particular one is like gravel with tar in it, and then it has some parts. It has tar paper over it, and then it has, like, the roofing sealant. So were trying to figure out where the decking was. It's not accessible, but the roof's uneven. Now we have to do the tapered insulation on. It's just turn to nightmare because we're trying to add a pitch to it. So there's my second trauma dump of the day. So, yeah, we gotta spread these out. Sarah, you can't be unloading like that all at once. I know. Penny. Penny, did you encounter any trauma you would like to dump in this space? No. You know, I think I'll leave the trauma dumps to y'all.

Inviting Different Perspectives

I don't especially have any blue collar trauma chumps to give you guys, so. Don'T say, hey, we'll take your fancy trauma dumps too. You know, you can bring your white collar in here. We're ready for it. Yes, please tell. Just. I mean, we're in California, so, I mean, we could. We could go for days on that. All right, all right. I didn't ask for the California trauma dump. That's a whole different space. That space is down the hall and to the left, as Amber would say. And where do we draw the line? It's important, though, right now, those political trauma dumps are the real ones, right? I mean, we got the election coming up, and it's, like, super scary to me.

Concerns About Upcoming Elections

I've never felt like it was more important that it goes one direction versus the other. And I'll let Mary decide how political she wants to get. But, yeah, I agree with you. I agree with you 100%, Penny. I have never been more worried about the direction of the election ever in my life, which is why I've had to completely step away from listening and paying attention to it. My vote is going in the direction we all want it to go in. I promise. It is going there, and that's as far as I can leave it so that I don't completely lose my mind next month if things don't go the way I want them to. I want to be actually be okay a little bit. I got my make America healthy again hat.

Political Projects and Strategies

So homo Joe like, that mojo. He's ridiculous. He's a ridiculous person. He tattles on all the other dogs. He's so rotten. But he did like it. But, yeah, so I got my. I got. I get that. The dark. The dark maga hat should be here tomorrow. So I'm just gonna walk around triggering people into. Because they don't know what it is. Well, no, because they do know what it is. A black one, right. I want that so bad. Yeah, I got the black one, and then I got. But the. The make America healthy again hat came in and that I'm excited about because, I mean, Kennedy's staying.

Political Endorsements and Perspectives

He's. Because of legal complications and everything. He is on the ballot in some other states, but the only one that they're kind of claiming and are okay with people voting on voting for him is in California because so if there's any California people listening here that are still on the fence, I don't know if they want to vote for Trump, whatever, but would vote for Kennedy, do it here? Because as much, you know, there is a lot more red support in California. But it. Let's be honest, this isn't the Reagan era. It's probably not going to go red anytime during this election. I hate to say it, but if you do vote for Kennedy here, then the independent third party affiliations will donate to the state of California for the independent elections so that Nicole Shanahan can come in and whoop the shit out of Gavin Newsom and get his ass out office.

Strategies for Change

In 2026. Hey, wait. So. Because at first, I was like, there's no way that I'm voting for anyone but Trump, but if. If voting somehow for Kennedy gets Gavin out office, you perked up my ears all of a sudden. So, like, can you explain that in a little more detail? How exactly does this get Gavin out office? They're going to donate money. So that's how. So, like, in. In any. In any region where there's, like, the GOP, there's independent parties, there's the Democrats, there's allocation of funding for campaigning and whatnot. So if they see a strong presence of, like, independent voter turnout, like, let's say Kennedy gets a million votes in California, which is very possible, then third party, fundraising platforms from all across the country will dump fundraising money into Nicole Shanahan's campaign because she'll likely run as libertarian or independent in 2026 again.

Political Conversations

How badass is she, by the way? Oh, she's amazing. If you guys haven't seen her on Roseanne's podcast, watch it. It's so good. It's so good. Like, she's amazing. And I will say that I. When he first. When Kenny first picked her as running mate, I was like, everybody was like, oh, she's horrible. Give the woman a chance. Like, he's not stupid. And I absolutely love her. Like, I love her. All right, real quick, before we go to a honey badger, I just want to say that there are a lot of new people requesting. If this is your first time in this space and we're not familiar with each other, I have problems bringing them up, because Mary does attract a strange crowd sometimes.

Welcoming New Participants

So if you do have something you'd like to say, and I'm not giving you any attention, please go into the purple pill. You know, mention me real quick, or Sarah or Mary, and say real quick what you'd like to talk about. And if you're a real person, we will be glad to bring you up and let you have a chance to say what you got to say. Now, honey Badger. Mary attracts a strange crowd. I feel so seen right now. Anyways, it's good to see you, sweetheart. Everybody repost the space. Anyway. No, actually. Okay, so, Penny, there's another caveat there to what Sarah is saying, because they're completely disenfranchised people, okay? They just hate everybody, basically, but they don't like Trump, but they hate Kamala as well.

Political Dynamics

So it's a brilliant strategy to prop up RFK in. In the state of California because it. There okay, so first of all, Trump got more popular votes from California than any other state. Okay. That's the first thing. The second thing is that even though they can't cure. Okay, they can't fix the vote to the point that they are canceling RFK and Trump at the same time. It would be very much more difficult. It's like they'll be playing whack a mole at that point. So anybody you knew or anybody you know, and here in Silicon Valley, I know lots of first generation immigrants that are hardcore Trump supporters. But then I know a lot of people that just can't stand Kamala for what she's done to San Francisco, like the whole gamut.

Political Preferences and Strategic Voting

So anybody that you just. Nope, nope. Never going to vote for Trump. Well, maybe consider RFK and then, like, kind of rip RFK. So because they're not voting for Kamala, but essentially you don't want her, right? You don't want Trump. Well, then, you know, vote for RFK. And I think that this is a very good, tactile, strategic move. I'm not saying it's easy, but I am saying it would be good tactics.

Voter Registration Efforts

And I did register, and to piggyback off what Henny Badger said, I did register last week, three people to vote as independents because we have open primaries for. I registered three in California. I registered a couple for the Republican Party in Washoe county, which is one of Washoe and Clark county in Nevada are the two blue counties because Las Vegas is in Clark county and unr, which is the reno, it's the college in Reno. That was a lot of blue registered voters there. But a lot of them aren't even there anymore because they left college and haven't changed their address. But I digress. So I have registered three independent voters recently in California with the open primaries.

Open Primaries and Local Elections

Because you can't, you have to vote for, like, the top two candidates in the presidential elections or the presidential primaries. But because we're already out of that water now in local government, in California, during the open primaries, independents can vote for whomever and local. So that's another good thing about people can register as independence and all that. Well, and also, for example, ballot harvesting is legal here.

Therapy Pets and Ethical Voting Practices

So what I, my dog, Lucy, is a therapy pet. Like, she's a, so I can take her in and I'm a nurse, so I can take her into, like, skilled nursing facilities, long term care. And they just love her, you know. And so, you know, the degree of ballot harvesting, the nefarious degree that goes on with elderly people. So counter it, you know? So, basically, when I take Lucy, you know, like, on Saturdays, to make the visits with the. With the old folks, you'll find the most red, white, and blue Americans, you know, in most of the skilled nursing facilities and long term care that I. That are there around me. Very, like, very wealthy, you know, older people, but they're a little confused. And so, you know, anyways, but do it ethically.

Ethical Considerations in Assisting Voters

You know, just doing it ethically. Well, do you know. Do you know who you want the president to be? You know, and. Okay, so, you know, like, just have a little conversation. Okay, well, here, let me help you fill out your ballot, and then I can take them and drop them off. And I look at it this way every time. I do it in a kind way, ethically, you know, that's one less unethical vote. And so I hope that makes sense. Absolutely. Another scary thing, too, is my.

Deceased Voter Registration Issues

We're talking about ethically. But my dad's like, oh, look, a Biden voter. Because my nana, his mom, who passed away, and my dad's very much a trumper. Like, so this was him joking because her. Her ballot came to his house, and she's been deceased for two years. So that's. Yeah, it's a freaking joke. Yeah. Well, how are you, Mary? But, Mary, how are you? I haven't seen you in a while. How are you, my love? I'm good. I've been really busy. Working a lot. Crazy stuff going on. Life.

Discussion on Recent Political Engagements

Working a lot. Playing Diablo. Right? That's true. I'm playing a lot of Diablo. I'm sorry. She's hooked. I'm sorry. It's okay. It keeps you off the street, right? That's fair. That's fair. You know where you're at. You're safe, girl. That's true, Pam. You're right. You're correct. Sometimes I'm right. So how do you get dead people off the ballot?

Addressing Ballot Concerns

When that comes shooting a sibling, what's left? A child. Say, don't send my dead parent any more ballots, dip shits. Somebody. Seriously? Yeah. I mean, yeah, you have to. Honey, close your mic. Honey, you're scaring me. Yeah, you have to. You have to go to the. To pretty much unregister them from the voter registration. But, yeah, we luckily, like, just send. My copy of their death certificate. Right. Duh. Exactly. Exactly. Unregistered.

Political Context and Recent Debates

Duh. Hey, everyone. I might leave soon, but I was just wondering what y'all's input is on Vance's performance. The VP debate. Phenomenal. Legend. Legend. I mean, I could have still been on the left, and that would have changed my viewpoint completely. Like, I think he just did phenomenal. He did a great job. And, I mean, it was a very well done debate. Not again, necessarily by the moderators.

Impressions from the VP Debate

I thought, of course, you know, they start off doing good, then they do what mainstream media moderators do. But him and Walts were very cordial, and it was a very well done, professional debate, kind of how debates are supposed to go. Imagine that. You know, so it was very impressive. And it was way, it probably was. The best debate I've ever seen in my life. I didn't think ever that I'd be sitting in a room full of people talking about a vice presidential debate or that ever a vice presidential debate would, like, potentially move the needle.

Evaluating Candidate Performance

But this election is just so tight and so crazy. And Vance overperformed so much, man, he took that three one, and he schooled all of them. I mean, he was just keeping the ball on his side of the court the whole time he was in control. Every time they tried to jab him, punch him, throw him for a loop, he was just like, nah, doesn't affect me one bit. Like, I gained so much respect for him.

Initial Perceptions and Surprises

I really didn't have a clue who he was, to be honest. And I watched one of his old debates, and I was like, oh, no, this is not going to be pretty. I was not looking forward to it. And then, wow, was I ever surprised. So, you know, back when the Trump dream team meme came out, everyone, probably members, right? Like they said had, like, the fake. And everyone else, I, like, I didn't know if Vance belonged at that point, right?

Evolving Opinions on JD Vance

Like Elon, some of these other people, like, that's the true dream team. But Vance earned a spot in my book after that. I watched that and, I mean, honestly, my reaction was, this guy could be president. I don't mean right now, necessarily, but. When I watch that, I'm like, dude, this guy's president material. I was not a fan of jade. I was not a fan of his. Honestly, you guys, I'm telling you the truth.

Changing Perspectives on Political Figures

I would. I was like, why did you not pick the vac? And then after that, either was I. Ride or die, honey. Neither was I. And I'm from Ohio. I heard he talked some trash about Trump real early, and I was like, wait a minute. Why did he pick this man? But exactly what you said Tuesday night kind of sealed it much, much better. He's got a future. Yeah, I think JD Vance is great.

Expectations from the VP Debate

I just, I didn't expect, like, it to go that well. It was respectful, it was knowledgeable. It was just great. I think it just made us look really good. How have you noticed the climate from the left? Like, what was their response been to. The debate about him being masculine and how it's scaring people? Is that what's going on?

Reactions toward Masculinity in Politics

Well, ishka, what I will tell you is, like, at the top of what's going on x, it was. It was like the. The claim that, you know, waltz just crushed him. And I was like, wow. I mean, I know that they're dumping a ton of money into this campaign. I get ten freaking robocalls every day, you know, asking for Kamala to, you know, asking for a donation to Kamala, not lying.

Political Fundraising and Publicity

Like, it's all the time. They're dumping so much money into, you know, everything that it possibly can. I was. I was really surprised to see that, but then I wasn't because all they're doing is dumping money into their message, you know, and even. It's even, like, happening here, which, again, you know, free speech or whatever. But I. It was so funny.

Observations on Political Campaigning

I actually saw, because I made a post a few days ago about when I was driving through Douglas county in Nevada. I did not see one Harris flag. It's a red county for sure. But, I mean, it was just funny. But then I was over on the California side, and there's two houses that have. That I've seen when I'm around here that have Harris stuff. And I hadn't seen any Trump stuff over here, but I actually, and I don't know if it was just timing or what, but I've seen now three houses with.

Comparative Displays of Political Support

I've seen three houses now with Trump stuff outside. One was a big fuck Joe Biden flag, which. Go for it. And then another one. So, yeah, I've seen now two Harris yard size. I've seen now three. One of them is insanely outspoken. And then I've seen one Wu Tang forever yard sign. So that was pretty cool. That made me laugh too.

Cultural References in Political Support

That's funny. Yeah, it was like, politicians are temporary. Wu Tang forever, 2024. I was like, we got an independent voter here. We got independent voter. I'm gonna go give them a voter registration form and see what they say. And, ishka, I'll let you be in charge of addressing hands and requests and all that, because from what I understand.

Technical Issues and User Participation

Currently, just so everybody else knows, hands are glitchy right now. So if you've had your hand up for a while and nobody's getting to you. The chances are that we can't see it. Just go ahead and go down to the emojis and in the bottom right, you can use the wave and that'll draw attention to us and we'll be able to call on you. Right now.

Engagement in Political Discussions

I see no hands up. I see hippie. Hippie. Mikey has his hand up. So you want to go ahead, Mikey, what's up? What's happening, man? Hey, what's happening, Mary? What's happening, Sarah? And top of the evening to everybody. Just thank you guys for letting me speak. But, yeah, that. That vp, you know, debate was definitely, you know, definitely proved that the right choice is Trump and Vance because it's pretty much a joke when he said he was friends with his school shooters.

Debate Commentary and Political Perspectives

And these slips, you know, language of slips just really just diminished the whole Kamala Harris campaign in my point of view. And, you know, this. I'm. I know this is in poor taste, but I can't help it. David Hoggs, then, he was like, I don't know who I would vote for, but that was on the fence until this debate. I'm like, bro, your friends, you're like, actually really good friends with Tim Walds.

Political Irony and Public Perception

And also ironic that he had the freudian slip and said he's really. He's friends with school shooters. So that was kind of. That was a bit bizarre. That's. Yeah, right. But, you know, hey, here we are, 2024. That's the trip, too. It's 2024. And it's like, man, you know, we're still dealing with a bunch of B's and the.

Current Political Climate

Now the federal government is, you know, denying help of North Carolina. And it's just this more insane shit coming out, man. It's like, wow. So I know the penny guy, he reports on it. I see his post on that, man. Pretty good. But so, but so that's a good question. Hippie. Like, that's a really good question. Penny and I have talked about this a lot.

Government Response to Natural Disasters

How do you. Do you think that the hurricane, lack of relief from the federal government and the state government is. Is going to push the needle in some sort of a direction? I mean, I personally think that if anybody's paying attention, that is not literally, you know, comatose with TD's, it would have to. I mean, they're just. And they're so fucking tone deaf because, I mean, there's literally civilians and, you know, civilians that have organized jump through the hoops to get the permits to drop supplies because they were stopping them from dropping the supplies.

Community Efforts vs Government Action

They're going through all the red tape. They've got independent helo operators and everything. And then what happens today? Oh, Biden and Kamala are going and touring the area. So they, so the FCC shut, or the FAA shut down airspace. They did a temporary airspace restriction over the area so that the people that finally went through all the red tape to be able to drop supplies were grounded for four to 6 hours during the height of the time of the day that they can fly over that airspace to drop supplies.

Inefficiencies in Disaster Relief

And to your point, sir, they are, they actually closed off the waterways, too, to the experts that actually know where the water is flowing. So in other words, there's like boat relief that could happen. But the government, the governor there cut, denied them insurance. So in other words, you know, if there's liability, you're on your own. We're not going to help you. So at the same time, when you kind of consider that, you know, you realize that the only effort, the relief effort and the information effort is happening on XDev, nobody knows what we know about North Carolina.

Current Events and Public Awareness

You know, like, again, like, honey and I talked about this earlier, nobody knows. This is a completely, like, x driven relief and information effort.

Communication and First Responders

It is. And hopefully everybody that follows, the guys that have been on the ground, Nick and Chris and what's the other guy's name? Sean. Right. Since like about day one, doing what they've been doing, including Nick putting up the first two starlings, his own, him and Chris's on the roofs with the ladder. They. Oh, give me a letter. Okay. On earth. So that the first responders, the police there, finally had their first communication since it had hit. This is just crazy.

Impact of Funds and Voting Rights

And if people are paying attention in the least, what's happened here, what isn't happening, then how can it not affect who their vote is for? It's crazy. It's like the money's gone to illegals. The funds that was supposed to be for this nation's emergency disaster fund has gone to illegal people. Give me a break. It's ridiculous. If you don't know it, you're under a damn rock. Whether you're on x or not, you're on a damn rock because every media ends up getting stuff from x. It's delayed. It could be a few hours, it could be a few days, it could be a week, but that's where they get it from first.

Past Disasters and FEMA's Response

And then, and this, you know, I, this isn't, I think it's my pinned post on my profile. This is nothing new. I mean, we know what happened in Katrina. We know what happened with all that. And I believe this effort is a more botched effort than Katrina and the. Fires in Hawaii even, well, even before that. So in 2021, I lost my house in the Caldor fire, which it took. It was 240,000 some acres. Over 1000 people lost their homes. The whole town of grizzly flats was completely decimated. My entire neighborhood except for two houses, completely decimated. We were denied FEMA relief as well. So we got no FEMA. We got nothing.

Federal Emergency Orders and Asylum Seekers

There is a federal emergency order that Biden came, you know, with Newsom. They did their whole show, but when it came down to actually doing the payouts, FEMA was not there. They did not give us a dime. And then also so linked, if you guys want to look linked to my pinned post at my profile, there's a clip from Kennedy's documentary midnight at the border where it proves that people that are coming in, that are asylum seekers looking, you know, well, they're just coming in for asylum. You know, you can get, anybody can come through the border if they don't have a sponsor for their flight to wherever they're going.

FEMA Reimbursements and Citizen Aid

FEMA reimburses the border agencies for their plane tickets, so they'll get money for plane tickets, no questions asked. That's not, that's not propaganda. It's 100% true. And I fact checked this, and that's from FEMA. So FEMA has the money to reimburse asylum seekers for their airline fare, but not American citizens in a disaster. So why is that bullshit? All right, real quick, everybody, it is 08:09 o'clock. And if you look down at the bottom right hand corner, you will see a purple pill there. By the way, that's the time in Arizona.

Engagement and Sharing the Space

Yeah, I'm looking at it right now and I see we only have 16 posts and we have over 100 people in there. Let's try to get more people in here and try to get this space shared out to everyone. Also, pop your questions in the comments if we're unable to get to everybody. And I've seen Chris has had his hand up for a little bit. Chris, what's up? I don't see any hands. Cool. What's up, everybody? I just had a couple of comments. You were talking about voting in California earlier. How big is the illegal or not.

Discussion on Voting and Issues

Having to show an id an issue in California when you vote for Sarah. And the honey Badger? Well, so Chris is huge because that is the reality. But it backfires in a lot of ways because, like, I know a lot of people that are here through sanctuary, so they're not legal. Right. So point being that the thing is that they're voting for Trump. And, and so that's what they came here for. Okay. A lot of people came here for a reason.

Concerns About Citizenship and Immigration

And it's not just, again, it's not, we're not just talking about across the border. We're talking about from all parts of the world, you know, so, for example, when I have to write a denial letter, I'm a utilization management nurse for Medicare and Medical and I have to write like letters in four different languages. You'd be shocked and amazed at how many of these people don't want, like, would be, how can I put it? It's, they're made very comfortable not, you know, getting their citizenship, but they do not want their, like, the issues in their countries to be brought over here.

Voting Rights and Societal Issues

Does that make sense? In other words, they escaped something and they know that what they escaped, but they're too afraid to speak up in a general way, but they can vote. Does that make sense? No, it doesn't make sense. And it's frustrating. The other thing in, well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I can't, maybe I didn't. Know you made, well, you make sense. I guess what I meant was it doesn't make sense that it's being allowed. That's where I, what I meant.

Caution About Voting and Societal Divisions

I get all that. My whole point is that it's backfiring. Well, that's good. Well, man, you know, from living in Bakersfield, California, here because I'm from California as well, you know, this is a Kern county, a republican county. And I see the migration coming up here as well. But, you know, a lot of them, like Nancy said, they are voting for Trump because they're traditional families. They're traditionalists and they came here legally.

Issues with Cartels and Immigration

A lot of them, you know, would claim that they saw these people, you know, getting paid off by the cartels to go in the direction of crossing illegally and, you know, the child rings and all that stuff at the border crossing and also at the other, you know, crossings that is not the border with the patrol there or, you know, little areas that they find to cross over. But, you know, these people, they're all being paid, these cartels, they're all, the government knows a lot of what's going on both sides, I would say. And, you know, there's a lot of corruption going on.

Call for Justice and Awareness

A lot of people at the top who need to be investigated and indicted, probably now once Trump gets in there. But, you know, we hope. We need a whole new justice system, because the justice system we got now, it's really being run by a lot of criminals, to be honest. But, you know, according to waltz, there's no mules, there's no children mules, and there's no. There's no mules running drugs across the border from Mexico. So that's good.

Personal Experiences and Shocking Realities

At least he cleared that one up, honestly. So I can assure you that is false. When I was working in El Paso, I was, like, on the border of Juarez, I can tell you. Yeah, that is false information. There's my fact check right there. Yeah. I did a documentary on the border at San Diego just like a month or two ago, and it was shocking what I saw. I mean, the amount of trophies for child trafficking, which you think, like, what's a child trafficking trophy? Well, it's women in children's clothes that are hanging on trees as trophies.

Emotional Impact of Trafficking Issues

Right? You never see men's clothes. It's all girls and young women, and it's disgusting, and it's, like, all over the place. I spent just one day there, and I probably saw, like, at least a hundred articles of clothing. I mean, that's like, oh, God, it makes my stomach sick just thinking about it now. Yeah, everybody should go watch what Penny's talking about. It's a really good video and documentary. Kind of opens your eyes. I didn't know about half the stuff that they had on there watching.

Documentary Recommendations

Which. Which one are you referring to, Mary? Penny, are you able to, like, put it up in the. Yeah, I'll search for it and I'll add it into the. Can you guys hear me? Okay, can you also put it in, Penny, can you also put that into the comments so it lives on the space forever? Sorry. Orange. Yep. Which document are you guys referring to? It's mine. I made it. Oh, it's yours? Yeah, yeah.

Investigative Documentaries and Awareness

So I'll post it up in the space. Yeah. So, no, I think three days ago, you get. You guys all know and talk with Sally, right? I'm assuming. Yes. Okay. So she paid for a private showing of a documentary that just came out earlier in September called, I think it's called what is treason by Ryan. Madame. And it's there. They actually investigated for quite a while, the Biden administration compared to the Trump administration, with the issue of child trafficking at the border.

Emotional Responses to Documentaries

And it's a full on, I want to say two hour documentary is extremely powerful. Broke my heart. I'm not the type of person to cry, but, my goodness, I was in tears afterwards, especially when they took the time to pray about it. And it goes really deep into it. So, yeah, Penny, I'm actually kind of curious what you post. I'll look into it, too. But I do encourage you guys to look into what is treason.

Prominent Issues in Media and Culture

There's. When you google it, there's a lot of results that come in with that because obviously, what is treason? Obviously, the main results gonna be, you know, Kamala Harris and Biden. But, I mean, when it comes to documentaries and things like that, the hashtag is typically, what is treason? And then with hashtag, what is it? Hold on, let me find it here. When you're looking for that, I posted mine in the jumbotron, and, like, I mean, were chased by the cartel, intimidated.

Reflections on the Situation at the Border

Like, it was pretty wild. It was definitely not what I expected. I spent one day there, and, like, I wasn't sure, I guess, what to expect. You hear a lot of things, but it's different to see them yourself. And, yeah, I spent that day and left. And, I mean, I'll never be the same. Like, it is a crime scene. Our border is a crime scene. It's disgusting.

Future Visits and Understanding

I'd love to experience it. I'm in South Dakota, so, I mean, give me some time. I'll save up money and go there. But, yeah, no, I'll check that out. Penny. But the website that, for this, documentary is. This is, so just check it out. It's just a. It was. I've seen documentaries on the border, and, Penny, I'll check out yours.

Raw Emotions and Realities of Child Trafficking

I thank you for doing that, but I do encourage you guys to check it out because it just. It hurt a lot watching it because it was all very raw, and they had real interviews and stuff of agents and everybody at the border talking about what's really going on and how the enablement is completely 100% from the Biden administration, and they don't give a shit about, you know, people that are being trafficked, trafficking kids and everything.

Discussing the Apathy of Society

It's disgusting. And just, there's. I tried to bring it up the other day, and somebody was disputing on me on it. I'm like, whatever. You can go fuck yourself, basically. Yeah. I also know. Thank you. It's true. It. You know, people don't like seeing this stuff, but you have to. And especially before you argue, you know, or you're gonna take a stance and be like, oh, that's, just educate yourself.

Importance of Awareness and Education

You can, you can watch something and you can counter it and you can disagree with it, but you at least need to, like, expose yourself to some of this stuff. And that's why I also posted in the comments. And then at the top, the midnight at the border documentary. It was very well done. It was very eye-opening as well. A lot of the stuff I saw when I was down there right by Juarez and when I went into Juarez.

Final Thoughts on the Topics Discussed

But yeah, it's not a joke. And so there's some good stuff for you guys to watch up there. It is, you know, a little bit depressing, but it is what it is. You can't, you can't turn a blind eye to it because you need to be passionate about why you're doing what you're doing and who you're voting for. Who you're voting for. In my opinion. It's not the most joyous topic by any means.

Historical Comparison and Governance

And compared to what happened in England to create America, there's a lot worse stuff than this is. King George actually seems nice to what we have. So I think there'll be a separation. Hopefully it's a peaceful separation of powers. Some way around. You can call it secession or a peaceful divorce. I think that's the best scenario because people in North Carolina, regardless, it's not just one person. The FEMA failed people. I think the federal government's failed way too much to be brought back. Even now, if I had to choose, yeah, I would choose Donald Trump over Kamala. That's easy choice. But that's my honest to God opinion. You can disagree with that or not.

State Secession and National Unity

I don't think it's over. And I think secession or dividing up the states, I mean, like, okay, sure, there's some perks, right? Like, I don't love California's politics. And it would be great if that was not involved in voting nationally. But at the same time, if we're going to be a superpower and continue to have any sort of poll worldwide, we're going to need every state. If Texas separates from California, they're each now half as powerful. And the purpose of the federal government is so that we can defend ourselves against the rest of the world. And there's some bad guys out there that are worse than even what we have in our own country. And probably the ones driving a lot of the decisions that are making some of these really bad things happen in our country.

Consequences of National Collapse

So I would say, you know, the alternative of America collapsing, whether it's peaceful or not, that throws off the balance of power in the entire world in a way that, you know, I really don't want to see. So I would definitely encourage everyone, whether we agree politically or not, no matter how divided we are, we should continue to fight for unity. I mean, that is the Maga ticket now, right? It's the unity ticket. It's the Make America healthy again ticket. That's what I'm for. We really like, in Mary's comments today, she talked about switching from liberal to conservative, how she had voted for Biden, and now she's voting for Trump. And there's actual conservatives in there talking shit like, oh, God, I can't believe you voted for Biden. Like, what the fuck are you doing? People away from our side.

Political Perspectives and Voting Motives

They want us to lose so bad. Like, I understand it. No, Kamala would be ten times wor. Okay, I'll say this. Kamala be ten times worse. She has no policies. I don't think she knows. She reads off teleprompter. I don't think she knows where she is. And let's be honest, there's deep state actors driving her and Trump, to a certain extent, donors. I'm not saying it's good or bad. I am saying we can't pay off the debt now. We can't pay off the interest on the debt. I don't see, there's a certain point. I think there's no return. And empires last about 250 years. We're at that.

Issues of Governance and International Relations

The immigration problem, that's if I'm taking a historical analysis, not whether I think good or bad. Personally, I think the federal government's causing us the most problems. There are bad guys. Are there bad guys? Yeah. Putin, Xi. Other dictators around the world are terrible. I don't think without the federal government, we couldn't find a way to defend ourselves, and maybe we find even better ways to. Karim, you know what? You know what? Your apathetic lack of history, understanding over intellectualized argument, you can take that and shove it because you have no idea what's coming to the United States.

Historical Complacency and Societal Awareness

No, I'm sorry. Let me be very clear. If you've studied Maoism, if you studied communism, if you see, if you understand the playbook, you'll know exactly what's going on. And it's people that sat on the sidelines, even in Nazi Germany. It is the people that sat and didn't say anything or didn't do anything because they didn't believe anything or they were just too afraid. I'm sorry, sir, but nothing that you're saying is making sense. Go ahead and not vote. Go ahead and not vote and see what happens. Everybody, everybody, let's calm down for a second. I know everybody's heated. The election stuff gets really, like. I know we all get heated really fast.

Home Stretch and Community Call to Action

I am gonna let y'all know. We got, like, ten ish minutes. I gotta work tomorrow. So everybody here play us to work? Yeah, we're gonna wrap it up in, like, ten minutes. I don't. I like all of you guys. I don't want people to fight. Care about everybody. Let's be nice. Okay? Everybody. Vote, though. Everybody vote. I'm gonna vote. I'm not telling people not to vote. That's a. That's not the thing. I'm just saying. Here's what I see happening right now.

Personal Voting Experience and Philosophical Outlook

All right, I'm gonna give you my. My few cents really quick, if I can, just for a couple minutes. I'm just driving down the street. So I have been a Ron Paul Libertarian slash pretty much anarchist forever. I've never voted for president in my life. I'm 37 years old, and I'm. Yeah, I'm voting for Donald Trump this election for the first time. And I think I've just had enough of all this shit. That's really what it comes down to. I don't believe in using violence against my neighbors, and I believe that voting is ultimately a vote to use force against your neighbors, but they've used it against me, and now I'm just considering it to be self defense.

Support for Secession and Future Outlook

So I. As far as secession goes, I absolutely, like, support people's right to secede and any smaller entities right to secede from a larger entity. Like, that's a human right is to. That's enshrined in the first Amendment, which is the right of association. And you have the right to disassociate, like, per our constitution, and that's just an inalienable human right given to us by God. But I also hope that it doesn't come to that, I have studied bitcoin since early 2013 pretty obsessively. And my hope, you know, aside from Jesus Christ, which is where my ultimate hope lies, but my hope secularly lies in bitcoin, that we'll be able to transition to a new world reserve currency.

Bitcoin as a Solution

It'll be a peaceful transition. And we can, I believe, for the last 15 years, we've been building parallel systems to the corrupt ones that need to go into the fire now. And those things are in place. And I think it's important to save as much of your time and energy as you can in bitcoin for the sake of your family and the sake of your future. So that's my two cent, no pun. Intended, and I love it. So you must have been, I have to say real quick, you must have been pretty enthused when Trump made a public bitcoin purchase.

Collective Awareness and Investment in Bitcoin

Yeah, yeah, that was cool. I was also there in Nashville when he announced national, the national strategic bitcoin stockpile and his intention to create that. So what I picture my voting record to look like is I've never voted in my life. I'm going to vote for Trump the one time that he puts the bitcoin reserve into place, and then I'm going to never vote again in my life. And that's basically the story I hope to tell in that regard. But if it's the next world reserve currency, it's like billions of dollars per bitcoin is what it comes down to. And you're nowhere near late at all.

Starting Point for Investing

Like, you don't have to go, like, balls to the wall like crazy, but you just need to start saving some long term savings in bitcoin and you can start small. I used to do 1010 bucks a week and skip lunch on Wednesdays for a couple years, but I'm retired, I'm 37. And you know, you can, too. So, you know that. Thank. I actually want, real quick, I know there's another hand up, but real quick, I did want to say something that this brings up a very good point.

The Importance of Voting

And hopefully you can get, you know, if this falls on anybody that's not deaf ears, you know, they were, there was a lot of miss, of course, taken out of context and everything. When Trump said he was speaking to voters exactly like yourself, he was speaking to gun owners, he was speaking to a lot of the population that is just kind of like, leave me alone, I am not going to vote. And he's like, this is the one time that you have to vote. You know, the evangelicals and they're like, oh, he's saying that he's never gonna get out office. No, he wasn't.

The Real Stakes of Elections

He was saying, if you've never voted and you didn't give a shit about the election, this is the one time. Because this is actually, yeah, I'm actually super political. I just, like, I'm anti voting, but I've just had enough of it. I've honestly, like, it's like, I think it's immoral. I mean, it's like, to the point where I think voting is immoral, but I've had enough of that shit being used against me and my family. So I'm just doing it back. I don't care.

Self-Defense and Political Awareness

Like, I'm like, it's the same as if someone was coming to my house to, like, shoot me at that point. I'm perfectly fine with using force against them, even though I generally think that the use of force, you know, against my fellow human beings is immoral. Like, I obviously, like, believe in, like, the right to self defense. And that's kind of where I'm considering it to be. I have a hard time with Trump saying stuff like that. Oh, this is the one election to vote in the. Because every election, these guys are always like, this is the most important election of our lifetimes, and blah, blah.

Voting Importance and Public Sentiment

They say it every. The guys. I agree. But, like, this whole room is saying at this time, like, man, I really. That'S what I'm saying is I'm saying it this time, and I've, and I'm anti voting. I can't explain. I mean, you guys may not care, but to me it means something. So I would encourage everyone to do it, but everybody, I don't blame any of you who, like, are anti voting also, like, don't want. At least vote.

Engagement with the Political Process

At least vote. Definitely. For the longest time, I was getting advice that if I got into politics, my account would grow faster. And I hate politics so much, I was avoiding it. I'm like, nope, staying out of politics. But I, but I had to, like, I. It's got to the point where I am just, like, frightened of the alternative, and I know how important it is that Trump wins. And I'm like, all right, I don't care. I have to.

Motivation and Activism

I have to get into politics. Definitely. They took away our choice. They screwed it up so bad that now I have to get actually, like. I'll even provide some, like, a little bit more perspective. Yes. Ish. I actually, like, believe that personally, like, because of the amount of communism and money, basically, money printing and inflation that. Commonly divided everybody is the issue.

Communication and Engagement

Can you guys not hear me? I hear you. I can hear you. Sorry. Yeah. I mean, I honestly, like, think there's, like, a case to be made that personally, me having the bitcoin holdings I have, like, Kamala Harris might better for me personally because of the amount of money printing that she's going to do and destroy everyone else's purchasing power, whereas mine will grow in that case, because mine's all in bitcoin.

Consequences of Economic Policy

But it's definitely not good for our country and not good for our neighbors, not good for everyone that doesn't have bitcoin and not good for the dollar. And the dollar is just straight up communism. So it's like, I don't care at all about the dollar if the dollar is just, like, three guys at the Federal Reserve deciding what policy to end enact that week. But there's going to be a lot of pain for everyone who doesn't have bitcoin or other hard assets.

Proposal for Collective Action

And I just. I would rather lengthen the time that the dollar is floating along and try to be convincing people to save in bitcoin in the meantime so that more people will feel less pain whenever the big collapse does come. So, no, I understand where you're coming from, and I'm pro crypto, too. I'm there with you. I'm going to let everybody know we're wrapping it up now.

Concluding Remarks

I'm gonna let Sarah and Ishka share whatever they want to share before we close up. I'm really grateful all you came out tonight. I know it got a little bit, you know, spicy in here a little bit. Election time always is like this. I kind of like avoiding spaces a little bit lately because of it, but it has to be talked about, and I really want. I really. I do want y'all to go out and vote.

Call to Action on Voting

I mean, I know not everybody loves to do it, and that's fine. Everybody has their own personal choice, but we really need you right now for America, guys. Like, I mean, I really need y'all to, like, look up and, Reese, do your research, please. Like I said, I very much used to be a liberal, and I don't care if you unfollow me for that. That's fine. I mean, you just please do your research about it.

Final Thoughts and Gratitude

Like, just look it up. Sarah, ishka, whichever one y'all want to go first before we wrap it up, I'm thankful that everybody came out tonight, and we'll see y'all next week. Y'all go for it. And one thing and yes, mary, all that, 100%. And old Taylor, one thing I did also want to say to your point is I was kind of dragging my heels on the bitcoin thing, too.

Bitcoin Adoption and Investment

But for my ex payouts, which they're not a lot, I promise you that. Yet anyway, we'll see. But everyone I have connected to cash app and I directly, the second it hits my account, just buy bitcoin with it. So I haven't. I just let it sit there. And that's something easy for people to do. Quick aside, like 5 seconds.

Bitcoin Education and Investment Strategy

Sorry, I meant like eleven. Almost twelve years of obsessive study of bitcoin now easily over 10,000 hours. And it's bitcoin only. It's not crypto. Like you guys want to gamble on the shitcoin casino. Like the eight years worth of study shortcut for you is it's bitcoin only. Getting the Defi.

Decentralized Finance and Collective Action

Also, the best way to vote, in my opinion, other than the election, is getting to Defi. There's a lot of good projects and there's things we can vote where the project goes. Not advice. Not advice. All right, so financial advice, like, I understand where everybody's coming from when they say that they don't believe in voting anymore or they don't want to be involved anymore, or they just want to step away from it because maybe they need to protect their mental health.

Engagement and Personal Advocacy

I get that 100%. I had that exact same conversation with my mom right after the last debate, the presidential debate. I told her, I said, look, I got in really deep. I'm real serious about this election. But at the same time, look at these two dipshits. I don't want to vote for either one of them. And she jumped on my, down my throat 5000 times worse than honey Badger did.

Understanding the Stakes of Voting

Like my mom full on lost her shit. And I learned real quick, I remembered real quick exactly what's at stake with this election. So I don't give a shit if you're a Democrat, a Republican, a libertarian, conservative, whatever you want to call yourself, register to vote and go be heard. Because no matter what you believe, I'm sure that you believe that this is the most important election that has ever happened and that you are not going to be okay if the other side wins.

The Importance of Participation in Democracy

Well, I don't want to hear a fucking word out of your mouth if you didn't go and vote. Absolutely. That's good stuff. It's good stuff to wrap up on. Everybody have a good night. Be safe. God bless, everybody. We'll see you next week, 830 central on Thursday most likely, unless something happens. So, everybody have a good night.

Community and Connection

Follow your speakers. Or don't, if you hate us, whatever. We don't give a fuck. All right, follow everybody and. Deutsche.

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