The Art of NFT-Powered Games


Space Summary

The Twitter Space The Art of NFT-Powered Games hosted by CyberFinance__. In 'The Art of NFT-Powered Games' space, the fusion of NFTs with gaming unlocks new opportunities for monetization, community engagement, and creative collaborations. From DeFi integration to storytelling impact, security measures, and future trends, this space explores the vibrant intersection of art, technology, and gaming innovation. Discover how NFTs are reshaping game development, enhancing player experiences, and paving the way for immersive, interactive gaming ecosystems. Stay informed about the evolving landscape of NFT-powered games and the potential they hold for the future of gaming entertainment.

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Q: How can NFTs revolutionize monetization in gaming?
A: NFTs introduce new revenue streams through unique in-game assets and tokenized ownership.

Q: What advantages does DeFi integration bring to NFT-powered games?
A: DeFi enhances liquidity, offers staking options, and provides financial incentives for gamers and investors.

Q: Why is community engagement essential in NFT gaming?
A: Communities foster support, feedback, and sustainability, driving the success of NFT games.

Q: How does interoperability benefit NFT gaming ecosystems?
A: Interoperability allows seamless asset transfers between games, platforms, and blockchains, expanding the reach and utility of NFTs.

Q: What role does storytelling play in the success of NFT games?
A: Compelling narratives and engaging plots can enhance player immersion, adding value to NFT games.

Q: How important is security in NFT gaming?
A: Robust security measures safeguard assets, transactions, and player data, building trust in NFT gaming environments.

Q: What collaborative opportunities exist in the NFT gaming space?
A: Partnerships between artists, developers, and gamers can lead to innovative game designs, artistic creations, and community-driven projects.

Q: How do legal considerations impact NFT gaming development?
A: Navigating regulations ensures compliance, protects intellectual property, and establishes a safe environment for NFT transactions.

Q: Which gameplay features can increase the appeal of NFT games?
A: Innovative mechanics like play-to-earn, rarity systems, and interactive elements attract players and boost the value of NFT game assets.

Q: What future trends can shape the NFT gaming landscape?
A: Emerging technologies, metaverse integration, and evolving user preferences may redefine the future of NFT-powered gaming experiences.


Time: 00:12:45
NFT Monetization Strategies in Gaming Exploring lucrative ways to monetize game assets through NFTs.

Time: 00:25:18
DeFi Integration for GameFi Prosperity Discussing DeFi's role in enhancing liquidity and financial growth in NFT games.

Time: 00:38:02
The Power of Community in NFT Gaming Understanding how community support drives engagement and success in NFT gaming ecosystems.

Time: 00:45:59
Interoperability Enhancements for NFTs Examining the benefits of cross-platform asset interoperability in NFT games.

Time: 01:02:14
Artistic Influence on NFT Game Design Exploring the impact of creativity and storytelling in shaping compelling NFT game experiences.

Time: 01:15:30
Security Measures in NFT Gaming Importance of robust security protocols to protect assets and transactions in NFT gaming environments.

Time: 01:28:45
Collaborative Opportunities for NFT Creators Encouraging partnerships between artists, developers, and gamers for innovative NFT game projects.

Time: 01:45:10
Legal Compliance in NFT Gaming Addressing the regulatory landscape and legal considerations in NFT gaming development.

Time: 01:58:22
Innovative Gameplay Mechanics Exploring exciting gameplay features that enhance player engagement and value in NFT games.

Time: 02:10:35
Future Trends in NFT-Powered Games Speculating on upcoming trends that could shape the future of NFT gaming experiences.

Key Takeaways

  • Combining NFTs and gaming offers unique monetization opportunities.
  • DeFi integration in NFT-powered games enhances liquidity and financial benefits.
  • Understanding game development is crucial for successful NFT implementations.
  • Community engagement drives growth and sustainability in NFT gaming ecosystems.
  • Exploring interoperability between NFTs and gaming platforms expands utility.
  • Artistic creativity and storytelling play a significant role in NFT games.
  • Smart contract security is paramount in NFT gaming to protect assets and transactions.
  • Innovative gameplay mechanics can increase the value and appeal of NFT games.
  • Collaborations between artists, developers, and gamers enrich the NFT gaming space.
  • Regulatory compliance and legal considerations shape the future of NFT gaming.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Caspa

Our channel it. Hey, guys. Good Saturday morning to you. Really excited to be talking about Caspa. Always going to be a good day when we're talking about Caspa. Looking forward to getting this conversation going. Nick, I sent you an invite. Not sure if you got it, but yeah, when you do, just a request up and I'll try and get you up here. But yeah, we're looking forward to this conversation. What's up, Christian? Doing well, we've had a interesting week in crypto. It seems like two days ago the world was ending, and now we're back, as they say. So just another week in this space. I hope everyone's doing well. Super excited to have some of my close friends here, Wolfie and Nathan, who I've met in person, and also Jim, who's been on several of these spaces as speakers today. Want to start off with Nathan, aka Bubblegum Lightning. He is the author of the book of Caspa, realizing the Nakamoto dream.

The Book of Caspa

It is the number one book that's out about Caspa. This book is awesome. Super well written, super digestible, has lots of humor, very easy to understand for such a complex topic, and makes crypto, specifically Caspa digestible for even the layman's person. So not only have I read this, but if someone's interested in learning about Caspa, this is actually the book that I point them to because it's so, well, digestible. Introduces them to crypto, introduces them to bitcoin, introduces them to the need for cryptocurrencies as well as the history of money, commerce, etcetera, and then goes on to explain how kind of Caspa bridges the gap to solving the trilemma and the who, what, when, where and why behind it. So super excited to have him today, and I figured he can kind of introduce himself, talk about writing the book and how the idea came about and kind of his journey of where the book has taken him, if it's a, exceeded his expectations, met his expectations, and anything to tag along with that. So welcome, Nathan.

Nathan's Journey and the Writing Process

Hey, thanks, man. You can go by Nate. This is easier for everybody if you want, but you can call me Nate. Nathan. Nathaniel, of course. As you said, I wrote the book of Caspa. Yeah. So actually, before we get started, if you guys are interested in reading the book of Caspa, I actually made it free this week as an ebook on Amazon just for this x space. So you guys are interested in learning more about it or if you have friends that you want to share the book with and let them know it's free on Amazon every now and then I'd get like five days or a week or something. They'll give me where I can list it for free. So I try to do that, like any excuse I can. Do you have any link? I can throw it up in the nest and they can just sign right up?

Publishing on Amazon

Yeah, give me a sec, actually. And this is just the ebook Kindle version. So I chose Amazon because when were really getting started with Caspa, like in the early days of Caspa, we're kind of like stretch for, capped for resources, but we're trying to make like the biggest impression. So when I decided to write the book, I decided on Amazon because there when you have like a book that hits the bestseller on the ranks, it's almost a social media in itself. It gets more exposure. So I was trying to like squeeze the most, like, what else would I want to use here? Exposure to Caspa. So the main motivation for that was to like, get the info out and I wanted it as a low level, like you said, it's. It's really a low level take to get people interested and asking questions and getting involved because really it's. It's just meant to open up the door to get people interested in Caspa.

Self-Publishing Experience

Do they print the books for you? Do they kind of automate that process or? Yeah, they do, actually. So they have like a whole. They actually do some publishing of their own too. And I chose to do self publishing just because it was like a time constraint. Right. Like, crypto moves fast. I didn't have a year to wait to put this book out so that it's immediately outdated. I mean, it's kind of getting dated now, but I think I'm going to refresh it once we hit like ten bps. Sorry, I'm kind of multitasking for that link. Yeah, no worries. If you post it on your page, I can just throw it up there or you can dm it to me. It's totally your call, though. Yeah, yeah. Real quick, I wanted to introduce Nick Nicholas, new to the panel, but we studied together at University of Illinois, so we met there and I always knew he was a Caspa guy.

Community Engagement

So really excited to have him on here. How's it going, Nick? Going good, yeah. Good to be here. Good to see Wolfie and Nate again. Yeah, appreciate the invite. Awesome, awesome. Yeah, great to have you. Wolfie wanted to throw it over to you. How's it going? What up, man? Thanks for the invite. Everything's cool kicking in southern California here, which is frequently known as sunny but we're actually kind of marine layer fog, which is also good. It's fall season, so everything's cool, man. We had a great week with Caspa. Some exciting news from the biggest of the big boys of traditional finance and their potential interest in Caspa. So that was super cool. And yeah, some big meme action going on today.

Exciting Developments in Caspa

So there's lots of transactions for miners and stuff like that. Real good stuff going on. Absolutely. Definitely want to get into that news. Been seeing it all over my page, so. Yeah. Really exciting. Jim, want to throw it over to you. How are you doing this morning? Hey, good. Thanks for having me. Yeah, I'm good. It's actually evening here. I'm in Spain on a little trip, euro trip. So it's almost wrapping up for me. I've been here for almost a month and heading back to New York on Tuesday. So. Hello from Spain. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah. So I don't know if you had any plans for where we want to take this space, Christiane, but, you know, we could definitely open it up. I don't know. I'll pass it to you or. I have some ideas.

Continuing the Discussion

Yeah, let's let Nate finish up just talking about the book and his journey, writing it because it's really an incredible book. I was. Had my hopes high going into listening to it, but I was really blown away. So I just want to kind of hear his story about that. And then we can kind of get into grayscale with Wolfie and the charts with Jim. Yeah, sounds good. So as some people probably know here already, when I first got involved with Casper, there wasn't really any good source of digestible information. So there was no medium, there was no good news articles or anything to learn at a gradual pace. When you would first hop into the discord and you were asking questions, they just kind of throw a wiki at you.

Introduction to Orphans

And including orphans, that's new. But to make that work, there are some, there's like sub modules, things that aren't like regular guy land stuff going on to make that work. Like the DAA, the difficulty adjustment algo. So to make it be consistently one block per second on average, we have a special thing going on that shy had to almost break his precious brain on for a long time to make it work. So when you have more than one block happening at a time, it's a lot more difficult to adjust the difficulty so that the miners continuously produce an average of one block per second.

Pruning Mechanism

And then we also have the pruning mechanism. So we ditch blocks. We don't need them after three days. Like, if you've ever. If you get bored and you have like a 20 terabyte hard drive one day, download the bitcoin node software or like, the bitcoin QT wallet, and then start it up and make a new wallet and then just watch it start syncing. So bitcoin and every blockchain needs from the first day, they need the Genesis block. Bitcoin needs the first block from 2009. Then it needs the second block. It needs every block since the first block before it synced up. And that takes. I did it like five years ago or four years ago. It took like five days and it was like 500gb of data. Now it's. I don't even know how much it is now. It might take a week. I have no idea. But Casper doesn't need that.

Casper's Unique Requirements

All we need is the headers and the Utxo set, and then we need the last three days of blocks. So that's unusual. That's. Nobody else has that. So that's called the pruning mechanism. So where I'm going with all of these new revolutionary sub modules, they need to understand at least something about that. And they also have to understand and make sure that even though we're a fair launch, that there's no deep in our complex coding. There's no, like, secret, like, you know, billion coins were made in a secret address that nobody knows about right now. So, you know, a real tier one. They don't want to list us. And then all of a sudden somebody finds out, oh, yeah, there was an extra, you know, 780 million coins were made in this secret little address. That's really deep here, you know, which, of course there weren't, but they have to make sure.

Due Diligence and Audits

So that's cool. That goes under due diligence. They have to research the thing. And there's, you know, there's. There's. There's like, software auditing firms, like, I think Quantstamp is one. And then there's, like, certic. There's different ones. Some do smart contracts, some do the core code based node software also, but they want like 400 grand or $700,000 to dig into it, which we're not doing. But, you know, so it just makes it take longer. You know, they have to really make sure that it's as legit af. As we say it is, which it is, we know, but they don't know. They have to make sure before they turn.

List Requirements

Turn on the listing. Yeah. Yeah, because I was going to say certic. I mean, I've spoken with their people or others and I. Yeah, so, like, I was going to say someone like that should definitely represent you, but that's an egregious amount. You know, that's a really interesting consideration that it's sort of like an educational background that people need to have. I've kind of wondered this, running these spaces. It's sort of like a technical question, but does Caspa, like, interoperate with, like, the EVM? Or, like, how does that work? Like, if there's a firm like, certic that comes in that 99% of the time they're going to have to deal with my EVM smart contract, is it good enough to be posted on such and such decentralized exchange or decentralized whatever?

EVM Compatibility

You know, like, how are they. How are they supposed to understand Casper? Like, bubblegum lightning? Would you know anything about that? You know it. As of right now, there's no EVM support. but it's not to say that there won't be. I mean, there's a couple different ways smart contracts could happen, as we know, aspects working one. But there's also the potential that we could have, like, smart contracts that work on EVM or work with Ethereum. But you did bring up a good point, which is I like to hit on just to kind of, like, cover with you and Wolfie when it comes to, like, audit places like Certik and stuff.

Community Involvement

And not only do we have to, like, pay that, you know, the community has to find some money to, like, put this together and get an audit, which is, you know, nobody should do because it's just an audit. And what's going to happen is these guys are going to hop on and they're, we're going to have to educate them on how to audit us. So in a way, we're just going to be auditing ourselves because we're going to have to, you're going to have to teach them and coach them through because they don't know what they're looking at in comparison to other blockchains. And we do this, you know, quite a bit now with exchanges and dexs and stuff. Like, it's, it's a new tech.

Technological Advancements

It takes a lot of work to understand and see what's going on and you know, it's got quite the learning curve. They are making it more like institution friendly, which is awesome. So more of like, the institution standards for listings and stuff has gotten much cleaner. But if you want to really dig into the tech, these guys that are like, been in school for years and years, it's like a yemenite. I don't remember exact dates, but it's like a 20 year or ten year project that has just like, you know, manifested itself a couple years ago. So these guys, like, I've spent their whole life exclusively like, digging into the math and the work and code and, you know, getting this thing to work on the technology that we have today.

Future Learning

And, you know, that it would be safe to assume that it's also going to take people, you know, very long to learn what they have made. Even though, like, they can put out like, instructions and like, details of why they did things as they go. It's still, it's in a massive, like, technology, technological leap. So, yeah, I think it's kind of frivolous. But at the same time, I do see people like, you know, recognize brands and stuff. So, you know, there's always that brand loyalty stuff and everything. Yeah, absolutely.

Market Implications

Yeah, it's definitely something to keep an eye on. I think, personally I'm based in the US. I presume most are either here or Europe. I wish I was in Europe. I think the laws are a lot more lax there. But there's really no way to own Casper without going through uphold. That's the only one that I know you can buy at. And like, you know, the fees are really high and it's just, they're not a very well known exchange. Like, I don't know anything about them. I only know the customer experience and the fact that it's not a brand name. Right.

Customer Experience

So I'm just speaking like they could be like the best team, the best crew ever. But, you know, more. More competition and more people offering products to us customers will be massive, I think, you know. Yeah, uphold. Upholds great. Their UI is a little. It's completely different than anything else. It's unsettling, it's hard to do. But the people there are great and they've got an awesome product, a lot of liquidity. They can tap into multiple exchanges as well as their own liquidity. The fees are a little bit on the higher end, but if you want to do things cleanly as a us customer, definitely your best bet.

Future Growth

Or you could use something like tangum and swap in there. But yes, also, that's why I'm so excited about the grayscale news and for Wolfie to talk about that, because that also is a whole different floodgate for us retail and institution, in addition to things like a potential Kraken listing. So 100%. Yeah, I don't know, Jim. I haven't heard much, or Wolfie, you're welcome to take it, but I know Jim was excited. I don't know if. Jim, you had a thought? Let me just on this, let me finish this topic. And Jim, you can go 1 second.

Uphold Integration

So anyway, uphold is great if, you know, for larger investment. They have something called ascent institutional, which you don't have to be an institution to register with. So anybody looking for a large amount to OTC, some Casper can contact them, set up institutional real quick, it's not too hard. And then also, guys in the United States, now there's pionext us. We just met them several weeks ago, and they did the integration smoothly without a struggle. And they're real friendly and we did a little co marketing.

Pionex Overview

And so far they seem quite decent. So, you know, it's not really a household name, but it is. They are us registered and they're right there. You can get a little Caspa and withdraw it right to your own wallet and be safe and cozy. Is the liquidity pretty light to begin with, I assume? I would imagine, but yeah, it's there. I've heard of Pionex. I think that I know them more as a firm that offers robotic trading services in crypto. That's like.

Sui and Market Dynamics

I think their thing. I'm not sure, but yeah, okay. Yeah, that's who they are. Yeah, so I've heard of them. Very interesting. One more thing I wanted to say. Say, before we can transition to Grayscale was Christian. I really liked. You had a post the UNO reverse card with. Because you were talking about this idea of the trade between like something like bit tensor and Caspa and how it was just liquidity moving. I thought that was very interesting and like correct, because I mean, I hold several different, you know, investments and I thought that made sense.

Sui Analysis

So I don't know if you have any thoughts on that. Yeah, sure. One thing I do want to say is the SEC regulation on these poor crypto exchanges from the US has been completely egregious, and I hope that changes soon. I've actually spoken to some US exchanges about Caspa just at a conference, and they're familiar with it. There are some exchanges who literally cannot list anything right now just because of the political situation around crypto in the US. So that's just some food for thought for everyone, as it specifically pertains heavily to Caspa as well as many other projects.

Bit Tensor and Caspa

But, yeah, to answer your question. Bit. Tensor and Caspa seem to be through socials, something that a lot of people buy in conjunction. I'm definitely a fan of the bit tensor project. I definitely took a lot of profits and put it back into Caspa and Okta when it was higher up. I think this. The. This latest move is definitely very surprising and was rapid. I do think it's. I think Jim attested to this as well.

Market Trends

It's kind of correcting back up from 70% lows, kind of right now, 2020, 5% off all time highs, which is where Caspa is. It's funny, and this is a good segue for to get into Jim, to talk about the charts and. And macro here, but it's funny because, you know, Caspa was making new all time highs the entire nine months that bitcoin was down in sideways. And it's like, you know, Casper goes to the 0.120.13 area and everyone's ripping their hair out, but it's only 20 to 25, 30% at the worst, below all time high, which many altcoins are nowhere near that.

Market Comparisons

And in fact, Caspa was the closest crypto to its all time high for a majority of the nine month sideways action. It's just crazy when there's a 10% red day, everyone pulls their hair out and freaks out. Load up. Just load up. Yeah. Jim, I'll hand it over to you to tell us what you're seeing in the charts and what your outlook is these next six to nine months in terms of the crypto market.

Market Sentiment

Yeah, sure. I mean, yeah, I mean, I'm still bullish, of course. I have no crystal ball, and I don't claim to know the future, but I'm just following through on my strategy, which, you know, was to just get into what I believed in, you know, at the lows of the bear market. And then just because maybe it's my own bias, having seen a few cycles and just in my head, I think that eventually bitcoin's gonna make new highs significantly higher than its previous all time highs it has done in the past.

Trading Strategies

And so I just prefer to kind of, like, get into the market at the lows and then just wait till bitcoin is significantly higher. And I think that's the best time. And the rest in the middle is just kind of chopped to me, that's just my own style. So that's my outlook. I mean, as far as the day to day, I mean, I'm just a, I'm just, I just nerd out on the charts anyway. And I probably spend too much time looking at them. But lately it's just been pretty boring.

Current Market Conditions

And I think everybody's also feeling that just because Casp has been very sideways, bitcoin's been very sideways and, yeah, like some things are, were very suppressed for a long time. I guess, like, bitten, sir, fell a lot. I'm not looking at my computer right now, but, yeah, it had a big drop, and now it's kind of coming back up very quickly and violently. So, I mean, each of their own, it could continue higher, but also maybe sometimes when things go up very fast, they also can fade from some, at some point.

Caution in Trading

You know, I mean, I don't want to get too technical just to, without referencing a chart, necessarily, that people can lay their eyes on and bore people. But, yeah, I would just be careful chasing pumps. For me, Caspa has been going sideways for quite a while, and I think it's a better time if you have conviction on something to get in at a moment when it's more boring. So that's kind of how I see it.

Caspa's Performance

And I think that's has the higher odds of working out if you're someone who's trying to trade or find a right, the right time to acquire something. And it's still correct that Casp has only made higher highs and higher lows to this point. Yeah, it's still. And it's an, it's in its entire existence, which is rare for any sort of altcoin. Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Chart Trends

I mean, the chart looks super healthy. I think it's just like a time based capitulation, and people are just getting very bored. But again, yeah, I mean, people just want to chase the shiny object, you know, whatever's pumping. Like, what is it? And then that's. That's why the big green candles come in, because they see Casper starting to go up, and then everyone.

Market Psychology

Fomo's back in. That's how you get those, you know, 100% gains in a week or two. Like, it's not just new buyers, it's people fomoing back in. Yeah. And, you know, like, what is it, Sui? That's. That's, the hot token right now. Like, I think maybe it's putting in some new highs at the moment. but I'm not sure. It was fair launched.

Centralization Concerns

Right. It probably has big Vc backend. Right? Big VC. It's a centralized thing, like Solana. Yeah, they are. I mean, they were. I mean, it's kind of like bait. You know, with their. Their events. Sui was definitely the. They were throwing stuff around, and then after Singapore, it pumped a lot. That's exactly Solana's playbook. They had, like, Solana Summer.

Influencer Impact

They sent all the influencers packages. And then you see all these big influencers just casually posting bullish charts. And it's always these projects. They're getting paid, they're getting there, but they don't shill it. They just post the chart. Yeah. And some sort of bullish spin on it. And I see it like clockwork. And that's why.

Why Casper Stands Out

That's why I love Casper, man, because these. These other coins, they're missing the whole point of crypto. And they're just an organization and a company that's marketing to sell the coins to people. They're an operating company that's under the guise of selling a new asset, when really it's just a product that helps their operating company.

Sui's Marketing Strategy

It's. Yeah. So Sue's a perfect example. It was launched. It was launched out of. Let me look at the market cap. So I want to get back to the Casper combo. But one quick thing on Sui is there. I mean, I knew about it below a dollar. Well below a dollar. And, you know, there was. There was a youtuber who at the time, I don't think he, like, he just had a genuine take on it, who we've been in contact with trying to get him on.

Market Insights on Sui

He's from Taiwan. And just, like, great takes on it's going to be a good technology. Like, I won't dispute that Solana is a good technology, but if you look at the full diluted value of it's like when the money flows in, all of a sudden now there's just a ton more coins, so it's, like, crazy. The full FTV goes down when the price goes up.

Perceived Value

Like, that just doesn't make sense. Yeah, but most people don't know that. Yeah, it's coordinated, and it's like you're gambling as opposed to if you actually did your research. It's like thermodynamics. It's thermodynamically sound. If everyone knows the monetary policy beforehand. Well, it's also, you know, we've seen with fair launch projects you think of.

Fair Launch Models

I mean, bittenter is even one of them, but Okta and namely Caspa there's none of that going on. So bitcoin is the king of collateral, the king of capital. When it makes its big moves like it did last late fall, winter, it brings everything with it. Bitcoin's a rising sea that lifts all the boats. Does that last forever? I don't know, but people forget that.

Bitcoin's Influence

And that's why I wasn't expecting Caspa right now to make a new all time high past $0.20 while bitcoin was ranging.

The Nature of Casper's Market Dynamics

But to my point, that's why Casper pumps so hard is because there's no. There's no vc's to sell to you. There's no additional coins to sell to you outside of what's being mined. Yeah, absolutely. It's a. Yeah, it's exactly what it is. People just need to do their research. Yeah. So Jim, I wanted to get back to you on Caspa. And if. Is there any kind of like. Can you kind of give us like a rundown of the grayscale thing or you know, some of the more bigger players getting involved like that?

Grayscale's Interest in Caspa

yeah, I mean. Well, I mean, I know Wolfie talked directly to them. Right. So I mean he might. He might have a lot to say. But. But I. I mean obviously it's. It's. It's good news. I think that. I mean, it's just interesting that when you look at the currencies that they offer, grayscale offers different sectors. Right. They also have other things that aren't necessarily like l one currencies. But of the quote unquote cryptocurrencies that they offer, Caspa is like the only. Looks to be the only one that they have introduced in years. Because everything else that they have is pretty much like super old school dino coins. Like bitcoin cash obviously, bitcoin litecoin, and. Stuff like that. So super old school stuff. And it's at least nice to see they're not just listing quote unquote cryptocurrencies indiscriminately.

The Uniqueness of Caspa in Grayscale's Offerings

And. So it's nice to see that they chose Caspa to consider. So that I think that says a lot right there. And they do have. They have some other stuff in other sectors as well. But yeah, as far as quote unquote currencies go, Caspa is the only fresh one that it looks like that they're considering. And it'll just bring more. More eyes and. Yeah. More accessibility if they choose to list that. And I think that. I think that's fine. I mean it's all good. It's just more adoption and. And as far as, you know, as an investment and each of their own. If people feel better about using grayscale, they can use grayscale. Yeah. Wolfie, do you want touch on that real quick for us?

Connecting with Grayscale

Yeah, sure. So, yeah, these nice people at Grayscale, they were brought to us through Kefde, the Caspa ecosystem foundation. So, you know, on this plane, even though it's a, you know, it's a. It's a us entity, it's difficult for me because I'm not from traditional finance. So I don't have any. Any, you know, fantastic tools for connecting to, you know, some of the monstrous entities here in the United States, other than trying to meet them at a trade show like a con, a crypto conference, or reaching out through the traditional methods, like going to their website, looking for the phone number, you know, going through business databases and looking for people that work there on LinkedIn or something like that.

Cultural Differences in Business Practices

So it was neat, though, because obviously China and the Asian, that's a whole different playing field with their own business customs and traditions and their own channels of communication and connections. So. So grayscale actually came to us through the kef. So they were the ones who had the initial contact and where grayscale expressed interest in having a Zoom meeting. I started off, and then they started asking some more technical questions. So we brought the magic wizard shy in to answer. The grayscale person was very curious. One of their tech people was curious about, how do we include orphans? How do you actually do that in 1 second? How does, like, all the nodes in the world know about these? You know what I mean? So I can tell them like, dude, they're wizards, bro, it just works.

Technical Conversations with Grayscale

But, you know, that wasn't the answer they exactly wanted to hear. So I got shy in there, and then shy told them the actual answer, and then they were satisfied, you know. So, yeah, they still have more stuff. I gave them some documents, like due diligence, stuff about how it was a fair launch and some of the early screenshots about, you know, the dude, you know, the mining and algo and, you know, the initial distribution of. To the miners, how it was going when it was 500 coins per block reward, and then the reduction to 440 coins, the first reduction and stuff like that. And so they're chewing on the data and, you know, they put us up there as a potential, so there's no guarantee, but they're at least expressing interest, and that's very exciting, you know, and they're not, you know, they're not the only game in town when it comes to this type offering.

The Competitive Landscape in Crypto Investments

You know, there's other monsters out there. Everybody knows the Blackrock ETF, is huge for bitcoin and also fidelity. And there's vanak, and there's ark, Kathy wood. So none of those people do, I know, directly or those companies. But, usually, like, you know, when McDonald's starts doing something, then Burger King starts and Wendy starts and, you know, in n outs doing it, like. So in a general way, all of these, you know, similar, similar platforms and businesses try, you know, they copy each other. They try to see the trend and make sure they're up to snuff, you know, keeping up with the Joneses.

Technical Insights and Community Reactions

What did they do? They raise their eyebrows or, like, anything particular about the technology? You know, I forget. I mean, the main thing they were amazed about, you know, the one block per second. And they, like, you know, the proof of work and stuff like that it's, you know, fair launch. And by now, I mean, people like that must have heard, like, it's just like bitcoin, except better. They must have heard that, you know, 10,000 times a year for the last ten years or whatever. But, But in our case, it's actually true. I mean, if somebody's saying something, if people are always saying something, eventually somebody's probably going to be telling the truth, right?

The Unique Proposition of Caspa

So my. My super elevator, my one sentence elevator pitch when. When the elevator door is about to open and someone asked me about Caspa, I now tell them, I go, it's like. It's like the turbo grandson of bitcoin. That's all you need to know. Yeah, no, so, like, my journey with Casper was, I knew about it a long time ago. I knew about it at a price that was so low that it makes me sad that I didn't, like, do the due diligence to acquire it. Like, just. I mean, it was earlier I'd heard rumblings of it, but I never really got into it. This past summer, you know, obviously, I'm doing this, these spaces and such, and I once again, like, came across Caspa and was like, yeah, no, it's very interesting.

Personal Reflections on Caspa

Everything I could find about it seemed like it checks out, honestly, like bubblegum lightning. It's great to have you on this space. I think there's that forum that you run, or you're like, the moderator of, and that's something I definitely took a look at a bunch of other things, but it wasn't until I was on these spaces with Christian, shy and e all. And I got to as. And I'm a bitcoiner, by the way. I'm a to, like, a person. Like, personally, I'm a bitcoiner. I got to, like, grill them on, like, a variety of different things. and they were able to answer it, like, so well.

Grilling the Caspa Team

Like, I'm not technical to the depths that they are, but I know bitcoin very well. And I was grilling them on, like, nodes and syncing the nodes across large geographies and block finality. And it was just so interesting because it's basically like, if you understand it, they've taken a linked list, which is the bitcoin. Just a linked list. One to the next, to the next. That settles every ten minutes, which has a ton of benefits and other ideas. There's a ton of benefits for that. But they've taken that and they've thrown this dag architecture on it, which is a graph that goes in one direction, achieves the same thing.

Understanding DAG Architecture

It goes faster. I wouldn't argue that it's necessarily scalable, but it's more precise is the way. I'd argue two directions. Two directions? What do you mean? Like, you can write horizontally and vertically. It's. Yeah, it's got an extra dimension. Okay. So. But the whole idea is that the dag stand is like, it can't. It can't circle back on itself, right? Correct. It can't circle back. So it travels. Travels from left to right. If you look at the visualizer, however, as the load increases, and the more people that are like, making blocks, it'll. It'll get wider.

Scalability and Performance Insights

So when I say wider, you. It stacks more blocks vertically, and that allows for, you know, more scalability at the same speed. I see what you're saying, christian. Yeah, I was saying a graph. Yeah, like a graph in computer tech architecture is like 2d. Yeah, that's what I meant, but, yeah, like, if you're able to grill those guys on it and they answer so well, like, how can you not be convinced? Just so interesting. But, yeah, I don't know, Christian, do you have any more thoughts on it? No, I think people, they get impatient, and there's a lot that's being done.

Progress and Patience in Development

The build is relentless on Caspa, but I think people forget just ghost stag in general, just what we talked about. The meat and potatoes of Caspa is what makes Caspa so revolutionary and all the development on Caspa is great, and all the industrial development is amazing, but the value is in the meat and potatoes. And I think some people forget what a breakthrough Caspar already is. Yeah, absolutely. Nick, if you don't mind, just real quick piggybacking to what you guys commented on earlier with regard not to go into other stuff like SuI, but when you mentioned the FDV, the fully diluted valuation of SuI, I hadn't looked at that before, but I just looked because you mentioned it.

Market Insights and Comparisons

And the current market cap of Sui is 6 billion, and the fully diluted market cap is 22 billion. So that's like over three times of what it's currently worth, which is. So there's a lot of coins or tokens, whatever it is, that still have to come into circulation. And then, interestingly, if you look at Caspa, the current market cap is 3.36 billion and the fully diluted market cap is 3.87. So 3.36 versus 3.87. And that's because Caspa is almost already fully emitted versus something like Sui that has tons of coins that still need to unlock. So when something like that's going vertical and it has VC's in it, you have to wonder, like, how it's going to pan out in the end.

The Risks of Venture Capital Involvement

Well, the VC's are also antsy to sell when they get those unlocks versus something that's fair launch long term holders are more randomized and unlikely to just sell at one point in time. It's also. It's also not proof of work either. No, it's not. Yeah, it's not so correct. Yeah. And another point to your point, Jim, is that if you looked like. I don't know if you can go back in time, but, like, the part I was trying to articulate is that the acceleration of new tokens in the last few months is crazy.

Tokenomics and Market Sentiment

So not only has the price gone up, but there have been more tokens released. Like, there were. I want to say that it was at 10% this past, like. Like six months ago, it was at 10%. And so now a rapid increase to 30%. It's just. It's crazy. I don't know. I haven't looked into their tokenomics, to be fair, but it's just so much hype and. Really? Yeah, it's just. It's just a gentle reminder to be cautious and that, like, you're kind of playing with fire if you partake in stuff like that.

Caution in a Volatile Market

Like, it may, you know, it may continue higher, but you just have to be careful not to get caught holding the bag or buying coins from VC's that are just dumping on their next unlock indiscriminately, like every unlock, you know? Excellent. Yeah. Also, guys, I wanted to just toss in here some, like, fundamental or just almost more like philosophical reasons. But to me, like, I'm a big fan of truth and reality and, like, legit as f ness of things.

Philosophical Reflections on Crypto Projects

And when you think of any of those type of corporation coins or projects, right, like, how did they come into existence? So a bunch of guys with suits on, probably because I don't like that too much myself. I'm not a suit guy. Not that people who wear suits are all bad, but you know what I'm talking about. So anyway, suit guys get together. Let's have a meeting. Let's start a company. What should we. We want to make money. What should we do? Okay, well, AI is kind of hot.

Critique of Motivations in Crypto

Crypto is kind of hot. Let's start a crypto. Yeah. All right, bro. Let's get marketing. Let's make a bitch and name, and then we'll get some wizard guys to type out some. We'll make like, 20 servers and they'll all talk to each other. How many coins should we make? Okay, we're going to sell this many. And then I want to get this super yacht. It's 140ft long. So, okay, we need this many. And then, we're going to call it this. We're going to promise that, and we're going to make up some buzzwords, that sound really cool. And then we're going to hire all these influencers.

Genuine Efforts Versus Corporate Interests

So, like, the motivation isn't to, like, make something that helps anyone, it's to make something that helps them. Right? So that's the one side. Then on the other side, Casper world. The. The real deal type of thing that's really from, progress and historic and amazing and people with, you know, integrity and gifts from, you know, gifts of, that are astounding. You have somebody like Yonit and Sampolinski and Michael Sutton and Ori and shy, these fantastically gifted people that are the best.

Recognition of Talent in Caspa's Development

Best in the world. That's. That's not even debatable. Okay, and then, so Yonatan, look at Jonathan, his dad. What's Yonatan come from? dad won the brain prize. It's. It sounds like something you would see in, like, a comedy show. It's so unbelievably fantastic. His father's from Harvard University. He won. It's called the Brain prize. It's for the best research that year in brain chemistry and brain stuff in general. He won the prize. It's a global award.

Legacy and Ambitions of Innovative Minds

It's the most prestigious prize for brain research in the world. Jonathan's dad won last year. So Jonathan comes from super wizard Land and Jonathan's motivation is he wants to do 100 blocks per second. He found bitcoin back in 2012 and hes like, this is cool for the Internet, but its so slow. Why does Internet money take ten or 20 or 30 or 45 minutes to send? It should be like everything else on the Internet. So he became mildly obsessed with, I can make it faster.

Vision and Goals for Caspa

I want it to be like everything else on the Internet, instant. I want it to be instant, you know. And he got to one block per second and now our testnet has been running at ten blocks per second for the last nine months and hes going for 100. Thats what he was put here, among other things, to make 100 blocks per second. And he believes it and we believe it and it's going to happen. You know, so that's, I'm, I can get behind something like that more than a shiny company with cool marketing department.

Commitment to Innovation Over Hype

Like, that's nonsense, dude. Who's. It doesn't mean they can't go up for some point in some amount of time. Of course they can. They are and they do. But, but it's not something I believe in. And I can, you know, like dedicate. Like the majority of my day goes to volunteering for Caspa at seven days a week. Like I'm in my office right now. It's Saturday. I'm walking around in circles in my office talking about Caspa. And I love it because I believe in it.

Dedication to the Caspa Ecosystem

But, you know, I wouldn't do that for a paycheck. Who's going to do what I'm doing for a paycheck for Sui or something? Nobody. Yeah, no, we're all with you. I mean, especially like, I mean, I come from the background of bitcoin and to be honest, you know, Casper's amazing and I mean, I think the technology is amazing. I think it's going to do a lot just because of all the reasons you've said there's no counterparty risk for some guy wants that 140 foot yacht on the, on wherever, you know, like that's so funny because that's, I mean, that's viable.

Marketing Perspectives on Bitcoin and ETFs

That's probably what's going on. And, you know, from a marketing perspective, I mean, know a little bit about marketing and these people. Like, I'm saying people in general, they try and build acceleration when they market. So they just blast it out there and it's the only thing you can hear about. And then the price goes up. It's like, intuitively, anyone who knows that that's not something that's going to last very long. And back to what, like bitcoin right now is breaking Wall Street. I mean, these ETF's are accumulating so much money. Like we've spoken to. We've had Hunter Horsley from bitwise on. We've had Matt Hogan from bitwise on as well. And they're going to like, huge institutions and galas, fundraisers for those guys in suits who they want the 140 foot yacht, but they like, are a little scared to, you know, go put the Suey together.

Investments in Bitcoin and Future Outlook

So they want to find an investment and they're pitching on bitcoin basically, just because, you know, the ETF's are. And the ETF's are going to accelerate and all these different things. I mean, I think everything is going to go way up. Yeah, but with that being said, you know, we're coming up on the hour here. I'm okay with going over a few minutes, but, you know, Nick, I haven't gotten you into this conversation. I wanted to give you some mic time here. I know you're definitely a builder. I know you're really involved with Caspa. I know you're up to a lot of things. Always so wanted to pass it over to you if you had anything.

Importance of Founders in the Crypto Space

Yeah, I mean, on my end, I do want to kind of reiterate what Wolfie was talking about. I think quality of founders is very important in a space where you have a lot of people who are either just straight up like scam artists, which has big, you know, it's given the space a very bad rep. But then you also have a lot of people who, while they're not necessarily, like, trying to scam people, they are just in it for the money. They're, you know, the suit people, like he said, these corporate types who they're just looking at, this is their kind of bubble. This is where they can make a bunch of money, get out quick, go buy themselves a big giant yacht. And we're talking about people here who, yeah, they want to buy the 140 foot yacht, but they've already got the 80 foot yacht.

Quality of Projects Emerging from Academia

And it's like, yeah, that's not necessarily the motivation you want behind your project. And with Yonathan, he's an academic, and I've spent most of my time within this space, specifically in the student space, looking at a lot of these projects that are coming out of the universities, they tend to be of much higher quality. When you have professors and researchers, university academics that are involved. And Jonathan specifically, you can go back. It's well documented. He was there in the early days of bitcoin, before it was really about money, or at least making a bunch of money for those people. For them, it was about the vision and about a better future, a better way to do money. And that was something that he very clearly bought into.

Vision for Improvement in Bitcoin

He supported that idea, and he wanted to improve bitcoin beyond what kind of existed. And he laid out his vision for it in the go stag paper. And that paper kind of inspired the space as we see it today. You really see, like, I mean, even Vitalik, he cites the go stag papers. Like, that is the thing that made him decide to start Ethereum. So a lot of what we have today, if you go back and look at the lore of it, Yonathan is one of these founding fathers of this space. But I don't think he gets a lot of people talking about him because he's not flashy. He's not going around chilling and talking to people.

Community Contributions in Crypto Development

He's really just out there building and working, making something that he thinks is going to make the world a better place, revolutionize the way that we do money and do it in a more fair way. So I very much appreciated that vision. And, you know, that's why I've spent, you know, some of my time, you know, working with the team at Caspa and trying to help onboard people. I mean, I spent probably over a year just nonstop bothering the poor guys at Marathon digital, you know, telling them, you know, you guys, you got to look at Caspa. It's, it's great. You know, it aligns very well with your values.

Building Connections and Opportunities

Exactly. You know, what their team had always communicated to me that they're looking for within a project. And, you know, I didn't necessarily think anything would ever come of it. But, you know, one day the VP reached out to me. He was like, hey, can you connect me with the team? So I connected him with Wolfie, and, you know, a few months later, they publicly announced they'd start mining Caspa and, you know, marathon digital. They spent their entire, like, existence. They were only bitcoin. That was like their whole thing. They were exclusively bitcoin, Maxis. They were never going to do anything else.

The Shift Towards Caspa by Institutions

So for them to be willing to consider something else to look at Caspa, I think demonstrates the quality and value that's there. And that's kind of what has interested me the most. And now I'm at PI squared, I'm the ecosystem lead there, and we're looking to build multi language support and bring the ability to write smart contracts to any ecosystem, any l one, in whatever language you want. Caspa is very unique in the sense that it's not this company that we have to go negotiate with. It's community driven.

Expanding Developer Accessibility in Crypto

And so I think Caspa is in a good position to utilize something like that where they can bring in all of these traditional web two developers and all of these existing web three developers. If you know how to code in JavaScript, python, typescript, rust, solidity, any language, you would be able to go and write smart contracts and whatever you're most comfortable with and open up the doors to the web two people who, they see a lot of promise in this space, but they don't want to necessarily dedicate the time. They don't feel like the job prospects are worth risking putting a couple years into learning solidity.

Bridging the Gap Between Web Two and Web Three

We want to open up those doors to people. And so I think something like Caspa, it's been kind of on the radar for us. We're working on the rust integration now and hoping to bring multi language support to everyone. And so that's a conversation that we look forward to having with the community on kind of talking them, demonstrating what it truly looks like to work with a community project, because I don't think a lot of companies really take those people seriously. So it's a kind of vision and a mindset that I hope to kind of bring to our team and hopefully inspire others to look more seriously at Caspa and other more community driven teams.

The Achievements of Caspa and Its Community

So that's kind of my thinking on everything. Yeah, that's awesome, Nick. I think it's amazing your commentary on Caspa. Didn't know you were the connect there with marathon. Appreciate. Appreciate the service there for the community and, yeah, looking forward to seeing what you guys do at PI Square. That's, that's awesome. Christian, do you have anything? No, I just. I just think that this is what's beautiful about Caspa, is everyone just pitches in how they can. There's no expectations of anybody, truly, just the best of humanity in crypto form.

Viewing Caspa as a Model for Crypto Development

Yeah, absolutely. Bubblegum, you've been a little quiet. Wanted to get your thoughts on, like, what are your, I mean, you're the Caspa book guy, you're the moderator guy, you're all over the community. Heard so much about you. Where, where do you want to see, like Casper go in a development and technical standpoint going forward? Do you have any insights? Yeah, actually I would love to see Castle become the role model for crypto. It's kind of like bitcoin was created, had this great ethos, but then as things started developing and tradfi started getting involved and stuff, they brought the whole corporate vibe. The suits guys, as you were mentioning, which are all really recognizable features, people on the outside are looking into crypto on the inside and they're used to the tradfi and they used to having suits and CEO's and stuff.

Preserving Decentralization in Cryptocurrency

They hop in the space and they go and try to identify the same exact thing in crypto and it's completely like the wrong way to go about it. One of the big founding things about crypto is decentralization and if you have to identify behind one guy, that doesn't sound very decentralized. So I would like to see more people take this fair launch ethos and see that it can be successful. Like when you fair launch you can like make a very successful project that has this longevity and outshines in a way that even like the greatest VC and marketing struggles with. I would like to see more of that because in this space when we start doing stuff like VC's and stuff, it's really detrimental to adoption in itself.

Addressing Concerns About VC Influence

It's a big turn off. You say you're college kid and you're discovering crypto and you want to invest and you go and find this coin. You think it's awesome. You know, you do like that surface level of research and you dump your life savings into it and then the VC cashes out and buys a yacht. Like that kid's crushed. Like we just screwed them over and that's kind of dangerous. We don't want that. What we want is to have this full adoption and to, you know, build wealth together. On top of that, we don't take control of the finance market again. So some of these things are just really detrimental on the like, you know, the corporate VC side of things.

Inspiring Others Through Caspa's Example

So I'd like to see more people like look up to Caspa and try to model off of it. And I have seen it like there's a couple projects that like emulated our fair launch and you also have like a bunch of people starting to fork the block tag. So I want to see that keep expanding and building outward. We really need to restore what crypto is here for. And decentralized it. Decentralized? Well, it's pretty much the trilemma, right. That's the ultimate goal. We want to exceed on every aspect of the trilemma. And really, if we get a ton of people involved, we really need to focus on growth as a crypto whole.

The Numbers Game in Finance and Crypto

If we get enough people involved, everybody's going to have to, like, accept it at some point. Like, it's. It's a, it's a factor of numbers. So if we get so many people in the world on it, like, there's. The government will be smaller than us, right? So they have to, they'll have to cater to the new ways of finance. And, I think that should be the primary growth, is really trying to bring people in and prep people up and let's get this finance situation fixed. it's going to take time, of course. It's a monstrous thing that has taken hundreds of years to develop.

The Evolution and Future of Currency

Like finance has. Like the US dollar, for instance. Like, we've been trading things since the dawn of man till now. So, I mean, it's going to take time and work and effort, but we definitely need to refocus and get back on growing and recruiting people, bringing them in, educating them, and, yeah, using crypto to buy stuff and, you know, not have to pay all these middleman and other, you know, nonsense things or, like, try to invest, and then all you did was buy somebody else's boat. Yeah, yeah, no kidding.

Absurdities in Current Financial Systems

I mean, it's a, it's absurd. And so, like, one of the best ways, in my opinion, to get the populace, like the mass populace to wake up and understand this is for them to study, like the central bank and like, to study the dollar. Like you were saying that you mentioned the dollar. Study the dollar over the last hundred years and understand how much it's changed. Right? Like, they used the deflation scare of 1907 to establish the central bank in 1913. Well, the whole purpose of that was settling payments over long distances in a time where low bandwidth communication was difficult, wasn't viable.

Historical Context of Monetary Policy

Like, you know, if you needed to send money, to withdraw money and then go to another bank, that bank were to trust you. They can't communicate bank to bank. And then they said it caused deflationary scales. They established a central bank. People have to study this kind of history and come to this realization. And then one thing I'll say about the proverbial college students is it's very interesting because ideally the SEC should be doing their job. It's absurd at this point for these VC's to be doing this kind of stuff.

The Role of Regulation in Cryptocurrency

I mean, they're doing it for sure is absurd because the SEC is like, oh, I'm not going to regulate anything. They're just turning a blind eye to this. And a very interesting perspective. I heard from a secretary of state, from a state that we met at the bitcoin conference. I just want to keep him like private. He's also writing a lot of the, I forget the term for like when a lawyer writes a like opinion for a case, it starts with an a. Can't remember it, but he's writing basically to the Federal Reserve saying that they need to allow bitcoin banks to exist.

Challenging the Current Banking System

They need to allow fully reserved banks that don't need to be backed by the FDIC, that don't need to have like OCC licensing to exist. Because what's going on now that many people don't know about is they're choke pointing businesses that banks that are friendly to bitcoin and presumably crypto. So he was telling me and our team that, you know, they're not allowing, you know, bitcoin or they're not allowing this, they're not going to regulate it because they would rather have no rulebook and just enforce whatever they want.

The Need for Reform in Monetary Policies

It's, it's basically a racketeer. It's a protection racket. You know, it's like, okay, do whatever you want. But then at some point we're just going to make a decision and, you know, this is like a rant that kind of went off. But, you know, like this stuff needs to. This stuff needs to change. And I hope that we can kind of make that heard with Caspa and other projects like it. Awesome. I know we're over an hour now. I think this is a great time to wrap it up.

Concluding Thoughts and Reflections

But this one was extra fun, guys. Good group of people here. Absolutely. We'll definitely be running these back. We run them probably on like a bi weekly cadence, you know, retweet the space, share it. It was a great hour. Bubblegum, I want to give you some closing. We'll run it around and do some closing thoughts. Keep them quicker as long as you'd like, but we'll try and wrap it here soon.

Takeaways and Appreciation

So I'll go to bubblegum first. Really appreciate you coming by. Yeah, absolutely. I don't have too much to close on. I just. I guess I'll repeat that the ebook is up for free for the next week or so. So if you have people that you want to introduce to Casper that's a great way to do it. It's pretty low level. It's friendly. It's not like a traditional finance book where it's dry as hell. I really did not want to do that. I wanted to make it fun and I wanted you to be able to, like, power through it.

Encouragement for Learning and Engagement

And then if it brings further questions to you, that's great because that's how we get you involved. Right. And that's how you learn more. and, yeah, it was great talking to you guys. glad to be on an x space. I've been kind of quiet this summer. I've, taken on, more responsibility at my day job. So, times been crushed. But hopefully once winter comes around, it'll slow up again and I'll be floating around online more.

Final Words of Gratitude

That's awesome. Thanks. Yeah, thanks for having me. Have a good day, guys. Thanks for coming. Keep stacking. And, I did throw up your link in the nest, so everyone should go to the nest, check it out, and you can get bubblegums book for free for a week. Nick, want to pass it to you. Some closing thoughts. Really appreciate you coming by, man.

Excitement for the Future

Yeah, I appreciate you guys having me. Good to see the casper team again and look very forward to what the future holds. It's a great team. They're working on some really good stuff and they're working on it for the right reasons. So excited to continue to work with them and help them build a better future. Absolutely. Jim, passing it to you.

Community and Knowledge Sharing

Yeah, thanks for having me. It was a good chat with everybody. And cheers to everybody who's still passionate and still dropping knowledge regardless of what price is doing because of what Wolfie spoke to, that we'd rather support something that is actually on a mission for good. And so. Yeah, yeah. Cheers to everybody. Thanks for the good chat, and we'll catch you next time.

Closing Remarks from Community Leaders

Absolutely. Thanks for coming by, Jim. Wolfie, throw it to you. And then Christian. Yeah. Hey, man, it's great to be on here with all these people. I love all these people. Christian's a champ dad, a super dad and a miner on the east coast there. Bubble, bubble. I love bubble. I haven't heard from Bubble for a while, but, yeah, he wrote the magic book.

Acknowledging Contributions and Anticipating Growth

Yeah, man. Which I have my copy signed here. I'm looking at it right now in my office. And then Nicholas harness is a sharp young cat. I think he's 20 or 21. He started this tremendous group of college crypto enthusiasts around the world. So that's super cool. And ski bums another east coast champion, so it's always great to appear with him and, you know, moving forward. The four year cycle, the up year.

Historical Reference to Crypto Movements

If you're a believer in what happened historically with the four year cycle of crypto and bitcoin, the up year starts November 28. So nothing's really supposed to be going up anyway until November 28 or so. That's when it's the Bartholomew, supposed to start the banana zone for a year. So that's what's happened in the past. So this is exciting to be at this part right before we're coming to see if that happens again. And, you know, Casp is legit, and we have all kinds of great stuff going on outside and viewable and then behind the scenes as well.

Encouraging Future Participation and Learning

So stay tuned and thanks for being part of the deal. Thanks for inviting me, Wolf. Web three, always a pleasure to be on something with you. You have a great show. Thank you, Wolfie. Fun here, Wolfie. Yeah, this is an awesome space. Just super fun to see the collective network effects and the web of community coming together to contribute to Caspa in various ways.

Optimism for the Journey Ahead

And just excited to be on this journey in cyberspace with you guys. Particularly excited for the next year, progress on Caspa mixed with that banana zone bull market. It will not be a boring year this next 365 days. Yes, that's for sure. Yeah, do what you got to do, guys. All right, this was a great space. Went a little over, but always enjoy these.

Gratitude for Participation

Catch all the spaces on this channel every single day. And, yeah, gonna end it now. But thank you guys for your time.

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