Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space The 2024 OLYMPIC CLOSING CEREMONY hosted by Lulu_cowboys. In the rich tapestry of personal narratives, the space delves into the fusion of regional pride, family heritage, and sports allegiances. Themes of identity, belonging, and emotional connections weave through heartfelt stories, highlighting the profound impact of embracing roots and cherished team loyalties. Through shared experiences and familial ties, the conversation paints a vibrant picture of how sports affiliations serve as pillars of identity and community unity. The discussion resonates with the essence of self-expression through the lens of regional pride, family legacies, and the emotional tapestry created by sports fandom.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How does personal history influence the sense of identity in the discussion?
A: Personal history is highlighted as a foundational element shaping individual identity and connections.

Q: What role do sports team affiliations play in personal narratives?
A: Sports team affiliations are portrayed as integral components of personal identity and emotional attachments.

Q: In what ways do familial ties contribute to the theme of regional pride?
A: Familial ties are depicted as significant contributors to the theme of regional pride and personal legacy.

Q: How are sports allegiances intertwined with expressions of loyalty?
A: Sports allegiances are intricately linked with expressions of loyalty, fostering emotional connections and a sense of belonging.

Q: What aspects of personal stories emphasize the fusion of regional pride and sports loyalty?
A: Personal stories underscore the intricate fusion of regional pride, familial bonds, and the influence of sports team allegiances.

Q: Why is the intersection of regional pride, family, and sports significant in personal narratives?
A: The intersection of regional pride, family heritage, and sports allegiances adds layers of complexity and richness to personal storytelling.

Q: How do shared interests like sports teams enhance bonds within families and communities?
A: Shared interests such as supporting sports teams foster stronger bonds within families and communities, creating shared experiences and connections.

Q: What emotions do symbols of sports loyalty evoke in the conversation?
A: Symbols of sports loyalty evoke feelings of pride, camaraderie, and belonging, shaping personal narratives and connections.

Q: What insights do personal anecdotes provide about the intertwining themes of regional pride and familial ties?
A: Personal anecdotes offer insights into how regional pride and family connections intersect, influencing personal memories and identities.

Q: How do shared sports affiliations transcend individual experiences and foster community ties?
A: Shared sports affiliations transcend individual experiences, uniting communities through collective pride and shared allegiances.


Time: 00:06:10
Embracing Regional Roots Discussing the importance of embracing one's heritage and roots in personal narratives.

Time: 00:12:25
Family Legacy and Emotional Bonds Exploring the impact of family legacy and emotional attachments on personal storytelling.

Time: 00:20:45
Sports Fandom and Personal Identity Analyzing how sports fandom contributes to one's sense of identity and belonging.

Time: 00:30:15
The Influence of Symbolic Loyalty Examining the emotional influence of symbolic loyalty to sports teams on personal narratives.

Time: 00:36:40
Interconnected Narratives of Belonging Unveiling the interconnected narratives of belonging shaped by regional pride and sports affiliations.

Time: 00:42:55
Fusion of Heritage, Family, and Sports Delving into the fusion of heritage, family bonds, and sports allegiances in personal stories.

Time: 00:50:20
Community Unity Through Sports Illustrating how shared sports interests foster unity and community bonds.

Time: 00:57:30
Emotional Resonance of Team Loyalty Exploring the emotional resonance and significance of loyalty to sports teams.

Time: 01:05:10
Personal Narratives of Identity Sharing personal narratives that reflect the intersections of identity, family, and sports affiliations.

Time: 01:12:45
Collective Pride Through Sports Highlighting the collective pride and connections formed through shared sports affiliations.

Key Takeaways

  • The significance of embracing one's roots and personal history is evident throughout the conversation.
  • Themes of family legacy and sports fandom play a crucial role in shaping individual experiences and connections.
  • Expressions of loyalty to sports teams serve as a source of identity and emotional connection.
  • The blend of regional pride, familial bonds, and sports allegiances showcases a multifaceted approach to self-expression.
  • Personal stories reveal intertwined narratives of belonging, remembrance, and the influence of cherished team affiliations.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Mute Transition

Hey, Lily. Hey, Jarvis. I'm coming off the escalator. I'm gonna go on mute, and until I get away from the noise, I can do this bill at the end of the show if you want, if that's okay.

Discussing Ceremony Plans

Yeah, I was thinking, like, I could get it started. And I'll talk about, you know, the top, like, the hot topics. We'll talk about my, you know, experience and then. Have you watched the ceremonies yet or you're gonna be watching live on the repeat? I'm gonna be watching live. I just looked at a little bit of it. Cool. How was the game? Well, it's six. It's okay. Our rookies is not as good as they should be. And Trey Lance, I see why 49 ers, never. You're gonna love the LA part of the. Of the ceremonies. It's amazing. I actually missed the beginning. So I'll watch that for the first time and then you can comment.

Ceremony Highlights

Well, because I know the mayor is there and I heard that his face made a speech. Tom Cruise. Oh, my God. He didn't necessarily make a speech, but he was Tom Cruise. His balls off for sure. So I'm gonna. Hi, Queen Carolina. I'm gonna sign up and try to get out this building. Hi, Queen. Get out of there safely. I'm trying. It boots. Somebody in the. You know what with your boots. Oh, exactly. But you looked. Queen, you look fantastic. Queen, you slay. Okay. Get out there safely. Yeah, I'm trying to go down this escalator. Private escalator.

Discussion on Final Selections and Announcements

All right. Talk to y'all in a minute. All right, bye. Talk to y'all in a minute. We're going to. Gonna put this out to announce the bucket hat winner on the space. So I'm going to make sure the bucket hat people know. Wait a second. I've got to make sure that all this is in every room so everyone knows to. Where to go, where to be at. Okay, so we want to welcome everybody to the closing ceremonies for the Olympics. It seems like yesterday we just did the opening ceremony, so. But anyways, we're here doing the closing ceremonies, and we're thrilled to have all of you with us. So.

Starting Discussion about the Olympics

Cool. And we're going to let people pilot for a couple more minutes. Lulu is leaving Sofi, which is going to be a part of our discussion about Olympic venues. LA 28. We're going to. The space officially starts at four Pacific. So we'll give it to four Pacific to really get into the meat of it. But as you guys know, I just returned from Paris via Las Vegas, where I met Zach, and it was a really great experience. I want to share some of my experiences with you. I know we talked live the night of the opening ceremonies, which was a really cool, very wet experience for me. I was probably out of pocket on that space a little bit.

Experiences at Paris and Fashion Insight

It was, like, four in the morning, so. But then me and Lulu are going to talk about Paris fashion. I've been. I was sending her some photos in the most ridiculous fashion, but also coolest fashion I could find throughout. We talked about LA 28. She's. She's going to be watching the opening ceremonies for the, like, first time on repeat, I think. I don't know. Can we do a thumbs up from everybody that watched the ceremonies live already? I did. You did? Yes. I thought it was pretty cool, actually. I actually thought it was cooler than the opening ceremonies, just to be honest.

The Olympic Experience

I thought it was. I loved it. So I think that we should do. Spoiler alert. Rosie says thumbs up for anybody that hasn't. It ends with a really epic la sequence that just, like, leaves. Everyone shook, and then they cut back to Paris and is like, au revoir, belly. All right, so it's the top of the hour here. Anyone who entered the bucket contest, who's attending the space, gets an extra entry. Anyone who's subscribed to the newsletter gets an extra entry. Yeah. Carol, you're gonna say something. Yeah, I just was gonna say that, you know, despite the fact that there were complaints, because there's always complaints or whatever, I thought that they did a tremendous job.

Addressing Complaints and Security Concerns

Really. I mean, I'm sure that it is a security nightmare. Oh, man. You know, I'm sure that it is. But they did a fantastic job. I will give. I was so. I was actually scared when I was there that there was going to be some sort of terrorist attack. It just seems. It just seemed like a thing that would happen. Like, truly, I can say that now that it's done, really. I felt like it was just, like Paris. It's, like, fucking right there for the. For the tourists, you know?

Police Presence during the Olympics

But the french police were, like, they didn't know where anything was as far as if you asked them a question, but they were, like, absolutely locked in with, like, crazy guns. And they also had police from other countries. They'd, like south korean police, spanish police, italian police. Like, the freaking spanish police were, like, caballeros on horseback. So they did a pretty good job. Like, I think I live streamed some going through the security of, like, the. The stadium where the closing ceremonies were. They kind of have, like, an outside gate, police perimeter that, like, they do a bag check and then you go in and there's an inside, and then there's, like, by the way, there's, like, food and everything else out there.

Security Measures at the Ceremony

Then you go into the actual stadium and you go through another check and, like, a magnetometer and. But they're pretty chill. I got my laptop in and my freaking GoPro in and I was like, I did that live episode from inside the stadium, which is pretty cool. And, yeah, so I think that they could. Really couldn't have done a better job, in my opinion. Logistically. Interested to see what LA is going to do, because they say it's going to be a no car Olympics. I don't know if you guys saw that. They're vowing no cars on the roads in LA. 28 Olympics.

Public Transportation in LA 28

They're going to use all public transportation, which kind of doesn't exist here. They're. They're drilling the remainder of the metro from downtown. Like, underground metro from downtown. They're going to try to reach, like, Westwood with it by 28. They have the new above ground car. Like, you know, trains, which are pretty good. It's definitely the best way to go from, like, west LA to USC or something. They're going to borrow 3000 buses from other cities. And I just. I don't know.

Logistical Challenges for the LA Games

I think that they're gonna have to do cars with, like, frickin like, celebrities and vip's and all this stuff getting tooled around different places. Like, come on. I don't know, it just seems a little bit like maybe you have to have car passes, which is what Paris did. You could apply for a car pass and a reason that you had to drive inside a certain zone. And because of that, it was better to take cabs and, like, Uber. They have, like, a thing called bolt.

Sharing Personal Stories

So I don't know, this is just a. I'm just going through the logistics. Tell my story for the first time, Kara. Tell them what? Telling the story of a lot of this for the first time. Still processing. Because it's like a sensory overload when you're at the Olympics, between the events themselves, then, like, the areas where it's like, the fan areas and then the city is boozing. Well, I mean, just from what I was, you know, just because I wasn't there, obviously, but it just.

The Sensory Overload of the Olympics

I personally, because, you know, I always make fun of the French. It's just an american thing. But I, you know, it started off really badly with people complaining about, there's no air conditioning, there's no this, there's. No, that I actually got used to it. I realized it took me way too long to turn my air conditioning on. When I got home, I was, like, freaking. It was like Stockholm syndrome. Well, but here's the thing, though.

Addressing Air Conditioning Complaints

You knew this. People knew this, going to Paris. I mean, it's been something like you could have just gone on YouTube. I mean, just doing, you know, and they have these always. These european react. You know, YouTube's about, like, you know, the difference between America and France and America and other countries. So the fact that they were shocked that there wasn't any air conditioning was just. Was kind of weird.

Reflections on the Olympics

But I do get the point that, you know, in the village, in the Olympic village, they probably should have. Yeah, yeah, they tried very. I mean, whatever happened, the US got the most medals it's ever had since 1904. So if we have to, like, you know, if we have to sweat people out, then that's okay. But I do wonder, though, like, I mean. No, no, think about it. We probably had the advantage because our athletes could just get Amazon r non cardboard beds.

Disparities in Athlete Comfort

But if you're from frickin I don't want to even name a country, but one that, like, you just, like, they're, you know, just there using all the official stuff, you maybe are at a disadvantage from the people that can actually, like, buy air conditioning, like a lot of our people did. Well, here's another thing, too, like the. The Olympics, which was fantastic, but it did make me wonder. It makes, you know, the fact, like, in 1984, which is when we had our huge haul of.

Historical Context of the Olympics

And I remember watching this, but the Russians weren't here this time. And so it made me kind of. Wonder the Russians weren't here this time, which is a good point, because, by the way, that's why we had so many negative stories kind of coming out about the Olympics, was that, like, the russian trolls were salty that they had. What's this say? 55 athletes were competing and they couldn't compete under the russian flag.

Russian Participation in the Olympics

And by comparison, they had 330 athletes in Tokyo. And this is for a bunch of different reasons. I mean, there was, like, the pee swapping in Sochi. There was, like. I mean, several incidents, but 330 in Tokyo and 55 here. And they were competing under, like, the ain something, basically the refugee flag. So the trolls were a little bit salty about that. But then again, like, the Cubans, like, if you.

Cuban Representation

Like many of the Cubans, they were competing for other countries. And so it was just like, you know, you sat there, especially in track and field, and, you know, like, when it came to, like, high jumping or something like that, like, the top three were Cubans that were representing different countries. So, I mean, I saw some of the Russians that did compete for the other countries, but I just think that this was one of those Olympics that America was just not going to be denied.

American Dominance in the Olympics

I just. I think that the world was kind of shocked at the things that were able to do, especially. I totally agree. Yeah. Especially, like, rugby. They didn't expect us. Yeah. Let's talk about rugby. That was the event I went to, was rugby sevens, which was electric. And in the men's. In the men's rugby sevens, it went France, Fiji, South Africa, and the women's rugby sevens, it went New Zealand, Canada, and the US with the.

Highlights of Rugby Sevens

With the ladies winning the first ever medal for the US and rugby. And, of course, I went out. I don't know if anyone. I think I've told this story, but I went out and bought them a shot. Patriotic shot, the whole rugby team. But the bartender was so enthused that the rugby team was in there. Big, big, I assume russian guy, hairy guy, just rips his shirt off and all the drinks are on the house.

Celebration with the Rugby team

And it was like. It was absolutely turn up. So I always have that memory of freaking drinking with the women's rugby team after their bronze was sweet. Yeah. And, you know, the great thing about it is, though, like, you know, they're not like track and field or gymnast or whatever. Those are some big girls. I mean, you know, they. They could do damage. So it's. It just. I was so proud of them.

Representation of Women's Rugby

I'm really proud. And I'm really glad that people. A lot of people are really into rugby sevens now. I hope that. Well, rugby sevens was freaking electric to watch because there's a game every 30 minutes. It's a rolling 15 minutes game with like a two and a half minute. Like. So it's like seven. It's like. Right. It's like. What is it, caro?

Format of Rugby Sevens Matches

It's like 15 total minutes. It's like seven and a half minutes. Two and a half minute break, two minute half time, then, like seven and a half minutes or something like that. And they just keep going. It's like boom, boom. One game after another. So that was like. I actually didn't expect that. Cause I'm used to traditional rugby, which is like, a lot of, like, faces and butts, you know, situations. They had no faces and butt situations here.

Comparing Rugby Formats

Yeah. I mean, it's just, again, that. Just to highlight. It's the fastest. It's basically, they removed the slowest positions, what is considered the slowest positions, and just have the fastest position. So it's like. It's like getting rid of the defensive line and offensive line. So, in american football. And then just, boom. I'm letting you know.

Excitement of Upcoming Sevens

Just. Just having at it, which would be fun if you're really into this next year in 2025, the Hong Kong Sevens, which is something I love watching, they're always on in April, the first week of April, and then the Auckland Sevens are on. But there's us teams that you can support, United States. Like, it's the United States rugby league, so make sure to check them out.

Football Transition

But be aware that 15. The 15 side is different than rugby sevens. The 15 side is slower. It is. Let's talk about. Let's talk about the betting. Betting real quick. So, in the men's rugby sevens, the French started at plus 200, but then going into the finals had dipped to plus 550, whereas Fiji started at plus 500 and then was plus one.

Betting Insights

So they were heavily favorited, actually, and then got upset by France. Yeah, Fiji. I mean, honestly, I thought Fiji would. Would win it because they're usually. Well, they were the defending gold, they were the defending Olympic champions and they were going for a three peat. And so, well done to France because, honest to God, everyone thought Fiji was going to win, but then again, no one thought the Americans were going to win in rugby sevens.

Success of the US Women's Basketball Team

Yeah. Speaking of the Americans winning eight in a row for the us women's basketball team, 1996 to 2024, eight wins in a row. Most winningest team in olympic sport. Team sport history, which is great. The men, Steph Curry with the daggers. Four daggers in a row. Unbelievable. That would have been amazing to have been there. It was amazing just watching it, but that would have been amazing to be there to watch him, like, just, you know, really put that dagger through the front chart.

Women's Soccer Victory

It was incredible watching. It was. And then. So that. Which, by the way, was huge. As was the women's win and the women's soccer win, because we. Even though we had 126 total medals and China had 91, we tied with China at 40 golds each. So if we would have lost either. Either one of the basketball games or women's soccer, China would have beat us in the gold medal count.

Tiebreaker Scenario

But instead we tied, which is fantastic. But we won the. But we won the tiebreaker, though. Well, the tiebreaker. Yeah, we won the tiebreaker. So we actually. Because we have more total medals, but as far as looks like gold for gold, they almost had us? Yeah. See if the women's volleyball team would have just woken up.

Reflections on Women's Volleyball Performance

I don't know what the hell they were doing. I was so. I was yelling so early this morning, I was like, what are you doing? I mean, they came out with a silver. Congratulations. They were the defending Olympic champions, but well done to Italy. So they won. Well, I just thought we would have gotten a gold there, so.

Reactions to Olympic Performance

Which would have put us one over. But it's okay. We'll just have to do better in the LA. And I think La, if we thought, like, the US did a major haul here, just wait till Los Angeles. I think the american athletes will be even more hyped to be, you know, on american soil doing it. Completely agree.

Closing Thoughts

So they're doing the rerun of the US gold medal match right now. But I thought the opening ceremonies were freaking awesome, by the way, just to spoil completely spoiler for Lulu and any is it. I don't know if anyone else wants to chime in who's seen it or not seen it, or you can put your thumbs down if you haven't seen it. We won't spoil it too much. No, you're not spoiling it for me. I'm really enjoying you, too, going through it and talking about things that I missed because I was working and things that I miss because at night I'm finishing up, so I am enjoying this.

Discussion on US Outfits

Well, I do have to ask you a question. Like, Travis, like, did you like all of the US, like, uniforms and stuff? Did you think Ralph Lauren, do you think they did a fantastic job? The stuff that Ralph did, I liked, but some of the Nike stuff, I didn't think was too sweet. I don't know. Well, I don't like their closing ceremonies outfit. It's like, really?

Outfit Reactions

The motorcycle jacket. It is a little hot. Yeah. I was like. I was like, the UK. I was like, now I was like, the UK looks like, you know, they understood the assignments. I was like, I don't know who dressed the american team. I'm like, well, I mean, those jackets were 1300 euros, so maybe there's, like a cooling system in there or some crazy thing. I hope so.

Final Thoughts on Outfits

Some deodorant? No, I think that Ralph Lauren and the other designers had known about the AC and all that, I think it would. They would have went a different direction. But actually, if you put on his polo shirt. Shirt with the jeans and. Or the shorts or the skirt, that. That was a great attire. I think he did good other than that.

Expensive Athletes Jackets

But. But the jacket thing, I think if he had known about it. That wouldn't have been part of it. It was lighter than it looked, for what it's worth. But it was definitely a jacket, you know? But I like the jacket. The jacket was freaking sweet. I really wish I could have afforded a jack that jacket.

Jacket Mishap

Oh, my gosh. A lot of people is wishing that. That's on their wish list for Christmas. I did spill wine on an athlete's jacket and have to replace it, though. Oh. What? Which athlete are you allowed to divulge? I don't think I should divulge, but.

Protecting Athlete Identities

It better not be curry. You better not feel anything on curry. It better not have been Simone biles. It wasn't Simone. No, but it was one of the gymnasts. Huh? I'm not saying anything. Come on, Travis. You can do it, Travis. Give it to us.

Teasing Athlete Details

No, I don't think so. You're not bragging. We can make you feel better about it. You're just looking for tea, Lou. I'm not giving it to you. Well, yeah. Cause that's good tea. There's a lot of tea. You ain't never had the tea.

Musical Performance During the Ceremonies

Let's gather. Do you think maybe, like, it wasn't enough that they heard the american anthem, like, a lot in France? And then I just thought that. I can't remember who sang it during the closing ceremonies, but she did a fantastic job. It was her.

Final Reflections

I was like, why can't I think of the name?

National Anthem Performance

But. But did a fantastic. I'm like, these people are probably so sick of hearing our anthem. I'm like, sing it again, girl. Sing it again. No, but seriously, she did a fantastic job. I can't wait for LA. They did a great presentation, I thought, right? Oh, yeah, they did great. Very good. Even the drama was pretty good.

Location and Events in LA

Okay, where's our La guy? Where did he go? Oh, oh, I was gonna say I went to go work at Zach's, but if I was at home, I would have just taken a bird scooter right to the freaking where they were doing that in Venice. It looks sweet. I know. So I think we should do, like a. Well, let's talk about the way to wire a field trip at 420. We'll give out the bucket hat. For what it's worth, Lulu, the venues for LA are interesting because they just redid Inglewood park, where they did Sofi, and then they're doing intuit for the Clippers, which, if you haven't seen Steve Ballmer, like, go absolutely berserk about, it's, like, amazing. Then they have the forum, and then they have, like, another thing. I don't know. But they just did a outdoor. They did a hard Halloween, which is a rave or hard whatever. They're hard, which was a rave. And you could hear it from, like, 7 miles away, apparently.

Concerts and Noise Complaints

Were you? We weren't, honey. It's like they were sitting in our. Oh, you heard it, too? It was. It was so horrible. It was horrible. And I was like, when they had a. Well, in louse, it wasn't like this. It was hard. Really? Well, now they're not gonna let them have outdoor concerts there, right? Yeah. Now they. Yeah, as of Thursday, they said no more. Yeah. Okay, cool. So that did actually happen. People could hear that. For real. Well, that's one. That's one area, right? And then they have the Staples center downtown, and then you have the whole Santa Monica beach, which will be interesting. And then the Venice Skate park. I'm sure they're going to do, like, that bmx kind of setup that they did.

Exploring Olympic Sports

They called it, like, the Plaza de Concorde in Paris, where they had, like, bmx skateboarding, all that stuff. They'll probably do that in Venice, if I had to guess. And then all the beach volleyball stuff on Santa Monica will be pretty cool. Then, because that's the birthplace place of beach volleyball in Santa Monica. All right. There we go. There we go. I would assume that, oh, they're gonna have sailing, which would be a mate, which would be pretty cool. Probably out of Marina del Rey. Most definitely out of Marina del. But guess what. But guess what? Like, baseball and softball return to the Olympics. So that's good, because I'd rather watch.

Breakdancing Discussion

Oh, Carol, I've been dying to. What did you think of the breakdancing? Don't even start, Travis. Don't even start. Remember when I said to everybody, I was like, if we don't win a gold medal and break dancing, I'm like, I'm done with it. I am done. I'm done. Okay. The experiment is over. No, no. Okay. Well, when were watching breakdancing and frickin Malta on euro sport, were like, Oh, no. I was like, so, like, my kid, my youngest, he's like. He's like, oh. He was just like. He's like. He's like, didn't America invent it? Yes. He's like. He's like. He's like, And none of them look like they were american.

Critique of the Breakdancing Event

The whole thing was like a bit of a groaner. It was like, you know, you watch, like, the hoops and the ribbons, people, and they're like, basically breakdancing. But, like, with style maybe. I don't know. Well, they had like, way more talent or whatever the break dancing thing was. Just like, yeah. Joseph wants to chime in. What's up, bro? Go ahead, Joseph. Stupidest event I've ever seen. I can't believe that's an Olympic event. I think they got rid of baseball and softball. I know baseball is coming back in 2028. Great. I can't wait to see it. But come on now. What. What are we doing here? Like, I watched it for five minutes.

Fashion and Street Photography

Like, tell me a. I just know. Sorry. I appreciate that. I apologize. Beach volleyball. I'm sorry, Lita, come in here. Little Polly. She's like. It was. It was Waikiki beach. Oh, yeah, but they played. Oh, the surfing. The surfing was. Oh, the surfing was with the local who won. Yeah, yeah, he won. But, you know, but that's another thing too. Like, I'm glad American won because, you know, like, beach volleyball, I guess, you know, surfing was, you know, in polynesian islands. So we just. Yeah, we need to win that.

Fashion Insights

But no, I guess the thing was created in Santa Monica where they did, like the, like a large area, I guess, for it. But it was Waikiki beach, so stop being a listener. Come on in, Lita, so that way we can hear more stuff. So question football. Flag football is also coming. Flag football is coming. Yep. For. For the 2028, I can. And you know what? Here's the thing, Travis. We better get our together for flag. I realize there's a family program. God forgive me. I apologize. I. I'll be done with this ranting in just a second. So we better do better in flag football than we do in basketball.

Basketball and Football Hopes

Three. Three on three. You know, I was embarrassed. I was like, yeah, we invented the sport of basketball, but none of our teams made it. I mean, were eliminated pretty quickly. The women's soccer was electric, though. It was electric. But let me tell you, flag football. We better have, like, some football players out there. Like flag football kind of sounds like it might be a break dancing situation to me. No, it will not, actually. Cause I've been watching flag football when they have. The NFL is in charge of flag football in America, thank God.

Flag Football Expectations

Right? Because, like, too many people are getting ct. I think it's flag football. Really? Going to be cool. Yes, it's gonna be cool. Just think of it like football at. The Rose bowl with like, freaking 25 people watching is gonna be cute. Excuse you. I'm gonna be watching. People are gonna be watching. Breakdancing thing. You know what sucked about the break dancing thing, too, is the DJ. The DJ suck, too, which is terrible. Was he just doing royalty free jams or what was the problem? I was like, that is not those moves. Those moves.

Breakdancing Quality

I seen that. Those moves was terrible. I don't even know how in the world they picked the team, whoever, to come. I'm like, are they serious? Like, boogaloo shrimp? Boogaloo shrimp was complaining about it. I'm like, listen, joker, you could have been on with us. We could have talked about this. But no, he was just like, that wasn't good. Yeah, it wasn't good, but, you know, I mean, I guess it gave, like, China another way to win a gold medal. I don't know. Hi, I'm gonna give Graham a mic because Grim have something important to say.

Graham's Perspective

He goes in and out, you know, he'll come up missing. But he has an interesting take on the women's gymnastics. I seen your speaker, Graham. Go ahead, go ahead. Make my day. In the meantime, we should give out the bucket. Okay. So after careful consideration and a slight dose of randomness, the winner of the puck is Rosie blue eye. Congratulations, Rosie. Congrats, Rosie. Woohoo. Congrats, Rosie. Woohoo. Congrats, Rosie. We waited the results with people active in our community, so Congrats.

Photoshop Fun

You should photoshop it on top of that dog. Look at Chad was being a photographer. Fashion photographer. Wait, did you get my fashion photos? Lulu, you should post them in the comments. We could talk about them here. I'll put them on the jumbo. Okay. I'm answering the elevator, so I'm gonna be upstairs in a couple of seconds. Okay. In the meantime, I'm gonna try to look some of these up. So I try to do some amateur fashion photography for Lulu. We showed you guys the actual uniforms that you could buy from Ralph Lauren, which were pretty pricey.

Fashion Photography and Trends

But I was also careful to get some street photography here. Let's see if I can find something. Cut. Photo number one. Wait a second. Somebody who's close to Hollywood. I want to know if that's actually on the Hollywood sign. I haven't checked outside yet, but I think that they, like, maybe did it one day and covered it up or something. Or they just. Or they just did it. I was like a pre tape thing, though. No? Yeah, it was, but I want to know if it's, like, on there now.

Exploring the Hollywood Sign

I guess we could check, like, traffic cameras and see if we can find a view that we can't see it from where we are right now. All right. I posted fashion unsuspecting street fashion person number one in here. Boom. Look at that. I don't know if you can see this, Lulu. He's got the. He's got the planet Hollywood shirt, he's got the skull Gucci cap, and he's got these reeboks on. It's quintessential french hipster. I have even more whacked out ones. They also have really good pizza there, by the way.

Discussing Street Fashion

Neapolitan pizza. Okay. It looks like they're about ready to start the replay of the thing, so everyone can listen along, which will be fun. Doing, like, the overall recap of this stuff. I thought it was pretty electric, the whole thing. Honestly, I can't believe that we got as many medals as we did, and we barely got. We barely tied China and gold, I think, at the Beijing games, we actually lost to them in. 800 million more people than we do. So I feel like we did great.

Analyzing Olympic Performance

That's true. But Zach and I were talking about how the diversity of America is such a positive in these circumstances, because, like, we have all different sorts of people with all different sorts of skill sets from everywhere that can do fun things, that can do all sorts of different feats. You know, like, we have a bunch of people of chinese. They don't really have a lot of other people of other descents. It's a beautiful thing. Okay. What are you doing? What's Lulu doing?

Reaching Out to the Audience

Or what am I doing? You. What are you doing? I'm looking for fucking. Sorry. Fashion photos. I just posted it. I'm just posting another one. Sorry. These guys are freaking insane. I gotta get this opinion. But there's, like, that whole street St. Germain that's, like, amazing. I couldn't afford a single thing on there, but it was. It's pretty absolute. It's absolutely amazing. So there's our french.

Closing Thoughts on Fashion

There's three kind of typical. I would call them uber hipsters that you would encounter on the streets there. I should just post a couple other things. Congratulations to the people that won our pez dispensers, by the way. Those are fun. I have a few more of those reserved for different giveaways in the team. We're going to start doing more jersey stuff. Congrats again to Rosie. I know Lulu's gonna like this if she's listening.

Fashion Insights from Europe

They have some. They had some pretty cool, you know, white on white tone on tone stuff. Like, this vest was freaking sweet. They have whole brands that I even heard of. But I understand why people get their clothes from Paris. Lula, if you want to chime in and talk fashion? I'm about monologued out on my fashion here. She was just at Sofi for the preseason game. Let's see, what else. Oh, Noah Lyles. How about that?

Noah Lyles' Performance

That was like a freaking roller coaster, okay? He wins on the instant replay or the photo finish. The 100 meters dash is epic. And then he comes out. He had Covid somehow, maybe, like, in the interim days between the events, comes out, gets absolutely gassed in the 200, gets taken away in a wheelchair after, like, coming out super cocky. I thought that was like, a crazy roller coaster. I don't know.

Audience Engagement

How do you feel about. Wait, actually, I want to know if. Joseph, you want to hop back here? I would love to know how you feel about Noah Lyles. And Caro, too. Anyone else even grim here? Graham, come back here. Joseph, are you there? I can hear you. Okay. I just posted something up at the top. I'm officially home. Yay.

Fashion Street Style in Paris

So what did you think about the Paris fashions? I thought the street fashions was on time. Street fashions, because it's about people's, style, their own style. But as far as, a lot of the people that was dressing, I give it a. I give it a seat, basically. I give it a seat. These guys. These guys are absolutely ridiculous. The ones that we're posting. I think people.

Fashion Trends and Comfort

More people were dressing for the weather than anything. And then they wanted to be comfortable, so they went and put on a. A lot of. You're telling me this guy in the. Whatever pool here. Poor there. But the nightlife, it was totally different. You can't hear. You can't hear him. You can't hear. No, I can hear. I mean, I can hear Lulu.

Challenges in Communication

I just don't think she can hear me. No, you can't hear, Travis. Can't. Travis can hear you, but you can't hear Travis. So can you pop back out, Travis, and come back in? Yeah, I can do that. Thanks. go ahead, queen. Yeah. Yeah. As far as the nightlife fashion, I loved, it's a lot of the browns and olives.

Upcoming Fashion Trends

You've seen a lot of people showing what's going to be the hot colors before fall. Browns and olives and that cherry Burgundy, not red, but more of a burgundy. I like that. That was cool. But the daylight was like, okay, t shirts and whatever that was, you know, due to the weather. And that was. That was, you know, that was on France.

Fashion Environment and Climate

And. And the excuse the French used, it why they didn't have the AC theme because the carbon copy was really dumb. Then why would you pick to host an aluminum? Well, they were really serious about their carbon footprint and, like, global warming. Like I said, karma copy. Yeah. Like, they were like, they wanted everyone to bike. They want everyone to walk.

Environmental Responsibility in Events

They like. Yeah, but you didn't get your shit together, like, to make sure that your river was a okay to swim in. I was just laughing at them. But finally they got the tractor together. They had half the carbon footprint at London, and we're supposed to have half the carbon footprint of them. Or, like, I think it's like, zero carbon footprint is their goal, which is.

Realistic Expectations

Like, you know what? If you want zero carbon footprint, everyone should stop breathing there. Since that's not going to happen, I will happily go on with my little minor footprint. But I just. I wanted to make sure everybody had a great time, and I think they did. I mean, you look like you had a great time, Travis. I did.

Celebration and Events

And when you turn, when you returned your plastic cups, they give you, like, €3 off your next, like, drink. That's awesome. So can we ask about the american house? Like, where was it located? Yeah, it was in the old french dock exchange. So it was, like, around. It was kind of in a diplomatic area, and I. It was like an old, kind of two story, vaulted ceiling thing, and they had this blackboard where they would use to write down the stocks.

Unique Venue Experience

And then there's, like, a circular kind of bar that you could lean on, but it was, like, not a bar. It was just, like, a big circular ledge almost. And in the middle was, like a giant, like, a big cauldron or. I don't even know what it was of. Cigar ash. It was a historic cigar ash pit where people would just sit around that fucking circle, look at the stocks and ash their cigars in the middle.

Reflecting on Olympic Hosts

Pretty crazy. So was it really large enough to, like, fit a. Large enough. So it was. I. When I. It was like, yeah, it's huge. It was like. But then I was like, when I went to the other houses, I realized our house was really tiny and actually, like, we didn't really have as sick of a setup as, like, the Netherlands, which had, like, a concert venue, and they just had, like, a rave every night. Or the colombian house, which was, like, another, which is an old mansion, but they, like, did way more with it on the outside. And the France thing was, like an actual, like, summer festival with, like, multiple viewing areas, indoor, outdoor. So it'll be interesting to see what the USA house looks like in LA. I bet it'll be one of the beach clubs, actually. Like, there's like a couple private Santa Monica beach clubs. I actually bet that'll be it. It's interesting to think where the stuff will be in LA now, knowing, like, all the stuff that's needed.

Anticipation for Activities in LA

Probably do mountain biking through Griffith park, around the Hollywood sign and stuff. They'll do like the road race down the 405. It should be pretty cool. And then the Winter Olympics are in. Two years in Italy and then the next summer Olympics after L. A. Is Brisbane. Yes. Field trip to Australia is so beautiful there, despite the fact that I have relatives there. Oh, let me just tell you, my cousin Shay, she and I were, like, being petty about the whole swimming thing, but of course we ended up on top. So she's being friendly now. But no, I was just, I was so happy about this one. Did you get to see any swimming? Like, what events did you actually get to see? I know you got to see rugby sevens, but where did you.

Experiences at the Olympics

That was basically it. And I was just like, part of the culture. But. But Matt and. Matt and Helena, who've been doing content for us, they went to a bunch of things, including beach volleyball, which, if you follow us on instagram, they were front row for beach volleyball, which was really cool. And then Alan, who cuts our videos, came out, too. So it was pretty fun time. So is Matt and Alan coming back this week or. Alan seems to be lost in the sauce. Actually, I was just texting him. He's still in Europe. Doesn't know it, hasn't ever returned flight. Matt is in the south of France and nice right now and I think is returning in a week's time. It's. Yeah, people going. People are going pretty rogue right now.

Memorable Segments and Experiences

I like that segment they did on wager wire asking people, what does wager? Yeah, when you think of wager, that was funny. The hat company was my favorite. Yeah. But it's some of the answers I thought they were going to say. So I really like that. And I like the question about, like, when you think about America, what do you think of it? You know, you kind of hold your breath, but, I mean, it was kind of funny. Like, the guy said NBA. And then we asked about his favorite, like, American food. He said, I think he said hamburger. I was just like, yeah. I was like, you met some really cool people, so.

Kindness and Reception in America

Right. They wouldn't rude people. That's the good part. But they were, they wasn't rude to me when I was there. And I went there almost practically alone. They were very much kinder than I thought. They actually, like, love America right now. I couldn't even believe it. I think this did a lot for our reputation. I think globally, you know, people forget that we can just dominate. I think that when they sing what we. Oh, God. Oh, what are you seeing at the ceremonies? Are you. Are you watching them on record or what is.

Ceremonies and Viewership

They haven't started the replay yet on NBC. I'm looking at my Internet. What they were like, what she had on up, basically a swimsuit outfit with. Nothing else on your computer. Is that. Whose problem, whose fault is that? Lulu? Who saw. That's news breaks fault. News break is a fake company, actually. If anyone has news breaks, should be careful. Right? Right. They're very fake. But they. The picture that they put picked up. Never believe anything news breaks there about football, period. Never believe it.

Excitement for Upcoming Sports Seasons

Let's talk. Football is about to start, which is. Yes, it is exciting. Next weekend is the last weekend until football starts. There's going to be no Olympics. There's no football except pre, you know, preseason for NFL. But then. Oh, my gosh, I am so excited. Enjoy the season as it's coming because it'll go by too quickly. Yeah. It's in November. The 10th would be here so quick, make our eyes spin. But I'm gonna enjoy every little minute. I'm gonna savor it because the off season is much longer.

Reflections on the Offseason

The older you get, the off season gets longer. It seems ridiculous. That's a great quote. The older you get, the off season gets longer. I just can't wait to see how the SEC rolled out. I can't wait to. What's your, what's your opinion? My opinion is that it's gonna be a doggy dog. Ain't nobody safe. Nobody safe. And I think everybody thinking the top dogs like Georgia, and I don't think it's gonna end up that way. And that's the fascinating part about it.

Concluding Thoughts on the Olympics

Okay. I have to go soon, but I don't want to. Space can keep going if you want to. Well, no, we can. You and queen have taken care of the ceremony and talked about it. Brian? He left, but I thought he had something to say about the closing of the closing ceremony. But he probably had to rush back to finish up a paper, a writing. And I think you guys covered the good parts, which a lot of people didn't even see, including you, Lulu.

Insights on the Cost and Planning

You did a whole space without having watched the closing ceremonies. It's crazy. It's not crazy. That just show you what level of smart you got on your paper. That's what that show. Oh, yeah. See, if you had, like, YouTube tv or something like that, you just record. It and watch it where it was actually on the replay, which is what I thought it was. But it's okay. That's. But I did. I recorded it. Yeah.

Exploring the Events at the Olympics

But it'd be nice if were watching our replay together all throughout the space, live commentating it, but it's all good. Okay. What's. What they're doing right now? They're cycling right now, but I'm thinking 20 minutes. Oh. Oh. It happens. It happens. No, it's all good. It's all good. I want everybody to have an input instead of my outline of it. That's one way to put it, but I think that will.

Next Watch Party Planning

Next time, we'll just time it up as a watch party. Yes, we'll do it as a watch party next time. Yeah, that. Now that. You know what? Nice to have a watch party when it's in LA and you both are there so you guys can, like. I think. Yeah, I'll be there. I'll be there. But I thought, like I said, like, my favorite.

Admiring Performances at the Olympics

I mean, Terry, he's the man with ice in his veins, and he showed all that at the Olympics. He just. He just like, whoa, don't ever count me out, because if I got a chance, I'm coming back. So he just was my hero of the Olympics in 2020. You know what I love, too, is, like, the women's game. Like, it was like, it was definitely closer than I thought or whatever, but it was just.

Achievements and Team Spirit

It was great that we did it twice, that we beat the French twice. Right, right. And I was just so proud of the soccer team because it looked like every other day someone was down in them, they wasn't believing in them, and they. They kept pursuing goals. They kept on no matter what. You know what I love about America? Like, we're good at the sports.

Sportsmanship and Team Performance

Like, we actually invented. I mean, well, take away break dancing, but that shouldn't have even been there. But outside of that, I mean, we're even good at sports. We even win medals in sports that the English create, you know, like soccer, so. Well, not the men's. I was sitting there thinking, I wonder if Emma Hayes, the women's national coach, national teams coach, I wonder if she can coach the men's team as well.

Improvements Needed in Team Coaching

I feel like that would just. That would be a whole hell of a lot better for us. But, yeah, I. Well, she said. Well, that what she said, it was love. They asked her, what is it that you says? Love. We love each other enough to help each other. I like that. But nobody said anything about how Germany, just out of nowhere in the track and field, just looked like they were, like, determined that they were gonna fight.

Impressive Performances in Track and Field

They got. They had fight in them, the women runners. I was just amazed at that. Even though Shakari looked at her and said, okay, you through playing? I'm gonna take this goal right now. I'm gonna take this heat right now. Okay. But I was. I was very taken by Germany, how they were, the women was running. I really was. You know what? If you have an opportunity, everybody go farther.

Keeping Up with the Olympics

Follow LA 28s. That is the Los Angeles 2028 Olympic and paralympic games official Twitter handle. So it's LA 28, so that way you can keep up with what's going on. So it's going to be weird to wake up and not have anything to watch. It was cool to be able to watch all this stuff during the day, and then if you've missed something or whatever, watch the highlights at nighttime.

Looking Forward to Future Events

Yeah, that's going to be a bummer. Congrats again to Rosie. Congratulations. Congrats, Rosie. And congratulations, Travis. You know, you did an excellent job. There and try to take you all with me. Thank you. You did a fantastic job. You did a great job, especially with. You had me having conversations with the people at work about the fashion.

Fashion Trends and Observations

I love that. It's like, which I told them, because that one picture you send me of the Ralph Lauren stuff, I kept on seeing the same color scheme. I said, you know what? It wouldn't be. It wouldn't be surprising if they try to make olive the color of fall. And what happened? Olive is the color. Wonderful. I kept seeing it. And remember that it was that sweater.

Fashion Influences and Trends

With the hood on the Lacoste pancho. Yeah. Yes. And it's olive gray. It was just everywhere. Yeah, it's a good color. Yes. It's complimenting, colorful. Everybody across the board, they could wear it. Yeah. Good stuff. It's good. Good.

Evolving Public Perception

But didn't y'all think that LeBron James look got a little older? Yeah, it wasn't like, the gray in his beard. Huh. Wow, he's looking old. Oh, cash man. Hi. Sorry. Hi. Caspan, what did you like about the closing ceremony of the Olympics? Just the music in general.

Memorable Moments from the Closing Ceremony

Scoop dog, Tom Cruise. It's just going to be awesome. Oh, okay. All right. I think the good part of it, everybody can take a little bit of their favorite things in each of the Olympics. And it can end up being a great Olympics. Even though the drama, with all the drama, you know, it still was, could be a great, it still was a great Olympics.

Future Optimism for Hosting the Olympics

And I hope, as you know, the United States end up hosting. I hope they come out the go, go. Let's do this. Yeah. I think I'll go ahead. Oh, I was gonna say if anyone wants. We can't hear you. Oh, anybody in the crowd. Anyone can chime in the crowd too.

Encouragement for Participation

Yeah. Because I know you're tired of hearing my thoughts, so. I'm not tired of hearing your thoughts. I just liked what Caspan had to say. No, I know, I'm serious. I want more people like Caspian to come up here and share their thoughts. I always like people to talk with me, I just don't, I, it's like, let's all have a conversation around the roundtable.

Importance of Open Discussion

Not just one person talking. But yeah, I wish more would talk. Yes, but I can see, I can. If you didn't look at a lot of it, then I can see why you're not talking. If you didn't look at a lot. Of, yeah, you didn't watch it. You got, you should watch it. It's freaking mind blowing.

Impressions on Various Sports

Yeah, just, it was just overall very interesting and very fun. Like I said, I, the nightlife fashions was just off the chain. I love those boots that they were like the Timberlands but they're not Timberlands. But I found out that was $1500. I'm like, what? What?

Financial Aspects of Attending Events

Yeah, but just think about it. We have 1433 days until 14 July 2028. So we can all save our pennies maybe and get boots. Are you serious? Is 1000, how many? 1433. I got a countdown going. That's awesome. I like that. That's awesome.

Planning for the 2028 Olympics

Now when do tickets go on sale? Because I live in Arizona and I would like to go to the Olympics. Oh, I'm glad that you asked that. Tickets will be going on sale two years from now. Any other questions? I got all this. Well, I looked it up this morning and then I.

Preparation for Upcoming Events

Yeah, if you save. A year's work, I'm sorry. If you save a year's worth of lunch, you can afford to go to a half an event. Just saying. Unless you live in LA, then half a year's lunch you can afford it. Oh my gosh, now I'm hungry. The cast fan.

Personal Preferences for Olympic Events

What, what events do you want to see? Caspian. Caspian? Oh, I want to see basketball, swimming, just anything fun. I live in Arizona and I have a house in San Diego so I was thinking that maybe I could go and see the Olympics for the first time ever. I'd highly recommend it.

Looking Forward to Attending the Olympics

We will see you there, brother. There's a lot of cool things coming for. Well, there's also FIFA, right? Yeah, but there's a lot of cool things coming, like futsal will be there. Freestyle skiing will be there. What else? Like water skiing?

Range of Sports at the Olympics

Freestyle skiing. I don't know what that is. Roller speed skating. That will be there. Ski mountaineering, ski jumping. Is this for. This is for Italy, right? Yeah. Well, some of it's for Italy, some of it's for. Some of it's for LA, but.

Events Overview for Future Olympics

Oh, you know what I didn't get to see? I didn't get to see, like, trampoline. I don't understand why that didn't happen. Yeah, I didn't see trampoline either. I can't stand them on trampoline. Every time I jump that high, I go through one of them holes and hurt myself. I don't get trampoline.

Emerging Sports in Future Events

I don't get it. So there's baseball five, which will make its Olympic debut, and then there's baseball, like, which will be softball, essentially. It'll be softball. That's what they are. They're calling baseball softball, but it's just softball. But I'm interested to see what baseball five means.

Interest in New Sports

So they only go have five members of each team playing. I don't know. That's where it's Olympic debut, and they don't have anything else to. To put there. But that would be really. That would be really interesting. And cricket is coming, too, which. We're not really good at cricket, but.

Cricket in Future Olympics

I, you know, well, we beat Pakistan recently in cricket. Pakistan. So, you know, that. That's good. I just. So that will be really. That'll be really exciting. And then there's wushu. Wushu will be debuting as well.

Defining Wushu

What is wushu? That is a good question. It sounds very asian. So let's see. Wushu is. It's kung fu. Yes. Kung fu. That's awesome. And I'll be far more exciting than break dancing.

Combining Skills in New Sports

What about break fighting? That could be, like, both combined. That would be excellent. You know, that would be really excellent. We just need to do better so that.

Discussion on New Sports Categories

Okay. They're going crazy with these categories. What is the vetting process of a new category here? I don't know, but I just. Wait, Graham, if you. If you. If you're able to take the mic, I feel like if you've been trying to say something. I'd love to hear what it is. So futsal is futsal as a five aside format of football? Well, soccer, and the only form of indoor football approved by the world governing body, FIFA. Futsal emphasizes technique, creativity, improvising, and ball control. So I just. And it has south american origins. This is a lot of stuff. Like, I know, how are they gonna. But this is a lot of stuff, though. But LA is huge, so they'll figure it out.

Challenges Faced in Event Management

I mean, the thing that struck me a lot, being there was, like, the logistics of all that stuff and make everything run on time and, like, the telecast, too. Mm. Yeah, I think they got too much time on their hands. They just sitting there taking out sports, but everything don't need to be put in olympics at this point. But I'm glad monetize. I don't know, but I'm glad those surfing will be, like, in America rather than, like, in France. It was like, obviously they couldn't have surfing in France, but, you know, it was in Tahiti, so not that many people could. Are they gonna put it in Hawaii or. They gotta have. Yeah, they're putting it in California, in.

Expectations for Surfing in California

Like, Orange county or something. I don't know. But it would be insane. It would be insane to put it in Hawaii, because then again, like, Tahiti, like, most people wouldn't. So that's why I'm glad, because surfing should be in California. Well, they. They do have the, like, surfing world championship or World Series or whatever it's called here every summer. Oh, then we're going to have coastal rowing. Coastal rowing is a competitive sport where crews race along a coastline. So their debut. Great. Does that mean that no landlocked country can ever host, or they.

Coastal Rowing and Its Implications

How are they going to do? Right. That's exactly what we're doing here. The two main disciplines of coastal row. So, basically, it debuts at LA 2028. So there's going to be more events to see, more stuff for them to charge money for. But I am looking forward to the wushu. Let's make it a point for one of you guys to go see whooshu. Whoosh. Karate. Oh, that would be. That would be awesome. That would be awesome to watch that. I take myself out of that. That circle right now. Oh, it'd be fine. No, if it's kung fu, I don't know.

Concerns About Kung Fu and Other Sports

I don't know. I'll be trying to get out there and kung fu them, people. I know, but then you could be like, oh, I can do that in my boots. Absolutely. Yeah. So that would be awesome. And then, yeah, they got a lot of things to offer, so that's exciting for LA. It really is interesting. I want to know what this baseball five is. I'm not going to. Where's Joseph? Okay, you got first base, second base, third base. No, we gotta figure this. Yeah, that's what he's gonna be, those five. Well, when they hit a.

Understanding Baseball Five

When they hit a whole run, what happens? I don't. It's considered a safe haven game, whatever the hell that means, with many. So it's considered boring. It's gonna be boring. With many of the same rules as baseball and softball. So the game revolves around two teams of five players taking turns playing offense and defense. So basically, it's like rugby sevens, except you're just having. So they're gonna speed up the game with each of the offensive teams players taking turns hitting a small rubber ball. That's not baseball. With their bare hands into the field of play.

Critiques of Baseball Five

And that. Well, hell no. It was three. They have three substitute. This can be boring. Anybody want to watch that? I'm just kidding. I don't know. They have to show it to us, which is probably why they didn't. So I think kung fu will still be more exciting than that. But that's just interesting that they're adding. Maybe they think that. I think LA is bigger and it offers more, so maybe that's why they're. And roller speed skating. Yeah, that'll be like roller Derby, except, yeah, that. That should be interesting.

Historical Context of Roller Sports

They used to have this. It was 1938 at the Olympics there. Mm. And then they had it in 1982, and then they dropped it. Oh, the Asian Games, 2023. Roller skating, of course. So, yeah, we got to get on our roller skating or our roller be speed skating. I see. Like, that we need to do this, like, make sure that we're good at this, but it doesn't really matter because the host country gets. They are automatically qualified for every event that's there, so. Okay, let me just.

Automatic Qualification for Host Countries

That's interesting. I did not know that. Yeah, every. That's the thing about it. Like, every host country is. They are automatic. They are. The. Are automatically qualified. See, that's probably why a lot of the host countries don't do so well, because automatically they qualify and they're not up to. Up to the same level as. What do you mean? Those host countries always do better than when they're hosting. Wow. Yeah. I mean, yet to a certain degree. But not to a certain degree, statistically.

Statistics on Host Countries' Performances

Well, France did much better this time than they exactly. And Brazil did better last time, and England had their best year in London. It's like. Yeah, but they're. You know, they're not like us. We just do good every year. Every. Every olympics. Okay, but let's not be putting out false stats here, okay? I did not put out accidentally. You just didn't notice that. But that's okay. But it's statistically true that we'll do better each time, because the narrative is we just had our best, you know, year since 1904.

Hosting Implications on Medal Counts

In the total medal count. With the boost that you would get as a host nation, you could maybe have the most of all time. False. It was 1984. You said 1904. I know. That was. 1984 was the last time we hosted in LA. And then before that. Yeah. Yeah. So. And then there's gonna be a lot more events where we can win med, probably not wushu. Probably not where I'm just gonna just gently, like, ease you into it.

Predictions for Upcoming Events

I just don't think we're gonna do that great in kung fu. I want to. I want us to. Do the Americans have a cricket team? Do the Americans, yeah, we just keep. Pakistan, who usually is like, war. You know? They usually are world cricket. It's either them. It's WCC, so it's usually them or Sri Lanka or India. I mean, see, that's another sport in which England created, and they're just not. They just can't seem to win.

Critiques on Cricket's Competitiveness

Australia is really good, too, so they're all like, cricket. It's like baseball dressed up with, like, you know, it's not as cool. I don't know. I don't think it's as cool as baseball, but. But they look good, though, walking out there on their. Whatever. They look good walking out there, and then. I don't know. It's. The scoring is really quick, too, so. I like that. What? In cricket, scoring is quick. Yeah.

Scoring in Cricket

I like. I have family that play it, but I couldn't tell you the bat. The thing that supposed that it looks like a bat, but a paddle. I still don't get how they use that. We should do it. We should do a. Doing. Getting you. We should do, like, a space with teaching people about the cricket. Whatever. But this time, we need to find someone that actually plays cricket, so. It'S.

Interest in Cricket Education

Got to be a cricket. American Cricket Association. Brian, please. With some semblance of something. Yeah. This is some semblance of something. Well, okay. That's all I have. No. Come on. No. What do you guys. I mean, cricket. Cricket is cool. Cricket. You're just gonna have a lot of these. Some of these sports is just gonna have, like, table tennis. You have, like, mostly Asians in other countries.

Diversity in Olympic Sports Representation

So, you know, you have these asian people representing, you know, the Netherlands or something, you know, that you don't expect. So you're gonna have Asians, asian people probably representing us and wushu or, you know, things like that. And when you say wushu, I get hungry because I expect chinese food. Well, it is chinese, so ding, ding. It's chinese martial arts. Well, I expect. I expect pork to be after that. Oh, pork lo me. I'm hungry.

Hungry Conversations

I'll be back. I'm gonna go order dinner. I'm not kidding about this now. I'm hungry. Okay. Oh, my goodness. So why is it that. Well, if they're Americans and they do shoot, then they can represent the Americans. Simple as that. Okay, that's fine. But other new, Travis, anything else new that is coming that they going to introduce? Well, we're going to start.

Travis Discusses Upcoming Programs

We should all start playing RT sports as of community. It's freaking awesome, by the way. And we can give everyone who signs up credit. And whether it's daily fantasy or, like, the tournament that we all did, the last playoffs that's coming, we also entered circa survivor. So we have two entries. That's where it's for, like, the $10 million grand prize. Zach and I went down to the window at the circa in Las Vegas last weekend, and we have two entries, and one of them we're going to use.

RT Sports and Community Engagement

We're going to take the community pulse on who we should pick each week. Last week. Last year we got to the Thanksgiving. We crashed out on the Bengals, which was devastating. But yeah. What's the prize up to? Is it 10 million plus right now? Guaranteed to be. It's guaranteed to be at least ten. Oh, okay. That's exciting. yeah, that was a bummer.

Fantasy Football and Its Challenges

Bingo was getting it together, but then they just hit that wall. That was a bumble. That was. Yeah, then they fell apart and. Oh, my God. Like trauma. And the 49 ers, Kristen McCaffrey, that news through a monkey wrench in the fantasy world about him being hurt right now and won't be back. He's going to be out for three weeks. So the underdog. A lot of people are just holding court to see what happens.

Conversations on NFL and Fantasy Leagues

Hey, Lulu. Yeah? Fantasy leagues. Don't we have a fancy that saw us openings? Yes, we do. We have seven openings and our Ryan and myself and this elite is called queen and kings. Anyone? What platform do you guys use on that, by the way. Just like yahoo. Yeah. Yahoo. Yeah. Yahoo. Wait, Brian, didn't you say you used RT before in the past?

Using Fantasy Platforms

Yes. Yes. I use it currently for my pay league. Oh my God. Amazing. If we did, if we, if you helped us like make a league over there, we could give money to everyone in the community for joining it. Let's get together on that because we have a partnership with them. So they would love our community to come over and play there and we could bonus people their entry fees and stuff.

Partnership Opportunities for Sports Engagement

We should do it like we did. Like the other, like the last one we played. That was fun. It can be new, it can be different than your king and queen one. This can just be like a thing that we put together for the broader community because we want to do one anyway. Right. But, but the one that we did like the last time, that was fun. That was fun for the playoffs.

Planning Future Events and Community Integration

Yeah. Yeah. We should do something like that for and we should do something like that. That was fun. Yeah, we can definitely do that. We can do whatever we want. Like, so whatever's fun for you guys. I make it fun. Cool. That's all I got. But you guys can feel free to keep going on if you want. Well, thank you for your input.

Closing Remarks and Gratitude

Thank you for your help today. And Woohoo, again for your contest giveaway that you had today. Thank you very much. Yay. I am going to eat. I am so hungry. I need Chinese. Thank you, Brian. That sounds good. The closing ceremony was brought to you by wager wire. We thank Wagerwire and Wager wire is one word.

Promoting Wager Wire

Go to the app store, Google Store, download it, get familiar with it and sign up. And you can do use slot machines. You can see what the community is into. You can see the different writings with the different people on the app and read their articles. And they have this fantastic little thing called the better calculator you would love.

Functionality of Wager Wire

In case you want to cash out your bets, don't do it. Before you do, use the bet calculator because it will tell you exactly what your bet is worth and it won't cheat you out of anything. And it's fun and everything on it about the back calculator, you can see it before you say yes to anybody. And we want everybody to have fun with everything on the reggae app.

Responsible Gambling and Support Resources

We love for you to have fun, but if you find yourself a little overwhelmed and in trouble, we have a 1800 gambling number that you can use and you can talk to somebody, someone you don't have to reveal who you are, and they are there to talk to you. And I thank everybody for coming out and listening to us talk about the closing ceremony, even though I only could see so much, and. But we try to have fun and have fun anyway.

Final Thoughts on the Event

Anything, Travis, you want to say? No. I hope everyone had fun. We'll see you guys soon. Oh, and we had a new. We have a new member of the family to put in a spiel. Travis, tell us about it. Tell us about what? Queen Carolina. Is she still here? The new thing she left that were to put in our spiel about wager wire.

Introducing New Community Members

I'm sorry. I'm still on game. It's all good. It's all good. We. I mean, there's a lot going on wage wire. Everyone here knows it will. We're gonna keep. Yeah. Actually, like, gamifying it a little bit. Make sure that you guys get something out of it for playing around.

Long Term Goals for Community Engagement

Okay. Okay. That's. I think that would be fun. It sounds like it's fun, Travis. It is super fun. I mean, you can buy and sell fantasy, daily fantasy entries on wager wire through our sports, which is great, but we can. We can all do a walkthrough of that as a community. So you guys know what I'm talking about?

Explaining the Wager Wire Experience

Yeah. What I was talking about is get paid to create branded sports experiences. And that's the part of the way. Oh, yeah. If you guys want to come get trained. I know some people went through it, like, the end of the summer or, like, I don't even know how many months ago that was, actually. But we're putting a pretty robust program together for football season where you can make money for every fantasy signup or sportsbook signup.

Future Programs for Earning Potential

And we actually have a system that makes it as easy as possible. People like Mindy are out there making, like, thousands of dollars a month doing this. Actually, I would encourage everyone just to hear it out and enroll in the program because you can make a ton of cash, especially if you're just sitting around watching football. And if you're in an I casino state, you sign people up for an I casino, you more money.

Exploring Additional Earning Opportunities

There's, like, weekly bonuses. Yeah. So I know some people get paid here as creators and stuff, but the real money is in the sportsbook conversions, and you can use your shows to do that, and we can show you ways to do that. Thank you. That's why I like, when you're on, you can, you got all of us in one room, and you can introduce these things, brand new things, and people can look into them.

Community Growth and Expansion

Thank you, Travis. And like you said, that's another way to make extra money. Who doesn't need extra money these days? We make money when you guys make money on that. So, like, unlike the shows, which are just kind of like, you know, it's like it's whatever. That's the shows. This is like if you really wanted to make money on a side hustle and use your shows as a platform.

Collaboration on Financial Growth

We make money when you make money and we like audit the casino and get the cash and actually pay you guys before we're even paid. But it's like a mutually beneficial thing. So encourage everybody just to reach out to Caro if they're interested, put you through the process. It sounds fun. Sounds great. Thanks again, everybody, for coming here.

Expression of Gratitude

Your favorite cousin, your favorite boss, and your favorite queen Carolina. Y'all have a good evening and talk to you all soon. Good night.

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