Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space TGIF! #GACCSpaces! #Raffles #GACCPot #PreParty! #web3 hosted by GrandpaApeCC. The Elderly Ape NFT space delves into a unique theme by focusing on honoring elderly individuals through digital art. The project highlights community respect, innovation, and its impact on the evolving Web3 ecosystem. With a dedicated following, Elderly Ape NFTs showcase the potential for NFT art to intersect with broader conversations about diversity, representation, and creativity in the digital realm.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: What makes Elderly Ape NFTs unique in the NFT space?
A: Elderly Ape NFTs stand out for their focus on appreciating the wisdom and experience of older individuals.

Q: How does community respect play a role in the Elderly Ape NFT project?
A: Respecting the elderly creators and the art they produce is at the core of the Elderly Ape NFT ethos.

Q: What impact can projects like Elderly Apes have on the Web3 ecosystem?
A: Projects like Elderly Apes can pioneer new forms of community interaction and engagement in Web3.

Q: Why are Elderly Ape NFTs considered innovative in the NFT market?
A: Their unique theme and focus on elder wisdom set Elderly Ape NFTs apart in a crowded NFT market.

Q: How does Elderly Ape NFT contribute to the broader conversation about respect and representation in the digital art world?
A: By highlighting the value of elderly creators, Elderly Ape NFTs challenge conventional norms and celebrate diversity in digital art.


Time: 00:15:42
Exploring Elderly Ape NFTs Diving into the concept and significance of the Elderly Ape NFT project.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Engagement and Respect Discussing the importance of community respect towards creators within the NFT space.

Time: 00:35:55
Elderly Ape NFTs in the Web3 Landscape Understanding the role of projects like Elderly Apes in shaping the Web3 ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the concept and significance of Elderly Ape NFTs in the digital art space.
  • Insights on community engagement and the importance of respecting creators and their work.
  • Exploring the links between NFT art projects like Elderly Apes and the broader Web3 environment.
  • The potential for unique projects like Elderly Ape NFTs to pioneer new trends in the NFT marketplace.

Behind the Mic

Opening Lines

Rp the virgil sipping off white rose and call me Antoine? Got the panther in the heart I'm a killer pussy, no glove like OJ? Yeah, I threw a shot but she gave it to my bros? It's Fergie now about to run it up around she don't even speak anywhere? Peter Virgil sipping off white rose, call me Antoine got the panther in the hallway? I'm a killer pussy, no glove like OJ here I threw a shot but she gave it to my brother? You a goddamn lie. You are goddamn lie?

Reflection and Accomplishments

But little league we made. Stay down from the jump and they never change, man, it's a moment I could never trade yeah, I told my mom it's not distressed no more go hit the Bentley store and no credit card debts no more I bought the crib and it's an escrow now so you'll never have to worry about how you don't pay rent no more I put my team in position now they making and killing stacking blue faces straight to the ceiling out in Vegas, I'm with them ordering bottles to the ace when they send them till there ain't enough space upon the table to fit them go. Ahead and. Pour some clico in a glass have a toast of success no looking back from here no more being broken distress I put my heart into this game like I open my chest we only pray for more if you hope for the best we make these places.

Celebration and Success

Sick and staring with your grandma hit it on the green now we know she on the tea party at the country club show me elevators now. There's money in the mattress, money in the cabinet. Didn't seem spicy, but you know I gotta have it. Let me mute got it working like magic like Jordy's still gaining my traction waiting for the time I get f three see your grandma at the club, she get plenty still be talking to the thugs and they get me g a c c baby, I'm resting, I. Be on a time clock, I'm a grandpa ain't till time stops. When we. Talk shit grandpa ace bitch, no stopping oh, hey, baby, say oh s don't sweat bitches verified now you know we up next day, figure wild when we touch it grandpa ain't bitch, no stopping.

Country Club Atmosphere

Oh, hey. Up next day where did all my teeth go? Saw your grandma niggas straight through that peephole didn't know she could beat though no more caught up with the spell of free code, she gonna make me miss Bingo now I need to get sex with a trap before we go put the money in pain, we get tea. Smoking weed on the green with your grandma hit it on the green, she fill it in explain that we know she on the team party at the country club saw me put on the fetish on this Monday in the mattress, many in the cabinet. Innocent, spicy, but you know I gotta have it. Let me mutate. Got it working like magic, falling like Jordan still gaining my traction.

Broadcast Beginning

Hey, what's happening, everybody? We are transmitting live from the greens. Here we are, everybody. Gather round. Pull up a lawn chair. Grab some of that Arnie Palmer from over in the corner. Yes, we have it on ice. If that's not your flavor, we also have, you know, the water with some cucumbers in it over there. That's not my thing. But, hey, if it's yours, pull up. We are at the country club, live from the greens. My name is swirl one. How you guys doing? Bringing you all the great vibes from the country club as we kick off. T g I f. Thank grandpa. It's Friday. Oh, yeah. Kicked it off right away with that.

Melody Discussion

Yo, that rose, did you hear that song? That was, man, that new ferg. Come on, man. That is. That was fire. Then you know, it's the good life. Because you know what? Just like Ferc said earlier, man, he hopped in here, popped a bunch of grandpas off of 0.03, and whoa, what happened this week? Shout out to the bot killers. And, man, I gotta tell you, who's to say? Who's to know where these crazy grandpas will go from here? But you know what? I know what you all could do for me real quick, if you wouldn't. Mind, I take a quick second, go.

Engagement and Actions

Down to the bottom right of that beautiful device you might be holding, and click that there comment button. Send out a gift to everybody. Maybe while you're there, you can find the like button and even the one that looks like a recycle bin where you can repost something and send it out to everybody else so they might see it, too. Or you could even post something that. Would be, I don't know, quoted on that as well. How about that? Either way you want to do it, that would do us a great solid and get all of the grandpas aware. Of what we are doing today. So shout out to everybody, man, we got a lot of things going on. It's been a crazy weekend.

Building Anticipation

I'm just excited to see. We'll go over a little bit of that. Let me close this down. Turn that down right there. I want to make sure I get my sound, right, for this here show. Because you know what, we don't like. To have pops and bangs and all that unless it's coming out of your car. And if it's out of your car, that's pretty cool because, you know, we like that kind of thing, but not. Coming through the speakers of people as. We'Re trying to create, you know, some cool stuff for you. So there we go. Just changed over our sound. We shall get started.

Weekly Wrap-Up

All right, first off, if you didn't get a chance, and I gotta tell you, pretty exciting to see how it went down this last week. The parlays are wide open and in progress is running those right now. So you can get in there and pick your. Whatever you like for 100 GP. You can do that. Last week, I'm telling you, he said. It was pretty crazy because there was quite a few people who had a lot of the same, actually ended up. With the same pigs, you know, in a way. So I guess he said he's going to have to figure out a much.

Engagement Mechanics

Tougher way to make this thing happen, which, you know, I'm sure he'll find. A way to make it a little bit tougher for you. So make sure you get in there, because I'm telling you, it looks like the competition is quite fierce. So five people with the six or six right answers and the closest one last week, just so you know, our first week winner does go to Ozzy, agent who got his 1700 GP and then is getting a Mac from in progress. So that's pretty exciting right off the bat. So shout out to Ozzy agent for kicking so much ass right off the rip. That's how you start the year. Just.

Competitor's Spotlight

But I'm gonna win the sucker. I'm taking him out right now. You guys never know who might be next. So spend 100 GP and you can get over there and get some of that as well. Here's the other thing, just in case you weren't paying attention a little bit earlier, the GP was flooded from where. You might have possibly won on the spaces with me. So I shared 565 GP with everybody that was in that space. So if you were in the space this last Friday, you would have gotten that today. So, hey, right there is your actual entry to the parlay.

Entry Incentive

Look at that. A free entry on behalf of yours truly. Come on. Come on. So that's pretty nice. So here's the deal. If you win the parlay, and it's. A simple thing, no skills needed, just. It's a simple, you know, kind of like a coin flip, if you will. If you win the parlay, you get not only the GP that is inside from everybody entering because that becomes the pool. We're gonna stack another thousand GP on top of that this week. So that'll make it even better.

Opportunity and Resource

So I think last week was 1700 already. Looks like we might have more. So there could be three to four to 5000 on this week. So hell of a chance to get in there. Make sure you get in by tomorrow night because he will shut it down by time Sunday morning. Happens. So, man, shout out to all our parlay players. Shout out to Ozzy, agent for kicking some major ass and winning this last week. I did not.

Weekly Review

Fiki late to intro. Oh, let me get you Fiki. I'll get you Fiki. Look, see, that's it, though. Nobody else. I should. I was on my game today, my friends. I was getting shit done. I answered all the tickets, man. There's only two things I got to do left and then my entire whiteboard is wiped. Completely done. I got something for blankfellow I'm working on. I got to get and corner man boxing. Once I get their customers handled, which I'll make sure they get a little.

Final Touches

Extra extra just for waiting. And that'll clear my slate, man. It'll be awesome. I can't wait. That's going to be quite exciting when that time comes. So big stuff. All right, what do we got here? Oh, show your bros. Asking a question that's up to in progress. He wants to make one. I don't know how hard it is to make one. I'm trying to think. We don't have another room, do we? Sorry.

Hydration Reminder

Drinking my water. Make sure you staying hydrated, my friends. Definitely stay hydrated. All right, so next up we are. Oh, talking about the bot fighters. Yeah. Shout out to the bot fighters that. Are killing the floor. These guys are actually scheming and plotting and have created a IRA roth fund, if you will. Hahaha. Right. To fight the bot, man. And to try to make sure that, hey, if anybody happens to hit the floor on the bot, that they're right.

Sales Insights

There to be the bigger bot to get it. And it's been working. I don't know if you noticed this week, but it's been a hell of a week for grandpa sales. I mean, I'm telling you what, we even got a little tick on. If you look at the actual, I. Don'T know what the bar graph that. You got there, actually a little tick there. So let's see here. 123456.

Grandpa Sales Performance

Man. There's been quite a bit for. Oh, man. Literally been a hell of a run taking us from .04 where were sitting for quite a while, all the way up to. .078 where 160 right now. Oh, my gak. Did you guys just see the one that dropped in at? .1 holy shit. I just noticed that. Grandpa 815. Did you guys see that? Grandpa 815? I don't think that one's been out there.

Opportunity for Growth

This is an opportunity here, let me just throw that up in the greens. There you go. Look at that, man. Members only jacket. Geez. That thing's not been out there. And it's a virgin. That's a robot, dude. That's an. I haven't. I don't know if that one's been listed for a lot. So I'm just saying, is gp not for each young miss I don't will.

Future Endeavors

Make it back to that show. Your bro. I got a couple. I'm moving along, bro. Maybe. So we'll see what. Maybe we do something. We'll see. I don't know how we would do it, though, because we'd have to have something coded to get another. Let me think about that. All right, getting back to what I was saying. So we had the bot.

Floor Dynamics

Bot kill it. Fighters killing the floor, making sure it looks good. And it has resulted in us having. A bot best offer .06 at this. Point in time, which is actually pretty kick ass. So you guys never know what might happen. Like, you know, geez. It just takes a couple of these. Now we're at, .1 and you never know what happens after that.

Challenges Ahead

It's getting tougher. Tougher to find any of these traits. Just like when were talking about. Getting into the squares. I'm sorry. The survivor game, you have to have. The football gaxy or the varsity jacket for the GAC. See? And then you can actually get into. The survivor league, which I gotta say, people got their ass kicked this last week. I'm one of them.

Game Outcomes

I lost. I did lose one of mine in. That last week is I did not pick the right team. It's actually quite an event. So right now we have one that. Was lost this season already. For this week, who picked? I believe the Miami Dolphins, who did not become victorious last night. So we are down to 19 participants where we started with almost 40.

Survivor Game Challenges

If we lost literally 46%, I think, in the first week on a couple of bad picks. So this survivor game, who knows how far it'll go, but 500 eth on this bad boy going into it. So quite a few people looking at this Sunday as may break or break. You never know what that looks like, but. Gaxi, 832.

Elimination and Participation

Sorry to say you have been shut down for the season. I'm not sure who that was, but just telling you. Okay, who's all the corner man's got? Tried to find a varsity. See, that's things. Show your bro was trying to find one. It's not possible to find them right now. That's the thing with a lot of these traits and think about people who.

Market Impossibilities

Like, got a diamond fur or, like, a gold fur. Like, man. It is impossible to get those going. None I even saw that would maybe accept an offer. Exactly right. If you guys haven't tried circle yet. You should try circle. It's a great way to get your hydration. No promo, but I'm just saying, I've been drinking more water than anywhere to be able to do it.

Trade Suggestions

I had a trade with outrageous. Yeah, outrageous has been protecting that trade. So if you want to talk about jerseys, he might be the guy. And, you know, he actually shout out to outrageous. That's also on my list here. He hit the level 15, so that was pretty badass. So I believe he got all the way to the success gar lounge, and.

Community Engagement

He'S pretty excited about that. I saw him post out about that. So if you haven't seen that from him, gotta like that. So make sure you do. Make your survivors shout outs. No free shout outs. That's correct. Now shout out. No free shout out. That's correct. Hey, if you like them, drink them.

Closing Thoughts

I agree. All right, so going back.

Getting Ready for the Winner

Let'S get us the winner. We got to get us some gum, some. Some max on their way. I sent a lot of Max out today. Everybody kind of felt like they. Man, between our poker winners and all that. We'll get to that later. So you guys know who those people were, but, yeah, you're killing it. All right, let's make sure we got some volume here. I don't know how loud this is gonna be. We're gonna find out.

Going Live and Announcing Participants

All right, we are live. It is 718 pm central standard time on TGIF. We've got us some lovely participants up here. Oh, look, there's Tiki. Right? Jackson, reshuffle that since I had to go and put him on there. So here we go. Spinning the wheel. Oh, we need more volume. Oh, there we go. Right around it goes. Okay, this is easy. This one. This is. Yeah. See, there was no extra tick. That was right in the middle. If that's as close you get to being a dollar bill. Shout out Bob Barker, rip.

Raffle Participants and Draws

I'm telling you, that right there is how you do it. So let's put this out there like that. Put that there and drop this in here. We have 36 participants tonight in the raffles. So we'll round up and we'll say that's 40. So we'll do four draws tonight. So there's three more draws after this to win a Mac on. You know, basically every TGIF we do our raffles. If you haven't paid attention, only costs you 175 gp to enter. Which truly you could do if you just did that on a weekly basis.

Battleground Fights and Community Spirit

If you got your dailies and maybe you kick some ass in the battleground, I don't know. I started a lot of fights in the battleground this morning. I woke up feeling scrappy and my grandpa's went out there, said put him. Up and they tried to get after it. I don't know if we won or lost. I have not went back and looked. I will investigate that later. But I was definitely in there. I threw some battles out. I don't even know if anybody took me up on them. Some were high level, some are low level.

Celebrating Winners and Community Engagement

But shout out to open MC who just won a Mac and is going to be happy to get that. That dude. Open MC also needs a shout out. If you're not following that guy, you're not posting about that guy. And following his Daily post, he made a hell of a sweep of grandpa's earlier this week, picked up some gems and if you know something about him, he's about as diamond hand as it gets. Our Canadian connection. Shout out to open MC who is absolutely just a badass.

Upcoming Events and Community Initiatives

So good stuff to him, man. And he just won a new Mac. So good stuff. Open up. Ticket open. We'll get you going. Or I can just send it over. To the wallet you have. Don't worry, I'll take it over. I need to buy some more. Any waxy? Yeah, I need three more. See, there you go. We got to pick up some more of those bad boys. I told the bot killers. Hey you guys, you keep doing what. You'Re doing over there.

Community Events and Shoutouts

They're thinking about doing a duck race derby soon. So I would look out for that with them. They are going to be sending. It looks like a gak might be going to duck race Derby so there. Will be a way to get into that. More news to come from that and shout out to Cornerman boxing and in progress who seem to be doing quite a bit of back and forth and making a lot of this stuff happen in there amongst some others that are there, too. So I don't want to discredit anybody from.

Community Recognition and Acknowledgment

But definitely they are spearheading quite a. Few of these ideas, and it's always. Good to see the community jump behind, you know, all these great ideas and. Things that are going on. So that's pretty cool stuff there. Also, I spoke to somebody today who's a grandpa on the outside, and they don't generally sit on the greens and every now and then they'll show up. To a DJ party and stuff, but they're pretty keen on the whole NFT thing.

Community Relationships and Future Plans

They hold quite a few NFTs from. All over and they just said, Mandy. I love how the grandpa just have such a great community, and he was talking about all you guys over here. So just gotta shout you guys out because it's noticed, man, we just have cool people that hang out on the. Greens and really just comes down to everybody you see now here, you know, it's just. It's just fun.

Health Engagement and Personal Growth

So, sorry. Making sure I'm staying hydrated because I'm. Gonna be DJing later. If you don't know already, you better recognize. All right, so shout out to the bot fighters. Duck brace Derby's coming soon. That's gonna be a lot of fun there. Also, man, we got more stuff happening. I'm just gonna tell you this weekend, man. I'm just. Well, hold on, let me back up.

Recap of Recent Events and Future Engagements

I'm going too far ahead myself. See, I've got my chronological order going on here. If you were here last night and you got into the grandpa's and you wanted to play poker, that was the place to because it was definitely going down last night. And I tell you what, we have a hell of a lineup this week that actually took their. Well, what did they do? They actually posted their registration ticket to go to this monthly tournament that happens next Wednesday.

Poker Tournament and Community Participation

So here we go. I gotta tell you, the final people that actually did this, and, man, it's amazing to see all the people that are starting to play poker. That's a good thing. Shout out to decentralized DJ's who's been doing such a great job with us. And, man, they're just cool people, man. Just really cool people. And like I said last, if you've not been following them on the X.com app, follow them.

Poker Engagement and Community Growth

There is a way you can get. Paid by playing poker with them now. And, man, you can fill your wallet quick and easy. It's just badass. So anyway, moving on, here is the final list of everybody who has punched their ticket to the monthly tournament next week to win a gak, a DD, NFT or even what else? A Mac if I'm not mistaken. Gosh, I'll have to go back and look at that.

Acknowledging Participants in Upcoming Events

Sorry, I didn't know that. Sometimes I change that. So here it is. We have Fiki Ferc, great effects, eighties, cooter pie repping the 914 show your bro open 24 hours. Pepe Dot E. Yeah, baby. Ozzy, agent, evil Gus, Xantar, who's your papa and mugger? 1994. So massive competition coming this week.

Upcoming Competition and Highlights

So I'm just telling you, it's going to be pretty kick ass to be able to see all of these people going head to head next Wednesday at 07:30 p.m. to try to win a gap as well as some GP for them. So good stuff to see those guys rocking. Shout out to Ozzy agent who was the victor last night and became number. One for the week.

Community Engagement and Development

So man, telling you we're growing, even. If it is through different funny little. Things like poker and decentric degens and you know, it's just going to be good stuff. I'm just telling you what a quarter man say didn't make it for the first time in months. Oh, corner man got locked out of man. It's okay, my friend.

Shoutouts and Encouragement

It's okay. That's right. He's been making the monthly tournament, I think. I don't think. When's the last time I didn't say your name, corner man. I'm trying to think what's the last time I didn't make it? I can't remember the last time I didn't say your name. I don't know. But hey, shout out to those that did make it.

Poker Dynamics and Competition Insights

And here's the thing, a lot of different people in this one. So this is gonna be an interesting. Game because some of these people haven't played against each other and that can. Always shake up that can of ants, if you will, a little bit. Because, you know, poker is kind of one of those things.

Understanding Poker Psychology

If you've played the same guy a. Couple times, you kind of know the tells. You kind of know if he's betting. If he's got some, or if he's maybe bluffing a little bit. You never know. Let's see what his quarterman saying now. Yeah, like 2023. It's like the last time that he. So I think this entire year he's actually been rocking.

Community Vibes and Acknowledgments

So that's man think about that, man. We have been going strong. Shout out to the grandpa's. Matter of fact, let me pause now. We'll shout out all the great people that are inside of this wonderful space we have. Spaz shout outs. Chris, Baz. What's up, man? How you doing?

Encouraging Community Participation

Who's your papa? Hey, I'm glad you made the final tournament. Let's see if you can get yourself a gap next week, right? Corner man, boxing. All love to you, sir. We will have your mug to you very soon. His main priority. You are top of list right now.

Community Engagement and Trust

So you and blonde, we'll get you guys all taken care of. Shout out to Chris. Ahu. I'm sorry. Oswald, mada, please forgive the disrespect. Did you guys see Chris Oswal Mata's legs? I'm telling you, this guy, he's been doing 75 hard.

Highlighting Personal Achievements

Went like 48 days. And then, like, has to start over. But in that process, he's got legs bigger than most people's. I'm telling you, torso massive dudes like seven foot tall. So it even makes it even crazier when you realize how big this guy is. I'm telling you. Shout out to Chris Oswal.

Community Love and Encouragement

Mata, angel, SD all love to you. What's up, man? Hope you're doing great out there. Shout out to your lovely wife as well. Live dog. My guy. Can't wait to see you at the DJ party tonight. I got you all set up, my friend.

Engagement Recap and Anticipation

So you're over here. Got some brews for you. We're ready to rock. Open 24 hours. Out to you, too. You won that poker registration for next week. So we'll see you next week in. That to show you, bro. Hey, man, I'll love to you. Can't wait to see you in those games as well.

Final Thoughts and Personal Connections

Generally. You'll show up too. Good to see. Oh, man. And your golf swing. I'm liking the fact that you're working on that. That's good stuff right there. Repping the nine one four. Let's see if you can pull back to back. Gagpop wins.

Community Recognition for Achievements

Man, you did it once, I think, if I'm not mistaken. So that'd be kind of crazy if you could do it again. Cooter pie. Gotta love that guy, too. Yo, I don't think he's here, but I gotta shout him out. Cuz I saw him a little while ago and he popped back out of here.

Community Celebration and Engagement

So that's just how you do it. You know me. All right. We also got Ozzy agent in the house, man. All up from the other side of the world, dude. Man, this guy won last night in poker. Fiki nft.

Engagement Recap with Participants

You already know where your spot is. You've got the plaque back there, so you gotta worry about that. Hey, baby. Yo, what's up, man? Shout out to your dog, shadow hopes. Doing okay, Nick Fitz. What's up, man? Got you.

Acknowledgments and Community Trust

I think I sent you. Yeah, yeah, you should be paid up. I think a guy sent you over. Your Mac, so shout out to you. Good to see you out here. Jared Albright.

Encouraging Community Participation

Man, now's time for you to win a Mac. Man, it's been a while. I haven't been able to send you anything in a while. Hope that mug is doing well. As well as that sweater you had just picked up.

Shoutouts and Community Recognition

That was pretty badass in progress. I already shouted you out earlier. You know where you're at, man. Appreciate the help on the parlays, mister blonde fellow. Hope you heard you were at top of my list, you and corner man.

Final Community Acknowledgments

So we'll get your customs out to you. That's my, that's my thing this week. I'm getting that off the list. That's the last frog I have around here, so we'll get those handled. DZ all love, Mandy. Got some heaters for you tonight.

Closing Remarks and Future Engagements

Bangers, absolute bangers. You should be able to get some down stuff happening fer. Good to see you, my boy. Love that diamond grin you got there. Just, man, it's really become of. Hey, if you didn't know.

Community Growth and Recognition

Ferc's down like eleven pounds. Give Ferc a little what's up because he's down right now. That's good. Keep that in DZ. Get with Ferc right there. Ferc, get with DZ. That guy, that's all he does.

Community Support and Motivation

He's a fitness and nutrition coach, man. He'll help you and old cap, man, good to see you back in the space. Hope you enjoyed the Ozarks last week.

Anticipation for the Club

Can't wait to see you bust out the banana hammock later on at the club. We're gonna get down, man. Shout out to all the grandpas. What a kick ass crowd we got here, man. I'm just telling you what, that's. It just doesn't get any better. It really doesn't. All right, let's get us another winner as we move on to the next. Let's see here. I gotta make sure I get my camera right. All right, we are live at a 07:29 p.m. central standard time. Spinning the wheel one more time. We got two three of these. So this is after this. Two more. Spinning it around. Got some volume. Let's find us a winner from one of these fine people that are on here. Oh, my. No way. Will it? Not quite. Oh, it didn't quite make it.

Finding the Winner

But you know what's funny? It works if you work it. And I just said somebody's name, too. That was kind of funny. So let's do this here, button there, and let's send this out that way. There we go. All right, I have us another winner. So there'll be two more Macs coming. Out tonight, so don't fret, my friends. You might have an opportunity to pick one up. And even possibly tonight, we'll have some fun. Maybe during the DJ party, too. I have an idea for that as well. So maybe we'll be able to win something in there, too. Maybe it won't be a Mac. There might be something a little bit different than that. However, repping the 914 himself a Mac in here, this guy is consistently winning and turning up around the country club. If you have not met this guy, you'll see him running around acting crazy.

Engagement with the Audience

He pops in, he pops out. He's very active. So make sure you say hi to rep in 914. Congratulate him on the Mac today. That's awesome. See, there you go. Man, we are. We're just a whole bunch of happy grandpas over here chilling. Man, I hope those Arnie Palmers are doing good back there. Don't nobody spike those. There is some spiked ones if you want them. Just go to the bar. Okay? You don't have to spike the unspiked ones because some of us aren't drinking right now. All right? So don't do that. I appreciate. I appreciate it back there. Yeah, I see you. Yeah, you. Yeah, I see you.

Competition Announcements

That was my look, my death stare. Hope you saw that. All right, continuing on down the lane. All right, so we do have a bad ass league of the Gak gridiron gang, and I've got to let you know and remind you of exactly who might be playing who this week. And what does that look like as we start moving into this weekend? Because if it wasn't for a little bit of friendly competition, what would there be? So as we move in to the second week of competition, we have a few undefeated teams. They are in no specific order. The D League misfits, led by yours truly, swirl one. We have corner man, which is the cornerman. He has a one. And, oh, we have team Ozzy.

Undefeated Rivalries

Agent with a one and oh record. We also have the too many cardinals. Which is IP with a 10 record. The fantasy titan with the 10 record. And Mister Shorty and team. I'm sorry, team short key. It's not team, just short game. Okay, there you go. Who's got a one and a record. So this week, there's a lot on the line. We got a few people who, no matter what happens, will end up losing their undefeated record this week. We can actually, with one team, take on show. Yo, bro. And if happened to, you know, beat him, then that's good, you know, we two know. And poor guy I'll be down to right now looking pretty even.

Upcoming Matches

So I don't want to count my chickens because I'm not very good at this game. You never know what happened. However, when you go with Ozzy, Agent. Cornerman, both of these guys are undefeated. So somebody's going to take an l here and get one in the lost column. Now, in the other side of that. Coin, the cooter pie versus Ip's girlfriend, right? These both have everything to gain. Another thing to lose because they're owing one. So somebody's going to walk out of there with a dub and that's going to be pretty badass. Open MC has an opportunity to upset too many cardinals and take away that one. And, oh, that they have give them an even Steven on the league this year.

Final Match Insights

And then they also might see the outrageous Bob Barker killers coming to take out the fantasy titans, who are 10. At this point in time. So they're looking to be a little upset as well. And team Boff Diggie is looking to upset Shorty and hand them their first, well, loss of the season. So we'll see what happens when this is all said and done. Somebody, I think, lost to this weekend. So you never know what might happen there. And there's a few others that might be tough to find. So shout out to all the people that are playing the gak gridiron gang. It is a lot of fun.

Wrapping Up the Evening

Show your bro thinks I'm getting taken out. I'm saying it is a. Hold on. Okay. I'm saying that it's an even Steven. So all that. Show your bro. Fight that out. It's hit the crapshoot. It's a 50 right here. So shout out to him for that. And we never know what's gonna happen there, so that's gonna be pretty fun, man. I'm telling you, we got all kinds. Of stuff going on around here. If you guys haven't been able to see.

Final Winner Announcement

All right, let's get us another winner. And I'm already ready already. And we are live 07:35 p.m. central standard time. Our third winner of the night will be spun on this wheel and found. Out in less than maybe 40 seconds as it slows down. Oh, wow. Check out that out. Talk about a fine humming. Who actually is in the space at this point in time. So they will get a little win. Let me take a sip here as this goes up. All right, that should be loading up. Whoa. That got caught the wrong way. All right, and our winner of this third Mac of the evening is another corner man boxing. We just talked about him a little while ago, so good luck in the gridiron.

Celebrating Winners

And you just want a Mac as well, so. Doesn't get much better than that. Get yourself a Mac. Look at that. He's out here. Showed up. He said I missed the monthly tournament, but guess what? I'll take a raffle. Win all darn day. So, hey, that makes my day, too. I like quarter, man. He's good, people. Been around for a long time. Been rocking with this. And he's got some bad ass grandpas, too. He's been patient and found some here and there. It's been good. Shout out to Cornerman. All right, let's get us another r1 quick so we can move on from that.

Exciting Weekend Ahead

We got us a gag pop. Plus, I'm not quite done with everything we're doing this weekend, man. We just got a lot of stuff happening. Feels like I've been telling everybody everything is happening for a while. You act like there's not much going on at the grandpa's listening to all this. Holy shit. All right, we are live 07:36 p.m. central standard time. This will be our last draw of the evening. Spinning the wheel. Ooh, man, that was close. That wouldn't have been bad, but it would have been really cool. But at the same time, it was really close. You'll see what I mean if you watch the wheel. That's put this last one up here. This is the fourth and final mat to be given out tonight on the TGIF gas bases.

Last Chance for a Mac

So that will be shut down right there. And we have. There you go, Chris Mada with a new Mac coming to him here soon. So shout out to Chris, man. Chris also just got a new gak mug that he can order from the GACc pro shop. So, man, he is racking it in right now. Shout out to Chris. Like I said, this guy seven foot tall. He can get himself one of the bigger mugs, too. I think it's like. I mean, he can really do that thing. So shout out to that guy for sure. Telling you so. There you go. Chris. You already know, man. You already know what to do. You've been here a little bit.

Upcoming DJ Party

Look at that. He's excited. Oh, snap. Look at that shit. He's like me. I won. All right, let's go. All right. Okay, so tonight we have the dj party. You guys know that. That'll be coming up in just about. Oh, just a little under an hour. And beyond that, we also have tomorrow. Can't really put this out on a timeline, but if you like, you know, a little bit of that. Little boxing. But, you know, in that octagon and, you know, all that there's. I heard this is big party in Vegas and they're gonna be doing it under this big, I don't know, dome looking thing.

Join Us Tomorrow

You guys can show up tomorrow at the greens because we're gonna be broadcasting that. So if you guys want to come. And check it out, you already know what to do. Pull up to the greens with your grandpa. Bring your, I don't know, beverages, your vitamins, your lawn chairs. Some people might bring a blanket. Lay down on the lawn, whatever you want. We'll have all that laid out for you guys so you can hang out and watch. I think it's three oh six tomorrow, if I'm not mistaken. So it's gonna be actually pretty good. Let me see. Let me just make sure I've got that right. Hold on.

Main Event Details

Wrong keyboard there. Swirl. There we go. Yep. So you have O'Malley versus the fucking. Can't say his name. Tomorrow night. So I'm not even gonna try. But you guys can look it up if you want to. But it's gonna be starting. We have the. It's gonna be a late one from what I understand, because it is on the Pacific side of things. So, I mean, I have a feeling. Man, it might start early. And I think the main card is scheduled for like 1045 or something like that. Or. Sorry, the main fight.

Weekend Excitement

So, hell, it's gonna be a good one. Might as well pull up early at the grandpa's. We'll be getting it down. So, hey, it's one of the best things we could do on a Saturday when this stuff's going around. I heard this is gonna be a barn burner. Straight blockbuster. And I heard there's quite a few things to see. First time it's ever been a sphere, so they're already like millions in. I'm telling you, it's gonna be pretty badass, man. The special no che event.

Keeping Up with Events

So we're watching two. So we're gonna watch that. We can only watch one, man. Don't really care about the canelo fights. I mean, yeah, boxing just doesn't do it for me. And they're not. Not fear or is it at sphere? I think they're in a different spot, dude. It's gonna be cool. Pretty excited about that. So starts at 1030 Eastern Pm. Holy shit. Oh, my God. It's gonna be a late one, dude. Whatever. We'll find it. It'll be on.

Excitement for the Evening

I'm gonna be hanging out with everybody, cuz I'm excited about it. It's gonna be a lot of fun. So let's get down. That's gonna be a late one right there. I'm with it. That's what we're doing then. We're watching that. How about that? See?

Upcoming Yoga Session

Show up tomorrow. All right. Yoga Sunday, 10:00 a.m. that's another thing we got going on. Shout out to humble warrior. We are going to have a blast. If you have any kind of aches and pains, learn how to stretch or just want to get that circulation, learn how to get a little bit more meditation. Maybe you need a little bit of. That inspiration from other people around you.

Yoga with the Grandpas

Guess what? The grandpas have their very own yogi. Pulling up on Sunday morning right in the greens. And it's visual, it's auditory, it's whatever. You'D like it to be. And she does an amazing job, and. She will be live in a prime time at 10:00 a.m. central standard Time. Bring your yoga mats, your yoga blocks.

Preparing for Yoga

If you don't have a yoga block, you could bring a pillow. You could bring, I don't know, maybe a couple. You know, a good thing is a. Couple of pillows or even a couple. Of those towels that you can fold in, like, four system. That's good stuff right there. I'm telling you. That'll help you out. But check that out. She's gonna be coming in and doing. Their class on Sunday, so get down with that. All right?

Excitement for the Event

Always love to support that good stuff. It's gonna be amazing. Pretty good stuff to look at. That CJ's like, yep, I'm even. Jared's dog is getting in on the action. So that's what I'm talking about. If you know, and if you don't, you better axe somebody. Okay. Okay. Let's keep it moving.

Lottery Drawing Begins

Let's get into the geek. Yeah. All right, I got me some entries. See what we got here. What are they? If I can type. Oh, my goodness. All right, so I believe 33. I try to stop at a good number there. I got a little bit of everything inside of here. And this is another first week, because we have not been able to make it past the first week because people are winning right now, and we're even sharing gas pots, like, and look, 389 entrants.

Odds of Winning

So I'm just saying, that's like, 65% of the permutations being taken. So that's very high likelihood that there could be a winner tonight, but that also means that there's a high likelihood that there's not a winner, and then this thing would roll over to next week. However, if it didn't roll over to next week, it's 20,000 GP and a Mac. If you win this week. That's why all those people last week got a little bit of GP this well afternoon.

Previous Winners

That 565 you saw running around on the greenshouse, that's where that came from. All you had to do is hang out in a space like this. And if swirl one happens to win any part of that gakbot, he shares that entire Gakpot with the people that showed up to the spaces. So there you go. That's how it works.

Lottery Tickets Drawning

And so right now, we're gonna go ahead and get us a drawing going, so hopefully you got your tickets. If you didn't get your tickets, that's okay. If this thing wins, it'll get reopened up on Monday. If nobody wins, it'll reopen up right away. Damn, I am fired up with you guys tonight, man. I'm so excited. It's been a week.

Building Anticipation for the DJ Party

I'm just happy to be here with you guys, rocking the gagpot, sending out all the stuff in the tickets, and getting ready for a dj party tonight, man. Just literally love this grandpa shit. I really do. All right, let's go. Our first number in this week's gagpot is. It's a three.

Drawing the Lucky Numbers

I like it when it starts with the three. Three's a good lucky number. Tell me I've got some threes. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We in here. We all the way live. We doing good, we doing good. We're 100%. So you guys know there's six numbers. First four coming somewhat slow, so I might just talk a little, you know, just because, well, why not?

Engaging the Audience

And that way, there's a little suspense going. You're like, you know what, squirrel just shut up. No, I'm gonna go ahead and let. Everybody check their numbers. I see a lot of threes, that's the easy one. But when it comes to the last. Two numbers, we're not gonna waste any time. We're just gonna pop those suckers right out.

Continuing with the Draw

Alright? Look, see, show your bros already said. He'S only got one three, so there you go. You never know how that goes. Look, everybody's checking their numbers now. See, this works out just fine. Shout out to everybody who's checking their numbers right now. Checking it twice, checking it twice.

Next Number Announced

All right, the next number in this week's gakbot is, it's a one. So if you've got a 31, you still alive, main? If you don't, you gonna have to. Wait till next week. oh, am I left? Okay, yeah, I got one. I'm good.

Confirmation from Participants

I'm in there. I've got one. All right, I'm in there. Let's see what Ferc Scott, I'm not. Gonna say if you do ferc, I'm just looking for my own. Oh, oh, everybody's falling out right away. Holy shit. Never won this thing.

More Excitement in the Draw

Oh, quarterman. Hey, you never know, man. It comes around. You watch, it comes around. All right, here comes the third number. Looks like everybody's dropping like flies. What the heck? Where'd it go? What happened? Where's that? I hit it.

Technical Difficulties

Come on, don't do that to me, don't do that. Help me out. Oh no. Come on, give me that. Oh man, the bot. Alright, I'm gonna try to click it again. Let's see what happens. Oh man, I don't like it when that happens because then I feel like it's gonna pop two of them out.

Third Number Confirmation

Okay, there's one. Woo hoo. All right, we're in there. Yes. Hey, the bot was hiccuping. Okay, maybe, I don't know, maybe it was having a drink, maybe it was on, I don't know, break three. One two is the number. Do I have a three?

Final Numbers Being Drawn

One two, let me see here, hold on, I gotta go. Man, you guys are really scrolling on this thing. Let me look here. I'm looking like I'm out. I am out. Okay, so if you have a three, one two, you're still in here.

Moving Forward

If you don't have, then, well, you know, next week maybe roll over. If it rolls over, that's even better because there's gonna be more on the line next week. All right, more in the gag. Pop. Here comes the fourth number in this week's gagpa.

Revealing Additional Numbers

It's a 63126. I don't see 3126 out here. Maybe I do. Mmm. I'm not saying anything. I'm not saying anything. The last two numbers gonna come pretty quickly, though. So here's the deal, my friends.

Potential Winning Prize

If there's a winner today, they get 20,000 GP and a Mac. If there isn't, this will roll over to next week. We will reopen it right away. And then there will be 50,000 GP and a Mac and a gak hat on the line.

Increasing Prize Pool

So you'll get a Mac nft, and you will get a gak hat as well. If we happen to go to week three. It just gets better. So, look, Captain Colt didn't make it either. All right, well, that's the way it goes.

Anticipation for the Last Draw

Here comes the last two numbers, my friends. You better be ready, because we are. Ready to rock with the last two to see if we got us a winner. So, without further ado, the last two are.

Final Decision

312645. For a winner or not. Let's find out. No winners this week. Whoa. That's been a while since we have had a rollover.

Excitement in the Rollover

So now we are rolling this thing right over. So let me get it started back. I'm actually really excited about this because we really haven't had a rollover in a while. People have been winning every week, and I like it when it starts to get a very large gag pot where there's 8100 thousand, 200,000 in there.

Rolling the Jackpot

That's the way to do it. So, look here, I'm gonna start this right now. Start. Jackpot. And it is. Hold on. I gotta remember my command.

Reassessing the Situation

Oh, my goodness. I don't know how I remember this stuff, but I do. Bam. I think that's right. Say right. Holy shit. I hope I got it right.

Final Adjustments

I. If. I think I might have been there. It's open again. There you go. Should be good to go. Is it working? Let's see here.

Raffle Details

All right, I'm in there. All right, we're in there. We in there? Yeah, because Ferc decided not to rig it this weekend. Everyone get too suspicious.

Adjusting Raffle Cost

Oh, but you know what? I did put it for 175. So here's what I'll do. I'll make the raffle cheaper this week. So there you go. Sorry about that, but that's okay. Hey, it's worth more, right?

Embracing the Moment

It's worth more. Doesn't matter. We'll be okay. We'll be okay. I sent out some GP. If that's the end of the world.

Weekend Spirit

Keep coming. Pumped up, dude. A pumped up in progress. Okay. Fired up, Mandy. Just excited for this old grandpa shit. I'm excited for making it through another Friday.

Looking Forward

It is TGIF in my world. I do look forward to getting out here and getting on the greens with. You guys, and I. I look forward to making music and making people just, man, forget about the week and let's.

Good Times Ahead

Just get after it, right and have. A good time and throw up a little bit of drink, maybe have some vitamins. If that's not your thing. Hey, bring the water. We're cool with that. You know, it's just good shit.

Weekend Plans

It's really exciting. So, hey, also on Sunday, we do have Grandpa rumbles that it's gonna be. Rocking at 07:00 p.m. central standard time, too. So you could pull up that as well.

Grandpa Events

So there's a lot going on in the grand Pave country club this weekend. Dj party tonight at 830. If you've not, you better RSVP. It's already gonna be a full club night for sure tonight.

Exciting Weekend Schedule

Full, full for sure. Then tomorrow we'll be rocking with the UFC 306. So they'll be starting as early as possible. And we rocking and rolling with that. And then we will continue in rock and roll with.

A Full Schedule Ahead

I mean, just. I'm just telling you, we got grandpa rolls, we got everything going on. Yoga on Sunday morning at 10:00 a.m. put your, set your alarms. If you don't know, you better know.

Community and Celebration

You better learn, man. Shout out to all you grandpas out of here. This has been a gag spaces. I'm your host, swirl one. Looking forward to a great weekend with all of you.

Closing Remarks

Hoping that all of you will show up. Enjoy the DJ party tonight. I'll kick on the cameras in about 1015 minutes as soon as I get me a little bit more food inside. Myself, because I need a little bit more. And then, you know, I'm gonna rock and roll.

Final Excitement

I'm gonna be ready to go. Who knows what'll happen in the DJ party? Pull up and find out because that's how we roll. It'll actually kick off right at 830, even though there will be doors open around 810.

Event Logistics

815. So that's, you know, just like the concert. You go inside, you listen to random music. You might hear some cool stuff that's out right now that, you know, you couldn't go get or download.

Party Atmosphere

You're like, wow, that's kind of cool. And then all of a sudden, the curtain drops, the lights go on, and. We have a party. So that's what we're gonna do. Looking forward to it, man.

Gratitude and Farewell

Thank you so much for being here. Throw up your grandpa this weekend in. All kinds of different ways and shapes and forms that we have. Everybody appreciates it if I see it.

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