Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space delved into the innovative applications of Web3 technologies in real-world asset trading, particularly in real estate. Discussions highlighted the ease brought by fractional homeownership, blockchain's intersection with traditional assets, the need for user-friendly interfaces, and community-driven development. Platforms were seen as assisting in credit score improvement without traditional crypto challenges. The vision presented foresees decentralized platforms reshaping financial and ownership models, enhancing asset accessibility and fungibility.


Q: What is RWA trading?
A: Real World Asset trading involves using blockchain to tokenize and trade physical assets like real estate.

Q: How does fractional homeownership work?
A: It allows multiple investors to own shares of a home, making real estate investment accessible and liquid.

Q: Why is a user-friendly interface crucial?
A: To ensure mass adoption, interfaces must be intuitive for everyday users unfamiliar with blockchain.

Q: How does community feedback influence platform development?
A: Community suggestions shape features and functionalities, making platforms more user-centric.

Q: Can these platforms help improve credit scores?
A: Yes, they offer innovative ways to enhance credit without traditional crypto complexities.

Q: What makes transactions more transparent on blockchain?
A: Blockchain ledger provides clear, immutable records of all transactions, enhancing transparency.

Q: Is RWA trading flexible?
A: Yes, it allows investors to trade their shares easily, providing liquidity options.

Q: What’s the role of Web3 in real estate?
A: Web3 introduces decentralized control and fractional ownership, disrupting traditional models.

Q: Why is fractionalization significant for long-term investments?
A: It offers flexible exit options and sustained value growth over time.

Q: How do decentralized platforms benefit users?
A: They provide more autonomy and reduced need for intermediaries.

Q: What was emphasized in the Twitter space regarding Web3?
A: The importance of usability, community collaboration, and potential applications without intense crypto usage.


Time: 01:12:07
Launching 'Lend Three': Next Platform Transformation

Time: 01:24:12
Tokenization of Homeownership: A Future Perspective

Time: 01:24:39
Improving Liquidity: Trading Shares in RWA

Time: 01:12:23
Seamless Web3 Integration for Consumers

Time: 01:12:37
Application Features & Innovations

Time: 01:12:32
Emphasizing on Logo and Website Usability

Time: 01:24:53
Importance of Community Feedback in Development

Time: 01:24:08
Decentralized Control Over Investments

Time: 01:11:45
Innovative Suggestions by Community Members

Time: 01:23:57
Real-World Applications Without Full Crypto Utilization

Time: 01:12:13
Usability and Accessibility in Web3

Key Takeaways

  • RWA trading platforms leveraging blockchain technology are on the rise.
  • Fractionalized homeownership allows shared investments in real estate.
  • Web3 offers flexibility and liquidity in trading real-world asset shares.
  • User-friendly interfaces are crucial for wider adoption of Web3 solutions.
  • Community feedback shapes platform features and functionalities.
  • Innovative platforms can improve credit scores without traditional crypto barriers.
  • Blockchain provides transparency and smoother transaction mechanisms.
  • Fractionalization influences long-term investment decisions.
  • Decentralized platforms grant users more control over investments.
  • Real estate could face significant disruption with Web3 solutions.
  • Alignment of Web3 with everyday application needs is a focus for innovators.

Behind the Mic

there. We're six months new the way we look at it. A lot of people now come to us and ask us questions on how we've been able to do it, what techniques or what pros and cons should they look at in terms of strategies and how to go about it. So it's nice to now have our little niche in crypto. If anybody wants to check us out, I'm roar. Tend to go by top roar. And thanks again for inviting me up. No, that's our pleasure. And really, I really enjoyed your story. This is amazing how you develop so many tokens. The charts, the achievements. Congratulations on all of that. It's really amazing to meet somebody in the crypto community building in crypto and on the Solana blockchain. This is really amazing. And I gotta see. So your pin post, right? It has. It has a picture image and that's. That's the face I make when somebody steals my snack. So. Love it. Love it. The moment I opened it, I had to. Oh, that's the face I make when somebody steals my snack. And that's the face my daughter actually make when she knows that mommy or daddy took her snack. It's really amazing to meet you. And I love the memes. Also, the images that I see here on your x account, the roar account, is that part of the NFT or did a community created that? Because that's really amazing. I love the art. I love it. So first, yeah, we have a token on Solana as well. But these ones are on ethereum, the ones you're seeing there. And then the one you're talking about in particular is Ethereum and BNB. But the NFT collection was done by an artist out of Bulgaria. His name is Klement you can find him at Clement Eth. So k I sorry, Klimente. And he's done other collections as well. He has a digital studio to go along with it, so he's well versed in the crypto lands as well. And for us, the content you may or may not be seeing on roar can be through the meme contests. But if you're seeing the NFT itself, then that's Clement's work. That was a free mint that we did on March 3. We minted, I think, 5555 nfts. 555 went to roar holders or the project it collabing and don't keep growing. Thank you so much Kat, for co hosting today together with Brian. It was amazing. I'm sorry you had some issues by coming in our co host panel, but it was amazing to have you here. Thank you so much. You spent so much of your valuable time with us and I really appreciate it. I would like to thank all the amazing speakers that came up today and did their share. Today we had two special guests, web three eco and we have home tree. Our four guest speakers were octopeeps, Asteri Jewelry, Solana, roaring Kitty, and then we also had Okie bears joining us on the speaker panel as well. Yen Dao. Thank you guys so much for being here and yes for participating. And quick note, we did not reach 100 repos of the space link, so that means we will move this giveaway to next week. And the next week we will add the 50 us dollar in USDT so the price pool would be 100 us. Sorry, 150 us dollar in USDT, 45 medic and 30,003 tokens that we will be giving away during the space. And today's giveaway, sorry, collab giveaway of the TGIF Ama is Mark P. Actually, Mark P, you won some badass prizes today. Congratulations to everyone who won. Please remember, open a ticket in our discord. The tweets token will be added into your account and with the three tokens you can purchase some cool nfts in our store. We'll add some merch as well. And very soon we'll add the three token on chain for you guys to get more revenues and more rewards. So thank you so much. This was TGIF Ama with achievements episode 43. Have a great weekend, stay safe, stay healthy, take care of yourself and have some fun with your family as well. So this is my outro, guys. I appreciate you all. Shout out to all of you here in the audience and I see you next week. Thank you for babe, it's a beautiful day for cold night thank you for rain thank you for joy thank you for painful day. It'S a beautiful day. For. Thank you for joy. Thank you for my. All right guys, that was DjIf Ama with Achievos episode 43. I see you guys next week. Bye.

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