Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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S1.Ep3 Tales by Moonlight: Building a Loyal Tribe

This space is hosted by TaleItmedia

Space Summary

This summary delves into key discussions on wallets, emphasizing their importance in the digital landscape and delving into the diverse functionalities and security aspects linked to wallet usage in the evolving crypto ecosystem. The content creation surrounding wallets showcased innovative marketing strategies, while engaging the audience through compelling storytelling. Additionally, it provided insights into industry trends and the business relevance of leveraging wallets in the crypto sphere.


Q: What are the essential security measures for protecting wallet private keys?
A: Essential security measures include storing private keys offline, using hardware wallets, enabling two-factor authentication, and avoiding sharing keys online.

Q: How do wallets facilitate the seamless transfer of various cryptocurrencies?
A: Wallets provide unique addresses for sending and receiving cryptocurrencies, ensuring ownership verification and secure transactions on the blockchain.

Q: What distinguishes hot wallets from cold wallets?
A: Hot wallets are connected to the internet for immediate transactions, while cold wallets are offline storage devices, offering enhanced security by minimizing online exposure.

Q: What additional features do modern wallets offer apart from storing assets?
A: Modern wallets may offer staking, governance voting, NFT support, asset swapping, and integration with decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols for advanced financial activities.

Q: How can one select the most suitable wallet for their needs?
A: Factors to consider include security features, supported cryptocurrencies, user-friendliness, development team reputation, community trust, and compatibility with one’s intended use cases.

Q: What are the risks associated with centralized wallet providers?
A: Risks include potential hacking vulnerabilities, loss of funds due to centralized control, custodial risks, and dependence on a single entity for wallet security.

Q: How do wallets interact with decentralized applications (DApps)?
A: Wallets connect users to DApps by providing access to blockchain networks, enabling transactions, signing smart contracts, and managing digital assets within decentralized ecosystems.


Time: 00:05:03
Introduction to Tales by Moonlight: Overview of the series and its purpose.

Time: 00:12:44
Agenda Introduction: Focus on building a loyal tribe.

Time: 00:13:20
Importance of Customer Engagement: Emphasis on carrying customers along in your journey.

Time: 00:18:28
Identifying and Solving Problems: Approach to content creation by addressing problems.

Time: 00:23:30
Ownership Strategy: Discussion on creating an ownership mentality.

Time: 00:29:50
Psychological Aspect of Storytelling: Making your audience feel part of the story.

Time: 00:37:43
Customer Service Excellence: Prioritizing customer service to build loyalty.

Time: 00:50:05
Adapting Strategies: Importance of adapting strategies based on feedback and trends.

Time: 00:57:04
Consistency in Presence: Showing up regularly to get noticed and build a brand.

Time: 01:10:31
Relevance of Trends: Ensuring trends are relevant to your business before jumping on them.

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of securing private keys.
  • Wallets’ role in storing and managing cryptocurrencies.
  • Diversification of wallets for different purposes.
  • Discussion on hot vs. cold wallets.
  • Wallet functionalities beyond transactions.
  • Considerations for choosing a wallet.
  • Risk factors associated with wallet usage.
  • Integration of wallets with decentralized apps.
  • Emerging trends in wallet development.
  • Wallets as a gateway to the decentralized financial ecosystem.

Behind the Mic

Good evening, guys. Hi. Good evening. Let me know if I’m correct. If I’m pronouncing your name correct. Yeah, it’s Ojuku. Okay. Okay, perfect. So Ojoka and one other person can speak after having that thing. Make sure that you tweet it and use the right hashtags, because someone is actually going to prize. So I think that’s even the highlight of this entire series, the prize that you get to win. It’s a 200,000 plus worth of package where influencers, top influencers, get to promote your business, and we get to give you this beautiful page revamp and all of that. So if you have anything, even though it’s just a commentary about this event, tweet about it and use the right hashtags. Yeah. So, juko, please carry on. All right. About that. I will talk to Adam later to put me through, because I didn’t actually get what he said. What exactly are you using? Webinar or automated webinars because for my own understanding, I don’t think I have full knowledge on what he said. That was kind of fast. But I was more focused on content creation or probably other things. But my sister is into infographic poster post creatives ads, basically. Motive of the meeting so far, even when I joined late, I ended up hearing best creation, YouTube ads, basically. Ojuku, Ojoku, I don’t know if I got that right. You did a little bit, but it’s all right. All right, thank you. Thank you so much. Can you hear me now? Okay, welcome. Yeah, I want to ask this question now. Hello. Do you charge differently for slide decks and only infographics? And how often do you have to meet? And again, most of the time, considering the fact that some automators are actually fast. How do you charge over that? Do I need to charge over that again? Have we tweeted with the right hashtag? Okay, I don’t think Adam has addressed the question. Adam has not addressed the question. Adam still needs to answer the question. Do you charge differently for slide decks and only infographics? Then what are the other questions again, please? How often do you meet with your clients? And most of the time, how fast you deliver them considering the fact that some automators are actually very fast? I’ll take that. I’ll take that. This is Adam. Thank you for that. Do we charge differently for slide decks and purely infographics? Mostly, it depends on the number of slides. It depends on the amount of work that will be put into it, and it depends on the industry as well. So there is really no fixed charge because it depends on the time it will take you to deliver a high-quality service or a high-quality product. And how often do we meet with our clients? So this is the reality of what you’ll experience when you start working with clients. Most of the time, clients are really busy. So you might not have the chance to communicate with them every time. But at the beginning of the relationship, you create a kind of communication calendar where you have specific times during the week where you update on the work done and when you will deliver the work as well. So once that has been done, you will have a kind of communication flow remaining when you have projects to deliver. In this scenario, it is very important to set the expectations right at the beginning so they know what to expect from you, and you also know what they expect from you as well. Adam, does my sister necessarily need to run ads for a client, especially if she’s in the wedding category? Okay, great question. She doesn’t need to run ads for a client if the client is not ready to run ads. When you position yourself as a consultant, you gain the right to share with the client what you feel will help their business grow. Now, it’s their prerogative to decide if they’re going to take your advice or not. So if they’re not able to run ads, that doesn’t stop her from taking that project on. But if she feels she’s ready to deliver the project or she has other means of promoting that particular business or event, she could go ahead and do that and not necessarily focus on running ads. So where you have the opportunity to pitch running ads or initiate running ads, I would always advise you to pitch it since nothing stops you from doing that. But if the client is not open to having that discussion, you can also look at other marketing channels that they might be open to exploring. So they might like some organic traffic and SEO or leveraging influencers or partnerships. So you should also position yourself that if the client doesn’t want to run ads, that shouldn’t stop you from onstage discussing what marketing is about. Thank you very much. What is the price on the automated webinar to just enjoy sliding through, liking, commenting, or just showing what they liked? Anything? I think Adam answered it. So you want to have a recurring sales one-on-one, is that your question? I don’t get what… Okay. So when you run an automated webinar, you’re actually trying to put systems in place to help you sell to multiple people at the same time. So you’re cutting off time. When you run an automated webinar, essentially what you’re doing is that you’re setting up a repeatable sales process so that you can target specific prospects every single time without having to be there. So you’re saying to yourself, I want to position this particular kind of content for these people at a specific time, and they need to watch it through the webinar. Now, the most important thing in a webinar, 55% of people who come to a webinar make up their mind whether to buy within like the first 20 minutes. So the meat of everything you want to say has to be in the first 20 minutes of your presentation because that’s when 55% of the people watching will make up their mind whether it’s worth their time or not. So you need to structure it in a way that all the good stuff is at the beginning, and then you can round off with other things they need to pick up. Oh, Wedding. I think that’s really helpful. Now, I’m talking about all these things that will take you a year or so to learn when you’re ready to scale. I believe getting into a board or conference where all these tools are easily available will be awesome. I know in Nigeria right now, we have certain FinTech parties, but what’s difficult out there is understanding the right tools to use. There’s a lot of advice out there. So I don’t know who is going to advise us to focus on the right things. What advice would you give to your sister and stop her from going astray by listening to that? Alright, Sadi, that is cool. So one of the biggest things about scaling is that you need to know what works for you. But if you don’t actually test, you might not know what actually works for you. So before you even get to the stage of saying I want to scale, you must first of all have a winning offer. When I say a winning offer, it means that you must have tested something and it worked, and you found a specific niche, like an avatar for the client who it worked for. Now, not every time that you would scale with the same person because like in the wedding industry, not all weddings are the same. So you need to find a specific niche within the wedding industry. Some people focus on wedding events. Some focus on bridal showers, some focus on white weddings. So when you find that specific niche that you want to productize or make your business and offer around, then you can now start looking at the relevant tools from that setup. If you don’t test, you won’t know the right things to focus on. Secondly, take what you’re learning and put it into action. Like you have seen a webinar talking about automated webinars, actually try running one and see if it works for you. Take the best practices and implement them and see if it works for you as a whole. Now, within the Nigerian context, there is a whole lot of information out there, and people are sharing different kinds of information as well. So you must validate the source of your information. If you’re not sure about the source, do your research and verify it before investing money or time in the advice you’re getting. Alright, to add to what you just said, I think you took it off the wrong way for your customers or your audiences. So I hope that is clear, you know, I hope that is very clear for you and you understand somebody else was. Okay, beautiful. Beautiful. Also, I just want to take a moment to say thank you for appreciating what we’re doing here. It’s a wonderful thing to help, you know, small business owners and entrepreneurs and startup founders grow. And that is what our agency is all about. Someone else was requesting to speak. I don’t know if I caught that immediately. I think. I think it’s media. Quinoa. Yes. So I don’t know if she’s still interested in speaking. Someone else request. I don’t know whether it was a mistake. If you’re, if you’re still interested in saying something, please just request. We’re taking one more person, just the last person.

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