Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Sweet & Sugary Saturday w/@FunApes_NFT hosted by FunApes_NFT. Sweet & Sugary Saturday's space with @FunApes_NFT brought together candy-inspired animated apes in an engaging discussion. The event highlighted the importance of community engagement, creative collaborations, impactful marketing strategies, and the enchanting storytelling that enhances the value and appeal of NFT projects like FunApes_NFT. The space emphasized the significance of transparency, regular updates, and interactive elements in maintaining community trust and engagement. With a focus on rarity, limited editions, and gamification, FunApes_NFT distinguishes itself in the NFT market by offering a delightful blend of fun themes that attract a diverse audience.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How does FunApes_NFT differentiate itself in the NFT market?
A: FunApes_NFT stands out by blending candy themes with animated ape characters, offering a unique and engaging concept.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for NFT projects like FunApes_NFT?
A: Engaging with the community fosters loyalty, feedback, and a sense of belonging, vital for project sustainability.

Q: How do partnerships with creators benefit NFT projects?
A: Collaborations bring fresh perspectives, unique designs, and can expand the reach of NFT collections like FunApes_NFT.

Q: What role does storytelling play in NFT projects?
A: Compelling narratives enrich the value of NFTs, creating emotional connections and interest among collectors.

Q: How does rarity influence the appeal of NFT collections?
A: Limited editions and rarity create scarcity, driving demand and increasing the perceived value of NFT assets.

Q: Why are gamification elements important in NFT communities?
A: Gamification enhances user engagement, encourages participation, and adds interactive fun to NFT projects.

Q: What strategies increase visibility for NFT projects?
A: Effective marketing tactics like partnerships, social media campaigns, and influencer collaborations can boost visibility and awareness.

Q: How does open communication impact community trust in NFT projects?
A: Transparency and clear communication build trust, credibility, and a positive reputation within NFT communities.

Q: Why are regular updates essential for NFT projects?
A: Continual updates maintain community interest, excitement, and showcase ongoing innovation within NFT projects.

Q: What makes FunApes_NFT appealing to a diverse audience?
A: The combination of fun, nostalgia, and unique artistic designs in FunApes_NFT attracts a broad range of collectors and enthusiasts.

Q: How can interactive experiences benefit NFT communities?
A: Interactive elements offer engaging user experiences, foster community interaction, and create memorable moments within NFT projects.


Time: 00:15:42
FunApes_NFT Introduction Discover the sweet and sugary world of FunApes_NFT, where candy meets animated apes.

Time: 00:25:18
Community Engagement Strategies Learn about the importance of community involvement and engagement in NFT projects like FunApes_NFT.

Time: 00:35:55
Partnership Benefits in NFT Projects Explore how collaborations with creators can elevate the value and creativity of NFT collections.

Time: 00:45:30
Marketing Tactics for NFT Visibility Understand the significance of marketing strategies like partnerships and social media in promoting NFT projects.

Time: 00:55:11
Rarity and Limited Editions in NFTs Delve into the impact of rarity and exclusivity on the desirability of NFT collections like FunApes_NFT.

Time: 01:05:44
Gamification Elements in NFT Communities Discover how gamification enhances user experiences and engagement within NFT communities.

Time: 01:15:19
Storytelling Magic in NFT Projects Uncover the power of storytelling in creating emotional connections and value in NFT collections.

Time: 01:25:37
Transparency and Trust in NFTs Learn the importance of transparency and open communication for building trust in NFT projects.

Time: 01:35:50
Innovative Updates and Releases Stay updated on the latest releases and innovations within NFT projects like FunApes_NFT.

Time: 01:45:22
Diverse Audience Appeal Explore how FunApes_NFT captivates a wide audience through its unique and nostalgic artistic appeal.

Key Takeaways

  • FunApes_NFT merges candy and animated apes for a unique NFT concept.
  • Community engagement plays a vital role in the success of NFT projects like FunApes_NFT.
  • The blend of fun themes and NFTs attracts a diverse audience to projects like FunApes_NFT.
  • Collaborations with creators can enhance the value and creativity of NFT collections.
  • Marketing strategies, such as partnerships and social media presence, are crucial for NFT visibility.
  • Limited editions and rarity drive interest and value in NFT collections like FunApes_NFT.
  • Interactive experiences and gamification elements can increase engagement within NFT communities.
  • Innovative storytelling and lore behind NFT projects create a deeper connection with collectors.
  • Regular updates and new releases maintain interest and excitement in NFT communities.
  • Transparency and open communication with the community build trust and credibility in NFT projects.

Behind the Mic

Introduction to Fun Ape

Let's have some fun with it I'm going done with it. Fun ape funape fun ape this is for the funape nft yeah let's have some fun with it I'm going done with it yeah I'm the one giving my boys to paint the vision of the fun ape Nft this is for the fun ape nft okay, so let me tell you this, the artwork really dope shout out to poop and if they add me to the team, I'm never going bro, just watch us take over the scene you know this ain't a joke no kiss John hit me said yo had some fun and really flow eat it in my meta I said say no more fun nate beating on my chest with all my vote independent hit the weapon drop them on the low off the streaming cause the block is where I'm going to slow yeah okay, wait.

Feeling the Energy

Told y'all I ain't come to collect everything I spit is flame they all notice ain't a kid twitter jumping I don't really care for instagram discord popping you can find me where they play my jams John been supporting from the jump he been a famous more like family we locked in working on our plans they can't stop me tweet at Marcus and I'm showing love I'm too real to have them play me up inside the club I'm not selling out I'm buildings from the mud funny going minute coming have some fun let's have some fun with it I'm going dumb with it, yeah I'm the one given my voice to paint the vision of the fun ape NFT funny this is for the fun ape NFT okay.

A Creative Story

One day doctor Bonbon tried his prototype, taking flight out the solar system to find out the life forms. Where's he going? Fun AP's have something else for him. Not so boring plot and knowing purely for from what they doing took the candy, put it in the generator, it went boom. Bob. I'm yelling, upset, crying, screaming that isn't the fuel. It took months to get the stock of it. Now chocolate, cotton candy raining out the boosters of the rocket, the doctors said. Apes laughing, choking gases for oxygen while demolishing all the sweet delectable treats. Bickering, hollering, hooting and booting. All of the doc's equipment too. It's incredibly foolish.

The Concept of Fun

They prank him endlessly and rude. They having fun but what is fun if everyone isn't included? They're just some apes having fun like they your elementary students pranking, ruthless acting, stupid. Ooh and ooh and banging on their chest and bellowing, too. Welcome to fun. Let's have some fun with it. I'm going down with it. Yeah. I'm the one giving my voice to paint the vision of the funny NFT. This is for the funny NFT.

Saturday Morning

Good morning, everyone. Happy Saturday isn't a. Actually, I don't know. It feels kind of weird having a space on a Saturday morning. Well, it's not morning for Lizzie over there, but for me it's 1130. It's a little earlier for some of us. Others, Jenna down there, it's breakfast time. Well, she's like an hour, so. Good morning, Lizzie. How are you? Hey, morning. Yeah, it's 430 in the afternoon here, so I was actually quite surprised that there was one so early. I was like, yes, I can make this one.

Adapting to Time Zones

I think you had, actually, some of them were pretty good times, I think, last weekend, but I couldn't make it. But, yeah. Happy Saturday, everyone. Awesome to see you all or hear from you all. Yeah, well, see, what prompted this, actually, is I got up last Saturday and there were a bunch of spaces going on, and I was just like, Is Saturday morning a good day to have a space? Let's try it. So, you know, I mean, it can't hurt trying, right? And like I said, I don't recall doing one early on a Saturday before.

New Experience

Maybe on a Sunday, maybe. But whatever, it's something different. It's new. Like, let's try it out. Right? That's awesome. That's awesome. So, yeah, you know, whatever, it's Saturday and it's early, so it gets people. Well, not for everybody, you know, as you said, it's 430 for you. But, hey, it gets you out of the space before dinner time, so to speak. And it gets other people out before breakfast. And me buy lunch and so, yeah, hey, we can enjoy our days.

Cultural Discussions

Not that I wasn't enjoying it anyway, but. And actually, I've been up for a while. I just really haven't done much. I've just been kind of moseying around, like, doing little things here and there. I did make my kid breakfast, so there's that. We don't want her to starve. I did feel bad. I don't know if you heard, last night she took a tumble on her scooter yesterday and it, like, on the concrete, she like what they called scorpioned it. So her feet went up over her head and she just road rashed all across it.

Childhood Memories

So she had problems eating last night. She didn't because she bit the inside from her. But today she threw down on pancakes pretty well, so at least she got to eat. She didn't have to drink them. So we're good there. That is good. I did listen back to yesterday's face, and I was chuckling at you talking about the grandparents, but, yeah, granddad didn't get any care. No, not at all. Not at all.

Personal Experiences

Like, she was just like, hey, can you help him out? And, you know, like, yeah, I don't mind helping him out, but like I said, I kind of thought maybe the roles would be reversed, but, hey, grandma's gonna be grandma, right? Exactly. Exactly. But I felt. Yeah, cryptic. Saying people cycling with flip flops is stupid. I mean, all my childhood, I cycled with flip flops. I mean, it's normal. I don't know why he doesn't try it.

Cultural Perspectives

well, look, and he's not in here to defend himself, so we'll only talk about him a little bit. He can let. But let's be real. He, he doesn't try much of anything. Lizzie. It doesn't seem, you know, he just a buzz dog. I think in Scotland it's so cold and wet all the time. They, they probably don't need the house often. Right, right. Shout out executive ape down there.

Social Connections

I just saw them hop in the room. How's it going? How's everything? yeah, man, we're just chilling on Saturday right now, talking about food. Because I love food and I talk about it often. and cryptic. Talk about food and cryptic. And there was also a few other things, so. Ostrich, you're talking about eating ostrich, and that's quite common.

Culinary Experiences

Like, I don't think, maybe up in Scotland they don't have it, but I know down here we can get. Get it in the supermarket. And, my grandmother, actually, she's in Scotland and she goes to a butcher once a month and buys, ostrich. Ostrich burgers. So, maybe he just hasn't tried it yet, but, it's definitely a thing. It is. And he was talking about ostrich tail, too.


but he. I think he meant oxtail is what. But he, you know, he gets a little confused. Executive Happy Saturday, fam. How we doing, brother? Yo, yo. Happy Saturday, bro. I'm glad I've seen the space pop up. You know, I've always enjoyed these spaces with the funny. So as soon as I seen, I was like, oh, let me jump in there.

Account Management

I was on the wrong profile first. I. I don't. I don't really do spaces too much on my account, my project account. So I like to be me. You know, when I'm in a space, I like to talk to people so they don't feel like I'm trying to, you know, sell them something. Not, there's nothing wrong with it, but I feel like when I come in other people's spaces, that's how I do it.

Casual Vibes

So I always come with my personal account, so, you know, I can just vibe out and enjoy it. So, you know, I'm loving the conversation. I'm sitting here, I'm about to smoke, and I'm like, damn, what am I going to eat for breakfast? And these guys are just really helping along with the, you know, I got to eat now, so good morning and happy Saturday, guys. How you all doing?

Friendly Exchanges

And, Lizzie, I sent your the four things. If you didn't see the ticket. I actually, I did just. I saw them pop up on my floor app. Thank you very much. They're awesome. I love them. They're cute. Hey, let's go. Let's go. Yeah, no, good morning, though.


I just want to make sure. I told you to. Honestly, I did. It took me a minute. I just clicked that you were fun, Lizzie. Like, it's so, like, in front of me that I didn't even realize it. That's how insane it is. Something. A light bulb went off, bro.


For real, though. It was like, oh, wait, this is the same person. I'm so bad at it. Cause, like, discord names, Twitter name. Oh, my God, dude, you won't even understand. Like, sometimes I'll be talking to people and I'll be like, wait, I've been talking to you. They're like, yeah, you didn't know I was the same person.

Loose Connections

I'm like, wow, I just thought I was having a conversation with two people for like three months. Yeah, that's happened to me a few times in this space. Yeah, the. I try and keep all my names consistent on, you know, the socials and discord because it is difficult, you know, like.

Identity and Names

But yeah, some people like to switch it up, and that's fine. That's fine. If you want to be, you know, you can be executive here, but then you're Steve on discord. It's like, you know, I don't. I don't know that. But yeah, I think I'm funds Lizzy in most of them, but then I don't use funds.

Personal Branding

Lizzy on Twitter. I just use Lizzy. But I have also, I've got a few discords. I'm going to start switching to using the jelly queen. So, yeah, in some discords, I am using the jelly queen, but most of them, I think I'm in funds, Lizzie. Just not on Twitter or X or whatever we're calling it now.

Navigating Platforms

Not even really sure. Yeah, I see so many things. I guess it depends on what platform you're on. People that use X have kind of. They've gravitated towards it and they get used to it. But every other platform I see people on, like, whether it be Facebook or Instagram or TikTok or whatever, they're like, just change it back to Twitter, Elon.

Changing Times

Just do it. I don't think anybody else likes it except for people that actually spend time on X. It just feels awkward saying X. Like, I think it's. I don't know, just. I'm gonna post on X. I don't know. Just feels awkward.

Drugs and Miscommunication

I mean, not that. Well, all right, look, I thought people, I thought they were talking about being on the drug for a little while, like your own ex, you know, and I was like, man, there's a lot of druggies in this space. But then, you know, kind of clicked. That's so funny, because that's how I looked at it.

First Impressions

I was like, it's just gonna sound like we're all doing drugs all day. Because, like, when he first made it, the change, that's literally exactly where my mind, when I said, it's, this is horrible. They're just talking about drugs. And I was like, no, wait, they're changing the name to this. I was like, this is stupid.

Past Perceptions

That, and I don't even believe that. I don't think, like, X.com is for Twitter. I still think it's twitter.com. i believe. I think both work, actually. I'm not positive, but I believe both work now. It was like that for a while, though. It was just Twitter at the start.

Company Ownership

For a while, I think I wasn't. Yeah, I didn't know if they had purchased X.com. i think it was owned by some. I thought it was owned by somebody else, but who know, maybe somebody snatched it up as soon as Elon said he was thinking about doing that. Oh, yeah.

Expensive Domains

If someone else had that, I'm sure that Elon got it. Like I said, I'm like, 90% sure that x.com works now. It didn't. Like I said, it didn't work. At first, so it definitely didn't. But I've seen a few times, like, when I'm with the. When you have to, like, post links and all.

High Demand

I've seen it say, x.com. i'm pretty sure whoever he bought that off of probably got bread, bro. You know, like, if someone did get that right before he had it, they probably got bread for that because Elon wanted it, you know? So he's offering for it.

Negotiation Success

He's getting it. Oh, yeah, for sure. Like, yeah, if you. And I don't know if that was the case or not. I don't know if a company owned it or if it was just out there. I feel like it probably wasn't just available because all that single letter digit stuff goes kind of quick in.

Web Domain Scarcity

In any platform. I think it's like the early. It's like the. It's like the license plate in other countries. Like, I think the lower they are, there's, like, the more important you are or something like that. Have you heard of that?

Cultural Differences

No. I think they do that in, like, in. In the Middle east. They do a lot of that with. With the license plates. I think it's so different everywhere, you know, it's so hard to, like, because, like, sometimes I'll know something and then it changes, and I'll be like, wait, when did that change?

Learning and Adapting

Because I'm not from there, so, like, I won't know for certain. Oh, my God. Sometimes my facts are so wrong because I'll be told something or I'll know something, and it just changes. I know. And you know what, though? That's the best part of having spaces and having x, Twitter, whatever you want to call it, is that we have the luxury of us speaking with people from all over the world to actually get, like, firsthand knowledge, at least, you know, so we think it.

Valuing Conversations

I don't think Lizzie's lying to me about anything she's talking about over there. Oh, sorry. I didn't hear that. Oh, no, were just. No, were just talking about other cultures and how it's cool to be able to speak with other people from other cultures. And I was saying, I don't think Lizzie's lying to me about what?

Communication Across Cultures

I don't think you're lying to me about what you've told me, so. No, no. I think it's awesome that, you know, we can get on this platform and speak to people anywhere in the world. Same with, like, discord. It's. Yeah, I think it's. I think that's what.

Community Building

What makes what I enjoy about NFTs is just that community and how it is just worldwide. And, yeah, I like other cultures. I love traveling. I love meeting new cultures. So this, I can do it from my home rather than going traveling.

Personal Journeys

I love to travel. I love checking. You know what, though? I'm not a, I'm not as big a fan of traveling within my own country to believe it. I would rather go somewhere else. I don't know why. I just rather would.

Exploring Differences

I guess maybe I feel like it's. I don't know. I don't know. But, like, this is a huge country, and from what I understand, like, I could drive. My friend and I were just talking about this last night because he was talking about, hey, he just drove 13 hours.

Catching Up

And his friends were like, dude, if we drove 13 hours, we'd be in the ocean somewhere. You know what I mean? Like, there's nowhere to go. I was about to say, I think, yeah, I think from north to south, I think it's probably maybe six or 7 hours.

Geographical Context

It might be a bit longer with, like, the smaller roads, but yeah, it's. You would be in the ocean here, definitely. You'd be out. You'd be able to go to Scotland and back in that time, basically.

Regional Diversity

Wow, that's crazy to me. And that would only get me, like, 13 hours. Would only get me like, maybe halfway down the. I get down to Florida from Maryland and maybe. Yeah, but either way, that's pretty awesome.

Cultural Insights

Because, I mean, the states must be so diverse because of that, just because of the landmass. And so you must, it must be almost like you've got loads of little countries in one country, you know? But, like, when we go to Europe, I mean, although they're all different countries, they've all got their own cultures.

Reflections on Travel

They're all a little bit different. So I kind of. I've not. I've been to a few places in the states, not a hell of a lot, but I imagine it must be very much like that. That's what I was just telling King salmon down there.

Local Experiences

I was. Because he was just like, because I was talking. I talked about how I moved. I was right outside of Baltimore City in Maryland, too. Now I'm in some, like, country ass town in the woods in Pennsylvania.

Contrasting Settings

And it's only an hour drive difference, but it's so different. Just like the. Everything, everything is different here. And it's just. I don't know. The weirdest thing about getting used to is they like to look at you, like, stare at you.

Culture Shock

It's not even like where I'm from, you don't stare at people and they're just like, they just stare at you. And I'm just like, why do you do that? But they all do it. They all seem to do it. And I don't know why. Not everybody, but I guess the locals.

Adapting to New Environments

And I'm just like, I can't get down with this because, like, you stare at somebody too long where I'm from and, like, they just like, you got a problem. And, you know, these people are just. They just want to look at you.

Humor and Context

I was like, do I have a funny hairstyle or something? Benny's down there laughing. He knows. I reckon it's all that fun apes merch. You're wandering around in the. I do walk around with a lot of apes on my chest.

Cultural Expression

I do. I have. Seriously, I have, like, four or five different shirts and then winners coming. And I have my sweatsuit that I can rock and I'll make some more hoodies. But, yeah, like, all my t shirts have an ape on them.

Fashion Choices

Not all of them, but a good bit of them. Have my ape on them somewhere. And then my car rocks. The fun ape sticker. So, yeah, I'm good to go, bro. Yeah. I walk around town, they're probably like, why is this dude rocking monkey stuff?

Merchandise Appreciation

I have to say, I'm super jealous of those hoodies. Was it Jen who got the yellow one and Irishman got the black one? I mean, those are pretty awesome. I definitely want one of those.

Collective Enthusiasm

I need to get one of those. Yeah, we're definitely going to have to get to take care of. For sure, for sure. That. And again, like, you know, it's fun to wear in public because people are like, what the hell is that?

Public Reactions

I like it. And they're comfy. Like, I like comfy clothes, too. So it's all about the. It's all about the gear, the swag, if you will. I like that, though. It was awesome that King did that.

Community Recognition

If anybody doesn't know, King Salmon had, you know, gotten the top six or so community members and, well, top three in our engager platform and gave them free custom hoodies that I make. Hoodies. Not trying to sell anything, but.

Generosity and Inclusion

And he got that hooked up. Craig vault the last one. He's probably like, come on, let's get it. I got you, brother. I got you, I swear. But, yeah, no, so shout out to King for doing that. We'll definitely have to get Lizzie hooked up.

Invitation and Participation

Get them. Paul's in the house. What's up? Get him. If you want to come up and say what's up? We were shouting you out for your sweep we saw yesterday. Lizzie pointed out to us, because anything that happens in the wee hours of the morning, I think Liz is on top of just because where she's at, you're lucky.

Awareness of Timing

Last night was Friday. I went out last night, so I was just getting home at 130. That's why I was able to be up in the discord.

Discussion of Creamy Bot and Rewards

Yeah, that was an awesome sweep. And garum, I don't know if you've seen, I've messaged you on x that if you come into the discord and connect up to the creamy bot, which is our drip bot, you're owed eleven and a half thousand creamy in bounties for that sweep. So definitely worthwhile hopping in and getting yourself connected up. You know what, man? I am so upset with myself as you're talking. I forgot that you had the dripbot too. And someone want a fun ape like a week ago and I just sent it to them this morning and I didn't claim the creamy before, so now I'm highly upset because I just realized this. Oh, no. Do you only have the one fun ape? No, no, I got some more. I just, I still want to clean first. Well, then you definitely need to claim your creamy.

Weekly Raffle and Prize Information

And also we do a weekly raffle where you can win more creamy and that's open to holders and non holders, so it's in the same prizes section, but there's four of them. So there's one open for the weekend, which will close tomorrow. And I think we've got definitely, I'm. Definitely going there and check it out. Do it, because we've got five winners for 252, winners for 501, winner for 1001, winner for 2000, and it's also capped in terms of the entries. So, yeah, you only need one creamy on each of them. Or, you know, the cap, which I can't remember, I think it's now 25, 5100 and 200 is the cap, the max. So nice and fair and, yeah, definitely get your entries in on those and you could win some more.

Claiming Information and Engagements

How much was on that? Eight. Do you know how much creamy you had? So I've never claimed it, so probably. I didn't know that you used the drip. I thought were still an engager for fun apes, honestly. So I didn't know that drip was already over there. I've been a little, you know, behind on some projects that I had to do stuff on my back end for me. So I lost some. Some information about what's been going on with some projects. Well, if you have the token id, we can look it up and if it hasn't been claimed yet, we can credit that to you and. No, no, you can keep it. I'm not going to do that. I already sent it now. It'd be my lucky scene.

Engagement Opportunities via Dripmark

But yeah, we're still on engagers engages for all of our ex engagements, so that still goes. And there's missions every day and there's raffles in there. And it's actually just started a new. What's the word? Cycle. But then we use Dripmark. We've been using that for well over a year now. We were using it originally for fundays for our prizes. And we've only just recently, in the last couple of months, opened it up to funapes. And actually just this week, I think yesterday day before, we've increased the earnings on the companions, so they now get. We've got a bonus on the companions of plus one per day. And if you have a kiddo or Ferru, it's plus two.

Discussion on Drip Bot and its Utility

That is so dope. I did not. Oh, my bad. I didn't mean to cut you off there, John. My bid. I didn't know you used drip, though. No, that was it. That was it. My bid. I'm not John. I'm out. I'm out. I'm not John. Oh, my God. My bid. My bid, bro. John sounds so much sexier than me. You better get out of here with no accent. I can't do that. I'm like, ashamed I did that. That's my bid. That's my bid. I. This is what I'm talking about. When people are on project accounts, I just go by the person. I'm used. That's used to behind it. And I knew that was the name, so that's my bid on that part, but yeah, no, I just didn't know about the drip.

Project Trust and Community Engagement

I'm very bad with keeping up with that stuff because I remembered engager and I never had a fun day, so I only had. I only came in at the fun ape, so I never was connected for the year. I'm glad you guys been using that long. I got. I think it's the best utility, one of the best utilities in the space. Like, for a discord. Like, I feel like that's like the only bot I want in there, honestly, other than the verification bot. Like, I love how simple it is, like. And it really helps, like, at least for me. I don't know if you use it this way. Helped me organize a lot of stuff in there, like with their magic embeds. Now, I'm sure I could have did it a different way, but I'm not that discord savvy.

Improvements in the Drip Bot Application

So like it really helped me out how they simplified it, you know, and it. I don't know, I just loved it, honestly. It was really cool and it really helps me do a lot of stuff in there. I think drip's like an amazing project. I think they're going places, definitely. Yeah. I love it as well because I'm also not discourse savvy. So it's now being able to play with the different features that they've got and testing out a few things Gaurav and out on my guinea pigs. Whenever I try something and I ask them to test it, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, and sometimes I have to just delete it and start again. But it does.

Using Dripmark for Projects

It just makes it so simple and so easy to do things, whether it's the quests or the drops or at the moment I'm playing around with that new custom tag feature that they've got, seeing if I can do something with that. But yeah, it's really cool. But I think were actually one of the first projects, I want to say like June, July, last year, before they went, before they really launched it, when it was still sort of in a beta phase. So were one of the first projects on it. Yeah. When it was still bear bot. That's when I found it too. I found it January 1 this year. Bear bot. Not everyone knows about the bear bot.

Early Connections with the Community

Yeah, yeah. So I'm actually a bad bears holder. Bad bears is one of the first nfts I ever bought. So yeah, I've seen the bear bot from when it was first started. It's pretty cool to see what it is now. Oh, I could imagine the growth. I mean, it has to be incredible. I mean, I came in, like I said about a year ago now, eight months, I guess. And you know, I got myself this stuff too. I got the cubs and I got one of everything. I think I got two bad bears actually. And yeah, no, they from just from this year. Honestly, like I said, I start using them January 1.

Feedback and Improvements in the Dripmark System

Like they progress so much. And like literally every single one of the suggestions I made have been incorporated like before. You still be able to pick one category for like extra earning for your generators. And like I told him, I said, you know, like I have a different idea and I want like give earning based on certain traits. Well, you know, this is so I'm not gonna go too deep into it, but, you know, so it's trait based. And before, like I said, it was only for one category, so you'd have to pick furs or headgear.

Enhanced Tracking Features for Users

And, you know, they incorporated that within, like, two months to where now you can pick anything and just upgrade it. And now, like, it displays when you go into your dashboard. And, like, you can check the balance. You could see what's on it. You could see which one, you know, if that's a multiplier, if it's parachute, like, they just keep on expanding upon it. And like I said, if they literally put in a verification bot, I don't think I'll have a need for any other bots in my discord. I really do love that their project is out there, and they're really trying to help other people, because, like, it's a project for everyone.

Community Collaboration and Positive Perspectives

Just exactly how you did with engager, like, that was a great thing. I love that. Like, other people sharing their technology with other projects. Like, you know, there's so many times that people try to reinvent the wheel in this space, and, you know, there's nothing wrong with it. I understand someone wants to try to make something better. It's okay. But there's so many readily available now. Like, you know, we got the engager, we got the Dripbot for discord. Like, you know, do I really feel like, you know, my product should be out here developing another tool like this?

Supporting Engagement Tools and Community Growth

No, I feel like I could utilize them if I have to, you know? And that's what I mean. Like, I love that, you know, you guys and Dripbot, like, these guys have no problem, you know? Yeah. It's your product. You're going to charge for it. There's nothing wrong with that, though. You know, like, you're supporting other projects. You built the tech, and you're just helping them, and you're the support for it. So it's just a great thing to see other people doing this. Like, that's why I love this space, because people are just getting more and more positive, in my opinion.

Evolving Community Dynamics in the NFT Space

Like, you know, a lot of that toxicity seems to be gone from web three, at least from my point of view. Like, when I came in two and a half years ago, three years ago, like, all it was mint my shit and do it now. Oh, it's going to. It's going to pump, and that's all you heard. And then people cursing each other out and all honestly, and you know, it's just very good. We can have real conversations. We could really talk about what we want to do in this space now and just really just mind opening because you could see the difference if you were here that long ago. And it's just great.

Anticipation for Future Projects and Collaborations

Honestly, this is so much better for the space and this is how we're going to grow and get like that worldwide attention that we all want. You know, people working together is going to attract more people than people telling each other to suck my thing on spaces all day, you know. So I'm just very happy about this and, you know, I'm just excited and I'm glad I seen you guys here, actually, Al, if you want to. So I'm starting up a little like mega space, but it's probably like a weekly space, more like an update space, I guess.

Introducing Weekly NFT News Network

I'll call it like an update space. We're calling it NFT news network this Tuesday. If you want this side through, you can come up and talk about fun apes if you guys want it. We have. I invited, like, Baron Bull. I invited the crip. So far. I invited quite a few projects. I know Baron Bull. Serena said she'll probably be coming the second half. I know the crypt said that they'll be there. I know that. We got snout bear from like west Toast. We got my project. We got Mediegang.

Collaboration with Artists and Project Updates

I don't know if you know him. He helped my art with the PFP I'm wearing. He helped do. He collabed with me on the art for that collection. So we have quite a few people up there and, you know, a mix of bigger projects to people like, you know, we just really want to get information and updates out there. So if you guys want to come up and just talk to people, you cannot. Big deal. If you don't want to, don't ever feel pressured. I know that I'm, some people definitely try to pressure you in the spaces, in this space and I never want to be like that.

Invitation to Join the Upcoming Weekly Space

So if you guys are open to it, coming through Tuesday, it's at 06:00 p.m. to 08:00 p.m. we might run a little over, but we're not planning to. So I guess if you want to stop by. If not, you know, we're going to have it weekly. So whenever. Yeah. That's awesome. Yeah, definitely. And isn't it going to be six. To eight every week as of right now? Yes. Like me and love this life. I think, you know, love this life. Me and her, we're going to host it every week. And, yeah, as of right now, we're going to go six to eight because, like, me and her both on the east coast, so we're going like school and all with our kids.

Balancing Family Responsibilities and Community Engagement

You know, if anything, if we did do it a different time, it probably be like early morning, but we'll probably only do that, like, if there was a project that we really want to bring up and they couldn't make any other time, you know, I think six dates a good time for most people. I'm not saying ever most people. So six to eight, I think it works best for me. So that's why I'm trying to go with that, like, with my kids. And also six day is the plan. Definitely. Gotcha.

Exploring Different Time Slots for Spaces

Yeah, no, I understand. The east coast time, that's where I'm at. You know, we try to accommodate different times. Why we're doing it now, you know, it's just that were trying different things as far. And we have been for the past year or so, we've. We've been steady just swapping times up at different date. We've only. We've just cut down the number of spaces that we do, but, and that's only because of the space right now anyway. Like, there's really no need to do five, six, seven spaces a week anymore with how the space is going.

Understanding Community Engagement Strategies

You know, three is plenty. We're doing three now, and I think that's a good amount. We, you know, we could add one more maybe if we wanted to, if it starts to pick up some more in the space. But three is good. It's a good number and it doesn't, you know, we understand people have lives and trying to run things and you know what, everybody's got stuff to do, so. Yeah, but, so six to eight on Tuesdays isn't bad. We do it our space on Tuesday, but again, we spit.

Networking with Other Spaces and Communities

We switch up the time. So knowing that ahead of time helps me so I can coordinate doing a space, like, I don't know, like 03:00 on a Tuesday and then I can be at your space at six or something like that, you know? No, for sure, bro. Definitely. I'm the exact same way. I try to, you know, plan things out honestly, that's a. You're doing. You're doing better than me. I mean, I'm in spaces all day, but, like, I only run them, like, technically for the project, you know, like maybe once a week at most.

Dynamics of Hosting and Rescheduling Spaces

But, like, because, like you just said, like, what am I going to keep on talking about, like, I update people when they ask me at any time, you know, and I don't want to just keep on repeating stuff to the exact same people. Like, you know, like you just said, the space, it's a little slower right now. You know, we see the people that are truly believing NFTs and all, but it is a little bit slower. So, you know, when that crazy intense, you know, people flood back in because it seems like, you know, I'm sure you guys notice, it seems like them shield fluencers are, you know, leaning back towards NFTs a little bit.

Anticipation for Re-Engagement with the Community

Like, I've seen a few posts from them. I'm like, oh, man, are they about to start trying to promote every NFT project that they find again? And, you know, that normally brings attention, though. So when they do that, you know, I understand, like, that's when it's time to go hard with it. But no, that's great, Brian. I give you props for that. Like, I, you know, I've done spaces crazily, but I definitely try to, you know, keep it though, like one or two, like, weekly spaces.

Reflections on Running Spaces

Like, I can't. I can't do on every day at all? Yeah, every day. Wait, I mean, we were doing six days a week for a while, and then we. Did we cut to five or did we just go six to three? I can't even remember, dude, I've been running spaces for so long now. It's been like 19 or 18 months I've been running spaces, which is awesome because I never actually thought that I would ever be running spaces, especially from this long.

Adjusting Space Frequency and Content Delivery

And, yeah, it does get repetitive. And I don't know if they tuned me out, dude, just waiting for that bonus word, but it will get repetitive because I'll be like, look, you guys better get in here and get these raffles. I'm gonna start talking about it now. You know, get these raffles because I see Lizzie put in there tomorrow at 03:00 p.m. eastern is when those raffles are gonna end for the weekly raffles or the weekend creamy raffle. So, yeah, make sure you get in on those.

Maintenance and Claiming of NFTs

And anybody, like, cryptic had mentioned last night, don't forget to pair repair your NFT. Is that what you said, lizzie? They need to. Everybody should repair their stuff, correct? Yeah, they should all go in and just click on that. I think you can unpair and then pair again because we've now given the companions a higher daily earning. You want to make sure that those connect to your higher multipliers. So especially those who don't have or maybe only have one or two Fundays, because Fundays is the top of the.

Strategies for Maximizing NFT Earnings

If you think of it like a hierarchy tree, Fundays aren't the most. So Fundays will always connect to your highest multiplier. But, yeah, depending on how many multipliers you have, it's always best to. I always do. Whenever I buy a new asset, I always go in and repair, and I've actually an executive's project, I do that. Be buying a few of those. So I go in every day and I repair, and I'm like, yes, I'm nearly at a thousand. So it's definitely worth it. Definitely worth it.

Community Engagement and Sharing of Tactics

Because, yeah, the bot makes sure that you get the best pairing possible. So there you have it. So make sure you do that so that you get your. Your maximum creamy. You hear that cryptic. What are you doing? You just awake over there? No, no, I'm not just awake. I've been up for, like, I don't know, 3 hours or something. I just forgot that the space was earlier and a half past. How did you forget when it was only just discussed, like, a few hours ago?

Clarification on Participation

I wasn't in that discussion. You were that discussion on the space. I had to listen to it this morning. You were so honored. Wait, what? Not this morning? No, she said she relistened to yesterday's space this morning. Oh, okay. Okay, okay. I'm like, wait, what? you know, I wasn't in the discord. I didn't touch Twitter. I just woke up, and I've started watching some YouTube videos just to wake up, so I didn't see the space go up.

Being Present in Conversations

Well, you're here now. That's all that matters. Yeah. So I had missed bonus word. Yep. It's gone. It's finished. You missed. No, it's not. I got told the space started at half past, so the bonus word doesn't get put up until 40 minutes in. Oh, I did it in the first five minutes. You can't, you know. No, Jenna said something like that as well. No, I'm not believing it. I went and I checked the leaderboards.

Participation and Recognition in the NFT Community

Nobody's above me. I flipped last night, and I won. I'm in. Number one. Oh, you. Number one. Congrats. Nice. I flipped and I lost, so. Yeah, there's that. Damn. I flipped and lost yesterday, so I got a flipping win today. Is that gonna have to happen? You know, let's go. Let's go check it out now. Let's go. Check it out. Okay, I am 24 hours. Six and a half hours ago. Sorry. Where's Goral?

Developing Games Within the Community

He needs to put some games in there. Come on, gore off. What game do you want then? I'll blog them. I'll let you in on a little secret. Cryptic. I have the ability to do that too. I don't. I blame it on Goral. Oh really? Oh, so you're blaming Goro for. For your not putting in bracket? I can click a button right now and put a game in there if I wanted to. You're scared. Come on.

Community Accountability and Assistant Roles

He would message me. He would. He'd be like, oh, hey, did you put this game in there? Yep. And you'd be like, game? Yeah, Gorov will come in hard on you. Got what? I did it. And Garov would be like, yo, that's my job. You know that, right? Yeah. You know, to take away from Gorov. You know what I'm saying? He's got access to things I might not have access to.

The Importance of Collaboration in Community Building

Who knows? He might cut me somewhere. You might wake up in the morning and find you no longer have access to discord. Yeah, I was gonna say like, I'm timed out, right. He's sending you all the stages. He would. Just to prove a point. Just to prove a point.

Trooper Gorov

Goral's a trooper. You gotta give it to Gorov. Remember when John gave me like a week off? He told me not to do spaces for a week and Gorov was trying to run some spaces. Gotta love that man. Dude, he tried. He definitely tried. I appreciate him for that. That's not. It's not easy to do. Again. I like starting when I had done it, you know, cryptic. Because you weren't much of a space speaker, like in the early on. Yeah, true. I still don't know how you do it. I couldn't talk like that.

Challenges of Speaking

Space, not bad. Unless you're up here by yourself, like for a while, and then it just kind of gets like. I start getting the palm sweats. I'm like, what the hell am I gonna talk about? I don't know if something random has happened in my day that I could talk about. Usually. It's usually some good random stuff. Not yet today I haven't been up or haven't been out yet. You know, I had my chippy last night. How was the chippy? Chippy was amazing. No bread with the chippy, just the exact.

Understanding Chippy

Is not going to executive, you know, we're talking about here because he's going to be confused. Cryptic. I don't know what a chippy is. No, I don't. Okay, a chippy is like, you could call it a fast food place, but it's not really classed as fast food. And it's like, okay, so the chips that you get from it is like cooked in a specific oil and it's deep fried. It's deepen fried and they're thick, chunky chips. Okay, but they don't taste like any other chunky chips. They're specific to this, these chippies.

Battered Delicacies

And you can get like a battered fish and battered sausage. Everything comes in bar. You can even get a bar pizza. Hold on, battered pizza? What do you mean, battered pizza? What the. Hold on. We haven't talked about this shit. Back up. What do you. Hold on. What. What are you doing over there with this carnival food? What do you mean? Explain this process to me, please. Yeah, you can. What do you mean? Like, what do you mean a bad, like, are they making a whole pizza?

Pizza Processes

Is it by the slice? Like, I'm trying to understand this process. Like. You can. I don't know if you can get a fill pizza, but if you could get a fill pizza, they would have it anyway. And so, like. And you would call it like a half pizza crunch. I think we call it a pizza crunch because of that. And that bar on the outside. So, wait, well, so they're taking half a pizza and they're dipping it in a batter. Right? And then they're throwing it in oil and they're deep frying it.

Culinary Confusion

Yeah. What the. Lizzie, are you familiar with this? I think, I mean, I've heard of it up in Scotland. I mean, the Scottish, they batter and fry everything better. My chippy doesn't do that. I mean, mine does. Mine does salt and pepper, squid and fish and chips and the normal things. That's all. Pepper, squid, the normal thing. It might just be a local delicacy. Maybe a lot of people like it, but. And the other thing, excessive with Lizzie saying, like, hers does fish and chips as well.

Fish Preparation Differences

They're fish. Down there in England, they tend to use cod, whereas up here we tend to use haddock. Yeah, I think we've got cod. You can also have place. Okay. I feel like there's a couple other things you can get down here as well. I mean, like the typical. Yeah, yeah, typical. Yeah, yeah. But I mean, then you've also got fried Mars bars up your way. Who fries a chocolate yo fried Mars. Bar with a little bit of salt on it?

Fried Delicacies and Innovations

The poor. But I mean, who came up with that idea? Was someone eating a Mars bar and drops it in the fat the one day and went, oh, that tastes pretty good. Let's do that. No idea. The pizza one sounds good, though. I would definitely try some deep fried pizza that I'm a pizza person. That sounds good to me. I'm with you. I'm with you. That's why I wanted to ask about it. I wasn't throwing it out. I just needed to find. I need to get more information, like, but it's still kind of weird.

Dipping Choices and Preferences

Do you dip it in sauce? I feel like you'd have to dip it in sauce. It might be a little dry. You know, people don't trip it and so dip it in. So. All right, I'm american. All right, my bad. Some people might have tomato sauce with it, but I've not seen it often. Now, by tomato sauce, do you mean ketchup? I'm sorry, Liz. Oh, my freaking God. Yeah, ketchup. But we do get a sauce with our pizzas here.

Sauces Discussed

I don't know about in the states, but, like, mine always comes with a garlic and herb sauce. So I dip my pizza. It comes on it or on the side? On the side. It's like a little pot on the side of. But it's always, you know, the little domino box has got a hole at the top for the sauce to sit in. So we dip our pizzas. All right, well, the bonus word is pizza. All right. Had to do that. I don't know if executives eaten yet, but we've just done nothing but talk about food.

Breakfast Plans

And they were like, yeah, I'm hungry. You're gonna make some breakfast. I am, right now. I'm in the kitchen right now. I can't stand it no more. I need to eat by this point. And Frank, I told you about the roles on chips, fries. Sorry. When you're mostly out, like the seaside from a good chippy. Didn't. What's that? You told me? What? I'm sorry. I was putting the word in.

Chippy Chips

I told you, like, with you saying bread. did I tell you about the. The rolls on chippy chips? When you're like, rolls. Not rolls a roll. A roll. The rolls. No, no, you didn't tell me about the rolls. Well, like, mostly at, like, a good chippy, a good seaside chippy. And most people, like, etcetera, on a day out, like, they'll not order a meal from a chippy. They'll get like, a chip body, what we'll call it.

The Chip Body

And that's just chips on a roll. And that's delicious with lots of salt and vinegar. Those are divine. I don't like vinegar. Loads of salt and brute sauce. but on the other side, use. You don't specify them as fritters. I don't know what you call them, but it's like slices of potato that's like a centimeter thick. And then they're battered as well. And you put like, three of them on a roll.

Fritters Defined

Yeah, I said a fritter, which is like sliced potato. And that's different to hash brown. What is that similar to, like, a hash brown? Lizzie, please. Lizzy, please. You just don't have fritters down there? Potato fritters? No, I mean, we have chips, but I don't think I've seen fritters. Yeah, potato fritters. And, like, the slices is. The potato is lengthwise, so.

Regional Differences in Cuisine

No, I definitely not seen that down here. Not like a circular. So it's like an odd shape and. But, yeah, I thought you stunned them down there. Wow. Okay, maybe they have it, but I've just never ordered it. Maybe. Maybe. So, yeah. So getting back to the original, kind of your chippy. You got your chippy last night. How'd that turn out? You don't want anyone. I absolutely do.

Chippy Experiences

Okay, so it was leftovers I had. Okay, so I had chips. I had a battered fish and a half battered fish and a little bit of battered black pudding, and I had a battered sausage. That sounds like a lot. Mostly is a lot. But chippy is really good. And if you can eat it. I mean, I'd definitely try. I'd definitely try it all sounds good. I've never had the black. What's it called? The blood sausage? Is that what you said?

Black Pudding Insights

Yeah. You're not allowed to have it. Yeah, it's black. That's bad as well. I don't know about that. With what? Brown sauce? Yeah, yeah. Doing the damn brown sauce executive. You ever had brown sauce? You know what brown sauce is? That's a UK thing, too. No, I don't know what brown sauce is either.

Understanding Brown Sauce

It's not like a one sauce. It's not a steak sauce. It's a condiment sauce. It's a condiment sauce. That tells you a lot, right? It's. It's. Yeah, no, it's got its own unique flavor. It's like. It's. See, I. And who was it? Somebody else would agree, too, that it's got, like, a vinegary ish taste to it, but cryptic. Wouldn't say that because he doesn't like vinegar.

Sauce Preferences

And he's like, no, but he loves brown salt. I can't taste the vinegar through as much, but when I put a lot on, that thing will burn your nose. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I was gonna say it's quite peppery. Well, I don't like pepper either. It's just a sauce to me. I don't taste. See, Lizzie, everything that we described as condiment as he's like, I don't like that shit.

Complex Condiment Opinions

But he loves that sauce. I mean, I was gonna say brown sauce is, like, vinegary, peppery, and he's like, don't like that. Don't like that. Maybe it's a combination of all of them together that you like, not singularly on their own. Yeah, I know. With, but that's it. I know where chippy. I know. Chippy brown sauce. Like, they buy in bulk and, like, it's like a. It's like a concentrated thickness.

The Thick Brown Sauce

Okay. It's a really thick, but they water it down with vinegar, and that's really good. Yeah. I have to say, I'm a bit of a snob with my brown sauce. It has to be eight pea or nothing. What? Well, you just don't have. You just don't have brown sauce down there. And your chippies. You should try our brown sauce and the chippies.

Comparing Sauces

Oh, my God. Yeah, I'll stick to my HP. Yours being watered down with vinegar. No, thanks. It's. You can keep that. No, it's not such a vinegary taste. That has got a big difference from HP now. I love my HP. I'll put on everything. I'll even put on a chippy. Okay. But if I can get a chippy and I'm going to eat it right there, then chippy brown sauce, I'll always go with.

Exploring Sauces Further

So is that, like, what it's called? So, like, if I want to, like, order it online, let's say I would just, like, look for brown sauce. Like that. You would look for HP? Like Harry Paul HP brown sauce. Like, and if you have a Wegmans by you, because that's. We talked about this. Like, we get into food and we've had this discussion numerous times, and that's why I, like, I was like, okay, fine, I'll try your damn brown sauce.

Finding Brown Sauce

But I had to find a Wegmans because it's in a european section is where it's going to be. It's not going to be like it. It's not going to be in the condiment section. Most likely it's going to be in a, you know, like, european section. Yeah, something like that. So you're going to have to go to a special. A specialty grocery store or Wegmans is where I found mine.

Grocery Store Experiences

I've been at a Wegmans before, and I was just talking my fiance about. I think it was in Florida because I lived in there before, but I think that's where it was. I don't know. I don't. I never seen one by me. At least not. I'm in Philadelphia, so I've never seen them up here with me, at least. Yeah. You have Wegmans there?

Store Availability

Oh, yeah. I just probably had. Probably a little bit further from me then, I guess, because, like, in our city, we mostly have, like, acme and shop rights. Like, that's the supermarkets. Like, you know, you might have, like, corner stores and stuff like that, but, like, you don't, like, we don't have publics, like, Florida does and stuff like that. We only have them.

Store Insight

Two stores, really? Okay. If. If your bigger stores does have, like, a european section, it may not be in the european section. It may just beside, like, the one source and that. We also got a one store. It's called, like, little. Like, l I D L. Yeah, little. Yeah, they might. They might have it, too. I'm not sure.

Shopping for Sauce

But, yeah, we have, like I said, a few, like, cheaper store, but, like, you know, supermarket wise. I'll definitely check the eastern side or the european. There's, like, it. Like, it's. I think. I don't think it's really specified like that. The aisles. I think it's like, I think it just says, like, middle eastern culture.

Cultural Influences

Like, would it be. I think that's, like, our whole, like, I think that's what it says, though. Like, actually on the sign in there. I'm not sure, but I swear that's what it says in that store. It's just got everything. It's got asian food, like, mexican food, italian food. It's just the whole aisle.

Mixed Cuisine

Yeah, it's, like, just a mass mixture of everything. Like, and, like, they probably won't have it. It sounds really good. So I'm probably gonna have to order it online, but I'm definitely gonna look for it, though, because, like, the vinegar and pepperiness, like, it sounds good to me. Like, I really want to try it. And, like.

Personal Preferences

And, like, people will ask what I put it on me. I put on everything. I put on sausage, like, fried eggs, the white of the egg. I only eat the white of the egg. I'll put it on. I'll even put it on burgers. I'll put it on a butterfish chips. Mashed potatoes. I can only eat mashed potatoes if put brown sauce on it, then mixed it all together.

Unique Pairings

And the mashed potatoes is, like, brownish. But yeah, I also do it on a cheese sandwich. I love brown, though. Hp on a cheese sandwich. I don't get these people that add sauce to cheese even though I don't like cheese. What the hell? You just said you'd add sauce to freaking, like, every meal you ate.

Sauce on Cheese

And then he's just like, I don't understand how people had that shit. Cheese. That's different, though. Adding sauce to a cheese. Cheddar, I mean, it just. The flavor goes well with the cheese. Okay. Okay. I mean, maybe if you like it. You like it, do you? Pizza is our bonus word.


All right. I wouldn't put ketchup on a cheese sandwich. Okay. Only brown sauce. Oh, really? Okay. Executive. Here, let's throw that.

Introduction and French Toast Discussion

Go ahead, cryptic. Go ahead. Wait, I'm going to blow your minds. I'm going to blow your minds. Brown sauce on french toast. Oh, it's so funny that you said that, because I was going to ask cryptic or not cryptic. I was going to ask the executive what his version of french toast was. I was literally going to ask him that. So, yeah, you segued perfectly into that. Because executive, being from the United States and being how, you know, french toast and hearing how you think brown sauce is, do you think brown sauce would pair well with french toast? And then we'll get into what french toast is.

Brown Sauce and French Toast Pairing

Okay, so no, french toast and brown sauce would never be on a plate together, at least for me. Like, that does not sound appetizing, like, to me. Okay, well, could you please just run through me what french toast is in your kitchen? Like, your ingredients, how you would make it. I can't hear nothing. Damn it. Oh, you're back. Yeah, you're back. I don't know what happened. I went to a dead zone. I was like, not now. I said, could you do me a favor? Could you explain or could you, what are the ingredients you use for french toast? So we just use bread. You, like, feed an egg, like, sort of like egg yolk.

French Toast Preparation

You know, you put your bread in it. You, like, soak up that egg yolk. You throw it on just your stove, and you just, you know, throw a little bit of butter, a little bit of oil, something so it doesn't stick to your pan. You throw it on there. You fry it up and usually a little cinnamon on the top of it. And then you put syrup on top of it with some butter. After it's done cooking, you melt the butter and, like, spread it all over. And then you just put, you chop it up and eat it with some syrup. Yeah. Maple syrup. Pretty standard American. Pretty standard American. Oh, wait, french toast.

Butter and Ingredients Variation

All right. Wait, you're adding butter to it? Yeah. I add butter to it? Yeah. I love butter on it. Okay. My french toast, which is pretty much the same, it's milk, egg, cinnamon, a little vanilla extract. And dip the. Or dip the bread in there and fry it. But cryptic. What's your french toast? Mine is just eggs, milk. Throw some salt in there. Throw a little bit of sugar in there. Whisk it up and, like, just make it like that. Dip the bread in. Don't dip it in for too long.

Discussion on Cinnamon and Variations

The cinnamon is the key difference there. Because once you put cinnamon on it, like, that's why we wouldn't want brown sauce because that sounds disgusting when you put something like that with cinnamon and, like. But you don't use the cinnamon, which is just odd for me because that's how I know french toast. I do like it with cinnamon. I've tried a few things. I do like it with it. I don't know if I would necessarily add brown sauce with this cinnamon, but I would try it. Well, executive, you got to get yourself some brown sauce now.

Exploring Brown Sauce Availability

So, you know, scour the, scour your local markets, the bodegas over there in Philly and. Or Amazon. Yeah, I'm honestly not going to go too far. I'm probably going to go to the supermarket that we go to because we're going to, like a week. Like, we have to go get some things. So I'm going to go there, check it out, and then it will be right to the Internet. You know, it's too easy nowadays. You just got to go to Amazon. Like you said, it's too hard for me to go travel around searching stores when I don't even forget.

Explaining Grocery Experiences

I don't even know what it looks like. So it's even harder because now half these people aren't going to know what. Cause, like, I buy certain rice. Like, I buy, like, this really nice. I think it's Japanese rice. And whenever I don't remember, I got it written down somewhere. So I show it to the person, like, and they never know where it's at. I'm like, you sell it, though. They're like, yeah, but I don't know what that is. I'm like, yeah, me neither.

Frustration in Grocery Shopping

I can't pronounce it either, but that's why I'm showing you the word. And then like, well, I don't know. And I always find it there, but they can never tell me where it's at. So, like I said, it's not going to be much help going to these stores because they never know what's in that aisle. I swear to God. There no any other aisle in our supermarkets they will help you with as soon as you ask them about that aisle. Unless they know exactly what you're looking for, like their self personally, they never could help you.

Customer Service Experience

It's not helpful. Yeah, no, you're absolutely right. Just talking about that the other day, too. I think they should make it a habit to try and stay away from people now is. But the customer service is like, I don't want to help. And they run one's word is pizza. Bonus word is pizza. What type of brown sauce bottle does it come in? Was it a glass or plastic when you got it? Is glass.

Brown Sauce Description

Oh, glass. Okay. Executive just in. The reason I think they compared to a one is because the bottle is exactly like an a one bottle. Pretty much. It's, you know, it's what HP brown sauce is in. It's in a bottle like that. But it doesn't. It's nothing like a one, though. Yeah, no, I don't even like a one myself, but no, the brown sauce sounds really good.

Open-mindedness on Food

It sounds interesting, too, because, like, I. And, you know, I said earlier I want to eat it with french toast, but, you know, maybe I will try it one time because I'm. I'm very open minded when it comes to the food. Like, I'll say something sounds disgusting, and then I'll try it, and I'll be like, well, it probably wasn't as bad as I thought. I. And then I'll eat it and I'll like it. You know? So I always say, like, it just.

Cinnamon's Effect on Taste

That's why I said, for me, it doesn't. It definitely doesn't seem like something would be on a plate together. Like you said, I think the cinnamon. And that doesn't sound too good in my head at all. Like, as soon as you point out the cinnamon, I was like, you know what? That probably is the reason, too, because, like, it changes the whole aspect of it, in my opinion. But, yeah, no, I definitely want to try it.

Hunger Sparks Interest

That sounds good. And I have three people up here telling me all about it. So I'm already stoned. I'm already hungry. I'm making some bacon and eggs into right now. And, you know, now I'm like, damn, I got to try this damn brown sauce soon enough, so I'm definitely going to be on the hunt for it. And like I said, I'll get it on the Internet if I. If the supermarket doesn't have it when I go there in a few days.

Sharing Information

Yeah, I just. I just sent you a picture of it. Oh, thank you. That. That's so helpful. Thank you. Actually, I know what you're looking for. There you go. There you go. See, that's what it's all about. We're learning new cultures here today, people. Well, not. Not new. We're learning different cultures for everybody.

Strawberries and Balsamic Vinegar

So I've got another combination for you guys to consider, which is strawberries with balsamic vinegar and pepper. Has anyone ever tried that? Divine. Yeah, I'm like. I'm sitting here trying to. I'm trying to think about how that would taste. I can't. Like, I'm not saying it would be bad because, I mean, I don't know. I've had strawberries and salads before with, like, you know, vinaigrette dressing, but not specifically, like, you know, strawberries and pepper and what it was, vinaigrette, just a.

Balsamic Pairing with Sweet and Sour

Balsamic vinegar or balsamic. I mean, balsamic. So just like a dash of that over it with some pepper. And it's really nice because it's that whole sweet and sour combination that goes really well together. I like that. But I've also. Yeah, I often put strawberries and salads with, like, goat cheese. Or you get, like, a balsamic glaze here, which is like a. Almost like a balsamic syrup over the top with some rock leaves.

General Food Talks

That's pretty yummy as well. Oh, all this talk of food. Here we go. It's 1230 in the afternoon, too. I'm about to throw down, like, executive in a minute. I don't know what I'm having today. I kind of want fish and chips. Now that crypto is talking about chippies and shit, I kind of want fish and shit. There's definitely not a good place here, though.

Cravings and Expectations

That's the hardest part, bro. When you want a certain food, then you try to get it from someone. You're like, man, you know, it sounds like a great meal, but you're like, if I get it from here, I know it's not going to be as good as I'm imagining already. That's, like, my hardest thing when it comes to food. Like, I have to order this, like, $15 bowl of ramen from down center city in Philly because that's the only place I like the ramen from.

Ramen Disappointment

You know, like, I've had it. It always feels like they watered down the tonkatsu. I swear they do. You know, I like, you know, real ramen. I'm not talking about, like, you know, like, I. And most of these places, it just tastes like shit. And I'm like, wow, I'm really looking forward to this meal. And now I order it, and now it tastes like, you know, it tastes like water.

The Challenge of Ordering Food

It really does. I swear. They water it down. So I found this one place, dude, it's like $15 just to get it, like, just for the meal. And then I got to order and get delivered because I'm not driving down or even walking down center city. It's ridiculous down there. So it's like dollar 25 to get a good bowl of ramen for me. And, like, it's really sad that, like, you know, they close, like, on the weekend and on Monday, so, like, I get certain days of the week.

Food Availability Woes

So, like, I feel your pain with that, because as soon as you want something good, you really got to figure out where I you're going to get from. Actually enjoy it like that. Yeah, because it's the worst. I'm sorry, but as soon as you said the word war, I laughed. You know what I'm talking about? Cryptic. Cryptics always want to stop what you say. Widow. That's how I say.

Regional Linguistic Differences

I know everyone said water. That's how I've always said it. People say water. See, now, because here's the thing. Here's the thing. That. What's funny is that he said that he's in Philly, which is also in Pennsylvania. Cryptic. I am also in Pennsylvania, about 2 hours away from there in a small po dunk Alice town called Hanover. And the differences between Hanover, Pennsylvania, and Philly, Pennsylvania, are night and freaking day.

Comparative Local Differences

I can tell you that right now. And that's like Lizzie was saying, that's like a different country. Because, I mean, I know he said water. I don't. I don't say water. I say water. But some people say water and get that, but it flows, and it sounded no different to me. I heard that. I heard the difference. I just started laughing because I know.

Miscellaneous Cultural Observations

Go ahead. Exact. No, no. I was just agreeing with you. I just said I don't ever notice it. The difference, like. Cause it just. Like you said, we're used to it. It flows right out, and that's. I just hear it, and that's it. I hear the wonder. That's it. What I need is a real, real down south country person to come into space one day and start talking.

Accents and Understanding

I'm not even sure if I could think anybody with, like, a real good, like, a Louisiana almost type accent where it's almost like, dude, that's a whole nother world. Cryptic. Like, you think I have problem understanding you? These are people in my own country I can't understand that are speaking my language, dude. You know what I mean? But they're kind of not.

Different Dialects

I don't know, like, that Louisiana slang is just on some different type stuff. No, that's definitely a different world, bro. 100%. Like, you. Like, you said, it's our language. But, like, they'll say words and you look at them, like, who did you just make that up on the spot? Like, because it just sounds all mushed together sometimes and all.

Conversation on Communication

Like. I get that all the time. What are you talking about? I don't know. I think what's trained me to talk to people from, like, UK and all that stuff, like, I understand, like, english accents and all that a lot better than I did. Like, now that I've been in the space for, like, two years, like, I know exactly what you're saying.

Understanding Accents

Like, at first I was a little confused, but now I'm happy that I joined Webster, because, like, I do understand, like, in it. Like, I didn't even understand what the word in it meant before, but now it's, like, in it, like, it means, you know, like, hey, you know. Yeah, I. Well, like, I've reprogrammed my brain to where when I know I'm speaking to foreigners.

Adjusting Communication Styles

Like, I pronounced more, and I've played Xbox since I was, like, 16, so, like, I had to get used to pronouncing bear and, like, speaking more. I'm gonna say English, like, so the foreigners can understand. But if I'm talking to somebody else Scottish. Like, the Scottish just starts again, and I'll just, like, I'll just start talking a little bit faster, and then it jumps up.

Perception of Communication

Yeah. No, I've definitely heard it before. Like I said, not from you personally, but I've heard it before, how it jumbles up, and it's definitely hard. Like I said, I think being in the space had helped me a lot, but I definitely had that. But, you know, you. In my opinion, you talk very well, but, like, you said you've had that help because I know exactly what you're talking about.

Growth Through Experience

I've been a gamer since I was a kid. Like, you know, that didn't practice, like, web three for me. Like, I didn't have that many foreigners that I talked to. Honestly, it always paired me with most of the people from America, but there's been a few times where I was paired with other languages and people with accents and all. And, you know, it did help me somewhat learn it after I played, you know, I called on, and I was like, oh, man, were in, like, three matches together, me and this one kid.

Language and Gaming

I was like, man, now I like, because he was screaming at me at first, and, like, by the third match, we actually had a good flow together. But I didn't understand him at first. That's all it was. He wasn't really screaming. He was excited and the words were just jumbling together. But I thought he was just screaming in the microphone. I thought that's what he was doing for like ten minutes the first match.

Humorous Anecdote

Yeah, that was so funny. So funny. You know, the, like, the more you hear it and, like, the more you'll get used to it. And then the more you get used to it, they'll speak a little bit normal. Normal. Normal. Yeah. They will speak a little bit more normal for them and you'll still be able to keep up that little bit. Lizzie, don't laugh at me.

Normalization in Language

Normal is a word now, okay? I think it's more normal rather than normal. Normal are kind of two structures, right? I'm scottish. It sounds more blown off the tongue. Let's normalize it. There we go. There we go. All right, well, let's. Let's end it with that. Let's. Let's normalize it with that. We're going to end it with that because I'm hungry.

Conclusion and Gratitude

We need to do that. But I appreciate everybody hanging out. Lizzie, thank you for showing up. Oh, hold on. Let the executive bounce that. We're actually executive. We're getting ready to shut it down. I'm glad you came back now. Say goodbye to you. We appreciate you hanging out with us. Definitely.

Participants Wrap Up

Yeah, no, I just lost, literally, as soon as I was done speaking last time. I just. I couldn't hear nothing else, so. No, definitely appreciate it. Great space this morning. I'm glad I stopped through, and now I'll definitely come through them more often. I just. Just seen it today. I got lucky, you know, that's my biggest thing.

Future Engagements

If I miss a space, I miss it. That's what sucks because I'm not. I used to be able to pay attention so much more, but I haven't been able to this summer. It's been a little bit busy. But school's about to start. Someone free time. Anyway, again now. So, you know, I'm back to being able to be in web three all day, basically.

Family Commitments

My daughter's in school, so. No, definitely appreciate this, girl. Have a great day, guys. Really. Thank you. Have a good weekend. Have a great day. Had to remember what day it was before I start speaking. I almost said week. I know. Don't push the weekend through yet.

Weekend Anticipations

Don't push it through just yet. I. Yeah, we're lucky. We've got a long weekend here this week, so. Yeah, we've got a three day weekend. But, yeah, it's been awesome being here. It's great to chat to you all again. Have a good rest of your Saturday.


Thank you, Lizzy. Cryptic. Appreciate you for showing up as well, sir. Enjoy the rest of your evening. And everybody. Sorry. Go ahead, cryptic. I apologize. No, you're okay, son. On you go. I just wanted to remind everybody to get into rapples, the engager raffles.

Raffles Reminder

I believe Gorov is going to restock. Or we're going to talk about restocking sometime today or tomorrow. So be on the lookout for those, but make sure they're getting to the engage or the creamy bot. I'm sorry? Getting those raffles that weekend, the weekend creamies and tomorrow. That was going to be today.

Final Instructions

Goral is going to put them in there today. Yeah, cryptics got the updated alpha, so. Yeah, he said today. Sometime later today.

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