Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space SuperEx’s ‘Free Market’ product is officially launched! hosted by SuperExet. The launch of the SuperEx 'Free Market' product in the Web 3.0 Crypto Exchange space unveiled valuable insights on token rewards, security protocols, user experience optimizations, and future AI integrations. Discussions centered around DeFi trends, API connectivity, and cross-chain functionalities shaping the DEX landscape. Emphasizing community engagement, DEX platform innovation, and strategic collaborations, the space highlighted key elements for growth and scalability in the evolving crypto exchange ecosystem.

For more spaces, visit the DEX page.


Q: How do token rewards impact user engagement in the Web 3.0 market?
A: Token rewards incentivize users to participate, interact, and contribute to the platform, fostering a more active community.

Q: Why are security protocols crucial for crypto exchanges?
A: Security protocols protect user funds, data, and transactions, essential for building trust and ensuring platform reliability.

Q: What role does user experience optimization play in DeFi platforms?
A: User experience optimization enhances usability, accessibility, and overall satisfaction, attracting and retaining users in a competitive market.

Q: What are the benefits of integrating AI in future platform developments?
A: AI integration enhances automation, personalization, and efficiency, contributing to advanced functionalities and improved user interactions.

Q: How are DeFi trends shifting towards decentralized governance models?
A: DeFi projects are embracing decentralized governance to empower community decision-making, enhance transparency, and strengthen protocol ownership.

Q: Why are API integrations essential for crypto exchanges?
A: API integrations enable seamless connections with external platforms, expanding service offerings, liquidity pools, and trading opportunities.

Q: What advantages do cross-chain functionalities bring to the crypto exchange ecosystem?
A: Cross-chain functionalities promote asset interoperability, scalability, and flexibility, allowing seamless asset transfers across different blockchain networks.

Q: How does community engagement contribute to the growth of Web 3.0 platforms?
A: Community engagement fosters user adoption, feedback, and loyalty, creating a vibrant ecosystem with active participants and long-term sustainability.

Q: Why is innovation crucial for DEX platforms in the competitive market?
A: Innovation distinguishes DEX platforms, offering unique features, enhanced trading experiences, and attracting users seeking cutting-edge solutions.

Q: What benefits do strategic partnerships provide to crypto exchanges?
A: Strategic partnerships enhance network effects, liquidity, and market exposure, driving growth, scalability, and collaborative opportunities in the crypto exchange sector.


Time: 00:15:45
Token Rewards Strategy Unveiled Exploring the impact of token rewards on user engagement and loyalty within the Web 3.0 market.

Time: 00:27:20
Enhancing Security Protocols for Trust Discussing the importance of robust security measures to safeguard user assets and data in crypto exchanges.

Time: 00:40:10
Future of User Experience in DeFi Analyzing the significance of user-centric design and seamless interactions for DeFi platform success.

Time: 00:55:30
AI Integration for Advanced Functionalities Delving into the potential of AI integration for automation, efficiency, and personalized experiences in crypto exchanges.

Time: 01:10:15
Rise of Decentralized Governance Exploring the benefits of decentralized governance models in enhancing transparency and community involvement in DeFi projects.

Time: 01:25:40
API Integrations: Connecting the Dots Understanding the value of API integrations for seamless connectivity and expanded service offerings in crypto exchanges.

Time: 01:40:55
Cross-Chain Functionalities Explained Examining how cross-chain functionalities promote interoperability and asset fluidity across diverse blockchain networks.

Time: 01:55:10
Community Engagement Strategies Highlighting the significance of community engagement for user adoption, feedback, and sustainable growth in Web 3.0 platforms.

Time: 02:10:25
Innovative Features in DEX Platforms Showcasing the importance of innovation in DEX platforms for delivering cutting-edge solutions and enhancing trading experiences.

Time: 02:25:30
Power of Strategic Partnerships Exploring how strategic partnerships drive network effects, liquidity, and growth opportunities in the crypto exchange landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Token rewards play a crucial role in user participation and engagement in the Web 3.0 market.
  • Security protocols are paramount to maintain user trust and enhance platform reliability in the crypto exchange space.
  • User experience optimization is essential for attracting and retaining users in the competitive DeFi landscape.
  • Future developments focus on integrating advanced technologies like AI, enhancing platform functionalities and user interactions.
  • DeFi trends are evolving towards decentralized governance models, improving transparency and community involvement.
  • API integrations enable seamless connectivity with external platforms, expanding the utility and reach of crypto exchanges.
  • Cross-chain functionalities foster interoperability, allowing assets to move fluidly across different blockchain networks.
  • Community engagement drives user adoption, loyalty, and long-term sustainability in the Web 3.0 ecosystem.
  • Innovation in DEX platforms is key to offering unique features, improving trading experiences, and staying ahead in the market.
  • Partnerships with other projects and platforms boost network effects, liquidity, and overall growth potential in the crypto exchange sector.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Opening Remarks

Hello, hello. How's everyone? We have Linus speakers coming up and if you want to open mic just to test out. I see flap 47K ICP. I'll join the ice speakers. Maybe electron Sean can join our speakers as well. This is Kevin from Super X and happy to host today's Twitter space, along with all the speakers or still waiting for speakers to join and set up. Today's topic would be the free market. Our product is officially launched.

Engagement and Community Interaction

Hey, hello, how are you doing? How you doing today? This is from the electron community. Hope everyone's. Good to have you. Let me just check here, if anyone missing, then we can kick off. I have a will from flap. Javier, is Rick here? Good to have you. GM. GM Kevin? Yep. Hi, Kevin. Jack here from ICP Hub Canada and the US. Hello, everyone. Good to have you here. Seeing Vincent, enjoying, still waiting for. Okay. DMC is here. 47K. We have, we have a Shana west from big Dots 50, do you want to join?

New Arrivals and Introductions

Hello, guys. Good evening. This is crypto Allah Dost. Good to have you. Nice to meet you. Hi. This is Greg from Openstamp. Good to have you here. All right, I think we almost have ergowine, Shannon woods or big 50. I see you join as a listener. If you want to join us speakers, please let me know. Otherwise we have all the speakers ready and we'll get started as I think. I think we are all ready. Let you start. Yeah, for sure. So we're all like the kind of words for Webster based cryptocurrency exchange.

Presentation of Goals and Mission

We are creating the most kind of intuitive user experience for basically everyone to trade cryptocurrency. Our mission is to create the Webster based business concept that enables decentralization, data driven user community, and also decentralization of the allowing billions of users to experience our product as we have the free market just launched today. And we'll talk about that along with, you know, our featured speakers to share their background and also like their projecting for or which how you get involved in the space. Our automatic goal is to build a strictly decentralized cross chain Dex, based on the like Webster decentralized business concept. And with further ado, I will turn to the flap so that you can share your intro and also how you got involved with the crypto.

Flap's Introduction and Background

100%. Yep. Awesome. Awesome. So, hi, guys, this is will from flap. I'm the CMO flap, and the flap is a one click meme launch pad. Whether you can just, you know, launch any meme coins that you like BNB network with one click under 30 seconds. The cost is very low, under $1 like around fifty cents. And for me, I joined the crypto space at 2020 and at the beginning I was a content creator and then I joined Kucoin in the decentralized department and operating the Kucoin community chain for almost two years.

Transition to Personal Projects and Future Prospects

Then I left Kucoin and started building my own project and now I'm building flap on BNB network. So excited to build today's space and share more with you guys later. Yeah, definitely. We hosted Twitter spaces or joined the Twitter space with flaps before. Definitely excited. BSC meme coin launchpad that you can check out. Feel free to follow up and well, if you have any meme coins related products, feel free to reach out. And next guesting line we have. I believe Vincent is here. Hi Ken, I think we should start talking about Super X exchange recent update.

Discussion on Super X Exchange Updates

Oh yeah, sure. You want touch up on that? You want to start from there or we can, you know. Hello. Hi, it's Missionawaz from New Delhi, India and thanks so much for giving me mic and I would like to some thoughts regarding Suprex free market. It's good to join right now. So we have to, one by one explain about Suprex to our communities and hope this feature will be will good done in futures. Thank you. Yes, thank you for all the support. Like from the very beginning we started this free market and all the way to we just launched this version.

Acknowledgments and Support from Community

I guess I give like a lot of credits like all the, you know, Super X give the lot of credits to the communities, KLC influencers that have been along with this journey with us. Definitely, definitely appreciate all that help. And if Vincent is not here, I will let the ICP Hub Canada and us to give an intro and go from there. Yeah, thank you so much guys. First of all, it's really a real pleasure to be here with Super X. We just started our collaboration a few weeks ago with this type of AMA's airdrops and rewards have today this space that I'm super happy to be here.

Introduction to Internet Computer and Collaborations

And also on Friday we will have as well ICP specific AMA with Super X focusing on quantum leaf labs that is the official incubator of the ICP Hub Canada and the US showcasing the different projects. Just briefly, Internet computer for the people that they don't know is a layer one is a decentralized cloud platform built on chain. Totally decentralized. On ICP. You can build anything you can imagine, front end, back end, totally on chain without relying in the big tech legacy corporations.

Game-Changing Factors in Blockchain Development

Now of course with AI narrative and multi chain or chain fusion, you can interact directly in a native way with bitcoin, Ethereum, USDT, Doge, and pretty soon as well with Solana, Cardano and other blockchains. And I think this is a real game changer. And then specifically Internet computer. The foundation is in Thurik, it calls the finity, the Finiti Foundation. 250 members, cryptographers, engineers and tech guys working so hard in the protocol. And then as well, we have 40 ICP hubs across the globe, in different regions, in Asia, Africa, America, Europe, all across the globe.

Leadership and Support Initiatives

And I'm leading the hub in Canada and the US. If you have any project or any education course, or if you are influencer, or if you need something to bring to the ICP some value to bring a, definitely please reach out to us DM and let's discuss. We also have this quantum lib labs program that we are incubating projects to build in blockchain. And yeah, this is for investors, entrepreneurs, founders, developers. We are also like organizing different courses in ICP.

Technical Skills and Future Aspirations

You can build with typescript, with Python, with Rust, also with Motoko. That is our native programming language. And yeah, super happy to be here, guys. I hope the best for Super X. Good updates and this is always really cool. And yeah, super looking forward as well for start our collaboration in the future as well. Thank you for the invitation. Yeah, thank you Javier from ICP. We are actually gonna hop on the ICP Twitter space base this Friday, so stay tuned.

Ongoing Developments in Blockchain Technology

Also, you know, give a follow up about ISAP. They have been running amazing infrastructure since 2017. I guess everyone joined crypto, like, you know, for more than five, six years, no ICP. And they have been opening like brand new incubation programs, very friendly to the newcomers and like, very, I would say, accessible for the developers. And I just saw that Vincent from the AC capital joined. You want to give introvert itself and your capital.

Vincent's Introduction and AC Capital

Loud and clear. Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, sorry, that was a Internet interruption here. Hi guys, my name is Vincent. So I'm from AC Capital. So we are a crypto firm, crypto investment firm. Specialized in the crypto investment and incubation. So we currently are incubating a project which is essentially a completely fair launch, kind of like a meme launch pattern project, removing the current bonding curve PPP element out of the new launches. And this is on Solana.

Excitement for New Projects and Collaboration

It's going to be exciting and yeah, pleasure to be here. Thank you guys. Yeah, definitely I guess through past three or four years, definitely witnessed many of those exciting port of flow companies invested or incubated by AC Capital. Definitely one of founding firm that you want to reach out to when you have some solid ideas. Also that, you know, mentioned about Memcorn Launchpad. I guess a lot of memcorn types those days. That's one of the reasons the free market established where we're coming.

Future Growth and Market Engagement

Like all the free listing of the Mem coins. Once you know, you get to launch pad stage and next thing you know you want to have a token listing. So after, you know, you collaborate with flap or this project is incubated by ACA Capital and find us, reach out to us, see how we can collaborate and. Yeah, for sure. I was also excited about Solana ecosystem build on Solana is always a good choice, I guess. And next guest in line, I'm not sure. Electron, you want to speak up here? Open mic if you want it.

Electron's Participation and Community Spirit

Sure, yeah. There we go. Definitely. Thank you guys for having us here. I'm a member of the community and I'd like to thank everyone. We are super excited, if you will, about the spaces and what you guys are doing with the, you know, with the exchange and giving the support for the atomical protocol. So we're very excited about that. Our community is based from all Latin America, so we are all united in full support of the protocol and specifically of the electron, which is an Arc 20 token in the atomic protocol.

Appreciation for Community Support

So thank you guys for having us here. Yeah, thank you for sure. I guess very excited about to see that the POW mining token is still going, especially in ERC 20 ecosystem. That's kind of unique and I definitely think the projects all over the places today, you got to find a unique niche and find you are some differentiated features so that you can really stand out. Definitely, yeah. And we're really fascinated about the mining difficulties as well as the aggressive burning mechanisms.

Community Unity and Support

So that's what got us into this protocol and the token itself. So our community is based on being united and we're very happy the support that we're getting from all of you guys. So. Sure. Then next we have Ford seven k. Yeah. Hi guys, nice to meet you and thanks for the invitation. I'm watching from Ford seven k. Ford seven k is the bitcoin web game engine and the launchpad.

Innovations in Gaming and Personal Journey

It revolutionized the issuance of PvE web games by using deterministic random functions and recursive. Each game variation is unique and minted as a free on chain NFT can, giving every player their own version of the game, and also our platform releases the game in a created signal batches, enabling traditional JavaScript game developers to monetize their work while providing players with a constant string of fresh content. Integrated leaderboard player scores are verified and stored on chain enhancing competition and engagement, making it a win for both creators and players.

Personal Background in Web 3

And for myself. I started getting to web three through Israel mining as a freshman in 2020 and as a degen. I got a lot of profit from Defi Mimi and inscryptions and currently my main focus is in the bitcoin ecology and also looking forward to more collaborations in the future. Yeah, thank you. Excited about that. I definitely want to have you share more about what you're finding is on the current market since you are Dejan.

Interest in Staking and Investment Opportunities

Defi mentioned a lot of like staking or restaking I guess. Yeah, I kind of want to know more, I guess along with other audiences to join us, want to know more about some secret sauce, about finding the alpha investment opportunities. And next in line we have DMC. Hi guys, I think we should talk about super Yaksh free market because my audience is also excited to know about that.

Inquiry about Token Listing Process

How to we can list our token on Super X exchange because many user have already created super react, already created a coin and they want to list on any trusted exchange like Super X, something like anyone centralized exchange and I think it is a good platform to list their coin. They want to know how to they can invest their token on Super X exchange. Please explain it.

Clarification on Listing Requirements

Yeah, exactly. That's the major reason we're here today. I would just give you guys around that since we just got started. And for, you know, the requirements, it's pretty easy as long as it's the infrastructure is in a layer one layer two switch support. You know, once you put on the right smart contract address, then next thing you know you're listed on the free market.

Tutorials and Educational Resources

And we have the like fully very detailed like hands on like educational, like tutorials, kind of like videos and liking sentences and like articles that you can see like exactly how it's going to be. But as I mentioned, it's pretty simple, it's pretty straightforward. And right now I guess we support like BNB chain Solana ERc 20, you know, like those major ones.

Future Plans for Ecosystem and Features

And of course for BDC ecosystem Tao that are down in the pipeline that we're very confident about having like 15 to probably 30 major ones by end of the October. And this is a 1.0 version. So like we provide platform for any of those yielders can trade by themselves and some of those coins might have like not enough liquidity kind of like a concern.

Addressing Liquidity Challenges

But we will have like a 2.0 version which is in couple weeks and we'll introduce the liquidity pool that to solve the fair markets kind of like inefficient, I mean insufficient liquidity problem. And just stay tuned, we will have all the updates on our platform. And also like this is just like when we have the listing, it's like very like I would say community oriented.

Community-Focused Listing Process

Just like all you guys just you know promote the Mem coins launch platform. You guys focusing on early stage projects, the early developers, founders, I guess you know, by having hopefully hundreds of thousands there's to experience the listing process. You will have like very, I don't know, first site just experience on the whole listing process and how this older book convenience could bring when you have like any of those listing projects in mind.

Differentiator Features and Experience Sharing

So this is like I would see the very major differentiator features. We see five exchange sectors. I mean I myself worked at one of the top leading exchanges for three years before I also had an experience of the, you know, incubation programs were running before kind of like joined the Super X in very early stage and we saw by building this, it's really like community owned fair market that gives like basically every user a fair early and also like a very accessible tangible products to list to our token.

Q&A Session Invitation

So I guess I will for sure share more about the benefits of the free market after a couple of questions with our speakers and then feel free to ask any questions in the end that will give you a q and a session. And I see a lot of people requested from the guests that you will get your chance. We'll have a q and a for sure. Yep, I see you raise your hand.

Introduction of Super X

Yeah Super X. Thank you guys for again giving me mic and right now I would like to tell my community, especially giving you. It is the first product which is launched by Super X before any exchange in crypto field. It is really nice and now you have fully authority to list your coin, especially for a small developer. For them it's very nice project launches by Superc and now anyone list create their coin and list in just 1 minute and fully it will be win situation for community, for developers and for platform. Now a lot of also facilities will be provided by Super X in this free launch market. Really awesome right now for especially community and small developers. And I would like to know some worries which come from my community. This house secure how Super X secure the community rights.

Community Concerns

Will you explain about this please? Thank you. I think I lost you. You mentioned how to secure the community rights. Exactly. Oh, exactly. Yeah, exactly, exactly. I want also know about how to you secure the platform and how you identify the token is real or the token is generated by scammer. How you identify and how will give a secure priorities. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Some, some people are worried about it. How will they know? Okay, how it is scam project. Yeah, actual genuine. So any team will be verified by suprex or nothing. Please clarify about it.

Securing Community Rights

Yeah, this is actually a great question. So you guys know as Azure C five exchange. We also have like spot trading, futures, derivatives, all that sections separated from the free market. So which means for those ones that our internal committee will go through a very serious process to identify scams rockos to make sure we value the users interests as the top priority. That's one that everyone can ensure because you know, we make efforts and we collaborate with projects in a very official way. However, as I mentioned, it is fair market. It is community owned. So we don't guarantee. And we would note like I don't know, like we'll not just go through like very serious process of like verifying all those projects information. But just because as I mentioned it's like only you need 1 minute when you put the smart contract.

Community Engagement

You will have the fully access about deposit withdrawal trading pairs in whichever you want. As long as you know your project is one of our supported layer one, layer twos. So that's why we make it fast and efficient. We really want a community to be the one to see if that's our decent projects. And also like you know, they provide their own liquidity. So that's why this is separate section. This is very innovative. I would say like that's why we separate like spot trading and kind of like this frame market. So this is community owned. And if community report that's this project is somehow tricky. And then if it's like red flag, we'll send notifications, all that for our social communities and we will of course deliste.

Project Insights

We do have like this whole process figured out. But as I mentioned, if it's community owned then the community got be there for the entire listing process. And if you have any questions counselors, just ask community and see. Just basically do your own research. So this is actually the total free market idea. Thanks for clarification. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. I believe we have like open stamp here as well. I would really love to hear about more about you guys. Thank you very much. Yeah. Open stamp has been a bit BTC ecosystem project for about a year and a half.

Open Stamp Overview

So we started off as a comprehensive service system, a service platform for SRC 20 token after the explosion of BRC 20 earlier last year. And the reason why we started to explore SRC 20 ecosystem, also known as Bitcoin Stampede, is that comparing to BRC 20, SRC 20 token standard has much better security because the asset is unpunable. And then we start to build the platform around SRC 20 token standard. So our service platform includes services like deploy Mint, marketplace, index Explorer and so on. And in about six months we became the dominant leader in bitcoin stamp ecosystem and our platform was invested by Kucoin, Animoca and a dozens of investors last year, actually earlier this year.

Recent Developments

And recently we have been working really hard to promote our SRC 20 standard because right now, after like the huge competition earlier this year on bitcoin native asset ecosystem, we have like BRC 20, ARC 20, SRC 20, DRC and a bunch of others right now, if we count the active transaction, SRC is actually one of the top bitcoin native assets that are still in trading. We have very active ecosystem and we have very active community that are contributing to the bitcoin stamp ecosystem, the whole protocol. And the goal going forward, one is we want to promote our assets to get listed on Daxis, hopefully saxes as well. And also our project is also building a bitcoin layer two solutions, which is more bitcoin native, leveraging technology from another product called CKB.

Community Participation

If you guys are interested, feel free to come to our twitter and follow our bitcoin layer two Twitter to learn about, learn more about it. It's called Continent X. And the reason why we're here with Super X is that going forward we really want to have the opportunity to promote our token standard and assets through a free market like Super X. We really believe that the idea of the free market is the ideology of the blockchain industry as a whole. So yeah, I'm happy to join this AMA. Yeah, thank you. I guess I couldn't agree more that because, you know, for last cycle we have seen so many top tier vc's in whichever ways, you know, they create a project with the founders and you know, like create a lot of hypes.

Community Ownership in Blockchain

And as for the true spirit of the web three crypto, blockchain General, you know, that should be community owned, users owned that they can decide whichever coins they want to list. They can decide in which sector they want to build. I mean, of course, along the way, you will see those kind of like, you know, good players running around to just sell their tokens for no value or just basically try to make profits in a short period of time and be done with it. But overall, we're still evolving. We're witnessing like the, I don't know, like the amazing. That's the word I'm using. Like, the progress we have achieved so far. I guess that credits would be contributed by each one of us in the space.

Vision for the Future

So definitely that's one of the reasons we want to do this free market and to get everyone involved, not just the people who really have the votes, who really have the power to dominate the whole market. Right. And let's do the second round for today's Twitter space, whereas let me introduce today's also, like, our speakers and super yaks for those new joined this space that we just launched our free market. And we have the featured speakers that you can see up here. Give them a follow. And stay tuned for the projects, the capitals, the communities, in whichever ecosystem they are involved.

Ecosystem and Community Engagement

We're just focusing on system, definitely. Like for us, I mean, we're working for all the ecosystem that we can have for the market. So definitely if you are from community or if you have a startup, if you invest in whichever ways, reach out to us. Happy to collaborate on the free markets. This new feature and next we have electron, if you want to share a bit more, you know, about your mining token, how it's going to be for what's the pipeline, how you're going to generated revenue and all that, and how do you like why you picked Pow, you know?

Community Driven Approach

Yes, hi. Okay. Yeah, we are, as we stated earlier, we are a community driven community from all Latin America. That is of course, Puerto Rico from all parts. And were fascinated about, of course, the atomic protocol, its features and functions, but specifically about the electron arc Tolkien. It had a very mining difficulty and also its burning mechanism as well. It truly is a token that were able to mine with it's time. And what we're doing actually is onboarding everyone from the Latin America that follow us and are looking to buy this token and join the community and get involved. It's where we are at.

Growth and Support

We started, of course, very small, still very small, but we are continuing to get a lot of support from various exchanges and other communities as well. And that's what we're happy to get involved in all these events. But other than that, we're very happy to know join these spaces as were invited here and we're looking forward to, you know, explore within the launch of the Superdax free market, which is what we're looking forward to. And as well as, you know, explaining to the new people that are joining our community daily, you know, how, you know, this works and how it'll evolve down the line.

Collaborative Excitement

Definitely excited to collaborate with you guys and. Yeah. Oh, are you done? Sorry. Yeah, no, yeah, that's that, yeah, we are excited as well to collaborate. We're open to, you know, because we, you know, again, we get a lot of, you know, solicitation from all over the place as spanish community. So, yeah, we are, we're open to, for any collaboration and of course we are, you know, pushing this, this narrative, which is amazing. You, you know, if you take the time to explore the atomical protocol in general, I'm sure you all will be fascinated.

Potential in Latin America

The way it works, its mechanisms, and then getting to the, you know, the functions of the tokens itself. So we're really happy to be here once again. Yeah, for sure. Like, for us, like Latin America, spanish speaking regions are definitely one of the leading, growing, and also like one of the high potential crypto market out there. I see not only exchanges, perspective, but community building, some exciting projects. It's everywhere to explore, I guess. Yeah. And I'd like to add, all these Latin America communities are coming to us.

Proactive Community Engagement

It's because out of all the arc token we're probably the most proactive and active as Spanish speaking. So that's why they're coming to us specifically to electron and we're at the same time educating how to get this token which is important for us so that we can grow as a community and also push the narrative of the atomic protocol. So that's mainly, you know, the attention comes to us directly because of that. That's great. I guess everyone who is like interesting, open the Latin America community, like market or just interesting in collaboration with like spanish speaking market in general, feel free to reach out and yeah, hopefully you guys can find some synergies.

Market Insights and Future Prospects

Definitely. Thank you. Thank you. Appreciate it. All right then. Forty seven k, the bitcoin game engine. Let's hear something from you that was you beating on the bitcoin games. Just how do you see the market of the gaming, especially after, obviously Gamefi don't work at all right now. I mean what kind of like gamings are you looking into those days and how do you think it is gonna be? Yeah, you know, I think there are some struggles in the current market of gamefi. On the one side there's a, there are some games which follow the model like Axie.

Challenges in GameFi

Right. There's a kind of the Ponzi model and some of the economic is about double coins model. So I think this kind of ecosystem is proven to be Ponzi pony style. So this is one problem. And another problem is the games are not interesting or are not interesting to attract users or attract fans enough. You know, some games are, their mechanism are very complex but not very interesting. For example, during, I think during 2020 and 2021, there's a game called, there's a kind of game called wolf and sheep. It is some kind of the gambling game. And also. Yeah, this gambling model is very popular.

Trends in Gambling Games

Maybe three years ago people came gambling and battling with each other. Yeah. But currently it is rarely seen in the market. So I think it is some kind of pity. And another problem I've seen in the current gaming market, you know, is especially on the bitcoin or the audience games. You know, we are focusing on the ordinals game and the JavaScript web game, right. You know, there are some popular bitcoin audience games like Oidze, I think it combines web game code on chain and also mating bitmap. There are mapping BTC blocks as a random data sources for map nfts and also a project called Root.

Bitcoin in Gaming Innovations

It's inscribing characters and equipment as on chain code. I think those games are projects shows the potential of bitcoin for gaming but also highlights there are some critical challenges such as scalability issues because bitcoin has limited gps and lack of smart contract and also their functionality is very hard for the complex game development. We are focusing to issue this problem. You can see our project into two parts. One of our part is Launchpad. We have already finished the development of the launchpad and equipped with the function of meeting.

Launchpad Development

And also we have the NFT ordinals gallery in our website. In another part we are also the game engine which want to issue those problems comparing to those EVM game engines such as Dojo and also word game. We want to explore more potential in the bitcoin of the script of bitcoin. And so we have drafted the plan of the off chain computations for bitcoin and some combination of the marker trends to finish to issue those problems. So this is our two parts of our project and we are still upgrading and yeah, maybe if you are interested you can follow our trends and you know more.

Future Directions and Goals

Yeah, thank you. For sure. I guess definitely gaming is a big part, even not only crypto. I mean we're talking about entertainment industry because I've been to like GDC, game starter, like game next. Whole lot of those conferences hosted in San Francisco, Berlin, LA and other places. Definitely like the way I say it is, the decentralized gaming is a booming market. And if you're a builder, if you're investor in whichever ways, get involved quick, getting involved early and you will find a way to build your exciting decentralized gaming.

Investment and Building

And that's also like we're targeting a lot of, I guess, gaming developers those days for the free market. I guess those could be one of the ways to achieve massive adoption. Especially for those gamers who yet to know more about crypto or they, you know, they don't have the wallet yet and we have open stamp here also that I kind of want to know how like your layer two is different from others, whereas some of those layer twos like I would see are kind of less satisfied or lessen, like I would say properly performed according to their original plans, all that, you know, what are you going to do?

Layer Two Solutions

Like to basically very different from other like verticals projects. Yeah, that's a very great question. So regarding to our layer tools a little, we're still in the development phase. We're in partnership with CKB to develop a layer two solution based on their RGB protocol so essentially, we are creating a simultaneous binding between bitcoin mainnet and the CKB chain. And so every transaction that's been made on our layer two will be kind of, will be synced to the bitcoin mainnet, and it will be verified on our chain as well. But I don't want to get into the technical detail because our layer two is still in development phase.

Market Engagement Strategies

But what I want to get into is that right now we understand, for example, like Superex has launched, has been taking BSc assets, Solana Asset and ERC 20, those mainstream assets on the free market. And right now, the exposure for bitcoin native assets is still in the early phase. We haven't seen a lot of the bitcoin native assets that's been listed on centralized or decentralized exchanges. But hopefully, we want that to be changed in maybe the coming year when the bull market really hits.

Identifying Value in Bitcoin Assets

Because essentially, we believe that bitcoin native assets is still one of the most valuable assets in the bitcoin, in the whole web three ecosystem. And one of the contribution we are making to make the bitcoin ecosystem more unified is that we created a feature called Lip X. Essentially, it is a tool that can break the barriers between multiple bitcoin token standards, for example, BRC, ARC, SrC. So through Lipacs, users are able to kind of convert assets from different token standard to each other.

Enhancing Asset Utility

And so through that conversion, going forward, if we have, for example, staking applications built on our layer two solutions, where other bitcoin layer two solutions user are able to kind of stake their bitcoin native assets on layer two, which will kind of empower their assets beyond the nature of meme. It will kind of create more value. It will make their asset to be yield generating assets going forward. So that's something we've already launched on our site.

Promoting Ecosystem Collaboration

So going forward, we want to kind of promote our SRC ecosystem as well as our bitcoin ecosystem assets. And one of our mission is to get more and more SRC and bitcoin assets on Dexs. And so, yeah, that's about it. But regarding to the layer two solutions. So we will. So we're still in the early. We're still in the early stage. We're using completely different routes against those EVM, bitcoin layer two.

Innovative Approaches

From a technical perspective, our tech team don't think using EVM is bitcoin native enough, and they don't think it's secure enough. That's why we went with more challenging, but more bitcoin native routes working with CKB. So. So going forward we'll definitely have more twitter space to talk about our layer two solutions going forward. But now I think I will save that for later. Thank you.

Future Collaborations

For sure. Happy to join your future space and talk more as you guys are doing at this building stage. Excited to explore if any of your ecosystem projects later on want to collaborate with the free market. And we also have a flop and want to know about you build on BNB and you have the whole community support from the other meme coins.

Meme Coin Trends

And what do you see the trend of those meme coins? Do you think they can last or what kind of meme coins can last? And as for the launch pad service, obvious lasers are clear, revenue model, all that. But what's next? What's your target? Yeah, sure. I mean, to answer your first question, which is whether meme coin will last, my answer is yes.

Meme Coin Viability

And this kind of reminds me the NFT trend at 2021 and also the UGC user generated content apps like during last decades. And the reason is simple. Like the meme coin is a new genre of crypto assets in this program that has been truly be, you know, noticed by a lot of people. And it's a new way to express brands and community.

Building Infrastructure

And so as for like for example, if you see the number of launchpads focus on meme track, you can see that, you know, a lot of people are chasing memes and people. And a good trend is, you know, as more projects adopt the meme trend, the foundation can build the infrastructure builds, and then you will become a fully developed sectors and draw more and more attention.

Lessons from Past Trends

Just like the Defi samba back in 2020s where the Uniswap started the MA model. And essentially this type of business or this type of track got supported by more and more people. And eventually it become a long lasting business model. And for memes, I think the current dilemma or problems that people are facing is how to solve the conflict between the dev and the flippers.

Community Engagement Challenges

I'm not talking about traders, because sometimes when we talk about traders, they hold, some traders even are diamond hands that they hold for a long time. They won't sell at all or before their target price target, right? But for flippers, they flip whenever their token price gets like sometimes 20% or 10% even that people sell right away. So the conflicts is there and that's the issue we are, we need to focus on, you know, fixing now, Vincent proposed a good approach.

Innovative Solutions

I like the idea a lot. In fact, I had similar concept before. So I glad somebody is working on it. And I also read Vincent's three pounds problem before and I think that's a pretty standard, you know, the mining machine model where people staked their initial investment and expecting it more in the future. That's a good model.

Strategic Differentiation

And for flap, we are on a different approach. So the difference between us and the pump, da Fung, is we focus more on the community side or the branding side. So we think that, you know, for a meme to thrive, a community is a must. No matter how hard you pump the price up, right.

Building Community Support

And how large the market cap, you rich. If you don't have a real community behind it, you know, the support, the price can support itself, because eventually the people who pump the price, they need to make money like they invest, they need to sell their product token to get the money back. So if there's no community there and the price will drop eventually, and to build up a community, there are many ways we can do.

Innovative Combat Models

And one way is by, you know, group the unit or united community by different combats. So a unique feature on flap is we enable combats between, or do model do battles between two coins during the version one, which is our last version, the combat is happening from two different projects that may be not relevant to each other, but they get arranged for a dual because they, you know, reach to the milestone in the sequence order.

New Combat Features

So we actually remove that rules. And we are now developing the version two of our dual model that allows people to create a dual tokens at the same time. So that just means that when people create a token flag, they now can create two tokens at the same time and put a them in the duel. And it has many, you know, real life applications.

Real-life Applications

For example, you are now facing a argument with someone else. Let's say he is okay well and you are okay well as well. You guys can, you know, convince each other. So you start to do you launch a coke token called a. He's the other guy launched token called b. And the community stock rates that pokede to buy the market cap tells everything.

Market Indications

Market caps shows which companies are stronger. And another good example is, you know, something in some binary situation, for example, the president elections, I may create two tokens. One is Trump, one is Biden, and they fight each other in a due model. And whoever win from that duo, they take out this liquidity. So that's our new model.

Platform Expansion and Future Vision

New rules will come out very soon. And lastly, is flag are building on BNB right now, but we are not only a BIM project. We are actually aiming for building a universal, enjoyable meme platform across all EVM blockchains. That's our, you know, initial vision.

Beyond BNB

So we will move to Ethereum very quick and soon on other un compatible chains such as Zeta, Monad, Barrett. Those are some, you know, plans on the pipeline. And lastly, I want to shout out to, you know, Super X for hosting this. It's a great idea to, you know, launch this free market because, you know, in meme market, especially, the liquidity is everything.

Access to Liquid Markets

Or let me put this, like, the access to liquidity is everything. And for a lot of meme project, they are scattering around different chains, different ecosystem, even different platforms, making people hard to make decision and making it hard for people to choose different assets. If I want to go buy tokens on Tron, let's say I need to have trunk, but if I don't have it on my sonata wallets, because, you know, that just means I need to create a new wallet, then it becomes fraction or actual cost of onboarding users.

Innovative Market Access

But free market allows that different users just deposit their stables in exchange and can buy any tokens from any chain. That's a very brilliant idea. I like that. A lot of that's why Flab is very glad to have formed this partnership with Super X. And we'll keep incubating more projects on flap and, you know, bring them SPAC exchange and list them in the free market.

Future Aspirations

And we are excited to see more, you know, creating ideas or movements that will improve the meme adoption in the future. Yeah, that's just is my part to your question, Kevin? Yep, that's, I guess, pretty clear. So that's, you mentioned that like, especially mint coins, actually every coin on the market, if you don't have strong communities, especially like for a token price or like trading related issue, if you don't have like strong user based at least, I mean, not fans, followers necessarily, but at least if you don't have enough attention.

Attention and Community Impact

So like this is another, just like attention is all you need, right? Like if you don't have enough attention from communities, users, I don't really see any of those token price can be pumped or any of those value can be achieved. So that's why we put it on today's frame market. Because if you want to prove that your token have strong community, strong users, when you create this token trading pair, and along the way people will see the value.

Proof of Community Strength

If you have nothing, then basically it's going to be deleted soon. And if you beat your community gradually and everybody see the traction, there's a growing of your market and then people start to get to know your project and know the founders behind it. Know what kind of like differential features you have, what kind of features like that you're building could really bring benefits to the whole industry. Then we'll definitely see the good liquidity.

Liquidity and Community Building

We'll see basically everything. That's the one of the reasons it's just very easy for community to list here on a super accent. Also, if you don't have volume, then there's no. So it's easy to distinguish the good coins and those not so much as good coins.

Introduction to Free Market Benefits

Like very efficient way. Seeing this, I want to address the benefits for the free market. So first of all, as I mentioned, you only need like 1 minute without communicating with anyone. Just put down the token smart address, click listing and your trading pair is there. And there are no fees. Like no, like you don't have like pay for whatever the spot trading listing fees to anyone as like you know, you have done whole of this to multiple exchanges before, but here you don't need any fees to get started. Not only that, if you create this trading pair and you will have 80% of total share of the transaction fees, which means 80% that you can decide like, you know how you want to split with.

Profit Sharing and Flexibility

I don't know any of your referrals communities, any of that, but we give you 80%. And also that we don't have any of those limitations about the unique users. If you want to have like let's see three quantities listed one week, you do that. If you have five, do that as well. Just do it quick before anyone else do it. And also like, as I mentioned, it's no any like the vip can like on certain layers or levels getting introduced, everyone here is equal. You find a way, you create the trading pair and you got your profits. And basically you can trust anyone. Buy this training pair freely. And also that the ticker phase like zero. So I would say there are so many advantages.

Invitation for Collaboration

As for market, just get started. I was definitely excited to collaborate all of the speakers along with the audiences who are excited about fair market. If you have any of those token listing projects, or if you just want to try it out, feel free to come along. And we would appreciate that if you share your feedbacks along the way. Because as like your project as well, we're updating, we're evolving. We're always like open minded about questions, concerns, ideas, suggestions, advices in whatever ways. So yeah, I guess that's pretty much about a frame market. And as our space is exceeded over 1 hour, I would thank you everyone to join us.

Open Mic for Speakers

And also I want to have like open mic for the speakers. In case you have anything you want to add on today's Twitter space, anything at all, feel free to open mic and let us know if you guys are good. Open stem flop. Vincent Channel ICP electron four seven k. Do you have anything to add on to the. To the space? Yeah, probably I can start. So, yeah, I just have one last thing, one last message to the audience that know Fab is a very unique meme launch pair on the evm blockchain and will soon be. Seems like I muted. Oh, yeah, we can hear you.

Meme Launch Potential

Yeah. Okay, cool. Yeah, I want to say that the flag will soon deploy on almost the major, blockchains. And we believe that, also has the power and the active users and everything to disrupt the meme community. So if you are thinking about launching meme on even blockchains such as Ethereum or BNB, feel free to dmas. DME, in fact. and we help support your projects. And we have this incubation plan on the pipeline. I mean, not on the pipe, but it's that we will help you and your project growth and once you hit them, so the milestones will help you to take care of the rest of things like the centralized exchange listing, the market maker, the Kol, the marketing and also some, you know, ecosystem partnership.

Support for Meme Projects

We will complete that for you. So if you want to launch a meme, don't hesitate, contact us and then we'll help out. Yeah. Get back to Kevin. All right. I guess I would just give up. Yeah. Kevin, I just want to say thank. You so much, guys. Thank you so much. Super X account for, you know, putting this space together. It has been a really nice talks, I think in general, and also a lot of different layer ones, layer twos communities. And this is something really amazing. And yeah. Looking forward for our AMA as well on Friday to know more about Quantum Miplabs, the official incubator of the ICP Hub Canada and the US.

Upcoming AMA and Community Involvement

If you want to know more, just stay tuned in the Super X account and also ICP Hub Canada account and. Yeah, thank you so much. See you soon, guys. Yeah, thank you. Stay tuned for our Friday's Twitter space. Thank you big dot community for joining AMA. And I would like to once again to say that if anyone from you want to list your coin, if you are a small developer, no issue. There is no fee in suppression market. So you can, unless their point easily don't. And also you have no worry about anything. Just develop your coin and list on supermarket free simply.

Contact for Support

And if any issue, you can contact directly me on my personal account on Telegram. Thank you. If any issue, you can also contact Socrates team on business. On business mail. Thanks. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. And Milton, you got a question for the speakers. I see you are so hand. Feel free to open your mic and. Hello. Yep. Hello. Yep. Can I ask one question? My question is, investors are only interest immediate benefit rather than the long term value of the project.

Investor Perspectives

So how can you convince investors to invest in your platform over the long term? How can who commence the investor to invest? Which platform are you talking about? My question for electron. Okay, electron, if you're here. Well, I'm not sure if electron is here, but I guess. Yes, we're here. Yeah. I guess the question is like, you know, if you want to like, pitch to investors where like, just have a, I don't know, elevator page, what a would you say to the investors? Hi, my name is kitoshinome.

Community Engagement

Yeah, so this is, Kitoshi is the leader of the electron community. He's been proactive and, you know, he wants to say a few words in Spanish and of course we're going to, you know, translate for you guys. Yeah, so he's saying it's very important for the community to know the atomic protocol and its feature. It's a great ecosystem that is being explored and built in layer one. Yeah. So this, you know, we're fascinated that, you know, that you need a one to one backup for electronization equals to one. Satoshi and we're absolutely fascinated.

Protocol Features

The support that we've been getting from Superdex, as, you know, implementing the Arc 20 tokens, but that feature itself, one to one backup, it's what. Has our. Community integrated with the protocol. Kelakomunida Global tokens atomical Ketatokolo paravenira Santecomo casual. Manera como. De la cryptomonera stoking Ike super ecommerce. Okay, so, you know, we're inviting everyone to explore the token, Arc 20 tokens. And it's. It's great if the ecosystem can be, you know, supported.

Ecosystem Support

As far as Arc 20 tokens, you know, within the free market feature that Superdex has, I think all communities can unite and we can, of course, make this protocol grow even more. So. It's great that exploring with the Arc 20 tokens course have you know, the support from, you know, all the rest of the, you know, the ecosystem as well. So I thank you. Thank you guys for. For having us here. Thank you. Oh, wow. Thank you.

Closing Discussion

Thank you. Yeah, definitely starting to pick up spanish those days. Good community. Good to have you here. Yeah. I hope that answers the question for the milton. And, yeah, we don't have much time, but I will give the audience a couple of opportunities to ask questions. Gr TK. Yeah, yeah. Thank you very much. I just have a question for Claus. Can I. Go ahead. Yes.

Question on Flap Protection

All right. You know, what are the. How does the flap, you know, mouth protection work, you know, and what benefit does it offer, you know, to use out on different chains? That's my first question. Yeah. So you. You mean how's the me protection works on flap, right? Yes, yes. Okay, cool. Yo, so you. We all know that sandwich attack is very brutal.

Understanding Sandwich Attacks

BNB network. And so we are partnering with blacksproad to provide a separate RPC road for users to upload their transactions. So how it works is like this. For standing sandwich attack, they need to get ahead you. For example, when you buy a token, they buy first, and after you orders get seen, then they sell right away so that they get, you know, benefits or up charge some. Some values from your purchase. Right. That's how sandwich attack works.

Protection Implementation

So in our Me model, we use a separate RPC note so that when your transaction get processed, you will not be visible before it executed. In other words, no other people can get ahead of you before your purchase. And so after you purchase, they can only, you know, arbitrage with different pools, but can, they cannot use that as a salvage attack to your purchase. So that's how it works on our nv protection model.

Future Improvements

And you can export more in our tweets. It has more illustration and also expanding and how the me protection works on plan. Hope that I answer your question. Yeah, yeah, perfect. The other question I wanted to ask, you know, is with regards your partnership with Multswap Club, that is an amazing leap you took there. So the partnership you did, how does it.

Partnership Benefits

What does it mean for the users of your, you know, developers in the BNB chain ecosystem? Yeah, yeah, that's a good question. So, regarding partnerships, flap, don't flap, don't do, you know, useless partnerships. What I mean by that is, you know, two project has no connection and they announced partnership. We only clap with the projects, has, you know, true benefits, or they can.

Collaborative Opportunities

We can benefit each other on the business side. For example, the club we have with, you know, super xample, we can help each other out. Our token can get these Super X free markets with, you know, one click on fast track and Super X can bring values to our tokens or projects launch on flap as well. And for now we just, you know, clap with some core projects on BNB chain and soon we will explore that more other ecosystems as well.

Future Partnerships

And yeah, partnership is very important to us and we have some very big partnerships will be announced very soon as well. So stay tuned. That's really amazing. Thank you very much for that. All right. Yeah. Can I ask my question? Hello? Hello. Yeah, go ahead. All right. Yeah, so my question is to be. To the new launch super expiry market.

Decentralization Inquiry

I want to know is it decentralized? Then also, I've been inspired X user. For a long time now and I'll be holding this tsCs, this testnet. So I don't know if it has. Been migrated to the SCs or is it. Yeah, I guess for that question, we'll let the community to decide that. We'll communicate with community to have the collector voting power, generally by our dog.

Community Decision Making

And for sure we'll announce that once in a rage agreement with community. As I mentioned, we don't want to just decide anything by ourselves. It's a community owned free market feature. Well, I guess, yeah, no, I just like really appreciate your easy ask team and I like to and also like along with all the featured speakers to join us today. We've been having a lovely chat with other space and if you have any questions, please follow us in the DM or comment here in the space.

Concluding Remarks

Follow up the speakers to let us know your ideas. And I, and with that, I will close today's Twitter space and stay tuned for the future plans. All right, thank you. Thank you, everyone. Thank you. Have a good rest of the week. Thank you, everyone.

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