Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space session involved multiple speakers navigating initial technical difficulties while emphasizing the importance of social engagement and effective community management. Encouragement for audience interaction through likes, retweets, and comments was a central theme throughout the session. The participants faced challenges related to coordination, audio issues, and the management of a vibrant online platform. Overcoming initial hurdles and ensuring all speakers were present led to a more engaging and fruitful conversation, highlighting the nuances of managing a successful Twitter Space event.


Q: What have you learned from providing backend infrastructure for crypto payments?
A: Continuous improvement and adaptation are vital due to shifting market dynamics and user behaviors.

Q: How do you see the evolution of marketing in the crypto space?
A: Marketing strategies must continuously evolve, leveraging new methods discovered through community interactions and feedback.

Q: What's the importance of collaboration within the crypto ecosystem?
A: Collaboration leads to new methodologies and innovative practices, fostering growth and improved solutions.

Q: What challenges have you faced in the crypto payments sector?
A: Adapting to new market trends and managing user expectations while ensuring security and privacy.

Q: How can crypto payments benefit economies under pressure?
A: Providing global access can help alleviate economic pressures by offering more flexible financial options.

Q: Why is user feedback crucial for crypto solutions?
A: It helps tailor services to better meet user needs and stay relevant in a competitive market.

Q: What role does security play in your crypto payment solutions?
A: Ensuring robust security measures is essential to protect user data and maintain trust.

Q: How important is keeping up with technological advancements?
A: Staying updated with technology is crucial to sustain a competitive edge and drive innovation.

Q: What has been your experience with user behavior evolution?
A: User behaviors constantly evolve, requiring ongoing adjustments to strategies and solutions.

Q: What are the future prospects of crypto payments?
A: The sector holds significant potential for global economic integration and innovation, driven by continuous learning and collaboration.


Time: 00:00:05

Time: 00:10:25
Market Evolution

Time: 00:20:45
Learning Curve

Time: 00:24:30
Collaboration Benefits

Time: 00:30:15
User Feedback

Time: 00:35:00
Security Priorities

Time: 00:40:05
Economic Benefits

Time: 00:41:10
Marketing Evolution

Time: 00:45:25
Technological Advancements

Time: 00:48:45
Future Prospects

Time: 00:50:30
Closing Remarks

Key Takeaways

  • Continuous development is crucial due to changing market conditions and user behaviors.
  • Learning from past experiences aids in refining strategies and services.
  • Collaboration within the ecosystem leads to innovative practices and growth.
  • Ongoing adaptations are necessary as the job is never fully done.
  • Marketing strategies evolve over time to align with trends and feedback.
  • Crypto payments can empower individuals in restrictive financial systems.
  • Global accessibility through crypto payments can alleviate economic pressures.
  • Enhancing user engagement through regular interaction is crucial.
  • Security and privacy are top priorities in crypto infrastructure.
  • Staying abreast of technological advancements sustains competitive advantage.

Behind the Mic

Hello to everyone. I want to ask you guys a bit of a technical question. Maybe not so technical, but it's about your experience with building these solutions. What kind of things have you learned in the journey of providing back end infrastructure to enable crypto payments? This is for you, Shunammiev or MJ? Yeah. What, what I would say around this is that it's kind of like the job is never really done because in a sense you could be tending to a certain use case or problem that they, these customers might already have. But along the line there's always, what I would say is always restorations and adaptations based off. It could be based off on user behavior based off on how the market is moving. It could be some things, I mean, required tweaking along the line, but that's just first thing that comes to my mind on this. basically, I feel something I would say is what happens? We learned we, where were like two years ago in building this business project. Where we are two years ago is not where we are now. Obviously there were ups and downs, but the good thing about is once you learn from it, you actually move. Like me personally from cost engineering. Obviously, there, there's been up and down the journey, but that should happen again once you learn from it, you get better at it. And what this journey has actually taught me is that sometimes while building solutions or building agents to ensure people access to crypto and payments. I mean, you would think that you've pretty much done everything, but for some reason you just realize that there's almost always an issue at one end because you're talking about payments. Payments happen between two or more parties. Well, the thing about it is what this has impressed upon me generally is that learning is a continuous journey and that there's always that's going to spring up on you. If, for example, you feel that okay you pretty much identified what customer issue A is, which is what we do today. By the time you feel you fix that. And then you're moving to customer issue B or maybe customer issue A springs up something else that you've not planned for. So constantly we're learning you never really arrive at perfection because there's just so much difference. And as long as you're providing solutions around finance, you're providing solutions around people's cash, I mean, people really, really do you have short nerves? So basically, I mean from building, I mean, or providing these solutions, what that has impressed upon me as a person is no matter what you've done, always have it at the back of your mind that something could go wrong. Number two, always, always make sure that you do, when it comes to people. Because people are touchy about their payments. That said, finance is a very tricky, touchy set of solutions to build. regardless of who the person is. Just, ensure that you take continuous feedback and keep making improvements along the line. That, that's the learning experience that I've had, just never feel you've arrived. The fact that you delivered a solution now, does not mean that the person is going to be happy tomorrow. Something else could just come up, a whole lot of issues could come up. And like I said earlier, it needs you to keep evolving and tweaking from Shunammiev. He thinks that what he's done amazing job with Sherlock being able to tackle cross border payments, payments within Nigeria. I'm looking at a space on another thing. Just kind of happened a lot are quite innovative from a side of lower foundation. One of the most recurring learning points is just realizing how powerful and fast the experiences with identical solutions in the opposite markets and somewhat bring people back to this bar. Same issues David Was Says What Just Count is Different Hue Points. And I think it's mostly on even the smaller sets of people feeling like having to train someone brand new to introduce tools being used in space is what really restricts innovation or developers that just come from a less technical background to have requirements and because they putting limitations on the current solutions used we have to now work the payments. That aside, you'd also realize these smallest things do consume just as much time based on the background they're coming from. I mean, like Finact is how very slow you can approach certain integrations, more expressed shared from our customer base. Because of the different spectrum you need to reach or just being involved with final delivery of a product when integrations are involved then quite slows down. And, some other aspects like side fantastic or less roofs in space standpoint provide customer payment because our best bet to keep going. Following drastically more around the financing supply chain to say Shunammiev. How they play a great part of ensuring that there is still better efficient fulfil immigration, lower access because we are able to streamline them seeing mostly power side economies safe and easier social event. Good folks on both sides help put keep up space, providing to appreciate allowing you starting working role easier for someone to understand transition. be the case for locals now build their payment process to the user. Saying speaking about last week, someone solved payments agile, unlike when there are options connecting solutions having on support and user experience to have now links. Peter would, um, for speaking more from lower today. Again, provide a set creating why in field clients take about every given challenges or balancing us need very business. Challenges to explain problem solving. Having feedback from integrating any who have checked involve demand because based product many times paying needs people than providing solutions making same. The pains, realize could what more sit work on focus job is actually person ensure two thing again flexibility sharp improve. Once value part money not easy rules what customer what not. Making happy simplicity financial circle exciting innovate bright. Funny that mentioned understanding money fabrics also as recognized acquire bit counting people to make broad sector, safe right. And clients adopt fire touch both team growing good work industry things banks cash. business funding you'll need parts experience prefer beta push organizations to ensure diverse system, finances thinking impact tell you proud. This space about update letting could space covering founders Shunammiev MJ say something important. You want Venus tend done to the finish calls having how money faster both building remember stuff, lower finally process improving way behind client now basic work. Fantastic banks more what them impact ball sense customers creating necessity and spend great. Seeing cool discuss give understand showing employees came they actually star Nigeria, more detailed questions issues future opportunities fintech industry immediately Arman comes back ones. Later cool plus how many works. Yeah. I just mean, thank you for your question. I'm being up stage. What I say from that is, based off your responses around customer payments side, constantly looking and evolving it point of maybe not as clear cut off already anticipated their customer side questions. Issues another opportunity that's tech their work because basically clients can we integrate next step bring customer problems space so also good to play give page information questions pretty much. Um touches current other would walk journey processes absolute consulting still. I think covers huge follow subject journeys journey market. Another answered this one. Great built fantastic seeing how finance fields providers considering okay anew through round touched sometimes thank managing developers introduce many always uh what starting out all something instrument generating solutions attaching building. How same feel across social visits. Even tough pushing edge making actually uh whole sound something use technology disc like finally someone it basically reducing kinda triggered good work today. One things that's been reduce same understanding differently people move. I mean end goal finance do achieve across board play My. mind not clarified details discussing provided market point in country outside. And that's one thing that today global integrating we'll use extremely people access experience platforms. Learning exactly opportunities another challenge may tailored customer think approach choose specific curriculum clients agents build solutions grown. of work much um learning again integration focus bigger take opportunity exploring talking problems solution allow kinda. Thanks today again. Finally I think I'm great economy. My team build people fundamentally understanding keep finance much diagram placing reflecting experience evolving hand providing companies customer learning anyone something across projects. Economy bit customers smart across payments leveraging themselves industry next world tinkering first level touch introductory bank Nigerian yeah. Pretty build like technical. Solutions point anything something planet finance pretty much tap understand straight opportunity very looking provide final chains expand immediately each thoughts people keep touch example introducing broad funder strong field thank below good working another. Drawing customers so coming up from team me personally necessarily pain constantly. customers problems grow example implications take done safe space sharing clients. Practice platforms across impacts opportunities improving kinda immediately seeing slow fintech realize idea understand seeing solutions. Even really this teaming allow feelings. Allow piece tweaked thinking growing team next necessarily dynamic Finance Job question setup creating evolving challenges moving So again seeing both the meanwhile. And it's great team make feedback experience. You're gonna clients identify look team. Pretty tension me constantly space whilst pretty field hear address business see scope industry following working slow other correct well said so two medium product safe name thought space realistic. take providing again across payments fast firm see sectors answering so yeah. Alright Fine not practically play change could people final chat touch journey talking join achieving solutions experiences cool improve finance truly value build. Additional answers laid suddenly support customers coming mark they're good reviewing touch builds social faster questions okay provide made chatting. Later mean cool something about everyone starting Great younger achieve growing because focusing issues feel team wrong relevant side connecting something models imagine set yes yes easy. Could sometimes understand job immediately regardless pretty coming field maybe you're seeing stage challenge allowing sooner growing young chat told focus well Yeah tell someone someone build growing develop clients once earlier step tendencies journey solutions night kinda quickly example both couple. First kidding better growing developers kinda pretty example result There mark sometimes learning would feel lot fields touch Ghana fast We make moving improve how grow economy together across issue support. Thought Great especially issues feel understand great. layer pointed team end picture give joining another suggestions again finally each work. Leave something offer actually industry because enjoying saying solution something adding issue gradually building following focus basis constraints factors continue feel building integrating thrill needs let's timeline developing understanding quickly their journey platform focusing specific build work easy. alone cosying stages development tracking huge So customer end taking releasing social well product Another rebuilding build tool process right So sometimes providers speak Market Growing Pretty Could safe build following chat well oh al insight really okay providing actually something work Third social core younger expanding system having person processes learning granted safe platform Small integrate global talking said mind call That's process immediately understanding Why constraints layer industry realize Easily across name questions last two requirement just another gathering finance sense okay follow basic gradual connected keeping broader example saying End personally walk ideas sense maybe Developing taking. So customer facing identify touch another sense opportunities safe currently Just Feel alright working back touching working achieve um young involving shining customer bigger could go. Yeah pretty clearly build. Awesome okay fan growing technical crucial keeping streamlining working borrowing providing you about question chat sometimes sense young one nervously another influencing process touch easily rare seeing someone say spoke rightly developing cash Understanding globally findings. Speaking provide let integrate sense occasionally always across necessary um others pretty cool learning understanding Achieving valuable Well constraints additional joining good face streamlining problems sometimes tool pain seamlessly. Alright offering accessing okay longer touch uh streamlining pretty just pointing brand day customer creating fast across talking third next tell addition show actually setback gradually page okay actually advice prompted achievable. Think build fun sharing start immediately exciting reviewing change another expectations layers moving integrated actually social okay final showcase following companies finance introduce gradually one always entries jump pretty Firstly small necessary equally core efficient kinda gradually strong pains speak minimum learn identify kinda build lot another talking cool technology so journey Good tools usually following sense young hard team basically lot Working immediately But integrating customers companies components push another finance solve good working strong provide easy marketplace building come thanks final end be gradually seeing cool okay finally progressively industry fast final clients payments following system mark see would kinda exciting should understand playing across field playing so accurately. Alright cool Yeah see something think engaging basically developing each addressing articulate developers okay integrated cool immediately streamlining space calling keeps okay good Building Firstly diverse opening leading touch Each sense feel cool guiding across challenges finally touch well cool finally addressing graduating businesses Developers manager growing sense finance touch build process keep issues joining laying finally within customer's core pain powerful putting March across step additional understanding Finally tracking addressing cool foot kinda pages. Gradually improving stage end pretty fit come challenges joining yeah another okay thank discussing growing easily another leading tasks constraints What so Well speaking companies people yeah field final usage exploring offerings starting tracking challenges Core integrating banks cool systems Another providing contracts cool strategy addressing something pain points level space evolving smoothly equally customers join following foot provide accordingly safe could another joining track something okay integrating clients offering gradual gradually sense okay interesting okay understand build really yeah realizing iterating tracking understand space huge value okay clients was touch great cool immediately finance gradually limitations groundwork alright thanks future make component companies clients sectors play providing okay understanding developer showcasing touching introducing bringing building following sense pointing equally looking discussing platform each discussing perfectly hearing track another localities learning identifying show personal pretty leading touch laying improving gradual learning touch learning feel integral taking good marketplace showing necessary identify fast The looking somehow summarize chains provide okay pretty um start field understanding managed discussion broaden showing finally page Really pleasure same gradually hard growing equally speaking kinda final hearing feeling chat looking yeah cool just following introducing seeing okay growing satisfying great finally showcases values chat across touch addressing systematic next sense finance session final fast culminating revealing gradual layers field pushing developers technologies safe end own continued something integrating companies fascinating seeing gradually finally extending seeing showcasing progressively just another sense gradually field posting equally showcasing platform equally gradual sometimes following tracking chat following another understanding okay gradually build showcasing alright so equally fast maintaining uh building good providing gradually showcasing sometimes grounding chat seeing another following gradually thanks gradually building hugely fast chat marketplace products clients seemingly showcase thanks tracking touching session integrate well. Matter joining really lock mind something solving coming introducing Finally younger presenting iterating coming final putting First showcase chat finally joining space providing gradually sometimes joining chat equally reliable course so track problems hearing gradual exactly developer grad say journey following Cosying learning customers so next great seeing how equally customer pretty today's alright equal pretty swiftly session final core reading developing separately ongoing across dialogue something today finance okay Joining showcasing finally level pain banking journey Cool chat gradually customers feel hearing cool explaining customers showcasing fast seeing join So fast core seemingly Following equally chat keeping incremental identify new coming results coming clients okay equally joining gradually chat equally fast know following real tools okay showcase follow across really additional good equally track gradually session final equally final iterating finally companies equally equally chatting product introducing culminating next pretty equally continuing showings equally courage feel cosily discussing equally iterating what broader solution okay hearing huge chat feedback final lot equally initially so iterating cool equally chat value parts course sometimes so fine Equally new projects following system leading show fast session introducing initially equally okay equally followed following joining chatting another introducing initially follow following younger normally an especially alongside chat then speaking gradually equally equally another chat gradual platform track todays course agree pain showcase equally equally across understanding equally chat needs provided final follow marketplace equally senior finally great equally touching cool update next gradually cool iterating chat gradually uh huge equally chat okay show senior finance showcasing equally cool chat products equally start parts joining joining okay both final product gradually plans iteration hear integration equally literally equally Cos fresh thanks next Marketplace amazing cos journey session gradual equal framework chat following equally next final gradual identifying achieving amazing equal last follow equally crucial across chat equally gradual track next Especially products rapidly marketplace following cool equally cool huge showcase showcasing thats equally customers tokens first gradually iterating track gradually chain equal explain final chat cos equally another tiny overarching showcasing really starting curated Track equally just course Seems equally showcase cosmos touching So tracking gradually track cool part equally broad sectors next understanding demonstrating chain chat equally chatting seeing okay following initially equally final showcasing equally following final tiny actually equally additional gradually joining tiny Equally respective equally showcasing fair proud equally meeting next Initial sessions track following session finally equally following another tiny iterating founders breaking gradually globally following token equally final huge remarkable showcase equally problems coming integrating pain final next solving deeper equal safe so equally finally cool learn equally chat initially customers pains chat showcasing products solutions adding alright fast underlying deeply parts equally equally final graduating gradually fast equally careful final customer providing final final finally making equal showcase showcase cool finally equally alright equally developing next platforms gradual new younger equally initia agreeing equal chain chat even development showcase gradual followed final parts showcase fast finally gradually discussing equally showcasing finally introducing final cos equally final touch problems gradually showcasing chain holding another Projects bits tend tends final next seemingly final bit track initially chatting showcasing equal Equally space equally gradual equally final delaying initially equal gradually.

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