Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space SunPump Meme Jam Session hosted by HTX_Global. Dive into the world of SunPump Meme Jam Session, a space dedicated to cryptocurrency trading exclusively on HTX. Engage with the vibrant community through the official Telegram channel, where you can access valuable insights, connect with industry experts, and stay updated on the latest trends. Learn about the benefits of using HTX, network with like-minded individuals, and participate in events that offer exclusive updates and discussions. Explore the security features of HTX and the real-time communication opportunities provided by platforms like Telegram, enhancing your overall trading experience in the cryptocurrency market.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: What is the significance of HTX in the SunPump Meme Jam Session?
A: HTX serves as the primary platform for trading cryptocurrencies within this space.

Q: How can individuals stay updated on SunPump Meme Jam Session news?
A: Regularly engaging with the official Telegram channel provides the latest information.

Q: Why is community participation important in cryptocurrency trading spaces?
A: Community involvement fosters knowledge-sharing and a sense of belonging within the industry.

Q: What benefits does HTX offer to traders in the cryptocurrency market?
A: HTX provides unique features, security, and convenience for trading digital assets.

Q: How does real-time communication enhance engagement in cryptocurrency communities?
A: Platforms like Telegram enable instant updates and interactions among participants.

Q: What networking opportunities are available in the SunPump Meme Jam Session?
A: Individuals can connect with like-minded traders, enthusiasts, and experts in this space.

Q: What can users expect from participating in SunPump Meme Jam Session events?
A: Exclusive insights, discussions, and updates related to cryptocurrency trading and HTX.

Q: How does SunPump Meme Jam Session contribute to the cryptocurrency community?
A: It provides a platform for learning, sharing ideas, and staying informed about industry trends.

Q: What sets HTX apart as a trading platform in the cryptocurrency market?
A: HTX stands out for its security features, user-friendly interface, and support for various digital assets.

Q: Why is the SunPump Meme Jam Session an engaging space for cryptocurrency enthusiasts?
A: It offers a vibrant community, valuable resources, and opportunities for growth and collaboration.


Time: 00:15:42
Introduction to HTX Trading Platform Exploring the features and benefits of using HTX for cryptocurrency trading.

Time: 00:30:18
Community Engagement on Telegram The importance of staying connected and informed through the official Telegram channel.

Time: 00:45:56
Networking and Learning Opportunities Discussing how SunPump Meme Jam Session fosters networking and educational experiences.

Time: 01:00:25
Exclusive Updates and Events Participating in the space provides access to the latest news, events, and discussions.

Time: 01:15:10
Security Features of HTX Understanding the robust security measures implemented by HTX for safe trading.

Key Takeaways

  • HTX as the exclusive platform for trading cryptocurrencies in the SunPump Meme Jam Session.
  • Engagement with the official Telegram channel for SunPump Meme Jam Session updates.
  • Insights on the latest trends and news in the world of cryptocurrency trading.
  • Exploring the unique features and benefits of using HTX for trading digital assets.
  • Understanding the importance of community participation in cryptocurrency spaces.
  • Opportunities for learning and networking in the SunPump Meme Jam Session space.
  • Exclusive access to updates, events, and discussions within the cryptocurrency community.
  • Utilizing platforms like Telegram for real-time communication in cryptocurrency environments.

Behind the Mic

Introductory Expressions

Your love goes down? I mean, surround me like a waterfall and there's no stopping us right now? I feel so close to you right now surround me like a waterfall. And. There'S no stopping us right now? I feel so close to you right now? And there's no stopping us right now? There's no stopping us right now gm everyone Gm. G a g n. Wherever you're at in the globe, welcome to on Chain Adventures, episode 59. What a day. What a time it is to be alive right now. Thank you guys all for joining. This is going to be a really fun one. We have an amazing stack of speakers that are here to kind of go over a really important protocol that hasn't got enough love and enough light on them in the recent months, since their. Since their inception. And, you know, one thing that's truly one of the more important things in this space is community and cultivating a strong community and a strong belief system behind what you're. What you're building.

The Importance of Community

And one thing you guys can all agree on is atomicals has built that. They have built a strong community, a strong protocol, and a strong thesis behind why they should be one of the top built standards on bitcoin. So, no further, let's. Let's kind of get into this. Let's. Let's discuss it all. Want all the speakers to kind of introduce themselves and, yeah, see where. Where your thoughts are on what you guys are doing in the space and then as well, like, current events. So we'll start with you, Eric, and then Shaco, and everyone else, you know, proceeding after that. You're more than welcome to kind of introduce yourselves, what you're building and or, you know, what you're excited about.

Introduction by Eric

Good morning, guys. Thanks for having me. I appreciate it. Yeah. My name is Eric, so I am one of the original co founders and creators of Atomico's market. Worked alongside Arthur. Pretty close, you know, as we kind of brought that to life. So, yeah, real passionate about the protocol right now. As most know, I'm not involved with atomic holes market directly anymore, but I'm still having involved in, with the community. So I own a few other marketplaces, which obviously this is in space for, since you're asking what I do in the space, one on Doge, one on Tron, and. And some other things. So just bullish overall for the ecosystem, but excited to keep seeing atomicals grow.

Community Learning Insights from Shaco

Hey, guys, can you guys hear me? Yep. Yes, sir. All right, good morning or good evening to those in the Asian community. My name is Shaco, I'm a community member. I've been in the space, the crypto space, for a few years, but in the BTC ecosystem since April May last year, just playing around with inscriptions and ordinals and things like that. But I joined the atomicals community a few months ago to learn more about the protocol. And as I dug more into it, I really got to see the potential of it just because of how feature rich the protocol is and how it really embodies the essence of bitcoin and the beauty of it. And so as I was learning about the protocol, I started creating content in the form of visual infographics in various languages to help with the community and here to share what I learned and here I am.

Eric's Acknowledgement to Shaco

Amazing. Yeah, man. I mean, you're a huge advocate, but also very important piece to this whole ecosystem, so keep peeling it. And thank you for. Thank you for helping. You were one of the big proponents in helping the space here. So kudos to you. Big shout out to you, Shaco. And yeah, man, thank you for joining Atomicos. You want to, you want to give a. I think that's Arthur behind Atomicos, if I'm not mistaken. Yes. Hello, everyone. It's a pleasure to be here. My name is Arthur and I created the atomicals protocol. And it's a pleasure to speak to you all again here and to share my perspective and also to learn from all of you of what we can make atomicals into.

Arthur's Insight on Atomicals

And this milestone that's coming up pretty quickly of the atomicals virtual machine. So it's a pleasure to be here. It's been almost a year, so it's just absolutely exciting and my honor to be here with you all to speak about this and to learn and share together. Yeah, remember, I remember we had a space probably 810 months ago and I mean, I'll be honest, this one is more. More people are interested and it's kind of crazy to see. I think we're at this point where I will get into later because I want Brotoshi and others to introduce themselves. But no, it's really cool to see all the support you guys are getting in atomicals, and there's a lot of love for what you guys are building.

Engagement with Brotoshi

So it's awesome. Protosh, you want to introduce yourself and kind of speak on? Yeah, go ahead, man. Yeah. Thank you, genu data for setting up this space protocol here. Been in the space for quite some time. Seen couple cycles since last year. Early last year our team switch to bitcoin space. Our team had been building infrastructure, especially in wallet for quite a few years on different chains. But bitcoin is actually drawn us to find out the product market fit and fast forward to September last year and our team found out topical protocol our team member download JavaScript and start the Min tank on the command line.

History of Development of Atomicals Wallet

The rest of the story is the history and also we possibly participate with author. The help of author we launched the first wallet for Atomico. First we call Atomico Wallet. And of course later on we consolidated the name to this wallet had been like, you know, amazing year. So this wallet is the number one wallet for Atomico. Of course right now we support other meta protocol. We want to kind of bring a atomic or to a bigger audience and we've been running some community event, especially the IRL event in Paris, in Hong Kong and of course some of the spaces as well and really got to have this call and then to learn more about the IBM album.

Engagements and Anticipation

Yeah, so actually our team have been talking to author once in a while and we know a lot of stuff, but it's good to have their community to hear firsthand from authorization. So very excited tonight. Yeah, no, this is exciting. And last but not least, toth, do you want to speak on yourself and what you're building or just this in general? Good morning, everyone. I basically just represent an early adopter of atomicles and I'm still very bullish and excited for the protocol. It's being updated all the time. And so we're excited to kind of see how AVM works with all the other components of the protocol. I think the community kind of had to weather the rune storm a little bit with like all the hype that was going on.

Challenges and Improvements in Community

And I think we've kind of reached the, kind of like an, even like a new starting point where people have seen the tech and they know everything that's out now and what we have to work with. And I think, you know, atomicles still holds its own and still deserves to be in that race. And so we're kind of at that point now where we can kind of like flex our own muscle and compete. So I'm excited for that. Yeah, I guess that kind of leads me to the first question. And I mean, this is open to anyone. This is a, you know, platform open to anyone. Make sure you guys, you know, share the space, retweet, comment below and show some love and boosting the space because it only helps.

Contributions Leverage

Atomicles is only going to help the whole broader ecosystem and. Yeah, but Fonzie actually, let me hand it over to you. Did you want to add anything? Fonzie's been with us as a co host and speaker on chain adventures from episode like 15 or something. Like, he's one of the loyal guys, founder of Ordinal Hive and yeah, really awesome what you're doing. So go ahead, Afonzi, I'll let you get the mic for a little bit. Yo, GM. Gm guys. How you doing, Dave? How's it going? So super excited for today's space. Just kind of piggybacking on what thought said.

Echoing Enthusiasm

I agree with him. Like, I think we had runes. People saw what runes was and many people didn't like it. It was like, you know, there was no vast improvement to the trading aspect of these tokens, these fungible assets. Right. So I think atomic goes is like, well positioned to kind of take over that and just like kind of eager and excited to hear like what departments have coming to protocol and just like engage with you guys. But yeah, super excited to be here. GMG guys and yeah, super excited for the conversation itself. Facts. Yeah, no, I'm super excited as well. And we'll kind of.

Panel Discussions

We'll get into it, you know, and this is open to anyone that, even in the crowd. If you want to answer some questions that we ask, answer it in the comments or you can come up and ask to speak. We're going to have that segment towards the end of the space where we'll have. We'll allow you to ask anything you want to any of the speakers on the platform, on the panel and. Yeah, sounds good, guys. Let's. Let's kind of get into it. You know, were kind of speaking and alluding on the idea of runes and how they kind of took the narrative from this whole bitcoin ecosystem.

Differentiators in the Protocols

In a sense. I want to hear from you guys. Maybe this is like a simple question, but. Or, you know, everyone knows this, but I want to kind of start there and then we can kind of start going into the more granular and more complicated, more complex questions. But what's like, what's really the differentiator between atomicals protocol and runes and what makes it a lot more dynamic or what makes it more attractive for a builder to go on atomicles and then for runes? I'll take that one. So what makes atomicals more attractive than runes? Well, atomicals is built for dynamic data and programmability from the beginning, being able to program digital objects on bitcoin.

Programmability and Functionality

So basically having a key value data store with your digital assets. So that's kind of the original foundational principles of building the indexer. And the protocol was to gear up for this ability to program digital assets. And something like runes is a simple protocol. I think it is elegant for what it does, but at the same time, it is a simple protocol for NFTs and just tokens in general. So atomicals strength is that the tokens themselves are also backed by satoshis. So the Satoshi is the unit of account, rather than just being able to, you know, conjure up any number of tokens out of thin air.

The Backbone of Atomicals

With atomicles, you need to back that with bitcoin. So we say that atomicles Arc 20 tokens are infused with the digital gold content of bitcoin itself. It's a Satoshi faithful model. It operates just like regular bitcoin tokens. They can be split and merged because they're just Satoshi's after. After all, at the end of the day, you're just tagging Satoshi's and the wallet tracks them. So that's the second major difference. The third major difference is that with the atomicals virtual machine, it really takes advantage of that dynamic programming ability of the tokens.

Advanced Functionalities with Smart Contracts

So we can have on chain script on like an interpreted or a simulated layer, and we can manipulate and even store private state, like, private data, like ethereum based contracts. And we can also have deposit and withdrawal functions to smart contracts in atomic holes. So you can deposit some amount of tokens, and when some condition is met, literally any condition, any kind of program you can think of, you can code that into a smart contract and have that as the logic that governs the inputs and outputs of tokens.

Use Case Scenarios

One common example is a crowdfunding situation where someone would raise money and anyone can donate any arc 20 tokens to the crowd fund. And after some amount of time, the creator of that crowdfund could close that crowdfund off and then withdraw the tokens to an address of their choice. And that could be based on any condition that you can imagine and code up. Another kind of a component that is differentiating is atomicals focuses on proof of work, and that involves something called bitwork, which allows adding proof of work into the tokens as a condition for minting tokens as well as we can also now take advantage of proof of work of other blockchains.

Potential of Multi-Blockchain Integration

So for example, in the new AVM, there's an opcode called op hash fn, or like op hash function, which allows us to add basically every other proof of work algorithm that we can invoke. So this would allow us to validate tokens and assets on other blockchains, other proof of work blockchains, and integrate them as like conditions in the smart contracts and atomicals themselves, but by taking the SPV or the Merkel proofs of other blockchains. So we're just extending this whole proof of work as a foundation with bitwork and also expanding it even further to be able to align with potentially other blockchains and verifying Merkel proofs over there.

Setting the Foundation for Unique Developments

So this is setting up the foundation for something, I think truly unique and something that will open up smart contract development on bitcoin. Layer one itself with a fully expressive scripting language that allows us private state storage as well as the concept of like payables in. If you're familiar with Ethereum, there's a concept of payable functions and we just extend that and generalize that to all tokens on bitcoin ourselves. So I know this is a long winded explanation, but atomicals really shines in this department of a dynamic programming and a fully expressive smart contracts that runes does not have.

Simplicity vs. Complexity

Runes is a simple protocol and I think it's elegant, but they're going to need to also expand their protocol if they want to be able to compete. Yeah, it's a very comprehensive protocol. You've got guys you've built, you know, and there's a lot of capabilities that you enabled within atomical. So it's interesting. I mean, working on the bitwork was such a fascinating and innovative approach when you guys first launched. And now that honestly is still to this day, really, I don't think there hasn't, there's been many protocols that match something of that nature.

Observations on New Meta Protocols

But yeah, I guess it kind of goes. I'm really curious on your thoughts on all the other metaprotocols. They claim metaprotocols that are being built. What do you like? It's been abundant of these new things coming out. Now we're seeing the advent of these other, I would say these other movements in the sense coming and maybe not necessarily metaprotocol, but fractal and these other ideas and then opcap potentially being enabled. How does this help the narrative behind atomicals? Does it help or does it kind of, does this make it harder for people to understand?

Understanding the Competitive Landscape

What does it make it harder for people to adopt atomicals? Well, that's a great question. Well, actually it was always understood that everyone else would follow or copy or do some variation of what we're doing. It's obvious, and it's the best. So being able to execute on chain smart contracts defined as through bitcoin script and modified opcodes, is a no brainer. And everyone that wants to remain relevant will have to follow this. And that's what we're seeing with all these meta protocols, is that they're launching their products and some variation on what we announced at first.

Embracing Competition

And, and I look forward to the competition. It's inevitable and we have to welcome that competition in these meta protocols. I think atomic holes has some intrinsic benefits with the protocol itself, but that doesn't mean it's going to win, right? So I think it's a good thing for the ecosystem, because this ecosystem is advancing very rapidly and where we're going to be in a year, two years, three years, is going to look quite different and more advanced than what we already have now. And so atomicals brings to the table, it forces everyone to also adopt this method of dynamic programming and smart contracts using this technique.

The Role of Technology in Progress

It's simply superior. And to tie it in with script. The Sscript compiler is a high level programming language that's optimized for Utxo based blockchains, like bitcoin compatible blockchains. And so we've been in contact with script since the very beginning, many months ago. And in fact this is actually the one of the reasons I knew the AVM would work and we could do on chain scripting is because of the awareness and my knowledge of script long before. So really great job to the script team for what they've done. And it's so exciting to see that they're able to provide that, I guess, that standardized environment across the other meta protocols and things like fractal, et cetera.

Integration and Future Trends

So I think that's great. That's a testament to the UtXO and bitcoin instruction set, and we're just providing, I think, the state of the art from our perspective of what's going to be really the norm everywhere. And I mean, fractal is in another category itself. We can talk about that, or not later in another time, because that is a separate chain. But in terms of the meta protocols, I think they're certainly in the same, and they're certainly in the race with what we're doing. And everyone's going to have to do the same thing, or some variations of it, because bitcoin is the ultimate scalable smart contracting platform, so it makes sense that we would all ultimately converge.

Final Thoughts on Development Trends

And it's the details and the marketing and the community will be the deciding factor at the end of the day. Yeah, just real quick, just kind of like kind of follow up on that stuff. They're like smart contracts, a huge play. I think it's a huge like, you know, kind of narrative that's being pushed all across the board, especially on l one. Like if you can touch base more on like, you know, how smart contract, like smart contracts are, how it's more you can program like, you know, these atomic goals to do specific tasks within l one, like how that's feasible, possible currently with like the current state of bitcoin without having to introduce like OPK, all this stuff there.

Detailed Insights into Smart Contracts

Sure. Well, just a brief overview for how AVM architecture is designed is we don't actually execute the bitcoin script directly. What users and developers are doing is they're putting on the script bytecode into like an atomicals envelope and with an instruction set that's meant to be executed. So it is a meta protocol or an overlay protocol is what I call it in the white paper. And so what we're doing is we're simulating the bitcoin script at that level and just following the predefined rules of the execution of those programs. And so it's basically not execute.

Operational Mechanics of the Protocols

The bitcoin miners are executing what they're executing and we can take advantage of that. But there's no opcat. Because there's no opcat, we can't have these sophisticated covenants and restrictions on the smart contracts. So until they have opcat, we can't really do that on BTC. But what we can do with these virtualized assets, and I'm just using the virtualized assets to refer to things like runes, atomic holes, and these other protocols. The virtualized assets are interpreted anyways. So when we expand the instruction set of bitcoin script, we're executing them in the indexer, we're simulating them, I think that's the title of the white paper is AVM smart contracts on bitcoin by simulating the bitcoin virtual machine.

Functional Mechanics in Practice

And so we have OpCAT in our instruction set, so we can take advantage of that. And to tie it all together, when we have these assets like Arc 20 tokens and nfts, you can deposit and withdraw them from contract. We call the contracts reactors because they react to like a method call. And you can call a method like withdraw, deposit, whatever you want to call it, whatever function you want to perform, you can do it. And that's because we've expanded the instruction set and we simulate them at this indexer level. That's why we can get around this BTC limitation itself.

Limitations and Future Expectations

The disadvantage is, of course, the obvious disadvantage is we cannot lock up BTC and release BTC itself as a condition of some contract other than what you can already do in BTC. Right. Because we don't have Opcat. So the hope is that they will enable OpCaT eventually and then we can also take advantage of that lower level to then lock up BTC as a condition of spending like say, arc 20. So that's the caveat here. And this applies to all meta protocols, right? Just to be, just to be clear because we don't have a cat, we all end up simulating, you know, these virtual assets. I hope that answers your question.

Concluding Remarks and Future Projections

Yeah, no, good. Great, great. Definitely great answer. Thank you. Nice. Okay, so that's, that kind of, I'm actually curious now on the idea of kind of opcat. I want to lean more into that. And what's your thoughts on the possibilities of Opcat being enabled? And then how does that affect automobile? Because I guess you kind of went over that slightly, but would like to hear more granular. For sure. Well, you know, I wish I could say that OpCat would be enabled tomorrow. I think it is an extremely powerful construct and low, extremely low risk and extremely powerful for BTC.

Anticipation for Future Developments

It's, I think it's one of the must have opcodes. So let us all hope and wait to see the result of that. If and when. Well, we'll say when it gets enabled because I'd rather be positive when it gets enabled. It would, it would permit these smart contracts and atomic holes that can also lock up BTC itself and release the BTC based on smart contract conditions. So we could have this, I guess you could say, interaction between the miner script layer and this simulated layer where there can be constraints between them.

Impact on Atomicals and the Ecosystem

So you could say you could do a crowd fund that not only can you deposit tokens like Arc 20 and nfts, but you could also deposit, say, BTC itself. And then to release that BTC to some proportion based on other triggers. That would be wonderful. It would just only make atomicals itself stronger and of course every other meta protocol would be stronger as a result. I think it's really important for Opcat itself and BTC itself to also drive extra minor revenue. So for all the bitcoin miners out there, having these expanded use cases with something ultra safe and ultra flexible gives, opens up so much more potential on BTC itself, not just because we have metaprotocols.

Future Directions and Implications

But also BTC proper itself would just have just more use cases and it would just lead to a, an explosion of development I think, across the meta protocols and BTC smart contracts itself now it does nothing. I don't think I. I know it doesn't. You make atomic holes and other meta particles obsolete because the Opcat works in a certain way. The covenants would work in a kind of a restrictive sense and so you can do a lot, a tremendous amount. But there's going to be the advanced things that tomicals provides.

Advanced Functionalities Unique to Atomicals

For example private state storage as well as the virtualized asset layer of the deposits and withdrawals I talked about. About as well as all these other proof of work functions. And atomicals provides even the full expanded opcode set. For example, atomicals provides big number support so that's missing in BTC itself which is limited to 32 bits. And we can have basically unbounded length big numbers in atomic holes which is really important for various cryptographic operations and I and advanced smart contracts.

Conclusion on Protocol Strengths

So atomicals is basically re enabled all the BTC op codes that were originally there and then some with the private state storage and all these extra functions.

Bright Future for OpCAT

So yeah, it's going to be a bright future for all of us for OpCAT to be enabled. That's, it's so crazy to me that it's still something that the community hasn't had enabled. It seems like such a no brainer at this point to do this for the. Because I think the bitcoin ecosystem has now attracted so many builders and Opcat is for, you know, to build a stronger thriving community on the bitcoin ecosystem. Ecosystem. So it's just crazy now that we've gotten to this point where there's no, there's no appetite for. There's not as much of an appetite for people for like the bitcoiners and maxis to actually enable Opcap. But maybe that's shifting and I believe it's shifting and I hope to see it shift to become something we utilize and we see, you know, and be part of bitcoin core. So it's gonna be part of fractal and that's kind of like little bit different. Is there, in fractal there's you know, there's proof of work it will atomic holes move and utilize that proof of work as well. On fractal when it's conception, when it's, you know, when it starts when it, when it gets activated. I believe fractal is a merge mind.

Partial Coloring and Its Benefits

So that means they take advantage of the native sha 256 of BTC itself. And I don't recall exactly the specifics, but the short answer is yes. It is very easy to add any proof of work algorithm with just incrementing an index, just compiling in the hash function into the atomicles, the AVM interpreter, and just releasing the next version. So the idea is that the proof of work functions are there to support things like merging or say porting assets to doge, to fractal, to any Eagle song is even provided there for like CKB as an example. So any other blockchain that's proof of work based that has these concepts of digital assets, atomicals is designed to take advantage of that with SPV and proof of work. So absolutely atomicals will be able to be used and leverage what fractal is creating and to have kind of a interoperability layer. And I think the specifics of that will just have to be seen based on actually shipping the product and playing more around with their capabilities to see what's possible. Amazing. Yeah, I want to. That sounds, that sounds like an amazing aspect of atomicles, the interoperability part of it and being able to have the function of working within any POW system.

Community Engagement and Development

But I want to get kind of like open it up to any speaker on here that, you know, wanted to add something or even has a question for atomicles script or someone that's on the speaker list because I don't want to just kind of hog the mic here. I want to give other opportunities to ask questions and I'm going to scroll through the audience, see if anyone else has any questions to ask as well. But yeah, open up to some of someone else in the audience. I feel like there's a lot of people that are. Yeah, well, I can add some point regarding the script, actually our team with talking to author regarding some of the design pretty early actually. I think in May or even earlier when we kind of getting the first preview of the AVM. But of course at that time I think, I don't think author kind of make this public. And until like, you know, last month when fractal release and then also we saw fractal choose script as their programming language actually that give a lot of the evidence that, you know, atomical is actually very well thought internal. We call this is kind of the Atomicos season two because last year, I mean, yeah, last year when atomic started. It's kind of starting this whole like you can have bitcoin as a blockchain to have the, not only the fungible token, the NFT, the D main, the big word pow and slow. So much fun.

Ecosystem and Layering

But of course it gets to the point that you do need to have this program availability to allow the creator could create more flexible NFT project or maybe the crowdfunding, maybe even defi. That's what kind of author being silent been working on the ABN. But still, if you look at the atomic design at the very beginning, it's really well thought. So we actually build layer by layer and then for right now the AVM, it is the atomic code season two. But if you look at other meta protocol, it's kind of just one shot, right? BRC 20 is a really great fair launch asset protocol, but that's it. Now if you want to do something with BRC 20 you have to use meter multi chain, like a main chain or factor. It's a side chain, definitely approach to unisex team. But there's a different design. Of course we talk about rooms. Just jump in quick here. Yeah, yeah, go ahead.

Bitcoin Script's Potential

Oh, I'm back just to jump in quick here. The script itself is a high level compiler that's I think really in the position to become the main programming language across bitcoin compatible blockchains. And bitcoin script itself is turing complete. It is. It has everything we need for a robust smart contract platform, unlike Ethereum which has solidity. And of course the problem with solidity is that there's loops and there's this concept of gas. There's always, you know, some, you regularly hear about some multi million or multi hundred million dollar exploit due to some bug exploiting that system. So this is definitely the right way to go. And I predict in a year or two this is what everyone's going to be doing. This is just the ultimate system. And it was thanks to Satoshi that he built this and he foresaw this because script itself is something called a two stack PDA, two stack pushdown automaton. And that is proven to be turing complete. So I think people are now waking up to the fact that bitcoin was always turing complete, except they removed these essential op codes such as Opcat and others that neutered the capabilities of bitcoin. And now we're seeing that revival in these meta protocols which hopefully shines a light on the capabilities of bitcoin that was always there to begin with.

Community Response and Growth

Yeah, I mean that's a huge claim to say escript might be the language on the new language within bitcoin. I mean, not, it's bold, but I mean, why not? You know, if it becomes like this ecosystem we're building and continuously attracting more builders and more, like, it becomes a chain for everything. It only makes sense that we have something more dynamic and a little bit, I think, more accessible and better tooling for builders to come here. So that could be. What's your take on the s script? What do you believe? Would love to hear your take. Yeah, thanks for having me again. Yeah, I pretty much agree with what the author say, you know. So for a long time, you know, we are always talking about a. Whenever you talk about blockchain VM, most people only think about Ethereum, VM, EVM, and now some people think of maybe Sonana VM.

Historical Context of Bitcoin and Smart Contracts

But for us, the real bitcoiners, you know, since the beginning, you know, we always think about the bitcoin itself has this virtual machine. I mean, you can go to the first version of the release in 2009. I mean, it has an interpreter, it has all this opcode, amazing opcode building there. So it's not, we come later and try to add this, let's say virtual machine in bitcoin, you know, retroactively. It was there since the very beginning. It just for various reasons, people have not, are not aware of it. Even for a lot of people in bitcoin, they always think about, hey, bitcoin is only for payment or maybe for stock value. But then since ordinals last year, right, and automakers, we think of, oh, bitcoin can also do tokens. I think the net, the next, you know, almost like extension natural jump is, oh, bitcoin not can do tokens, but he can also do smart contracts. So I think that's we are on that trajectory as far as I can tell.

Interest in Bitcoin Development

You know, almost every single day I'm like, we have this group, you know, for people who builders or not builders was interested in, you know, Opcat just author, just keep mentioning. It's just once you have re enabled this opcode, it's just literally as programmable as any other virtual machine out there. So we have this group called, you know, Opcat Builders. I just created like a couple weeks ago and you know, I'm not even promoting it's just, it's almost a thousand people there just join there every single day. It's like hundreds of people join. So really, I'm really even I kind of like Opcat. But even the reaction I got from the community is beyond all my wild streams. So I really look forward for people who want to know more about OpCat or wants to join us to discuss what kind of possibilities with Opcat and how to leverage, let's say, elsewhere to build all this amazing contracts, either on top of automicals or maybe on fractals or maybe on Raiden or what other blockchains or layer twos.

Revival of Bitcoin Virtual Machine

I think that we are kind of seeing the revival, I would say almost like a bitcoin virtual machine. It's like coming back and I think has a very unique features. I think it's well positioned to compete with EVM word or even SVM because that's the only vm, as far as I can see, that's truly scalable horizontally, I mean, multi thread, because every other vm I can see is a single thread and can only be scaled horizontally, sorry, vertically. And we are very happy to offer all the free tools and open source contract for people to, you know, just take them and build whatever, you know, we have come out with. And also new things, you know, nobody has forcing before. I think that's most exciting part.

Growth in Community Engagement

What I'm most curious about is the growth that you've seen in your community of builders. You know, I remember we spoke last week and I think you said you started script around 2017, 2018. I'm curious on like if I'm mistaken, you can correct me, but I'm curious to see like what your growth has been in just the last two years since or theory has been released. Oh, we have seen huge spikes. You know, just to give you a sense, you know, we created this telegram channel. I think for a couple of years it was like mostly hover around like 200, 300 people. And then a couple weeks ago I just created this Opcap builder group and today I wake up and check it was almost like 900. So just give you a sense of all the interest that has been coming up.

Changing Landscape in Bitcoin Development

And even last year, at the beginning of last year before audience, I think nobody's talking about building on bitcoin system because to them, most people think of, oh, when they think of a building, the first 1st chain they think of is like ethereum or latent. It may be Solana, but I think thanks to audios and atomicos, all these pioneers, I think the developer interest I can see is coming back to bitcoin. When I say coming back, it was because before ethereum or namecoin, that's just bitcoin. Everybody just, you know, if you go to bitcointalk.org, right, all the ideas, all the different experimentations, you know, zero knowledge or, you know, smart contracts or color coins, all this, you know, development happened right on bitcoin. Okay. So it was like, I feel it's like the, you know, the bitcoin is kind of like a.

New Opportunities in Bitcoin Development

Yeah, some people call it a season, too. But I feel that the development interests are coming back to the mother chain, which is. Which is what I've witnessed. I've never seen, you know, before audience. I've never seen, you know, people talk about, hey, you can develop cool things on bitcoin. But now it's. Every single day I wake up, there's almost, like, a new protocol, a new app, new layer two or whatnot. It's very hard to keep up with, which is good.

Importance of Community and Quality

Amazing. I couldn't agree. For there's so many things going on. Every. Every single day, every. There's a new protocol, new standard being released. But, like, I think what Arthur was saying, what will happen, what will stick around are the people that have the marketing, the community. That's what will stick around. And also, I think if it has merit, it needs to have, like, some type of strong merit and backing and coding and technical ability that. That that particular metaprotocol or protocol offers, then what's the current incumbent? So. But it's. It's fascinating to see all this take place. You know, I want to open up again to Coco Fonzie. If you guys have anything you'd like to add or ask author or script or anyone else that's in the speakers, I'd love to. Love to give it to you guys.

Discussion on Atomicals

Okay. Yeah. If not, I'm more than happy to hog the mic. I love hogging the mic. It's what I do here. You know, I hog the mic, and you guys only hear my voice. And my voice only. No, I got you. I got you. I don't mind. I don't mind. I got. Oh, we see a hand dot. Go for it. Take it over. just to, like, switch pace a little bit. Something that we haven't really talked about was that atomicals came out with a partial coloring, technique for sending arc 20. So this is another way that we differentiate from runes, but basically, we stay faithful to the satoshi. And so the problem on BTC with that is that you have to send at least the dust limit.

Dust Limit and Transaction Capabilities

And so the dust limit kind of gets in our way when coins end up being more valuable, because people can only buy big chunks of the token. And so atomicals came up with a partial coloring solution which basically lets you fill a Utxo with say one atom token or however many you want, like eleven. And then you fill the rest of the Utxo with just regular white satoshis so that you can have valid transactions that are obeying the dust limit, but you can actually sell just one sat, if that makes sense. That was kind of the way that we worked around that. So sending Arc 20 and selling Arc 20 is hands down the most fluid experience, I would say. It's just sats in, sats out, just like bitcoin. And we do have that partial solution. I just wanted to mention that, yeah.

Accessibility and Community Benefits

You don't have to split them all when you buy them or anything like that. So I want to, and like, I want this to be in like layman's terms and like the most, like I'm a five year old. Explain to me why this is like a powerful thing for atomicles and how this is like, how can this be helpful for the community that's already in atomicles and people that want to come tomicals that, you know, that want to get involved. Why is this, why is this like, what does this do to make it easier for them to get involved? They're more accessible. It makes it easier. Correct. To become more like, this whole market becomes more accessible because of this new edition, this new development.

Market Dynamics and Token Leverage

Yeah, well, initially, like, when we finally got pumping, a lot of people kind of shied away because Adam was $15 and you had to buy 1000 of them, right? So like, people were like looking atomicals and they're like, oh, get involved. And they kind of were just like, I can't do that type thing. So now that we've defeated the dust limit, I could tell you now Adam has fallen quite a bit. But the idea is that it gives us leverage in an environment where tokens can pump and we can still provide that seamless Satoshi experience. So it's more about catering to the Satoshi and to bitcoin and allowing that functionality to remain the way it's always been.

Innovations to Prevent User Errors

And yeah, it just lets more people into tokens that have pumped really because you don't have to buy such a large quantity. I'll jump in and just add to that. One other benefit is that because of this partial coloring, it means there's a less likelihood in the case of like an error, a wallet error, of burning tokens so users will not accidentally burn their tokens before, if the outputs were not exactly lined up, there could be a significant amount of tokens burned. And this is how, you know, this is kind of plagued other metaprotocols. And so with this partial coloring, if I guess the other outputs of the transaction do not line up, they will all accumulate in the, as a partial color in like one of the change outputs that are made in the bitcoin transaction.

User Safeguards and Efficiency

So that's just another, I guess, additional benefit is that it reduces the chance of accidentally burning tokens due to a wallet error, user error, developer error. So that's just another benefit for the user at the end of the day is this extra safety with using this. And like Toth said, it's, it makes it more accessible and it allows us to send tokens below the dust limit while still being, I guess, mapped to the bitcoin satoshis themselves. And related to this is following the Satoshi model, we just need one transaction to split tokens. We don't need a two step process, we just have one step to be able to send tokens to the recipients.

Streamlined Transactions in the Bitcoin Ecosystem

So that's another benefit of the Satoshi model, is we can seamlessly and fluidly split and merge tokens with just a single transaction. And that's it. Nice. No, that's awesome. That's so, that is like a huge, that's a huge step up for you guys. When, when was that? When was this implemented? How long ago? Well, the partial coloring went live. It's been a couple months now and, but the ability to send like to split and merge tokens in a single transaction was, is part of the protocol from day one.

Introduction to Bitcoin Virtual Machine

We've documented it with the white paper and released it and showed the technique to everyone from the beginning. And we're the first to take this specific approach of taking a stripped down bitcoin virtual machine, the bitcoin interpreter itself, and packaging that up into something novel and really powerful for atomicals, it is an open sourced AVM interpreter. So in theory, someone could take that AVM interpreter itself, which is a high performance bitcoin virtual machine and could package that into any other environment. So I think we're just going to be known as the first to explaining this, documenting it, showing how it works, releasing it, and then fully integrating it into our environment. And I think that's what we're going to be known for, is pushing the limits of bitcoin smart contracts itself and setting the state of the art and as well as we're going to be known for, I hope, demonstrating that the bitcoin virtual machine itself is, and the programming environment is stable, scalable and turing complete.

The Potential of Bitcoin

And that's what's going to come out of this is to show that bitcoin is a really powerful and truly an amazing system that the Satoshi has created. And we can embrace what's there and bring back all this developer attention to bitcoin and away from these other chains and these other diversions that we've had for years with Ethereum and solidity. None of that anymore. We can come back and we can be a part of that story and I think a big part of that story to force us on bitcoin as builders and us all these projects on bitcoin to carry it forward. So I hope that we're going to be a part of that and be recognized for that. But at the same time, I think we're all going to be recognized at all. The builders on bitcoin for really bringing back, bringing it all back to bitcoin. That's, that's my side. I'd love to hear what others are excited about and their perspectives.

Innovative Contributions

I'll just chime in, Arthur, and say, you know, I. That's really well said. That's really well said. I just want to invite one of our speakers from Shell finance, and I. Believe he is building something that's meaningful. On atomicos as well. So I will give the mic to shell finance to let him to speak what's going on from his side. Yeah. Hello everyone. Thank you for inviting me here. I'm very familiar with automotive protocol. I'm shelf and as founder and we are developing a trustless and also decentralized stable coins on the bitcoin layer one and no need bridges and other things. Recently, we are planning to select the qualified collateral for our stablecoin protocol in the future for the mannet, the automicals protocol. And also the automicals sites are very qualified assets for the collateral because for the other, like BRC 20 or like ruins size, they are also.

Future of Stablecoins

They all. We selected them by the trading volume or also by the liquidity, but in the atomic cost protocol and also for the automicals size, not only for the liquidity but also for the. Because of the automicals size backed by the SaaS. So in the future, if we select like autumn or other atomic sites as our collateral, they will be packed by the or they will be backed by the satosh. So in the future. A lot of like atomic sas, I think Sophie and also quark and also other like top level automatic assets. We will support them as the collateral in the first or in our magnet launch. Yeah. And I think we will launch our man night around one month later. And I think we will cooperate with wallet and also genidata or any other friends here. I think you can keep an eye on our protocol and maybe have a try for our beta testnet.

Launch of Innovations

We will launch the beta testnet around next week or two weeks later. Okay, so this is really the alpha here, isn't it? I know Shell finance has been doing some fundraising and they've been doing really well. And I know, I don't know if I can release it or not, but I believe there are some really qualified. Vc'S and different exchanges behind them. So yeah, guys, do give them a. Follow if you're interested in it yet. I believe that's a real alpha here. Yeah, go ahead guys. No, that's pretty cool. I think. I think a question I have on that shelf finance is like, so I'm seeing here a profound subbuilding in decentralized stable coin. Like, how do you guys engage with that? How do you guys start with that building that serve decentralized stablecoin serve ecosystem on bitcoin?

Strategies for Stability

Yeah, I think recently, because I think all of you maybe heard a lot of silver coins on this side. There are, they were building the stablecoins on the bitcoin layer one. But their solution is they locked some of the stablecoins like us dollar, USDT or USDC in either realm or any other chance, and then they mint the reins token or automakers token here for the stablecoin. But our solution is that we directly use the PSPT and DLC to issue the stablecoins in the bitcoin layer one under the collateral or the collateral assize for our solution is all the bitcoin layer one assize. So our mechanism is like a CDP model. We achieve the CDP model in the bitcoin layer one because in the UTX model, you know that UTX model has the inputs and outputs. So we lock the size or bitcoin layer one size in the inputs of the Utxo model and then in the outputs we just release the stablecoins to the users.

Liquidity and Growth

So all the collateral is in the bitcoin layer one. And also our stablecoins is also in the beacon layer one. And no lead bridge. This is our mechanism. Very, not very simple, but extremely like very innovative compared with other like stable coins. Yeah, I think after the launch of our protocol, we will bring a lot of liquidity in the bitcoin layer one. And we know that a lot of protocols, they are building the bitcoin layer two. But I think the bitcoin layer two or any other, like bitcoin protocols, they build on the other chains. They just get the liquidity from the bitcoin layer one itself. But for the bitcoin, like for our protocol, for any, for other protocols built on the bitcoin layer one itself, we focus on the liquidity on the bitcoin layer one and we bring the liquidity on the bitcoin layer one.

Focus on Asset Management

This is why I think this circle, we should focus on the bitcoin layer one native applications and bitcoin layer one native protocols. Yeah. So is it fair to say, like. If somebody have a lot of atomic. Holes, for example, Quark, then they should contact you or should they not? Yeah, I think recently the liquidity on the atomic size are not so much. So I think after the shell finance launch, we will support some of the automakers assets to be the collateral, and then they can deposit their assets here, and then they can get our stablecoins out, and then they can buy a lot of, buy more assets that they want, maybe in the automotive sites or any other rental sites.

Understanding the Mechanics

So in this circle, in this action, you can boost the liquidity on the bitcoin layer one. Well, it's pretty cool. So just to recap, just make sure I understand this is like, you guys use collateral. So you guys have specific assets through DLC. You guys lock those assets and serve like stable coins, minted. I'm assuming it's over collateralized, right? Like, what other assets do you guys, what do you guys consider, like, you know, consider like ordinals, BRC twenties runes, all that stuff, or like, is there other assets you guys work with? Yeah, yeah, I think first phase with support. Some of the alternatives, NFT, I think, including the Hambi and monkeys and others, and also the BRC 20.

Liquidity Considerations

So the liquidity for other, like BRC 20 is very important for us to choose them to be the collateral because if they, like, listed, get listed on the centralized exchange, especially in the top one or top two centralized exchange, we all select the BRC 20 as our collateral. Because if the liquidity is too low, it's not easy for the liquidation because we use the DLC technology in the bitcoin layer one to achieve the liquidation mechanism. But for the atomic protocol, the assets is very special. It is backed by the Satoshi. So far automical size, we not only consider if the liquidity on the centralized change is very high, but we also consider how much it is backed by the Satoshi, like by the SAS.

Future Integrations

So in the design of our protocol, we also support the atomic assets as our collateral in the future. That's good. That's really awesome. So there's a synergy here that's being built between atomicles and shell finance. So that's awesome to hear. That is some nice alpha and good for the atomical holders, good for Arc 20 holders, good for the whole ecosystem on atomico, so. Or mainly arc 20 holders. Not really. Yeah, but you guys know what I mean. That's awesome to hear. How long have you guys been building shell finance? Yes, in the end of last year. Because the shelf finance, like the stable coins protocol built on the bitcoin layer one, the precondition is there should have some size on the bitcoin level.

Development Journey

So if we build like built the shell finance two years ago, there is no ordinal size and also no automatic size. It's very hard for us to build the CTP model on the beacon layer one. So after the one year there has a lot of qualified assets on the bitcoin layer one. So in the end of last year we began to build this kind of protocol. And what would the stable coin be called? What's going to be the ticker? Yeah, it is. It is minted on the rents protocol and also the ticker is bitus dollar Bt US dollar bit b I T USD Ust or USD. Gotcha. Nice. So you did runes? Why not? Why not? Why'd you do runes and not like atomic holes or on top of atomicals or top of BRC 20 or what made you.

Considerations for Stability

Obviously I don't know if you could do BRC 20 but you know. Yeah, yeah. I think because the total amount of the stable coins may be very high. So you know the automatic size, they are backed by the SAS. So if you mint the stable coin and also backed by SaaS and the SAS value is. Is maybe very high and also maybe higher than $1 in the future. So if you use automical SAS to build a stable core, I think it is not so suitable for us for now. But if you use atomicos protocol and also atomicos says build the NFT collection, it is a store of your value.

Strategic Direction

So I think atomicos protocol is suitable for that kind of use. But for the stable coins, like which of the protocol you are minting a stable coin I think maybe the risk is much better. Gotcha. Okay, that makes sense. Then there's some type of. It seems like there's. You can't. You know, there's not. Yeah, I want to jump in here. To jump in here. Yeah. Thanks. Shell finance. We know that very well. Go ahead, man. But also I think what shell finance decide to use rooms rather than Arc 20 also kind of have this rarity that Arc 20, the user base and the liquidity is not as it should be, you know, giving all the design author being saying, so we have been enjoying the Buron for the.

Market Dynamics

For the first nine months and also a little bit later Q one this year, the rooms kind of taking the attention and of course, also the market kind of tank and now the whole bitcoin ecosystem. It is the big choir. So to go back to your question earlier, that the smart contract. In terms of the smart contract on bitcoin, there are many different projects running and all running have different kind of narrative. And what we believe is now actually the atomic season two with AVM in the horizon, maybe Arthur can talk about the timeframe a little bit. But it is possible that a lot more innovative use case can be built on bitcoin layer one rather than, you know, because right now there are kind of two camp, right?

Two Paradigms

The first camp is like the metaprotocol on bitcoin. That is the BS 20 rooms, you know, Arc 20. And then the second camp is, you know, all the bitcoin layer two. The bitcoin layer two for now, with the only exception, BT. Big VM. Big VM is really solid. However, you know, the performance not there. So all the, you know, running. I mean, the. The mainnet already runs a bitcoin layer too. They are actually just a multi sig wallet you have to bridge over, you know, and, you know, you can run your BTC or wrap, you know, whatever metaprotocle assets on the EVM chain. But, you know, the liquidity also the security assumption.

Security Considerations

You have to trust them. Just. Just take a look of how money chain doing, right. A lot of people probably have your BiC 400 and 420, so you'll understand what I'm talking about. And there are more BTC layer two launching. They are just like backed by VC. So are you going to bridge over your asset to those BTC layer two? Probably not. So with all this kind of narrative for the retail is kind of like, you know, very frustrating. I think now we need to really kind of focus on like, what is the bitcoin value, right? So don't trust verify, right. Not your key, not your coins.

Technological Transparency

And you know, have to look at the technology. You know, technology, the technology if it's like, you know, truly decentralized. And then of course also it can be transparent. Actually today if you look at the Manput feed rate drawn to a 1000 because the Babylon just launched to have their launch and with the first six block all the 1000 bitcoin already kind of achieved because they are a little bit more, they are more decentralized. Although they use kind of a bitcoin magistrate script to kind of lock in, lock the bitcoin in your wallet. So it is a bit more trust minimized. I think kind of more trust will work. How to put it.

Importance of Decentralization

It's kind of more transparent compared to the previous bitcoin layer two. What I'm trying to get is there are many narrative. We really look at what the team they're building and how much trust you have to put in for your asset. For Atomico. We really believe it's kind of the bitcoin layer one solution, the smart contract solution on bitcoin layer one. And of course with script and also other chain they are building, it's possible to bridge over. But you know, you understand the security assumption upfront rather than, you know, later on you find out, you know, by some hard lessons.

Future Vision

Yeah. So just want to jump in. You know, I think you just started season two and a lot of the developer like shop finance and all other developers, they are going to build some interesting scenario. And from us with wallet, we built a wallet at the big very beginning and we still support the protocol. And now we are also expanding to support other protocols. Want to have more user coming to know about atomical and we also want to work with ABM and then have some toolkit available for the developer to build. Amazing app on top of. Amazing. Yeah, I would like to hear, maybe we kind of wind everything down but want to hear your guys's thoughts on AVM.

Possibilities with AVM

That's really the most interesting idea or concept that's, you know, that atomic codes can enable. So I'm really fascinated on that. So maybe we. Cause I feel like that could be a way where stable coins are created on top of atomic holes through ABM. So I want to kind of maybe lean more into that and you know, anyone that has like a. An interesting take on that and how like that could really transform the whole atomicals narrative, would love to hear it. Let me jump in real quick here and then let everyone else talk about it. So the official position of the, as a protocol developer here is that we don't condone any algorithmic stable coins or anything like that.

Protocol Development and Responsibility

We're just providing a protocol, a smart contracting environment. And just to give this disclaimer to everyone that as the protocol developers ourselves, we support the programming language, the runtime. And so it is up to developers and services to go and launch whatever they want to launch. And that is always an independent initiative, just to be clear. And we always recommend do this with, you know, it's better to do things with legal and regulatory compliance. We've always stated that just giving the disclaimer to everyone that we are as a protocol developer, strictly focused on having a programming language on bitcoin. And that of course, necessarily means, you know, you could do all these fascinating things and just always just a gentle reminder to everyone to do, to be responsible and to do things the right way.

Capabilities of AVM

Just touch on this, some of the use cases of AVM can extend to, like I mentioned earlier, is all the things that you see on Ethereum you can do here. I'll just kind of say it simply like that we have the concept of payable methods, right? So that means you can deposit NFTs and Arc 20 tokens into a contract in exactly the same way that you can deposit Ethereum into a solidity contract and then withdraw it based on conditions. So we turned all the tokens on bitcoin into effectively like the fuel or the, you know, the Ethereum on their platform. We kind of use that analogy.

Composability and Reusability

And so you could just imagine what that really opens up in terms of use cases. You can have contracts that relate to each other. So someone could deploy, for example, you could deploy a token, let's just make up a hypothetical. I don't know, Arc 300. I don't know what that means, but you could have a token that's an on chain smart contract itself that has the balances of, like for users or credits for users inside the contract itself. And that could be, we could call the Arc 300 protocol, and users can then deploy instances of that Arc 300 for themselves. Right?

Unique Naming Systems

So once someone creates a contract, that contract protocol goes on chain with a unique name. So just like atomicals has the realm naming system and these unique names on chain, each protocol can be assigned a globally unique name. So then once you deploy, someone deploys Arc 300. Any other user can then create an instance of Arc 300 in the form of their contract, which also gets a reference name. So you would then have my cool contract that could be your unique name, which is an instance of Arc 300, whatever that is. This is all hypothetical.

Closing Statements on AVM

So because we built it this way, it really lends itself to composability and reusability with developers. So you don't have to reinvent the wheel, you don't have to be a developer to take advantage of some of these contracts. You can just use the command line tools to instantiate one of the contracts and give it your own contract reference. So I think that's important. I don't think I've ever mentioned that, but it's evident from the code and evident from, you know, the docs we have. But I want to stress that. So in a lot of ways this really does parallel the advanced capabilities of naming, contract composition and reusability that Ethereum provides.

Final Thoughts

So I'll leave everyone else to fill in the gaps of what that means. But really we have a full expressive environment for us to work with. And anything you can imagine can be coded up from games, metaverse naming and namespace systems, authentication systems, and all kinds of really cool trade and collaboration use cases. Sorry that was longer than I anticipated, but thank you for having me. And I look forward to hearing what others also think about this. No, it was a great answer. Yeah. Anyone else that wants to chime in on that?

The Future Potential of AVM

It was a really comprehensive take, but definitely want to hear others takes on this idea. And it could be powerful, very powerful. What could come from this? I mean, what. One thing I'm really curious about is why this? Why like what's taking people so long to get this? You know, like what's taking people so long to want to build on atomicles? Is it tough to build on the topicals? Is it just, there's not as much interest right now or momentum or traction? What, why, what's been taking so long? The ball seems to be rolling a bit slow.

Challenges and Opportunities

You know. I can jump in. Yeah, I feel, yeah, real quick. I want to make it, I want to make it clear there are those protocols already, like namespace. I'm assuming there's other things that are being done, but I'm just curious, like, you know, why is, why we, why hasn't the masses in the bitcoin space heard of them yet or are not interested? So go ahead. My father, I just wanted to make it clear what I was saying. Actually the name the ROM is there at the very beginning. But you point out interesting questions that why the rest of the bitcoin ecosystem not heard about it?

Community Growth

I think as a community I would say that at the beginning of the economical from last September to early this year, February. I would say as we exploring the explosive growth, probably it's kind of more in the east rather than the west. From our team experience, we built Atomico from September to November, we are the only wallet team. And we, because we've been building wallet for the last few years, and the last, the first three months, we actually get the most of the users compared to our last three years, because we definitely captured the exclusive growth. And then later on, at the end of last year, December, UNICEF, they said they're going to support Arc 20.

Market Reception

You know, they've been like enjoying all the BRC 20, but they were stand out. They said, oh, we're going to build, I mean, to support Arc 20. We were a little bit like, oh, Unisex is a big guy right now. We are scared, but actually also really happy because it kind of proving this tropical is kind of like really branching out. And later one month later, OKX wallet, also a really leading wallet, because they come in from the central exchange. They have 500 people in their wallet team. We load some of the member there personally. They also support, I think, four different protocols, but, you know, there are some dochi ordinals, but Arc 20, this actually is something really new.

Collaboration Dynamics

And also they kind of launched this, I think, two months later. Also during that time, we got contacted by Binance Wallet, by big get wallet, and some other exchange wallet, because they also want to capture the narrative. We've been really happy and also very busy, of course, crypto, because the price movement changed everything. I think Q one, this year, the atomic community, they did not want to have the atom get listed in OKX or binance, but because of the patrol, current solution is not there. So it's difficult for central exchange to list it because there's a lot of.

Key Considerations

There are quite a few fact that I won't go into detail.

Space and Narrative Change

And also because of the space, the narrative can change very quickly. I personally believe it's rooms. It's definitely very competitive at that time because all the eyes on rooms launching during the habit called having as well as the whole the meme coin on Solana, because it kind of like one, some portion of the user liquidity get attracted by the salon meme coins. And yeah, I can explain the price movement very well, but coming from what we observed the first half of the Churn Yu journey, we experienced this exclusive growth, but later on, because some narrative change, and also after that, definitely need to focus on AVM is a very difficult task. And then, you know, have to build the AVN. You know, it has to take some time to really figure out, solve some technical problem and the community, we are more, from the infrastructure builder perspective, we are not like launching some energy project and there's so much we can do. So we definitely go through this patrol period.

Looking Ahead to AVM Season Two

But now I think with ABMD is on the horizon, we definitely will be able to see the AVM season two. So, yeah, I'll come back to the original question. What are we bullish about? Definitely AVN. And from this wallet perspective, we are more positioned as the consensus for bitcoins or the big stream for bitcoin. So we are providing all the toolkits for the developers, for the app developer, we have the wallet. We also built a indexer. So that's why we are providing the CRC 20 for bigger wallet. Some other wallet team, they don't want to build up themselves like TP wallet. And also if you are, you know, on the audience, you want to build some NFT project, you want to build some defi project like share finance, we are happy, really happy to help out. Actually, I want to know.

NFT Culture and Community

We have some really good idea. I myself is an NFT collector. You can see from my PFP. Actually, my earliest one is cryptokitty. So I think the NFT can really have this culture, the community, but also we do need to have the coins, I think from the PFP, the NFT converting to the coins, and also from the coin back to the NFT. So this kind of project can be really beneficial for AVM. I think on EVM you already have the ERC 404, I think something we can definitely view on bitcoin with the atomic protocol. Yeah, that's so much what we want to talk about it. And that's just now let the author ship the AVM, and now we can start building cool application on AvMdeh.

Community Perspective

Yeah, no, that's exciting. Shaco, you want to add something? Yeah, I just wanted to provide some perspective from the community side, because I'm not a builder, I'm not running a specific project, but since I've been here, I've just been ingrained in the communities. So like I mentioned at the beginning, like, atomical is a very feature rich protocol. Right. We've like, during this space, we've been discussing a lot about ABM because that is kind of the main feature that everybody's interested in, as it should be. But I did want to mention that, you know, the atomic community is actually kind of just very interesting. I mean, the protocol itself like we all kind of build in stealth is what I've noticed. You can kind of see that. So you may perceive that as like, you know, we don't, there's not a lot of noise around us, but the way the community looks at how building is being done, especially on a protocol level, is through the GitHub.

The Unique Product and Community Collaboration

We just look and see if the updates, the amount of updates on there. And if you take notice at the GitHub, it's being updated every day multiple times. So I want to bring that forth. But also as well, there was mention of realms in this conversation and I did want to draw attention to that because it is a very unique product that is unique to atomic holes outside of any other metaprotocol or any other l one or l two that exists right now on BTC. And I just want to bring some light to some of the community building that's going on because there are some members here such as Bull Run and T Zero one dev, who've been kind of building on this product realms, which is like a permanent decentralized identity and there's different use cases that are being built that's pretty interesting.

Decentralized Social Media and Education

For example, utilizing it, such as a decentralized social media platform to display community contributed articles that's immutable. And utilizing sub Realms to display pieces of community contributed text to help educate other people or to advertise their own products. And I know Bull Run, the project itself is trying to use it as like a decentralized social profile to showcase NFT art and people's own personal identities as well. So it's something to also watch out for and to keep an eye on. I think that product itself, outside of ABM, of course, and I the Arc 20 tokens and the beauty behind those, there's a lot to uncover in this protocol and I just want to bring that forth to everyone's attention.

Closing Thoughts and Opportunities for Collaboration

Yeah, no, that. Thank you for doing that. I think that made a lot of things clear. Realms. I kind of slipped my mind, but yeah, Realms is a very interesting development that it was first developed. I remember talking about with you guys back 910 months ago. So, yeah, no, it's very interesting. Very interesting name naming space and or, you know, did, but very that, like that's a kudos to the community flowers to community members building and it that it's always good to kind of get a year for what's happening from another, you know, strong active member and someone that's evangelist almost. So always like, it's always important to have that and have like a spokesperson. So, Shaco, you might be that spokesperson. I hope I can do the community justice.

Community Engagement and Ongoing Developments

And I'm sorry, I did want to mention that, like, the first use case that I mentioned there. I'll post a link in the spaces, one of the comments. Because an MVP product was kind of built out in the last few days. And just welcome for anyone to go and take a look and see the first article that's being published utilizing realms as, like I mentioned, that social media platform that's community driven. Yeah, I mean, we're all. That's a big buzzword, social media and decentralized. But still, I love that buzzword. And I think it can be. That's another amazing narrative that always has. It's like a life of its own, you know, a bloodline of its own. And, that'll be interesting to see if something like that takes place on the topicals.

Potential for Innovative Applications

Honestly, you just need one. One crazy, one crazy dap or one crazy app on, you know, atomicles that this takes off. And now that will be what people start using atomicals for and brings all the. All the, you know, all the interest and traction on atomic holes. Toph, you had your hand up. Did you want to add anything, man? Or. I saw that you were. You wanted to speak. I don't know if he's still there or not. Cool. Well, I don't think he's there anymore. Cool. Well, I think we're kind of winding down here. I'm looking through this, looking through the audience's comments right now, seeing if there's any questions for any of anyone on the space trying to see if I can get someone up here.

Wrap Up and Thanks

Give me 1 second. Anyone want to add anything that's a speaker right now? Okay, I'm going to add someone else. I think he had. Yeah, one sec. Yep. All right. Gonna add happily. North, did you want to add something, man? I saw you had your hands up for a while. You wanted to come up. Yeah. Hi. Hi, everyone. Thanks for having me up. It's great to be in a space with both script and Arthur, two of the brightest minds in bitcoin. So it's great that they're in a space together. Yeah. I just wanted to follow up with what you said earlier about why atomic calls hasn't caught on as quickly.

Challenges in Community Growth

First of all, the first thing that springs to mind is that Arthur isn't a publicity hungry egomaniac like devs at other protocols, runes, op net. Also, there's zero marketing budget. Everything you see is off the back of the community there isn't a million or $2 million behind us to do for marketing. Thirdly, there are no influencers. We don't have a single influencer. We don't have a Trevor, we don't have a Leo. We don't have any of those guys. We don't have any members of the bitcoin Cabal. Atomicles is just a group of guys, mostly from China, who love the Satoshi faithfulness of Arthur's protocol. And it's, they're very. If I had to guesstimate, I would say probably 80, 85% of the community are from China.

Community Dynamics and Perception

And those guys have done an amazing job. And we're just so slow to catch on because there's just so much going on and, you know, it's, at the moment it seems to be whoever shouts loudest gets heard the most. So that's all I really wanted to say. But I did want just to add one thing. I know you're about to wind the space down, but I just wanted to ask you, I don't even know if he's still in the audience, but I just wanted to ask script if he could expand on their new relationship with starkware and also what Arthur thinks about what the potential of zero knowledge could and would mean for atomicals.

Collaboration with Starkware and Future Potential

Yeah, sure, I can start. So we are very privileged to work with stackware to bring zero knowledge proof and also zero knowledge proof. Enable the roll up eventually. That's a final goal to scale using row up to scale bitcoin main net transactions. So we had a contact at some event and when I was talking about Opcat and stuff and yeah, just by coincidence, pure coincidence, they had some representative there from stack. Well, they were like, you know, of course they were surprised, but in a good way. Hey, I, you know, for them, they have been coding this zero nine verifier. Of course, the stock variant, not snark variant, because that's what they are good at. They invented CK stark.

Scalability and Usability

So they are happily surprised, you know, oh, you can, you don't have to code, you know, all the verifier, you bitcoin native script, you know, of course they have to heavily rely on Opcat because without Opcat, I think, I'm not sure about CK star, but CK star, it takes like gigabytes of script. I think it's like close to 7gb. You know, that's crazy amount for bitcoin. Think about bitcoin. Four megabytes blocks. So that's why they really liked our approach. Hey, you don't have to code in raw script, you can code something more like a JavaScript typescript. So since then we have been in contact and we are now doing the first phase kind of like a feasibility test.

Initial Testing and Future Directions

We are building some kind of almost like a bridge contract to help whether think about is like proof of concept. Users can deposit money into a contract and later on they can collectively deposit and they can withdraw anytime without going through any kind of third party. So we are on that first phase and once that's completed we are going to go to the next place which is to pretty much build the GKE verifier using ascript. So it's much easier to work with and also it's going to much easier for developers to take the CK verifier primitive and build all kinds of different applications using this.

Complexities and Engagement from the Developer Community

I mean you, in theory you can do this in bitcoin script, but the complexity is like through the roof. I think that's why they kind of like work with third parties outside of the stackware because Stockwell mostly they're coming from the ethereum world, they know solidity but they don't know anything about, not much about bitcoin script or script. So we're super privileged to, you know, to have them as a partner, to partner with them to bring ZK to bitcoin of course assuming Offcat is going to be there because otherwise it's still even we can do it's probably going to be very impractical.

Community Engagement and Future Discussion

Yeah I also see that's really good actually I agree with you on most of that stuff there I see Brutoshi your Hannah go for a. Minute. Right actually a community member with community member asked DME asked me to ask this question for other want to know about the atomico with the lighting network. As you know I think recently Tapro asset announced, you know they are running, they're launching the taproot on lighting also we have all heard know about the stablecoin tether doing the work on lightning. So is it any possibility the atomic code gonna leverage that lighting network so that you know, gonna be very fast to transfer the asset?

Integration of Lightning Network

That's a good question. Well with the lightning network we can basically lock up like have a, what do you call it a like a payment channel. And so in that payment channel you could lock up Utxos as kind of like almost like a collateral to back that channel. But I would say that right now I think just more research on my part and others part I think would be needed to really assess the benefits and the scope of integration. My feeling is that it probably will not benefit from the lightning network, but I don't think that's really a problem because lightning network doesn't scale and so whatever they're doing there is fine. And I guess it's to be seen how.

Potential Benefits and Challenges Ahead

How well their protocol will work on the lightning network. But I don't see a benefit because lightning network hasn't even really benefited bitcoin itself. So to then. To then see lightning network as a solution for meta protocols is, I think is a stretch. So there might be some things with setting up payment channels for backing those channels with atomicals assets. I see that as a potential. I think it's going to be kind of an intricate implementation and with the benefits there potentially are I guess saving on transaction fees.

Future Directions for Atomicals

So I think there's that angle. But as far as like enabling new capabilities and new smart contracting capabilities, I just. There's really nothing that the AVM itself is lacking on chain directly. So we don't need to go to the second 2nd layer to manifest anything. It would be ultimately just for like trying to save on fees or something like that we could potentially benefit from. But like I said, I think I just need to do a lot more research and we'd have to explore to see what that solution looks like. It's a good question and I appreciate it.

Gratitude and Community Engagement

Okay, nice. That was a good question, actually. Does anyone else have any other questions? I'm gonna. I'm looking through the comments right now and I. Really awesome space so far and so honestly, so educational, so informative. I got a lot out of atomic holes and what in the vision and the genuine, like the genuineness of the whole community and the feeling, vibe and ideas that are. That come from what can possibly happen with this amazing protocol. Very bullish, me personally. I know, everyone else that's in this space is bullish.

Building Momentum Around Atomicals

Just on, just on like what's being built and. Yeah, no, this is awesome. This is a lot of fun. What was I gonna. I was gonna. Oh, yeah. Happily. Happily. North. Great questions, man. Sorry it took you took me so long to get you up here, but amazing questions and great insight. Really appreciate what. What you. What you provided. no worries, man. Anytime. And can I just also say it's great to see Eric in the space as well. He's been a long term sort of proponent of all things that Tom McCool.

Contributions to the Community

And also I've been involved quite a lot in helping to on personal time. Try and build atomic calls in my own pathetic small way, I guess. Shack. Oh, well, I call him Shaq. Shaq's come on in the last few months and he's done more in three months than I did in almost nine months. So it's great to have him here and it's just great to see some of the old faces. And it's great that, like I say, scripps in here, Butoshi's in here.

Recognition of Team Efforts

Wizwallet have been fantastic for atomicles. They've, they've definitely been the lead builders and it's great to hear that. Know the people like shell finance, who want to get involved in the tomacles as well. So, onwards and upwards. We're definitely the tortoise in this race. but that's no bad thing because if I remember my childhood, it was the tortoise that won in the end. So let's just watch this space, see how it all plays out. It's a game of chess, not chess.

Evolving Narratives and Community Dynamics

Yeah, that's right. Awesome, guys. Awesome, awesome. This was an amazing time, an amazing space. We definitely got to do it again with the atomicles team. We got to keep on shining a light on you guys because you guys are relentless. Heads down building. And that's the, that's the, you know, model we all should all kind of live by. We try to do that at genie data, you know, heads down building. We're building in the background.

Integrating Ideas and Future Collaborations

Definitely want to see a world where we can kind of integrate your world, the atomical world, with genie data and more of a product world, products eventuality. And, you know, not just on a community activation marketing effort. So let's try to continue those talks. You guys are awesome. Really appreciate everything you did and kind of building the hype and excitement around this space and as well as what you guys are doing, Atomicos and Arthur. Arthur left. But thank you to Arthur for giving us his, you know, some time out of his busy schedule to come speak about uhmicals.

Acknowledging Community Value

And his vision around atomic was, that was really, you know, awesome and kind of him. He didn't have to do that. So. And everyone else here, all the audience, if it wasn't for you guys, we wouldn't be here, you know, everyone part of the community. If it wasn't for you guys, there'd be no reason for us to build or do any of this. So thank you guys very much. It was an honor, privilege to be able to host this space for everyone and hold space for all you guys.

Final Words and Departure

So, yeah, if there's any last words, you know, you can say them now and we'll head off. Yeah. Thank you for hosting this space and having us here. It's great that we should have more of this kind of space and more collaboration in the future, for sure. Let's do that, man. Couldn't agree more. Yes. Thanks for the space. Y'all have a blessed day. Yeah, man, you too.

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