Sunday Hangout


Space Summary

The Twitter Space Sunday Hangout hosted by WrongsToWrite. Sunday Hangout offers a dynamic platform where experts delve into the realms of technology, creativity, and innovation. The discussions revolve around the importance of continuous learning, networking, and embracing diversity in fostering creativity and resilience. Participants explore strategies for overcoming challenges, maintaining work-life balance, and prioritizing mental health. Mentorship, effective communication, adaptability, and collaboration emerge as key themes in the quest for professional growth and success. Join the Hangout to unlock insights, enhance skills, and navigate the ever-evolving landscape of innovation.

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Q: How can professionals stay ahead in rapidly evolving industries?
A: By embracing continuous learning, networking, and staying updated on technological advancements.

Q: Why is diversity important in fostering innovation?
A: Diverse perspectives lead to more creative solutions, innovation, and a richer professional environment.

Q: What role does creativity play in the tech industry?
A: Creativity drives innovation, problem-solving, and the development of groundbreaking technologies.

Q: How can one overcome creative blocks?
A: Through techniques like relaxation, seeking inspiration from various sources, and taking breaks to refresh the mind.

Q: Why is mentorship valuable for career growth?
A: Mentors provide guidance, knowledge, and support, helping professionals navigate challenges and reach their full potential.

Q: What strategies can one adopt for maintaining work-life balance?
A: Setting clear boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and delegating tasks effectively to achieve a healthy balance.

Q: How does effective communication contribute to professional success?
A: Clear communication fosters collaboration, avoids misunderstandings, and builds strong relationships in both personal and professional settings.

Q: Why is adaptability important in the modern workplace?
A: Adaptability enables individuals to respond to change, embrace new challenges, and thrive in evolving work environments.

Q: What are the benefits of collaboration in creative projects?
A: Collaboration enhances creativity, brings diverse ideas together, and leads to innovative solutions beyond individual capabilities.

Q: How can individuals prioritize mental health in a fast-paced world?
A: By practicing self-care, setting boundaries, seeking support when needed, and incorporating mindfulness techniques into daily routines.


Time: 00:15:43
Embracing Innovation in Tech Discussion on how technology advancements are reshaping industries.

Time: 00:25:19
The Power of Networking Insights on the significance of networking for career growth and opportunities.

Time: 00:35:55
Unlocking Creativity Exploring strategies to unleash creativity and overcome creative blocks.

Time: 00:45:27
Importance of Mentorship Highlighting the benefits of mentorship in professional development.

Time: 00:55:10
Balancing Work and Life Tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance in a demanding work environment.

Time: 01:05:48
Communication Skills for Success Importance of effective communication in career advancement and relationship building.

Time: 01:15:33
Adaptability in the Workplace Adapting to change and thriving in dynamic work environments.

Time: 01:25:17
Collaborative Projects for Innovation Exploring the value of collaboration in driving creativity and innovation.

Time: 01:35:29
Prioritizing Mental Health Strategies for prioritizing mental well-being in high-pressure environments.

Key Takeaways

  • Innovations in technology are driving rapid changes across industries.
  • Collaboration and networking are essential for professional growth and success.
  • Adopting a growth mindset fosters creativity and resilience in challenging times.
  • Diversity and inclusion play a crucial role in fostering a vibrant and sustainable community.
  • Experimentation and continuous learning are key to staying relevant in a dynamic environment.
  • Effective communication skills are vital for building strong relationships and partnerships.
  • Embracing change and adaptability are traits that lead to long-term success.
  • The importance of work-life balance and prioritizing mental health in a fast-paced world.
  • Strategies for overcoming creative blocks and fostering innovation.
  • The significance of mentorship and learning from experienced professionals in one's field.

Behind the Mic

Welcoming Space

Boys and girl. You guys want to come up? Feel free. This is pretty free flowing. Just a chill space. It's a safe space, except it's going to be extremely misogynistic.

The Tale of the Misunderstood Drink

Oh, tay. You know what Dale did since we keep fucking with each other? So yesterday we go to the market and we're grabbing drinks and stuff, and then he gives me this quote unquote water. And he's like, oh, yeah, she get some water. I was like, okay. And so I grab it, and then I don't think anything of it. And it's this weird size. I'm like, that's a fucking weird size for water. It's, like, not really too large, but it's not really small. That's what she says. But Dale's like, yeah, I'm gonna put this in the fridge. He's like, okay, cool. Then it's like, 03:00 a.m. i'm thirsty as fuck.

Unexpected Taste

And I go grab some water, and I go to drink a big fucking gulp of it. And I drink it. I'm like, what the. It's got this weird aftertaste look. This isn't right. Look at the label. Is fucking apple vinegar or just. I don't know. Was it just plain? It was rice vinegar. That's what it was. I put. When he was at the bathroom of the taco place, I just loaded his taco up with hot sauce and got him to take a bite. So I guess it's fair play. What's up, Thomas? How you doing?

Vinegar and Health

Hey, what's up, man? I see you're starting a new sector of health. Twitter vinegar shots. Oh, yeah, right. Rice vinegar. Dude, I actually used to drink vinegar every morning. I got into the apple cider stuff. I don't get anything. Yeah, you got a the acV, what was that guy's name, the doctor? Bragg's funnel? Yeah. Oh, yeah, I've been down that one too. Yeah? Yeah, this little fixed me. It's magic, I think, you know, even if it's just placebo, you know, I felt good.

Fermented Foods Discussion

I think it was. I guess it can help. Yeah. There's something behind the fermented foods and all that. I never could get the kimchi thing down. I tried that a few times. I had much better success brewing beer, actually. I had a friend who was, like, really good at chemistry and this was, like, many years ago, but, yeah, we set up shop, man, and just started, like, brewing our own beers at home. Did stouts, ipas, hefeweizens. It was pretty fun. That's really hipster.

Home Cooking and Occupation

Yeah. Yeah. I gotta admit, it was. Doing stuff like, that's cool. I think it, you know, keeps your. I don't know, keeps you busy, you know, something to do. I guess it's like, you know, nice thing outside of work. Yeah, man, that stuff's really important. Like, especially. Especially here on Twitter. Like, everybody sees all the hustle culture stuff, and, like, there's a time and a season for that. That's the thing. It's just a season, right? Like, you got to have some other.

Finding Balance

And even on the daily, like you said, you got to have some other things. Like, for me, that ends up being calisthenics. That's my, like, you know, physical slash, like, just getting sunshine, getting fresh air, getting movement and. Yeah. And beyond that, cooking and travel. Those are my go to. Yeah. What's your. What's your favorite food genre? It's changed a little bit since I've lived down here in Argentina because I've.

Culinary Preferences

I've become, like, you know, steak pilled. So, like. And there are cuts down here that we don't usually get in the US. So I've kind of fallen in love with the whole argentinian asado thing, but then I really love neapolitan pizza, man. Like, it's one of those things. I just. I'm really a neapolitan pizza maximalist. I don't really want anything to do with any other type of pizza.

Baking and Cooking Techniques

But. I do know how to bake it as well. Like, that's another thing that I'll do at home sometimes. Like a pizza hubbing style shit. Yeah. Like, I don't know. One of these days, I'll actually have my own, like, brick oven or clay oven or something, maybe in the backyard. I don't have one yet, so I do the best I can with. With what I got here. just gotta crank it up full blast in the regular oven, but. But, yeah, you are a hipster.

Casual Revelations

Ipa beer is fucking pizza oven. Yeah. I mean, most of this stuff was years ago, but I do. I do keep up, like, you know, just cooking. Like, I would never. I would never hire out on my cooking, you know, because I actually enjoy it. Yeah, it is nice. I enjoy it, too. Although I uber eats all every day now. Yeah. Yeah, I do some of that myself.

Community Insights

Well, man, so how's. How's the new community going? You got a lot of people in there? Yeah, yeah, no, yeah, it's. Yeah, it's good. It's. I mean, I'm still, like, crank away a lot of the material then I go get prepped for next month. but, yeah, it's like, a lot of work. Like, I'm staying up till fucking two, three am, trying to bang out everything.

Burning the Midnight Oil

But it's good. Just, just keep abusing stimulants there, you see? No, no issues that will arise from that whatsoever. You know, like. Like when. When affiliate link. Poor. Dude. It's actually concerning how many people I got on nicotine. You know Aaron will on here? I met up with him in Lisbon. I got him on the nicotine, and then now he's doing over 50 milligrams a day.

Nicotine Conversations

Tailings on nicotine. Dale's on nicotine. Lara's on nicotine. Hey, I'm off the Nikki now, man. Uncle Nikki is no more. Oh, good. Damn. I finished one of those nicotine sprays in three days during the micro craters launch. And then I was like, I have a problem. I just did a whole thing in three days. I haven't done it since.

Reflection on Past Actions

Jesus. Fuck. It was pretty bad there for a while. Yeah. Yeah, I did. I didn't realize you had converted so many creators out there, man. Good job. Yeah, that's great. I'm just letting other people put fucking chemicals in their body, too. I'm going to give you a testimonial, an updated one, on how you persuaded me to take toxins into my body until I took so many of them that I poisoned myself during a launch.

Persuasive Power

And that you're so persuasive, you can sell anything to anyone. Dakota, reincarnation of the guy who invented and sold cigarettes. I bet you if you. Look, man, there's some kind of great hook in that story. I bet you'll find, oh, 100%. Like, I could see, like, a VSL where you have. You're holding the nicotine spray.

Humorous Endorsements

You're like, this thing changed my life. And in the next few minutes, I'm going to show you how I got 15 other creators on this stuff and helped them generate thousands of dollars online. But before I get to that, let me introduce myself. Billy mays here. What's up, Alex? How you doing? Brotherhood?

VSL Scripts and Marketing

Hey. Oh, good. I was just laughing by hearing your VSL script. Yeah, I should. You should see the. The marketing ideas we come up with behind the scenes that never make it. Taya had some fucking stupid ideas. Yeah. You know what was the funniest one to me?

Reviewing Humor

It was like when I. When the first time that I entertained your landing page and I read your three top testimonials. The third one says, this is definitely not a code. Oh, my God. I totally got divided. I was getting into. Yeah. Yeah. That's why I did it. Because I think it.

Authenticity in Marketing

It's good to have that stuff because then it, I guess, gives people a feel for who you are. And it's also different, too. I find the more you can be different, the better. Taylor, when are you going to put a fucked up testimony on yours? I just haven't thought of the right one yet.

Creative Testimonials

You know what I mean? Dude, you should. You should. Okay. We should get a bunch of peanut butter and just lather you in it, like just all over your fucking face and just make it really creepy and weird. And then use that as your. Your testimonial. And then underneath it's just going to say Dan co.

Peanut Butter Stoic

The stoic. The peanut butter stoic. Some might call him the peanut butter stoic. There we go. Does Dan Coe love peanut butter? Do you know that you live? I don't think so. No. He's pretty, like, dude, he eats the most bland shit.

Dietary Choices

He eats rice, beef, chicken. Like, it's just. He's just so. He's just dialed in. He's just like. He's android. Is he the most, like, dialed guy that you've ever met in person? Yeah, I think so. Actually. He's a. He's a freak of nature, dude.

Admiration for Others

Like, he's actually fucking just locked in all the time. It just goes on walks. He's like very set. I mean, there's a few times we. Yeah, there's a decent amount. We went out quite a bit and then we got him a bit silly, but no, he's like. He's a fucking Android, dude.

Living a Focused Life

It's crazy. He's just completely focused. Yeah, he lives that life. He's not just. He's not just talking to his ass when he's saying focus online. He's actually. He's in the trenches. In the focus trenches. Yeah. I respect that.

Life Choices

Makes me feel like I need to go home and just never travel again until I'm a gizmo. Yeah. Does he live in Columbia? No, he lives in Scottsdale right now. We lived in Arizona. We lived in Texas together for like six months, though. Nice.

Temporary Living Arrangements

Yeah, that's cool. I recommend that you guys, you should link up with strangers on the Internet and live together for a while, so it's great. I don't know, man. I'm kind of done with living with people, having roommates and shit. It's like.

Age Revelations

Jesus. How old are you, Alex? I'm 39. Holy sh. What? You're 39? I am, dude, I would've guess, like, 29. Crazy. You look good for your age, dude. Nice.

Lighthearted Banter

Yeah. I can hide for an old man, Boomer. Yeah, I like younger people, so good for me. Whoa, whoa. Alex. Whoa, whoa. You hear the FBI storm in?

Humor in Crisis

Oh, shit. I'm leaving the room. What's up? Was that guy from to catch a predator just busted? Chris Hansen. Dude, I was on a podcast with a guy. He was. Guy invited me on a podcast. His name was Chris Hansen.

Surprising Encounters

And I'm like, what. What is this? This is a sting operation. What an unfortunate name to have. Yeah, that's actually. Okay. That's a fun fact about me.

Guilty Pleasures

I've watched every single episode of to catch a predator. It's my guilty pleasure just watching predators get, watch their life just get put into shambles. It's such an interesting psychological thing because they realize they're fucked when the cameras roll in and they're just busted for all the weird shit they were saying.

Interesting Themes

It's so interesting. Is that on Netflix? No, it's YouTube. It's all free on YouTube. And the whole premise of the show is he just. They bait child predators, and they get them to meet up in a house, and then they do a switcheroo on them where they bust in with cameras and Chris Hansen, the.

The Format of the Show

The. The news broadcast, he comes in, he's like, I'm Chris Hansen from Dateline NBC, and we're doing a story on shop predators. And then he interviews them, like, 1020 minutes. It's a. It's a great idea. It's really original.

Feedback on Content

Jesus, man. Tay, how is the launch? How is. How do you feel after the four day launch? I feel okay, Mandy. All things considered, I think I felt worse after the micro creators one.

Visiting Family and the Effects of Cigarette Smoke

So this one, I feel pretty decent, if anything, because I'm visiting family in the UK, and they just smoke inside the house, and they all have animals. And, like, I'm just here for another day, but I've just been basically working in, like, a cigarette smoke filled house for a week. Like, I just feel, like, gross. Yeah, it's awful. So on that side of things, I feel pretty rough.

The Launch Experience

But now the launch went, like, pretty good. I feel like Dale and I have started to get a bit more of a handle on doing them now that we've done four of them. So it's nice that I have a co-founder. I don't know how you do it without a co-founder, dude. That'd be insane. I wanted to kill myself, dude. I don't doubt it. Without having a co-founder to lean on. That would just be so much work.

Stress and Community

Yeah, that definitely pushed me to some limits. Dude. I've never felt that much stress in my life, I don't think. What's the lunch about the community you joined it? Joined. No, that was obvious. Tailored had a launch. It was, it was the micro creator or, sorry, micro writer. Yeah, we launched our writing product and came with like a community offer and stuff. Yeah, it was fun. It was interesting going into like low ticket after doing so much high ticket and just seeing the differences, like what you can do with each type offer.

Insights on Pricing Strategies

I think it's really insightful. Yeah, it's something I wish I did earlier on. Just have, I think you should start with high ticket, but I think it's a good idea to have a lower ticket offer. So then you can downsell people, but then also people don't have that trust built with you yet. Then you can build it and get them in the high ticket. Yeah, I think too it's a, it's the brand play that no one really talks about. Like, if you build a lot of brand and like, true fans through time under attention and connection, I think the reason Dan has so much brand like, or one of them, because there's a lot, but like, just so many people have taken his products and his low ticket, they just get way more time under attention.

Building Mental Real Estate

They occupy way more mental real estate. So doing that at scale is such a good brand play that people don't think about. They think the products like, degrades brand when it doesn't. Bad products do that. Yeah, I agree. That's a good point. Who said that? A while ago. I remember hearing that years ago. I think it might have been Daniel Fazio when he sold the product, his engagement actually went up like a ton because it was just like boosted authority. It's interesting.

Perceptions of Selling

Yeah, I'd concur with that. Yeah. But, but also I heard, like, for instance, youtubers like Ali Abdel, like, once he launched his youtuber, part-time YouTuber Academy, there was a lot of people, like, in the audience, like, was like think, oh, okay, this always apply for you to just launch it. And we're like upset for some reason, but I think it was just a phase. And then people realized, okay, they're just doing smart things. Yeah, like, that's the thing. Like, people have this bad connotation with selling, but I don't know, like, I don't care if people sell.

The Importance of Monetary Compensation

Like, sure, if you just, that's all you're doing, then you fuck off. But you know, people gotta get paid, man. Like, Ali Abdall should get paid. Like, you're giving all this free content all this time and then helping people like, damn rights, get that paper dog. Yeah, I agree. And if it's a good product that actually helps people too, it's like, why not, like more power to the creators out there who are actually making a difference? You know what, yesterday I was, oh, yesterday I was in a WordPress conference here in Costa Rica and they were talking about a plugin.

The Value of Paid Plugins

And the guy said, this plugin has a paid version. And he said thankfully, and he says, because the fact that it's a paid plugin means that there's people are going to keep working on this, otherwise they just leave it. And so I think that happens with people that also create these offers that are paid that are premium because all of a sudden they're putting skin on the game. They're saying, hey, I'm going to put time and effort into creating something that it has like way more value than whatever you're getting for free. So that's good.

Hybrid Approaches to Offerings

Yeah, I feel like it's a hybrid approach. You know, you got to have like different tiers for different people and. Yeah, I think that's the best. Yeah. So, Alex, do you like WordPress more than the other platforms? Well, not really, but it's the one that I have the most experience in, so. But now I'm migrating to webflow. There you go, one of us. Yeah, I guess what? Flow is the future. But, yeah, I also love WordPress.

The Dominance of WordPress

I mean, 40% of the Internet is built in WordPress. Yeah, that's crazy. I remember, yeah, I actually started with WordPress and then, yeah, I wanted to launch my ghostwriting business, so I was like, oh, I got to design the website myself and I got to make it look sexy. I'm going to use webflow. I wanted to just pull my hair out. Trying to learn it at the start, it's crazy. What I did is I bought like this course on Phlox Academy. Oh, yeah, kind of expensive, but I mean, it get covers everything and they have like a really nice approach where they teach you like bi levels and so you start kind of learning the basics and then you start building on top of that knowledge and it's really good and also, well, flow university.

Educational Resources and Aspiration

I mean, it's crazy. Like. Yeah, that's the thing. It's like not only they have like all the answers that you can think of, but the level of their production is crazy. Yeah, yeah, that's what I aspire to. To. To make my stuff. Like, it's nice when they put effort like that in. Sup, Nick? What's up, Kyle, Eddie. Yes. You guys can request. Anyone can request to speak, you know, let on as many people as possible.

Walking and Health

Nick, you walking right now. I'm not, dude. I'm a different man now that I'm married. I, like, hang out on Sundays and have breakfast in bed and shit. Hey, pussy. I know, man. I gotta step it up. What got me here is not gonna keep me here. You know what I mean? I gotta. I gotta get back to those 20,000 steps a day. Yeah. That's crazy. That's. I feel so good when I start walking a lot, dude.

The Benefits of Walking

It's like a life hack. Like, if it sounds weird, right? Okay. You just walk all the damn time and you're gonna be happier than you'd ever imagined. Sounds too good to be true, but it's been my experience, man. Like, yeah, I don't know what it is. It just your. But you're just natural. Like, your body's built to move, you know? And if you do it a lot, it rewards you with, like, dopamine and happy chemicals.

Activity Tracking

It's crazy how fast you lose weight, too. 100%, dude. Just nuts. And then you can gamify it, too. I like tracking my steps and then trying to beat the previous one. It's like, oh, yeah, I got this amount of steps. I remember when Tay and Dale and I, went to EDC this year, the amount of steps would be kidding. We would stay up from. Until, what, five, six am and the sun's up.

Memorable Experiences

We were just, like, partying all day. By the end of it. Like, we're like zombies. Oh, my God. Moyed out, bro. What's your. What's your record? Mine in a day is 40. 40k stats. We. I think 50 in, that's. Yeah, it was like. It was between 40 to 50 for sure, but I think it was like 50 for. For that.

Endurance and Energy Levels

You gotta be walking all day for, like. Dude, were 18 hours. Literally. Literally. We were dancing. We were walking everywhere. That place is huge. Yeah. Yeah, that was a. It was crazy. That was a crazy trip, man. I don't know. My trip was just something else. Yeah, that was, whenever we do, like, trips like that, there's always a crazy shit that happens.

Reflections on Trips

Yeah. That may be the only trip we've done where I'm like, we might have gone too far. No, no. Miami. Was that Miami? You think so? Maybe for you. Maybe? Yeah, for me, definitely. For me, it was Vegas for sure. What's up, John? How you doing, bro? What's going on, Dakota? What you doing? Go for a hike.

Seasons and Activities

Oh, damn. Walking. That's pussy shit. I was like, I should get on, put my hiking shoes on and get out there. I'm from Minnesota, which to the rest of United States is basically Canada, so it's already starting to get cold. Yeah, I don't miss that. I feel like it would be cool to have a walking club with, you know, everyone just gets on a space together, and then they just walk and talk.

Walking Clubs for Connection

I find it makes it so much easier when you could just have something you're doing while you're walking. There's a. I'm trying to remember his name, but he's, like, friends with Ed, Milet, and some of those guys. But he. He does, like, business coaching, and he literally has a track around his house. And he says, I literally do all my calls all day, and I just walk around my whole property on every call.

Maximizing Productivity

He's just walking. I'm like, that's amazing. Yeah, that's smart. That's what I used to do, too. Yeah. If you're just talking on the phone all day, it sounds like a great way to go. Yeah. Might as well multitask. Daniel, do you use Webflow or you. Are you WordPress? Hey, man. Yeah, just webflow.

Transition to Webflow

Okay. Another one. Yeah. What's the difference between. I did WordPress for many years, but about four years ago, switched to webflow, never looked back. Dang. What's the difference between webflow and something like clickfunnels for, like, web stuff? I haven't really used clickfunnels that much, to be honest. Clickfunnels is.

Comparing Platforms

Mind you, I'm not an expert when it comes to web and stuff, but clickfunnels is more. You're progressing people through different kind of landing pages. I guess it's more like sales stuff. More geared toward that, more optimized for it. My landing page is built on clickfunnels, but I think it could have just been webflow as well, because since it's just one landing page with checkout, but, yeah, I think Webflow is more aesthetic.

Design Preferences

Clickfunnels is more sales geared. I was actually shocked, though. My designer, she fucking killed it. I didn't know you could make clickfunnels look good. I thought I was. I was actually shook at how well she designed that. She crushed it. Yeah, I use clickfunnels, and you could definitely do a lot, but I've never looked at Webflow so I'm just kind of curious.

Building Pages and User Experience

I do some landing page stuff too, so I was curious to see what Webflow is about. Yeah, I find clickfunnels is simple. Gets the job done. Things with builders, they are just meant to help you do it yourself type of thing. And I think that's the biggest advantage. You can just drag and drop things and have it very easily.

Advanced Options in Webflow

But tools like webflow, they have more options. They have all the options you can think of. The good thing about it is it makes HTML and Css visible. So you don't have to get into the code of you if you don't want to. Yeah, Nuzer, I see you got your hand up. You're a coding specialist. What about Framer and Webflow?

Community Discussions

Yeah, webflows, it's got the sauce. I like webflow a lot, but clickfunnels now coming around to me and now that I know you can make it. Not ugly. Nick Verge, it's the guy. If he. Comes up to speak this, the space is going to get a whole hell of a lot crazier. Do it.

Anticipating Conversations

Yeah. Oh, oh. Guys, get ready. Buckle up. Do it. Hello, beautiful people. I'm about to. Are you mister president? You know, it's so hard running this country. It's honestly. Yeah, but Mister President, you'Re not elected yet. Yeah, it was already decided.

Challenges of Leadership

There's things that you can't see that nobody gets to see. It's very private. So private it may even surprise you. Very much. So I was just popping in. I'm going to pop out because I have to hit the garage. But then when I come back, I want to come back in and I want. We haven't done one of these in a while.

Initiating Fun

Give me like 510 minutes so we can go full tism. All right, sounds good. I don't know if you guys are ready for amount of chaos that will ensue. If we get guys on that note, I might just get out of here. Yeah, we had a. We had a woman try to cancel us a few months ago.

Communication and Cancel Culture

Just about months ago. Bro, that was in September of last year. What the fuck? That's crazy. We keep track of time based on the people who try to cancel us. It's definitely effective. That was the only one for me that I know of, at least. Yeah, I'm sure there's more behind the. Scenes, especially for you.

Unexpected Situations

No, I'm PC, bro. I literally. I don't know if you saw on the FAQ on my landing page, I told people I was like one of the faqs I made it. You know, what's the community culture like? It was just like, if you get upset over microaggressions or shit like that, do not join. Like, you're not gonna like it, dude.

Managing Community Dynamics

Yeah, I read that, and I was like, I'm curious, dude. Kind of funny, but also smart. Because when we did micro creators, we had one person join and someone posted their story about how they overcame depression by just realizing that it's, like, not real and not focusing on it. And this one member in our community flipped a lid over it.

Controversial Topics in Discussions

She was like, we can't be accepting stuff like this in the community. This person needs to be canceled. And then a couple other community members, like, dog piled on her and started shredding her. And then I had to pop in and be like, we're not canceling anyone. We believe in free speech. If you don't like it, don't engage with it.

Encouraging Diverse Opinions

And she, like, basically sent me a bad message and dipped. I was like, oh, probably could have just had that on the landing page and avoided that whole kerfuffle. Yeah, I find it's good to weed them out early on because you don't want that shit. That's why I had the. The woke. The woke shit on my testimonial.

Strategic Community Building

The fake woke person. Genius. I love that. Yeah. You fuckers. Dude, I had a. I had a woman join my. My ghost rating cohort. I think it was the first one.

Misogyny and Gender Dynamics

And she joined, and then right away, she was. She was just like, there's no women in here. Like. Like, this is misogyny. Like. Like, I can't control who buys from me, lady. Like, what do you want me to do? Hey, I'm pretty sure Elena was in that one. She wasn't paying enough attention. Yeah. Yeah. We had, like, three. Three women. Alina, I'm only mildly sexist, right? Not at all. Which. Okay, I probably shouldn't ask which woman, but, yeah, no, I definitely wasn't paying attention, because I would have been. No, she never even made it in. It was like, within one day. She was just complaining. I was like, here's a refund. It was no good on you. Yeah. Yeah. It's weird to me that when people. When you're. It's like forced inclusion, it's so fucking mind blowing to me.

The Dynamics of Group Membership

It's weird. So we're gonna force people to join something the. Like, what? How does that even work? Yeah. One thing which is cool about your group is that most people, the majority, they're. They're very anti woke. And it's. It's amazing. Like, I never see any. Any kind of crap written on the timeline. I'm like, this is it. This is a good group. Good group of deGeneres. It's for everyone listening. You gotta. You gotta join Dakota's thing because we're just a bunch of people that want to get stuff done and have a good time. It's not woke at all. So you're grinding on the Internet threads. I'm gonna tagline. Let's get. I'm going to get a testimonial. John. John says it's not woke at all. Excuse me. I said that first. John, you can't take away my sign.

Shout Outs and Creative Design

Amazing. I also got to give one more shout out to the. I actually love the landing page, by the way, since we're talking about landing pages, because you see so much of the same thing. Like, pattern interrupts are so real, and they work really well in short form video, but they also work great on landing pages. So, like, my favorite thing, I literally sent it to one of my buddies because I laughed so hard. Definitely not Dakota Robertson. That was genius, dude. So go check out it out, guys. It was pretty funny. Thank you. Love the creativity. Thank you. Have you told them to get their credit cards out yet? Actually, John, now I haven't. Did you see the guy that came in from spacing on his name? Some dude hit me up wanting to buy your course from four creators, and I was like, dude, like, I'm not selling them individually yet.

Pricing and Customer Behavior

And I was like, honestly, if you just go sign up for Dakota's thing, I'll just give it to you for free. And he was like, oh, my God. Then he went and bought it and signed up, and I was like, you know, fucked it, babe. He just canceled right away. Just got access for a $100. Just. Fucking asshole. I got the worst people of all time. Well, thank you. I appreciate you. You know it's because I love you, right? Love you, baby. You know that I don't treat any of my potatoes like I treat you. I'm your baked potato. You're the. You're the only potato that I take care of like this. So are you. Like, I noticed you got four creators closed off right now. So are you, like, what's your kind of structure with that? What are you doing? Are you doing open, close enrollment?

Cohorts and Mental Health

Well, I kind of, like, started to look at what specifically I liked and what I didn't like from the last launch. And I just have to be honest, man, that, like, cohorts are a lot of work, and they take a lot of time, and I don't really want to do them more than, like, once or twice a year because there's so much scheduling and making sure that all. Because we have, like, frickin, you know, six different coaches in there, and so we have to make sure that you can do it. I don't like how much time and effort goes into it. I realize that it's very useful for people. So it's like, one of those things where, okay, well, let's limit that to, like, we do two cohorts a year, and then we just want to do products in between that.

Product Launches and Future Plans

So I'm gonna be bringing back the paid newsletter very soon. We're launching the book next week. Paid newsletter will come after that, and then obviously, like, individual courses and. And whatnot. But, yeah, man, the. The cohorts are fantastic, right? They're fun. They're really fun. Everyone gets a ton of value from them. But, I mean, dude, it's like, you basically turn into. Remember when you had the teacher that had, like, take care of all the kids on the field trip? Yeah. Yeah. You had to do that for. You have to do that for 90 days and, like, make sure everyone's good and everyone's happy and everything like that. So love cohorts, but want to make sure that we.

Business Balance and Stress Management

We really, like, prioritize, I think, like, for me, at least, making sure, like, my mental health doesn't degrade while I'm fucking running the business. So just gonna be doing that with the kind of more. So, like, I'd say, like, beginner, solopreneur, like, freelancer crowd and then obviously still working with bigger business owners on, like, consulting and vsls and whatnot, those. Those where I make most of the money, honestly, it's. The other stuff's just like, it's useful. I know people want it. It's not like it makes me a million bucks a year.

The Value of Results

Yeah. Interesting. I mean, it can. Unless I. If I get a lambo. And then I started telling everyone that if they also buy my stuff and they get a lambo as well. Yeah. That's something I realized, like, working with you, how important it is to, like, your messaging because it's going to attract, you know, a certain type of person. Yeah. I mean, like, you. You're messaging and your marketing is the genesis of everything that's going to happen. And so if you are talking to people like they're dumbasses, don't be surprised when the only people that buy from you are dumbasses.

Content Strategy and Engagement

Same thing with, like, content. Even what you're saying if the stuff you're saying is just platitude glue. Don't expect to get anything but glue eaters. You got to be deliberate in what you're saying if you want to be deliberate in the audience that you attracted. Yeah, it's kind of like a. It's like a balancing act, you know? It's like, if you go too sophisticated, it's gonna be a lot harder to grow. And then if you go to potato, you're just gonna have potatoes. It's like women kind of like, with dating, you know, it's like, you'll be a little bit of a bad boy, but not too much of a bad boy.

Navigating Relationships and Business

If you're too much of a bad boy, she's gonna think of you as, like, a. She's like, she doesn't view you as safe, but if you're. If you're a not at all bad boy at all, you're just completely safe. Then she doesn't, like, view you as, like, fun. So it's like the same thing. Gotta have a little bit of status, a little bit of safety. You do both and whatnot. But results are what reigns supreme, dude. Like, can't fake that. A lot of people try and out content their way around results, and it's just like, what results do you have? What have you done? Let them tell it for you.

Selling with Social Proof

Let them prove it for you, I guess, is the best way to put it. Yeah, do some Jedi mind tricks. It's not even a Jedi mind trick. It's just like, it's like, I just kind of look at it like, you know, what do people want to see? Is that what you're. What they're about to buy is either a, from someone very credible, that has results and knows what the fuck they're talking about, or b, that what they're purchasing is that's not an, I don't think that's an outrageous thing for people to want.

Testimonials as a Selling Tool

And so a lot of people try and, like, again, like I said, out content or out copy that by, like, writing a lot and having, like, a really good argument. But, like, most my sales letters and most my pages are just like testimonials. Just like the one that I did for community was. I think fucking 40% of the page was just testimonials. People are like, oh, wow. It's like, don't even make an offer. Just have testimonials on a page. Just buy it. Just give credit card. Who knows how much I'll bill you for? It's random, but it's true.

Building Trust Through Credibility

It's like you gotta. You gotta really focus on, like, the. The fact that people believe you. And I would just way rather I show that through other people than like, let me. Let me give you a long, sophisticated argument for this. Like, yo, look, this is what we're doing. Here's the premise of what it is. Here's a bunch of people who say I'm awesome and what I do is really good, and they've gotten really good results from it. Do you want this or not? If not, fuck off. If so, buy.

Sales Simplicity

It's like, that's marketing and that's really how simple it can be. But, you know, when you make it super complicated and to be all about the sales argument and the copy and everything like that, this is coming from a copywriter. It is extraordinarily hard to sell a product that does not have testimonials. It is like, it's one of the most difficult fucking things to sell. Yeah. That's why I lucked out. When I first started ghostwriting. I got a testimonial from Dan because I wrote a bunch of content for him for free.

The Power of Testimonials

And I thought, me so many sales. See what I mean? It's like, whether we want to admit it or not, we are 100% a tribal species. And so when we see other people in the tribe saying that this person's a good person and that this person, like, they know what they're talking about and everything, then we just immediately associate that person's awesome. Which is why it's super important to get into the right tribes and to meet the right people.

Networking and Referrals

Because if you just go to the person who's like, master affiliate, you're just going to be getting a bunch of people who are just shysters recommended to you, because of course they're gonna say, this person's amazing. They tend to make money by saying that. So it's like you want to meet the right people who can point you in the right direction, saying, this person's awesome, that person's awesome, etc. Etc. Yeah. That's why, like, the lone wolf shit just fucks you over, too with social media.

The Importance of Community

Oh, fuck. I don't. I don't need anybody. I'm just gonna fucking grind. It's like, okay, buddy. Yeah, yeah. Okay, pal. Yeah. Well, Nick, I remember. Nick, I remember. Seeing like a podcast of Alex Formosi. And when it was like, I think it was on sales, but he really didn't talk about sales. He was like, I'm sitting in a room with another, like, a prospect, and they're saying, is this gonna work for me? At one of his gyms?

Leveraging Testimonials

And he's like, floor to ceiling. I just have, like, framed testimonials in the whole room. So he just stops, looks to left and right, and points to the wall and goes, just look at all the testimonials. Didn't say another word. The guy bought right in the spot. And it's like, that's the leverage for sales. You don't really have to sell when you just have social proof. Let me. Let me share the origin. The origin of that is actually from an OG Dan Kennedy book. It's called the no.

Dan Kennedy's Influence

It's called the no bar. No, no. Held back. No B's book on. If you look up no B's. Dan Kennedy sales. Yeah, he has so many of these books, but in that one, it's actually from a car dealership that Dan Kennedy bought from where he was buying it. And the guy had floor to ceiling, just all the framed people saying how amazing the car was and how they bought it. And they're always buying from this Ford location and everything. So whenever people would come in and buy, they see that and they'd want that.

Creating Desire Through Social Proof

I would bet dollars to a donut that fucking. That he got it from that and decided to do it because I know that he likes Dan Kennedy stuff. Yeah, right. That makes sense. Oh, I love it so much. It's true. True. It's true. Yeah. This. Well, Dakota, you know, what have you been talking about today? A. Well, just anything, man, really, like, no agenda here.

Shifting Conversations

Just. Okay, why don't we talk about Jordan Peterson, eh, lobsters. Lobsters. Well, you know the thing about black people. No, I'm joking. Whoa, Jordan. Hey, slow down, bro. It's just unhinged. He goes, well, you want to know my honest thoughts? And then it's just like, dude, Jordan, what the fuck, bro? You look super cool until you got, like, kind of racist dog.

Controversial Figures

He's like Mel Gibson. Yeah, yeah. What's up with him? He's kind of always been that way, hasn't he? Yeah, I. Kanye, too. He's hilarious. It's funny because he's so likable and, like, just people are like, yeah, fuck, yeah. Yeah. You know what? Maybe I agree with that. I think that's pretty accurate. They just love Kanye so much.

Complex Perspectives

So they're just like, yeah, but I mean, look, I'm allowed to say this because I have jewish blood. I got the card. I have the. I have the card. I have the cardinal. All I'm saying is he raises some good points. There are some very good points. And I'm just, like, looking at them like, look, I don't believe in generalizing as a people. I think every individual is unique.

The Danger of Generalization

So to say that everyone in this group does this is just like, that's not how the world works. But at the same time, I can also sit here at the same time of that, holding that ball. I can hold another ball that says, kanye has some good points. These are all pretty good points. Well, it's interesting. Michael Jackson also had a beef with the record label, and he was jewish as well.

Historical Contexts

And I think Michael Jackson was a bit anti semitic as well, if I remember correctly. Sony? Yeah, Sony, yeah. Do you mean the owner of Sony was jewish? I believe so. Or, like, whatever the record label was. But, yeah, I think it was with Sony. Yeah. One thing. One thing. By the way, guys, I just want you all to know about this, about Dakota.

Personal Anecdotes

When Dakota was living with me for, like, I think it was, like, two months. Randomly, we would just, like, hit it in the middle of the living room. Like, you know that Michael Jackson thing where he stands on his tippy toes and, like, sticks his hand out like that. We would just randomly be walking. I just go, ow. And just hit it in the middle of the room and then just hit a full load.

Introduction to Creativity and Humor

It was kind of funny. Like, Dakota, I was talking about this with someone on the phone the other night, but I was saying that when he lived with me, it was the first time in my life where I met someone who's like, they also prefer to have their life be just a running skit, kind of like a family guy cutaway, like. And also has the ability to just keep it, like, running for, like, 40 minutes and not, like, not even break character at all, just because. Why not? It's just. It's impressive, to say the least. And you know what's really interesting this is actually to get, again, maybe a more serious note, is the more I look at creatives as a whole, and pretty much everyone in here is a creative. You know, you're some level or some degree of a creator you are creating on a daily basis.

Imagination and Creativity

The people who I see do the best, have the best imaginations, and they have the best ability to see something in their mind's eye and then crystallize it and turn it into reality. I think it's even more impressive when it's with writing, where you can take the concept of what you're trying to explain and convey it to someone. Like that's you creating something for someone. And so what's so interesting is, across the board, the best copywriters I know, the best content writers I know, the best people who are just amazing at creating things through their mind. Every single one of them is absolutely, unequivocally, completely fucking retarded. They are. They are. They are always, like some blend of tism with Asperger's, with whatever, but they just have that ability to something so clearly. And that's why their imagination is so wild, why their sense of humor is so fucked up.

Influence of Childhood on Humor

It's because think about what, for instance, Dakota, what did you grow up watching? What shows did you watch? Robot chicken and Family guy. Just the most ridiculous ones. I want you guys to realize that these skits that were watching as kids on these cartoons were written by stoners in the back room of a comedy central office. And these guys are coming up with it. And these guys are all creatives. That's why they're writers. So you watch it, you naturally absorb it, and it kind of just becomes a part of your humor. Like, people always laugh because of the imitations that I can do. And then people ask, like, how do you do that? I'm like, bro, I watched a lot of cartoons as a kid.

Reflections on Video Games and Humor

Like, it's just, it doesn't, it's not that hard to, like, imitate the voice when that was like, a majority of your parenting was cartoons over your parents. Yeah. Like video games too. You know, just wild shit. That was also a big thing. Dakota and I would randomly just be Captain Price and who is it? Who's it? Soaping captains. Yes. Stuck in an episode or a mission in Call of Duty. Just Nick would kind of. Yeah, Nick would fucking wake me up. He has a speaker, Bluetooth, and I was sleeping on his couch. I. And he would play the call of duty lobby music.

Morning Wake-Up Calls and Humor

Fucking. At 04:00 a.m. 04:00 a.m. like I'm finally waking up at 530. At six, this motherfucker's playing at 04:00 a.m. and he's like, we gonna get up, soldier four, we gonna get up, soldier. We are leaving evac point. You're set. So just hand him a rifle and a backpack. We're out. We gotta get out of here. You gotta be. You gotta, bro. If you think about it, I was being silly, but if you think about it, and we do got a boogie. You gotta be able to boogie. Doesn't matter whether it's 03:00 a.m.

Creative Connections and Friendships

04:00 a.m. five, Amenhouse. Like, you'll be able to take that bag and go outside and leave everything behind. What do you prefer that movie? You ever see that movie, Heat Dakota? Yeah, I did. Yeah. Remember that scene where he's like, you know, you don't. Don't get attached to anything that you're not willing to walk away from in 30 seconds flat. When you hear the. You feel the heat coming around the corner. Remember the fuck. That's what you want to be a writer. She's going to wake up before him to call a dude.

Embracing the Militia Mentality

He's going to be ready at any given time to become a full blown part of a militia. And that's just that, brother, does anyone. Have friendships like this in here? Is it. Is it just us? No, it's just us. We're just both retarded. And this is why they listen to us. It's because we view the world through a dumb, very silly lens that's also very, quite profitable at the same time. It'd be weird. So what's up next? What's up next? Funniest thing. Go for it. Go for it.

Sharing Humor and Experiences

John. I was gonna add that I have a couple buddies that are. One of our favorite lines is I may be retarded, but at least I'm not stupid. Yeah. Hey, you can't say that. Yeah. Hey. Hey. You don't say, bro, what the fuck? My goodness. But it's contrary. You got to have a screw loose, I think, to not just go along with it. You gotta be weird, bro. You gotta be weird, though. I swear. It's just that you gotta be weird. Yeah, it's honestly that.

Future Plans and Community Growth

So, Dakota, what's up next for you, bro? You just launched the community. What are we cooking up next? Launching growth, ghost. Next month. And this is gonna be open enrollment. Tell me more about growth. Why don't you. Why don't you go ahead and share more about growth, Ghost? Nick, are you aware that the creator economy is accelerating at a huge rate? I had no idea. I mean, what is it projected to hit within? I don't know, say, six years?

Economic Projections and Growth

$17.9 trillion? Goldman Sachs projects. I'd now like to think about whether or not I want to buy this product. Okay, go on. Well, John, let me just point you. To people like Alex Hermozy, Grant Cardone, yourself. They're all growing personal brands. Wow. So true. Yes, yes. No. Yeah. No, I'm not doing. I'm not doing the whole character. Wow. Completely sold.

Sales Strategies and Enrollment

I'm not sure. My wallet's out. My credit card's out. I'm ready to type in these digits. What do you have to tell me? Please, please explain it to me in a benefit and feature format. This is, if you didn't catch on yet, this is how copywriters think. People read sales copy. And that's just not. It's not how that happens at all. Yeah, but anyways, keep going. Well, yeah, we're. I'm teaming up with Marcos, Ruiz, Taylor and Dale, and we're. We're just going to run it up. So that's.

Coaching Programs and Strategies

What is it? That's going to be your. Your cohort. So it's going to be. It's not going to be a cohort anymore. It's just going to be an open enrollment coaching program. Oh, God. Yeah, we're just gonna rip it up because. Yeah, I believe it's the best. What are you gonna do? Are you gonna get a sales team, sir? I don't want to, but I just want to get. So I just want. Go ahead.

Managing Sales Talent

I just want to get my. I just want to get one closer, but I don't want to manage him, which is a shitty thing, but he's actually a killer, and I'm trying to poach him from his offer right now. He actually, he came in the. The first cohort for growth ghost. And, yeah, he's a killer salesman, so I'll try to get him, but I just want someone I can't. I don't have to manage. You know, honestly, what I think is way better is just turn him into a CSM that people talk to and they can talk to if they want to be able to get access to, like, you know, okay, I have a question or whatever, but I would just say what the fuck the price is and just give people the ability to buy and they have to go through an onboarding process, but they want to do it.

Sales Processes and Business Management

And, bro, you can just. I mean, you can. You can just block people who have no business joining whatsoever, but I really, like, they probably have to message you and say they're ready to go or whatnot, but I really do think, like, the sales call, bro, it's just not necessary for, like, cohorts, programs like, everything like that. Like, if you want to run a very massive fucking sales team, go for it. I have zero interest in that.

Sales Efficiency and Audience Engagement

I personally, like, I love working with people who have them set up because we just do a small tweak, and then, like, all the calendars are packed and everyone's just, like, happy and fat and doing well. But as far as, like, how I run my business, I would rather just have someone else entirely managing that for me, because it's just like, I don't want to spend time on something that's, like, so outside of what I know, my zone of genius is, like, I'm good at sales, way better at writing. Like, way better there.

Shifting Focus for Sales Closeness

So I just, I've been thinking a lot about that, bro, and I just don't think that. I don't think you need to do a whole process with the closer. I think you could and have it. Like, the guy is pretty much, like, able to, you know, reach out to people. Like, they, you know, they obviously have questions that they're coming to him for, like, specific questions. They already know what the price is, but they're only booking a call if they, like, need to actually get support.

Concept of Sales Roles

I really do think that what a lot of people are going to start seeing is that it's going to be treated more like an account executive rather than like, a closer, because it's just even think about the word closer. Closer here to close you. It's like, nah, motherfucker, you open me up. You know, like, I'm an expander. You know, you got to expand. Why are you trying to close me? But really, like, think about it.

Rethinking Sales Relationships

Like, account executive is like, a different concept that's more so from, like, the world of, like, SaaS and a lot of these more, like, contract based things where, you know, that person's kind of nurturing the relationship and making sure everything works well and whatnot. And I just think that people need to be more transparent with their pricing and how they're doing it and not treating it like, you know, for a 2000 $3,000 product, I need to get on a call with you now.

Sales and Product Pricing

A $15,000 product? Oh, absolutely. Like, without a doubt. Yeah, you need to get on a call for that. A $10,000 product. Yeah. But for like, a two k, a three k, a 4k, even, I would say probably like, five k is kind of like the ceiling that feels like, ooh, that'd be difficult. You can sell it just through VSL or through, like, a Google Doc and, like, you explaining it and just tell them what the payment plans are or if they pay in full.

Marketing Strategies and Audience Growth

Like, I don't, I just, I don't understand why people, more people don't do that. Yeah, I think it's like, people are used to the traditional way of doing it, like VSL book a call. But, yeah, I want to experiment with that. Yeah, bro, you should definitely make some book a call. Or, like, Google Doc via cells and, yeah, just keep it super simple, bro, on, like, what you're doing.

Effective Communication and Value Sharing

You can even do slides and then I just. That and a Google Doc, that breaks it down that you can send to them about the program. Like, dude, I really am starting to see that the main thing that matters more, actually, than your ability to put together the marketing systems and whatnot is your ability to grow the warm audience. Because the warm audience that you have 18 months from now is like the KPI that I think matters more than anything.

Long-Term Audience Considerations

And I was talking with Rhian Doris about this, who does flow research collective and fucking cleaning up, bro. They're doing, like, just stupidly absurd numbers. I don't even want to say I'm on here, but it's just. It's disgusting. And he was like, yeah, bro. I just. I really do think the only thing that matters is the. How warm your audience is 18 months from now.

Value of Personal Connections

You know, just like, it really is the people that you're then putting through your next set offers. It's the. If you think about where you're putting time, effort, energy. Like, that's actually the most important one, but the other things are just as important. And I think that you don't want to be like a lobster with one big claw. You want to have two perfectly equal sized claws.

Balancing Copy and Content

Meaning, like, you're, you know, you're fucking. Your shit's balanced, organic to actual, like, copy. So copy to content. Like, content actually is more important than copy. But copy, that does not mean copy is not important. Yeah, technically, actually. Yeah. All right. That's all I got to say about that.

The Power of Personal Branding

I think. Yeah, people sleep on brand, man. It's so powerful. It's just the ultimate leveler. But that's, you know, I think that I wish. I wish more people got about that, is they don't realize that in the beginning. It's kind of like you need to climb each tree, branch yourself, meaning, like, each connection, one connection at a time, meet people, be the actual person inside of that word personal brand, and just meet people and talk to people.

Network Effects and Audience Growth

And eventually, when enough people are talking about you because they like you and because you're actually, like, a dope person and you do cool shit, it creates this very powerful, like, network effect where now other people start naturally finding you. And then there's this natural momentum. Like, I'll never forget one thing Dakota told me. He's like, yeah, bro. When you hit like, 5000 followers, all of a sudden, like, it just kind of starts to take care of itself.

The Importance of Audience Engagement

You don't even need to do anything, and you get followers every day. And I was like, that'd be interesting. And he was right. It starts to pick it up. And the more I grow my following, the faster the rate at which it, like, grows at. Especially when I'm, like, really pouring into it. So I look at it as like, dude, it's just, it's one of those things that you have to do it more than the other side of things.

Value Over Sales Push

Like, pour value into your audience, sharing with them valuable stuff versus, like, you know, John, that's what the copy time is. You know, it's just the. Get your fucking wallet out. Time to buy something. Yeah. I mean, very more people are kind of waking up to it. That's why you see Alex Ramosi and all of them doing this stuff.

Evolving Sales Strategies

He's. He's gone guru now. He's going. He's starting to sell. He's smart. he on guru. He on guru. Yeah, yeah. You played it right. He's smart. Yeah. Well, I'm gonna go do some work and go eat some food. I've been walking around and yapping, bro. We basically just took, what, one of our telegram calls and just put it out to Twitter.

Future of Conversations

Yeah, public. I saw you. I was like, I haven't seen Dakota do a space in fucking forever. I was like, I'm back. Yeah, I think I want to do this weekly. I like doing. Doing this stuff. They're fucking great, bro. We used to be on here for, like, 4 hours straight. Just all of a Sunday afternoon.

Productivity in Conversations

Yeah, we're seeing some wild shit. Very productive. Yeah, no, even the most. These people will never, ever get to hear the. The live leak stuff that we recorded. It's still on Riverside, bro. We should put that in, like, a bundle and sell it. Yeah, you'd get cash.

Final Thoughts

That was good. It's like 5 hours of just. Of us just being fucking retards. That's great. All right, brother. Well, I'm gonna go get some work done, too. I'm in. Clearly, I'm in a talking mood because I'm off the caffeine and I need to get some content done, so I'm gonna go do that.

Ending Remarks

All right, brother. Have a good one. All right, see you guys. Have a good day. Sunday. Bye.

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