Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Street Harassment in Different Cultures: Comparative Perspectives hosted by TheSafecityApp. The discussion on street harassment in different cultures delves into the societal nuances surrounding sexual and gender-based violence. By anonymously sharing experiences, individuals contribute to a global data pool that empowers communities and policymakers to create safer environments. Cultural diversity influences perceptions of harassment, emphasizing the importance of tailored interventions. Through knowledge sharing and data-driven initiatives, this space aims to raise awareness, foster inclusivity, and drive collaborative efforts in combating street harassment effectively.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How does anonymous reporting contribute to understanding street harassment?
A: Anonymous reporting allows for the collection of diverse experiences, aiding in addressing the issue comprehensively.

Q: Why is data crucial in empowering citizens and policymakers?
A: Data provides insights that drive informed decision-making, leading to effective interventions.

Q: What societal impacts can be mitigated through shared experiences?
A: Shared experiences help raise awareness, promote empathy, and facilitate collective efforts towards creating safer environments.

Q: How does cultural diversity influence perceptions of street harassment?
A: Cultural diversity shapes the understanding of harassment, highlighting the need for tailored solutions in different contexts.

Q: What role does knowledge sharing play in combating street harassment?
A: Knowledge sharing fosters collaboration, learning, and the implementation of best practices to address the issue effectively.


Time: 00:15:29
Cultural Variances in Street Harassment Exploring how different cultures perceive and address street harassment.

Time: 00:25:17
Data-driven Insights on Gender-Based Violence Understanding the impact of data collection on combating gender-based violence.

Time: 00:35:40
Community Empowerment through Reporting Empowering communities to share experiences and drive change.

Time: 00:45:55
Policy Implications of Shared Data Discussing how shared data can influence policy-making for safer spaces.

Time: 00:55:12
Inclusivity in Addressing Harassment Promoting inclusivity and diversity in strategies to combat street harassment.

Key Takeaways

  • Comparative insights into street harassment across different cultures.
  • Anonymous reporting aids in understanding sexual and gender-based violence.
  • Data collection empowers citizens, researchers, and policymakers.
  • Importance of creating safer spaces through shared experiences and data.
  • Enhanced awareness of the societal impacts of street harassment.
  • Global perspectives shed light on the prevalence and impact of harassment.
  • Empowering individuals through data-driven initiatives.
  • Inclusivity and diversity in addressing sexual and gender-based violence.
  • Knowledge sharing to combat street harassment effectively.
  • The role of data in shaping policies for safer environments.

Behind the Mic

Welcome and Introduction

Welcome one and all to this space. We're just waiting for our esteemed guests from Dinar to join us. Once they join us, we will get this space started. But I just wanted to give a warm welcome to our brothers and sisters within the community who have taken the time to join us today. My name is Hassan and I'll be your host today, inshallah. We're going to have an exciting journey today with a lot of news and a lot of excitement and unpacking where we're up to in the hack network journey and the quite recent launch of Dinar and the Hack network. So hold on tight and hopefully we'll have a very fun hour together. Inshallah.

Welcoming Guests

Superb, fantastic, fantastic. Masha. Once again, assalamualaikum, one and all. Welcome today's Twitter space. Dinar Gold, the inside scoop. Our esteemed guest, Maruf Yusupov from Dinar Gold. The CMO there has kindly joined us. Maruf, can you hear us? Yeah, salam. Yes, I can hear you. Yes. Fantastic. I can hear you from my side. Sounds good. Let's get started. Brilliant, brilliant.

About Hack Network

So just to begin, of course, as we all know, this is the Hawk networks place. Hack Network is the layer one blockchain that emphasizes ethical responsibility through the sharia code. And everything we do at the network is all focused on this very simple ideal that we want to create a freer, fairer way of interacting with one another in the one three space. One of the mechanisms that has formed over the last few months and the year, for those of us who have obviously been involved in the community, we know this has been part of the various iterations of the roadmap is the gold back stablecoin. And it's an absolute privilege and pleasure to speak to Brother Maruf here for Dinar gold. And I'd like to invite Brother Maruf to give us a brief introduction to himself and into dinar gold and essentially just give us a high level overview of where we're up to on that front.

Introduction by Maruf Yusupov

Yeah. Thank you for the invite. Honour to be here. So, brief introduction about me and more importantly, people came here to learn more about the Nargo, so we will focus on that. Brief information about me is I'm a sole entrepreneur. I've been working in the muslim space for the last ten years. Specifically on the muslim space. We have created different projects, products. I'm also actively. We've been in the marketing space in the muslim world and I think for those who want to learn more, you can check me out on LinkedIn under the name Aruf Yusuf, and you will find me there. So having said that, more about the project itself, even though we are launching the project with the Haqq under the name Dinar, but idea itself has been undergoing a lot of feedback for many years.

Realities and Purpose of Dinar

But especially after what we are seeing, what's going on throughout the world, especially October 7, we are becoming more and more as a muslim community, aware that the realities we live in, political dynamics, etcetera. So it just brings us more and more into our purpose that why we need such a solution right in the long term. So dinar, we will, today we'll discuss Dinar, the purpose, why, what and how. But even though it starts as a small project, we hope it will gain traction with the help of community. Of course, if it does well, it has, in the long run, it has a huge potential. That's what we believe. That's why we are creating Dinarden. In a nutshell, dinar is, I'm sure you're going to ask a lot of questions. Technicality, we get to that.

Overview of Dinar

But in a nutshell, right now, Dinar is just Sharia compliant. We call Halal, one to one gold backed stablecoin on the hock chain. So, yeah, this is what it is. And we can discuss in more detail towards the, when we go into the discussion in detail, I can share more. But in a nutshell, as of right now, you can look at it in Aza, stablecoin, or for those of you who want to, as you can also look at investment opportunity in gold, very affordable opportunity. But in the long term, there are so many use cases for dinar moving forward. Does make sense?

Purpose of Dinar

Hassan perfect. Thank you very much there. Maruf. So I guess the first question and a very healthy place to start is something you just touched on there in terms of. So Dean Izejdehe or Dinar, what's the purpose of it? What's the primary purpose and what's the current vision for Dean yeah, so. We all know that the technology is a blockchain and cryptocurrencies exist since 2008, right? But however, as much as we like, we are, I think we all are here, early adopters into the blockchain as much as we like. But there is this gap between the masses and the blockchain and the cryptocurrencies. And one of the things is that we have noticed is in terms of adoption, for example, let's take bitcoin as much.

Challenges with Current Blockchain Technology

Everybody knows bitcoin, it's very volatile. It's something, it's good we can get it and hold it long term, but you cannot use it on everyday transactions because of the volatility. It goes up and down. And other thing is, sometimes could be also depending on the what chain. For example, chains like ethereum become very expensive, right, for everyday transactions. And the last but not the least is that in the web two world and the world we live in, like USD and other currencies, they are fiat currencies, which doesn't backed up anything. And the same with on the blockchain, even though it's much more, I guess, better protected by a lot of people are buying it. But still, majority of the coins did have nothing backed up.

Creating a Stable and Backed Currency

No. As we call RWA, right. It's not real world assets. So were thinking is that what if you could create, you know, a token which is not volatile, right. And which has the potential to go up and it's also on the blockchain as well as it's very cheap, very affordable to transfer, right. And that's why we are creating dinar. That's gonna represent those values. That's something very stable because it's based on gold. And then the good thing about the gold is if you look at over 100 to 200 years, it's a limited supply and it will go up. Not, maybe not as big as some of the coins you see 10% per day, but it's a very stable growth and which keeps the price very kind of stable.

Conclusion of Dinar Overview

So the dinar is going to answer those questions. Stability, safety, security, but also making very affordable. And for us, in this case, for. Since we are launching on Haq and specifically focusing on the muslim community, it's also looking back the history where the muslim community used to have this kind of currency, which was called dinar, and it was based on gold. And we are trying to go back to that gold standard, as we call it. It will be based on gold not unlike any other fiat currencies you see, or majority of the cryptocurrencies. So, in a nutshell, this is what it is. Dinar is a goldbach stablecoin, and that's going to represent stability, safety, and affordability in everyday transactions in the long term.

Discussion of Dinar's Unique Position

Perfect. Thank you very much for that. Two things that I really picked up in that answer is, one, it's bridging this universe between what you, I guess, normally call traditional finance, your usual day to day experiences. And the second thing, which is obviously critical, is how this essentially acts as like a sister coin to the more volatile siblings, which obviously go up and down as they choose to do with the market flow. And then gold has always been, even in sort of the traditional markets, physical gold has always been a little more stable as sort of a preservation of value asset. Similarly here, this is obviously bringing that concept and leveraging the power of web three to provide the same.

Inspiration Behind Dinar Gold

So I really like that idea and I think that's fantastic. I think it's quite unique. Forgive me for trespassing on this, but I think it's quite unique in, particularly in cosmos, and I'm very excited to see how this sort of flourishes in the coming weeks and months. I think something that you've just touched on ever so slightly, and I was wondering if you could just elaborate on that for us a little. Just so everybody's fully aware, in terms of the genesis of dinar as an idea, what really inspired dinar gold as an idea and bringing it to sort of web three. So the idea, as I said, I've been in the learning of the crypto space, I would say the last eight to ten years.

Community Empowerment via Blockchain

One of the things I was looking for is that because, as I said, since my experience in the muslim space, we do a lot of marketing, I was trying to understand that what is it and how we could really kind of empower our communities, right? And then the one thing is in the back burner, you think about it, and first you have to learn the ecosystem, right? That's. I've been learning a lot about blockchain, how it works. There are a lot of coins out there doing a lot of projects, and Defi is coming into picture, makes it very interesting. Yet there are, as we said, there are some limitations. And especially in the muslim community, the majority, they don't even know.

Creating Financial Ecosystem

Majority either don't engage or don't know yet. So that's why I was saying what could be the solution, how we could do that? But since quite recently, what's going on in the world is that what we are seeing is it is something not nice to have, but why? It's something we must have in the long term as a community, if you want to be strong, we need to create our ecosystem. I'm talking about financial ecosystem. Right. And to do that is that's what the Haqqa is doing, that they started the journey about two years ago.

The Journey of Dinar Project

They first build a blockchain and said, you know what? We're going to invite everybody, the muslim community, to come and build stuff. And this is actually how we got to know whether CEO of Haq Alex were talking, and one thing led to another. And when I was mentioning this project, he said, you know what I have? We have the same idea. Why don't we build this thing together? And I said, yeah, let's do that. And that's how the whole thing started. And instead of being, this is why, even though I had the idea in the last two years, but were looking for a partner who build this together.

Shared Vision for Community Upliftment

And when we talk and the more we talk, it became much more clear that we have a similar vision, right? We want to uplift the community. We want to build for the community. And we started building this, right? And because actually, even the hag had something similar idea, didn't even have the name. So we come together, we build it. The vision and the genesis, the idea in the story is how to create a platform, how to create a token, how to create this opportunity to help muslim communities around the world.

Addressing the Unbanked

And one thing I want to mention, maybe some of the people may not know, even though we know there are 2 billion Muslims out there are about 40% of them, which is 800 million Muslims. They don't even have a bank account, right? And the reason is that some of them live very far away and some of them, they don't have documentation, but majority, they live in the poverty, below the poverty line. They are very, in that case, they are poor, they cannot afford the banking services. So this is, I believe the word.

The Power of Blockchain

I believe the power of the blockchain comes into play, you know, and then what the blockchain is, you know, it doesn't matter where you are, right. And you can join it. It's open for the people, by the people. So we believe in that power. And the power we believe in is also the one thing is really important is that if you look at the human development and the last, let's say, 30, 40 years, especially if you look at the Internet, how the Internet spread, right? If you look at North America and Europe, we had these landlines and one g, all the stuff.

Opportunities for Underdeveloped Regions

But if you look at Africa, South Asia, they never had this opportunity or they have the infrastructure or the capacity to build long landlines. So what happened instead in those countries is the leapfrogged, right, from nothing, no landlines to mobile phones than Internet. And I think in a similar fashion, with the blockchain and with the HAC and other infrastructure, we have this opportunity to actually help those people. Like, I believe in this about a close to billion unbanked, at least from the muslim community, we can help them to invite them to this ecosystem where we all enjoying, whether we give them that fair kind of advantage, right?

Inclusivity in Financial Ecosystems

They can suddenly be a part of the ecosystem. And I believe that's why the Haq plays a big role. And that's why I think that dinar also plans to play a big role in that sense. And then, even though we started in just a haka, as a dinar, right now is just gold stable coin you can buy only on the sushi, as we now, but the plan is to expand it to other places. The plan is also later on to build capabilities. It's like a neo bank, ideally. Imagine you're having the dinar, you can have your debit card, you can easily use that, and suddenly you can cross this bridge between web two and web three, making it usable.

Mission of the Initiative

And imagine giving the people an opportunity to have to be a part of the financial ecosystem in that way. So what we don't look at as a work, we look much more like a mission. Right? We are on a mission together with Haq and other people in this space to help people all around the world, wherever they are. Does it make sense? Yes, absolutely.

Discussion on Gold and its Usability

Perfect. And again, you know, just nuggets of wisdom and a bit of semi alpha there, I guess, to some extent as to obviously, what the future holds for dinar. And just touching on what you just mentioned there, it's a very interesting point because I can't walk into a shop with a piece of gold and pay for something. It's just not going to be redeemable within merchants in and around my area. Maybe in different parts of the world, but certainly not here. But the ability to leverage the web three, sort of leverage web three technology and have, you know, something like Dean, a token on the hack network and be able to, you know, settle payments in day to day. That's, that's quite impressive, particularly on the, built on the stability of obviously gold. And, and it does, as you rightly say, it does hark us back to older times where gold and silver and these hard merch and harsh hard metals were actually used for payment.

The Importance of Inclusivity and Technology

And another thing that obviously is very important is, you know, we talk about obviously, the vast magnitude of people who are unbanked in the world. And I'd say quite often anybody who's attending my spaces, I say hack network, islamic coin and of course, dinar as well. The whole idea is to enfranchise the disenfranchised, those who don't have access to these services and those who are unable to access, whether that's web three, whether that's payment services, whether that's, you know, gold holding or owning gold or whatever your intention is, hack network provides this opportunity to actually facilitate that and allow you to and basically enfranchise you to these services and these uses. And the final thing that again, you know, this is just the beauty of again, web three, isn't it? You know, so you know, you could be based somewhere else in the world and obviously hack network based and somewhere else in the world. But this are the ideas it brings us together. And that's exactly what in my mind the is envisaged by the Sharia code and envisaged by the rules that we choose to govern us.

Community Aspect and Sharia Compliance

It's to bring this community aspect to foster this idea that the sum is greater than the parts and it's coming to a greater culmination together. That's my interpretation. And that neatly actually moves us on to my next question, if I may. And it's around sharia compliance when it comes to dinar gold. And what mechanisms do we have in place at the moment that ensure fairness and compliance? Yeah, so that's a very good question. Right. It's not just about ideas and how we implement them. Sharia has very strict rules to make HRI compliant, especially for products like this. Right? Because we have seen in the past there are some attempts to do this, but you're not successful. So the way we want to build this was from the very beginning it said, okay, how could we do it as transparent as possible and as not only affordable as also transparency.

Ensuring Transparency and Community Trust

That's why we are working with third parties who's going to store the gold and third parties who's going to control and verify the gold vault and etcetera. Having said that also we have outlined this in a way that making us also part of the ecosystem, but also making us that very easy for anybody who want to see the reports follow the tokenomics, how many tokens we have and how much gold we have in a very transparent way. And the same process we've explained to our shoia advisors and scholars, they have reviewed that the whole thing is okay if the things, as you guys say, which makes Sharia compliant. So basically another idea, as you may know in the muslim community still there is this hesitance being on the fence and saying, you know, how do we know if the coin is odd? Because still it's not widespread. And a lot of, especially those coins which not backed by any reality, if there is very, very volatile.

Backing Dinar with Physical Gold

The community is a bit hesitant, but that's why we said, for Dinar, it always will be backed one to one and it will be always you can redeemable. And we also did it in a very one to one. When we say one to one, is that one dinar will be always equal to 1 gram of physical gold in the vault. Which means if you want, you can actually take that one dinar, at least minimum is one dinar for now. And then you can let us know that you want the renimitan. And you can, if you live in the jurisdiction or the country where the walls are, you can come in and get it, like without much, no any extra fees, because you can, we have some partners in place. You can redeem it or if you live outside the country, the way it works is that you can request us how much it will cost and how many you want to redeem.

Peace of Mind for Investors

And we will let you know based on the where you are and you can actually get it. And I think that feature, we know that even though a lot of people will not do that, but the reason went that extra length and to do that is that even for one person, for every 1100 who want to do that, they will give them peace of mind that actually this is not some kind of scheme that we are trying to get someone's money and run away. But actually, we don't even touch your goal. So whenever you are buying, whenever you're getting this, whenever there's gene available, it means that the team already bought it and put it in the wall. It's already sitting there. It's only then through a third party, we issue those tokens. So this way it is very secure and transparent.

Securing the Gold-Backed Token

And, you know, whenever you are buying a dean, it's always backed up by a physical gold. One dean is baked by 1 gram of gold. And having put all these things together, it was very easy for shoei scholars to see how transparent and how fair it is. And I believe that's one of the reasons we could secure a fatwa based on that. So does it make sense? HassAN. Yes, absolutely perfect. Again, it's the cornerstone of many endeavors, isn't it? The fatwa, that's key. And the ongoing view of compliance. And I think, again, this is the beauty of synergy, you know, between dinar, Haq network, islamic coin, and we're all working to the same goal.

The Key Benefits of Dinar Gold

I think that makes it easier when we all have the same vision and the same direction, the same goals and the mechanisms, the mechanics is very important to find brothers and sisters of likewise minded to achieve the sort of communal goals that we've set for ourselves. So I think that's fantastic. I think a big question that our brothers and sisters in the communities would very much like to hear and answers to would be what are the key benefits of investing into dinar gold, rather than say, traditional cryptocurrencies? Beyond, obviously, what we've already discussed around the volatility aspect. Can you repeat a question? Yeah, sorry, I said beyond sort of the volatility aspect that we've already discussed, what are the benefits of investing into Dinarden?

Stability and Community Contributions

Oh, okay. Beyond volatility. Yes. Stability. So other, let me give you top three reasons, because we have it on the website. I just want to. I just want to mention those things quickly. Just give me 1 second. So the one thing would be, imagine this is something you will be able to use as a payment for currency in the long term, right? Once you have the debit card, you can use that. And another thing is, even right now, if you want to buy a gold from physical, let's say in terms of investment, the smaller quantities, like a 1 gram or two gram, it would be much more expensive for us. You can be, you don't have to pay the premium, right. You can bet at a discount it's already bought.

Dedication to Charity and Combined Efforts

And the good thing is you can redeem it anytime you want. And last time, but last but not the least, is that we also dedicating 1% from the fees will be dedicated to charities. Those are the other points which you will not be able to do by just going to other tokens or even buying gold. So we are trying to get the best points from all different elements as a token, as a gold investment, and trying to put them into one single use, making a very powerful combo. Fantastic. I think. I think that's, you know, critical USP's for unique selling points for dinar as a token, as an idea, as a product, including this emphasis upon charity, which is again similar to the hack network in islamic coin.

Dinar as a Comprehensive Package

This emphasis on, you know, providing for the greater good, if you will. And also, obviously, as you rightly point out, there's the, this, the size of the gold and the transaction fees and the cost of it all. I think all in all, dinar, to me, certainly seems like a whole package. And one thing that I just wanted to very quickly run through, and I think you touched on this earlier, is, in terms of the gold itself, the physical goal when our brothers and sisters in the community decide, I want to buy one dinar or a fraction of dinar or multiple dinars, whatever it is. They obviously take that wallet.

Location of Physical Gold

The wallet sits inside of. Sorry. They take the coin or the token and it sits inside their wallet. But the physical gold itself, where is the physical gold located? I understand that you've mentioned that there's a vault involved, but where is that physically, actually located at this moment in time? Yes. So. So that's a good question. We are so physical gold right now is located. The first one of many is. One is located in UAE, Dubai. And this in the custody of a company called Brinks.

Future Plans for Vault Decentralization

Brinks is multinational, one of the top corporations in us in terms of insurance. And doing this for those who are interested, they can check brinks.com b r I dash.com. so India custody, it sits in Dubai, UAE, as we speak. However, as we move on to, as the project progresses, our goal is to create multiple vaults around the world, right? So it will do us first and foremost, it will decentralize the whole. Instead of putting all the gold in one, you can do different places. And if for those who want to even redeem it gives them much more options.

Exploring Scalability and Future Growth

Sort of one location, it could be one in us, one in UK, one in Australia, etcetera. But as of right now, we have one vault because I will mention briefly, like, how we see this project scale. As of right now, it's one vault, it's in UAE. In terms of the scalability first, right at the moment, right now, we only. We have. We're starting with a 1031 dinars. It is 1030. It means 1031 grams is bought in the world right now. That's what you see on the contract.

Plans for Recruitment and Growing Community

As we move along, we'll be adding more liquidity, more gold, and then also, it will also, as we said, as we see that the community and adoption goes on, we'll do in multiple locations. Brilliant. Brilliant. And one thing I'm getting from that answer, and it's absolutely pivotal, is this idea of security, of trusted parties in safety. In the brothers and sisters who invest in this token, they will have that sort of safety and peace of mind that actually their assets are actually safely stored, or whatever their token refers to, rather is safe.

The Integration of Dinar into Broader Ecosystem

And. And that security is priceless. You know, in your mind, you think that, well, actually, I know where it is. I know where it's safe. It's with a party that I trust. So it's very important and it's, from my perspective, it's very happy thought that obviously the project is considering those very important mechanics. Now, I think the next question, which is quite critical to the brothers and sisters who attend today, is around the interplay between Dean Hap, network slumming coin, and I guess from.

Synergy Among Dinar and Related Projects

It'd be nice to get from your perspective, how does dinar interact with hack network islamic coin, and how do they sort of supplement and stimulate one another in terms of growth and development? So, yeah, from the very beginning, as I said, in the partnership with the Haq, we know Haq is focused on building solutions for the Muslims around the world. And that's why we decided to build on Haq, because we don't want to be anywhere except in Haqq, as I said, like, we can have built it on other platforms, like Polygon, etcetera, but on Polygon at other places, you are just another token.

Deep Integration with Haq Network

But instead, we want to build it here together with Hawke. Is that because this is where the focus is? We want to be what? Partnerships? Where we are aligned. Having said that, in terms of even in the team, like right now is we are a smaller team. We are managing from our side, we are managing them, the marketing, the strategy and the leadership. But when it comes to technology and using the blockchain side, we heavily rely on the Hawk team. And that's how we are building the dinar, as a partnership model with the hack team.

Creating Mutual Success in the Ecosystem

Instead of trying to, maybe other people are just bringing their own tokens, etcetera. But we said we want to be really deeply integrated with Hawk. That's why on the blockchain side, we are deeply integrated with Hawk. And then while we are taking care of the other parts, like marketing, etcetera. But when it comes to blockchains, where we are building the hacks teams, the expertise and building the dinar and the best practices, and the plan is later on to include it. That's how we are even right now. If anybody who owns the hack wallet, you can go, and as long as you can receive any dinar today, as you know, Muhasan, that five people will be rewarded $20, you know, worth of dinar whenever you receive it, you can check it out, it will already show up on your wallet.

Future Announcements in the Ecosystem

Right? So this is one of those partnerships that we don't want to be any random coin on a hack wallet, instead be a part of the ecosystem and part of the wallet. But also, there are some of the plans we cannot mention right now. But in the future, you will see in the coming months that there will be even more announcements, like how the whole ecosystem will be building, even integrating into even more larger community. And just one thing I want to notice that since we started working with Dinar, also recently joined with the HaC team as a fractional CMO, because as I said, I truly believe hacks mission.

Towards a Unified Financial Ecosystem

So the idea is like not only how we make the dinar success, but how to make the Haqq success, how to make the islamic coin success, how do we make whatever we are building for the muslim economy as a success? Because we believe that if you make success not only for us, but it has the potential to create a financial ecosystem where that can put the Muslims in a powerful state. Imagine where, like again, I don't do, to be honest, I don't delve into politics, et cetera, but since October 7, the things are happening that's revealing from our eyes that Muslims, if non Muslims are seeing the power dynamics, because if you want to play the long term game, then we have to be strong.

Unity and Strength in the Muslim Community

And to be strong, one of the views is that we have to have our own financial ecosystem where we know like how the money and everything are spent and that's the reality, right? We cannot beg for mercy, we can beg for it. To be fair, everybody's doing, I think, their own part. You just have to be smarter, more united as a muslim community and look at the opportunity to come together. An excellent rallying cry for the continuity and brotherhood and 6th of Islam. And we are one and all part of one greater system.

Building Connections and Shared Goals

And I think it's important to acknowledge what you say there as not only are we partners, we're also friends, and we're in this sort of environment together, and we're building something deeply integrated, deeply connected, something at the base level that's going to grow.

The Vision of Connection and Community

It's like a plant, really. If you put a plant in the ground next to another plant and they grow together, they'll intertwine and their strength will be multiplied together. And it seems to me that this is sort of the goal and this is the intention of where we are now and where we intend to go in the future. And I did notice what you said there about, you know, large plans in the future and there's going to be more coming out in the weeks and months and 100% super excited from my perspective, to see where we go. And I'm sure our brothers and sisters in the community will share that sentiment with me and say, well, we're all on the edge of our seats to see how hac network, islamic coin and dean progress and develop in time. Now, I think the second to last question I had, which was directly in my mind at the moment. And again, obviously, you've helpfully encountered, kindly touched on it. So it eases us into it is around the future plans for Dinar and sort of the broader goals for Dinar goal and how this particular project and aspect is going to be broadened across its user base and broaden its adoption across the board.

Future Adoption and Community Involvement

So now, speaking of the future plans, one of the plans we want is, as I said, going back to, so, adoption and wider adoption in the Muslim community and including being inclusive, including the non banked as well. Ideally, this is what we want to build with that dinar. Right? Imagine Dinar together with Islam and Haqq. And even though some of the apps will be coming, imagine there is an ecosystem. You go then where you can, in the web call on ramping, where we can bring your funds if you want to, and not only bring it, but also take it and use it as well. To do that, we understand that just the blockchain itself will not be enough, at least for now, because until you have the right adoption, that's why one of the plans we want to build on top of Dinar in Haqq, an Islamic coin, and is that to, ideally to build a feature like a neo bank feature, where you can get your IBM number, where you can get debit cardinal, where you can easily not only bring money, but also you can use that.

The Usefulness of Digital Transactions

Imagine you have one dinar in your account. What if he can give you a virtual debit card where you can tap it and use it in your local store, and suddenly the whole ecosystem opens up and makes much more sense. I'm sure some of you have seen there are a lot of cards, debit cards and credit cards virtually going on. The idea is to make it available as easy as possible for the Muslim community. And that's the future for the dinar. Ideally, if you do things right, inshallah, as we say, God willing and the coming, let's say five years, seven years, ten years, if you do the things right, Dinar might be one of those top currencies for the Muslim community where they can use, you know, alternatively, USD on other currencies. Right? Imagine someone in Indonesia can say, you know what? I'm going to send you this much dinar, instead of saying much USD because they know it's much more. It will be, if you do it right, it will be much more powerful than USD or any other, because they are the, while they are the fiat currencies, dinar has the upstate, you can always get stable, but over time, it's backed by gold, and it means that it's stable, but also over time, it will also grow in value.

Practical Steps for Gold Redemption

So that's the long term vision for dinar to make it available for anybody, but also make it also usable. Right by the. By the debit cards. So you can easily use as a. You can use spend it easily as well. That is brilliant. Thank you for that very comprehensive answer. I mean, this idea, and I just. I keep going over it in my head, and I just think it is quite a fantastic idea, this sort of idea that I could have a debit card, whatever variety it is, walk into a shop and pay for it with Dean, buy my groceries with Dean, buy a tv with Dean, buy a chair for my home with Dean, whatever it is, just walking in. And it takes us back, as I referenced earlier, it takes us back to the older times when gold and these precious metals were used as focuses of trade rather than sort of fiat currencies. So what we currently sort of use for payments, you know, the banknotes and IOUs from the centralized bank entities to do so.

Plans for Gold Redemption

So I'm very excited by obviously this project, and it seems that there's this comprehensive plan and vision, and I'm 100% confident that between the expertise of the dinar team and the. The hack network and Islamic coin, we can come together and create a confluence of something quite great. Now, I know I said that was a second to last question, but I've actually just realized there is two questions that we need to cover before we move on to the public portion of this AMA. So I will start with the penultimate question, which is in terms of redemption of gold. So, as we know, hack network is with delivery. So if somebody said, okay, today, for whatever reason, I want to redeem that gold and have that physical gold in my possession, what are the steps that are taken? Is there any sort of caveats around that? Currently? Yeah. So, first of all, it has to be at least 1 gram of gold.

Redeeming Gold in Practical Terms

Otherwise it becomes very difficult to handle. So at least you have one dinar gold. And then there are two case scenarios. Either you are in Dubai, or around Dubai, you can come and pick it up. And we have a partners in, I think, that one of the partners we're working on, if I remember, called ogo, they have shops. So, but before you go there, you have to let us know in advance that this is your address, is how much you have, you. You want to. Because then we can. Our team will direct you what to come, what to bring, etcetera. As long as you bring those, you can actually redeem it. You know, you can physically show up and you can redeem it if, as long as you are in Dubai, around Dubai, on the other hand, let's say you are outside the country or you want to get shipped and you can still send us email. The, the email is salam. Salam@dinar.com and then let us know the your require request, how much you want to redeem and based.

Logistics and Email Communication for Redemption

And also, we also ask you that, where are you based, right. Where is your location and what are the, and then based on that, what we're going to give you, because we need to also figure out not only the redeeming, but also the sending logistics, right? Based on that, we can give you a fee and then as long as you agree with that, and then you can agree to that. And as long as you make the arrangements, it will be taken care of for you. Having said that. And there's also a third option, right? You have to remember that if you want to, instead of redeeming, because imagine if you're in the Dubai, you can come and get it. But if you're outside, if you're doing 1 gram, two gram, probably I would not suggest it because there will be shipping fees, other fees. However, if you just want to cash out, if you want to, you know, to swap it, as we call in web three to other things, remember, we already own sushi and we're coming on smaller places.

The Benefits of Rapid Swapping in Web 3

You can, with one click you can get, you know, you can get the worth of your dinar right away in USCC, in USDT, or any other coins you want, and all of those dexs anytime. Perfect. Thank you. And I do like sort of the depth of that answer, you know, this summer, everything has been thought about meticulously, you know, in terms of what value could you redeem feasibly for the goal, in terms of what happens if they're local to the UAE or whatever the vault is, wherever the vault is in due course, what happens if you're further abroad? And above all else, there's this third option of, you know, using the amm to, as you say, it's currently on Sushi. Perhaps in the future will be elsewhere as well, but currently solely on sushi, you know, using that automated market maker to swap into other assets, whether that be USDT, USDC, ISLM, accelerated theorem, whatever is, you know, swapping into those assets as well.

Reflections on the Role of Dinar

Now, I think that's another. Forgive me forgive me for this brother Maruf. But I'm going to trespass ever so slightly and say, I think that's another benefit of dinar over sort of traditional gold, you know, in terms of monetizing or liquidating that asset. You don't necessarily need to go to a gold monger or a goldsmith or, you know, whatever the gold shop and say, right, you know, I have this gold, let's negotiate a price. Certainly that's how it operates here where I'm based. And they offer you haggle a little and then, you know, you take your money and they take the goal here. It's easier. You know, there's a rate, there's a redeemable rate on the immediately and frictionlessly swap in and out of that asset. So I think this is going to be revolutionary for the gold market in general, let alone obviously just web three and whatnot.

Synergy Between Dinar and the Hack Network

Now, the final question before we turn to the question of the audiences is in terms of this sort of symbiotic nature between Dean and ISLM. And from your perspective, how would you say that dean contributes to ISLM, obviously the core token for hack Network? So remember, since it's on the hack network. Right, you. So we don't, you're not at this point we are charging any fees for you to trade the dinar. What it means is that if, usually, if you go on trade and then there is usually, especially with the real world assets, there's always a small fee. We actually want to build it for the community. If we also decide right now we aren't going to charge anything.

Maintaining Affordability for Users

The reason is that we want to make it as affordable as possible and adopted, as many people having said that. But there's always a small gas fee because you're on blockchain. Right. And then, and that should be on, paid on Islamic coin, which is the native coin. And, and then even that one. For those of you who know who have been on hunt, it's very affordable right now. It's, I think, zero five slump the coin. It's way below even one cent. And it's, regardless of how much you spend, if you're buying 100 dinars, it's the same as you're buying zero one dinner. Right? So which makes as much as you said, again, much more affordable, much faster, much accessible.

Future Developments in Dinar

It's open twenty four seven. The Dex is open twenty four seven. And you can always return your gold at the market value without going and haggling other things. One thing, though, I want to mention, Hassan, I just remember it's just a beginning stage. So what we are planning to is also introducing, even right now you can actually go. And if you, for those who want, who can go, and already right now we are on sushi only. You can go even stake your gold if you want to. And the APR right now, as we look, it's about 10% per year. So right now the pool is only dean versus Islam. But the plan is to bring other tokens as well.

Investment Opportunities and Plans

Like the dean versus for example, USDC. Right? You can put your tokens there and you can, while keeping your gold, you can earn extra like half the two, half a percent to 1% easily, right? Because in the long term, this is what I'm saying. Imagine unbanked people, other people, they might have some cash purchase. It's just sitting there, right? For those, we want to add an option where if you have the cash, you can use it to also earn it. You can stake it or you can earn just by providing liquidity to pools, especially with a dinar, which is much more stable. And then you will have a much more stable outcome as well. And this I just want to mention as well, because this is, this will be coming in the coming days and weeks, and they will have not only keeping it as an investment, but as you can actually grow that investment.

The Stability and Potential of Gold Investment

No. Fantastic. And that's all with, as you rightly mentioned, the stability of gold and the sort of consistency of that asset in the world, which is, which is fundamental. I mean, obviously, you know, you have these two sides to, you know, whether you want to call it trading, whether you want to call it crypto or assets in general, you have the more volatile sibling that obviously, you know, it can go up, it can do 10% in a day, or it can do 2% in a day, or, you know, it could go up or down or whatever. And then you've got small stable siblings such as these sort of precious metals such as gold, which they will go up and they will go down, you know, as the market decides, but perhaps not quite as ferociously as their more volatile siblings.

Looking Ahead for the Dinar and the Hack Network

And it's again, this sort of balance from both sides coming together. And from my perspective, is something that's critical to the mission going forwards and also something that's going to supplement and stimulate the hack network in ways that are unimaginable at this time. But I think in the coming months, we'll see the fruits of those labors. And yeah, I mean, from my perspective, just super excited to have dinar launched and super excited to see the great symphony that we make in the, as I say, in the coming weeks and months. Now, on that note, I think it's a perfect time to move to our brothers and sisters in the community who have kindly made multiple questions in the comment sections. Last time I checked was well over 600. So I think we'll turn our attention to that now.

Community Engagement and Giveaways

And just as a reminder, as brother Maharou said, there is a giveaway today for the five questions that are selected. Each question, each individual who asked the question will receive $20 worth of dean, and that will obviously be contacting you through your DM. So please ensure that you have your DM's open available for us to reach out and let you know. So I think the first question that we can go with is from somebody called b four, underscore Zack, who says, in terms of the dean plan, what sort of plans or timeframes are we looking at to expanding the sort of the ability to obtain Dean from beyond sushi? That is a very good question. I was talking to one of our team members earlier about this very question.

Plans to Expand Access to Dinar

So our next step from sushi. Next step would be osmosis. I'm sure everybody knows in the cosmos chain, or Cosmos is, and according to what they said, it's going to be next week. But I always try to be cautious and add extra week. So I would say you could expect to see the pools available on osmosis towards the end of August in two weeks. Fantastic. And osmosis, of course, is the cosmos based, well, liquidity moat, if you will, of. Of cosmos. And it's a brilliant, obviously, Dex, in its own right, for those of us who have a preference for the cosmos, side of interactions, and, you know, we use Kepler or leap wallet or whatever in between. you know, that is something to keep an eye on.

Community Questions and Challenges

And, of course, as always, please do, obviously, follow the dinar page, so you can obviously stay in touch with what's going on there and follow hacker network, islamic coin and stay in touch with the various social outposts we have. So you can stay abreast of all the large news that occurs or even just keeping up to date with what's going on. Now. Holder says, in terms of the majority of these questions, they're based on sort of the strengths of the project and so on. But this is quite an interesting question in terms of during the development phase and as we're going through now, what are some of the challenges that we've faced and we've managed to overcome? So that's a good one.

Overcoming Challenges in Development

One of the challenges for us was how to make the whole process, as you said, how do we come up with a question our community has? What are their concerns? What are the things they actually look into? And the questions was like, as you said earlier, like going in detail. Even if one person of the community was asking that question, we should better get ready for that. That's why if you go to the dinar.com and look at FAQ, it's very extensive because we're thinking from all angles and we're asking people, we're asking real people, okay, we're creating this.

Community Engagement and Project Challenges

What are your questions, what are your concerns and how can we address them? So the first step was challenge, was that. The second, once we knew that and we have to talk to our BD team and technology team and say, look, guys, this is what the question will be asked. We would better be ready. That's why when I'm answering your questions, I'm going into detail because we already been through that. And especially the muslim community, if you're coming to this kind of project, they're going to ask who's behind this project? Where's my goal? How do I know you don't run away with my goal? And that's all legit questions. Right. So the main challenge, I think it was finding out the questions, what the community asks and making sure we are ready for that. And it's also making sure we build in the solutions right away, especially like, you see the redeeming options. Right. So this were the main challenges for us, but not happening now.

The Importance of Honesty and Community

We just, I believe we resolved to some extent and the rest will be coming up in the coming days, especially in new futures. Excellent. Thank you so much. And that's a very honest, honest take. And I think it's very important to applaud the honesty. And in terms of just seeing division, the steps that have been taken certainly in the past to this stage and obviously the path, the steps that are being taken from this stage onward as well because this is obviously a long journey and we're in this for the long haul. This isn't a sort of short term. Let's just, you know, have a goal. Let's just do a little thing and go from there. And I think, again, is testament to you as well, Maruf, in terms of, you're quite right, you could have gone to Polygon or somewhere else, created a token and, you know, it would have been. But, you know, you've obviously chosen to partner with Hack Network and, you know, join this magnificent journey we're on together to bring sort of sharia compliant protocols and principles and enfranchise brothers and sisters across the, go across the world into this more ethically centered or ethical centric worldview and in terms of development.

Plans for Community Involvement

So I'm very excited and I think it's very impressive. And I always find it's very helpful to speak to founder brethren and see how they got to where they've got to the moment. Like what's been the journey? There's always, there's always a learning and there's always a lesson. And I think it's very important. And I thank you for sharing that with us then. Now I'd like to move on to another question around from Mika. And the question essentially is, what mechanisms and plans are there in place at the moment or envisaged to increase the community involvement in dean and increase the community sort of participation beyond obviously simply holding or providing liquidity or otherwise? That question is one of my most favorite questions. Look, I will tell you this. There are things I cannot mention right now because of the, you know, how we work, how. Because we don't want to, you don't want to, you know, scream before we do stuff.

Future Developments and Community Solutions

But there are plans for the Haq, for the dinar, for the islamic coin to come up with a solution for the community, for the muslim community. And when I say the solution, it's not just the web three, but is there a way, is there a place, is there idea, is there a thing to come up with a solution that unites us all in a very specific way? I cannot mention it right now, but what I'm saying is we are already working on that idea. Just stay tuned with us. Hopefully in the coming month or two, we will be launching some new projects where it all makes sense, where you can connect all the dots. So when we are thinking actually uniting community and interacting and engaging, it's not just the high level words, but actually we are actually looking into how to do that. Right. And then if you're going to be successful or not, that's another question. But we are definitely thinking about it.

Vision for the Muslim Community

And so right now I cannot mention the specifics. But if you stay tuned, in a month or two, you will see new products and new solutions will be coming from Hac, from some of the partners like we are, and you will see that where we are going to tie all of this loose ends under one umbrella. And I hope that the community will seize that the vision and the community will join and back us up. And that's the only way to go. But the question is, like 100% on point. We need to come up with a way, as, again, as I was saying earlier, we need to figure out a way to come together as a community, to work together, to, like, a lot of people want to see unity in this and that. It's a high word. So. But what I'm saying is, like, there is a way, I believe there are ways to.

Reflections on Collaboration and Unity

We can actually all come together and move in unison. Right. This is when we see that things happen. Like, we are seeing that already in the real world. As you can see, a lot of protests are going on, which is fine, but they are, there are short term solutions for the long term problem. So we need to, as Albert Einstein said, you cannot solve the problem is the way of thinking it was created. So we are thinking, we're trying to our best to come up with a solution to fix that issue. And ultimately, that's exactly our goal. Goal is how do we engage with the muslim community in a way that's never been done before and to be of help, to be of value and to be in the, to be the bridge in between.

Ensuring Compliance and Regulatory Standards

And meanwhile, our ecosystem, blockchain, islamic coin, dinar and other things we are building will be of help to you. Right. As a user, that's what we are thinking. This is on top of the mind. Yeah. The answer is like, sorry, I cannot go into specifics yet, but in a month or two, just if you stay tuned, you will see that update as well. I will be more than happy to share when I can. By this point, I cannot super duper. The excitement is palpable, I must say. The excitement certainly palpable. And you made several references to, you can't share at this moment in time, but it's coming. And you can just feel that there's something big being built in the background, something exciting and something that's really going to take off and sort of add jet fuel to our growth as a network, as a series of coins, etcetera.

The Importance of Community and Shared Goals

And I'd echo what you've just said there again. You know, it's about this communal attitude where we are together, where we're one giant group of people, where we're all working together to the same goal. Because ultimately, you know, it's about sticking together, as you rightly say, you know, as one group. And I love that message. And that's a message that I want to broadcast. Haqq Network Dinard Islamic coin. It's a home for everybody, you know, everybody who agrees with this ethics first approach, this ethics centric basis for development. This is the home for you. And I encourage you all, one and all, to please join us, interact with us, speak to us, stay in touch with us, and together we can see a much better, much brighter tomorrow.

Understanding Dinar's Framework and Interoperability

The next question is from Ronnie, and I'll quickly take this one, if you don't mind, Maruf and the questions around Dean and how it's ERC 20, how it's an ERC 20 token, but how the interoperability works. Now, as you're aware, as I'm sure everyone's aware, Hack Network is a cosmos based change with an EVM module. And the coins are essentially operating on both in the EVM environment and on the Cosmos environment. Now, as brother Marouf just pointed out, very soon we're looking to see Dean on osmosis. So, you know, there will be an opportunity to use, trade, buy, obtain whatever you want to do with it, both on the, in the cosmosphere and both on the Ethereum sphere.

Future Opportunities and Network Development

And as you know, Dean takes off, and we have more ingrained in use cases and within sort of the general web three space. This proliferation may extend to other places, but with hack network, the beauty is it sits between these two environments with the interoperability and finality of cosmos, but also with the depths of liquidity and development that you get with EVM based chains. So I think, from my perspective, Hack Networks has the benefits of both worlds. It literally sits between the both and is an ideal hub not just for Dean and other projects, but other projects who want to come and participate in our goals and perhaps leverage both dinar and islamic coin within their projects to work to this ideal, these ideals of sort of ethical inclusivity.

Navigating Compliance and Regulatory Frameworks

And that's my thoughts on that. I don't know, Maruf, if you want to add something on that. No, I think that's perfect. Super duper, then. And then we'll take this last question. And I think it's a pretty good question. It's around sort of the, you know, compliance of dinar in terms of a regulatory framework. And how does Dinar ensure that, you know, it's up to date with all the standards. As, you know, the universe evolves. So can you repeat the question? Yeah, yeah, of course. So, so you know, how vaults and crypto and, you know, just investment, everything are subject to a series of regulations wherever you are in your chosen jurisdiction? How does dinar ensure that it complies with the jurisdictions that it operates in the regulations of those zones.

Fiduciary Standards and Regulatory Clarity

I see. So if you go to our website and check FAQ, we go into detail, but there's a fiduciary standard that's being regulated based on Switzerland. You can find those details in our white paper and also the FAQ section. You can go into detail, but in a short answer is it's regulated by an entity in the Switzerland part of the regulating body. So as you may know, the Switzerland has a very, is based in Europe and the EU. They have very strict regulations. So it's based on that, we can say it's very strict. I don't want to go into detail, but you can learn more on our white paper, also on the FAQ. Both are on our website@dinah.com.

Closing Thoughts and Future Perspectives

Thank you Brother Maru, an exceptional answer. Again, just highlighting that there is a standard and there is an entity that regulates the product and the project. And obviously, and we do ensure that the involvement of parties, individuals is all above board. And as brother Madhu points out, hopefully you're more than welcome to obviously participate, to review the white paper and the website to see what information is there in terms of that front. Now, as we have overrun by four minutes, I'm gonna apologize to everybody. Taking your most precious time on this Wednesday that we sit here and we talk. But I am going to thank you also for attending and I hope we've all taken something positive and some more information away from this for the future.

Appreciation and Encouragement for Future Engagement

Brother Maruf, again, as ever, thank you so much for taking your time and we hope to hear from you more in the coming weeks and months and years, as well as both projects and products grow in their own right. I do want to point out once again the five individuals whose questions were answered. You will be approached shortly in Twitter DM's. So please do ensure that your DM's are open so we can contact you and let you know. And as a final thought from me, I just think I, that the horizon is so bright and we are at that point. We're at the edge of the precipice, if you will. And there's a lot that's going to happen in the coming weeks and months and I genuinely encourage one and all to stay attached to our social hosts and stay attached to where we are.

A Call to Action for Community Participation

And one final request to me before I hand over to Brother Maurouf so he can close up on his side. Please, please want to know. Please do follow the dinar gold's handle. Please do follow the hacked out islamic coin handle and please do repost this space so we can spread this message as far and wide as we possibly can. And on that note, brother Maruf, over to you. Thank you so much. So there are two things I want to mention. The first, speaking of the transparency will be also on a quarterly basis we'll be also reporting on the website, the Walt verification reports as well.

Commitment to Transparency in Reporting

So the first one we are working on right now, as soon as possible it will be on the website. But after that will be every quarter. So every quarter you can check how many dinars available but checked by a third party in the world and custody kit by brinks. So you know, you can know we are not touching that gold. It's your goal. As long as you own the dinar, you will see it there. Having said that, also, one last but not least I want to mention is that since we are in this community, muslim community, and focusing on the judicial growth, one thing I want to remind all of us, right in Islam we have the saying is every action is based on intention.

Spiritual Intentions and Collective Growth

Our intention is to create this project on top of hap, making it, you know, making it successful. And we ask God to make it a success at the same time for you as a community to remember us in your prayers and more importantly also join the movement. Right? Even right now, just go check out the website. If you have the slam coins, if you're on sushi, if you're on the hot wallet, try to purchase, interact with the thing and be a part of the project. Follow us on Twitter. As I said, more news will be coming being because of course you can be on the fence and then, but I think more important, more enjoyable would be to join the journey together.

A Grateful Farewell and Ongoing Commitment

I think that's the only way we can build this and we need the support of the community. And I really appreciate all of you for, you know, coming here, making your time and may God bless you and may God bless this project and we hope, you know, it will beneficial for you, for the community. And thank you so much. Hasan, over to you. I mean, and I mean, so, I mean, what more can I say? Such eloquent and fair words. There's nothing that I can do to follow that up, really. So I think on that note, I will also thank one and all for attending.

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