Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space #STEPN & #STEPNGO August Towhnall hosted by Stepnofficial. The #STEPN & #STEPNGO August Townhall delved into the innovative features of the STEPN GO app, focusing on incentivizing users to stay active, engage socially, and earn rewards. Creators highlighted the app's community-centric approach, blending social networking with fitness tracking to create a unique user experience. The event emphasized the significance of user engagement, community building, and seamless user interface design in driving the app's success. By prioritizing user experience and interactive elements, STEPN GO aims to establish a dynamic platform that promotes wellness and rewards user participation.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: What is the main focus of the STEPN GO app?
A: The app emphasizes social interaction, staying active, and earning rewards.

Q: How does the app incentivize users to engage?
A: By offering rewards for participation, the app gamifies social interactions and fitness activities.

Q: Why is community building crucial for the app's success?
A: Building a strong community fosters user engagement, retention, and a sense of belonging.

Q: What sets the STEPN GO app apart from other social lifestyle platforms?
A: The app combines social networking with fitness tracking, creating a unique user experience.

Q: How does the app blend social interactions with rewards?
A: Users can connect with friends, track fitness goals, and earn rewards for their activities.

Q: What role does user experience play in the design of the app?
A: User experience is prioritized to ensure a seamless and engaging interface for users.

Q: Can users customize their interactions within the app?
A: Yes, users have the flexibility to tailor their social engagements and fitness challenges.

Q: How does the app encourage users to lead an active lifestyle?
A: By incorporating fitness tracking and incentivizing activities, the app motivates users to stay active.

Q: What benefits do users gain from using the STEPN GO app?
A: Users benefit from a social platform that promotes wellness, community engagement, and rewards for participation.

Q: What is the vision behind the creation of the app?
A: The app aims to merge social networking, fitness, and rewards to enhance user experiences and interactions.


Time: 00:15:20
Introduction to STEPN GO Creators introducing the features and concept of the social lifestyle app.

Time: 00:25:45
Earning Rewards Through Activity Discussion on how users can earn rewards by staying active and engaging with the app.

Time: 00:35:10
Community Engagement Strategies Exploring ways to encourage community building and social interactions within the app.

Time: 00:45:30
User Experience Design Importance of user-centric design in creating a seamless and engaging user interface.

Time: 00:55:15
Future Development Plans Teasing upcoming features and updates for the STEPN GO app.

Time: 01:05:40
Q&A Session Addressing user questions and feedback on the app's functionalities.

Time: 01:15:25
Incentivizing Fitness Activities How the app motivates users to lead an active lifestyle through rewards and challenges.

Time: 01:25:30
User Engagement Metrics Examining user engagement data and strategies to enhance user interactions.

Time: 01:35:55
Tips for Maximizing Rewards Guidance on optimizing user activities to earn more rewards within the app.

Time: 01:45:10
Closing Remarks and Thank You Wrapping up the townhall with gratitude towards the community and users.

Key Takeaways

  • STEPM GO is a social lifestyle app that incentivizes users to stay active and engage with friends.
  • The app offers rewards for user participation, creating a gamified experience.
  • Creators emphasized the importance of community building and social interactions within the app.
  • User engagement is key to the success and sustainability of the STEPN GO app.
  • STEPM GO aims to create a dynamic and interactive platform for users to connect and earn rewards.
  • The app's design focuses on encouraging users to lead an active lifestyle while interacting with others.
  • Incentivizing users through rewards can drive increased participation and retention.
  • The creators prioritize user experience and community engagement in the app's development.
  • The STEPN GO app provides a blend of social networking and fitness tracking to motivate users.
  • Engaging with friends and staying active are central themes in the app's user experience.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings

Sadeena. Sadeena.

Weather Update

It it. Be cloudy in the morning and then western Kansas will begin to get increasing cloudiness by tomorrow afternoon. Today, however, very pleasant reading. 73 up in the Goodland area. 72 in Garden city. 70 reported by Dodge Stan. Liberal 72. 216 degrees today. Wind suddenly at about 15 miles an hour. Barometric pressure 30.00 and is rising, and no precipitation. We're about a half inch behind. Correction, half inch ahead for the year and one in 5300 behind for the year so far. We'll be looking forward until 02:00 this afternoon. So as of that time, of course, the front was way off in the northwest. Now, however, it's moving into central part of.

Introduction and Check-ins

Hello. Hello. Hello, everyone. Gm gm hi, yon. Hi, Mabel. How are you guys doing? Very well. Very well. Yourself? I'm doing well as well. Mabel, something's been up. Yes, Mabel, we can hear you. How are you? Okay. Good. Yourself? Very well. Very well. And we've got so much to share, so much alpha to give as well. Exciting new things to talk about. So how are you feeling about it? Yan, go first.

Awaiting the Beta Launch

Okay. Okay. I think we are very. So we are very near for the beta. So once we have the beta, that's where everything become very interesting very quickly. So definitely not going to spoil the fun. We will wait until the beta and for the time being, we will share more on the design logic. We will have a lot of events we are attending and we can discuss the reason we are in the mechanism behind and what to look forward.

Event Discussion

All right, then, let's start off with the event itself. You've been all over the place recently with awesome pictures with the community floating around. Do you want to talk a little bit about that? Yes. I went to Taiwan for the ABS, the asian blockchain summit. And yeah, it's been a pretty awesome trip. So we've done two events. So there is a game conference at the downstairs and then the ABS main event upstairs. We attend both. We attend two panel, one keynote. We have run two community events. One is during the conference where we have the 07:30 a.m. morning run together with the community as about how many people show up. And also the other one is we down in the stadium, a restaurant sports nation, which is the name. It's pretty cool. And we've done the lunch together. Then we have bit of the walking. We have a lot of the games played by the player there, which is quite fun. We raffle some sneaker and we spend about 6 hours in the restaurant. And we did up walking which is good. That's about the tavern trip. And next up, we are going to Japan for about ten days and I was just putting right in my itinerary and it's going to be quite busy.

Japan Trip Plans

We organize some Japan trip offline meetups. We have the FSL night, we have some music festival we are attending, and also we're going to have the panel for the webex main event. Wow. Super cool. Can't wait to see you with our community there. And talking of cool stuff, we've got something extra special for everyone listening live today. We are dropping three exclusive activation codes, each packed with two step and go sneakers. So these are like golden tickets to join step and go right now. And they're up for grabs only during this time, so please listen carefully. Also, don't forget we'll be dropping the Galaxy password later on, so please do stick around. Now let's jump into our first big topic, something I think everyone's excited about, which is the release of step and go house system earlier this week. This is a huge milestone for us and honestly one of the most important features we put out there simply because this is where we're letting everyone join step and go.

Explaining the House System

So no more barriers, just an easy way to get in on the action. And this feature is designed to bring in more people without any of the typical crypto headaches. Jan, why is that? Can you just explain for everyone, please? Okay, so I think I want to start with the design logic behind having a house system. So people know in very early stage we have the rental system we wanted to put in, but eventually we didn't because we thought that's going to be, that's going to create issues when people are not using the sneaker, you know, where the system goes by this. But now we have a very clear picture of what we're going to do. So this is the way we are trying onboard the web. Two user with zero friction. So in order to introduce the house system properly, we actually have, we actually build the FSID first. And also we have optimized the login process, which we improved in the latest update.

User Experience and Onboarding

So people can just use their email, get a code, then log in immediately, and then they can create a wallet. And also for the house itself, guests can use the earning to eventually become, let's say either a buddy or a host and continue to onboard user. Again, the idea is to have them onboarding the app with zero cost in the beginning. In order to do this, we also have to sort out the gas issue because in the OG step people have to have sold Solana in order to make the transactions, which is a little bit also difficult for the web two user to understand. They can't wrap their head around of what is the gas and why they need the gas and where they get the gas. So now we are using the GDT token as a gas so that the token they earn will be able to swap into the GMT, then buy the sneaker, then transfer back to the spending account. At ease.

Infrastructure and Game Process Simplification

So in order to actually have a very smooth web to use onboarding process, we actually have to resolve a lot of infrastructure level difficulty first. And the second design logic we are trying to implement is we try to further simplify the game process because we have received a lot of feedback for people who never played the game. So they don't know how to repair, they don't know how to level up, they don't know how to do the jams. So all this has all been removed from the common sneaker. And also we further simplified the guest experience. So in the house system, the guests will not be affected by the fitness level. So otherwise they will question why the earning drop down, then go back up. So we try to make the app super simple, super intuitive, so that all the webpoo user can use the product without any difficulty. They naturally, intuitively understand how to use it.

Roles in the House System

So that is a design logic ultimate web two onboarding in our mind. And now we want to talk about more on the house system itself. So we have a lot of community actually questions of the different, say, roles for the user. So the user will have three different roles, right? One is the body. So to define who is the body. So the body are the people guarding the app through the alpha draw, or they have one, sneakers. They are considered as buddy and for the future user, right, they can only get in as a guest. So they cannot get in as a body. So that is the body. The body can access to the house by complete the house quest by burning to energy and also burning to sneakers. Or the body can become a guest.

Unlocking Roles in the House System

So this is the feature we're going to make available in the next update. So basically the body will have a place where they can enter the activation code and then they'll become the guest. So once they become the guest, their asset will be locked until they exit the agreement with their host. So this is the first role, which is the body. So either the body can become the host or it can become a guest. And now we're going to talk about the host. So in order to become the host, you have to be a buddy, right? And the host cannot return to the guest or buddy. So this is very important that once you turn yourself into a host, you cannot be gifted by somebody else. Sneakers.

Host Restrictions and Community Feedback

You can only give away a sneaker, or you can only gift sneaker to some, to other people. And I also, we have a lot of questions asked if they can rent the soulbound sneaker. This is actually technically impossible. You have to actually mint the non soulbound sneaker in order to rent it. We also have updated our UI UX to show which sneaker is locked and which one is leveling and which one can be rented with. We have took community feedback, so originally we can now get people to level up while they are renting away the sneaker. And now people can level up while the sneaker is rented. So I think this is an easier way for both the guest and the host. The other question we're receiving is how the activation code system work.

Activation Code Mechanism

So for the people that haven't generated enough, say, Minkota or GDT. So basically you consume ten energy and you get one activation code. And until this code is used, there will be no new activation code being generated. And once you have an activation code and also you have minted sneaker, then you can start to put together, let's say, agreement. And then you send the code to somebody, they enter the code, they get a sneaker, they can start working on running. So all the energy that you assign to this guest will be upfront took away from you and then refund it back to you once the agreement expires. We also have done some modification to how the energy cap works.

Modifications to Energy System

So now if a guest, sorry, if a host have two energy, the host can only share two energy to the guest. If the host have full energy, then the host can share two, three, four energy to the guest. So this way, I think, eliminate some loopholes. So basically, if you want to share more energy, you also have to have more energy as a energy cap, as a host.

Introduction to the Host and Guest System

So that is about for the host. And the last row is the guest. So the guest, what we're trying to create for the guest is it will be super easy for them to onboard. So once they put in the email code, they get into the app, they put in the code, and that's it. The only thing you need to worry about is you need to talk to the host if you want to renew, so it could be renewed, or if you're not happy with the host, you can wait until the agreement expires and you find somebody else to give you the code and be their host, also be their guest. So it is ultimately very easy process. You will have a place to enter the activision code over and over again. So that if you decided to stay as a guest. So I think this is took a bit longer to explain, but I try to answer a lot of questions for people so that the whole system is super clear when people are using it.

System Functionality Overview

Yes, very detailed and very helpful. Thanks, Jan. And just to summarize, for everyone, basically, house system has two distinct guests and buddies. As a host, you can lend your sneakers to guests for a limited period and share your earnings with buddies. The difference is that you permanently gift your sneakers to buddies. And then there's a third semester. If you weren't part of the alpha draw and cannot open a house yourself, that's where the activation code comes in. So now yarn. How does one find this magical activation code to get started? Okay, okay. So people will find in the beginning, they really need a solid friendship with the host in order to receive an activation code.

The Demand and Supply Dynamics

I think I will just have a little bit forecast of what will happen. So as the app become progressively visible after the beta version, I think people were starting to pay attention of this app and people will say, okay, I cannot be the host, I can only be the guest. To be the guest, I have to get a code. They will on social media asking for a code. You will certainly see a lot of people asking the code either in, I say, telegram or other places, line WeChat and. But there won't be enough activation code. You know, there won't be enough, say, energy consumption to get one code, and there won't be enough sneakers. So they will try to get a code by any means they can, because they can see maybe the return school, maybe, you know, people like to see what's going on and this will become, make the second goal more visible, and then it'll be even harder to get the cold with more people wanting to get in and need in the energy.

Market Insights and Future Trends

The sneaker also going to be in high demand because you want to, you know, get the code, put a sneaker, rent it away, or you want to burn the sneaker, get more energy so that you can make more in Cola. So either way, this will lead to people to want to be the host, because that's the fastest way you can make sneakers. And everybody will, with ability to become the host, will definitely want to add five guests to their house to maximize the production speed of the sneakers where they can burn it or we can use it. So demand will consistently be bigger than supply for what I assume because the new energy system need to burn the sneaker. And when you are renting away five sneakers at four energy per day, you're looking at 20 energy consumption on top of yours, maybe 24 energy consumption daily.

Onboarding and Growth Projections

And this means maybe every three to four days you need to burn a sticker. So either way, I think we will have massive tractions in the beginning and because this is zero friction for web two onboardings, it will be only I think, few months we will achieve exponential growth. So I think in the first three months it will be very difficult to get a code. It's probably going to reserve for close friends and families. And in about four to six months it will be quite fairly easy to accessible a code, but I think we'll still be reserved to, say real world friends. And maybe in seven to nine months people are selling to people with code online. Online friends. So that's roughly a forecast of the code. Activision code progress.

User Experience and Host System

Design Balance and Thrilling Experiences

That's also an issue which we see in the early stage of step one, that some loopholes where people can just use in one gem. On several accounts, we're looking at very holistically the design of the rollstone and gems to make the whole game balanced and also much less inflatable. Wow. Can't wait to see all these new features in action. And speaking of taking things, also, it's gonna be. It's also gonna be very sort of, I think, thrilling experience because we also took our learning from, let's say, open the sneaker box, full boxes, and in the mystery box or the jam upgrade, people can level up twice. So, meaning that it's almost like you open a common full box, you get a rare sneaker. So there will be possibility where you, let's say. Let's say cut level one gems, and then you get level three gems. Sorry. You cut level one roll stone, get level three gems. But they also going to be case where you cut level two gems. Sorry, level two rollstone, you get level one gems. So there will be a lot of this type of gamified experience, make it more sweet. So that's another learning we had and we implemented in the product.

Celebrating Ecosystem Growth

Thanks, Jan. That was very helpful. And to be honest, there is so much going on in the FSL ecosystem right now that I couldn't be prouder. I was reviewing the work yesterday for this month, and it felt like a year's worth of work. So moving on, Mabel, I'm going to bring you in because we've now rolled out Stepngo's first Genesis sneakers with one of our biggest partnerships to date. So tell us about this shockingly great partnership with G Shock, please. Namingly, it's called shock, so it's definitely shockingly great. Thank you, Sheeti. We are definitely very excited about this one. And I would be very honest that this is probably something at this level that even ourselves were so surprised and impressed that it moved so fast. We started the discussion back in April, and then now, as you can see, we finished all the design and have tons of back and forth, and then was able to bring the first ever step and go Genesis sneakers to the world. So we are extremely delighted about this one.

Celebrating the Partnership with G Shock

Yeah, I think G shock, a lot of people know it globally as the most or one of the most famous Casio watch brand. I know some people call it Casio. I still call it Casio, but, yeah, you get it. And honestly, it's one of the biggest collapse we've ever done. The huge name of Casio in the global watch industry, or I should say all sorts of mechanical industry, is very big. So teaming up with them is massive win for us, for sure. So I think for the audience, if you have missed the announcement, we are rolling out the very first batch of step and go genesis sneakers. And I know a lot of you have been asking about when these would drop. So, yeah, like, here they are. Right. We've created 800 Genesis sneakers, and each with a unique design for every sneaker type, and all inspired by the iconic G shock watches, especially. Especially their G squat sports line, which is something that they're very proud of and would love to put a big emphasis on.

Unique Design Features and Inspirations

So I think for those who are not familiar, who are familiar with G Shock, I think you might recognize that they have used some of their most famous models for us to inspire and create the sneakers. For example, the jogger sneakers takes cues from the G shock GBD 300. And then the runner. The runner is influenced by the GBD H 2000. Both the Walker and the trainer have been designed from G shock DW H 5600. So these are the inspiration of the design. So a lot of people were asking in the community that, what's special about, you know, G shock Genesis? And honestly, the biggest answer I want to give is the design, I would say, is truly unique. And in seeing it, you know, being done back and forth and then seeing the final product, we are all very impressed by the pure art part of it. So, yeah, like, it's quite a design journey. We have to say that the Casio team did a really awesome job.

Excitement for Future Partnerships

Like, their dedication, creativity, truly brought these design to life. So I think the whole team is extremely excited about the co op. Absolutely. As you know, I'm personally a fan of these designs from day one. So for everyone listening who is as hyped as I am, shall we spill the beans? And how can they get their hands one of these genesis makers? Yes. So let me explain the rules a little bit more. I think you've probably seen. If you have not, please do check our twitter. Sorry, our x post. So we're doing a raffle mint on more starting on August 26 until August 30. And as I mentioned, there are 800 genesis seekers getting raffled, 200 per day, and then a ticket price of 10,000 GMT. But I think what's more excited is that what's more exciting is that it's the first time ever that you can enter the raffle using GMT on whichever chain you prefer.

Further Details Regarding Raffle Participation

I want a caveat, though. It's pgmt egmt or solana GMT binance. GMT does not include it. So I've seen some discussion on twitter, so I wanted to explain this. So it's the polygon ethereum and solana GMT. And so we just rolled out this new feature on more, so the timing couldn't better. And then as usual. You can also use FSL points to participate in the raffle and have the rate up from the FSL points as well. Wonderful. I think a huge shout out to our dev team for making this multiple chain GMT available on polygon, ethereum and solana. This partnership is a huge step forward, not just in Stepngo's journey with launching a genesis, but in our continued effort to bring in the best of web two and web three ecosystems to step in and step and go.

Future Initiatives and Events

And this time with Casio's massive reach. And we have something brewing as well. Maple, can we talk about the next partnership? I don't think so. Well, I mean, if I were on this spot, then, like, I'm trying. I'm going to not let yon say any alpha, but now I'm on the spot. So I think, yeah, the next one is going to be big as this one. As big as this one. But honestly, there's, you know, the details cannot be shared right now. So what I can say is that it's coming very soon and it will be worth a. The weight. And actually, may I ask a little bit more on the raffle detail? I think I dropped that as well just now. So in addition to the GMT that's being participated in the raffle, I would also emphasize that there's a bunch of rate up tokens which include the gas zero genesis badge, the super useful eggs, the Mord step in Genesis sneakerhead, and also more trading level five, and Casio's virtual g shock.

Community Engagement and Events Recap

There are two NFT for them, the rate up, as everyone, probably whoever have participated in the past, knows, that it's all stacked up. And then there's a daily limit of one sneaker per day per account. So I think those are some of the things that people are keen to learn about the details. So I think might as well just mentioned here as well. Wonderful. I think it's a good time to announce the second activation code for this town hall. Mabel, would you like to do the honors, please. Wow, this is very challenging. Okay, let me try. The second activation code is lowercase B, uppercase v, three, lowercase rhino, uppercase z, zero. Let me repeat it again. Lowercase B, uppercase v, three, lowercase r, uppercase z, zero. Yep. Wonderful. Good job. All right, it's dropped in the town hall chat as well, for clarity. Lovely.

Recap of Recent Events

Now let's move on to our next topic and sort of have a throwback at some of the highlights of the last month. We had Stepn games, which was our own take of social events to celebrate the Olympics with four different events. And thank you to everyone who participated in it. The community really seemed to enjoy it, giving us some of the biggest views and engagements on our socials. And there was some serious impressive performance. So thank you very much for that. Yon, did you get a chance to participate in any of the events? Actually, no. I was traveling, and I probably gonna miss the rapun as well because I'm gonna be leaving for Japan on the 24th. How to buy it from the market. Ouch. I know. I mean, the window on our activities are getting so very tiny. Yesterday I was in a series of meetings and I completely missed the mochi freement event. And we should talk about that in just a few moments.

Upcoming Significant Events

Carrying on with Stepn. The Stepn games were just a warm up before our next big event because as you know, what comes after August, it's time for step and Amber. So in a few weeks, we shall be celebrating the anniversary of Stepan Og with Stepanember three. And I can already tell you that you guys gonna love it. And that would be just for the online events, of course. We're not going to stop just there. And we have a bunch of awesome offline events as well, organized by our champions, our pioneers, and our goers. And there's some cool meetups in Taipei where Jan participated already. And we will also see some great events in Medin and Moscow. Jan, do you want to give a primer on when the next offline events are happening so people can tune in?

Detailed Overview of Upcoming Offline Events

Okay, so there will be a lot, actually. So we will have several offline events coming up. So first will be the Florianopolis in Brazil on August 25 for an event organized by the caliber. And then at the end of the month, I'll be in Tokyo for a range of events during the webex. So the webex will be held on the 28th and 29th, and we will also have the FSL night on the 29th, I believe, the crypto music festival. I've been asked to sing for five minutes, so I need to practice on that. That's going to be on the 31st. And also we have the Japan offline event, which we are planning now. So we're going to pick a city to go. Then we will have a meet up in Minsk on the 8 September, where Tasiana will be at international Minsk Half Marathon.

Looking Ahead at Future Engagements

And we are also hosting two events on September 15, one in Lisbon, where we can catch up with the lore trail and fire launcher, and the other one in the Hasushima for the third step and monster event. And finally, I'll be speaking at Singapore on September 18 for the token 2049. And then we have another few panels at the brick fund Barcelona in Singapore as well. So there are going to be a lot of opportunity to meet up, distribute some code in the coming weeks and months. Wow, that's a lot of stuff going on. We give a heartfelt shout out to all of our community, especially our champions, pioneers, and Goersen, who are doing an amazing job putting these events together. Thank you, guys.

Community Support and Event Accessibility

And if you don't want to miss out any of these events, we have also created a dedicated page on the step and go website so where you can see all the upcoming online and offline events, complete with the details on dates and registration. So please do check it out and you can plan ahead.

Introduction to Sticker Collection Perks

Now, we're inching towards the end, but we have one more topic to cover on step inside. And I know a lot of you have asked this question before, and I'm sure you'll be excited about this one. We're talking about the perks of the sticker collection holders from the alpha draw. I know there's so many of them out there, and this is something you've been waiting for. So, yon, can we please drop an update on this topic now?

Sticker Collection Benefits Explained

Yes. Do you know why Jarrett's not here today? Because I can say the Alpha. So people were asking what to do with stickers, right? So, you know, were reserving up until now because, you know, the design team was very busy. And so if you collected the full of the FSL sticker, six out of the six, you will have a sneaker border special design airdrop to you in your second goal. And if you collect twelve out of the twelve of the sneaker sticker, you will have a special background airdrop to you. And if you collect the meme sticker, which is 24 out of the 24, you will have a customized result sharing page. So that will be the three benefits, I think, for people that collecting the full sticker. And we will get that down as soon as we can.

New Game and Community Interaction

Wonderful, right? So just before we get on to the community, question, something that I was referring to earlier yesterday, we launched another fun little game on Mua, our own mini game, of which the Freeman collection was already minted out in a matter of minutes. I couldn't even get the time to hop on from the meetings and mint it. But wait, we've got so much more to come. So, Mabel, do you want to drop some alpha on Mochi and just tell us what it is about.

Overview of Mochi Mini Game

Sure. So Mochi is a super fun and on chain mini game. We just launch on more. The goal here is really to promote healthy habit by letting people earn and collect rewards every day. Right? You can think of it as a virtual pet on but on blockchain you can interact with it, level it up, customize it with different design elements. But what's really cool about this is that your mortgage tab, which is your cute little character that you have, gives you priority access to some events and experiences within our ecosystem. I mean, what those are, I cannot save for now, but you'll find out very soon. And then also as you level up, you can earn rewards and even generate invite codes to bring your friends into the game for free. So that's a very good way to grow the community and to make the whole experience more interactive. Yeah.

Launch of Evolved Hero

And by the way, gas hero, in light of celebrating the launch of Morqi, we also launched the evolved hero at the same time. Wonderful. And tap, for those of you don't know, stands for token as apps. And yet another new innovation that we bring along with the partner, smartlayer to MoA. And how can the users get their first mochi tap? Mabel. Yeah, so the official launch happened on August 20, two days ago, and automorchy have already been minted. Similar to you, I actually did not have time to mint at all, so I did not have anything. But I've seen, like, there's quite a few trading volumes already on more. So that's exciting.

Customization and Care of Mochi

So for now, until users unlock their invite codes, you can buy a mort fee on a more market place. You can also start customizing your mortgage before minting it. And then you'll need to keep it in shape by doing things like giving it an energy drink, hitting the gym, waking up with a coat, shower, etcetera. Just like what you do with step and go. It's all about making sure your mortgage is in top form, just like how you did it for yourself. And here's the fun part. Right when you reach certain levels, like 10, 20, 30, you unlock some pretty sweet perks. And I'll let you discover these for yourself. But there is a little bit of alpha that I can share. Now, I strongly recommend you head over to UT because something cool is coming very soon.

Activation Code and Special Wrap-Up

Nice. So that's some alpha out there. Thank you, Mabel. I shall repeat, this is a new twitter, sorry, x handle called, so you should find out more about that there. All right, wonderful. So much that we have covered today. And honestly, it feels like we haven't even scratched the tip of the iceberg. But that's just how episode rolls. Right before we jump into the community questions, I know people have been waiting for the last activation code. It's been dropped into the chat of time hall in three, two, one. Now, Jan, please, do you want to do the honors of announcing it?

Community Questions and Clarifications

Okay, so the last quote is lowercase c and large case k, number six, lowercase r, and larger case j. The last number is number eight, so repeat is ck six, rj, eight with the c and r in lowercase and k and j in the larger case. That's it. Wonderful. So those were six step and go sneakers and three proud winners enjoying two of them each. Let's also wrap up the galaxy passwords before we get on to the community questions. The password for today, very topical, is house. I repeat once again, all in lowercase H, a U S. House. Right.

Addressing Guest Accounts and NFTs

Let's start with some of the questions as users of Santin. The first one, Jan, can a guest with an existing sneaker, for example, somebody who's won a giveaway, still receive an invitation code from a host via the house system? And then what would happen to the sneaker or a guest limited to the accounts that have never logged in before? Okay, so we realized that for people, that, for example, a buddy want to be the guest. So we are now designing a new entry window where people can enter the activation code and turn themselves into the guest.

Important User Journey Information

So there's few things I want to reiterate. So, one is that if you become a host, you cannot become guest or buddy. And also, if you have a sneaker and you enter the code and you become a guest, your NfT will be locked until you become a buddy again, meaning that the agreement contract, for example, elapsed, expire, will not be renewed by you. Then you can access your NFT again. So this is the current user journey, and we will make it available from the next update. Wonderful. Very good question.

Soulbound Sneakers and Renting

Second one, are the sneakers won in the alpha draw and previous giveaways soulbound? Yes. So other than the Casio genesis Nft, old Nft now are soulbound. Sorry, other than the Casio NFt, and then the minted NFT, all the rest are soulbound. Wonderful. Can solbound sneakers be rented to guests? No. All right.

Minting Availability and User Experience

If I open the shoeboxes I want during the alpha testing, once the common uncommon sneakers are available, do I have a chance to get an uncommon sneaker? Ask someone. Okay, technically, yes, but the player will miss a lot of fun because we don't even know when we're gonna open the uncommon sneaker and the mystery box system. So it could be months and months afterwards. Very creative. Does guests have a fitness level? If no, what is their earnings? Great. Good question.

Guest Earnings and Fitness Levels

So now guests will not have the fitness level and they will have 100% earning. Always. Good. Are there any plans to implement step and go on smartwatches? Yes. So there is plan. But I think all the plan we are making now will be after the beta go live. Good things come with time.

Game Availability Between Test Phases

Will there be a period of time when the game will be unavailable between the end of the alpha test and the start of the beta test? If so, what will happen to the fitness levels? Okay, so we are aware of say people with two sneakers. If they run all of their energy they. And then the beta is still not available, they will have the finished level regression. So currently our plan is to get the beta life before that happens. So I think user will have a intro experience.

Ensuring Continuity for Users

They will. So at the current. I think from what I'm looking at now, all the scheduling and all the progress we are. I think we are good people will be able to access beta before the energy run out. Wonderful. I am going to now take the last question as I scroll down.

Minting with Same Side Sneakers

So minting with same side sneakers was enabled for a limited time. But for all the users that only have two energy daily they won't be able to mint during alpha test since there is not enough time to fill the requirements. So is there a chance to extend the period of time? Good question again. Okay, so we, as I said, so we don't really have, you know, the big, you know, distinction between the alpha beta.

User Experience During Transition Period

So we want user have like a smooth user experience. By smooth user experience I mean they don't feel we are progressing through alpha to beta to open beta. So go back to the question is that we want people to mint as many sneaker as possible. Because once open beta there definitely going to be a lot of people coming in. So it wouldn't help the case if we say oh wait the time for same size sneaker minting then we wouldn't have a lot of sneaker for sale. So we definitely will extend if we see the situation Fitzhe to get as many sneaker as possible for the open beta.

Closing Remarks and Community Thanks

Wonderful. Thank you so much Jan for answering all those questions so crisply. Just key action and takeaways because this was a hugely information power packed town hall number one. Four days to go for g shock mint to begin. So stay tuned on our socials for all the raffle mechanics. Number two, house system is already live, so tune into our discords to get that magical activation code. Number three, if you want to check out our mini game, check more our marketplace for more Qi nfts. Last but not the least, a lot offline and online events coming up with Stepanember, as well as yarns meetup.

Community Acknowledgment and Special Thanks

So you can stay tuned on our FSL website or step and go website event page, not to mention the Stepng Go Twitter account, x account and FSL x account. I really want to thank our community for standing by us through this alpha test, and we are going to unveil something special with beta that's going to come. I really want to thank our champions, goers, and pioneers for being with us. And last but not the least, Jan, Mabel, thank you so much for all the alpha drop today.

Final Words

Thank you, thank you. It's been a pleasure. All right, wish you everyone a good day. Ciao.

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