Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Status Partners with Linea to Launch L2 Rollup and Open Source the Linea Stack hosted by ethstatus. The collaboration between Status and Linea to launch L2 Rollup and open-source the Linea Stack marks a significant step in revolutionizing decentralized crypto communication. By introducing scalability through L2 Rollup and promoting transparency via open-sourcing, the partnership aims to enhance various app features like Communities, Messenger, Wallet, and Browser, ultimately providing a comprehensive ecosystem for users and developers. This initiative not only fosters innovation but also emphasizes community involvement, essential for the sustained growth of decentralized platforms.

For more spaces, visit the Development Agency page.


Q: What is the focus of the Status and Linea partnership?
A: The focus is on revolutionizing decentralized crypto communication and enhancing various app features.

Q: How does the introduction of L2 Rollup benefit users?
A: L2 Rollup brings scalability and efficiency improvements to crypto transactions.

Q: Why is open-sourcing the Linea Stack significant?
A: Open-sourcing promotes transparency, community engagement, and collaborative development.

Q: What features are being enhanced within the app?
A: Features like Communities, Messenger, Wallet, and Browser are being improved for a better user experience.

Q: What opportunities does the partnership bring for developers?
A: Developers can engage with open-source projects and efficiently build decentralized applications using the Linea Stack.

Q: Why is community involvement crucial in decentralized platforms?
A: Community engagement is vital for the success and sustainability of decentralized ecosystems.

Q: How does the partnership contribute to ecosystem growth?
A: The partnership creates a more robust ecosystem by offering comprehensive solutions for users and developers.


Time: 00:15:45
Introduction of L2 Rollup Exploring the benefits and impact of L2 Rollup for crypto transactions.

Time: 00:25:12
Open-Sourcing the Linea Stack The significance of transparency and community involvement in open-sourcing projects.

Time: 00:35:30
Enhanced App Features Details on the improvements in Communities, Messenger, Wallet, and Browser functionalities.

Time: 00:45:17
Opportunities for Developers How developers can engage with open-source projects and build decentralized applications efficiently.

Key Takeaways

  • Status and Linea collaboration aims to innovate decentralized crypto communication.
  • Introduction of L2 Rollup offers scalability and efficiency benefits for crypto transactions.
  • Open-sourcing the Linea Stack promotes transparency and community contribution.
  • Enhancements in features like Communities and Messenger elevate user experience.
  • Wallet and Browser functionalities provide a comprehensive ecosystem for users.
  • The partnership creates opportunities for developers to engage with open-source projects.
  • Leveraging the Linea Stack supports building decentralized applications more efficiently.
  • Community involvement is crucial for the success and sustainability of decentralized platforms.

Behind the Mic

Initial Greetings

Sadeena. Sadeena, Sadeena. Sadeena, Sadeena. Okay. Hello. I think that's. Okay.

Conversation Topics

Nah Hangan said Asian Jingwan. How are you. Daniel? Okay now, so das AI dong xing fantasia dong Xing B like is. AI the buffer now. Man Jesa lighting aries I o the killer mo. Hello, hello to Shirley Killer marketing woman champion lime and AI the limit should be on the chug on tag Rahul yeah. Joshua on Zozan found.

Questions and Responses

How she died now. Mandesha lighting Reinhard no coin up official. Hello, hello. Wash partner Ray Rahul was officer branding Rahul Hayo media fancy on the guns. Rahul Mashe, Rahul Muti and travel Hong Kong. Yeah, should show the pajama pajato shoulder munchipen like yeah. Shami and listing dara yeah.

Cultural References

Hello, hello. Nazi Jingxina Bioshu how the Shihona Emcaiga Sunni and faith hang you up. Susan EMC Raha Jinx EMC. Hi Shalming, Shenzhen go ting nobody hello. So I don't see woman Shang things no send Jingxing hollow until link ding how mangande Jalanga sing the song san suing fung now was ninja deeping Daniel Nakan shangza lu gun chango fang hoyo song.

Further Discussions

Joe Tongyang. Yeah. Bong Joe Sao maniping santa mo shri this and dping and zhao iota drop yangola iota dpan you like and hold. Yeah. AI this year more single day go yeah, for me. And they are gonna have license. Luma hold on. Do it. Say your. So this.

End of the Meeting

Is Rahul Shi guan Rahul. Okay, you had a decent jacob. AI that should face on air the don't say she bowman. This is. And do the fancy ufa. So that is a so cheat. And yeah, I cannot sing a deep sanguine nangyang.

Conversation about Perceptions

Yeah, she don't see Huan Chofan way they say jefang bb okay. Nadiru iga nang yang guami sitong ja shirt not like tongue. AI the shi chuhu taputin kingdom bang yeah, song ying take a song tai.

Inquiries about Relationships

How she calling up? How should you woman like? Yeah, depending how hash tati and yeah, bomb but yo, cash, do her shooting the journey Kanye children get t shirom b and yeah, jiggle true the conjugal handle then the nikon, but she's always here. Junior drone tongue within jacobian training and hoshi and romantic.

Explaining Complex Situations

How is this? Yeah, so just about. And t shank found Jabian where Hang Gan Xing Jacob. So Julie, the igalai just is that deeping Juchian nanikana power ni tai o baba it portfolio the ignition iga shunyan jada gao nah ja jinga ego e woman conducting the ego Shunyan network guang fan do you and the ig shiny Nayong J shudder just yong huai bang woman Shinyang chan sudden iga shinyan how the iga Fuju is how the iga shining the iga jeko bang judge tadon and go Yong who they got yoga now?

Casual Remarks

Yolo Dong D Pin like Bangdore. Uda tiao Zhang AI her deeping the jihoi naho canon. Chisua just move on to the nah dance just diego Tam shiny so shuyaldo tambala jiang tamakanan bushang xinghua shinyan omakay xiandoi shinyan ji xianga yu shinxi shu qingxi ping ho yongku like shi zhua so it took a while she shot and dodge woman yeah Shiny and the Ign Xing Ji shuji pink hunger iga baguan took it.

Discussing Personal Topics

How this day was aigandi Ping just dear her dialysis Hanji her. Love and sure that woman just as well AI joy ego AI choice that's a new way for yourself. Trading learning to hold the chance to sing honey good super cute.

Contemplation and Interpersonal Dynamics

So you want to send that high shipyards and then ju so jagalia is kind of hall arist rogo yeah. Zhao era jiggle ego puja woman down so zida so hot and shushang shaman Yang Ho Hyo jungle zinger Yang Hanchin Dong Zhong shui and Shirohom and so nickel man bizarre can drone the how Jutong girl would you sure you send a dpo hondura just wakong Yan jinga don't show the piao Jong.

Reflections on Relationships and Time

How this year will kind of song my lord. Shamiya space and gaya churchya that's how you so you show guy the hua so you go Mahira. Jolly overdem how na ya hi nagang tao AI gonna take a family up Jabin Tong zhao Zao do like so nima Hui kandao Zhang ho shu jama Ping don't say Xiang.

Personal Growth and Individual Choices

Join shorty and 70 dash woman Tong yeah woman dependent woman Ben Shan shuan here but AI bullish in yeah and dosh we say who the jiggle should I be to be dimmy the you gotta say about you and chung yeah Bc shoot holes but yellow jiggle and shama jiggle san you see you and listen bara hose task malin and Kai ashama could be so good.

Emotional Insights

Happy woman cassiam like sholoha dependence hash. Percent. Of and back his. Father. Yeah. Just before. Yeah. Should jao dow Joe sam jim you tell what you know. Should I go push and tell you how to shirt.

Additional Thoughts

How she and theta be and just so aid pingdong J shamuda jeho nima nashao j. Okay, now. Tiao taba chimina saban the hua the EMC without a tiao. Dan who woman the EMC habit. Now also it's a can dad. And just yao shirts don't sing hard. Sing Sing negative. Now how aid pinda? Some young yonika she don't see. Hunting, filing. Not so.

Concluding Statements

Yeah, so the she.

Initial Exchanges

Yeah. Lee young tao zigga sample le young shin not so ni just a woman. Do you take a so? Yeah. Ching one emcan dao hondo ji so family and one tina can and Toru AI horses chong xing zhou na tung juan on. Okay. Naho, she's a dozen one team. Now that I know, just canonical so that sang out she tai j kong chi dang zong she damo said yeah, lung treatment. Now just face and how the one tao decay. Ruha Leona Singh EMC Natal Dora hatches on the IGA. Hold on. Okay, now it's EMC. Solar AI JD p naho emca gpu ling the fool. So in a woman, the soyuz who don't take a side out. Aid pin chip powder guan yu xiangyang, chile.

Discussion on Women and AI

Now, how does I ting the soy samu fundamentally and EMC rahul pingwei. Yeah, how Rahul? Yeah, just a shang motor raha ton sujana sister woman EMC the Jinh ruler gada xian one zb and amazing. She saw the grand jiha tong. Suzanna luku so they say tashuzana has okay father motion ye tongue was. She says so tangy that how she. Join. How the time refang out? Sing arithmetic end. How to say just cavalry. Baha soyuk yoda sam santo gpu IO the Sam zo chit had layer one dodo hash and Zanali hotel it so yeah, mama Donald tongue we said sugihave stock shaman.

Technical References

How this area is gongenhouse. The put on egg. Hold on, now. Hold on. Lstm the network now. How like dapa dao two iga suju fancy the iga Jego dani and check GBT hold a secret of gold. So it's honey shielding. So niji like kaifa yongho the ego beijing the yongho they got trap out Dan Ruko so nigerian shin and convert now xinyo the iga shisho naja so bishi Jian Changuan deepen the iga yong to is it a Shi Fang Shanghai gong jumpsu near bishop today.

Complex Sentences and Discussions

For Shao Xing when Sa young who don't. Hold on the jaw xiang ganja hasiga chandao sudha so the dao yeah moshing the sha chipae okay don't need the iga jie go dance the haji suji ku shun Zhao Shanghai was Moho country LSTM the network has okay Gunji go through the Igao Qian or the Iga Chen Zhang or Sudha Zhang there for sibu Sing with some other in Su so gay Dao woman hold on Poi Jin the igali kaijin d bushang lstm the network shiny and Jego the igao so it Yong Huang mo gun so don't do any but yeah, indo you so yeah jego suju sami got ching shi they got Dong zo now took a host chi shuji like it how joy took a hard joy jso hose woman Ping Dai shami and the Hua ganji.

Final Thoughts

Jihuki Yongda Ziggur Mo sing and Ziggler in Yongo naja sauce nihoi and ego kaifa naho tasha kai hosuh in yong na hoyo nao zhang wolenne it. Hello, hello. Xiaomi. Woman gender you take a good known for country and so woman known for tongue shall you go to but so that you see the whole base and jiggle. But you know woman like I'm blue should depend how yeah. Do you jiggle depends on but yeah. But you know whole chance you know and. Don'T but yeah, how hash.

Initial Observations

People see. Shorthand.

AI and Personal Experiences

Sam toy kanho AI and deeping someone so hoikuan zhu samuel. Jungle tara damasium but yeah. So yahoo. Can I jump to the lariat and john the shoot raha taji and daw mando higher Wangenhe yes. Woman jungle Hoya duke and to join the trip.

Character Descriptions

Pingu is. A person surrounded by Emc. Does it emc some of the e in course and Dan Zong now but watches of sangapufunda now. How did they go? They get hang you do I just so the same mother singly rowdy and just kind of shang mo ta who boy bet how thai hash waisthi and so your meal nango yo shout the rank and now that I know this angle is so you can put on like a t shu tapa west defense see the deep boso de abuzo the iga PI sufa now that takayo now hayo chi shi zaigan d pini mean she's a jiang julia juicy one road she don't sing hard fang ho chiang they said page so a tongue for the one t you say they all use and dang zone yun fu me or sang duan hazel put on the fuzzy raha quad shi tongan sing my jew so canal woman yeah, so much now javi so now it is just a woman.

Emotional Reflection

Jing Singh had a full heart. Beijing up and but. How Zhao Ching west the bianchia nijai pingo AI d Ping Shanghai guanzhou nashi. Beating just iga shinya now the iga jacob now just shia your gun daughter iga horse Yong ho yeah. Woman Shiya Dosa and now Diego Justin yeah. So Muka Jama doubt Suji tama Shiny and chasing in her mosing the ego pant nada defi kanji omen. Yeah. Mo Xing tamiyang rugo sangha Yong to defend the AI motion horse Yong Zhao du just jita sua Dorian Desanga Jose they got Jego Dao Shanghai tanks who tamara so seek a how they got deep in Shanghai.

Discussions about Technology

How this was the now this is how when Shabija Vijao Guan one way like team. The Igadai holder Xianga Shanghu soldiers Nangoke Dao ego bija how the shiny and Je gonchard anyway, just share the watch is crypto horse and shuju Dao Xiang Hola mo Xing Chi jinhao jaiga bijan yo has a beyond know Shan Omni kind of shamu Shang Yong dario mo Xing like a panda and chi don't jiggle like and those are dog outer Jin then I don't just choose just like a deeping horse woman Defi Shanghai GP later Josh and shukan Hama like joy delivery.

Cultural Sharing

How she was the now. Tongue shirt young woman, but clear on her should say Sanguan. Sanguanis and Neuroba dodge share well, man, the consequent woman in her. Jedi way, like Rahon and Jason Fang. Yeah. Narrative in the Ji so she said the fangaya bodu and she yoh and ping time face hangnan. Yeah, it's the buddha. Yeah, so it's Ling Ho sing the ego ji so que mohi it's been tongue shin the fine issue so woman naika Hang yeah.

Insights on Interaction

Bowser how sweet pink and I can definitely get you don't sing what a bow saying Ping AI chief and see Gokura Singh like a champing bowser the Suji so Jean Chang I said do you think the air like father now can do? Putting things inside website. Putting things away like now woman in Yao when just.

Discussions on AI Capabilities

Okay, so Sierra Hash yeah. Condemned dosh and yeah. Personalized things like and bound shao Tao dan shuju Shangir Tan Xi on the Jiang Good jiggle. The AI can depend jegaji and 20 higher show you see a jungle woman the yeah. Would they go ego pinh yeah. Bond Junior business click on how should you go 24 those who give down so watch a current official.

Personal Experiences Shared

How this fun Shanghai dieting my own yeah. Bangdan yo zai jose kaifan dash jiha naho siga AI samo naye hawaii ganseha now sanguine China. Woman to be high house and website Shuh Yonghu Qingxu sound the iga gong shu the jiao du rai jiang tao iga bangju now adoption for sukando yongho now jo AI jose bang to da chi jiang di shu Xi and sang zhong fujao yeah. And dad AI the shanghu AI fuku nigger infra for the sum tano nangolai bangdan tai cha ting zong just. Ting taman sang my life nara ruba mel how you can share that up and en C Jenjao dinghando madden it.

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