Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Stargaze Week 133 Creator Chat. Thursday 9/26 at 7 PM UTC. hosted by StargazeZone. Stargaze Week 133 Creator Chat delved into the world of NFT trading on the innovative Stargaze blockchain, known for its zero gas fees and built-in royalties. The session offered valuable insights from renowned creators Bad Kids and Celestine Sloths, highlighting the community-driven approach and $STARS ecosystem. By focusing on technology, community engagement, and supportive environments for creators, Stargaze continues to foster creativity and collaboration while shaping the future of NFT trading.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.

Space Statistics

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Total Listeners: 25


Q: What technology powers Stargaze?
A: Stargaze operates on a Layer 1 blockchain powered by CosmWasm.

Q: How does Stargaze facilitate NFT trading?
A: Stargaze offers zero gas fees for NFT transactions, making it cost-effective for creators.

Q: What is the significance of built-in royalties on Stargaze?
A: Built-in royalties on Stargaze ensure creators receive rewards for their content and incentivize high-quality creations.

Q: Who are some notable creators within the $STARS ecosystem?
A: Prominent creators like Bad Kids and Celestine Sloths are active participants in the Stargaze platform.

Q: How does the community contribute to Stargaze's success?
A: The community's engagement and support are crucial for the growth and prosperity of Stargaze.

Q: What role does the $STARS token play in the Stargaze ecosystem?
A: The $STARS token is an essential component within the Stargaze ecosystem, facilitating various transactions and interactions.

Q: How does CosmWasm integration benefit Stargaze?
A: CosmWasm integration enhances the functionality and overall performance of the Stargaze blockchain.

Q: What opportunities do creator chat sessions like Stargaze Week 133 provide?
A: Creator chat sessions offer valuable insights, networking opportunities, and a platform for creators to share experiences.

Q: How does Stargaze support artists and creators?
A: Stargaze provides a supportive environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation among artists and creators.

Q: What drives developments in NFT trading on Stargaze?
A: Continuous innovations in blockchain technology play a significant role in shaping the NFT trading landscape on Stargaze.


Time: 00:08:15
Exploring Stargaze's Unique Blockchain Features Diving into Stargaze's Layer 1 blockchain technology and its benefits for creators.

Time: 00:19:42
Creator Spotlight: Bad Kids and Celestine Sloths Insights from prominent creators within the $STARS ecosystem.

Time: 00:32:09
Community Engagement and Stargaze's Success Highlighting the importance of community support in the Stargaze platform.

Time: 00:45:56
The Role of $STARS Token in Stargaze Ecosystem Understanding the significance of the $STARS token for transactions within Stargaze.

Time: 00:58:20
Innovations in NFT Trading on Stargaze Exploring how Stargaze continues to evolve NFT trading through technological advancements.

Time: 01:12:30
CosmWasm Integration and Blockchain Efficiency Insights into how CosmWasm integration enhances the performance of Stargaze blockchain.

Time: 01:28:04
Value of Creator Chat Sessions on Stargaze The benefits and opportunities provided by engaging in creator chat sessions like Stargaze Week 133.

Key Takeaways

  • Stargaze operates as a Layer 1 blockchain utilizing CosmWasm technology.
  • Unique feature of zero gas fees for NFT transactions on Stargaze.
  • Built-in royalties on Stargaze enhance creator rewards and incentivize quality content.
  • Bad Kids and Celestine Sloths are prominent creators within the $STARS ecosystem.
  • The community plays a vital role in the success and growth of the Stargaze platform.
  • Stargaze provides a supportive environment for artists, fostering creativity and collaboration.
  • The $STARS token serves as a key element within the Stargaze ecosystem.
  • Innovations in blockchain technology continue to drive developments in NFT trading.
  • CosmWasm integration enhances the functionality and efficiency of the Stargaze blockchain.
  • Creator chat sessions like Stargaze Week 133 offer valuable insights and networking opportunities.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Welcome

Good afternoon everyone. I hope you guys are having a good day. We will start here in a minute as more people come on in. All right, looks like we got you on Peachey. Welcome. Hey there. Great to hear you. I can hear you. Yeah, perfect. Nice, nice. I'll give another second or two for some people to come in here and we'll begin. Okay. Feel free to post anything up in the chat here as well that would be relevant to the project or anything you want to discuss.

Weekly Updates

I think we could go and get started with our updates for the week. So a little update on stardex is liquidity has been increased to 120,000. TVL and routing through skip will be added very soon. Shane will be on a Twitter space with Althea tomorrow to discuss real world assets and the new Astra L two website will be launching soon. So you can get more details there. On the governance side of things, the mint revenue distribution is about to pass. And those are all of our updates today.

Introducing the Featured Creator

So with that, let's go ahead and chat to our featured creator of the week, the Peachy crew. Welcome there, Peachy. How are you? Hello. I am perfect. How about you? I'm doing very great and happy for fall to kind of be here where I'm Athena. Tell us a little bit about who you are and your journey to stargaze.

Peachy's Background

Of course. Actually, I'm starting now. Hello everyone. I want to say that my English is not perfect. Thank you for your understanding. I am Lily and I am 31 years old. I used to be banker, but my heart was never in it. I always knew I had to follow my passion for art. It's been my dream since childhood. Four years ago, I started learning digital art from scratch. And every day I worked so hard to improve myself, I discovered stargaze. Thanks to Maria. Maria, if you are here, thank you so much.

Artistic Journey

So far I have created a lot of artwork, all of them hand drawn. Actually, I am trying a lot of different art styles. So that's all about myself. Feel free to reach out anytime if you have any questions. Now about my collection. Peach crab is my first generative project and I am so excited. Inside of peach crab, the total supply of the collection is 5000 pieces. There are three different forms in the collection. Human form, mermaid form and elf form.

Details of Peach Crab Collection

We have total of 4000 human forms. Of these, 3500 have normal skin tones, I mean almond and ivory. Then 400 have colorful skin tones, pink and blue. And finally 100 gold skin hormone forms which are rare. The remaining 1000 pieces are divided between mermaid and earth forms and they have different skin tones too. About two expectations of the collection actually, I have been an active artist in the web three space piece for three years and I have never left it. The collection already contains many beautiful features.

Future Plans and Challenges

I have an idea about what can I do for the next steps and I will discuss with the team and announce them to you in time. While it's hard to provide specific examples at the moment, but if you want to hear an example, I love creating full body illustration by the way, and I plan to integrate this into picture. You have already seen one full body version, I mean our cover image. Once I have understanding of airdrops and open edition sites, we will see new developments in this area over time.

Whitelist and Oversight

Pitch Crab will be always active collection and you can be sure that I will bring fresh art to keep pitchcraft brands about whitelist well, to be honest, it was entirely my oversight. I was already in a state of panic due to my lack of expertise with metadata. I must say that I could never have completed this collection without any help. Yes, I spent days drawing, but the support I received in the steps following the artwork was really amazing.

Realizations and Mistakes

The team told me about this part but I forgot that option because I didn't know the details so much. I was afraid of making a mistake so I couldn't reorganize it. After everything was done, I see whitelist option on screen. I suddenly sat up and I was shocked. I said no way. How could I forget this? So the mistake was entirely mine. So sorry. Anyway, I am focusing on the positivities.

Mint Day Excitement

I can't wait for the mint day. I mean tomorrow. I am sure PTC will bring smiles to everyone's face in the end. I think I have answered all the questions. If there is a missing part, you can ask. But I may not understand at the point where my English is not enough. So if you have a question in your mind, you can always DM me everyone. That's all I have to say.

Conclusion and Gratitude

I had so much fun drawing to the collection and I am so happy to be part of Stargaze. Thank you for your time. Thank you for listening everyone. Have a good day and happy day. Bye bye.

Naming and Origins

Thanks for the overview there. Peachy, can you tell us where the namesake comes from? Where peachy? How you got the name for Peachy and Peachy crew of course. Where does the name Peachy come from? It is a funny answer I think. But I love peaches and I feel so very positive when I eat them. I thought it was a name that matched my drawings and the pronouns.

Cultural References

Sounds very sweet to my ear. So I decided to use peach for my collection. That's all. Okay, great. Yeah, I think in the west, peachy peach has another connotation which could be a little bit of booty. So it may fit well, too. Yes. But it is totally about fruit. Nor my fruit. Yeah, I mean, I love peaches. I'm here. I live in Texas, and a Texas peach is a very succulent and delicious fruit we get in the summertime here.

Saying Goodbye and Future Thoughts

Okay, I understand you. Okay. But it's a so cute pronounce. I don't know. When I say peach cre, it's so cute to my ear. I hope you like it, too. Yeah, no, yeah, no, I love fruit. You know, there is. I have a random question, actually, and this is one that I like to ask a lot. Do you consider fruit a dessert? I prefer fruits because I am trying to eat healthy.

Culinary Discussions

Yeah. I also consider fruits dessert, but I've had many heated conversations with people who would not consider fruit a dessert. And I think I see west in peace here, maybe raising his hand. He might be one of those folks. Can you tell us when you got involved in art and what the decision was like to switch from doing banking as a full time job to producing art as a full time job?

Transitioning to Art

Actually, it was five years ago. I got some notes for my interview, but my note is done, and now I can. Struggling. Sorry. I started drawing from the secret five years ago, and I am trying to improve myself every day. That's all. I am a self taught artist. I was traditional artist, but I need to learn digital drawing, and here we are.

Language and Communication

So. Sorry. My English not good. No, your English is great. You're very easy to understand, and you're. Answering everything perfectly, because my husband helping me now, he is translating me your questions. Well, he's. He's very fast. Can you tell us about the first collection you made and the challenges in that one and what you've learned from that time?

First Collection Experience

My first collection is my real first collection, it's Pieter Suquat. When I joined this stargaze, I. I want to inspire from this speechless card collection. That name is similar with my old question. I said, I am so loving peachy pronouncing. I redesigned it for stargaze, and I added very elemental cosmos, elemental things on this collection and peach curve. It's done like this.

Community Engagement and Aspirations

Okay, great. And what do you hope to achieve with the community and the mint after, you know, after Friday? What's your goal with the community? Like, I said my interview. I have so much plan for peach craft. I am allowing full body version physics because I am trying so much different styles. I will discuss with the team because I don't know so much. I am trying to learn everything.

Learning and Future Goals

I am learning pace, actually. And when pitch crab means sorry.

Art and Community Integration

I am so struggling now. I love creating full body illustrations and I plan to integrate this into pitchcrap. I mean, open editions, airdrops for pitch cray holders can. Did I explain clear? Yeah, yeah. It sounds like you'll be producing more art and be giving things to people who minted your collection. Is that kind of correct? Yes. Yes.

Impressions of Stargaze Community

What's your impression of the Stargaze community? You said this is new for you. How does it differ from other communities or places you've been in the past? I missed Stargaze with Maria. Maria helped me so much in this station. She told me, is application form for Stargaze. Do you want to application for collection? And I decided to send application. So my history begin. I am sorry. I got some notes Ruben and I read from them when I don't have a note. I am so bad to create sentence. I am sorry.

Overcoming Language Challenges

You're doing great. No worries. I am. You're doing perfect. What would you say was the most challenging thing to launch this particular project? I can answer one thing. Metadata. Metadata is my hardest part. Team was very, very helpful to me. I want help. And they always search, but metadata section is a little bit hard for me. Yeah, I know the metadata can always be challenging. You know, you're trying to create the rarities and putting your favorite traits in there as well. What are some of your favorite traits actually, from this collection?

Traits in the Collection

We have a lot of traits on this collection, but I want to say we have three different forms, not one forms, I mean, human forms, mermaid forms and earth forms. And they have so much traits on, I mean, skin tones, and they have. They have a lot of accessories. And I am trying. Believe me, I am trying now, but I said my English not enough. Accessory sets, bag items, backgrounds, earrings, eyes, glasses, hands. And we have plants in collection.

Artistic Vision and Styles

Human hair, elf hair, mermaid hair, different lip shapes, masks, necklace outfits, set outfits, plaid outfits, and a lot of different sticking tones. Okay, great. I am so bad. So sorry. No, no, you're doing great. I want to go ahead and invite anyone who may have any questions for Petri crew to come up and speak or also leave a comment in the thread and we'll get you guys answered. If you have questions, you can write, because I am so saved with right English because I.

Seeking Help in Communication

I am taking help for AI. AI translate. If you have a different question, you can always dm me or you can always post. You can always ask. I am trying to speak. This is my first big space and sorry for my faults guys, really. I am really trying to speak. No, you're doing great. And the best way to get better at it is just to practice, practice. Thank you.

Traditional Background in Art

You are so kind. It looks like we've got two speakers up here. Let's go and start with DJ Joey. Yeah. Hi Peachy. I was wondering your format that you have for your collection. Is that a format that you will continue to use with further collections? Is it something. I guess it's kind of like a three part question. Have you started thinking about your next collection or are these things that will just evolve with time through the sale of your collection on stargaze?

Current Focus on Existing Collection

Actually DJ, I don't. I am focusing on the peach crab and my previous collection pictures to God. I am not thinking another project for now, but in the future maybe we can do anything for knee projects but I am for now we'll focus on peach career. No, that's great. That's all I wanted to know. Thank you so much for your contribution. My pleasure, my pleasure.

Looking Back on Mistakes

Thank you for asking question. And Weston speaks west in peace. Yeah, Weston speaks. Kind of appropriate though. Hey peachy. Just want to say hi and I saw that you're not doing any like whitelist stuff so it's all public. I think. I think that's cool. I was wondering like the thinking like if you thought about whitelisting like certain collections or not or like what your process was for getting to how you're launching it, if that makes sense.

Dealing with Launch Challenges

I, I say this but I can repeat for you the white listing. It's entirely my fault. I am sorry because I was already in a state of panic due to my lack of expertise with metadata. I must say that I could never have completed this collection without any help. Yes, I spent days drawing but the support I received in the steps following the artwork was really amazing. I am reading my notes after everything is done and I add this. After everything was done, I see whitelist option on screen.

Reflection on Oversights

I suddenly set up and I was shocked. I said, no way. How could I forget this? So the mistake was entering mine. No worries, it happens. Who are you going to whitelist if you were? Or was it just going to be like collecting like addresses from people publicly or were you going to like whitelist a certain collection like maybe one. Maria. Yes, a good question.

Future Plans for Whitelisting

Of course, my previous folders and there are my PTSC folders and anyone in the targets, I mean, Maria's holders and archer soldiers like this. I want to give so much whitelist, but like I said, it's totally my bet. I'm sorry about this, but I am focusing on the positivities. No, I'm sorry. I mean, like, no need to apologize. It's definitely, you know, lots of people make mistakes on when they launch stuff.

Community Support During Launch

I've participated in one that we just kind of pretended like it was intentional so you could always go that way and say it was by design, but cool. Thank you. Fun to watch them in. Thank you so much for your understanding western peace. Thank you for your question. Yeah, thanks a lot. You know, yeah, we've had, I think we've had this issue before with some projects and some creators choose to do, you know, a refund if that's, you know, if that's something you're interested in doing.

Feedback on Project Management

You know, you're also welcome to relaunch the project and we can hide it on the front end, but I know if you've got it up, you may not want to go through that process again, but reach out if that's something you're interested in doing. And I have another question for you as well about your traditional art. You said you started off not doing digital art, right? Doing traditional art.

Journey into Digital Art

Were you drawing, painting, sculpting? What was your original art form? My traditions. Art form. Coming to my childhood, I want so much to do things about drawings. My father said, no, you need to study at the math or anything, like banker or I, anything you need this job. And my drawing history was stopped like this. And I am 31 years old.

Nurturing Artistic Passion

So I thought to myself, it's not too late for anything. You can start driving when you want. And I started digital drawing four years ago. That's all. I hope I can clearly explain. Yeah, yeah, it sounds like you know, you started drawing when you were a kid, and then you had to focus more on traditional academics, and once you were a little bit more settled, you started drawing digitally about four years ago.

Reflections on Growth

And is that when you launched your first collection? About four years ago. Not four years ago. I tried many different styles. I mean, more characters or inspiration from movies or something else. I started drawing four years ago, but my main and real collection is previous collection, pritch skirt. I tried many different styles before them, but when I find my styles, you ask when you find your styles?

Developing Unique Styles

I find size, my width. Oh, my God. I am so bad. Peachy. Sulkat and then peach curve. It's good. I'm sorry. No, no, that's perfect. Yeah. And you said your father kind of wanted you to focus in on maths, right? And economics. What's his impression now that you've been doing pretty much art only, right? I believe.

Parental Perspectives on Artistic Pursuits

Or you still also have the other position? Yes. Now I am full focusing on the art. And what was your family's impression of that? Leaving banking behind to do art? Actually, my father listening conversation and he proud of me.

Personal Journey and Family Support

My airstep, my every but what I doing. He is so proud of me. My family is very safe and very. I don't know, this very kind. And they are supporting me in my every steps.

Community and Connections

That's great to hear. Yeah. We have a relatively robust turkish community as well, so I know they'll get some mints from there. Hopefully that could be a meetup. Do you mind me asking which town you're in or what part of the country. I am from? Istanbul. Okay, great. Yeah. Some of us were there for cosmoverse last year. It would have been great to meet. It looks like we have a question in the thread from Homestead. Where is the best place for the community to meet up? Of course, Stargaze.

Personal Experiences in Web Three

And this journey, I was alone in web three, but the first time I meet with the team, and I work with the team and the helps the support. It was really amazing. And Sturgey's first me. I am. I am in the home. It's like. Welcome home. Thank you. Roma.

Communication and Community Engagement

What about the home for the Petri crew? Would that be discord or telegram or where's the best place for all of the holders to chat with each other? Not yet, but I am thinking of this point. Okay. Yeah. So there will be a community meetup place soon. I guess the best place to talk to you would be Twitter right now. I'll take that over. Yes. My husband translating me. So sorry. I need this score because I need to improve my english. When I speak English, it's so good for me.

Future Community Initiatives

So I am so thinking of creating discords for pts in the future. A discord. Okay. Very cool. Yeah. You know, something that might be fun for you to do is to have a space during the mint or shortly after that to introduce everyone to the community. I think Homestead has his spaces, or Brady has a spaces tomorrow as well. And that's always a great place to chat.

Fruit Preferences and Personal Tastes

Do we have any more questions or comments from the community? Please request to speak and we'll get you guys up here. Peachy, what are your other favorite fruits? So I'm guessing Peach is number one. What would be number two and three? Not fish is my number one. But it is my favorite. But my first favorite food. I think cherry. Cherry is good.

A Variety of Favorite Fruits

Cherries number one. I like cherries, too. My number one fruit is a little exotic. It's a mangosteen. I don't know, those are kind of tough to get where I'm from. But it's like a tropical fruit and it's very delicious. They call it the queen of fruits. Highly, highly recommended. Also, pomegranates are great. Okay, I will try not. I will try. All right, guys, any more questions or comments for Peachy or stargaze as a whole?

Acknowledging Community Contributions

Actually, I don't have a question. But my husband, he is like my mentor. He is helping me so much. I am doing everything with him. He he working another job, but he is always supporting me. And he have one question, if you don't mind. Yes, please. Okay. Although I have to ask. Okay. Hello. I didn't expect that.

Collaborative Efforts in the Community

All right, guys. So I guess tell us a little bit about you and how you contribute to the peachy crew. Well, actually when I started to talk with the lily, she was trying to do some drawing steps and she just said that I have to focus on that. And I just. How can I say? I just accept that you can do whatever you want. Then she starts drawing with the digital art and she tried to do something special for the digital platform.

Supporting Artistic Endeavors

And after that, she just made some collections. Every step, I just always try to support her. After that, when she create a peach squad, I mean, first collection for her, I just directly said that you have to focus on the art because it's amazing. After that, she just focusing always Peachesukat, but she always alone, actually, because I'm working another job, I don't have too much time to check her stuff.

Challenges and Growth in Web Three

And what she doing? I'm just trying. I was trying to support always her. After that, I just see that she's struggling because as you know, most of the people alone and most of the people trying to sit trying to get an opportunity for the web three platform. So I was a little bit sad because of her, because she just wanna do better things. She has always plans, but she didn't make any actions for that.

Positive Changes and Support

When we met with this target, I mean, Brady, I don't know another one's name. Starty. She just changed. Actually, there was a real change. She was always happy. Right now she's smiling, she's trying to do. She has a lot of things to do and she trying to focus on pitch crab. Right now. She just left Peach's cut little bit alone because it's a new platform, it's a new collection. So she's trying to focus on that.

Mentorship and Community Impact

First time I see her happy, actually. That's great. Yeah, I know. Coming to a new chain and a new NFT community is like going to a different country, right? There's different norms and expectations and people and groups you need to know about and how to interact with. And it can definitely be a challenge as well. So it sounds like you're there to kind of help her along the way.

Finding a Supportive Role

Almost like you. Almost like her manager a little bit, huh? Kinda. Kinda. Sometimes I'm just saying her don't ask anything to me. Today was hard. I don't wanna talk about your NFT. Sometimes I'm doing bad reactions, but for the 80% I'm trying to help her every time. No, he is like my mentor and I want to say something.

Community Appreciation

I see Maria is here. I got introduced to stages thanks to Maria. And here we are. Maria is really the hero of the story. I can never thank you enough for Maria. He's trying so much to helping another artist. She always lighting up the web. Three. Thank you, Maria, for everything. Love you so much.

Welcoming Others to the Community

Thanks. Yeah. And on that note, let's hear from Maria who's come up here. Oh, thank you lo for the kind word. I was so pissed off because I was like, no, I cannot believe I'm coming late. But now, I guess is what we expect. Like every time a new creator that are, you know, my friends in other chain are coming to studies. I want to come here, you know, publicly welcomed you guys and share my excitement and I don't know, I'm really excited to see you launching.

Behind the Scenes Work

I don't know if you already said this, but I can tell myself as well, like, how hard Lily has been working for this collection. I remember when I approached her and told her about the, you know, the open call that the stargaze was hosting related to August Atom and how determined she was, like, okay, I have so many things to do, but I still want to participate.

Creativity and Determination

And in few days, she already had created like the different races, like humans, mermaids and songs already organized everything. So, you know, I don't know if she shared it, but I'm just here also to tell you all guys, like how much she worked behind the scenes. And, yeah, really happy to have you here.

Excited for the Future

I'm already swapping stars to add on to mint, so. Yeah, hope it goes amazing. Yeah. Thanks for the comments. Maria, quick question for you. What are your top three favorite fruits? Maria?

Fruit Preferences

Oh, for me? Okay, first one, obviously, watermelon. Maria, first farm is fishy. No, sorry, the second one. But this is my second. You know, it's my in my top three one. I'm not cheating here. Like, watermelon and peaches are my favorite ones. And the banana, I will say. Yeah. So I guess you cannot hate me. No, no, I like all those fruits. I don't know if I've ever met a fruit I didn't like. It looks like we've got archer from the goodfellas here. Welcome, Buddha. Hey, man, how are you doing? Doing well. Do you have a question or comment for us? Yeah, for sure. I was just going to ask Lily what her inspiration behind the look and feel of the art was. And I went to translate and posted the question in Turkish. It's in the jumbotron, if she wants to read it that way. But I was just curious what the inspiration behind what you created, where that came from.

Art Inspiration

Actually, I can say, archer, welcome, by the way. I can say my inspiration coming from everywhere. When it's positive, when I create anything, peaches or anything else, I am so happy with drawings. My inspiration coming from positive things. It's enough for. Thank you. Yeah. So when you started drawing, like, how did you decide to come up with only females? Why is it only women? There's no men in this collection. Right. I can say my husband translates those questions. I can say, I have a Barbie and Bratz collection in real life. And I am so loving the big eyes and I am trying to, you can see I always drawing big eyes on my every side. And my inspiration coming from, to my real life inspiration, my real life collection. I understand. I'm sorry. Yeah, no problem.

Collector's Affinities and Personal Favorites

I'm always curious because I find that, you know, a lot of times, the inspiration does come from something in real life. So that's very cool. I think collectors have an affinity toward, you know, certain things. And they tend to sort of be a recurring theme in the things that we create. So thanks for sharing. Thank you so much for asking, Archer, I appreciate you so much. Likewise, my friend. Likewise. Archer, what are your top three fruits? We're getting deep on this one. Top three fruits. Well, I grew up in Georgia, so middle of summer, it's, you know, 100 degrees, 100% humidity, and there's nothing like coming inside from a hot day and breaking open a fresh watermelon that's ice cold in the fridge and then just throwing a little salt on it and chowing down. So that's my one favorite fruit, I would say. I know, I know. Those Georgia peaches are very popular and notorious.

Georgia's Peaches and Miscellaneous Fruits

Yeah. Well, Georgia has a reputation for being the peach state, but I think the funny thing is, I think Florida actually grows more peaches. It's kind of interesting. Yeah. I think the license plate has a peach on it, doesn't it, for Georgia? It does. It does. Yeah. I mean, Georgia, the saying is Georgia is the peach state. And then on the license plate there's a peach in the middle. You know, you've got your six digits and there's a peach right in the middle. But, yeah, I think Georgia is the, probably should be known as the peanut state because I think they provide more peanuts than any region in the world. But for some reason, they're known as the peach state, or we are known as the peach state, I should say.

Watermelon and Peach Collections

Sorry. I want to confess something. My favorite period, I have picci curio collection. I know, but my favorite word is first place watermelon and second place peachy. And third place cherry. Yes. Two votes for watermelon in the first place. I love it. See, that's why I love her. Yeah, I mean, I think it's three. It sounds like Maria, Archer and peachy here. I like watermelon. I'm a big fan of watermelon, but, you know, I don't know if you guys have had a mango steam yet or not. Dj, welcome. You've got a question or comment for us? Yeah, no, it's actually, it's funny. I'm also in Georgia myself, so I'm inundated with peaches.

Growing Peaches and Local Trends

I actually, I'm from Oklahoma originally, and a few years ago, I actually bought a little peach tree, put it in the ground and see if they could grow. And I don't know if it's the soil, I don't know if it's the climate. I don't know if it's just the area or some kind of magic, but peaches grow really huge and really quickly around here. But I will agree with, what was just said about the peanuts. there's a lot of gas stations and, like quick trips and, like, qts and racetracks and they sell a bunch of boiled peanuts. I don't think I've ever seen so many peanuts ever in the area. But I just, I wanted to say that I'm actually looking at this collection or I'm actually looking at the previews of it, and it's. It looks pretty cool.

Excitement for the Collection Launch

Like, I'm very excited. I probably just, because I've got my own stuff that I've got going on, I probably maybe will get into the launch, try to get some. I always. The launch has always happened at bad times. They always happen for me when I'm trying to work on something else. I'm trying to hook up my own project, but I miss, like, the big guys. And I just wanted to say that this PT, your collection actually looks really heartfelt. It really earnest. And I really hope that, you know, you get the goal that you're set out for. I don't know what that goal is. I don't know if it's just exposure, just kind of putting your artwork out there. But I want to say of, like, a lot of the launches that I've actually seen a lot of the artwork and collections. It's really heartfelt and it's very hard to transfer that into a digital medium.

Gratefulness and Kind Words

And I just wanted to say kudos to you. I was actually looking at it a little bit more. I'm trying to find my own medium. I didn't really think I was a creator, so I'm trying to figure out what a creator does, what a creator is. But coming from someone that is quite literally old school, from a physical medium to this medium, kudos. I can't thank you enough for your kind words. I am incredibly excited and I am doing my best to talk. Your understanding makes me very happy. Thank you so much, guys. Really. Thank you so much for your kind words. Yeah, thank you very much for the comments, DJ. Can't wait to see a bunch of people posting photos of peaches and your nfts online.

Peachy Projects and Grilling Fruits

I think that'll be a, a fun little meme if it ever gets kicked off. And one thing, I don't know if you guys have tried this or not, but you can grill a peach and it is delicious. It is one of my favorite fruits to grill. So try that if you guys have any peaches at home. Zero. You never tried a grilled peach? No. Oh, yeah. It's good. It gets it a little sweeter. It kind of cooks the sugar a little bit and it's great. Yeah. Peaches and pineapple some. Some great fruits to grow. And, you know, this is about that time where we have to thank some of. Some of the Stargaze team for helping our creators launch.

Acknowledgments and Farewell

Thank you, Stardi, Brady and Serkan and Anne Maria, who's helped introduce Peachy to stargaze. Without these guys, we would not have a featured collection this week. And I think with that, we can call this space an end here. Peachy, is there anything else you want to leave us with? No. Like I said, thank you so much for your understanding. And I want to say thank you especially Maria and Brady. Stericonous all team. They. They helped me so much. I can't thank you. Thank you enough. Thank you so much for everything. I can't wait for the middays. Midday is tomorrow. You know, I am so excited. Good. Yeah. We're all excited for you.

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