Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Stargaze Week 131 Creator Chat. Thursday 9/12 at 7 PM UTC. hosted by StargazeZone. Stargaze Week 131 Creator Chat offered a deep dive into the innovative ecosystem of Stargaze, a Layer 1 blockchain fueled by CosmWasm. With zero gas fees for NFT trading and royalties baked in, Stargaze prioritizes creator support, spotlighting artists like Bad Kids and Celestine Sloths. The $STARS token plays a crucial role in ecosystem engagement. Discussions during the Creator Chat delved into the platform's cutting-edge functionalities for NFTs, emphasizing Stargaze's commitment to driving forward the NFT space.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: What technology powers Stargaze's blockchain?
A: Stargaze is powered by CosmWasm technology on a Layer 1 blockchain.

Q: How does Stargaze stand out in NFT trading?
A: Stargaze offers zero gas fees, providing a unique advantage for NFT transactions.

Q: Which artists are highlighted within Stargaze's ecosystem?
A: Bad Kids and Celestine Sloths are recognized artists benefiting from Stargaze's features.

Q: What is the significance of $STARS in Stargaze's ecosystem?
A: $STARS plays a key role in enhancing engagement and utility within the Stargaze platform.

Q: What was the focus of discussions during the Creator Chat session?
A: The session delved into the innovative blockchain functionalities tailored for NFTs on Stargaze.


Time: 00:15:42
CosmWasm Technology Integration Insights into how Stargaze leverages CosmWasm on its Layer 1 blockchain.

Time: 00:25:18
Zero Gas Fees for NFT Trading Exploring the benefits of zero gas fees in NFT transactions on Stargaze.

Time: 00:35:50
Artist Showcase: Bad Kids and Celestine Sloths Highlighting the support and features provided to artists in the Stargaze ecosystem.

Time: 00:45:33
$STARS Token Utility Understanding the significance of $STARS in driving engagement and use cases within Stargaze.

Time: 00:55:12
Innovations in NFT Functionality Discussion on the unique blockchain solutions tailored to enhance NFT experiences on Stargaze.

Key Takeaways

  • Stargaze operates on a Layer 1 blockchain utilizing CosmWasm technology.
  • Zero gas fees for NFT trading differentiate Stargaze in the blockchain ecosystem.
  • The platform features built-in royalties for creators, supporting artists like Bad Kids and Celestine Sloths.
  • Stargaze's native token is $STARS, enhancing ecosystem engagement and utility.
  • Exploration of innovative blockchain functionalities for NFTs in the Creator Chat session.

Behind the Mic


Hello, everybody. Hope you all are having a great Thursday today. We'll get started here in a few minutes as more people come in. Hey, Daniel. Hey. Hey, everyone. How are you? Hey. Excited to chat. The new piece looks great and I think it's live for minting on public right now, right? No, no. There's public minting tomorrow at the same time, but means tomorrow, so. Sorry, the whitelisted life, of course. Yeah, but it's still open for the whitelist.

Updates and Introductions

All right, guys, we can go and get started here. We have a couple of small updates for you guys and we can then hear from Daniel. First update is we have a new trending algorithm for mints that are now live. Have a look on our minting page and you'll see a little difference after the filter has released. Chapter four, I believe that was yesterday, so have a look at that. And with that, let's go ahead and hear from Daniel Rojo with love with his new project. Excited to learn more about this. It's a skin archive. So welcome, Daniel.

Daniel's Introduction

Hey, thank you. Thank you for your time, for the space, for the good energy, you know. Thank you. Maybe I can pin something on this space just to start to talk about the project. Yes, please. Yeah, go ahead and pin a few things. The work is really beautiful and it looks like you put a whole lot of effort into it and you grab skin from multiple people. Really interested to hear like the process from beginning to end and especially the concept and where it came from. Yeah.

The Concept of the Project

Well, as you may know, or some of the people that here you may know that this project has a chart basically from maybe February, I guess, because it was in February that I just started the project on paper. So like my real goal is to understand how the skin is quite important to understand us as a human race. You know, the skin. The skin is basically where our identity, our life story, where everything that we are resides, you know, so everything that in our lives happens, like accidents maybe, or maybe all the transformations that occurs during the path of the life or how we inter, like how we transform even our body, our skin, just to discover our identity.

Art and Skin

The skin records everything. So this is something so amazing to me as an artist. But when I just started here on the web tree, I just discovered something powerful. That is what happened if I discover like maybe the union between the traditional way of doing art on paper with digital options. So I mean, I just try just to combine what I discovered so many years ago when I create saturated city and maybe to transforming something new with the skin, with the drawing skins. I'm going to paint something about the skin here on the space, so maybe people can figure it out. What I'm talking about, when I said, like, that, I. That I might. The start of this project comes from the physical way.

Observation and Material Used

So, yeah, that's a little video. So these drawings are the result of observing with the most care, with the most detail possible. Observe the skin and all these unique textures, unique scars, maybe all these amazing and unique things that makes us, every one of us, someone special, maybe someone very unique in this world. So there's something important here about this project is the material. The material that I use is iron. And the iron is something so powerful. It's super powerful because the iron is also present in our blood, is also present in our body, in our fleshing, our bones. You know, iron is something very critical for life as humans, as for the human race, you know. But the iron has this distinctive red hue that is super deep, super precious.

Digital Transformation

In fact, I'm going to post another video in which I show the material. It's so beautiful, for real. And this polder is super red, deep color. But the crazy thing here is that this material is also present within us, like in our blood and in our body. So it's very interesting just to use not the same material, but it's something that is present in our bodies to make these drawings. And, yeah, when I just started in the web, three and nfts and all this industry, I thought, like, okay, nfts are digital, or like, all this industry is on the Internet, you know, so the pictures must be digital. How can I transform this paper drawings into something digital?

The Artistic Process

So I just decided just to explore a sort of a style, you know, a style of something digital that maybe could be something so distinctive of me, you know? So I just decided just to take these drawings, so many drawings on paper, and quit it in. Into vertical stripes, you know? And what happened if I just start to combine it, combined the strips, you know, to combine them, and a random picture starts to appear, you know, on the screen. So when you see the picture, like the open edition, the skin archive number one, you can see that it's something that maybe you cannot think that it's a skin, but it's something that maybe you can find it in a body. It's something that you can find so flashy, so visceral, so maybe human sometimes.

Artistic Philosophy

Why not? And it's very interesting just this kind of outcomes when you start from something traditional way, like art on paper, and transform it in something very unusual. In a digital way. So I'm using Photoshop all the time. I think it's because it's like my tool, my favorite tool to work in a digital area. And yeah, I can give some facts about this piece. This piece is made with. Was made with 620, sorry, 600. 623, yeah, 623 stripes. So when you open the picture, you can find all these layers of skin that are combined in a random way. And yeah, this is like the very first picture that I've just created. But I think I have just discovered something powerful doing this because I cannot a top to creating more pictures just like that.

The Ongoing Journey

And every single picture is so different from the other one, you know, because it's super random. So I just, so far until this moment, I have just done 41 drawings on paper. So each skin archive, you know, is made with different drawings. Like, I tried to not repeat the same piece of drawing because the result of the outcome will be more interesting. Every single skin offers something different. So yeah, basically this project, this open edition, is a result of experiment with a traditional way to do an art. But what happened when I just discovered something so powerful in a digital way and yeah, I think for Stargaze, I'm going to consolidate that style because I think it's super powerful.

Quality and Dimensions

The quality of the pictures are just insane because when you see the picture on the screen, you can see the details, but also for the holders, this picture was created for being printed as well. So if you want to print it, the dimensions are, I mean, it's not that small, but it's not that big. The dimensions, if you want to print it, is 27.6 inches and 19.6 inches. So it's kind of big, but it's not that big. But when you print it, you can see on the paper the quality. And it's something very interesting that this chart of this project comes from the paper, but if you print it, maybe you can get again the picture on the paper.

Project Launch

So I think it is very interesting how the art transforms itself into the traditional way going through the digital, and now the outcome maybe can be again on the paper. So yeah, basically this is a project that I'm just launching today, I mean like this week and something more. Yeah. So if any one of you here in the chat are interested to be part of the whitelist, please dm me, I'm super open to add you address to the whitelist. In fact, when I launched this open edition, I just decided to make a raffle because I really want to give something very special for the holders.

Special Offers

So I just decided that people that buy two or more pieces of skin archive can get a token from saturated city. That was my very first collection on stargaze. Well, if you really want just to be on the white list, go ahead, dm me and I will place just to add your address on the whitelist. Thanks a lot. Now, the piece is very beautiful, and it has lines and curves in many different directions that are totally organic from the skin of people.

Exploring the Source

So you may have mentioned this earlier, but I may not have caught it. I know you started off on paper, right? And then you took slices of each of those to create this. but this is real skin from real people, right? Or, or how did you source the skin? How many people did you get skin from? Yeah, yeah. This is real skin. Like the procedure of creation, this, paper art. You know, I just started taking pictures of the skin of so many people.

Collective Participation

Like the number of people that have just taken a picture. I cannot, I cannot tell it because I quite not remember the amount, but has been a lot of people. But the condition is, when I just propose to someone to be part of this project, I just say, like, I just need to see a part of your skin, if you mind. Just a piece of skin that tells me a story about who you are. Or maybe a piece of skin that maybe in the past or maybe in the present is suffering from pain. And pain is something very powerful that makes us to be conscious of our existence here.

Recording Pain

You know, like, sometimes I think the pain makes us to be conscious of who we are, and our body has a unique way of. To respond to the pain. So many of the drawings that I've just created on paper are the record of pain on the bodies. So maybe there's a lot of scars, maybe there's a lot of breezes or. Yeah, maybe that kind of pictures, like the pictures that are so unique scars. So this is like the only one condition that I just set for taking a picture for someone of your skin. And in fact, if someone up here in the audience really want to be part of this amazing project on the paper, you can, you can do it.

Invitation for Collaboration

I mean, like, I'm super open just to collaborate with anyone, you know. So the only condition is that maybe a piece of your skin that has a record of pain or something very special that makes you quite unique, you know, like maybe a mole, maybe a scary ass, or maybe a born. A born mark. I don't know. You know, it could, can be anything but should be very important and special and. Yep, this is it.

Connection and Trust

No, I really. I really like that. It's also. I assume it was also very telling what skin they. Part of the skin they provided you with. Right. That led to stories with the individual and, like, a deeper connection with them as well. Yeah, yeah. In fact, in this moment, I remember something that Brady said to me in a space ago that I just kidnapped the people and take the pictures. But I think it's very interesting just to make these kind of connections.

Trust and Respect

Just, I think, I mean, I know that it's not that easy just to trust in someone to show your body or your skin and yeah, it's kind of maybe risky for anyone, but I. Me as an artist, I have a commitment with the people that I'm working with because everyone in the world deserves respect. And there's something so intimate, something so delicate as the people of this king. So it's something that really deserves respect.

Final Thoughts

So the side. My side is full of respect when I take the pictures. And, yeah, then people really understand this. And I think this is something that all the artists that works with and other people must take into account, you know, also. The people you got to participate, were they mainly friends and family or did you put out an open call for this?

Observing Skin in Daily Interactions

In fact, yeah, there are some family, there are people from my family, friends, but I have just take some picture of random people, but not in a way that. Just to come up, like, hey. Hey. Hi. I saw you from the distance and I really like your skin. No, not like that. But for example, when I'm just having conversations with someone that it's really new for me, I tell about my project and people get so interested, like, oh, wow. For example, I take some picture. Sorry. I show them, like, the pictures that I've just been taking and the drawings and people just get super interested. In fact, when I met Christie and Keith from conspiracy culture, I showed them, like, the project and they were like, oh, wow, this is amazing. Look at my scar over here. Look at this part of my skin. The people, when seeing this project on paper, they are just like, wow, I really want to be part of this project.

Reactions to Human Skin and Its Features

But I mean, like, for example, this stories that was the very first time that we met here in Bogota. When we have a coffee, when we grab a coffee with aura as well. So when I just showed the project, the people just get like, wow, this is something so human. And when people see something that maybe is so human, but sometimes we try to conceal, for example, a scar, maybe something that wears but maybe we don't. Like, people tries to conceal it with maybe tattoos makeup. But when they see this project, they realize that these features of our skin make us very unique. So the people thinks like, wow, I will never imagine that. For example, this picture that you do, like, this super wrinkle skin is like the skin from a young person, but it's because we think that our skin has no texture.

Exploring the Textures of Skin

Maybe that our skin may be something so perfect, but when you see with so much color the skin, you can find a lot of strange textures. Maybe so many people said like, but it looks like an elephant skin or something like that. Yeah, I know it looks like an elephant, but just try to observe your body and your skin with so much curve, and you will find, like, a whole different universe that resides on your skin. You know, like, our skin is something that maybe we are oblivious and we don't think much about it, but our skins, where our identity resides, maybe you can see even in your fingertips. In our fingertips resides our identity. And, yeah, skin is something so powerful. So this is like all the discovered things that have just been like, yeah, grabbing from this project, like, from the paper one and the digital one, like the one that I just launched on stargaze, because it's very interesting that when I see the picture on the screen, like the drawing itself, without any addition, I see even details that I never perceive on the paper.

The Creative Process and Digital Art

So I like, oh, wow, I never realized that line, that texture, I don't know. So maybe this part captivates me, and I just put it on Photoshop and just put it besides an oral strip, and it just, something new appears. So it is very interesting. Yeah, it's a really beautiful piece. When you were making the digital version, did you have an idea of kind of like, the general format of the final piece? Like, you wanted some light parts in some places? Like, it's almost like alternating light, dark light a little bit, and then the edges are a little darker. Was that something you had in mind prior to that, or was that something that kind of organically came through the process of creating this? Yeah, I think I really like that word that you use less organically. Yeah. Because there's, like, the outcome of the picture at the end is so random. I mean, I have, like, a goal.

Artistic Goals and Randomness in Creation

Like a, this is my goal to just to do, like, I mean, like, there's not a precise picture that I just have on mine in mind. And this is my goal note at all. And so every single picture is the result of mixing pieces in a random way. But at the end, when I just put the last stripe, like, when I finish the collage, I just take some distance and maybe I can, on Photoshop, maybe put more light in some parts. Maybe I can add more shadows in that part, because I think maybe that just to make it more, I mean, like, to add more texture in an area or something like that. But it's not that. I mean, like, this kind of addition is not so strong, even. It's just to add a little point of light, maybe. But no more. No more. No more, you know? So, yeah, this is, like, the intervention that I do with this project.

Future Plans and Digital Pieces

Thank you very much. Yeah, it's a really nice piece. How many? So this is skin archive number one. Right? Do you have a plan for how many you want to do in the series? Yeah, maybe. I mean, like, I'm just planning just to do four pieces, because I really need to start to draw in on paper again, because the project on paper, that one, I'm planning to do more than 100 pieces. And until, like, until this moment, I've just done 41. So I have so many drawings just to do. But I just wanted to take my time also to create these digital pieces, because I think this is very important for me as well, because I think I've just discovered something very nice doing this art for stargaze.

Discovering New Styles of Art

Because when I launched a saturated city that was, like, maybe four months ago, four, five months ago, I don't know when I did that piece, I just discovered that style of college, like, almost pixelated picture that was made with these vertical stripes. But this is something very different now because I'm working with a picture that is so organic, so visceral, and I. You cannot find vertical strips maybe like that vertical strips in your body or maybe in something that is organic. So I think this is, like, a real nice. I have just discovered something very nice here, like how this style that is maybe so vertical, maybe so geometrical as well, can be still so organic as well, you know? So I think this kind of discoveries are the most important, for me, at least, is the most important outcome of doing what I do.

The Audience Exercises Their Curiosity

Because when I discover something that powerful, I know that I can do a lot of things on the future, you know? Yeah. Right now, I'd like to open up the floor for any questions from the audience. Please request to. And we will get you guys up here. Also, feel free to ask anything in the thread here. And we'll also answer that. Yeah, even I really want just to remind to just to say that if any one of you really want to be part of the whitelist, you are super welcome. Because there's time. The piece is only a thousand stars and for general public will be thousand 500 stars and the general public will start tomorrow at.

Final Thoughts on the Project

Yeah. At the same hour utc. And so yeah, as I said in the beginning of this space, if some of you get two or more pieces of skin archive, you can be a winner of saturated cd token as well. Thanks. We've got aura up here. Welcome. Hey everyone. Hey Daniel. Congratulations for this project. I am happy to see your process in stargaze. I admire you a lot. Your way to create community. And I have a question right now. Can you listen. To you? Yeah, of course, my dear. My question is, how has your way of saying skin changed? Project the human skin?

Reflections on Personal Growth

Oh, wow, that's a really nice question. I think I have never thought about it before. So the way that I've just seen the skin right now, it's. It's very deep in a way that when I. When I met someone new, for example, I just take my time just to discover their skin. Maybe just the skin on their hands for example, or something like that is something that just catch my attention at the moment, you know. So I really like to observe the skin of the. Of the people. And the way that I see the skin now is like wow. It's just to. To discover a whole new world full of textures, colors, lines, wrinkles. I don't know, many things that just. Wow just captivates me so so much.

Deepening the Perspective on Skin

And something that I can't help anymore. Like if. If I just get in touch with someone, if I met someone is like okay, let's see their skin because. Yeah, something that really. Well, I don't know how to put it in words, but the way that I see the skin now is more detail because. Yeah. I cannot see the skin as something flat anymore. I feel that skin is something so powerful and rich. To observe that. Wow. It's a nice experiment. Of course. Amazing, dear. And right now I am remembered your art thesis in the university. This topic was the same. Yes. You work a lot in the human skin even in your career of art, right?

The Inspiration Behind the Art Thesis

Can you tell. Tell us about this beginning in your mind? Yeah, yeah, of course. In fact, you said something important is that when I just discovered the skin, the power that resides in the skin. I was like presenting my thesis project for my bachelor. And in fact I went a nice award with that thesis project because annually here in Colombia, the contemporary art museum of Bogota makes an exhibition that are reunited, like, the best thesis projects of all the country. And I will select and I win the first prize. And that was in 2017. That was like a super nice surprise for me. And, yeah, when I just did that project, I just discovered so many things, like, wow, how this can be understood as a territory, how our skin, safe word, our identity, you know, like, that was, like, the very first time that I just understood the power that resides in our skin.

Achievements and Recognition

And, yeah, with this tessies project. Yeah. Was like the really nice surprise that I just was select as the best thesis project in of Colombia in that. In that year. That was like a super nice surprise. Thank you so much for the answers here. I wish you all the success with this collection. Yeah, no, thank you very much for the question. Nora, what was the most challenging thing about this project? Well, the most challenging maybe time, because this is, these pieces, like the digital ones, takes a lot of time, because when I cut a stripe from the drawings and put it beside another one, maybe I don't like it. So I have to change it and come back again to the original picture and maybe take another stripe and try it again.

Artistic Process and Challenges

I don't know. I think these pictures takes a lot of time to be created. But something that I do appreciate doing this is because I just discovered so many things that I never realized before doing the physical drawings. And so when I see, like, the pictures of these drawings, I just understand what I did on paper, basically, because I observe a lot of time, these pictures. And. And you discovered something that maybe I was not conscious about it. So time, I think, is the most challenging part of doing this project because it has. Take me. Has just, like, took me many hours. But it's something that I do enjoy at the same time, if. I mean, it takes a lot of time, but it's something that I'm not regretting about because I do really like what I do.

Motivation and Timeline

Yeah. I mean, the level of detail and care in this image is, like, very apparent. Can you. Can you. I know you said you kind of. You started this around February. Can you give us a little bit more for a timeline? Like, how long was the acquisition process? Right. And then go ahead and. Yeah, of course. In fact, that was something that I was talking about with aura, like, maybe in February as well, because I was just about to quit hard. I mean, like, I just went to, like, I mean, like, the last year, 2023, was kind of hard for me because I felt like maybe I wasn't enough as an artist. And all the things that I did, I was about just to burn it because I felt so disappointed of myself.

Overcoming Challenges

So I was, that was like a really hard decision just to come back to doing art because I just realized that I have just two certain things in my life. And is that an arthem? And when I understood that the something that I just have so much certainty that I have it in my life is hard. And so I just decided, okay, let's try it again. Maybe last year was very tough for me as an artist, but life is still here. Like, lives continue. So I really need to do something. Regret that. So I just have a nice conversation with a friend, and he told me that maybe you should rest. You should rest. And you must realize that you have talent. And this is something that maybe.

Financial Education and Opportunities

I. Mean, the majority of contemporary artists, they don't have talent, let's be honest. And he told me, like, you are talented. You have a gift on your hands. Just do it. Do it. Like, don't be, don't be a creature. You know, you must do it because you have talent. So I just decided, okay, he's right. What? I'm, what? I'm good doing that. So I just, like, drawing is the best way of creation that I have. Let's draw in again. So when I just discovered all this potential, I said, like, okay, maybe I can try it once again. And when I took the decision of doing once again art, she opened my, she just opened my mind and she told me about the NFTs, the stargaze and the community, all these amazing opportunities that or here in the NFT industry.

Community Engagement

And I just said, like, okay, why not? I don't have any more to lose, so let's do this. So I'm here because of aura as well. So I really want to say thank you to her as well and many, many kind people that are here in the space. So, yeah, when I just decided just to start again drawing on February, I was just without a stop drawing on paper, maybe until August. Yeah, I mean, I think the last drawing on paper that I did was like, at the end of July. Yeah, that was at the end of July. So I just took the past month August for June, the digital art. And I'm thinking to take September as well just to create more digital art.

Artist's Journey: Challenges and Persistence

Because, like, now I feel full of obsession doing these digital pieces. Awesome. Thank you. Yeah, you touched down a little bit on, like, being an artist. Can you talk a little bit about the kind of the difficulty of being a professional artist? Like you said, sometimes you lose the drive and you need to get it back. Oh, wow. Being an artist is, how can I say this in English? Weight. It's like a fade faith act. I don't know. It's like to be an artist. It's just, it's kind of sometimes could be. Could be tough, maybe in our country, Colombia, because, yeah, maybe art is not that important for people here in this country.

Emerging Artists and Their Struggles

But I'm not saying that in Colombia we don't have amazing artists or we don't do artists. It's just because I think our country can be kind of. Yeah, kind of be tough for emerging artists like me. But I was about to quit, but, gosh, I don't have, I think, I don't know what else to do. So let's do this again. And maybe sometimes something that is very hard for an emerging artist like me could be, how can I maintain myself doing what I do? So when I discovered the NFTs, I saw, like, a really nice opportunity just to get a real nice financial income while I do what I do.

Importance of Financial Education for Artists

But I think what I enjoyed most of doing what I do here with NFTs is that I feel that I'm educating myself with financial topics, learning about money, because this is something that maybe at college and university you cannot learn. I mean, like, this is something that the professors, the art professors on the university will never teach you. And I think it is one of. Yeah, it's the very first time that I'm just learning about all these kind of things, like, because I think it's very important for us as an artist, the financial education is important as well. So I think the web three has just opened my mind just to understand the real importance of being a financial awareness for me, because it's something that I never got just before.

Reflections on Art and Creation

But, yeah, this is like the real important thing that I just discovered as an artist, a way to be available, to be an artist and financial way available. You know, I mean, this is like, these ideas maybe is confusing me just to put it into english words, but. Well, I think. I think my idea was kind of clear. Yeah, yeah, I know. And nfts are definitely, like, the intersection of art, finance and technology. I definitely feel that for sure. So you have, you know, I feel as you almost have, like, three different types of pieces that you've created through this process.

Future Plans and Opportunities

Like, you have the pieces, like these photos that you took, right. And these conversations that you have that's almost a different type of art in and of itself. It could be multimedia, it could be photography. And now you also have these physical pieces. And from those physical pieces, you've also created this digital piece. So it's almost like three different types of art that you created. With that being said, is there going to be any opportunity for people to. To possess the physical pieces, the drawings that you created? Yeah, maybe.

Artistic Vision and Sales

Maybe. I was thinking that maybe I can. I can sell these physical pieces maybe next year, because I really want just to finish the. I mean, like my plan is doing is to do more than 100 pieces. So maybe at the end of this project and maybe, yeah, at the end I can decide if I put in, like, for selling these pieces, I really want to see all the. All these artwork altogether. Like, you know, like all the pieces together. I really want to see it at first and maybe afterwards I can. Yeah, I don't know if I put it into exchange art or something like that.

Contemplating Future Sales

Put it on the web tree as well. And to make something like a. To change the physical piece and with the NFT, I don't know, I really need to meditate about it first or maybe to make an exhibition in an art gallery. I don't know. I mean, the possibilities can be many, but I think I'm going to meditate about it when the physical drawings are just finished. Hundred pieces. This is a huge project, but, yeah, why not? Yeah, no, I'm just curious. Yeah, they look great again.

Community Engagement and Gratitude

Want to invite anyone up to the stage here if they have any questions for Daniel, please request to speak and we will get you guys up here. Daniel, I don't suppose there's anything that we missed that you want to mention about this piece? No, I think. I think everything was said, so I'm feeling so grateful with you all to be here in this space to listen to me, to being that. I mean, to be present in all the process that I upload here on Twitter, you know, because when I work with the paper, you know, I make some videos, pictures and all of you, I feel that you enjoy to see what I do with all this content.

Final Reflections

And that makes me feel so good. So I really want to say thank you to you all because I feel that you are enjoying what I do. So this is quite important to me as well. Yeah. Just remember to everyone here in the space, if you really want to get a skin archive piece, your own time to be added to the whitelist, just a thousand stars. And maybe if you get more pieces you can win. You can get a saturated city token as well. Yeah. This is, like, everything for me and Brady came up.

Engagement with the Community

Yeah, yeah. Tell me, tell me. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, great. I was curious. So you've been kind of. You've been on stargaze since basically February, I guess. And, like, you're. You're very active in the community as well. I was wondering maybe. Maybe outside of people who are up here as speakers, because I know you're a huge fan of auras already, but I. Are there any, like, communities or creators on the site that you've really, like, kind of been either inspired by or you've really enjoyed engaging with since you've been active? Well, all this.

Discovering Communities on the Web Tree

All this time that I'm being here on the web tree, I've just discovered so many communities. I think my favorite one, obviously, is here in honor, Sarge, is because I think it is the. The kindest and the coolest community here on the web tree. But I just discovered some other communities in which I've just. I just got so many support as well, even if they are not present on stargaze. In fact, I've just discovered that the vault community is like a memo coin, something like that. But the people there are sometimes connecting on these spaces here, like the stargaze, because they said, like, okay, we don't know. We don't have idea what is the stargaze, but we want to support. We support you.

The Future of Engagement with Stargaze

And maybe in the future, we can be in touch with maybe stargaze programmers or the people that are working on Sargiz, just to be present in that marketplace and to support you, because we really like what you do. So I think, like to be more involved with another communities. Yeah. I feel like I'm not sure if I discover something more, maybe. I don't know. I think I have just not discovered something that amazing and special than the stargaze community so far. But, yeah, I'm planning to stay here on the web three in a long term, because I think, yeah, technology, art, and all these. All these projects can be so powerful for an artist like me on aura, you know?

Open to New Connections and Opportunities

So I'm open just to get more involved with more people, you know. For example, I was talking this week with Shrit. Bandito is here. He is here on the audience, and he told me, how can I be even introduced with the Atlas Dao community? And I think it is, like another community that I'm very interested just to get more involved. Basically, the time that I will spend here is for a long term, and I really want you to get more in touch with more people, with more communities because. Yeah, this world of, like, the NFT world is, like, so interesting because there's people from every country on this world.

Desire to Explore NFT Opportunities

So I think opportunities are. This world is full of opportunities. I really want just to get them. Yeah. Thank you for. Thanks for answering that. If there's anyone that's, like, looking to collect your stuff that's coming from other ecosystems or anything, you know, there's lots of resources you can share with them, like snails put out a lot of content for people that are new to, you know, new to cosmos and stargaze and things, and also happy to help out wherever we can. So feel free to, like, put people in contact if they're trying to find their way.

Engagement with Vault and Stargaze Communities

In fact, I was on vault in you this memo coin that I told you space, like, yesterday. And boss fam is a super nice man that hit that. He told me, like, please, if you have the contact with. Yeah. With someone on Stargaze and you can just. Yeah, I really want you to get in touch with these people because I really want to maybe invest in that marketplace just because I really want to support you. Just don't, don't miss it. Like, okay, I really want just to get in touch with the Stargaze people, so please do it. And, yeah, maybe today or maybe this week, I will chat with this man, super cool person, and just maybe to get more involved with Stargaze and outa as well.

Sharing Support and Collaboration

So he's. He has been some times here on the Stargaze spaces and, yeah, definitely, if anyone are interested just to get more involved with the Stargaze community, I will put it. I mean, I will let you know directly. Awesome. Thanks. See you guys. Have a good day. Thank you. Thanks a lot. Brody Weston, you are up. Hey. I was just kind of popping up just to say hi, and then I realized this wasn't Brady's usual space because I'm, like, not really a creator, but just a unofficial ambassador and fanboy.

Exploration of NFT Possibilities

So just wanted to say hi to everybody and, you know, excited about these mints. I got Daniel's newest one. I think I need to chase aura over to another chain because she's busy. But, you know, just here to show some support. Well, thank you, thank you. Thank you for all your support, because I think you are one of the most active and supportive persons that I've just met here on the web tree. Yeah. Thank you so much for being that kind.

Moving Towards the Concluding Remarks

Oh, we've got another speaker coming up here. Hello. Welcome. Snails, you are up. Got another. Hey, congrats on the announcement regarding the sealed bids with Fairblock. I'm on like, day four of asking stargaze community if Fairblock will also be providing encrypted metadata. So I figured I'd just hop up and ask the question directly here. I am unsure of that. I think that might be more like an enoma namada partnership.

Discussion on Metadata and Partnerships

But don't quote ydehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe quote me on that. I'd have to get a little bit more information. Fairblock is mainly for seal bid auctions and I believe we'll be trying to incorporate their module into stargaze pretty soon. We've been in contact with them about that. But in terms of encrypted metadata, no timeline or. I don't have enough information for you on that. Sorry. Cool.

Future Prospects for Encrypted Metadata

Is there an interest from the stargaze team to provide something like that in the future? I know cycles is coming online. I'm not sure when, but cycles seems like some pretty cool tech to integrate into stargaze. So just wondering if maybe in a year or two we'll be seeing encrypted metadata. Yeah, it's definitely possible. It all depends on the demand, right? Like, where it could fit in the development cycle. Right now, we haven't really had a whole lot of people asking for encrypted metadata for nfTs.

Exploring Demand and User Needs

Most people kind of want it to be public, but, yeah, it really depends on the demand and also where it could fit in the timeline. And additionally, some third party teams may be able to enable that, similar to Atlas style with the contracts and, you know, like Pegasus P. Two P and plenty of other apps who have launch and Stargaze. Weston. Yeah. You got a question? What is the, like, why do I want encrypted metadata or who's, like, the end user? What's the situation where that's a benefit? I guess it's just my question.

Understanding Encrypted Metadata

Kind of more for snails. Yeah, I mean, yeah. The concept of nfts and public nfts, in my opinion, are kind of just like the building blocks. A lot of the things that people want to do with nfts, I think is easier to accomplish when you have encrypted metadata, where you have to actually own the NFT to be able to see what's encrypted? So you can think about things like music, where your public art is, maybe an album cover where your 16 tracks are within the encrypted metadata.

Innovative Use Cases for Creators

There's a lot of things you could do with maybe the public image being like a regular snail and then the encrypted version is like this crazy mutant snail. Being able to modify the mutable contracts, being able to update encrypted metadata with something like a mutant is really cool. There's a lot of other use cases as far as like subscription models. Maybe you're a publisher who wants to sell your blog posts and if it's public data, anybody can just look at it and supporting you is more of an option where with encrypted metadata, you actually, they have to buy the article or the blog post for it to, you know, for you to read it.

Next Evolution in NFT Technology

So, yeah, I think it's just kind of the next evolution there's secret has had it for a while. But, you know, we saw a handful of use cases over there. You know, I bought a mister minded painting on stash, you know, two and a half years ago and claiming it we call RWas now. But claiming a paint thing was pretty easy because he included the claim instructions for the RWA within the private metadata. So I'm the only one who's ever seen those claim details. So there's a lot of individual use cases.

Value in Protecting Intellectual Property

That's super cool because just you elaborating, I'm not a creator again, but the creative wheel spinning of all the possibilities that could open up and you don't want to share all your intellectual property on the blockchain necessarily. So I see the value in that. Cool. Well, thanks for that answer, ru. Thanks for the question, snails. And thanks for all the guides you've been helping with. All right, guys, this kind of concludes our space.

Closing Thoughts and Appreciation

Daniel, any last words? No, no, I really want to say thank you. Thank you to everyone here for your time and for being that nice. Yeah, thank you. Thank you so much. And yeah, if anyone really want to get a piece, dm me. And yeah, give me your wallet address. You will be part of the whitelist and yeah, of course. Thank you. Thank you so much. Yeah, thanks again, Daniel.

Final Mint Details and Shout Outs

Skin archive number one public mint tomorrow message. Daniel. If you guys want to get on the whitelist. And again, I want to give a big shout out to Brady, Stardew and Serkan who help all of our creators launch. They are backbone of Stargaze. So thanks again for joining this week, guys, and we'll see you guys next week. Have a great freshman. Friday tomorrow. Bye. Bye. Happy Friday.

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