Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter space focused on creating an interactive and inclusive environment for discussions within the lifestyle niche. The speaker emphasized engaging with the audience, sharing updates on upcoming events and fights, and fostering collaborations with fellow creators to cultivate a dynamic and supportive community. Audience participation and community building were key elements highlighted, aiming to create a welcoming and connected space. Insights were provided into the speaker’s approach to hosting discussions, the importance of audience engagement, and upcoming events for participation. The space promoted consensus and networking, addressed sponsorship opportunities, and shed light on topics such as human trafficking and karate combat, attracting viewership and enhancing community engagement.


Q: What approach did the speaker take to interact with the audience?
A: The speaker aimed to create an open and enjoyable space for discussions.

Q: What updates were shared during the space?
A: Updates on upcoming events, fights, and collaborations were discussed.

Q: According to the speaker, why is audience engagement important?
A: Building a supportive community and engaging with the audience leads to a more vibrant space.


Time: 00:00:54
Upcoming Consensus Conference Introduction: Introduction and significance of the upcoming consensus conference.

Time: 00:04:26
Key Participants Introduction: Introduction of key participants and their roles in the discussion.

Time: 00:10:36
Karate Combat Partnership: Discussion on the strategic decision to partner with karate combat.

Time: 00:19:24
Karate Combat Event Atmosphere: Insight into the fast-paced nature and strategy of karate combat events.

Time: 00:28:09
Web3 Technologies Integration: Explanation of how Web3 technologies are integrated to boost audience engagement.

Time: 00:40:55
Influencer-led Initiatives Impact: Impact of influencer-led initiatives on attracting attention to events.

Time: 00:46:26
Consensus Badge Holder Ticket Availability: Information on ticket availability for consensus badge holders.

Time: 00:56:22
Community Engagement with Karate Tokens: Details on how community members can participate using karate tokens.

Time: 01:00:53
Networking and Community Engagement: Encouragement for networking and community engagement at the events.

Key Takeaways

  • Emphasis on creating a welcoming and engaging space for discussions.
  • Updates on upcoming events
  • fights
  • and collaborations were shared.
  • Mention of collaboration opportunities with other creators.
  • Importance of engaging with the audience and building a supportive community highlighted.
  • Various topics related to fighting
  • events
  • and community support were discussed.

Behind the Mic

I think the last thing I’ll say is speaking of, you know, someone in the stands, you’re watching. You’re watching the fight, you know what I mean, so it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter if it’s two drunk guys who have never fought before in their lives or influencers or world champions. Fighting is just freaking exciting. And there’s just something about it that you can’t, you know, even, you know, next, like, even you were saying, like, I want to, I like violence, but I don’t. I want to be, it’s sport. But there’s just something about combat sports and fighting that gets people going and gets them riled up and having fun. So I think what you were just talking about, like, bringing the influencers on is going to bring a ton of eyes that maybe they didn’t know that they liked combat sports. And now it’s like, holy shit, this is incredible. And now you’re going to start following even more. So I love it. I think it’s a great idea. And, yeah, it just draws people in. That’s it. Larping real quick. Before you, before you start, sorry. But it’s great to hear one of our champions say that, you know, Ross has been fighting and training for what, at least 20 years. Ross. And, you know, there’s some concern sometimes that, you know, having influencers up there could even be like, disrespectful. So there’s nothing that makes me more happy to hear that you’re down for it, but. Sorry. Go ahead, Satoshi. I just had a quick question from the community in our chat. How can somebody find tickets to karate combat and what do they cost? Yes, they’re available on Consensus’s website. They are retailing for $200 each. I do think that consensus is going to open up a brief window for badge holders of consensus to grab tickets if they’re fast enough. So they’re. They did, yeah. So I think right now you can actually, if you already have a consensus badge, you can go on there and RSVP. You would want to do that really quickly, though, because those won’t be up there for very long. Yeah, that’s the message that I was given. I had someone keep an eye out and then they messaged me. But yes, tickets are being sold through Consensus’s website at $200 a pop. Quick question. I see we had one question here from a more Auguste. They are, are they offering any open fields to go there and train and do some workshops? You know, any insight if we can go about there and train and compete? While yea, so official no, but I said hey we also got to, we are also fighters when there’s no official time but, on the on the under field. We train on our own you know and usually sometimes security comes through but it comes down to exit the field temporarily. Then once they leave, we then just return back to our fields. So we push to training you know. It’s tough out here you know, they got no official time for the fighters here. But hey, we keep on moving. Build the masses. Build the generations. So, everything hold on guys, what’s going on Ethan? Hey! One quick thing. It’s actually the next day we had to check. We had like three drills that were fixed. It’s closing soon. Move back to Steve’s place on Sunday we have to move. Then we can ask about later. Kayla, we had the hotel booked and we’re just supposed to, oh the hood is looking great! Yes! We came down. Looking around. No worries, ut um, no worries, but guys we just ended up coming back to the chat, just ended up closing out like usual. But hey, um you’ve come to appreciate everyone. I see we have an actual speaker. I was wondering if Jordan does Karate does he have any other suggestions to him and teams. Who couldn’t join us in Miami? Ethan, Step in a quick reminder for them. Ethan to your spot. Update on upcoming events. Steven Day coordinates the 5th of August. I see we still got time. But when am I going to be able to put that, those ten eth on Ellie’s fight because she’s not up there yet. When is that getting updated? Oh, that’ll be updated pretty solidly. I think there’s a small team just sorting stuff out but there’s nothing to worry about, it’s coordinated fine. Oh and Chloe; first it’s good to see you. Yeah we have been up working on contracts. What about next few weeks, looks likely but I do not. Know. Someone should find out but should be resolved pretty quickly. Thank you for your time. Yeah Ethan and Satoshi we can go back 3 months. Appreciate everyone that came out, those that took out the time to join. Just to shout out everyone in community, advisory groups. Those just in the chats. Tom, who is not currently here. Wendy, Tina, to my community, action Kayla. You know, everybody that. That took time out of their day to jump on here. But before, you know, I close this down, I have a small update for the community that I just wanted to kind of throw out there. Not anything massive, but everybody knows that one of our newest applications, silent Swap, has. Has been an audit. And when the pre audit report just recently came out, were scored a nine out of a 1010, being obviously a perfect score. So that’s not really acceptable to me. So went back, and I am happy to report that we have now achieved a perfect score. With hacking. We are now scored a ten. And so, yeah, so just got to make sure that, you know, our applications that we are building and we put out to the masses are safe and secure, and I can now hang my hat up and say that we have achieved that. So happy to report that. Thanks, everybody, for the time and looking forward to the next space. I know it’s your space, wolf, but, man, sorry, I had to. No, you’re good. But speaking of next space, we actually have a massive space that we’re doing tomorrow in collaboration with my good friend Jordan on his link. We’re going to roll in with a big web two crowd that we’re going to be pulling into this because they also all love fighting as well. And so it is going to be a fun time that is going to be coming up at 02:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow. All fighters are welcome. We’re probably going to roll into that with several hundred people in the space, so get ready for it. All that coming up tomorrow, 02:00 p.m. eastern. Thank you to everyone that spent their time with us today on spaces. I’m looking forward to doing it again tomorrow. And by the way, prior to that, 02:00 p.m. eastern space, of course, we’ll have our X spaces crew at 12:00 p.m. eastern. You can catch most of this panel on that as we talk about what is going on around X. Thanks, everybody. Have a great rest of your evening. Looking forward to seeing everybody next week in Austin.

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