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This space is hosted by sqrcat4avax

Space Summary

The Twitter Space focuses on personal growth, relationships, emotions, and reflections, delving into transformative experiences. It starts with a metaphor of a stormy winter and navigates through themes like familial bonds and self-awareness. The Q&A section adds depth to the discussion, while the highlights capture thought-provoking moments. The niche 'Innovation' aligns with the space's emphasis on transformation and progress.



Time: 00:00:43
"It was a stormy winter, I was a city burn?"

Time: 00:00:53
"That's just the way it hurt?"

Time: 00:01:49
"Family tree?"

Time: 00:02:07
"So put it in my Louis bag, don't let it overflow?"

Time: 00:02:11
"Move it in and ship it out?"

Time: 00:02:12
"Tell me if they want some more?"

Time: 00:02:15
"Cause I got the fire coming now friends are falling off, talking shit for no reason?"

Time: 00:02:24
"Checking all my life?"

Time: 00:02:26
"Cause it's growing season now there was only trouble falling?"

Key Takeaways

  • "It was a stormy winter
  • I was a city burn?"
  • "That's just the way it hurt?"
  • "Family tree?"
  • "Move it in and ship it out?"
  • "Cause I got the fire coming now friends are falling off
  • talking shit for no reason?"
  • "Cause it's growing season now there was only trouble falling?"
  • "Oh yeah
  • you know you're fine?"
  • "You're better than me?"
  • "This is trash?"
  • "How much can I take when feelings change like phases of the moon."

Behind the Mic

d. Vans if that's the one that the person liked. But it's gonna be a shirt for the. From the square cat store. Anyone they put prefer anyone they want. And hickory. A Ballin community member. Pull up hickory dickory. Doc, you just managed to score a giant cat shirt. Let's go. Yeah. You guys don't know. Hickory is doing a lot on our website, ballintoken.com. he's just super active. Guy doesn't sleep. He has, like, a full time job and kids, but he's grinding. So always in shout out. Right? Like, icry in spaces all the time. So you want a square cat. But, yeah, I'll make sure he knows. And he will be hitting you up for sure. We want to rock the square cat brand in our community, too, so. Yeah. Great giveaway. Well, great giveaway. And let's talk. Let's talk you or Henry or somebody. We need. We need the top. This is something not like when you're. This is something I. You just reminded me of this because we talked, like, three or four days ago. I told. I talked to Ballin and I said it would be awesome. If we could do a cross ball in square cat collection, because I think it would just fit perfectly. Just. I love it. Yeah. Just. Just create, I don't know, a hoodie, a shirt, a basketball, whatever. A cool collection of both the projects together, working together, showing up as avex community coin. Okay. And, yeah, that would be just amazing, in my opinion. Here's what we do. Why don't you get with the artist, and I'll bring it up in. In the chat. I think we have a group chat going with him. We can see if he can make a. One of the animation square cats, like. Like, actually playing basketball on the court. Oh, damn. The square cat logo. And then the word ball, and underneath it, ballin can be on the ball, and it could say square cat. Let's do it. We'll make. Damn it. That was hard. Awesome. That would be just fucking awesome. Really? And. Done. Yeah, awesome. Really. Did hickory. Did hickory have his hand up? Hickory was trying to get up to just thank everyone for the gear, and so I don't know if you can see<>you are full of crap. And I speak so fastly that sometimes people from a different country cannot understand what I say because I do not always enunciate, because English is a hard language. I know it's my only language. And everybody else, it's like, oh, I don't want to speak in spaces because I have broken English. I only speak English, and I don't even speak it very properly. You're not m and m. You're not fast enough. I understand everything you say, so understand. The words that are coming out of my mouth. I do know. I love it. Thank. We actually. We actually had a hello from Henry, which I thought was cool. He finally. That was cool. That was a 16 year old voice. That was a 16 year old prodigy. We heard. You could tell by the tone of his voice that he's a genuine, compassionate, caring kid. And I'll support people like that all day, every day. So let's go. So to wrap it, I tried. Thank you all. Shut the fuck up. No, sir, I kick you. It's impossible to wrap this thing up. Don't wrap it up now. Thank you. Thank you so much for joining. Really appreciate it a lot. Thanks for the giveaways. I think it's awesome for the community to get some stuff. And we see each other next Saturday, hopefully, and in other spaces and ballin, we will talk about a collection together with. With cryptolids. Right? And Ami. I'm not sure if he's still in. No, he isn't. But we will have a talk with Hefe and whatever. Every. Anyone who wants to get in contact, just contact me. If you want to do some cool stuff, some call ups, some. If you have great ideas, just don't hesitate to contact me. And, yeah, so thank you so much for having this space. It was really amazing to host it. And, yeah, enjoy your weekends. Mine is almost over again because here it's 07:00 in the evening. Your day just started, right? So enjoy your day, enjoy your family, and have a nice one, guys. See you, guys. See you, ma'am. Nice chat. Nice chat. We'll be in touch. I'll hit you up. Boyd, please don't dodge. Don't dodge. Duck or dodge. Okay, hang up.

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