Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Spill The Alpha #30 Crypto Psychology & Inner Development w/ @Tim_4444 hosted by idexio. Explore the intricate relationship between psychology, personal development, and crypto trading strategies with @Tim_4444 in Spill The Alpha #30. Gain valuable insights into emotional intelligence, community engagement, and the impact of technology on trading practices. Discover the importance of self-awareness, discipline, and continuous learning for sustainable success in the dynamic crypto market. Delve into the psychology of trading decisions, risk management, and the role of emotional control in navigating market fluctuations. Join the conversation to enhance your trading mindset and skills for long-term growth and resilience.

For more spaces, visit the Trading page.


Q: How does psychology influence crypto trading decisions?
A: Psychology impacts decision-making, risk management, and reactions to market volatility.

Q: Why is emotional control significant in the crypto market?
A: Emotional control helps prevent impulsive decisions and fosters rational trading strategies.

Q: What role does self-awareness play in personal development within the crypto space?
A: Self-awareness enables individuals to assess strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

Q: How can traders balance risk tolerance with financial objectives?
A: Balancing risk tolerance aligns trading strategies with one's financial goals and risk appetite.

Q: Why is community building important for crypto traders?
A: Communities offer support, diverse perspectives, and opportunities for learning and growth.

Q: How does continuous education benefit traders in the crypto field?
A: Continuous learning helps traders stay informed, adapt to market changes, and refine their skills.

Q: Why is discipline crucial in managing trading emotions?
A: Discipline fosters consistency, reduces emotional trading, and enhances decision-making processes.

Q: In what way can a positive mindset impact a trader's journey?
A: A positive mindset promotes resilience, optimism, and the ability to navigate market challenges.

Q: What is the significance of technology in reshaping crypto trading practices?
A: Technology integrates tools for analysis, automation, and optimization in trading operations.

Q: Why is understanding emotions essential for sustainable trading success?
A: Emotional awareness helps manage biases, control impulses, and maintain long-term trading goals.


Time: 00:14:45
Psychological Insights on Trading Exploring the impact of psychological factors on trading decisions and behaviors.

Time: 00:27:10
Community Support and Growth Discussing the role of community in providing resources, knowledge, and encouragement for traders.

Time: 00:41:25
Technology Integration in Trading How technology tools enhance efficiency, accuracy, and strategy development in crypto trading.

Time: 00:51:50
Emotional Intelligence and Trading Examining the relationship between emotional intelligence, decision-making, and trading success.

Time: 01:02:15
Continuous Learning in Crypto The importance of ongoing education in adapting to market dynamics and refining trading skills.

Time: 01:15:30
Discipline and Consistency The role of discipline and consistency in managing emotions and behaviors for sustained trading performance.

Time: 01:27:40
Resilience and Market Volatility Building resilience to navigate market uncertainties and challenges effectively.

Time: 01:41:20
Technology Advancements in Trading Future advancements in technology shaping the landscape of crypto trading practices.

Time: 01:52:55
Emotional Awareness for Traders The significance of understanding and controlling emotions for long-term trading success.

Time: 02:05:10
Positive Mindset and Trading Exploring how a positive mindset influences trader behavior, decision-making, and outcomes.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the psychological aspect of trading is vital for success in the crypto market.
  • Emotional control and mindset play crucial roles in making informed trading decisions.
  • Self-awareness and reflection are key for personal growth and development in the crypto sphere.
  • Balancing risk tolerance and financial goals is essential for effective trading strategies.
  • Building a community of like-minded individuals can provide support and insights for traders.
  • Educating oneself continually on market trends and self-improvement is valuable in the crypto world.
  • Maintaining discipline and consistency is important in managing trading emotions and behaviors.
  • Developing a positive mindset can enhance resilience during market fluctuations.
  • Integration of technology and psychological principles is shaping the future of crypto trading.
  • Acknowledging the influence of emotions on trading decisions is crucial for long-term success.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Greetings

Hey, how's it going? Good, how are you? I'm good, mate. I'm good. Good to have you on. Thank you very much for inviting me. Very kind of you. Yeah, it's my pleasure, mate. I'll tell about you a little bit in a couple of minutes while we wait for all the listeners to join. But, yeah, I've been following you not for. Not such a long time, only for like, three months or two months now. But I've been really enjoying your feed and, yeah, I really wanted to have you on, so it's my pleasure.

Daily Experiences and News

Thank you very much. How are you doing, mate? How's your day? Yeah, very good. Just had a nice nap, all very relaxed. Was just reading about the good news about Russia legalizing cryptocurrency. So that's very interesting. Yeah, yeah, I think they're just gonna continue doing everything they can to piss off the west and avoid sanctions and whatever. Yeah. Also legalizing all the mining is great. Yeah. And electricity in Russia is very cheap. So also because they have the climate where it's cold, you know, for the. For the mining rigs. And indeed, they have a lot of excess electricity, also from nuclear power plants. So, yeah, it's good news. It's good going.

Trading Session and Podcast Introduction

They're one of the last few countries that are really pro nuclear, so, yeah. All right. Me? I'm good. I'm good. Had a great trading session this morning. Was actually really fun to trade volatility with all the numbers. I love every day that we have data, like today. And, yeah, hopefully I'm going to finish my day on a good note as well. Good. All right, well, we can jump right in. Well, all of our listeners, welcome to another episode of Spill the Alpha. This is the 30th episode, so that's a very big milestone for us. To all of our listeners that keep coming back, thank you a lot. It really does mean a lot. I'm really happy to see names that start recognizing.

Introduction of Guest and Competitions

So, yeah, thanks a lot for that. And, yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode. I know Tim for, like I said, for a couple of months now. I think most of you who did get to know him probably saw his big tweet about Dubai and about his experience there. And I've been really enjoying all of his long form tweets, both about markets, about inner development, about market philosophy. I think this is one of the very unique accounts on crypto Twitter. So if you don't follow Tim, make sure to check that out, check his profile out and give him a follow. And, yeah, I also want to remind all of our listeners that we have right now the last round of the IDEXx trading competition.

Involvement in Crypto

This is the testnet competition. So if you are interested in winning some cash prize money for trading with the paper money, make sure to check the IDEXx account. Make sure to follow them. Join the discord white list yourself. Join the competition. And, yeah, like I said, this is the last competition we're going to have giving out half a million IDEXx tokens. That's worth around 200,000, $250,000. So, yeah, worth checking that out. And, yeah, that's pretty much it. So we can just jump right into everything. So, Tim, I want to ask about your beginnings. Tell us a little bit about your background. How did you actually get into crypto?

Tim's Journey into Crypto

And was there a particular event or person that inspired you to dive into the whole field? Well, first of all, thank you. So I was living on my mountain, renting a little cabin for 50 euro a day on Airbnb, and I got invited by a friend, end of 2016, October 2016, to go to Germany. So I went to Germany and we ended up in some bar. I didn't know how we ended up there. And I was talking to some. I ended up talking to a Chinese guy who's totally wasted on tequila. And he basically asked me, hey, man, you know about ethereum? I said, ethereum? What's that? I said, you know bitcoin?

Ethereum Discovery

I said, yeah, I know bitcoin, but haven't looked into it. I said, well, that's the future, man. So he wrote it down for me on like a beer filter thing. And I put that in my pocket, forgot about it, went home, saw the thing, put it on my laptop, investigated for three months really seriously into this. And at the end of 2016, put all my savings, which I'd saved hard because I had a really small car, lived on my mountain, grew my food, and put $10,000 at six in Ethereum. So thanks to some anonymous Chinese guy, which I've never been able to locate again, I got into Ethereum at six with $10,000 and I kept the whole year.

Market Experiences

And then another friend recommended me when things are going crazy, hey, cash out half. And because, which now my wife, during the whole run of Ethereum, I was with her in Central America and I was looking at it. What is happening here? This is crazy. The thing was like 400, back to 120, up again to 1000. I was like, oh, my God, what's happening here? This is insane. You know? And so a friend of mine, he recommended me to cash out a half, which I did, end of 2017. Good timing. Yeah, yeah. I was very grateful to him.

Lessons Learned

And the other half, like, next year went down, like 95%, you know, keeping it in alts. So that kind of piqued my interest. I was like, this is really crazy. You know, this is really volatile, what is happening here. I have to understand this market. I mean, everyone's wiped out. I somehow buy some locals and manage to survive, and I started looking into this mark. So that's how it began. Yeah. That's beautiful. Well, sometimes going to a bar is good luck. Yeah. Yeah. Really. Like, I had no idea. I didn't know anything about cryptocurrency.

Financial Struggles and Personal Growth

I didn't know anything. And also the log that I bought that on Kraken, and almost the whole year, I just kept it on Kraken. I could have kept it on any other shitty exchange, which would have collapsed, but I didn't even know about ledges back then. I didn't know anything. Like, nothing. So, yeah, that's awesome. Well, you've been really. It did appear in my. In my life when I was getting troubled renting the cabin in my gardens because the government here told me, hey, you can rent that cabin. And it was getting so popular on Airbnb that I got fined because I didn't have the right permit.

Meditation and Reflection

So I did actually sit down once, meditating in the garden, and kind of send out a desire into the universe. Hey, it would be nice if something else would appear in my life, which I could do at home, which was kind of also combined being at home and my interest in geopolitics and economics, and I kind of let it go. Never thought of it again. But a year later, I thought, hey, crypto is kind of against the political system. Economics can do it from home. In a way that wish came true. In a way that wish can, too. The desire send out.

Path to Embracing Crypto Investing

That's awesome. I mean, it really fits your. Your ideas and, like, your own ideologies. So when do you feel like you started to transition into, like, just embracing yourself as a crypto investor? Was it at this point where you had the trouble and you just told yourself, that's it, this is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life? Well, I never decided that, really. Well, after 2017, when I had made some nice money, the first thing I did was to go on a kind of bucket list trip to visit some amazing places and spend also a lot of time on retreat, on my own, a dog room retreat, going to visit masses I wanted to visit in the world, which I didn't have the money to visit, buying a lot of books, which were hard to get.

Learning Through Market Struggles

And when I started realizing that most people were losing everything in 2018, I was like, hey, this is interesting, because I did understand bitcoin was not going to disappear. So I did realize, hey, I'm learning something important here. And that's when I decided, well, I can't rent the cabin anymore. Let's see how this goes. So I got more serious, you know, got into reading a lot more about it hours a day, got a proper computer, got a proper setup, started connecting with some people, joined the Discord group, but always jumped also, always keeping in my mind that being too active with finance would also bring me a lot of unrest.

Balancing Life and Crypto Trading

So I kind of structured it really well. It would be like waking up in the morning, doing my meditation, reading 2 hours in crypto, taking a break, going for a walk, reading again. And so learning more about the space, really grinding down as much as I could about it, and not doing a lot of short term trading. I was really shocked that I lost 95% off that 50% that I kept in the market. And I was like, hey, I used to have 10,000, and now I have so much more. And I still had this very simple lifestyle with very low cost.

Caution and Patience

And I was like, okay, let's just wait a bit before jumping in here, because I really want to understand this before I'm going to burn the other 50%, I really must know what's happening here, because if I burn the other 50%, then I'm back to renting the cabin, which I can't rent anymore. It would be kind of a pity having lost a lot as well. Didn't cause me serious pain because I was internally right, but did kind of put me in my place. It humbled me, and it showed me to take it easy and be patient. And I stayed patient until 2020, almost.

Market Surviving Strategies

Yeah. I think probably one of the reasons that you managed to stay patient is because you were really focused on balancing your life, right, with, like, not getting too dragged into the markets and, like, separating your daily living and your work with crypto, because, you know, a lot of people start trading and getting into crypto, make some money, and that's it. The market gets them, and they're just perpetually online. And, yeah, it can be pretty toxic. Yeah. Also, for example, this week, you know, a lot of people probably listening on here lost money, and then people, they go through heavy emotional turbulence and just jump right in to, you know, 99% who got wiped out five days ago is leverage long.

Advice for Traders

Popcat and wif again. So you know, it's part of the game. But yeah, it's costly for many people. Yeah, 100%, to put it mildly. If you can be patient because we're still in the range, we could have the news any moment that some kind of strike from Iran happens again. Who knows what will happen. I think if you lost a lot of money in this blowout, you can also wait until bitcoin goes over all time high again and then start trading when it's a lot easier again. If you're not very good at trading yet, who cares? Why would you start trading short term in an agonizing range which has wiped out even some of the best traders while you can just wait until there's a clear break above all time high and then just ride the market and take it easy for six months.

Emphasizing Patience

I always come back to telling people, okay, take it easy. Perspective, sit down, calm yourself. If you play this game long term in crypto a couple of years, you'll make it. This market is going to get a lot bigger still. Yeah. And it's this thing about a lot of books that I've read. A lot of traders that I appreciate have said that it's not about catching the whole move, it's catching 80% or 75% of the move. And you're already going to be outperforming 90 plus percent of people that are participating. And the best way to visualize those things is just to look at any other big moves that we've had before.

Market Behavior Insights

And, you know, you'll be able to see that there's a lot of easy ways to define when those moves are starting and it's, you know, and you have an opportunity just to just jump in without having to, you know, pico bottom, tick, enter into the markets. Right? Totally. Totally. I mean, look at what I consider real legend like Bob Lucas. Calm person. You can feel listening to his voice when he does his YouTube videos that this is a person who's very grounded in himself. He just plays a cycle. The guy now, even with a wipeout, with just a holiday, he bought low, sells high, plays the cycles, it makes a lot of money and sounds generally calm and easy and happy, provides tremendous value to the space as well.

Connecting Wealth with Lifestyle

Doing that and just listening to him, learning from him, I'm like, hey, if I play these cycles well, then I can actually also financially be fine from that also because my cost of living is pretty low. But when you play two crypto cycles pretty well and you got some nice return. Yeah. It's actually amazing to see that you start like you stuck to your origins with your style of living. Because I've known a lot of people who made a lot of money in crypto, and it really changes them, you know? Yeah. It's rare to see people that don't let money change them.

Material Wealth and Inner Contentment

So that's nice. I mean, my, of course, if we don't have any material wealth, then we're stuck in a fight or survival mode for food and for roof over our heads and opportunity. So, yes, a certain basic of material necessity is necessary for survival and moving along, but a large part of the world population has this, and a lot of the people that start doing crypto have more than enough of this. So they kind of jump into the space wanting more, not having any internal balance, which then goes wrong, thinking that more money will make them more happy.

Pursuit of Happiness

While the trick is if you can be happy with the basics, then you're never going to be content having a lot. And now that sounds like, oh, yeah, but I'll be a bit happy. I'm not just talking about being happy and smiling. I'm really talking about taking your life to the next level, to really being able to be powerfully, emotionally balanced, learning how to feel energy, being profoundly content with yourself, being able to feel and not have this need for more all the time in your head. And since this is a space full of a lot of young people. Yeah, it's inevitable that these things happen.

Sharing Wisdom

That's why I also thought, hey, maybe we'll start sharing some of this stuff online and we'll see what happens. I never thought this account will get so big. Here we are. Yeah, I saw a post you made, I think it was yesterday, about being happy. And I really agree with this perspective. And I also wrote a post about it a couple of days ago, that people thinking that money will bring them happiness, it's really crushing to see that process, because most of them, if they do reach that monetary level that they're aiming for, it usually crushes them once they realize it changed nothing, you know.

Reflections on Wealth

And then devices go. So I've received dozens, probably 100 plus, like wheels from crypto here on my mountain over the years. And also a lot of. So basically average one a week I do. That's the max me and my wife do. So people come here, they stay in a hotel nearby, or they stay in an Airbnb nearby. They come in the morning, we talk some lunch, show the forest card, and have a walk in the mountain, if they stay longer, go to the beach, we talk what they're struggling with, how they're feeling, things like that.

Connecting with Others

If they're friends I know personally, they can stay in the cabins, also in the garden. And I had people here that have hundreds of millions, tens of millions, billions, people that lost with Luna guy, who lost 61 million, who had it all staked. And all of them, they're still searching for themselves. But anyway, that's also the whole reason for someone like the Buddha left, right? So, yeah, and then a lot of them, they suffer from the same things. Once they have all the money, and then the tension seeking starts.

Lives Transformed by Wealth

Usually the vices begin. Once the vices are gone and they get out of balanced life, then they start getting really into other strange beliefs or vices which can be sex related. We can being with a lot of men and women, which may be related to material things which. Or move toxic places. Well, I always say, hey, now you finally have the money. Time to turn inside, time to become really content. So then we sit down, do some energy, exercise, and people like, whoa, there's an entire other side of life I didn't know.

Discovering Inner Wealth

There's things I can feel I didn't even thought were possible. There's levels of contentment to reach where I didn't even know existed. And a lot of people, they go back and just continue their life because they don't dedicate enough time. You know, if you spend tens of thousands of hours making money, it's really hard to let that go and actually start doing something else. But if you spend sitting down enough time, and really, then these people become really wealthy in a way that they discover another way of being, and then afterwards, they still have the money.

Finding Balance in Materialism

I'm not saying, hey, you have a. A lot of money, or you don't have a lot of money, give it all away, because that's needed to find yourself. No, no, park it on the bank, park it in bitcoin, park it on stables, whatever you want, and just dedicate serious time to yourself. And if you have the resources, go visit masters, do retreats, but don't go to Dubai thinking that a yacht and a Ferrari and who knows what will make you happy. Because it won't. It won't. And anyone can see.

Learning the Hard Way

Anyone can see that some people have. To learn it the hard way. Well, talking about struggles, I want to go back to your journey and your beginning in crypto. Can you share any significant mistakes or any general challenges that you went through in your early days of trading? Or investing, rather. And what do you feel like you've learned from those? Let me think. Okay, so the most destructive mistake I barely escaped from and which I've seen many people that came here lost insane amount of money is staking with long, unstaking times, which means I had my Luna staked.

Staking Mistakes

And luckily I had it unstaked on time. And luckily also on Angkor, where I literally had, like, millions, I made a rule for myself. If the collateral Luna goes too close to UST, which was the stablecoin from Luna back then that means that USD, the value of it, which came from Luna, is actually worth more than the collateral, which is Luna. So when I saw Luna, the value going down and down, approaching USD, I unstaked my anchor and put it all in USDT. But if that anchor would not have had immediate unstaking, but 21 days unstaking like Luna had, I would have lost everything.

Reflections on Loss

And I know a lot of people that had everything staked in Luna, in Osmo, in cosmos, in all these kind of things where you couldn't do immediate unstaking for a price. They lost it all, guys. 61 million, 30 million. I mean, people were devastated. More than 20 people killed themselves in South Korea. With Luna, it's pretty great, what we know of. So first use, I always recommend don't do fixed taking times. We just saw how fast this market can move. One day, sixty four k to twenty nine k and back up again. But who knows? Maybe there was a massive financial crisis.

Navigating Risks

Black's one, you do want to sell for a while, then you can't do it because you're staked. So that's a huge mistake. The second one is, of course, jumping into leverage trading, thinking he knows what you're doing and using too much leverage. Of course, leverage is great, and I use it to my daily trading. If you know what you do, but most people don't. So you want to take it easy with that and properly learn first before doing that. Yeah. Also, a lot of people listening, they probably know that you look at a screen and you're like, kind of get addicted to it.

Screen Addiction

It's like a kind of subtle kind of stress looking at a screen, which kind of triggers dopamine. So basically what happens is most people don't know. They think, oh, I'm just addicted to the content from the screen. That's not actually the case. When your electric field is connecting to the screen, which is also an electric field, and that screen is vibrating, it creates a subtle kind of stress. And this stress triggers kind of dopamine, because you can literally get addicted to stress. So taking a break regularly from the screen is not just a break from the content.

Importance of Breaks

With everything which is coming out from Twitter and the news and all the time being active, it's literally disconnecting your bioelectric field from your body, from your mind, from being connected to an electrical device with your attention. So taking a break every 15 minutes away, looking away from the screen every 30 minutes, going outside, putting your feet in the ground, going to a garden, really disconnecting, doing something else is absolutely crucial. I remember in 2000, 2020, even at one point, I was like, man, I'm doing way too much hours of computer.

Personal Experiences with Excessive Screen Time

I would just do hours, and at one point, I just kept going. And I'm like, I'm high on dopamine and adrenaline. Yeah, probably late 2020, early 2021, I'm. Like, I'm high in dopamine and adrenaline. I'm addicted. I'm not taking up breaks. And even though I was doing my meditation, I've seen a lot of people, they slowly get burned out. So if you combine all these things also, then you have, of course, I lost. Well, thanks to a friend who warned me on time about FTX, I had quite a lot of money in FTX.

FTX Experience

Pulled it out through Solana because USDT was already empty bitcoin ether. Nothing was working. I thought, okay, Tim, think. What's nobody doing? Put it all in Solana. Send it out. Managed to get 90% out the other arrest. So, of course, the usual tips, don't put all in one exchange. Get your security in order. Use. I once made a whole tweet about this, about all these things, and you want to take that serious about. I know most people are now again, oh, yeah, almost lost it all.

Maintaining Security

Hop all in. Bybit again. Max long on Popcat. Yeah. What if bybit collapses? Can you still keep going then in crypto? Yeah, it's a really good. I remember that when I was still early in my trading game, I had all my money one exchange. And then when the COVID crash happened, thankfully, I could still continue doing whatever I wanted to. But I had a lot of friends who had all their money on Bitmax, and they were just paralyzed. You can't do anything.

Managing Dependencies

You can't trade, you can't buy, you can't sell. And they were just waiting for everything to just calm down and the exchange to go back online. And that's when I realized how important it is to have a few exchanges that you have money sitting on or just have everything in self custody, whatever it is, just being reliant one third party is really dangerous, especially in this field. Totally being dependent. People forget it. And we just had FTX collapsing and people already forgot it.

Navigating Lies in Crypto

Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, you made another great point. Also, one has to realize that you're confronted with lies all the time in this space. Lies on Twitter, influencers lying. Everyone is like, wow, if I look at my chart here, ethereum went to, oh, it went to 1900, I could have bought them. And look at that's a candle of 1 minute. Most exchanges were down one, no one got filled there maybe a few people and who was just looking.

Psychological Impacts

So, so this psychologically then, oh, I didn't buy that low. But if you look, it was only there like who knows, half an hour maybe. So really these extreme wicks up and down, nobody catches them really. And that's also psychological part. It's people that then say, I did cut the bottom everything. You're being lied to all the time, people trying to steal from you, grift you, rug, pull you, all that. So you have to really build immunity, mental immunity, be your own man or woman, get grounded, do your inner practice and realize that the financial and crypto space is very toxic and that you really have to cast your own path.

Leveraging Trading Strategies

Levelis, you know, the pro traders, they can use it well, depends on your system and all that. I have a little account on exchange. I always recommend that people say, okay, make a shop account, which you can call it buy the dip account. I have that account for years, and I don't share my short term trading. I just deploy a bit when I, everyone's selling, you know, when I know I want to throw in the towel, I just put in a money, like during this crash, and then just sell it on the bounce. Boom. Immediately. That I just have written down, Tim, if everyone wants to sell and goes insane, buy a bit and sell immediately on the bounce, make five or 10%. Good. Also, I have a little account where I do leverage with time, three times five. But I've always promised myself, if that account goes to zero, I will never do leverage again with another amount. So what I do, let's say I have a 20,000 euro in a trade, or 100,000 euro in a trade, or who knows how much. And thanks to that leverage, I double it. Then I'm not putting again that amount with more leverage. I'm just always also taking some profit.

Managing Risks and Taking Profits

So if that account then does go to zero, then I at least have taken some profit out. But I take it really easy with that leverage, except if I see an exceptional opportunity. Also, when GCR was, for example, still posting about certain coins and he was shorting it, I was like, okay, we'll go times ten here. It's too easy. If I see certain news events which can trigger, and I'm on the computer, sometimes I do a bit more leverage, but I take it easy with that. It's only 5% of my total net worth. Yeah, I've seen too many people. I mean, as I posted, I talked two people out of killing themselves this week because they lost it all with leverage. And that's the reason I came back. I'm like, you're thinking about ending your life, your eye consciousness, the reason you came into this beautiful world, which is tough. I know it's tough. And that's why you came into this world, to figure out why you're actually here. And you're thinking of killing yourself because you did leverage on some shitcoins. Just. Just saying that to people and letting that sink in, then they already sounds ridiculous. Then they're already not going to do it anymore.

Value of Life and Mental Well-being

I mean, it's your life, like, life, existence. The most beautiful thing there is in this. You're born with it. Your mother breastfed. You spent years taking care of you. Your parents spent years taking care of you. Maybe you came from another country as a refugee. There's opportunities everywhere. There's hundreds of millions, billions of people living in poverty, selling their body to take care of their children, doing horrible work in mines, and they're all hanging in there for a better future. And you're considering killing yourself because you did leverage. I mean, come on, let's just be also easier to space with venting all the crap because it's more important things in life. Yeah. And that's why the best approach to any leveraged account is you just write it off as if it doesn't exist. And. And you take, you tell yourself that you put into that account only the money you're literally willing to lose and you don't care what happens. But obviously, you're going to try to do your best and, you know, make money.

Being Prepared for Market Volatility

But you just have to be prepared. Knowing that you can have a 25% down move overnight, especially on shit coins, you can have a 50% down move overnight. Right. So you just have to be ready for it. And. Yeah, and we actually had blog race talking about it today. He posted, talking that, saying that trading spot is always going to be the best move for people. And then someone, because he's famous for making a lot of money with wif. And someone posted how with is down like 70% from the all time high or something like that. And I replied to him saying, what is your point? He, that's literally you're proving his point. You're even if you would trade on with yes, you would be down 70% of your spot if you bought a picotop, but if you would be trading with leverage, you would be liquidated and have nothing left. It's better to be left with 30% than have nothing. I mean, why did GCR post that the only doesn't use leverage, you know, I mean, this guy became a multi billionaire doing crypto.

The Evolution of the Crypto Market

And dude, we have such a volatile market. Honestly, anyone saying, anyone thinking that you have to use leverage to make it in the space, it's just bullshit. Because even on bitcoin, on an ether, we just had a 25% down move, which is a great dip to buy means Solana bounced like 30%. That's 30% on your portfolio in a couple of days. Yeah, we have eth moving up 15%, bitcoin moving up almost 20%. And obviously that's like pico bottom calculations and whatever, but still, you have crazy swings and even just trading spot, as long as you're careful, as long as you're in tune with the market, you can make great money. So, yeah, I want to move. I want to move a little bit towards the whole crypto philosophy. So you said you really liked how crypto was aligning with your ideas and your ideologies about life and living and everything. Do you feel that crypto is still the same? Because, you know, have there been times where the evolving of the crypto world conflicts lifted with those values and, you know, added stress to your life, maybe, or things like that?

Finding Inner Peace and Connection

Well, it never added stress to my life because otherwise I wouldn't do it. I mean, I receive burnout crypto traders and people looking for answers on my mountain as a, because I like it. I try to help people. So I kind of invite suffering in my home so I can help people to move along and they become content. So, no, it doesn't stress me. But, yeah, bitcoin is, of course, great. Everyone knows the field system is totally rotten and that it affects many parts of the world. And bitcoin is a great alternative. Will it fix all these problems? No, it won't, because a lot of these problems have to be fixed on the inside. As I always say, nasty monkey with fiat is still nasty monkey with bitcoin. But yes, of course, the igelo. You can feel the igelot less. This cycle is like. Also, I posted a couple of weeks ago that I was out of here. I had enough of it because all the shit with the memes and more scams, of course, was bad in 2017 too.

Navigating the Crypto Landscape

It was bad in 2021 too. It's just the incessant lying. The people dedicate so much time to creating millions of meme coins on Solana. Come on. I mean, dedicate your time to something more serious. You know, I'm not a good program or anything, but I dedicate my time to educating people about their mental state so they can become keep their bitcoins, or at least not lose all of them and work on that. But, yeah, the only way this space is not going to move forward if the main thing that we're putting out is garbage. Now, finally, Wall street and countries are interested, so we should really focus on. We have finally, the opportunity to really change the world. Bitcoin. We've dreamt of this day that Putin the Trump and everyone would announce they would do bitcoin, and then what does the crypto space do? We're all going to do memes. It's like, man, we wanted to get to this point, and.

Calls for a Serious Approach to Bitcoin

And now it's like, hey, let's all go crazy on memes. And podcasts and cats and dogs and all this crap, utter crap. It's like, it's so typical of we finally reach a pivotal moment, and then we all decide, hey, let's go wallow in the shit. Let's be even more degenerate instead of now really trying to push the bitcoin. That's also why I wanted to push the idea for a bitcoin party in my country, and I would recommend anyone in any country to do that. Set up a bitcoin political party and start convincing your government to hold bitcoin. If you want to change the future of the citizens of your country, the more bitcoin your country will have, that will be great, instead of dedicating your time, for example, only to memes and all that shit. So I think things definitely changed, and I think crypto, Twitter got worse, but that's also normal because it got so much bigger.

Reflections on the Crypto Community

And a lot of quality people, they've retired, you know, they're so rich. Yeah. And that's the sad thing, that we see a lot of ogs leaving the space, and we see a lot of people coming that are here just to make money. They don't care about, you know, there is no charting against bitcoin anymore. No one cares about accumulating against bitcoin. They just want to make money. We're losing that side. Well, there's no. There's nothing wrong with making money. But, for example, I'm definitely always keeping bitcoins also for my children, no matter what people tell me. And I keep them in multi sig wallets, of course. And I told my wife, I said, if ever something happens to me, the last thing you have to sell to make sure, in one case, I'm not there and you have to survive is the bitcoins.

Preparing the Future Generations

Sell the little gold we have, sell cash, sell the cars, because this is the future. If I had to choose one asset I would have to leave to my young children and be absolutely sure that it will be. Well, you can be absolutely sure, but I would be sure that it would be worth a lot more and important, it's bitcoin. So I would say my two biggest gifts to my children would be teaching them inner development, bitcoin. And also, if they ever inherit the property, a nice forest garden where daddy planted big fruit trees and nut trees, which are now 2030 years old, because it takes a long time to grow a garden. Gold. Who knows? Maybe in ten years, we have starships from SpaceX and Margaret Musk. Start drawing in asteroids filled with gold. And gold will go to zero in for a bitcoin party.

Bitcoin as a Better Form of Money

It says every country should change their gold reserves for bitcoin. Bitcoin, it's a better form of money. So I don't know, if I had to bet in 30 years what would be more valuable, bitcoin or gold. I would bet on bitcoin. But who knows, you know, for me, bitcoin stays one of the anchor points for at least resisting the toxic fiat system. And in that case, it kind of aligns with, not with inner work or spirituality, but the idea to be different. The idea that you're not going to be a slave of all your mind or what you've been taught or of the system or of the financial system. All lines. If you want to really work on yourself, you have to be different because everyone around you will tell you, hey, Delta, have a drink.

Striving for Personal Growth

Hey, let's go out. Hey, let's go. Hey, just get a normal job. Hey, just do that. Hey, just do. And if you want to say, hey, man, I don't want to drink. I want to work on myself. I don't want to use the kind of money, you know, you're going to get to meditation, bitcoin, that kind of stuff. And in the beginning, it's a lonely life, but then in time, you'll make other friends. You know, we became friends and you realize, hey, there's a lot of other people that are interested in this, and I've actually better friendships with them. So it's good I changed all that. So, in a way, bitcoin remains totally a beacon of freedom for. For a lot of aspects of the financial life, in my opinion. Yeah, definitely. And it's really nice because even before you got to know about crypto, you were already aligned with the whole ideology side of things.

The Pull of Nature over Urban Living

So it's nice to have people like you around. So I want to talk about your life a little bit. You famously live on a mountain in rural Europe. What inspired you to leave the city for a more secluded area? And how has this lifestyle change affected your work and your personal life? Well, have you ever been to a city? Well, yeah, I live in a really big city right now. Yeah. So. It sums it up. Yeah. You know, I just tell people, go to a city, go to a mall, take the subway, and during that day, don't do it. Don't do anything. Just get a sandwich, take some water with you, don't go to a museum, don't get along, and just sit and observe what you see and really feel around you. Calm your mind.

The Power of Observation and Reflection

Expand your awareness out. What do you feel in a subway, in a busy mall, in a city? Look at people. Look at their eyes. When I was young, 22, I was in London, miserable, depressed. I was reading the Jem McKenna books and all other spiritual books, and I spent weeks sitting in subways thinking, these metal worms filled with bones and blood come in the city, miserable. Go out of it, miserable. These people look dull. I mean, the eyes, there's no light in their eyes, there's no health. There's what is going on here? It's like this can't be existence. I said, I'd rather die than keep living like this. But I realized, hey, there's a way out to. And I left. I left, I left everything. I left my girlfriend, I left my parents.

The Journey to Finding Peace

I told them, I won't be back in years. You weren't here for me. I took the last of my money, booked a ticket to a super cheap country, turned radically inside for years until I had figured out what I wanted to figure it out, what's behind I, which can be figured out. And then I realized, hey, you know, I'm just going to volunteer at different permaculture farms where I work. Physical labor, hard labor, for free. But they will give me food and learn how to grow my own food, continue my inner practice, because there's great things like workaway, help eggs, where you can go visit all these farms for free. The people will feed you and you have to work for them.

Valuable Life Lessons from Nature

Now, people will say, why would I go work for someone with free? That's not the point. You have to work five, 6 hours a day in a farm. You learn how to grow your own food, you're there, and the rest of the day you're free to work on yourself. I didn't have money back then, so I was like, oh, this is a great opportunity to continue my inner practice. And I quickly realized I will never live in a city again. I need nature. If I'm in places with too many humans too long. I live on the mountain, but I always visit cities. So I kind of come down from the mountain and visit cities to see how humanity is doing, what's going on. Before I come down, I turn on what I call my energetic shield.

The Proximity to Nature

I kind of project my inner power around me so I don't hear all this thinking and all these people's voices and all these energies from coming onto me because I live in a very secluded place. But once you realize what is going on, how toxic some of these places are, then no wonder humanity is what it is. I sometimes wonder if an alien would come to this planet and beam down into a city. He was like, what is going on? You know, once you see it, you cannot unsee it. And animals, plant nature. Silence. And I was like, man, this is great. I mean, in Amsterdam you can buy a 50 square meter apartment and it will cost you half a million. And here in the north of Spain, you can live with the money if you want, your entire life, you know?

Seeking Simplicity over Urbanization

Yeah. So was kind of a no brainer. And I also wanted to do retreats, like really deep in nature. So I had to be somewhere remote. Yeah, I mean, I know what you're talking about. Back when I was in Asia, I. This was like the most secluded area I've been to. I remember I visited Bangkok for the first couple of days and it was just so overwhelming. So many people, huge city. And then I flew to a tiny island called Copangan and I spent around two, three months on that island. Just, you know, it's a tiny island with less than like 4000 people. And I could definitely feel the difference in my daily life. Just, you know, like my happiness, my energy levels, everything.

The Connection to Nature and Inner Happiness

It was just so much better. Yeah. Even, even people that can't really feel, they feel it. We're apes born in trees. You go back to nature. There is not a single person that goes from a city or swim in the ocean or goes to nature. There's a reason everyone goes and holiday to nature. So I was like, okay, why not turn around? I'll go live in nature and go on holiday in cities. Okay. Yeah. It's a really good way to look at it. So you've mentioned inner development a couple of times, but inner development can mean different things to different people. How would you define inner development in your own words?

Inner Development and Self-Discovery

So inner development is the discovery that there is an entire inner world which you can discover. So usually we have our senses towards outward, towards observing on the outside things that are happening in the world. You know, activities, external activities. We always need to do things. You have to be things and you have to work and blah, blah and all. Do all that. Okay. Inner development means finding out who is that person that is looking? Who is that person that is feeling? What is behind that voice in your head that is talking to you? If you sit down and ask yourself, who am I? What is this I? And how is it possible that you can say to yourself, I am Delta?

The Journey of Self-Reflection

But at the same time you're aware of that. You're saying that, which means there's a difference between the one saying it and the one observing it. There's a difference between the content of consciousness and consciousness itself. So, inner work exists of opening the door for yourself to finding out what this I. What your existence really is. And this can take. In conversations I have with people, usually two forms. One is the path almost no one takes, and it's a very radical path. It means turning inside, really, to only find out what the eye is. You know, Romana Maharsi, Jeb McKenna, Richard Rose, so many spiritual teachers talk about it, leave it all. And you just start hammering down is, who am I?

The Path Less Travelled

Until you discover that, you can't even know that, your consciousness open up and you realize you're everything, which takes years to do. It's a very high pride to pace because you separate yourself from all your friends in emotional connections. Now, I've only met less than five people in the live that actually done it. And, yeah, you get into a pretty different state of being. The second option, which I recommend to most people is, so, as I said, there's consciousness, and there's the content of consciousness. The content of consciousness is your thinking, your feeling, and all your perceptions. And then you have consciousness itself, which can be called the void, God, the truth, you know, whatever you want to call it.

Bridging the Gap between Consciousness and Experience

Now, in between, there's a glue. There's something like kind of in between the content of consciousness and consciousness itself, which is energy, bioelectric energy. The Chinese, they call it qi. Now, through your body, this energy flows. This qi flows. It flows through the acupuncture channels, which are called Nadis india. And once you calm your mind down enough, you can feel this energy in your body, or you can go to an acupuncturist. But once you know how to feel this energy, you start feeling really calm. You can massively improve your health. You become intimidating. You can make love to your wife or husband on a much deeper level. So a lot of people don't want to leave it alone.

Experiencing Inner Vitality

I say you don't need to leave it all. If you really want to be content, if you really want to have this feeling, like which most people only have when they have an orgasm, this electric release, or when they're in ecstasy, if you want to feel a calm, balanced state of mind where you're really at ease of yourself, you're intuitive, you're radiant, your eyes are brightest. Get into energy work. Energy work means learning how to open your energy channels, which you can do through taoist practice, buddhist practice, all different energy practices. I always recommend courses from, for example, mantai Chia, from Adam Meisner, Damo Mitchell, all kind of different taoist yogi masters you can find.

Inner Development Vs. Outer Pursuit

So that's energy work. So inner development is literally the opposite of auto development. So everyone in crypto is scream coins being busy getting cars, getting rich outside, which women I'm going to get, which men I'm going to get this and that, such and so I'm going to do this and that. Okay. I'm saying, hey, you have an entire inner world to discover, to develop. Inner development. Yeah. You know, until a couple of years ago, I was such a big disbeliever in anything that has to do with, like, you know, alternative medicine and, you know, anything that has to do with the spiritual side of studies of the body and the mind and soul and everything.

Skepticism Towards Alternative Healing

And this relates to acupuncture. Acupuncture. Like I said, because my uncle had a really bad back. I really had injury in his back. And they tried to do surgery. It didn't work. He had to take pills for years upon years, and it started getting so bad that he could barely walk. And then he went to this, like, chinese medicine place, and they put, like, the needles into the back and feet and arms and everything. And he told me that the day after, he felt like he's 20 years younger. And ever since then, he rarely has to take a painkiller or something. And it actually helped him. And that was, like, for me, my first real sign that, you know, there's something to it.

The Flow of Energy in the Body

Well, I mean, imagine never having been in a waterfall and you're standing over it and you're feeling this amazing flow of water over your body, or jumping into a beautiful ocean. This feeling. Now imagine having that feeling on the inside. You know, that flow most people only gather with orgasm. It's because most people are. Their emotions and stress block the inner flow of energy. So a lot of people, they doubt if this energy stuff even exists. Now, I get people here, we do an exercise, five minutes, and they're like, whoa, I can feel the energy in my hands. Like, this is not strange. You don't know this.

Discovery of Energy Work

No one is teaching you this in school. And if, for example, I said, hey, delta, did you ever have alcohol in your life? And you say, no. I said, well, delta, if I give you whiskey, you're going to get drunk. And you're like, what's drunk? Being like, well, you're going to feel all dizzy and nice. Yeah, I don't know what it's like. Okay, okay, drink two glass of whiskey, let me know. And you're like, whoa. Okay. So what you need is diethyde. What you need is direct experience. Right now, people are not going to have direct experience if they don't know the technique. If no one is selling, giving you, let's say, a glass of, hey, learn how to feel energy and exercise.

Methods of Self-Discovery

Or tells you, even like the buddha did, he would tell people, hey, sit down, close your eyes, be silent. People are like, why? Just do it. And the ones that did it became more content. This is something you have to practice. And yes, of course, this exists because there's a reason for thousands of years, in all esoteric traditions and in China, that they're all using this. There's no doubt about it. Everyone knows that there's more to life than just being a physical suck of meat and bones. And the people that say, no, this is not the case. I say, okay, where do you go when you sleep?

Exploring the Mysteries of the Mind

Well, I'm not there. But you're dreaming. Okay, and then who's dreaming? Well, I'm there. I'm not there. I'm kind of there. I have all these things going on. Yeah, but you're lying there sleeping, you know, how is this possible? So there's many different levels of inner existence, which we don't get taught, which is also the whole point of our education system.

The Fiat System and Personal Enslavement

The fiat system is to keep people enslaved. Don't look inside. Because you run after money all the time. Don't look inside. Use our money. Don't look inside. Buy all this stuff to be happy. It's part of the slavery. So I think one of the reasons my account also grew a bit is that a lot of bitcoin is they like freedom. They like the idea of freedom and not being enslaved by the money system, but they still feel enslaved by themselves. So they're like, hey, I'm now free with bitcoin, but I'm still imprisoned in my own mind. So I tell them, hey, get going with energy, work, inner development, and you also realize your own freedom.

Challenges Faced by Individuals in Personal Growth

So you're talking about people now, which is a really good point I wanted to ask you about. So you've been educating and working with people about the psychological and mental aspects for a long time. What do you see or what do you feel is the most common issue that people face in this area? Well, it's their own impatience. It's their own impatience because they're incapable of thinking long term. They think five or ten years is a lot, which is not, because if you live healthy you can live until you're 80. Most people here in their twenties or in their thirties. So why do you have to make it in one year to prove it to your crypto friends? No, be patient. You can develop your own happiness on the inside while doing crypto, while buying some bitcoin with your salary, while doing one or 2 hours of trading every day.

The Hurdles of Impatience and Modern Life

So the biggest hurdle for most people in the space that they get all hyped up by this whole crypto Twitter thing, to be impatient, to be fast, to not think for themselves. But I receive people here sometimes, and I'm like, they can't even sit down for five minutes. Like, they always need to do something. They're so impatient with us, so they're their own worst enemy. Also, when I went to this crypto conference, it's like, it's almost as everyone is wearing a cross of burdening weight on the souls of all the suffering they've gone through just to be in this space. Yeah, it's funny for me to imagine you going to a crypto conference. It seems like the furthest thing away from you. Oh, I love them, man. I had a blast just seeing it.

Experiences from Crypto Conferences

I was like, I actually had to laugh. My wife's like, hey, how was it? I was like, really good. I didn't go a lot. The great thing is also I want to stay, of course, anonymous, so nobody knows who I am, which is great, which I would recommend to people, because you don't want all the bullshit of being a famous crypto person. And I was walking around and I was like, okay, I'm not surprised. I made some money trading to these people because a lot of them are so messed up. It's like, jesus. Like, wow. But then, at the same time, there's a lot of super intelligent people working on amazing things, especially in Solana. That's why I keep my Solana very bullish on it.

The Potential of Inner Work and Community

I went to talk to some friends I made in crypto amazing people, all very interested in inner development also. So I don't go there to judge people. I go to observe for myself and to see what I can learn, what can happen. There's fantastic people. If I see all these super smart people that are amazing people, I know crypto is the future. Bitcoin is the future. If everyone would dedicate 1% of their time to some inner development, most of them would also become very happy. So that would be even more amazing. Then everyone in the world would be like, whoa. These people that do bitcoin, they're also happy.

Inner Development as a Foundation

I mean, there's really something going on, or these are not some weird, miserable nerds that just want to go to the bottom and fuck and do whatever they want to do. These are actually pretty balanced and happy people. And that would be beneficial for the crypto space because people would be like, hey, we can actually change the money system and also be content, because if the money system collapses and bitcoin is the future, we're going to be in for some very nasty times. I know the dollar is not going to lay down that easily, and any change in the monetary system or any change of empire is always ugly. So to resist that, to be able to live through these times, to hold on to your bitcoins, to stay true to your ideals, you need mental and inner strength, which you don't get from trading meme coins.

First Steps to Inner Development

You get it from taking yourself serious with inner work. So for those listening who want to start working on their inner self, what first steps would you recommend them to take? Or at least sit in silence twice a day, half an hour, or do an energy practice twice a day, half an hour. There's many things in my profile, so that's one. Okay, so let's sum it up. You want to start working on yourself. Okay. One, when you wake up, sit in silence half an hour before you go to bed. Sit in silence half an hour. If you have more time during the day, sit in silence.

Incorporating Silence and Energy Practices

Two, once you can sit in silence a bit, start learning about energy, then start incorporating the energy practice into your silence. Practice. Do this every day. Then take enough breaks from screen time. If you're physically not fit, take away all devices, get healthy. Start doing exercise. The basic stuff. I didn't talk too much about all the physical stuff because everyone always does that. But it's pretty obvious. The things I recommend for your health is fasting, taking chaga, magnesium, so you can sleep.

Embarking on a Journey of Self-Discovery

For me, that's just the basics. Get that in order, and then start sitting in silence. And then, you know, look. For example, on my website, the books I recommend, get going. But do you just want to be happy, do energy work or anything? But to begin, the basics is to be able to sit in silence and to be able to feel energy. And then once you can do that, it's the same as if I give you a glass of whiskey and you never had alcohol. You're going to be like, whoa, what is this?

Experiencing the Depths of Inner Work

It's like, I've never done this. Now I can actually feel it. And then you'll get what I'm talking about. I'm inviting people to open the door for experiences they never had. Once you've had them, you'll do it every day. I sit down every day and I love it. I look forward to it. It's like a drug, it's amazing. It's the best thing ever and it really disciplines the mind. You see bitcoin racing to 60k now and people, oh, resell by the. Don't even have that voice in my head. I'm just looking at it.

Understanding the Impact of Emotions in Trading

I don't even see the numbers anymore. It's like zero emotional impact, which is very useful if you do want to make some money, you know. Yeah, it sounds like something everyone should do because, you know, I'm sure it helps with self control and just containing emotions when you have to and you know everything that has to do with that. Yeah, 1 second. Yeah, no worries. Yes, go ahead. Yeah, no worries.

Delving Into Inner Development Retreats

Well, I wanted to ask you about the darkroom retreats. You mentioned it earlier, and I know that a lot of people are interested in this type of thing. Can you tell us a little bit about that? Yeah. So once you take your development over the years to a higher level, which means you're physically easy with yourself, you're mentally easy with yourself, you're energetically easy with yourself. Your acupuncture channels are open, you've been doing buddhist or taoist practice, whatever you want to do.

The Experience of Dark Room Retreats

You can start doing exercises where you deprive yourself of sensory input. Now, question one, of course, is always, why would I do that? Because you'll be able to delve even deeper into yourself and experience states, which most people only get when they take ayahuasca, for example. Now I had people here that got really messed up by ayahuasca or certain hallucinatory drugs, but is hard. It's almost horrible in a certain sense. Well, people have good experiences with it, but they don't know that. The DMT, which creates these experiences, you can also have in a dark room retreat.

Guided Experiences in a Dark Room

So in Thailand, for example, in the universal healing Tao center, you can go under guidance and you go five days or ten days or how long, what level you're Athenae. Usually you begin with a week. You're totally in the dark. You mostly eat algae in certain vitamins, and during that week you do exercises, meditative exercises, which teach you kind of how to feel consciousness almost outside of your body. And during the week, because you're deprived of the light, the DMT start building up, so you get similar experiences.

Personal Insights from Dark Room Experiences

And after I have a cabin in the back of my garden, which is very dark. There's no electricity. I sleep there half of the week because one day I sleep there and then one day I sleep with my wife. And one day I do always tell people, don't always sleep every day with the same person because you just don't want to do that. To keep magnetic attraction. That's on our subject. So in that dark cabin, I do ten day retreats on my own.

Embracing Dark Retreat Challenges

I do it in a fasted state, but I wouldn't recommend it for beginners. But what basically happens is that after five or six days, the first days are tough. Your mind resists. There's not a lot of input. So you kind of start struggling. You kind of feel like, what's going on? That sounds hard. It is really hard. This is tough. This is something you only want to do. I can't emphasize this enough. If you're a beginner, do not do this only after a while.

Discovering Light in the Darkness

When you're really into meditative practices, you can try with a couple of days. And then after five or six days in the dark, your DMT levels start going up and suddenly there's light. It's like as if someone turned on the light. You close your eyes and it's just white. It's like, hey, it's light. It's amazing. And you can close your eyes and you don't feel your body anymore. It's just a feeling of ecstasy being outside your body.

The Immersive Experience

And I put always a timer to when it's over because you totally lose track of where you are, who you are. You know, it's. It can be described in words. It's totally out of body experience. To come back, you have to tap for a day, put on like one of these airplane masks, slowly get used to the light again. But if you dive really deep in it, you realize there's even more levels inside yourself than just the energy level.

Exploring Beyond the Basics in Retreats

There's astral levels, etheric levels. If they have a regular meditative practice and are interested in gaze. The first retreat you do guided and do it in the universal healing Tao center in Thailand where you. Where there's an amazing building where you can do it and they explain to you the exercises and all that. It's almost. I feel like one of the things that probably deters people from dealing with and delving into the whole inner development world is probably fear because it sounds scary.

The Fear and Challenges of Inner Work

And I mean, I've done a, you know, psychedelic drugs a couple of times in my life, and it can get scary when you're dealing with yourself and with your inner emotions and your inner self. So, yeah, it's a very scary thing to get to know yourself sometimes. People always say, you know, you have to be brave to be a top athlete, or be the Red Bull guy who jumps from a huge balloon in a suit down into the atmosphere, or you have to be brave to go on the ocean on yourself, or you have to be brave to face threats.

The Comparison of Fear in Different Realities

That's all child's play in comparison to really sitting down and diving yourself. There's a reason so few people in history turn inside. There's a reason our entire civilization has so few spiritual, esoteric practices. There's a reason, out of millions of people in the country, very few deal with this kind of stuff. It's super scary. I mean, when I started first closing my eyes and meditating, the things that come out, how it affects your dreams, the garbage we accumulate in our subconscious, in our unconscious.

Realizations Through Inner Exploration

Then realizing, as the Tibetans, Buddhists, Taoists have also realized, that very subtle parts of your consciousness actually move through different lives in different bodies, how we're all connected, how every thought we ever had can influence what happens afterwards. So this is very scary stuff. And then we're not even talking about taking it to the next level and realizing that a lot of things we thought were not even possible are actually possible. You know, I trained with masters, and they said, tim, tonight I'll see you in your dream.

The Mysterious Dimensions of Consciousness

I'm like, what? And he told that to all the people he was training. And that night I was in a dream, and he said, hey, how are you doing? And then the next day, he told everyone, okay, I saw you there in your dream. Oh, yeah, Tim, you remember? We're sitting on the couch there, and I'm like, how is he doing this? How is he doing this? How is this possible? So there's many things we don't know and can discover.

Life's Greatest Realization

So, yeah, it sounds insane. Well, I want to ask you, what has been your biggest realization in life so far, you know, psychological, spiritual, physical, crypto related or not, that you feel like has significantly changed your perspective in life? Is that nothing? What I ever thought I really was is actually what I am. And that means once I really start realizing, after two years of relentless battle with myself and reading inner books and suffering and being burned out and being sick, that there's so much more.

The Expansion of Awareness

There's so much more to life. There's so much. And it was such a mind blowing crush to my ego to realize that I did not know anything about myself, that I was living my life as a slave to myself, to everything which has been put into me. Yeah. So that was a mind blowing realization. You know, if you realize that bitcoin is totally different than the money system, it's not such a big deal for your life.

Final Thoughts and Audience Engagement

Like I'm going 1 second. Yeah, no worries. Just a reminder to everyone, if you have any questions to Tim, you can click on the bottom right corner on the chat icon and leave any questions. And we're going to go over them in a couple of minutes. Minutes. And if anyone wants to come up and ask any questions, just request to be a speaker and yeah, we'll let you in.

Announcing Competitions and Community Engagement

Holy shit. This is amazing. And yeah, reminder to everyone. I mentioned it earlier. If you didn't check the iDExx account yet, if any traders are listening, you can go to the iDExx discord, you can join the whitelist and join the trading competition that we're running right now. This is the last stage of the trading competition. With half a million IDEX tokens and rewards.

Engaging in Competitive Trading

You're trading paper money and if you get on the leaderboard, you win real money. There's also swag packs for giveaway with. I can't remember who the people that we worked with to create them are, but if you go to the addicts account, you can see who those are. You can win some cool t shirts, hats, sweaters, stuff like that. So. Yeah, check that out while we wait for ten.

Engaging in Dialogue

I'm here. Hello. Welcome back, Tim. I found out that I can make sound. Oh, what happened? You didn't hear me or what happened? I didn't hear you? No, I just heard you. Now, were you speaking this whole time? No, I was just hearing strange noises from you. Like, I don't know. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I found out you can make sounds with the spices thing.

Final Moments and Reflection

All right, well, okay, let's continue. Yeah, yeah. So let me see. When. I don't remember where we stopped, were talking about the thing that changed your life. You were saying the realization. You were saying that basically that you are not who you think you are. Yeah, it's what basically every esoteric tradition says. You know, it's like you're not your small sense of self.

Deepening Understanding of Self

You can go much deeper than that. So to really realize that is a big thing, you know, to realize that you're not. You've not been living your life, that there's so much more. It's just shocking this. But a lot of bitcoin is open to this idea because they already went through the transition of, hey, fiat money is just shit and there's something better.

Transitioning Perspectives

A lot of bitcoiners are always very open minded to new things because they already made the transition from a very established paradigm, fiat, to something else, which is bitcoin. So basically moving from the very established paradigm that you're only a small sense of self, that you only that voice in your head, there's a lot more inner work. And energy is not such a big deal for most people.

Scary Market Fluctuations

It's just, it's much scarier. It's, you know, the fluctuations are much on your net worth or much, I don't know, feel much heavier. And yeah, it's really hard for me personally and I'm sure that some people in the listener, in the audience will resonate with that. To hold a lot of my net worth in crypto, especially when it's 95 plus percent. Do you not sometimes feel that?

Confidence in Bitcoin

No, because once Blackrock announced they're going to get into bitcoin, I was like, okay, hey, that's really fine to just put it. Yeah, you know, there's so much money now, the Blackrock and Morgan Stanley all on board, they're like, hey, bitcoin is part of Wall street, so if I could keep it in USD, I might as well keep it in bitcoin as well.

Risk Management Strategy

I just temporarily cast out 50% because I saw downside risk, which I was correct on. I didn't buy the bottom, but I just want to sit out these volatile months, August and September. I want to see if we do definitely break above all time high. I want to do see if the war between Iran and Israel doesn't escalate. And I want to see real confirmation that there's not going to be a recession.

Reinvestment Signals

Once that the case, I will redeploy my 50%, which will be, or we break down below 50k again or to, like, probably 44k support, or we break over the. Definitely break on the weekly above all time high. You know, we get a weekly candle to 80k. Fine, I'll buy bitcoin Solana again and all the stuff, but I still have 50% in.

Wallet Management

But what I just do is I keep my bitcoin or USDT on a multisig wallet. There's many good providers, and I just send it to an exchange and then just send it to a payment app to my bank or to revolut or to whatever you want to use. You know, I don't have. I don't have a mortgage. I have everything paid off, so I just send money there when I need it.

Life Decisions Influenced by Crypto

And. Yeah, and then, for example, in the last. In 2022, when kind of the bear market started and things went really bad, I did park a lot of money in USD with my bank. And my private bank is always pissed off because she's like, you're just using this to stall the dollars. And then within a couple of months, you always pull it out again, and it goes to some account in Kraken or balboa or whatever, and she's like, how can you do that?

Private Banker Interaction

I said, let's just go for lunch. And then this private banker woman had, like, all funny prepared for the. For. She said, oh, I know something about crypto. I've been looking into ethereum. Why do you use our bank as a stalling station? But I've been saving all the communication with them because they always try to shut me down and say, can do that.

Legal Standing on Crypto Discussions

And I said, if you sue me while I'm just doing everything legal, I have everything documented, so you can't do anything. So I kind of have them by the balls. And it's kind of funny, I kind of play with them a bit because, like, I park my money there when I need it. So I kind of use the fiat system, as one would call, you know, as my. As my bitch or, you know, bitcoin is the future.

Long-term Financial Strategies

I keep most of my money there. Now I just temporarily park some in USDT, a multi SIG platform, someone USD until I deploy it again. But the USD, I just keep in an exchange USDT multisig wallet. And. Yeah, same with. It's the same with the inner development. So you have to do a daily practice and be committed.

The Importance of Inner Work

You know, you're committed to changing the world with bitcoin. Fine, then keep most of your money in bitcoin. And I think now Wall street is on board if people would go back when I started doing crypto, or some people listening here, I can see the list. We've been in crypto much longer than I have. If you would post in 2017 or 20 that Putin would allow bitcoin, that Trump would consider building a national reserve, that Blackrock has 40 billion in bitcoin, people would be like, wow.

Market Valuation and Future Predictions

I mean, the price of bitcoin must be at half a million. You would tell them, no, it's 58k. They'd be like, what the fuck happened? Yeah, exactly. That's like, how can. It's like the Kobe tweet where he said, someone would have told me, had 10 billion flows into bitcoin ETF, I would have guessed the price was at least 100,000.

Skepticism and Market Potential

Yeah. It's like, is anyone still doubting this going to be the same market cap as gold? No, I mean, Harry, think everyone is saying this, you know, maybe Kamala Harris become president, and then we get all that bullshit again, and maybe. But still, I mean, there is no doubt anymore.

The Reality of Investment

So you would post it many years ago and without so still buy bitcoin, relax, take it easy, become happy, and you can still make a lot of money with bitcoin. You have to have some balls and commitment. And how are you able to hold on to your coins long term? How are you able to play your long term cycle?

The Need for Emotional Control

How are you able to be content? How are you able to not go to the buy and lose yourself? How are you able to not get hooked on running with your money after every pair of tits or nice dick you see, how do you not end up with the yacht and all the superficiality? How do you prevent getting burnout from screen time, out of development, inner development?

Finding Meaning Beyond Monetary Value

Take yourself serious. Be grateful for the consciousness which has been given to you in an ape, which is a massive gift. You know, not every animal receives this kind of consciousness. Not every being which comes into this world or any animal is as advanced as we are.

Understanding Suffering and Growth

You know, why? All the time look at AI when we know so little about ourselves. So take your own development serious, and you'll make more than enough happiness for yourself. And in the meantime, you'll make a shitload of money. I would have never made the money I would made from that 10,000.

Importance of Mental Discipline

I would have been burned out ten times, lost it all if I didn't have the mental discipline. Never, never. It just 100%. I feel like it's the most important thing. Mental and emotional discipline is the most important thing when it comes to investing in trading. I think I mean, just talking to you can feel your voice is kind of calm.

Lessons Learned from Experience

You're cashing out more, the more it goes up. You don't do leverage, you know, you learned your lesson. How did you learn that? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I got burned a couple of times until I learned it. And, you know, we've all been there and I feel like it's a part of the route.

Time to Adapt

You have to go through that. And I mean, you've been in space for years. This doesn't just happen in a year. You know, it's, you have to push through. And also, yeah. And more importantly, you've also changed your role in this platform.

Contributing to the Space

That's the reason why I do my first or interview spaces with you, because I don't join so many spaces invites, you share, you contribute to the space quality spaces providing quality info. And that's what we need instead of all this garbage and all these memes.

Positivity and Responsibility

And then that's why this week I came back, I was like, you know what, it's fine. Why not prevent some people from killing themselves? Why not spread some good info, you know? Yeah, well, I really do appreciate Tim means a lot. Well, let's, we can go ahead to the last question, just a final reminder.

Final Question on Success

I don't think we're going to let any speakers in because we have, unless it's someone who's a mutual and wants to join on the stage, because we have a lot of different projects and stuff requesting and I just can't be bothered to filter who's real and who's going to try shilling something. So if any mutuals want to request and speak, feel free to do so.

Making It in Life

If you have any questions, just leave them at the bottom right corner and we'll touch them in a minute. But yeah, Tim, this is the last question I have for you and it's going to be very interesting to see what your perspective on it. But how would you define making it in the context of your life and career? But just generally, how would you define making it? And do you feel like you've made it?

Philosophical Insights

Making it is when you feel, know and directly perceive with every fiber of your being that there's nothing to make. And that is the profound realization which inner work provides. Now, in the future, and through thousands of years of esoteric human history, it means being able to see and perceive directly that you are one with everything and that achievement is nothing.

The Essence of Achievement

Like the buddha said, I have gained absolutely nothing. But being able to directly perceive that is so profound that it dwarves any achievement in comparison it's not even an achievement. It is the basic fundamental essence of what you are, not the content of consciousness itself.

Ultimate Goals in Life

Being able to look at the screen, at a person, at a tree, and seeing a depth in it which you can't perceive, knowing that everything is the same one thing which can be put into words and realizing that is the ultimate goal of humans on this planet. This is what the sages and masters have been talking about.

Relativity of Happiness and Wealth

So, as you ask, making it in the content of your life is not being happy, is nothing. Having money is not having a career, being president, whatever. It's realizing who you are and what that eye is made of. Oh, that's beautiful.

Influence of Philosophers

And when I listen to you talk, I feel like I'm listening to an Ellen Watts tape. Yeah, I like his. He's amazing. He's one of my, I would highly. Recommend you listen to Richard Rose.

Valuable Teachings

He's already Dapp, but there's some talks of him on the Internet. I love his books. He's also the guy that taught Jim McKenna, for example. And yeah, just like this answer to the last question just felt like I'm listening to an Ellen Watts tape.

Philosophy Through Action

It's brilliant. Yeah, I love those. I don't know if to call them philosophers even, but it's a very, yeah, very interesting field of study, that's for sure. The funny thing is, we're all, in a way, philosophers and all that, but philosophy is not studying some theories and all that.

Real Philosophers

Philosophy, real philosophers do the work. I have a friend, a rare friend, who came to me through another friend who was very lost after Nyahuasca trips. And he started doing tao training. Like, I've never seen anyone do it.

Energy and Transformation

And he's now getting to a level where I'm like, wow, serious training 5 hours a day, turning inside energy practices. And, you know, you would see this person five years ago, you would see him now. You'd be like, what happened?

Personal Growth

It's like he put his, he's aligning his own energy. He can feel it. He's balanced, he's strong, he's healthy. Suddenly he has a better job. He had the discipline to buy in the bear market in crypto. He's just holding on to his coins, for example.

Attraction of Positivity

Now suddenly his life partner appeared. Things are going better for him. Once you align your energy well, this universe is pliable and amazing things will happen, and it will, but it takes serious effort.

Consciousness and Universe

Take your consciousness seriously. Take the universe seriously, and it will respond because it is what you are, your perception, your state of being influences everything when you see and do so. This is real achievement.

Suffering and Transformation

And I've seen very few people do it, but the ones that have done it have gone through horrendous suffering. This guy went through horrendous suffering. The guy who lost 61 million in stake, Luna, he's now all the time on retreat with the little money he had left, which is like million, 1.2 million.

Perspective on Loss

He was like, Tim, I started with five k at 61 million, but now only 1.2 million. I said, you turned five k into 1.2 million? That's still shit. Exactly. He's doing, like, all these retreats.

Navigating Suffering

And I said, why didn't I do this when I just had five k? I said, well, that's. You had to go through the suffering. You need the suffering. I can tell you one thing, like, crypto space equals suffering.

The Nature of Suffering

That's why it's so insane. But great, you know? Great. Let's suffer. Suffer and observe inside. And it's great. Yeah.

Self-Reflection and Value

I reached that conclusion a long time before you said that, when I realized I'm suffering every single day that I log in on this app. But you are contributing, brother, and you're the providing value, and you have no, I appreciate it.

Value in Actions

I appreciate it. I feel like I'm only shitposting all day long, but if anyone finds any value in the things that I do. So, yeah, let's. Let me take a look at the comment section.

Light-hearted Conversation

If you have any question. We have a small news asking you, Tim, what's your favorite fruit? What to you is the meaning of suffering? Two questions.

Clarification and Understanding

Sorry, say that again. I didn't hear the first one. What is your favorite fruit? My favorite what? Groot fruit. my favorite fruit.

Fruits of Labor

Well, I grow persamons, japanese perse month. They also called kakis. And you can you pick them, like in September, October when you ripe? And then it's like an art with a little knife you picked, peel off the outside, and then you take a spoon and it's just, oh, my God, it's like so good.

Family Bonding through Food

My wife and I told Rachel she likes prepares them. We sit down in the garden, and then my daughter's already, which is just her screaming downstairs because she has diarrhea and feels bad when she's happy. She's like, khaki, khaki.

Favorite Fruits and Family

Whee. So, yeah, that's my favorite fruit, first of all. Nice. And the second question is, what to you is the meaning of suffering?

Purpose of Suffering

The meaning of suffering is to wake up. To wake up, turn inside. Like everyone said in, throughout history. You know, that's why you're suffering.

Turning Inside for Growth

To turn inside, not to get rich, not to get happy. To turn inside to figure out who is suffering. It's not the suffering that's the big problem.

Learning from Pain

Because if the suffering was that bad, you'd already kill yourself. So you're suffering to learn something. What's that? Well, that apparently the life you're leading, apparently the way you're leading your life, which is shit, because you're suffering, is not the way she should do it.

Warning Signs in Life

You're kind of on a road filled with spikes and zombies everywhere and toxic shit. And there's a sign everywhere that says, take this road. There you can be happy.

Recognizing Change

You just keep going on the road to suffering until you suffer so much. You say, you know what? I'm going off this road. I'm going to follow this sign.

Collective Suffering

The signpost is suffering. The signpost that humanity is not content or in any very developed state, is that there's collective suffering everywhere. So that's the meaning of suffering, to turn inside.

Beauty in Insights

Yeah. It's a beautiful answer. We have Zhen, with a very long name that I can go through asking a pretty long question.

Happy Space Discovery

I stumbled a little late into the space, and I'm happy that I found this. It truly helps. My question to Tim is, did you achieve this level of enlightenment or energy before or after making some money?

Money and Inner Peace

Personally, I feel that money helps in stressing less when worrying about food, bills, etcetera. How do you overcome that fear and still maintain the feeling of positive alignment?

Inner Growth Importance

Are they relevant? Well, I get that question so often. Let me first say that I did not have. I abandoned everything, literally everything.

Personal Sacrifices for Growth

My family, my girlfriend. When I was 22, I was suffering for years, and I went away alone to a very cheap place. I only had $1,000 for a year.

Time for Reflection

I caught my own fish, I had a bag of rice, and the only thing I did was meditate and turn inside. So we came, for once and for all, put an end to the questions.

Money and Enlightenment

If I needed money to reach the state, this was not the case. If you download on my website, my book, if you go to the article section, there's the entire story how I got to the mountain when I was 26.

Self-Revelation Through Writing

Oh, you have a book? Yeah. If you go to my website, indian development.net, and there's a section with articles and on the top there's a book which you can download for free.

Journey of Self-Discovery

And it basically is my journey from 18 until 26 until I got to this mountain. All my struggles and what I recommend. And basically I was profoundly content.

Finding Peace

As I said, I was just sitting in the garden. I sent out this wish that something else should come and crypto came along. But I never lost myself mentally, emotionally in this space or anything like that, because I already had it before.

Enjoyment in Learning

You know, I find it interesting. It's a fun show, I'm good at it. I could make way more money doing short term trading, but I was content pretty quickly.

Conscious Contribution

So I decided quickly to just contribute and help people, which I thought that was a nice can do it anonymously, help people. It's great.

Material Wealth and Inner Peace

And of course, let's emphasize, if you have a bit more material wealth, a good bed, a good house, some healthy food, of course that's going to improve your physical state of being.

Injustice and Awareness

If you're in a mine working in Africa and you're totally getting unhealthy, then you don't have time to sit down and meditate a lot. I get that. But still, most people who are listening, they have the basics.

Daily Practices Create Change

They can go to a job in the morning, or for example, you wake up at seven, meditate an hour, read half an hour, go to your job and then come back and meditate and dedicate. A couple years of really doing that and you massively improve your life and your inner peace, even with a job.

Financial Improvement Strategies

And then once you get more money, well, you can put it into crypto or do something else, but we can end the questions about that. More money will make it easier to turn inside.

Misconceptions About Wealth

I honestly don't believe that, because again. It comes back to what we spoke about earlier, that people think once they have money, their life will change or it will be easier to do stuff.

Dedication Over Wealth

All the sages in the world, all these masters I trained with, real masters, these guys, what they want is dedication. You know, I spend months with a tao master on top of a mountain.

Rigorous Training Experiences

We would jump in a cold river every morning, wake up at five in the morning, slaughter our own rabbits to eat, you know, big fruit, do these kind of things.

Misunderstandings in Development

You think. You think these people that are really serious about turning inside are going to say, oh, you need to be comfy or whatever. This is super tough.

The Realities of Inner Growth

People would think that inner development is like, oh, we're going to download an app and meditate a bit and be happy. Well, then you're kind of like the Ethereum housewives who are doing the yoga in a yoga studio and they're thinking they're doing the same thing as some kind of sage, you're not.

Comparative Life Experiences

It's like the difference between a three star restaurant and McDonald's. Going through a drive through is not the same as someone who's prepared you a meal for 5 hours.

Responsibility in Life Choices

So, yes, to get a bit more comfy with the basics, of course money is useful, but most people have these basics and they just use it as an excuse.

Excuses and Reality

And they say, well, if I have a million, I'm going to turn inside. Well, now I have a million. I actually need 2 million because then I can sit for 30 minutes in the morning in silence.

Financial Goals and Inner Peace

Well, if I have all my finances perfectly arranged, well, then I can finally turn inside. The nice thing is, finally your finances perfectly arranged.

Financial Complications

You're going to be so messed up, you're going to be so worried about to stall all this money, you're going to be so stressed on what, the screen time and the crazy memes that you don't even know where to begin anymore.

Starting Inner Growth Today

So you might as well begin today and just sit down and take yourself seriously, because otherwise, even with millions, you're not going to do it.

Gratitude and Reflection

So, yeah, that's beautiful. That's beautiful. Well, that's a good note to end on.

Concluding Remarks

Sorry to everyone who requested, and I rejected them. It's just that there's so many different projects and meme coins requesting to speak to chill their things.

Open Communication

So, yeah, I want. If you have a serious question, if you're struggling with something serious or you're on your inner practice or anything, my dm is always open, but I get a lot of messages, so please be concise.

Filtering Out Noise

And if you're a meme shitter or anything like that. Yeah, I'm sorry you get blocked. That's.

Closing Announcements

Good. Well, so before we end, I just wanted to remind everyone, IDeX competition, last stage, you trade fake money, win real money or merch.

Encouraging Participation

So check that out if you're into trading and. Yeah. Tim, thank you so much for coming.

Positive Experience

I feel like this was one of the most special space we've had so far, which is not just crypto related. I feel like I learned a lot, and I'm sure that the listeners have as well.

Final Thoughts

So, yeah, really appreciate it. Do you have anything else you want to add before we.

Mutual Appreciation

Yeah, I wanted to thank you for inviting me. Yeah, my pleasure, man.

Plans for the Future

Yeah, it's really kind of you to invite me. I'm happy to see that you're on a good path and that's all going well and that you have a good strategy for crypto, that you contribute to the space.

Community Values

And I would say to everyone, right, we all love crypto. We love this community. We're here for bitcoin let's try to contribute.

Encouraging Originality

Start posting. Be original. Contribute what you feel.

Call to Action

Look inside and really see how you can contribute a bit to the space. And if we all do that, then we can make this a much nicer space.

Acknowledging Contributions

What you're doing hosting good guests. I listened to a couple of your other spaces sessions. You know, this is very valuable and a lot of people should also do that.

Gratitude for Support

And you have my very big gratitude. Thanks for that. And if you ever want to come visit the mountain, just as friends, please let me know.

Future Plans

I'm already planning that. So, yeah, people don't know. We have never talked before.

First Encounter

We never met before. This is the first time. And I really enjoyed this.

Shared Enjoyment

Yeah, me too, man. I'm sending you a big hug and a lot of love and I.

Expressing Kindness

Awesome. Thank you. So, yeah, guys, make sure to check Tim's profile.

Recognizing Value

It's one of the most unique accounts on crypto, Twitter, in my opinion. A lot of good insight.

Advice for the Curious

Even if you're interested in trading, he has a lot of information about trading as well, and his strategies.

Final Encouragement

Make sure to check his website and check his profile. Give him a follow.

Closing Applause

So let's give it up for Tim. I'm going to use my collapse button. There we go.

Surprised Discoveries

That's amazing. I didn't know that this exists. So, yeah, guys, to everyone who missed a part of the episode.

Availability of Recordings

The recording will be available the moment we finish this one. And there will be notes available on Monday as well.

Future Content Announcements

So check my account on Monday around us. Open. I'll post the notes from the episode with Tim.

Gratitude and Farewell

And, yeah, that's pretty much it, guys. Thanks so much for coming. Thank you, Tim, for coming.

Reflection on Interaction

It's been a pleasure and to all of our listeners, 30 episodes. It's been a pleasure to host each and everyone with you guys.

Looking Ahead

Thank you for coming and, yeah, see you guys next time.

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