SPECULATION – The Truth About $Alfred


Space Summary

The Twitter Space SPECULATION – The Truth About $Alfred hosted by Block100x. Delve into the world of $Alfred, a unique blend of a growth hacker and spaces comedian bringing chaos, dreams, and humor through memes. Followers are treated to entertaining insights on launches alongside the HoodyGang community. Embark on a journey filled with chaos, memes, and alpha knowledge.

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Total Listeners: 148


Q: Who is $Alfred and what is his role?
A: $Alfred is known as a growth hacker and spaces comedian bringing chaos and dreams through memes.

Q: What can followers expect from $Alfred's content?
A: Followers can enjoy entertaining chaos and alpha insights on launches with a touch of HoodyGang style.

Q: How does $Alfred engage with the audience?
A: $Alfred engages followers with humor, chaos, and meme-filled dream journeys.

Q: What community does $Alfred foster?
A: $Alfred nurtures a community focused on launches, chaos, and humor, known as HoodyGang.

Q: Why follow $Alfred?
A: Following $Alfred brings a mix of entertainment, chaos, memes, and insightful alpha knowledge for followers.


Time: 00:15:42
Meet $Alfred: Growth Hacker Extraordinaire Exploring the origins and persona of $Alfred, the chaos creator.

Time: 00:25:18
$Alfred's Memes: From Coffee to Dreams Discovering how $Alfred turns memes into aspirations and chaos from coffee.

Time: 00:35:56
Join the Chaos with HoodyGang Learning about the HoodyGang community and its role in $Alfred's journey.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the persona of $Alfred as a growth hacker and spaces comedian.
  • Exploring the transformation of chaos from coffee and aspirations from memes.
  • Insights on how $Alfred engages followers for entertainment and alpha knowledge.
  • Influencer $Alfred offers guidance on launches and fosters a HoodyGang community.
  • The journey with $Alfred brings a mix of humor, chaos, memes, and alpha insights for followers.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Initial Thoughts

Play. Secure the bag. This is a gang? This is a gang? It's a motherfucking Alfred gang today. Put you to shame. That's her name. She got a red range. Did he notice? Did he notice? Get yourself a fucking bag. Secure that shit. I swear to God, if you're not secure in the bag, you ain't doing shit. I swear to God, if you didn't get yourselves a bitch that fucking bad. Yesterday. I swear to God.

Discussion on Alfred and the Meeting's Purpose

All right, all right, all right. Like, what do you. What the. What do you guys think we're here to do? What do you guys think this is a fucking concert? No, it's not a goddamn concert. It's not. It's not a fucking. Dude, we're not here to fucking listen to music and sing. Hold hands and sing Kumbaya. We're here talk about Alfred, right? I'm here to give you the truth, the low down, dirty truth about this baby bar. Now. Yes. I actually. I actually. I'm not gonna tell you. I'm gonna tell you later. The fuck I'm gonna do. I'm gonna tell you fucking later. Holy shit. If you guys knew the things I know about Alfred, you would be buying. That's all I got to say. You would buy a right fucking now.

Current Status and Previous Discussions

It's fine. It's fine. We're not gonna get into it. We'll get into a little later. It's. It's fine. It's totally fine. Look, man, we got a lot to talk about tonight on speculation, episode 720. Holy shit. We've been doing this a long fucking time, too. I feel like we've been doing it too long, yo. Ten more episodes, and we're. And we've been doing this two years in a row. Like, what the fuck? Who du who? Rangi? Are we crazy? Are we crazy to be doing this every day like this? Yes. Okay. All right. I. Yeah, she's right, actually. She's totally fucking right. We're absolute lunatics.

Success and Community Engagement

Maniacs. Just absolutely ridiculous that we do this every day, but, look, we actually have some good ass alpha, dude. If you guys got in yesterday when I called this shit, if you guys got in here yesterday when Rizzi called this shit, if you guys got in here yesterday when Sarto called this shit, you would be up at least eight x. I believe it's an eight x at the moment. It's almost 900k or some shit like that. Like, yo, as an eight x. Like, holy shit. We tipped. We tapped a million, like, four times today. Tapped a million k. Mark a million market. A million k. Dude, I wish. A million market fucking four times today. We've been crushing it. Absolutely crushing it. We actually have. We'll get into that.

Community Engagement Continued

We'll get into that. We'll get into that. We'll get into that. All right, every. Dude, yo, we got 35 requests, all right? So please be patient with us. We've got 35 requests to come up and speak. We will get to each and every one of you. We will let each and every one of you speak your piece, especially if you have. Dude, if anyone in here has some alpha has the scoop on Alfred, I need to know it. I need to know it ASAP. So if you have the scoop on Alfred, if you have his whereabouts, if you have just. Just. If you have him on recordings saying, you know, just bad things, I need to. I need to scoop.

Curiosity About Alfred

Okay? I need to know what's going on with. With this baby barn owl. I'm curious, all right. I'm actually very curious. I have. I have some things that I want to impart to you about this owl, but we're going to get into it in a little bit. First things for first and foremost, I would like to tell you guys, we do have a lot of new people, new faces in here. I do want to let you guys know. Dude, you ain't doing shit if you're not following each other, all right? Make sure that you follow the people on the speaker panel. Make sure you follow. Dude, look to your left.

Building Community

Follow that person. Look to your right. Follow that motherfucker, too. Mandy. Like, we're building communities here. All right? We're building community. We do speculation every night, but, like, literally, when I see some of you guys in spaces, I just randomly hop in to see what's. What's going on. Like, what's being spoken. Like. I want. I want all the information I can possibly get from crypto, Twitter. So, please, if you guys are in here, make sure you're fault. Like, look above you. Look below you. Do the diagonal thing. Like, yo, look at everybody. Just follow people.

Following and Community Growth

You know what I'm saying? Like, follow everybody. You know, not just the speakers. Follow everybody. So, you know, we can, you know, build a. Build a decent community. You know what I mean? So there's that. All right, that's first and foremost. That is first and foremost. Rangy, did you get into Alfred? Last night when. When we called it on the space? Yes. What was your. What was your entry? I got it when you told me to get it. So it was, like, a little bit over 100. Okay. Yeah. That's what the fuck I'm talking about.

Discussion on Success and Previous Challenges

That's what I'm talking about. Reggie. Yeah. Yo, we needed a win, right? We needed a win. Yeah, it's been pretty, dude. It's been. It's been. It's been pretty tough. It's been tough touch and go lately. It's been touch and go. Like, you know, we have. We have. Oh, fuck, dude. Yo, we've been getting farmed left and right. And it's Sarto's like, hey, I got this cook. I got you. Like, okay, I got. Let's do it.

Alfred's Unique Value in the Community

Let's fucking do it. All of a sudden, fucking at a million the next day. What's up? Ranky. So what's different about Alfred from what's. Been happening previously because little baby barn owl. Well, very adorable. I agree. Yeah. Little baby barn owls don't rug people and farm people. They live on farm. They get farmed. We're farming the little baby barn owl right now. He lives on a farm. Rangy, you didn't know that? They live in trees.

Understanding the Characteristics of Owls

They could be on farms. Enough forests around the farms, but, yeah, I guess so. Oh, yeah, that's true. Owls don't live on farms. That's chickens. All right, that's on me. That's on me, guys. That's on me. I'll take this one. It's fine. All right. I don't know. I think the difference is Sarto, to be honest. And he'd had his hand raised, so. I was gonna say. I was going to say the difference has to be Sarto.

Conversation on Contribution to the Success

That's the one variable that's different. Yeah. Maybe that's why he raised his hand to say, me. I'm the difference. It's like, duh, hello, I'm a co host. What do you think? Must be. It's not must be. It is me. Yeah, Sato. Yeah, it's got to be. It's got to be Sarto. He's like this dumb ass. Like, why did I have it? Why did I have him do a speculation space? Yo, he should have done his own space. This is gonna be such a shit show, my dad.

Misunderstandings in the Community

I thought owls lived on farms. I don't know. That's on me, dude. That's on me. I'll take that one. Holy shit. Hey, actually, I actually do have a question, though. Can you tell us a little bit about how you do your cooks? Was there anything like. Yeah, because we spoke a little earlier about it, and you were just like, yeah, it's a team. Effort, dude. I have worked on some teams.

The Challenges of Team Dynamics

I've worked on some teams. I worked on some teams. And, you know, like, it don't always go the way you think it will. Like, with it, 1st 24 hours, the shit's at a million, you know, like, I see it running and like I say, I've worked on some teams and first 24 hours, the shit goes to like, you know, twenty k, thirty k, and then everybody starts. It's just a big sell off. It just gets dumped to zero, dude. So can you tell us, like, how to do your cooks?

Seeking Insight on Strategies for Success

You don't have to give us any industry secrets or anything like that, but I am curious, is there anything you can tell us, like, of how you do your cooks and why this happened to be so successful? What's up? What's up? Yeah. First and foremost, want to say thank you. Thank you for having us here. You know, it's really an honor, you know, like, I listen to your spaces, like, in every single day.

Acknowledging Audience Engagement

Maybe not every single day, but I try to be there as much as I can. Yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. Dude. You had me laughing, bro. I raised my hand just to say what's up. It wasn't even related to the fucking albrechts to me, honestly. Just one. I'm just one person. Part of the community. But, yeah. Wait. All right, that was a lot. Oh, he literally just said a lot of nothing.

Understanding Community Dynamics

He doesn't want to give us his secrets, you guys. He does not want to give away his secrets. Now I'm sad. I'm sad, dude. I have a single hot tear streaming down my face. Sarto. I want to learn how to do. I want to be like you when I grow up. And you're not even giving me. You're not even telling me, like, yeah, you can do it. I'm just one guy in the community.

Cohesion in the Community

Yeah, so am I. So the fuck am I. Holy shit. No, I'm just messing. But to be honest, though, to be honest, it is really interesting that you're legit. Just like, humble as fuck. But honestly, I think. I think you got a few more cooks in you. And I think all of them are probably gonna be. Probably gonna be fucking. I don't know, man. I think they're gonna be successful, but fuck it.

Transitioning to Audience Interaction

Let's. Let's take it to some of these hands. We got Rizzi with his hand up. I do not want to go to him. We got arbitrage. Actually. No, what I'm gonna do, I'm gonna ask. I'm gonna ask the audience. I haven't done this in a while. I'm gonna ask the audience if you guys want to go to Rizzi. I need you guys to raise your hand if Rizzi can take his whole entire self and go, fuck it.

Engaging the Audience

Give me a. Give me a down thumb. Thumbs up for Rizzi to speak. Thumbs down. Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Fuck, dude, we got Rizzi. We got 118 people in here, bro. And I see 325 down thumbs. I don't know how. Dude, I just checked my mail, Rizzi. I just checked my mail. It was, like, ten letters and they were all down thumbs. Holy shit, dude. You guys are assholes.

Navigating the Community's Feedback

I'm actually gonna go to Rizzi. I'm gonna go to Rizzi. You guys are. You guys are dicks, bro. You guys are fucking mean. Like, it's actually not okay. It's not okay at all. I'm gonna take it to Rizzi. What's going on? Okay, let me just say right now, bloke, you can fuck yourself. Also. Everyone in the community, everyone is giving up this upload of, like, I love you all.

Reflection on Community Dynamics

Listen, like, I'll be honest with Alfred, me and Sato, we didn't expect it to go up this high. But let me say this right now, because of all the results, and literally, the community stepped up as soon as. As soon as we fucking started shitting hard, literally, guess what? We had no fucking memes. Meme. As soon as we started shilling it, as soon as we started posting about it, we had a fucking bad, like, 60 memes made in the first, like, two, 3 hours.

Community Engagement and Momentum

And guess what? You guys made it. The community. The community made it so hard to the point where, like, it was actually pumping. Like, we had my. We had my. My community had blocks. Community we had started community, like, hold. Holding the floor. We shield it to you guys at such low levels to the fact that you guys are the ones holding the floor. The only reason we got to. Where we got to 1.4 million market cap, and we hit 1.4 million market cap three fucking times.

Looking Ahead

And we're going to go way fucking higher than that. Tomorrow morning, we're gonna wake up again, do the same thing on a grind, grind, grind. That's our. That's what we want to do. The only fucking reason we managed to get to that point was because of you guys. You guys were fucking jeets. There's a lot of fucking. Jeez. A lot of people sold for, like, a two, three x. I understand that. I don't understand that, actually.

Challenges Faced by the Community

It's moonlit dust every fucking time. Like, if you want to stay poor, fucking, I'll stay poor. Like, I couldn't get this. I'm just saying, the only reason we've been able to get to where we're at is because of blocks community, my community, and such as community. So thank you guys so much.

Final Remarks

All right. Rizzi just wants to glaze the community. Do they know what to do? Rizzi? They know what to do. Jesus Christ. Sit back in your comfy armchair. Put your fucking feet up. Rizzi's finna tell you how great you are. All right, all right. Dude, they know they're great. They know they're great.

Encouragement and Community Spirit

If you know you're great, give me some emojis, please. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. If you know you're great, give me some OG. And the people who don't know they're great, then I'll be like, okay, we're gonna just. We're gonna glaze them. My God. Are you done talking yet, block? Holy fuck. Who the fuck is this? Is that? It's just. It's an old friend. Block, get her gone.

Support and Understanding in the Community

I'm just here to support, okay? Oh, my God. Some people don't realize that we're having. Some people don't realize that this is a show. Dude, how are you talking over the mute button? You know how I just noticed something about this person's bio? It says bark media intern. Yeah, of course it does. Get her the fuck out of here. Who brought her up? Who the fuck brought her up?

Contemplating the Community Dynamics

I know her, and I would have seen. I wouldn't. In my wildest dreams, I would never know that they were a bark medium media intern. I wouldn't have. Yeah, some people, they don't understand that this is a show, and I have to talk. And others, they realize that this is a show, and they want to fuck it up. Yeah, they want to get up here and, yo, most of the time, when people come up to speak, they're not going to be good speakers.

Addressing Speaker Quality and Expectations

People are going to leave. I'm sorry. I. Dude, if I have to be the one to tell you, I will be the one to tell you. Most people are not good speakers. You have to, dude, like I said, 720 episodes. We've been doing this every day. I'm a good speaker now. But two days ago, on episode 718, I was a terrible speaker. It took 718 episodes. For me to become a good speaker. It's absolutely. Dude, it's absolutely ridiculous.

The Journey to Speaker Proficiency

Absolutely. It takes a lot.

Interruption Policy

So, yeah, you don't interrupt the host. That's one thing you just don't do. You can actually go fuck yourself. If you want to interrupt the host, you don't interrupt the co host either. The host. Here's what. Here's the. The host and the co hosts can't interrupt each other and make for good banter. I'll give you a BTS, short for behind the scenes. Okay? The host and the co host, they can interrupt each other and it makes for good banter. But anyone else interrupting if they're not part of the plan, like, oh, we're gonna talk about this. It just. It doesn't work out. It does not work out. It fucks it all up. So what was that person gonna say? We'll never know. We will never know. Rangi, do you think you know what she was gonna say?

Speculations about an Interruption

She was gonna say, I'm a sexy lady, and you should follow me. Yeah, not about me, but about her. But if you thought it was about me, that's also correct, too. Yeah, absolutely not. I'm not following anyone in crypto Twitter just because they're a quote, unquote sexy lady. I can't even. Dude, we use pfps for a reason. I'm 600 pounds. I'm 673 pounds of. I'm trying to get on my 600 pound life. You think anyone wants to follow me because I'm a sexy man? I mean, I'm sure some of them do. Wait, wait. You've gained 73 pounds? I sure did. In the past. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. Hard work and dedication. Rangy, how did you do it? What's your secret? Oh, you can't tell us because it's your secret? Never mind.

Wealth Distribution and Crypto

Yeah, I'm taking a page out of Sarto's book. I'm not. I'm not giving anybody my secrets. If you guys want to go on my 600 pound life, you're gonna have to do it on yourself. You're gonna have to do it yourself. Brandon Bushy says, sounds like there's a bunch of broke people. Yeah, dude, it's a lot of broke people. And, hey, but guess what? This is the great equalizer. Crypto is the great equalizer. Alfred. What we're doing with Alfred is so, like, look, we're making rich people poor, and poor people rich. We're just distributing some wealth. Every. Every, like, everywhere. We're just distributing some wealth. That's all we're doing.

Community and Engagement

What's up, Rizzi? Magpie says block actually eats ice cream at all the ice cream socials. Jesus Christ. Yo, leave my ice cream eating habits alone. What's up, Rizzy? Are we going to be running raids or we're just chilling? We do. We can run some raids, all right? We can run some raids. We can raid with the best of them. We have plenty of people in the community to run a fucking raid. Yeah, I'm just saying, I'm up for it. Like, if you need me, I'm here for the next, like, 30, 40 minutes. We want some raids. All right? Yeah, let's do. Let's fucking run some raids for the next 40 minutes, and then I will rug the hell out of somebody at the end of the space. It'll be fun.

Final Thoughts on Engagement

Okay, let's don't use the word rug, because that might turn a few people on. Sorry, guys. Yeah, what I'm gonna do is I'm going to tell you guys that I want to hear about your life story and that I want to tell you. I just. I want. I want you guys to tell me everything about yourselves, and then I'm gonna close the space as soon as you start. So that's. That's what I'm gonna do. I don't mean rug. I mean, just close the space as soon as you try. Sorry. People love talking about themselves. People love it. They love it. So find us some good tweets to raid, bro, and post them. Feel free to post them in the top, in the nest. Okay? And that goes well. Hold on.

Planning Raids

Rizzi, do you want everybody on the speaker panel to be posting raids, or. No, no, I would just get. Only, like, for example, me, you, sato for the next couple hours. Like, next, like, hour. So just. Just us three, or, like. Yeah. So I feel like if we want to take advantage of it's got to be someone with, followers, or at least a badge, like a affiliate badge. So either me, you, or sato, I think. Okay. All right, sounds good. We got arbitrage with his hand up. I do not want to go to him. Very rude. What the fuck? What the fuck did I do? What about chopped liver? No, I'm just playing. What's up? Arbitrage, yo, I just hopped in here.

Discussion about Arbitrage

I've never been one of these faces, but I've been seeing it around. I just got back in the crypto space. Pretty heavy. I was gonna share some, like, other alpha stuff, but I do not want to take away from the Alfred stuff, so I will shut up. No other goddamn alpha. Yo. Alfred is the alpha. They just spelled it a little differently. All right, Alfred is actually the alpha. They just spelled it a little differently. It's fine. It's not a big deal, but. Yeah, dude, honestly, I think. I think little cute barnyard. Well, non barnyard animals, you know? Hey, arbitrary. Did you know that owls don't live on farms? I had no fucking clue, man.

Surprising Facts

I thought this was. Dude, I thought, like, what? My mind is actually blown right now. I thought. Wait, wait, wait. Who said? I just. Barn owls. Barn owls are a thing. Barn owls. Wait, do they like, sneak into the barn and then, like, live there or. Yeah, they make their. They make their nests up in the rafters of the barns. You know those red barns with the stars outside of. Yes. Huh. They eat the mice. They keep the owls to eat the mice. Oh, yeah. So maybe I was right when. Okay. All right. That makes sense. We actually do have a bird aficionado.

Confirming Owl Behavior

He is actually a magpie with his. Dude, your black hand up. Oh, my God. Dude. What's up, Magpie? Yes. That is false. I recently was on a farm and I took a trip riding on a atv on this farm and saw an al. So there was definitely an Al present on this farm. Just saying to answer that. That's my question. All right, so wait, where on the farm was he. Was he, like, just. Was he in the barn? Was he flying around? What was going on? He was swooping around the barn.

Connecting on the Farm

He was swooping around the barn. In the trees, the birch trees, and birch trees actually produce fucking chaga fungi. And they can be up to thousands of dollars for a little fucking patch of it. In. The owls live in the birch trees. And the owls just get that shit for free. Why aren't they flipping it? That's what I'm saying, dude. That's what I'm saying. And we're sitting here investing in fucking tickers. Yeah, dude, I. No, dude, we're investing in Alfred because Alfred is the one flipping the Chaga, bro. You didn't know that makes sense. I fuck with Alfred. Yeah, dude, Alfred is the ticker.

Discussion about Alfred

He's also Batman's butler, but Batman's nowhere to fucking be found. All right, all right. Fuck it, dude. Fuck it. Since Alfred left him, he has to mow his own grass. So he's mowing his grass right now? Yeah, I was gonna mention that you might want to give him all passes. He's mowing the lawn and he's gonna be mortified that he's so late. Does this not know what time we start our spaces every day does. He does. And he said he would be back in time for speculation. And I'm kind of. Not trying to interrupt.

Preparing for Speculation

I just got to go here soon. Can I just share some alpha real quick? Did not. Regards. No, wait. Is it a token Alpha? Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Go ahead and share it, bro. I'm just using. His face is, like, a way to market, obviously. But if you guys. Oh, shit. He's having technical difficulties. He's having technical difficulties. Guys, I'm sorry about that. We'll probably never be able to. We'll never know who brought him back. No, like, literally, like, I'm the CM of the project, but I'm not fucking pushing to push it.

Discussion about Project Management

The dev is literally a fucking chad, so. Fuck, dude. He keeps getting. He keeps getting rugged. Who? I don't know. I don't know. We'll have to figure it out. We will, dude. Arbitrage. Come back tomorrow. We'll have a conversation about it. My bad. Dude, I don't know what's going on. I think what it is, dude. I think it's Alfred. Alfred is kicking you down, bro. Alfred said no other tickers besides me up here. I don't know, bro. It wasn't. It's not me, though, all right?

Clarifying Miscommunications

It's definitely 100% not me. Pressing on your PFP and then saying, remove from speakers. It's def. And then. And then confirming it twice. It's definitely not. That's definitely not my doing. It's not my doing. I'm not doing that stuff, but, yeah. Hey, Rizzi, have you found anything for us to raid just yet? I'll be honest. I'm just gonna do a tweet now. I'm just going to post it, and then we can do it. We can just read it. It'll be like a coded tweet. Like, we'll say, like who? Like, something like that.

Composing a Coded Tweet

And then we'll run it up. Yo, you know, we should do. Yeah, look, everyone in here right now, post. Hoot. Hoot. And actually, here's what we do. Here's what we do. Everyone look up at the. Look to the top, and you see Sarto just posted. Alfred is running to all time high. Copy that tweet, and I'll retweet it for you. It's called a copypasta. That shit. That shit will make this. It'll. It'll go to 2 million in, like, ten minutes. Everybody post. Copy that tweet, post.

Running the Social Media Campaign

Alfred is running to all time high and just do a copy. Pasta. Literally, that shit's gonna run. Yeah, I just did a post as well, saying. Fucking. Yeah, let's fucking get it, dude. I'll repost you. I'll repost you. Guys. Everybody who posts Alfred is running to all time high right now. You can actually Tagore tag me in the comments or something so that I'll be able to see you. But I'm gonna search. I'm gonna run a search on. On X. Alfred is running to Ath.

Engaging with the Audience

I'm gonna do mine right now. And if someone posts. Hoot, hoot. I'll retweet it, too. I'm checking latest retweeting every single. I need you guys all to retweet it. Guys, listen to blocks. These are. Daddy. Yeah, let's fucking run this. Let's fucking run this shit so we can actually push this to. I want to push this to 2 million. We hit 1.4 earlier today. A few times. Not just once, a few times. It's not. It's not like we're weak.

Pushing for Growth

Only tapping it. No, we're fucking smashing it every fucking time. And then people are like, oh, shit, I got a. I got. My tires are flat. I got nothing in my cupboard. And they want to fucking sell. But no, we're gonna fucking smash this shit to 2 million. All we gotta do is keep. Do some copy. Pastas. That shit works like a fucking charm, bro. Shit works like a goddamn charm. Everybody post Alfred is running to Ath. Or if that's too much, just say hoot.

Building Community Engagement

Hoot. And I'm actually gonna search right now. If you want to retweet from bigger accounts to get your reach up, your engagement up. Alfred, hold on, Alfred. I'm single. Good job, guys. Yeah, let's fucking go to at. Yeah, let me fucking search real quick. Yeah, let's fucking go. Let's fucking go. Run, Alfred, run. All right, I'll retweet that. That works. Alfred is running to ath. Thank you, Ray. Deck, Radshe.

Continued Engagement and Retweets

Zelowski. I'll retweet that. Thank you, cryptic princess. Alfred is running to all time high. Thank you, Inferno. Alfred is running to all time high. Thank you, hash. Alfred is running to all time high. Thank you, Alex. Alfred is running to all time high. Thank you, the boy, bad boy, Danny. Alfred is running to all time high. Thank you, DS Solex. Alfred is running to all time. Yeah, dude. Zigzag filler, Francis, Belka. I'm retweeting all you guys right now, by the way.

Community Strategy

Like, this is what we can do. And all you guys have to do is run a search for Alfred is running to all time high, and you guys can retweet them as well. So that. And then. And then what you're going to do is you're going to follow everybody who posts this. You're going to follow them, and you're also going to follow anyone who retweets your tweet. Right? That's how we build community. That's how we. That's how we really build in the space, all right? Like, this is how.

Building Lasting Community

This is how communities are actually built. So no matter what happens, we're literally sticking around each other, like, promoting each other, like, you know, not. Not like we're doing it on, like, based on the ticker, which is Alfred. But at the end of the day, like, we're literally pushing, like, we're pushing ourselves, too. Like, that's. That's really what we're. What we're doing here is pushing ourselves. Thank you, mister big tired cryptid princess. Did it twice. Let's fucking go. Thank you.

Concluding Remarks

Kuya joy. Yeah, bro. Like this. Strictly rubes. Thank you. I appreciate you. This is. This is how we're supposed to, like, actually run shit up organically. We don't have to, like, bot anything. Like, it's a. It's real engagement, and this is how you do it. let me search hoot real quick. Holy shit, dude. Fucking funniest shit ever. Hoot hoot. Rizzi. Why, dude, fucking why? Do you remember how we had, what was it? This is the new one.

Reflecting on the Past

This is the new one. This is the new one. This is the new one. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my God. You guys are too much. Dude. Fucking hell. All right, thank you, Benjamin. Thank you, Peng, bull. Yeah, dude, I'm just gonna retweet all you guys, man.

Initial Expressions and Engagement

Fucking hoot. Hoot. Fucking hoot. Fucking hoot. Thank you, Inferno. Jay, darts. Let's. I'll retweet all you guys, man. I'll retweet. My account is gonna be suspended tomorrow, but I don't give a shit. I actually don't care. Let's fucking who. Fucking who? Just want to say one thing. We are currently 10th on DExcu in the trending. We have 500 boosts right now. That's less than the last another, like, 24 hours because we just got them today. We were 1000 at one point. I think were, like, top seven on trending. If you just study the charts, you can see that we've literally retraced, like, went through, like, 583 last time. And, like, this dip is going to get eaten up so fucking fast. And we're going to send higher than last time.

Market Analysis and Community Conviction

We. We dipped once, we set up, we sent higher, we dipped again. We set even higher. Like, generally, we can fucking do this. This is just a start. One of the main reason I think people are selling right now, the fact that people are going sleep, they don't have enough conviction to actually go sleep on their bags. That's what pisses me off about Solana so much, is that people don't have enough conviction. I woke up, I said, 100k today. Like, what the fuck? Imagine I woke up. My entry. How the fuck does that work? Yeah. And I guess what, we didn't give up. We fucking ran this shit up. All I had to do was do this. I said good morning in the chat. I said good morning in my telegram, and we fucking pumped up.

Good Morning and Community Support

Back to a new all time high. Just gonna say good morning, like, what the fuck? Oh, Dev, didn't G Deb still alive? What? Yo, that shit is funny, dude. Like, that shit's actually fucking hilarious. Fuck it, dude. Let him not have convictions. Let. Wait. Wait a couple days and see if they finally have fucking conviction. Let them. Let them wake up to all time high and they already sold their bag the night before. Let them. Let them make that mistake and then realize, oh, shit, I gotta buy back in. Oh, fuck yeah, dude. Let them fuck up. Let them fuck up. That's all I gotta say. Let them fuck the fuck up. All right, who fucked. Hoot. Fucking hoot, dude.

Community Engagement and Requests

Oh, fuck. I'm sorry, you guys. We have. Do we have, like, do we have even more requests now than we did? We have 42 requests. I just counted them. Like, bro, this is actually. It's actually kind of insane. So let me. We will get to every. Each and every single one of you guys, I promise. Like, we will get to each and every single one of you guys, but just give me a second. Just give me. Give me a second. I appreciate you guys that are dropping comments. It helps the algorithm appreciate you guys are dropping comments. Rangy, what do you think? You think we should do a giveaway to whoever does the most comments? Sure.

Giveaway Announcement

That sounds like a great idea. All right, everybody, let's see who's in the audience. Oh, I know who's going to win already, so. Yeah, it's gonna be. Yeah, everybody. Rangi is giving away some money to you guys. Whoever does the most comments. Rangi will pay you some money. I don't know how much, but she will give you money. Okay, thank you for that, rangy. You're. You're. Dude, you are. You're amazing. I don't tell you enough, but you're. You're actually. You're not half bad. You're not half bad. I'm joking. I'll give you guys. Let's do. I don't know, what do you guys think? Let's do.

Token Incentives and Follow-up

I'll do a hundred. I'll do 100k tokens. That's what I'll do. I'll do 100k, Alfred. Tokens for my own bag, and I'll give it to whoever drops the most comments on the space. All right, you have to be following me. Sarto, rangi, Rizzi, just follow the speaker panel and drop as many comments as humanly possible before your account gets suspended. And, yeah, I got you. I got you. All right, I got you. I'll give you 100k tokens. Is 100k too much? Now that I think about it, 100k. Is, like, right now. It is. Exactly. Let me tell you exactly how much it is. Like, $67.

Community Engagement and Market Status

Look, you got that? You're rich. All right, yeah, it's fine. I'll do, I'll do. Shall do a couple hundred. We'll do. We'll do the most. We'll do the most comments for the. For two people. I'll do a 100k tokens each. All right, that's what we'll do. Now, if you guys. We don't. Dude, if we don't hit at least 250 comments, I ain't doing shit. I. All right, okay. Fuck. They're finna run these shits up. They're gonna run these comments. I'm already looking. They already did, like, 20 comments in, like, five fucking seconds.

Action Plans and New Posts

Oh, fuck. Okay, fine. Yeah, we'll do it. Okay, we'll do it. All right, what next? What next? Hold on. It looks like we have some more stuff to post. Okay, we got Sarto replying to Dior up in the top. All you guys got to do Dior just posted seven minutes ago, too. So go to that comment and just tag. Just write Alfred. All right? Just do Alfred. Or say hoot. Hoot. Something along those lines. Let's raid the shit out of this. Okay, Alfred. I'm gonna say Alfred is the ticker. You guys can say whatever you want. Like, literally, all we got to do is. Is. Is just rate it.

Encouragement to the Community

Like, raid the hell out of it. All right, you guys, like, literally just raid the hell out of it. All right, let's see, let's see. Get this to 150 likes instead of just saying, oh, my God, bro, Dior is fucking idiots. I'll sing it. Fucking idiot, dude. Oh, my God. All right, whatever. But, yeah, post some more. Post some more, like, tweets that we can raid, too. And if you guys are. If you guys are still posting hoot and. And shit like that, then I'll 100% retweet you guys. Just. Just let me. Just let me find them.

Closing Remarks and Future Plans

You know, I got. I'll just. I'll just search for him and shit. All right, so post, hoot in your comments underneath Sarto's comment, whatever you want to do. Just, like, let's run this shit up. Let's actually run this shit up. All right, all right, what else? Dude, we got this whale person. They've been waving for fucking ever. Like, for 45 minutes, they've been waving at me. Rangi, do you think we should bring this person up? Well, they are a whale, right? Yeah. Maybe. Maybe they need some air. That's why they're waving, because, like, they can't get to the surface. They need air.

Discussion on Community Engagement

This 73 request is. Yep. That's the record of requests that we've had on speculation. So shout out to Alfred. The community is so strong, dude. I'm sorry that most of you guys will not be able to speak on the space. It's just we. It's just there's so much going on right now. There's so much going on right now. I apologize. But, yeah, we'll definitely. We'll definitely get to you if you guys do not have the ability to speak on the space. Do me a solid and just write it in the comments. All right. I'm actually gonna read some comments at the moment. I'm gonna read some comments, Alfred. Hash. Hash. Why are you trying to make this a thing? I said Alfred should fly to see baby Jasper. Like, what are you doing right now? Ghafar says cryptic princess is going to win the most comments contest.

Community Contributions and Remarks

She probably will. She. But she's got a head start. Like, she always does a crazy amount of comments. I don't know if it's just in case or if she's just, like, you know, getting her reps in, like, because all the comments are thought provoking and thoughtful and funny. So I don't know if maybe that's it. But she got a head start. Trisha said, I thought that's why you followed me. I guess because she's a sexy girl or whatever we're talking about earlier. No, I followed you because your space is Maxian. So am I. Zig zag. Phyllis says hoot. Hoothdeen. Cryptic princess says, block. This commenting shit is for the birds. This bird. Alfred. Oh, my God. We're done. We're absolutely done. Like, I'm not reading any more fucking comments.

Shifting Focus and Participation

What's up, Rizzi? Oh, yeah. Just posted about Alfred. Go check it out. Go read it. Smash. Everyone, let's fucking go. All right, feel free to post it up to the top. We also have another one from Sarto he posted two minutes ago. He said the key to success is selecting the right communities at the right market cap. I made my choice. It's Alfred. Yeah, everybody go ahead and retweet that. We have 23 retweets already. Whoever did the quote retweet, though, Josti loves games. It's. It's very difficult to. To get any engagement or views on quote retweets at the moment. I don't know why the algorithm is like this, but if you want, undo the quote and just do a regular retweet, it'll help, I promise it.

Market Trends and Community Support

Or just do a retweet after you did the quote. It doesn't matter. But just so you guys know. So we have 30 retweets now. Thank you, guys. I appreciate you guys. Keep going. Keep it. Keep it going. That's. That's literally all we need to do is. Is, like, run. Run our tweets up. Okay? Rizzi posted a minute ago. He said, study the charts way higher. Yeah. Honestly, if you're looking, like, looking at the chart right now, it really does look like we're ready to go for another all time high. Like, it looks like we're ready to go to another all time high. We got, we got to get someone who, like, reads charts up here because I don't know what that's actually called, that double mountain formation looking thing.

Community Engagement and Future Plans

But, but, yeah, we just have to continue. Literally have to continue. So let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see. My bad, you guys. I'm looking at all your guys comments, dude. I'm actually blown away by all the things that you guys are, like, doing for this token and, like, able to pump your bags. So, look, man, like I said, follow the person to your left of you. Follow the person to the right of you. Follow the person above you. Follow the person below you. Follow the person, like, people on the speaker panel, like, if you, if someone that you know, that, like, basically just fuck it.

Appreciation and Collaboration

Just follow them. Like, follow everybody and just wait for those follow backs. All right. I'll, me personally, I'm going to follow everybody back. It's just, it's going to take me a second. You're not, you might have to comment one of my tweets or something for me to be like, oh, shit, let me follow this person back. But. Because there is a lot going on. But all of us are very appreciative of community. Like, we're all appreciative that you guys are down with, like, what we're actually doing in the space. So, like, we love it. Like, we love having a real community who's, you know, active and participating in the same things that we're participating in currently.

Looking Ahead and Future Engagement

We're participating in Alfred. That's, that for the foreseeable future, that's what we're going to be participating in. So if we have a community that is doing the exact same thing that we're doing, that's retweeting the things that we are retweeting, that's liking, commenting on the things that we're liking and commenting on, that's joining the spaces that we're joining. By the way, Rizzi, if you want to go ahead and set a reminder for your space, post it in the comments, too. Post that in the comments. I'll probably post that tomorrow. Like, just last minute like maybe a couple hours before because that's when it creates the most hype. I noticed that when I posted it, like yesterday.

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