Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space SPECULATION – An Open Discussion About $CRYING & more hosted by Block100x. The Twitter space on $CRYING and crypto speculation offered valuable insights into growth hacking, humor in marketing, and community building in the crypto industry. Participants discussed strategies for navigating the dynamic crypto market, leveraging memes effectively, and fostering an alpha mentality. The space highlighted the importance of authenticity, relatability, and strategic communication in branding. Overall, the space provided a blend of humor, alpha strategies, and practical tips for success in the crypto marketing landscape.

For more spaces, visit the Marketing Agency page.


Q: How can humor be used effectively in crypto marketing strategies?
A: Humor can humanize brands, increase relatability, and enhance audience engagement in the crypto space.

Q: What role do memes play in the promotion of crypto projects?
A: Memes can be powerful tools for spreading awareness, driving virality, and creating community around crypto projects.

Q: How can growth hacking benefit crypto project launches?
A: By implementing growth hacking tactics, projects can amplify their reach, generate buzz, and attract a wider audience during launches.

Q: Why is community-building crucial in the crypto industry?
A: Building a strong community fosters loyalty, trust, and long-term support for crypto projects, contributing to sustainability and growth.

Q: How can individuals stay informed about crypto trends and market dynamics?
A: Engaging with crypto communities, following influencers, and staying updated on news sources can help individuals stay informed and make informed decisions.

Q: What are some tips for maintaining an alpha mentality in the crypto space?
A: Maintaining confidence, resilience, and strategic thinking can help individuals uphold an alpha mentality amidst the volatility and challenges of the crypto market.

Q: How can brands leverage memes to create impactful advertising campaigns?
A: By aligning memes with brand messaging, tapping into pop culture references, and leveraging humor, brands can create memorable and effective advertising campaigns.

Q: Why is it important for brands to authentically engage with their audience on social media?
A: Authentic engagement builds trust, fosters relationships, and cultivates a loyal customer base for brands in the competitive crypto landscape.

Q: What strategies can brands use to turn chaos into successful marketing campaigns?
A: Embracing chaos with creativity, agility, and innovative thinking can transform challenges into opportunities for brands to stand out and make an impact.

Q: How can humor and relatability be balanced with serious insights in crypto content creation?
A: By integrating humor strategically, maintaining authenticity, and delivering valuable insights, content creators can engage audiences effectively while conveying important information.


Time: 00:15:28
Navigating Crypto Speculation Insights on the risks and rewards of speculating in the crypto market.

Time: 00:25:47
Alpha Strategies for Growth Hacking Exploring innovative growth hacking tactics for successful project launches.

Time: 00:35:59
Meme Magic in Marketing How memes can be leveraged for organic brand promotion and engagement.

Time: 00:45:12
Community Building in Crypto The importance of building a strong and supportive community within the crypto ecosystem.

Time: 00:55:33
Staying Relevant in the Chaos Strategies for staying informed, adaptive, and relevant in the rapidly evolving crypto landscape.

Time: 01:05:19
Humor as a Brand Tool Utilizing humor as a powerful branding tool to connect with crypto audiences.

Time: 01:15:42
Social Media Advertising Insights Tips for effective advertising on social media platforms in the crypto industry.

Time: 01:25:55
Turning Memes into Marketing Gold Strategies for transforming memes into valuable marketing assets and campaign elements.

Time: 01:35:11
The Alpha Mentality in Crypto How maintaining an alpha mentality can drive success and resilience in the crypto space.

Time: 01:45:29
Embracing Chaos for Success Turning chaotic situations into opportunities for growth and innovation in marketing.

Time: 01:55:17
Balancing Humor and Insights Tips for striking a balance between humor, relatability, and informative content creation in the crypto sphere.

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the nuances of $CRYING and crypto speculation.
  • Exploring growth hacking strategies and their impact on launches.
  • Insights on leveraging humor and memes in marketing for engagement.
  • The importance of community building and alpha mentality in the crypto space.
  • Tips for navigating the chaotic but potentially rewarding crypto market.
  • Balancing serious insights with comedic relief for audience engagement.
  • The significance of staying updated on crypto trends and meme culture.
  • Strategies for turning memes into valuable marketing assets.
  • Incorporating humor and relatability into brand communication strategies.
  • Ways to utilize social media platforms for effective advertising and engagement.

Behind the Mic

Introduction and Comments

Still holding like man catch me if you can swinging down ten look, mine no hands whole lot of bands in the place when we hear touch me where you stand is where you landing I was glued object in the mirror maybe closer than they appear every time I read up I could have got a honey in bounce rocking skater down the shiny holly at the mechanism I swear to God, if you guys aren't fucking giving me some goddamn retweets, I'm cutting this shit off right now. Look dumb, we got a lot of it. I got to get comb I gotta weigh my tongue. That's the get cone. Oh, my God. 20 people in here and only eight comments. You guys don't want us to win. They swing banging down Beth, hitch me in the mix yeah, you know what's going on. Everything is exotic so you know it's going strong. If you don't gotta get live and you don't gotta get crunk, you get the fuck out. You get the fuck out right now. You go to hell. You go to hell and you die.

Interruption and Instructions

Wait, hold. Dude. Hold the fuck. Hold on. What the fuck? I'm looking at these comments. I'm looking at these retweets. We don't have nearly enough to start the space. I guess you guys just want it to be a music space. That's fine. Cause you know what? I got good taste in fucking music, man. I got good taste in music, dog. Yeah, we'll just play some fucking music. You guys don't wanna. You guys don't wanna follow the rules of spaces. It's fine. It's not a big deal. We just play some music. I'll play an hour worth of fucking songs. See how you like that. See how you like them apples. I actually don't. I actually don't like apples, to be honest. Awesome. Cute. They're full of pesticides. Don't eat that shit. Give me a burger. You better get back outside with these goddamn comments, crypto princess. And no more songs. I'm crying.

Discussion about Music and Interaction

Yeah, we're gonna talk a little bit about crying today. We got a lot to talk about tonight. We got a lot to talk about tonight. But first I need at least 125 comments. Everybody in the space needs to give me ten comments and we'll get there. I'm current. I don't need spaces. We finna melt some faces y'all some disgrace y'all finna make me madden mean dollar con balls on zoom get wet I don't gotta use lose you a friendly ass bitch I'm rude popped out with a brand new dude popped out with a brand new tick lotto top bout a purse, stop worrying about the shit they tight could've stay ho to me and slurp I'm a south side piece to the grave I'm a south side piece to the hearse we got big shit coming. We gotta get the bullshit out of the way first.

Engagement and Expectation

Yeah. Desire says you've been on back to back spaces for a week. Yeah. Y'all are new here. It's been a fucking week. Forgive me. I'm giving them hell. Yeah, y'all been here for a fucking week. How do y'all feel? Tell me in the comments how the fuck you feel being on speculation for seven days straight. Does this not give you a goddamn pick me up? With a brand new dude popped out with a brand new team bought this milk tuna casserole? Yo, the ending is always what fucking gets me. I swear to God, bro, every fucking time. Like, bro, just ridiculous. But anyway, I got a. I got a disclaimer. Before we start. Before we start the space. I do have a disclaimer. Here we go.

Disclaimer and Audience Interaction

The following is absurd humor created by someone who should have never been left alone with his own thoughts. If you find yourself laughing at any of this, there's something seriously wrong with you. Viewer discretion isn't just suggested. It's practically mandatory. Proceed at your own risk. Yeah. All right. We did it. We did it. So I don't have to, you know, let you guys know anything. Look, man, we got a lot to talk about tonight, all right? It's actually a lot. So, you know, I know I say this every time, but I probably need to let you guys know now more than ever. Right now more than ever. Yo, if. Swear to God.

Space Experience and Audience Engagement

Listen, if you start the show, you just got a. You got to power through. I'm sorry that it's too. Sorry that it's too. Whatever, 209, wherever you are, maybe in the world. Most of you guys are here from Malaysia. Most of you guys are here from Indonesia. So, yeah, we do have. We do have that community here. But, yeah, man, unfortunately, you just. You're stuck. You're stuck with me, and that's the way I like it, to be honest. That's the way I like. We got a lot of information to, wait, wait, wait, wait. What this motherfucker say? Honcho said, feels good, man. Speculation.

Speculation and Reactions

Seven days and foreskin. What does that even mean? What does the. Does that even mean, doc? Oh, shit. Seemovich said, let's hope crying is not the new quit. Look, man, it's crazy that he's new and he even knows. Yo, if I swear to God, bro, I swear, the funniest part about it is, yo, the quit community. Like, God bless them. Like, God bless them. The quit community, they got the wool pulled all the way over their eyes. God bless them. Like, I said, no offense to them. They're fucking retarded, though. Like, they are fucking idiots. Like, holy fuck, dude.

Community Discussion

Holy shit. Seamovic has been here seven days, and he already knows what the deal is. Those guys have been around for two months, and they. They have no fucking clue. They're just do. They got their thumbs up their asses. They're. They're walking around, dude. They're running around like chickens with their heads cut off, chasing fucking losses after losses. Oh, honcho. Four score. Okay, yeah, four score and seven. I get it. I get it. He's. The motherfucker said foreskin. I was like, what? Four score is what he meant. That makes sense. That makes more sense. But, yeah, poor guys.

Community With Open Arms

Like, poor them. Poor them. But, hey, man, anybody who wants to come back to the community and, you know, they don't have to, like, apologize or any of that shit, just, you know, come kick it. That's literally all it. All it takes is just come kick it. Like, we don't give a shit about anything. Like, look, Mandy, it happened to me once. Once upon a time, too. Don't get. Don't get it twisted. Like, I don't feel like I'm better than anybody. It honestly happened to me a long time ago. Wait, f.

Continuing the Discourse

Dude, I'll just. You know what? I'll ask Renge. Rengi keeps track of everything. She has. She has paperwork, she has spreadsheets. She has dot matrixes, matrices. She has everything. So I'm gonna ask her. Rangi, when did I get social engine? How long ago now? Has it been since I have. Since I got social engineered the first time? Like a year and a half, something like two years. It's. Well, do you want to mean how long you've been social engineer? The very first day started, you started being in that space or the actual date? When we got deprogrammed? Yeah.

Deprogramming Experience

No, let's talk. When did we get deprogrammed? Yeah, when did I get. We get deprogrammed? Well, you haven't been deprogrammed long enough, but let's see. I was deprogrammed on 911 2003, and you came around probably January, February. No, I can't be right. 24. Yeah. Yeah, run then. Yeah. So about six. Yeah. So what, like six months? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. You resisted the deprogramming? When I tried, dude, I resisted so hard. I wanted them to be. I wanted them to be right so bad. I wanted them to be good people so bad.

Honesty in Experience

I didn't. I didn't listen to anybody. It wasn't just you. Especially me. Well, I mean, especially. I never listen, but, yeah, unfortunately, it happened to me as well, guys, so, you know, it is what it is. Tell them. Do. Tell them. Pull up. Tell them to pull up. Tell them. Yo, Block said he misses you guys and you guys are probably the most intelligent people on the app and that he would never say a mean thing about you. Tell them. Tell them. I want them to pull up.

Engagement and Invitation

Tag them in the comments. Look, man, we got a lot to talk about tonight, all right? We got Semavich. I can't get over it. I hope crying is not the new quit. Yo, we spoke about quit on the Mario space today. Spoke a little about quit. Well, I did. Then Casper did. Thought it was interesting. I missed what cash for said in its entirety, because I had a phone call, but I heard him make a snipe at you. Okay, good thing I have a phone call to take right now.

Continuing the Dialogue

Yo, but this is how. Yo, this is how it goes. You know, if you're. Dude, anytime I'm in the wrong, I'm just gonna do the same thing. I'm just gonna pull a cash for. Hey, well, you guys, I'm just gonna. Dude, I'm gonna rewrite history. I'm gonna rewrite history. Why the fuck not? Yo, if someone says, oh, block, you should have done such and such. Oh, I'm gonna be like, oh, hey, man, well, the first deflection. Well, I mean, I would have. If you'd have done that.

Expected Reactions

Yeah, I would have if you'd have done this and. Okay, well, all right, well, there's. Dude, you can't say anything to it. No. If there's deflection to be done, you can't say anything to that. Can't say shit. Fuck it, dude. I'm good with that. Yo, but, hey, the Mario space is a very professional space. Yo, yesterday he actually got, like, into it with somebody that he rugged and he. It was. It was. It was. It was weird. It was weird to see.

Professionalism in Spaces

It's weird to see. He's actually got into it with so many rugged. And they were being, like, super unprofessional. The host had. Who's the he? Casper. Okay, I just double checking. I didn't know who was like, you know, David ten X didn't think it was, but I just want to be clear. No, I was gonna say the hosts, both of them had to, like, mediate and say, like, hey, we're not. We're not here for this.

Avoiding Drama

Like, this is drama ass bullshit. Like, it was strange. I'll tell you. I'll tell you that. It was. It was strange. No lie. It was. It was. It was weird to see, so I did not want to have a repeat of that. I wanted to be, you know, a little more professional than that. But really, all I was saying was, like, they mentioned that they were gonna go to, you know, or something about going to rugged communities and bringing them into the token.

Past Experiences

And I mentioned how we did that with quit before it got rugged, which is fucking like, yo, this is the whole. The whole thing, dude. It was always gonna get rugged. I was laughing. I was laughing when you did that. I was like, oh, I see what you did there. Yeah. Yep. It was funny. It was good. It was good. And then it was crazy because he actually was like, yo, that was my idea.

Community Reflections

Like, yeah, I know, dude. Like, you decided to go into rugged communities and tell them that we're not going to rug them before you rug them. Like a month before you rugged them. So that's. That's just. It's just. I don't know, it's whatever. It's. It gets tiring being the smartest person on CTA. It really does. I'm gonna just dumb myself down for the rest of the show because I don't like being too smart for this, for the.

Humor and Wit

For the. For the. Anyone, actually. I don't like it. I don't like it. I'm gonna start. Which way did he go? Which way did he go, George? Which way? Yeah, it's gonna be me. Fuck this. We got Batman with his hand up. Don't want to go to him. We got great KB has been on my ass all no diddy day. I don't. Dude, I am not.

Engagement with Audience Members

Why? Who let him up here? Dot? Was it you? I bet it was dot. No. Are you lying to me right now? All right, so that means it was rangy. Yep. Well, you know. You know I didn't let him off, right? It was me. I know it was you. I know it was you. It's, once again, deflection. A perfect example of deflection, everybody. This is how you do it. You blame Renge, who is not the smartest person in CT, because that would be dots.

Community Dynamics

No. Honestly, no. That would be rangy. Okay, dot, she's smart, but I think more than her being smart, she just sees the fucking. She's a cheater. She sees the future or some shit. Yo, a year ago she call her a cheater. A cheater. She's not a cheater. She's. She's been cheating for a year now. Well, she hasn't been. You tell me, you tell me what? What it is if someone says yes? I did research, I looked into this, I looked into that, and all, lo and behold, they have a fucking goddamn superpower of seeing the future.

Future Predictions

How? Who knew that CZ was gonna go to jail before he went to jail? A year and some change before he went to jail? Nobody. Nobody. You got dot over here doing spaces, talking about. Oh, yeah, well, I mean, if you look at the, at the writing on the wall, CZ is probably gonna be facing some time. Holy shit. Like, that's cheating if I ever saw it. No, it's not cheating. All right? No, well, like I said, I. I'm gonna dumb myself down and just say that.

Blockchain Dynamics

Yeah, you're probably right. Probably right, rangy. I don't know. It's probably not cheating at all. Dude. Batman. And why are you waving at me with black hands? Like, I swear to God. They changed the hair. The hair color change. He changed the color? Yeah, just washed his hands in the garden and he decided to wash his hands. Oh, my God, dude, what the fuck? Yo, I know what he's gonna say. We moved on. Keep rugging.

Audience Engagement and Anecdotes

You keep rugging. You keep rugging, bullock, when I know what you're doing, maybe they're out to get you. You know I'm rugging right now. No, right now you're okay, but you've been rugging off and on, so get to the safe room so you're safe. I got 1 bar. I don't know what the fuck is going on. I don't like this 1 bar nonsense. it's not on right now. It's not on if you haven't. It works.

Technical Difficulties and Conversations

No. Is that what happens if you turn the air conditioning on, it messes with your bars? No, no, I don't have any air conditioning. Are you asking because I don't have any air conditioning? Our air conditioner decided it was going to stop working today. Oh my God. Emergency maintenance. So I just wanted to, like, you know, see if you had air conditioning so I could come on over.

Audience Interactions and Requests

Dude, we got extreme with his hand up, yesterday. He DM's me and he's like, yo, or maybe we're on the phone. I don't remember. He's like, yo, why do you not unmute me before? Like, before, like, 2030 minutes or 20 minutes? And I was like, yeah, I gotta get my reps in. And it's usually 30 minutes. I gotta get my reps in, man. Like, I gotta. I think I've explained this before.

Continuous Engagement

Maybe I haven't, but for. I'll just explain it again. Basically, I gotta get my reps in. All right. If I don't know how to work a space by myself and people and, like, retain listeners by myself, then I might as well just quit doing spaces. And I honestly, if I continued to, like, play the game on easy mode with having, like, other speakers all the time, like, helping me do spaces and shit like that, then I will lose.

Maintaining Skills

I don't know, like, whatever it is that I'm good at on spaces, I'll fucking lose that shit. You know? I'll just lose it. And I don't want to do that. Like, I don't want to. Yo, what the fuck? Oh, no. Okay, okay, okay. But, yeah, dude. Like, really? That's why ultimately, that's why I gotta try. And also, most of the time, when people speak, actually, not extreme, because extreme actually brings, like, a shit tonight value to the space, if not through his verbal speaking skills, definitely, because he has a huge account and people follow him into the space, but usually other people, when they speak, dude, these mfers, they are so bearish.

Dynamic Conversations

They make present company excluded, especially Batman, because he's funny as shit. But usually people will just leave. So what I would. What I would always do was I would just start the space by my fucking self, and then I would go, like, I would open the speaker panel and just go to the speakers and try to, like, pass the ball to them, and then people would just start leaving. Like, fucking Des, come up here. Yeah, Des knows exactly what time.

Conclusion and Future

Yeah, he knows what time it is. But, yeah, that's. That's. That's basically why. That's. That's the reason. But, you know, since extreme came in and he just brought, like, I don't know how many fucking people with him, we're gonna. I don't know. Hey, extreme, what are your thoughts on seeing all these block pfps in the audience? Are you still. He's probably still muted. Dude, Twitter is fucked.

Continued Interaction

Yo, Twitter was good. Look. How are you? What's good? Chillin. How about you? I just want to see why these guys wearing the bloke PFP. Now, what do you. What do you promise them this time? .5. So. .8. No, see, this is the thing. This is the thing, extreme. I don't have to promise some shit. They just fuck with block. They fuck with big block in that glock. That's what they do, Mandev. That's what they do.

Community Insights

So they do. My goodness, you guys. Look, I'm pretty sure you could get them to change their pfps. No, they're not glazing me. Jesus, why you gotta make these everything? So what if you're in here and you've dm me, hey, extreme, can you pay me? Can you pay my rent? I'm not paying you shit. Because there's like, I can see some guys in here, right? He's DM me saying, hey, I'm in $50 debt, bur. Come on, you can't pay $50 yourself?

Community Responsibility

That's crazy. Oh, my God. Yo, the funniest part is, that's exactly what KB is in my DM's begging for. He's like, I just need $45. You think that? You think he's like, I'm better than you because I give what I have and I'm like, what the fuck, dude? You just want to give away, like someone just two days ago. Look, someone just dm me say, you can't pay my rent. Question mark. You know, your community is wild.

Community Diversity and Initiatives

Like, fucking wild, bro. I love them, but holy shit. Hey, are you trying to do a Sunday show? Because I got one possible, but I need to know. Yeah, all right, I'm gonna try to get some. These probably. Are you still looking or, like, another year, bro, I swear to God. You can do both, bro. Like, I know you got other. Other thing you have to do. All right, that's fine.

Future Talks and Development

See what happens, I guess. You know, Frank said, can I have $8 for a hot dog? Yo, you know how far $8 would go in a third world country? $1. He wants an artisanal. He wants a fucking artisanal hot dog. The great KB says block. This is block. This is insulting. No, dude, we're just. Oh, man, you gotta. You gotta learn to relax, man. Everything.

Relaxation and Humor

You can't be like, I don't know, like over emotional or we're just making fun, you know? We're having some fun, dude. Look, I have a question. Who made your banner? crypto princess. Were they in the space last night? yes, they're here. Why the fuck do you not make me a banner? Wait, wait, wait. Your banner? Actually, no, I didn't like to change it.

Community Contributions

How long have you had it on? Is that why something new? I don't know. I swear to God, if you buy an NFT, instead of just keeping that free shit that you already have, it's not free. I got a. With something I traded with. Well, it's. I mean, if it comes down to buying something new or keeping what you have, just keep what you have. Now I have another NFT that's worth like $80.

Investments and Strategies

I want to buy something more expensive. Just keep. What the fuck, bro? This your PF? You okay? Look, you know how hard it is? You don't know dup, bro. It is difficult as fuck to get a shout out, a compliment, anything from dub, he shit all over my PFp. My $7,000 PFP. And guess what? He gave yours the compliment and said, yours is the best PFP ever, on or on the space.

Discussion on Aesthetics

So literally said that I wasted my money and said that your PFP is great. So, dude, just keep it. It's your. It's at this. At this point, it's your brand. This point, it's your brand. I don't know. It's fine. It's whatever. It's whatever. Crypto princess says that she's going to be changing her PFP because you pay rent, you pay people's rents. So there you go.

Additional Guests

We got des up here. Do not want to go to him. What's up, cuz? Hey, man, I just wanted to say congratulations to me, bro. I won that fucking giveaway, dude. Yo, the reason, the funniest thing is, I said, hey, if I did a giveaway, would you want. Would you enter? And he was like, yeah, why not? But I don't. I don't. I'll enter, but I don't want your money.

Giveaway Reflections

And I was like, oh, well, then you winden. So, yeah. Congratulations to you for winning. And congratulations to me for not having to give you a $100. It's wonderful. Absolutely love it. So. Yeah, yeah, man. Contributing your part. Appreciate that 100%. Appreciate that. Yeah. Hey, I got a question for you, cuz.

Value and Worth

How much was your PFP? And that's not a mutant, that's a board. Like, how much was your PFP when you bought it? Look it up. Oh, my God. I'm not going to take. Oh, fuck, yeah. That shit's probably still worth like 50 grand. We'll never know. I'll never sell it. No, honestly, that's probably the cleanest. The cleanest one I've ever seen to be real? Like.

Perception and Value

Nah, for real, though. I see a lot of them. And. Yeah, dude, that shit's cleanest. Fuck. This is clean as fuck. All right, look, we've come to that time in the show where I gotta take it to Des. I don't want to, but I feel like I have to. So, KB, you're unmuted. What's going on? Okay, I was just gonna ask you what's good.

Continuing Conversations

Well, I guess I can't take it to KB. I gotta. I gotta take it to Des. What's up, Des? Hey. Hey, block. How you doing, sir? I was like, I'm so excited to be on the same stage as you. And extreme is here, too. I'm just here to claim my price, my $1,000 price. Nobody ever liked my. They didn't like my post.

Engagement and Fame

I made a fire post. Twitter told me that was offensive to some people. I don't see how, because. But it's. Wait, hold on a second. Hold on. Real quick, bro. Post it up to the jumbotron so I can see what you're talking about. What can I give my 1001st before I post it out there? Because I feel like y'all gonna start like.

Reviewing Content

No, no, hold on. I gotta. I gotta review it, then I have to confirm it. So post it up to the top so I can see it real quick. Then I will, if I, if I, if I, if it. If everything checks out, I'll give your thousand dollars. He checks out. Just send the $1000. I'll post. I need to see it, homie. I gotta see it.

Application of Content

You gotta show it to me. Extremely. He feel like he's about to tell you. He's. You just send him his thousand because y'all never gonna see the post until I see my thousand. I need my thousands. Well, I can't give you the thousand until I can confirm that it has zero likes. Oh, no. The conundrum that we're in here, it's not even likes.

Issues with Social Media

Twitter was like, you get zero visibility to your post, sir, because it's so offensive. And I thought it was free speech. And what, I didn't try to offend anybody at all. But you say I did, but things to extreme and block. I offended somebody on Twitter because I didn't want nobody liking my post, and you didn't even like it blocked you.

Concluding Remarks

I don't know, man. I need to see him. That's the problem. If I. You know, if I. If I see it and it has zero likes, I will definitely give you that thousand dollars. But if Twitter won't even let me see it. Well, then unfortunately, no Twitter. If Twitter won't let me see it, I can't verify. Dennis, how can I verify it if I can't see? I'm scared.

Clarifications on Communication

If I push it up extreme, I like it. And then I'm be like, my day goes my hero. Because I was just trying. It was a question. How am I pushed it? Oh, we're all definitely gonna like it. That was the whole point. I'm a puzzle. Point is every single time someone fucking says, you know how many DM's I got? Hey, I got zero likes.

Social Media Dynamics

Hey, show me the post. And then I go and like it and I'm like, oh, it looks like you got a light. Okay, this one, I guarantee if you like it, you gonna get shadow banned. Cause you fuck, dude. Jesus Christ, y'all. But I like it. Take a screenshot. And unlike that bullshit, fuck that. I need my account health you. I just.

Social Media Housekeeping

I just removed 1400 inactive ass mfrs from the. Dude, it been like a month since I had didn't done like a little house cleaning, bro. Holy shit. I did not realize that these motherfuckers were here. Like, bro, these. Yo, people who are inactive for 116 days, like, how the hell it's only been like 30 days since I've really checked. Or maybe a little bit longer.

Maintaining Clarity

It wasn't 116 though, like inactive for a hundred, over a hundred days. Like, bro, unfollow at once. Post haste. We got Batman up here. What's up, Batman? Hey, block, sorry, I didn't want to forget. I caught the beginning of your space and saw about you wanted to rewrite history and stuff. I mean, to be fair, if I was zero and two with multiple failures, I would want to rewrite history as well.

Conclusion and Reflections

for anybody that wants to see the video that this Mfer is talking about, just dm him. Because it is funny. It's sad, dude, I just can't believe that we got like that. Like, fuck, I swear to God dude, no, whatsoever. No, we don't have to make it sexual, Batman. Everything doesn't have to be sexual. Well, you said we got fucked. I said we got God.

Scams and Warnings

Yo, that shit's funny as f. You know, it's not funny that people get scammed because, like, I know what it feels like. It sucks. But holy shit, bro. Like, you gotta have your guard up. You gotta sharpen your teeth. Can't just be letting people scam you out here. I've never been scammed for ten Solana before in my life. Look, you know that rug that Pedro did, that Petri? Yeah, yeah. Someone in the discord paid too. So really? That you so turn into dust. Wait, did Rizzi pay people back? He paid everyone back. But the dev never sent anymore. The dev blocked us all. He very blocked us and ran with the money. This just sucks, bro. Like, I'm so tired of doing these goddamn farms. Like, yo, I think this one's gonna, gonna do well. And then it ends up being a farm every single time. Like, bro, am I fucking stupid or is the space just down bad?

The Dangers of Deception

Every single dev that we come across is trash. We was promised. Got me with the last. We was promised 100K Mc bear. Yeah. How to find 30. Peaked at it. Dipped all the way down. Yeah, bro. It's like, what the fuck? And I know what they're doing. I know exactly what they're doing. But, like. And I even lost money as well. I bet you fucking did. I made about one. I made about one soul. How did you make one fucking? So I sold ASAP. I sold the eight K market cap. You bought it? It's not my fault because I thought they were promising me it was all gonna do well, right? So I wasn't even paying attention to my screen and I. I was eating my grapes and it went up took a bite. I took a bite of another great bird and I look at my screen and I see ten K market.

Manipulation and Exploitation

You know what they're doing is using a bot that bundles the entire launch. And then they press dump all. And then they fucking dump all. Like, it's easy as fucked for them. Like, God damn, they're fucking ruggers. So they have infinite, you know, cash to fucking pump shit up and then dump shit. It's like, God damn, bro. I don't know, man. It's I guess it's whatever. Like, honestly. And then I. Whatever. But for rugging people just because I said, oh, Rizzi in this Pedro guys doing a mystery launch, I was telling MySpace, right? And I get extreme. You're the dev. Why do you rug us? I'm leaving the dev. I lost money as well. Yeah, hold on. bigger post. Post up to the.

Assist and Identify

Wait, can you post. No. You know, on the speaker panel. Where is he at? Bigger post. in the comments, give. Show me a link to. To that tweet, and I will, you know, I'll confirm it for you. All right, tag me in the. In the comment to the actual tweet, though. yeah, honestly, that's how. That's just how the shit goes, bro. Like, every single time something bad happens. Oh, wait, hold on. I got to read this. I got to read. They always blame it on us, though. Please, I just need your help with my. My house rent is due, and. Oh, Gatin got to pay the bill for my daughter's school bills. If I could. It's never just one thing, either. It's always.

Nigerian Cuisine

It's always wearing in my DM saying, hey, why'd you leak my shit? I got to pay my daughter school bills. If I could just see, like, a. Will really appreciate. Oh, my God. Is that all? All you want is a shit? Well, let me bring you right up here. I got to give you this thousand real quick for doing absolutely goddamn nothing. Hold on, let me just. I know. I see the hands. I'm gonna get to the hands in a second, but we got, like, fucking royalty up here. We got snow, crypt, dollar sign, block, open quote, apostrophe yan. Open quote. Arcade, open quote. Solana, up here. I.

Challenges and Strategies

What's good, bro? What's your take? Nah, I'm no good. Fuck. What's. What's going on? Nothing. Okay, we'll send you back to listener. Look, we got fucking ass. Well, what's. What's going on? Can you know. Can you. Emmy, are you retarded, man? Yes, yes, we can hear. I'm just being placed. So you guys have an extra soul? I can't help others. Like. Wait, did you just say, do we have an extra soul? Yo. An extra soul? I was born with one soul. Look, don't even say anything.

Fundraising and Giving Back

Just move on to the next person. To be fair, I have some quit. I can give them, I think. Give him some quit? Yeah, I give him some fucking quit. How much is it worth, Batman? Let me check. Fifty three cents. Fifty three cents. All right. Hey, what are you willing to do for a $1,000? Can you hear? I'm asking you, what are you willing to do for a $1,000 on this camera? Starting some jumping jacks like you. You know, I got space on bills and I'm going up my daughter. Like, I need to help my daughter some bills, like school bills.

Engagement and Ventures

No, I get it. But I'm asking you a question, sir. How much are you willing to do for us on the space? Because we need to provide entertainment to the listeners, right? So my question for you is, what are you willing to do on the space so that we can generate this money and give it to you? Okay, like, what do you want me to do? Like, what do you. What are you willing. I can do? Send me a video of you dancing. I want you to go. Listen, I want you to go. Are you inside or outside right now? I'm inside.

Promotion and Community Involvement

I want you to go outside and start speaking to people. I want you to ask them about crypto, because we need to. We need to onboard, new liquidity, new money, new people into Solana ecosystem before eth gets them, before tron gets them. I want you to go outside right now. Hey, I didn't hear the door open. Get off your ass and go outside right now so that you can help us onboard people, to the Solana ecosystem. And maybe some of that. Dude, some of that money is going to go directly to your pockets. You're going to work for your bags.

Realities of Implementation

Yo, the great KB was in my DM's begging, and I was asking him, hey, I got you, bro. Like, I got you. Like, I have a big account. Well, it's not fucking big. I have a decent. Dude, you keep talking while I'm talking, and we're not going to be able to get anywhere. Can you not hear me? Snow? All right, I guess he's been outside. You wait, what do you guys have, like, a link? That akujo? Shit. I was gonna make it easy. The fuck? No, no, that's not. No, no.

Desire for Goat Meat

And I just. I need some goat meats, too. That's what I need. So you need. I want some issue spicy goats head. Okay. So this retard decided to make me buy some weird shit. No, it's not weird. It's actually really fucking made me buy cow feet. Well, cow feet is. Yeah, it's probably good. Like, it's. It's weird. It's funny to say. I don't want that shit. Yo, cows don't even have feet. They have hooves. Like, that's the funniest shit. Yeah, I'm not eating that shit, man. Don't even bother sending that to me.

Conversations about Food

Extreme. Yeah. Have you eaten, cow's bowl? No. Fuck you. But I'm not listening to you. I'm ordering from a bro. I'm just gonna order some jerk chicken, bro. Fuck you, jerk chicken. This motherfucker's trying to have you eat balls. Oh, shit. We can't say that around Batman. Rocky Mountain oysters. Oh, man. Yeah, I love oysters. All right, listen. We got soul collector up here with his hand up. Don't want to go to him. We got des with his hand up. Don't want to go to him. What's up, soul collector? What happened with Mario and six nine? Oh, I forgot to. Okay, so I was going to ask, but it was.

Discussion on Six Nine

The conversation moved past it too fast, so I was just. But I heard, like, a little bit of it yesterday. I missed the space. But apparently six nine got on there and was trying to roast, and. But, like, that's just how he kind of. How he does, because, like, even when he got into our group chat, he was just, like, calling people retards and stuff, you know, and. And they loved it, but it was the. That's the type of. Of environment he was in. You know, it was, you know, a bunch of fucking retards. But so, like, unfortunately, you can't do that on the Mario space. Like, you can't. You know what I mean?

Understanding Boundaries

Like, it's gay. He called him gay. Yeah, he said he was gay, and he's a pediatric. You can't do that. Yeah, you can't do that. Tomorrow to fall, bro. Like, it's just. It's just something you don't do, I guess. Obviously, Mario is not, like, famous. He's twitter famous. And obviously, six ix nine ine is globally recognized and famous. So six ix nine ine probably thinks, like, yo, these fucking losers or whatever, you know what I mean? But they didn't know. At the end of the day, dude, what the fuck? Yo, if you're gonna interrupt me, you gotta make sure your microphone works, homie.

Community Interaction

What'd you say? Quest eight? Yeah. 69. Doesn't know you guys are making money on here. He thought you guys are just making fun of yourself. Like, we're calling you guys retarded. Yeah. Yeah. Honestly, though, he's. He's 100% right. But we do make a lot of money. I do too. I do too. Honestly. No, I respect. I actually know him. Oh, more for that. As dumb as he pretends to be. No, I don't think he's. I don't think he's dumb at all. I think he's probably plays dumb, but it makes him. If he. If he was able to get out of all those situations that he was in.

Financial Conversations

He's not dumb at all. He's just. He's not dumb. Point 69, Solana. Yeah. Point 69. Have you been wallet tracking him since he sent that? Yeah, he's broken. Yes. Seven k. well, seven k in Solana, though, right? Nope. Yeah, and all of his, Like, his whole bullet. Oh, really? All right, well, fuck it a block. Wait, he gives all of it away. You guys know that, right? I mean, I seen the videos of him giving away, like, cash to people. No, he gives his soul away. Yeah, I saw a video of him going to Mexico trenches and just handing out money.

Rappers and Their Impact

Yeah, dude, so, honestly, man. Yeah. Shout out to six nine. Dude, he did. He gave me hedgesthem, quote, retweeted me, then he tagged me in one of his posts. I guess you could say things. Are things getting pretty seriously gaining free cutout from him? Yeah, man. I think we're gonna do a token sometime soon. Also, he's just cool, bro. Like, he's. He's just. He's just a down to earth cool ass dude. You know, people can say, like, he. He rugs or just, like, whatever you want to fucking say, but in reality, like, he dm'd me.

Discussion on Serious Accusations

I'll actually. I want to read what you calling him a Peter. Is it true? No, it. It's not. That's not realistic. It's not true, to be honest. He is a cute young fellow. Oh, my God. You want him to be your next robin after you kill. Apparently he was cool for touching little kids, but I didn't believe that. No, it's not little kids. First of all, there was a girl in a. In a music video. And, you know, like that shit, it just. It's a slippery slope, because if you have people in your videos and then you end up, like, having sex afterwards, and then if they are underage, like, you know, but it's not like he went out and was like, yo, let me go to the school and let me try to go find some kids.

Cautious Perspectives

Or. Or he was on Chris Hansen or anything. It's like, yo, this. This person came to our video shoot and pretended to be a whole adult out here. Like, how the fuck am I? How the fuck did I know? Like, any. And honestly, dude, anybody could get caught in that kind of situation. Like, truly, anybody could get caught in that kind of situation. Not saying that I feel like, you know, it's okay to have sex with minors because it's absolutely not. I have a teenage daughter, but, like, at the end of the day, if my daughter is.

Criticism of Allegations

Is out, like, if she's at a strip club or if she's at, you know, a video shoot and she wants to have sex with grown ass, if she wants to go have sex with grown men, it's. That's her fucking fault, you know? Like, you can't. You. You literally can't fucking. I don't know, man. I just feel like. I just feel grateful that never happened to me. Like, when I was 19 or 20 or 21 and, you know, like, he was literally, like, I think his early twenties when that shit happened. So I don't know, man. I think that shit sucks because now everybody's like, yo, this guy's a fucking pedophile.

Community Opinions

And this and that's not really the case. And this and that's not really the case. Like, it's not really the case, man. Like, shit fucking sucks, but whatever. The man could have anybody. Like, why is he going and he's not chasing after kids? Like, yeah, he actually sent me, said, bro, these people think I don't have a team and haven't been through 15 managers in the last five years. I've been paid for promo like any other celeb and didn't know or take advantage of, et cetera. But, yeah, it's my name on it. Trying to turn over a new leaf now that I'm actually in control.

Community Influencers

So appreciate the kind words. And I told him, basically, yeah, same shit happens to me. A smaller influencers, like, if I promo a project or a token, the developer dumps or someone, or he rugs it, or, like, whatever happens, man, people are gonna blame me. So. Yeah, like, we basically had, like, a little conversation after that, too, and. But, you know, we just kind of understood each other where each other stood and, like, bro, I don't. I don't honestly think that he's, like, you know what I mean?

Understanding Accountability

Like a criminal or a fucking rugger scammer and shit like that. It's kind of wild how he's so real. I mean, yeah, I mean, think about it. First, somebody could do whatever he wants, has plenty of money to do it. Like, he's pretty real. I mean, yeah, dude, like, any other celebrity, you would probably, like, look at Izzy. Is Iggy Azalea. Look at, like, you know, all these other celebrities, the Jenner, they'll come in, extract value. Well, not. Not Iggy so much. She just. She doesn't, like, hang out in group chats with us.

Celebrity Interactions

She doesn't dm us personally. She doesn't. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's literally all about the money type shit, right? But this motherfucker just comes in and, like, hangs out and, you know, and obviously, I think he's going to do a token eventually, too. Obviously, right? Because, like, who's here not to make money, but, like, yeah, man, it's cool to, like, go above and beyond and actually, you know, chill, bro. Like, fucking chill with. With, like, the actual people who are here. You know, like, the actual people.

Connecting with Others in the Community

Like the DJ's and shit. Like, this is. This is how we're supposed to be doing shit. So, but he gave me his. His eye, his TG, and I'm gonna try to see if I can get him to do a token. Can you send it to me? No, I will never do that. That's like when you get a girl's number and you're. And you tell your homeboy, and your homeboy, give it to me. Give it to me. No, that's not. Same exact thing. You're gonna be like, oh, block gave me your TGD. What if it's a secret TG and he doesn't want anyone to know but the people they can't send to me?

Privacy and Secrecy

Extreme, he's wild. He's wild as fuck. He's cool as fuck, but he's wild as fuck. He doesn't want nobody giving his shit out. Trust me. Yeah, no, fuck that, dude. Block, go to a ditty party with me. Oh, christ. Yeah, extreme wants to go. Nice. I'll make you a drink. Cause, Batman. What's up, des? I've been waiting on my hand patiently shot. I got rugged. I got rugged a couple times. I think it was extremes page. I just wanted $300. I invested my last $300 for my bills, for my light bill.

Dealing with Financial Challenges

And extreme say he was gonna hit the money for when put. That money is gonna be like, I don't know what he's talking about. Okay. That's what I'm saying. So you blocking me. That's cool. But I had almost a question at the end. Is six nine a rat or not a rat no more, cuz like, I seen acorn doing, like, the song with him. They're not locked up. They're locked up. Did not lock in. They're locked in. But extreme, really? Dear rug me, I just. Look, man, six nine can be a rat if he wants to be, man.

Rats and Accountability

Like, I don't have. He didn't. Like, I don't give a fuck about none of that shit. I'm a fucking civilian ass dude. I don't. You know what I'm saying? Like, to be honest, blood, I would have read it cares. I would have read it too. I'm not ready. Well, he was out there creating situations, telling people what to do, and then ratting on him afterwards. I'm not saying what he did was okay, all right. You don't have to create that. He said, go shoot at Chief Keef.

Responsibility and Consequences

And then the dude went and shot at Chief Keef. And then he ratted on it. Like, bro, he offered up this information, like, okay, homie. Like, bro, please don't. Like, don't. Like. Okay. So, yeah, like, that's not okay. Like, you don't just do that shit. But at the end of the day, bro, it's like that shit don't affect me in no kind of way. I'm not. I'm not gonna. I'm not a gangster. I'm not out here doing gangster ass shit. I'm not, you know, and.

Personal Reflections

And if I was, I wouldn't be including anyone in on it either, to even allow them to, you know, tell on me. So. I mean, cuz that's what people do. It's literally why, you know, why I'm in my situation that I'm in now is literally because someone just fucking. I didn't snitch on that motherfucker. But he fucking. You sure to sure as shitty snitched on me. So it's like, dude, fuck. Like all that street code bullshit is just that. It's all fucking bullshit, bro.

Expressing Discontent

Yo, last person that gave me flowers all the time said, how great. How great of friends were. That motherfucker rugged me. He fucking rugged me. Oh, yeah. I was there. Yeah, dude. So think about it like this, dude. Anytime someone tells you how great you're doing, they're literally telling you to slow down. You don't have to do that. That well. They're basically planning for your fall, like, hoping that you don't continue doing well. How do I know this? Well, I don't. I assume it, though. I assume so. You remember my 21? 21. I'm 21 savage, brother. You remember that block? What? Okay, 21, all right? Because 21 savage always got a knife. It's like, 21. Why do you always fuck up the conversation? Listen, let me finish explaining this. If someone tells you how great you're doing, they're literally telling you that you don't, like. You're doing fine at the moment. You don't have to continue. You don't have to do better than you're doing right now.

Messages of Encouragement

Hey, you're doing great. You're doing fine. You. You don't have to continue working as hard as you're working. You don't have to. I'm not gonna read that one out loud. You don't have to work harder. You're working hard enough. You don't have to strive for excellence. You're doing excellent enough already. That's what that fucking means. They're trying to give you props so they can low, like, dude, lull you into a false sense of security and get you to stop working your ass off. That's what that means. I hope you guys realize that. I hope you guys realize that. Yo, if you send me. Listen, if you guys send me a DM and it says hello, I'm gonna fucking block you if you don't. Just give me. Dude, just send it. Send your message. What? It. What is the message? That's what I need to know. Right? What, like, what's.

Community Engagement

What's actually going on? You 100% right on it, but I'm okay, right? And I'm the realist they use. But I got a ko in my DM. Can I just send them to you? You have a kol in your DM's? Well, I have somebody then that's in need of a k. Okay, yeah, just. Just send. Send them. Actually, let's do this live on the space, okay? So that you guys can know exactly what. What to expect when you. When you get someone interested in promotional services. Okay, so, des, what exactly do they want? You sure you need this one, though? What exactly? Oh, my God. It's gonna be a joke. That's not funny. It's not a joke. That's not funny. Okay, hopefully I laugh. Who is it and what do they need? It's Max.

Financial Discussions

It's Max? Mm. What does he need? He needs a K full. Oh, shit. Let me open the DM. The DM say he needs it. Oh, yeah. There you go. Max. Niddy care will for DOJ. No, X. Real dog x. That's what he needs. So, Max or dawn? That. That dinosaur dude? No, the Max. Oh, you talking about Max or Dawn? Nice. Max with a fucking December. Looks like fucking deer. He got d and lucid. Is it gm king? I heard you a good kol. I am, but, bro, I swear to God, I'm gonna add some random ass accounts up to the speaker panel, and I guarantee you they will better speakers than you. I promise you. There. Is he gonna. Okay, but do you want me to dm you to.

Choosing Wisely

Shit, no, read like. Tell me what they want. Oh, you want you to be a good care for real dog x, bro. For real dog x. The fuck is that? Yeah, okay. Yeah, dude, I. What does he. What does he want, though? He wants a kol. Okay, what is he like spaces. You want to do a space? Does he want to do like sponsor multiple spaces? Does he want to have us tweet one tweet a few tweets? What one influencer, does he want multiple? He wanted twist, bro. That's the funny part is like you just want to it. I'm now in my head all. I'm not doing like that, but. So he wants us to tweet for him one person or multiple in Kol's or whatever I was going, I thought he.

Financial Transactions

He probably thought I was just one k that's gonna do it, but I'm not doing it cuz I only twit real tokens. I did. Okay, well, listen, if you dm me, tell him to dm me and you dm me his name or his handle so I can know where he's coming from. Then whatever deal we end up making, I'll give you 10%. I need 20 cuz this, fuck that. I'm giving you 10%. That's 30. I feel like you can go up though. Listen, man, I charge a lot of money for my services, so 10% is. Is good. Besides, if I pay you too much, then you're. You're not gonna want to, you know, do too much. You're literally gonna be like, alright, I can do this for a little while and move on to something else. No, fuck that.

Seeking Help

Oh, no. Keep you under my thumb. I gotta keep you under my thumb. All right, listen, we got band on valiant up here with his hand up. What's up, Bando? I'm doing awesome. Ready? I'm doing how you're doing. I'm asking you what's up? Like, give me your take. I don't care how anyone is doing. No, listen, hold on. This is actually. This is a teachable moment. We've had a bunch of teachable moments here today. Listen, if you guys think the listener like, oh, it's me and you talking, Bando, but there's a listener, right? There's a listener listening. That motherfucker does not care how you're doing. I care. Listen, me personally, I 100% I care how you're doing, all right?

Listener Engagement

But I can't ask because listeners are going to leave if I keep. You know how many times, like how much. Dude, listen, listen, listen. You know how much time we waste if everyone sits here and says, how are you doing? You that 10 seconds. For every single person that comes up to speak, that's at least 35 seconds of wasted time. I don't want to waste that time. I cannot waste that time for the listener, sir. I can't do it. I would. Okay, bro. So what's good? What's your take? Yeah, I want to ask. I would just hold on. Kol on Twitter. Do we also have the Kol on telegram as well? Yeah, I have a. I have telegram as well.

Building a Community

I got, like, 500 members in a telegram. In my telegram. We also have a bigger one that has, like, 700 that we. There's. There's a few of us that. That own that one. So it depends. Like, the one with 700, though, it costs more because, you know, basically I got to split, like five ways or four ways, so. But, yeah, like, we got telegram as well, bro. Yo, I would love to join. I would love to join the. It's literally on my. On my page. What's up, extreme? Yeah, I know I said I was gonna leave, but we. Did you take a return trip?

Discussions on Financial Matters

Return flight or what? Before I went. Before I go to sleep. Oh, my God. I want you to pick someone random here. A peasant who needs some money. I got some more soul. Okay, just pick someone random. Like a random peasant here. Has Dave ng won any your giveaways? He's Dave. He's on the speaker panel. His hand up with your PFP. Yeah, he's got your pf. No, but he's dming me about his financial issues.

Financial Constraints

Oh, that's a. That's a. That's a no go. All right, let's see who else does. Did dope cook DMU and ask for money. He's dope cook. Dope cook. 206. He's got his Solana address in his fucking. No, this is bitcoin address in his. I don't see no dope cookie. Send ordinals, runes and BRC 20. He's in the space, dude. He follows you for sure. Just look in your DM's for dope. Dope cook. Can you message me? Oh, my God, dude. Just search your DM's, fool. Why do you not.


Why do you. You act like a boomer when it comes to certain shit. Like, fuck, dude. What does a boomer mean? Like an old person. How? Because all you got to do, I say, hey, has this person DM'd you asking for money? All you got to do is go to your. Your messages. No one here named Dope Cook. Well, it doesn't matter. All you gotta say, look, hey, what's that name? Like? It's Dope cook. 206. But listen, doesn't matter if they're in their space or not. Even like, you, if you don't see them or not, you can literally just go to your messages and be like, yes or no?

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