Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space SPECULATION hosted by Block100x. SPECULATION offers a unique blend of chaos and humor, catering to a community seeking entertaining yet insightful content. The space navigates the fine line between professional advice and entertaining narratives, embracing chaos to engage and captivate audiences. Through relatable memes and a humorous touch, SPECULATION strikes a balance between informative posts and comedic relief, creating a strong online persona. The emphasis on authentic engagement, diverse content, and trending topics underscores the space's commitment to building a loyal and broad following. Ads seamlessly integrated as posts provide monetization opportunities while maintaining the space's relatability and appeal to a varied audience.

For more spaces, visit the Lifestyle page.


Q: How does humor contribute to content engagement?
A: Humor humanizes content and makes it more shareable and relatable.

Q: What role does chaos play in driving online interactions?
A: Chaos adds an element of surprise and captivates the audience's attention.

Q: How can influencers balance humor with providing valuable insights?
A: Influencers can mix humor with information to entertain while offering meaningful content.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial in social media branding?
A: Engagement fosters loyalty, feedback, and word-of-mouth promotion.

Q: What are the benefits of sponsored posts for influencers?
A: Sponsored posts offer revenue streams and exposure to different brands and products.

Q: How can influencers maintain authenticity while incorporating ads?
A: Authenticity can be preserved by selecting partnerships that align with the influencer's image and values.

Q: Why is relatability essential in building a strong online presence?
A: Relatability creates a connection with the audience and builds trust and rapport.

Q: What content strategies can attract a diverse following?
A: Diverse content appeals to varied interests and expands the reach of the influencer.

Q: How can humor deepen the bond between influencers and their followers?
A: Humor creates a shared experience and emotional connection with the audience.

Q: Why is staying updated on trends and memes important for content creators?
A: Using trending topics and memes keeps content fresh, relevant, and engaging.


Time: 00:15:48
Mastering the Art of Chaos Exploring how controlled chaos can spark creativity and captivate audiences.

Time: 00:25:12
Humor as a Content Strategy Discussing the impact of humor on content virality and audience engagement.

Time: 00:35:30
Monetizing with Sponsored Posts Insights into leveraging sponsored content for influencer revenue streams.

Time: 00:45:17
Authenticity in Brand Partnerships Understanding the importance of authenticity when collaborating with brands.

Time: 00:55:42
Building a Diverse Content Portfolio Tips on creating multifaceted content to attract a broad audience.

Time: 01:05:19
Trends and Memes for Social Media Success Exploiting current trends and memes for maximum social media impact.

Key Takeaways

  • The importance of storytelling and humor in content creation.
  • Utilizing chaos to drive engagement and interest.
  • Balancing professional insights with entertainment value.
  • Community engagement through relatable memes and comedic elements.
  • Monetization strategies through sponsored posts and ads.
  • Creating a unique online persona to attract followers.
  • Incorporating diverse content to appeal to a wide audience.
  • Maximizing humor to foster deeper connections with the audience.
  • Leveraging trending topics and memes for viral content creation.
  • The value of authenticity and relatability in social media branding.

Behind the Mic

Initial Reactions

Oh, Lord, Jessie made another one. I'm back outside, nigga. That made me mad. Made me mad again. Okay. I'm a real ass bitch to the song. Me and Daddy ass bitch on real popped out with a brand new dude popped out with a brand new tea walk this milk good on tea pop parts all day. You burn big bands on me. I'm turn. Big bands on me. I'm here, bitch, you been broke no head. Oh, you been burnt no cow. I'm turn. I don't need Ralph can't argue with bitch that hate been pussy waiting, he need it no need to reason breathing back outside, okay.

Verse and Energy

I'm a south side bitch to the grave I'm a real ass bitch to the tunes mean dollar combos on zoom get wet, I don't gotta use lose you a friendly ass bitch I'm rude popped out with a brand new dude. I swear to God, if y'all don't give me some goddamn comments, I'm. Shut this face down, bitch. I'm tired. Got Auntie Hank, she burnt ho ta cool wet first. They don't never want to talk about a verse stop worrying about the shit they tight could have st ho to me and slurp I'm a south side piece to the grave I'm a south side piece to the hearse how bout the g wave? How about the bird? M's out. Brand deals. M's out.

Reflections on CZ

Merch gotta be straight away looking like hurt I don't know how to sing but I'm hurt I've been trying make my new quit start trying to ring me like church I'm a real ass bitch can't fold I don't need to do my own damn laundry I don't need play like that count one hand who'd have had a piece of this kunani? And they saying that I wrapped my ass off turn around like I can't tell oh, well, lo forgive me. I'm giving them hell. I'm back outside, okay. Here. I'm a south side bitch to the grave I'm a real ass bitch to the tunes mean dollar Convo's on zoom get wet, I don't gotta use lose you a friendly ass bitch I'm rude popped out with a brand new dude popped out with a brand new team walk.

Culinary Humor

This smell good on tea. Okay. Casserole. Casserole. Y'all smell like tuna. Catfish. Tuna casserole, bro. Fucking funny, bro. Fucking funny. All right, look, man. Dude, enough is enough. I actually do that. We start the show, we have got to start the show. I got enough, dude. I got enough on my plate without us just sitting here listening to music all day. Quick. Yeah, we got shit to talk about. All right. We got a lot to talk about tonight. A lot, a lot to get to. We got CZ being released from.

Current Events and Charges

Dude, what's today's date? It's the 22nd. This motherfucker has, like, 28 days before he's back on the street. Big CZ, he's gonna be back outside. Government done made me mad again, yo. He's actually facing more charges, which is kind of. Which is kind of fucked. He's actually facing another charge that basically says that the government is alleging that he didn't do enough to stop people from money laundering, which I would argue, if I was his lawyer. If I were his lawyer, I would argue that neither do they.

Government's Role

The government doesn't do enough to stop people from money laundering the us dollar. That's what I would say. Trap Defi says he's following everyone in the space. You know what? I'm gonna actually take trap defies lead here and I'm gonna follow everyone. I'm not gonna follow everyone. I'm gonna follow everyone back. So if you guys follow me and you're in this space, I will follow you back. That's the best I can do. I can't just. I can't just be following people willy nilly like that. What do you think this is, a friendship gathering? No, there's no friends in web three, guys, I'm here to tell you.

Trust in Web Three

Dude, last time I thought I had a friend in web three, he fucking rugged me for. Oh, my God. You rugged me for like, ten salada. You kidding me? Holy shit. Yo, someone says they're your friend. They are literally buttering you up. Trying to. Trying to go in for the kill. They're trying to butter you up. That's what they're trying to do. They're trying to get you to rest on your laurels, trying to get you to what? Just have be in a relaxed state of mind. That's what they're trying to do.

Healthy Skepticism

Okay, so anyone tells you they're your friend, immediately raise. Raise your defenses up a little bit higher than they already are at that point. Yeah, we're friends. What does that mean anyway? Like, what do friends do to each other? Oh, they fuck each other over. That's what it is. They fuck each other over. And because they're still hanging out with each other, well, that means that we're really good friends. Oh, no, really? What that translates to? Is I fucked each other. Like, we fucked each other over so many times. We're just used to it by now.

Danger in Trust

I don't know about you. I do nothing want those kind of friends. I don't. I don't want them. I don't want them all. Look, man, web three is full of degenerates, right? We will usually sell our own mother for. Dude, I don't even know a Solana. What's a Solana worth to you? Your mom. Yeah. That's what it is. So if a person will sell their mother for one Solana, what do you think they'll do for you? Every fucking time, dude. Every fucking time. So, literally, just no friends in web three.

State of the Market

All right, guys? Just. There's no friends in web three. What else? What else. What else was I. What was I talking about? Oh, see. Oh, CZ Chow. Fuck. Chow Ping Jen. What's his name? Dot. How do you. How do you pronounce it? Jing ping. Joe Jinping. Yeah, dude, that guy, he's. He's gonna be on the streets soon enough he is gonna be on the streets soon enough, causing havoc, wreaking havoc and causing mayhem. Yeah, I'm here for it, though. Like, I'm literally.

Upcoming Developments

I'm fucking here for that shit. I can't wait to see I literally cannot wait to see what happens. I think we're gonna have. We already, like, with the news today, we had a bunch of. With the. With the news today, I think we had. What was it? Dude, it was like, three or four that I saw personally, CZ finance, whatever memes, right? Like, yeah, I saw. And one of them was his full name. That's how. That's why I said it like that, because I was like, dude, I think they actually got the name wrong, to be honest.

Public Perception

I think they got the fuck. I think they got his fucking name wrong. Just so disrespectful. I would never miss, pronounce or misspell anyone's name. I would never do that. I'm just not that kind of person. I know exactly how to pronounce CZ's name. I'm not gonna do it right now, though. I'm not gonna do right now. But, yeah, so I think that's gonna be an interesting thing. I think someone mentioned, yo, is this the. Is this mean? The bull run is incoming.

Market Predictions

I was just like, dude, you know how many times the bull run has been incoming in the past year? Like, 20. Literally, 24 bull run incoming. We got this new Ethereum et bitcoin ETF bull run income. Yeah. No, bro, bull Run has not been incoming. Bill Run has been incoming for a while now. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful for where we're at right now. Like, I'm thankful for where we are at the moment, but holy shit, we're down bad.

Waiting for Change

We're still down bad. We're not, dude. That Solana summer that were promised two years ago, it still hasn't hit. I'm still waiting. But I have patience because I do know that when it actually does, like, finally hit, I know for a fact that we're all going to get rich. So I'm not tripping. I'm waiting. Yo, I'm promoting a little token here, a little project there. I'm doing my thing, right? I'm doing my thing.

Upcoming Collaborations

Me and extreme, we're having our shit show spaces, and they're absolutely, dude, it's actually crazy what we're doing over there, so. Yeah, man. And I'm working on. Dude, I should even tell you guys this. I don't know, but fuck it. I spoke to, like, k two and I spoke to David ten x, so might be working with those guys here in a little bit. I really did. I really wish Casper hadn't rugged us because he would.

Team Dynamics

He would be working with them, too. Like, he would 100% be working with them, too. But I had to let him know. I was like, yeah, you don't want to work with this guy. Like, he definitely is going to. He's going to make you look bad if you work with him. And I showed him all the receipts, and they were like, okay, yeah, we're not going to fuck with this guy. It was fucked up. It was fucked up because I was like, because he said earlier on a space, on the Mario space, when were on there today, he was like, tell it.

Confrontation and Accountability

Like, he was basically. He rugged somebody, and then that person was on this, on the stage with him, and they had, like, a little back and forth, and he was like, you know, show me the receipts. Like, how many people are telling. Calling me a scammer or a rugger, but how many people have showed you receipts? So I went ahead and I showed some receipts. because, like, fuck that. You know, like, honestly, like, fuck that. I ain't. I'm not, I'm not having it.

Protecting Integrity

I'm not having it. You're not going to rug me and then pretend like that shit didn't happen, right? So, but anyway, I really wish that he hadn't done that so that we could all continue working together because he does know how to send a token if anybody wants. But problem is, you don't know how far it's gonna go or how long it can last before. You know what I mean? Like, you're literally just gonna get fucking rugged. Like, you don't know how long.

Next Steps

So it is what it is, but, yeah, so we're probably gonna work. Work with them on something. I don't know exactly what. They did say they needed a new co host, and, you know, I don't know if you guys realize this, but I am the number one spaces host in all of Ct. Who the fuck? Who just blew that goddamn trumpet? All right, I mean, I'll take it. I mean, I agree. I agree. But I was just joking.

Community Engagement

But then the trumpet just kind of solidified it and cosigned, and I was like, all right, I'll take that shit any day of the week, 100%, so. But, yeah, man. So we probably. Hopefully, I'll be able to do, like, some. Some spaces with them, and we'll be able to grow the community a little more. We'll be able to grow the spaces a little more and, you know, just. Just like, have a. Have, like, a more successful time while we're.

Market Analysis

I don't really call it a bear or. But I don't really call it a bull either. Like, maybe it's, like a panda bear or something, you know? Or, I don't. I don't know. A calf? It's not a bull. Maybe it's a calf, right? I don't know. We'll figure it out, I guess. But at the moment, I'm just happy that we're here and that we're not, you know, like, super broken.

Financial Stability

Shit, if I have money to get rugged, then, you know, at least I have money, right? Like, fuck it. So there's that. Dot, I do have a question for you, though. What are your thoughts on the cz thing? Do you think that once he gets out and, dude, it's under a month. It's under a month. Like, less than a month away. So do you think that once he gets out, there's going to be anything specifically changed with the market?

Future Speculations

You think that he's going to, you know, soul. Soul collector says it's a burger run. Oh, it's not a bull run. It's a burger run. We're all making hamburger money right now, yo. That's real, bro. We're all making fucking hamburger money. But, yeah. Dot, do you think that this is one of those situations where, like, Donald Trump getting shot in the ear, where I just kind of just sent tokens, like, you know, bitcoin sent meme coins sent, like, someone invested, I don't know, a couple grand in an ear.

Market Reactions

And that shit went absolutely parabolic. And they made, I don't even remember how, I think was like, 2300 grand, something like that. It was ridiculous. It was absolutely ridiculous. So my question to you, dot, what do you think is going to happen when. When Cz has his first day out? Zachary, that's so funny. When CZ has his first day out? I don't know. But I will say that what's so weird about, you know, crypto and in the space is that people feel that anything a rat can pee on a rock or cow can pee on a flat rock, and people will say, oh, my gosh, crypto is going to send now.

Public Reactions

Oh, man, there's a war in Afghanistan and they used freaking golden tip bullets. It's going to send now, or crypto is going to take now. So they're using all kinds of weird measurements. I mean, just, I'm constantly seeing people, like, saying, all the war in the Middle east, oh, gosh, Solana's gonna tank. And it's just so stupid. There's no correlation between the two. It's like, who are these morons? We're giving these? And they have big platforms and they're saying stupid stuff.

Cautionary Views

So anyways, for CZ, because, you know, I studied that, the gentleman, for a long time. Like, last year, when I told you guys there was, I told you guys there were a lot of illegal things that was happening on binance, and people were coming forward, but they were being shunned. And remember that person they gave a coconut smile to after taking finance, after seizing, taking $26,000 of a person's entire finance, and they took that person's wallet, flipped their, that person's wallet, their money, into binance money, USDB or whatever, to finance money.

Legal Implications

And the per. Without the person's permission, they did the entire platform like that. So of course they're going to be a lot more. And that's what people are like, oh, yeah, well, he's going to get out and this and that. No, and I said this last year. I say there are other pending charges. There are other pending charges that he's going to have to look out for. And here we are.

Continued Developments

Yo, that's the funniest fucking part, dude, is the fact that. Wait, hold on a second. Hold on, hold on. Dude, we have 15 retweets on the space, Rangy. Should we just close the space out right now? They don't want to retweet it. They don't want us to win for some reason. I don't understand it. Should we just close the space? Is your mapping down today, or do you need a new prescription in your glasses, a contact? I see.

Technical Difficulties

39 comments. No, I said retweets. Oh, retweets. You need to fix your ears, rangy. Yeah, I do. I do. I don't think we should close the space down. I think because everyone wants to know more about CZ and what do I saying? And, you know, is this really going to be the bull run now? Because CZ is getting out in 38 days, not 28 days, like you keep saying. But what, no matter how many days it is, I mean, why would he have any impact?

Community Perspectives

Because he can't even run the company anymore. Right. But to doc's point, doesn't matter, you know. You know, if the sun rises at 648 in the morning when it's supposed to, it's bull run. Right? That's what I heard the other day on a space. Someone said exactly that. I find that interesting that you mentioned that. Were you on the same space? Was I the person saying it? Maybe.

Growing Conversations

Yeah, actually. Probably was you. All right, well, we have 22 retweets now. I don't think we should. I don't think we should continue. Should we continue? We're just gonna close the space down. Yeah, I'll just. I'll pick someone to rug. I'll just say, hey, Batman. Sure, you can rug him. All right, Batman. Have you ever been rugged before? All the time.

Shared Experiences

Okay, enough of that. Enough of that. Enough of that. I could already. I miss that so much. You backed into it. I tried to hit the mute button fast as fuck, but he got it out quick. He was like, all the time. And then I fucking muted. Too fucking late. Jeez, us, bro. Yo, get. Don't put your. Why do you have a black fist, Batman?

Light-hearted Banter

Hold on. I got it. Fucking fine. I got to figure out why he has a black fit. Batman, why do you have a black fist? I was changing my oil my car today. Oh, my God. Wash your hands, Batman. You're not Nigeria. I just want to say hello to everyone. I'm just getting home, and I'm going to check the mail, and then I'll be right back. So just give me, like, five minutes.

Casual Interactions

Batman's in his basement checking on his mails. All right, look, man, we got a lot to talk about tonight. The cz thing is just the tip of the iceberg, all right? It's the tip of the iceberg of what we have to talk about tonight. We have so. Oh, my God. Yeah, hold on. Where's my paper? I actually have a list of things to talk about tonight.

Preparation for Discussion

It's. Yeah. You hear this? Yeah, that's a. That's that I have my voice isolation, or you might not have heard it, but. Yeah, that's like, ten sheets of paper, 150 lines each sheet. And every single one of those lines is filled up with a topic. So think about that. That's like a 1500 topics. Yeah. Front and back.

Comprehensive Agenda

So it's probably, like, double, right? Front and back. So it's double. That's. That's how many things we have to talk about tonight. But before I get to my list, I actually want to take it to someone on the speaker panel, because I'm curious. I want to go around and see what people are seeing on the timeline. What if, like, what have they been seeing on the timeline that has kind of caught their eye, caught their attention?

Engaging Panel Discussions

There's a lot of stuff going on in the politify world. There's a lot of. There's just a lot of stuff going on. So I wanted to see what the speakers have to say. So I actually kind of want to take it to hash first. I'm going to take it to hash and see what he's got going on. I want to see what have you been seeing on the timeline, if anything? And has anything kind of stood out to you? What's up, hashem?

Observations and Expectations

Yo. Yeah, mostly what I seen is people talking about CZ and what's going on with him and where he's gonna be in 38 days. I don't know where you get 20 something days from. He will. Yeah, I'm interested to see. I was seeing that he might get another charge, so he's gonna get released, and then he's just gonna put in other handcuffs and then put. Sent back to jail.

Legal Troubles

I think that's what's gonna happen. That's how they do us. That's exactly. Pretty much county to county. Yep. Yeah. So, hey, the county next door didn't come pick you up, so you're free to go as soon as you step out into the fucking free world. Oh, here we are. We're coming to get you. Like, bro. What? Oh, my God. I saw that.

Surprised Outcomes

Actually, it's never happened to me, but I actually saw that happen to somebody where he was. He was about to get out. Dude, you guys. You guys got to raise your hand if you want to. If you want to speak on the space, bro. Mute your fucking mic. Mute your fucking. Thank you. Yeah, bro. Like, it never happened to me, but holy shit, I saw it happen to somebody.

Unexpected Arrests

He was so excited. He was telling everybody, yeah, I'm about to get out. I'm about to get out. He's just basically, like, kind of bragging a little bit, but, like, yo, I got away with this and yada, like, bro. All right, good luck. I was kind of, like, feeling bad. Like, damn, I got. I got to spend some more time in this bitch. This motherfucker got fucking re arrested right after.

Reflections on Freedom

I was like, oh, not jealous no more. What's up, dot? Then we'll go to extreme. Yeah, I just wanted to run by everyone's ears since we're talking about CZ. FTX that I saw is basically the guy that was running FTX, Ryan Salome, that were talking about last year in the Bahamas. Remember that? The Bahamas.

Political Drama

Well, this guy started, like, you know, screwing around or messing around or dating, if you want to say that, a politician by the name of Michelle Bond. So now she's being indicted for taking FTX money. Because, remember, everybody was like, oh, FTX was giving to the Democrats. Well, guess what? She was a Republican, and she totally took all the money she could from this dude, and she used it to pay for her campaign and made bogus claims about where the money actually came from.

Corruption Exposed

So come to find out, she was using money from FTX. And so she should know better because she worked with the SEC as a lawyer. So, you know, I mean, and she's a beautiful lady, you know, Mashallah, God bless her. But she used her whatever she had to, you know, play up, and she hooked up with Mister Ryan Salome, and she got his attention, and she got.

Consequences of Actions

His money, and she got that indictment, yo. Funniest part about it is, yo, people will. Like I said, dude, she'll probably sell her mom for a Solana or two. And guess what? Like, consequences, man. You got the consequences, homie. It is what it is. That shit's funny. But. But, yeah, like, he basically gave, like, SBF gave money to both sides.

Bi-Polar Funding

People don't really talk about that, but he gave the same amount to each aisle. I find that funny. And so now we're finding out that this. This Ryan Salome person is doing. Was doing the same thing. So is that. Is that included in the 80. Was 80 grand that they gave to each aisle or was that. Is that separate or is that extra, you know, added on to all the.

Money in Politics

I don't know. It's weird to. It's weird to think about because, like, holy shit. How much money goes from private interests to politicians just to get them to look the other way or let some shit slide through. Like, how much money do. Like, the average citizen has no idea. Like, that's the craziest part. Average. We have no fucking clue.

Blind Spots

We have no clue. Damn, that's a good take. What's up, extreme? Yo, what's good, bird? I have a quick question to ask you, block. How do I get out the trenches? First of all, first and foremost, there are no trenches here, all right? Everybody here has something. Everybody here has something.

Community Support

There's no trenches. For real? Like, no, for real trenches. But if you're trying to get out. Well, are you asking as, like, a normal trader, or are you asking as extreme with 150k followers? A normal tradeoff? All right, well, to be honest, if. I mean, there's plenty of different ways, all right?

Paths To Success

So me and you, we offer people and dot, too. Like, the three of us are ways that people can, like, make money. Like, there's ways that people can make money off of us. And I'm not talking about with no bitch ass giveaways either. Like, I gave away some money today. That shit ain't shit. That shit ain't shit.

Critique of Giveaways

I try to make at least a grand a day. The money that I gave away today is not shit, bro. Like, I promise. Like, if you're. If you're. If you're thinking that winning giveaways is a job, like, bro, kill yourself now. I swear to God, just do it. Like, you're. You're goddamn garbage, all right? I promise you.

Real Pathways

So if you're trying to. If you're trying to actually make some money, the space, not necessarily as, like, a trader, per se, because most of us are not good traders, all right? I'm gonna tell you that right now. Most of us are actually kind of bad at trading, myself included. It just kind of is what it is, right?

Trading Realities

Like, yeah, it takes time. I've been trading for years now, and I really haven't gotten better at it, especially when the market is like, it. Like, yo, we're trading on Solana, which is Jeet Central. Jeet city new. You heard of the movie new Jack City? Well, Solana is new Jeep City, all right? That's all people do.

Conclusion on Trading

Yo, it goes from ten k to shit. I'm dumping my whole bat. No, you don't dump your entire fucking bag for a two x at 20k.

Market Behavior and Personal Feelings

That's what everyone's doing. So they're all dumping. It sucks, dude. I know. I know, bro. It makes me sad, too. So what it. Basically what I do is, I just tell people, like, look, I will give you 10%, 5%, 20%, depending on how much money that I'm able to, like, get out of this project, get out of this, token, get out of this. Developer, founder, whatever it is. nft collection. I don't care. Like, I'll promote stuff. Like, that's our job, is to promote a. I can get out of this person. I will give you a percentage of that money. So all you have to do, literally, is go find projects that have small amounts of engagement. Go find projects, even just individuals that don't have a project, but maybe they want some more engagement. We will help them. We'll help them get engagement.

Engagement Assistance and Compensation Model

We'll help them push their project. We'll help them make money with their project, whatever it is, and we'll. And, you know, like, I charge for tweets, I charge for spaces, I charge for all that stuff. So we literally will, you know, give you a percentage. So if you bring us, like, imagine you bring us ten projects in the course of, you know, two weeks. Let's just say two weeks is, you know, because it's. That's a normal person's pay period, right? So in two weeks, you brought us ten projects. You get, you know, 10%. Maybe. Maybe you make $100 off of each of those projects that you bring us, right? So that's $1,000 every week that you're able to. Or every two weeks, every paycheck, whatever, that you're able to accumulate. And after you're able, like, bro, after you're doing shit so often, after a while, you're gonna get better at it and better and better and spend more.

Financial Incentive and Motivation

And once you have the financial incentive, like, oh, shit, I made money. I can make. I can make more money. If I spend more time doing this, bro, people will be able to make a crazy. What the fuck is going on, dude? Why are you doing this to me? Have you been seeing anything on the timeline that you are curious about? Have you seen anything that stood out to you, piqued your interest, and you kind of felt like you had something to say about it or anything along those lines? What's up, Jeffrey? All right, ear block, can you answer my second question? Yeah, yeah, just ask it. What's good okay, so, who was the winner of last night? Space. Who was the winner? I don't know. I don't know what you mean.

Confusion Regarding Winner

Did we even have a space last night? yeah. Okay. I don't know who won? I didn't know you worked it. I did. I would never rug a speech. He was about to announce the winner, and then it ended. No, I'm pretty sure I said, who the winner? I'm pretty sure I did, bro. I'm pretty sure I did. It might have actually been. I actually. I have to go through my notes and my documents. Hold on, let me. Oh, you're shrugging to go bed fashion. Yeah, well, yo, I tell you know, see. Do you have a. Do you have a contract with TLC? Yes or no? Cuz I do. Yep. Yeah, I didn't think so. Just silence.

Contract Discussions

I didn't think you had a contract with TLC. What is it for my 200 pound life? I don't fucking think so. You know why? Because 200 pound people are not special. 600 pound people are fucking special. Extreme. Yeah, I'm fucking special. I'm a special individual. Not everybody can do. Not everybody can train like I do to grow this to this size. You understand the level that I'm operating at, right? I chicken every fucking. Yeah, like, hold on. What are you fucking saying right there? Are you high? Wait, extreme. Do you smoke? Do you smoke, drugs, illegal substances? No. No.

Substance Topic

Okay. Just making sure because if you did, I wouldn't be able to. If you could see I'm affiliated with, company named be smokes. Every fucking day. Follow up. Can you call it an 8th, please? Can you call it an 8th, please? And never and stop saying 3.5 grams. It just sounds like grams. Yeah, I know, but can you please just call it an a? Can you just shush? All right, get your free .5 grams, we go, dear. Buy one, get one free. All right? Free on eights, everybody. If you want an 8th, you can get one for free. Yeah, I'm sure it is. I'm sure it fucking is. You can probably get them in fucking Texas where I'm at, for fucking free shipping and shit.

Conversation on Unique Offerings

But make sure, dude, I hope they do that. Smell proof and baggy do. I hope they don't. Fuck. Oh, my God. What? Fairy sprinkles did. What the fuck are you talking about? Fairy sprinkles on their weed. What is a fairy sprinkle? Like Peter Pan. Dude, I don't want. No, okay. It tastes. That's weird, man. So. So you do smoke drugs? Oh, no illegal substances. I'm talking about the people who. They told me it tastes nice. I don't believe you. I think you're an addict. I think you're a drug addict. Pop smoke is a drug addict.

Discussion on Drug Addiction

Wait, I can't talk. Yo, pop smoke is dead. What are you talking about right now, dude? Rip pop smoke. What's going on with you right now? Extreme, is it? It's cuz you're a drug addict, that's why. Dude, I would never rug a space. Just like I would never smoke illegal drugs in my life, dude, I've never smoked an illegal drug or a substance at all. I think. I think you gotta. I think you gotta probably gotta fix. Fix some stuff going on inside your chicken, bro. I love it. I actually ate some fried chicken today. Fried chicken for dinner number one. I have dinner number two in like an hour.

Dinner and Food Preferences

What? There's fried chicken flavored weed. Okay, I might smoke some drugs if they taste like fried chicken. Wait, why are you down thumbing that hash? The weed flavored fried chicken is not a good look. Or fried chicken flavored weed. Like what? Yo, I would eat some fried chicken flavored wheat, yo. So fried chicken flavored with weed? I would definitely do that. Yeah, yeah, I would do that. But no, but chicken flavored weed, though? No, I'm good. I mean, if it has. If it has clean grease, it probably wouldn't be terrible. I wouldn't be.

Discussion on Flavored Weed

Watermelon crack flavor. Okay, now we're kind of getting. It's nice. Nice. All right, dude, enough is enough. Why do you get up? You. We're having a conversation about CZ finance. We were having conversation. You're here, coming up here, talking about watermelon flavored fucking crack and weed flavored chicken and like. Bro, what is going on right now? You just came in here and just dumbed down the entire conversation. Extreme, what do you have to say for yourself? Shish. Wow. Everybody in the room who's disappointed with the conversation that were having or we're currently having? Everybody.

Disappointment in Discussion Quality

Extreme tells you to show guys, Phantom. What about Phantom? Phantom, you don't why you float. You fuck with soulflare or trust or. I fuck with binance. Oh, my God. Do you even know what you're talking about? Yeah. You don't, do you? That's okay. I mean, if you have questions, I. Dude, I know pretty much everything there is to know about blockchain technology, so if you have any questions. I do, bro. I do. I know it all. So if you need have any questions, I got you just. Just ask them. You don't have to.

Blockchain Knowledge and Engagement

You ain't got a lot of kick it, man. You do not have to lie to kick it. So that Des's hand up. Do not want to go to him. He's the one that mentioned the watermelon flavored crack. If we have, that's what we have to look forward to. I ain't fucking going there. I'm not going there. Swear to God, dude. Jesus. All right, look, he is happy. He exclamation point happy. I don't know if I want to go to him either. rangi, should we go to Des or he is happy? Let's go with his happy. And then Des, thank you.

Deciding Between Speakers

Just being nice. I'm gonna, I'm gonna go. You're a very nice person. I'm gonna, I'm gonna go to the audience. I'm gonna ask the audience, do you guys, let's just go one at a time. So if we want to go to Des, if you want to let Des speak on the space. Thumbs up. If Des can take his whole entire self, put it in a, you know, a little box or something, and then go fuck it. Give me a thumbs down. Thumbs up to let Dez speak. Thumbs down. If he can go fuck himself. Let's see. Dot extreme hash Jeffrey.

Audience Participation and Feedback

He is happy soul Batman band on Sandra RG Alex Mark Simovich Kuya Joy Heavy Kohl's Emma Newell, BK Trev and S. Okay, I think I have everybody's vote tallied. Let me make sure I. Let me. Alex, I think I got you. Okay. Make sure I got all these votes. We currently have 53 people in here, but for some reason I see 153, like, down thumbs. I don't understand it, dad. I don't know what you did to these people. They do not want to hear what you have to say.

Confusion Over Votes and Audience Interaction

Unfortunately, every single person. Dude, I got a. Dude, I literally. Oh, my God. I got DM's down thumb. Just. Just an emoji that said a down thumb. I got. Dude, I got an email. Somebody emailed me a bunch of down thumbs. I just went outside and I checked the fucking mail and oh, lo and behold, it's a bunch of. I opened the mail. It's a bunch of fucking down thumbs. So you're not going to be able to speak at the moment, unfortunately. Next we have. He is happy up here.

Vote Results and Transition

I'm curious to know if you guys would like to here from he is happy press up. Yeah. Thumbs up. If he is happy. Gets to tell you no, Batman, you ain't got your fucking mail. Hell, fucking though he is happy. I need a thumbs up if you want him to speak on the space and if he can, if he's happy, can take his whole entire self and go fuck it. Well, give me a down thumb. Let's see. We got des voting. He is happy. Band on.

Continued Discussion on Audience Choices

What is this band on, Velian? Let's see. Bayou souf Simovich, Emma Newell. S again, I got you salim by the dip. Alex Rgd. Let's see. Make sure I get. Oh, extreme hash. Make sure I got everybody heavy, cryptic, princess, fat swag. Make sure I got all you got up Z's. Got the guy named three Z's. Oh, Magpie. Got Magpie. Let's see. All right, it looks like we have 54 people in here. But again, I don't know what it is.

Final Moments of the Segment

It's an overwhelming number, an overwhelming amount of down. All I see is a veritable sea of down thumbs. All I see, all I see is down thumbs for as far as the eye can see. It's just fucking down thumbs galore. I'm sorry. He is happy. I know you would have liked to speak on speculation episode 681. We have been doing this 681 days in a row. It's actually ridiculous. It's actually ridiculous how long we've been doing this. I got gray hairs now from doing speculation so long.

Reflection on Duration of Conversation Series

I feel like an old man in CT fucking og. But yeah, unfortunately he is happy. I'm sorry. We will not be going to you at the moment. And Des, you can definitely go fuck yourself. 100%. 100% sorry about that. I'm gonna bring up some random ass account with 28 followers. There's. What can go wrong here. What can possibly go wrong? I'm let that motherfucker speak. I will let that motherfucker speak. What's going on? Bandon Valley? What the fuck kind of name is that?

Introduction of a New Speaker

First of all, what does your name stand for? My name? My name. My name is from the alien world because I'm an alien. Oh, my God. I'm from the dark. I'm from the space band. And valiant. I'm an alien. My mom isn't human. My dad is an alien. So I'm kind of half breed, you know? Well, it can't get any worse than that. What's up, Des? I like how you try to get keep extreme from me. That's the only reason I'm here, to be honest.

Alien Identity and Humor

Hey, hey, extreme. I'm like a biggest fan. I was in the competition yesterday. You did not like my post. And I think Twitter sent me, like, an email saying, yeah, this. Nobody's gonna ever see this. I think I won that competition. Wait, wait. Hold on a second. Post, post your tweet that has zero likes up to the jumbo truck. Anybody who thinks that they won yesterday's competition for zero likes, that's still going on. So if you guys have a tweet, all you gotta do is show me the tweet and we'll see.

Competition Participation

All right? I just need to see it. Okay. Someone dmed Rizzi. Hey, I won yesterday and I didn't get the money. Yada, yada. Dude, fuck off with that shit. You should have DM'd me, first of all. Second of all you gotta do is show me the tweet that got zero likes, okay? So I can fix it. What's up? When is the competition gonna be over with? I never. I never gave, like, answer, like, for. So you can be tomorrow.

Closing Thoughts and Final Comments

Why do you. What are you listening to this on? Are you recording this right now? This space is already being like, why? What? Why? We had a roundtable. We just listening to you. Oh, my God. What are they saying about me? Well, one of my kid is smiling and the other one is, like, shaking his head. Stay in school, kids. Stay in school. You got. Yeah, I got. I got cussed too much. I gotta stop cussing since your kids are listening.

Humorous End to a Serious Note

What's up, extreme? One of your fans violated me. Oh, that's gross. Was it Batman? Look in your DM's. Ignore the first tweet I sent because it's a bit weird. Your tweets be weird. Hold on, let me see. Does the extreme and extreme stand for extremely boring, extremely beta and extreme? Waste of time. Yo, heavy. I swear to God, this dude has been listening to speculation for, like, since day one. And every single space, he makes me fucking laugh with his comment.

Fond Memories and When Humor Strikes

He doesn't speak on spaces, but his comments be the funniest shit. Like. Like every time someone comments, I get the notification. I don't know how to turn it off, so I just. I get the notification, and while I'm talking on spaces or listening to other speakers speak, I'll see those notifications. And heavies always have me laughing, so I always have to, like, stop the space or whatever I'm saying or whatever, and I'll just, like, read the comment out loud because I feel like everybody should laugh at that shit. So, yeah. What's your answer to him, to that question?

Maintaining Humor in Formal Connections

What is your answer? Fuck him if your name's heavy. Is he. Is he actually here? Yes. Easy. Fuck you. Fuck you. Yo, that's the funniest shit. I swear to God, bro. I swear. It's literally like, does the extreme. Yo, you remember what he said last time, right? He said to say, like, something similar. Does the extreme. Extreme stand for, like, extremely bad speaker on space or some shit like that? I was like, what the.

Final Quips and Banter

Yeah, you definitely got violated. But, hey, look on the bright side. At least it wasn't Batman violating you. Speaking of Batman, did you get done checking your mail or what's going on? Yeah, block, I did. well, everyone knows, kind of what I went through the last month or two, and I really hate to bring it up, but I did just receive a letter. It's an apology letter. Hold on. Let me read it. Hold on 1 second. Yeah, we get to the top.

Batman Sharing His Challenge

Hello? Dear Batman, I love you, but you still ain't calling. I left my TG, my Solana, my ticker at the bottom. Anyways, I'm sorry. Everything went left. I tried to tell you I have a past. My name's Turnquest. I sent you a DM, trying to get a hug, but really, I just want to tell you sorry for all the rugs, kulo homo calls quit. I can't name them all. But in the end, I just wanted you to call. I'm here. I really don't want it to be like this.

Apology and Emotional Reflection

Shit. I even thought about, like, you touching my penis, but that's that. I'm just trying to be a meta man to make people understand so we can get to the plan. I want to be with you. I want to wait. I want touch you hard. I want to want it to be gay. I want to go in the car. We can go so far, maybe drive away. But anyways, hit me back. Julio is the biggest fan, aka fat man. Yeah, I'm kind of emotional at the moment. I'm gonna take a break, block. But thank you.

Dark Humor and Laughter at a Friend's Expense

We are horrible people laughing here at Batman's sorrow. Are y'all laughing at me? We are. No. No horrible people. Okay. Just checking. 100% laughing at you. That shit. Hilarious. I just wanted you to call. Oh, my God. So, wait, did you. Are you writing him a letter back? Are you gonna. Are you gonna send the letter back to him? No. It's not worth my time.

Concluding Batman's Mail Response

Huh? Why? Why is that? It's very emotional, and I'm just not gonna stoop down to that pettiness. I'm just gonna let it be. But I appreciate it. I might put a. Trust him not to not. Trust him not to rug your heart. Yeah. Rerugged your wallet. Yeah, exactly. I learned. I get it. Kind of like my ex girlfriend, that fucking whore. Oh, okay. All right.

End of the Emotional Reflection

Went a little too far. All right. Unfortunately, Batman is dealing with things. He's. He's feeling a little raw. If Des's kids are still listening, that's. That's the reason for that. Never speak like that. Never speak like that. Yeah, let's take it. Wait, hold on a second. I just. I just read extremes response to heavy. He says, does the heavy and heavy treasure stand for heavy? Fuck heavy. Heavily overweight and what, this? Yo, that's not a response.

Initial Reactions

That man. He said Batmandhe. Oh, my God. Dude. Look, man, I'm actually going to take it to he is happy because Bandon Valian completely lowered the bar. So I'm pretty sure he is happy. He's going to do something better than that. Wait, hold on. Before we go to. He is happy. We got extreme with his hand up. What's up, extreme? Hey, I just wanted to say, have you noticed anything different with KB's profile? Oh, for fuck, dude, he's not getting back up here. If he changed his PFP. Hold on, let me find it. I'm kicking him out of the block group chat, too. Yo, if you guys. If you guys want to have a block pFp, change your pfps right now. Someone in this space is going to win point one, Solana, but you have to keep it on for at least a week.

PFP Competition

All right? Someone in here change your PFp to a block PFP. And I'll add you to our super secret early ca group chat. Okay, I'm going to add you to our group chat. Hold on a second. Oh, this heavy. Does the heavy and heavy treasure like, bro, f. You don't want to know what he dm'd me. Extremely. Hey, tell me. Yo, he said, does the extreme in extreme stance. Huh? Huh? Huh? I didn't hear it. It's too funny, bro. It's actually too fucking funny. Oh, God. Okay, hold on. Cryptic princess says, can we get that in writing? Yo, this is a recorded space, all right? Every time I say I'm gonna give away money on the space, I definitely 100% do. All right, that's better than writing. That is 100% better than writing.

Understanding Opportunities

And ask any lawyer, right? So. Oh, wait. Extreme drop down. Bring it back up. Let's see, let's see here. Does anybody change their PFp yet? I don't think so. They don't want any likes or shit. No, this, dude, this thing cost me seven grand to eat. I could easily buy one of those. I'm sure you could. Listen, you probably buy at least two of these. Listen. Nah, three. The better a pFP is. Look, the more PFP costs, the better it is, okay? The, like, when price goes down, that shit becomes ugly as fuck. But when price goes back up again. Oh, hey, you know what? This ain't too bad.

Value and Perception

This is. Yeah, I like the art. I like the art. Yeah. So, yeah, when. When these go back to being fifty k, one hundred k per PFP, then you're gonna be like, oh, my God, that. That PFP is immaculate block. I can't believe how much you pay for that again. Oh, seven. Oh, shit, dude, you. You made a. You. You're. What are you in pro. In profit? Like 50 something? Yeah, bro. Yeah, yeah, you should probably get one, actually. What. What is your PFP anyway? Is that just like a right click save of some sort? You don't have to raise your hand if I'm asking you a question, bro.

Personal Preferences and Responses

Oh, you're doing to me. Yes. What. What kind of PFP is that? Fucking no comment. Yeah, you remember? It's just damn horrendously what it is. One of my accounts, someone sent it to me. Why not use it? I didn't even fucking buy nfts. If I really want to get a good Pfp of bow, I don't give a fuck. What would you buy someone expensive? I don't know. How much would you spend? I don't, it depends. If it looks good, I'll pay this. All right. I mean, you got good branding. Someone who was. It was a dup.

Preference Clash

Who was it? Was it duck? I think he said that your PFP was the best PFP on the stage. He was. He was shitting on my PFP, too. Your PFp looks horrible. I don't know why you bought that. No, dude, I got. Dude, I got toes on my head on the mind. I got chick fil a lemonade coming. Out of my fucking. I got. That shit exceeds. What in the hell is this zoomer ass language you're speaking? It looks AIDS. Okay. It looks horrible. At least I can understand. Oh, it looks hideous. Well, why don't you make me a better one and I can ignore you.

Language Barriers

I don't have to use it, I'm just saying that. Oh, look at that. You don't have the skills. You just have the skills to talk shit. Take at least 30 seconds to make. It. Really did. I made it in like 30 seconds. Can someone here make him a good header? Because that shit looks horrible. Yeah, someone make me a good header and I. And if you're feeling nice, make me one as well. I need one. Yeah, I might possibly a hundred percent, definitely, maybe pay you for it. So there's that, there's definitely that.

Header Requests and Anecdotes

We were on a track. Pay you for. If you make. If it, if it looks good. If anyone here makes your banner and it looks good, I'll pay you for it. What? How much are you gonna pay them .1 e or point one? So if it's really good, I'll pay you. .2. What is that? 3rd? $20? $30? Know what I want? God, bro. What do you want? What do you want? Gotta put a song with the bait, with the bay. Smokes plug. Do you know what's actually strange?

Personal Experiences

What? Is that chicken coming out from one of the windows. Yeah, it's cuz you know, every now and again I sniffing loudly. Jesus. No, you're not smelling. You're on drums again, bro. You're still doing drones cooking outside at 02:00 a.m. and I don't know who is. sorry about that. Batman's making chicken dog. He's trying to lure people to his cave. Gross. His bat cave. His bat cave. Butt caves. I don't. The fun cave, it's more advertising.

Humorous Comparisons and Stories

Fun cave. Oh my God. Yo, there's like a. There's like bright colors, rainbow people happy frolicking around. Shit on the commercial. Come to the fun cave. Yeah, bro. Jeez. Oh, and then guess who came to the diddlers here. It's like a diddy party. Oh, I bet. Did you guys see that news about diddy, like, ruining some cartel person's, like, business? Like his drug dealing business because he couldn't get minors smuggled in or some shit like that?

Legal Implications and Humor

It's like, what the fuck? Like, the judge threw the case out. A cartel leader attempted to sue Diddy for. Yeah. Stupidest thing. That's crazy. You can't. You can't sue over an illegal business, you fucking idiot. That's like someone, like, scamming you and giving you paper towels in a wall in a, like, a McDonald's bag and being like, hey, like, here's the drugs. And then when you. When you open, you give them the money, and then when you open the bag, it's no.

Reflections on Scenarios

There's no weed in there, no drugs in there. And you want to call the police? Like, bro, I bought. I was supposed to be buying drugs, but that's the same kind of shit. How do you. How the hell are you? Like, bro, go handle that shit on your own. Like, literally, go handle that shit on your own. Find out where they live and wake them up. Wake them the fuck up. Look, man, we got a lot to talk about tonight. I know I keep saying that, but I want to get to.

Expectations and Discussions

Hold on a second. What is this? Yeah, y'all don't. Y'all. Don't be fucking day. Like, do not. Don't send me. Block. You're severely lugging. Oh, is he gone? Yes. Hey, guys. How are you doing? Nice. Block gave me the co host. I'll be a host now. I'm gonna pass it over to Des. You can have the mic. I think you might. You might be my new favorite co host.

Transition of Leadership

What? Yes. After rangy and I forget. Oh, y'all gonna have three calls. Oh, that's lit. Well, I'm the host now. Oh, you don't host. Okay. Yeah, my favorite spaces now. Like, I'm gonna come over here every day if it's like this every day, too. Yeah. He's like, no, Deedee, I have a crush on extreme, but no dd again. Like, not like you bet me. I not like that one, but, yep, I'll be here every day. Okay.

Fostering Conversations

I can't wait to see you tomorrow on my next show. Love you, extreme. Hey, don't forget to send that band over because I won. Love you, man. He's so extreme. I don't know what heavy was talking about. Extreme is so extreme. He's so extreme. Oh, shit, he's back. Yo, I don't know what happened. I had to restart my app. What did I miss? Yeah, look, did you see what that heavy guy said again?

Missed Moments

No. Was it funny? Does the extreme and extreme. Stanford would do anything to galv Nigeria extremely fast. You don't like Nigerians very much, do you? Extreme. Oh, no, I love Nigerians. What do you love about them? Nyash. Yeah. Stupid. Oh, my God. He is happy. Do you know what nyash means? Can you explain it to us? Is he rugging or is he speaking? He's rugged.

Cultural Expressions

He said, okay. I thought I was. I thought I needed to restart my app again. It's like, what the fuck? band on valiant, can you tell us what nyash means? actually, does Nash. He was about. He was actually trying to say nash. It's Nash. No, it's nyash. No, it's nyash, bro. Are they trying to say.

Pronunciation and Meanings

No. Mesh. No. Yeah, you're not in Nigeria? No, I can't. Who said. Who said I'm not in Nigeria? I said that he's happy. See? So who told you I'm not from Nigeria, man? Crypto princess says it's pronounced yanch. Yanch? Yanch y a. Nash. How you telling me how that word is pronounced? It's not, bro. It's not ninyash. It's nyash, bro.

Language Nuances

Nash, what does it mean? Okay, what does it mean? It means hoodie. Anyway, it has another name you can call it. Yes. Yo, y'all have as many words for ass as we have for ass in English. That's crazy. Yeah. No, american. In American. Okay. What do you call. What do you say? Bum fucking UK Brit bastard.

Cultural Comparisons

Betty, you don't say that, stupid. You do not say that shit. Nobody in great fucking Britain is saying baddie. Oh, my God, dude. Absolutely ridiculous. That's what you are. Absolutely ridiculous. Dude. I thought there was about to be a fight. Who's saying I'm not nigerian? He said, who says? Yeah. Yo, dude, put the gloves on.

Escalation of Tensions

Guys, put the fucking gloves on. I want to see. If you guys need help putting the glove on, I'll help you. Oh, my God. Y'all doing too much. Where's that show, djdeh? Oh, shit. Yo, Alex says Batty is so two thousands. Yeah, bro, some early. Two thousands. Ass shit. Early as two thousands. Ass shit, bro.

Travel Aspirations

Have you been to Nigeria before? not yet. I want to go. Okay, who's from Ghana? Who's from Ghana? I'm from Nigeria living Abuja. Yeah, we dot. I'm sorry if you missed the memo, but we don't fuck with people from Ghana. We only fuck with people from Nigeria. I need some help from nigerian brothers.

Culinary Preferences

Which gel off is better? Obviously the Nigerian Jolofman. Come on. He said obviously. Like, what kind of question is that, extreme? Yo, the nigerian Jalo I heard gone in Jolof is way better. No, no. And personally, I think Garnet Jolof is better because I cornea and Jolof. That's because you never hear Zimbabwe and Jolof.

Cultural Discussions

Zimbabwe. Okay. All right. Oh, hey, trim you back. Hey, I missed you for a second when you left me, bro. What is going on right now, Des? What's happening? That's no serious. What do you do? Me and my kids are sitting at a round table listening to space. You have kids? Yeah. Remember that one room to you?

Personal Connections

But wait, hold me. Extreme wants to know all your personal information. I don't know what that is. Like, what's the deal with that? Yep. How old? If we get married, did you know that we can claim your kids and get more money with the IR's? Oh, shit. Well, how does that work? Don't worry about it. Just trust me.

Humorous Banter

Just trust me. I'm a dm me for that. Yeah, I got it. What's your booty? How old are you, Tommy? Hey, extreme, when you ask her like that, like, it just makes me, like, my back single. I don't. I don't like people. Oh, wow. Okay. You know, I don't know what's going on right now.

Shifting Focus

I don't know. I don't like it. I don't like it. I'm gonna change the subject, and I'm gonna. Extreme, you can't be at yo, this is crypto Twitter. Everybody is a non here. Des. It's not even his real name. His real name is, like, bartholomew or something. We don't. We just call him Des.

Identity and Names

Okay. We just call him Des. Everybody's is. That is uno sass. Now you're gonna get. Now you're gonna get doxxed. Do not. Soon as someone found out my name that you weren't. You weren't around. You came in after, like. But we brought. They doxxed me. They swatted my house, I guess too much.

Conclusion and Safety

Yeah, actually, it's too much like, everybody. That's why I say, like, yo, stay anonymous. What? You're old enough to be my grand. My granddad. I'm sure I am. Your. Your. If your granddad was 30 years young and just banging prostitutes left and right, blowing coke. Yeah. Dude, what the hell? You're ridiculous.

Final Thoughts

Extreme. I'm cool. I'm still young at heart. You never seen that video? You said, my name I call for you now. Yes, there's go. What is your name again? My name, I call for you now. I knew that. I seen that. I've seen that. The world's longest name. Seen that. Pronounce the simple name.

Discussion About UK Slang

It was not damn UK. Everyone says in the UK. So I was like, oh, it's UK slang. Are you kidding? Everybody said, for real? Yeah, there was a. There was a part where everyone you have seen everywhere.

Casual Banter and Updates

Hey, block. Block, what's up? No, I can't. What's up, your brother? I can't yell you because my nash. Is sitting down yet. Oh, my God. What are you gay or something? A block, he got. Hold on, you guys. Hold on. We're getting too far off the rails. All right? If you guys want to speak, just raise your hand. Like extreme is giving the best example of at the moment. All right, look, the thing that separates us from the animals, people say it's the opposable thumb. I say differently. I say it's the fact that we raise our hands to speak. Yeah, that's what it is. Right? That's what it is. We raise our hands. What's up? Who was I talking to just now? I wasn't looking at my phone. All right, never mind.

Discussion on Nash and Preferences

What's up, extreme? Oh, my God. What's up, band on Valiant? I'm doing good. You know, dude, you took forever because. You put me on me, bitch. Anyways. Did I really? I was gonna. I was gonna say, how many nashes do you go? Oh, my God. I don't have any man ass on hand, unfortunately. I. That's not. It's not what I keep in my fridge, sir. But whatever you do, I'm cool with that, man. Whatever. Whatever you're interested in, enjoy it. Long as. Dude, life is too short to judge other people, especially for their sexual preference. I don't care. Enjoy it, homie. All right, how much. How many do you have? 500. All right, there you go. 500. That's a. That's a high number. Unusually high number.

Reference to Unique Experiences and Views

But tomorrow. Exactly, he's giving you 40. yeah, I don't judge. I do not judge. Enjoy them, you know? All of them. What's up, band on Valiant? I'm doing awesome, brother. I'm doing awesome. Actually, I'm thinking about coming to the USA tomorrow. So I'll be stopping by at UK, given a stream 14 y. Then I'll be getting you. I'll be getting you two Nash instead. So maybe you won't. See Yash. Yes. Yeah. Nash, bro, you called our respect, man. Nash, you say it. You say it like you feel it. You understand? You have to say it like you know it. You have to say it like. Like you know what you're talking about. Like you have this feeling in you. You're spirit. When you. When you.

Emotions Elicited by Nash

When you touch Nash, when you see Nash, you get motivated. You feel this feeling you've never felt before. Yes, yes. Thank you. My point. actually, I've got five Nash. You. Go. I go. Five. Five star nash, man. Not just Nash. They're all five stars. All right, so I've got. I've got Elizabeth Nash, I've got Rebecca Nash, and the last Nash is Esther Nash. Wait, are you saying you have five wives? Is that what you're saying? Yeah. No, bro. Wife is different from a nash. Nash is different. What the heck is a Nash? Soul collector said I have brain damage.

Clarifications on Relationships

What are we. And wives? Is that. Nash is and. Oh, my God. Fuck. Is it spirit? Like what? Like. No, it's not a spirit, ass. It's booty. It's. It's. It's but the butt of a man. No, no, man. No, man. No. No, man, no. They're all like, no, no. Yeah, dude, I saw booty warrior. You ain't seen booty warrior. I've seen the booty warrior, bro. Oh, I've seen that, though. Yeah, he's talking about the same shit y'all talking about. I mean, am I wrong? Like I said, I don't judge. I do not judge. Like, enjoy it.

Engagement and Comments on the Topic

We ain't judging, man. We ain't judging. But you can never see a man with a nash. Oh, you can't. Oh, you can. Yes, you can. Never. You can. I knew. Yes. Forbidden. Okay, okay. No more. I don't know what the heck. Yeah. You know how many people have left? I never started talking about this. Yeah. Holy shit. Like, two people left. No one cares. No, it was like, we had 100 people in here, and now we have 48, so, like, 52 people left, actually. Ridiculous. Extreme. You got to pay attention.

Diverse Input on Relationships

So was it talking about clapping chicks just in, like, in cold? Yeah, exactly what you just said. It's okay to clap some chicks. Yep. All right, let's get back to crypto and NFTs and whatever else, because. I want to talk about Phantom. Oh, yeah, you mentioned Phantom. What's up with Phantom? A couple days ago, I got drained. No way. What they take? How much did they get you for? They clipped me. Like, your. Your entire bag or what? 40.

Financial Discussions

So. Shit, it's like six grandd always fine. Didn't that happen to you, like a week or two ago? Mm. Wait, are you saying that it happened twice, or you just forgot when it happened? Did it ever happen, really? Oh, my God. Extreme, you do not have to manufacture topics. What's going on right now? Like, what are we doing? All of our brain cells have been destroyed. This is actually, like. I blame extreme. It's all his fault.

Light-hearted Scientific Conversation

Yeah, it definitely is. Maggie, could you give me, like, 2 seconds of a scientific pontification of some kind of, like, cellular membrane, please, really quick. I did not understand the single word you said. Do you want to learn about. How about reverse osmosis? You go against the gradient and you actually have to actively. You have to use energy to take some. Take a solution across the membrane as opposed to passively. Does that help? Yeah. Thank you.

Transition and Group Engagement

You're welcome. All right, so wait. Before. Before I go ahead with the space, we do have extreme with his hand up dot. Should I. Should I go to him or. What are your thoughts? Yes, of course. All right, we'll go to extreme. What's up, extreme? Oh, my God. This is the problem. I try to be nice. Try to be nice. What happens? Yeah, I was on the other side of my room. Oh, my God. This motherfucker. I was gonna say, when was the last time we got some nash?

Further Insights and Conversations

Well, unfortunately, when you have. Look, I've been training for. To be on tv for the past, you know, a little while now, like year. So now that I'm 600 pounds and I'm so deep in my training, I can't get deep in sham Nash. Some knee, you know, I can't just. It doesn't work out. And who has his hand up? What's up, Mandy? Oh, my God. He's gonna say it like a million times. What's up? Band on Valian. I love you, Brody.

Continuing the Joke

Like, some, like, you've been called banyash. You understand? You have this love of Nash, and. Yeah, I've been looking for in my. In my body. I can feel it. Tingu you, Brody, you awesome about this nash of a thing. I'm thinking about. How about making memo coin a memo coin named Nash. Why say what you say? Do you. Do you see what I'm saying? Do you feel what I'm feeling? We need a coin, a mama coin under the name of Nash.

Ambitions for Nash Coin

Believe me, bro, this is gonna mourn more than bitcoin. Nash is gonna mourn more than bitcoin if you. If you pull your fucking bag into it. Why say a stream back up me on this shit? Yep. I agree. I totally agree. So, block. Block will be the one hosting. Hosting the space for Nash coin. You understand? Nash Cohen is gonna go straight to the moon. To the motherfucking moon.

Entertainment and Audience Engagement

We gonna bring bitcoin down. Nash is gonna step. Yeah, I don't know what's going on with him. He had a technical difficulty, apparently, just. I don't know what. Yeah, enough of that. That's enough of that talk. Look, man, I actually put post something up in a jumbotron. If you guys change your PFp to this, you can have the chance to win a.1 Solana. All right? We already have. He is happy. We have a bay.

Incentives for Participation

Yep. That's what we got. So if you guys are interested in winning point one. Solana, tonight, I will 100% put you in the running to win. If you change your PFP. It's all you got to do. But right now, the people, two people who are in the. In the running for to win, are he as happy and Adwag Bay Yusuf? Let's call him Braves. Let's call him Braves. So there we go.

Community Involvement

Unfortunately, I don't see very many people changing their PFP. I don't know what's going on, Rangi. You think I'm asking for too much by asking them to change the PFP? Yes. It's ugly. All right. What about you, dot? You think I'm asking for too much? I don't know. I think it's one of a kind. All right. I think so, too. I think so, too.

Token Recognition

I definitely do. Let me see. Someone actually just sent me some token. I want to see. I want to see what they sent so I can see if I can mention. Oh, they sent me. Okay, okay, okay. I see. All right, let's see how many people liked the tweet. Four people. If I don't see that, you. That. Oh, my God. He spelled it kn e e.

Comedic Relief and Frustration

Yash. Like knee. Like knee. Yash. So fucking. Are you kidding me right now? Like, bro, are you really fucking kidding me? Holy fucking shit. This is actually fucking ridiculous. It's okay. It's all right, man. It is all right. We're gonna get through it. Okay? We're gonna get through it. That shit, dude. I might. Oh, we got arias coming up here.

Acknowledging Participants

I don't know what it is that makes me want to let him come to speaker panel, but. Holy shit. I'm going to let him up here. I'm going to let him up here, see what else we got, huh? Can't imagine why. I don't know. Something familiar about him, I think. Yeah, it looks. I mean, it's just feels right. Just. It just feels right to do it, you know?

Continued Engagement and Community Building

Just feels right. So I wonder how long I can get them to, like, hold it down, though, like, to keep the PfP on. You know what I mean? Like, I wonder. Let's do the experiment. Let's do the experiment. How long do you think they'll keep it on for? Like, a week, few days, a month? 2 hours. 2 hours? Yeah, that would suck.

Plan of Action for PFP

That is not worth point one, Solana. I swear to God. That's not worth point one, Solana. So you have to tell them you'll give them that money if they wear it for a week, and then after a week, you've been checking up on them every day. Think of all the work you have to do that. Is it worth it? No. No. I put them all in a group chat, and then I can literally just look at the group chat.

Plan for Community Engagement

You know? Let's put them all in a group chat. I'm actually gonna put you all in a group chat right now so we can. We can win together. All right? But Zzzzz says increase your offer. That shit is ugly. What? You don't have a foot fetish? You don't have to. You don't like toes on your head, homie? Like, what's going on with that? Like, if.

Further Comments on Topics of Interest

I don't know. I don't know what you guys are on, but if you are not interested in feet, there's actually something scientifically wrong with your mind. Like, it's messed up. So I'm gonna move on from that, though. We got extreme back up here with his hand. Back up. I hope he doesn't talk about Niash coin. What's up, extreme? I'm sorry about Niash coin.

Continuation of Discussions

Oh, my God. We can move on from that, brothers and sisters. I'm leaving. Bro, this is not an airport. You do not have to announce your departure. I'm leaving that. That means everyone else has to leave. Get the fuck out of here. This is not. Look, man, I'm sorry that. What? What do you mean? I'm sorry that you're not getting a bunch of people to put your PFP on, but doesn't mean you have to try to wreck the space.

Discussion on Fun and Enjoyment

Oh, no, I'm wrecking space? They're having fun in here. They enjoy these. They already had their fun. Oh, is that what it is? All right, well, we'll see what happens. Look, I'm gonna give someone. Oh, shit. We got a bunch more people with their pfps changed. Hell, yeah. I like this. I like this. I like this.

Contests and Challenges

I want to see who's gonna keep their PfP on. I'm gonna give. Let's see. I'm gonna give point one, Solana, to the person who's keeps their PFP on for at least a week, too. So the person who wins a, I'll let. I'll let Renge decide who. Who wins. And then I'll decide who wins after they keep their PFP on for a week later, too.

Collaborative Decision Making

You know, you had me decide last time. I think Dot should decide. It's not fair. Okay, go ahead, Dot. Who do you think should win? we have. He is happy. We have braves. We have Araeus. We have Bandon Valian. We have Emma Newell. We have cute Teddy. We have Ray Dracdev.

Final Decisions in the Contest

And we have trina Ghana also. She doesn't want to be the bad guy. She doesn't want to be the bad guy and just choose somebody. All right, all right. That's fine. It's totally fine. I'm gonna give it to band on Valian because he. I love you, block. No, dude, shut the fuck up, please. God damn it. You do not love me.

Concluding Remarks

Dude, what the f. How are you guys talking over the mute button? It's me. It's all. It's mute. Why would you even want to speak when the mute is on? I love you. Oh, my God. I'm rugging this shit. I'm rugging this shit show. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Wait, hold on a second. Fuck it, dude. I'm gonna go to back to.

Return to Conversations

Back to band on Valian. I need to know. I'm actually curious what he's gonna spend it on. Yeah, I'm asking what is. No. So before the space gets ended, follow me. Follow me with notifications on. Because you know I'm the king out here. Make sure you turn on blocks notifications so you don't see his and you only see mine. Thank you.

Encouragement for Engagement

Yes, definitely. Follow everybody on the speaker panel. Make sure you put, you know, me and extremes notifications on. Put your notifications on for Rangi and dot, too. They deserve it. They have some good content. You'll probably learn some things way more than if you put me in extremes notifications on, but, yeah, everybody's notification.

Final Thoughts and Summary

I'm just being real, bro. I'm just being real. Put our notifications on. Follow everybody. Make sure you follow. Like, look, man, follow. Look to the person to your left. Follow that motherfucker. Look to the person to your right. Follow that mother. Look above you. Follow that motherfucker. Look below shut. Dude, please.

Ending the Session

No, no, please. Let me. Let me do this real quick, guys. You got it? You got to have some respect for this space. Please. Look below you and also follow that motherfucker. Look, do it diagonally too. Do it diagonally as well. All right? Now, once you guys are following each other in the space, that's pretty much the best way.

Building Community Connections

Like, look, me and extreme have large accounts. Dot has a large account. Once you're able to follow people and you can, like, you can get their follows back, you're starting a community. Like, what we're trying to do here is build a community of people who all fuck with each other, right? I'm about to add a bunch of you guys to a group chat, right?

Invitation to Join Group Chats

Like, I'm about to add you guys to a group chat. Extreme, he has a group chat with all of the people who rock his PFP. Like, well, whatever. Like, we're trying to build a community, guys. So if you guys want to help us do that, like, 100%, like, we will help you guys grow in ways that you probably didn't think were possible.

Community Support and Growth

We'll help you grow your accounts. We'll help you. We'll just help you. All right? We'll definitely just help you. So last take of the night. Last take of the night goes to band on Valian. Before we go to you, I will just give a little intro. He. This guy. He does not. Dude, he does not shut up about Yash.

Final Words and Acknowledgments

Like, he does not stop talking about it. So anybody who. Oh, my God. I'm not even going to it. Look, man, band on Valiant. I think you're a very intelligent individual. I think you do have a little too much booty on the brain, though. I think it rugged you of all your senses, but take it away. Band on Valiant.

Concluding the Event

I will.

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