Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Solana Saturday hosted by 0xFrisk. Solana Saturday took participants on a deep dive into the world of blockchain technology, focusing on Solana's scalability, impact on NFTs, DeFi projects, and its potential to revolutionize the gaming industry. The discussions emphasized community engagement, interoperability, and the evolving Web3 landscape. This space provided valuable insights for crypto enthusiasts and developers looking to understand the innovative features of Solana and its role in shaping the future of decentralized applications.

For more spaces, visit the NFT page.


Q: How does Solana's scalability benefit NFT and DeFi ecosystems?
A: Solana's scalability allows for faster transactions and lower fees, making it ideal for NFTs and DeFi applications.

Q: What sets Solana apart from other blockchain networks?
A: Solana's emphasis on speed and security distinguishes it, attracting developers for its innovative features.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for blockchain projects?
A: Community engagement builds trust, fosters growth, and enhances decentralization in blockchain ecosystems.

Q: How does Solana contribute to the evolution of gaming and NFT markets?
A: Solana's high performance and low costs open new possibilities for gaming experiences and NFT marketplaces.

Q: What role does interoperability play in the success of blockchain networks?
A: Interoperability enables seamless communication between different blockchains, expanding use cases and connectivity in the crypto space.


Time: 00:15:45
Solana's Scalability and Efficiency Discussing how Solana's architecture enhances transaction speeds and reduces costs for users.

Time: 00:30:22
DeFi Projects on Solana Exploring the impact of decentralized finance projects within the Solana ecosystem.

Time: 00:45:11
Community Engagement in Crypto Highlighting the significance of community participation for the success of blockchain projects.

Time: 01:00:05
Web3 Evolution with Solana Envisioning the future of Web3 and the transformative role of Solana in this decentralized internet landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Solana's scalability and low transaction fees make it a preferred blockchain for NFTs and DeFi.
  • The Solana ecosystem fosters innovation with a focus on speed and security.
  • Discussions revolved around decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and their impact on the blockchain industry.
  • Insights shared on the current trends in NFTs and the future of digital ownership.
  • Experts highlighted the importance of community engagement for the sustainable growth of blockchain projects.
  • Participants discussed the interoperability of blockchain networks and its role in expanding the crypto space.
  • Exploring the potential of Solana in revolutionizing gaming and NFT marketplaces.
  • Insights into unique projects leveraging Solana's technology for decentralized applications.
  • Conversations on the evolution of Web3 and the role of Solana in shaping this new internet paradigm.

Behind the Mic

Love and Feelings

I shut my eyes, you go, I just cut the line. I know you'll start. I know that you want one more night. I'm backside and do this just one more time. And now I can feel your love. Temporary tight, it's a heavy one. You go back there and you're. Don't you want someone? Cause I can feel your love, that purple touch. Everyone who sees you falls in love, you eat us up, you live like you're on camera, you slide on top, I wound you all the juice and. Puffs.

Expressing Needs

Two five over you beams on your got your power, we got this. Email. I want you to email, I want you to email. I can feel your love, your temple very tight, it's a hidden rhyme. You go back there with no doubt. I can feel your love, your temporary touch, it's a hidden rhyme. You go back there and I can see your love, your temple. Every time it's a hit one. Go back there when you won't. I can feel your love, I can feel you, I can feel you love.

Weekend Vibes

I can see you. Not a bad way to start the Saturday with some beautiful little glass animals. Good morning, everyone. Welcome back to Solana Saturday. Happy to have everyone here. Happy to see a bunch of friends pulling up today. Super stoked to have everyone all pulling up to talk about what's going on in the market, what's been popping out for the past week, and more importantly, how you guys are doing. I like to hear about your guys's life. I like to hear about how everyone is, you know, making moves, having a fun time.

Personal Struggles

There is no water in my house currently, so I feel gross right now. I'm really frustrated about it. So I'm waiting for the plumbers to get here because your boy needs a shower. Desperately. Desperately needs a shower. I fucking hate it. But nonetheless, guys, welcome, everyone, for tuning in. We got quite a few interesting things happening this week. But first off, let's start with some numbers.

Market Updates

Bitcoin up 4% to $64,000 today. Not too bad, guys. Eth up 3% to 2700. Solana up 10% today to $159.62. Guys, we fucking won. We logged on in 2021, 2022. And we just bought salon. And we won, guys, that's it. It's over. We won first. Don't be saying we won already. K, that sounds like some top shit.

Interaction and Conversations

Mark. Mark, we are not. Are you selling your soul here? Are. Not. We ain't selling shit here, okay? You don't know shit about selling, Mark. Oh, this guy. I want to say first, great song to start off the space that. That beat always makes my parts down south feel something. You know what I mean? Great beat. It's great.

Community Conversations

Yeah. Also from Mark's. From Mark's perspective, everything's always up. Okay. All right. You know what? You know, wait, hold on. As a short king, Mark, I won't let. I won't let you take that heat either. Thank you. Okay. Sorry. From Mark and Shrimp's perspective, everything's always up. I'm part of this, too, at this point. We got, like, half this. Half this panel is short king with you guys.

Catching Up

Don't worry. I haven't seen Liberty in so long. He comes back, he's firing shots already. This is. Yeah, liberty. I grew. I'll have you know, I grew since you last saw me. Wait, you grew in another region, man? Is that what you're talking about? You're damn right. Girls, gout cookies. Yeah, listen, I've been eating.

Lifestyle Choices

I'm. I'm gonna be a thousand pounds by the time I see you next. Liberty sent me over, like, ten boxes of girl scout cookies. I just get high every night and eat girl scout cookies now, so that's just my life. So did that last night. Can't. Can't lie. That's. That's. That sounds like a life from here.

Exciting Events

Yep, yep. Including weight. Wait, are we not going to mention college football is back, too? Okay, another. Another fucking w we got to talk about. We're getting more five minute videos of Mark talking to the camera and using his arms in a crazy fucking fashion while he screams about his favorite teams. Yes. Yes. I'm so excited.

Funny Moments

I don't even watch college football, and I'm so excited every time I see those videos because I've never seen someone so enthusiastic about it, and it makes me so happy every single time. I just. I appreciate the people who think I do coke when I. When I do those videos. Literally. Literally. That's.

Community Dynamics

That's the exact vibes I got from you, Mark. Every time you're fucking talking the camera, it's so funny. I'm like, bro, I've been that way since I was, like, nine. Okay? I'm just crazy with it is what it is. But anyhow, Detroit, Lance, best team, the NFL throwback first. Thank you, Mark. Appreciate you.

Updates and Reflections

Appreciate you. Our man on the street, guys, Mark Coulter. But it has been. I will say it's been interesting week. I won't get too deep into a cause. I'd rather have a conversation about things. But to sum it up, for those of you guys who haven't been tuning in, we did have the McDonald's literally fucking scamming people by posting a contract address on their instagram.

Recent Events

I'm not fucking kidding. And then they're, I think their VP or their head of communications also was hacked on Twitter as well, too. And that was pretty insane, seeing a coin run from 25 mil down to. I don't even know. What's that? Probably sub one mil right now. Wait, that was real? That was.

Interesting Market Movements

I mean, it wasn't them, obviously, they were hacked, but it was. It happened to. It actually happened. The McDonald's account got hacked, and someone posted salon a contract address. So, yeah, great job of mass adoption, guys. Great job there. You made money on that, too, did you? Actually, yeah.

Profit Insights

So what I did was, after it ran to 20 mil, I bought the dip at, like, six hundred k. Eight hundred k. And sold it at like, three mil. Oh, wow. Okay. And it went. It went back up to three mil, something like that. Maybe two mil. I don't know. But it was a quick little. Like, two, three x.

Celebrating Wins

Like, quick, like quick. Easy money. Oh, my God. Well, I'm glad you end up cooking on that. Speaking of cooks, shrimp, this token that I've seen you nonstop posting about. I don't want to get too much into the token itself because we can talk about things that I pumped. I do want to talk about something that, like, you did, which I know you're not the dev.

Clarifying Roles

Let's make that clear. Shrimp is not the dev. Guys, we know this already. At this point, I have said that. He is the dev. Shout out crib. He is my favorite dev top holder. Ends up automatically being dev. So, I mean, I'd love it if somebody else wants to beat my bag.

Transfer of Roles

then you can become dev. We can do a, you know, ceremonial, trade off if you want. Yeah, not dude. it's. It's funny. I mean, honestly, this is what I like about meme coins. Like, it's, you know, literally vibing. I mean, it's literally a day old.

Exploring New Opportunities

So, I mean, there's still. We don't know where this goes to, but it's cooking. I mean, I showed it three days ago. I mean, like, literally at, like, a 4K market cap. Nobody gave a fuck then. And now, for some reason, people like to buy stuff a lot higher, which, I mean, yeah, higher.

Market Psychology

It's the Fomo. I mean, I'm less interested in the pump and more interested in what I saw you do yesterday where you're like, no one knows how to behave. We're shutting down the telegram and we're making a Twitter group. So it was. So it was this. It was the best decision ever.

Group Dynamics

So what happened was, as a troll, obviously, I updated the Dex, like, two days ago as a joke. I was like. And then I sent it in the group chat, and they were like, did you really just pay a Dex for a fucking 4k market cap? I'm like, you're fucking right. And I literally had the links to where it was just the pump fun as the website and the Twitter was just the search for the ticker.

Shifting Strategies

Well, then yesterday, a buddy's like, dude, this is actually a good meme. He made a telegram, and then, like, I said that, okay, well, that the decks. Well, once it bonded and stuff like that, no one was running that fucking telegram that he created. Literally, it was creating. There's just fucking whiny little bitches in there crying and crying.

Adapting to Change

So. And I got pissed because it bonded while I was at work. So obviously I'm working and I can't really focus on bull posting our bags. And everybody dumped it. And then I just spammed in. Like, my group chat was like, bro, delete that fucking telegram. And he deleted it. I switched to a Twitter community, and I was.

Emotional Responses

I was so pissed. I was like, fuck everyone that dumped. I said, I hope to God you all fucking sold, and I hope this godsends and you buy back higher. And so far, it's working. It's working. That's the thing. And this is what I will say about things.

Communicating Issues

Like, I saw someone post a while ago, and this is the thing that made me laugh, is people saying like, hey, I can't believe there's still gated communities in web three right now. Like, we're really trying to push people out even more now than ever. Like, how the. How fucking stupid can you be?

Understanding Community Structures

And so telegram has been this kind of, like, opening to it where you just have to click a link and join this group, and suddenly you're a part of this, you know, community, whether it be a meme coin, whether it be just a group of friends and stuff. The thing with that, though, is that, to my opinion, it's still a closed community, which, for which at some points, you kind of need that.

Building Exclusive Groups

You need, like, a select group of people that, like, you want to keep exclusive to things. But when you create a Twitter group around these kinds of things, like, I have a friend right now who also bought this bubble buddy token as well with me, and he's like, dude, I mean, how. How can I sell?

Community Connections

When I looked at, like, the Twitter admin and, like, the Twitter group, and I just see a bunch of people I know holding it, like, how am I gonna fade that when it's right there? And I see all their tweets. They're all posting about it, like, publicly. They're not willing to, like, just talk one, like, in private.

Bigger Conversations

And that's, and that's the biggest thing. Like, when you look at it like, this is all telegram, and don't mind if it's an old token, highly recommend they keep the telegram. But I think, like, the, like, taking advantage of the ex community thing was a fucking, I mean, good move. It's not the first token that's done it.

Market Strategies

I mean, like, there's. I mean, I think w dog did the pump on website, and I think they have one, too. I've seen it before. People have done it. But the thing is, telegrams now for any new coins. It's literally new CTO. Oh, they fucking can't pump this.

Tactics and Techniques

Let's do another CTO. Let's do another CTO, whiny bitches. But don't run the buy. Bot of a big buy gets everybody hyped up. But all people do is they go into the fucking telegram to post tweets to raid, and then you have to go back to Twitter to raid it and comment and bull post your bags.

Simplifying Processes

Why the fuck don't you just go to the twitter community thing and everybody fucking just post their tweets there? It's that fucking simple. And you see everybody. But, yeah, now, dude, I mean, we got, like, good little memories.

Creative Processes

Dude, Levi is fucking whipping up fucking dope ass like art. Like, he literally did my rue as a bubble buddy yesterday. He did, like, he did Agnes. He, he did chart for this morning. He's going to whip up some more for people. Like, he's going to.

Innovative Ideas

We sat there and said, like, you know, obviously, I mean, time. Time is money, and the goal is like, he sat there, he's like, dude. He's like, I'll set up a wallet. He's like, everybody can just send one soul worth of bubble buddy. He said, I burned 50% of it.

Business Concepts

I keep 50% of it. I'm like, fuck it. Yeah, I mean, you want a little custom bubble buddy PFB. So that was kind of like, you know, a little concept that he sat there and said, like, he do for it. So, I mean, it's just, I mean, it's cool.

Communal Support

Little shit. I mean, it's a day old. I don't know what's gonna fucking happen, dude. I'm fucking retarded. Like, redacted, whatever. I don't know what politically correct terms are, but it's fucking working, dude. And it's on.

Nostalgic Elements

It's a good meme. Nostalgic. It's not another dog or cat. And I'm just glad that, like, somebody else that you saw the good meme that I thought. Shrimp, just based off the fact that. You sound like, you sound like Jonah Hill transitioning into Steve.

Comedic Comparisons

Oh, I'm gonna. I'm all in. I've never heard that before. I said it last night on space. I said, again, like, I mean, obviously again, meme. Coins come and go. They die. They don't, you know, some stay long.

Community Engagement

I was like, dude, if this shit's still fucking running, we still got a fucking dope ass community. D will fucking get some little small events set up in Singapore for breakpoint and go fuck around, like, drinks and shit like that. I don't know.

Future Plans

We'll do some cool shit, dude. Like, I'm down, dude. I'm down to fucking vibe with it. Like, I mean, like, I don't want to say that I cto'd it because I didn't. I mean, sure, updating a Dex, I guess, is now at this point, you're a CTO and a dev, but it's not just me.

Team Collaboration

Like, literally, I even posted it, like, to multiple people. I'm like, if you guys solely depend on me, you're going to fail. It has to be fucking everybody. And so far, that's what working.

Group Efforts

I mean, everybody's kind of putting in that sweat equity into, like, fucking bull posting. Yeah. Doing stuff into it. I mean, all time high on bubble, buddy. Right now. Yeah. Yeah, dude.

Unexpected Success

I mean, honestly, I was. I was fully expecting to wake up to, like, a 50K market cap. I'm not gonna lie to you. When I went to sleep last night, instead, it went to all time high when I was sleeping.

Looking Ahead

So maybe when I go to sleep tonight again, we'll get another all time high. I don't know. But, yeah. Well, I'm here for this partially because it's my bags, but also because I think it's just fun. I know we broke the frisk curse, baby.

Results and Self-Reflection

See that, bro? I will say I telling frisk to not buy things. And now look, I've had a decent week. I will say that I'm going to give it a shout out to two people who have been. I've been talking to for weeks that have been, like, frisk.

Building My Brand

I don't care if you are my. Now my side project. We're breaking your curse. It's Yevon and Cam. Those two motherfuckers have been dming me, like, for, like, forever.

Encouraging Motivation

They're like, dude, like, literally, just don't stop clicking and we're gonna break your curse. I don't care. And so I got two winners this week besides BB. I. Can you fucking believe I hit a winner on a fucking rune?

Unexpected Wins

That was my win of the week, was a fucking rune. I hit a ten x on it. I couldn't believe it. Like, blows my mind. Of all the things to, like, make money on this market, it was a goddamn rune, dude.

Casual Banter

The only thing we're blowing out here is fucking bubbles. Y'all need to quit your fucking yapping. And send this shit to babillions, you little bitches. Oh, my God. I like that energy.

Introduction and Greetings

I actually haven't heard from. From my co host yet. I feel bad. We're like, fucking bubble 20 minutes into the space. I've said hi to you guys. Hi, Lou. Hi, Jux. Either of you? No? Okay. Hi, I'm here. Hi. Yeah, hi. I can hear you just fine. I can hear you. Lovely. Oh, not anymore. He's cutting out now. He's cutting out. Hi, Jox. You go ahead. Hi.

Reflections on the Speaker Panel

A lot of old time friends here. A lot of legends on the space. This is a. This is a good speaker panel. I see. I see most of you majority of the time, so fuck you guys for now. Hi, Cody. Hi, Mark. Hi, Lib. I don't think he's up here. Hi, Mommy. Is he mommy down there? Malik in the building. What it goes here? Yo, PD, dude. We got some fucking banger space going right now. Burzi down there in the building. Legend in the making.

Conversations about Space and Events

You're just gonna shout out people. That's. That's great. Take, jerks. Great contribution. I said hi, Jackson. Juxtaposed. Hi to everyone else that was. You guys are literally in spaces all the time. Frisk. I talk to you on the phone more than I talk to my wife. Like, you've ignored five of my calls. Fucking Mister Rogers. Ignore eight of hers. So that's insane. That's actually insane, but I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

Discussing Trading Experiences

Juxtaposed to see you in a month. We're good. We're steady cooking, dude. Memes are great. I think I've top blasted bubble boy at like, 400k or something. And you drop two x. Let's go, baby drops. You're in. This is crazy. There's no, we're not. We cannot turn this space into a bubble buddy cult. Although I think it's really funny that of all the things, I don't know what it is time and time again, like, forget meme points for a second.

The Timeless Nature of SpongeBob

I find that there is one pop culture, like, icon that is timeless in regards to, like, memes. I've been on Twitter. I've been on Twitter for, like, 1112 years now. And every single time an event comes up or something, like, big in, like, I don't know, the world, there's always a SpongeBob meme. Like, that, like, reflects it so perfectly. I don't know what it is or why, but, like, SpongeBob. SpongeBob has a meme for everything.

The Strange Phenomenon of Meme Culture

And it's so funny every single fucking time because it's so on point. So it doesn't surprise me that something like this works. And, you know, it's funny, though. So, like, I went and searched up, like, the bubble buddy episode, like, and on Google, and you look at the description, dude, and it's just fucking. Just the most honestly, I posted it yesterday when were like, a 30K market cap, and someone was like, this tweet makes me want to full clip my bag.

Reflections on Crypto Trading

And I said, do it, coward. I don't think I. He did. It was. It was more satire, but it was like, patrick left for the day for. I think it was that uf Harrison or some whatever the fuck day it was that he did. And he was trying to make a new friend to hang out with, and finally he got bubble buddy, and he hung out with him the whole day.

Nostalgia for the Past

The only friend that was there for him when he was lonely like, that is just great. I was like, that's so wholesome. Man. That's adorable. I love the classics. I love SpongeBob. What else we have happened this week that was kind of crazy? We saw. Did anyone bridge over to BnB or Tron? That was the thing that I think was, like, the biggest face that made.

Bridging Over in Crypto

Like, 40 bands on Tron. You made 40 bands? Like 8 hours. Oh, I didn't know. I didn't touch. Oh, my God. I was like, how'd you say it so casually? I was like, buddy, no. One of my buddies made, like, 40 bands from, like, $700. That's crazy. That's fucking wild. I made a $100. You made a $100? Holy shit.

Insights on the Tron Network

What did you buy that made you a $100? Because a Tron honestly looked like it was like, I have no interest in bridging to Tron. But, man, like, it was. It got some legs. It got some fucking legs. Yeah. The UI experience was so bad that I just had to stop. I hated every moment of it. Terrible. That's fair.

Reflections on the Market

That's fair. Never again. I'm surprised people bridged to tron sooner than we saw. A more, like, aggressive wave on something like ton coin. Like, that surprised me a lot because I feel like ton is much more accessible than fucking TRX. But what the hell do I know, right? And BNB doesn't surprise me. Like, there being a bit of a cycle on that.

Reminiscing on BNB

I actually, like, I actually enjoy being like BNB. A loss more than I should, to be honest. Just because it's, like, nostalgic. Anyone who remembers the days of shitcoining in 2021, that was a. That was a time and a half, man. Those were different days. Like, discords were popping up. 500 tether and one of my old BNB wallets the other day.

Memories of the Past

So shouts out to BNB, were you. Around for the BNB casino back in 21? Dude, I was the fucking head of the BNB casino. I mean, shit, were in the fucking grumpy cat. I was. We were on DX sale before they even had a fucking launch. And that's where the fucking launches came. We were. We were deep in those trenches, baby.

Cultural Impact of Meme Coins

Dude, it was wild to see. Like, just absolutely wild to see come to life all. Every single time I would look around on b and b, like there was some kind of contract address being sent around, it was always some garbage meme. Like, man, never forget Safemoon. Safemoon was one of the craziest phenomenons. I'm sure most of you guys remember Safemoon as, like, this crazy cult of a meme coin that sparked so many other, like, derivatives that just ran with it.

Presenting the State of Meme Coins

And thank God we're past it now. Like, I much prefer the memes today than the memes, like, three years ago, even though the memes today are arguably garbage, to be honest. But, like, there's. There's at least some things that are, like, culturally more funny. Safemoon had nothing interesting about it. It was just these groups. Absolutely nothing.

Critique of Safemoon

I thought name was stupid. I looked at the website before the launch, and I was like, this is a total fucking rug. But then it went to 4 billion. So that just taught you. You know what? Just throw money at us with a 12% cell tax. Can we take that in for a second? If you ever wanted to sell your tokens, you would instantly lose 12% and it still ran to 4 billion.

Reflection on Market Speculation

Too much money. Too much money in 2020, in 2021. And I still think we go higher at this point. Absolutely blows my mind. And I think Safemoon is still around to the state. I don't know where, like, what exactly they're doing, but I think they're still around. The founders are in jail, but I mean, other than that, they got arrested, right? If I'm not mistaken.

Lawsuits and Consequences

Like, they. They actually got. Yeah, yeah. Insane. Like, actually wild. I think I looked it up. I don't know what the status is of all that because there were a few lawsuits, there were some criminal charges. So, yeah, I'm not sure what the status is about right now. I mean, they were saying a bunch of shit that was like, legally implicating.

Anticipating Jail Time for the Founders

It was kind of expected for them to go to jail at some point. Like, it blows my mind that they didn't, it didn't happen sooner. Well, I mean, the biggest thing with them just straight up, like, committing fraud and lying, like, it wasn't even like, oh, we're just running the token and we're building something that's not even good.

Investigating the Decisions of the Founders

Like, their wallet, it was like, oh, yeah, no, we're not making any money off the CI yad, but you're secretly pulling from the back end, from the lp and stuff and, like, not telling anyone. Insane. Oh, all that. All those funds are locked and everything. So, I mean, that was a major thing. Was just a whole scam of it. Besides it also just them lying that they could do anything productive.

Continuing Our Discussion

Yeah, yeah, no, I agree. I agree wholly. That's brilliant. I'd say the gist of this week, besides McDonald's, Tron BSc, and then the odd meme coin. Kaya, something you want to add in here? Yeah, I mean, yeah, a to add. I remember investing like a come rocket four. Four years ago, I made a big bag.

Reflecting on Personal Experiences

Comerock it. I remember Comerock it. Oh, my God. Yeah, I was on Tron this past week, and it was like when I realized I, like, failed a transaction and lost, like, 60, 70 tron. Realize this is just like a shitty version of Ethereum. That's when I left, pretty much.

Financial Loss Encountered

But what is that? That's like 6070 tron. What? How much is that? I think it's about like six or $7. Okay. Yeah. Just want to make a plug. Used car. My favorite meme back in the. No way we're getting a used car show. There's no way. There's no way the used car shows. I'm not even mad.

Surprise with Coin Developments

I'm just surprised. Of all the coins hated rally, Spoonicus. Has been working behind the scenes, which a bunch of guys. It's coming. There's no way this is happening. No, it literally is happening. Before you drive your. Your, you know, your used car, you got to learn how to drive, which means you got to go to misses puff's driving school.

Plans for Future Events

And you're gonna have to take your bubble buddy with you. There's no way this turn into another show. For one. I will say for some reason, used car is up, I think two x in the past 24 hours bottom. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, that's not bad. Clearly. Clearly there's some.

Examining Market Trends

Some kind of interest. So ape diligently, if you guys are looking to. Because this thing clearly has already caught a lot of bids with you. Yeah, oh, yeah. Definitely catching bids. The thing is with you going to use car chonky and those kind of older memes that are holding a relatively decent, you know, market cap and stuff, it's one of the best holder distros for coins.

Assessing the Challenges of Coin Growth

So the pump is going to be a lot harder because the distro isn't cornered and stuff like that. But you also don't have somebody with a lot of supply that could just one clip on your head. That's fair. And I think that's what you want to look forward to. And it's what people like to see anyways.

Observing Community Engagement

Because, you know, there's a ton of, what do you call it there. There is a ton of, like, I guess, people actively in the community, this ton of people that are constantly, like, trying to push it and stuff. That's what matters a lot in these days. You know, when I. When I look at something like Shiba, which I'm constantly fading, I can't help but appreciate the, like, multiple millions of holders they have.

The Popularity of Meme Coins

I think it's millions. If not, it's definitely over a million. That goes a long way. Like, I'll never forget my fucking dentist telling me that she had bought Shiba. I was. And I blew my mind. I'm like, that's the kind of shit that you want to see from a meme coin eventually. Like, that they're joining the Shiba army or, you know, they're.

Shifting Perceptions of Investments

They're. They're mogging on you like, whatever the hell is like the. The next best term for something. That's the kind of shit that gets that. That makes me look forward to a coin. So, yeah, I mean, if there was really like that good of whole district, like, I'm looking at used car right now, 11,000 holders.

Current Holder Statistics

Is that right, shrimp? Yeah, yeah. Around 11,000 for sure. Oh, yeah. That's a lot. Yeah. Honestly, it's probably less than what we had at like a all time high of holder distro, of like a good, like. But that's still. Yeah, 11,000 holders, dude. I mean, most, most memes are still like sub one K holders. Sure.

Understanding Holder Distribution

Yeah. Yeah, that's fair. And I don't know if it's 11,000. I mean, obviously people split wallets and stuff like that, but I mean, still. I mean, I would say used car probably has at least 8000 probably holders if no. Split wallets and stuff like that. No, I vibe with that and that's the thing.

Analyzing Market Metrics

Like, you know, there's going to be always people who are splitting their wallets and stuff amongst things. So, like, a lot of the metrics we see on chain, that's why we say, like, people say things like, oh, FTV is like a bullshit metric or TVL is a bullshit metric because a lot of these things can be skewed even if it's like the numbers right in front of you because people are always doing like, shit on the back end.

Using Metrics for Guidance

But it's always, it gives you a good idea of what to expect with a lot of, like, these coins. And I guess, like, you know, whenever you're aping into, you know, a coin or whatever, like for me, I bought not a massive bag, but like a decently sized bag of brainlet a few days ago, which I'm very glad that I'm up on, actually.

Experiences with New Investments

And brainlet and fog both. Holy crap. Fog up tremendous right now. Can't believe that shit. Like, this thing fucking ran. The kinds of things I look forward to whenever I want to buy something that's over 10 million, over 20 million, market cap is like, you know, how many holders does it have?

Evaluating Coin Metrics

How many people are pushing it? Not just a narrative, but like, are the metrics good? Are they the kind of thing that, like, you can feel happy, like getting involved with it, buying and buying on? So those kinds of things that I would say you pay attention to.

Considerations in Trading

I always think volume is the most important metric, to be honest. Whenever you're looking at any coin, like, is it constantly being traded? Are there people that are looking to it? But there's also other things that you can factor in as well too. I was just talking to someone earlier today who mentioned something like, oh, he was telling me about, like, price action on bitcoin.

Analyzing Trends in Trading

And he was like, I sold bitcoin, I think, two weeks ago because it had seven or eight weekly green candles in a row. And if it had gotten a 9th or something like that, it would have been the first time in history for it to happen. And I just didn't want to take that risk.

The Importance of Data in Trading

And that's such a smart way to trade, is when you look at trends, you look at patterns, and those analytics, you'll never end up being wrong, because the data is always true. And so I think you can take that well. You'll be up and wrong sometimes, but you'll be right more often than you're wrong.

Navigating the Risks of Trading

The data will never be wrong, but the moves you can make from it can be wrong. So, yes, you're not wrong on that. Yeah. And so I really appreciate, like, you know, being able to look at those sorts of metrics and go a long way with it. The same way that, honestly, I think we're seeing in salon nfts right now, which I'll get to in a second, because that's.

Excitement for Future Discussions

This is a fun conversation for me because I love nfts. I really do. But obviously, when you have all the volume on meme coins by now, it's the thing we love to talk about the most, nonetheless. Shrimp. We talked about this on easy show a few days ago, actually. Brainlet being a brainlet and fog being around the same market cap now, they were both good.

Comparing Market Values

Yeah. They were both goodbyes. They were both goodbyes. That's the thing. Like, I don't think you could have gone wrong with either of them, to be honest. Like, there was. I'm more content with the brainlet style because of who's behind and stuff like that. Fwog also has a great fucking team.

Future Predictions for the Market

I just think that from a. I think fog, obviously, I think it's more up than brainlet. Right? I don't know what the market cap is. Yeah, yeah. Fogs up to, like, 35 mil brainlets. 26 right now. Yeah. See, my. My thing is for, like, how I look at it, I think Fwog is going to have that nice, you know, just scale up, like, slowly.

Final Thoughts on Used Car Coin

One last thing about used car.

Initial Thoughts on Meme Coins

Oh, yeah. But go ahead, bro. Go ahead. So, I don't know. I. You know, I started when this whole meme coin on salon that was going off, and used car was, like, literally the first meme I actually liked. And I think that's the same for a lot of people. And literally, this thing's been consolidating for, like, months, if not like a year. I think the second people start seeing the movement, people are gonna ape back. I know Jake, he's still holding. I still know big guys. Jay goes holding a lot of people. I don't know. Something's brewing. I remember when you show. I remember when you showed it. Shrimp on date. I was like, I think a 50. It's like a fucking, like, 80k market cap, dude. I'm still holding. Fuck, man. Where's my little bit of credit? You get no credit. Sure, I bought a civic, for crying out loud. You need to focus on the new thing, which is the coin. You just CTO yesterday. That's. That's what matters right now.

Market Movements and Predictions

Yeah, well, yeah, that's all that matters right now. All right? Nothing else fucking matters. But I will say for the. But the. For the brainlet thing, back to brainlet, though. I think it's gonna be more of a violent, like, you're. It's just gonna. It's gonna skip everything. Like, it's gonna hit like 30 minutes, only just godsend 100. Like, that's how I think it's going to be more of a violent fucking run up versus fog is just going to scale up there. Did somebody say violence? Yes, yes, exactly. Exactly. Liberty knows violence. Speaking of liberty and violence and Solana, NFTs in general, I think that there is actually a good case to be made for things that are popping off on Solana right now. On the NFT side, we're seeing JPegs catching bids, and I know everyone wants to talk about, like, everyone's bags resurging from the bottom and coming back to where they were back in the past two years or so. For what it's worth, I don't think that's a good mentality.

NFT Market Trends

But for those of you who are new here, and I think that the big focus is welcoming people back into NFTs and that sort of thing, we're seeing some interesting things happen in particular. I see, like, we saw Jake and Steve recently just acquired Catalina whale mixer. And, like, I trust Jake and Steve wholeheartedly. I think that they're. They're very much so worth, like, being, like, they're forced to be right. Fold with 100%. Clan O's are up 9%. I see famous foxes up five. I think these unicornios up 11%. Tensorians up 24% as well, too. Like, oh, the. The Brian's, the brainlet. Nfts. We're seeing, like, nfts come back or, like, being affiliated with meme coins being like a big wave here, these whiff hoodies as well, too, up to.4 like, I guess my question now is, like, we've seen so many NFT metas, ridiculous amounts, from the ip trend to the staking and coin trend.

Discussion on NFT Metas

Now we're seeing people talk about, what do you call it? We're seeing people talk about, like, anything that's affiliated with a meme is what's going to pop off, what's going to matter. What is. Is this the kind of meta that we can rely on right now? Is it really just focused on memes, or are we ever going to see that shift back into utility? Are we ever going to see people care about the things that provide tangible value other than just a cultural impact? I mean, if there is that mythical consumer app that breaks through from web three to web two and people like it in the web two space, then, yeah, we'll see that narrative start. But until then, it's just going to be hard unless you see something like that pumping like a meme coin. You know, I just think two things there, though.

Relying on Trends

Frisk, right? One is, can you rely on a meta? The answer is no. Right? There's never, you can never rely on a meta to hold, at least in my experience in the past few years. Metas comes and come and go, and that's. That's why they're metas, I think. Yeah, to the point of, like, the unicorn that breaks through, I think that's never going to happen in a single shot. Right. I feel like there was probably 18 months where everybody was waiting for that single shot to happen, and there were, and still are hundreds of conversations a day about how to make that happen. The long and short of it is corporate America is not ready for that yet. Right. They don't want to do that yet because there's just too much, too many things that are sort of uncharted and nobody's going to expose themselves.

Future Expectations

So I don't think you're going to see one thing that pushes it through, but I think you are going to see more and more smaller, fledgling companies start to gain ground and you'll end up having your uber or your Lyft or your Airbnbs and things like that, those unicorns that will pop off. But I just, I still think that's three years out from a technology perspective on Solana at a minimum. So, Liberty, do you think that this is like. I think that, you know, these ten K collections and, like, the whole IP plays that we've seen a lot of like leading up to things have been, I won't call them a meta, although there's an argument that they will be like a very big like fad. I guess maybe. I guess it's the same thing as a meta.

Exploring IP and Technology

But you still think that there's like genuinely interest from a lot of these companies for the technology behind nfts? Maybe things like cnFts, things like, you know, NFC chips, that sort of thing. Like, do you think that's the kind of thing a lot of these like bigger web two companies would be willing to explore based on the technology that we have right now and what could come in the future? Yeah, I think so. Again, I think you said two different things, right? One is like the IP thing, which obviously is near and dear to me. And I think that any IP plane and you and I have talked about this for years and I've spoken about it publicly. IP takes a long fucking time.

Understanding Timeframes in IP

There's not, I see a lot of sort of IP burst of hype and I just don't know that everybody quite realizes how long it takes. I sold a show this week and I know that's not coming until at least 2026. Right. So I think that people just need to realize that's the arc of it. And then the thing, and I candidly wrestle with it, is like, what's the value of the NFT at that point besides sort of an early supporter of that project or that community or that IP property when it comes to sort of the Fortune 500 companies of the world or the needle movers, economically and culturally. Yeah, I do think that's what people are looking for. I think that everybody is looking to get closer to the consumer from a consumer brand product, however that's going to be.

Corporate Challenges

But they can't do that at the risk of sort of tanking their own stock for being in breach of something that doesn't exist. And you see the socio political landscape of the US right now is obviously a little bit uncertain. So that has to play out before anything can even start to be thought about. Again, nobody's, I don't think anybody is actively thinking about it. I saw something yesterday and I haven't read about it, so I won't speak too much about it. But that Sony is launching now too, somewhere. Sony's a japanese company, it's not an american company, right? So you'll see some of that go on. But I think that until you get, unfortunately, and not appropriately, until you get some of the larger us based companies pushing that through, mass adoption or everyday use is a better way to say that.

Technological Development Timeline

It's just a minute off. It's come. It'll come inevitably. Right. Technology just takes longer than it thinks. And I think about it all the time, how early in thinking everybody here is and how much knowledge everybody that's here currently and has been here for years will have when that comes and what their value will be as certain people get a little older in those corporate environments or as consultants to those corporations. And I think that's actually going to be a really bullish thing when people start getting hired by companies. Trying to integrate a Sony l two is interesting to me. I didn't expect that to be.

Discussion on Sony's Blockchain Initiatives

Yeah, I just haven't read about it, so I don't know, and maybe you can tell me about it. I didn't. I'm. You're the first person I'm hearing about this from. I didn't know this was a thing. I read the article. Basically what they said is they're like, first stage is going to be like onboarding the web three, community. And then after that, putting like, it's supposed to be for entertainment, like music, all the stuff Sony does basically for their blockchain. But that was basically, you know, it was like, hey, we have a layer two. We're eventually going to integrate our systems into this or whatever. But they talked about it like it was a three to five year process, basically.

Challenges in Corporate Integration

But the first year, you know, nothing from that enterprise level, which is, you know, how to, what liberty is saying is what you would kind of expect. Like, you know, these things, especially big corporate environments, take time and they usually don't like to take too many huge risks. So. Yeah, yeah. And I think, again, like going back to sort of, let's go into entertainment, it's easier for me to talk about a more well versed. But the fan club idea is going, and I was talking, speaking with Chartfu and wing about this in the past week and a half. The idea of the fan club is sort of the way it's the gateway to helping normie consumers understand how web three can work right through the dynamic nature and composability of everything that goes on with it.

Future of Fan Clubs in Web3

Nobody has built one yet. And I went down the road with one for IRL stuff and it got to the point where it was a loyalty program. And then they said, yeah, and the tokens are. And I went, whoa, whoa. We can't do that. Right? I know corporate bylaws in my IRL world, disallow that from happening. And so this great product that was built to be a great product and works the way that we would all want it to, has to be put on pause until they figure out the web two version of that, until corporate is ready for web three integration. So, I mean, I just think we live in this, on Twitter, on X, in the communities that everybody have, which are amazing.

Community Dynamics

It's very echo chambery and it's not really based into bed brothers Point. You know, these are all swift boats. Everything that's happening in web three is sort of like a landing boat. And everything that's not happening in web three for the things that can move the needle on a global scale, in my opinion. They're fucking cargo ships loaded up to the gills with really full containers. And it's just gonna take a long time to get there. But when it gets there and you unload all those containers, that's where really cool shit starts to happen. It's just gonna take a moment. I mean, and I'm gonna pass this cody in a second because I want to hear his take.

Investing in New Technologies

Did you guys see? I think it was this week, if not the week before, a brand new l two called story, I think is what it's called. They raised $150 million. It's meant to be the IP based blockchain. That's what it's known as. Like Ace is blockchain specifically made for IP products. And I'm so surprised that, like you would like, there was this pitch goes around it that was meant to make an entire blockchain specifically for IP related stuff. When you have things that are operating right now and you just, you build an ip, like, on it, because the users, you don't build something with that intention.

Building with Intent

You find something that works and then you build your ip on there. That's, that's what I've, I felt would like works best. But I, and I'm also just overall bearish on massive raises. Like a massive like that is an insanely huge raise. We've seen that happen in the past and things like that raise too much money. They never know what the fuck to do with it, in my opinion. And it just ends up flopping. Look at fucking wormhole, man. They raised a quarter million dollars. And that token is. But I thought it was interesting by death, that tokenization did it, actually.

Market Dynamics

Yeah, there was one guy to, my God, something about the price of those two, like a few months ago. And he retweeted it yesterday saying, yep, see, I was right. It was like dust at 33 and worms sold at like 25. That's crazy. I don't think if one was actually that low. That's fucking wild. But nonetheless, yeah, no, I, my point rests were like, you know, I love where we're going with all of this is when I see nfts right now in the state that they are and where we like, what we valued, nfts, that's so much more a year ago.

Focus on Opportunities

And guys, I mean, like, I know we want to focus on like the trading and stuff like that. And for what it's worth, there is those opportunities. So look at what's pumping right now. Ask yourself, is it going to continue pumping? And then ask yourself, what was pumping before? Can it, can it run back again? If not, where are things going to be next? Playing a meta is good, and you can always, like, make money doing it if you're quick and if you're like, no life in, locked in. But what's better than playing a meta, in my opinion, is predicting a meta.

The Challenge of Prediction

And so finding where things are going to be next, what people are going to rotate into. Now, granted, you got to be either fucking psychic, a time traveler, or just lucky. There is no way to get it right. But finding where things are going to go next, I think, is always interesting. And I was at a call this morning where I was talking with some people about how they think memes aren't actually going to be lasting as long as we think they are. I don't agree with that take personally, but I do think it's a valid take and that things are going to rotate back to utility at some point in the future.

Balancing Perspectives

Will it happen? I don't know, but you can never be too positioned in a lot of things. That's why I believe in, like, having bags in as many spots as possible without being over allocated. You can, there's, you can definitely be over allocated at some points. But Scotty, let's hear what you have to say on this as it goes. Dude, going back to Sony, they already had a block, have a blockchain. They wrote it a few years back and they had it tied to their line of digital cameras. What was interesting about it is whenever you took a photo with the camera, it would create a hash for it and then place the hash for the photo on the blockchain.

Innovations in Photography

Well, that might not seem like a big deal in our AI world. It's going to be really big deal because you'll be able to say, this was the original photo. It was taken at this exact time with this exact camera. It's not altered because all that would change the hash. So Sony's been pretty avant garde with blockchain stuff. It's just that it hasn't really caught on yet, unfortunately. I think it's a really important point, right? And one of the things, first you were just talking about, and it's so funny, right? Because I would say 99.5% of the people in, especially in this space, are probably here to make money.

Profit Motives in the Space

And I think that's super admirable. Then there's the others that are here for the long term of the tech, right? And you talk about Sony's early exploration with blockchain technology. None of it was based on making money. It was all based integration of the technology and where that's going and what that means and understanding the learnings that come along the way with that. Right. If you look at. And I just want to go back and illustrate sort of how long certain things take, right? And it's what, 2024?

Understanding Long-term Growth

So in 2004, Apple stock was $1.44 20 years ago, and today it's at 227 226. But it's split how many times in that time. And I think that you start looking at what blockchain technology can do and how that works in congruence with that. Many of the things that happen with IRL stock markets are tied to earnings or are tied to business fundamentals that take three to five years to develop, minimum. Apple was a company long before 2004, when its stock was at, you know, a dollar or whatever it was.

Investment Logic

So I just. Yeah, I just want to illustrate that if you're here to make money, playing the meme coins, playing the metas, knowing where things are going, or guessing right, makes a lot of fucking sense. If you're here to be part of the long term technological sort of transformation that's occurring right in front of our eyes, we'll look back in 20 years and go, remember when Solana was at $8 and in between now and then many things will happen. Remember when eth or bitcoin was at $60,000 or ethos at 4000?

The Unseen Future

Right. So, you know, what happens between now and then is really being written by everybody in the space currently, but also by people with really big levers that they pull that we have no control over. It's funny. My favorite tech is usually number go up, but I think I know, yep. That is your favorite. There's probably tons of other technologies that are better in this space as well too. But you make a good point in regards to anything that anyone has built.

The Spirit of Innovation

I was talking to one of my friends about this recently, because every, like, I feel like every other week, I have this, like, surge of adrenaline that rushes into me, and I'm like, dude, we should start a fucking business. And I go to my friends and I'm like, guys, we should fucking make something, man. We should, like. Like, create something fucking cool, you know? We'd be so sick. All right. And then it just goes nowhere, as usual, which is that. That's. That's pretty much what being in your. Twenties, because building shit is really fucking hard.

The Reality of Entrepreneurship

It is. It is really hard. And building things that will last, building things that catch that momentum on the. On the. The front side of it is hard enough. Building things to last and diversifying along the way while maintaining a value that keeps sentiment high, especially in this fucking space, is really hard. But it's awesome. It's one of the coolest opportunities that anybody could ever fucking have. We just have. There's those that we'll seize in. There's those that won't 100%.

Innovators vs. Comfort Seekers

And that's the thing. Like, I. I love the innovation that comes in the space. And this is the thing that I constantly am talking about with, like, a lot of my friends, is like, you know, the thing I was talking to with my friend a while ago about is when I look at something like, you know, pump fun, which I'd say is. Is a unicorn in this space or something like moonshot or something, like, even, you know, I'll say photon and bullex in there as well, too.

Evaluating Successful Projects

Those are the kinds of things that run to insanely high valuations and are generating millions in revenue or something like moonpay, for example. Those are the kinds of apps that I think they all have one thing in common. They are no code solutions for onboarding people. And when I think about that and how easy it is to get people started, it is a constant reminder that the things that go far in this space are the people who can build things, that make it just.

Facilitating User Adoption

That just make accessibility so much easier. And so when I. When you look at things like, you know, how many people on this stage that actually trade still use, like, radium as a dex to trade? Probably. I gave up on that a long time ago. Exactly. Probably none of you. And that's just what it is, because. We all have things, goes through radium, but I don't use them as. Exactly. And that's the point.

The Shift from Traditional to Modern Tools

Like, as a Dex, we don't really even. I will use Jupiter like, you know, whenever I need to like swap USDC to Seoul. That's really it. But if I'm like trading like, you know, my day to day stuff, I'm on bunk bot, I'm on bull x, I'm on trojan. Like that's where I'm at these days. And so Jupiter for like things like, okay, buy this and I want to hold this and, you know, there's going to be a good coin. So that's why, you know, I'm using Jupiter to buy, you know, bubble buddy right now.

Focus on User Experience

But you know, besides that, I've been mainly using box. Exactly that. And that's the thing. Like I really feel like, you know, there was another example I wanted to give and it's on the top of my fucking tongue. You know, those no code solutions are such an important thing for like bringing people on. And that's the part of, that's the parts of like, you know, web three that really interest me is the people who can build the kind of thing that makes it just continually easier for people to use the chain that make it continually easier for people to, you know, get on board and start building their own shit.

Innovation in Access

That's the things. I think we'll go far away. Yeah. Push button car show up. Yeah. Yes, yes. Literally. That's exactly it. Like liberty, you and I always talked about this, the one less click phenomenon, like those sorts of things. That is, that is exactly what people look forward to in this space. Friction reduction in every single possible step. And they're still look at as a founder who's had a project that's seen really high highs and really lows. The friction in the space for non technical founders gets really expensive to fix.

Challenges for Non-Technical Founders

Yeah, 100%. And it makes it so fucking difficult to like find those problems and then make it easier to, you know, create them. But I guess that's that's how you end up creating something that is, you know, a unicorn is that eventually someone does it and it breaks through. I mean, dude, pump fun was, I'll never forget telling people about pump fund back in January and I got told was a scam so many times and even I believed it was a scam at one point as well too. And now I feel like it. They're probably one of the biggest.

Evolving Market Perceptions

Now nobody buys a token if it isn't from pump fund because they think it's an automatic rug. Yes, like literally exactly like exactly that. It's. You're wrong until you're right. I know that's a dumb saying, dumb thing to say, but, like, you guys. Yeah, you guys get what I mean. Well, what do we think about retarded APR. Like what the on fork? And then it's gonna die and go away and everyone's gonna just act like it never existed for, you know, whatever.

Market Sentiment

But it's a bit of Ponzi and it's a good. If it's done right, it's a good Ponzi and lasts for x amount of time. Pete, you got your hand up. We do like our Ponzi as this bitcoin thing keeps pushing, you know, somewhat upwards. Dude, I know we're talking a lot about Solana, but that bitcoin eco right now kind of doing well, man. The JPeGs and the runeskies, are you. Are you gonna shield puppets? Even BRC twenties are having kind of a.

Bitcoin Ecosystem Trends

Kind of a small, slight run here. Pretty interesting to see, that's all I'm saying. I mean, dude, I was literally just talking about it earlier. Like, one of my best plays this week was a fucking ruin of all things. Like, I'm just as blown away as you are, but, wow. I was talking. What was. I know which one. If you don't want to say, that's fine. No, no, it's. No, it's fine.

Keeping Track of Investments

I don't care. I'm still holding, though, so just a heads up.

Opnet and Runes Discussion

You guys buy after me. I don't care. Me. Our op net. Hard, huh? It's something to do with Opnet, which we talked about. I got that too. I just realized I'm up to x on that. Yeah, no, exactly. Like, it's. It was a cooker. It's. I'm still holding some. Some of it right now too. And like, I don't know. I'm willing to play the game a bit, but. Yeah, I think that, like, hot take. I kind of like the way runes operate. I kind of. I kind of like them. It's kind of fun. I think that, like, it's. It's garbage. It's not like, you know, a good way to trade, but I like the friction of it. There's something about like, you know, the listing processes and like, And like, finding ways to, I guess split them up and stuff, which is not. Is not like, ideal or whatever. That makes it so interesting to me. I don't know, I'm kind of for it. I think it's cool. And I prefer ordinals time and time again. I think ordinals are much cooler, but runes are and I do think runes are dogshit. I think they may have their day eventually at some point, but who knows?

Market Frustrations and Observations

That's a switch up. You know, you get frustrated with runes and you go over to salon, you're frustrated with that. Then you go over runes. You know, it's like different experiences. Yes, yes, exactly. And you know what I'm very curious to see as bitcoin does move up more and more does that correlate? Because like, you know, we always see whenever Solana moves up we see, you know, spls tend to move with it or we see you know Solana meme coins tend to move with it. But does that mean the same thing for runes and ordinals? If we see bitcoin move up, are we going to see that trickle down to the ordinals, to the runes expresso? Perfect timing, man. I wanted to get your take on this. I just ran back to my truck. You've been talking about this op net thing and I went to get you the lowdown. That's, that's like a pre rune for fractal. So it's like that's starting a little meta now where they're kind of doing the same thing where they're using runes and inscribing runes and then that's going to be bridged over to Opnet and then Opnet is compatible with fractal and then they have like their own pump fund on there that you're gonna be able to trade.

Insight on Fractal and Opnet

So I think that's the reason why I went up and is because it's going to be bridged over to Opnet. And I think that's kind of like a new little meta. There's like three or four tokens that have done similar and they're just using runes as a way to do like the whole pre mine thing again over to fractal in opnet. Which I think that's kind of why yours is pumping and why you kind of got into like a little heater meta there. And I think that's going to continue to happen is fractal I think goes live September 1. So I think you're going to start seeing like the rise of these kind of pre fractal mining fucking runes and shit. Wow. I didn't, I didn't know any of this I'm seeing right now. I literally just typed in opnet on like a runes Dex. And like there's like a ton of things that have popped up that are just like, that have opnet in the name itself. That's really interesting. I didn't realize that it's going to be like compatible with fractal. That's really cool actually. I guess it makes sense why there would be like that kind of meta that goes around it because like anything that's new and shiny is going to pop off.

Interest in Pre Fractal Mining

But yeah, damn. Are you in this espresso or no. No, I did see it though and obviously I'm starting to pay attention a little bit more to the bridging or like those kind of pre runes or what are they called? Pre fractals. So I'm definitely looking at it more than ever. But we're trying like, we just had like trying to get more of this fractal FB token is something that a lot of us are interested in. So we had like there's this new project coming out. It's called f sic which is basically just a copy and paste of arcic and basically this fractal blockchain that's spin up. You can use ASIC miners and point your hashrate and mine the fractal bitcoin. And so this FSIC is anonymous OG bitcoiner and they're basically saying we need $1.1 million from you guys to launch this. And I'm like, a lot of people in the OG community is like, we don't trust you. Like who the fuck are you? So I contacted ASIC and Bongo and they've already done this with hash liens and so we just had them on the show and they're going to do it themselves.

Building Trust in New Projects

And I rather do it that way with people I trust in some anonymous group we're just sending dollar 300 to so they can use that money to buy ASIC miners. And it's pretty risk free because all you're doing is pointing the Asics to the hash rate of fractal and mining it. So say that fractal is a failure. You can just repoint that hash rate to bitcoin in mind. Bitcoin. So we just had ASIC, they're gonna launch an NFT that you just hold the NFT and they'll just mine fractal for you and they'll send the fractal they mine to your ordinal. And then when fractal does come out you can use SATs or the fractal bitcoin for gas for transactions on the new blockchain. So that's kind of why BRC twenties, if you look at the daily charts and you basically organize it against bitcoin. SAts is the leader, up 19%. And a lot of people are realizing that Sats has had a tokenomic change. And you're going to need sats for gas, for fractal, along with the fractal bitcoin that no one can get.

Liquid Market and Adoption Trends

So we're trying to find miners to mine it and trying to get people, like, up to date on why fractal is kind of the next innovation on bitcoin. It basically helps out with all this shit you guys been bitching about, liquidity pools, trading, all that stuff. So a lot of people in Asia are pretty excited about it, has finance backing, uniset backing, and I think it's kind of the next thing that a lot of people are going to be talking about the bitcoin ecosystem. So a little bit especially, you just said something that I want to kind of go back to, because it's sort of a theme throughout this, right. You just listed, like, four or five things that you're. That everybody's trying to do. And it's. What's important of what you said is that there's people in Asia very excited about it, because the one thing that web three has done that will shorten the distance of everything we've been talking about, frisk, is it democratizes the workforce. There are people working around the world to solve the problems and reduce those friction points.

Navigating the Challenges

But there are literally, I think he just listed five things that were friction points on the way to that being something that sounds really rad. It's just, that's where we need smarter people doing more work. I agree, dude. I agree. And I was having this conversation. I mean, the Solana people, you've been eating during this whole bear cycle because you guys stuck around on Solana, you guys know who's building on Solana. You know, all the developers. So, like, say, you know one of the developers and you're trustworthy, you know, that you can, you know, maybe put some money into that token or that protocol, because you guys know who's developing in bitcoin. We're kind of at the same spot as Solana was last year. Wherever I. The builders are still there, the developers people are still developing, and there's a lot of copying pasting done from chain to chain. So, like, no ordinals. It first came out, we had a lot of copy and paste from ethereum, and then now fractal is coming out, and there's a lot of copy and paste of, like, f sick.

Identifying Real Builders

You have fractal puppets. But really what's one of these is going to succeed. The programmable layer on top of runes and bitcoin is going to be a thing. Smart contracts are coming to bitcoin and there's going to be a lot of copy and pasting. But the one thing that can kind of help you get through all the noise is actually know who's developing these things and you won't be able, like for you guys, I'm sure, you know, people that have rug coins and, you know, people have been successful at coins. When someone that's successful comes with you with the coin, you're more likely to invest in that and it saves you a lot of time. And you can get in early with this kind of f six thing. I thought, it's like this guy's anonymous. We have proven builders already, like asics that have already done this.

Future Prospects

This is kind of us knowing who's built and done things successful. It keeps people from losing money, wasting time, and helps them get in early quicker. So it's like, it's really important right now to identify people that are here for sure, and people are here to extract. And if you can identify the true people, you're going to have an edge in this market because one of these things is going to take off. And the ones that are going to take off are going to come from actually people that are real builders and not people are here to extract and just copy and paste from other chains. So that's what I'm trying to do right now in the past two to three months, why I went to bitcoin Nashville, is try to meet the real people that have been building here and have conviction and just follow them around and see where they're going. And like, if they're going to fractal, then I'm going to fractal.

Final Thoughts

If they're going to opt net, I'm going to opt. If they're going to some Babylon, if they're going to some defi protocol, I'm going to follow them around because I trust these people and I feel like this is the. It's a quicker way to, like, dispose the. Dispose the fakes. Like, and get and just. You're wasting a lot of time. Confirmed, not a rat. Confirmed. I repeat, he is not a rat. We can all confirm express was definitely not a rat. I didn't mean to take over your space, bro. No, no. I. Dude, I. You single handedly convinced me just to let the rest of this fucking ruin that I have ride like I. That's it. Now I'm letting this bitch go as far as if I can. So thank you.

Bitcoin vs Eth

And I honestly, like, I really do when it comes down to, like, if I were to hold, like, altcoins on eth versus bitcoin, I'm going on bitcoin, like, as shitty as it runes are, like, and I'm not trying to fade eth at all to do think eth has its time. I do want to hold assets on the most, like, on the biggest market cap coin in the entire crypto ecosystem. Like, there's no. And as anyone else would. And so you're 100% right, man. Like, as someone who's been on, most of people on the stage have been on Solana for a time. Like, as someone who's been, like, talking with a lot of the top teams of Solana ever since the beginning. Like, I. It's always nice knowing, like, finally knowing who the smart people are and knowing that you just have to trust them and follow them.

Building Relationships in Crypto

And that comes with time. That just comes with getting to know people, because you are going to meet a ton of rats and a ton of motherfuckers who, like, are just not actually here to do anything substantial in an ecosystem. And so when you find those people you trust and you find, like, the people who are doing cool shit, and like you said, you can't always get that without going to events, without just, like, having time in the space. It allows you to know who is, like, making the right moves and that sort of thing. So. You said it eloquently, man. I literally can't add it. Why do you, why do you go to hacker? Why do people go to hacker houses and stuff? You guys trying to figure out the devs?

Community Engagement

I mean, shrimp's a perfect example. I say he's going to hacker houses, but this dude knows everybody in the meme coin trenches. He just didn't follow that. He had a pay tuition to know all that. And now he has an inside edge because he knows who's full of shit and who's not. So, like, that's the kind of, that's when you're doing in these bear markets is you're trying to find people that are the real developers, and you just follow them around because they seem to, you know, build the shit that people want to play on and want to do and want to actually participate in. So that's kind of what I've been trying to do for the past two or three months is actually who's for fake and who's for sure and just trying to follow them around. And if I can help in any way of like, bringing ideas to people that actually have, like, the right backing, like asics and Bongo, we're.

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