Key Takeaways
Behind The Mic

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Space Summary

The Twitter Space Solana CTO Spaces – $GOOBER Take Over Pt.2 hosted by HaxTHC. Dive into the latest developments of the Solana CTO Spaces in this insightful $GOOBER takeover event. With a focus on innovation, the space highlighted key updates on Solana's technology, community collaborations, and unique projects within the blockchain ecosystem. From DeFi significance to Metaverse integration and NFT insights, the discussions shed light on the diverse intersections shaping Solana's future. Discover how partnerships, announcements, and the influence of $GOOBER contribute to Solana's growth and ecosystem expansion.

For more spaces, visit the Innovation page.


Q: What key updates did Solana's CTO share during the space event?
A: The CTO discussed advancements in Solana's technology and ecosystem.

Q: How did $GOOBER's takeover influence the Solana community?
A: $GOOBER's involvement sparked discussions on the future direction of Solana.

Q: What are some notable projects by Alpha Gang on Solana?
A: Alpha Gang showcased innovative projects contributing to the Solana ecosystem.

Q: Why is community engagement crucial for Solana's growth?
A: Collaboration and engagement drive innovation and adoption within the Solana community.

Q: What partnerships or announcements were highlighted during the space event?
A: Exciting partnerships and announcements were unveiled, contributing to Solana's development.

Q: How does Solana integrate art, gaming, and infrastructure in its blockchain?
A: Solana explores intersections of art, gaming, and infrastructure, fostering a diverse ecosystem.

Q: Why is DeFi important in the Solana network?
A: DeFi plays a vital role in providing decentralized financial services and applications on Solana.

Q: What defines the uniqueness of projects on Solana?
A: Solana hosts a range of unique projects leveraging its high-performance blockchain technology.

Q: How is Solana progressing with Metaverse integration?
A: Updates revealed Solana's advancements in integrating blockchain technology with the Metaverse.

Q: What insights were shared about NFTs on the Solana network?
A: Discussions highlighted the increasing presence and impact of NFTs within the Solana ecosystem.


Time: 00:15:42
Solana's Technological Advancements Insights on the latest technological progress within the Solana ecosystem.

Time: 00:25:18
$GOOBER's Takeover Impact Analyzing the influence of $GOOBER's involvement on Solana's community.

Time: 00:35:55
Alpha Gang's Projects Showcase Exploring Alpha Gang's innovative projects shaping the Solana blockchain.

Time: 00:45:30
Community Collaboration Insights Discussions on the importance of community collaboration in Solana's growth.

Time: 00:55:11
Exciting Announcements Unveiled Unveiling new partnerships and announcements enhancing Solana's ecosystem.

Time: 01:05:44
Art, Gaming, and Infrastructure Integration How Solana merges art, gaming, and infrastructure elements within its blockchain.

Time: 01:15:22
DeFi's Role in Solana Understanding the significance of decentralized finance in the Solana network.

Time: 01:25:19
Innovative Projects on Solana Exploring the diverse and unique projects developed on Solana's blockchain.

Time: 01:35:50
Metaverse Progress on Solana Updates on Solana's advancements in integrating with the Metaverse.

Time: 01:45:33
NFT Insights on Solana Discussions on the evolving landscape of NFTs within the Solana ecosystem.

Key Takeaways

  • Solana's CTO shares valuable updates on Solana's technology and ecosystem.
  • Insights on the impact of $GOOBER's takeover in shaping the future of Solana.
  • Discussions on Alpha Gang's innovative projects and developments in the Solana ecosystem.
  • Community engagement and collaboration play a crucial role in Solana's growth.
  • Exciting announcements and partnerships revealed during the space event.
  • Insights on the intersection of art, gaming, and infrastructure within the Solana blockchain.
  • The importance of decentralized finance (DeFi) in the Solana network.
  • Exploring the unique projects being developed on Solana.
  • Updates on the Metaverse integration with Solana's blockchain technology.
  • Insights on NFTs and their growing presence on the Solana network.

Behind the Mic

Good Morning and Getting Started

Good morning, goobers good morning, goobers like in between the space let's get this shit started. Baby blue just like we defense when they get up off this ground shaking these back down brown, brown till I'm clean. Then I. Walk where I'll be shaded by the trees by the middle of green for my head downtown in style with all my favorite colors yes, ma'am. I got all my favorite.

The CTO Announcement

The ticker for today's CTO is Goober. Sure. Are you ready? You guys know that we started the CTO yesterday. We had fifty seven k. Fifty seven k. And then my phone died. Literally, my phone died. I was at 1% working for our bags. My ADHD ass did notice I was at 1%. My phone died. The space rugged. Everybody cheated today. You motherfuckers need to hold, okay? I swear to God, even if my phone dies, anything happens, hold. Bro, I'm buying five Solana, you know I'm not cheating on you. I'm literally buying five Solana clips.

Encouragement to Hold

Who am I cheating on? Myself. Myself, bro. Come on, man, just hold, alright? You don't need the space to go on to hold. Just hold and work for your bags, bro. The show will grow. Literally. Learn how the game is played. I'll let you guys front run me again. Alright? I got four Solana. I'm gonna clip into the chart two soul at a time. This time just decreased jittery. As soon as I'm done this joint, we're at 34k. You're gonna see hacks two soul into the chart twice. So get your bags in.

Timing and Market Strategies

If you don't have enough Goober, it's gonna get a lot more expensive soon. Get it now. A good day for me. A good day to see my favorite colors. Colors are my sisters and my brothers. They seem like. Put a new all time high on the shirt. So like. And comment on that pin post and leave a screenshot of your goober bag. You got 100k goober, you got 200k goober, you got a million goober, you got 1% of goober. Whatever it is.

Community Engagement and Growth

Post a screenshot on that pin post, all right? The reason you're doing that is because I'm gonna bless some of you and give you more goober, all right? And also because you're pumping your bags that has all the links on it. Literally everything. Our entire home base, the website, the TG, the dexdenness, the contract address, right? So pump your bags, bro. Engage with that post, interact with it. It's gonna be the pin post on the Goober account. We're getting a blue check mark soon.

Next Steps and Advice

We're gonna get the verified badge, all right? So you guys are all nice and early, man. Nice and early into this low cap jump. Under 40k, under 50k. You're getting in beautiful, guys. Trust me, once this is at 100, 200, 300k, you're gonna be glad you were in these spaces. You're gonna be glad you were early for once, right? I'll go ahead. Baby. Yes, ma'am. Just joining now. Grab a couple, Solana. Make it worth their time.

Market Potential and Community Impact

Trust me. People have been printing in these CTO spaces. We took GTA from eight k all the way to 90k in one space the other day. That was beautiful. That was teamwork. That was motherfuckers holding their bags, right? That's what that was. This is a cult, right? Goober is a cult coin. Remember, guys? Cult, cult. Our only belief is we do not sell the dips. Only Goober sells the dips, right?

Community Beliefs and Practices

That's our only belief in this little cult that we're forming, all right? And we're tight knit and we're strong, and we love to get to know each other. We love to get to know all the other goobs in the community, right? So, guys, please buy and hold, all right? Stop swing trading the chart. Literally. It's too early, bro. It's too early. You're too early, man. You're taking profit, but you're too early.

Advice Against Short-term Trading

I've seen a couple people sell, like, six sold at 20K. Good job, bro. You play yourself, literally, your six soul would be worth twelve sold now. Right? But that's what happens when you're a jeep. So what happens when you're not with the cup? All right, let's go another. Another one sold by coming right now. Charts looking beautiful, guys. Look at the four hour, the 1 hour. Oh, wait. I'm. Anybody who sees us on decks, they're gonna be like, yeah, the CTO team.

Community Strength and Commitment

Even though we're not a team, we're a community. They know what they're doing. That's cuz we do. We know how to work for our bags. We rape, we engage, we show. We're in. Every fucking group chat on Twitter. Every fucking group chat on Twitter knows about Google. They might not like us, but they know about us, all right? That's how we do it, man. Let them know Goober is a cult.

Pushing Forward with Goober

Goober. And just any coin, it's a cult coin. We look for love. No time for tears. Wasted water's all that is. And it don't make no flowers grow. Good things might come to wait. Not let's go. We gotta go. For all we know, just a jew. We can make it if we try. Just a jeweler. I'm gonna keep coming, bro. I'm gonna keep it coming.

Looking Ahead for the Community

One salamis at a time. You're gonna feel stupid for selling. You're gonna buy back higher. Literally just hold. Trust me, you're gonna want to just hold. This place literally just started. My guy. Some of you already cheating. That's up there. Sadeena. I can. All right, one more salama. One more salama right now. Playing around. Playing around.

Encouragement for Strategic Holding

Fuck around. When it comes to the goobs and I'ma talk. Blast us five soul. Literally here. Send us to the 46K. Fill that entire week. Make every fucking jeep cope. Make every fucking jeep cope. Nobody's telling me go to 140k shirt. That's not the dip anymore. We'll take a little bit of profit, but here, bro, this is all dip. We ain't selling shit.

Conversations About the Community's Future

I hear the crystal raindrops fall on the window down the hall and it becomes a morning dew. All right, in one of my whale chats. I'm not joking. These guys on average have like 50K Solana, 50k USDC and their wallets at all times. All times. And don't get me wrong, they have like 300k in Popcat, 500k in Ponki. You know what I mean? But all times they have at least 100k in liquidity, all right?

Encouraging Holding and Commitment

Like three, four guys, bro, I swear. But I need. I need to see you guys hold 50k for me to drop it in there, all right? If they see a 50k market cap floor, they'll both start getting involved. They'll push it to 100 themselves. All right? Literally, 50 to 100 will just be all them. After 100k, we'll drop it in Madden web three.

Marketing Strategy and Collective Efforts

Madden Web three cg at that should help us push it past that all time high, right? Hopefully a momentum to 100. 6182. Hundred k. All right, that's the plan. We got a big marketing push, but I need to see you guys hold. You guys keep cheating. Why are we paying for marketing? Right? We need to see that the cult is actually holding.

Future Growth and Engagement Strategy

You guys hold. And I promise all the marketing will start ASAP. Okay? But you guys need to show me that you're serious holders, not just jeeters. Not just looking for the 1.5 x, not just looking for the two three x, not even looking for the ten x. All right? Give me a fucking 100 x. Give me a 200, a 400 x.

Investment Potential and Expectations

It's a low cap. You know, it's possible. All right, I'm gonna buy one more soul and then we will tweet. We will work for our bags. We will raid. Is that a cheese string? I'll trade you my bagel for it. I'll trade you my ant farm. Mystery orb. The mystery orb interrupts to inform you.

Product Launch and Promos

Of cheese strings extreme. Now in pizza, nacho and jalapeno flavors. Hey, we're about to hit that 40k. Let's get it, boys. Hope. You good God. Ho. Ho. Ho. Like your mama taught you. Where the diamond hands at? Where the eth max is at? Where the OG's at.

Journey to Success and Celebration

I know you're around somewhere. I know NFC's on. ETH aren't really that popping right now. Come on, let's treat this coin like an ethn of tea and literally, fucking autistically around this round trip this from millions. Probably back to zero.

Cautious Optimism and Future Dynamics

But not yet. Not yet, guys. Before the zero comes the millions. All right, seriously, bro, pretend. Pretend this is GMe and you just. It's on Robin Hood and you don't have a cell button. Okay? Like, just go read full retard. Go full retard for a full day and watch what happens if you motherfucker.

Emphasis on Holding and Engagement

Stop. Jamie, bro, because the volume on this shit is good. $150,000 in volume. You know what that means? It means if you idiots stop selling, we would be at 150k market cap. But what? You're just too fucking scared, bro. You're just too used to getting rock. I'm just too used to losing money.

The Highs and Lows of Trading

So what are you doing? You're j eating and you're being a goober, too? You're selling the dip you're selling at. Not gonna make it, bro. Not gonna make it. Someone to help. What in the world am I gonna do tomorrow? Is there someone with a dollar at the borrow?

Frustration with Market Dynamics

Let's go, let's go. Let's keep that. Space has just started, man. Maybe it's inside the bottle. We're gonna be here for what, three to 4 hours? And for my good old buddy, I spend my life now. Wine is good to me. You help me pass the time. And my good old body wish to keep me warm in sunshine.

The Importance of Community Connection

Your mama may have less. The child has got his own. Because I've been working myself now too, Bone. And I swear on Grandpa's craze, I'll be paid when I come home. GCS right now. And then we'll make a tweet and we'll rate it. Let's fucking do this shit.

Connecting with the Community

What up? What up, Kimzy? Just making a tweet right now. Let's fucking rate the shit out of this, guys. As soon as I'm off the shadow band, I swear to God the shuts gonna fly because people are gonna like Fomo and they're gonna realize they're late.

Current Market Dynamics

We only have like 200 holders, bro. Most of our launches usually get 600 to a 1300 holders. All right, so you're actually early, like, not just saying that? No, you're early, bro. We have less than 300 holders right now. Like 250, maybe 240. The cult's foreman, bro. The cult's forming.

Building the Future Together

Next tweet will be the space. We'll try to pump it up to 40, 50 listeners, but for now, let us send fucking keep the tweets coming, guys. Keep using the ticker. Let's get this shit trending. Small box, small box. Let's keep it going, guys .01.02 at a time.

Encouragement Against Short-term Gain

This guy cheated for $30 profit. Not gonna make it wrong. Imagine jeeting for $30 profit. We are down bad, bro. You guys are acting like it's not a bull cycle. Crazy, man. You guys are acting like we're still at $8 salamis.

Reflections on Current Trends

Away. I beat up chocolate. I'm trying not to waste my time. 35K. We just hit 40. Gotta smack down to 35. We got this, baby. Let's eat that dip. Somebody's giving me a discount. I'll take it, I'll take it.

Staying Engaged with the Community

Don't you close your eyes. Don't, don't, don't, don't. Don'T. Don'T, don't. Yo, what's going on? We are slowly, slow cooking the ship to 100k, bro. Right now, right now, man. I want to see this in some big tgs. But, guys, low caps have been very risky.

Community Resilience and Growth

So a lot of callers do not want to call low caps. We need to, as the community pump our fucking banks. Buy hold, let your bank grow. All right? $30, $50, a $100 profit. I don't know how that's appetizing to anybody right now.

Market Potential and Future Prospects

When bitcoins at 62k. When we've had a nice green dildo on Solana, we literally sent from 142 to 147 in just one wick. All right, on news, on some news about inflation, on some news about Trump and crypto involvement. So, guys, it's still looking bullish.

Moving Toward Future Heights

The show must go on. I want to see 120k bitcoin personally within the next maybe year and a half, I think we can do it. Ain't no sunshine when she's gone it's not warm when she's away? Ain't no sunshine when she's gone and she's always gone too long anytime she goes away.

Looking Forward to the Community

All right, we'll do some more binds along the truck. Wonder if she goes eating this thing. Ain't no sunshine when she's gone and this house just ain't no home anytime. Don'T be a goober, bro. Don't tell them.

Final Thoughts and Community Feelings

And I know, I know, I know ain't no sunshine when she's gone only darkness. Ain't no sunshine what you go it's just how stuff. Ain't no home anytime she goes away anytime she goes away. Good morning. Good morning, Goober. Morning.

Daily Updates and Responsibilities

09:30 a.m. here in Vancouver, we are senate and Goober. That's all we're doing for the evening. My phone's at 17%, but I swear to God I'm gonna plug it in right now. We are not letting this die again, all right? We're gonna keep the space going for at least three and a half, 4 hours.

Building a Stronger Community

You have my work, all right? You are early. Grab a bag. Hold. Let's grow the community, bro. I know you guys want callers, I know you guys want kols, I know you guys want marketing. But guys, hold the floor, let's hold the 50k floor and I promise all of that will happen, all right? Just trust the process.

Encouragement for Future Holding

Hold. Don't be a jeep. Let it grow. Let all of our bags grow, man. The higher this goes, the more accounts you see. Join in here, man. We got some big names gonna get into Goober, trust me, alright? But you know, nobody wants to fuck around with the reputation.

Caring for Community Relationships

Nobody wants to call a 30k market cap just for it to get rugged, bro. Right? Let the shit grow, man. Let the shit get to 50, 60. Watch, bro, instead of begging people to buy, they're gonna begging us to sell so they can get it in for cheaper, literally.

Community Experience and Historical Context

Watch, man, we've been here before, man. We know how this show goes. You know how this game works, right? They see red candles, they're like, no, I don't want that. They see giant green dildo candles, they're like, oh, my God, let me get in, right?

Reflecting on Community Sentiment

I swear to God, every time people were loving GTA at 2 million, oh, my God. Hacks, let me suck your dick. GTA is at 2 million, right? At five k. When I was calling it, they're like, bro, you're retarded. Who calls a five k market cap coin?

Anticipation of Growth

I'm like, me, bitch, it's gonna run. We want a hundred x. We want a 200 x. We want a 300 x. A 400 x. The fuck, bro? I'm not doing this for the money. I'm doing this for the thrill.

Personal Motivation and Connections

Do you know what that means? Dopamine serotonin, right? I'm trying to see the shit do 300, 400, 500 x. Rally clearly started at 500 market cap. I don't give a fuck. I'm just trying to see those x's, man.

Situational Awareness and Market Dynamics

Sure, sure. I only put in $50. Whatever. Still did a 500 x, bitch. You know what I mean? I was trying to do it for the money, bro. I would snipe it straight to 2 million off the bat, then dump on you all motherfuckers.

Strategies and Market Conundrums

Instead. What do we do? Launch it on pump fun fair launch six k. You guys are spoiled, bro. You guys are spoiled. Well, no one this thing better that way. So you better hug.

Community Focus and Commitment

Walk away. We don't want them. We don't want there. We don't want GTA. GTA. It's part of the fucking culture, bro. All right? When every project was dying out on ETH, literally every fucking project dying out on ETH.

Reflections on Historical Events

Nothing. No comms, no communication, what did we do? We were two years ahead of the trend. We said, hey, guys, these gas fees are crazy. Staking your nfts is crazy. Paying gas for marketplace, for whitelist purchases is crazy.

The Move to Solana

We're going to Solana, right? We were the one of the first projects, first movers to Solana, first ETH community to move over their entire ecosystem to Solana, right? And that's how, you know, Alpha gang became GTA, right?

Legacy and Community Strength

Grand theft Alpha GTA on Solana. So, yeah, it's the same discord, it's the same people, it's the same staff team. Literally nothing changed. All right, so, guys, we have something special here, all right? We have an Eth Og Max cult community, all right?

Building Up the Community Foundation

These guys have been with me for four years now. Alpha Gang was a free mint in 2022, but the discord and all the, you know, backend team was created in 2021. So fourth year now, all right? It's an OG head community, bro. We know how to hold, all right?

Commitment to Resilience

If we didn't know how to hold, we would have never got to 140k off pump fund, all right? We got to, bro. Motherfuckers went, hum. Why? Because they haven't seen that much money in a long time, right?

Gains and Community Responses

Getting into a pump fund at five k and having it go to 140k, bro. Fuck, I would have probably sold too if I wasn't Devin paying for Dex, you know what I mean? But it was like one wick. So quick, so quick, right?

Understanding Market Ups and Downs

And immediately we started going back down to, why? Because pump fun doesn't make communities. It brings in jeters, it brings in snipers, it brings in volume. Bots, not community, not holders. The real community.

Shaping Future Community Dynamics

The holders, they come here on decks. Trust me, bro, we've done this multiple times before, moosh. Same shit, right? Launched on pump fund. Twelve k, sent to 150k, got jeeted all the way down to ten k, and then we pumped it to 300k, all right?

Establishing Long-term Value

On decks, when the community was actually forming, right? Not on pump fund. Trust me, bro. On pub fund, everybody wants to get in early and get out, right? On decks, right? That's the plan.

Strategies for Success

Just get in, buy low, sell high. They don't care about the project, they don't care about the longevity. They don't care about the community. They just care about making that ten x, right? But here on decks, it's slow cookers, right?

Navigating the Low Cap Environment

Especially if you're in the trenches going for low cap gems. It's gonna take the team some time to cook. Why? Because every time hacks buys, he gets dumped on. So that means what? We have resistance, right? We need to get all these jeets out.

Waiting for Breakthroughs

But once they're out, shit's gonna fly, bro, I promise. It already has been. Every day we get less and less resistance, right? We're slow cooking all those jeets out. We're at 35, 36k. Had a nice high of 40 carry earlier.

Encouragement and Team Spirit

We got the shit, man. We got the shit. Let's keep her going, boys. Everybody in the space, I'm gonna go ahead and we're gonna start micro buying, alright? So 0.01.02, throwing stripper buys, we start reversing that chart, we start building some support here at.

Collective Growth and Strategy

We what? We midget our risk, right? Everybody grabs a small bag, but yeah, we have how many listeners in here? We have 21 at the moment. If all 20 of us can just go ahead by, .01.02. That's it, bro. One, $2 here.

Rebuilding Confidence in the Market

I'm gonna start painting that chart back up. Let's send it back to that 40k, fill that wick so we can take it to start the kols, start the callers alright, I'm gonna share every call in the tG, in the grand theft alpha tG, the calls channel and I, right.

Community Engagement and Support

And we're gonna raid and we're gonna join their calls channel and we're gonna say, fuck yeah, bullish on Google. Great call. Alright, show your bags, bro. If you don't have money to buy, what do you have to do? You hold and you get other people.

Encouraging New Investors

Bullish. You get other people to buy. Right? Two ways to pump a token.

Pumping Tokens

That's it. Either buy it or you get other people to buy it. That's how you pump a token. So what do you need to do as a holder if you're tapped out on liquidity? Make other people bullish. Chill. Right, get in every group chat you're in, get your friends in. Get them in here. Under fifty k. Thirty. Twenty k. Forty K, right. Get them, get them in early. They'll thank you. Don't get them in when it's pumping like crazy and it's at. Tell them, yo, come check out Google. Come on, bro. Get them in early. Right, people like to FoMO. People like to buy things when they're going ballistic. Right, guys? Don't fade this play.

Community Engagement

I tell you my sins and you can shop again. My lovers is alive. Keep it going. I need something meaningful. What you got in the stable? We the Lord, take pictures. Radhe, come up. Request to speak. Guys, we're gonna get a little party going soon. What's up? Hi. Welcome up, Donnie. Welcome up, Bami. What's good, everyone? Yo, they don't. They don't whack my ex account. What up, Donnie? They don't whack my old ex account. My shit was deep. They hit that shit. Yeah, they got rid of it. All right, everybody throw Donnie a follow. His old account got jaded. Literally, bro, it's crazy. Diamond hands just get cheated by x like elon himself.

Building Trust in Trading

You're not the first person, man. A lot of people. What up, Chris? Yeah, she's black. Never thinking. Just for once I come, she takes a chance. We don't want them, we don't want this, we don't want them, we don't want them, we don't want. Oh, no, I can't go on without you can't go without you make the world without you so what's the point of breaking? My sweet wanted me to lift up my girl we know what they say better that way so you better hush her walk away we don't want there we don't want this woman. We don't want there. We don't want there we don't want. All right, hold up, boys.

Looking Forward to Conversations

Let me invite callers in here. I can't wait. Looking good choice. Looking good. Let's see. Let's see if they come. Can't go on without you won't go on living on without you where was I? Pushed away for you, sweetheart and hide away the shame is I keep it all inside all the thought across my mind to do all the things I regret and we don't want that we don't want it we don't want this oh, no we don't want there we don't want that oh, no I can't, I can't I can't go on without you I can't go on without me hold on. Go out without you ain't no sunshine when she's gone it's not warm when she's away ain't no sunshine when she's gone and she's always gone too long anytime she goes away wonder this time where she's gone wonder if she's gonna stay ain't no sunshine when she's gone and this house just ain't no home anytime she goes away.

The Importance of Community

And I know, I know, I know, I know leave a young thing alone but ain't no sunshine when she go ain't no. Dj is gonna queue up some new music for us. Hold up. Shit's too emo, bro. All right, we got 29 people in here. We got one more people. One more person can request to speak. Almost got a full stage. We will get the conversation going really soon. I'm just rolling a joint. What up, hacks? What up, Chris? Jason, I'm here, I'm supporting. Bring up Chris. Let's go. Working for your bag. Love to see it. Is the bag looking good, coops? It is looking good. Holding the line just here chilling with everybody. Let’s go.

The Effects of Market Changes

Broke. Weed, not heroin, bro. Like, what's going on? We dance like, oh, I love do. Cult is forming. All right. We only believe in one thing. We don't sell this. Only group ourselves with it. That's it. It's a very simple call. The only thing we believe in, everything else questionable, one thing we know is we don't stop that only trust me. I'll be glad you did. Bro. Let me know if you need. I was telling people earlier that sell button does not exist, alright? And come to me in one week. Come to me in one week and say, hey hacks, I'm so fucking glad that I forgot. The sell button disappeared from my wallet. And from Juke, and from my unibot, and from my bank bot.

Strategies for Success

Alright, just let them cook fucking early, Adam. Cook. Let the team cook, man. Trust me. Every fucking time. With every fucking coin, bro. Come on, man, let's hope. So. Coops top blasted five soul at like twenty, thirty k. And then it dipped on it. You guys all cheated on her, bro. But now she's up, now she can cheat on you. She’s nothing that tells you something, bro. Don't be selling local tops, you fucking dumb motherfuckers. Chill, let the big bites happen. You want the whales to come play with your legs? Come poke your legs. Stop cheating on.

Interactions and Collaborations

Together. Give you my necklace. Bend down. Give you my last eyes. Bend down. I show you my best friend. I thought the angels give you my necklace. Bend down, show you my best friend. I give you my last guy. We had an event where if you bought 0.15 Solana with a Google, right? You got a little tiny airdrop from hacks. That same airdrop now, all right, that same airdrop now is worth $7. $7. Nice. It was $2 and a half, $3 when I sent it. We've almost two and a half eggs since then. All right? So there you go. That's the power of a community. That's the power of a CTO, right? But guys, hold. Continue to work for your bags.

Looking Ahead

Let that air drop turn into three figures, all right? Literally, just for being here, just for being part of the CTO and buying point 15 Solana, you got that small airdrop. Let that air drop turn to $100, all right? And then you go on the timeline and you say, bro, I took place in a CTO and got paid $100. And watch what happens to the chart. They're going to be like, yo, this community actually gives value back to their holders. Fuck yeah. Top blasting trust, bro. It's that easy. Value attracts more value. Right? But we need to work together, guys. That's all it takes. We'll run another airdrop event soon for all the new holders.

Daily Business

We'll do the same thing, same exact thing. 5.15. Get a couple dollars free, we'll keep the game going, all right? I bought when it hit yesterday? Fifteen k. I bought a ton of supply. I don't mind sharing that with you guys, but show me that you deserve it. Show me that you'll hold. All right, because every time I give you a bit of my bag, right, and you dump, I have less money. You stole from me, bro. All right, but if you keep the chart looking pretty, we can all eat. Crazy how that works.

Emotional Connections

Don't tell me all these got to mean me to you take this love that I'm bringing to you oh, no. Cause I need you to feel my love in your soul I need you to feel my touch on your body I need you to feel my love in your soul I need you to feel we can be friends it's doing less it's doing dance. You're calling me, baby driving me crazy just like dance I'm losing patience, I'm losing sense we can be friends no, no, we can't pretend look into my eyes when I'm thinking to you get this love that I'm bringing to you don't tell me how this got meaning to you take this love that I'm bringing to you I only want.

Starting Conversations

All right. All right, fam. Let's start the convo coops. What are you doing today? Chris, buzz, blast, moonboy, bami, Donnie, crab, kmz, zaya. What's the plan, guys? Other than fucking degenering in the trenches, buying fucking shitters, what are we doing, boys? I'm making some food right now, bro. Hey, let's fucking go. Just made tacos yesterday. Yo, hacks, I heard you. You produce? Yeah. Yeah, I do, bro. What? You gotta play some beats. Broops told me she should put me on. Bro, we have three music albums.

Creative Collaborations

We have wig me juice, and we have GTA. Literally, after every project that we made as a community, we, like, produced the whole album. Was it just, like, production? Is it? What genre? So, like, I produced the beats of, and then I get, like, the homies in the community to rap on it, and then I master it for them. What? Play some of that shit, bro. I don't know. Does you guys want to hear some shit? Like, I want to hear it. Yeah, let's hear this shit. Let's go.

Opening Up Dialogue

I got you. Hold up. I'd rather hear that now. All right, let's talk, though, because we're just playing music for, like, what? Let's talk for, like, 510 minutes. Then I got. So, yeah, we could talk back to the music. Yeah, yeah. It's just that, you know, like, literally, we just started combo voice. I got some songs too. Just thinking we're bots and playing music and shit. For sure, man, for sure. What are you saying? McDonald, how you doing? I'm great, man. I'm fucking great.

Reaching Out to the Community

I'm goobering today and I am fucking great. This fucking goober, bro, was even holding some sponge on. Hey, man, I've been holding real motherfucker, man. I've been holding too damn much, too. Has you been hurting my feelings, bro? Yeah, you know it ain't me, bro. You know, bro, look, when you have fucking people hurting in the community, dumping like five, six solid 20k, you know it's gonna be a slow cook, brother, but that's about it. We're gonna keep it. My damn nerves can't take it, bro.

Managing Stress in Trading

I'm old, man. Like about 60, bro. My damn nerves can't take that shit, man. I'm selling dips, I'm selling tops. I'm selling, I'm buying, I'm. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, but I got some goofy, bro. I got. Let's fucking go. All right, move away. What do you say? What up? What up? Hey. Shout out, hacks, bro, I've been following you for a minute. I haven't formally met you yet, but, I've been following your. You and coops and a few other people up in here.

Recognizing Support

Amen and shit, bro. Y'all some real ones, man. I fucking. Whatever y'all are doing. I know. I noticed when you followed me, bro, cuz even hella showing support. Mandy. Yeah, I just fuck with y'all. Just fuck with real one. Yeah. No, I love people who, like, just organically find my page and actually start fucking working for their bags. Getting involved in every lunch, right? Engaging, retweeting, using the ticker on every post. Like, bro, I'm always gonna bless you guys.

Building Relationships

Yeah, y'all fucking the real mvp, you know what I mean? I can't do what I do without you doing what you do, right? It's a symbiotic relationship. We all win. What up, Zaya? What up, Zaya? Yo, gm. Gm. Gm. Everyone. Gm hacks. I'm good. I'm good. Yeah. I'm so glad to be here with you guys. You know, I just found this piece by lockhouse you guys are talking about Solana ctos.

Exploring Community Dynamics

let me open. actually, I'm not really into Solana. so. But I'm bullish on some Solana project, so that's why I came in yet, you know, so, yeah, what you guys are saying, I'm. I'm glad I'm here and, you know. Well, it's nice to have to connect with you guys first, right? Are you from Nigeria? Zion. Yeah, exactly. And that's why I keep. Right, because I know if I host the shit during my time, bro.

The Global Community

Like in the afternoon, right? Like, around lunchtime, bro. It's gonna be dry, cuz. Yeah. Y'all are sleeping, you know, around opposite the size of the world now. You know what I mean? But that's beautiful, bro. Like, I love that we have an international community. I started building this account in Dubai, like, four years ago, right? So we have a huge nigerian community and a huge asian community. Chinese community. But, yeah, that means me being here in Vancouver when it's like, three, that's, like, realistically my off time, you know, because most of the community sleep.

Understanding Market Trends

But what does that mean? It means you can always catch nice dips on the chart, right? Asia trading against America. The pub guys just hold. Stop trading against each other. You see volume dry out because, like, half the community goes to sleep. And you're like, where did the community go, bro? They're sleeping. They're coming back. Don't worry, right? Don't get shaken out, man. Don't be a Goober. What up, Benji? How's it going? Benjamin. James. Jim, everyone.

Engaging with the Community

James. What up, man? Whoa. Coops, mama. How you doing today, mama? Queen. Coops. Wow. It's been a great space so far. Like, you guys are chilling. Axe, are you doing, like, playing, like, a nigerian afro pop musician? We got a dj. He's working as 905 in the other room. We gotta do the needful. Yes. First keys, guys. Yeah. Cool.

Building Connections

Chris, my guy. I'm doing great, buddy. How's your day going? Coops. I missed you. Coops. Like, it's been a while. Yeah. Like, I'm not sure for some people, just because we have more requests coming. But I'm gonna bring you guys back. Bami, I got you soon, bro. Request again? Yeah. Yes, sir. Let's go. We like to speak. We like to come introduce yourself to the community, guys, request to speak.

Creating a Welcoming Environment

We don't bite. We're all friendly here. We got all the homies here, and. We'Re trying to build a real cult, man. Trying to build a fucking cult right here. Make sure you guys follow each other. Everybody follow each other. Everybody in the space. Get to know each other. Support each other. Does the. Does the beauty of each. Other. For show king. Support Israel. Queen koops. Let's freaking go, guys.

Celebrating the Community

I see Dyer. I see everyone. Shout out to you guys. You guys are, hey, my boy, crypto saucy in the building. What else? Yo, yo, what up, hacks? Chilling, bro. Just poster, bro. Fuck it. I love when you're in the space, bro. It's time to make that money, man. Yes, sir. We're trying to pump all of our bags, bro, but we need these.

Networking for Success

Oh, yeah, for sure, bro. I'm not gonna lie, bro. I've been in your space about. But I've been your space about five, six days already, bro. And I already made a good ass bag, bro. Let's go, bro. I swear, this Google, she's going higher, bro. I just be buying. I be buying the dips like nacho cheese. Of course you have. Hey, everybody in the room.

Encouraging Engagement

Repost. Hey, give me a follow. Do follow for follow. Let's do this. Hell, yeah. Yeah. Let's go network, guys. Literally in this space. It's all about just making for sure, bro. 100. That's why. I bet that's why I found hacks, bro. Shit. Just networking. Came across this guy. Shit, made me a good bag already. Love hearing that.

Community Commitment

Take care of the family, bro. Always good to see you here. What up, Benny? What up, Benny? What's good, man? How you doing? Yes, sir. You got a bag of Gooper, man? Yes, sir. Let's fucking go. Let's fucking go. Listen up, man. I've been taking all my Benjamin. Put. A little bit with Google.

Shared Success

You got a little bit of the gooba Betty with a Goober Betty. Benjamin with a goober, been stacking the. Benjamin, put a little bit in the Goober. Bought a little Benz, bought a rollie. Shit. Damn. Doing it all right. I love the energy. Oh, yeah, Benny. My badness. Cooking at Google, cooking that crack to old school.

Continuing to Build

Now we're cooking that Google. But, you know, it all goes back to the Benjamins. Gotta stack them up. That was a good soft show, bro. I'll give you that. Go for it, Mandy. Anyways, yo, shout out to Abe in the room. Just a regular truck driver that's trucking around and being a crypto dj. Bald gold head motherfucker. Shout out to K Flexion, opening his mouth.

Recognizing Contributions

Shout out to Chifu, that little boy smoking a cigarette. Shout out to D rich, this asian lv looking ass Nicaragua lady. Y'all look like ninjas. Not. Not niggas ninjas, right? Shout out to Willy Ckt 16. Oh, my God, bro, this man is 16 and he out trading y'all. That's crazy. That's wild, bro. We got rhino tough.

More Community Acknowledgments

Rhino tough from OCD Alpha. That's what's up. Shout out to OCB, got Shiva 420 with it, with a rock Pfe. Let's go. The OG, God hates nfts. Got underdog. Got underdog repping the cosmix. Let's assume DJ and crypto turn repping the quick community blep. Hey, shout out to blep. Shout out to Tron shut out to Baba.

Unity and Support

Shout out to everybody here, Dio. Yeah. 100. Shout out, everybody. It's Google time. Monty, last but not least, Blazer fucking legend. Come request to speak whenever you can, Blazer. But yeah, let's keep this party going, guys. Keep eating that dip. A couple salanis here and there. Two, we're in. Was it day two?

Reflecting on Progress

What's up? Day two? Is this day two for. Yeah, this is the. This is day two of the Goober CTO space. We got to 57K yesterday on day one. And amazing organ. A little. A little low. 31, 32 right now. Great opportunity to buy, guys, if you're just listening in, if you're just joining us, trust me, I'm buying here, man.

Trading Insights

You might as well buy it before me. Get yourself a better entry. Yeah, and if you guys missed on that GTA, bro, a few days back, that shit was popping, bro. Heck, that shit was like, yeah, holy. From eight k to 90k in one. Yeah, broly, dog. But yeah, that's what happens when all the jeeps are, like, shaking out and it's just like, people in the space we're believing and holding, right, like in this chart.

Market Trends and Predictions

We still have to cook out some pump runners, you know what I mean? That's why. Yeah, for sure, once they're all gone. Yo, this shit's gonna rip, bro. Because the liquidity is looking thick, you know? I mean, a shout out to. Shout out to pinky. I see you down there, bros. Shout out to hat 1000 x legend working with the low pump squad. Low pump holds a little bit of this token, by the way. Holds a little bit of GTA too, guys. Yes. It's day two on this guy's day.

Encouragement to Hold

To. Get these GTA. Pretty much already gone at this point. Reversing, right? 32k personal new holders joining us. You love to see it. Yes. Let's send it back 40k. Just a couple Solana each. And we're back at 40k, man. Easy work. Light work, right? Don't even look at the percentages when you're at this low of a cap. Literally just don't even look at your profit.

Financial Strategy

Don't look how much you're down. Doesn't matter, bro. This chart moves so quick. All it takes is like a few salami here and there and you're in huge profit, right? So just hold, bro. Got nothing to lose, man. All you have to lose is what you put in. All you can gain is who knows? Literally could do a million x for all we know, right? If you're willing to lose 0.5, put .5 in risk to reward is fucking great.

Trading Success Stories

The most you lose is 0.49. The most you'll make could be a thousand Solana, right? That's a good trade, bro. That's a nice risk to reward. Yes, sir. Hey, Hex, that was crazy, bro. A my first time ever trading with you, bro. I made three extra souls, bro. Hell yeah, man. Hope you fucking bought your daughter something. Oh, bro, fuck it. That day, bro, I did something good. Just waiting for eating up the dips, bro, with the rest.

Collaborative Trading

Let's fucking go. Appreciate it, bro. Yeah, bro, no problem, man. For sure, boys. We gotta run it together like that all the time, right? We get it low. 1020, 30, 40, 50k. We build that floor. Once we start sending it on decks, we do advertising, we do callers. You guys slowly take your initials out, try not to look the chart. And that way we cannot leave.

Building a Trading Community

Can I keep the game going? Can keep having fun while cooking, right? The goal obviously, is for all of us to make money. But we don't want to jeet the chart here because, guys, even two, three solana cells here, it hurts. Why? Because it's super low, right? It's like 30, 40k if you go to 60, 70 and you sell too. So there nothing happens to the chart, all right? So just hold like this is a crucial point that we're in where we need to form the community so we can handle this gem over to the TG collars, right?

Community Support and Strength

But until we form that floor, what's gonna happen? Jeets are gonna come in, you guys are gonna sell into the jeets, and then the jeets are also gonna sell, and we're gonna go lower, not higher, right? So we gotta form that floor, we gotta build that community. Hey, big buying back to 35k. Love to see it. Hold, guys, hold. Respect these whales, when you see people buy big like that, don't cheat on them.

Trends and Market Movements

Say, welcome into the cult, right? We want more of those whales. We want more people buying two, three. Salamander. Yes, sir. Baby Goober cult. Let's go. There we go, there we go. Nice green candle. Hey. Thirty five k. Thirty five k. Let's keep it going, guys. 40k is within reach, and then the FOMO kicks back in. Get that volume, that momentum going again, and we're gonna start heading back to our all time high.

Attracting New Investors

Yeah, for sure. Like, so once you're holding at these levels, you know, once we reach 100k, you start attracting a different audience. For sure. Honestly, man, like, I know. I know it's not ideal to see sales happen, but at least it's, like building some type of support here on the chart, right? Because we moved so quick on pump fund. Like, thirty k to bonding was just like a couple of snipers and volume bots momentum, right?

Support and Stability

So we actually do need to build some support in this area. And that way, if we ever, you know, do get low jeeted, every time we hit 35, 40k, we start seeing a bounce back happen. Right that floor. I agree. Let's go, guys. Jam jam king. Jam jam king. What do you say you got yourself a bag of Gooberland?

Community Engagement and Calls for Action

I don't know. Grab yourself a bag, bro. The contract address is at the top. All right, send me your wallet after that, bro. And I'm gonna bless you a little more, Benji, because I know you work for your bag. Let's fucking do. Yeah, we have. We had an airdrop event where if you bought point 15 sol, you got a. You got a little bonus.

Incentives and Offers

If you guys dm me. Okay, dm me with your wallet address. I'm gonna match it with Dex screener. If I saw that you bought .15 sol or more, I'm gonna still throw a couple dollars your way. All right? But only to the people listening. All right, if you're listening and you bought .15 sol or more during the space, dm me with your wallet, bro. I'll get you into that little airdrop event we had for the.

Community Growth and Investment

For the CTO, just a couple of dollars, so don't expect much. But, hey, we're gonna pump this token. So those couple of dollars, it turned into $7 for the first people in the CTO. So hopefully this $2 now will turn $7 for you by tomorrow. Hey, it's rainbow runs. Time up, boy. Bro. Hey, hex.

Celebrating Successes

I've been on his rainbow runs for, like, a month now, bro. Like, I can't get over how fucking fire it is. Hey, let's go. Yeah, it's small nuggets, bro. But it's fucking nice, bro. Like, just a high. I swear it's a one, bro. Every time I hit it, every hit. It's a hybrid, right? Yeah, bro. Every time you hit this motherfucker, it has your eyes flipping back, bro.

Personal Preferences

You're like, God damn, what's in this bitch? No, I really like pinkush. I like God's green crack. I'm smoking amnesia right now. It's not my favorite, but it's not bad. Nice. Nice. I think. I think about me, bro. Oh, yeah, bro. You see the purple cush, brother? Purple cush is back in the day, bro.

Memorable Strains

That shows super gassy. Super. Yeah, good stuff, bro. I like indica more than sativa. Yeah, me, too, bro. I'm a downer guy. I love to be locked in, bro. Just fucking ice flipping back, bro. I can have an orgasm and shit. Right? So. Yeah, for sure.

Experiences with Different Strains

I feel it, man. Realistically. Like, Sativa just came even more ADHD. Or, like, bro. I'm not gonna lie. Like sativa, bro. Like, chip on this crazy story, bro. I remember one day, I was hella down on Indica, you know, and so I went and brought a sativa dab, you know, and you know how Sativa's upper?

Effects of Sativa vs Indica

Indica's a downer, you know? I was like, you know what? Let me experiment with this, bro. I'm not gonna lie. I was so down, I hit one dab of the sativa, bro. It had me fucking tripping balls, bro. Had me, like, stuck. Start twitching, dude. I was like, what the fuck? It was some crazy shit, bro.

Discussion of Cannabis Experiences

Yeah. Donnie, request up. Back to speak whenever you can, bro. I'm just gonna get some more speech speakers here with us. Yeah, no problem, man. Oh, not you. Crypto. Oh, shuffled a speaker down. Yeah, bro, but that's a TVA, bro. Like, honestly, I mixed it with that indica, bro.

Personal Experiences with Strains

It was a crazy, nasty feeling. Like, I don't know if anybody else thought that by. Felt gross, bro. So I haven't hit sativa ever since then. Yeah, I don't know, bro. I like them in the morning when I still need to be, like, really productive and stuff. Right. I think you can't even feel it, though, bro.

Morning Usage of Sativa

Like, at all. Like, diving in one high. I'm like, what was going on? No, no, that's just probably the strength you got, bro. Like, I've had Sativa's actually, like, put me on my ass for, like, I'll be super big. You know what I mean? Hey, Jack Herrera's fire. Have you heard?

Conversations about Favorite Strains

You ever hit jack hair, jack career? I think so, yeah. That's some gas assetivo, bro. Sour diesel is really good, too. I don't know if you tried that. The diesel's gone. Oh, for sure. Oh, yeah. How you doing, huh? What up, hacks? Ain't no diesel route.

Fragrance of Strains

I like that granddaddy, bro. That shit was super amazing. A granddaddy. Purple cushion. GDP. Fuck yeah, bro. That weeds gone. Yeah, for sure, bro. Oh, a bubba cush. That shit was gas, bro. Check the jumbotron.

The Evolution of Strains

That's, I got some purple cushionetics myself. Whoa, nice. Holy shit. That's neat to know, bro. I haven't seen purple cush in years, bro. Everything. Not enough to sell any seeds, bro. Ever since cookies came around, bro. Cookies changed again.

The Shift in Cannabis Culture

Was our crossing. Is crossing cookies? Fuck the game, bro. Yeah, anything and everything, bro. Just to make a fucking. Just to make a strand, man. Hey, charts looking good, guys. We're holding around 35k. Let's keep that pump going.

Market Performance

The chart looks painted and pretty. I want to see the shit hit 50k like I said. And I promise I'll drop it in some whale chats. All right? We'll get some big players involved. We're gonna get some more colors, kols as well.

Importance of Community Support

But to do that, guys, we need to hold the floor, right? What's the point? What's the point of dropping this in a telegram where anybody knows they're gonna buy, they're gonna get cheated on. No, we need to show them that the cult is forming. The cult is strong and they're holding their bags, right. If you can do that, guys, if you can hold, you will have more money, not less, more.

Community Building for Future Success

Crazy how that works. Hey, and the reason why I like to sour, well, the diesels broker those some big old fucking colas, bro. They're getting fat on the diesels. It's crazy, bro. I think I have some. Some alien cushion. Nice. Good shit, bro.

Cannabis Quality Insights

The real diesels take twelve weeks to flower if you ain't fucking flowering for fucking once on months. And ain't real diesel. Yeah, it's a stick, bro. And I'm motherfucker. Some big ass fat tops, man. White widow, bros. White widow.

Nostalgia with Old Strains

Back then it was hindu skunk. I was fucking sweet tooth and I. Miss all the old weed, bro. Yeah, bro, me too. They can drink my coffee and fucking. Just think about this fucking high thc shit. Like, that shit sucks.

Current Trends in Cannabis

Yeah, bro. Hey, when you go to bring back flavors, for sure, when you go to dispos, they have like this fucking crazy ass high percentage thur, right? It's fucking crazy, bro. Hey, bump, right here in Cali, bro. Where I'm at down the street where I live, there's a dispo, bro, you have a wall that has a five dollar eight, a ten dollar eight, a $15 eight, a 20 pro.

Pricing in Dispensaries

They go all the way up there, pre rolls from a dollar to $3 to fucking, you name it, all the way up. Dollar. Pre rolls killed the game, bro. Fuck yeah. That's all they shake from the bottom of the packs, bro, for the trimmings.

Impact of Pre Rolls

Now they're coming after our wax with the CRC. Yeah, it's fucking bullshit, man. Guys, what you can do to combat this is fucking hit up your old heads. That got strange from back in the day and preserve that shit. Breathe. Preserve everybody.

Preserving Cannabis Heritage

All the good holders in here, man. I appreciate y'all, bro. Hey, let's keep those mems up. Let's get a those damn cheaters out of here. Get those damn goobers out of here. Whoever did that, mav, you just fucking cheated like four people.

Community Integrity

That's what's up. That's what's up. Nice shake out, though. Yeah, yeah, see, hey, y'all talking about those strains, man. We all talk GDP and sardines. Are they still here, man? Oh yeah, they're still around for sure.

Strain Availability

Yeah, I can go to the block right now and get GDP from the home. Right now. You're in Vegas, bro. My sister in law is on her way to Vegas right now. She's on the way to the Raider game.

Conversations about Events

Oh, the raider game? Oh yeah, bro. I live in Vegas. Oh yeah, I live out here too. Nice, bro. Like where's the sunset? And so you live in like Henderson blue diamond area, huh? Yeah. You know, I'm from north town.

Connections through Location

Nigga shouts about to call my pops today, bro. Literally tell, bro, take the motherfucking day off. Let's go to Vegas. Let's go see the Raiders play. Barry already knew. Say, I'm like, you know what, I'll just hit him up next time for that, man.

Social Plans and Gatherings

Go to the day clubs where they got the big screens. It's turned. Yeah, I bet, man. And if you guys go to the Wii conventions, man, they is live. You go to, if you go to my profile and you see my cover picture that those we conventions are crazy, bro.

Events and Conventions

They'll have like million dollar cars up in there. People be smoking up in the conventions. Like no lie, even they have the cigar conventions too. It is crazy, man. If y'all go to Vegas, check it out.

Experiences in Las Vegas

Okay, nice. Like right over here too, bro. Right where I'm from, I'm over here by Modesto, California. You ever heard of Modesto, bro? Yeah, I know where Modesto's. That's right next to Fresno.

Regional Connections

Yep. Yeah, Fresno, Mercedes, doc, Damadera, all. Yep. Me and Benji are going to Miami. Fuck, I'm bro. Hey, when you guys. Bro, I'm gonna pack my bag. I'm going to Miami to yummy, baby. Florene, Miami, baby.

Travel Plans

Hey, bag from Goober. I'm about to go to Miami, boy. I got. I got like three, four chads right now. KMS is one of them. We're gonna. We're gonna throw like one 1.5 to solve at the chart right now.

Chart Strategies

Push the momentum buys, shake all these gal and send it to like 45, 50k. All right, Kols, so if anybody wants to join us right now. All right, buy a small bag point 15.45. Let's get momentum.

Encouragement for Participation

Let's get some nice green candles on that chart. All right, we're planning that right now. We're gonna start in just a few minutes. All right, small fishy, you don't have much money, start getting in now before us.

Final Preparations

All right, front runners, with your 20, $30 and yeah, we're gonna get some momentum buys going in just a few minutes here. Let's do it. Let's do it. Yeah, we need to get those cheats. Out of here, bro.

Identifying and Addressing Issues

I see them. They're trying to fucking get a little 30, $40. Just crazy, cuz this coin has a great community which can easily reach a. Couple hundred thousand, even a million, 100%.

Potential for Growth

Oh, yeah. Move that, bro. That's it. But yeah, we're literally gonna get like three, four, five chads right now, just pouring. So I'm gonna you down too. Can you, can you, can I count you in for one or two soul? Ayman, let's go.

Community Mobilization

Perfect. There we go. So we got a man, we got KMz, we got. Myself, I asked Nick if anybody else would like to join us. Right? Let's throw in one, two soul here, boys. And we'll paint that chart green.

Building Positive Chart Trends

Will shake all those jeep sell, force them to buy back in hire. All right, let's get that going right now. Let me talk to Kansas if he's ready. You ready? One, two.

Preparing for Large Transactions

So all of us thousand x. If you're looking for entry, bro, now's the time. Get it now. Trust me, because I'm in. I'm in. Perfect. Perfect.

Future Actions

Yeah, cuz we're about to put big buys into the chart. Perfect. So yeah, we just got to sold in. Anybody else who still needs to get entry? I haven't put any solvent yet.

Final Incentives

Go ahead, buy some goobs right now. Well, it's at 36k. It's about to pump a lot higher, bro. Lots, lots higher. Alright, let's keep eating that dip, guys. It's delicious.

Market Movements

It's good for you. Only goops. Only Goober sells the dips. There we go. Some nice momentum coming in. Hey, the purple cushion looks fire, bro. Yeah, we get some real nice colors in Michigan if you leave it up long enough.

Quality Strains Discussion

It's actually last year's just like. There we go. There we go. Another one soul into the chart. Beautiful. 38k. Bye bye jeet. See or never.

Final Exclamations

That's it. I'm telling my Russians. Never. I'm telling my Russians about this project. Let's go girl. Let's go get all the homies in, man. This is a cult. I'm really Finna trying to send this shit right.

Vision for Growth

Swear like I'm not even satisfied with 100, 200, 300, bro. I'm trying to fucking send this shit to a couple million, bro. This is a good fucking meme, man. Exactly. We don't, we don't really have like a bobo deriv runner on Solana, you know what I mean?

Potential and Innovation

Ponky is like a fucking Pepe bonk driv, right? But to have like a bobo deriv selling dips and shit like that's fucking original, bro. Not gonna lie. We can fucking run the shit.

Community Spirit

Shout out to doctor Pepe. What up doctor Pepe? If you want to show anything to the top post, anything to the top doctor. If you want to say anything to anybody, go ahead, man. Stage is yours.

Engagement with the Community

He's a silent doctor, I think. I see. So make out your makeup. Why am I only you look like you never. Hey bro, I seen Lil Punk showing you love yesterday.

Recognition and Hype

Hitch his heart. What's up? I said I seen Lil Pump showing you love yesterday. That shit was hype. I was like, shit, I'll get my little like out of him. No, little pump holds both tokens, man.

Celebrity Connections

Yeah, he holds a little bit of GTA. I've been helping him. I made a culture call to for pump I think at 800 or millie 800 in my private 100 million timeline.

Personal Trading Experiences

And I ran to like two and a half three after that. Right hat. Where did it go? Pretty sure I got like a two three x for sure. I've been waiting for an entry on that sitting at like high 700.

Market Observations

I think it's back down now. Yeah, it's like 790. Yeah, but he's showing up daily, man. I'm bullish. On him for sure. Me too. Calls up little man.

Future Excitement

It's done.

The System and Capitalization

He's taking off, man. Come on. As soon as what? I said as soon as Trump says, here's lil pimp and brings him up on stage again, you know, oh, there's. So much fucking alpha. You guys better fucking pump this fucking goober up if you want enough money to fucking invest in low pump. Because we need fucking big money in low pump. We don't need fucking dollar g. Money. Next week. Get your goober early. You're in urine. You got to do the need for guys you gotta hip right now. You don't want no motherfucker telling you, old bro, you think you don't loop like you don't have no designer, you don't fucking. Nobody's gonna like beg you to make money. You see the alpha right here, right now. Let's keep it going, boys.

Airdrop Event Announcements

Let's keep it going. We're gonna have another airdrop event right now, okay? Another airdrop event for Chad's. For this one, we need you to buy .5 Solana, all right? It's gonna be more than a couple of dollars this time, but you need to buy .5 Solana, all right? And then go in the discord or go on the TG and hit me up with your wallet. Take me ill matic seven and TG hacks eth on discord and say, hey, bro, about .5 salon for the Chad airdrop event, all right? And that Solana is gonna get you some more salamis in your pocket, all right? But let's spread that supply. Let's add that momentum. We just had some Chad's buy a solana each. Let's add some more eyes in there. Right now it's on real. One message me or wallet. But if you're here in the spaces, especially for speaking, just message me. Or while they're on here. But if you're in the audience, okay, or if you're just looking at the discord, please tag me with your wallet.

Building Momentum and Support

So I double check with Dexcreener and I get you included. Yeah, but if you have .5 in your wallet and you're looking at grow that, .5 get a little bit extra on top of your, .5 now is the time to do it by 0.5 Solana, and hit me up with your wallet. Alright, I'm gonna go into freaking go, guys. I'm gonna go into a couple wheel shots right now and offer them the same deal, all right, since they're buying a little bit higher, but hey, 38k. It's just a little bit higher than 30k. What we started this space, it's not that much higher. So they're just gonna get a small little airdrop, guys. Alright, for this 0.5 sol for these whales. But for everybody here in the space who buys 0.5, I can promise if you're showing you're working for your bags, you're rating, you're engaging, I'm gonna consider that all into factor with your airdrop. All right? But let's keep painting that chart, guys.

Market Dynamics and Chart Movements

We're at 38.5k. Love to see it. Let's go a little bit higher and get some more people involved in this token. Let's go, guys. I'm ox. Yeah, you gotta check your DM's. I got you. Let's keep the pump going, guys. Pump it up. Pump by 0.5 Solana of Goober. Now. All right, if. If you guys hold this airdrop, that you get plus this 0.5 Solano. So let's say 50, 60k, establish a nice floor. I'll add a little bit more to your base. I just put out a small alpha call. Respect. Anybody's coming in, boys. Let's fucking go. Chad. If you have that in TG, if you have that on Twitter, wherever you have that, let us know and we will come rate it for you. But yeah, guys, let's get some culture calls on the timeline.

Engagement and Community Building

Just post the meme. Goober is the co host. You can find a bunch of media on there. I just paid for premium plus today. Should have a verified badge very soon. Should increase our visibility. We're gonna be hosting a bunch of raids from that account soon with brand new spanking content. Expect video content, expect gifs, expect memes. Non stop very soon here. As soon as we get the account verified, as soon as we get the community raiders going. Alright? So you can front run the timeline right now. You can front run everybody buy five Solana. Send me your wallet. That's all you got to do, brother. 0.5 Solana. And send the wallet over. All right, we're going to keep these buys coming. We're going to keep that momentum coming.

Building Support at Key Price Levels

We're going to build that support at 38k so we can cause the next breakout. I'll do a big clip and it'll push us straight to 45, 46k. But we need to build some type of support here just in case we get cheated. I don't want us to get cheated back down to 20k, guys. All right, we need to build some nice support here. We need some chats to step up. 0.5. Solana, spread that distribution. Spread that supply, and let's keep her going. DJ, play my jam. Oh, DJ's hitting the volcano. Hitting the volcano. So you're playing the jam or you don't like this? I said play some jams. You don't like this?

Casual Conversations with Humor

It's a rainy. Yo, safe. Play some jams. Always stop playing there. Oh, shit. Trouble is here. Hello. Hello. How are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm good. I'm chilling with hacks. Just trying to send this token. Doing some work on my computer. How are you? I'm pretty good. It's a rainy morning out here. We're working from home. I heard you had a fun date last night. Yeah, it was all right. Oh, it's got a big mouth, huh? What did he say? You just. The whole space was the way, that's all.

Community Vibes and Engagement

Good. That's one of my idols. Anyways, the DJ is on a little smoke break, guys, so we're gonna keep the conversation going. coops, he came home, like, maybe at, I want to say probably like two, three am, so. Okay. Like, ask everyone in the space if you want. If you went on a date with a girl from Tinder and you came home at two or 03:00 a.m. did you have a good night? She's a tuck cool and dope master. Yeah, bro. Damn. Safe. And you were up till 380, 04:00 a.m. with these chicks? No, I didn't see her. What time did you come home? Oh, you came home at 1230. Okay, never mind, my boy.

Humor and Light-hearted Exchanges

Safe going on dates at Tuck one doll masters. Let's go. Be careful. I can't fuck around. You know what I mean? She got. She gonna put a one two on it real quick. Damn, bro, she got big shoulders. What's going on? See the glutes on that thing. Bro? What's. What's with these jeeps? Somebody just sold $610. Jesus. For a loss, too. Oh, no, you don't go over it up. He bought one five k and sold for a $300 loss. That's wild coping. Yeah, that's. That's a goober, bro. That's a cool. All right, let's get that dip even back up, guys.

Market Moves and Strategic Buying

I'm gonna roll another joint, and then I'm gonna pour some soul into the chart. We're gonna eat that dick. Think it's my turn to buy now? About high? No, I'll buy low. He didn't say sale by. Bro, these jeeps crazy. You know they are. But see, I'm telling you, man, it's never me, bro. I'm innocent. Your honor. I'm here rolling a joint. I'm talking to the homies. But these cheats are wild, bro. They get really fidgety, like, oh, my God. My point to profit. What will I do without it? Eat that dip, guys.

Engagement and Promotions

0.5 Sol event is still going. Buy .5 soul. Here. You eat the dip and you get an air drop. Let's keep her going. Yeah. Mega making. I'm doing a dabdeh. Yeah, Mata. Make sure she doesn't lift her ass. Bro. She's the girl. What do you mean? Even if she's a tough 120 pounds. Bro, how much damage can you do? All right, never mind. All right, time to get some new holders in.

Grows and Diversified Strategies

I'm gonna start chilling in the dims and doing some buys here. Don't be a goober. Do not sell the dip for. Thirty one k. Thirty one k. I. Really can't believe that dude cooked himself out of $300. Bro, some people just. That's why we slow cook, man. That's why we slow cook. That's how we can't just keep blasting live with broke for broken. And they will sell for $20 properly. That's all right. I got dabs. It's all good.

Conversations on Strategy and Community

We got all day, baby. No wonder why you. Want her others. Bro, what's going on with your keyboard? Why is it tripping? I'm doing that. So I stayed. Okay. It's on purpose. Okay, do it again. Covid years, the soccer team on the keyboard made me more money than anybody else. Download something. My mind. I'm gonna press my mind. When I press my dear experience feelings, I'm a little more feeling, more residual.

Insights and Hopes

That's the problem. That was like a picture party. Forever night I get. Hey, Solana's pumping. Getting some more bison. Cook them. Jeeps out, boys. Let's send this shit. Y'All. Smooth nickel. And when they find this in the club, they got together. Low five.

Community Engagement and Market Perspective

Young. What we got in the back? Forever. Eat that dip, guys. Keep eating that dip. 500, $600 out of the chart. Some of them even sold at a loss, like, not going to make it, man. Photo box. What up, buddy? What up, Benji? Yeah, hold up, bro. Hold up, bro.

Conversations on Market Sentiment

I'm doing a bunch of things right now. Guys. Keep a ping. You know, the fucking vibes. You don't want to miss out, guys. Lambo is lavo soon. Hello. I know the people roll blocks here. Do you guys smoke canal? Guys? You guys smoke canal? Not everybody. Courtesy of me. Nice, bros.

Engagement and Vibes

Nice. Freaking airdrop. I don't know how the fuck you had drums. That's why your head, bro. Let's get it. Pump it up, guys. Yeah. Benji, I sent a little airdrop here, too, but, buzz, I got a nice airdrop coming. We're gonna. We're gonna give you at least a million groups for me and eitman I can join to airdrop. That's because you always bring the vibes, brother. That's all.

Preparing for the Future

Let's go, guys. Jim. Jim, you are. Please show this to everybody you know Benji. Let's send this shit and I'll give you some more. Let's freaking go. Eat that dip, baby. 33k. Let's go. Let's send it. We're slow cooking. We're building that support. All right.

Perspective on Market Movements

Imagine selling for a $300 loss and instantly losing 25% of your position. I honestly don't understand why people do that, but it is what it is, man. Some people just don't like making money. They like losing it. Those jeeps keep us bullish. Well, yeah, if you want to give us free money. Your call.

Market Dynamics and Attachments

When you sell for a $300 loss, that's $300 someone else is going to make on the chart. Yeah, for sure. The liquidity is still there. Never left the pool. You just sold at a loss. Hey, there we go. Another chad by. .5 let's go. Nice. Nice. New holder, too.

Community Dynamics and Support

Love to see it. Don't be. Don't be nuts, guys. Hold your nuts. Hold the nuts. You heard me. Fat bag of new pump guys. Handles on freaking. Gonna get listed on our beach. You don't want to miss out. Don't speak.

Discussion on Market Sentiment

Only Cuba sells. Deepen only Goba says fucking. It's a baby. Don't keep it away someday don't care if you ain't got no money I have to tell that's right in the road don't come back no more, no more. Dev is Devin.

Bringing in Buys and Continuation

We're bringing some more buys into the chart right now. I'm gonna hit up some homies. Let's keep the game going. We got Dex ads coming up soon. We got a nice connect for one Solana. Yeah, we don't respond business, nigga be steadily giving opinions.

Market Updates

Go down in the DM. Hey, eth just claimed over 27. Bullish salon about to run. Salana about to pump. Pump. I gotta let it get up on niggas and calling I've been in my mood, I'm not gonna hold you I double my commons, I cycle the rose I can't help driving you blow up a phone.

Team and Community Spirit

Driving niggas and calling it guidance I think I'm not gonna hold you I double my cameras, I cycle through holes like it's on the lotus you blow up a phone, we didn't even notice cause were surviving. Yo, let's run this guy's eat that dip.

Short-term Market Perspectives

A couple of dollars here and there. All of us going back to that forty k. I bought us all the way to 40k, bro, and y'all cheated on me. Let's send us back to 40k. Yeah, nigga got squad off these fucking PJ's. I'm not.

Diverse Investments and Risk

Just not too good to fly commercial. That shit just. It's a hassle at this point, you know what I mean? At 100 degrees, I freeze the tip got my grip and I never proceed to slip gotta find a teen. I'm.

Solidifying Community Ties

A legend, but it ain't no need for me better get you a visa, he's a trip, I actually. Niggas ain't about to outwork me. Look at my belly. I'm hungry. You can't even tell us the difference.

Reflections on Struggle and Growth

Hungry is when you relax. I had to grow out the concrete had a stroke of the trenches I had a stroke in the church at 100 degrees I breathe, the tip got my grip and I never proceed to slip I'm a legend, but it ain't no need for me.

Community Gathering and Celebration

Go down in the dms and go down. I can do edibles my head is spinning too much fill up the pencil and I'm never. I was just sitting on this music and hold it waiting for some perfect moment wondering why they came somebody feel my pain please somebody say I changed all of these years to pass I hope I still the same.

Artistic Endeavors and Community Identity

All of these songs are morning, nobody kills your name. Isn't that rather strange? I want to know. Pretend like it's some incredible niggas. Just let them in. All of it. The good, the bad, the ugly, the strong, the weak, the sweet and negative thought of it all the portrayals of anything different, a fraudulent.

Opportunities for Growth

You want to tap into your breakers. When this is the starter kit, the part of how many bullets. Keep putting the cartridges, I'm letting them up with a tip. Guys, you might want to ape in just a little bit. I just put a big call out.

Signal and Adoption

Pump it up, pump it up. Let's go. See the volume. I'm gonna drop it in a couple more alpha groups. Let's do it, boys. Keep chilling. Get some more holders. Let's get to 300, 400 people in the cult. That'd be so bullish. I'll be bullish as fuck.

Strategical Approaches to Success

Fucking ain't the face you're. What can I say? It's just a day in my life. I'm up early in the morning, in bed early at night. To be productive, not work. I gotta be well rested. Give, motherfucker. Y'all heard what I regular every day. Normal motherfucker.

Contributions and Community Spirit

I don't like margarita, but you broke the taste of butter. Regular every day. No, motherfucker. Movies had to keep with Superman goes rock regular every day. No motherhood. Opening my eyes on the water. Hey, big buy in from the chads.

Emotion and Market Dynamics

Let's go. Send it. 36k, baby. Dip, game eater. We tried to tell them hacks tried. To tell them, man. We tried to tell. They faded, they fade on the goose. Doesn't take shit to move this chart.

Engaging with the Community

When we tell you, get in. We low mc, baby. When a girl called me stupid face, she really hurt me. Why'd she call me stupid face? Is my face stupid? How's that even possible? A person.

Growth and Involvement

You know. The cult of goo is growing bigger. New holders. Bullish. Let's keep it going, family. We got this. You're early, man. You're early. The next leg is coming. We like.

Future Outlook and Community Engagement

Damn. This is what hacks was telling us about. It's coming, bro. It's coming. Slow cooking. Go, shawnee. It's your birthday. Go party like it's your birthday. I wasn't invited, but it's okay.

Reflections and Strong Sentiments

I'll just say. Bitcoin'S over at 63k. Solana's pumping. Keep it going, guys. Keep it going with goobs. Let's send it. I'm still in the dams, pumping this shit. I am waiting for the man to put a coffee before somebody coming in.

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